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Advanced RP seeking literate humans. Sorry, no cats allowed.

1,927 readers have visited Pendulum since Masquerade (Skye) created it.





We are born selfish, believing we are the only intelligent life that dwells on this planet, humans have always been selfish. We take what we want, stealing from the poor in order to fund our greedy habits and contributing nothing to society. We sit on a throne of lies, growing weeds in a garden of roses that do nothing but overtake the beauty of the landscape; killing anything in it's wake.

Perhaps it is for this reason we have been punished, banished from the ground and forced to live on a floating castle in the sky. It began with a rumbling in the earth, the very core of the planet seemed to shake as a mass of land rose higher than neither plane nor bird were able to fly. A whole society floating on a cloud that could only be seen on clear days. Yet despite our punishment, we selfishly declared ourselves better for living on this floating prison. We deny the truth and twist our words so that this broken world may seem like a paradise and build upon this broken mass in an attempt to create a castle from the scraps of society.



Peace || Cessation of or freedom from any strife or dissension.

From an era of destruction we built a guise called peace hiding behind this word with fierce weapons and officers who enforced the laws determined by a man who appointed himself King. In order to ensure that his floating kingdom remains intact, the King issues proclamations, seeing himself as a God that has saved mankind from a terrible fate. There must never be talk of returning to the ground, the citizens must never cross the gates and look over the edge otherwise they would be punished by the whispers of wind that would drive them past the point of insanity. Any who tried were declared irrational and fitted with a bracelet made of blinking lights that ensured they could never leave their homes.

Elixirs and tonics were mixed, distributed to ensure that men and women remained sterile unless otherwise they are given permission to create children. There were limited resources on their floating castle, but slowly the King built himself an empire, doing everything in his power to remain at the top. He sat high atop his throne of glass and thorns until the one thing he could not predict swept his little nation: illness.





Disease || Any harmful, depraved, or morbid condition, as of the mind or society.

We seek to exist without persecution, but we often find that even in our own homes we are often outcasts. The Disease that swept the floating nation was nothing like anything they had ever seen. It struck swiftly and silently with a deadly fist that left to citizens dropping in the streets. Bodies were burned in order to prevent the spread of illness, but this did not help. Soon only a handful of citizens remained and they saw this as the second punishment. Persecution, disease, what would come next?

Mutation, the third and final punishment. As humans we are often selfish and vain, indulging ourselves in makeup and glittery powders to smear across our faces in order to paint a picture of someone else. We hide behind these things called cosmetics and so the third punishment was something that not even the garish greases could conceal.




The metamorphosis of the next generation was blamed upon the elixirs and tonics the King had forced the people to consume. They pinned the blame on him and soon his throne of thorns and glass could no longer protect him. The man had lost his wife and child to illness, he had become depraved from the loss and saw no point in living on an island where he could no longer rule. The once and nevermore ruler that had once been so tall atop his castle had been reduced to nothing more than a speck in the wind as the wind called out to him and he jumped to the earth that would once more reject him.

We were free if only for a moment before another King was appointed. They gave power to the man who wanted none in order to ensure it would no longer be abused. The Irrational were allowed to rejoin society, the mutated children would no longer be shamed for their differences but celebrated. However, it has never been enough. We are selfish beings and even when content we seek more.




Mutation || A change or alteration, as in form or nature.

While the older generations are content with their lives, the younger ones are eager to see the land that has abandoned them. They want more than the sky and the mass of island they have been bound to. They seek to expand their horizons, although they would never speak of such things for fear of being declared irrational. Even mutated we still only think of ourselves, uncaring as to who we hurt or who we crush in order to accomplish our goals.

Our story follows six such young humans. They have only heard myths of the ground, having lived their entire lives on the pendulous island. Jumping would only prove to kill them and they have no resources to construct the flying machines their great grandparents have spoken of. Not even the mutated children with attributes of birds could dream of reaching the planet that is constantly moving out of their clutches. While those on the ground dream of flying, us in the sky fantasize of falling.





NAME || Aleksanteri Finch
AGE || 17
GENDER || Male
FACE CLAIM || Kaneki Ken
PLAYED BY || Masquerade (Skye)


NAME || Vincent Sands
AGE || 15
GENDER || Male
FACE CLAIM || Joshua
PLAYED BY || Atlasatrium


NAME || William Grayson
AGE || 16
GENDER || Male
FACE CLAIM || Gray Fullbuster
PLAYED BY || BlueShadow


NAME || Sage Alden
AGE || 16
GENDER || Male
FACE CLAIM || Yatogami
PLAYED BY || HarleyQ


AGE ||


NAME || Keahi Derks
AGE || 15
GENDER || Female
PLAYED BY || AcidLupin


NAME || Celia Astrian
AGE || 15
GENDER || Female
PLAYED BY || Phantom Sword


NAME || Reyna Lauden
AGE || 15
GENDER || Female
FACE CLAIM || Eru Chitanda
PLAYED BY || Masquerade (Skye)

Toggle Rules


  1. Commitment || I am looking for committed role players only. If you are bored and only seeking temporary relief and have no intention of sticking with the RP then don't reserve. If I know you to be someone who reserves with the intention of never finishing your character I will deny you a spot. Not publicly, but privately.
  2. Face claims || Anime only please. Manga is fine, but no real face claims. If you need help finding a face claim then feel free to ask.
  3. Content || This RP will have suggestive content including character deaths if you suddenly disappear. If you do not like these themes then do not join. Once more I will state if you have no intention of ever finishing your character or replying DO NOT JOIN.
  4. Grammar || This is an advanced RP for literate humans only (I apologize to all the cats and robots but meow is not an acceptable response in a dramatic situation). I expect at least 400 words per post, please do not forget to proofread. Speaking of which if you have read this far please put a gif of your face claim when reserving your character.
  5. Replies || You are expected to reply at least twice a week. This is a really important rule. Why? Because that's how you keep an RP alive. If you can reply more then twice a week then great! If not please inform me why otherwise you might come back and find your character accidentally got pushed off a building and didn't survive.
  6. 48 Hours || Once your reservation has been submitted feel free to put in your WIP. You have 48 hours to submit a WIP and five days to finish it. If you have not submitted anything within the specified time frame then your reservation will be revoked. Competing is allowed, but if I find this to be tremendously popular I am willing to add more characters.
  7. Password || And now for the moment you've all been waiting for, the glorious password! If you have read this far congratulations! The password is your favorite song in purple. If it's not in purple I will not accept it.
  8. Skeleton || Will be posted in the OOC
  9. Characters || Must be submitted within 48 hours, after that you have five, count 'em, five days to finish it or you will be banished. Competing is allowed, but if there is a huge interest in this RP I may simply add more characters.

    Inspired by Burning Kingdoms.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks Character Portrait: Cordellia Frost
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Red. It stared back on the other side of the mirror, boring into his soul. Alek shook his head, black hair falling into his eyes. He grabbed his eye patch from its spot on his wooden dresser and placed it over his eye, checking in the mirror to ensure you could not see the devilish gaze through the stark white patch. Nothing. With a satisfied nod Alek turned the handle of his door, the squeak of the hinges indicating they needed to be oiled. He would have to remind Father of that at the breakfast table. Alek walked down the hall, the tie of his Academy uniform feeling more like a noose than a tie. Everyday he went through this routine, acting as though his family were still whole and well despite the fact that they had been ripped to shreds and pieced back together with staples rather than glue. Alek loved his family, but more often then not they ignored the fact that he was a mutant and attempted to live as though they had two normal children. While he couldn't blame them, Alek also didn't understand their sudden change in attitude.

"Morning Alek," his mother spoke, her cheerful voice ringing in his head. Alek returned her smile and kissed her cheek before going to the oven to see what was inside. His Mother shooed him away with her oven mitts, telling Alek to take a seat and wait patiently for breakfast like the rest of them. They were soon joined by Father and Alek's little sister, Wren. she was the spitting image of their Mother and quite often Alek found himself wondering if she was going to grow out of it. "Hurry up you two, or you'll miss the train." Their Father spoke, lowering his newspaper as he wiped his mouth on his napkin.

"Yes Father," Alek and Wren spoke in the same moment, the two rising from the table and taking their plates to the sink. Unlike Alek, Wren had to go to the city over in order to reach her middle school. She had attempted to go to the middle school in Main City, but the children bullied Alek's sister relentlessly although no one was sure why, so she enrolled in academy in the next city over. Alek's academy, however, was only two stops from the platform that led to section five where his home was.

Alek stepped off of the train and onto the platform, shouldering his satchel where his homework from last night was. It was his last year of academy before he began selective studies and then hopefully became a botanist. Currently Alek was keeping a little garden on the porch of their apartment, coaxing plants to flourish under his green thumb. He was very successful and his work did not go unnoticed. He had gotten permission from both the King and academic board to pursue this career and while he was excited, Alek was more curious about the plants that grew on the planet below Castle Rock, not that he would ever express this. Speaking of Earth was forbidden and you could be declared irrational just for uttering the word ground. It was scary living in a place with such a fragile balance, but this was the life Alek had been living since he was born and he knew how to keep the scales balanced.

The first bell rang, shaking Alek from his thoughts. If he didn't hurry he was going to be late for the first class and it would permanently stain his near perfect record. Unfortunately, however, Alek would not make it to class on time. He was swarmed by a group of girls almost as soon as he stepped through the academy's gates and despite his uttering of "Pardon," and "Excuse me," they continued to follow him. His hair was white by the time he reached the classroom and explained to his teacher about his reason for being late. Their instructor simply shook his head and pointed to the last empty seat in the back row. Quietly, Alek took a seat and reached for the text book in his bag, hoping to stay out of trouble for the rest of the day.



