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A scholar from below.

0 · 1,400 views · located in The Snapa-verse

a character in “Nomad Clan”, as played by Zalgo


"I seek not power nor glory nor love, simply enlightenment."

Name: Thessir from the Downder.
Sex: Male.
Age: 29.

Physical Description: He is the sort that definitely sticks out in the Qafar Desert. As is standard for people from the Downder his skin is almost completely void of melanin and his irides are nearly twice the size of what would be considered normal by any other clan. The enlarged pupils make most of the eye save the sclera appear black.

Aside from his racial traits he is a rather thin wiry sort. Despite his small frame however he is quite strong. His muscles aren't very distinct, hiding the strength of his short slender body quite effectively. He has rather long fingers and toes as well though this detail is also typical for Downders.
Clothing: His typical fashion is long dark clothing with a big hat. Though the heat is great he prefers to keep covered so his sensitive skin doesn't get burnt. He carries a lot of supplies for his travels in a big traveling backpack.
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Skin Colour: Pale White.
Hair Colour: Black.
Eye Colour: Dark Grey.

Occupation: Alchemist.

Thessir was born to a family of silk farmers, people who farm a small type of spider known for it's ability to cooperate with other spiders to spin massive webs. He did not see the life of a silk farmer as the life for him however. He was more intellectually inclined, fascinated by the wonders of Downder. When he was old enough he sought to enter apprenticeship under an alchemist. Though his family were reluctant he was granted permission to study under an alchemist.

For years he studied all sorts of fascinating subjects. From ores and the properties of various gems to fungi and subterranean roots he developed a wide breadth of knowledge. He was a keen learner and definitely earned his way to becoming an alchemist himself when the time was right.

While attending a mining trip as he was looking for a particular mushroom which was known to grow in the area the miners opened a passage which revealed an ancient cavern. Within the cavern the remains of a city long buried sat preserved from the wages of time. This discovery thrilled Thessir. It was the remains of some long forgotten civilization, a mystery ravelled in mysteries all just waiting to be discovered. Before he could go down and investigate however a swarm of creatures emerged from the opening, clearly vexed by the disturbance in their home. Bats larger than men, spiders that were larger than the bats and all other sorts of nasty beasts attacked the miners and him.

They fought off the swarm but were forced to retreat. The Mining Overseer gave the order to have the passage collapsed much to Thessir's dismay. With the passage sealed the creatures were stopped but at the same time the way to the city was now blocked. Later Thessir appealed to the High Decider to open the way again so he can take an expedition down to the city but was denied permission on account of the dangers the beasts posed should they come up from the mines. That passage was then declared off limits and sealed with a large metal cap just in case the rocks ever gave way.

Inside the Downder there are no seasons, only cycles of paint. When such a time came as per tradition the one to go and reapply the sigils was chosen in a meeting of the alchemists and the High Decider. It was decided that it was Thessir's turn to undertake the ritual. Humbly accepting this sacred responsibility he set out alone to perform his task just as the first alchemist did all the way back when the paint was first discovered.

It should of been simple. Thessir had already applied three of the sigils, one for each corner of the cavern their city rested within. As he finished painting the forth sigil however there was a tremor. An explosion had been set off by outsiders down at the base of the mountain, folks who sought to try and forcefully carve their way through the mountain. Unfortunately for both them and Thessir the largest mountain of Bola Brisk doesn't yield easily to such simple tricks. Instead of an opening the passage was collapsed, crushing the trespassers and dropping Thessir in amongst the falling rocks.

It was through amazing luck that he survived the fall. Despite not being crushed by any of the falling rocks however the way back was barred from him by the large impassible rubble. With the only direction for him to go being forward he pressed on, trekking through unknown tunnels until he emerged into the world beyond.

It was night when he left the containment of the mountain. It was an alien experience for him, the sensation of standing with nothing but the blackness of the moonlit night sky above him causing some unease. While the change might of been somewhat off-putting and a little frightening he was also fascinated. To see so much in such little time was quite a rush. It was hard for his mind to keep up with the list of revelations simply seeing the outside brought. In addition to all that however was an element of panic.

As much as he would of liked to have returned to make sure the sigils were secure as well as to share his experiences with the other alchemists there was also the legend that all who left the safety of the sigils would be devoured by Scarmouth. He had yet to see it but he was in a hurry to not wait around and find out. With haste he fled from the mountains into the rocky wastes beyond. Over snowy cliffs with scarce plant life he easily traversed the land, finding the night to be bright like the day was for other clans.

