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My Demon Accomplice! Precusor

My Demon Accomplice! Precusor


Five high school boys will be chosen to guard the human race from an invading enemy. Upon being chosen, they are rewarded with an Accomplice- A female demon!

1,689 readers have visited My Demon Accomplice! Precusor since Jadebud98 created it.


Five regular high school boys will be chosen to begin their destiny as the supreme guardians, and help to stop the evil society fixed on destroying the enemy race, the Cirens. But how?! These boys are nothing more than average students, with no super powers or supernatural skills. Well, the boys will be awarded with their own personal demons. These demons will be awarded as a fighting companion for the guardians. They supply the energy needed to give the guardians their own elemental powers. The power of Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and lastly, light magic . As the demons help train the guardians to control their powers, they begin to develop feelings for their masters, and the battle between the Cirens and the human race is beginning!!!

No Godmodding.
No one liners.
No OOC fights.
No reservations unless we know you.
If you have read to and agree to all of the rules write your favorite color in equipment.
No mary sues.
Be active.
We can add rules if they are reasonable.
Check the OOC daily for announcements.
If any problems PM me or co-GM Maci Care.
Have fun!!!

Character Sheet.
Name Here

Who are you?

What's your personality?

What race are you? (if guardian or demon, What Element Are you? If Ciren, what magic powers do you have?)

What's your history?



Air Guardian (M): Ace Rodgers. Played by Spectrum.
Air Demon (F): Zoe. Played by Poeticjustice8012.

Fire Guardian (M): Nick. Played by Neon.lynxie
Fire Demon (F): Kanade Seiko Ikida. Played by Eleera Cain

Water Guardian (M): Caleb Lathem. Played by Axel4win
Water Demon (F): Misterre Acquel. Played by SoftPurpleFeathers

Earth Guardian (M): Mizuumi Kurayami. Played by Lakesters
Earth Demon (F): Kaori Misana. Played by kailani98

Light Guardian (M): Taken. Played by Tabris.
Light Demon: (F): Kai Kokoro. Played by Maci Care.

Airi Lovelace. Played by Jadebud98
Lucas Cline. Played by Jadebud98
Random NPC Cirens yay!

GM: Jadebud98
Co-GM: Maci Care

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Lucas sat in his room alone playing his violin. It was a sorrowful song one that he composed himself and it sounded beautiful. The door then opened and a mystical voice began singing random lyrics to it. Lucas stopped "Airi what are you doing her?" Lucas asked quietly. Airi was beautiful she had pink shoulder length hair perfect kin and a small black dress on. "Lucas the boss needs you to use your magic and see if now is the time to begin his spread of darkness" she said sadly. Lucas wondered if Airi was sad about their lives to. "Okay." he said while sitting down and focusing the gravity around him started fading and his long purple hair and long black over coat started rising and his eye balls started to dilate after a while it stopped and he said "The prophecy I have made is as follows: six normal high school boys around my age fulfill their full potential as supreme guardians of the world with the help of demons. The demons will start off in eggs and hatch to be demons. Will the Cirens succeed or will the guardians prevail I don't know." "Okay thank you Lucas. I wonder who will win don't you?" she asked intrigued while leaving. Lucas then sat on his brown sofa and started reading.


After getting the information from that grunt Lucas Airi walked down the hall and to a secret corridor and reported the news to the boss. "boss I hope you'll enjoy hearing this, I'm going to start looking for these children now so I can kill them one by one before they are strong enough to fulfill their "destinies" I mean what brats trying to ruin our anyways I will start going now...' while walking away. So what tragedy will I be able to cause? she asked herself ready for fun.


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The school bell rang and children rushed out into the halls. Ace stayed behind to wait until the very last person was out. He didn’t like trying to rush, since he only got squashed in the crowds anyway. He was starting out of class, but paused when he passed by a desk. A girl had her head down and he smiled and gently shook her shoulder. “Wha?” the girl mumbled, sitting up and rubbing at her eyes. “Ace? That you?”