"S-stop it," Reyna choked, her air supply quickly dwindling. Ezra's fingers wrapped tighter around her throat, he leaned in close to his little sister's ear and began to whisper. "You were a mistake," in the next moment the front door opened and Ezra let Reyna go, shoving her back against the wall and exiting her room. Reyna collapsed to the ground, choking and pulling as much air into her lungs as they would allow. The tag around her neck jangled, reminding Reyna that even if she told someone of her older brother's abuse, her accusations would fall on deaf ears. Being declared irrational meant that nearly everything you said was dismissed and so Reyna did the only thing she could think of, she turned on her side and spoke to the stuffed animal whose head Ezra had ripped off. "You saw that, right Harry?" she whispered to the purple stuffed animal.

A knock sounded on her bedroom door. Reyna's mother entered with a tight smile, holding up Reyna's uniform. "Why aren't you dressed yet sweetie?" she asked and Reyna looked past her mother, wondering what had put the woman on edge. Oh, her Grandmother was there. Elanor stood in all of her glory, her foot tapping impatiently on the ground. "Dammit Terra, if you can't take care of your daughter I'm going to have her sent back to Mao Village!" Her threats were never bluffs, Reyna had learned early on and she jumped to her feet, grabbing the uniform from her mother's hands. "Thank you Mom, you can go now."

"Wait Reyna, where are those bruises from?" Terra moved further into the room, Elanor following. Reyna froze as her mother's fingers brushed her neck, the memory of Ezra choking her still fresh. "I'm going to be late!" She pretended she hadn't heard her mother and began pulling off her clothes; jumping into the plaid skirt and colored shirt. She shrugged on her blazer and tied up the ribbon that indicated she was a first year, finally dressed, Reyna was ready to go. "Oh, alright, well have a good day." her mother kissed her cheek and her Grandmother grabbed her in for a quick hug. Despite all of her threats, Elanor really did love her granddaughter, she just didn't know the truth about Mao Village. While Reyna was in the hall she heard her grandmother ask, "Why did she rip Harry's head off of his body?"

A pang resounded in her chest. Harry had been sent to Reyna from her Grandfather while she was away in the Village. No doubt her grandmother was hurt, but there was nothing Reyna could do, it was Ezra who had ripped Harry's head off.

She ran for the front door, ignoring Ezra as he called after her in a sarcastic tone to have a good day. Soon she walking off the platform and into academy, but Reyna had no intention of going to class. She was sitting in the stalls in the girl's restroom when a teacher caught her and dragged her to home room. Quietly Reyna stalked inside with the rest of the students, glad that the second bell had just rung as she took her seat. Oh well, maybe she would slip her tag in her desk and climb the fence later.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks Character Portrait: Cordellia Frost
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Every day, the same dream.

The faint scent of smoke still lingered. Vincent had never seen the fire, but he could see the flames rising in his mind, the intense heat warding him away at the front door, where he had planned to walk through with a long deserved, "I'm finally home." At least he'd been spared that sight, even if that meant leaving everything to his ever vivid imagination. It was a gas explosion, apparently. In the middle of the night, all of them burned alive.

Vincent sat on his bed cross-legged, letting the morning rays shower him through the open window as he looked blankly out into the street. Another morning I didn't want to wake up to, he thought. But the alternative is going back to that dream, so I guess I can't really complain. He'd woken up a little ahead of schedule so he took a longer shower than usual, dressed up, and made his way into the living room. Or at least tried to until he noticed that his sister was standing at the doorway with her arms folded across her chest, standing more than a foot taller than him.

"Just because I forgot to ask you about it last night, doesn't mean you're off the hook," she said, looking down with a dead gaze that told him she knew fully well that he was not prepared to fork anything over yet. "So? Gonna try to pay me in chocolate coins again or what?"

"Give me another day, would ya, sis?" Vincent pleaded with a nervous grin, clasping his hands together. "I'm only a little bit short, I promise." Not only was he completely empty-handed, but a single day was nowhere enough time to make up the amount of money that he owed - she'd just have to deal with his lame excuses in the mean time.

"You'll be a lot shorter after I cut your legs off and donate them to science to cover your rent," she said, refusing to budge from her position. She would always make silly threats like that and Vincent would think, haha very funny, but knowing her, that almost seemed very much within the realm of possibility. The perpetual death glare wasn't exactly helpful either."Either that, or I kick your ass out of the house."

"Aw, come on Kar-bear-"

"Scratch that, I think I'll just straight up kick your ass," Kara sighed, shaking her head as she put her palm to her face. She lowered her hand to her mouth, continuing to look down at her little brother. "Look, I'll give you another week. If you haven't gotten it by then, I'll cover it for you, but you're going to owe me. Again. Got it?"

"Don't worry, don't worry," the boy reassured her, still smiling sheepishly as he gestured back and forth with his hand. "I'll have it for sure."

"I hope so," she muttered, eyeing him over her shoulder as she walked into the living room to let him through. "Or we might not have food on the table next week."

"Judging by what's on the table, it's hard to say if we have food this week, either," Vincent said, very blatantly stepping on a verbal landmine.

"You got a problem with my cooking?" Kara asked, her voice hoarse with irritation as she pushed down on his head with her hand. With a murderous stare and a forced smile, she continued, "Maybe I'll cook you for dinner, shrimp. I can assure you, the first thing to go will be that restless tongue of yours."

"S-Sounds delicious," he laughed nervously, not regretting his decision at all. Something about pissing Kara off was oddly satisfying, if dangerous. It wasn't like she was ever mean to him or anything, but she just has that kind of personality that made you want to push all of her buttons the wrong way. Of course, she was probably going to bend all of his limbs the wrong way if he didn't cool her off soon. "No need to get so upset, right? You know I love your cooking."

After a moment's pause, her grip finally loosened up and Kara lifted her hand from his head, sighing. "Fine. But you know what happens if you keep trying to hit nerves."

"Yes, yes I do," he responded, if a bit hesitantly.

"Take your breakfast and go," she said, offhandedly gesturing to the food on the table. "You were in the shower for way too long."

"That's what I get for trying to take advantage of an early morning," Vincent sighed, scratching the back of his head. He grabbed the toast and kicked into his shoes at the door, waving goodbye to Kara. "Later, sis."

"And don't come back," she replied dryly, waving back as the door closed.

Vincent was a little late, but there was no hesitation as he walked through the door. His shoes didn't make a single sound as he walked casually to his desk, hoping the teacher wouldn't notice him coming in or that he hadn't been present in his seat earlier. Internally, he was quite nervous about how well it worked out, though that feeling faded over time as he surveyed who was present in class. Usual suspects, huh? he thought. Geh. Why did I even come to school today? Maybe I should've ditched, not like anybody would realize I was gone anyhow. . .


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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Keahi has always been a morning person. She wakes up before sunrise to catch the hues of orange and red sunlight bouncing off her walls. Then she sits on her ground-level bed wearing her big tee-shirt covered in dried paint and starts getting creative. Sometimes she draws large pictures and other times she prefers fitting a little painting between others. At the moment, she was completing a large, Chinese ink-like painting of an open-winged butterfly with grunge styled details on the wings. Somehow, the suns morning light always inspired her best. The wall she was working on though was soon going to be full which meant that she was going to have to paint her oldest completed wall white again so that she could start all over again with new and creative ideas.

Well, Keahi painted for about an hour and a half before her parents started getting up. Her mother knocked on the door, " Get ready for school, sweetie." Keahi grumbled a reply so her mother came into the room. What a messy room! But, Keahi's parents were used to it and they actually kind of enjoyed her room, it was the only unorganized place in the room. A low bed which was practically only a mattress on the floor, a big black bean bag, papers scattered on the floor, drawers half opened a spilling clothes, a coffee table with a bunch of candles and statuettes and other little trinkets just lying around. Nonetheless, everything being scattered around actually had a certain organized-feel to it. Keahi's never really understood why they enjoyed their daughter's messiness so much.

Keahi's mother, Cecilia, walked into the relaxing room and flopped onto the big bean bag. From her seat she had a perfect view of her daughter's recent artwork. It was a little dark and solemn, but there was a feeling of hope in it. She then looked at her daughter who was emerged in her work. She couldn't help but smile at the girl sitting on her absurdly long hair, "Alright, come on, you have to get ready for school."

"Mm-hmm." Replied Keahi as she put her paint brush into the cup of water. She stood up and her mother left the room telling her that breakfast would soon be ready. Unlike regular households, Cecilia wasn't really the cooker or cleaner. Keahi's father, Shaun, took care of that and he was an amazing cook, too bad it wasn't his job even though he dreamed of making it his profession.

Keahi walked over to her drawers. Her hair dragging behind her moved some papers on the floor. She grabbed her uniform which was the only folded pile of clothes on the cabinet drawer and started getting dressed. She actually really liked her uniform sweater which was large and comfortable like most of her other attire. The last step was putting her hair up and for that she needed the may scrunchies and pins in the bathroom. On her way there she walked on her hair a number of times and almost smacked her face on the corner of the doorway. Finally, she put the red mess into one tight high bun. You would think that with so much hair she would have a big bun, but her hair was thin so it was really quite a small bun to what one would expect.

She ate breakfast with her parents as usual then headed to school. She was never late to school because she knew that being late meant getting the worst seats and she preferred staying in the back where teachers couldn't see her daydreaming or doodling in her sketchbook.

People started arriving and finally the teacher began the morning attendance. One tardy student slipped in unnoticed by the teacher, but Keahi saw him. He was a mutant like her. She had seen him a few times around the school. He was a really short boy for his age but other than that seemed like a pretty normal guy. What was his name again? Keahi was terrible with names...

