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Rise of the Scouts

Rise of the Scouts


An RP about pretty soldiers destined to save Earth from the forces of evil and still manage to have a social life.

3,939 readers have visited Rise of the Scouts since litacat created it.


Rise of the Scouts


{This RP is slightly based off the Sailor Moon and/or any magical girl series.}


Heroes are surprising more common then you think in this world. But not just any normal run-of-the-mill citizen, I’m talking badass monster kick’n kind!

However, not anyone can simply decide to become a hero, they’re chosen randomly, and some may even seem unqualified. But with a city nearly overrun by celestial demons, you take what you can get.

So how about we jump right in and let me explain a little more?



This little planet we call home is Sluna. From appearance to how it works, it looks much like your own! Nevertheless, just under 20 years ago, a power beyond the planet’s atmosphere brought life to a new kind of creature called Ethereals. These beings are never two of the same in both their appearance and abilities. Some had came with no intention of harm but most were hostile. So upon impact, they posed an immediate threat to the human race.

We were able to protect ourselves from these new guests for many years but As we got smarter in our defense, so did they. This meant Sluna needed to look for a new way to protect themselves.

This is where you come in, a normal everyday person given the chance to become a hero, A Scout!

Cloaked in anonymity, these scouts can be anyone in society. From a baker, to a school student; they're given the choice to join the brigade.

So how about it? Will you join the team?



About Scouts

Scout Restrictions:
There are none! So long as you’re human, you’re able to become a scout! No matter what age or gender. I personally want boy characters to jump on this bandwagon. Keep in mind however the magic and uniforms are very bright and colouful, so even the bronzes of characters much endure.

A Scout’s Powers/ "Wands":
Much like in the Sailor Universe, scouts are given devices and such to aid them in battle. These wands are typically celestial and/or heart themed and so will be the magic involved.

Each scout will be give a wand in order to transform into their uniform, which will then morph into the one they use in battle. Other then that initial stick, they are given other objects if requested. The shape of the scout's wand is up to you so long as it stays within the theme.

Signature move:
This is referring to the article in character creation. Under this, you should provide a celestial or fluffy themed power move, which is unique to your character. Give a brief explanation on what it does and how it’s used. Animals may also be conjured for your signature move. Mention limits.

Example: Furious Pixie
A green glitter like substance spouts out of the wand like fireworks and burns like lava. Must only have a direct hit in order for it to be effective, therefore you have to be relatively close.

This one will rely a bit on your imagination for now but if you know anything about magical themed animes, you can get the general idea. Lot's of ribbon and frills are usually involved, along with light and bright colours. Gals are not required to wear skirts and are replaced with shorts if they so desire. It's not required to describe what you would like your scout to be wearing but you are more then welcome to provide it.

And Finally, Scout notoriety:
Yes, there are entire shows and fandoms based of these scouts. Some are more famous then other but there’s bound to be a fan group based off of your scout. Good thing, most of your identity is protected.



Scout Name | Rin Akiyama | Occupation (student counts) | Age | Taken
Scout Name | Real Name | Occupation (student counts) | Age | Taken

Scout Name | Real Name | Occupation (student counts) | Age | Taken

Scout Name | Real Name | Occupation (student counts) | Age | Taken


An Opportunity

This is where you come in, a new generation of hope to save mankind. And without knowing a single thing about you, there she was, asking you to join the team. You had this strange feeling you could trust her and maybe by the fact she flicked a wand a few times and you were simply in a scout uniform- you figured she had some sort of credibility. So, with little thought behind it, you accepted her invitation and gave this silly idea a chance.

After a moment of beaming with joy, she mentioned a day she’d round up all the others for you to meet them. As she gently handed you the small scepter, she told you to try to get use to the transformation procedure. Simplifying regarding herself as Nana, she bids you a farewell with a final warning to keep this all a secret for the safety of others and yourself. It was essential.

And just as soon as she arrived, Nana was gone.

ImageS t a t u s :
iβ™‘ Join Requests : Open!
xxxxxβ™‘ Available Slots : Three!



Do not have to go by this layout just stick with the details. Welcome to add more

Code: Select all
[center][img]Go to a site like and find use one of those for your name. Then put it here, please! :) [/img]
[img]Image of yo character here![/img]

Name here



[b]Face Claim[/b]
Anime Please!!!!








Beeee detailed

[b]Signature move:[/b]
Confused about this? Refer to the 'about scouts' section on title page.

Also beeeee detailed


Picture here! [/center]

Edit: sorry if anything looks weird, it's been a while since I've been on here so I'm rustyyy.

Toggle Rules


1. I'm looking for literate roleplayers that plan on writing at one paragraph. You are not required to write a novel but if you would like to, be my guest!

2. Please write in third person!

3. If you wish to reserve a character, ask in the OOC with the scout colour (above) you want, their real name and the FC (anime only). If you would like to switch the gender, go for it!

4. You have three days to complete your profile, unless of course you have a valid reason you couldn't make your deadline.

5. Get creative with your characters, the sky is the limit!

6. When reserving your character, say your favorite food you like to eat during summer or winter so I know you read the rules.

7. Violence and cursing is allowed but don't go over the top. But sexy Funtime scenes are not allowed!

8. Be nice and respectful to one another and don't forget to have fun! If you need anything or have any questions, PM me or ask in the OOC.

Side Note: I don't know how many slots will be filled but if all of them do and people want more, I will add. If anyone has any ideas they have to improve the plot or would like to help brainstorm, PM me!

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

Saluna's Tokyo

Saluna's Tokyo by litacat

General RP

Downtown Tokyo

Downtown Tokyo by litacat

This will house all the other rp areas that are always open unless otherwise stated. Please do not post directly here, it's simply a storage area.

Convenience Store

Convenience Store by litacat

A scout run and owned store. Above it is Nana's scout room but it's normally locked up unless she's inside.


Cafe by litacat

A few blocks east of the scout base, a small cafe sits on the edge of the road. Despite running along a set of train tracks, the line isn't frequent.


Park by litacat

A public park with a small canal running through.

Train station

Train station by litacat

A few blocks away from the store sits a small train station. It only rules five times a day, 4:00, 6:00, 12:00, 17:00, and 24:00

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Nana Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama
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0.00 INK

#, as written by litacat
The Letter


You received an invitation the week prior; A subtle, nondescript envelope with a small winged heart sticker to seal it.

"Hello Scout!

I do hope this letter has found it's way to you easily because it's about time to round up the scouts! Isn't that fun to finally meet the others~ Follow the address below on the 20th of this month. Stay outside around 13:00 and I'll see you there.

I'll be waiting for you.


Below the handwritten message, was a small crudely drawn map with a few lines of address to direct you to the location. As you approach the building, you distinctly see a small convenience store in the middle of a residential area. A secret base you certainly hadn't expected, but this is where it told you to go.

You were finally one step closer to meeting your team.



