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Elle James

"Don't you look. . . healthy"

0 · 317 views · located in Slade Industries Cailfornia Branch

a character in “Slade Industries”, as played by WhiteTiger08


Full Name: Elle Amanda James
Age: 18
Ability: Vampire
~Sense Lies
Appearance: Elle stands at five foot five, and has long blonde hair. Dark gold eyes adorn her face rimmed by lush black lashes. Full lips and rosy cheeks give her a sweetie-pie image, nothing like her true self.
Has been with the agency for: Eight Months
Team: 3
Room: 201B
Roommate: Peyton Jones
Bio: Sun was the center of Elle's attention for eighteen long years. Her grandmother owned an estate by the shore, and her family spent their summers there every year. The waves, sand, and beating sun were a luxury to Elle. Now, all she can stand is a few hours in the rays. Two years ago, Elle's life had ended. Her heart had stopped beating, officially ending her life, but not her existence. Elle continues to walk the earth today, but stronger, faster, and more confident than ever. On a cold, wet day, Elle was walking home from the library. Hoping to arrive home quicker, she ran into an alley between two stores across the street. When she only hoped to reach her home faster, she received all of eternity.

Elle didn't return home after her attacker left, but convulsed in agony on the cold hard concrete of the alley. The change came slowly and painfully. Her senses changed drastically. She could smell better than a hundred blood hounds, and hear things in a five-mile radius. Her eyes changed from their pleasant blue to a deep and dark gold. Her sight became better to where she could see into a building five miles away. Her confidence grew, but her love of the sun never returned. She becomes violently sick in the light, and didn't return home until late the next night.

After sharing her secret only with her mother, the two became closer. Mrs. James would help Elle quench her ever-lasting thirst, but forbade her to drink on humans. She had made the mistake before, though, feeding on a human and watching as their life dripped off her lips. Later that year, Elle was spoken to by Slade Industries. She agreed to join, but only after she adjusted to her new-found "life". Her mother only knows that she was sent away to received help, but she hasn't spoken to her since.


Elle's personality is nothing far from fiery. Her confidence rages like a wildfire that can't be put out. She stands tall and proud, and will happily prance on anyone set to put her down. Her brute strength and lightning speed only add to the flames. She knows she's got game, and her abilities and good looks don't do anything to lower the confidence level.

Her confidence doesn't make her a jerk, though. Elle has a heart that is bigger than anything. Her kindness stretches for miles and would help anyone who needed it, but she doesn't let herself get used. She knows who to trust and who not to trust. Also having the ability to sense when a person is lying, she takes care of those who use her.

Elle has a quick tongue, and is very stubborn. Is tough situations, she likes things her way and rarely listens to others. Witty comments will always strike another person, even when she means no harm. After the situation boils over, she will apologize profusely because of her big heart.

So begins...

Elle James's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight
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0.00 INK

Elle sat perched on the window sill, gazing outside. A cool morning breeze blew through her blonde locks. The sun shined high over the horizon, giving the sky a pink/orange hue. She had been up for hours. Needing only a few hours of sleep, she laid in bed and read, or took a jog in the gym. She did both this morning with time to spare, so there she sat on the window sill. Deciding to get ready for the day, she took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, and dressed for the day. She wore cut-off denim shorts and a plain white tee.

She closed the door quietly behind her, as not to disturb her roommate. She made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen for pancakes and orange juice. Opening the door, she met up with Erin and Tristan. She smiled and settle down nect to Erin. "Good morning," she said to the two.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight
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0.00 INK

Jeong Ji rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. She had a photoshoot late last night and didn't sleep very long. The photographer wanted her to change outfits every 3 pictures, which was quite annoying. On top of that, she recorded her new song and had to go finish the choreography for the back up dancers. Growling quietly, she pulled on her white tank top, black shorts and her blue and black, spiked hoodie. She grabbed her signature face mask and clipped it around her neck.

