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Tales from Elsewhere

Tales from Elsewhere


A group of teenagers are whisked away to another world; a world of magic and foreign civilizations. They now hunt down and old legend in search of a way home. Will they find it, or will they be trapped in this world forever?

4,718 readers have visited Tales from Elsewhere since Flexar created it.


Tales From Elsewhere
(Based on Finding the Holy Lands by MirrorMirror1498)


It's not uncommon to have your grandparents leave you peculiar objects in their will, but never has anyone received such a life changing as the story of the young man we are about to follow. After his grandfather passed away he was left a diary detailing a search for an ancient treasure hidden somewhere within North America. However, many parts of the diary were encoded into riddles and seemingly meaningless drawings. Unable to solve much of it himself, he enlisted the help of two of his close friends. The three came to the conclusion that the treasure they were looking for was a priceless gemstone hidden within a tomb in the Rocky Mountains.

The trio found the tomb after following all the cryptic instructions provided by the diary and managed to get inside. It wasn't much of a tomb; more of a stylized cave. In the centre stood a pedestal, and atop that pedestal lay a beautiful, gleaming, ebony gemstone. The boy leading the expedition was drawn towards it like a moth towards a flame and pressed his hand to it as soon as he was close enough. He knew nothing of what he was doing until it was too late, a wave of purple light enveloped the tomb, transporting everyone inside to another world; a world known as Taakeira.

Upon arriving in Taakeira, the trio soon heard of an old legend regarding an archipelago far away from Taakeira known as the "Holy Islands". The Holy Islands were supposedly hidden from mortals by the gods, so only the worthy could find them. The Holy Islands house vast wealth, and anyone who can find them will be granted an audience with the gods. The Trio became certain that this was their way home, and so set off in search of them.

The World of Taakeira

Strictly speaking, Taakeira is just the continent of the world it's on, but it's the only continent, and so the whole world is often referred to as Taakeira. Taakeira is almost like Pangaea, but its shape is far different and it has various little islands dotted around the mainland. The mainland consists of five large, almost circular masses (known fittingly as circles) that would be separate islands were it not for the thin land bridges that all connect the centre of Taakeira on a peninsula known as the "Dragon's Pass". It is so named because it is home to the great dragon Klatzo, a sentinel of the gods who exists to prevent war amongst the different circles. His five children (Degetbura, Kaatanmura, Thorak, Alsar and Hclia) each guard one of the land bridges. His mate, Niria, guards the seas. The dragons have varying personalities, but all give people a chance to cross. Each land bridge is named after it's respective dragon.

The first circle lies in the northwest and houses the countries Akhar and Bhaeldron. The second circle lies in the north and houses Ik'Ra. The third circle lies in northeast and houses Gar and Yesterhold. The fourth circle lies in the southeast and houses Dhara. The fifth circle lies in the southwest and houses Ghaliar and Irvar. The island country of Thania is situated west of the Dragon's Pass. (For more specific information about the countries, look under the places section.)


Teen 1 - Cole Konrad (Taken)
The teen who was left the diary by his grandfather. He was the one who triggered the portal that sent him and his friends to Taakeira. He's a nice, well-meaning, young man, but hardly the sharpest tool in the shed. He is between 14 and 17 years old.

Teen 2 - Winsley Lore Winters (Taken)
The brainpower of the trio from Earth. She did the most work while decoding the diary. She is almost the exact opposite of her hot-headed friend; she is stern, serious, intelligent and hates taking risks. She is between 14 and 17 years old.

Teen 3 - Alessandra Lyra (Taken)
The third member of the trio from Earth. They aren't quite as stupid as the first teen, but not as serious as the second. They are between 14 and 17 and can be either gender.

The Squire - Martin Silverwood (Taken)
A young man from the city of Kalistos in Akhar. He undertook training as a squire but quit after a year, as he didn't like the strict rules and regulations. He is now unsure of what he's going to do next with his life. He is between 15 and 18.

The Princess - Valencia Mizzi (Taken)
The princess of Thania. As the only child of the King and Queen, she is the rightful heir. Since she knew that she would one day have to reign over Thania, she decided that she would need to be knowledgeable of the world outside her palace in order to be a good queen, and so, with her parents' permission, set off too see the world. She is extremely intelligent for a girl of her age, but still views the world from a childish perspective. She is between 10 and 13 years old.

The Guardian - Michael Maxwell (Taken)
The bodyguard of the princess of Thania. He is a foreigner to Thania, but lived there ever since the princess was born. He has always served as her bodyguard, and so the two have close bond. He now continues to look after her as the two travel the continent and upholds the ruse that she is the daughter of some other noble. He is between 26 and 40 years old and can be from Dhara, Bhaeldron, Ik'Ra or Galiar.

The Witch - Sute (Taken)
A refugee from Gar. The Witch was born with unorthodox magical powers, but never managed to access them until recently. Once she did, she was chased from her village by an angry mob who didn't want her kind around. She was then hunted by Inquisitors and nearly burned at the stake multiple times. She escaped Gar and fled to Akhar. She is between 14 and 18 years old.

The Rogue - Tidus (Removed)
A thief living on the streets of Kalistos. He never knew his parents and grew up in an orphanage in rural Akhar. The orphanage was a horrible place and underfunded, so the Rouge ran away as soon as he could. He left to Kalistos to seek his fortune, but found nothing. He now lives on the streets and steals whatever food and money he can to keep himself alive. He is between 13 and 15 years old.

Character Sheet

Code: Select all
[right][font=Aharoni][size=200]FULL NAME HERE[/size][/font]
[img]IMAGE URL HERE[/img][/right]

[size=90](Who is your character?)[/size]

[size=90](How old is your character?)[/size]

[size=90](Which country is your character from? For the teens from Earth, put USA.)[/size]

[size=90](Are you a boy or a girl?)[/size]

[size=90](How does your character behave?)[/size]

[size=90](What's great about your character? Any magical abilities go here.)[/size]

[size=90](What's are your character's flaws?)[/size]

[size=90](I know there's a picture, but describe your character anyway. You can add to or remove from the picture here)[/size]

[size=90](What happened in your character's past. It doesn't have to be too long, but don't be too brief.)[/size]

[font=Aharoni][size=150][url=LINK TO THEMESONG]THEME SONG NAME HERE[/url][/size][/font]
[size=90]Theme Song Lyrics[/size]

[size=90](Anything Else? Optional.)[/size]

Toggle Rules

1. No godmodding.
2. No autohitting.
3. No powerplaying.
4. If you want to make a sub-plot, ask about it in the OOC to see what everyone else thinks of it before you put it into action.
5. I won't accept anyone with appalling SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). A few mistakes are okay, but if every sentence is peppered with misspelled words and void of punctuation you don't have a snowball's hope in Hell of getting into this roleplay.
6. Don't join if you won't post frequently. If you don't post within a week without a valid excuse, your character will be killed off.
7. This roleplay has a late medieval fantasy setting. The most sophisticated guns are flintlock muskets and pistols, and there are no vehicles that aren't drawn by animals.
8. Romance is allowed, but it is not a key part of the roleplay.
9. You may have up to two weapons, up to two schools of magic, one of each or none at all.
10. You may use any kind picture you like for your character, as long as it's not a photo.
11. I will allow reservations. However, if you don't post your character within 24 hours of your reservation, you lose it. You can still post a character, but I won't accept it if someone else reserves it.
12. I may accept other characters into the roleplay. If you have an idea for one, PM me, and if I like your idea I'll give you a chance to make the character.

Browse All » 18 Settings to roleplay in


Taakeira by Flexar



Akhar by Flexar

One of the two nations on the first circle.


Bhaeldron by Flexar

A nation on the first circle.


Ik'Ra by Flexar

The only country on the second circle.


Gar by Flexar

A country on the third circle.


Yesterhold by Flexar

A country on the third circle.


Dhara by Flexar

Dhara is the only country on the fourth circle.


Irvar by Flexar

Irvar is a country on the fifth circle.


Ghaliar by Flexar

Ghaliar is a country on the fifth circle.


Thania by Flexar

Thania is an island next to the Dragon's Pass.


Kalistos by Flexar

A large and important city in Akhar.


Earth by Flexar

That big, waterlogged ball of rock that we all live on.

Dragon's Pass

Dragon's Pass by Flexar

The peninsula at the centre of Taakeira.