0 Characters Present

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0.00 INK

#, as written by litacat


Maximum temperature today near 5 degrees (41Β°F). A partly cloudy and cold day is expected. Medium winds will be Northeast at 40 KPH (25 MPH) during the morning and afternoon but should mild down in the evening.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henley Kurting
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kiri711

Henley tugged at the scarf around his neck, even though he had told his sister he wasn't going to be out too long she insisted she wear it. Had anyone else told him to wear it, he would have looked at them like they had grown a second head, but this was his little sister. That was one of only really three people he couldn't (with in reason) say no to. He quickly unwrapped the scarf and let it lay loosely over his shoulders.

He quickly pulled out his letter once more, just one more corner and...

"This couldn't be right?"

Looking up to the signs, then back to the paper to make sure the streets added up he stood dumbfounded. This was a Convenience Store...he gave a look at his watch, 12:52. He was a couple minutes early. He thought about for a moment, everyone was gonna be there soon. He wondered if he should buy something to share with them.

Suddenly he found himself standing there with a large bag of mini powdered donuts, only a few more minutes.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Henley Kurting
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0.00 INK


Mistakes were made

Well, this is the last time I let the wrong head do my thinking.

Julian mentally lied to himself as he took turns looking at the rather unstylish map he was given and the convenience store which it had apparently led him to. Like usual, he wore expensive clothing that might as well have had a tag on it saying "I'm rich, deal with it" and a raised eyebrow to accompany it. Though he usually refrained from such non verbal declarations, he thought this was supposed to be some super important meeting at a base where such things would fit. Such thinking had seemed to prove pointless, judging by their meetup location. It actually made him stand out a bit, if anything.

Though it was not as though he particularly disliked attention.

"I should probably head inside and get something to drink." he decided with a sigh.

Stepping into the store, he was not surprised by any form of trap door, nor did the customers inside seem very notable. One, however, looked up and, of course, gave their own raised eyebrow at Julian himself, but that was to be expected. He paid them very little attention, instead decided to order a soft drink. After that small mission was accomplished, he had figured he was going to wait for the others, should they actually be just as foolish as him and really go to this meetup. But who would be just as idiotic as Julian when he's bored? Not very many people, hopefully for his opinion on the world.

What's with that kid?

Being idle for a few minutes allowed Julian to walk outside and notice the boy with powdered donuts in his hand and an expecting look, as though he was waiting for people or something. Normally, this would not interest Julian if it weren't for a very terrifying thought that passed through his mind that went something like this:

What is he doing? Who buys donuts in the afternoon, isn't that a morning thing? Then again, it's not like there's a law against it or anything. Still, what kind of weirdo just sta--- Oh.

It would seem as though he had found a fellow Scout, probably. That's why he decided to act like he knew nothing and stood against a wall away from the boy, hopefully looking as though he was just outside by coincidence, not like he was part of some Scout group or anything.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Henley Kurting
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0.00 INK


To start to shine

Mira was, in all honestly, starting to regret this. Being a scout was to shine like a star, to be all bright and colorful. Mira stared at her hands, crossing her eyes in a tired sigh. Could a former-heiress now-gangster really serve as a scout? What did Nana see in her, anyways? It all seemed to be some sort of trap, or something. It wasn't as if the girl didn't know how to defend herself if need be - Richton made sure she knew how to fight - but still. She felt anxious. Something like this was something she never really experienced before, and as time went on, Mira continued doubting herself. She wasn't fluffy and cute and bright or anything. If anything, she was pretty awkward and quiet, wasn't she? What if they didn't like her? What if they were mean? Mira shivered a little at the thought.

Deciding a little game might help calm her nerves, Mira pulled out a small portable device, plugged in a cartridge and started playing, fingers tapping rapidly to the sound of the music. She'd done this thousands of times, perhaps even moreso but she always could improve. Getting 100% on the hardest difficulty was still out of her reach for this particular song. The beat and the noises added familiar to her as she played, somewhat relaxing her despite the ridiculously fast thumb and finger movements accross the screen. One child even stopped to stare in awe.

"Whoa." He exclaimed. "She's super good, Mommy! Can I quit school to be like her!"

"No, Timmy. Look away." The mother looked worried for her son and they went to the other sidewalk, jaywalking across the street. "Don't be like her, you have to stay in school."

School? Mira always hated school. It was a place full of rules and expectations and you had to follow and conform if you wanted to go anywhere. She hated it. The constant pressure of trying to please people around her while knowing she was inadequate was something Mira didn't want to deal with. She never knew how to, she wasn't like her sister, Asha. Asha would definitely have made a great scout, with all that talent and charm. Mira allowed herself to smile a little, thinking of her precious big sister. Maybe one day Mira would tell her that she joined the Scouts. Imagine the pride on Asha's face!

That was when she bumped directly into a boy with flamboyantly fabulous burning red hair, falling over onto her butt and dropping her game - thus failing her perfect record. Suddenly feeling extremely timid and shy, Mira forced a face of calm. "..My bad, I wasn't looking where I was walking." She murmured, hoping he wouldn't cause a scene. Then she realized that this was the building she was told to wait at - meaning she'd be stuck with this red haired boy.

Good work, Mira. You already messed up. Keep it up, and be the most boring scout ever.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color | #31B404
Thought Color | #088A29

Nyoko Maruyama


Nyoko wasn't so sure about this whole scout business. Yea, the idea of pretty skirts and snapping cars in half did seem pretty damn appealing, but a map instead of general directions for meeting up seemed kind of out of place. What if the map just lead to a crowd full of people waiting to laugh at her for being so gullible? Nana seemed nice and all but Nyoko saw that American Disney movie "Frozen" and she knew how quickly someone's personality could go from seemingly harmless and loving to evil.

At least she was dress cute though. Her hair was in a side ponytail and she had a burgundy skirt with leggings to protect her legs for getting cold. She also had a white blouse, leather jacket, and beige boots to match. So even if this whole thing was a scam at least she'll get scammed whilst looking good. Nyoko weaved through all the streets drawn on the map and finally came to a stop at a regular looking convenience store. Nyoko looked down at the map and then looked at the building just verify that she was in the right place. "Well, it's not a crowd of people waiting laugh to at me."

Nyoko surveyed her surroundings to see if anyone else showed up. There was a blond boy, who looked about 12, holding donuts. Nyoko had always thought donuts were more of a breakfast food, but she wasn't going to be the one to judge him for his eating habits. There was a very flamboyant man leaning on the wall trying too hard to look inconspicuous which was the last thing anyone like him should be doing and a girl that seemed to have bumped into him. Nyoko was going tl be honest, only one out of the three looked like scouts but Nyoko was going to hold her tongue and mind her own business. "I should give them the benefit of the doubt." She thought as she leaned up against the wall.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama Character Portrait: Julian Styles
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0.00 INK

Speech β—† #164860 | Thought β—† #000F89
Rin grumbled to himself as he made his way along the path shown on the poorly drawn map. There were many other things he could be doing, all of which would surly be a better use of his time, yet here he was going to some silly gathering. It seemed rather dangerous to him, they'd all be meeting face to face, meaning anyone there would know his true identity. If one of them felt the need to attack him they'd know exactly who to look for. He couldn't just skip the meeting, possibly making an enemy out of another scout this early on wasn't a risk he wanted to take.

