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Fala Omaru Maazette

"Wouldn't you say, that I am one of the foxiest guys around?"

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a character in “Making Peace”, as played by S1mon




Name: Fala Omaru Maazette (Pronounced Fa-La Om-Aru Ma-Zet-Te)
Role: Guard
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Nationality: Land of Water and Ice


Transformation: Werewolf (Calm State / Attack State)
A predator, lying low before pouncing onto his prey, with his hiding place being the dark, so he is not spotted (though is only the case when he's hunting). In his calm state, he simply looks like part of the scene, as he moves elegantly in the darkness, easily camouflaging to the background when night falls with only his glowing green eyes being the only light visible. When in his Attack state, his muscles tense, causing his body to lift and preparing to pounce on his prey with his sharp teeth showing and saliva falling out of his mouth waiting for a bite to eat. His massive claws on show, sharper than a blade, ready to dig in.

Fala is quite a...striking individual. He is most striking with his appearance, seeing as he is not completely human with his werewolf ears, claws and tail still showing (though the claws on his human form are not as small when he shifts and is able to conceal them in his fingers and release at will). To compliment his half human/half werewolf look, he wears a fur coat as if he was still in his werewolf form, which sounds quite odd, but that's Fala for you. When asked about the furs, he would claim them as his own, and emphasise on how much his fur grows a day and how he'd wrap a young lass in one of his furs if any lass came to his liking while stroking with his tail, both for emphasis and his ego. Many are curious about the lower part of his legs, if it is just fur like his coat, or if they are from his werewolf form...any would work...

Despite how cuddly he may seem to be, he retains a still posture, and his claws to warn that this wolf bites back (but of course, his half human/werewolf look does not compare at all in his werewolf form). Being in the Land of Water and Ice, his fur helps to keep him warm, though due to being a werewolf, when in his animal form, he stays away from the Ice, but when in his human form, he don't mind it so much.

As well as his striking looks from what is different and unique about him, he also is quite charming and handsome (hence why he sees himself as lust), with his soft facial features and his sharp mesmerising green eyes, followed by his chestnut brown hair which flows down his back. He may not be a fox, but sure is one foxy guy (seeing as wolfy guy dont have same effect).

-> Shiftshifting into a Werewolf
-> Excellent at stealth and moving quickly due to being part werewolf
-> Great climber (again with his werewolf abilities)
-> Ability to manipulate water, but only for limited time


Fala is a cunning individual. Though he is no fox, the phrase "cunning like a fox" still applies to him, though crafty fits alot better, since he likes things to go his way, and getting the prey he had been seeking (but of course, his hunting days became less and less since becoming a Guard, but he does not regret the change).

Though he can think on his feet (well he has to, as he'll just be standing idle and being worthless), he is dedicated to his role and proud of his work, and to defend a Princess...well, it's quite a honor, and of course, he was also representing his home and all his other wolf friends that he had left behind. Some wonder how he got the job in the first place, though once again, rumours lead to his striking appearance, when infact, it was his striking ferocity and prowess when in a fight.

Being able to defend himself, and being good at thinking on his feet, he takes the easy route and just "go with the flow", being not afraid of saying something wrong or doing something bad, since he'll just find his way out of it, and if it all went wrong, he could always resort to standing for his actions with his claws.

  • Wolves (in particular, werewolves *obviously*)
  • The Dark (for Hunting)
  • Being well-known (loves the crowds)
  • Music
  • Peace/Relaxing (when he needs it, which can be looking at the moon or relaxing by water to hear it rushing by)

  • Fire (Will "cramp" his style if competition, and is also quite dangerous aswell)
  • Show offs (competition)
  • Getting things wrong (like anyone)
  • Too much heat/sun (not keep on having burns)
  • Losing (battles and loved ones)

Thoughts on the arranged marriage:
Marriage has been one topic he has been dwelling on, but believes when the times comes, the times comes, as the future is don't know what you will find, until the time comes. For this reason, he does not believe that marriages should be forced. Afterall, marriage means a bond, and if there's no bond, then a marriage wouldn't work, which is most likely where this chance to meet was given, but still.....

For Aria, he can't exactly say he understands how she feels since one, he's not a woman, and two, he's not been in an arranged marriage, but would defend her and make sure she remains safe. As for him, he has no idea when marriage will come, only that he needs to find the right woman, which would be a hard task since his early life was just being a charmer and now there was only one woman he was around, who he was sworn to protect. Question was, would there be anyone for Fala?

