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Tamer Wars

Tamer Wars


The time for the Tamer League has come, new and old will clash in this game of monsters, but who will come out on top.

2,740 readers have visited Tamer Wars since DarkPhoenix created it.


Theme- The Wings of Icarus

The year is 2115, the earth has changed greatly, technology has evolved as it naturally does. Ten years ago, a game developing company known as Northern Wind began development on a game that would change the world forever. This game was known as Project Alpha, the idea behind the game was to have monsters fight each other. However unlike games in the past, this game would not be virtual. Northern Wind wanted to create the ultimate gaming experience one that you could have daily. Their plan was going along perfectly until politicians began bombarding them with questions about safety, the project was almost shut down until corporate executives began to see the possible profits they could make off of this game. using under the table deals and a little blackmail the game was allowed to continue. Three short months after the possible cancellation, Project Alpha was announced to the general public.

Most were skeptical at first, they wondered if it was safe allowing the beings created for Project Alpha into their lives. It only took a few months and almost everyone was hooked on this game. Everywhere you go children and adults would walk around with what the creators of Project Alpha called, "Demons," They were genetically engineered beings that were breed for two things, being pets and fighting. A year after the game's release it was renamed, Tamer Wars, this was to give the public a feel for what this game was really about taming the Demons and having them fight in regulated battles. Tamer Wars was eventually a world wide success and a tournament held by Northern Wind was started, The Tamer League, this tournament was open to players from all over the world. It was successful because it was shown world wide, viewer would cheer for those competing for their country. This game had become the Olympics of gaming.

The time for the Fifty fourth Bimonthly Tamer League is soon to arrive. Players from around the world are preparing to have their chance in the sun. Will the champion be you?


Welcome to the world of the tamer.


First let me say that this story is an idea I had for a short story, however i realized that this story could make an interesting Roleplay and I can make my short story the back story to this Roleplay. Now that I have said that, down to business. This Roleplay will revolve around the Tamers/Players of this game, some may be champions who are looking for another victory, while others may be newbies looking to make a name for themselves. This Roleplay will be kind of dark as you might have been able to tell from the introduction. This may be about a game, but not everything's about a game is unicorns and rainbows(sorry couldn't think of anything good to say.)


Our setting is a fictional city called Star City, it is given that name because the advertisements and buildings that litter the city are so bright that you can not see the stars, so artificial stars have been created. I will add information about the city here as/if the Roleplay goes on. The city can be created by all of us, so please try to be descriptive as you write so we can shape this city together.


Information about Tamer Wars

Seeing as the game is a big part of the story, I will go into as much detail as I possibly can about the mechanics of the battle system and the General need to know about the game itself. - As a warning, I am running on like three hours of sleep and may be forgetting things, please tell me if there is something you want to know that isn't here and it will be added.

Demons- First I will talk about Demons, this is the name given to the creatures created for Tamer Wars. Demons are genetically engineered beings, they were created in Northern Wind's labs. They are much stronger than normal animals, they take many different forms, some humanoid and others so abstract you can't tell what they are. Demons have two functions, the pet and fighter function. As a pet they will act like any normal pet, all of them have their own unique personalities and they will show when acting as pets. Each demon has an element(check below) these elements all have their weaknesses and strengths knowing them can help a tamer win the battle. All Demons speak with their Tamers telepathically, it happens when the Tamer makes a bond(Check below) However some demons are capable of speaking without the use of telepathy. A demon can not and will not attack a human who is not a enemy tamer, it is deep within their minds and can not be overwritten. Demons can be found in one of two places, Tamer stores(check below) or Demon reservations. (check below) A tamer who wins the Tamer league is allowed to request their own demon free of charge, the cost of a custom demon is anywhere for two thousand to twenty five thousand dollars.

