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A scholar from below.

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a character in “Nomad Clan”, as played by Zalgo


"I seek not power nor glory nor love, simply enlightenment."

Name: Thessir from the Downder.
Sex: Male.
Age: 29.

Physical Description: He is the sort that definitely sticks out in the Qafar Desert. As is standard for people from the Downder his skin is almost completely void of melanin and his irides are nearly twice the size of what would be considered normal by any other clan. The enlarged pupils make most of the eye save the sclera appear black.

Aside from his racial traits he is a rather thin wiry sort. Despite his small frame however he is quite strong. His muscles aren't very distinct, hiding the strength of his short slender body quite effectively. He has rather long fingers and toes as well though this detail is also typical for Downders.
Clothing: His typical fashion is long dark clothing with a big hat. Though the heat is great he prefers to keep covered so his sensitive skin doesn't get burnt. He carries a lot of supplies for his travels in a big traveling backpack.
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Skin Colour: Pale White.
Hair Colour: Black.
Eye Colour: Dark Grey.

Occupation: Alchemist.

Thessir was born to a family of silk farmers, people who farm a small type of spider known for it's ability to cooperate with other spiders to spin massive webs. He did not see the life of a silk farmer as the life for him however. He was more intellectually inclined, fascinated by the wonders of Downder. When he was old enough he sought to enter apprenticeship under an alchemist. Though his family were reluctant he was granted permission to study under an alchemist.

For years he studied all sorts of fascinating subjects. From ores and the properties of various gems to fungi and subterranean roots he developed a wide breadth of knowledge. He was a keen learner and definitely earned his way to becoming an alchemist himself when the time was right.

While attending a mining trip as he was looking for a particular mushroom which was known to grow in the area the miners opened a passage which revealed an ancient cavern. Within the cavern the remains of a city long buried sat preserved from the wages of time. This discovery thrilled Thessir. It was the remains of some long forgotten civilization, a mystery ravelled in mysteries all just waiting to be discovered. Before he could go down and investigate however a swarm of creatures emerged from the opening, clearly vexed by the disturbance in their home. Bats larger than men, spiders that were larger than the bats and all other sorts of nasty beasts attacked the miners and him.

They fought off the swarm but were forced to retreat. The Mining Overseer gave the order to have the passage collapsed much to Thessir's dismay. With the passage sealed the creatures were stopped but at the same time the way to the city was now blocked. Later Thessir appealed to the High Decider to open the way again so he can take an expedition down to the city but was denied permission on account of the dangers the beasts posed should they come up from the mines. That passage was then declared off limits and sealed with a large metal cap just in case the rocks ever gave way.

Inside the Downder there are no seasons, only cycles of paint. When such a time came as per tradition the one to go and reapply the sigils was chosen in a meeting of the alchemists and the High Decider. It was decided that it was Thessir's turn to undertake the ritual. Humbly accepting this sacred responsibility he set out alone to perform his task just as the first alchemist did all the way back when the paint was first discovered.

It should of been simple. Thessir had already applied three of the sigils, one for each corner of the cavern their city rested within. As he finished painting the forth sigil however there was a tremor. An explosion had been set off by outsiders down at the base of the mountain, folks who sought to try and forcefully carve their way through the mountain. Unfortunately for both them and Thessir the largest mountain of Bola Brisk doesn't yield easily to such simple tricks. Instead of an opening the passage was collapsed, crushing the trespassers and dropping Thessir in amongst the falling rocks.

It was through amazing luck that he survived the fall. Despite not being crushed by any of the falling rocks however the way back was barred from him by the large impassible rubble. With the only direction for him to go being forward he pressed on, trekking through unknown tunnels until he emerged into the world beyond.

It was night when he left the containment of the mountain. It was an alien experience for him, the sensation of standing with nothing but the blackness of the moonlit night sky above him causing some unease. While the change might of been somewhat off-putting and a little frightening he was also fascinated. To see so much in such little time was quite a rush. It was hard for his mind to keep up with the list of revelations simply seeing the outside brought. In addition to all that however was an element of panic.

As much as he would of liked to have returned to make sure the sigils were secure as well as to share his experiences with the other alchemists there was also the legend that all who left the safety of the sigils would be devoured by Scarmouth. He had yet to see it but he was in a hurry to not wait around and find out. With haste he fled from the mountains into the rocky wastes beyond. Over snowy cliffs with scarce plant life he easily traversed the land, finding the night to be bright like the day was for other clans.