Though he feels able to defend himself, it also makes him overconfident, and when he's overconfident, he makes bad mistakes, and sometimes these mistakes are quite costly and hard to put back the way it was before, like the time when he tried to con a con, and thought he was winning, but then heard a screech behind him and saw one of his dearest friends killed whilst defending his rear which he had left open. Ever since the event, he had been scarred, but it was hard to not feel overconfident and prideful when one boasts of his abilities and shows off.

Another flaw of his, is the fact that his werewolf form never truly rests, so when he uses his werewolf abilities in his human form, he cannot keep it up for long, or he'd collapse. The same effect of doing this is his werewolf simply having no sleep, and if there's no time to rest, then when he next shifts, he can only cope for so much and so long.

Also with the way he boasts and doesn't think about what he says, despite thinking on his feet, sometimes he may offend with knowing (seeing as those in the Land of Water and Ice, they are quite cold), and sometimes without, which causes a barrier between others, which is why sometimes he tries to cool off his boastfulness by gazing at the moon, or play a tune (seeing as wolves sing when they gaze at the moon).


Other: Not that I can think of at the moment.

So begins...

Fala Omaru Maazette's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fala Omaru Maazette Character Portrait: Aria Crystal Riviera Character Portrait: Jackal Bane
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#, as written by S1mon
Ever heard the saying? Try, Try, and Try again? Sounds like someone can't accept defeat and wants to make it work, and Fala understood that concept pretty well, but when lives were involved, when lives were at risk, it made the whole affair quite unsettling, especially with the events that occurred two years ago. Now, he couldn't blame the Prince for doing what he saw was best. Afterall, he was a Prince afterall, next in line to the throne, power at his fingertips, and yet no power over who he chooses to spend his life with. She must of been some ugly woman then, Fala mused as he thought about it.

However, the past was the past, and now the future of all nations, including his own was at stake. He now had his duties to think about, which was to defend the Princess. Afterall, since it was the Prince of Water and Ice who did the killing, someone may wish to seek the dear Princess who hadn't done anything wrong, yet here they were, surrounded by foes. Back home, life was easy, since everyone respected the Princess. It was nice to relax by the waterfall, listening to the sounds of the rushing water and hear the ripples beneath. However, they was not at home, but in the Land of Peace, where ironically, they were not at peace at all, especially when death lingered like a bad odour.

Fala was not the only guard to defend the Princess, but also Jackal, who was a strong muscular man, who had obviously done lots of training to get his muscles to look like the way they did. Fala on the other hand seemed out of place, since he wasn't as muscular as Jackal (only in his werewolf form), and when he shifted, his shade of black made him stick out from everyone else, though it wasn't so bad since he would get the attention he seeks. The main thing was that he could fight, and fight well. However, the time for musing on the past were finished, as it was time to look forwards, as he looked around and saw the beauty of what the Land of Peace had to offer. There was no calm running waters that he could see like at home, but quite a few shady places and it was nice and cool, and yet, he couldn't really settle down.

The trek took a little while, but they all arrived safely at the top where a giant lion of a man stood in his silks, welcoming them all, and informing them with such little information on what they had planned before offering them to communicate with the others, in which Fala remarked quietly with a smirk after he had gone, "Next, he'll be telling us to leave our doors open", obviously exaggerating his point. But of course, he had to be the one with great optimism, and as a result, begun to scan the room to see those from the other nations, before turning his attention to those from his own land. Afterall, the lion man said it himself, how some of them were tired, and tiredness doesn't make you think straight. Then again, they could easily cause trouble and blame the lion man for inviting them to speak, as his smirk widened.

Fala couldn't help winding people up sometimes, but as of now, he had a duty, and his duty was more important than ever since they were not in their land. He fell back a little, seeing as it was his job to follow and protect and not lead, as it was upto Aria if she wished to mingle or retire to her room, and remarked, "Well it seems to be pretty cool here", referring to the breeze like the cool air they had back home, though it still wasn't home, "What are your thoughts?", he asked, directing to Jackal to see what he made of it, while his own eyes continued to scan the room, aswell as keep an eye on everyone else as best as he could, before turning to Aria to see what she thought, aswell as to await for her instructions on what she wished to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fala Omaru Maazette Character Portrait: Aria Crystal Riviera Character Portrait: Jackal Bane Character Portrait: Kabal-Abdul "Vincent" Pyragni Character Portrait: Misery Drigon
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Looking around Misery was at peace, it was secure. Doors strong and she felt safe, Bowing respectfully to the Lion Man she glared at Vincent for being rude. He was her only 'friend' do to the fact that not many wanted to socialize with a tiny but frightning strong girl guard of the prince, one who's name was Misery was out of the question. When he looked around the room with a challenge in his eyes she sighed and slapped his back, hard, "Thats enough Vincent, We dont want to restart the war sense its at a momentary peace... I told you the King threatned to send me to the front lines if I let you do anything stupid." She scolded, her voice becoming softer and her face even harder as she said the last part, her cat Minx sat at her feet and hissed at The prince in away to warn him to stop irratating Misery. "And it will be fun, I mean theres no one here who can force us to wear the stupidly formal clothing." She said in a happier tone, she didnt resent the other nations like most other people but it didnt mean she liked them.