Tamer Battles- Tamer battles are done with the Tamer(player) and three Demons of their choosing a Tamer uses their Tamer gauntlet(check below) to call their Demon, the Tamer can call all three at once or wait and call them in whatever order he or she wants. When a Demon is called it is locked, meaning that it has been chosen for the battle and must battle until it is defeated, when all three demons are chosen the selected team can not be swapped out meaning the three you pick are the only demons you get. A battle is won when the enemy Tamer is defeated, through submission or knock out. Tamers are able to defend themselves using the abilities,weapons, and armor(check below) of their class(check below)

Battle ground- The battle ground is where all the action of a Tamer Battle happens, battle grounds are interactive holograms that create large areas to battle. No one ever knows what the battle ground will be, it can be an area that will help one side and weaken the other or it can weaken or strengthen both.

Element- Each demon has an element, the elements are

air,earth,water,fire,lightning,darkness,light, Each has their strengths and weaknesses.

Air > Water / Air < Earth,Fire
Earth > Air, Lightning / Earth < Water
Water > Fire, Earth / Water < Air, Lightning
Fire > Air / Fire < Water
Lightning > Water / Lightning < Earth
Darkness = Light
Light and Dark are considered the strongest elements, they are only weak to each other, but they are also strong against each other.

Type- A demons type is how they attack, the types are melee( close range attacking), Magic(Mid range/long range attacking), Ranged(long ranged attacking), Hybrid(mixes two of the types)

Battle level- The battle level of a demon shows how powerful the demon's skills are, Battle levels range from 1-500, 1-100 is ranked at a novice level, 101-200 is average level, 201-300 is intermediate/above average level , 301-400 is expert level, 401-500 is champion level. A demon's battle level goes up after each battle, no matter the outcome.

Win, Novice-5, Average-10,Intermediate-15, Expert- 20, Champion-25


When a Demon's level reaches 500 it will stop gaining battle level points, the battle level of a Demon is not always the deciding factor it comes down to planning and skill.

Bond- A bond is the connection made between a tamer and his/her demons. This bond is created by defeating the demon and then binding it to the Tamer gauntlet. This demon then becomes one with its tamer allowing them to plan strategies telepathically.

Tamer Gauntlet- A tamer wears a silver gauntlet which will display a hologram of the Demons they have. They can select the demon they want and it will Call the demon to the Tamer. What the Gauntlet does is teleport the Demon from one location to another. The gauntlet is also used for creating a bond with a demon, the gauntlet will take in the demon and teleport it to the location the Tamer decides they wish all of their demons to be. Most Tamers choose to put them in a reservation for demons with tamers however others choose their home as the place for their demons.

Tamer Stores- A tamer store is where a tamer can get everything they need, Tamer gauntlet, weapon, armor, and demons. A tamer can buy their demon for a set price, the lower the price the lower the battle level of the demon.

Demon reservations- These areas are where Demons are allowed to roam free, Tamers can go to Demon reservations for a small fee, they can battle whatever Demon they wish and make bonds with it if they manage to defeat it. No demon reservations are the same and the types and elements you will find vary.

Class- to allow tamers to fight along side their demons, special armor and weapons had to be created. depending on which a tamer uses they are considered a specific class. the classes are

Warrior- They are the lead, they charge in first and ask questions later.

Mage- calm and calculating, they perform range attacks to keep their enemy on their toes and away from them.

Assassin- They are quick and agile, they use their speed to their advantage. they try their best to be the only ones getting any hits in.

Ranger- They use special bows and arrows or guns to take down their enemy, if you get hit and don't know where the attack came from your dealing with a ranger.

Battlemage- This class is new to Tamer Wars, they are a mix of warrior and mage, however because of that they are weaker with both. However they make up for it with their explosive mixed attacks. Battlemages are to be feared because of their mixed abilities, you never know what they will do.

Fighter- They fight using special gloves,gauntlets and or boots that enhance their fighting skill. Fighters are the type to charge in and take down the enemy, they know how to get the job done.