From then on he's been traveling from settlement to settlement, offering his expertise in exchange for supplies. He typically travels by night, sleeping during the day as the vexingly bright sunlight would make it difficult to see and almost certainly burn his skin. While Bola Brisk has little sunlight making the land ideal for travel he's not one to stick to any one place for too long. He's always been fascinated with the old world and this was an unexpected opportunity to pursue other locations where similar cities might remain. In the meanwhile he's always happy to learn something new.

Home Town: Downder.
Native Clan: Downders.
Population: 162.
Settlements: Downder.
Location: Bola Brisk, The Qafar Desert.

They are a detached few, those who dwell within the mountain. These people have lived inside the deep caverns for longer than their history texts reach. They have positively no contact with the outside world due to the dangers the creatures who also call the cave home. While some outsiders have tried in the past to brave the tunnels in hopes of seeking passage through the mountains to see the lands beyond none of them have lived to speak of what lay within.

The most notable of beasts that live within the mountain is the dreaded wirm Scarmouth. This beast is a massive worm-like creature which tunnels through the earth by secreting a powerful acid which breaks down the stone ahead of it. As it's large enough to swallow entire villages in one bite, is several miles long and covered in enormous plates of chitin which form in flat rings around it's body, each one snugly overlapping the next so as to not let anything in between them, the idea of slaying it is rarely proposed and even more rarely ever taken seriously. Adding to it's lethality is also the fact that a wirm can expel from it's mouth almost it's entire weight in acid like a geyser of destruction.

They have a way of protecting themselves from the great wirm however. Their alchemists have passed along the recipe to this special concoction for countless generations, a concoction for a special glowing yellow paint which wards it away. Little is understood as to why this paint keeps wirms away but they use it nonetheless as it is what keeps their humble clan from complete destruction. Every ten months they hold a ritual for their reapplication of the paint.

As far as leadership is concerned theirs is none too complicated. They have what they call the High Decider, a person who passes judgement and makes choices regarding most issues within the clan. As their clan is fairly small this task is not too difficult though often the choices require wise consideration and stern resolve. Each other division of labor is overseen by the Overseers, those elected by the High Decider to Oversee any given group's task based on their specialty. When the High Decider dies and another one hasn't already been chosen then the last person to apply the sacred paint is made the new High Decider.

Downders, named of course after the Downder cavern in which they reside, are quite unlike most peoples in that having lived without any form of sunlight whilst subsisting mostly off moss and bat meat has changed them. Practically all Downders are able to climb with veritable ease as going anywhere pretty much requires climbing. Their eyes are strange and wide in order to pick up on faint sources of light. This allows them to see in nearly complete darkness. Their skin is completely white as there is no need for melanin when there is no sunlight.

The caverns which they live within are truly marvelous, unfathomably rich in all sorts of minerals. The underground river upon which their village resides upon is partly responsible for shaping most of these networks of caverns, making massive and spectacular caverns out of truly gargantuan veins of gemstones. This has led this clan to develop a superior knowledge of the uses one can make of gems. While in some fields their technology is woefully undernourished as a result of their isolation from the world in general when it comes to things taken from the earth they are well ahead of other clans in such branches of knowledge.


Being from a clan completely isolated from all others it is natural for others to find him rather strange.

At first he can come off as quite creepy. He only travels by night and his large eyes which are as dark as the pits of the Shattered Earth seem to always be analyzing people not unlike how a crow would. He speaks with a soft voice and seems to accompany his words with gestures, talking with his hands as some might put it. As he is quite foreign his speech can come off as stilted since most languages are quite new for him making his accent quite thick. Not used to the customs most clans have grown to accept over the years he can come across as a very awkward individual in general.

Beneath his eerie appearance and quirky behavior he is a scholar at heart. He learns very quickly and enjoys every minute he spends doing so. When talking about something he possesses a real interest in he can be very enthusiastic. He enjoys reading, able to lose himself in rich texts with ease. With others he does try to get along despite how different he might be. When he's not on a spiel about a topic of interest he can be a real good listener. He doesn't mind helping people out and generally spreading good will on his journey to find lost civilizations.

That is not to say there aren't things that bother him. He finds animals often strange and intimidating since most creatures from the caves were nothing short of deadly. Bright lights hurt his eyes which he primarily travels by night. He dislikes violence though he is not above applying it at a moment's notice as hesitance was often rewarded with death back in Downder. He can be quite reckless at times, seeing the pursuit of knowledge first and the threat of possible dangers second. Ignorance and blatant disrespect towards fields he finds interesting irritate him greatly. He finds the company of those who would dismiss the intellectual quite burdensome.

Fears and Desires:

He finds the sky to be mildly disconcerting and animals are somewhat intimidating as well. Perhaps his greatest fear however is the loss of knowledge, the greater the knowledge the greater his fear.