From then on he's been traveling from settlement to settlement, offering his expertise in exchange for supplies. He typically travels by night, sleeping during the day as the vexingly bright sunlight would make it difficult to see and almost certainly burn his skin. While Bola Brisk has little sunlight making the land ideal for travel he's not one to stick to any one place for too long. He's always been fascinated with the old world and this was an unexpected opportunity to pursue other locations where similar cities might remain. In the meanwhile he's always happy to learn something new.

Home Town: Downder.
Native Clan: Downders.
Population: 162.
Settlements: Downder.
Location: Bola Brisk, The Qafar Desert.

They are a detached few, those who dwell within the mountain. These people have lived inside the deep caverns for longer than their history texts reach. They have positively no contact with the outside world due to the dangers the creatures who also call the cave home. While some outsiders have tried in the past to brave the tunnels in hopes of seeking passage through the mountains to see the lands beyond none of them have lived to speak of what lay within.

The most notable of beasts that live within the mountain is the dreaded wirm Scarmouth. This beast is a massive worm-like creature which tunnels through the earth by secreting a powerful acid which breaks down the stone ahead of it. As it's large enough to swallow entire villages in one bite, is several miles long and covered in enormous plates of chitin which form in flat rings around it's body, each one snugly overlapping the next so as to not let anything in between them, the idea of slaying it is rarely proposed and even more rarely ever taken seriously. Adding to it's lethality is also the fact that a wirm can expel from it's mouth almost it's entire weight in acid like a geyser of destruction.

They have a way of protecting themselves from the great wirm however. Their alchemists have passed along the recipe to this special concoction for countless generations, a concoction for a special glowing yellow paint which wards it away. Little is understood as to why this paint keeps wirms away but they use it nonetheless as it is what keeps their humble clan from complete destruction. Every ten months they hold a ritual for their reapplication of the paint.

As far as leadership is concerned theirs is none too complicated. They have what they call the High Decider, a person who passes judgement and makes choices regarding most issues within the clan. As their clan is fairly small this task is not too difficult though often the choices require wise consideration and stern resolve. Each other division of labor is overseen by the Overseers, those elected by the High Decider to Oversee any given group's task based on their specialty. When the High Decider dies and another one hasn't already been chosen then the last person to apply the sacred paint is made the new High Decider.

Downders, named of course after the Downder cavern in which they reside, are quite unlike most peoples in that having lived without any form of sunlight whilst subsisting mostly off moss and bat meat has changed them. Practically all Downders are able to climb with veritable ease as going anywhere pretty much requires climbing. Their eyes are strange and wide in order to pick up on faint sources of light. This allows them to see in nearly complete darkness. Their skin is completely white as there is no need for melanin when there is no sunlight.

The caverns which they live within are truly marvelous, unfathomably rich in all sorts of minerals. The underground river upon which their village resides upon is partly responsible for shaping most of these networks of caverns, making massive and spectacular caverns out of truly gargantuan veins of gemstones. This has led this clan to develop a superior knowledge of the uses one can make of gems. While in some fields their technology is woefully undernourished as a result of their isolation from the world in general when it comes to things taken from the earth they are well ahead of other clans in such branches of knowledge.


Being from a clan completely isolated from all others it is natural for others to find him rather strange.

At first he can come off as quite creepy. He only travels by night and his large eyes which are as dark as the pits of the Shattered Earth seem to always be analyzing people not unlike how a crow would. He speaks with a soft voice and seems to accompany his words with gestures, talking with his hands as some might put it. As he is quite foreign his speech can come off as stilted since most languages are quite new for him making his accent quite thick. Not used to the customs most clans have grown to accept over the years he can come across as a very awkward individual in general.

Beneath his eerie appearance and quirky behavior he is a scholar at heart. He learns very quickly and enjoys every minute he spends doing so. When talking about something he possesses a real interest in he can be very enthusiastic. He enjoys reading, able to lose himself in rich texts with ease. With others he does try to get along despite how different he might be. When he's not on a spiel about a topic of interest he can be a real good listener. He doesn't mind helping people out and generally spreading good will on his journey to find lost civilizations.

That is not to say there aren't things that bother him. He finds animals often strange and intimidating since most creatures from the caves were nothing short of deadly. Bright lights hurt his eyes which he primarily travels by night. He dislikes violence though he is not above applying it at a moment's notice as hesitance was often rewarded with death back in Downder. He can be quite reckless at times, seeing the pursuit of knowledge first and the threat of possible dangers second. Ignorance and blatant disrespect towards fields he finds interesting irritate him greatly. He finds the company of those who would dismiss the intellectual quite burdensome.