"Keahi Derks?" The teacher called. Keahi just lifted her hand and mumbled a something indiscernible. "You say, 'present', when I call your name." What's the point? Keahi thought to herself.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Grayson
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William Grayson

William awoke with a small sigh. It was early, far earlier than he really should be waking up, but for him this was normal. He would often wake up this early, just so he could get ready, and be out the door before his father ever had the chance to make William's morning difficult. Sure he had to wait a bit longer for the train than he would like, but it was always worth it to avoid Jonas. After a few minutes of lying there staring at the ceiling, William finally forced himself up and chanced a quick look into his father's room. Though his father wasn't in his room the man's obnoxiously loud snoring coming from downstairs clued William into the fact that his father had passed out on the couch. It was a common sight after the loss of his mother, and though it hasn't been happening as often, William would still occasionally find his father drunkenly passed out downstairs.

With a small sigh William went about his typical morning routine He took showered, got dressed, and gathered his books for class, all while being quiet enough so as not to wake up his father. When he was done William went downstairs to get some breakfast, only to find his father awake, and in the kitchen. It seems Jonas had decided to get in an early morning today, and that William would be skipping any breakfast this morning. Though William had tried to make his way to the door as quietly as possible Jonas had managed to spot him, and called out to him in the normal tone where you could just hear the hate, and disappointment in Jonas’ voice. ”Hey where do you think you’re going this early in the morning?” William avoided looking at him and simply said he was going for an early morning walk, and then walked out the door.

On his way to class William had passed several of his paintings in the halls. Though most people would probably enjoy the fact that their work was appreciated and hung where people could see them William never felt anything resembling pride or joy at these particular pieces. While most people seemed to enjoy his paintings, he had thought many of the ones he had passed by were of low quality. Even now as he walked by them, William had been spotting, or imagining small imperfections, or improvements he could’ve made but never did. Despite his doubts for some of these though he did enjoy making most of them. No matter how much he ended disliking the finished product he always loved creating his art. He half wondered why he bothered coming to class at all when he already knew that he would most likely make a living off of his paintings, never really needing much of what he learned here anyway.

Once he had arrived in class, William had taken a seat in the middle of the room. Sitting there he had pulled out his sketchbook, and began drawing until class began, though he might as well have just left it out. He found himself leaving doodles in the margin of his notebook anyway, only just barely paying attention to the class.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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The classroom began to feel unbearably small as the teacher began speaking, pointing to things on the board and teaching students the history of Castle Rock. How the God in the sky sought to punish them and so they were isolated. Or maybe they were saved. Reyna had never really given much thought to the God in the sky. She did remember hearing her parents utter prayers as they stood vigil over her in the hospital. Her Grandmother seemed to always be speaking with him and the King of Castle Rock supposedly could communicate directly with him, although Reyna wasn't sure if she believed that. She looked down at her text book, but the girl had already had her fill of words on paper. She gazed out the window, wishing terribly that she could be sitting in a tree or on a bench or anywhere that wasn't here.

It was the things they were taught to fear that intrigued her the most, perhaps that is why Reyna constantly found herself questioning the certainty of the world around her. As children they are all promised peaceful, nonviolent lives should they stick to the laws set out for them by the King. From atop his silver throne, the King attempted to keep them rounded up like cluckers in a pen or bramble flies in a hive. He saw the troublesome ones as weeds that needed to be taken out, but even weeds can change into flowers once you get to know them. Grandfather would never get to do that since he never had any spare time, instead he would quietly dispatch his patrolmen in order to stop the trouble making and allow his garden to flourish.

The clock struck twelve, it was lunch time already. She had survived the first half of the day, but that didn't mean she could endure the second. Reyna stood and collected her things, her colored pencils with pictures of little animals plastered on them suddenly came tumbling out of her pencil case and clattered against the ground, rolling around towards the feet of the person sitting at the desk next to her. "Oh, I'm sorry!" A boy with blonde hair, his expression detached, or maybe uninterested. Reyna fumbled for her pencils, stuffing them back in their proper place and standing upright as the bell rang, signaling the beginning of lunch. "Um, if you don't have anyone to sit with you-" she began as other students shuffled around, collecting their things and began heading towards the lunch room. "Do you mind if I join you?" If he said no then Reyna would simply take her lunch and eat outside, behind the bushes like she normally did.

Something about him made her ask. Terrible with names, Reyna couldn't quite recall what the boy's title was but she did know that his last name was Sands. She only remembered this due to the fact that his hair was sandy blonde, so Reyna had used it as a sort of reminder. There was another sitting beside him, a girl with fiery red hair. Her name began with a K, if she recalled correctly. "You could join us too, if you'd like!" The lunch room was almost always brimming with every grade in acamdey and yet you could almost always find a seat. Unless you were Reyna, then people intentionally moved their things into her way so she could not join them.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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Not being a morning person meant that Vincent had to struggle even to stay awake during class two times out of three, but it seemed like he'd barely make it. He looked down at his notes that he'd written while half-asleep and found them to be completely illegible. It was one thing for him to be unable to read his own handwriting, but he couldn't even remember what he'd written down not five minutes ago in the first place. He was mostly content with passing classes by the skin of his teeth anyhow - for things like school, he never tried any more than what was absolutely required of him. It was essentially a motto for his life, though that wasn't to say he was disinterested from everything. Far from it.

He tuned in and out of the teacher's lecture, wondering if he should just conk out right then and there. Even if he did fall sleep in class, the teacher almost never noticed, which was good for him of course, even if it wasn't so good for his grades. Why are we reviewing this grade school garbage? he thought drowsily, making an almost visible effort to keep his head above desk level. Forget it, I think I really will take a nap. . .

It seemed like he'd only dozed off for a second until he heard something clatter near his feet. Vincent became both awake and alert almost immediately, but he soon found that there was nothing to worry about. Looked like class was nearly over and he hadn't been caught. He did, however, notice Reyna retrieving her things from the floor. He didn't really pay much mind to it and continued to look forward, at least until the girl offered to sit with him during lunch after the bell rang. Scratching the back of his head, he blinked away some of his sleep as he mulled over in his head for an answer. Normally I'd go grab something to eat with Isaac or something, but that punk hasn't been showing up to class often. He briefly swept the class again. Hm. He turned back to her. Well, she's not really a bad person, but she certainly seems to attract some bad vibes. Looks like she came to school with another bruise on her, and then there was that one time when I saw her getting her tag pulled again by some kids that had some kind of beef with her. At least I got a good laugh out of spreading superglue on their seats, because that's always something I've wanted to do, but I'd always put it on hold before because I didn't want it to be in bad taste.

"I might," he shrugged, glancing over to the other girl she'd invited. Keahi, huh? Bold pick, but whatever floats your boat. Have they even talked to each other before? Probably not, neither of them are very talkative as far as I can tell. He could feel the life returning to him now that class was over, feeling more and more awake. "Though I didn't strike you as the type to go looking for friends." You know, considering your reputation here. "Maybe it'll be your lucky day today, eh? If it's a six, I'll sit with you." Vincent revealed three small dice in his palm and casually rolled them across the table. Two ones and a four. "Lucky day it is," he whistled. He closed his hand over the dice, and then opened it again to show that two of them had disappeared and the remaining die had become a solid six before pocketing it. "Where do you usually sit? he asked, looking up at her from his seat.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK



Class was a bore. During most of it Keahi looked outside and inspired herself o the trees and the clouds to make strange drawings. Her school notebooks and the printed sheets teachers would hand out were always covered with her drawings. Some were pencil drawings other were pen. Since school was a sort of form of torture a lot of her drawings were a bit dark and grunge-like but some times she could get princess-y with her doodling and draw a bird feeding its young or a smiling portrait of a person. Before the bell rang she was drawing a Koi fish with a twisted body and those big eyes. Apparently they bring luck. Maybe as living fish they do, but probably not as a simple drawing done on the back of an algebra printed sheet.

She barely heard the bell ring and only lifted her eyes when everyone starts moving around. Keahi looked at the clock. Lunch time! She started thinking that she should find her friend Andi who was probably the only person who could actually stand her blunt and strait forward honesty. It was kind of a bust that they weren't in the same class anymore. Maybe that was also why Keahi was bored out of her mind in class. Andi always had a way of making Keahi laugh.

"You could join us too, if you'd like!"

Someone was talking to her. Oh, it was Reyna! Keahi observed the situation which she had not been paying attention too. So Reyna had just invited Vincent and Keahi to eat with her. What a win-win for Keahi! A girl she admired and a boy whom she has been dying to see sit in one place instead of vanishing all the time were going to eat with her. Despite not being very social, Keahi loved talking to new people, or more like hearing them talk and getting to know them.

"Sure." Keahi said. Andi would come and find her anyways so she didn't have to go out and look for her.

The Vincent boy didn't exactly make his decision as rapidly as Keahi. He played a dice game to help with his decision. Interesting, so he relied on luck. Or maybe he just liked playing games. It was a peculiar way of coming to a conclusion, but Keahi found it very interesting. Turns out, Vincent fell on the number he had picked out and so he would have lunch with the girls. then he did a little trick with the die, the one in his hand was a six. Was this to show that he could actually manipulate the dice and so he only put on a show of luck but actually controlled the outcome? What a manipulator. Keahi giggled then turned to Reyna to hear her answer.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: Sage Alden
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ

Sage yawned groggily as he awoke. It was early as usual, as his insomnia made it so he got no sleep and also woke up early. He stretched his arms and could feel the bags under his eyes. He slowly rolled himself out of his bed, putting his feet on the floor, and sitting on the edge of the mattress. His room was boring, plain. It had a bed, a dresser, and a desk. All white. His walls were a light beige colour, and his sheets matched them. He sighed to himself and slipped his feet into his around-the-house sandals. He managed to coax his body into standing up and walked to the bathroom. He took a quick shower and changed into his school uniform, sighing as he put it on. What's the point of uniforms? All they do is make me feel trapped. He brushed out his hair before tightening his tie, and once he was finished, he made his way into the kitchen for breakfast.