“In the flesh,” Ace replied, stepping aside to let her get up. The, Aira, yawned and slung her backpack over her shoulder. He followed her out of the classroom and into the hall. “So, have a nice nap?” he asked with a snicker as they went to dump off books at their locker.

“Hardy har.” Aira smiled though. “I can’t walk home with you today. I’m going to the library to find a book for some dumb project I have to do. Sorry, Ace.”

Ace shrugged and patted her head--a habit of his when around people shorter than him. “S’okay. See you later then, Aira.” Aira nodded and walked off. He turned back to his locker, putting one last book away, when he paused. “What the..?” He reached back and pulled out what looked like a gray-tinted colored egg. It was too large to be any normal bird egg and, anyway, it was inside his locker. Giving it a confused look, he shut the door to his locker and left, the egg held firmly in his hands. “I’ll take you home and hatch you so I can see what you are. I always wanted a pet.” With that, he placed it in his bag and continued walking.

His mind was so focused on what he would name the creature in the egg, Ace walked right out in the middle of traffic. Horns blew, but the bus was moving too fast to stop in time. It’d be too late. The horn snapped him out of his thoughts, but he froze in fear in the center of the road, the bus heading straight towards him. Ace shut his eyes, waiting for the worst to come.


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Before school began I was at home watching the Transformers G1. Of course people at school would make fun of me but my dad had gotten me into it. I was eating an apple and some cereal. Once the episode was finished I put my dishes away and went to grab my backpack. I put it on... weird it was heavier then yesterday. But I didn't mind. I crouched down looking for my pencil. Why would it always leave me when I needed it? I soon found it next to my drums. I then headed out to school on my bike. The new weight of my backpack didn't help. I was used to it being almost full and barely hanging down my back. Now it was hanging down that it hurt my shoulders. I finally made it to school and went to all of my classes. William wasn't happy today. He looked normal: tired and in a hurry. "Hey Mizuumi you have any food? I woke up late and didn't have any food." William said to me. He stared at me with a lifeless expression. I opened my bag. "Sure I think I have something..." I responded I opened my bag to find an egg. "Ummm I have an...... egg?" I take out the egg and toss it to him. He almost dropped it. It was clear he was surprised. "Where did you get this?!?!" William said to me shocked to death. "I have.... no..... clue. But I bet you can cook it." I say with an evil smile. I take back the egg and put it in my bag. "What. Is. That?" William said. I looked at him. "If I knew why would I bring an egg here?" I replied. William stared at me and we came to a silent agreement. This never happened. I went to all my classes running around like I was being chased. At the end of the day I saw some weird red headed kid carrying what looked like a ball of grey Styrofoam having this stupid ginormous smile on his face. A bus was heading for him. God that was a terrible sight. I wasn't that far. I grabbed a sort of big rock and peg it at his head hopefully waking him up into reality.


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With the School finally over Caleb was able to sit down and play Magic but something was nagging him. So deciding to put his cards away and go swimming he hauled his stuff to the nearby pool. 'A good swim should help my nerves relax" he said out loud opening his Pool locker. Grabbing his swim trunks he noticed a large blue egg. Its color mystified him and reminded him of the ocean. "So Much for swimming today I wonder what this is?" He looked over the egg forgetting he was in a public place. "I never seen an egg like this ever, much less heard of one. I wonder what environment it needs to be in? Well i will try something at home" Still talking to nobody but the mysterious egg.


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The egg was warm, if not hot. The temperature was good for her, and Zoe supposed she could have learned how to enjoy it. Except for one big thing. It was small! Far, far too small for her! I need outta hear! She screamed in my mind, unable to talk. Get me out of here... Please! Please! I need to get in the air! Where I can breathe! Where the gentle breezes caress my face and flutter through my wings, before arching down and traveling the wide, wide world! I need space! Obviously she was panicking. Oh no, they had never mentioned small little eggs when they said they'd help stop the Cirens. Nope, that was one part they had forgotten to mention. And now Zoe was close to dying from a mix of fear and panic. She had started hyperventilating hours ago. Suddenly, another thought entered her mind. Danger! It screamed. She needed to help her master... Her guardian...