Alsar's Bridge

Alsar's Bridge by Flexar

Alsar's bridge connects the fourth circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Degetbura's Bridge

Degetbura's Bridge by Flexar

The land bridge that connects the second circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Thorak's Bridge

Thorak's Bridge by Flexar

Thorak's Bridge links the first circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Hclia's Bridge

Hclia's Bridge by Flexar

Hclia's Bridge connects the third circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Kaatanmura's Bridge

Kaatanmura's Bridge by Flexar

Kaatanmura's bridge connects the Fifth Circle to the Dragon's Pass.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Tidus Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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After several minutes of her sitting there, waiting for the boy to stop staring at her and respond in some way, she pushed herself up from the bench and gave him a glare. Shockingly, her speech impediment did not appear, and she felt oddly brave, in some odd way.

"It is very rude to stare, and even more rude to offer help to someone, and then not act upon that offer and completely ignore a person's questions," she snapped. Winsley gave him a scowl, turned, and walked away from him, her jaw clenched in anger.

It completely astounded her as to how rude and inconsiderate some people could be to others. What and annoying little ... She scowled further, her anger evident and her irritation prominent on her face.

She stifled a sigh and reached into the pocket of her skirt, where she removed a small wallet and flipped it open. Nothing inside of it had changed; she still had her gift cards to various stores - Cold Stone, Burger King, Wet Seal -, and she also had her library cards and her driver's license. She opened the part with her cash inside of it, and found that that, though, had changed. The bills were now changed to what she would imagine was Kalistos's currency, adding a bonus to her. At least she had money to buy food, water, and perhaps eventually a place to stay.

She stumbled to the side and caught herself on a wall, as someone large and burly slammed into her, nearly knocking her completely off of her feet. She tucked her wallet back into her skirt and looked over at the man that had bumped into her, her eyes wide.

The man glared at her and slowly began to move in her direction, causing her to take several steps back in order to avoid coming into contact with him again. A chill swept across her skin, goosebumps rising, and her blood ran cold.

"Stay away," she whispered, instantly recognizing the man's motives, due to the threatening aura he gave off.

He chuckled and narrowed his eyes at her. "Now why would I do that?" he asked quietly, snickering a little.

She clenched her jaw and balled her hands into fists. "Let's just say, I tried to warn you," she said in a soft growl.

With that, she struck out with her leg, her foot coming into contact with the surprised man's side. He let out a choked sound and stumbled to the side, before launching in her direction, his meaty palms up and stretched out to grab her. She ducked under and out of his grasp, threw herself in his direction, and tackled him from the waist - and directly into the marketplace.

Rolling off of him, Winsley flipped up mid-roll and spun around to face the man again, cracking her neck in the process. "Fifteen years of jujitsu, kung fu, and other various forms of karate, makes me determined to not allow an overweight sleaze-bag like you overcome me," she snarled.

The man pushed himself up, a lot more slowly and in more of stumble then she had, before fixing a glare on her and clenching his hands. As soon as he was up, he threw himself at her again, which only earned him a quick knee to the groin. He doubled over in pain, his hands protecting the 'family jewels', and she kicked out her leg once more, her foot slamming into the side of his head. He flew in the direction of a tomato cart and crashed into it, his howl of pain now gone due to his unconscious state.

"You pick a fight with the wrong Italian girl, ingannare," she muttered, her eyes narrowed.

Just then, something hard came into contact with her back, knocking her to the ground. The wind slammed out of her body, and she felt her arms restrained behind her back. "Lay still or face the consequences," somebody ordered in her ear.

The cold metal of the cuffs were shocking against the soft skin of her wrists.


"Look, that man attacked me. I'm not lying! He cornered me in the alleyway, and for all I knew was going to kill me, so I defended myself. Why is that so hard to believe?"

"Because for some odd reason, nothing about you checks out, little girl. I've also never heard your accent before, in my entire life, and you do not have the coloring of any race of people I have ever met. Your ID is not one that anyone here has ever seen before, nor have we ever heard of any of the stores or the library that you have cards to. Now, I will give you one last chance. Who are you and where did you come from?"

"I'm telling you the truth! My name is Winsley, and I'm from Ghaliar. My mother and father are merchants at the local marketplace there. They sell bread. Why is that so hard to believe?" she asked, her expression sincere. "I was here traveling with my brother, and we were separated when we entered town. I was looking for him in the marketplace when that man slammed into me. He cornered me in the alleyway, I defended myself, and then you idiotas tackled and brought me here," she snapped.

The woman threw her hands in the air, her frustration evident. "Foreigners ..." she muttered, rubbing at her temples. Her partner, a young male only a few years older then Winsley, offered her a kind smile and slid a glass of ice-cold water across the table they sat at. "Here. Ignore her, she's been stressed lately and is taking it out on you. You hungry? I can run and get you something to eat," he offered.

Winsley began to shake her head, for she accepted the water and nodded a little. "I am a bit hungry ..." she murmured. The man smiled and looked over at his partner. "Can you run and get her some food? I'll stay here and watch her," he offered. His partner sighed, glared at the two for a moment, before she turned and left the small interrogation from.

Winsley shifted uncomfortably in her seat and looked down at her water glass.

Cole ... Alessandra ... Where are you when I need you the most ...?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sute Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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Sute the Witch

Sute blinked at the boy, who was quite forward. Shaking his hand carefully, she noticed how similar their hands were in size but not in texture. Hers were much rougher and scarred. Suddenly feeling a tad more self conscious, she slid her hand back and let it twist in the fabrics that covered her legs. Never had someone, let alone a male, influence her that much. She must be spending too much time alone and it's affecting her mentally. Yes, that was it.

"Ah! Well, that makes them easy to find, my dear boy! Messy red hair and pink hair, not all too common in Taakeira, but you never know, human child. But I will need a safer place to search. Shall we head back to the city and take it from there? Sute, we have the coins to buy a room or two no?" The girl flicked the coin purse and a nice jingle followed. "Excellent! Now all we'll want to do now is head back!" Sute nodded in agreement before she twitched at a rustle in the bush. Looking at Cole, she could only imagine how little he knew of fighting. Never one to underestimate but she didn't like innocents getting hurt. She was an innocent at one point, scorned for something she couldn't help. Her need not only fight but protect the strange boy for now, grew.

So when the large warboar crashed through the leaves, she quickly tackled Cole out of the way, a soft and quiet growl escaping her usually silent lips. Getting off him, she glared at the snorting animal and raised one hand. A dark, sickly essence filled her hand, slithering off and down her arm. A fear magic that she used often to escape when killing wasn't an option. Zelig only watched calmly from her shoulder and she evaded the boar's second charge and slammed her hand onto the snout and eyes of the beast, barely missing the large set of quad horns. The monster squealed and bucked trying to remove a phantom menace. Spotting their chance to flee, she grabbed Cole by the hand and began to run towards the city, mentally cursing the gods that she had to use magic in front of a person who could tell someone from Gar, even if he had no idea that he held that power.


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Cole keeps his charming smile and nods to Sute and her Pet friend, Zelig. He didn't know exactly what he was, so he will just put Zelig as a 'pet' in his mind. He blinked in surprise as they offered a room too for him as well, "You will buy me even a room in the city?, if you can help me with my friends I will be in your debt....". He smiles and was ready to follow after Sute to the city, when suddenly Sute looked tensed and a large boar crashed through the leaves and was about to hit them both. Sute was quicker as she tackled him to the ground out of the way, Cole landed on the ground with a 'ooof' sound coming out of his lungs. His eyes were so wide with scare and confusion he saw Sute doing something with her hand, something like dark energy on the boar, but he wasn't thinking much about it. He took Sute's hand and ran with her following her towards the city, wasn't looking back. He didn't know what she did but he wil defiently won't question her either, cause whatever she did just save their lives.

The setting changes from Taakeira to Kalistos


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra
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#, as written by phooka
Alessandra Lyra

"I don't think I've seen either of your friends, but if they have any sense, they will have found their way to Kalistos. If they're in the area, that is. You might want to stay close to me in the city and try to draw as little attention to yourself as possible. I don't mean to be rude, it's just we don't get very many people dressed in such a funny manner around here. In fact, you are literally the only person I've ever seen dressed in clothing like that. Well then, shall we be off?"