It was obvious that Misery felt uncomfertable in her clothing, it was to formal and a maid had pulled her hair into an dispisable hair do, "You have to help me undo my hair!" She complianed before realizing she had slipped into treating Vincent like a friend infront of the others, luckily she didnt think anyone had seen but a few guards and she thought most of the guards looked comfertable with their Princes and Princess's so they were probably in the same boat. "Sorry for treating you like a friend and disgracing you infront of the other royalty." She said in her 'guard' voice, her face blank.


Jackal tensed when he saw the Prince who would be matched to his Princess, "I think its to hot, maybe the rooms will be cooler, seems like we are the only ones having probablems with the weaather though...I want to shift, im too tense. You?" he asked his partner Fala, it was cool but to him it was sticky hot but he had trained alot more in the ice part of the kingdom becasue thats where his dragon prefered it, part of Jackal wanted to go say hi to those around him but his face was blank, a skill he had forced himself to learn. If it wasnt for his control of water and shifting into a dragon he would have thought he was in the wrong nation. Somtimes he still did, he was too happy, too sad, too everything if you asked any one he grew up with.

"The Prince of Fire...His guard appears to have a friendship with him, maybe we can get information from her. Well when I say we I mean you becasue you are better at flirting then me." He laughed and patted Fala on the back before his eyes moved to the Princess of Darkness, he admired her for a moment before pretending not to. He knew he had no chance of ever finding someone to love him because of his outrages emotions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyla "Sin" Satsin LaFay Character Portrait: Fala Omaru Maazette Character Portrait: Aria Crystal Riviera Character Portrait: Bujan Avaritia Character Portrait: Jackal Bane Character Portrait: Kabal-Abdul "Vincent" Pyragni
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As Sin waited for an answer from either of her guards, she heard someone from another land reply to the Council Members statement, which made her nearly laugh again. "Next, he'll be telling us to leave our doors open" She moved her eyes onto the three who were obviously from the Land of Water and Ice. First she noticed the Princess, whos aura was larger then everyone elses, however her eyes moved to the two guards. The one who had made the comment had a bright almost cheerful blue-ish purple aura, while the other guard, had a deep icey blue aura, similar to the princesses. However, his also held hints of red, which was quite odd. However, as she examined him a little more, getting a clear picture of what he looked like physically, her attention was taken away.
"I haven't received any word of it yet. Would you like me to go and find it?"
Sin glanced in the direction of her guard, Trage before thinking about the question. Of coarse, it would be nice to know where they would be sleeping, however she felt a little bad for asking, as she always did. Though Sin was pretty self sufficient, there was a few things she either couldn't do, or simply didn't like to do.
As she was about to answer, she heard someone on the other side of her burst into laughter, which lasted a good few minutes. She couldn't help but to gaze at him with her bright blue eyes before quickly looking away. She knew exactly who he was. His aura burned like fire around him. It was the prince from the Land of Fire and Electricity. Her eyes then moved to the two guards beside him.
She took a deep breath before turning her attention to her guard yet again, though it was Bujan this time. She gave a warm smile in response to his request, before nodding. "Do as you please." She whispered in a soft voice before looking to Trage again. "It would be nice if we knew where we were to sleep. I'm sure someone might know. Or possibly look on the doors?" She started to look around, however she would not be able to see the doors until she was much closer to them. However, on each door was paper that stated who the room belonged to.
"If you don't mind doing that, then you can do as you please." She added, wondering if Trage was as adventurous as Bujan.