Zoe broke out of the egg, the bits dissolving with the wind, jumping out of where the egg had been (which appeared to be a bag of some kind). She spread her wings and quickly grabbed the boy nearest her. Some part of her knew this was her guardian, after all. Flapping her wings, Zoe pulled the boy into her arms bridal-style (easiest way to hold people while flying) and took off, flying out into the sky with moments to spare. A rock grazed the side of one of her wings, and she grit her teeth from annoyance. Who threw a rock at a person about to get run over by a bus? Those around the two, the guardian and demon, gasped, convinced they had just seen some kind of magic show, and started to clap. Zoe didn't hear them, having gone high enough to be mistaken for a very large bird (unless one happened to look closely, but she was moving as quickly as possible with the weight in her arms). Taking a refreshing breath of air, Zoe quickly regained control of her lungs. No point in continuing to hyperventilate, after all...

"Where do you live?" Zoe asked, then paused. "No, never mind." She steered them towards a tall building that looked like some kind of government building, like a city hall. She landed quickly, folding her wings and shivering a little as a cold wind blew over them. She had a loose white-gray robe on, which did not do much against the cold. After all, she was the demon of wind, not the temperature.

Sitting down on the ledge, Zoe crossed her legs and arms and looked at the boy. He was, most obviously, 'freaking out' as he would probably have put it. Zoe had to admit, she wasn't very surprised. She supposed it wasn't every day that you got rescued by a winged girl who hatched from an egg you found... "What's your name? I'm Zoe Nightshade, the demon of wind. You are my guardian, and it's my duty to train you against the coming danger. They call themselves the Cirens, and really just want you dead so they can destroy the world and rule over everything." No one could say she didn't cut right to the point. Besides! She wanted to get around to kicking some evil Ciren butt! She could take them any day. Except, well, her guardian looked more apt to have a heart attack then anything else.


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Walking out of the locker room Caleb noticed a few of the bigger guys from school. "Aw great just what I need" he said "that and i need to stop talking out loud" Caleb said keeping his head down. Then he noticed he left his cards in his locker. Running back to the locker room Caleb bumped into one of the guys from earlier. "Look what we have here boys." yelled the one Caleb bumped into. "we go a little nerd wanting run in the pool, Maybe we should show him what could happen" he started to chuckle. "Hey just let me by okay guys no trou..." Caleb said getting cut off by being lifted and thrown through the air. Next all he felt was the rush of water and air bubbles. i hope the egg is okay was all that went through Caleb mind as he clutched his shoulder bag tighter.


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That was weird. A winged women flying away carrying that red head. I couldn't decide whether the egg or the flying women was weirder. Eh. I went to my bike and wondered what to do. Hmmm. I got on my bike and rode it around the school seeing if William or any other friends were still at school. Sadly they weren't so I went on the road and rode home. I always waited about five to ten minutes before leaving school so the road wasn't as crowded with cars. Once I made it home I went to my room and put the egg down. If my parents saw this I'd be dead. I put the egg on my bed and put my covers on it and some pillows around it so it didn't look so weird. I left the room and watched TV.


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Misterre sighed from within her egg. It was small, much too small for a demon of her stature to be inside of, but all the same, she wiggled a small bit to readjust herself. She had been in a similar position to this during the war, so being in small spaces didn't bother her too much. She just didn't like being in small spaces. She let her thoughts wander to her younger siblings and her parents. What had happened to them? Were they killed in the war? Were they living somewhere peacefully? Did they miss her?

Her thoughts were ended as her egg wiggled. So she was finally found, eh? Well, the sooner she could get out, the better. She needed to get out of this egg one way or another, and she couldn't unless the guardian was in danger or she was exposed to her dear element, water. How she missed being able to swim without a care in the world. She was moved to an even darker space and jostled some more. This was becoming tiresome, and she wanted out. Dear ice, how she wanted out.

