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A scholar from below.

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a character in “Nomad Clan”, as played by Zalgo


"I seek not power nor glory nor love, simply enlightenment."

Name: Thessir from the Downder.
Sex: Male.
Age: 29.

Physical Description: He is the sort that definitely sticks out in the Qafar Desert. As is standard for people from the Downder his skin is almost completely void of melanin and his irides are nearly twice the size of what would be considered normal by any other clan. The enlarged pupils make most of the eye save the sclera appear black.

Aside from his racial traits he is a rather thin wiry sort. Despite his small frame however he is quite strong. His muscles aren't very distinct, hiding the strength of his short slender body quite effectively. He has rather long fingers and toes as well though this detail is also typical for Downders.
Clothing: His typical fashion is long dark clothing with a big hat. Though the heat is great he prefers to keep covered so his sensitive skin doesn't get burnt. He carries a lot of supplies for his travels in a big traveling backpack.
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Skin Colour: Pale White.
Hair Colour: Black.
Eye Colour: Dark Grey.

Occupation: Alchemist.

Thessir was born to a family of silk farmers, people who farm a small type of spider known for it's ability to cooperate with other spiders to spin massive webs. He did not see the life of a silk farmer as the life for him however. He was more intellectually inclined, fascinated by the wonders of Downder. When he was old enough he sought to enter apprenticeship under an alchemist. Though his family were reluctant he was granted permission to study under an alchemist.

For years he studied all sorts of fascinating subjects. From ores and the properties of various gems to fungi and subterranean roots he developed a wide breadth of knowledge. He was a keen learner and definitely earned his way to becoming an alchemist himself when the time was right.

While attending a mining trip as he was looking for a particular mushroom which was known to grow in the area the miners opened a passage which revealed an ancient cavern. Within the cavern the remains of a city long buried sat preserved from the wages of time. This discovery thrilled Thessir. It was the remains of some long forgotten civilization, a mystery ravelled in mysteries all just waiting to be discovered. Before he could go down and investigate however a swarm of creatures emerged from the opening, clearly vexed by the disturbance in their home. Bats larger than men, spiders that were larger than the bats and all other sorts of nasty beasts attacked the miners and him.

They fought off the swarm but were forced to retreat. The Mining Overseer gave the order to have the passage collapsed much to Thessir's dismay. With the passage sealed the creatures were stopped but at the same time the way to the city was now blocked. Later Thessir appealed to the High Decider to open the way again so he can take an expedition down to the city but was denied permission on account of the dangers the beasts posed should they come up from the mines. That passage was then declared off limits and sealed with a large metal cap just in case the rocks ever gave way.

Inside the Downder there are no seasons, only cycles of paint. When such a time came as per tradition the one to go and reapply the sigils was chosen in a meeting of the alchemists and the High Decider. It was decided that it was Thessir's turn to undertake the ritual. Humbly accepting this sacred responsibility he set out alone to perform his task just as the first alchemist did all the way back when the paint was first discovered.

It should of been simple. Thessir had already applied three of the sigils, one for each corner of the cavern their city rested within. As he finished painting the forth sigil however there was a tremor. An explosion had been set off by outsiders down at the base of the mountain, folks who sought to try and forcefully carve their way through the mountain. Unfortunately for both them and Thessir the largest mountain of Bola Brisk doesn't yield easily to such simple tricks. Instead of an opening the passage was collapsed, crushing the trespassers and dropping Thessir in amongst the falling rocks.

It was through amazing luck that he survived the fall. Despite not being crushed by any of the falling rocks however the way back was barred from him by the large impassible rubble. With the only direction for him to go being forward he pressed on, trekking through unknown tunnels until he emerged into the world beyond.

It was night when he left the containment of the mountain. It was an alien experience for him, the sensation of standing with nothing but the blackness of the moonlit night sky above him causing some unease. While the change might of been somewhat off-putting and a little frightening he was also fascinated. To see so much in such little time was quite a rush. It was hard for his mind to keep up with the list of revelations simply seeing the outside brought. In addition to all that however was an element of panic.

As much as he would of liked to have returned to make sure the sigils were secure as well as to share his experiences with the other alchemists there was also the legend that all who left the safety of the sigils would be devoured by Scarmouth. He had yet to see it but he was in a hurry to not wait around and find out. With haste he fled from the mountains into the rocky wastes beyond. Over snowy cliffs with scarce plant life he easily traversed the land, finding the night to be bright like the day was for other clans.