Trapper- Trappers are exactly what their name suggests, they trap their enemies using the terrain to their advantage. special explosives are their weapons of choice, the trapper is very effective in large Battle grounds, however they can be just as deadly in small areas. a trapper always has something lying in wait.

abilities/weapons/armor- Each class has their own set of abilities, warriors have their strength, mages have their magic, assassins have their speed and stealth, rangers their enhanced sight, battlemages their strength and magic, fighters have their speed and agility and Trappers their ingenuity. However every tamer has an ability a skill that makes them unique, a signature move, a calling card..whatever you call it each tamer has it, it is a skill that can get them out of a jam or just put the enemy on the ropes.
Weapons for each class differ, but what they all have in common is they are not lethal weapons, all weapons are made of a metal material that is hard enough to break bone if swung hard enough, but they can not kill. But to keep Tamers from receiving broken bones each battle it is mandatory in regulated battles to wear armor, the armor is made out of different material depending on the class, however all protect against attacks. Tamer armor has special sensors on them, when hit they give the tamer a shock which is tiny at first, but after getting hit enough the Tamer will feel the effects. it is almost like getting stunned, however not as harmful. The shocks are to force the tamer to submit, but some Tamers can keep going on pure will power, rare, but it does happen.

Tamer League Entrance- There are two ways to get into the Tamer league, one can simply buy their way in which is quite expensive, but for some it is nothing compared to the money they spend on their demons. The second way is to defeat the four station leaders, stations are like the Tamer League but on a smaller scale, Tamers compete in a tournament style until they reach the final fight which is against the station leader. These station battles are daily, so even if a Tamer loses they can try again until they win. Stations range from Novice to Expert, the stations are to be taken on in numerical order to allow the Tamer to progress at a steady slope.

Well that is everything, more will be added when/if it is needed. If your reading this, thank you for sticking through all of this.

Character sheet-
Description:(only if you used a picture):
Other Equipment:
Skills(the skills your character has, anything from magic to parkour.):
Theme song(optional):

Skills:(Just a list of skills your demon can use, don't go overboard and don't try and overpower please.)
Battle level:

Toggle Rules

1- No godmodding- This includes auto hitting, auto dodging, mind reading(other than your demon's mind you can't read minds)

2- I am not putting a posting length, but i would like to see a paragraph each post. I didn't stay up late so we can all post one liners.

3- Keep romance clean, romance is a beautiful thing, but going over board doesn't help anyone.

4- Have fun, i made this roleplay to have fun so lets enjoy.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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Kallik made a motion that looked like a wolfish shrug. I don't know. Your the tamer, I'm just the fighter. she thought to him and let out a feral but amused bark up at Katsurou. Her eyes were slowly turning from black to red and the specks of silver were turning black. Then she looked at the house and tilted her head curious about it. Her white fur stood out from Katsurou and Garm and it made her think of a cat among dogs.

Jarren meanwhile was walking into his house when he looked at his cell phone. It had two text messages, one was from some comercial people and the second was someone that was. WAS. important to him. It was his ex-girlfriend. He sighed and looked at the text: Hey! WUA (Where U At)?! Jarren snorted and remembered that it was his girlfriend that wanted to break up and now she was texting him, asking him where he was at. He snapped his phone shut and looked inside teh leather evelope his father gave him.


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#, as written by Arcanus
Katsurou sighed quietly. "Well," he said, trailing off for a second. "I guess, let's go out somewhere. There's something I forgot to buy earlier. That, and I'm expecting something interesting to happen..." It took him a moment to realize he had thought that aloud and both of the demons must have heard him, but his only reaction to that was to shrug and turn away. He exited the house, calling for Kallik to follow. He wasn't going to just leave her at home. He wanted to keep an eye on her. Not just in case she tried anything, but also because he was asked to watch over her by Jarren. It was both "What if she did something?" and "What if something happened to her?". He knew she could take care of herself, and Garm surely knew that too, but still.

Garm followed Katsurou closely. Eager at another chance to go outside, and even more so now that he had a new friend. Suddenly realizing he was acting like a little puppy, he slowed his pace and trotted obediently by Katsurou's side. Sure, he was also hoping for something fun, but he still had to keep calm. It was normal for a Siberian husky to be so energetic, but he just looked like one. He was a hellhound, and Katsurou seemed much more comfortable with a fierce-looking hellhound by his side who was probably going to eat your face if you looked at him for too long, than having a hyperactive husky who probably couldn't fight at all. It wasn't to keep people away, it was to keep them in check. So he said.


