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"Lest affection spoil the child."

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a character in “Plumeria Research Facility”, as played by Scarlet Loup




ID Number: 78210
Informal Name: Pandora
Age: Twenty-five
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Floor: Floor 22


Hair Color: Dark, chocolate brown
Eye Color: Hazel with maroon ringing the pupil and green around the edge of her iris

Physique: Pandora is an assassin, to put it simply. The young woman stands at about five feet, three inches. She has little fat, if any, on her body. Instead, her weight is composed entirely of her vitals and muscle. She has fine, appealing features. Her eyebrows are strong and located close to her eyes. When she smiles, she squints without really noticing it, and it gives her an innocent appearance. Her lips are sharp and they pull back when she grins, exposing near-perfect teeth. When she was an upper level subject, she used to accent her features with very dark makeup that Alfred had tried to instruct the girl on. Her hair comes just above her shoulders, and she wears it either pulled back into a low ponytail or in its natural, wavy style.

Physically Noticeable Mutations: She has been bred to be at peak performance without giving herself away. She truly doesn't show any mutations on the exterior, but one might notice she's far more flexible for an average human.

Distinguishing Features: Pandora has very distinctive facial features, and she is well-muscled for a woman of her stature.

Abilities & Mutations

Description: Pandora was bred to be a modern-day assassin. She stands at a very diminutive height and weighs very little so that she may use her body to her advantage. She is remarkably agile, and she can best most opponents. Her mutations are entirely unrecognizable. She is meant to blend perfectly into her surroundings.

Potential Uses for Mutation: Subject 78210 is supposed to be used for long-term assassination plots. She knows how to play to her target and sidle up beside them until she has their full trust. And then she strikes. Pandora can play anything from a helpless child to a dominating, independent seductress. She could play any role she wanted, truly, and then take out whomever she wanted. She has little capability for forming actual emotional bonds which allow her to kill ruthlessly and without caring for her victim.

Flaws or Defects in Subject: Unfortunately, what Pandora has in charisma and agility, she lacks in terms of mental stability. She never developed properly in terms of emotions, and that was entirely Alfred's doing. As a girl, she didn't understand why she would search for weak points on a visitor or hoard objects she could use as a weapon. She still doesn't, but she is slowly coming to understand it in these years of reflection. She has moments of emotional weakness where she is completely overcome by confusion and concern.

Once upon a time, David Graham gave Pandora a perfect psychological evaluation. Now, he most certainly wouldn't. She's been in isolation for years now, for no one knows what to do with the poor girl. Pandora doesn't have much of a personality as it is, for Alfred taught her how to suppress it at a young age. When she was little, she enjoyed pretty dresses and makeup, things that Alfred's wife would bring before only the deceased Director himself was allowed to visit her.

She's brilliant, perhaps more intelligent than a great deal of the scientists within the facility. Years of isolation have given her the time to contemplate, and some of the more compassionate security guards bring her paperback books which she reads again and again until the already-dulled pages are worn and creased again and again.

Pandora's passion is unparalleled. When she sets her mind to something, she almost always finishes her work. The only goal she has pushed to the back burner is her desire to break free from her cell. Her charisma is refined, and she deceives even those who are most prepared for her deception.

She likes pretty sounds a lot, and she enjoys hearing others speak, memorizing whose voice belongs to whom. Sometimes she is given crayons and paper, and with them, she can draw some of the most complex designs. It is a shame such a mind is wasted such a barbaric manner, for Subject 78210 is capable of magnificent things. If only she could be rehabilitated.

Subject 78210 began life in a test tube before being moved to what was Alfred Mason's attempt at a synthetic uterus. After her birth, the newborn was promptly removed from normal laboratory conditions and placed in her own room, away from any prying eyes. In fact, the only people she met in her early development were Alfred and Laura Mason. Laura tried to raise the young girl as she would have raised a daughter, but Alfred quickly put an end to such behavior. Subject 78210 was his project, his attempt at creating a perfect killing machine for the government. Perhaps then they would give him the facility he so desperately needed to continue his work.

