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Marked 2

Marked 2


For the young werewolves living in the pack house under the care of the alpha, times are about to get interesting...

13,366 readers have visited Marked 2 since shmband created it.


We are those who share our souls with wolves. The worlds calls us werewolves. They also say we're dangerous, uncontrollable, immortal...but they're wrong. We live in communities, integrated into human society, living and dying, working and raising families, just like them. With a few...complications that arise from our nature.

At some point in the life of a werewolf, the individual "recieves their wolf". This is usually around 8-10 years old for boys, 16-21 years old for girls. More details on why this is and what it means below.

From the age of about 12 up to about 20, young wolves live in the "pack house" under the care of the alpha and his mate. They form a microcosm of the wider pack community, and here they recieve instruction, mature, discover their identity within the pack and, quite often, discover their own mate.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For this RP, most of you will play one of the young wolves in the pack house. Males will already have their wolves, females will not (at first).

ImageThis RP takes place about 18 years after the events of MARKED (RP) and MARKED (Novel). You do not need to have read either to take part in this RP. These events involved the repelling of a dangerous pack of rogues by the alpha of the time, Cid Khöller. Cid is now retired, and his son, Adrian, oversees the pack with his mate, Tai. And with a new generation of young wolves finding themselves in the pack house, interesting times and challenges are ahead...

Character list (names in italics are HUMAN characters):

Alpha: Adrian Khöller (39) - played by shmband
Alphas Mate: Tai Khöller (37) - played by shmband
Beta: Duncan Reidon (26) - played by nightwolf
Alpha's son: James Khöller (18) - played initially by KapugenWolf, later recreated by WAAAGH!
Alpha's daughter: Lyra Khöller (17) - played by Rainwish

The other young people of the pack house. They are termed "Omega's" but this is not a derogatory term, it just means they're not an alpha or a beta! New spaces can be created, boy/girl ratio does not have to be 50/50:

Female 1: Jacquelin Marie (18) - played by emotionless
Female 2: Kathy Stone (17) - played initially by theMoonlightTheory, later adopted by hellsbells
Female 3: Anya West (19) - played by KrazyTigger
Female 4: Reina Lillin (Just turned 16) - played by Wild1
Female 5: Dante Marie (18) - played by emotionless
Male 1: Kyoshi Tanaka (20) - played by Everscale
Male 2: Calvin Roseblade (18) - played by shmband
Male 3: Gavin Argentum (19) - played by Abalyth
Male 4: Ares Fagan (14) - played by Blackwolf
Male 5: Aziel Nuroy (19) - played by Lolkatlove
Male 6: Sid Wood (18) - played by Unitedwestand

Extra characters:

- Tabitha Davio (17) - played by shmband
- Lance Benjamin (34) - NPC
- Rory Prior (17) - NPC
- The Rogues!: Winter (26), Jason (37), Q-Ball (18), Ash (19 - played by Rainwish), Nico (17), Drake (25) and Craig (32) - NPCs except Ash
- Evon and Daniel Argentum - NPCs
- Jeffrey Dean - NPC
- Tyler Wood - NPC
- Sahvanna Ironclaw (24) - played by Airanea (inactive)

Character skeleton

Code: Select all
My Name is:

I am the: (eg, Alpha, Beta, Omega)

I am age:

My mate is/I hope my Mate is: (Delete as applicable.  Pick whoever you like the look of out of the selection- can be added in in later obviously)

In human form I look like:


As a wolf i look like: (verbal or image...female characters should provide this but bear in mind they have not started shifting yet.)




How you feel about the pack: (sometimes added in later when you better know the others characters)

Other: This can include little snippets of history. Whatever you like.


Things you should know (read...eventually!!)

The Pack house

The Pack house is a large complex because it typically accomodates 8 - 20 people at any one time. It consists of: Everything a house is expected to have as well as a movie room, tennis court, basket ball court, pool, gym and a games room containing all the consoles and every board game under the sun!

Everyone has their own bedroom with a few of their own things depending on their interests, there is a boys washroom and girls washroom (the alphas have their own en suite).


Mates share a bond. At first it is not apparent but the female will always acknowledge who her mate is first. This is the first realisation that she is "recieving her wolf". The male must wait until his mate tells him who she is. This can frustrate many males because sometimes their mates are shy, scared of being rejected or just plain dont know yet- the greatest fear is not having a mate.

Mate are your other part. In a mushy way they complete you. In the real sense they honestly do. They become your best friend, your lover and the other side to your soul. The protection and attraction you feel to your other half is beyond imagining! The day you realise your mate you cant imagine a day when you didnt know.

How it works

A female will gradually develop an awareness of who her mate is. Sometimes it's a "flash of light in the dark", sometimes it's subtle. That is when the bond will begin to grow. They will feel an unearthly pull towards that male and will have an unchallenged love for them no matter whom they may be. You dont get to choose these things they just are as they are.

A male will remain clueless of whom his mate is until she tells him. However the longer the female knows about her mate and the more time they spend near eachother the stronger the bond will become ie. the pull will strengthen. Males will feel an unexplainable need to protect a female, they'll tell her things and wonder why on earth they did, they'll naturally bump into her more and more as their wolf naturally seeks her out.