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Hawke saw the wind down in customers and smiled. It had been a very good day for his shop. Not only did the Tamer Wars bring in many travellers from afar, with their deep pockets, but it also made people rethink their load out and come to him for answers. He guessed you could say that he was manipulating them, but the only thing was he sucked at anything to do with psychologicalness. He just caught a lucky break today, that was all. And the more customers that left, the more anxious he was to try out his new demon Tempest. The thing looked massive, and ready to tear through everything. The only drawback was that he kinda sucked outside of the water. According to the stats, he only had a 100 outside of water. And that blew.

Nevertheless, he still wanted to try him out. He looked like he could dish out the damage he needed, even though Velox looked skeptical. He hadn't ever used a different Demon besides his winged friend, but he knew to win he had to get some variety going. Without it he would be second. Again. For the second time. Or worse. This wasn't the time to get cocky, he needed to train and get his strength back up to par. His wrist may be a hindrance, but he would train.

Velox flew around his head as he helped another customer that looked like he could buy out the entire store. So Hawke just smiled and helped everybody, from ones that had no clue what they were needing to those who didn't even know where they were.


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Kallik trotted after Katsurou and let out a soft yip when Katsurou spoke his thoughts. It was different and slightly funny hearing it from him. It sounded like he didn't do things like that often. Kallik was instinctively looking at Katusurou and Garm's emotions and she looked over at Garm and rolled her eyes. She was always underestimated in battle mostly because of the way she acted, and when a unseen opponent saw how tough you were they learned things about you. It was better when you kept your powers and stregnths hidden until you need to fight.


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#, as written by Arcanus
Katsurou took the quick route to the main city this time, not wanting to waste too much time. After reaching the destination, Katsurou looked around for a while for the shop he needed. He wanted to get a new weapon. This iron sword wasn't working too well for him. It just didn't feel right. Then again, it was a mostly-normal sword, and he had had to customize it into a magic-sword himself, so maybe the problem lay there. He wasn't sure what he would replace it with, but he would look around.

"Wait outside," he told the demons when he found an interesting-looking shop. Maybe it didn't have weapons, but he was intrigued about what he could find there. It was a little shabby, but when he looked inside he saw a large collection of items. A general store, perhaps. He pushed the door open and entered, looking around a little more before turning to the shopkeeper. The hybrid-demon... thing looked like it wasn't happy to have visitors, but he didn't know anything about hawks. Or scorpions, or snakes. So maybe he was just reading the creature wrong. He hoped it was that, while wondering if he was a tamer as well, or if that thing was just a pet. Not that that made much sense, but he wouldn't judge. He had a Siberian husky lookalike as a battle companion, which was practically the exact inverse of that. Like he could talk.

"Hey," Katsurou said in greeting to the man, Hawke. "What exactly do you sell here?"


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Hey, What exactly do you sell here?" Hawke looked up from his clipboard and noticed the man. He was about to start doing inventory, as shop closed in an hour or so. This new guy seemed to be one of the last people that would enter the shop until tomorrow. Unless, of course, he decided to close shop and go train. That sounded like a great idea. He got his mind back onto the customer and smiled slightly.

"Exactly? That would take a while. The Zone carries just about anything a Tamer needs, from weapons and armor to Demon treats." He flicked a bit of a treat that he made himself to Velox, who snapped it out of the air. Velox didn't like the constant amount of strange people that engaged Hawke in conversation. Most customers asked where things were and then bought it. But so far today, 2 people had walked in with no real reason. Two! Velox swallowed, and flew around to Hawkes other shoulder. This is starting to annoy me Hawke..

Oh put a cork in it Velox. It's not like I don't talk to people everyday... Hawke replied with a smirk. Velox rarely talked via telepathy, but when he did it was usually because he was annoyed. "The real question is, mister, what are you interested in? Name what you want, and it will either be in the back or in the catalogue to my right." His head cocked towards the catologue sitting on the counter. It had just about everything in it that Hawke needed. It wasn't who they ordered from to get their goods, but they were good friends with the warehouse guys.