The girl grew up in near-isolation. Alfred would visit daily to teach her himself, leave her with lessons that focused on a great deal of things, hoping the girl would pick up easily. And she did. The girl learned excitedly, and she often looked forward to Alfred's visits. But she liked Laura's more. Alfred's wife continued to dote on the girl, bringing her a new outfit every once and a while, toying with her hair, singing songs with her. Laura called her Penelope, Penny for short. And then it all stopped around her seventh birthday. Alfred had found out, and he permanently banned his wife from entering. He wouldn't tell Penelope that, of course. Instead, he promised that if Penny learned what she was supposed to, proved herself to him, she would be able to spend as much time as she wanted with Laura. Until then, he chopped her hair off and began to refer to her as Pandora in a sick, twisted manner.

Alfred's instruction continued in a similar way. Now, however, he would bring her videos demonstrating different defensive and offensive maneuvers. Security personnel would come to allow her to demonstrate them, and Dr. Mason would reward her for her excellent behavior with books and paper and crayons. This training continued for nine more years until, by sixteen, she was the machine he had hoped for. And then he had to send her a final test.

The Turing test is performed on a computer to determine if its AI makes it indistinguishable from a human. Perhaps that it exactly what Alfred had in mind when he called David in to evaluate the girl. He had no idea their meetings would go on in secret, but he knew they were going on. Meanwhile, Pandora forged something meaningful with David. Perhaps it was the closest thing she could get to love for another being. But something happened on that night. As he lay beside her, she couldn't help but notice the pen in his breast pocket. She grabbed it with one hand while her other hand tangled in his hair, distracting him until she drove the pen into his spine. He tensed for a moment and let out a cry, prompting her to stand up as he crawled for the door. She followed, raising the pen above her head until the doors opened and security personnel rushed in. Pandora was so frightened that she let them overwhelm her. And then she blacked out.

When she woke, she'd been placed in a new room. Her books were gone and so were her drawings and her crayons. For the first few days, she screamed and cried and threw herself against the door. About a week after the incident, guards attempted to subdue her so Alfred could speak to her, but she resisted. Twice more, Alfred sent guards in, but on the fourth time, she finally relented. Restrained now, Alfred informed her that she was almost done her learning, that now she needed to know how to interact with other people. But she fought back, cursing him - surely he had locked her up, taken away David and Laura.

And so Alfred locked her away, a failed subject he couldn't bring himself to destroy. When Dr. Mason and his wife died, Pandora was forgotten. Not that she had ever been known by anyone else besides David. She came in contact with others only long enough to be transported to the new research facility. There, she was locked up on floor 22, buried in the basement of the facility. She receives her meals every day, and sometimes, she'll receive a few crayons or an old book. But life for the girl has been uneventful since. It has given her time to think. To plan.

Actions of Note within Facility: Subject 78210 was almost entirely unheard of until Incident XXX-54. After her affair with Dr. Graham, she brutally stabbed him with a pen, effectively paralyzing him. The poor girl was found quaking in his blood, pen gripped to her chest. Afterwards, she was locked up and has not seen another person except for when she was being relocated to the current facility.

So begins...

Pandora's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Enders Character Portrait: Declan Harmer Character Portrait: Pandora Character Portrait: Blaire Harmer
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ImageDeclan had spent the last fifteen minutes brooding over his coffee. Like the cup that Blaire had inhaled, thebrown liquid was only lukewarm when he chugged it down. Shaking his head furiously and making his way for the door, Declan made a mental note to address this problem with Blaire again. He would need a better plan, to somehow catch her off guard.