A male's wolf will know who their mate is but the wolf wont utter a single word to him. He'll say things like "She's near" but to a clueless guy "she's near" could mean anything!

When a female comes round to telling the male that she is his mate he will have to claim her (wink wink) to make it completely clear to their wolves and themselves that they are most definitely mates and that the male has accepted the female as his other half! Yay.

Males will then have to help their mates through their first shift. You see the females will not shift until they have a mate.

You and Your Wolves

Males: Become aware of your wolves at age 8-10
As soon as you are aware of your wolf you will shift on the first full moon afterwards.
You'll grow up and you'll have the words of your wolf in your ears from then on helping you through life.

Females: You dont have quite the same luxury as the boys.
You will only receive your wolf when you recognise your mate and tell him. (So no voices for you till then)
Your mate must then help you through your first shift which will be on the first full moon from telling him.
If your mate fails at helping you in your first shift. You will die.
Your first shift is dangerous as you are releasing your inner wolf and by that i mean you turn into a wolf for the first time. Scary stuff.

Wolves are like a conscious muttering stuff in your ear. Sometimes it will telling you something it senses, danger, your mate. Othertimes it'll be giving you its unwanted opinion on something. You cant help acting in a more feral manor when you've got a wolf whispering in your noggin.


Shifting isnt a walk in the park otherwise why would there be risk of death?

First shift

On your first shift you recieve your wolf. You wont know what to expect on your first shift and therefore the pain tends to take you by surprise. You'll be experiencing bones, breaking, changing and dislocating in various places and that'll put the H in your Howl.


When Males first shift anyone around them should try to help, usually your Alpha can sense when you're approaching your first shift so he'll be lingering close to you by instinct. Older males are called in around about the time young males are due to shift so that theres more help around when the time comes. Males tend to have a good resistance to the pain though it still hurts like something else!
Being at quite a young age you'd think you'd be more vulnerable to death but it seems in your youth you rely on adults more therefore you find it easier to take instructions from them and know that they're right without question.
Its even easier due to the fact that 90% of the time your alpha will be present and using his authority that ol' dog can save your life. (also helps with bonding and loyalty when your alpha aids your shift)

Are your wolves any help?

Surprisingly your wolves are of no help when you take your first shift, in fact in a way they hinder you and make the experience harder to handle. All they want is to be released and they'll be clouting in your ear to let them go regardless of whether you're ready or not. Thats why its so important to have others there to observe and help you, making sure you dont release your wolf before your body is ready. Releasing a wolf too early is like having a premature birth and it can and will kill you.


When females first shift its all down to their mates to help them through it. Its all alittle more tramatic for a female and an almighty rush to the head to all of a sudden have your wolf's voice in your ear and the pain and pressure of shifting and having to trust your life into someone else hands, sometimes someone you hardly know! Their mates need to be strong and sturdy with them to make sure they dont cave in to the pain or their wolves inner voice in their ear.
Being older females can struggle to listen or pay attention to their mates, it helps if your mate is older because naturally instincts will suggest more experience but if your mate is the same age or younger even it can have a dramatic effect on whether or not you can accept their instructions when you feel like your spines being ripped out.

Females can easily turn quite selfish when they're going through their first shift. Due to pain and the suddeness their points of view can become one sided not to mention their wolves are very selfish when they first pop into existance- they cant even think what it might be like for their mates having to handle such a life-changing moment where if they fail the female rifling about in their arms, they'll be second in line for responsible of her death, and will lose their only partner after literally only having just met her.

Theres no sensing when a female will shift all you know is it will be on the full moon after she reveals herself to her mate, what time exactly on that date remains unknown so'll be on tender hooks alittle. Just make sure she doesnt go into the bathroom and lock the door lads otherwise you'll be having a test of strength when you have to break it down.

The smartest, safest thing to do is tell your mate who he is as soon as possible before the next full moon so that you can prepare eachother alittle. Not always the case though with shy, reluctant females who let the little things worry them like: What if he'd rather have ''___'' as his mate?


For the first time you get weak, theres a bloodloss that seems alot to the eye but isnt essentially to the body though it will leave you feeling heady and light.
Guys your girls are going to be like puppies no matter how mature they seem usually theres no avoiding the refresh of being a wolf for the first time. They wont be small and fumbling around your paws like new borns but they'll be smaller than you (so careful), new to the world with heightened senses and well they wont know whats good for them unless you tell them.
Girls your guys are going to be pretty rowdy in their wolf forms, its natural so watch you back (literally)

A first shift always takes place on full moon. However in future shifting you may find you can shift slightly early from full moon if you wanted to but never later than full moon.

Future Shifts - your wolf form

Future shifts are still painful, but not to worry, being aware of what to expect takes away the stress and fear of the unknown, after a while your body will begin to numb towards the feeling out of being used to it but it will always involve pain- just a fact of life.

Shifting back and forth is voluntary and can be done at any time, but it's not something anyone would do lightly. Doing it for a parlour trick would be equivalent with someone deliberately slamming their shoulder into a wall to dislocate it, just to show people that they know hot to relocate it. You probably wouldn't do it unless there were dire consequences to not doing it, or lots of money up for grabs. :]

Full-moon shifts are initated as the moon emerges. So it will occur any time during the dusk-hour. For that reason when wolves are gathered, they won't all necessarily shift at exactly the same time. This occassion simply entails the wolf being forced to shift into wolf-form, they don't have to remain that way for as long as the moon's out.