Stopping dead in his tracks, Rin took in the underwhelming building. He wasn't expecting a mansion or anything too majestic, but he certainly wasn't expecting a convenience store of all things. Admittedly it certainly was inconspicuous. Nobody would ever suspect it was a scout's base. The crowd outside was the only thing that made it stand out in the homogeneous neighborhood. Against the temptation to turn around and go home, he pressed forward towards the store.

As he approached the store, Rin was able to see the group more clearly. They looked like average people for the most part, excluding one who was dressed in exuberant clothes matching his brightly colored hair. There was a smaller girl who had seemingly bumped into him. The other two, a girl and a boy, that were already there were keeping to themselves. The girl was leaning against the wall nonchalantly, while the boy stood there holding a bag of donuts. He struck Rin as rather odd, chances were they were all vigilantes who spent their free time galloping around in frilly clothes, so one could argue they all were.

Wanting to spend as little time as possible in the crowd, Rin walked right past them into the store. After browsing through a few shelves, he picked up a small bag of chips. Searching through his pocket for a moment, he produced just enough change to buy it. Still with time to spare, he walked back outside. Placing himself upon a bench in front of the store. The bag opened with a pop, and in a flash he had dug into his snack.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama Character Portrait: Julian Styles
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lyysa

Splendid! Exciting! Wonderful! Amazing! Incredible! Tremendous! Awesome! Gi didn't know how to describe the feeling she got when she opened the letter, but it was big, with capital letters and exclamation marks. And sparkles, rainbows and unicorns. Something like that. It was totally awesome anyways! Who wouldn't enjoy something like this? And the map! It was like a treasure hunt. She felt like a pirate while she followed it. Or like Indiana Jones! Or something else like that. It was so exciting she couldn't even walk normally, she bounced forward.

Jumping as if she was playing hopscotch on the sidewalk. She got some suspicious glances from passersby’s, or no it wasn't just some. She got a lot of glances from the strangers on the streets, watching her as if she was a lunatic. Perhaps she was. But she wasn't ashamed of it neither the less. Why not enjoy every little part of life instead of being boring like the rest of them? Boring. They were all B-O-R-I-N-G. Her treasure hunt was anything less than boring. But the pirate who drew the map needed some practice. It was hard to follow. And Gi got lost more than once.

When she finally had found the location she actually just passed it and those standing around outside of it by, not realizing it was the right one. She didn’t even realize that those were supposed to be her future team. It took her quite some time to realize, she had already passed plenty of other houses before acknowledging her mistake. The moment she did she let out a high "OH!" before twirling around and starting to march back down the street.

Once in front of the convenient store she stopped once more, placing her hands on her hips while scanning the house. When that was done she scanned the people as well, looking all serious as if she meant business, but it didn't take long before her serious appearance cracked up into a big smile. "Hi strangers! Are you waiting for something exciting as well? My, my, don't you all look interesting! I'm Gi! Nice to meet you!"


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama Character Portrait: Julian Styles
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0.00 INK

佐藀 ζ „δΈ€
γ€Œ Eiichi Sato 」

#FF8040 || #FF8080

β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹

It didn’t take much to convince Eiichi’s mom to let him go out that afternoon. She was far too kind for her own health, so with any mention of the word β€˜friends’ made her bend over like a noodle. Granted it was a few out of focused facts but he figured, just maybe, the other scouts were people he could later call his buddies. So after a few big unwelcomed smooches and bickering of jackets, he was released into the wild like a pufferfish in a down jacket.

Looking down at the letter he received, Eiichi ventured forth like a knight prowling through the rough terrains of an unknown territory, guided only by a map scrawled by a madman. No matter the challenge, he perceived the slapdashed map like a Sunday morning puzzle his mom got to frustrated to finish. He was on a hunt and there way nothing that was going to stand in his way on capturing his prey.

The entirety of the walk consisted of visions picturing the secret lairs, which housed all the secrets of the underground to the amazingness he dreamt his teammates would be. At this very moment, he perceived these fellow members nearly as gods of their own world; humans who were able to conjure magic at the swish of a wand. Just like him- except less godly.

After taking each step and turn carefully, he double-checked his disappointment at the small convenience store that stood before him. 'There’s still a chance of a hellevator - right?' Eiichi thought to himself as he slowly approached the group of people.

As if not to interrupt the girl, he approached quietly which allowed her to finish the introduction. Concluding Gi was just as new to this group of people as he was, Eiichi figured he was in the right place. They did seem a bit out of place for them to be friends… Plus the range of ages and presentations didn’t particularly add up.

Were these the other scouts?


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Nana Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama
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0.00 INK

#, as written by litacat


Speech: #BF80BF || Thought: #8080BF

Nana revved the corner with a straight celebration of nervous speed, swinging herself on the streetlight to accelerate her turn. She was only running a few minutes late but even so, this meant she already let her scouts down once.This wasn’t going to happen again.. With a quick glance to her extended watch, her heels echoed off the cement streets as she neared the final stretch. Once she turned the remaining corner, she used her leftover energy to jog to the end of the line; finally joining with her little ducklings

Entirely out of breathe, Nana hunched over to rest her forearms on her thighs and catch the lost wind blown from her lungs. Having large bags in her arms, she released them onto the floor to give herself a moment to recover.

β€œHe-heh s-sorry for.. arriving so l-late. I lost track of t-ttime and well.. here I a-am.” Pulling herself back into consciousness, she straightened her back and let out a sharp puff of fresh air. Flashing them all the biggest smile she could manage, Nana clapped in place at the sight of her scouts all safe and sound.

β€œLooks like you’re all here, I take it you all found the store nice and easy? I do hope so!” Nana was singularly impressed with the maps she’d drawn; going as far as to call herself a cartographer. Looking up from her own amusement, Nana noticed the scouts bundled in coats and scarfs, clearly unamused by her disheveled arrival.

β€œAh! You all look so cold, let’s step inside and get away from the breeze.” Leaning down to pick up the bags, she pulled one over her shoulder and kept the other one in hand, motioning the scouts in with her head. As she walked through the small building, she lead the team to the far right of the room and pushed open the door that seemingly lead to the storage room. Apart from legitimate food supply, a narrow wooden staircase sat in the middle of the room.

β€œJust follow me up and then we can all get to know one another.” Unlocking the door at the top of the stairs, she slid it open and hopped into the open space within.