Alis drooped a bit when the boy who introduced himself as Martin told her that he hadn't seen her friends at all. There was a small part of her that knew that he wouldn't, but she had allowed herself to hope all the same. She listened as he told her that she should try to stay low and that she was dressed funny. She was confused about the fact the strange boy had never seen normal clothes before, but she didn't press the subject, not wanting to look stupid in front of him.

"I guess so." She responded, her courage slowly draining out of her once more as she wondered again where on earth she could possibly be and if her friends were in the same predicament. He motioned for her to follow him as he began to walk and, reluctantly, she did. When Martin slid his sword back into its sheath, she jumped and stepped back a bit, but regained herself and jogged to catch up with him again. He didn't seem to be too violent, so there was no reason to doubt his trustworthiness, at least not yet.

They weren't walking for too long when the walls of the city known as Kalistos came into view. Alessandra couldn't help but gape at the sight. If it was for some sort of cosplaying game as she had originally believed, it was one seriously elaborate game. She quickly snapped her jaw shut as Martin led her to a gate. He turned to her and smiled widely.

"Well, here it is. Kalistos, the city of beauty. I'm surprised you managed to miss it. But never mind that, let's see what we can do about your predicament."

Alis was about to agree with him, it was pretty ridiculous that she hadn't seen the wall, it was pretty hard to look past, however, the boy was already walking again and she tried to keep pace with him. She noticed him looking back to check on her and each time she'd send him a weak, reassuring smile. Internally, the poor girl was hyperventilating. She had never been somewhere so jam packed with strangers, and it was setting her on the edge of a panic attack. There were people everywhere, children and adults, all in costume, all with the same general fantasy theme. A little boy running after a ball ran into Alis's leg and looked up at her, his eyes wide and his mouth agape before he remembered his ball and ran off. She wondered why everyone seemed so captivated and confused by her appearance. Blending in wasn't exactly working, it seemed that everywhere she looked people were staring. She felt extremely overexposed.

Finally, Martin paused and looked at her, "Well, now what? We're here, but I can't really see what we're going to do next. I suppose we go and look for your friends. Do you have any idea of what kind of place they would go to upon getting here?"

Alessandra shrugged, what she really wanted to do was change or something, all of the attention she was getting was making her feel uncomfortable. She would have asked if they could go shopping, but she had noticed Martin checking his pockets to no avail and she doubted the twenty dollar bill in her back pocket would get them anywhere. "Honestly, I have no clear if they're even here." She sighed, reaching up and tying her hair up into a ponytail. "I suppose we should probably just find somewhere to stay and some way to get money. If they are here I know that at least Winsley will be smart enough to come here. Hopefully we'll run into each other." Alis groaned, even if her friends were in Kalistos, she had no idea where to start looking, the place was huge and so full of people.

The setting changes from Kalistos to Taakeira


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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That time could be a long ways away, but it satisfied her for now. Besides, the rest of the day was to be spent having fun. Fun for her that is, and half a heart attack for Michael. He was always so vigilant wherever he went, which was mainly where she went. She could only imagine what went through his mind every day concern her and her safety. She did not truly understand that he really did take every precaution he could when simply strolling down the street. Nevertheless, the young princess knew that she did and would always have a special connection with him, beyond that of a servant and protector, almost like an older brother.

A sudden crash and yell made her eyes light up at the potential adventure and chance to explore the world. Arrests and trials were a form of politics, perhaps she could learn something. Valencia quickly lifted the hem of her dress and started running towards the noise, just in time to see a peculiar looking female being handcuffed by the local crime force. Was she seeing things correctly, or was she losing her mind? "That girl, she had pink hair did she not?" she asked a man standing nearby, also drawn by the commotion. He nodded, about as dumbstruck as she was. She hadn't known it was possible to have one's hair color changed so drastically. She was struck by a sense of curiosity and fear as to who this stranger could be.

"We're going after her. She needs help," she commented to Michael. Valencia herself wasn't entirely sure if she'd rather save this girl or let her suffer whatever consequence deemed suitable for the situation, but either way it would teach her something. A student can never truly stop learning.

She began to trail the burly men until they arrived at a slightly imposing structure, clearly a holding tank in the town before the accused were hung or carted off to the main prison area right outside of Kalistos. Valencia looked up at the door, standing at a formidable 7 feet, it seemed to tower over her. It gave a sense of royalness about it, though she knew nothing of the sort lie behind it. She knocked carefully, as she was raised with manners and taught not to barge into another's space.

An older gentleman peered out at her. "Wad'da ya want?" he asked bluntly. Valencia did her best to look bewildered and confused. "I was looking for my friend. She recently hit her head and has been a bit well, different since the experience. Our parents are terribly worried and I've travelled the past few days looking for her. I believe she might be here. May we come in?" Her fabrication made perfect sense to her, as traumatic head damage could make a person act funny. She'd never seen it happen directly, but heard tales from others in Thania and her favourite librarian, who seemed to know every book on the island inside and out.

The man looked her over, then at Michael. "Who is he?" he asked. "My brother, I can't travel alone can I?" A grumbled reply came and the man grudgingly let them in, leaving to discuss the issues with his fellow workers. Valencia looked up at Michael, expecting to be scolded again.

The setting changes from Taakeira to Kalistos


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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#, as written by Flexar
Martin Silverwood

Martin could tell by the look on Alessandra's face that she wasn't enjoying her time in Kalistos in the slightest. She didn't fit in, and she knew it.
"Honestly, I have no clear if they're even here. I suppose we should probably just find somewhere to stay and some way to get money. If they are here I know that at least Winsley will be smart enough to come here. Hopefully we'll run into each other."
"You don't seem too confident." Martin commented, but quickly turned his attention to more pressing matters, "Well, I don't know of anywhere we could stay without any money, and at the moment, I can't think of anything that could earn us more than a few pennies."
Martin sighed and tilted his head back to look upwards at the sky, but he saw something far more interesting than the clouds. Pasted to the wall behind him was a wanted poster, and onto it was printed the face of a man who looked to be in his mid forties. He had a scraggy, bristly beard, a single eye and many scars across his face. Martin knew this wasn't the first time he had seen that face, but where had he seen it before. Wracking his brain, he quickly remembered that he had seen the man in the inn he had stayed in. He wasn't likely to have gone far, and that man had a fairly hefty price on his head. A hefty reward was just what Martin needed. Martin stood up and began to move again, ushering for Alis to follow.
"I think I've just found our source of income." he grinned, "Follow me, and stay quiet."

A short trek through the streets brought them back to the grimy streets near the inn Martin had stayed in. As luck would have it, the very man Martin was after had just passed them and moved down an alleyway, hacking and spluttering into his dirty fist.
"Stay here, and stay silent." Martin ordered Alis, "You'll know when you can get going again."
Martin tip-toed after the man as silently as he could. He seemed to be silent enough, because the man didn't notice him until it was too late. Martin grabbed the man's head and slammed it against the alley wall before he had a chance to react. The man slumped to the floor like a sack of spuds, not dead, only knocked out. A small stream of blood trickled from the point on his forehead where Martin had slammed it against the wall. Martin knew how much easier it would have been to stick the man there and then, but he felt killing him was needless. He searched the man's body and found a sword and a knife concealed within his grubby trench coat. Martin drew the sword from its scabbard so he could get a good look at it. It wasn't the finest sword he had ever seen, but it looked like it could do its job well. He unbuckled his sword and replaced it with the one he had just found.
"Catch." Martin called to Alis just before tossing her the knife, "You'll need something to defend yourself with."
Martin then took the man's loose belt and tied his hands together with it, so that if he woke up while being taken the guards he wouldn't be able to anything about it. Martin grasped the belt and began to drag the man behind him, and ushered for Alis to follow him again.

The walk to the city jail wouldn't usually take very long, but the bulky man Martin was dragging after him wasn't making his journey any easier. When they arrived, they saw two people entering the jail, both of whom looked very well-off. One was a short young girl wearing an expensive-looking dress, the other was a Ghalian man wearing a long, silver coat. Martin could hear them talking to a guard, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

It wasn't long until Martin himself was talking to the same guard.
"Whaddya want?" the guard grumbled.
"I've come to collect the bounty on this man's head." Martin told him.
"That I can see, but what does your friend want?" the guard asked.
"She's looking around for her friends." Martin quickly replied, lest Alis blurt out some confusing nonsense like she had before, "Have you seen a girl with long, pink hair and tattoos or an effeminate young man with long, brown hair?"
"There's a girl fittin' your description who's just been apprehended." the guard told him, "'Aven't seen the boy. Just find somewhere to sit inside, I'll go and get your bounty for you."
Martin did as the man said once he was allowed inside. Sure enough, there was a funny-looking girl with unnatural, pink hair and tattoos on her forehead sat at a table inside. The people he'd seen earlier were also in the room. Martin just sat down, he didn't know any of them, so he might as well just wait for the guard to bring him his money.