From then on he's been traveling from settlement to settlement, offering his expertise in exchange for supplies. He typically travels by night, sleeping during the day as the vexingly bright sunlight would make it difficult to see and almost certainly burn his skin. While Bola Brisk has little sunlight making the land ideal for travel he's not one to stick to any one place for too long. He's always been fascinated with the old world and this was an unexpected opportunity to pursue other locations where similar cities might remain. In the meanwhile he's always happy to learn something new.

Home Town: Downder.
Native Clan: Downders.
Population: 162.
Settlements: Downder.
Location: Bola Brisk, The Qafar Desert.

They are a detached few, those who dwell within the mountain. These people have lived inside the deep caverns for longer than their history texts reach. They have positively no contact with the outside world due to the dangers the creatures who also call the cave home. While some outsiders have tried in the past to brave the tunnels in hopes of seeking passage through the mountains to see the lands beyond none of them have lived to speak of what lay within.

The most notable of beasts that live within the mountain is the dreaded wirm Scarmouth. This beast is a massive worm-like creature which tunnels through the earth by secreting a powerful acid which breaks down the stone ahead of it. As it's large enough to swallow entire villages in one bite, is several miles long and covered in enormous plates of chitin which form in flat rings around it's body, each one snugly overlapping the next so as to not let anything in between them, the idea of slaying it is rarely proposed and even more rarely ever taken seriously. Adding to it's lethality is also the fact that a wirm can expel from it's mouth almost it's entire weight in acid like a geyser of destruction.

They have a way of protecting themselves from the great wirm however. Their alchemists have passed along the recipe to this special concoction for countless generations, a concoction for a special glowing yellow paint which wards it away. Little is understood as to why this paint keeps wirms away but they use it nonetheless as it is what keeps their humble clan from complete destruction. Every ten months they hold a ritual for their reapplication of the paint.

As far as leadership is concerned theirs is none too complicated. They have what they call the High Decider, a person who passes judgement and makes choices regarding most issues within the clan. As their clan is fairly small this task is not too difficult though often the choices require wise consideration and stern resolve. Each other division of labor is overseen by the Overseers, those elected by the High Decider to Oversee any given group's task based on their specialty. When the High Decider dies and another one hasn't already been chosen then the last person to apply the sacred paint is made the new High Decider.

Downders, named of course after the Downder cavern in which they reside, are quite unlike most peoples in that having lived without any form of sunlight whilst subsisting mostly off moss and bat meat has changed them. Practically all Downders are able to climb with veritable ease as going anywhere pretty much requires climbing. Their eyes are strange and wide in order to pick up on faint sources of light. This allows them to see in nearly complete darkness. Their skin is completely white as there is no need for melanin when there is no sunlight.

The caverns which they live within are truly marvelous, unfathomably rich in all sorts of minerals. The underground river upon which their village resides upon is partly responsible for shaping most of these networks of caverns, making massive and spectacular caverns out of truly gargantuan veins of gemstones. This has led this clan to develop a superior knowledge of the uses one can make of gems. While in some fields their technology is woefully undernourished as a result of their isolation from the world in general when it comes to things taken from the earth they are well ahead of other clans in such branches of knowledge.


Being from a clan completely isolated from all others it is natural for others to find him rather strange.

At first he can come off as quite creepy. He only travels by night and his large eyes which are as dark as the pits of the Shattered Earth seem to always be analyzing people not unlike how a crow would. He speaks with a soft voice and seems to accompany his words with gestures, talking with his hands as some might put it. As he is quite foreign his speech can come off as stilted since most languages are quite new for him making his accent quite thick. Not used to the customs most clans have grown to accept over the years he can come across as a very awkward individual in general.

Beneath his eerie appearance and quirky behavior he is a scholar at heart. He learns very quickly and enjoys every minute he spends doing so. When talking about something he possesses a real interest in he can be very enthusiastic. He enjoys reading, able to lose himself in rich texts with ease. With others he does try to get along despite how different he might be. When he's not on a spiel about a topic of interest he can be a real good listener. He doesn't mind helping people out and generally spreading good will on his journey to find lost civilizations.

That is not to say there aren't things that bother him. He finds animals often strange and intimidating since most creatures from the caves were nothing short of deadly. Bright lights hurt his eyes which he primarily travels by night. He dislikes violence though he is not above applying it at a moment's notice as hesitance was often rewarded with death back in Downder. He can be quite reckless at times, seeing the pursuit of knowledge first and the threat of possible dangers second. Ignorance and blatant disrespect towards fields he finds interesting irritate him greatly. He finds the company of those who would dismiss the intellectual quite burdensome.