Once a wolf has shifted, there's no minimum time they have to remain in wolf form, nor is there any maximum time they can remain shifted. Even if it's a full moon, they can shift back any time after the initial shift. Remaining in wolf form takes no more energy than remaining in human for! Only limitation is that the act of shifting itself (in either direction) is very exhausting, so at least a few minutes to regather strength might be necessary. (After a first-ever shift, the wolf will be very weak and unsteady on their feet for at least twenty minutes.)

When in wolf form they cannot talk or communicate telephatically. Oftentimes packs develope a system of 'signing' to be able to give rudimentary instructions whilst in wolf form, but these will be very limited and basic, and include things like "you wait here" or "take me to the others" or "is it safe to shift back?".

Injuries sustained whilst in wolf form remain in human form, and vice versa.


Just because a wolf doesn't belong to a pack doesn't necessarily make them a 'rogue'. A rogue is someone who belongs to a 'pack' that operates outside the norms and structures of werewolf society. They usually have an 'alpha' who is generally the strongest or has proven themselves in some way, and they don't observe the normal manners of mating. More to the point they do not trade or cooperate with normal packs; they get what they need by hunting, stealing and usurping.

Will add more here as required.

Toggle Rules

• Write in third person past-tense. ("Jerry walked into the lounge and turned on the television.")

• This is a medium-high literacy RP. We want a story to emerge that everyone contributes something to. I'm not gonna set a minimum length, but aim for at least 250 words per post unless you're involved in a real quick-fire exchange.

• Contact me if you think you're gonna have trouble carrying on. At least then I can make some sort of arrangement, whether it means adopting your character or killing them off. Don't just disappear and leave us all in the lurch!

• DEDICATION! This RP is a sequel to an awesome RP that another writer and I adapted into a novel. This sequel RP itself has been run once before, and is even now the 14th longest RP on the site (in terms of words) even having been dead for six months. This was achieved because of dedicated RPers. I'll be looking for people who'll stay, and I may employ a 'roll call' system during the early stages, just to weed out the slackers.

• Standards site rules for language and romance apply. Swearing must be justified by the context. The perceptive among you will notice that sex is kinda written into the formula for discovering mates, but the act itself cannot be portrayed in your posts! Find a creative way of hinting that it's about to happen/has happened...

• There is a plot to this RP. Please don't try to derail it, but by all means throw me a curve ball and contribute your ideas to the story!

Browse All » 7 Settings to roleplay in

The Pack House

The Pack House by RolePlayGateway

The Pack House


Downstairs by RolePlayGateway

Kitchen/Lounge/Dining Room/Games Room


Upstairs by RolePlayGateway

Individual Bedrooms/Boys bathroom/Girls bathroom/Alpha bedroom & en-suite


Outside by RolePlayGateway

The Woods/The Road to/from town


Yard by RolePlayGateway

Basketball Court/Tennis Court/Decking & Patio/Swimming Pool

Town Centre

Town Centre by RolePlayGateway

About a mile and a half from the pack house; 5 minute drive or 30 minute walk

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 16 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anya West Character Portrait: Duncan Reidon
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Duncan looked over to Anya as she spoke asking him to talk about his father and what he was like. He gave a soft smile and spoke " he was great, he's the man who taught me to fight and defend myself," without him I wouldn't be the man I am today. He'd often help out at the school teaching art to the kids"

He smiled at the memories of him and his father play fighting and sparring as Duncan grew up " it's a shame you didn't get to see him in his prime I know he would have loved you to peices. It's hard for me to accept that he's gone he has always been there along with mom I don't know how she's feeling. Losing your mate must be the hardest thing to go through"

His eyes averted down to the floor his hands reaching up to his eyes whipping fresh tears away, " I miss him Anya...I really do"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reina "Ray" Lillin Character Portrait: James Reynold Khöller
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#, as written by Wild1
“Here... You might catch a cold." James tossed her a towel and she caught it quickly and wrapped its soft warmth around her shivering form. Now that the initial shock and awe had worn off she was freezing and the cave wasn’t quite as big as the one outside. Her teeth weren’t just chattering from the icy water.

Slowly reaching into his wet pocket James held something ray couldn’t see. He took a big breath as if he was also afraid the cave might close in on him. Seriously? What was up with him? If he got any weirder she was going to have to let him know…

"Here's your present..." His voice died off and he squeezed his eyes shut as he pulled out a necklace swinging on a white gold chain. Holding it out to her he said, "Happy late birthday."

Ray took the pendent and looked it over. And shinning white gold chain led down to a pendent of white gold with a polished aquamarine carved into a heart shape. It looked beautiful, and very expensive.

Glancing up at James she said slowly, “Thanks… but I can’t accept this.” She held the pendent out for him to take and the cave lights dappled its surface as she did so.

Continuing she added, “I mean, how much money did this cost James? We don’t even hang out that much, I’m not about to let you spend a bunch of money on a present for me.” Now the words were poring out of Ray. She couldn’t stop talking, not because she was mad at James, but because she couldn’t keep the claustrophobia at bay any more.