The setting changes from Kalistos to Taakeira


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters
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#, as written by phooka
Alessandra Lyra

"You don't seem too confident." Martin had pointed out. Alis shook her head honestly, only to realize that he wasn't paying attention anymore, his mind back on the fact that they needed money and a place to stay. As he looked up to the sky, she saw that something had caught his eye.

A wanted poster.

Alessandra shook her head furiously, "I'm not going to go chasing after criminals." She said, her voice hoarse with anxiety. Martin either didn't hear her or just wasn't listening, a look of recognition crossed his features and a determined look came into his eyes. Alis knew no amount of refusal was going to keep him from that reward. He started to walk again and motioned for her to do the same.

"I think I've just found our source of income." he grinned, "Follow me, and stay quiet."

Alis groaned, it was just as she had feared. She followed, though, not knowing what other choice she had. He quickly led her do what she would call that side of town, and she drew closer and closer to Martin for protection. There were less people, but the stares she was getting there were much more uncomfortable. A man walked past the pair and Alis recognized him as the man from the wanted sign. Wringing her hands nervously, she could only watch as Martin followed after him down an alley, ordering her to stay put and quiet.

Alis was quick to oblige to the first part, she had no interest in entering an alley with a known criminal. She held her breath and soon heard a sickening crack and then a thud as the person fell in a heap to the ground. Alis hadn't realized that she had her eyes shut until she opened them and saw Martin looting the man's body. He tossed her a knife and she gripped the sheath tightly, her eyes going from the man to Martin. "Is he..ya know?" She asked, nodding to the limp body.

Martin didn't respond, too caught up in binding the man to answer. She noticed the man's stomach rising and falling as he breathed and she let out a sigh of relief. Not dead, unconscious. When he was finished, he motioned for her to follow him and she nodded quickly, scurrying after him as he pulled the man towards their next destination.

Alis immediately recognized the place to be a jail and relaxed considerably. When they entered, they had to first wait as another pair spoke to the guard. When they were done, Martin made his way to the man and presented the wanted man to him, asking for the prize money.

The guard seemed to be suspicious of Alis and asked what she wanted. Martin quickly explained that she was looking for her friends and offered a description of them both.

"There's a girl fittin' your description who's just been apprehended."

Alessandra's eyes shot to the man in disbelief. Was Winsley there? Was it really going to be this easy? Her heart thudded and her feet worked on their own as she followed the guard and Martin inside.

A flash of pink caught Alis's eye.


Tears welled in the red head's eyes, she wasn't alone anymore! She couldn't hold herself back and as Martin sat down calmly, Alis threw herself at her friend, throwing her arms around her and sobbing into her shoulder.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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0.00 INK

Michael Maxwell

"Princess, what have I told you again about being overly curious?" Michael toned down his voice so only the princess can hear. His sight focused on searching the jailed woman as her face and appearance had been burnt into his mind. "I shall allow it just this time, but when we get back, be prepared for a long scolding from me." Even though he wasn't looking at her, his voice emitted dangerous aura. Even the workers that they had just walked beside could feel the killing intent.

A pair came in after them. Michael quickly scanned the whole area to check for this girl they were looking for, and no sooner than after a few minutes of walk, they had already their target. The rare hair color that nobody would have believed to be able to have, and the foreign clothes that even the knowledgeable Michael could not comprehend. Before he informed the princess of this, who was looking around the area, with sparkles in her eyes, Michael had to confirm whether this was true.

They passed by a guard, who was sleeping on duty, and this was when Michael took the chance to 'ask' for information. With the princess still moving forward and swinging her head around, she must have not notice Michael stopped, clouded by pure curiosity. Quietly, Michael covered the guard's body with his huge figure, and when the guard woke up, he was terrified. The eyes Michael possess was more terrifying that the guard never knew, and he trembled. "Tell me. Where is the girl with pink hair? She was brought in recently." His voice threatening, and his eyes saying that he would kill the guard if he lied. With his voice shaking, the guard pointed towards where three people was gathered, and two of them - who one of them held a pink hair - were hugging each other.

He thanked the guard, and rushed to inform the princess, however, the guard was still trembling. He could do nothing but stare at the back of the man who attempted to threaten him. Michael finally reached the princess, who was still engulfed by curiosity, and quickly patted he shoulders. She turned around, with her eyes still sparkling. "She is there, princess." He pointed towards the three people, and the next moment the princess was flying towards the three, leaving Michael still walking from the behind.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sute Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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Sute the Witch

Sute didn't stop until they were at the forest's edge. She stared into the dark leaves and sighed. She was glad the boar was uninjured. It really was a powerful creature. Hurting something like that wouldn't be easy or fun for her. Zelig, however was looking at Cole curiously.

"Well, human child, aren't you curious? On what Sute did that is. I can see you want to know, all humans have a need to know after all. It's in your blood to be curious." The demon asked, morphing from a bird to his form as a cloak. Sute flipped the hood up and looked at Cole. Her eyes were searching, questioning. Her ice-blue eyes met his and she looked vulnerable for a second. Then she tugged on his hand and began walking.

As she led him, she loosened her hand enough that if he let go, he would drop her hand, but it still held his. She hadn't held anyone's hand since she was very little and her drunken father was teaching her how to walk. Ever since then, she's never needed to grasp another's hand so readily. She frowned wondering what that meant for her.

As they neared the city gates, she reluctantly released his hand and entered the city. "Well, human child. This is Kalistos, a city of beauty and grace. Just don't hang around at night, hehehe..." Zelig chuckled darkly as Sute led them through the crowds. The markets were in full swing, filled with people, that stopped at looked at the strange boy behind her.

"Hm... Cole, we'll need to find you new clothing... You stick out a tad too much, child, can't have that." Zelig made the cloak fluff out a bit before settling again. Sute looked over at a stall selling men's apparel. Leaving Cole in a safe and easily seen place, her fingers traced over different clothes, picking out matching, well made articles. Pulling out a coin purse, she handed the man a couple coins, who counted them and nodded. Walking back over to her ward, she held out the clothes. "Look, we come baring more gifts for you. No need to thank us."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sute Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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Cole ran with Sute and Zelig all the way till they reached the edge of the forest, seeing at the distance a large city, which he thought was probably Kalistos. Cole stopped when Sute stopped and catches his breath from the running, he turned around and saw that the boar was not chasing them and than he looked back at Zelig when he said: "Well, human child, aren't you curious? On what Sute did that is. I can see you want to know, all humans have a need to know after all. It's in your blood to be curious."
Cole smiled and nodded, admitting to what Zelig just said of his feelings. He was indeed curious to what she did, it seems like magic to him, but he wasn't going to prejudice anything until it was clear. "Well....Yes, I am curious. However, you did just helped us escaped the boar who probably was going to hurt us, so I will defiantly won't judge you...". He looked at Sute's eyes and gave her his reassured smile and took her hand and started walking along with her towards the city. He didn't released her hand until they reached the city gates. Zelig spoke again, "Well, human child. This is Kalistos, a city of beauty and grace. Just don't hang around at night, hehehe..."
Cole's eyes becomes wide and he sighs, he looked around and just thought how is he gonna find his friends. He walked with Sute and Zelig morphed as a cloak on her back, but most people stared at him strangely than Sute. He looked at himself and noticed his clothes are very different than the rest of the crowd. And like that, Sute and Zelig read his mind, "Hm... Cole, we'll need to find you new clothing... You stick out a tad too much, child, can't have that." He smirks and nods, than he watched Sute walked to clothing stall, he watched her picked some clothes and pays the seller. Cole was so happy he met someone so nice, he will defiantly remember Sute and Zelig even after he will find his friends. Sute will become his friend too.
"Look, we come baring more gifts for you. No need to thank us."
Cole was amazed and took the clothes gratefully. "Yes, but still, thank you for all the help. I will remember you if you need any favors later...". Than he went to an ally and quickly changed his clothes and when he comes out, he looks like most of the boys in this city. He really felt like he was in a costume for a medieval times, Was he in the past? . He shakes his head and heads back to Sute, "I guess I need to find some sort of authority figure, maybe he will help me find my friends if they have seen them...Do you know of a place like that?".