Fears and Desires:

He finds the sky to be mildly disconcerting and animals are somewhat intimidating as well. Perhaps his greatest fear however is the loss of knowledge, the greater the knowledge the greater his fear.

He is truly a fan of new experiences, especially good food. As the food in the caverns consisted mostly of bat meat, mushrooms and moss the sheer variety of food from the lands beyond are simply astounding for him. His greatest hunger however is his desire for knowledge. Learning is in and of itself a virtue to him. He seeks to learn more of the ancient civilizations which precede him most of all. With so much to see and so much to know it's hard for him to contain his excitement.

Equipment and Weapons:

First to note is his clothing. His clothes, including his jacket and hat, are spun from spider silk. This silk is spectacularly comfortable, breathes easy and is very difficult to tear. This makes it excellent travel wear and rather effective light armor as well. Another interesting detail is that unknown to many spider silk is highly resistant to burning as well making his garments mostly flame proof.

He carries along a set of camping supplies such as a tent, a sheet to sleep under and a pot with a ladle to cook in. He also carries a special stone which sends out showers of sparks when struck hard.

His more miscellaneous supplies include books; maps; alchemic recipe scrolls; ingredients; alchemic tools; vials; a compass and a watch.

Lastly as a weapon Thessir has his trusty blunderbuss or as he calls it his shrapnel pipe. Though it might not be the most accurate of weapons it's convenient as it can shoot nearly anything loaded in it's barrel, cutting down on ammunition worries. Along with it he carries a rather hefty sack of Explode Powder as he calls it, his own special brew of powder which he loads through the muzzle before he loads the shot. It packs a real punch though it's recoil is also fairly strong.

He also possesses a dagger crafted from wirmshale, a type of rock which lines the wirm tunnels. As a result of the acid this stone is what's left of the stone that was turned into acid, pressed flat by a wirm's enormous body. This rock is extremely hard and it breaks apart into extremely thin, sharp fragments. While not ideal for longer weapons in need of flexibility and difficult to shape this type of stone makes for wickedly sharp cutting tools that hardly ever need sharpening. While the dagger's intended purpose was for utility in a pinch it can serve as an exceptionally effective weapon up close.

Styles and Abilities: He can see in nearly pitch black darkness and can climb and navigate rocky terrain exceptionally well. For combat he's learned mostly from first hand experience fighting cave beasts though in recent years he hasn't been exempt from being tested by the occasional bandit.

So begins...

Thessir's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Musa Grazing Bull
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For a moment, Sƶren actually blacked out. It happened somewhere between the point that the odd light had engulfed him and the others around his wagon, and then they were drawn into the ship. He was rational enough to understand that this thing was not the creature of myth that his mother or father would have thought it to be. The Rotgevir clan believed that there were great beasts of the sky and earth that spelled doom for any who saw them. There was once a great beast of the seas, back when there were seas on this world.

With his feet on solid ground, Sƶren finds himself able to relax a little, and to catch his breath. For a time he says nothing, standing beside his wagon and Duneyrr as soldiers surround them. Two men move forward while their allies keep their firearms trained on Sƶren and Duneyrr. They unhitch the stag from the wagon and then pull it aside so that a few of their men can inspect it. As a woman speaks to the soldiers, to a man who looks like he might be in charge somewhat, the northman watches as the soldiers tear apart his wagon, tossing out the furs and unloading the lumber. Looking around, nothing on this ship seemed to be made of wood, but perhaps they needed it in this Wet Land they came from. They certainly didn't need the wagon, though, because as he watches the men open another hatch and let it roll out of the ship.

Sƶren keeps his mouth shut, and his eyes averted from the hatch. He'd already passed out once due to his fear of heights and falling, now would not be a good time to let it happen again.

Then the soldiers were moving in close again, firearms held in a deadly position. They had shackles in their hands and Sƶren knew what was to come next. He and the others would be cuffed and locked away, if they were lucky. Executed if they were not.

"If you want the one who slew your men at the tavern, it was me. The others," Sƶren nods to Whisper, Dustin, and Xaverius, "Are innocent. I take full responsibility for what happened." As he lies he holds his hands out, palm up, and allows one of the soldiers to place the odd shackled around his wrists. "It was I who suggested setting fire to the tavern as well, since the owner saw fit to rat out paying customers. The man didn't have to die, but he got in our way as we were leaving."