Sage could smell the food his mother was cooking, and he could see his brother sitting at the table, his back to him. He shook his head, smiling slightly. You should know better by now, he thought to himself. He flicked the back of his brother's head playfully as he walked past him and took his seat next to him. "Hey!" his brother exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head, acting like Sage's flick had hurt him. Basil laughed softly and flicked Sage's arm. "You should know better than to have your back towards my room in the morning," Sage said, smiling. Basil was the only person that Sage really openly talked to. "Boys!" their mother snapped. Great. She's in one of her moods, Sage thought inwardly as he glanced at his brother with a look. His brother returned the look, both of them knowing that today would be starting off somewhat miserably. "Just eat and go to school," she said, practically tossing breakfast onto the table. Sage and Basil were silent. "Ungrateful!" she shouted, storming off into another room.

After Sage finished his breakfast, he grabbed his school bag and quietly said good-bye to Basil before heading to the train station. As he waited for the train, he noticed a small moth near him. "Eeeek!!" he screeched, not caring that people were around, and jumping back and away from the disgusting bug. He got quite a few confused looks from the people around him, as he had pressed his back against a railing, his hand on his chest in fear of the tiny insect. When his breathing finally steadied, he moved towards where he knew the train doors would be when it arrived. Once aboard the train, he stared out of the window since he knew it would be a short trip. When the train arrived at the Academy, he hopped off of it quickly. He heard the bell ring. Crap! he thought to himself, as he rushed to class.

He arrived to the classroom later than most of the students and was forced to sit in the far back of the room. There was still an empty desk to his left, and Sage looked around the class, trying to figure out who was still missing. Just then, Aleksanteri entered the room, seemingly trying to explain to the teacher as to why he was late. Alek, you're never late, Sage pondered, taking into account that Alek's usually black hair was currently white. The teacher directed Alek to sit in the back of the class. Sage looked at the desk to his left. You can't be serious?! Sage hadn't ever been near Alek in class, let alone seated next to him. Sage was usually one of the last students to get to class because he knew that it meant he could scribble in his notebook without being disturbed, while Alek was one of the students that would arrive on time. As Alek took his seat, Sage realized that he was staring at him. He quickly turned his face to his desk, his cheeks turning hot and red with embarrassment. I hope he didn't notice that....

Hex Code: #5E7687


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK



Alek could feel eyes on him as he made his way to the back, where a single seat by the window was left open. He sat quietly in his seat, glad that his hair was slowly reverting to its normal shade of black. Soon all of the eyes returned to the front, all except one. Coming from beside him; Sage. Alek had noticed Sage watching from a far for a while now and to be honest he didn't mind. He could tell it was out of curiosity that the boy did so, what did disturb Alek though, was that Sage was constantly scrawling something in his notebook after taking glances at the mutant. Sometimes Alek fancied the thought that he was a spy for the King, then he would quickly dismiss it figuring it was a silly notion. The King would never employee someone so young, unless of course, he was now using children for his plans to keep them all marooned on Castle Rock.

The teacher began to speak, lecturing them on the importance of staying within the fence. There had been another jumper yesterday; if you hurtled yourself off of the edge of Castle Rock the winds would ensnare you and spit you back up onto the floating island. This man, however, hadn't been so lucky. The winds hadn't caught him and instead of flying back up he went hurtling towards the ground. Thankfully death snatched him before he could so much as see the earth below Castle Rock and so he had felt no pain as his body flattened against the earth. Alek envied him though, he had always wondered what it was like to fly. If humans were meant for such a thing they would have been born with wings and while there were some mutants who did have parts of animals twisted into their DNA, Alek wasn't so fortunate to be one of them.

The lunch bell rang. Alek stood and collected his things, placing his notes in the leather satchel that hung on the side of his desk. He glanced across the space to where Sage sat and wondered for the millionth time what the boy could possibly be writing. "Care to walk with me to lunch?" Alek asked and stood upright, taking off the blazer that went with the uniform and hanging it from the back of his chair.



Reyna tilted her head curiously. Six? What was that supposed to mean? Her eyes widened a bit when he took out a set of dice and rolled them across the table. And they call me irrational... She thought and watched as the dice spun across the desk. Quickly Reyna added the total in her head and mentally cheered. Yay! So she wouldn't be eating alone again today. Keahi had said yes as well, so she would be joined by two! "Normally I sit outside," Reyna spoke eagerly, her attempts at masking her excitement failing. She had never eaten with others at lunch, well, unless you counted her imaginary friend and sometimes Alek who would simply stop to converse on his way to class or coax her out of the tree as a favor to their instructor.

Reyna led them to the cafeteria, where all of the students gathered to pick up their lunches. Academy provided lunches to the students at no cost, a sort of incentive to keep them on campus so they would not be late to after meal classes. Normally by the time those began Reyna had given up on academy studies, unless they had art or science, then she would stay and hide out in the bathroom until it was time. The girls in art were especially mean; they did not understand the concept of artistic license and seemed to have made their mission to ruin any project Reyna attempted to start. Despite this she always went, figuring it was better to show her face and prove that she was no coward.

She had always found a certain majesty in the ability to create. To see an artists hands sullied by color was powerful and strange.

Reyna shook her head, this was no time to be daydreaming. She had two new friends to speak to! "So what do you two normally do during lunch?" Reyna asked. She knew what she did, but what did people with friends do during the free period? Sometimes from her perch in the trees around academy she could see that the boys would gather for tournaments of sports, showing off and flexing under their uniform jackets or running around and smelling of rot when they returned to class due to the sweat that clung to their underarms and chests.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK



"The ceiling looks...nice?"

Celia was staring straight up, Forward in a sense, She didn't have the luxury of a bed, or anything else. She was stuck with the cold, hard ground, Not the best living conditions, but at least she was living. Her room was barren, Consisting of a few ferns, flowers and books, No one was going to ever visit her, so what was the point of decorating?

Her parents left her a note, Written in incompetent handwriting, It read, "We are going out, To supply your meaningless life", They were out gambling or something, Her parents had normal jobs and all, but the earning were spent by them and them only, exceptions being water bills, electricity bills and taxes, which was used by the whole family, Nothing else. Though Money usually wasn't a problem, considering the academy gave some compensation, But the funds had to stay hidden, So her parents didn't decide to exhaust her budget...again.

Celia always liked the school uniform, It was a skirt, So she didn't really mind it all that much, It also was an extra outfit she could choose from, considering she didn't have much to begin with, There was currently no food on the table, as always, It wasn't unusual for Celia to go hungry in the morning, This contributing to her small stature, but she can stop at a convenience store to pick up something small. After her morning routine, Celia gathered her belongings, Notebooks, Textbooks, Writing utensils and her notepad especially, and hurried out the door. The weather was nice, as always, Being so close to the sky does wonders apparently.

"$2.35, Please" The cashier said, Celia dumped the required amount, before walking outside, She has gotten a small loaf and a bottle of water, It wasn't much, but it was good enough. Celia quickly scarfed down the meal, and walked to the bus stop

"Wait!", She was thinking it, but she couldn't shout it, She was quickly sprinting towards the train station, but to no avail, She was going to be late for school, But no one really gives the mute person the time of day, If she was late, Who cares? Celia didn't either.

Since after her stop, The carrier makes a Bee line to the academy, Celia had no choice, but to walk, The weather was nice at least, So this might prove to be in enlightening experience. "I'll arrive at the campus when school ends", She hopelessly thought, As she started her long, and painstaking trek to the academy. Not the best idea for a first day.

The walk proved to be worthwhile, She can't do much at home, So she usually just goes outside for long strolls, So she knew her way around these parts and everyone in them, She was good acquaintances with most of the residents, Considering her warm personality, even if she has to speak using a notepad. Her love for nature bloomed, thanks to a humble flower shop owner that let her tend to the various orchids and roses, The smell and appearance of a flower was very alluring to Celia, Putting plants in front of humans in her friends list. When Celia past the shop, She waved hello to the florist behind the window, She was then greeted with the same gesture. The smell of the various plants were all so pleasant, "Today is going to be a good day", Celia thought.

Celia past another structure, The library, The place where she found her talent in literature, The librarian was someone Celia was fond of too, Letting her check out a prodigious amount of books, Without the need of a card, As the librarian was walking inside to do her duty, Celia was greeted with a wave, She then returned the favor, The academy building appeared in sight.

Luckily it was lunch, So she slipped by un-noticed, She promptly put away her things, and casually ambled towards the lunchroom, As she walked by, She found crowds of people, But only one group caught her eye, Troublemaker, Crimson-Hair, and Irrational,

"Yeah...Today is going to be a good day She said as she got in line.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ

"Care to walk with me to lunch?" The sound of the voice caused Sage's cheeks to become hot and the hairs stood slightly on the back of his neck. He shut his notebook quickly and forcefully, hoping that Alek hadn't seen what he'd been writing and sketching. He turned shyly to look up at the mutant boy. His hair was back to black, and Sage smiled at that. After a moment, he realized that he was just sitting there, smiling stupidly at Alek and hadn't even answered his proposition. "Eh. Eh," he stammered, trying to get something to come out of his mouth. He could feel his cheeks getting hotter by the second. "S-Sure!" he said, standing up hurriedly. In his stupidity and clumsiness, he managed to knock into Alek's bag, spilling anything and everything that had been inside it. Sage's palm came up forcefully to his forehead, and he immediately dropped to the floor and started picking things up. "I'm so so sorry! I'm sorry," he said, flustered and still trying to pick Alek's things up. He was struggling miserably, realizing that he had no idea how Alek had had things arranged in his bag, so he was now sitting on the floor with its contents in his arms.