There was two rooms for each nation, and the environment of each room was based on who it belonged to.
The Land of Water and Ice would be a lovely blue/white room of crystal, fountains, and to anyone not from the nation it would seem very cold. However since they thrived in such environment, this would be rather comfy for them.
The Land of Fire and Electricity would be covered in light browns and earthy colors, much like their land. The temperature would be a bit high for most people, but of coarse, they would be used to it.
For the Land of Shadow and Light the room was themed a little differently, since no one really knew that much about either area. The Land of Light, was a room that looked like heaven. The furniture was cloud-like objects that seemed to float while the decorations where of angels and other holy things. However, in the rooms for the Land of Shadows, it was simple. On the ceiling was a painting of the moon and stars, each actually emitting a little light for the room. Everything was cloaked in shadows, however there was plenty of light from the moon to see where you were going. The furniture was a dark cherry wood while the bed and other cloth things were black silk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fala Omaru Maazette Character Portrait: Aria Crystal Riviera Character Portrait: Jackal Bane Character Portrait: Armana Medrone Character Portrait: Kabal-Abdul "Vincent" Pyragni Character Portrait: Misery Drigon
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Playing with Her hair Misery looked sad when he walked away, following quitly she sighed and watched the guards of the Water nations princess carfully but her eyes showed the full force of her pain at Vincent being angry with her. When he entered his room she closed the door behind her for a and leaned agianst it. Ignoring him looking at the picture she waited for him to put it away before talking."Im sorry, You know me I have to prove that your father made the right chose by allowing me to stay with you on this trip, I mean look at me Vincent Im more then a foot shorter then you, Im at least five inches smaller then anyone. I dont want to disgrace anyone. Im sorry I acted like that, Im your friend and your my only one please dont be angry..." She whispered to him, her blank guard look had been ripped away and her emotions where raw on her face.

Vincent would know that her letting even him see her truly raw emotional state was rare and it was her way of letting him know she really was sorry. "Im going to go now, Maybe go see if I can fix the mess you made...I wont let anything happen I promise, if I lie may my life be forefit." the last sentence was the same thing she said everytime she left his room, it was a tradition of sorts. Padding lightly out to the main room she looked around, she let her eyes linger on the Prince of Light...She believed his name was Ariston. Looking around she found the Ice Princess she seemed to have lingered.

"Princess Aria, please excuse My Prince...Umm... Wow...Im short" She mumbled the last part to herself. "I really have nothing else to say but he wont kill you, he couldnt no matter how much he wishes he is just to nice and I wont let him... I will leave you now... Thank you for your time." during her small speech her blank look had opened up alittle do you could see the thoughtful look on her face. Misery spun on heel after looking up at her to guards and the was a competive glint in her eyes, she wanted to try to best one because to her it would be the best way to know if she was as good as she thought she was.


Jackal had laughed at his Princess's comment about flirting, Eyeing Fala he smirked he was willing to bet Fala would end up flirting with one or more of the girls weather Princess or guard. When he saw the Prince of Fire charge over after what appeared to be an arguement with his guard he tensed but didnt stand infront of her, he wasnt a threat yet. WHen the Prince went on his rant to Aria Jackal raised his eye brows but found himself watching the guard, she was tensed and expectiong but there was suc sadness on her face that he felt for her, he was her friend and she hurt because she hurt him. Sighing he stepped closer to Aira at the mention of killing but the Prince, Vincent, Soon turned away followed by his depreassed guard.

"That was interesting wasnt it?" He said softly and it wasnt more then five minutes when he saw the guard return and
aplogise for her Prince. He smirked at her mumbled comment about being short before he pulled his face into a blank mask, he was intrigued by her but he looked up to see the Princess of Shadows talking to the Prince of Light and he looked at them with intruge, he wanted to know how their relationship was going.

(I added Armana on accident.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fala Omaru Maazette Character Portrait: Bujan Avaritia Character Portrait: Armana Medrone Character Portrait: Kabal-Abdul "Vincent" Pyragni Character Portrait: Misery Drigon
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#, as written by Hinasil
Bujan walked towards the wolf, dog looking man. He paused a moment as the prince of Fire and Electricity was talking with the princess of Water and Ice. The relationship, from what he could hear, did not seem to be on great terms. Those two nations didn't have the petty problems the Shadow and Light nations had, some of them must be hard to over look. Perhaps they would benefit the most in marriage. To create a bond that would cause all past problems to be overlooked.

He would have to put off the chat with the dog man, he won't want to leave his post after that encounter. So, looking around, he looked for other intriguing persons to learn more about. The prince of Fire and Electricity was one of the few options, and his less than frightening guard. Or go back to the others.