She continued to speak, and as she did so her voice grew in volume, “What’s up with you anyways? One second you’re mocking my height, the next it’s spelunking time! Then you defend tabby, which is awesome, but really out of character! Then you agree to let me drive, which is just plain insane! Then I think we’re getting along fine and you brush me off until it’s time to plunge into artic waters! Now you give me this expensive and THIS CAVE IS WAY TOO SMALL!” Ray’s eyes were wide with fright as she stopped talking and started gasping for air.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reina "Ray" Lillin Character Portrait: James Reynold Khöller
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0.00 INK

#, as written by WAAAGH!
Each word was a stab, why did she keep talking? Whats up with him? Out of character? Insane? brush her off?... Each one not only a stab, but a nice twist added in. Right. This was stupid. Why did he do all this work when deep down he knew something like this was going to happen? No. He wouldn't let her have the pleasure of seeing him in pain, James would be damned before he let anyone see him hurt. "Fine. Lets go." He said through clenched teeth. His fist trembled a little with the urge to hit the generator that was annoying humming along. Did she have any idea, just any, at how difficult that was to bring in here? "Go." He said pointing towards the pool. "I'll be behind you once I turn everything off."

James wanted to hit something, anything, but as they were in a cave, he did not have many options. A stone wall, her, which even if he was pissed at her was out of the question, and a metal generator, although hitting that annoying generator was looking more and more tempting. Of course, he did not notice the way she acted in the small cave, because he was a little too busy with his own problems and pain to notice hers.

Damn it, Should have simply followed his instincts, kept his head down. Now he looked so stupid... How could he have been rejected?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anya West Character Portrait: Duncan Reidon
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Anya drew to a halt and watched Duncan sadly. She reached up and brushed his tears away with her fingertips, leaving her hand on his cheek in a comforting manner. Making him look into her eyes, she gave him a little smile, stroking his cheek delicately.

"I just know he was so proud of you, how couldn't he have been? And of course you're going to miss him. He was a huge part of your life. And I promise that I will always, always be here for you. No matter what it takes. You're stuck with me now, forever." She whispered, dropping her hand and linking her fingers through his. She continued to walk, taking Duncan with her. Their mating had come at a difficult time, but Anya knew she could support Duncan with what had happened. He was the only thing that mattered to her know. She had no family to speak of and eventually she would be forced to leave the Pack house.

Turning a corner, she found they had wandered into the town. People were already milling about, shopping or sitting in cafes nattering to one another. It all seemed too normal, but perhaps that was what they needed at that moment.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reina "Ray" Lillin Character Portrait: James Reynold Khöller
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wild1
"Fine. Lets go."James said through clenched teeth. Ray was barely listening as her eyes darted around the cave. It felt as if it was shrinking by the minute she was afraid she might never be able to find her way out a gain. Her breath quickened as she gasped for air, for as the cave appeared to be shrinking so did the air supply. She looked at James, seeking some form of comfort from him, but seeing his face was anything but comforting. He looked angry, angry and sad. Why? Ray thought in between panicked gasps. God, what if it wasn't just her fear? What if the cave really was closing in and wasn't just the phobia? Could he feel the air leaving the room as well?

"Go." He said pointing towards the pool. "I'll be behind you once I turn everything off." He was angry, very angry. But it didn't seem like it was about the small cave slowly becoming smaller..and smaller...and smaller... No, something else was bothering him. Whatever it was he didn't seem to be able to tell in the slightest that she was freaked out. But how could he not know? She'd shouted "this cave is too small!" No, he definitely knew. But he was too angry too care, or he was angry because he didn't care.

Jerk. Fine, she didn't need him. She could get out of the cave just fine without him. Ray snarled at James, "Fine, I'm leaving." She threw the wet towel in his face and after a moment of doubt and a few quick breaths plunged into the icy water. As bad as the cave was, this was worse. The water was dark and cold and in it's icy grip up became down and down up. Ray felt like a million tiny cold needles were poking her skins squeezing, pushing, trying to drown her. Ray resisted the urge to gulp for air as she desperately she clawed her way to the surface.

Reaching the shore she fell onto her back trying to regain some coherency. Stupid James, this was all his fault. If he wasn't such a self centered, obnoxious, Jerk.. Well how was he supposed to know she was claustrophobic? No. Ray pushed the thought aside. Right now she was keeping fear at bay with anger and she'd be damned if she was going to let go of it.

Was it just her, or was the cave spinning?

The setting changes from Connorsford to Outside


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reina "Ray" Lillin Character Portrait: Gavroche "Gavin" Argentum Character Portrait: Calvin Roseblade Character Portrait: Kathy Stone Character Portrait: The Rogues Character Portrait: Sid Wood
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Kathy smiled and nodded at Sid's remark, hoping that Calvin and Gavin would be persuaded to join them.

"Sid's right!" she said, "If you think we're 'lame' them maybe you should be the solution. Maybe it's you who need to bring something to the table for a change?"

Her face fell as she realised she'd gotten a bit bold in what she was saying, and suddenly blushed a little. Perhaps, she thought, it was because she knew that her and Ray were supposed to have been pranking Calvin that day, so she was already accepting of the fact that by tonight he might have ended up being pissed off with her. But that dread fascination of the boy was still there pricking at her mind.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reina "Ray" Lillin Character Portrait: The Rogues
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#, as written by shmband
The four rogues stooped and advanced slowly as they heard the voices rising within the caves up ahead. It sounded like a small female voice getting increasingly hysterical...despite the echo and the distance the last words "this cave it too small" were clearly distinguishable. Q-Ball looked back and grinned to the others.

