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Tatuso Dread

"I didn't chose to become what I am, but I won't let it destroy me."

0 · 625 views · located in Kingdom of Fiore

a character in “Storm Shield - A New Beginning”, as played by CutUp


Somewhere I BelongTake Me HomeThe World CallingThe TakedownFightOn My Own
{"I do this thing called whatever the hell I want."}

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| N A M E |
Tatsuo Dread

| N I C K N A M E |
Tats, Shorty, Komodo

| A G E |

| G E N D E R |

| R A N K |

| B I R T H D A T E |
March 30th; Aries

| S E X U A L I T Y |

{"I'm not short! I'm size!"}


| H E I G H T |
5 feet

| W E I G H T |
160 pounds

| E Y E C O L O R |

| H A I R C O L O R |

| A P P E A R A N C E |
Tatsuo is a rather short young man, especially for his age. He is rather muscular, and highly toned. He has long blonde hair that he keeps tied up into a braid. His most noticeable feature is his styled hair with an antenna that sticks up in the air. It is meant to make him appear to be taller. He generally wears a sleeveless black shirt under a black jacket with silver edges, a black pair of pants, and matching black boots. He occasionally wears a bright red, long sleeved cloak with the guild's symbol on the back.

| O D D I T I E S |
Tatsuo has a large surgical scar in the center of his chest. His guild mark is on his inner right forearm, and is colored orange.

{"I am who I am, ain't gonna change that for nobody."}

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
✦ Ill Tempered ✧ Impulsive ✦ Sarcastic ✧ Protective ✦
Tatsuo is known for having a rather gruff and agitated persona that is prone to bounds of rage and violence. Behind this outward guise Tatsuo is actually a very compassionate young man, as he is very caring, and protective towards his fellow guild members, and those who can't protect themselves. He has a strong sense of morality, and is confident that he knows the difference between right and wrong. He will outright refuse a task if he believes it goes against his own moral code.

Despite his essentially good heart, Tatsuo is quick to anger, and is often rash, and impulsive in his actions, which more times than not lands him into trouble. Indeed, his impulsive nature causes him to have little foresight, and never thinks of the consequences of his actions. Tatsuo is violent by nature, and enjoys a good brawl. The stronger the opponent the better. He can be rather antisocial, and off putting towards others, as many see him as merely a loud, aggressive, and arrogant brute. Which he takes no time to argue, or correct them. And he'll also use sarcasm as a defense as well to keep people at bay.

Tatsuo is rather secretive about his past, and will never talk about it, especially the scar on his chest. He's more likely to fight you about it rather than talk about it. Though it's clear he holds a lot of pain, and regret over the past. And some possible post-traumatic stress. Tatsuo can also be very, very insecure. This is especially of his small stature, and it's a surefire way to get him angry. So all-in-all Tatsuo can be considered a good nature young man with massive amounts of baggage.

{"Yeah, I'm pretty cool."}

| M A G I C |
Earth Dragon Slayer Magic - A form of the lost magic that involves using powerful Earth magic. He is able to consume Earth, sand, and rock to regain energy.
| S P E L L S |
✦Earth Dragon Roar - One of Tatsuo's more powerful spells, he inhales, and gathers Earth, and then releases a powerful explosion of Earth energy.
✧Earth Dragon Diamond Fist - Tatsuo surrounds his entire arm in Earth that is hardened to be as strong as diamonds. It's one of his most common spells.
✦Earth Dragon Scales - Tatsuo covers himself in a Earthen armor. It provides him improved defense, and strength at the cost of agility and speed.
✧Earth Dragon Hammer - Tatsuo either fires columns of Earth at his opponent from the ground, or a column of Earth shoots from his arm.
✦Earth Dragon Vice Grip - Tatsuo traps his opponent's feet in the ground.
✧Earth Dragon Wing Shield - Tatsuo summons a wall of Earth from the ground to use as a shield.
✦Earth Dragon Shakedown - Tatsuo creates a small, localized earthquake. It's mostly used to take his target off guard.
✧Earth Dragon Hurtling - Tatsuo creates a huge sword made of Earth. It's one of his more used spells.
✦Earth Dragon Claw - Tatsuo summons boulders from the Earth around him, and fires them off at his target.
| S T R E N G T H S |
✦Senses - As a Dragon Slayer Tatsuo has incredible olfactory senses.
✧Physicality - Tatsuo is rather strong, inhumanly strong due to being a Dragon Slayer. He is also rather quick, and agile thanks to his size.
✦Quick Thinking - Tatsuo excels at thinking on his feet. Under pressure is where he thrives.
✧Durability - Tatsuo is also rather durable, and tough.
✦Combat - Even without his magic Tatsuo is a skilled fighter.
| W E A K N E S S E S |
✦Impulsive - One of his biggest downfalls is his impulsiveness, and inability to think of the consequences of his actions.
✧Temper - Another downfall of his is his violent, and explosive temper.
✦Insecure - He's rather sensitive about his height.
✧Closed Off - He's not a big a sharer.
✦Motion Sickness - As with other Dragon Slayers Tatsuo suffers from motion sickness.