Looking back, a woman caught his eye. The guard for the prince of Light. Such stunning radiance, but that seemed to be just about everything. The light shone brightly, which hurt his eyes, and made everything else nearly blinding.

No other option seemed better than this. So with confident steps he went back to the Shadow and Light gathering.

Within normal speaking distance, he said to the guard, "I like to make bets, do you?" He didn't wait for a response, "So how about you and I make one? If this marriage between our nations goes through then we get married also. If it doesn't... well, you can make that one up. It can be anything you want, money, property, whatever you want and I will have to give it to you." The ol' gambling proposition, most of the time he is just rubbed off or he loses, but there is always that chance that he could win and one simple word: jackpot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariston "Ren" Magdus Renoan Character Portrait: Fala Omaru Maazette Character Portrait: Aria Crystal Riviera Character Portrait: Jackal Bane Character Portrait: Armana Medrone Character Portrait: Kabal-Abdul "Vincent" Pyragni
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#, as written by S1mon
First Impressions is what counts....well, that is what is commonly said, but that all depending when, where, and who, since some people find putting their message across easier than others. For Fala, he says how he feels and likes to lighten up the mood, which explains his little comical remarks. It seemed to him that he wasn't the only one that saw the situational comical when he saw one of them burst out laughing, which instantly brought Fala's attention, and it seemed the one laughing was one of the royalty, the Prince of Fire and Electricity, by how he and the female beside him reacted and his fiery red hair. Though unlike Fala, he saw that the Prince meant his comical remark more than him.

His attention then fell back to those of his own, as Jackal commented how he wished to shift and how tense it was, which he completely agreed with. It was tense with all the other Kingdoms round them, not to mention the burden of their Kingdoms on their shoulder, and their duty to defend the Princess, unsure which would be friend or foe with the different nations and their guards. The important thing was, that they stook together.

The problem with fur, was that it heated you up, so you were more accustomed and more comfortable in cooler, colder environments, though being able to shift into their animal form gave them more strength. Glancing round, it seemed he was the only one. No, there was another it seemed, as he saw a man in the distance with wings upon his back, just as he had his ears and tails showing in his human form also. Least he was not alone in that sense. With the wings on his back, and how he stood, he must be the royalty which meant he must be the Prince of Light.

However, it was not the Kingdom of Light he was concerned about just now, as Jackal brought him back from his glance, "The Prince of Fire...His guard appears to have a friendship with him, maybe we can get information from her. Well when I say we, I mean you because you are better at flirting then me", as Jackal laughed and Fala chuckled, "Don't say too loud or I'll lose my touch", as his tail came up and brushed against his hand, before falling back down.

However, the "flirting" would have to wait, since he had his work to do, as Aria then spoke, "No one is flirting with anyone...Don't trust any of them. Let's just go to our rooms...", in which Fala responded with a nod ready to go, before turning back to his casual smile, and catching Jackal's smirk, before they were all approached by the Prince of Fire, and like Jackal, he remained at hand ready to pounce in if he tried anything and stepped forwards even closer when he saw Aria's head tilt to show he was there for her. The Prince of Fire sure was fired up, ironically, yet somehow he had the feeling that he sort of enjoyed his little dig at Aria, until he retreated and his guard came back to apologise.

He admired how she had returned to apologise on her Prince's behalf, before she turned to leave after Aria thanked her and then left. With the guard of the Prince of Fire left, all that was left was him and Jackal, as he noticed how he was looking towards the Light and Shadow nations which seemed to be talking nicely, though unlike them, there was not a murder involved.

The last order Aria had given was that they'd be no flirting and not to trust anyone before entering their chambers. If he could not flirt, and with the tensions growing, it all fell back to his duty being more needed than ever since the commotion which no doubt was noticed by all now. He then went to Jackal's side and said quietly to him, "Sure seems brighter over there....", he commented as he took a pause, "....We'll do some digging later. Aria will no doubt be waiting for us", as the corners of his mouth tugged and a smile appeared as his right hand held onto Jackal's left shoulder, before heading towards their room.

Once Aria was settled, she might let them roam a bit, since the best way to know others was to get to know them, and avoiding them wasn't getting no knowledge at all, but he would take her words onboard, that none could be trusted. He only hoped these arrangements by the Council would be alot more better than the last time. Fortunately for Aria, she had him by her side, and the thing about wolves was that they had heightened senses and seeing as his human form was not fully human but part wolves, his senses were often always on the go, so if anything dared happen, he'd immediately leap into action, though he hoped it would not.