He is truly a fan of new experiences, especially good food. As the food in the caverns consisted mostly of bat meat, mushrooms and moss the sheer variety of food from the lands beyond are simply astounding for him. His greatest hunger however is his desire for knowledge. Learning is in and of itself a virtue to him. He seeks to learn more of the ancient civilizations which precede him most of all. With so much to see and so much to know it's hard for him to contain his excitement.

Equipment and Weapons:

First to note is his clothing. His clothes, including his jacket and hat, are spun from spider silk. This silk is spectacularly comfortable, breathes easy and is very difficult to tear. This makes it excellent travel wear and rather effective light armor as well. Another interesting detail is that unknown to many spider silk is highly resistant to burning as well making his garments mostly flame proof.

He carries along a set of camping supplies such as a tent, a sheet to sleep under and a pot with a ladle to cook in. He also carries a special stone which sends out showers of sparks when struck hard.

His more miscellaneous supplies include books; maps; alchemic recipe scrolls; ingredients; alchemic tools; vials; a compass and a watch.

Lastly as a weapon Thessir has his trusty blunderbuss or as he calls it his shrapnel pipe. Though it might not be the most accurate of weapons it's convenient as it can shoot nearly anything loaded in it's barrel, cutting down on ammunition worries. Along with it he carries a rather hefty sack of Explode Powder as he calls it, his own special brew of powder which he loads through the muzzle before he loads the shot. It packs a real punch though it's recoil is also fairly strong.

He also possesses a dagger crafted from wirmshale, a type of rock which lines the wirm tunnels. As a result of the acid this stone is what's left of the stone that was turned into acid, pressed flat by a wirm's enormous body. This rock is extremely hard and it breaks apart into extremely thin, sharp fragments. While not ideal for longer weapons in need of flexibility and difficult to shape this type of stone makes for wickedly sharp cutting tools that hardly ever need sharpening. While the dagger's intended purpose was for utility in a pinch it can serve as an exceptionally effective weapon up close.

Styles and Abilities: He can see in nearly pitch black darkness and can climb and navigate rocky terrain exceptionally well. For combat he's learned mostly from first hand experience fighting cave beasts though in recent years he hasn't been exempt from being tested by the occasional bandit.

So begins...

Thessir's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirova Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Xaverius Rusten Character Portrait: Thessir
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#, as written by Zalgo
The winds howled at the walls of his tent, sand sweeping over endlessly. Thessir's day was restless as he struggled to sleep through the constant noise. Life was hard and he was used to hard but losing sleep never made life any easier. Such was the cost of knowledge worth seeking however. There was little choice in comfort when he desired to find evidence with which to find the builders of old.

Struggling to his feet as he knew he wasn't going to get any decent sleep while the sand continued to blow he opened up his watch to check the time. The time read four, at least several marks before the greater mark of five which was when the sun would touch down on the horizon. He growled, bothered by the fact that he would have to trudge out in this awful light for some hours before the darkness would set. He closed his watch and put it away as he got dressed.

Clad in his full garb he packed away his things and opened the front flap of the tent only for sand to start pouring in. He shouted profanities in his native tongue which to the uninformed outsider would probably sound like a series of growls, hisses and clicks. Stepping outside after a long days rest only to find his tent was halfway to being buried in the sweeping sands was not a pleasant way to begin an evening. With the wind at his back he took down his tent and unearthed it from the sand while making an effort to not leave sand inside the tent. He didn't want to have to carry more weight in sand given he already had enough things he had to haul by backpack.

With everything secured to his back he marched on forward, his boots sinking into the sand a little with each step forward. He took care to make sure he was covered from the sun as the heat beat down on him. While his clothes were comfortable it was still so warm it was nearly intolerable. Worse yet for him was the sunlight itself. He couldn't leave a single scrap of skin left uncovered or it would blister from sunburns in a mere matter of minutes. Everything was just so bright right then too. Even with a hat he needed to shield his eyes from the light reflected off the long fields of sand.

His extended walk into the morning had paid off however as now despite his lack of rest he was close to the city of Dol-Duna. It was within he was sure he could find respite from the wages of the desert. Through the gate he entered the town and filtered into the crowds of people, most of them being travelers in their own right whether they be merchants, journeymen or otherwise. The people were of little concern for him right now though. His eyes looked past the curios and food items, searching for an establishment with a roof he could put between him and the accursed sun.

He never really had much trust for crowds but what really put him off were the beasts. Creatures of many sorts walked shoulder to shoulder with people all around. He never had any sort of fondness for animals, especially those which walked the surface. Given how life was like in the Downder most animals were either eaten or trying to eat him. Even though his people kept animals for things like milk and silk they were nothing like the creatures of the outer lands. He never much cared for animals and the added strangeness of these beasts only soured their appeal to him even more.