"What do you think?" he said, "Local back got a little mountain hideaway?"

"Yeah and you know why that's not good?" Drake whispered as visciously as he could manage.

"No, why?"

"Because for all we know they could be using these caves to watch us in our camp. They could know about our plan!!"

"The fuck?" Nico snorted, "Even we don't know about Winter's plan, how much could they have heard from these caves?"

Craig scratched his head and looked back towards where they'd come from. "We should go back and tell Winter."

"No!!" Drake said forcefully, "We need to go and see who it is, and take care of them."

Q-Ball and Nico nodded in agreement, and Craig reluctantly continued deeper into the crevice behind the other three. The voices ahead seemed to have stopped, and the rogues cursed to themselves as they entered a small chamber with seemed to run downwards into a flooded area, offering no obvious way forward.

"I don't get it," Nico muttered, "if there's no way forward, how could we hear the..."

They were interupted when something broke the surface of the water, and a small figure crawled out onto the stone floor. The four boys watched in wide-eyed disbelief as the small female flopped onto her back, gasping and wheezing desperately. They looked at each other in confusion. Was she having a fit or something? The one thing they knew for sure was that the drenched girl was, without a doubt, one of the local wolves. Slowly the realisation crossed each of their faces, and they paced forwards, forming a semi-circle around the soggy young wolf.

"Hey little girl," Craig said aggressively, "guess you're not such a surprise. A little runt like you's probably only useful for spying."

"Yeah," Q-Ball chuckled, "how long you been watching our camp from these caves huh? You know if you wanted an introduction, all you had to do was ask. Cute little thing like you is always welcome on our patch."

"Can it." Drake barked, "She's coming back with us, Winter's gonna have to know about this."

"What's the rush?" Q-Ball said, his giggling becoming almost maniacal, "Look at her she can scarcely breathe. When's the last time you had a female at your mercy?"

"Keep it in your pants Q." Craig retorted.

"Fuck you!" Q-Ball spat, "Who made you the boss?"

Unexpectedly, Q-Ball lunged at Craig and pushed him in the chest, knocking him off balance. Drake and Nico braced themselves, trying to decide if they could afford a few seconds to break up the fight at the risk of their 'captive' escaping...

The setting changes from Outside to The Pack House


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyra Khöller Character Portrait: Tabitha Davio Character Portrait: Gavroche "Gavin" Argentum Character Portrait: Calvin Roseblade Character Portrait: Adrian Khöller Character Portrait: Sid Wood
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#, as written by shmband
Calvin flicked his head to look at Sid...he thought he'd detected a slightly outdoorsy smell, even for a house full of werewolves! Would Sid be a good candidate for the grand plan? No, probably not...too loyal to the 'ways' of the pack. And even Gavin seemed to be finding his feet in the official channels more since he'd found his mate.

He was about to answer Sid when Kathy chimed in with her tuppence on the matter. His lips curled into a grin and he shrugged.

"Hey why not," he said, "if you need the boys around to champerone you whilst your throwing bean-bags at coconuts then I'd be honoured."

He laughed a mean laugh and slapped Gavin on the back. "Sounds like we have our heading for the day. We need to catch up about last night anyhows, right?"

"That's always the way." Adrian smiled, "Everyone under one room, but rarely in the same room."

His smile faltered for a moment as he recalled how that hadn't really been the way when he was rounger. It always seemed like everyone had been under each other's feet back then. Him, Jeff, Emmy, Lux....Bobby.....

He took a deep breath in at the memory of his deceased friend. The only person who hadn't lived to see how the Khöller pack had prevailed after the last incident. It reminded him also of Lux...perhaps today would be a good day to invite her out too if she felt up to it?

"Well," he said, forcing the smile once again and walking towards the house again, "no time like the present eh? Everyone get booted up and I'll see you at the car."

Tabby stared at her phone discontentedly, wondering what Lance was actually up to. The guy wasn't the single most reliable entity on earth, but to totally disappear leaving her stranded at some strange house (however friendly the inhabitants had turned out to be) just seemed irresponsible even for him. Still, Adrian's suggestion seemed to have some merit. Connorsford evidently wasn't the biggest of towns, and if there was going to be any sort of performance element to the fete, there was a strong chance Lance would be drawn to it.

"Alright I like the sound of that." she said with a smile, and turned to Lyra, "I think these clothes will survive one more day, but thanks for the offer...and if we don't find Lance today I might well have to take you up on that."

She put her hand to her chin thoughtfully as something else occured to her, "He probably wouldn't have had any reason to move the car. If it's still where it was yesterday I reckon my stuff is probably still there."

The setting changes from The Pack House to Downstairs


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyra Khöller Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tanaka Character Portrait: Tabitha Davio Character Portrait: Adrian Khöller
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Lyra nodded thoughtfully to Tabby, considering the idea of the car being where it was last. "That sounds good. One the way back from the Fete we can always stop by to see if there car is still there. For all we know, Lance might not have had the energy to make it into a hotel last night and just crashed in the car again. But Dad's right, I wouldn't be surprised if we bump into Lance at the Fete. I know what he looks like so I'll watch for him." Lyra offered Tabby a reassuring grin.