Fears and Desires:

He finds the sky to be mildly disconcerting and animals are somewhat intimidating as well. Perhaps his greatest fear however is the loss of knowledge, the greater the knowledge the greater his fear.

He is truly a fan of new experiences, especially good food. As the food in the caverns consisted mostly of bat meat, mushrooms and moss the sheer variety of food from the lands beyond are simply astounding for him. His greatest hunger however is his desire for knowledge. Learning is in and of itself a virtue to him. He seeks to learn more of the ancient civilizations which precede him most of all. With so much to see and so much to know it's hard for him to contain his excitement.

Equipment and Weapons:

First to note is his clothing. His clothes, including his jacket and hat, are spun from spider silk. This silk is spectacularly comfortable, breathes easy and is very difficult to tear. This makes it excellent travel wear and rather effective light armor as well. Another interesting detail is that unknown to many spider silk is highly resistant to burning as well making his garments mostly flame proof.

He carries along a set of camping supplies such as a tent, a sheet to sleep under and a pot with a ladle to cook in. He also carries a special stone which sends out showers of sparks when struck hard.

His more miscellaneous supplies include books; maps; alchemic recipe scrolls; ingredients; alchemic tools; vials; a compass and a watch.

Lastly as a weapon Thessir has his trusty blunderbuss or as he calls it his shrapnel pipe. Though it might not be the most accurate of weapons it's convenient as it can shoot nearly anything loaded in it's barrel, cutting down on ammunition worries. Along with it he carries a rather hefty sack of Explode Powder as he calls it, his own special brew of powder which he loads through the muzzle before he loads the shot. It packs a real punch though it's recoil is also fairly strong.

He also possesses a dagger crafted from wirmshale, a type of rock which lines the wirm tunnels. As a result of the acid this stone is what's left of the stone that was turned into acid, pressed flat by a wirm's enormous body. This rock is extremely hard and it breaks apart into extremely thin, sharp fragments. While not ideal for longer weapons in need of flexibility and difficult to shape this type of stone makes for wickedly sharp cutting tools that hardly ever need sharpening. While the dagger's intended purpose was for utility in a pinch it can serve as an exceptionally effective weapon up close.

Styles and Abilities: He can see in nearly pitch black darkness and can climb and navigate rocky terrain exceptionally well. For combat he's learned mostly from first hand experience fighting cave beasts though in recent years he hasn't been exempt from being tested by the occasional bandit.

So begins...

Thessir's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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#, as written by Zalgo
"He said something about an airship coming for him?" The woman mentioned when questioned as to what the wetlander was speaking about. "From over there. I think he called it the leviathan and he said it would be here within the hour."

Interesting. He contemplated about what she said. He was not overly familiar with the means by which these people kept their time since he was from Downder where there was no day or night and he spent most of his time beyond in Bola Brisk, a place with little sunlight in between all the frozen storms. The hour sounded soon however. If the airship was so close wouldn't it be visible? He'd have to find someplace high up and see for himself.

"I'm sorry but I didn't ask about the nomad clan he was seeking." The woman apologized in response to his question. It was strange to apologize given what he had asked. It just didn't seem to add up. Though understandable as she wasn't very well informed in regards to the nomad clan in question it didn't mean they couldn't find the answer from someone.

"Someone knows more. Proposal to ask-" He was interrupted as some other strange characters involved chimed in on their thoughts on her idea to break the wetlander free. Indeed, it seemed as though this was a rather careful group given their considerations. Before he could continue on with trying his hand at solving the riddle of the frantic wetlander the woman grew more and more distressed until eventually she fled away from the market, vanishing within the crowd.

He was already confused and the pain in his eyes was starting to spread back into his brain now. He wanted to move forward, not be stuck in a rut with a group of unmotivated strangers. Opting for some action he waved over the woman of blue garb with the rare bracelets and started moving in the direction they had taken the wetlander.

On his way however his eyes caught the tell-tale glimmer of gold along the ground. It was a golden statue halfway buried in a patch of mud along the ground. He was quite surprised. People generally don't find miniature statues wrought from valuable metals left laying about where boots tread. He looked over the statue carefully like a crow would with any shiny new acquisition. It was a figure of an effeminate person of some sort with letters etched up along a side in a language he had yet to learn to read.

"Fascinating. I am of wondering of where the statue was made. Perhaps wetlander knows." He spoke to the woman who's necklace he was still holding onto. He still had full intentions of finishing his job but right now there was neither the time nor the place for that. Most of his best work was done at night anyways. As he walked towards the cage where the wetlander was he looked back to check if the woman in blue was still following before turning his attention back towards the wetlander as he approached.