Easiest way to explain the upstairs? A classroom. Resting just atop the bustling convenience store sat six rows of desks facing a wall-to-wall chalk board. A few notes appeared to be sketched onto it’s mostly blank state with a few colour coded slips pasted to the upper right hand corner. Nana had prepared this room with the same idea it’s very essence suggested; to teach them how to be the perfect scouts.

β€œOnce you take in as much as the room as you like, please take a seat in the first couple rows. I don’t want anyone trailing away from the group, we’re a family now.” Turning her back to the group, she picked up one of the chalks and wrote the words

β€˜Introduce yourself’

β€œFor your first task, I would like to you do as the board suggests. Please state your name, something fun about yourself. Then when you’re ready, I would like you to explain exactly what made you join the scouts.” People’s lives were on the line, she needed to know she had a good team with her.

It was judgment day.

β€œI’ll give you all a bit of time to think about your answer and whoever’s ready may stand up and give their presentation.”


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Nana Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama
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0.00 INK


Dialogue - #CF1F1FI'm not your buddy, guy.

Julian Stiles was just minding his own business, being rich, when all of the sudden some punk-ass, girl-ass, not-rich-ass, other OC-ass person just bumped right into him. What the hell, man?

As a man of very high class and even higher self-confidence, Julian believed that he was perfectly fine just where he was, his own little spot on the wall. As far as a spot on the convenience store wall he was supposed to meet up with other "scouts" at goes, this was a very good spot, he had figured. It wasn't too dirty and it was a place where he could stand by himself, away from others. So, you could say that this was his favorite spot in the whole store so far and he had no regrets standing there. That was, however, until a certain girl decided to that the key to Julian's somewhat ice-cold heart was her head, and the keyhole being his chest. But when this proved to be incorrect, he was left with a slight pain from where she bumped him, and his dreams of an isolated convenience store wall were shattered. How dare she.

"...My bad, I wasn't looking where I was walking." she apologized.

Of course, as a man of higher class, he was angry she had tainted his storewall sanctuary. "You know... I don't really appreciate being a cushion for your headbutting technique." he started somewhat angrily, as though he was going to continue on a rant or something. And he was. But he didn't simply because he saw the game on the ground, and some sort of "Gamer's Pride" as some might call it, wouldn't let him go off on a fellow gamer. He bent down and picked the handheld console up, offering it to her after looking really quick at the screen. Judging from the score he saw on the endgame screen, she wasn't that far away from a PERFECT run, so it's not like she didn't already pay for her clumsiness in her own way. He would let her off this time. "Well, whatever. Just don't do it again." he told her firmly, though his tone was a lot less hostile that it originally was.

By the time he had looked around himself, he had noticed other people starting to gather. None of them seemed too normal, though he shouldn't have expected that since they were essentially becoming superheroes, of a sort. No sane person would even consider that, would they? Sure, it sounds cool at first but you gotta fight and be reliable. Julian didn't believe himself to be any more sane than the rest, in this regard. But he couldn't just live knowing that he was responsible for things he didn't mean to happen, not without saving a few people first.

Before he could offer a reply to the rather excited, younger girl, a familiar face appeared around the corner, breathless, but not because of him, the audacity!

β€œHe-heh s-sorry for.. arriving so l-late. I lost track of t-ttime and well.. here I a-am.” Nana huffed, continuing a second later with, β€œLooks like you’re all here, I take it you all found the store nice and easy? I do hope so!”

Julian found that a lot harder not to laugh at than it should've been. "We're all here, aren't we?" he felt like getting to the point rather than picking on her map making skills, easy as though that could've been. She should consider herself lucky that he was a generous person today. Staying true to that for the immediate moments following, Julian refrained from commenting anymore as they entered the store, headed upstairs, and entered a... classroom? That's what it was, Julian decided after a quick look around the room. It had desks, windows, and a chalkboard. Quite an old fashioned one, wasn't it? Anyway, the most notable thing about the classroom was its location above the store, nothing else immediately stood out to Stiles.

β€œOnce you take in as much as the room as you like, please take a seat in the first couple rows. I don’t want anyone trailing away from the group, we’re a family now.” Nana announced.

Though he certainly wasn't going to accept any of these people as his own family anytime soon, he figured he would focus on getting his seat before worrying about that. As expected of someone as great as he, Julian's spot was one of the middle front-row seats, the third from the right. Excellence shouldn't be hidden behind imperfection. Being content with his front-row seat, he looked up to see that Nana had wrote something on the chalkboard. Two words.

Introduce Yourself

β€œFor your first task, I would like to you do as the board suggests. Please state your name, something fun about yourself. Then when you’re ready, I would like you to explain exactly what made you join the scouts.” she instructed.

And, just like the seats, Julian responded first, wanting to get his words in first and foremost, so everybody knew just who they were dealing with. But mostly to get it out of the way. Standing up, the heir to the Stiles throne cleared his throat before walking over to the chalkboard and almost pushing Nana out of the way to do so, before declaring:

"My name is Julian Stiles, hei-, well, owner of a particularly wealthy business that some of you might possible know. Other than that, I enjoy reading and playing games to pass the time, assuming I am not busy with my responsibilities." he spoke plainly before adding, with a smirk, "Why did I decide I wanted to become a Scout? I don't know, I thought Nana was a rather cute girl so I figured I'd just go ahead and go with the flow. Things might as well happen, you know?" he gave a shrug and the little smirk he had disappeared completely and was replaced by a very serious look immediately after as he stated, very coldly

"Actually, I really haven't the slightest intention of telling anybody my intentions for becoming a scout. At least not people I don't know."

So saying, he removed himself from his place in front of the classroom and sat back down in his seat. He wanted to become a Scout to atone for what he did, but looking weak in front of others was something he couldn't allow, so he didn't truly believe he would ever see himself explaining his motivations to these people. For it would be betraying his fears to everybody as well. Why would he do that with random people he didn't know? Trust was earned, not given.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Nana Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color | #31B404
Thought Color | #088A29

Nyoko Maruyama


Nyoko liked most of the people she saw, except for one particularly flamboyant one. Gi was very bubbly and energetic, she'd be easy to get a along with. The blond boy seemed mostly quiet, nothing too problematic. The gamer girl didn't seem like any trouble at all, Nyoko doesn't why Ronald McDonald over there was giving her a hard time. The purple dude looked really sad a mopey, but some people just look naturally bummed and Nyoko had no reason to judge him. The orange hair boy looked lost, he wouldn't be too much of a problem as long as he kept up. Nyoko wouldn't have too much of a problem working with this group of people as long as they work as a team, but that's only if this scout thingy wasn't a scam or anything.

Breaking her out of her observations, a girl came bounding down the road. The energy levels indicated it was definitely Nana. β€œHe-heh s-sorry for.. arriving so l-late. I lost track of t-ttime and well.. here I a-am," Nyoko didn't mind too much, although a certain someone didn't. It was obvious that Nana had tried her best. β€œAh! You all look so cold, let’s step inside and get away from the breeze," Again, Nyoko didn't really mind because she had came prepared. Though, an insulated building would be ideal right now. β€œJust follow me up and then we can all get to know one another.” Nyoko watched Nana pick up all her bags, she was going to offer a hand but Nana had already started rushing into the building. Nyoko and the others followed suit.