She looked up to Kiyoshi and gave him one last squeeze of affection, unsure what we thought of taking the afternoon off from training... again. "This will be fun, and we can train again after we go out. Or even on the beach while we are out. Don't worry everything will be fine tomorrow, okay, Kiyoshi-san?" she asked. She wanted to give him a kiss of reassurance, but was still timid to display such affect in front of her father. After all, they had not even discussed the matter of her mating yet. Instead, Lyra settled on wrapping her arm around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder for a moment. Lyra understood how fearful Kiyoshi was of the following night and knew she had to stay strong for the both of them.

Slipping from his grasp, Lyra turned toward the rest of the group and lifted her hand in a wave of farewell. "I'm going to change into something nicer before we head out," Lyra informed them as she headed out the kitchen and towards her room.

The setting changes from Downstairs to Connorsford


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reina "Ray" Lillin Character Portrait: The Rogues
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#, as written by Wild1
Ray was slowly recovering from her panic attack when they surrounded her. Four large males surrounding a smaller 16-year-old girl would make anyone worried, the fact that Ray was trying to recover from an attack of claustrophobia didn’t help much.

She propped herself up into a standing position, staggering bit in her still oxygen starved state. Ordinarily Ray would have goaded them into revealing their plans and motives, formed a clever plan, then used her various talents to escape. However, ordinary Ray was currently on leave and in her place was claustrophobia panicked Ray who was having trouble with coherent thoughts.

So when the oldest member of the group started talking about spying and another one started talking about introductions to the pack it took Ray a few seconds to put two and two together.

Rouges… She’d never met any, but she could only assume from what she’d heard about them that they were bad news, and male rogues…

How had they even gotten into the cave? Surely James would have gotten a whiff of their scent..? But then again there was the water, and looking around the cave she didn’t see her shoes so she must have taken a wrong turn under water…

Ray ground her teeth; the best thing to do would be to swim back out while the two rogues fought. But she didn’t want to ever get back in that water, she shuddered at the mere thought of its icy grip. She could call for help from James, but then what? There were four of them; chances were they’d just end up killing him.

She made a snap decision, she needed to escape before they stopped fighting and started taking an interest in their prisoner. After taking a deep breath she took off, sprinting towards a passage in the walls of the cavern. She could only hope it led somewhere, preferably somewhere above ground and close to the pack house or the car.


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Aziel Nuroy

Tabby looked uncomfortable, it was like she was trying to avoid Aziel’s gaze at all costs which only amused him slightly. Not once had he met someone who would meet his gaze for any reason other than sizing him up for a fight. It was something he no longer paid much attention too, he was accustomed to being avoided. He did wonder what Tabby was thinking though, whether she was actually taking into account the happenings around her, surely she must have noticed how everyone in the house spoke of wolf related topics from time to time. How they each believed in the truth that stood before her. She would have to notice soon enough anyway, it was for her own good that she realised who her mate was, there will be a time she falls for someone its inevitable for all females. Their wolves want freedom after all and it happens to everyone, even if he had doubts for himself.

He opened his mouth to speak and ask her not to panic in a quick revelation of sympathy just as a voice he recognised too well approached, her hand sliding onto his shoulder its heat making a place there. Lyra, she had always been an inquisitive girl, she tended to know what to do in the right situations unlike that stupid brother of hers. If he becomes Alpha Aziel knew he would leave the pack, there was no way he would be able to live under James, he would rather be a rogue least he hate the thought of it, too much wondering.

Lyra looked to him with a calm pleading, his lips tucked under in a disheartened annoyed response, “She needs to learn what she is before it’s too late” he whispered back to her with a tone that only their wolf ears could hear just as she had speaking to him. He wanted to shift, Tabby had to see the truth and she was definitely going to hate the person who ruins her perfect human life, so why not be him? Better than her hating her brother, Gavin probably wouldn’t have the guts to shift in front of her anyway. Coward.

It was the best decision.

A slight breeze drifted by ruffling through Aziel’s black hair, it brought with it something that made Aziel turn his attention to the doorway of the house however. Adrian stood there, he was calm his features showing nothing more than concern. Adrian was concerned, the thought made Aziel relax his arms slightly releasing a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding, his wolfs rambling keeping him on edge moved away from the front of his mind giving him a slight moment of peace as it normally did within Adrian’s presence. He didn’t want to cause Adrian trouble, which was something he preferred to avoid himself, Adrian was a good man, a good Alpha, and one of the few he had to admit he respected.

Moving to stand between Tabby and Kiyoshi whom Aziel hadn’t paid much attention too, Kiyoshi was never much of a bother to him; Adrian spoke his voice without judgement "Okay...I think I can see what's happening here. Let's just take a minute to look this in the eye, and see if this is really what we want to be doing."
His long stare directly at Aziel made him break the eye contact first, Adrian only ever did that when he wanted him to stop what he was doing. One of the only other times Aziel was given direct eye contact with someone. Aziel was resistant too however, Tabby had to be shown what she was, it was dangerous for her, but Adrian always had a reason for the things he did. Maybe he should take things down a notch, he didn’t mind Tabby hating him, but she shouldn’t hate the others and she did seem liable to do that. She was a bit too fearful of her surroundings after all, almost like a bluddy cat.