When they finally managed to fix the situation and were on their way to lunch, Sage continued to apologize. "I'm so sorry; I'm such a klutz," he sighed, huffing a piece of his hair off of his face that fell back to where it had been on his forehead. "What is wrong with me? I'm such a screw up...." he thought to himself, scratching the back of his neck as they walked side-by-side. Or at least he thought he had thought that remark to himself; however, it had escaped right from his mouth. He put his hand over his mouth, his cheeks getting even hotter than they already were. A few tears welled up in his wide eyes, but he choked them back as best he could. He already hated talking to people because he always happened to screw it up or make a fool of himself in some way, and not only had he done that just now, but he had done it with Alek. The person he admired more than anyone on this godforsaken floating chunk of rock. He couldn't believe himself, and he couldn't help the fact that the red colour and heat was refusing to recede from his pale cheeks. He couldn't even manage to smile at this point he was so entirely and unbelievably embarrassed with himself.

He looked around at the groups that were already at lunch. It looked like most of the Academy was there, and Sage realized that it had taken them quite a bit of time to get Alek's bag re-situated. Then he noticed an odd little group of kids. He recognized one of them to be a girl named Reyna; she had been declared an Irrational, though Sage didn't pay any mind to that. The other two kids took him a moment to place, but after a little bit, he realized it was a kid named Vincent, who was a bit of a troublemaker, and a hot-headed, fiery girl called Keahi. He had a knack for remembering names and faces, mostly because of his writing and whatnot. As Sage and Alek came to the lunch line, he also noticed that the white-haired, white-skinned girl was in front of them, the one with the beautiful, bright red eyes and the silent tongue. He cocked his head slightly in curiosity. He'd always wondered why such a pretty, seemingly bubbly girl was always so quiet; however, he couldn't really speak much about it considering how quiet he, himself, was. What he found most odd about today was seeing Reyna with other people. He usually saw her up in trees by herself observing things. Today was different. He could feel it, and it gave him a somewhat uneasy but excited feeling. He was ready for this day. Well, not entirely, but he'd like to think so anyway. He couldn't help his optimistic attitude.

Hex Code: #5E7687


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK



Well now that the location for eatING was basically settled, Keahi put her things away in her old satchel. It was actually a bag which used to belong to her mother, but now it was Keahi property; covered in dried paint from being placed under dripping artwork and dirt from being dragged on floor carelessly. She's never really taken good care of her things, that's why her mother pays extra close attention to her uniform so it won't end up like the rest of her belongings. So, she shoved her school notebooks into her bag (but gently slipped her sketch book in) and then got up and followed Reyna to the cafeteria.

As they waited in line Keahi dreaded all of the noise and commotion. Why were so many people pushing? Do they know that it won't go any faster, and might even slow things down, if they cause a ruckus!? And there were small people in line, you have to think about those people. Keahi isn't a tall girl, but she isn't weak either so she stands her ground, except when a school athletic boy decides to play rough with his friends and bumps into her causing her to knock into the girl near her. Keahi's first reaction was the glare at the boy. No need to bother shouting or getting angry, all that needed to be done was make the guy realize he was being annoying to everyone else in line. The next thing she did was turn to the girl and see if she was alright. It was Celia!

What luck! Was the first thought that crossed her mind. Her eyes lit up with joy at the sight of Celia. She wanted to say something, but couldn't find anything significant to pronounce, so she just nodded as a sign of having seen that the girl was fine and she turned back around.

"So what do you two normally do during lunch?" Asked Reyna.

Keahi was going to wait for Vincent to answer when a loud call came from the other side of the cafeteria, "KEAHI!" It was Andi, Keahi's very precious, but also not very discrete friend. Andi ran over and instantly hugged Keahi. This caused for much embarrassment for the red-head who was supposed to be seen as bad-tempered and unlikeable. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sad we're not in the same class! It's awful! And I can't even eat lunch with you today so I was so worried, but I see that you have company so you should be fine! You guys take care of her okay! She's really not all that bad. She's like a sour candy, you have to get through the sour to get to the sweet."

While Andi took a breath from her none-stop banter, Keahi took up Reyna's question again, "What do I usually do at lunch? I listen to this obnoxious person."

Andi patted Keahi's head and gave such a wide smile that her cheeks were round and her eyes were closed. "I know you love me, you can't fool me. Well, I have to go, so be nice! Oh and we'll see each other after school! Your mom invited me for dinner, I just hope your dad will be cooking!" And just like that Andi was gone in a ball of excitement and energy. Keahi was used to it so she didn't really care about the whole display and just went back to waiting in line like nothing had ever happened. Now she just waited for Vincent to give his answer. Keahi also peeked over at Celia, maybe she would find something to say. She kind of wanted to invite her to eat with herself, Reyna and Vincent but felt it wasn't her place to invite since it was Reyna's idea to welcome people to a collective lunch. Maybe it would have been good if Andi could have stayed. Andi could always understand what Keahi was thinking and would speak for her. Maybe she should follow Andi. Making new friends seemed like something difficult. They would probably cry too.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK

William Grayson

William sat there in his class, his stomach noticeably growling after skipping breakfast this morning. He wore a rather bored expression on his face, school had never really been his strong suit, not that the material was difficult or anything, it just didn’t hold his attention. William usually just did the bare minimum when it came to class, just enough not to fail, no more, and no less than that. He had stopped paying attention to class a while ago, instead his focus being on other things. Like the clock and when lunch would begin, he was turned his head to look at it every few minutes, just waiting for the lunch bell.
When the bell did finally ring, William quickly packed up his things and made his way out of the classroom. On his way out of the classroom, William walked down to the lunchroom with a few of his several friends here at the academy. He always enjoyed the days here at the acadamy. Sure a lot of the classes may be incredibly boring, but he had a lot of friends here and it was nice to be able to talk to them all the time.

When they got to the lunchroom William had gotten in line, all of his friends had split off to go to their respective tables, and William began to look around the room to see where he was going to sit today. He had a lot of friends so he never really had just one table he would always sit at. William had always sat at different tables every day at lunch, so as to spend time with his many different friends during the free period.

As he stood in line he noticed how unruly it seemed to get. Several people were pushing most noticeably a school athlete was being the most irritating, as he was fooling around with his friends. He had bumped into Keahi the feiry red headed girl, which caused her to bump into Celia, the mute Celia who communicated by notepad. Fortunately Keahi, seemed to put an end to it with a well-placed glare. Commotion seemed to follow her around today as Andi spotted Keahi from across the lunchroom and made something of a scene. It seemed Keahi was eating lunch with two others today, Vincent Sands the trouble making, and sneaky mutant, as well as Reyna Lauden the quiet Irrational girl. William was rather surprised, he didn’t pin these three with being friends, but it presented a good opportunity for to get to know the three of them right now. As soon as William had gotten his food, and steeped out of line he walked up to the three of them with a small smile.”Hey you guys. Are you three eating together? Mind if I join you?”


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK


Vincent stood in line with the rest of them, making use of this idle time to mull over the deck of cards he'd removed from his pocket, recounting to make sure nothing had gotten lost during his last excursion. Of course, he already knew that every single one of them was accounted for before he had even reached for the pack, but as a procedure it helped calm his mind. Looking up from the cards, he observed with some amusement as several things occurred in succession - after some kid gracefully knocked his way into Keahi while screwing around with his pals, he half-expected her to sock him in the face right then and there, but he knew that wasn't any more than wishful thinking. Soon afterwards, one of her friends charged into the line, though this time it was more intentional. They talked briefly and excitedly, which would be a rare sight if it weren't for the fact that Keahi wasn't exactly doing most of the talking. At least they appeared to be on good terms with each other.

Meanwhile, Vincent quietly slipped several steps ahead during the commotion, taking his place much further up the line unnoticed. Stashing his deck away, he looked back and noticed a few familiar faces, including the likes of Celia and, somewhere outside of the line, Sage. After Keahi answered, Vincent spoke up next from his new spot with a sly grin. "Why don't you follow me after we finish eating and I'll show you?" he said, obviously planning something awful.

As an observer, he kept a pretty close eye on the events that transpired during school hours, particularly instances of bullying. He needed a method to pick out targets for his pranks, after all. What would it be this time? Maybe the glitter-bomb locker? Or perhaps the hundred padlock bag? The lead shoes didn’t sound like too bad a pick, either. He might even consider consulting with them, assuming they didn’t try to stop him. Not that they could even if they tried.

Another vaguely familiar face entered the scene - a relatively popular second year who's best known for some of his works hanging around the school. William cut his way into the picture as well, asking if he could join them during lunch. Vincent shrugged in response and grinned at him. "Fine by me. Don't know what their answers are going to be, but in all honesty, they'll probably let you tag along."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK



Alek wasn't expecting the reaction he had gotten from Sage. The boy was tripping over himself he seemed so happy, Alek was glad he could make someone's day even if it was in the smallest of ways. "Don't worry about it," Alek dismissed the boy's worries as he dumped the contents of Alek's satchel on the ground. It was a mistake, he could tell, but Alek didn't mind. Worse things had happened, he was just glad his satchel hadn't ended up in the fountain... again. "It's alright, I'm not very particular about the way my things go in." This was a lie, but Alek covered it up with a smile and a bit of a shy scratch beside his eyepatch. Once his things were sorted he rehung his bag and made his way out.

