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Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate

Death Wepon Meieter Academy


a part of Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate, by Mr. Fly on the wall.


Mr. Fly on the wall holds sovereignty over Death Wepon Meieter Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Death Wepon Meieter Academy is a part of Soul Eater: Kishin Of Hate.

13 Characters Here

Leslie Cunningham [38] *nose in book*
Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa [36] "What is feared should not; but yet, it should be understood."
Hina [30] "Isn't the number seven beautiful?"
Haruka [27] "Suzu get back here!"
Suzu [27] "Hi there!"
Kami [24] *shakes head and sighs* "Spirit you never change"
Spirit Albarn [21] '' Maka, Please Forgive your foolish Old man''
Crona [20]
Maka Albarn [19] "Makaaaaa Chop!"
Soul "Eater" Evans [15] "wow pretty cool..."

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Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Hina laughed at Suzu's antics, amused by the high spirited girl. It was sort of amazing how much energy Suzu had and Hina wondered if the girl had something else going on behind her playful demeanor. "You're adorable Suzu, you know that?"

Hina thought about Haruka's offer for a moment. "Hobgoblins? I don't think I've been there. What's it like?" Hina gave a smirk, "Actually I'd like to check out Chupa Cabra's at some point. That's my kinda place after all." She was getting rather comfortable with these two, if she could find a partner, maybe she'd be able to pair up with Suzu and Haruka and form a team. The problem would be finding a weapon.

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Lord Death

Lord Death turned away from Spirit and Kami. '' I'm sorry my mind is made up. Spirit can not continue to be my Death scythe under these sorta condition's. My judgement still stands. Until Spirit can function properly. So I suggest you get to work Spirit.'' Lord Death turns looking at his mirrior. '' I'm sorry.''


crona Fallowed maka and soul. He never really been outside the DWMA. He figitted when he stepped outside. " uhh is it okay out here....uhh. I isn't gonna rain or something is it....uh...i mean I'll still go if you still wish me.'' corna rubbed his left arm with is right.

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Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Ascending his upper body upwards, he stood and smiled. "Sure thing!"

Taking into acknowledgement that others were shooting daggers through their eyeballs at him, he gradually extended his index finger and gently tugged his glasses up, the male's gaze slowly shifting dramatically to the individuals. Blinking his pupil deprived eyes, the blurry forms stood there as the gentle blush on his cheeks violently decided to revolt and grew as dark as magenta cherry blossoms.

"Greetings. If you'll excuse us please, sirs and ma'ams, we'd appreciate if we could get through." Nodding, he shot a sweet smile at the people and delicately took hold of Leslie's hand, leading them towards the correct aisle.

"Pocky, Pocky..." he murmured, letting go of the girl's hand and getting on his knees to look for the familiar box. Pressing the pad of his thumb gently to his plump lips in contemplation, he sighed. "I can't find it." Ichigo growled in frustration, straining his eyes to see. Finally victorious, he found the shelf with Pocky and picked out a couple of boxes.

"Well, there's that. Time to get strawberries and everything else on my mental list."

Setting the Pocky in the cart, he giggled. "Let's go!~" Playfully, he ran down the aisle with the cart and grabbed sweetly onto the girl's hand, dragging her around the store, getting all he needed to make the dinner he had planned.

Once they were at checkout, he sighed. "Every thing's checked off in my mind list. Good, good."

Ichigo stretched, and when they were done, he grabbed the bags and held the girl's hand with his free one, leading them both back to her home.

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Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Flicking his wrist to turn the loose linked watch on his wrist Haruka said, "Well, it's not quite dinner time, so we could go to Chupa Cabra's first and then head to Hobgoblins after. If we catch any of them cool, if not no sweat. Means a peaceful dinner," his eyes shot over to Suzu who was, for some reason doing a one-handed handstand and humming to herself...he sighed, "Well, as peaceful as I'll ever get. At least this time I'll have some nice company."
He smiled at her wondering, What if she is a witch...that doesn't change anything does it?...
Clapping his hands to pull her from her trance he said, "Since she is coming you will have to ride your own bike and I will ride mine. She can pick who she wants to ride with.

Swinging impatiently Suzu thought,I hate being left out of the conversation... Flipping on her hands then lifting herself up onto one she looked around, Upside down is fun...
Hearing Haruka clap she abruptly shook herself from the moment of daydream and dipped, following with flipping up onto her feet.
"Since she is coming you will have to ride your own bike, and I will ride mine. She can pick who she wants to ride with."

"Yay!" she cheered, as she zipped to the kitchen to grab the keys, singing to her self, "Gonna ride my bike now! Gonna have some fun!"

He grabbed his wallet and opened the door, "Ladies first, waving down the stairs."
It won't matter, but I have to know.