With a soft sigh so quiet under his breath that only he knew of its existence he took a step back from Tabby letting Lyra get closer as she began to chat to her along with Adrian. Adrian seemed to have a plan in mind, he probably wouldn’t be so confident otherwise. A twitch of a smirk threatened to smear his face as Adrian mentioned the lance fellow, he always had something up his sleeve, he was Alpha for a reason after all. It seemed to catch Tabby’s attention enough anyway.
She looked at him for a moment as they conversed which made him raise an eyebrow for only a second, yet quickly returned when she mentioned being afraid of wolves!? What kind of girl was this! It was becoming more difficult to remain silent, a werewolf afraid of wolves! The humour of such thing was great yet pitying all at the same time. She would eventually be afraid of herself in due time, including the pack. She was like an extremely injured puppy, helpless and naïve to the dangers ahead. She just had to top it off with a feeble joke about remaining single, if only things were as simple as that. Single or not, the moment she realises she likes someone its over for her. Lyra seemed to understand that well enough though.

As things moved on, and Lance was becoming apparently unreachable, Aziel continued to quietly observe, he looked to Adrian for a moment as Lyra chatted to Tabby something about borrowing clothes.

He lost interest at the mention of clothes.

Adrian suggested a fete which didn’t surprise Aziel, he didn’t like the idea too much though, social gatherings were never his criteria. However what caught his interest slightly was this man lance, nothing much ever happened around here, so an unresponsive human was unusual. Maybe he was just useless with his phone though, never too risky to be on the safe side. With a dignified nod Aziel told Adrian silently that he would tone it down around Tabby somewhat, but he was unwilling to just leave her ‘to the wolves’ as the saying goes.

Lyra left then, to get changed or something, the thought made him look down at his own attire; he was wearing his loose jeans which showed the tips of his boxers and a simple black shirt which he hadn’t even bothered to do up leaving his chest bare for all. He was unlike him to bother much about his appearance, but at the mention of going to town he decided to look slightly presentable choosing to only button up the shirt for improvement. He would just use his biker boots for shoes barefoot at the moment.

As his hand worked on his shirt, Aziel’s wolf had final calmed down and everyone seemed to be moving to get ready to leave for town. He wouldn’t have gone normally, far too social, but he needed to pick up his pay from the mechanic shop he worked at and why not now? It was only Tabby and Kiyoshi that remained other than him.
His lips forming a meek upturn Aziel spoke after his time of silence.

“I’m glad your opening your mind more now girl” he said his tone a little rough but calm “but you’ve got to admit it, you’re like a fish out of water around here.” He raised an eyebrow knowing he was right as he finished buttoning up his shirt only to go and then lift it to tug up his jeans over his boxers before messing with the belt.
“You’ve got a lot to learn, and quickly, however Gavin’s going to be busy with Jac for a few days since she’ll be shifting tomorrow for the first time. Lyra needs to concentrate on her shift too and Kiyoshi will be focused on her also, same for Anya and Duncan. Adrian’s gotta’ keep an eye on everyone and god knows where James took Ray, nor where Kathy and Sid are.” as he was talking Aziel knew what the outcome was already.
He didn’t like it too much, but after hearing that Tabby was afraid of wolves, he had a little sympathy for her, he also knew that the others’ lives were more important at the moment and he couldn’t push that aside. As uncaring as he knew he appeared, he didn’t want to put anyone’s life at risk, but he also didn’t really want to end up a baby sitter.

“Basically” he sighed finishing with his belt tightening it so his boxers didn’t show any more before pulling a hand through his hair in a quick grooming attempt and a check of his stubble growth, it was acceptable. “if you need someone, I’m probably all you’ve got” he gave a smirk but it was laced with the sign he felt obliged. To this girl he was most likely the last person she would want help from considering. Like most people after his change of heart during his teens.
“So please, don’t get into too much trouble” he sighed with a shake of his head saying he expected she would get into some kind of trouble anyway, it would be typical of his luck. Aziel then dived his hand into his left jean pocket pulling out a scrap piece of paper; he frowned tapping the rest of his clothes before finally finding a pen with a quick smile of triumph. He didn’t do that often.

“Here” he wrote down a digit number leaning the paper against the wall of the house before handing it over to Tabby. “Call me if you must, I’ll answer unlike that lance fellow” he rolled his eyes slightly, who was this guy lance anyway? Everyone seemed to know him, he was a little irritated being the only one who seemed not too. His work done, Aziel began to head to the garage to get his Yamaha bike but he stopped as his bare feet reached the grass feeling the soft prickles turning with a smirk. “Of course, I understand if you’d rather not see me again, most people don’t, I have that charm I suppose” he snickered before heading off to the garage. Cars were always too stuffy, bikes were a much preferred vehicle for him.