"Stranger of the wet lands, I presume this is yours?" He presented the idol before the wetland man stuck in the cage. His hat obscured the upper half of his face, leaving only a strange pale grin set in a rather short standing figure of dark clothes before the cage of bone. The concealment of his face was not intentional of course, just the result of him trying to block as much of the sun as he was physically capable of. Nonetheless it was suffice to say he did not appear as an immediately trustworthy looking character.

"Perhaps you might speak of the clan you seek. Your movement is blocked but mine is free. You do seek them, correct?" Although his understanding of the language was remarkably good for how little time he's had to learn it there was still something left to be desired when it came to getting his point across clearly. Though he'd much rather be reading ancient writings scrawled upon forgotten temples speaking was without a doubt necessary. He just needed to master the vast differences between his people's method of communication and the outlander's methods.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Thessir
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Aisha found it unfortunate that so few people were willing to show compassion enough to allow the poor man a chance. It almost broke her heart to see the guard so close to tears. Although rationality was to be prized, nobody ever liked having their intelligence insulted. A lack of care once again brought strife to the world. Perhaps it was still going to be a while until the true Change could be accomplished, but that only meant that Aisha was going to have to work harder.

The man whom of which held her necklace was motioning for her to follow, which Aisha complied to, not sure exactly to the reason why, but when somebody required something of her, Aisha could almost never refuse. Refusing to help is purely selfish. The both of them approached the statue which had been dropped upon the ground.

He spoke, "Fascinating. I am of wondering of where the statue was made. Perhaps wetlander knows." Aisha nodded, before adding, "I believe I saw him drop it in his struggle. The correct thing to do would be to return it." Together, the two approached the Wetlander and began to question him. Aisha crossed her arms and examined the man with care. She added, "Please, sir, we only wish to help you. It is good to help those in need."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Thessir
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Elise watched the Bazaar from her window, wishing she didn't need new equipment. "Maybe when the sun starts to go down, there will be fewer people..." She sighed, knowing all too well that once the sun set, more people would be interested in partying and not selling their wares. Deciding she couldn't delay any further she gathered the small amount of money and spare crystals she had lying on a side table and made her way downstairs. "Stop them!" She heard after opening the door. She peeked out from behind a startled shopper and saw the red bodies scurry up the street. "What the..." She started, narrowing avoiding the elbow of an overly excited woman who tried to push past Elise and into her home. "Move child!" She cried, trying to push Elise, "Hey, hey! It's fine, stop!" Elsie finally managed to shut her door behind her, pushing the woman to the side.

She walked down the street, looking for any vendors that might sell leather goods. She haggled with a middle-aged woman for a new messenger style bag. She slipped it over her shoulder and continued her search for a larger canteen, which she was given for free from a less than reputable man, who told her to come back whenever she felt like getting a proper husband. "Well, that's enough to make me want to not deal with anyone else..." She started, opening the door to a familiar bar, full of unfamiliar faces. She sat down away from the group that seemed to be meeting over something quite important. "Rough day, Elise?" A young waitress asked, putting a colorful drink before her. Elsie drank deeply, the alcohol burning her throat as she put the glass back on the wooden bar, where another drink awaited her. "Not really, Pearl," She started, looking over her shoulder at the Cowboy who seemed way too interested in less than moral women. "I'm leaving, tomorrow." She smiled, draining the second glass.

"You're joking?!" Pearl gasped, reaching for an empty glass, ready to get Elise drunk so she could convince her to stay. Elise nodded, "Yeah, I'm been thinking about it for a while now, and well, tomorrow just feels right!" She chuckled, already feeling the first two drinks. Pearl poured them each a water and the girls drank silently until Pearl was called over to a table occupied by foreigners. "Well, I know I can't stop you, but please come and visit!" Pearl patted Elise's hand before heading to her new table.

Elise headed outside into the cooler evening air. The streets were littered with people looking to eat, and drink the night away. She meandered down the road, kicking a small rock as she headed home for what would be her last night in Dol-Duna when she heard a commotion. She looked down an alley and saw a few interestingly dressed people surrounding a man in a cage. One woman wore clothing similar to her own but adorned with the tell-tale markings of the Creed, a religious sect from their shared Clan. Elise didn't follow the Creed, but then not many people did.