Now finished, she slipped out of her room and down to the kitchen. Waving at her co-workers, she got her usual, a sweet egg sandwich, some bean sprouts and a bowl of rice. She plopped down near her co-workers and began eating. She was not a morning person and what few hours of sleep she got she didn't feel like wasting them on talking until she was well awake.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight Character Portrait: Peyton Jones
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0.00 INK

Peyton woke up at the squeek of the door, she was one that woke up at the slightest noise. Stretching she looked around the room and saw that Elle already left the room. She grabbed a pair of jeans and white blouse, making her way to the bathroom she took a shower and got dressed. She brushed her hair and kept it down for the day. Putting her pajamas on her bed after she made it and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

She was hoping she would be sent on a mission soon its been a couple weeks since she has been on one, and really itching to get out. She saw Elle, Tristan, Erin, and Jeong at the table and smiled. "Morning everyone! how was your night? Oh how did the mission go Erin? Was it succesful?" she asked as she got a couple pancakes and some chocolate milk. Peyton was always somewhat cheery even in the mornings, she always felt starting your day in a good mood was always the best. Grabbing some silverware she sat down near Elle and started eating. She saw Erin reading a comic "ohh what comic is that Erin?" she asked curiously.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Aaron Dunbar Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight Character Portrait: Peyton Jones
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0.00 INK

Aaron snored lightly as his face was smashed against the keyboard, his computer screen still zipping away as if nothing had changed when he fell asleep. His roommate had already left for breakfast without so much as a twitch coming from Aaron. That was one thing that made Aaron an easy roommate was, if he was sufficiently tired, he would be able to sleep through nearly anything; and last night he was very tired. He had spent all night working on a new firewall for Slade Industries and by the time he was nearly done and just had to test it out, that's what the computer was doing right now.

A small, happy ting came from his computer, shaking Aaron out of his sleep. He looked up and saw the results of his firewall. He smiled at his little victory of, once again, outsmarting the computer. He stretched and quickly pasted the new design onto flash drives, or FOB's as he liked to call them, for the other two techies he'd recently met; Cassandra and Faith. He figured this out years ago that it was best to have two techies who are also mastermind hackers look to see if they could get through because computers could be manipulated so easily if done by the right person.

While the FOB's uploaded his firewall, Aaron went and pulled on a grungy T-shirt and brushed his teeth, leaving his messy hair and untrimmed beard for all to see; he really didn't care either way, it was morning and after a long night of working and all he wanted was some black coffee. After he figured himself decent enough and checked the status of the uploads, they weren't quite done so he left them wired to his computer while he went down to get some breakfast.

Aaron came into the dining hall, barefoot as always because he found shoes to be a ridiculous invention, and went straight to the food bar, there he plopped a blueberry scone onto his plate and went to the coffee where he proceeded to mix his black coffee with two shots of espresso, and the good kind from southern Italy he was very clear about that to the people who imported the coffee. When this was done he got today's newspaper and walked over to everyone else seeing his roommate Tristan there, among others his half asleep brain couldn't comprehend. He gave everyone and nod and began to drink his coffee and read today's events. He liked to keep up on the political events of day and see if there were any suggestions he could give them. After he and his ma had moved to America, she told him all about how America was made by the people, for the people, and that if there was something the government was doing that they didn't like they had the right to over throw them. Aaron took bit of information seriously and since then has been looking for all the government's mistakes in order for him to correct them. This annoyed the government greatly because he had, somehow, broken through all their defenses and is now able to be on the Conference Calls with them on video chat; and they don't know how to block him. Today there was nothing new, so he would let the president be free of him for today.

He looked up from his coffee, "So how is everyone today?" he asked, now that he had a decent amount of caffeine, some would say too much, in him, he was ready to talk and be human.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Aaron Dunbar Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight Character Portrait: Peyton Jones
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0.00 INK

It had only taken a few minutes for Erin to be surrounded by people. Not that she disliked them, it was just that she felt too tired to be social at the moment. She yawned at turned to Tristan. "Hey, last night. How about you? No missions lately?" She was just starting to feel herself wake up a little more, but then Elle showed up.

She groaned, and cupped her face in her hands, telling herself over and over that the walking ray of sunshine wouldn't get to her today. Erin put her hands down and turned to Elle, smiling. "'Morning." Now that that was over with, Peyton showed up. She didn't understand how 'morning people' even existed. "It went well, completely successful." Erin stretched and yawned. "It's Green Arrow and Black Canary."