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The Pack House

The Pack House by RolePlayGateway

The Pack House


Downstairs by RolePlayGateway

Kitchen/Lounge/Dining Room/Games Room


Upstairs by RolePlayGateway

Individual Bedrooms/Boys bathroom/Girls bathroom/Alpha bedroom & en-suite


Outside by RolePlayGateway

The Woods/The Road to/from town


Yard by RolePlayGateway

Basketball Court/Tennis Court/Decking & Patio/Swimming Pool

Town Centre

Town Centre by RolePlayGateway

About a mile and a half from the pack house; 5 minute drive or 30 minute walk

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View All » Add Character » 26 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lyra Khöller
Character Portrait: Kathy Stone
Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tanaka
Character Portrait: Anya West
Character Portrait: Reina "Ray" Lillin
Character Portrait: Adrian Khöller
Character Portrait: Tai Khöller
Character Portrait: Tabitha Davio
Character Portrait: Duncan Reidon
Character Portrait: Ares Fagan
Character Portrait: Calvin Roseblade
Character Portrait: Gavroche "Gavin" Argentum
Character Portrait: Lance Benjamin
Character Portrait: Rory Prior
Character Portrait: The Rogues
Character Portrait: Sahvanna Ironclaw
Character Portrait: Ashley Williams
Character Portrait: James Reynold Khöller


Character Portrait: Sid Wood
Sid Wood

"Who's up for a little exploring?"

Character Portrait: Aziel Nuroy
Aziel Nuroy

Dont bother waking me, I highly doubt i'll be interested

Character Portrait: James Reynold Khöller
James Reynold Khöller

"Ok, I do not think I am better then you. I am better then you."

Character Portrait: Ashley Williams
Ashley Williams

Not even my wolf can control me.

Character Portrait: Sahvanna Ironclaw
Sahvanna Ironclaw

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

Character Portrait: Rory Prior
Rory Prior

I appreciate it's hard for you to understand :)

Character Portrait: Lance Benjamin
Lance Benjamin

I don't think this plan's quite working out...

Character Portrait: Gavroche "Gavin" Argentum
Gavroche "Gavin" Argentum

"Blood is thicker than water, but loyalty is thicker than blood."

Character Portrait: Calvin Roseblade
Calvin Roseblade

If you've got the stuff, you deserve a shot right?


Character Portrait: Adrian Khöller
Adrian Khöller

The role I've grown into, the role I'll die for...

Character Portrait: Gavroche "Gavin" Argentum
Gavroche "Gavin" Argentum

"Blood is thicker than water, but loyalty is thicker than blood."

Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tanaka
Kiyoshi Tanaka

Just because I never cry does not mean I never feel.

Character Portrait: Reina "Ray" Lillin
Reina "Ray" Lillin

I'm just an innocent little girl, I'd never dream of causing any trouble...

Character Portrait: Ashley Williams
Ashley Williams

Not even my wolf can control me.

Character Portrait: Duncan Reidon
Duncan Reidon

I'm going to keep everyone safe and sound.

Character Portrait: Ares Fagan
Ares Fagan

"...I will try to be strong and make everyone proud of me..."

Character Portrait: Aziel Nuroy
Aziel Nuroy

Dont bother waking me, I highly doubt i'll be interested

Character Portrait: Anya West
Anya West

"A wolf is what I am, it is what I always will be..."

Character Portrait: Rory Prior
Rory Prior

I appreciate it's hard for you to understand :)

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Adrian Khöller
Adrian Khöller

The role I've grown into, the role I'll die for...

Character Portrait: Tai Khöller
Tai Khöller

It's a big responsibility, but the party doesn't have to end...

Character Portrait: Calvin Roseblade
Calvin Roseblade

If you've got the stuff, you deserve a shot right?

Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Tanaka
Kiyoshi Tanaka

Just because I never cry does not mean I never feel.

Character Portrait: Tabitha Davio
Tabitha Davio

Why DO they keep looking at me like that...?

Character Portrait: Sahvanna Ironclaw
Sahvanna Ironclaw

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

Character Portrait: Kathy Stone
Kathy Stone

"If only werewolves could fly... Oh no, wait, I'd probably just trip on a cloud and kill myself." *sigh*

Character Portrait: Anya West
Anya West

"A wolf is what I am, it is what I always will be..."

Character Portrait: Sid Wood
Sid Wood

"Who's up for a little exploring?"

Character Portrait: Ares Fagan
Ares Fagan

"...I will try to be strong and make everyone proud of me..."

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The Pack House

The Pack House by RolePlayGateway

The Pack House


Downstairs by RolePlayGateway

Kitchen/Lounge/Dining Room/Games Room


Upstairs by RolePlayGateway

Individual Bedrooms/Boys bathroom/Girls bathroom/Alpha bedroom & en-suite


Outside by RolePlayGateway

The Woods/The Road to/from town


Yard by RolePlayGateway

Basketball Court/Tennis Court/Decking & Patio/Swimming Pool

Town Centre

Town Centre by RolePlayGateway

About a mile and a half from the pack house; 5 minute drive or 30 minute walk


The Pack House Downstairs Owner: RolePlayGateway

Kitchen/Lounge/Dining Room/Games Room


Outside Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Woods/The Road to/from town

Town Centre

Connorsford Town Centre Owner: RolePlayGateway

About a mile and a half from the pack house; 5 minute drive or 30 minute walk


The Pack House Upstairs Owner: RolePlayGateway

Individual Bedrooms/Boys bathroom/Girls bathroom/Alpha bedroom & en-suite


The Pack House Yard Owner: RolePlayGateway

Basketball Court/Tennis Court/Decking & Patio/Swimming Pool

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