Sƶren knew by now that word of the tavern incident had spread, the soldiers had known about it, that they were involved. He hoped that he could convince their commander that it had all been on him, which might give the others a better chance. If he was never to return home, he might as well give his life for a noble cause, if it came to that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Musa Grazing Bull
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"Sick, you are," Aisha spoke up in the middle of the small crowd. She pushed her way past the others and move to the front. One of the two brass rings that Aisha usually wore around her neck, her Chakram, was in her hand. She pointed it directly at the commander, but she was addressing the Wetlanders as a whole. "Your ways are corrupted! Law and order, what of charity?! You follow the laws that suit you best, the code of the hoarder, they who have most! This world is full of false hope, but your hopes are of the ugliest kind, greed! You care not for who becomes harmed, not if they don't fit your 'order'!"

"That poor soul, whom of which you have haunted and pursued across the entire desert, he is devoid of a single person who loves him, and that has strained his heart so hurtfully! The lack of care your law and order has is killing him! Yet your law continues to punish him and your order only seeks to extract more from his very soul!" Aisha approached the commander with every statement, probably overstepping her bounds, but she didn't care, moving around as if she had all the authority in the world.

"As an agent of the Creed, I believe that all souls can be saved and turned to the true path, the path of righteousness." Aisha was far too close now. The soldiers were preparing their weapons. She was speaking hastily now. "And although an acolyte such as myself couldn't hope to save all of you from your law and order..." Aisha pulled the other Chakram off of her neck and made an offensive stance. "However! My life would be meaningless, if I couldn't save a single soul!"

Perhaps Aisha wasn't thinking clearly. Perhaps she didn't count exactly how much she was outnumbered, or she was unaware of the functionality of their weapons. To call it bravery would have been one thing, but it could have also been simple foolishness. Whatever the rationality Aisha could have possible had at that moment didn't seem to matter. Aisha simply bolted at the guards who were taking Skullivan away and whipped her Chakram in their direction with deadly force, and held her other Chakram in front of her, ready to deflect any and all incoming blows.

No, Aisha wasn't thinking this time, but to her, rationality didn't matter at this moment, only duty.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Musa Grazing Bull
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Xaverius then suddenly realized what he did, the guards at the bar, the bartender, all dead. The looked down, gritting his teeth. He'd killed before, mostly just raiders and those who took the first strike, and whilst he was not the one who killed the bartender himself he still felt guilty for his death, he also thought of the girl that he saw being attacked earlier, in his intoxicated state he failed to do one of the main things he set out to do in this world, helping those in need. With every thought the stout man's heart sank further and further. He cursed his foolish nature and in his head vowed to not touch a single drop of alcohol again, as it was what made him kill, made him sit back while a defenseless woman was attacked. He then realized it was Whisper who set the house ablaze, she was the only one who could've murdered the bartender, sure he almost got them killed but his death was unnecessary. He felt anger in his head, but killing her would yet again go against his morals, so he decided he would distance himself from her once this was over, sure, he'd hang out with her if need be but her actions in his now sober eyes were uncalled for. Just thinking about all these things made Xaverius sick to his stomach, he understood what he did and was willing to pay the price. "Just let them go, I was the one who started that fight."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la Character Portrait: Musa Grazing Bull
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#, as written by Jaek
Dustin quickly awoke from the black to find himself surrounded by others, both the group he'd originally been with and an assortment of other individuals of which a few he recognized from the marketplace square. He quickly gathered his senses and his surroundings. We must be on their airship...

Soren and Xaverius began to speak to the Wetlanders nearest them. They stood sullen, stone-faced. Their gaze was cold and their demeanor near sinister. Apparently word spread fast. Despite both Soren and Xaverius demanding to be held responsible there seemed to be no change in the Wetlanders' intent on putting them all in chains.

The sound of two women shouting at what appeared to be the Wetlander in charge suddenly caught his attention. One claimed to be a duchess or something from Samaria while the other was lecturing them about morality and virtue or something to that effect. He frowned and flipped his mask up from over his face and let it rest on his head. The Atzerii Kassellander slowly picked himself. His stomach felt like scrambled Roc eggs and his legs wobbled like the gelatin his people made from yakki milk. Once composed, he brushed off the sand from his shoulders cautiously made his way to the Wetlander the women seemed to be addressing.