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#, as written by Arcanus
Anything a tamer needed, he said? Maybe Katsurou did get the right store. He glanced around one more time before turning back to the shopkeeper and making his request. At the same time, he kept an eye on the demon. He was sure, now, that the demon was irritated just by his presence. He didn't exactly want to provoke him, so he kept his distance while looking perfectly casual.

"I'm looking for weapons," he said. "Magic weapons, to be precise. Preferably something in the shape of a sword, but not a battle-mage weapon. You got anything like that?"


Meanwhile, Garm sat outside, waiting. Katsurou normally took his time in shops that interested him, so he expected him to stay in there for a while. So, to pass the time, he tried to strike up a conversation with Kallik. It bothered Garm how she ran away from Jarren, and he'd said she was looking for his mother. She was dead, and yet she didn't want to let her go, so she must have been a very important figure to her. He decided to start there.

Was your tamer's mother really so important to you? he thought to her, curiously. That's why you ran away from him, wasn't it?


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Was your tamer's mother really so important to you? Garm thought to Kallik, curiously. That's why you ran away from him, wasn't it? Kallik growled at Garm. I didn't run away. I never run. Then without bothering to wait another minute shifted into her human form and walked into the shop. She quickly walked to Katsurou's side and her attention went to the small Demon. A growl started from her throat and her eyes went red. She didn't move though. She wouldn't move unless he made a threatening move.


Jarren stood up and walked out of his house. He was gonna go find a job and maybe go house shopping. He hopped into his car and drove toward the mall. He had seen a poster from some coffee shop saying they need help. He parked his car in the closest parking spot he could nab. Jarren sighed, "Here it goes." He said as he walked into the mall and found the small coffee shop. A short girl with black hair and heavy mascara on her face looked at him. "Yes?"
Jarren smiled. "Um. I'm here for the job offer. Can you point me to your boss?"
The short girl stiffened and narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm the owner of this shop and if you like it you can show up tomarrow morning at eight o'clock you survive the day the job is yours."
Jarren widened his eyes. eight o'clock? He could barely even wake up at nine in the morning, but he shrugged it aside and nodded. "Okay."
Then he walked out of the store and back to his car. "Now. look for a house."


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"I'm looking for weapons. Magic weapons, to be precise. Preferably something in the shape of a sword, but not a battle-mage weapon. You got anything like that? Hawke paused for a total of 3 seconds, going through some sheets while he did. He was trying to remember if they did carry a sword shaped weapon, but his description was vague as crap. Swords were everywhere, he could grab one in a snap. But did he want a mage like sword? Hawke nodded, and turned around.

"I think I have some things like that yeah." He walked into the vault and searched. It was covered in every sort of object, since these were the things of value. The only true items outside the vault were petty items, collectors objects, tourist gifts. The works. After a few minutes of digging and searching, he found a few. By a few he meant about 6, which he carried all by himself. Well, Velox carried the one that was supposed to go in his left hand, but it was kinda broken at the time. "Well, we have just about anything you want." He laid the swords out on the table. "The left side is more towards battle mage, yet the main difference is the density of metal/magical content. It is higher in magical content, than a battle mage would want, since they would be using it for combat as well. They aren't as strong, but can keep themselves useful. As they move left, the magical content increases while the durabilty drops. It all depends on how you want to fight, really." All this talk of swords made him feel like tending to his own sword, but that would have to wait.

(OCC: Didn't know if you wanted to get your own pic for the sword, or me to find some...)


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#, as written by Arcanus
(OOC: Screw pictures, I have descriptive skills.)

Katsurou smiled slightly when he saw the weapons laid out on the table. He didn't listen to what the shopkeeper had to say, he just examined the swords closely. It only took him a second to pick one out. It glowed faintly, so faint it was impossible to tell what color it was. It just glowed. He sensed much magic power in it. It was faint, but dense. He picked it up, unsheathed it and held it in one hand, then both. It was very light and he could feel the power coursing through him already. His smile widened and he nodded, sheathing it again.