She made her way over to where the small crowd had gathered and listened while they seemed to question the caged man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nulix
Skullivan was stretching apart the wooden bars, damaged by Sören's touch, of his cage violently when a strange, pale man approached him. The Traitor released the bars, letting them snap shut again. "Is there something I can help you, skippy?" Skullivan questioned, leaning his body over the bars and hanging over Thessir's smaller form. "Can I help you or are you here to harass me?"

Skullivan glared at Thessir as he began to ask about the Nomad Clan, "The Naima Clan. The Naima Nomad Clan. I need to find them," The Wetland Traitor hissed. Skullivan rose an eyebrow as a woman approached next to Thessir. "Trust me. You'll want me to find them too."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Thessir
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"This is the second time I've heard mention of them, wetlander," Uluru replied, approaching the prisoner finally, having gone off to do other business in Dol-Duna for a bit before returning to the scene of the foreigner's arrival. "I've asked around and no one can seem to tell me much about them. The one guy who seemed to know anything didn't seem to hold them in high regard. So what's so important about them, kid?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Thessir
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#, as written by Nulix
"The Naima are experts on the Change. You know the Change, right? You're aware of the Change?" Skullivan glared out intensely. "The Naima almost found it... they were just missing a few pieces." Skullivan swallowed, spotting Ka'Wa in the back of the group that had gathered at his cage. "A threat is coming, you want to save this village? You have to get me to that Nomad Clan."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Thessir
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"I'd rather just get out of this village if it's all the same to you," Uluru shrugged slightly. "If I want information on the Naima Nomads, all I have to do is ask them myself. As it stands, I'm not sure I trust you to keep your word," Uluru stated, turning around to male his leave. "The Change, huh? Thought it just a legend..." he muttered as he made his way past a large stand, newly set up stand, selling fruit to eager customers who had a beef with Skullivan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Thessir
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"If I may interject," Aisha interjected, "The Naima Clan, the Change... I'm sorry sir, but, you're sorely mistaken. It's a forgivable mistake, but, it's a dangerous one as well. You see, the Naima Clan, they are complete fabulists. Deceivers. Liars. They are false leaders." Aisha cleared her throat and began to explain.

"As you know, it is a common belief among us all in the desert, and I guess among you Wetlanders as well, that the Change is... somewhere, something external, some big miracle that's somehow going to make our lives better. It is the biggest source of hope among us all, who live such troubled lives in such a harsh world. However, hope is a potent drug, and although drugs may heal, when taken in the wrong doses, they prove to seriously harm and become fatal to us. So many souls have been lost to the chasing of a legend—a myth! The biggest fools were the Naima Clan. They were fabled to be the closest to finding the Change, which led them to be honored by all. That proved to be a huge mistake. Thus, they were exiled from here, only to simply disappear, and nobody knows where they have gone. They're souls were most likely consumed by both the sand and their false hopes and resulting despair. To count on finding them is, too, a false hope."

"I understand if you're in denial, many are, for your beliefs are very difficult to shake, but please, don't despair either, for there is true hope, a true Change. It's not out there and the pieces who speak of are simply mental constructs or rumors spread to deliberately continue spreading the drug of which both the desperate and the foolish drink. The Change, my friend, is within you, as it is within us all. The correct thing to do would be to strive to achieve it within ourselves, through the principles of our Creed, through self-improvement and acceptance, and you will truly find peace within your heart."

"Please, I hope you all understand. I only wish to save every person I can. Good sir, I can save you from this prison, this prison of strife in your heart, if you're willing to trust me. If somebody seeks to harm you, I can try to help you. No, I will help you, for it is what I am trained to do, as it is my righteous duty. I know a place safe from whomever pursues you, and safe from your own anxiety. Just trust me." Aisha reached her hand out between the bars and offered it to the Wetlander, no, the innocent man who was trapped in there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Musa Grazing Bull Character Portrait: Xaverius Rusten
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#, as written by Nulix
The Wetlander Traitor stared at Aisha, wide-eyed at her proposition, and the hand she now offered him. But instead, of taking it, he slapped it - like some sort of high-five, before approaching the bars and standing over her. "In the Wetlands we don't... have your legends, we don't have the Change or whatever. I didn't even know much about it... until..." He swallowed, glancing up at Aisha - looking her in the eyes. "Until I found out it was real."

As Uluru walked away the stones as his feet began to rumble. A rotting apple shook off a stand and splattered onto his feet. Uluru grimaced, feeling the rotting apple juice seeping through his boats and trickling in between his toes. Skullivan grabbed hold of his wooden bars as they began to vibrate. "Oh no..." He whispered. "Oh no..."