Nyoko assumed that her and the others weren't expecting a classroom. Nyoko kind of expected a secret base of sorts, maybe underground. A classroom above a convenience store wasn't the first thing on her list of what secret bases could look like. She obediently took her seat either way.

"Once you take in as much as the room as you like, please take a seat in the first couple rows. I don’t want anyone trailing away from the group, we’re a family now,"

"I'm not so sure we'd be on family terms, but most of them seem pretty nice. Nyoko watched as Nanaw went up to the bored and scribbled something onto it.

Introduce Yourself

"Doesn't seem like too hard of a 'First task'." Nyoko thought to herself. Like she expected, Knuckles went up first. "What a show off." Nyoko mentally rolled her eyes, she knew Nana would be upset if she had actually done it. Hopefully she wouldn't be able to read thoughts.

"My name is Julian Stiles, hei-, well, owner of a particularly wealthy business that some of you might possible know. Other than that, I enjoy reading and playing games to pass the time, assuming I am not busy with my responsibilities. Why did I decide I wanted to become a Scout? I don't know, I thought Nana was a rather cute girl so I figured I'd just go ahead and go with the flow. Things might as well happen, you know?"

"Julian, huh?" Nyoko thought his whole delivery was very arrogant. You could compare it to when an animal makes itself bigger to intimidate its opponent. Nyoko wasn't really intimidated. This was probably already her least favorite speech.

"Actually, I really haven't the slightest intention of telling anybody my intentions for becoming a scout. At least not people I don't know." With a very flat conclusion, Julian ended his speech and sat down. Nyoko found his speech fairly boring, hers would probably be on the same on the interesting scale, though she wouldn't be too rude about her introduction.

Seeing that no one was going to go up after Julian, Nyoko thought she should be the one to pave the path for everyone else. Reluctantly, Nyoko went to the front of the classroom to give her introduction. "Uh, my name's Nyoko Maruyama. I think one interesting thing about me is I play Tennis. I'm pretty sure that's as far as interesting things about me goes. Unless you count being a poor girl living by herself." Nyoko was sure she looked pretty dumb, but she didn't mind. "Well, the reason I became a scout is because why not? Saving the world sounds pretty damn cool and would look great on a college application, so it wouldn't hurt to try. Actually, I don't think that's completely true but you get my point." Nyoko gave a small smile after her introduction and went back to her seat. She thought that was pretty good, it could've been worse.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Nana Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama
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0.00 INK


"Dialogue: #3d3ddb | Not your guy, pal

"You know... I don't really appreciate being a cushion for your headbutting technique." This was really quickly becoming a huge hassle, Mira thought to herself. The flamboyant boy certainly was being an ass, and if she were alone she'd definitely punch his face off. Or something. Mira knew that was definitely impossible, but she still wanted to try. It was an accident! Seriously?

He then grabbed her game system and Mira would greedily place bets that this man was happy that she had her perfect run messed up. It was going so well and he just had up suddenly stand in the way and be a pain. Mira didn't want to deal with it. She really hoped he wasn't a scout. Luckily all that showed on her face was mild surprise and nothing more. "Well, whatever. Just don't do it again." Maybe he was secretly a super villain and Mira could happily beat him up as one of the Scouts, wouldn't that be fun?

And that loud girl that drew attention to herself just gave Mira a massive bleeding headache. Why did the pain never end? Why did she even bother signing up for this, anyways? What a waste of time. And eventually, Nana arrived, late and silly as she always seemed to be. Mira shot her a raised eyebrow but turned back to her video game, not really listening. Could she just, resign? Was that a thing? Gaming was much less stressful than dealing with actual real living people. Just let Mira plop into an MMO and mingle with the newbs as she crushes them and gets all the rare loot. She could do that, happily. But real people were always far too much effort. Burying her head in her music game, Mira lazily followed behind as they entered the building, and eventually a classroom of sorts. Her ears pricked up at the words "front row" so she dutifully sat as far as she could in the front as possible from the fire headed idiot.

Introduce Yourself

And as expected, the fire headed idiot went up first, making this big speech. Then Mira's ears pricked up further. Julian Stiles? Wasn't that the name of the man Asha was supposed to be married to? Mira shook her head, glaring bitterly. Ugh, what in the hells was even happening? Next was the girl - who Mira didn't bother remembering the name of but would recall her as the tennis girl, since she did say that was the most interesting thing about her. Tennis-girl. The gamer shrugged, not too bothered about anything else. She gave her a polite nod.

With a deep and heavy sigh, Mira then stood up, keeping her eyes glued to her game, fingers still rapidly tapping. Might as well get it over with. "Mira Hes... Hespith." She muttered, shooting fire-head a quick glare to not react. If he was the reason Asha tried to kill herself, she'd deal with it privately. Mira had at least that much tact. "...I play games. And stuff." No one really needed to know she was a gangster, did they? Did they? "...I became a scout because I figured it'd be similar to a game. I guess." It was a lie and, well, no one really needed to know that she wanted to try and make something of herself that she could be proud of. Not that this was going to go well whatsoever.

...Well, something did work out nicely after all. "...Ah, and I perfected this song." She had a little smug grin on her face and went back to her seat, gluing her eyes back to the game, trying to take up the smallest amount of space possible.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Nana Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kiri711


Henley felt very awkward, as people surrounded him, the likeliness was they were the other scouts, but so far no one had approached him. Maybe buying donuts had been a foolish idea, what would these people be thinking, geez he felt stupid.

When the flamboyant redhead had knock over the smaller girl he wanted to step in, worrying at his bottom lip he began to taste a little blood. Quickly though the matter resolved itself. Slowly more arrived he took notice of a young man sitting down on a bench across from them he felt no ill will and as such decide to let it be.

Finally the woman, Nana has shown, seeming rather frazzled upon her arrival. He slowly followed the rest inside and up the stairs.While the concept of their base itself being in a convenience store confused him, now he was just dumbfounded by the concept of there being a classroom above the building how was this not well know or seen. He ran a finger across one of the desk noticing very little to no dust meaning someone was taking care of this place.

Taking a seat, he watched as Nana wrote on the board.

Introduce Yourself

....Wait he had to actually talk about why he was here? No he was extremely nervous.
He could careless as the red haired man now know was Julian spoke of himself, he would do his best to remember their names but Julian would have to work greatly redeem himself from his obvious obnoxious attitude.

Two of the girls introduce themselves, Nyoko and Mira he would definitely try to remember, he couldn't help but chuckle a little at Mira, not out of rudeness. When he noticed a few eyes on himself he decide now was a good a time as any to introduce himself.

"Forgive me, Mira. You just remind me of my younger sister. Oh, my name is Henley Kurting. I guess I enjoy reading more then anything. I...I want to become a scout because....."