{"If you keep talking, I'm gonna start swinging."}

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| H O B B I E S |
✦Fighting - "Hehehe the feeling of someone's skull against my knuckles feels so right."
✧Postcard Collecting - "What? No, of course I don't collect....postcards from the towns I visit. That'd be....stupid."
✦Eating - "So? What if I enjoy eating? Wanna fight about it?"

| H A B I T S |
✧Picking Fights - "You keep running your mouth, and I'm gonna knock ya block off!"
✦Destroying Stuff - "What? That large gaping hole was always in that wall. Did you not notice that before?"
✧Showing Off - "What can I say, I kick ass."

| L I K E S |
✦Fighting - "It's nice to enjoy your work."
✧Postcards - "What? No! Of course not...."
✦Food - "Yeah, well it's one of life's great pleasures."
✧Destroying Stuff - "Well have you tried it? It's pretty fun."
✦Dogs - "I like the ones with the stubby tails."

| D I S L I K E S |
✦His Height - "I'm not short! I'm!"
✧His Scar - "That's none of your damn business."
✦Vehicles - "No.....I.....I'm fine.....just....uh.......I hope this apostasy isn't too hard to clean."
✧Talking About His Past - "Ah screw off."
✦Being Showed Up - "Right, which one of us can take on a Dragon?"

| G O A L S |
✦Finding His Father - "I know he's out there. He can't run forever."
✧Becoming S-Class - "Yeah, obviously I should be one."
✦Defeating A Dragon - "Isn't that the purpose of being a Dragon Slayer? Besides it'd be pretty awesome."

| F E A R S |
✧His Father - " comment."
✦His Past Being Known - "I've made a lot more mistakes than I care to admit."
✧Losing Control - "I've tried so hard to keep it together, can't be for nothing."

{"I've made more than my share of mistakes. But does that make me a bad guy?"}

| H I S T O R Y |
Tatsuo was born into a dark guild, the Dread Dragons. His father, Daiki, was their leader and founder. They specialized in assassinations, that and finding rare, and powerful magical items. His father was obsessed with power, and how to get more of it. Eventually this led to a obsession in dragons. He was so sure that they still existed, and that finding them could lead to ultimate power. Or at least harnessing their power would. Growing up, Tatsuo was never the strongest of mages. Something that infuriated Daiki to end. Daiki thought of Tatsuo as weak, and useless. But no matter how much Daiki mistreated Tatsuo, he still loved him. He was his father after all, what else was Tatsuo to do?

When Tatsuo was fourteen years old his father came across the find of a lifetime. Not one, but two Dragon Lacrimas. Daiki forced one of the Lacrimas to be implanted into Tatsuo. It was not only to make Tatsuo more powerful, and into the son he always wanted, Daiki wanted to make sure it was safe as he intended to take the other one. Tatsuo was a glorified test rat to Daiki. The surgery was a success, and Tatsuo was now a Dragon Slayer. But the Lacrima had an unanticipated effect on Tatsuo. The sudden surge of power caused him to fly into an uncontrollable rage.

In his berserk rage Tatsuo destroyed the entire guild hall, along with the other Lacrima. Very few of the members survived Tatsuo. Needless to say the Dread Dragons were no more. Daiki had managed to survive the ordeal, and disappeared soon afterwards. It wasn't before long that the entire Magic Council was hunting him, and any survivors. It was thought by many that Tatsuo had perished in the crumbling guild hall, but he didn't. He survived, and fled to live in solitude. Tatsuo was forced to not only to survive alone, but also to come to terms with his new found powers by himself. Over time however Tatsuo grew fearful. Not of his newfound power, but of the fact that he enjoyed it so much.

Nearly three years later Tatsuo came to the realization that he couldn't master his abilities completely by himself. He was still prone to fall into berserk rampages, but they had become more infrequent, and luckily no one was around him given his life of solitude. So he decided that he needed a place where he could learn to control his abilities, while also keeping an eye out for information about Daiki's whereabouts. He knows that his father is still out there, and he will be ready for him. Tatsuo eventually found his way to the Storm Shield guild. Of course Tatsuo never told his fellow guildmates about his past. No, he was too ashamed, and afraid of what they'd think of him, plus he didn't trust them at first. So he made up a bogus story about how he was raised by a dragon who mysteriously disappeared, and hasn't revealed his origins to anyone.