In the Iron Bar the chairs began to vibrate, the glasses beginning to clatter. The bartender grabbed hold as a few bottles vibrated off his shelf and shattered on the earth-floor of the bar. "No! Do you know how valuable liquid is, how hard it is to get drink to Dol-Duna!" The bartender exclaimed as across the bar more drinks shattered off tables - but no one was listening. Instead people's eyes were to the windows, where the sunlight was blocked out.


Outside all eyes were off Skullivan's cage as above the rooftops a massive object covered the sky. Made of metal and machinery it was clear, but cleanly disguised in a way none in the Qafar had seen. Smooth black metal panels, glass windows, and a low-hum hung beneath a mile of armour-reinforced, triangular balloon. On the side, in thirty foot white letters were the words WETLANDER. This was their Leviathan Airship - and from the grounds of the bazaar, despite it flying only slightly above the rooftops, it was impossible to see the entire thing end to end.

The body of the black airship came to a halt atop the bazaar - the only sunlight coming in around it's gigantic form. It was nearly the length of Dol-Duna entirely. Suddenly dozens ladders flung down from all along the length of the airship, unravelling and hitting the ground. From the skies figures began to slide down toward the sandy town below. Black-uniformed soldiers, clean leather boots and gloves and helmets with silver design of a wave on them. On their backs massive rifles and swords with electrical static visible sparking off them. Once they hit the ground the soldiers would run to the sides of the bazaar, instantly blocking off entrance to the main-street.

From the centre of the airship a blast of air came out, a platform lowering from the belly of the beast. "Friends!" A loud, slightly smug voice called from the platform. In the centre was a man in a black uniform - though different from the soldiers that now surrounded the bar. Much more fanciful. The man had golden-brown hair combed back, squinting eyes, and a slightly smug smile. He had his hands behind his back as he descended. Two other figures stood behind him, but remained silent.

The platform reached the ground, at the entrance of the Iron Bar, where the terrified townsfolk backed away. The brown haired man stepped off the platform casually. "The Dol-Duna Summer Bazaar," He commented, stepping toward a stand and pulling a necklace of jewels off it. "Nice." He flicked it away, casually pulling a pistol out and swinging it around those present. "As you may have guessed we are from the Wetlands. I'm leading us into... your charming little desert. On behalf of our leaders," He began, looking around the bazaar. "And we are on the lookout for one man." One of the other's on the platform pulled out a small device, a red hologram of Skullivan's face lighting up on it.

"That man!" The man, seemingly the leader of the airship, spoke up. "Is a traitor. And a very dangerous criminal. And he's somewhere in your town, probably killing someone! I don't know!" The leader said, before turning away. "So, we are willing to offer fifty golden Wetland coins as reward for anyone who turns him in." On the platform behind him a chest of gold was opened - coins were worthless in the desert, each clan either trading or having their own system. But gold was gold, in any form.

The leader glanced back at the crowds. "We'll just keep our guards posted to make sure no one leaves until we get him. Sound fair?"

At the entrances the black Wetlander guards rose their electric rifles in unison, and by the cage where our heroes were camped out they would notice Skullivan vanished - the wooden bars that Sören had weakened now completely broken. The more watchful of the group may have noticed the tatters of his black uniform running off into an alley...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Musa Grazing Bull Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

The kid wasn't lying after all, Uluru soon discovered after the state of this grew all the more stranger much too quickly. Wetlanders. In a giant contraption, that without a doubt must've been the aforementioned airship. Decked in uniforms that Uluru had never before witnessed, the Wetlander seemed to be in search of that Skullivan character, who they claimed was a violent criminal. "That is a lot of gold..." Uluru whistled, eyeing the chest of riches. Coin may be a thing only fit for fairy tales, but gold was all too real.

But, if Skullivan knew about the did these Wetlanders, who he trusted even less. If the Skull's story really did check out, then the Naima Nomads may be in danger as well. "Guess my brief stay in Dol-Duna just got a whole lot shorter..." he sighed, shaking his head.

"Wetlanders!" Uluru called out. "I'll have your traitor, but you better make sure I'll have you keep your end of the deal!" He shouted, pointing to the treasure chest. "That golddamn gold!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Musa Grazing Bull Character Portrait: Xaverius Rusten
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nulix
The Wetland leader turned to Uluru - who had stepped forward from the crowd. "Sorry, who are you?" The leader questioned, glancing back at his soldiers. "Who is he?" The leader glanced at Uluru again before smiling. "You want the gold, cowboy, it's yours - for the man." The leader glanced up over the market, as several armoured characters in the crowd had pulled out their weapons and descended into shop entrances and side-streets - warriors and mercenaries attending the festival, obviously also on the hunt for Skullivan and the reward of gold. "Whoever brings him to us gets the prize. And we let your bizarre bazaar continue on."