As they walked into the lunchroom, Alek surveyed the area, glad that he did not see his self proclaimed fan club anywhere. The group of girls that followed him around were very annoying and he wasn't sure why they insisted on shadowing him. They had earned themselves more than one lunch detention, so Alek would not be surprised if he passed by the main office and saw them sitting in a silent circle. He did, however, see an even odder sight though, his favorite irrational was happily speaking to two students and his heart swelled with pride. Alek had met Reyna in Mao Village and he knew her to be very shy. He felt somewhat protective over the girl since her older brother had failed at that task and the patrolmen that were posted around the school were useless for protecting anyone proclaimed different.

"Why don't we eat with them?" Alek turned towards Sage, gesturing to the group. William, a boy in the year below them had just strode up to Vincent, Keahi, and Reyna and Alek wondered if they had arranged this before hand. Regardless he would ask to join, figuring it was better to eat with new people than the normal group of semi decent students that would somewhat ignore him while he read at the table. Alek wasn't as good at making conversation as he pretended to be. His parents had drilled small talk into him, but beyond that Alek was in the dark. "So do you have any favorite books? You're always writing so I figured you must be pretty into literature." Real paper was a commodity on Castle Rock. It was reserved for the blind who needed unblemished sheets in order to read. Most other paper was recycled and normally you could find flecks of newspapers and other passages when you picked up new notebooks. Rumor had it that the King horded old novels whose pages were untarnished by sun and weather. Nothing on Castle Rock was new really, most everything, including the seats on the train, were recycled. There were tubes around the academy and throughout the sectioned neighborhoods that would suck up the trash and take it to the recycling center, where it was burned or melted and recreated. Alek thought it was wonderful how nothing was ever wasted and he often wondered if the ground lived like this as well, or if there was so much space that they needn't worry about reusing what they had.

He never spoke of these musings to anyone aside from his sister, who enjoyed contemplating these things as well. Alek blinked, realizing he had spaced out and could have possibly missed Sage's answer, but from the looks of it the boy was still deciding. "Take your time, we seem to have plenty considering how long the lunch line is." Occasionally students would bring left overs from the cold box at home, but academy provided one meal a day for free and it was encouraged to gather in the dining room for it.



Reyna watched as the events before her unfolded like a map of the city slowly being put together. A boy bumped into Keahi who appeared as though she were going to explode when she realized she bumped into a snowy white haired girl Reyna had noticed had been moved to their academy class. "Celia!" The Reyna pipped, suddenly remembering her name and walked over to the other female, taking her hands in her own and looking directly into her eyes. "Um-do you want to join us for lunch?" The expression on Reyna's face was sincere and intense and should anyone else have seen it they no doubt would have laughed. It had taken much courage for Reyna to do something so outspoken and she drew in a shaky breath as she waited for an answer.

In that moment, William, whose artwork Reyna often stopped to admire walked up to them and requested to join them as well. She was so glad so many people were eating with her today! "Of course!" Reyna nodded her head, her smile wide. They moved up on the lunch line and she collected her food, the smell of vegetable loaf wafting under her nose. Meat was reserved for special occasions and holidays, it was rarely served in academy unless they were having the end of the year meal or a student had been honored by the king for being especially exceptional.

Reyna waited for the others to gather their food before making her way outside. The sun was warm on her back and in the distance, boys were already throwing off their blazers and rolling up their sleeves in order to begin a game of soccer. Reyna loyally sat beneath her favorite tree, she would not abandon it now that she had new friends to eat with, especially if these friends proved to be like others and simply thought they could make a few jokes at her expense. Unfortunately it would not be the first time and nervously she began to play with the tag around her neck, wondering if they had only agreed to eat with her in order to humor her and really had no intention of staying friends.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ

"Why don't we eat with them?" Alek suggested, motioning towards the group that Sage had noticed earlier. "Mhm," Sage said quietly, nodding as well. After a moment of silence, Alek addressed Sage again. "So do you have any favorite books? You're always writing so I figured you must be pretty into literature." Sage looked at Alek, amazed at the fact that he seemed to be trying to find something for them to talk about. He could feel his cheeks getting red. Sage tapped his finger on his chin a few times, his eyes gazing upwards as he thought about what his favourite book might be. He had a secret love for Edgar Allan Poe, which to most people might seem somewhat morbid and looked down upon, so he hadn't ever told anyone about it. "Take your time, we seem to have plenty considering how long the lunch line is." Sage looked at Alek, still surprised that Alek seemed to care. "It might sound weird, but I don't particularly have a favourite book per se...." he said, looking down at his feet. "However, I have a favourite story. Please don't judge what it is. I've never told anyone about this," he admitted softly. "My favourite story would have to be The Pit and the Pendulum. Which probably sounds crazy and," he swallowed. "I don't know." His gaze turned away from Alek's direction completely, still focused on the ground. He wasn't very good at conversing with people, but he felt like words were just spilling aimlessly out of his mouth.

When they finally got their lunches, Sage looked around, trying to pinpoint where the group from before had gone. He spotted Reyna by the tree she was usually near at lunch. "There they are," he said, nodding with his head. He looked at Alek with a smile. He couldn't help but admire the boy with the black nails and matching hair that would turn to white if his mood shifted too suddenly. Sage realized he actually knew quite a bit about Alek just from observing him. "I don't understand why people ignore or judge Reyna because she's Irrational," Sage admitted, looking down at the lunch he had in his hands. "We can't deny that we've all had thoughts of the Ground...." he said quietly so that only Alek would be able to hear him. He's going to think I'm crazy. I can't believe that just came out of my mouth. he thought to himself. At this point, he was somehow feeling comfortable around Alek though, in one way or another.

He walked up to the hodgepodge group of kids that were sitting under Reyna's tree, Alek still by his side. "D-Do you mind if we j-join you?" Sage asked, his words beginning to fail him, as groups of people tended to terrify and intimidate him. He swallowed hard and gave them a small, awkward smile, his cheeks starting to turn hot again.

Hex Code: #5E7687


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK



A burst of excitement overflowed in Keahi when kind little Reyna brought over Celia and invited her to eat with them. Keahi didn't know if Reyna had read her mind but she looked over at the girl deemed irrational and sent a mental thank you then scooched over a bit to make room for Celia. She was so happy that Celia had also bee invited that she just kept looking at the girl with wide eyes hoping that she would write down a big 'yes' on her notepad. Her building up stress of anticipation for what Celia's response would be was interrupted by Vincent offering to 'show' what he would normally do at lunch. Taken his tone and the way his eyes seemed to roam around after having said that it was going to be something ill-advised by school authority, and for some reason that made Keahi curious.

"Hey you guys. Are you three eating together? Mind if I join you?"

Who was it now? Oh gosh, the happy one!? It's not like Keahi doesn't like him, she's actually quite fond of his art, but the way he just always smiles and is so damn popular with people it somehow irks her. And Reyna was saying 'yes' to him too! Why were so many people adding to the group!? This was starting to become much too strenuous for Keahi. More people meant more conversation which meant more need for attention. I don't think I'm going to get through this. Keahi started biting her lip as she grabbed her food. She held onto the platter so tightly like her life depended on not letting go of the food. Why was her heart beating so fast? They're just people! Relax! She took a deep breath and followed Reyna outside. Fresh air was good, it was soothing. And the sunlight was also quite calming making sitting in the shade only more enjoyable.

Instantly she started stuffing her face, the perfect technique to avoid having to be the first to talk. Being seated on the grass next to Reyna, Keahi heard the clicking of her tags and looked to see her fiddling with them. A strange disturbing feeling came into Keahi's mind. She had never liked those tags, she had always felt like it was a way of showing the 'irrationals' off only to make other people feel 'normal'. Her hand reached over on it's own and took the tags. She stared at them, saw what was written on them. She frowned then spoke only to Reyna in a very serious tone, "You are not a dog." Then she slipped the tags under Reyna's shirt and went back to eating.

She was peacefully eating when two bays came over. She knew both of them, good guys. "D-Do you mind if we j-join you?" Sage asked Reyna. Keahi almost choked on her vegetables when he asked the question. Okay! Now this is becoming border-line impossible for me! I can't handle the presence of so many people! Andi I am going to die! Nonetheless, Fire-hair McCinder-face tried her best to keep a straight face and get rid of the mild choking hazard in her throat to start eating again and let Reyna take care of the rest.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK


Hex Color = "#FFB2B2"


The lunchroom was filled with noise, This sort of thing didn't bother Celia, The only annoyance was the hungry children, holding no regard for anyone, as they shoved there way through line, Celia becoming a victim of this, as she was thrown around by the crowd of people, She was about to retract her earlier statement until she caught a glimpse of...

"Keahi!", Of course, She wasn't heard, but to discern Keahi, Someone she wanted to meet for quite some time, Though...When the time came, She didn't know what to say, anxiety and discomfort filled Celia's mind, And a slight notion told Celia that the crimson haired girl, was feeling the same, Keahi gave the snowy white girl a nod, as Celia responded with the same, They both came to a standstill, as they both turned away after the exchange.

Celia's kind of time of silence was decimated as a deafening female, Called out Keahi's name, As Keahi was getting bombared by questions, Celia gave a modest smile as the gestures that were occurring, After so time passed, The strange, loud female, taking most of it, Keahi was saved by Reyna, The irrational, Celia felt that such a horrendous title shouldn't define a well-mannered girl such as Reyna, but it couldn't be helped..But then, Reyna, Turned towards Celia, And You guessed it.

"Celia!~", She announced, unluckily and luckily for Celia, Reyna was a bit more open when it came to speech, Reyna was staring straight into Celia's eyes, Unrelenting, and asked a simple question, "Um-do you want to join us for lunch?" The question was sincere, NO ulterior motives, The snowy white haired girl, responded with a simple nod, before being whisked away.