{"I make no excuses for my temperament."}

| F C |
Edward Elric

| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |
Future God-Emperor CutUp

So begins...

Tatuso Dread's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fadil Layth Character Portrait: Guildmaster Roran Ellian Character Portrait: Akane Kendale Character Portrait: Zayne Character Portrait: Tatuso Dread Character Portrait: Amaya "Rin" Miyuzaki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp
Tatsuo walked into town, tossing a small sack of jewel up, and down in his hand, coming from another victory. In his other hand he held a rock that he was munching on. His previous job was just a simple one, dealing with a bunch of bandits. Though he did end up destroying four or five houses, a lumber mill, and leveling half a forest. But it was totally necessary. Yeah, one of the twenty guys called him short. He had to be dealt with properly. Completely justified. As he walked through the town, and towards the guild hall he got a few strange looks by those he passed by for eating a rock. Nothing too out of the ordinary for him.

Once he made it to the guild Tatsuo kicked in the door, taking it off the hinges rather then just opening it. This was far easier. "I'm back!" He announced as he walked in, finishing off the rock he was eating. Tatsuo snatched the drink out of the hand of some random guildmember, and shoved him aside when he tried to say something about. He began chugging the drink, more probably spilled down the sides of his mouth than it did going down his throat.

Once he was finished with his mug he simply threw it across the room, not caring if it hit anyone. He approached the small gathering of wizards, including the Guild Master, Zayne, Rin or whatever her name was, and......he's wanting to say her name began with an A. "Those bandits won't be terrorizing that town anymore." He stated as he held his hands behind the back of his head. "Oh! And if you get reports saying that I destroyed half the town, know that that's a complete exaggeration. It was like four, maybe five houses. That last one might have collapsed under it's weight. Oh and a mill. And half the forest."

"But you should know that I threw a giant saw at a bandit, nearly sliced him in half! It was awesome! So I think it was worth it." He added, with a bit of pride in his voice. He looked over at the others around him, and then to Rin. "What'd you do jack off a blueberry before you came here?" He asked, taking note of the blue smear on her face. He then turned his attention towards the other girl, Akane. He sniffed the air, and then moved in closer to her. "You smell like sediment." He commented before he turned away from her. "Yo boss man, I want something more challenging! I want a big ass monster to fight!"


Fadil strode into the guild hall, staring at the splinters that used to be the guild's door. He held a large pirate chest almost over flowing with treasure on his right shoulder, while carrying another underneath his left arm. They were the reward for a rather long mission, being gone for nearly a month. He had to destroy an entire armada of pirate ships. It wasn't too difficult, just time consuming. He walked over to the guild master, and dropped the two large chests on the ground.

Fadil stared at those around him, still keeping his emotionless stone face. Tatsuo looked at the chests, and opened one up. It was full of gems, gold, and other assorted pirate treasures. "Pirates dealt with." Fadil simply said, his voice deep, sounding like thunder. Tatsuo took a handful of gemstones, and popped one of the rubies in his mouth. "Mmhmm gemstones." Tatsuo said as he continued to pop the gems in his mouth like they were candy. Fadil merely raised an eyebrow at him. "What? Gems are delicious! They taste like candy!" Tatsuo said as he continued to eat them. It probably had ate a fortune in the small time he began eating the jewels.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fadil Layth Character Portrait: Guildmaster Roran Ellian Character Portrait: Okita Sougo Character Portrait: Akane Kendale Character Portrait: Oliver Laece Character Portrait: Zayne
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0.00 INK

Mehavian Locato

A dust cloud could be seen traveling up the road coming into town, along with a the rumbling like thunder as a constant addition to the spectacle. Only one thing would cause such a disturbance, and it was the passing of a teleporter. Because the road was not level, Mehavian could not travel along it in a straight line. So instead he moved his legs repeatedly one after the other with his teleport magic, "running" across the ground at nearly the speed of a jet liner. When he got close enough to town, he blew in with a trail of dust behind him that dissipated quickly but was still a minor annoyance. He stopped dead in his tracks right outside the broken doors of the guildhall. His grey hair settled in a mess on top of his head so he had to stand there and fix it rapidly before checking out what had happened to the door. He could be seen teleporting around the door from multiple angels both inside and outside the building before he finally did anything about it it.