"Duchess here isn't the only politically important individual here on your... erm... Flying Metal Fish thingy. I am Dustin vel Iz'Raphel, First Sword of Kasselland, Council member of the Atzerii, and Servant of the Shorn King. The clans of the Qafar won't be happy to know that Mudmen invaded the Sea of Sand, kidnapped citizens of Dol-Duna, and imposed their will upon them." He looked at the Wetlanders surrounding them, their weapons, and the face of their supposed commander. That look of amusement was more irritating than ominous.

Suddenly the yelling got louder, and as Dustin slowly turned he realized to his horror the priestess began advancing on the Wetlanders. A few had already brought their weapons to bear on her as she pulled off what originally he thought her necklaces from he neck. The Atzerii sprinted over to her just as she broke out into a run right at the Wetlanders. Call it a savior complex, or maybe call it the feeling of responsibility he now held with his inherited position, but nobody on this ship from the Qafar was going to die today.

Dustin had caught up to the now apparent acolyte of the Samariamus Creed with ease and took hold of her by her waist and picked her up to break her run. "Not like this," he hissed into her ear. "Later, but not now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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Bohdana stayed silent, listening to the others speak with a sort of quiet desperation. She glanced to the Wetland Commander, deciding that if he wouldn't listen to offical speeches and important men, perhaps he would listen to the plea of a young girl trapped in a situation far bigger than she could ever imagine.

"Please! Please listen to them! My uncle--" Boh let out a strangled sob, "My uncle is still down there! Please we're gonna get separated, he's my only family left! You got the wrong idea we--we're clanless!! Peace keepers! I don't want no trouble, I'm begging you to let me down!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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"She's right, she had nothing to do with this. Please, let he go." Xaverius then walked in front of Bohdana, in a form of protecting her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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The Wetlander who was assaulted by the chakram was pulled by an angry looking Wetlander guardswoman. She drew out a trident from her back holster and glared at Aisha, exclaiming, "This will always be a land of dictators!" And smacked her in the back of the head with the flat end of the trident.

"Barfalda..." an old wetlander in blue robes, with intricate wave patterns odorned on his robes, shook his head. "The interrogation room is the place for this not, the deck..." the elder then looked at Bohdana. "As for you my child...I'm afriad we've made too much headway to turn back into your hovel now. Bring them to the brig," the elder asked the guards.

"Shit, we're moving..." Uluru noted aloud, as the guards pushed them all forward on the airship's deck. Uluru hung back near the end of the long line of prisoners to get a better glance at their surroundings, though the guards warned him to keep moving. warned him to

Looking out the rather large window as he noticed the ship making its way past the clouds. "Damn, we need..." Uluru whispered, looking at the pale an he had met earlier. " had some sort of idea on how to stall this ship...if we can can find some way to get you free and bide you the time for you to do whatever you think you can do?" Uluru pondered for a moment as they passed by another window, and he noticed that all that lay below them were dunes of sand. They were getting further from the city. "I don't see the trade routes either...this contraption is faster than I thought..." he sighed, beginning to think.

He looked behind him and saw the classic Dol-dunan vendor, Davikal behind him. "Sorry, old timer," Uluru shrugged, before unexpectedly throwing the fruit Vendor into the Wetlander in front of Uluru, causing a domino effect as guards and prisoners alike as they all toppled over.

The guards behind him all drew their weapons in an uproar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund
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#, as written by Nulix
Skullivan suddenly turned at the commotion. Skullivan, though his hands were bound, leapt to to the side of the tight, metal hall-walk as the guards fell. "Run!" Skullivan called, swinging forward and beginning to run-along the metal, his hands still tightly bound behind him. "Try to find an open hatch," Skullivan said, his feet moving over several hatches on the ground. "That's how I escaped the first time!"


The wind blew in Uncle Andle's hair as he climbed a metal ladder hanging along the bottom of the airship's structure, Avari behind him. "One of these, maybe," Andle muttered, reaching up and opening a hatch.


Down the hall from Skullivan a hatch suddenly popped open, day-light from outside pouring in. Uncle Andle climbed up, wide-eyed at the interior of the ship before him and turning to spot the gang from the village running away from guards. Bohdana was among them.