All he wanted to truly say was so he could protect everyone he held dear and those of other's who were held dearly but how corny would that be? They probably already thought he was weird for the donuts. He looked about beside Julian most of them looked very trustworthy, even if they themselves weren't sure of it.

"I want to be a scout to protect my siblings...something I was unable to do in the past."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Nana Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lyysa

These guys wasn't that talkative huh? No one answered. Not that they got much of an choice o answer since the one who had brought everyone together showed up shortly after Gi had introduced herself to the others. Gi was disappointed anyway. Pouting with her mouth, kicking a rock on the ground as the others started to follow the lady inside the convenient store. Gi followed them as well, eventually, after she was done sulking. It didn't take that much time at all actually, after she had kicked that lonely vulnerable pitiful rock she felt better already.

Her once again cheery mood dropped as soon as they arrived at their final destination. A classroom. A freaking classroom! Gi couldn't believe her eyes, she was so furious. No not really. She was disappointed. Extremely disappointed. Her expectations were let down. She was so let down. It was almost so that her mouth dropped to the floor when she froze still where she stood and just stared at the freaking classroom, the idiotic desks and the stupid chalkboard. Stupid. Idiotic. What was this? A joke clearly. Gi just couldn't believe her eyes.

With the same pouty expression as before she sat down just as she had been asked, acting like a kid that had gotten a soft present at Christmas under the tree. As the nice lady started to explain things and stuff and information and Gi stopped listening after the first sentence so she had no idea what she was talking about but who cares anyway? Gi was too busy muttering to herself as she tapped her fingers on the desk, clearly being uncomfortable with just sitting still in one place. Even the feet’s started to drum a rhythm on the floor.

But Gi had understood one thing, they were supposed to introduce themselves. And she wanted to be first! She was just about to jump out from her desk when someone else!!! beat her too it. That damn dude was just seconds before her. But she forgave him because of his pretty face. Hey, you can't stay mad at pretty things. When he was done she was about to jump out of her desk again but SOMEONE ELSE!!!! beat her too it AGAIN! It was ridiculous. And her irritated drumming got worse.

And the the whole process continued to happen over and over again, Gi couldn't understand how everyone could be so much faster when it came to reacting. She got more and more irritated by the minute. Making annoyed noises and squirming on the chair, almost falling down on the floor. And then when the blond sweetie was done she took her chance, flying up from the desk and almost screaming, "It's my turn now god darn it!"

Before anyone could protest she marched to the front, facing the others while pointing towards herself, "I'm Gi, as everyone already should know. Or else you are deaf. Yeah! Well... There is a lot to know about me! Yeah, I'm an extremely interesting person! But anyway, I'm really good at fixing things that's broken. And I decided to become a Scout because it sounded fun! Nothing deep or anything like..." She started to make a serious grimace as she disguised her voice, trying to talk in a lower tone, "I'm going to face my fears and avenge my dead parents." In the middle of it she started to laugh at herself, it was an extremely ridiculous introduction but she didn't feel embarrassed, she just smiled, "Like Batman! No nothing like that, it just seems fun. That's it!"

And with that she returned to her seat, which she hated. So much. But she sat down anyway to be polite. Or something like that.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Nana Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama
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0.00 INK

佐藀 ζ „δΈ€
γ€Œ Eiichi Sato 」

#FF8040 || #FF8080

β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹ β—‹

Eiichi had only arrived for a few minutes before he heard the echo of high heels reverberate off the narrow street. The familiar noise prompted him to turn and face the direction, which lead his eyesight to the human-tornado jogging straight for them. Once it got closer, his smile grew wider as he recognized the ameba as the one and only Nana. The only familiar face amongst the crowd of strangers.

These people appeared harmless enough but other then that girl Gi; none of them seemed very happy to be there. This was the one of most exciting days of his life and his inability to stay still obviously gave it away. He felt like yelling atop his lungs but I suppose you can't really make a big scene if you’re trying to keep your identity low.

β€˜Ah! Finally we’re moving! It’s about time to see this secret base!’ Leading to the back, Eiichi whipped his head back and forth in hopes of catching a glance at the ridiculously high-tech elevator which required to scan Nana’s retina in order to unlock a series of puzzles which would then and only then lead you to the ultra secret scout base!! His shoulders slumped and visibly discouraged to see a boring ole’ staircase. β€˜No-no this is alright! Maybe she’s just going the old fashion way- like some sort of traditional dojo where master martial artists practice their skills of nearly crushing a man to death with only a thumb!!’

A-a classroom? A CLASSROOM?!!

β€œArghhhh!!” Eiichi exclaimed as he took large cartoonish steps into the room. The oddly similar style of his own school made him want to through his bag on the floor and kick it through a window. Where were the meditating monks or- mechanical workshops of intense inventions? He noticed a similar disappointment on the others but they soon mellowed in their new seats. After he cooled himself down, he took a seat nearest to the door and listened to what Nana had to say.

β€œIn-tro-du-ce Yo-self..” He read along with Nana’s handwriting. β€˜Intro-what? Nooo why do we have to do that?’ Certainly not being the first one to go first, he watched as fancy walked to the front of the line.

Stiles, it sounded familiar but the surname gave no recollection of a business staple. Maybe it was a city thing he’d yet to encounter.. However Eiichi was impressed with Julian’s confidence; Wasn’t that something you needed?

Once receiving a few eyerolls, Julian plopped down and switched roles with Nyoko. A seemingly nice girl in his opinion, and not to mention an athlete! She certainly possessed the determination a scout needed; they’re always required to be on their feet! Fast movement meant quick thinking Eiichi always thought.

Then Mira stood up; a soft speaking girl who, as far as he could tell, seemed to be around his age. She didn’t speak much at all, maybe she was ill-prepared and decided to just get it over with..

Henley was certainly an odd bird but one he really liked! His answer to Nana’s question gave him the feeling his own subconscious would have accumulated if he sat down and really thought about it. However, it wasn’t until that train of thought hit that he realized his own arrogance.

His ears perked up the the sound of patter scurrying to the front; it was that girl from earlier! Ah now Gi is the one he really liked. If he could imagine the energy he thought a scout should possess, it would be the entirety of her. Not to mention her presentation was thoroughly enjoyable. With her personality out of the way, he wound up the confidence to give his own answer.

Eiichi watched her return back to her seat until standing up and moving to the front.

β€œHello, I’m Eiichi.You can say my favourite pasttime is eating but volleyball is a close second.” He let out a nervous laugh, hoping no one took him seriously. β€œI wish I could say I joined the scouts because I wanted to help save the world but I would be lying. I felt that if I joined.. I’d finally be a part of something. I guess you can say aiding the world for the better of humanity was just a cherry on top.” He gave a deep bow of respect to his scouts, β€œThank you.” and returned to his seat.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Nana Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama
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0.00 INK

Speech β—† #164860 | Thought β—† #000F89
Rin was ready to leave and the gathering hadn't even officially started yet. Having long finished his snack, the remnants of which were crumpled into a ball, he had begun to grow impatient. It only added to his irritation when some girl he presumed was also a scout showed up. Though he and many of the others were contently quiet, she hadn't seemed to realize this, loudly introducing herself.