The teleporter mage had stronger legs than he did arms so he used his teleport magic to help position his kicks to put the door back in shape. The doors were barily standing on their own and seemed to want to fall back down again, but Mehavian had already gone and come back with new hinges, nails and a hammer. He set the doors back into place before they had time to fall again. He was finally standing nearby staring at his work before closing the doors and zipping back behind the counter of the bar to start whipping up orders for people as was his job. All the orders for food or drink were filled and dishes out to the guild members within three minutes flat, some of the wizards at the bar itself having a drink applauded his fast service. Whiping a little bead of sweat off his brow Mehavian's attention sprung to the guild master and some of the other wizards around the job board. He didn't go over to them but was interested. Instead he decided to go see another of the guild wizards, who was always off doing something cool.

Out back where Solstice was, Mehavian appeared just behind him and watched he was doing for several moments before setting a cup of his favorite drink down on a nearby stool. The fast-paced mage moved to one side to get a better angle to view the ice sculpture. "Oooow, I like it... what is it?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fadil Layth Character Portrait: Guildmaster Roran Ellian Character Portrait: Okita Sougo Character Portrait: Akane Kendale Character Portrait: Oliver Laece Character Portrait: Zayne
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0.00 INK

Zayne found his head assaulted by Akane's fist as he waved back to Okita. "Dont forget completely unreliable and break down a lot""That's not true and you know it""Is too! Anyways, I am hungry".

Roran nodded to Fadil, as Zayne darted around the guildhall, getting some of his favorite food....and a large amount of fire....and ate both of them. Zayne ate an entire raw steak, though as a note, it was not raw going down his throat. The benefit of being a fire dragon. Everything went down cooked when he wanted it too. He tried cooking fruit once, didn't go so well. He then saw Tatuso break down the door he had just knocked open himself. THe guildhall was nice and noisy, which is just the way he liked it. And then he decided to contribute to it. "You should have been with me then, I always take stuff like that! Though, I wasnt expecting the entire temple to come alive and try to kill me. That was a new one".

Roran barely caught what Zayne said as he was assaulted by questions and results. He took a deep breath, and decided to handle all news in order. First of all though, he acknowledged He used a little bit of magic so that everyone could hear him, both inside and outside the Guildhall. "Okay everyone, some orders of business to go over. First things first, Okito found some large, strange claw of a beast north of town, undetermined of what creature it belongs to. Secondly, a few new jobs have been requested today, being put on the job board now. And finally, in the near future I will be heading off to a Guild Master meeting reguarding a drastic increase in Dark Wizard activity. Please take care in the future, as a few of them have been posting trap jobs. Oh, and Zayne, Tatuso? We are officially getting yelled at for mass destruction, so in an attempt to limit it, both of you have to go together on your next mission along with someone else. And was destroying the whole temple and half a forest really necessary you two?""The Temple tried to kill me! It was justified!"

He then turned towards Akane and Rin. "I think I saw someone post a B-Class job to protect some famous Artist named Samir from his rivals. You might want to take Solstice with you, given the fact he is famous and works on creating sculptures and paintings, though his are made of marble and not ice. Also, Rin, there is some blue paint on your face. Actually, you might be interested in the job as well. Maybe you three should team up? Up to you though".

Meanwhile, Zayne was finishing up a meal, before back to looking at the job board. "Lets see. What quests are here? Giant Spiders protecting a cave near a village? Not challenging enough. Bandits guarding a bridge? That's not even a highly traveled road. Oh, wait, what is this? Ghosts? Wow, we rarely ever see Ghosts. And they seem to think a Wizard might be causing this? At a hot springs resort. Well now, if a Wizard is summoning ghosts, he must be super powerful! Oh yeah, this will totally be an epic fight! Hey, Tatuso, there is a job request here that might actually have ghosts! That almost never happens! Like, ever! I have never seen one before, and ghosts can turn invisible and go through walls and stuff I heard, and usually they can use magic of their own to fight! Okita, don't ghosts usually involve demons? I forget, because we rarely ever get them..."

Roran was not surprised when Zayne took that one, being the fact Ghosts were rumored to be some of the toughest magical creatures. And that any Wizard that could summon them had to be a powerful wizard, either A-Rank or S-Rank. Though, the quest was only ranked as a double-A, since no one actually knew of a Wizard behind it. And ghosts could be very dangerous. In fact, they were some of the most dangerous.