Celia was being taken from place to place, A simple frown plastered itself on Celia's face, She wasn't unhappy. she was just thoroughly confused, She didn't even get her food yet, As her spot in line was taken before her very eyes, Celia didn't really mind it, But she wanted to eat..Sometime this century. Celia was finally able to come at a halt, As William, The flawless painter and adapt athlete stopped to converse with Reyna, It was brief, but she slipped away to collect her food. The line was short at this time, So after an excruciating ten minutes, Celia collected her meal and set off.

The group was unexpectedly quiet, She was with Keahi at last, But the fiery haired girl proceeded to stuff her face, The group started to gather after that, After a large moment of silence, A shy boy inched his way towards the group, followed by someone who seemed like the exact opposite. "Do you mind if we j-join you?", She looked around, No one was thinking of responding, especially Keahi, Who kept on furiously eating, After a long standstill, Celia scribbled something on her notepad.

"Of course, Go ahead and take a seat you two", Followed with a subtle smile.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK

William Grayson

William couldn't help but give off a small smile at Reyna when she readily agreed to let him join the rest of them. He could tell that she was excited. Reyna wasn't known for having a lot of friends simply because she was an Irrational, something that had always bugged William. She seemed like a very nice girl, she was sweet, and fairly friendly, William always thought it was unfair the way she was treated. It was in this moment that he noticed just how many people were here with Reyna. Just before he had arrived Celia had joined the group as well. William was glad to see that the normally isolated, and solitary Reyna now had some people to talk to, and be friends with. He was happy to be one of those friends, and give her someone to talk to..

The group had went outside for lunch and taken up a spot underneath a shady tree. It was rather quiet for a few moments, most of the people here were not very known for being very talkative after all. Keahi was busy stuffing her face, and Reyna seemed to be nervously playing with the tags that identified her as an Irrational. He gave a small internal sigh at these. Those tags would always mark Reyna as different, as far as William was concerned they were just another reason to hate this floating island in the sky. This place had no tolerance for those who were different, and you could never get away from them up here. He was going to say something but Keahi spoke up first and placed Reyna's tags back into her shirt.

The group grew even larger as two more boys walked up to them. It was the shy and quiet Sage , and Alek, the quiet but surprisingly popular mutant."Do you mind if we j-join you?" it was Sage who asked if they could join the rest of them. This took William by slight surprise as Sage seemed very nervous about walking up to them. William waited a few moments for Reyna to answer, but when no one answered Celia had told Alek, and Sage, with the use of her notepad that they could sit, and eat with them.

"The more the merrier I always say." He spoke in his normal friendly tone. He was somewhat eager to get a chance to talk with Sage. Usually the boy was so quiet and stuck in his notebook that they've never really spoken.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK



"I won't laugh," Alek promised, his expression serious. He always took literature seriously, being quite a large fan of books and having read some embarrassing titles himself, Alek knew what it was like to be nervous about what he was reading. Especially since some of the books had been deemed illegal and were supposed to be burned, but his parents had hidden them away, wanting Alek to have some piece of his family's legacy from the ground. "Really?" Alek asked when Sage confessed his favorite story. "I would have never pegged you for a Poe fan." Conversation came easy now that there was a real topic. "I've always enjoyed his collection of poems, although they can be rather morbid. I guess that's to be expected after the sort of life he lived though."

Then Sage said something unexpected, that he did not like how Reyna was labeled irrational simply because of her opinion. "It's a bit more complicated then that," Alek confessed quietly. "If one were simply deemed irrational for conversing about the ground then we'd all be wearing tags." Alek scratched the back of his neck, balancing his lunch tray as they walked outside. "She's a jumper, she climbed the fence and tried to throw herself over the edge." It was unusual for children to scale the fence and attempt to jump. Normally it was adults who were unsatisfied with their life in the sky. "And it's the King's fault." Too late Alek realized what he had let slip. It wasn't his secret to tell and instantly he regretted it, which caused his hair to turn white. "You can't tell anyone I told you that though," he spoke quietly as they approached the group.

Keahi was holding on to Reyna's tags and Alek was afraid he was going to have to jump in and do something when Keahi simply told Reyna she was not a dog and tucked the tags under the girl's shirt. Alek sighed with quiet relief and waited for someone to answer Sage's inquiry. It was Celia who did it, the mute who had just transferred to their academy. Alek took a seat on the grass beside William, who expressed with sincerity about liking a large group. Alek could tell Keahi's nerves were beginning to become frayed, she seemed a bit jumpy as though one little thing could startle her into running away. "If it's becoming too much I don't mind eating somewhere else." He was looking directly at the girl, although whether Keahi received the message was unclear.



Reyna was frozen in that moment, even after Keahi tucked the tags under her shirt Reyna could not move. It took Sage and Alek coming over to finally shake her out of it and slowly Reyna reached for the pack of juice on her tray, taking slow, deliberate sips as she thought. She wasn't sure what to make of this sudden development and it made her nervous. She was not a dog, no, but the tags made sure she couldn't climb the fence again without alerting authorities. Reyna pushed her tray away, no longer hungry and hugged her knees. Come over the fence, come play the wind whispered. Reyna had not heard the wind in a long time and it startled her. She shook her head, raising her hands over her ears and pressing tightly to make the voice go away. It sounded like one of her childhood friends, one who had moved to a different section for her parents work that Reyna never got to see anymore.

"Reyna are you alright?" Alek asked and her head snapped up. They were somewhere else, inside of a memory. Alek was sitting under a tree reading a book, she was standing behind a fence, watching him. The mutants were so free and yet, they were trapped here on this island, just like them, different from irrational, but treated like humans. "Yes," Reyna replied and it was the truth. She pulled her tray towards her and picked up her juice pouch once more, draining the rest of it and regretting it instantly. Now she wouldn't have any juice for later.

Reyna turned towards William, she was excited to talk to the artist. "I saw your coloring that they used for the Festival of Stars, it was really pretty." The Festival of Stars was a week during the winter where they prayed for forgiveness from the Sky God. Castle Rock was supposed to be a punishment after all. Some treated the Festival of Stars like a carnival, they decorated the trains and hallways, hung up large coloring's and burnt paper offerings in prayer, then had a feast and exchanged gifts. In Reyna's family they celebrated the Festival, although to Reyna it had always felt wrong. She had told her Mother this once and the woman that was supposed to protect and love her had slapped her daughter instead, telling Reyna never to speak of such things again.

Reyna had been careful about what she let slip in front of her Mother afterwards, although sometimes during a fit she couldn't help but express what she was feeling, mostly because during a fit Reyna wasn't always aware of what or who was around her.

Back to reality, she had to go back. No, stay with me, stay a little longer. The Wind tried again, its soothing voice cooed gently and it was tempting, but Reyna did not want to lose her new friends. "How do you get the colors like that?" Reyna asked William, her voice eager. She wanted to learn, she wanted to color like that, but mostly, she wanted the voice to go away.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK



"If it's becoming too much I don't mind eating somewhere else." Keahi had been keeping her concentration on her food, but when Alek spoke she couldn't help but feel that he was addressing himself to her.

Now she was embarrassed. She must have made him feel like she didn't like him which wasn't true at all. On the contrary, she wanted him to know that she very much admired him, but he kind of... intimidated her. The way he could speak to anyone and understand people so easily, but he himself was such a mystery, made Keahi a little uneasy. She shook her head and gestured for him to sit with the group. It was a bit of a general gesture with no specific spot to sit and it was a little harsh too. She barely looked into his eyes (though she did try). Then she managed to let out a few words: "I'm fine with you guys."

What were two more people adding themselves to the group going to do to her? She had to deal with it so she attempted to make peace in her mind with the crowd around her. In a certain sense it was actually quite... fun. The general mood was warm and friendly. Keahi had never really had many people she knew so the reason all of this scared her so much was because she wasn't familiar with it, but the more she observed everyone, the more she started to enjoy it. Each with their own quirks and qualities. Celia was being smiley and social, despite her inability to speak. William was being kind and social, as she usually saw him. Keahi actually kind of wanted to talk to him about painting and art. Maybe for once she would be able to share a passion of hers with someone, but she was still a little shy.

Reyna did the talking with William. She brought up the Festival of Stars. It was true that William's artwork at the festival had been so mind-blowing and beautiful. Keahi listened carefully to what Reyna was talking about that she dropped her fork in the grass and didn't even notice. She just did the shoveling gesture for her food without the necessary tableware in hand. At one point she realized what she was doing and hopes no one had seen her or was witnessing her picking up her fork and placing it on the side of her plate. To forget about her clumsiness, even if no one had sen her, she blurted, "Are you going to decorate for the Sky Festival too?"

The words kind of came out of their own and Keahi felt a little embarrassed but kept a straight face. She just hoped she wasn't being off topic. Was she being off topic? I mean, Reyna was talking about the Festival of Stars and the Sky Festival was coming soon. It's not off topic. No it's not off topic. As Keahi was having an interior conflict with herself her expression became meaner and meaner. This was usually what made people call her McCinder-face and think that she didn't like them. Too many things were happening in her mind and when that happens, she starts to frown and glare, but it's not really directed to a certain person, it's actually directed to herself. It is off topic isn't it!? Oh man!

She turned to Vincent, Sage and finally Celia for support but keeping the mean expression on her face. She was in dire need of some back up, so she spoke again, but accidentally kind of snapped at them, "You do know about the Sky festival, right?"


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by HarleyQ

Everyone seemed welcoming to Sage and Alek joining the group. Sage took a seat and started slowly picking at his food. They started musing over William's artwork; however Sage managed to exit reality and zone out on his food. I wonder what it's like on the ground, Sage wondered to himself. It's so mysterious and intriguing. He put his elbow on his knee and leaned forward, putting his chin in his palm, still lost in his own thoughts. He thought about what Alek had said before: "She's a jumper, she climbed the fence and tried to throw herself over the edge." However it was the last part that Alek mentioned afterward that caught his attention: "And it's the King's fault." The comment had turned Alek's hair white, which made it obvious to Sage that he shouldn't have said anything about it. That notion was confirmed when Alek told him that he couldn't tell anyone.