Mincing his way through the crowd he scurried through the door of what appeared to be a tavern. Out of the sun he gave a sigh of relief, his eyes still hurting from the exposure. Awkwardly he made his way over to the bar before settling down on a stool.

"Care for a drink?" The bartender greeted him as he would most other patrons. "Just a glass of water." Thessir answered back, not even looking up from the bar when he addressed the man. He was already fishing about his many pockets as the bartender poured him a cup of water. As the cup was set before him he took out a small taqa crystal and placed it on the bar. Naturally the bartender took it as payment for the water. After all, water wasn't free, not out in the desert.

Thessir's eyes scanned the room as he drained his cup. There were a couple other patrons, most notably a person dressed for travel who seemed to be living it up. He tried to pay the others little mind as he produced a strange crystal roughly the size of a chicken's egg. It was a deep dark blue color, similar to a sapphire only darker. From another pocket he held up to his eye what appeared to be some strange form of jeweler's loupe. It was of a construction well foreign to surface-dwelling clans since he made it himself.

"So, how's everyone doin'?" The other man in the hat asked, seeming to be addressing them in general. Now Thessir wasn't very familiar with social conventions when it came to outlanders which was basically everyone at this point for him. He wasn't sure if the question was supposed to be answered or if it was simply rhetorical. He also couldn't really decipher just what it was he was asking. Just to be safe he decided to answer. After all, it wasn't like he was going to out himself as anymore of a foreigner than he already appeared to be.

"I am doing it very well. I do good work." He replied to the vocal man's query. In talking his accent was quite thick making his already flawed understanding of terms sound even further out of place. The origin of his accent however could not be placed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Xaverius Rusten Character Portrait: Thessir
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"Heh, nice to hear, I just got back from doin' some scavenging, found some sweet piece of old tech I traded in for some more adhesive." Xaverius replied, he had a somewhat gruff voice as he spoke. He then proceeded to take his drink and take a swig. "Ahh, nothin' beats a good ol' beer, ey?" He chuckled, setting his beer back down on the counter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Xaverius Rusten Character Portrait: Thessir
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Xaverius took another hearty swig from his beer, adjusting his position on his seat slightly. "So... what do ya do for a livin?" He asked. "I'm a scavenger of sorts mahself, I've been interested in all that old world tech out there, last week I found a small rectangle thing that people used to talk to one another, only managed to find that out before the batteries died, still managed to trade off the components for some food, was a pretty nice deal." He gave his beer another swig, letting out a small burp followed by an "Excuse me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Xaverius Rusten Character Portrait: Dustin vel Iz'Raphel
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#, as written by Zalgo
Thessir could hear the man talking to him. He could also hear the sounds of general commotion outside. His mind was not with those events at that time. He was enthralled with his work, examining the crystal for flaws. He was also looking at the shape, determining just how exactly the gem should be cut and fit. While useless now the gem held great potential. This was no mere taqa crystal.

Alas it seemed the general chaos outside was not going to let up. Sidling a strap of his bag off one of his shoulders he swung it over and set his tools along with the gem inside. With those packed away he downed what water was left and rose from his seat. He ventured over to the doorway, close enough to see but not close enough to be too exposed to the light.

From what he could see what commotion there had been was resolved. There were many eccentric figured talking including the one he had sort of spoken with at the bar. He listened in on what was being said, following the talking at he stood safely tucked away in the tolerable shade of the indoors. He gave a sigh, annoyed with the sun's habit of taking it's time going down.

"I shouldn't be awake." He spoke mostly to himself in a low mumble. His dark, tired eyes peered into the scene ahead. At this point he was just killing time until the sun left. The night was the real time for him. A time to search for some leads towards the ancient cities he's heard about in his time among the outlanders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Musa Grazing Bull
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As soon as Sören laid eyes on the small woman he knew she was a religious person. Her clothing, combined simply with the air about her, and the way she spoke to him, made him think of the mystics of his own clan. In the spring they would remove their heavy fur and hide coats and cloaks in favor of lighter clothing, in brighter colors. They would build a great pyre, sacrifice a stag, and dance around, singing and chanting about the gods who sleep all around. Once the pyre died down they would retrieve the antlers of the stag and they would be broken down, and the best piece would be used to craft the handle for the blade which would be used for the next sacrifice.

Sören could almost smell the smoke of the pyre and had to shake his head a bit to clear his mind. Lowering his head a bit he listened to the young woman before him. When she claimed that he was a man of great virtue, he blushed slightly, but thankfully his cloak would hide this from anyone looking his way. It wouldn't do for people to see such a large figure displaying such emotions. Or so he had been raised to believe.