The setting changes from Taakeira to Kalistos


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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The princess chuckled a bit at Michael's warning. She had been expecting as much from her guardian. It wasn't anything new now, was it? She was only trying to help these strangers, wasn't that expected of her? Being a royal was very confusing sometimes, but the advantages certainly outweighed the negatives at this point in time, mainly because nobody knew who she was.

No sooner than the two entered, another strange looking pair came in. They were obviously companions of the girl with pink hair, as they were both dressed rather oddly and the girl had red hair. Was she missing something here, or were these people completely insane? Valencia proceeded down the hall in order to find her "sister", but soon was called back by Michael who pointed to the hugging group. Splendid!

Her feet carried her quickly to the group, where she waited for them to let go of each other. She tapped the nearest one on the shoulder and smiled up at them. "Hello there, my name is Valencia. I see that you aren't from around here. If I may ask, where are you from? Your clothes are strikingly odd, as is your hair. You may want to change that in order to avoid detection from others. As you can see, strangers are frowned upon here." She chuckled a bit, seeing as she really had no idea what life around here was like.

The princess turned and motioned to Michael to come say hello to their new friends. At least, they would be friends until they proved themselves otherwise. "Do you need any help, my guardian and I will gladly assist you in your travels, as we don't have anywhere in particular we need to be."

The setting changes from Kalistos to Taakeira


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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0.00 INK


After the female officer left, no doubt to fetch her some food - she only hoped it wasn't something like squid tentacles with dog kidneys - and Winsley was left alone with the male officer.

"Well, now that she's gone, we can relax. So, what's the real story?" he asked, leaning back in his chair. He crossed one ankle over his knee and crossed his arms, bouncing his knee, a patient look on his face.

She stared at him unblinkingly, her lips firmly pressed together.

The room was deadly silent until she heard the man that had been standing guard at the front of the precinct. Softer voices followed, unrecognizable, and all of them were incomprehensible.

It was moments later that Alessandra burst through the door and hurled herself at Winsley, who managed to catch her without flying from her chair.

The girl was practically sobbing in her arms. Winsley relaxed and hugged her back, gently moving her hand over Alessandra's hair, smoothing it down. "It's alright, miel. I'm here now," she murmured, softly petting her head, looking over the mess of red hair and at the three people that stood just inside and outside of the door to the room.

When the young girl approached them, Winsley gently and slowly pushed Alessandra away. She listened to what she had to say, before giving the girl a slightly weary look.

"And why, exactly, is it that you would like to 'help' us?" she asked, always hesitant to trust others, even more so in a world that she did not know everything about.

The setting changes from Taakeira to Kalistos


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka
Alessandra Lyra

"It's alright, miel. I'm here now," Winsley's voice cut through the sound of Alessandra's sobbing and she tried to calm herself down as her friend comforted her. She wanted to tell Winsley about how scared she was and she wanted to ask her where they were and where Cole was and how they would get home, but something told her that not even their most intelligent friend knew those answers.

A young girl, by the sound of her voice, approached the two of them and Alis reluctantly allowed herself to be pushed off of Winsley's lap and settled for sitting next to her, hiccuping uncontrollably. The red head kept a firm grasp on her friend's arm, though, as if she was afraid Winsley would suddenly disappear.

"And why, exactly, is it that you would like to 'help' us?" The pinkette's voice was slightly harsh and distrusting. Alis tensed up, worried that Winsley was sensing danger from the two new people.

She wiped her eyes with her free hand, and with her vision clear of tears, took a good look at the strangers. The girl who had approached them was indeed very young, definitely no older than Alis herself. She was very small and cute looking. On the other hand, the man she had identified as her guardian looked much older and meaner. Alis found herself cowering closer to Winsley in an effort to stay away from his gaze.

"She's right about one thing, Wins, we need to try to blend in more." Alessandra whispered in her friend's ear. "When I was out in the city I got so many strange looks, we'd at least be a bit safer if we didn't stick out so much.

She suddenly remembered Martin and quickly turned to him, "Martin, what do you think? She asked, feeling a bit more bold now that Winsley was with her.

The setting changes from Kalistos to Taakeira


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sute Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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0.00 INK

Zelig laughed when the boy thanked them needlessly and told them that they had favors from him. The demon honestly wanted to know how the child got here in the first place. One whiff was all he needed to tell that they had been brought here by magic. But who's... Or maybe what's...

"I guess I need to find some sort of authority figure, maybe he will help me find my friends if they have seen them...Do you know of a place like that?"

Sute blanched at the thought of finding an officer to help them but looked at Zelig for help. The shadow talked for her so if he had an idea, she'd follow through, for the most part.

"Ah, well... I particularly don't like to use authority for anything other than catching criminals..." The shadow shuddered violently at the thought. The knights here reminded them both of the ones from Gar and did almost anything to avoid them. "How about I use a very special power, the one I was referring to earlier." Sute looked at her shadow in mild disbelief but led the foreign boy into the alley none the less. She hoped that her friend and guide knew what he was doing, showing the boy more of their secrets. The shadow, now just a single black tendril, slithered down her arm and touched the shadows that masked the alley for view. Sute twitched as he pulled slightly on her spine but was still once again, watching the boy's reactions.

"Come forth my brethren and hear my call. I am searching for two very different people, females of the human species. One with wild red hair like flames and the other with pink, like a jewel. I command you to do my bidding and locate them. Then report back to me. Do not harm them, though." Zelig's voice was heard echoing in the darkness as the shadows began to stir around them. They rose slightly, wiggling fingers that danced slightly before the flattened again, spreading out past the alley and onto the streets. No one noticed when their shadow moved differently than they did or when they seemed to look for something.

"Phew..." Zelig sighed as he regained his snake form. "I swear they can be so rebellious at times..." Sute only shook her head and leaned against the wall of a building, her eyes following the movements of the shadows. A couple stopped at certain places before they continued. "Honestly, Cole-human, if your friend's hairstyles were average, this would be quite harder!" The snake hissed, giving a lopsided grin to the boy. "Now, why don't you tell an old shadow how you ended up here? You certainly aren't native."

The setting changes from Taakeira to Kalistos


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Flexar
Martin Silverwood

As soon as Martin had sat himself down, Alis charged and hurled herself into the pink-haired girl's embrace. She was certainly happy to be reunited with her friend. Martin smiled slightly to himself, happy that he'd been able to reunite the two of them. The pink-haired girl said something in a strange language: "miel". Martin wondered what it meant, and where they spoke that language. What confused him even more was the fact that she was splicing languages together. He would have to ask her later.

It wasn't long before the pair he had seen coming into the keep came rushing towards them. Martin now got a better look at them, the girl looked to be roughly twelve or thirteen, and the man in the silver coat appeared to be in his mid-twenties. The girl seemed fairly normal for an aristocrat or wealthy merchant's daughter, but it was her companion who unnerved him. He had normal complexion for a Ghalian wore a long, silver coat, steel boots and an armguard. He carried with him an unusually large sword that Martin would have assumed was a claymore if it had been the right shape. He wasn't particularly big, he was only the same height as Martin, but he was obviously fit and healthy. His stern expression never took its gaze off the young girl. He was obviously her bodyguard; most likely paid for by the girl's father.

The small, brown-haired girl piped up suddenly:
"Hello there, my name is Valencia. I see that you aren't from around here. If I may ask, where are you from? Your clothes are strikingly odd, as is your hair. You may want to change that in order to avoid detection from others. As you can see, strangers are frowned upon here."
She ushered her bodyguard over before speaking again.
"Do you need any help, my guardian and I will gladly assist you in your travels, as we don't have anywhere in particular we need to be."

Martin was rather surprised by the stranger's offer, but not particularly suspicious of it, unlike Alis' friend.
"And why, exactly, is it that you would like to 'help' us?"
Alis, however, had a different opinion.
"She's right about one thing, Wins, we need to try to blend in more. When I was out in the city I got so many strange looks, we'd at least be a bit safer if we didn't stick out so much."
She then turned to Martin for his opinion.

Martin honestly wasn't sure what to say. He didn't think ill of Valencia, but her guardian worried him.
"Well, you certainly have a point about sticking out." Martin replied, "A change of outfit would do you both some good. While I understand why your friend is suspicious, I think we can trust these people." Martin then turned to the Valencia and her bodyguard, "But why do you want to help them, and who exactly are you?"