She heard a commotion, but couldn't quite make out the words. It was all muffled by whatever she was inside. Soon enough, her egg disintergrated and became one with the water as she broke free, swimming deep within the blue liquid before coming back for air, using her hair and fins as a cover for her body.

"You there. You're the one that freed me, are you not? Well, you certainly don't look like much. I'm Misterre, demon of water and a child of the Western Tribe. You must be the guardian of water. I'm only here to help train you to stop the impending doom coming after the world. Cirens." Misterre stopped, her eyes turning cold as she slipped further into the water and allowed this boy some time to think of a proper response.


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Kaori moved around in her tiny egg. She tried to get comfortable. She felt so cramped. Her chest was to big to fit in a small egg like the one she was in. The temperature in the egg was starting to get warm. I was bothering her. She couldn't stop complaining in her mind. Where am I? When will I be found and put on the grass or the nice dirt ground. Oh how I miss it! This is so stupid! I just want to get out. I want to breath the fresh air and I want to fell the soft grass between my fingers. Also I'm starving.

She wiggled around once more. Then out of no where she turned upside down and she started to fall. She braced herself. When it hit the ground a few seconds later she started to have a massive headache. Well guess I'm still not on the ground of the earth. Tears started rolling down her cheeks. Why must this happen she asked herself.


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Caleb was speechless. A beautiful girl similar to a mermaid and was talking to him. She called herself Misterre and said we were part of an effort to save the world. and Most of all she was talking to HIM. No girl talks to him with out making fun of him. The only thing he could say was "Am I Dreaming this can't be real" still looking over Misterre with awe and wonder. "This can't be real" Caleb kept saying letting the shock of all this to get to him. But at least pulling himself out of the pull himself out the pool to dry off a little.


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After watching TV for a good hour or so I went to my room to go on my computer. When I walked in the egg was on the ground upside down. The only thought came in my head was 'WHAT THE? HOW DID?' My mom came walking to my room. Wonderful I don't have anything to hide just come in. Yeah right. I grabbed the egg and stuffed it in my bag. My mom came in. "Mizuumi for the last time can you clean up after yourself?" She looked at my bed and sighed. "And you didn't even make your bed. The sheets and pillows are messed up. If you don't finish them your grounded!" My mom yelled. "Also don't forget about about you asking me to go to an all nighter in the woods." She tossed me bug spray and some chocolate. "Mmm, chocolate." I reach for the bag but my mom slapped my hand. "Only on the trip. And don't eat it before you guys start." She left the room. Thankfully the egg was safe. Eh more or less. I made my bed and grabbed my bag. I ran over to William's house to pick him up to meet with my friends. Of course he had another excuse: "My bike is still broken I need yours." He asked. "Don't you have your own bike. Plus the chocolate will melt if we don't get there." I replied though I had a cold pack in my backpack next to the egg and sleeping bag. He got on his bike and we went to the woods. It was almost night when we got there. Still bright but it was about to be sunset. I put down my bag and set out my sleeping bag. Now the question was what about the egg. From what I learned eggs need warmth to hatch. Eh. I hid the egg inside my sleeping bag and looked where Khora and D would be. I soon heard Khora yelp. No surprise. I looked in the direction and saw they hauling a log here. I walked over and found the problem. Khora stepped on an ant nest and a few ants went up his leg. I took his job as he yelled at William "Where's the chocolate?" I hurried with D to move the log up to the campsite and found Khora about to eat the chocolate. I hit him over the head and put the chocolate back in the cool pack. "I said none until morning." I take a piece off and eat it. "Why do you get some?" Khora says glaring at me. "I love chocolate. Plus I brought it." I reply. We all talk about how school is and everything that we could think of. Until around night we ran out of things to talk about and decided to go to bed. I go in my sleeping bag forgetting about the egg. I act like I am asleep until they are and get out carrying the egg. I find a few rocks, grass, and sticks. Perfect. I make a sort of nest to hold it and put my bag around it to make sure it doesn't fall. I don't want egg all over the area when I wake up. I go to my sleeping bag and get in. Khora is snoring which annoys me and keeps me up a few minutes until I finally go to sleep.


