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Ramon and Jayliynn Sim

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a character in “Street Rats”, as played by QuarantinedThoughts


.:[Name]:.Ramon Sim
(Nickname): Ray, Monny

.:[Age]:. 19


.:[Place in the Underworld]:.He is a drug lord, keeper of secerts (meaning he knows more then what many know), sells anything if someone wants it.

Ray is 6'7, oddly tall but his height is due to a mutation were they were trying for a giant. He was originally 5'11 so he grew close to 7inches in an hour time. He has rich mocha skin, short tightly curled hair and he has a little facile hair he keeps neat. He likes tailored suits, nice pants, and vests but outside of his 'business' he wears clean, but well worn dark washed jeans, a gray thermals (though they can be black, dark blue, or white just prefers gray)and any color converse. During work hours he thinks you should look nice, no matter the 'profession' and wears pure black slacks, a tight form fitting white shirt and gray and black thin pin striped jacket with no tie. He also has slightly enhanced strength and speed, again do to the giant experiment.

.:[Personality]:. He isn’t cruel just blunt, he is also kind who he thinks deserve it, few do, he takes care of his workers, his 'little sister' is probably the only person he has ever loved and treated nicely every day. He doesn’t like harming people and often gives them more than one chance to fix their mistake but three strikes you’re out. He has a long fuse but once angered it’s hard to turn him back to his normally sarcastic, but kind, personality. He is very loyal to a few 'friends' (customers who he has come to like), a worker or two and his sister.
When he is angry he goes into a blind rage and its hard to say if he will simply yell, fit, kill you, or threaten. You can never expect to see the same reaction twice. Happy there is a smile on his face, disappointed, scared, or stressed is the same. And sad is the only one where no emotion on his face.

.:[History]:. He grew up in the slums but was brought into a kind elderly but rich woman’s house, she was kind and loving teaching him more than many in the slums would ever know. He might Jayliynn at this woman’s house; she was her cute granddaughter whose parents had passed away. He cared about her and they became like siblings, when the grandmother passed away they got the woman’s money but her other son was the trust fund care taker and holder of the money and he kicked them out of the house with only the money and clothes they could grab.


.:[Name]:. Jayliynn Sim
(Nickname): Jay, Lynn, Linny



.:[Place in the Underworld]:.A street rat, pickpocket, begger, and odd job taker

Tiny, fragile, agile, and delicate are good words to describe Linny, she is 5'1 and cant weight more then 95 pounds which is a little under weight. She often changes her hair, mostly to hide the odd teal color of her hair from an experiment, lately she has kept some teal and dyed the body black, and it is cute in an odd style. She has soft ivory skin and she wears anything really, when she sometimes helps Ray with his work, (She doesn’t really know what she is helping him with when she does) she wears a dark red dress with black flats but she prefers to wear her black jeans and t shirt but it’s not 'classy'. Outside of helping him and in a normal day she wears ripped jeans, combat boots, and a leather jacket somtimes covering a tank top or t-shirt. She also wears a thin amount of makeup, just to make her dark honey brown eyes pop.

.:[Personality]:. She’s reserved but funny, she talks when spoken to but won’t go out of her way most of the times. She likes to stay away from crowds and refuses to go near the 'rich' or upper class until she hits 18 so her and Ray will then have rights to HER money and HER home which was left to her. She is very demanding and controlling about her things and hates girls hanging on Ray, in her mind Ray is hers, but not in a sexual way but a brotherly way and doesn’t want him to be taken from her or for him to forget her. Linny is kind to all though but does have a temper but very few have gotten her mad enough for her to revert to violence, mostly because Ray is often with her.

.:[History]:. When her parents died she was very sad but suspected her already very rich, and cruel uncle had killed them on purpose. Hiding from him she went to stay with her grandmother were she meet Ramon who became her big brother always there, but it wasn’t long until she passed of old age. In her will though it said that unless she signed it over to someone else it would be hers on her 18th and that Uncle Porter would only be the care taker of it until then, he wouldn’t be able to touch it and the house couldn’t be sold sense it was to be Ramon’s but she said 20 for him so at least the legal and blood heir then could take her money at the same time and not as much commotion could be made. Her uncle kicked them out though before hearing the Will read thinking he had the fortune in his grasp, and losing his only way to the money. Sense then she has lived with Ray in the slums.

(Yes I know none of it is super long but I like having room to play not having everything set and having it hard for me to write a good response because everything I want to write is against is personality, history or something but if you want more I can add more)


(Writeing Sample)

It was dark, like all ways, when Ramon walked down the dank street. It was littered with trash and even at this odd hour people were about but in his suit no one tried to touch him, no one dared. He was feared in the suit. He was deadly, but a few eyed him with hope because for few if he honestly felt for them he was a way to get out of the slums without constantly doing Experiments. He would help out and if the money he gave was saved, instead of being spent on the addicting drugs he sold, they would be able to get out, better themselves. But most he tried to help, failed, or used the money to purposefully overdose. His mocha skin gleamed and his gray eyes wondered the crowed in front of him, searching for someone. When he spotted her he quickened his pace and walked beside her, her short, choppy hair was bouncing with each step. "Linny" He said and she looked up at her 6'7 older brother her dark eyes and pale skin the opposite of him. She was cute but quick and when angered just as deadly as him.

It was almost time for the sun to rise and for his 'official' business hours to end, he wanted out of the splendid suit and into relaxed street clothes. Beside him Jayliynn was still in her red dress, she had knowingly delivered drugs to a few people and was on her way to their small apartment, it was dingy and smelt like the rest of the slum; mold. But it was better than nothing. Many said they were an odd pair, the tiny white street rat and the tall dark drug lord but to them, they were family and had been sense she was five and he was seven.