"I do not know if he is here this year, but I know of a metalsmith. He holds a stall near my own space, across the center of the village." As Sören says this, he turns to look in that direction, frowning when he finds that a crowd has formed there. Being so tall he is able to see over most of the heads, and catches a few glimpses of those small red creatures being dispatched in one form or another. The people have gathered around to watch, and within the clearing, which seems to already be dispersing, Sören can see several out of place figures. "It seems those tiny red creatures caused more of a disturbance than I thought them capable of." Turning back to face the woman he says, "In any case, I can lead you to where the metalsmith was last year. Perhaps he can help you."

Before Sören can say anything more, Duneyrr nudges him in the small of the back, beneath the back he carries, making sure to hit his body rather than the spear slung across his back. When Sören turns to look at the white stag, Duneyrr tilts his head, then opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue.

"Very well, we shall hurry along then." Turning back to the woman Sören explains, "Duneyrr is thirsty and would like a drink of water soon. If you would, please follow me."

With that the northman begins to lead his stag towards the gathering of people, hoping that they will be kind enough to part for him and his wagon. It is too big a craft to travel down any of the smaller side streets, and with Duneyrr thirsty he would like to move along without further incident.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Sören Ahlgren Character Portrait: Thessir
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#, as written by Zalgo
As he stood watching Thessir perked up upon someone speaking about needing a metal smith. He had an inherent interest in such matters as he often worked in shaping minerals. Reluctantly he emerged from the shaded doorway and approached the two as they attempted to navigate the group.

"You speak of metal, yes? Of working of the ore?" He peered out from under his big hat to get a better look at the two. The one man seemed to be adorned with horns similar to the beast which followed him. The woman was dressed in vibrant colors with many articles of jewelry upon her. From the looks of things it was a necklace of hers which had been damaged by the latest fuss.

"I do work of metal. Of the stone. An item of yours is damaged? I could repair it." He spoke to the woman specifically as he figured it was her issue first and foremost. This was not a particularly unusual situation for him as he traded for most of his supplies with wares earned through his expertise. If it came from the ground he could probably make something of it. Later on he was probably going to need supplies, in particular something to trade for the knowledge he sought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Sören Ahlgren Character Portrait: Thessir
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Aisha nodded to Sören, but was caught slightly by surprise when a called out to them. He had a certain unorthodoxy about him, but nonetheless, he did make an offering. "Oh, well, if that is the case," Aisha pulled the golden necklace of hers out of her satchel and presented it to the hatted metalworker, "It's just a small fix that it needs. The connection here was torn," she pointed out the broken link.

"Are you capable of making a fix within the day? The night? Or, at least before the end of the Bizarre. It belongs to someone else, so... Oh, and, um, what sort of payment will it require? I've... got some medicinal powders, or..." Aisha thought for a second before pushing up her sleeve, revealing it to be almost entirely covered in beaded bracelets, which all were made of different materials. She pointed at a couple different ones. "This one's made of ebony, for strength, or, I'm pretty sure this one is real ivory, for perseverance. This shiny one is made of Old World 'nuts', for wisdom, oh, and this one is magnetic; it's meant to develop an inner balance within yourself. I've got more like these on the other arm, and in my satchel."

There was no denying that Aisha was very fond of the bracelets. Indeed, followers of the creed sold 'power items', or merchandise intended to appeal to the superstitious side of people. The idea behind them, besides further spreading awareness of the creed, was that in theory they would contain mystical power of their own. How? They were simply mystical because people believed they were mystical. For example, Aisha's bracelets were intended to give spiritual enhancements to those that wore them, such as granting them determination or dexterity or whatever 'enchantment' the bracelet held. Thus, in believing they have been granted mystical power, a person may become driven to live up to the aspect of themselves they want to improve. In that way, 'power items' like Aisha's bracelets truly did have an invisible mystical power, one that drove the soul on the path of self-improvement without realization. They will simply believe that the bracelets really did give them strength.

They certainly worked. Aisha herself could attest to that. She wore them all the time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Sören Ahlgren Character Portrait: Thessir
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Sören could not recall ever meeting this man before. The way he spoke suggested that he was not from this area, but then again, due to the festival, Sören supposed that many people were from far away. For some reason though, the man struck him as odd, but not in a bad way. Besides, who was he to call anyone odd?

As Aisha spoke of her bracelets and showed them off to the man, Sören studied them. Some were made of wood, and he would almost bet that at least one of them was carved from wood from his homeland. He listened to her words, of how each one granted her some sort of enhancement, and again he was reminded of his clan. His spearhead was carved from the fang of a saber cat because it was believed that, made of such a material, the weapon would be stronger and sharper. Personally Sören took it all with a grain of salt, relying on what he knew of the materials in question.