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Kaori felt her egg wiggling and she felt like a whole new her. She thought. "Omg am I going to be free. YES!" She popped out of the egg slowly. Then the egg shell disintegrated. She came out in the cold with only a little lace around her body parts. She stretched around and saw the boy that carried her around. She could tell because he just fell asleep. She thought maybe he made the little house for her egg. She then knew. Her gut told her. Her teeth started chattering as she noticed the sky was dark and a cold breeze was flowing in. She couldn't find any other clothes so she just stayed in the see through cloth. She then decided the only way to get warm was to be in that bag her guardian was in. She snuggled in with him and hugged him. She closed her eyes and dozed off. She was tired of being in the egg. The warmness of the boy comfort her so she felt safe.


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As I slept I felt like I was being chained by two warm chains. I looked around in my dream and saw someone being stabbed in the back with some sort of large blade. His body was bloody. Eh not the first time I had one of these dreams. My dream then faded away and I dreamed about flying around the sky. I hate when these dreams happen because the only thing on my mind is me thinking: Weeeeeeee! Yeah like I want people to know that. Again the warm chains are around me. Stupid chains! I finally appear in the campsite and see Khora eating the candy. Yeah right! Over my dead body. If he was doing that right now I'd kill him. No one sneaks my candy! The dream faded and I woke up. The "chains" were still around me. I looked and there were arms around me. WHAT! I looked and saw a women hugging me. WHAT! My egg was gone. WHAT! I flung myself out of the sleeping bag trying not to make to much noise. The worst I did was make Khora stop snoring for a second. Sadly he continued. I looked at the girl still going: WHAT! in my mind for so many reasons. One: What girl wants to get in a sleeping bag with me? Two: Why was she hugging me? Three: AND THREE! What happened to my egg?!?! I dragged her out of the sleeping bag and a little deeper in the forest so they can't hear us. I cover my mouth and look at the ground. Did I just see...? "Alright who are you and why are you in my sleeping bag. Why were you hugging me?"


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Kaori started to wake up and had the feeling of being dragged. She spoke in a whisper," Wheres that warm bag thingy?" She looked up to the boy she laid with in the bag. She smiled at him while rubbing her eyes,"HI Guardian! Or master whatever you want me to call you." She started to stand up.

"Alright who are you and why are you in my sleeping bag. Why were you hugging me?" Kaori looked at him in confusion. "Because I was cold silly! I was hugging you because your my master and you were warm. She smiled. Kaori then noticed her guardian looking at her body with wide eyes. She looked down and noticed that her lace that covered her private areas were completely torn from being dragged. She put on arm in front of her chest and the other down by her waist in panic. "GAH! Master do you have something I can wear?!"


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"This is real, all too real." Misterre shook her head, swimming to the edge. As much as she enjoyed being able to swim, she had a job she needed to do. She could find peace in swimming later. Right now, there was a more important task at hand. "Now, if you wouldn't mind, it's getting late and I need something to wear." Her tone was somewhat demanding, somewhat suggesting. It was a soft tone that she had picked up by raising her siblings, the one parents use when they say 'you need to clean your room' or 'the nightmare wasn't real.'


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Master? Guardian? What does she mean about that? "GAH! Master do you have something I can wear?!" Oh great she doesn't have anything to wear and it will only be one more hour until my friends wake up. "Uhh I think I have something." I tell her. I then take off my jacket and give it to her. "Sorry that's all I have. Just don't follow me back to the camp. I will be back later." I walk off. God it is cold. I make it back to the camp and wake everyone up. Khora grabs the chocolate and eats a few pieces. William doesn't eat it. D just stays asleep. I grab the chocolate and put it away. Everyone goes on their bike as I put away my sleeping bag and other things. They leave. I run back into the woods where the women was. "Alright I think I can get you some clothes at my house from my sister's room." I bring her over to my bike and ride home. Once there I hide her near the house. "Alright stay here." I run into my house.