"This way!" Skullivan called, ahead of the group as he sprinted for the open hatch. Skullivan paused, looking down - sandy dunes were flying by below them. "Only one way..." He said, swallow as he leapt down the hatch and plummeted to the sands below...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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Xaverius was not sure if this was a trick, but it was worth a shot. He jogged over to the open hatch and jumped in, getting somewhat stuck, though after some pushing he got though yelling to the others "Come on!" as he plumeted to the sands below, landing by Skullivan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund
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#, as written by Nulix
Skullivan lay on the ground, clutching his leg in pain as above him the massive airship flew over. "Ahhh, ok- OK. NO. OK," He hissed in air, cradling his leg - smashed down on the impact with the dune. Suddenly another figure, Xaverius, hit down beside him, sand flying into the air on impact and the man rolling down the side of the dune slightly. From the open hatch the Wetland Traitor watched as more figures lined up to escape.


Inside Andle held the hatch open, letting the others dive out as the wetland soldiers chased. "Boh!" He exclaimed, reaching out as his niece ran with the group. "It's gonna be alright, Boh! Hurry now!" An electric blast suddenly smashed against the metal beside him, the guards down the hall taking aim. "Come on, Boh! Get!" The man cried, his heart racing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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#, as written by Jaek
Dustin rammed into the nearest guard to throw them off balance and began shouted for Soren and Whisper to follow Xaverius' suit as he dragged the most likely discombobulated priestess with him over to the hatch. Taking a deep breath, the Atzerii steadied himself and took the plunge down into the sands below, landing several feet away from Skullivan and Xaverius.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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Bohdana ducked as the blast crashed beside them. She looked up desperately to her uncle, "You come on too!"

The girl swallowed and didn't allow herself time to think before jumping down the hatch after Dustin into the sands below. She landed on her side, beginning to roll down the dune while she got her footing and quickly stood, gazing up at the moving ship, "Come on!!" Boh shouted out to those remaining on the ship, particularly Andle, "Hurry up!!"

Sun blasted down on her face,a stark contrast to the cool darkness of the ship they were just in. Boh prayed desperately for them to all make it out alive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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Everything happened so fast. Suddenly everyone began talking at once, only one of the others seeming to have heard her, and joined in her game of diplomacy. Though it had failed, they had found a way to freedom. Elise followed behind Boh and jumped through the hatch, rolling when she hit the ground. The impact was enough to knock the wind out of her, and she found it hard to stand for a few seconds. " what?" She asked no one in particular, clutching her side to catch her breath.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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"Alright, hopefully I won't break anything, " Uluru muttered as he leaped out of the hatch and landed on the sand after bracing for a rough impact. He landed on the sandy dunes shoulder, first, causing it to make a loud pop. "Argh!" He shouted in pain. "Always forget those are never as soft as they look... As he got up he noticed a shadow of s figure of a creature swiftly appearing over him. It was Yanyan, who must've tailed the ship and caught his scent once he was free.

"A bit earlier and I could've jumped onto ypu..." Uluru joked through the pain as Yanyan made oddly seen whistling noises. Uluru braced himself further as he popped his shoulder back into place with a exasperated bellow.

Standing to his feet, he looked at their surroundings. " farther than I'd hoped to go," he sighed, brushing more sand off of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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"Traitors! Sneaks! Sand eaters!" a screech sounded off behind the escaping group of convicts. His chance to escape was instead used for the hunt. Instead of saving his life, he was ready to take the life of others. He had seized an electric rifle from one of the guards and aimed it at the backs of the escaping group, firing off several bullets before the guard he had assaulted grabbed the barrel.

One of the shots just barely missed the top of Ka'Wa's helmet, her flinching as she struggled to catch up to the rest of the group. She hadn't run in so long and she wasn't sure how much longer the adrenaline would hold. Being at the back of the group didn't help her chances either but panic sure did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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Aisha yelped when she felt herself get swept off her feet by Dustin, as if she was some child. Indeed, he scolded her like a child as well. "Not like this," he hissed into her ear. "Later, but not now." Aisha was about to struggle out of his graspā€”maybe she could have tripped him up by pulling her leg from behind hisā€”but before then, she felt a great big sting of pain as she was slapped with a guard's weapon.

It was painful, and it was humiliating, but pain and humiliation weren't things Aisha was unfamiliar with. Aisha's teachings taught her to accept suffering as it was natural and unavoidable. Aisha had no reason to fear pain, for pain was the proof of life. Death, however, was far more frightening. Aisha was dazed, her vision blurry. She could barely register what was going on as she felt herself being dragged along. When she regained her wits, however, she pretty much understood the task at hand; salvation.

With the soul that was most lost having been able to escape through the hatch, many others were scrambling to get through. The guards, however, were ready to stop them. More than one life was at stake here. As an acolyte who is trained as a bodyguard, naturally, it would be Aisha's duty to protect them. It was not a matter of choice, but simply performing her duty as would be expected of her.