This is when Duneyrr nudged Sören's shoulder once again, before taking a step forward, placing himself between Sören and Aisha. Lowering his head, the white stag nosed at a silver bracelet that the acolyte was wearing.

"How would you even wear that Duneyrr?" Sören asks his companion, petting his neck. With a sigh he then says to the others, "Once your business has concluded, I believe I will need to see about trading you something for one of those bracelets. Duneyrr insists on having one, it seems."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Sören Ahlgren Character Portrait: Thessir
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#, as written by Zalgo
Thessir observed the break in the necklace, leaning in close to look it over with a careful eye. As he suspected the break happened in the cord between the clasp and the gold segment. This was an extremely easy fix to make. All he needed was a place to sit undisturbed.

He was leery of the beast the horned man had called a stag as he was with all creatures. Ungulates all unnerved him as he was most unused to being around them. Simply the way they moved and looked about was utterly strange to him. Needless to say he kept some distance from the creature and seemed visibly uncomfortable whenever it was close to him.

As the woman began listing off means of payment he listened, following the items she mentioned. Of all the items mentioned the Old World nuts were what caught his interest the most, a fact made evident from the moment his eyes locked with it. Were he to get his hands on those he would have a lot of time to spend drawing them out and writing down everything he could about them. Anything from the Old World was of great interest as unlike the other clans his people had no access to the technology of old. They had to develop their own technology and in that regard they did quite well for themselves.

As for the necklace he wanted the bracer but on the other hand he couldn't justify taking such a valuable item of hers for such a simple fix. It was difficult fighting the urge to relieve her of her valuable bracelet but he was not amoral enough to let greed of knowledge overcome his ethical standing as an alchemist.

"Old World nut bracelet is tempting. The necklace is an easy fix however. It should be done in few greater marks. I'll ask no exchange for it's repair. I'll only accept bracelet as gift if you are of choosing to give."

What was said is said, little going back on that now. He looked around, already setting the matter of fixing her necklace to mind, for a place he could work in both relative darkness and peace. His train of thought was interrupted however when a young man was caught fighting with the guards, causing a scene in the process. As if there wasn't enough trouble with the red lizard monsters earlier it seemed. The guards all called the man something odd, a wetlander. He had never heard of any such people in his travels.

While the guards held the man in shackles whilst people threw rotten produce at him Thessir was contemplating returning his mind back to the business at hand. There was also however the pull of curiosity. He had little idea of what the wetlands even were, let alone who this person was. It seemed rather unnecessary of people to harass the man even despite his antics. The whole ordeal only made him more curious as to just who this young foreigner was. He could only imagine he had a story to tell given his state.

"I wonder, just who could that be?..." He spoke, mostly talking to himself. He left the question to hang there just in case somebody might have an answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Sören Ahlgren Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

"No exchange?" Aisha tilted her head slightly, but then she broke into a smile. "Oh, how charitable, such is a virtue. I'm glad this year has brought so many virtuous people together... I'm sure you'd have use out of a bracelet anyway." Aisha nodded and watched as he left, but as he did, a couple thoughts came to Aisha's mind. Upon a sudden realization, Aisha called out, "Wait! Wait a moment, sir!" Aisha began to trail the man with her necklace, regardless of what Sören did.

Aisha had managed to catch up with him, but a scene had been breaking out that stopped the both of them in their tracks. Aisha watched it all play out, the lanky screaming out before being subdued. She hadn't quite caught everything that was being yelled out, but, it appeared the man was a Wetlander. From her teachings, she understood that her kin had mixed feelings about those foreign people. Indeed, they were particularly unliked by clanfolk, mainly for how they withheld their boundless supply of waters with their war machines. Although dispelling jealously was one of her Creed's values, so was dispelling greed. Sure, her teachings taught her that all clans should and will eventually come together to cooperate and invoke the golden era, but, there was much debate as to whether the Wetland folk were exempt from the Creed's principles, for they did not share the same plight as the Clans. How could the principles of the Creed possibly apply to those who live without suffering yet without virtue? Even if Wetlanders were human beings, could they be considered equals?

Aisha would have to ask her higher-ups another time. For now, she still had something to take care of. She approached the man of whom she was tracking and called out to him. "Sir, please! Wait a second! When can I expect the work will be finished? Where can I retrieve my necklace when finish? Also, um, how can I be sure that you, um... Even if you are kind, I would like some assurance that the work will be finished skillfully." And so she was sure that he wasn't just going to run off with her expensive golden bracelet, but it wasn't like Aisha was going to say that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund
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0.00 INK

Ka'Wa looked over in terror at the group of assembled characters with a loud gulp.

"I don't know them," she said softly and looked somewhat embarrassed. "But if it'll help..."