The setting changes from Kalistos to Taakeira


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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0.00 INK

Michael Maxwell

From the surface, he looked as if like a man with intentions to kill or a bodyguard with absolutely bad attitudes. The party of three seemed to have been suspicious of him for a while now, and even one of them, specifically, the red-haired one, hid behind one of their companion. That had how he was interpreted by other people throughout his life, and even the guard at the entrance had been questioning the need for him to be here. Although he knows very well that given his gaze and glares paired with the menace shadow he emits and the long blade he carries always somehow finds its way to misunderstandings, Michael had encountered greetings more weird than this, so he forgot about it.

"Let me do the introducing, Valencia." Implying that they still needed to hide their true identities, Michael decided to play along the act the princess had putted up during the entering of the prison. Michael quickly bowed down, his hands at his belly, his head staring down on the floor. "My name is Michael. I hail from Ghaliar like you would have expected, young man, and this refined and young lady here is my sister, Valencia. We have came to rescue the pink haired girl who might have been in trouble and was innocently tossed into prison." He gently lifted his head back up. A number of silver hair slightly moved, as it stopped right before crossing the eyes.

"I never would have thought that this young foreigner had friends, however. But I am glad that you have reunited with your friend, miss." He cast his glance over to the pink-haired girl. "My sister would like to help you in your cause in an attempt to calm the fiery blazes of the feeling to help someone, and as her brother, I am obliged to help my sister, therefore, I shall help you, should you not make any suspicious moves on my sister." His eyes suddenly switched from the gently gaze to the deadly eyes he used to have. But those only stayed a moment, as it quickly reverted back to it's original state. "I am sure you will need help from someone, so my sister has now offered her help." He then took a step back, before ending his sentence. "Her kindness might be her weakness, but I do hope you will be friends with her."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sute Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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0.00 INK

Cole was looking at Sute's eyes mostly, he was so glad he met her and she is willing to help him. He can't just leave now and try find his friends on his own, he will be so lost. He listened to Zelig, "How about I use a very special power, the one I was referring to earlier." . Cole looked very confused but nodded, "Alright....", as he followed Sute down the ally.
He watched some shadow like tendril trailed down Sute's arm and touched the ground. Cole's eyes were big as he watched in amazement, he couldn't believe his eyes. He thought that perhaps it is not just The Past he entered to, it defiently not the past in his world. He didn't much listened in school, but he defiently didn't hear of Kalistos city ever was built in the history books.

"Come forth my brethren and hear my call. I am searching for two very different people, females of the human species. One with wild red hair like flames and the other with pink, like a jewel. I command you to do my bidding and locate them. Then report back to me. Do not harm them, though." . He listened to the words and watched the magic is happenning and the shadows flew through the ally in search of his friends. He turned his head to Sute and Zelig as they finished. "Ok, wow, I am not sure exactly what you did....but if it will help than thank you".

"Honestly, Cole-human, if your friend's hairstyles were average, this would be quite harder!" Cole smiled and nodded to the again transformed snake, "Well....yes, I guess I am lucky they have unique hair....". He looked at the shadows and than back to Sute and the snake. He thought guess I need to wait now... . "Now, why don't you tell an old shadow how you ended up here? You certainly aren't native." . Cole sigh and nodded again, "Well....yes, me and my two friends are not from here, and also I think not from any city here.... me and my friends just followed a map we thought it was a treasure map. We entered a cave and inside there was a big jewel!". He showed in his hands how big it was, "But than it flashed a big light and we all fell unconcious and handed up here...well, I hope they handed up here too....".

The setting changes from Taakeira to Kalistos


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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0.00 INK


Winsley kept her gaze on the young girl for several moments, but turned it over to 'Martin' - if that was really his name - as he responded to Alis's question. She flicked a glance back to the girl and the tall man, before looking over at Alis, and then 'Martin'.

"Fine," she grumbled, crossing her arms. "But I still don't trust them," she snapped, turning back to 'Valencia' and 'Michael'. "I don't believe that you two are siblings, though. First of all, you really do need to improve your lying, 'Michael'," she said, doing air quotes around his name. "Second of all, a brother does not look at his sister in the way that you look at her. Perhaps a father, but not a brother. However, I will not challenge your story, nor do I believe that you shall challenge mine," she told him, rising from her seat. She turned to the male officer that had sat quietly in the room throughout their exchanges. "May I leave?" she asked him, her voice quiet. Receiving a slightly frazzled nod in return, Winsley turned and gripped Alessandra's arm, gently urging the girl up.

She turned back to the group. "My name is Winsley. Winsley Winters. I, too, am from Ghaliar, and I was traveling with my brother and good friend here, Alessandra, Alis for short, until we were separated. One thing happened, and then another thing happened ... To cut it short, a man attempted to assault, and for all I know, rape and kill, me, and I defended myself. Apparently kicking an elder man's ass is a crime here," she muttered the ending, grumbling slightly. "Excuse me for trying to keep from dying," she rolled her eyes.

Winsley shook her head. "However, I would like to be going now, with Alessandra. We need to find my brother as soon as possible. New clothes would be a grand idea, but I'm afraid that I haven't very much money," she murmured, removing her wallet from her skirt pocket and flipping it open. It was true; there definitely wasn't enough money for them to buy nourishment, a place to stay, and clothes. Let alone if anything else came up. A doctor, depending on the condition that Cole was in when they found him; transportation in order to find Cole; anything, really. She glanced over at Alessandra. "Alis, how much money do you have on you?"

((NOTE: Cole was only mentioned in this post, not actually interacted with))

The setting changes from Kalistos to Taakeira


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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0.00 INK


Valencia was a bit offended by the first girl, who didn't seem to trust them. She had just tried to bail her out, what was wrong with that? She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the friends discussing amongst themselves. At least one of them agreed with her. She offered a kind smile and was about to explain herself as best she could when Micheal stepped forward. She rolled her eyes as Micheal insisted that he do the introductions here.

Her mouth shifted to a smile as he took up her original back story from only a few moments ago. They could pull off being siblings, especially since they had grown up together and he was a sort of older brother to her. Their connection was strong enough to be family, and she truly considered him to be. She wasn't sure what her parents would say to this, but they weren't here so now was not the time to worry.

The princess in disguise nodded in agreement as he spoke. Valencia was again dismayed by the pink haired girl's lack of trust towards them. What had they done to deserve that? The girl's story seemed to be the truth, but it gave her no excuse to act so arrogant. She pouted and stepped forward, looking up at her, challenging her even. She was sure this stranger could not use magic and she had become quite comfortable with her capabilities. She was momentarily distracted by the strange currency Winsley pulled form her pocket, but then her attention turned back to the ungrateful girl. "You come from another world and perhaps that world has been hostile to you. But I haven't done anything to you. I'm only trying to help, with no benefit for myself. The human heart is not always wicked and I will tell you now that neither of ours are tainted by the slightest darkness that can rule others."

Her lip quivered as she wished to say more to this rude outsider, but her mind wouldn't let her. It would be unwise to speak up anymore than she had, lest she start a battle between Winsley, Alessandra, and Martin and themselves. She didn't want that. "Micheal..." she said in a low voice, not wanting him to lunge at them.

She gulped and closed her eyes, breathing in deeply to calm herself down. She didn't like when things didn't go her way, so she would attempt to steer them in her favor. She stepped away from Winsley and curtsied. "Please excuse me for my behaviour. My name is Valencia and this is my brother Micheal. We wish to help you get to wherever you need to go and we will help you find your brother. I would be happy to give you money to use to buy a new wardrobe and any other accommodations you may need while you are visiting our land." The young girl opened her eyes and looked at the ground, scared that one of them was going to hit her. It was seldom that she spoke out of anger and this scared her. She did not wish to become a ruthless tyrant.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Sute Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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0.00 INK

Sute the Witch

Sute looked at Cole in wonder. Not from Taakeira at all? The boy was from another world. She had never heard of such a thing. Zelig on the other hand had and frowned slightly. "You're quite a story, child. Well, we'll help you to the best of our abilities! We have nothing better to do anyways so we'll just accompany you!" The snake hissed, pleased with himself. Sute glared at the snake but then huffed and gave Cole a half shrug. She wasn't totally against it.