Jeong had already been there for a while, but no one had said anything to her yet. It didn't take long for Aaron to show up, asking how everyone was. "Dead." Erin rested her head on the table. She wasn't normally a whiner, but she just felt like shit today. Her body ached and her head was ringing. It was a miracle that she was even able to get out of bed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Faith Wynters Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Aaron Dunbar Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight
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0.00 INK

Elle sipped from her orange juice as more and more people entered the room. First Jeong Ji, then Peyton-she guessed she had woken her- then Aaron and Faith joined Erin, Tristan and her. The group was happily chatting, other than Erin, who seemed somewhat annoyed. Elle didn't blame her. Before she changed, she hadn't been much of a morning person either. She was an everyday-for-the-rest-of-eternity kind of girl now.

Lucas walked in and sat down the long table, farther away from the group. She felt his eyes on her briefly, but she noticed when he dropped his gaze. She wasn't sure what she felt about him. She wasn't sure if it was friendship, or something more. She shoved her thoughts aside for the time being. The missions ahead were more important.

She listened to the quiet chatter and occasionally chimed in, but usually just kept to herself. She was thoughtful today. She didn't know why. Today was probably the day where she spent all of her time in the gym or swimming. A workout day. She enjoyed those, always quiet, but she wanted a partner. Elle dug into her breakfast and listened to the happy chatter of her fellow agents.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Faith Wynters Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Aaron Dunbar Character Portrait: Cassandra Curran Character Portrait: Elle James
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0.00 INK

As usual, Cassandra wasn't sleeping at five o'clock in the morning. Since she could only ever manage a whole four hours, maximum, of sleep per night she had a tendency to use the time she should have been sleeping to play around with her computer. Like now, for instance, she was still sitting at her desk, tapping on the keys lightly with her fingertips and scrolling down each page she came to, in an attempt to cure her boredom as her room mate moved about in the room around her. After a few more minutes of this she felt her stomach growl in protest, causing her to realize it had been quite some time since she had eaten last, and she closed the browser and turned the computer off.

Her room mate, Skyler, tended to meditate at least once a week, which she was doing now. It was something Cassandra found easy to ignore as she got up from her chair with a sigh and, after placing her earphones in her ears, she blasted her music. She carried her iPod around as she found a simple outfit to wear for the day; a pair of dark-washed skinny jeans with a white belt and a black tank top to match her jeans, not bothering to shower for the second time within the hours as she knew it was a waste of water and time. Cassandra pulled on a pair of mismatched ankle socks, hardly noticing the blue and purple polka dots on one sock nor the green and white stripes on the other, before she shoved her feet in her plain white sneakers. She ran a brush through her long wavy golden hair before closing her laptop and tucking it into her bag as she left the room to go find something to eat, leaving Skyler to mutter in Korean to herself.

She took the stairs, as usual, but arrived to the cafe a mere two minutes after closing the door to the room she had to share. She said nothing as she walked in and found a seat, taking another few minutes to decide what on Earth she wanted to eat.. Finally settling on a piece of toast topped with strawberry jam and some yogurt, preferring to enjoy the simple things in life.

The 'techie' listened to the goings ons around her as she nibbled on her toast and spooned little portions of vanilla yogurt into her mouth, enjoying the mixture as her eyes glanced around. There was Faith and Aaron, the other 'techie's. The rest she didn't usually bother much with, preferring to stick to what she knew, though she was polite enough to them all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle James
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0.00 INK

Elle listened to quietly to the chit chat going on around the table. She occasionally sent a 'uh huh' here and there, and nodded every once in a while, but her heart wasn't in it. She just picked at her pancakes until they got cold, and sipped at her orange juice until it got warm. After disposing of her meal, she exited the kitchen silently and wandered to the gym.

Entering the women's locker room, she twisted her combination into the lock and opened her small locker. After changing into her old soccer shorts and a tank top and turning on her iPod, she walked out and over to the weight-lifting bench. She easily lifted the 45 pound bar, and pulled two hundred pound weights on either end of the bar. Laying on the leather bench, she heaved the bar up, and down, up, and down. After a few minutes of this, she set the bar back on it's stand and took a gulp of water.