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Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Yesterday...I was alone...Sable and's been just the two of us for such a long time...So many of them were burned...why is he so special...Why?
The thought ate at her...ever lingering in the back of her mind. Like a spring tense and coiled, she was waiting for something bad to happen...something always did.

Felling Ichigo grab her hand, she shied away from the staring people. Being only 5'2 had it's advantages...she could pass as a child if she needed to.
"Onii-chan," she wined a little as they squeezed past, "Why are they staring at me?"

Once they were past she sighed, "Why do people always have to judge..." she mumbled as Ichigo searched for her Pocky.
"The chocolate kind please!" she said as she lifted her arm in the air, as if she was making a comment in class. She giggled and covered her lips with her fingers. She cheered softly when he found them, "Thank you! I'm so happy I found a tall one," she giggled and reached out, interlocking her fingers in his.
How can he feel so much like a brother to me...after such little time...One day it took for me to find him...for him to find me...
She thought back to her times alone, while the other students were all taking missions together...she could only work alone. Never has she tasted a soul...and she longs for the feeling.

Holding his hand the whole way home she giggled and told him some things about herself, "My favorite book is 13 Reasons Why by: Jay Asher, but I love all Hemingway and Poe just as much...I don't like scary movies or stuff like that...I love comedians though!"

When they reached their home she slid her key in the door, and Sable greeted them with a soft *Mew* as they entered.

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Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Hina shrugged her shoulders, "sure. lets check out both, though I don't know who you're looking to run into. We can always go to Chupa Cabra's another time, I don't actually know if they'll let us in. We are sort of on the younger side." She actually had little idea of the policies concerning entrance into a place like Chupa Cabra's, it was basically a bar. Then again she knew the two witches that worked there, former spies for Arachnophobia that were sent to infiltrate Death City... did these people even know they were witches? It didn't matter, Hina had played her part during the conflict, she had fed out vital information to Lord Death's associates and she felt secure enough without having to give up more information.

"Suzu, be careful. We don't want you to get hurt," she said with a caring tone, the girl's antics were endearing to the point that Hina had decided to drop any sort of flirting with her. Suzu was just too childish, maybe if she grew up a little in the future, but for now Hina was disinterested. "Haruka, I'll ride with you if you don't mind, do you have pegs on the rear wheels or a riding bar on the back? If not I can always keep up with you two without a bike."

She walked down the stairs, looking back towards Suzu and Haruka, "We'll have a good time I hope, and then tomorrow we'll get to do class stuff for real." Hina's thoughts drifted to Spirit, she couldn't understand how he could be so much less than what was rumored about him. The spies from Chupa Cabra had told Arachne that he was powerful and cool and a womanizer who fell for their charms. Yet Spirit seemed so... whimpy.

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Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Ichigo smiled when they entered the house; greeted by a soft cry. "I see. My favorite book is The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz, and I'm not a fan of horror myself. I love children, plants, flowers, music. Occasionally I'll listen to techno and all, I'm not always a calm peaceful guy. I have a raver side, too."

The male wandered into the kitchen and set the bags down on the marble counter, tapping his bottom lip in contemplation. "Well, might as well get to work putting this stuff away." Walking back to his room, he changed into something comfortable: a baggy green jacket with baggy green pants with dark green belts hanging off each thigh. Kicking off his boots, he went back into the kitchen and put stuff away.

Getting the food ready, he decided to make Greek Spaghetti, and pulled the spaghetti out to put it in the pot. Setting the stove ready, he got another pot to make Earl Grey tea, and once the tea was done, he poured some in a mug, and poured some for Leslie also if she wanted any.

Walking back, he sat on the couch and patted a seat next to him, offering a mug of tea. "I think we should talk and get to know eachother better."

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Character Portrait: Ichigo Ko-ko Wakahisa Character Portrait: Leslie Cunningham
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Scooping up Sable, Leslie nodded, allowing Ichigo to do his magic in the kitchen. Making her way into the living room she drew the sheer white curtains back from the large window, and pulled the book from her school bag. A smile formed on her lips as she pulled her legs up under her, sitting lotus style, flipping open to her page. The lazy chair cradled her perfectly as she leaned over, book in her lap, and began reading where she left of this morning.
her pigtails hung down by her face, as she rested her chin on her bent arm. Sable sat in between her legs tapping the pages with her tiny paw. The sunlight bathed her until the sky turned a pink color, which filled the room with rosy light.
At the sound of Ichigo patting the seat next to him she shot up, looking out the window..."Has it been that long already..." She felt as if sh head just opened the book, "I guess time gets away from you when you're doing something you love," she giggled as she slipped her bookmark back int eh pages and tossed the brown volume onto her bag.
As she stood her sweatshirt slid, revealing a creamy shoulder, her thin legs stretching out of her tiny pink shorts. She walked on her toes, a habit she had since she was little, not too high but just off the ground. Sauntering over to the couch she flopped down, happily accepting the tea.The kitten followed at her heels, taking two attmepts to hop up onto the couch, crawling up into Ichigo's lap and rubbing her head insistently on his hands, purring.
"Pushing her glasses up on her nose she said, "Thank you Onii-chan...what do you want to know?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Suzu ran down the stairs, hopping tow steps at a time and hollering back, "Come one lets go!" She giggled as she reached their little garage on the main floor. Turning the key in the lock she slid the door up revealing the two bikes. s
"Did you miss me?" she cooed as she rubbed her hand across her ninja, straddling it and feeling it rumble as she turned it on. The power was invigorating.
She balanced on herHin toes and excitedly waited for her brother and Hina.