Thankfully, before anyone had the chance to further provoke conversation between the group, a face he remembered well bounded around the corner. Rin had never been happier to see the out of breath woman. After she had apologized and stated the obvious fact that they were indeed there, she led them into the store.

Once they had finished the brief tour, Rin found himself in a classroom. He had never been inside one before, at least not one with people in it. He was home schooled for obvious reasons. He was almost tempted to walk around the room to take it all in, but everyone else seemed satisfied with just a quick glance around. So he sat down at a desk like his fellow scouts, or as Nana called them his 'family'. Quite frankly he'd rather leap off a cliff than refer to these strangers as family. It was a term that had little meaning to him, half the people he had called family have been locked up for years after all.

A feeling of dread settled on Rin as Nana explained the task. Sure he'd tell people his name and something about him, but his reasons for joining the scouts was personal and he wasn't about to announce them to people he just met. Telling people you were a criminal isn't the best way to make a good impression.

The others seemed to have little trouble explaining themselves. The first one to go, who couldn't go without mentioning his wealth, and giving a shallow excuse fora reason to become a scout. It was revealed a moment later to be false, it wouldn't have surprised him if it were true.

The girl after him wasn't quite as rude, it was more than likely the redhead was unrivaled, in fact she seemed rather nice. She was followed by the poor girl who had bumped into the clown outside. She came off as a bit shy, or maybe she was just absorbed in the game she was playing. She had mentioned she liked games after all.

Next came donut boy, who was apparently in it for his siblings. Rin had never had a sibling of his own, or anyone he needed to protect. They were all more than capable of protecting themselves, he still respected him for doing the best he could for them.

The moment her saw the overzealous girl from before, Rin cringed inwardly. He knew her name, yes, but he found himself hoping that he were deaf.

The orange haired boy followed suite. He joked around a bit, but Rin appreciated anything quieter than the last presenter's voice. As he concluded, it left only Rin to speak.

"Hello, my name is Rin Akiyama. I grew up in England." There was a slight pause between Rin's monotonous introduction. "I guess you could say I joined the scouts because of my mom." Upon finishing he sat right back down, almost like a robot. He hadn't exactly lied, he just took out the bad parts, leaving a vague description. It likely sounded odd, but it was better than nothing.

The setting changes from Saluna's Tokyo to Convenience Store

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gi Burnett Character Portrait: Nana Character Portrait: Mira Hespith Character Portrait: Julian Stiles Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama Character Portrait: Henley Kurting Character Portrait: Rin Akiyama
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0.00 INK


Dialogue - #CF1F1FTeam Player

As he looked around the classroom, taking in the stories and small bits of information the others revealed about themselves, Julian Stiles knew one thing; man were these people beneath him! Tennis? Volleyball? Reading? What kind of interests were these?! Was this some sort of sick joke? Why should he, the very great and handsome Julian Stiles, be forced to work with such a plain and uninteresting bunch such as they? Aside from his introduction, of course, everybody else's either seemed very boring, was given by a person who couldn't obviously handle the stagelight like Julian could, or was, well, probably given by someone who may or may not suffer some sort of mental illness that made them rather excitable. And these were his newest allies in the pursuit of justice (or in his case, redemption)?!

This is definitely not Stilish!...Neither was that pun, glad I didn't actually say that.

Honestly, the only person he found himself attracted to, in a character sort of way, was the very same girl who had bumped into him earlier. The obviously superior Stiles would not forget a name of such importance to himself. Hespith was the family name of the woman Julian was to marry, had things gone just as planned. He had, however, completely forgot that there was an imouto involved. Did she bear a grudge against him, he wondered. He couldn't say that her feeling positive about him was the most important thing he could think about, but it's not like he couldn't see the younger sibling feel some sort of resentment towards the man who inadvertently caused harm to the older sibling. Then again... it wasn't like he'd had any experience with how siblings felt, being an only child and all.

Julian did not need help from anyone to keep his surprise hidden from the rest. Betraying complex, personal emotions was something he was fairly good at, as he couldn't trust any of these people not to abuse any knowledge they got about him in a way that could otherwise affect him negatively. So, of course, that is why they would receive nothing but the disappointment and disdain of someone who was higher in standing than them until they had proven themselves --- if they could prove themselves! But honestly, in the shadow of someone like Julian, could they really even hope to compare?

Man, Nana should hurry up, I'm really riding this high horse, aren't I? Well, if she's gonna be that way...

There were times when even Julian was aware his thoughts were much too arrogant. He wasn't mature enough to realize it was a flaw, and instead blamed it on other people forcing him into boredom. Like, of course, Nana. Why was she taking so long? Was it stage fright? For what reason does a cute girl need to worry about such things? Inviting the group to prance around as Scouts and then getting frightened? Well, not all people were perfect. Not even Julian, though he'd pretend otherwise in the presence of others. Right now, for example.

"I must say, if we were supposed to start feeling something from these introductions, then it's certainly working. Though I'm not sure that it's working how its intended, since the only thing I *feel* is how much the others in the class did not appreciate my humble introduction. How odd? Peasants sure are tricky to deal with." Julian shrugged innocently, as though he hadn't said a thing wrong. Of course, he was completely aware of just how he was sounding, he just felt bored and wanted to hopefully stir Nana into action. If she was paying any sort of attention, she might realize that eventually he was going to say something rude enough to stir someone into action. She should probably calm things down, perhaps by moving things along?

Boy Julian sure is easy to get along with at first. Totally.

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Saluna's Tokyo

Saluna's Tokyo by litacat

General RP

Downtown Tokyo

Downtown Tokyo by litacat

This will house all the other rp areas that are always open unless otherwise stated. Please do not post directly here, it's simply a storage area.

Convenience Store

Convenience Store by litacat

A scout run and owned store. Above it is Nana's scout room but it's normally locked up unless she's inside.


Cafe by litacat

A few blocks east of the scout base, a small cafe sits on the edge of the road. Despite running along a set of train tracks, the line isn't frequent.


Park by litacat

A public park with a small canal running through.

Train station

Train station by litacat

A few blocks away from the store sits a small train station. It only rules five times a day, 4:00, 6:00, 12:00, 17:00, and 24:00

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mira Hespith
Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama
Character Portrait: Julian Stiles
Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato
Character Portrait: Henley Kurting


Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato
Eiichi Sato

"You're saying I can be a superhero?!"

Character Portrait: Julian Stiles
Julian Stiles

"Bid despair farewell, for I have arrived!"

Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama
Nyoko Maruyama

"I hope you don't plan on sitting around when you're with me!"