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Kaori was amazed she loved the jacket. She kept zipping the zipper up and down which kept flashing her master. She rode on a bike which was really fun for her. Fro some reason she felt stupid. Because everything was new or something else. She didn't know. She lost her brain and her memory after leaving the egg. She only remembered her power. Her master and what he was. Lastly what she came to earth to do. Kaori got bored and tired of standing and made a little chair out of rock. Her gut told her that there was rock under the dirt she was standing on. She summoned a slab of rock that stood up straight. She then summoned another slab to be the seat part. She sat down and swung her legs back and forth waiting for her guardian to come back.


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My sister was walking the dog. Good. Now I could get in and grab the clothes. I walk into my sister's room and open the closet and grab some clothes. I run over to where I left her and find her sitting in a rock seat. Weird. I throw the clothes to her and look away. "That's all I could get. I will need my jacket back." I wait for her to put the clothes on and take my jacket. "Alright what do you mean by Guardian and that I'm your master?"

(idk what you'd want to wear so you say what it was)


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Her guardian threw her a nice little skirt and I nice tang top. She changed into it and looked at her master. "Thank you master!" Kaori then listened to her guardian and what he had to ask.

"Alright what do you mean by Guardian and that I'm your master?" Kaori replied to him in a happy tone and with a smile," Well silly you had the egg right. Then I hatched and now I'm here with you. I'm supposed to protect you from those stupid Cyrens. So I guess you would call me guardian." She giggled and awaited for her master to reply.


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Listening to the almost motherly tone from Misterre. "Okay I think I am coming out shock" Caleb said then looking over Misterre again "Oh ya probably should have thought of clothes" Caleb thought for a moment. "Ummmm i can get you shorts but the shirt may be difficult. I guess you can use mine if your okay with that." Caleb said thinking of what he could. then looking at his shirt relized it was soaked. "Well if you donn't mind its wet" i guess its a good thing i wore black not white today Caleb thought catching himself looking at Misterre's breasts.


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SHE WHAT? "You... hatched out of the egg? That's creepy. And Cyrens? What are those?" Well that tops EVERYTHING on my list of weird things. Mental note: Never talk to women who hatch out of eggs. I stared at her and poked her arm. "You came out of an egg and look like that in a few hours?"


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Kaori giggled at her master funny comment," No silly I looked like this the whole time. I'm a demon." Kaori smiled and laughed. "Also Cirens are evil enemies of demons. They want to rule the world so they will kill you. But then you found me and now I will protect you. If its the last thing I do!" She threw her fist in the air. She chuckled then looked at her master again," There's many demons too. I'm the Earth one. See the chair I made that. Also whats your name master? I'm Kaori Misana!" She smiled sweetly at her nameless master.


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Demon? Weird. Though maybe that winged women from yesterday would explain it. "Kaori..." I said quietly. "I am Mizuumi Kurayami. What do you mean by... demon. Aren't they evil?" A demon is suppose to be an evil being. "Also how am I your master?"


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"Yes, yes my boobs look great. Now that we have established that, a wet shirt will do. Like I said, I'm a demon of water. I feel most at home in the water, whether it's rain or a river." Misterre shook her head and sunk lower into the water. She yawned childishly. Despite being mature for her age, she still got tired easily and had been up inside that cramped egg for too long. Suddenly, she rememberedn something.

"How old are you anyway?" Good question to, at least, start getting to know each other. They would be partners until the cirens were beaten, might as well get to know each other.


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Caleb turned bright red relizing she noticed that he was looking. "I'm 15 how old are you susposed to be Misterre? do you want to wait here or come with to get those shorts. Don't know which is better." Caleb said finally getting control of himself and getting out of the pool. Looking around for the guys who threw him in before offering a hand to Misterre.

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Earth. by Jadebud98


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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Caleb Latham
0 sightings Caleb Latham played by Axel4win
My Color is Blue, The color of Decption and Trickery. The color of Water

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in My Demon Accomplice! Precusor. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 21 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Misterre Acquel
Character Portrait: Mizuumi Kurayami
Character Portrait: Airi Lovelace.
Character Portrait: Lucas Cline.