Watching Suzu bound down the stairs he laughed, rubbing the back of his head, "You see the crazy I have to deal with...It's not too late to back out. Won't hurt my feelings any."
Locking the door behind them he walked with his hands in his pocket down the stairs. "Hobgoblin is just a burger place. Suzu likes the chicken strips, always with honey mustard." he smiled, "but they have lots of stuff there."
Thumbing his chest he gave her a toothy smile, "I like the Angus-Swiss," laughing ash he reached the outer door opening it for her he continued, "could eat them everyday, if i knew they wouldn't kill me one day."
Rounding the corner revealed the bikes, Suzu revved up and ready to go. He slid onto his, and patted behind her, "Oh, and I have pegs, Suzu usually rides with me. Can't trust her not to get lost..."

Irritated with his comment she kicked up her stand and pushed off, "Hurry up I'm hungry!" she cried as she zipped past, braids whipping behind her. Heading right she zipped toward Hobgoblins.

The engine rumbled as he turned the key,, kicking up his stand he waited for her to hop on, "Tell me when you're settled and we will go!" he said, watching Suzu zip down the street.

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Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Hina looked a little surprised when the opened up their little garage to show to motorbikes, she had honestly expected bicycles. "Woah. Motorcycles. How'd you guys afford these?" It was the only thing she could think of to say as she stared with a look of awe on her face. She looked to Suzu's bike, thinking that it couldn't be safe to let a girl like that drive something motorized at all, never mind when she could end up hitting someone.

"Ehh, they'll have french fries or something, right?" Hina responded when Haruka was talking about eating burgers and chicken.

Hina lept up on the seat behind Haruka, sitting sidesaddle behind him and wrapping her arms around his middle. "Lets go, though I don't know why you'd need pegs when you can ride close like this." She looked over his shoulder at Suzu, still a little surprised that the girl didn't go skidding out of control. "Lets go!" Hina held tight.

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Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Her breathing slowed as Suzu focused, crouching down on her bike, her braids whipping behind her. Time seemed to slow down as she held her breath, avoiding obstacles with ease. She was like a whole different person, leaving the little girl in her behind as she navigated the city.

Looking back as he revved the bike he said, "Well Suzu I'm not to keen on letting sit too close, but you however," he oggled her for a split second, "You can sit as close as you want." He winked and laughed, "Ready to go?!"
The bike roared to life as he sped off after Suzu. The wind whipped through his hair as he steered, and he had a genuine smile on his face. He tightened his abs underneath of her grip, I guess I can be a show off, he recalled Suzu mentioned before, O well, I got it so I'll flaunt it.

Suzu reached Hobgoblins quickly, taking side roads and shortcuts. Haruka would be a while so she sat in the parking lot and waited for them to arrive.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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Kami nodded, "I see as you wish Lord Death" she walked over to Spirit knelt down and put her hand on his shoulder, "Come on I'll take you to dinner, it's why came to find you actually I wanted to take Maka, Soul and the pink haired boy to Hobgoblins. Maybe a burger will take your mind off things". Kami turned back to Lord Death,
I wanted to know if you knew where I would be staying for the night see as I don't have a place of my own yet" she asked.


"No please Soul I'd feel better if you and Crona went with me, I don't want to be by myself. I'm just a little confused thats all" said Maka.

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Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Crona Character Portrait: Soul "Eater" Evans
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"No please Soul I'd feel better if you and Crona went with me, I don't want to be by myself. I'm just a little confused thats all" said Maka.

Soul smiled softly and put his hand on her head. "Sounds good to me..." he said softly and reassuringly. It would be the 3rd time Maka and Soul ever went out to eat and the first time that Crona would get to come with, soul was a little nervous about bringing him along, due to Ragnorok's antics, but he figured Maka's mom would probably keep him in check. "I think i wanna head home so i can wear something more dinner appropriate first." he said. He then heard Crona talking, Sounding all worried. he turned around and gently put a hand on his head. "Relax... everything will be fine, ok...?" he says in a calming voice, knowing how paranoid Crona has a tendency to be.