"Fly, all of you," Aisha cried, "I shall grant you time. Save yourselves!" Aisha stood and took a stance, facing toward the guards. Reaching her hand out, the chakram of which she had lost seemed to pick itself up and fly directly into her hand, as if it were magic.

As a Wetlander guard was charging for her, Aisha threw one of her chakrams against the ground in front of her, causing it to bounce blindingly fast into the guard and his weapon, stunning him. The chakram bounced back towards Aisha, which she caught as she ran forward, charging at the guard and spinning to hit him in the chest with the other chakram in her hand, its blunt, metal edge creating enough of a blow for the man to fall over temporarily. Another guard who was behind him was about to attack as well, but Aisha ducked under his swing, almost as if she predicted it, and wrapped her leg around his before tripping him, essentially footsweeping him.

Aisha's combat was intended to pacify, not intentionally harm, so she wouldn't be allowed to cause additional harm while the guards were on the ground, which she could have easily taken advantage of. There were still many soldiers to come, and those she knocked down were by no means out for the count. Still, all Aisha needed to do was buy time. It was her duty.

Chakrams in her grasp and duty in her heart, Aisha fought as hard as she was tutored to keep the attackers at bay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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#, as written by Nulix
Andle's hair flew violantly from the wind of the hatch as body after body leapt out, Dustin then Bohdana then Elise then Uluru. The man looked up as the remaining members of the group ran toward the exit. He swallowed. They'd make it out of this. They all would.

Suddenly, one of them stopped, and turned down the metal of the hall before running down, ready to attack the formation of wetland soldiers. "What are you doing, girly!!?" Andle screamed, the vibration of the ship shaking his voice as the wind deafened him out. Down the dark corridor the acolyte ran forward, combat ready, as the soldiers drew their swords - sparks and bolts of electricity shimmering off the weapons as they ran forward.

"Gh-Damn," Andle breathed, reluctantly handing the hatch to Avari who'd climbed up. "Keep it open!" Andle yelled at the Lakuli girl before sprinting forward, sand falling off his boots as they hit the sleek, ribbed metal floor of the corridor. He pushed through the remaining company - he recognized their faces from the fare. The hooded one who'd burnt down the bar: Whisper, the other Lakuli woman: Musa, the pale one: Thessir, the frightened one: Ka'Wa, he thought he'd heard her name mentioned. The strange, antlered man Sƶren ran passed Andle, his cloak flying behind him as the goat-herder Tetra struggled to keep up. Andle dodged them both and continued to run, to where Aisha had just brought a man's legs out from under him.

The Wetlander's sword went flying, his body smashing into the metal ground - skull rattling inside the black and silver helm of the soldier. Andle leapt out, grabbing the electric blade out of the air and ramming it's blunt end into a Wetlander soldier, the electricity burning through the stomach of the black cloth uniform. Andle pushed the man against a wall with the blade before releasing. "What do you think you're doing, priestess?!" Andle called to her as she hit another soldier.

Suddenly, Aisha felt a hit - smashing hard into her left shoulder, a shot from an electric rifle. It felt like burning, her shoulder burning and the muscles tightening violantly on the sight of the blast. Aisha staggered back. "Girlie!" Andle spat, running forward before being punched back by a black, gloved Wetlander fist. Andle stumbled to the ground, his sword falling out of his hand and down the corridor. With a grunt Andle pushed himself off the ground and back into the fight.

The shock left Aisha's left open, which a forward charging Wetlander took. Blue eyes shined brightly through the silver lined eye-sockets of the helmet, gnarling teeth as he thrust a blade forward at Aisha. It stabbed, ripping through her robes and penetrating the side of her stomach. First slicing pain immediately overwhelmed by burning static and all her muscles tightening on the injured flesh. Her spine, her stomach, her entire body suddenly felt immobile - her muscles hardening to the point of ripping themselves apart. Aisha was struck, and fell backward.

"Girlie!" Andle spat, running forward and grabbing her. Before he had time to move a shot smashed into his jaw, sending him to the ground. Andle and Aisha both lay on the cold metal of the corridor. Andle blinked, the electricity blasting through his burnt jaw making it feel like the muscles of his face and throat were ripping each other apart. It only grazed it - it must have, he thought, as his eyes looked up and blinked. They were in a corridor. Dark metal, pipes lining one wall and musty windows lining the other - black and grey overwhelming any sunlight that came through. The sounds of electrical zaps playing over the constant chugging of what sounded like a metallic waterwheel grinding metal and fire. This was not the work of nature. This was proof that humans too could make so evil a place as the Qafar. But he wouldn't fail here. If he was gonna fail, it would be in the desert. Like his sister.