A look of determination came over her face and she balled her hands up into fists. Striding over awkwardly to the group, she gave herself a small pep talk in the course of walking to them. I can do this, I can do this. Just tell them you need help. They're good people surely, they won't deny.

"Um, excuse me!" Ka'Wa said loudly, trying to attract the attention of the various people in front of her. "I need some help freeing the prisoner. Yes, he is a Wetlander, but there is no real crime he has committed! And not only that, but he says a threat is coming that he will tell more about if we free him!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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0.00 INK

Aisha turned her attention to the guard, who had seemingly called out to them. "I need some help freeing the prisoner. Yes, he is a Wetlander, but there is no real crime he has committed! And not only that, but he says a threat is coming that he will tell more about if we free him!" Aisha wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to get involved or not, but, her attention was drawn to one of the taller men, who voiced his opinion. "I'm not quite certain that's wise," he said, "A man acts mad in the streets, resists getting locked up, then claims he's innocent? Nothing about that spells common sense."

Aisha couldn't resist speaking up. "I... I differ!" What Aisha lacked in height, she made up for in her tone. She raised a hand in front of her, giving her the appearance as if she had some sort of divine authority. She explained, "Regardless of his origins or actions, all men deserve mercy. Without given a chance, no one will ever be able to rectify their ways. Those who are mad are merely lost souls in need of attention. If a man pleads himself innocent, then surely, he believes goodness is right and he is good. Please, give him a chance!"

Even if she wasn't sure how she felt about Wetlanders, Aisha was still firm in her belief that all could be converted to righteousness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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0.00 INK

Bohdana jumped in surprise overhearing the conversation that was happening close by. She forgetfully dropped the golden idol in her pocket, thinking more about not getting into the trouble that she sensed was brewing if she stayed about this group of Wetlander sympathizers. It was clear to her now that she'd overstayed her curiosity. This situation was bordering into possible conflict and she wanted nothing to do with it.

The crowd consumed her. Boh's form drifted unnoticed through the rest of the bazaar as she went about the last of her errands....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Musa Grazing Bull
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"All I need to know is what kind of threat was he alluding to? Did he give any details at all?" Uluru asked curtly, glancing over at the Wetlander hanging in the wooden cage and mentally noting that he didn't exactly exude trustworthiness. "I don't particularly care whether he's guilty or not, I'm not particularly looking to break any laws in this town," he shook his head before stating jokingly, "Not before I visit the Nomads' tents anyway."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Mirova Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund
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0.00 INK

"My apologies miss, Duneyrr is tired and I believe he mistook your hair for a kind of flower that grows in our homeland in the spring." Sören says, tugging on one of the stags antlers to pull him away once he has released the woman's hair. "And he is not a horse, but a stag. I take it they are not a common sight here in Dol-Duna..."

He sounds a bit tired when he says this, which he is. People have been mistaking Duneyrr for something other than what he is all day now. Patting the stag on the neck he walks back to the wagon, rummages around in the back for a moment, then pulls out an apple and holds it out for Duneyrr, who takes a large bite and nuzzles Sören's hand. "Go on ahead Duneyrr, you know where we usually stay. I'll be there in a bit."

After taking another bite of the apple, leaving little more than the core in Sören's hand, Duneyrr eyes the woman's pink hair once more before lowering his head a little and trudging onward. The northman watches as the crowd parts for the stag and the wagon. For being an animal, Duneyrr was very intelligent, and Sören often saw him as a brother over anything else. Soon the wagon is lost around a corner and Sören turns his attention back to the crowd around him as another woman shouts at them, saying something about the wetlander and how he has important information he needs to share. If what she said was true, then someone should at least hear the fellow out. With a sigh he reaches up to rub the back of his head, causing his helm to shift and his antlers to sort of dance about on his head for a moment before he straightens his helm again and turns towards the direction of the commotion.

"Let's see what he has to say then." Sören says, cracking his neck as he looks down at the pink haired woman. "Excuse me, please. And again, I apologize about your hair."

The northman makes his way to the crowd and past the woman who had been yelling a moment ago. The day had been a long and tiring one, and he just wanted things to be simple for a time. No stopping to talk or correct people about what Duneyrr was. Sören made his way directly to the cage where the wetlander was being held and walked straight up to the man.

"You are the one they call the wetlander, yes?" Sören asks, eyes glowing a bit in the shadow of his cloak as he looks the man over. "You do not seem to pose a threat, so I do not see why these bars are needed. In any case, I have heard that you know of some danger coming to this land, is that true? If so I would hear those words from your lips." When Sören reaches out with his left hand there is a layer of frost over his flesh like a lattice work of lace, and when he touches the wood around the lock it spreads, causing the wood to freeze suddenly, weakening it after being exposed to so much heat for such a long time. "It is against the law to let you free, but that does not mean you could not find a way to escape."