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Character Portrait: Spirit Albarn
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lord death gave Kami some brief directions on a place where she could stay as Spirit walked outta the death room. he pulled off his suite jacket and undid his tie. '' This is just perfect. get my family issues in order. Easy for him to say. Now what am I gonna do. No job means no money coming in every week. Well could this get any worse.'' He leaned up agents the wall and thought. ''There's No way I can get maka to care about her father anymore. especially with Kami around she'll want to avoid me like the black pleage.''

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Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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Hina held tightly to Haruka, her hands gently sliding up his chest and giving a squeeze, her body pressed against his. As the bike sped down the road, she wondered where the coming days would lead them. When would she be sent out on her first assignment and who would she be sent out with, while it was true she could operate to a limited extent without a weapon, it was more of a symbol of her status if she wielded one.

"Hey, Haruka! Do you know any unpaired weapons that might be looking for a meister? I need to start looking for a partner and I don't want to be forced into a pairing because I can't find one on my own." She spoke loudly so she could be heard over the motor. As they came closer to where Suzu was Hina let go with her left hand and waved.

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Character Portrait: Hina Character Portrait: Suzu Character Portrait: Haruka
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The wind whipped past his face as he drove through the street, and he could feel the warmth of Hina pressed up against him. Looking down he watched her hands roam for a moment, and smiled as he brought his attention back to the road. Hina started shouting something about a partner, and he just shaked his head, holering back to her, "I don't know of anyone, but maybe we will see some people while were out?"
He pulled up next to Suzu, who was perched on top of her bike waving at them.
"You win, I guess I'm buying," he teased as he kicked the brake down.

Suzu spotted them in the distance, and began waving to them from on top of her bike. "Hey Hina!" she yelled as they rumbled up, "You're a slowpoke," she teased Haruka. Upon hearing that he was going to be paying however she beamed up at him clenching her hands in front of her, "Can I have chicken fingers?? Please!!" Before he even answered she ran into the building, flinging open the doors and yelling "YAY! CHICKEN FINGERS!"

Haruka sighed as Suzu ran into the building and moaned, "Please wait for us," but she was already gone. Pulling open the door for Hina he said, "Hopefully we will run into some weapons here," as he polity gestured for her to enter first. The sign blinked a neon "Hobgoblins" and the delicious smell drifted out the door.

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Hina winced her nose at the smell, the repulsive stench of grease and processed junk food was something she could pick up as soon as the place was in sight. She ran a finger down her nose as the pulled to a stop, blocking her sense of smell for a time. Little cantrips like this were such a boon at times like these.
Hina wanted to make some sort of comment about Haruka holding the door for her, but he was being sweet so she just smiled to him. "You know I don't think I've noticed this place before, I haven't been in the city for along time, only about six months."

Suzu seemed just as hyper as normal as she bounced around yelling about chicken fingers, something that tweaked something unpleasant inside Hina's head. To change where her mind was thinking, she began to look around for other students, perhaps some sort of Weapon that didn't yet have a partner. "Introduce me to anyone you recognize, okay Haruka?"

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Character Portrait: Maka Albarn Character Portrait: Kami
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After getting the arrangements from Lord Death came found that Spirit had once again slipped away from her. She sighed knowing that this was hard for him and that was something that Kami didn't want for him. Despite everything that happened she still cared for Spirit and had long ago forgiven him for what he had done. The hurt was still there but the hate had left her almost immediately. She decided that it was best to let him be and talk to him another time, she made her way back out to where she found Maka and the others. "Your father can't come with us he has some important business to attend to, thats alright we'll get him to come with us another time" said Kami.


Maka looked at her mother who seemed sad about something, "something important yeah right I bet he's drinking at Chupa Cabra's with those floozies", Maka though as they walked. She just didn't understand why her mother was even bothering to try to include him, "Mama thats alright I'd rather Papa not go cause I want to spend time with you" said Maka.


Kami stopped in her tracks when she hear what Maka said, she turned around and pulled Maka gently to the side away from the two other boys. "Maka just cause your father made some mistakes doesn't mean you can just turn away from him. Your only gonna have one father, and he's it you she try to think of the positive things instead of the negative. Yeah he can be a goof and he has a problem when it comes to pretty women, but he is loyal to you and loves you with every fiber of his being thats something that is not always found in a person. Your father would give up his life for you if it meant that it would protect you".


Maka blinked she wasn't sure how to react to what her mother had just said, "Mama I don't understand, after what he did to you. You just say forget about it?".


Kami sighed "Yes Maka cause it does no good to sit and dwell on the bad things in the past" said Kami, "Now let go with your friends and get something to eat".