The leader turned to Uluru before shooing him away with his pistol. "Go on. Fetch."


"Oh yeah, thanks," The soldier said, grabbing Rusten's drink and smashing it into the ground before kicking his table over, causing Xaverius and the other's he spoke to to raise. "WETLAND TRAITOR. HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?" The soldier yelled at Rusten as his comrades searched the bar. The barkeeper cried in the corner over his expensive drinks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

Elise was stunned by the sight of the airship, yet she couldn't deny the excitement it made her feel. She wondered what it must be like to fly above the desert. She shook her head, focusing on what the man had said about the Change. "So," She started before noticing the man was gone. "Wha...?" The other's around her grew restless. The gold offered by the Wetlanders meant nothing to her, but for those she stood near, it seemed to be tempting. Suddenly she felt the rush of wind as something flew overhead, "A sand ray?" She watched as the man jumped onto the beast's back and took off in search of Skullivan.

She then approached the woman who had told Skullivan that the Change wasn't real, "So, you're a follower of the Creed? Didn't think I'd run into anyone from home this far out." She kept walking, not looking the young woman in the eye, "I think we should go and find this man, hear what he has to say about the Change," she shrugged, "After all, he's not from here so why would he put any faith in our legends, Change or Creed?" She smirked, giving Aisha a wink before taking off down the alley in the direction Skullivan had run. "I just hope I can find him before that money hungry man with the Sand Ray does..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
"Is there something I can help you, skippy? Can I help you or are you here to harass me?"

Thessir didn't really seemed bothered by his intentional antagonism. He was difficult to purposefully anger without the correct circumstances.

"The Naima Clan. The Naima Nomad Clan. I need to find them, trust me. You'll want me to find them too."


He asked. It was a simple enough question, surely one most wouldn't find unreasonable. With the wetlander however it was impossible to tell just what was going to offend.

Before the wetlander could acquiesce the woman in blue flew into a rant regarding the Change and it's history along with her believes about the whole issue. To be frank he sort of tuned her out when she spoke of strife and other such emotional frivolities but the details surrounding the Change itself was of clear interest to him. The more he could decipher the closer he could come to realizing just what was going on.

And then it arrived. A massive dark metal ship floating high above, men descending upon ladders from ports along it's sides. A platform from the center of the ship descended, it's representatives standing before the crowd. Thessir's eyes were glued to the ship for that moment, a simple thought floating inside his head. Wow... That vessel is almost half as wide as a wirm.

And he was right. It was a little under half the width of a wirm and nowhere near as long. A wirm could encircle all the mountains in Bola Brisk from head to tail. It was a strange thought for a time such as this but alas the mind wanders.

He was quite curious as to what tech they possessed. It seemed to operate off of electricity from what he could deduce. He'd get quite a thrill out of having the opportunity to scour the insides of the ship and examine what he'd find.

However he was not so enthralled to not spot the wetlander having broken from his cage to flee into a nearby alley. Thessir gave an annoyed sigh, sweat rolling down a brow from the heat, and turned to give chase. The spontaneity of his reaction was so sudden he was well gone before he could catch what the woman with him earlier were speaking of. Rather than lose himself in the narrow winding alleyways he opted for a different route. Running straight at the wall next to the alley he ran up the side, getting enough height to grab onto the roof's ledge. Perplexingly to most observers though most were likely not looking at him he seemed to pull himself up onto the roof almost like he weighed nearly nothing and that was despite the backpack on his back which looked like it weighed as much as he did.

Up atop the roofs he could better see where the soldiers from the ship were located. Sparing little time he ran across the roof tops, jumping from roof to roof as he followed the wetlander just close enough to catch fleeting glimpses with every turn of the young man. This winding chase of uncharacteristically good parkour from Thessir continued until he came upon the final destination of his quarry, the north wall and the dunes that laid beyond. With a grin at his success he ran, getting a sprinting start atop the roof nearest to the wall.

With a running start he leapt from the roof, clear over the street and onto the northernmost wall. Well, not completely onto the wall. He was a Downder, not a cricket after all. While his feat was beyond most's capabilities he found himself hanging by his finger tips off the very ledge of the wall. At this point most would say this is where he falls.

But Thessir didn't survive the Downder mountain by having a loose grip.