One of the shadows returned, looking pleased for an unfeeling mass of magic. "Ah, we have results, come on then!" Zelig used his long body to take Sute's hand into Cole's. Sute looked back at the boy for an okay before she slowly led through the crowds into a very familiar building. Sute sighed and let Zelig turn into a cloak again. She had been detained here once because she had tried to stop a drunken fight. Though Zelig's loud and moronic mouth started it so she felt inclined to end it. Big mistake. She was blamed for it and held. She was released eventually but she hated it.

"Ah, they're in here!" Zelig cooed happily as they stood in a doorway. Many figures were inside, three females, one younger than the two and two males. She could see the bright pink and red hair so she knew they were in the right room. The shadow recognized the squire easily. After all, a shadow never forgets anything that may hurt its host. But the boy was low priority now. Sute reluctantly released Cole's hand and tucked in back under the cloak. Her voice was faint and slightly hoarse but only Cole could hear her, which is what she wanted.

"Go. I know you missed them." She whispered, pushing him into the room, though she stayed just outside the light of the doorway. She smiled gently before turning to walk towards the door. She'd wait elsewhere outside, she didn't want to be in the building longer than needed.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Sute Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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0.00 INK

"You're quite a story, child. Well, we'll help you to the best of our abilities! We have nothing better to do anyways so we'll just accompany you!" .
Cole smiled and looked very relieved and hopeful again, he was so happy he met someone so nice as Sute and her friend, Zelig. He didn't want to think what will happen if he met someone not so nice. "Well...I won't mind at all, when I will be reunited with my friends I can introduce them to you". Suddenly a shadow that Zelig sent returned, "Ah, we have results, come on then!" . Cole didn't prevent Sute from taking his hand as she lead him to where his friends' wereabouts. They arrived quickly to a large building and they pointed to it saying this is the place where they are.
Cole looked from the windows, he couldn't much decipher the figures but he could see red and pink hair and Cole's eyes becomes bright and glowing, because he felt like some happy tears gathering in the corner of his eyes but he holds himself from not crying of joy. Sute left his hand, "Go. I know you missed them." . Cole walked two steps forward and looked back at Sute, "Aren't you coming with me? I want to introduce you to them....". Cole looked at her expression and it seems she is a bit scared of this place and she doesn't want to enter. "Never mind, when we get out I will let you meet them"
Than Cole entered the building and walked quite quickly towards Winsley and and Alis with a grin, "Thank god! I've found you! I am so happy you are not harmed and well....". He reached them both and gave each of them a big, warm hug. He looked at the young girl and the two young men and smiled to them politely, "Hello, nice to meet you".

The setting changes from Taakeira to Kalistos


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Valencia Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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0.00 INK

#, as written by phooka
Alessandra Lyra

The man that had come with the younger girl honestly creeped Alessandra out a little, but the girl couldn't help but smile when he asked that her and Winsley befriend his little sister. While she was more than a little wary of strangers, especially in such a strange place, she knew the value of friendship and she didn't see anything threatening in the 12 year old little girl.

Winsley seemed to have a different opinion and was quick to let everyone know that she wasn't going to trust the people they had met as easily as Alis was. She tried to say something to her friend about being nice, but quickly quieted herself when the pink haired girl explained how she ended up in the prison.

"Winsley.. Alis gasped before throwing her arms around her friend, "I'm so sorry, are you okay? She asked, releasing her friend so she could check her arms and face for injury. Satisfied that her friend wasn't too badly hurt, Alessandra relaxed a bit, but still kept close to her.

"Alis, how much money do you have on you?" Winsley asked. Alis looked at her friend's wallet before pulling the single bill out of her back jeans pocket.

"Only a twenty," she sighed, handing it to Winsley. Then, she turned and looked at Martin, "Martin just got a bunch of money, though, we were going to use it to find a place to stay tonight before we found you."

The little girl spoke up to Winsley and Alessandra turned her attention to her, realizing by the hurt in the girl's eyes that her friend had offended her. She told them that neither her or her 'brother' was bad in any way and Alis couldn't deny the sincerity in the young girl's voice.

Finally, Alis stood up and curtsied to the girl, not knowing what else would be appropriate in the strange world. "I don't think you two are bad." She admitted, smiling at Valencia, "But I just found my friend again and if she doesn't trust you guys, then I'm staying with her. Winsley already introduced me but my name's Alessandra Lyra, people usually call me Alis, though. That's my friend, Martin, over there."

"Thank god! I've found you! I am so happy you are not harmed and well..."

Alis's eyes widened when she recognized the voice. She went to turn around to him but he got to her first, wrapping her in a big hug. She squeezed him back, laughing. "The three musketeers are back together! How did you find us, Cole?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Flexar
Martin Silverwood

Martin's comment didn't really make things better; Alis was still unsure of what to think, Winsley was still spitting poison at Michael and Valencia, and Valencia was still grovelling for them to take her with them. Martin sat back and sighed; he wanted no part in the argument. Martin feared that it would never end until an effeminate young man burst in and wrapped his arms around Alis and Winsley. Martin assumed that he must be their friend, but he didn't look particularly strange; his clothes didn't scream for unwanted attention like those of Winsley and Alis did, and his hair, while oddly long, wasn't particularly strange. The young man turned to Martin, Valencia and Michael once he was out of the embrace.
"Hello, nice to meet you.
"Likewise." Martin smiled back, "It's good to see that the three of you have been reunited."

Martin didn't say much else, he thought it would be best to leave them to themselves at a time like this. However, he worried that Valencia would interrupt their reunion, so Martin decided that he would distract them for a while, and get a few questions of his own answered. He walked over to Valencia and Michael and began to speak.
"Who are you really?" Martin asked quietly but forcefully, making sure to let them know that he wouldn't buy any lies they might feed him, "By the Divines, you aren't siblings. You look nothing like each other! And what's this about another world? What do you know about them that nobody else does? Why are you so willing to help complete strangers; if they really are strangers to you? If you want me to, I'll stay quiet about the truth, but maybe if you'd been more honest Winsley would have trusted you."

The setting changes from Kalistos to Taakeira


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia
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0.00 INK

Michael Maxwell

"Who are you really?"
"By the Divines, you aren't siblings. You look nothing like each other! And what's this about another world? What do you know about them that nobody else does? Why are you so willing to help complete strangers; if they really are strangers to you? If you want me to, I'll stay quiet about the truth, but maybe if you'd been more honest Winsley would have trusted you."

Questions threw to them by the young man named Martin had Michael bring his guard up. Any moment possible that he does something suspicious, he will have his sword up his throat. He threw a glance over to the princess, trying to tell her it'll be fine, as after that he returned his sight onto the man in front of them. His left hand already on the holsters to ready for a draw. He answered the questions in a low volume, a tone of voice that emitted precaution and a speed that says that Michael is choosing words enough to not let any of their deeper secrets to be known.

"I shall answer you questions, young man, so please calm down." He tried to calm the tension of the conversation. He breathed in a huge amount of oxygen, before proceeding to answer all the questions he was thrown at. "You can call us travelers of the world if you want to, as we travels around the world, hungering for knowledge." He placed a palm to his chest. "As a fellow traveler, we have already grasp the basic knowledge of the customs of each country, as we will need to blend in with the cultures in order to avoid attention. Judging with my small enough knowledge and the young lady's clothes, I can somehow assume that the young lady is from a different country, if not world." Slowly, his gentle smile dies. "Valencia here have the tendencies of helping people in need, as for her personality allows. This is but a fact that shows she has a great future ahead of her. As her brother, I have a duty to prevent any danger that might befall her, even if caused by her nature to help others." He let out all the breath remaining in his body in a sentence. "Any further information will require the permission from my sister in order for me to tell you anything."

The setting changes from Taakeira to Kalistos


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra Character Portrait: Sute Character Portrait: Winsley Lore Winters Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell Character Portrait: Valencia Character Portrait: Cole Konrad
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0.00 INK


The princess was still upset, but the girl named Alis assured her that she didn't think ill of them. This cheered her up a bit and she smiled, thanking her. Before another word could be put in though, a boy rushed in and embraced the two. She assumed this was the missing member of their trio as they had described it. Cole, as Alis confirmed. He then looked over at her, Micheal, and Martin and greeted them. "Hello Cole!" she said cheerily, her mood brightening again. "My name is Valencia and I'm here to help you."