"You do know about the Sky Festival, right?" Keahi snapped, which in turn snapped Sage out of his thoughts with a slight jolt. "Unless it's changed this year, yes," Sage answered quietly. He hadn't completely been paying attention to where the conversation of the group had gone, so he wasn't sure if his answer even made sense. Even though he had come back to reality, his mind still lingered on Alek's words: "And it's the King's fault." He looked at Reyna, who was smiling. He smiled too, happy that even though people usually dismiss her because she's Irrational, she still manages to smile.

Sage leaned his cheek into his palm, his elbow still on his knee, and pushed what food was left on his tray around with his fork. He knew he wasn't very good at conversing with people, and groups made him extremely nervous. I'm okay. These are friendly people, he thought to himself, doing his best to remember to breathe so that he wouldn't freak out. Keahi's face was still sporting a frown and an angry expression, however Sage could tell she wasn't angry at any of them. He figured that it was sort of a subconscious thing that she did without really realizing it sometimes. Or maybe she was aware of it, fully aware even, but Sage couldn't be sure. Sage zoned out again, mindlessly "playing" with his food, unsure of how to continue at this point in the group's conversation. Say something, idiot! he thought, mentally kicking himself for being unable to speak well to others.

Hex Code: #5E7687


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK

William Grayson

As Alek and Sage joined the group he watched Keahi for a moment. She didn't seem to enjoy being in a group with so many people, and Alek had actually offered to leave if Keahi wanted him to. She seemed to have an angry or unhappy face on, but she relented after a few moments and gave Alek, and Sage her approval to stay. Though she continued to give a sort angry glare . She had always seemed like a cold kind of person, but it was obvious to William that she didn't really mean it. He realized that she just wasn’t used to this kind of situation.

He turned to Reyna when she spoke to him.” I saw your coloring that they used for the Festival of Stars, it was really pretty." He remembered that painting well. It was a piece that used several vibrant colors, which painted Castle Rock in a positive light, something which he only really did because that piece was to be put on display during the Festival. He gave Reyna a nod and said somewhat sheepishly ”Thanks! Glad you liked it.” He always appreciated it when people tell him how much they liked his art even though he never felt it was as good as other people told him, but it was still nice to hear every once in a while.

As he and Reyna were talking Keahi had asked if he would be making a painting for the Sky Festival. He shrugged for a moment. “I was asked to yeah and I’ve been working on something for it but I’m not sure if I’m actually going to finish it in time.” He was usually asked to provide at least one painting for events like the Sky Festival, and he usually did. It was expected of him, and he always enjoyed making the paintings themselves so he never really saw a reason to decline.

Reyna then asked how he managed to make the colors in his paintings the way he did in an eager tone. She seemed to be a pretty big fan of his works, and William did feel flattered. ”Uh well it’s…um.” it was an interesting question but for all his competence with talking with others, it was always hard for him to explain just how he did his paintings. However she seemed so eager he didn’t want disappoint her.”Well it’s kind of hard for me to explain, I could always show you sometime if you wanted though?”


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch Character Portrait: William Grayson Character Portrait: Vincent Sands Character Portrait: Sage Alden Character Portrait: Celia Astrian Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
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0.00 INK



Reyna was hiding under her bed. The large boots of her brother clomped against the wooden floor, his heavy footsteps causing the ground to vibrate beneath her. The ajar bedroom door suddenly swung open to full length, slamming against the wall. "I know you're in here," Ezra breathed. The two were home alone, her parents having gone to a meeting at the King's Castle about the Festival that would start tonight. Reyna had been sitting in the family room, attempting to copy one of William's beautiful colorings when Ezra returned early from school and mercilessly ripped the paper up.

Her hands began to shake, Reyna clutched them against her chest, attempting to remain quiet. "Found you!" Ezra suddenly dropped to the ground, pulling Reyna out from under the bed by the collar of her shirt like how a mother lion would a cub. "You're going to pay for what you've done," Ezra growled, the scratch mark on his cheek glowing brightly under the vibrant light of Reyna's room. "No, it was an accident!" Reyna screamed as Ezra shoved her into the wall, allowing her body to slide towards the ground. Her head spun, a deep ache seeding itself into her chest. No, not now, she couldn't have an attack now.

Like a frightened mouse Reyna scurried away, out the door and down the hall. She almost made it to the apartment when it began and her body convulsed in pain. Much like a seizure it started with shaking, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she felt as though there was a giant brick sitting on her chest. "I've got you-oh shit! Mom's gonna kill me." Ezra grabbed her hand and squeezed so she knew he was still there. "Breath," Reyna's lips were turning blue from the lack of oxygen in her lungs, every breath was a struggle and her free hand clutched her shirt in her fist, as though that would help her intake air. Ezra's hand let go and Reyna felt as though she were spiraling through darkness. She could hear him running, most likely towards the emergency box at the end of the hallway.

The rest of the morning's events were fuzzy. When Reyna finally passed out there were two medics by her side, carrying her out of her family's apartment and to an awaiting empty train car. When she awoke her mother was by her side, her father standing like a shadow in the doorway. It had been a long time since she had last seen them together in the same room, both parents were always working, their shoulders drooped with the weight of Castle Rock and their once happy expressions forever gone. "Oh thank goodness, you're awake." Her mother's quick embrace and worried face brought tears to Reyna's eyes. Her arms were heavy and she had no energy to return the hug. Her Father joined quickly after, saying how lucky it was that Ezra was home at the time.

As soon as they left she scrambled up from the bed, changing back into her own clothes and ripping off the tags, leaving them in bed and propping open the window. There was a tree right outside and so her escape was easy. Reyna made her way past the train tracks and scrambled over the fence, tasting the wind and feeling free as it ripped through her hair. "I have to get off of this rock."



Academy was over for the week. Alek sat at home on his bed, reading one of his favorite books. A cool breeze was filtering in through the open window, winter finally having thawed into spring and leaving beautiful flowers to bloom. It never snowed on castle rock, but winter was especially chilly and so Alek was thankful for the warm air. "Alek, I need you to run some errands!" His mom called, she was home from the sanitation plant for the Sky Festival and was preparing a large dinner to thank the Sky God. Alek put his book face down on the bed and stood, stretching. He grabbed the list of groceries they needed as well as some money and slipped his shoes on, running towards the elevators and taking one to the ground floor.

Alek was just about to step onto the train platform in the fifth section, he had missed it by a few minutes in his own section and had to run to the next platform. Just when Alek thought he was in the clear, the train whizzed by, not even bothering to stop and was gone in a blink. "Are you kidding me!" Alek threw his hands up in frustration, his raven black hair turning to a soft, pale white. "What are you looking at?" He asked a cat that was staring at him from under a bench. The cat mewed and stretched, walking away as his tail lazily flicked back and forth. With a sigh he began the long walk into town, which was three more sections away. Maybe he would see his friends at the market? Alek brightened at the thought.

He was in the medical district now, section 4. Alek was reviewing his list again when he noticed something and looked up, spotting someone beyond the fence. Moving as though in a daze, he dropped his bag and ran across the train tracks to see. It was someone much older, a man with blond hair and a sad face. He walked slowly, as though he were savoring the feel of the ground beneath his feet and when he drew close threw himself over the ledge. As told in the stories the wind was too strong and sent the man flying back, as though the ground were spitting up something it had stuck between his teeth. Alek could no longer watch and turned away from the sad sight of the broken body, kneeling down in order to pick up the things he had dropped, then walking once more. It was only a few moments afterwards that he heard the words, hardly above a whisper that seemed to connect with his mind and heart. He turned, spotting a familiar figure beyond the fence.

For the second time that day Alek crossed the railroad tracks, but this time he did not marvel at a man that had more bravery in his body then Alek did in his pinky, no he felt a pang of pity and the need to protect that innocent girl from the monsters in her life. How could someone so young have so many demons? He often wondered. "Reyna!" She turned, her cheeks wet and dotted with tears. She was smiling though, something Alek wouldn't understand until later. "Why don't you come with me to the market!" He called, desperately wanting to bring her back to where it was safe, but knowing the consequences of crossing the fence. He held his breath as she did nothing, then finally gave a nod and Alek felt as though he could breath again. Soon Reyna was over the fence and by his side and the two were walking towards the market.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch
Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden
Character Portrait: William Grayson
Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
Character Portrait: Sage Alden


Character Portrait: Sage Alden
Sage Alden

"Mutation is beautiful."

Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
Keahi Derks

"Why is it that willful flames always end up burning everything around them?"

Character Portrait: William Grayson
William Grayson

"No matter how small a chance there is I have to take it."

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden
Reyna Lauden

"The Loneliest people are most often the kindest."

Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch
Aleksanteri Finch

"Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you."


Character Portrait: William Grayson
William Grayson

"No matter how small a chance there is I have to take it."

Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
Keahi Derks

"Why is it that willful flames always end up burning everything around them?"

Character Portrait: Sage Alden
Sage Alden

"Mutation is beautiful."

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden
Reyna Lauden

"The Loneliest people are most often the kindest."

Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch
Aleksanteri Finch

"Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: William Grayson
William Grayson

"No matter how small a chance there is I have to take it."

Character Portrait: Sage Alden
Sage Alden

"Mutation is beautiful."

Character Portrait: Reyna Lauden
Reyna Lauden

"The Loneliest people are most often the kindest."

Character Portrait: Keahi Derks
Keahi Derks

"Why is it that willful flames always end up burning everything around them?"

Character Portrait: Aleksanteri Finch
Aleksanteri Finch

"Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you."

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