Andle managed to raise his head weakly. Soldiers were approaching, weapons drawn. Andle swallowed. "We're getting out of here," He whispered to the injured Aisha, his hand going for the electric-sword that had fallen beside him. He grabbed the instrument, and with a strain of his arm muscles he threw it against the wall, the blade embedding itself into a pipe.

Andle swallowed as another electric shot came, this one smashing into his chest - right under his heart. His body tightened, the breath ripped out of his lungs.

Another shot didn't come, as suddenly all the Wetlanders had paused, immediately beginning to back away into each other. Andle frowned before glancing at the pipe. Tiny, blue-flames had begun to spread around the sword's point of penetration. He closed his eyes as fire erupted from the pipe, consuming the walkway and blasting the wall of the corridor apart.

The windows were blasted out, the metal casing of the corridor ripped away from beneath them. By the hatch Avari was thrown backward down the hall, while Sƶren, Whisper, Ka'Wa, Thessir, and Musa were blasted out violantly into the dunes. Andle screamed as he covered his face, he and Aisha taking the blunt of the explosion as they too were ejected from the destroyed corridor - sent plummeting into the sands...


Down on the ground the already dropped escapees watched as in the distance the bottom left of the airship was consumed by fire - figures flying out from the explosion and into the ground below. "Oh god," Skullivan exhaled, before beginning to run forward up the dune - his limping form outrun by most of the other. At the top of the dune the group could see the bodies of their capture companions on the slope below.

Andle and Aisha were blackened by fire, and the dunes were dyed red from the setting sun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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"Uncle Andle!" Bohdana shrieked, running toward the figures in the distance, smoking from the fires. Her steps were sluggish despite being the one at the head of the run, sprinting her little heart out over the dunes separating one group from the other. Shaking from fear, she tripped a few times in the sand trying to get to them, "Andle!! No, no, god..."

Boh slid in the sand as she reached his side, forgetting everyone else for now. She tenderly prodded his body to see if he were fatally injured in any way, pulling out her collection of medical supplies while wiping the burning tears away, "Hey, c'mon now you're gonna be alright," she wept, her mock strength mimicking his own whenever she had been hurt in anyway, but it didn't sound as confident as he did, "We're gonna be fine."

The young girl glanced toward the others lying in the sand--some painfully getting up, others in a state of unconsciousness. The girl Andle had dropped with was bleeding, Boh could see, but she turned back to her uncle hurriedly, "Hey, hey where are you hurt? I cant...I cant see properly, you're gonna have to tell me..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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#, as written by Nulix
Andle wheezed heavily, half his face covered in black ash. "Nah it's all... it's all..." He was tired, exhaustion clear in his frail voice. "-It's all over, baby," He moved a weak hand to his tunic, pulling it free of it's button to reveal his chest. The skin by his heart was raw flesh - pink turning into bright, biological red - veins, blood, and the outline of bones pushing through the burn. It was right beneath his heart. Andle wheezed, his jaw still shaking. As he lay on the sand the man turned to Boh gently. "Don't you worry... it's gone."

The airship indeed continued to fly into the distance, it becoming a shade in the red horizon. Andle lay his head down. "It's gone."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Uluru Character Portrait: Skullivan Character Portrait: Bohdana Yātrī Character Portrait: Elise Seaver Character Portrait: Ka'Wa Jekund Character Portrait: Aisha 'Ai' Abdul'la
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Bohdana cried at the sight of him. She knew what this was. She knew what it meant. They were miles away from the nearest doctor now. They both had seen this all before.

Still, she thought in stubborn determination as she pulled out a cloth and placed it over the budding wound where a flower of blood began to stain it, perhaps there was a chance. Maybe there was a chance. It was pure survival, day in day out of death provoking terrain, aggressive creatures and evil people alike. There was always a chance of survival. They had to, they just had to survive. It was the way things were and would always be.

"You--you can't do this to me uncle," she sobbed, pressing against the wound to stop the blood flow, "Not you. You gotta live for me, okay? You gotta wake me up at the worst hours of the morning and tell me to get up and moving," a sad laugh crept through the tears, "We'll be okay. We'll be okay--"

She turned to the others approaching, "Help me, please!"