Dr. harmer hated dealing with the social repercussions of such sticky situations. He was sure that the next Harmer christmas would not be the same. He loved Blaire dearly, but there came a limit. Putting his work and his friends in danger was something that Declan couldn’t deal with. Perhaps the best method was to face the problem head on and confront Adrian about it. Surely if he spoke with the boss, before Blaire did anything unforgivable, Declan might be pardoned. It wasn’t a solid plan, especially since Declan had no idea how Adrian would react. Declan had no problem with the man, but he wasn't exactly on friendly terms with the pompous genius.

A crack of stressed out knuckles popped through the hallway as Declan paced through the facility. He just needed to walk around a little bit before continuing with his studies... Or his life, really. And Blaire. God forbid that Declan stumbleupon Blaire, who would undoubtedly be chirping away with one of his co-workers, pretending to be their friend.

Declan swiftly turned and took the stairs to the floor where his personal office was. Perhaps he would find solace in the work he had there. Reaching his hologram projector Declan decided to continue with Project U.

A couple of weeks ago, while Declan was going through the 3D scans of the experiments patients, he stumbled upon something rather strange. He was studying the 3D scans of many of the deceased patients, collecting and confirming data that would verify how they died. He was also creating a database of all of the inhuman abilities and how they were manifest through the physical body. While doing this he came upon ID number 78210, Pandora. A remarkable adaptation of the human body, clearly bred to kill. Intrigued, he rolled his office chair over to his computer and looked up her file. She was still alive. How odd it was, that this unbelievable creature could be amongst the deceased pile of holograms. Declan was puzzled at the thought, but decided to see Pandora himself.

Declan shuffled through his desk, trying to find a collection of felt tip markers. Once they were located he stripped the plastic covers, leaving them with just a rubber wrapping around the ink soaked felt. Dr. Harmer wasn’t afraid that Pandora would kill herself, but he always tried to err on the side of caution. The markers were a bit flimsy, but it was better than nothing. He also decided to bring some printer paper. Markers weren’t the best medium, as far as Declan could tell, but he didn’t have anything else. For himself, he grabbed his water bottle, a couple of pens, and his paperwork on a clipboard.

Taking the stairs, Declan descended into the depths of Plumeria. This would only be his third time visiting Pandora, and he had yet to actually enter her room. He spoke with her through a large glass wall, observing her, and making notes. Declan’s goal was to comprise a study of how patient treatment effects their disease, or in this case, their mutation. He wanted to prove to the facility that these patients were more than science experiments, that they were people and needed to treated as such.

Showing his badge to the security guards Declan approached the glass. Only the sound of the fading guard's footsteps were present when Dr. Harmer clicked the microphone on. “Pandora,” he lulled in his soft Irish accent, “I’ve something for you.”


ImageBlaire repeated stabbed at her milk, the cereal now completely consumed. She nodded at Victoria, taking in what little information she had to offer about Dr. Mason. Though the granola bar was a good idea. Her mother had always told her that the fastest way to a man’s heart was through food. Hopefully that applied to Adrian.

“It’s a wonder that man is still breathing, the way he endlessly works.” Blaire commented. It was a silly thing for her to say, considering that she was actually pursuing two full time jobs. She was working and living in a world renowned facility while chipping away at all the dirty little secrets. Just thinking about her mission sent a shiver down her spine. Her cause and the way she was literally in the field for her writing was a triumphant feeling. Starting to eat her single (and regrettable) slice of bacon she fantasised about the day her Plumeria story would be published. All of her hard work would come to light and thousands of people would know her name. The fame and glory really were what kept her moving forward. If Blaire was writing for a cause that wouldn’t give her a name, she would have quit out of boredom by now.

“Say,” Blaire began cautiously, “what have you been working on lately, Victoria?” It wasn’t uncommon for the staff to converse about projects they were working on, especially if they were small and seemingly insignificant. Even so, Blaire thought that since they were under the same oath of confidentiality it wouldn’t harm them if they shared a couple stories here and there. “That is,” she took a casual drink of the water she had before continuing her sentence. “That is if you can tell me.”

A quirky smile grew on her face as her ears opened in anticipation.