When he pulls his hand away, the wood around the lock begins to dry and crack in the heat.

"It seems there are some who might help you in this village. I would suggest you wait until nightfall to try and leave your cage, but that is up to you. Until then, please, tell me of this threat."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Mirova Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund
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0.00 INK

#, as written by WilPen
"My mistake," Whisper spoke as she attempted to smooth down her horse-licked hair. She nearly felt bad watching the animal leave. Perhaps she could do with less hair if the poor animal really wanted it. She looked over the man in front of her, mildly surprised to see she didn't recognize him. Not that she knew many people, but she at least knew of them.

Curiosity got the better of her and she followed the antlered man, wondering if they were actually growing from his head. Sure, that would be unusual, but not unheard of in her travels. Rather than asking, she decided to observe the interaction to figure out what she could. From his words, the horse man seemed to know what this prisoner had done; something Whisper still wasn't sure about.

Content to watch, she leaned against a corner in a lazy manner.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
"Sir, please! Wait a second! When can I expect the work will be finished? Where can I retrieve my necklace when finish? Also, um, how can I be sure that you, um... Even if you are kind, I would like some assurance that the work will be finished skillfully."

Thessir looked up at her, listening as she went on about the necklace. Plenty of questions, some of them odd.

"I spoke of the time, of few greater marks. Equal to or less than approximately three marks estimated. You receive repaired necklace at my location." He answered her first two questions as though he expected her to already of known such matters. Before he could answer her third question she broke away from the conversation as a woman spoke of freeing the wetlander.

While he was most interested in who he is and why he's come so far out the issue seemed to grow muddy with voices as various folks responded in a variety of ways. He wanted to help if only to sate his desire to know more but simply trying to talk over everyone seemed to be a fruitless expenditure of his effort. Instead he figured he'd tackle the other end of the issue, the people the man referred to as the Nomad Clan.

"Do you know of where the Nomad clan the man in the cage spoke of is? Their interest might be in this." He spoke to the woman who had approached them asking for help. It only seemed appropriate to Thessir to involve those the stranger had spoken of since he seemed so adamant on speaking with them. After all, what harm could that do?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Thessir
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0.00 INK

Ka looked uncomfortable and resisted the temptation to look down at her hands.

"He said something about an airship coming for him?" Ka frowned and pointed to the dune in the west Skullivan had pointed at. "From over there. I think he called it the leviathan and he said it would be here within the hour."

When another question was asked concerning the nomad clan, Ka's eyes widened and she scolded herself mentally for being smart enough to have asked about.

"I'm sorry but I didn't ask about the nomad clan he was seeking, " Ka said with a small bow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Musa Grazing Bull
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0.00 INK

"Enjoy. Thank you for your trade." Musa said absently, one ear on her customer and the other listening to the voices rising above the hum of the crowd. The first thing she heard was a woman announcing that she wanted to free the Wetlander turned prisoner. While a kind, yet illegal endeavor, it was foolish of her to yell out her intent in the middle of a large crowd. She could hear the sharp whispers among the other merchants and their buyers. Grabbing and donning her staff, she begins moving away from a blank space where a vase just was while leaving her tent to be handled by the rest of her party. She placed herself near a man with a curved sword. She was close enough to him to be labeled as a listener but far enough to not be associated with him.

Then, after listening to the last of the comments on the amored female's plans, she spoke up herself in a clear voice. "Even if anyone were to assist you, it would be foolish to. I'm sure that guard over there heard your plan when you shouted it for the whole Bizarre to hear. In fact, he's watching you with narrowed eyes. He's watching all of us." She waves her hand in the direction of said guard, of which her eyes were trained upon ever since mentioning him. After a bit, her gaze slid over those assembled before she would look to the girl in the center again, switching her weight onto one leg.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Jake "Honō no ko" Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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0.00 INK

Tetra grimaced as another woman asked for help in freeing the Wetlander. She wasn't going to touch this with a ten foot pole. Especially now that it had been announced to the entire surrounding area that someone was planning a breakout. But before Tetra could point that out, someone else came along and said the exact same thing she had been thinking. Tetra immediately nodded and gestured towards the newcomer.

"She's right. And if he somehow manages to escape, even without your help, the guards will immediately suspect you and take you in for questioning," Tetra shuddered slightly. "And it wouldn't be a pretty interrogation, either." She didn't know what "airship" this Wetlander had supposedly told the woman about, but Tetra had a feeling it would be a good idea to get out of town relatively quickly. "I guess the Summer Bizarre will be ending a little early for me," she sighed wistfully before brushing her hair out of her face. "It probably isn't very safe here anymore for any of us."