Character Portrait: Mira Hespith
Mira Hespith

"I'm hungry. You're buying me food, right?"


Character Portrait: Julian Stiles
Julian Stiles

"Bid despair farewell, for I have arrived!"

Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato
Eiichi Sato

"You're saying I can be a superhero?!"

Character Portrait: Mira Hespith
Mira Hespith

"I'm hungry. You're buying me food, right?"

Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama
Nyoko Maruyama

"I hope you don't plan on sitting around when you're with me!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mira Hespith
Mira Hespith

"I'm hungry. You're buying me food, right?"

Character Portrait: Julian Stiles
Julian Stiles

"Bid despair farewell, for I have arrived!"

Character Portrait: Eiichi Sato
Eiichi Sato

"You're saying I can be a superhero?!"

Character Portrait: Nyoko Maruyama
Nyoko Maruyama

"I hope you don't plan on sitting around when you're with me!"

View All » Places

Saluna's Tokyo

Saluna's Tokyo by litacat

General RP

Downtown Tokyo

Downtown Tokyo by litacat

This will house all the other rp areas that are always open unless otherwise stated. Please do not post directly here, it's simply a storage area.

Convenience Store

Convenience Store by litacat

A scout run and owned store. Above it is Nana's scout room but it's normally locked up unless she's inside.


Cafe by litacat

A few blocks east of the scout base, a small cafe sits on the edge of the road. Despite running along a set of train tracks, the line isn't frequent.


Park by litacat

A public park with a small canal running through.

Train station

Train station by litacat

A few blocks away from the store sits a small train station. It only rules five times a day, 4:00, 6:00, 12:00, 17:00, and 24:00

Convenience Store

A scout run and owned store. Above it is Nana's scout room but it's normally locked up unless she's inside.

Train station

A few blocks away from the store sits a small train station. It only rules five times a day, 4:00, 6:00, 12:00, 17:00, and 24:00


A public park with a small canal running through.


A few blocks east of the scout base, a small cafe sits on the edge of the road. Despite running along a set of train tracks, the line isn't frequent.

Downtown Tokyo

This will house all the other rp areas that are always open unless otherwise stated. Please do not post directly here, it's simply a storage area.

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Most recent OOC posts in Rise of the Scouts

Re: Angel Scouts

Where did litacat go? She completely disappeared just like that. :/

Re: Angel Scouts

Yeah that's kind of the problem, everyone is waiting on Nina (played by GM), I would respond but the only thing my character would add to the conversation is arguing with him but that just is creating conflicted that doesn't need to happen right now

Re: Angel Scouts

Yeah I agree with that, but at the same time I belive that a GM (which most of the time is the only one that know what's going to happen in the story) needs to take responsibility or tell someone what's supposed to happen. Because just the scouts talking to each other doesn't create a good RP either.

Re: Angel Scouts

Even if there are complications, its only so long that an RP will last before it dies out without replies. I'm feeling a dead vibe starting to come off this one, which would be a shame since I was having fun with my OC, and the possible interactions he would have with other characters.


Re: Angel Scouts

I am also finally back, got to have a great visit my dad and that side of my family but glad to be home!

Re: Angel Scouts


I am so sorry about the long hold up but my break is finally finished. I should be posting a response in a few hours and if you're available, please post as usual. ^^

edit: Correction: Tomorrow.. It appears my internet will cut out in about an hour for a check and I don't think I'll be able to finish in time.

Re: Angel Scouts

A heads up: Julian will actually be very tsun when he genuinely likes someone.

Re: Angel Scouts

I apologize for such a late reply but I myself will be out for the new years.. However anyone still wanted to rp with this group while a few of us are out are more then welcome to rp in the sub areas (refer to the quote below)! I'll try to get a reply in soon.

litacat wrote:Hello everyone! I opened a few more locations that you can rp with your characters in. It may be a bit difficult to keep the lore 100% but try your best not to make city wide events.

Each location is mostly social based, but battle locations will be added as we progress in the story. You can either use them now or wait for the group to move on a bit more.

These were created with the intentions of smaller sessions, so don't be afraid to spread your character in the new places.

If you have any ideas for locations or pose any concerns, either contact me here or PM me.

Have fun everyone!

ps. the cafe was suppose to be in the subcategory under downtown but i forgot to slip it in and I can't edit it. However the location is usable.

Re: Angel Scouts

Hey. I'm actually going back to my hometown for the next few days, I'll have an ipad, but i can't guarantee anything. I'll try to get on and respond but again it is an ipad. So ill keep up with the story I just won't likely be able to respond with large responses if any

Re: Angel Scouts

Hey! Just want to let you guys know that I will be away for some days where there is no wifi (I do have my phone with me though but that's hopeless to post with) so I won't be able to post for a little while.

Re: Angel Scouts

I'm pretty damn sure my post wasn't flawless but I clicked submit anyways.
//goes to bed

Re: Angel Scouts

You would be the only one, apparently. His kindness goes unnoticed, so it would seem.


Julian Stiles was just minding his own business, being rich, when all of the sudden some punk-ass, girl-ass, not-rich-ass, other OC-ass person just bumped right into him. What the hell, man?


Mira Hespith was just minding her own business, being poor, when all of the sudden some punk-ass, guy-ass, rich-ass, other OC-ass person just bumped right into her. What the hell, man?

Julian is innocent!

Re: Angel Scouts

Can I just say that Julian is seriously my fav, no lie.

Re: Angel Scouts

It's the effort that counts.

Re: Angel Scouts

Wow, yet another perfect post by me, FamishedPants! Not a single error upon submission, no siree!


Re: Angel Scouts

I don't have any problem with that! I encourage everyone to make more plotlines, it gives the rp more depth not to mention all the scenarios that could arise.

Go for it!

Re: Angel Scouts

And now it's official! :D Imagine how awkward a reunion of betrotheds would be. It'd be so so awkward. I'm very much looking forward to this.

-waves at teacookies- Don't back out, you drew that awesome thing, you're allowed to say whatever you want!

Re: Angel Scouts

I don't think there should be too much problem if we change a few things if we want to go ahead and do something like this. I think the conflict between Julian and Mira would be fairly good, too. Like, she's sorta part of a gang but also the sister of someone he was supposed to marry. Good enough material for character development and conflict there, and having the fabulous Julian as an ally come later could always help~!

Of course if Lita has problems with this then they can name them.

Also, more importantly, if Nana being late isn't a recurring gag in the RP I'm dropping this right now. :3

Re: Angel Scouts

Dear Lor- You guy's characters have such interesting backstories.

//slowly backs out of a conversation I wasn't a part of #sorry

Re: Angel Scouts

Mira and her sister are former Heiresses - Asha failed a suicide attempt and went comatose, Mira ran and joined a gang to avoid being forced into a corporate life like her sister was. Later on Asha awakes and the gang "kidnaps" the sister and safeguards her as a reward for Mira's loyalty.