Upon glancing behind him, she noticed that somebody was leaving. Whoever it was had successfully saved Cole from any trouble and guided him to his friends. So where were they going? She was about to speak up when Martin walked over to stand closer to her and Micheal.

Valencia was displeased with his lack of trust as well. She honestly couldn't tell him the whole truth if she wanted to, which had been fine up until now. There hadn't be an event of this size when they were traveling before. She had bothered a few people, yes, but none of them seemed to have the care to question them. "Why?" she whined softly as Micheal began to explain to the best of his abilities. His explanation of her innocent guess that these people were from a far off world, for their seemed no possible way that they were from some uncharted country, was on the ball. He also knew her well enough to say that she was a curious child, if not a benevolent one. Her position in Thania allowed her to help whom she wanted and most in her country did not shy away. She loved her people and they loved her and her family.

She nodded as Micheal finished. "I like adventure and traveling," she added. "I can see why you wouldn't trust us, as we are but strangers to you and to them. But every stranger has a tale to tell, and a quest to accomplish. I haven't found my quest yet, so I wish to help others fulfill theirs. Do you do the same?" She was curious to know more about him as well, as to why he had decided to help these girls as well when he could have easily walked away and discredited them as demons or insane.

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Taakeira by Flexar



Akhar by Flexar

One of the two nations on the first circle.


Bhaeldron by Flexar

A nation on the first circle.


Ik'Ra by Flexar

The only country on the second circle.


Gar by Flexar

A country on the third circle.


Yesterhold by Flexar

A country on the third circle.


Dhara by Flexar

Dhara is the only country on the fourth circle.


Irvar by Flexar

Irvar is a country on the fifth circle.


Ghaliar by Flexar

Ghaliar is a country on the fifth circle.


Thania by Flexar

Thania is an island next to the Dragon's Pass.


Kalistos by Flexar

A large and important city in Akhar.


Earth by Flexar

That big, waterlogged ball of rock that we all live on.

Dragon's Pass

Dragon's Pass by Flexar

The peninsula at the centre of Taakeira.

Alsar's Bridge

Alsar's Bridge by Flexar

Alsar's bridge connects the fourth circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Degetbura's Bridge

Degetbura's Bridge by Flexar

The land bridge that connects the second circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Thorak's Bridge

Thorak's Bridge by Flexar

Thorak's Bridge links the first circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Hclia's Bridge

Hclia's Bridge by Flexar

Hclia's Bridge connects the third circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Kaatanmura's Bridge

Kaatanmura's Bridge by Flexar

Kaatanmura's bridge connects the Fifth Circle to the Dragon's Pass.

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Character Portrait: Alessandra Lyra
24 sightings Alessandra Lyra played by phooka
"W-we'll be home in time for dinner, right?"

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood
Character Portrait: Sute
Character Portrait: Valencia
Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell


Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell
Michal Maxwell

"Have you ever felt an unavoidable temptation of thirst? For blood?"

Character Portrait: Valencia

"I wouldn't say I'm naive, just young."

Character Portrait: Sute


Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood
Martin Silverwood

"I may be on my own now, but at least I'm not being told what I can and can't eat."


Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell
Michal Maxwell

"Have you ever felt an unavoidable temptation of thirst? For blood?"

Character Portrait: Sute


Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood
Martin Silverwood

"I may be on my own now, but at least I'm not being told what I can and can't eat."

Character Portrait: Valencia

"I wouldn't say I'm naive, just young."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Martin Silverwood
Martin Silverwood

"I may be on my own now, but at least I'm not being told what I can and can't eat."

Character Portrait: Michal Maxwell
Michal Maxwell

"Have you ever felt an unavoidable temptation of thirst? For blood?"

Character Portrait: Valencia

"I wouldn't say I'm naive, just young."

Character Portrait: Sute


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Taakeira by Flexar



Akhar by Flexar

One of the two nations on the first circle.


Bhaeldron by Flexar

A nation on the first circle.


Ik'Ra by Flexar

The only country on the second circle.


Gar by Flexar

A country on the third circle.


Yesterhold by Flexar

A country on the third circle.


Dhara by Flexar

Dhara is the only country on the fourth circle.


Irvar by Flexar

Irvar is a country on the fifth circle.


Ghaliar by Flexar

Ghaliar is a country on the fifth circle.


Thania by Flexar

Thania is an island next to the Dragon's Pass.


Kalistos by Flexar

A large and important city in Akhar.


Earth by Flexar

That big, waterlogged ball of rock that we all live on.

Dragon's Pass

Dragon's Pass by Flexar

The peninsula at the centre of Taakeira.

Alsar's Bridge

Alsar's Bridge by Flexar

Alsar's bridge connects the fourth circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Degetbura's Bridge

Degetbura's Bridge by Flexar

The land bridge that connects the second circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Thorak's Bridge

Thorak's Bridge by Flexar

Thorak's Bridge links the first circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Hclia's Bridge

Hclia's Bridge by Flexar

Hclia's Bridge connects the third circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Kaatanmura's Bridge

Kaatanmura's Bridge by Flexar

Kaatanmura's bridge connects the Fifth Circle to the Dragon's Pass.


A large and important city in Akhar.


One of the two nations on the first circle.


Ghaliar is a country on the fifth circle.

Alsar's Bridge

Alsar's bridge connects the fourth circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Dragon's Pass

The peninsula at the centre of Taakeira.

Degetbura's Bridge

The land bridge that connects the second circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Thorak's Bridge

Thorak's Bridge links the first circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Kaatanmura's Bridge

Kaatanmura's bridge connects the Fifth Circle to the Dragon's Pass.

Hclia's Bridge

Hclia's Bridge connects the third circle to the Dragon's Pass.


That big, waterlogged ball of rock that we all live on.


Dhara is the only country on the fourth circle.


Irvar is a country on the fifth circle.


The only country on the second circle.


Thania is an island next to the Dragon's Pass.


A country on the third circle.

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Tales from Elsewhere: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Tales from Elsewhere

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

Sorry, I actually was a bit confused as to where the three teens were and haven't been able to post due to life throwing me some curveballs. Valencia and Michael will come your way, she'll want to see what was happening and get involved.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

It would be nice if someone could actually try to include Winsley into something ... I've posted like four times to no avail and finally just did something drastic and got her arrested. Is that enough to get you guys to actually include me in the RP?

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

Mer, this is fun again!

And posts from me will be sporadic if school keeps throwing me curve balls like it has been. I love learning but good gods the crap paperwork is, well, crap.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

@EX: Kiyoko's resigned her spot, so you won't have to wait until Monday.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

I'm just gonna post and move on ... I'm not going to wait any longer :/ I'm working on replying to all my RP's, and I'm just going to move on and basically say that the boy who approached Winsley just ignored her.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

I'm not sure, it depends on whether or not Kyokojordie replies by Monday. You can either come up with your own role or make a replacement Rogue. You should submit your character before Monday, and I'll accept them if they're good enough and Kyoko doesn't post by Monday.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

I am interested in joining the roleplay. Are there any roles that are unactive that are open to be chosen from? Or do I make an unrelated character.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

I'm so sorry I haven't posted yet. I'm gonna go do that right now.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

I meant 'locations in the world' I typed it when I was half asleep and auro correct changed it

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

"refuobs I'd the work"? I'm hoping that's autocorrect. I did clearly state that everyone would start around Kalistos.

And, to anyone else who wants to post, just get posting.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

I'll edit it so she's just outside Kalistos it's not that big of a deal :/

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

So... Do I post now? I just went out for a family dinner, so...

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

Flexar: unless I misunderstood, I thought they were supposed to start in different refuobs I'd the work or whatever wed call it. If its a problem because I was confused, I can change it to the correct location

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

I certainly don't see any problems there.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

How about I start with gathering groceries for the princess then Michael found the lost girl? That sounds good?

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

Kura, everyone was supposed to start off around Kalistos, which is in Akhar. If Winsley started in Ghaliar, it might take her some time to find the others.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

Flexor: I'll post later today when I get home from my speech meet.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

I wanted the Earthlings to post first. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

Do you want the Earthlings to post first or are you going to do an introductory post?
If you want, I can put up the first post with Alis. :)

Re: Tales from Elsewhere

Well, now that we have everyone's character, we can start. We will start with the Earthlings (as I shall call them from now on) finding the gem and being warped off. They all end up in various areas outside Kalistos, and we'll see what happens from there.