Walking down the steps to their clean basement apartment in the worst part of the underground, Linny opened the door and skipped through hair floating about her head for a split second every hop. She was an odd girl; looking behind her she watched him walk in and smiled before walking behind the flimsy door to her room to change into jeans and tank top. He changed behind his just as flimsy door and the met on the couch, curled up and turned on the radio to listen to classics. It was soothing and their eyes fluttered shut. About noon they would wake and have their only meal, Ray made decent money in his job but they tried to save that way they would have more than enough once they went back to what they both considered their 'real' home next year.

(For a real post I will break it up more clearly to show who is the 'main' character in the post but I figured a vague but well written piece was enough for now)

So begins...

Ramon and Jayliynn Sim's Story


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Carefully pulling on one of his nice suits Ramon looked around the tiny apartment once more, it was stupid but he was hoping Jayliynn would appear. She had taken off before he woke and even though he knew she could take care of herself she was just so tiny and he needed her again tonight, sighing she wrote a quick note and stuck it on the little kitchen table after grabbing the little luch she had made him; Pb and J sandwich with an apple. How she got a fresh fruit so far in the Underworld, but even Ray knew better then to question some of the things she did. Walking out of the house he kept his back straight and his eyes low, as if he was watching everyone he passed, because he was. Many shuddered at his look, wanting to get away from it, others to dead inside to care. A few were strong willed enough to stare, well, until he narrowed his eyes just slightly.

He was not cruel, but he didn't particularly like the underworld people, many didn't try to better themselves just bought the drugs he sold and slept in trash cans. Because he was part of the reason many were stuck though, he tried to help a few; like the red haired girl who sold wilted flowers to the Upperclass men. She tried so desperately to keep her brothers feed that when she came for help Ray gave it without a second thought, "Ray!" Came a strong voice and he noticed one of his guards walking toward him, he was a good guy and smiled at him.

"What can I do for you?" He asked, his voice slightly sleazy but that was just how he talked during working hours to keep up appearances. The man he was speaking to was about 6'3 but still looked rather short next to Ray. "Hows the kids? Find a better place to live yet?" He asked when both men walked into the warehouse that the worked from, it was a safe place for them and he could show true concern before his customers came. Bubba, the guard, explained everything was fine just figured they could walk the last few feet together. "Good good" Ray said and sent him off to work.

A quick sigh left his lips, he could already tell this would be a long day.


Combat booted feet barley made a noise on the ground as she walked, she had begged and pickpockted people while Ray was a sleep. Jayliynn was to cute for people to think she lifted the wallet that they had just given her a dollar from, people never thought it was her. Before going home to change and help Ray, Linny slipped inside the convenience store. She shoved many items in her backpack without being caught, mostly because the man behind the counted was unsuccessfully trying to hide that he was looking at a Porno. Shaking her head she dropped apples in her back pack, a few sodas, and then PB and J sandwiches.

Ray didn't like her stealing, Linny didn't like stealing but when it was so easy and they needed the food, she did. Pushing some of her black and blue hair from her face she walked out, looking around she saw that she was late, the sun was already down. Taking to the roofs, like many other street rats, she ran fast before jumping to other buildings and making it home faster then if she had been on the sidewalk. Slipping inside the house she put away the food and changed, apparently she was only to help with Ray's business whenever he had to have something delivered to the upper class. She pulled on a black dress and her flats with the black over the shoulder bag she had and skipped to the warehouse, watching people.

No one touched her because she was Ray's but their was lust and anger many a pair of eyes she looked in. Linny didn't flinch though, they couldn't hurt her even if they trued. She was faster and probably better skilled.


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(ick duble posting sory)


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Ramon walked with Lynn at his side, he was keeping her close as he neard his friend and foe Ikarus's land, he had been hearing hints that shit was going down and wondered if he needed help. You cant survive in this world without people like Ikarus in the world. Like it or not they needed each other, but as he neared he noticed that it appeard to just be over busy. Useless rats made it sound like death himself had shown up to dance. Lynn didnt leave his side, she had somehow managed to change out of her work clothes and was now in a ratty sweatshirt and gray jeans with her combat boots.

Seeing Ikarus Ray walked toward the man, "Ikarus!" He called out before nodding to the man, "I thought death came to tango the way the rats were talking about your place tonight I was coming to help but instead it looks like you place is just busting at its seams." He laughed but his eyes asked the other man if he needed help.


Lynn though let her eyes wonder but she never left Rays side, their was many people she hadnt meet here and that was always a bad sign becasue she was more likly to get in trouble if people didnt recongize her and tried to hussle her. It wasnt her fault when one or two went flying through windows becasue they tried to touch her. One rule, dont touch her. Nodding to Ikarus respectfully she touched Ray's arm and nodded to the bar before slipping from the two men to get somthing to drink.


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Character Portrait: Ramon and Jayliynn Sim Character Portrait: Faustino Blaque
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#, as written by Lambie

Faustino wasn't in pain anymore thankfully the medicine was kicking in. He sat listening to the singing which soothed him as he allowed his feet to barely touch the ground of the floor. Wiggling his toes a bit to make sure he could still move them which they moved which was a sure sign he wasn't going to loose his legs anytime soon thankfully. After sitting on the stool of the bar for a bit his bottom and his upper half of his legs were going numb. It was time to leave and get to food by what he guessed. His face was starting to swell from the bruises from earlier fight which was a new smaller pain. Slowly he got up from the stool at the bar and began to walk to the door. Faustino accidentally bumped into a female with teal and black hair normally he would apologize, but he ended up falling flat on his face since he was still not use to his own new feet. He groaned in pain and attempted to get up. "I'm sorry."