With much effort, a significant strain without a doubt, he pulled himself up with little more than the tips of his fingers. Teeth grit he hauled himself up, throwing one elbow over and then the next. With his arms clear he hauled the rest of his body over, rolling over the top of the wall and falling into the sand just outside. He would of laid there if just to catch his breath if the sand weren't so hot and the sun so bright. He sat up and urged himself forward, marching up the hill after the wetland traitor these men sought.

"Wetlander!" He shouted, attempting to close the gap between them. "Do not assume hostility of me, I only wish to speak. Do allow me to follow." He asked, coming up the dune to the beleaguered young man. "You still seek the nomads, yes?"

"Well, so do I."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Mirova Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nulix
As Bohdana turned to crawl out the tent she was stopped by a sudden: "Wait," The Nomad's voice came. Bohdana turned to find her gripping the idol tightly, her eyes moving from it to her. "...Where did you get this?" She questioned. "This is Yemar script."


Skullivan stared at the man, his arms raised as if ready for action - untrusting as Thessir approached. "They're still in town, aren't they?" He called, glancing down. "My idol is too. Without that we're both in trouble."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

Uluru followed the tracks as they led him just outside the north wall of Dol-Duna. There he found the traitorous wetlander as well as another, more odd looking figure. He had seen this person before, he was one of the people that gathered to witness Sullivan's noisy arrival. He seemed to be conversing with the former prisoner, and as soon as Uluru heard enough of them, he steered Yanyan down towards the Sandy dunes.

"Wetlanders and wannabe bounty hunters alike are seeking your head," he informed Skullivan. "So, suffice to say, I believe you now. I assume that if you k ow about the Change, your fellow Wetlanders might as well. You think they might have the idol?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Mirova Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nulix
"It depends how thoroughly they searched the area," Skullivan called back to Uluru, squinting beneath the sun. "And if they have it it's too late."


"These markings are of a long dead language, the clan once had tribes to the south..." The woman whispered, glancing up to Bohdana in the tent - the other two still unsure what was happening. "...You are a child of the sands. I see it... in your face."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

"Maybe...but we'll never know unless we go back, right?" Uluru asked. "You want this...idol right? Well, I want proof of the Change. So the clear choice in all of this is to go back into Dol-Duna and search for this idol...and if the Wetlanders do indeed have their hands on it....I've got a plan for that," Uluru stated ominously.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
"They're still in town, aren't they? My idol is too. Without that we're both in trouble."

"Then why stand out here?"

Having a moment to catch his breath Thessir gave a sigh of relief. He had reason to believe however that his break was soon to end. Despite the trouble he wasn't angry or all that vexed by the wetlander, simply curious. It was at this point he spotted a strange shadow looming closer to them, approaching slowly. Looking up he saw the shadow belonged to a strange flat flying creature with a man riding atop of it.

"Wetlanders and wannabe bounty hunters alike are seeking your head. So, suffice to say, I believe you now. I assume that if you know about the Change, your fellow Wetlanders might as well. You think they might have the idol?"

"It depends how thoroughly they searched the area... And if they have it it's too late."

"Maybe... but we'll never know unless we go back, right? You want this... idol right? Well, I want proof of the Change. So the clear choice in all of this is to go back into Dol-Duna and search for this idol... and if the Wetlanders do indeed have their hands on it.... I've got a plan for that."

Thessir listened to their conversation, his mind currently running through plans of his own.

"Yes. Both of the idol and the clan are needed. The wetlander vessel is a minor obstacle. Recipes for clearing obstacles exist. Metal vessel possesses weaknesses to learn. One weakness: People. Recipes for clearing people exist."

He had one hand under his chin with the other folded under his elbow while his foot tapped. His mind was racing with plots for dealing with the people on the ship, the idea of having the whole thing to himself for studying filling him with glee. He seemed lost in such imaginations as he grinned, looking up at the brim of his hat while he came up with a variety of solutions he could make.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nulix
Skullivan looked over Thessir and Uluru with a frown. "So what, we go back in town and get it back?" Skullivan swallowed. "You guys... can't beat the Wetlanders. If we get it back we have to do it quietly."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

"Quietly, I can manage," Uluru nodded at Skullivan before turning to look at the odd looking man to his right. "Let's see if we can scout out the capabilities of these Wetlanders forst before we make any assumptions about their vessel," Uluru stated before hopping back atop Yanyan. "But if we're gonna make a move, let's do it quickly. It won't be long before they spot us out here. I suggest you take my lead and keep to the shadows..."

Uluru flew above and just ahead of the Wetlander and the pale man as he led them back towards the chaos that was Dol-Duna presently, using the dark back alleys as cover.