Meanwhile, he looked back over at the rest of the guild. He was not sure what, but he had a strange feeling....but for now, he decided to let everyone enjoy the moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guildmaster Roran Ellian Character Portrait: Okita Sougo Character Portrait: Zayne Character Portrait: Tatuso Dread Character Portrait: Taco-Lord Mehavian
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0.00 INK



Okita finally finished his dinner, sliding it aside slightly. He wiped his face gently with his cuff, slid out his chair and went to see what was with all the commotion. It would seem everyone gathered there, from what he heard there were new jobs put out. Fantastic, he was starting to low on funds. Okita went behind the crowd, not to willing to go infront of the crowd. Roran announced the announcements, in which Okita took a slight interest in but not enough to pursue. Okita was just about to turn around and leave, before he name was called.
''Okita, don't ghosts usually involve demons? I forget, because we rarely ever get them....''

Okita turned around, with a slight grin on his face because he's little friend called for him. ''Yes Zayne that is correct, you could think of ghosts as demons who are still on earth.''
From what he got, they were apparently summoned ghosts, which definitely meant the mage was no amateur maybe he was even a necromancer. The fact that he's able to do that alone is impressive, but Okita suspected that he wasen't only able to spawn ghosts, but able to defend himself.

It seemed as though the trio slayers were going on this quest, this would certainly give them some reputation not that Okita was interested in it. Okita hadn't communicated alot with Tatsuo too much, from what he heard he has a rock for a brain too but Okita's sure he cant be that bad.

''I'll be waiting at a bridge, follow the ravens.'' Okita said shortly after leaving the guild, before 3 crows flew out of his back 2 to Tatsuo and Zayne and the other one holding money delivering it to Mehevian. Okita made his way back home to pick up some charms, crosses etc.
When he got home he spent no time having a shower or anything, he went straight to gathering his equipment. Okita slowly made his way to a dark bridge, it was about 9 Pm quite dark. Sitting on the rails, .Maybe he was going to Kuro for some advice, since he was quite experienced in this kind of work, not that Okita isn't but Kuro's knowledge is far greater.
Okita set there gleaming around with his red eyes in the deep black drop, with a very pale expression crows on the rails laying there emotionless. Hell he even looked like a ghost himself, Certainly very shady looking. if anyone walked by they'd definitely get a scare.

Now it was just a matter of waiting for his amigos, the three musketeers the slayer trio. Hopefully this mission wouldn't be too much, it would be quite draining but Okita was very experienced in this kind of work so it couldn't be too bad. Though it was rated a double A, nearly S rank so he doubted it would be a walk in the park.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guildmaster Roran Ellian Character Portrait: Okita Sougo Character Portrait: Oliver Laece Character Portrait: Zayne Character Portrait: Tatuso Dread
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Oliver Laece
{Storm Shield Hall}

No, it's quite alright. Not like anyone was in the middle of reading that or anything...

Oliver had become aware of the little pipsqueak who'd barged in not a moment earlier, eager to snag another mission to pass the time (because apparently everything was so easy for him, go figure) that she just happened to be glancing over. 'Real nice, kid. Don't ask if I'm betting on that or anything.', clearly this little brat was being purposely obnoxious for no better reason than to feed their own gaping mouth. Like, fucking Hell, it was begging for scraps all over again. But in this case the leftovers were some dog-catcher job, a helpful reminder that rats were still wreaking havoc in some poor sod's cellar and something about delivering a non-descript package.

Talk about spoiled for choice!

Maybe she could get away with a pretend-solo bounty, but those job weren't exactly her cup of tea. Seemed more like something any ordinary non-mage-y guy could do without so much as a sweat, and Oliver wasn't feeling like being someone else's lackey today. 'Not to mention the pay.' Or lack thereof.

Right, she should probably take her pickings now. Much to her own chagrin.

A tiresome gaze took another notice of the remaining, arguably compelling, requests that still littered the board, before finally deciding she'd dig the ghost hunting job if there was anyone competent enough to tag along that'd offset the inevitable dragon brat duo she'd be stuck with. And she wasn't sure if this Okita guy (she was careful to take note of his name when Zayne shouted the hall together) was cut for that particular role in Oliver's perfectionism. Either that or she could always play the nice lady and kindly ask Roran for a “what's up” and pray he doesn't try to enforce friendship like last time. 'Eh, whatevs...'

Give or take, y'know, it wasn't like there'd be anything else to do except have another hang around at the guild. But things were dead boring in this place, and Oliver figured she'd needed the money, pre-emptive like.

And so she wandered closer to the group of mages hanging around their beloved guild master; careful not to bother too many of them lest they'd greet her a little too nicely, before gently nudging Roran on his arm and a callous look glancing up to exchange brief eye contact. “Don't happen to got anything worth my while, eh? Board's not looking too good.”