Character Portrait: Lucas Cline.
Lucas Cline.

I know all.

Character Portrait: Airi Lovelace.
Airi Lovelace.

You love me I love you not.

Character Portrait: Mizuumi Kurayami
Mizuumi Kurayami

The Earth we walk on. Is the playground for me.

Character Portrait: Misterre Acquel
Misterre Acquel

Yeah, yeah, just because I'm water means I'm not allowed to have a temper. Well ve.


Character Portrait: Mizuumi Kurayami
Mizuumi Kurayami

The Earth we walk on. Is the playground for me.

Character Portrait: Airi Lovelace.
Airi Lovelace.

You love me I love you not.

Character Portrait: Lucas Cline.
Lucas Cline.

I know all.

Character Portrait: Misterre Acquel
Misterre Acquel

Yeah, yeah, just because I'm water means I'm not allowed to have a temper. Well ve.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mizuumi Kurayami
Mizuumi Kurayami

The Earth we walk on. Is the playground for me.

Character Portrait: Misterre Acquel
Misterre Acquel

Yeah, yeah, just because I'm water means I'm not allowed to have a temper. Well ve.

Character Portrait: Lucas Cline.
Lucas Cline.

I know all.

Character Portrait: Airi Lovelace.
Airi Lovelace.

You love me I love you not.

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » My Demon Accomplice! Precusor: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in My Demon Accomplice! Precusor

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!


No one told me my character had been accepted! Jeez... Well, if you guys still need a fire char for the new game you can hit me up.

...Looking back at the character sheet... I think I made him too depressed... >.<

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

Hey i will wait till 9pm Wensday Pacific time for all reservations from this game before i accept other players. Just so you guys all know. the link is above or below based on which window you are using

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

There is the address for the new RP. I set Tabris, Maci and Jade as Co-Gms
I will have reserved spots updated later tonight

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

i will do it real quick i will go through the ooc here and find reservations that people wanted

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

I can't really remake this at the moment since I have a lot of other things going on, one of you lot feel free to make it though.

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

ummmm Can some one post the link to the Third Remake to this so i can join

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

Everyone abandoned this. Maci did. Well make the 2nd remake of this.

R.I.P My Demon Accomplice 2

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

I'll remake it. I have a few things to sort out before I do but i'll post it up within the hour. Well. Within the next hour.

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

This RIP is either dead or seriously dying. Now what will happen?

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

Haha, Tabby... I'll probably join if you remake. I like the idea and it would be interesting if we start, y'know? I'd probably take wind demon, again.

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

Aj I must admit I do love him. I wonder if Maci will be joining up again. If not someone else has to deal with him. :P

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

He is the... good... annoying.

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

Of course you can have those characters, I want to use Mithos again lol. If you guys don't mind I know how annoying he was :P I'll try and make the Cirens more appealing too.

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

if you end up doing that would you complain if i just resubmitted my character? water gaurdian and all? if not just reserve water demon for me. i just hope it doesn't come to that though

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

That will sound good. But I want you to make Cirens more appealing to choice. No one wanted to be a Ciren for this. I would like to reserve Fire Guardian if this RP dies.

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

Ugh I hate to see you guys flail. If you are wanting to continue this RP then I shall remake it myself when I get back. How does that sound? I'll even take on a few Ciren roles. ^^

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

why would you need to pm me and Feathers?

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

Yeah tell her. Also we should PM the water people.

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

It's hard to say whether this thing is dying or not. I know a few of the people on here still get on, but a lot of people don't... Like the person who controls the Cirens, for one. ^^ So yeah, it's hard to say. I know Maci on a lot of other role plays, if you want me to yell at her...? ^^ (I've heard she's kind of busy recently, but she likes this enough so she'll probably check it out)

Re: [OOC] My Demon Accomplice!

Is this RP slowly dying? Please don't let this RP die.