He didn't even notice Kallik walk up behind him until he heard Garm barking. He looked back and tensed when he saw her, frozen by surprise. He blinked, then sighed and turned back to the shopkeeper, a weary look in his eyes.

"Anyway, I'll take this one," he said, raising the sheathed sword again. "How much does it cost?"


I didn't run away. I never run. With that, Kallik reverted to human form and walked in after Katsurou. What was with her, Garm wondered. He stayed stationary for only half a second, then stood, looking after her.

"Hey, wait!" he barked. He wasn't finished. He hadn't even started. Reluctant to walk into the store, since Katsurou told them to wait outside, that and two demons rushing after their tamer would look weird, he simply watched as Katsurou stared at Kallik, visibly surprised. He sighed and turned around, raising the new sword.


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(Yeah, Anybody know the currency? Like how much it is worth or something, cause I don't know how much it should be worth... xD)

Hawke watched as he picked up one of the swords, and gave a small smile. Hawke had been working with people and fitting them with weapons for years now, and could figure out if a person liked what they saw at a glance. Most people would pick the one that caught their eye first, and if they didn't like that one would then start thinking too much. To Hawke, the first sword you saw that caught your eye was usually the best for you. And this guy picked a very nice one. Not as expensive, but not cheap either. The guy was still staring at it, and Hawke swore his smile was going to break his face.

Anyway, I'll take this one," he said, raising the sheathed sword again. "How much does it cost?" Hawke blinked, quickly regaining his composure. He was thinking again, and that took him somewhere else every time. "Oh, um..." He flipped through a few pages, and then smiled. "2500" Unlike most other stores, who had absurd price numbers, like 2499.99, his shop just made it easier on the people and gave the real, blunt price.


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#, as written by Arcanus
Katsurou nodded, reaching into his pocket and taking out a pouch. He opened it, removed a small amount of money from it so he was left with the needed amount, then handed it to him. He seemed happy. The grin on the shopkeeper's face was a little unnerving, but Katsurou ignored that. He just thanked him and turned to leave, attaching the sword to the back of his belt like he always held his swords.

Quicker than usual, Garm thought. He only took five minutes, rather than the thirty he normally took. He guessed the sword he picked out was just that good, and indeed, it looked powerful. It seemed to suit Katsurou perfectly. That was another of Garm's many skills, analysis. He could quickly gauge an enemy's strengths and weaknesses, and he could also determine the properties of a piece of equipment at a glance. It wasn't as useful as it sounded, however, not in the middle of a battle. But if they were undetected, they could uncover the enemy's weakness and plan the perfect attack.

Katsurou decided then to visit the park. It was still a nice place, but as always, something was missing. He looked around for something to do, almost desperately. He saw nothing interesting, so he stayed there a while, just enjoying the closest thing he would ever get to a natural world.


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Hawke watched the guy leave, the smile never really leaving his face. It wasn't that he ripped the guy off - that was the price intended - but instead that he was assuming that that guy was going into the tamer league. The only time that Hawke could use his entire mind efficiently to read people was in his shop. Every where else, he was only good at getting jobs done, not reading how to do it. That was for the mages and Tamers to do, not a Fighter. They just went in, did the deed, and left as fast as they came, like an assassin of blunt force. Hawke laughed lightly at his own joke, remembering the sword in is mind. If he ever had to fight that guy, he would have the advantage, since he knew the specs of the sword.

It was a very nice sword, and the magical content was fairly dense and compressed, which made it like a mini tank. The only problem was that unlike a tank, it wasn't as durable in combat. He didn't understand how magic worked much, or how to even use it, but he knew how to get things done and think on the fly. That would be enough. Precision force would do the rest, as was trained to fighters and army members: Hit fast, hit hard, and don't care about who sees you. Get the job done, and leave.

Hawke closed up shop, turning off the lights and such. Velox turned off some of the lights as well, but mostly just sat there and watched. Hawke surveyed the shop one last time before locking up the doors and turning of the final light. He walked back through the door next to the vault - which Velox conveniently locked for him - which lead to his house. You could access his house from the outside, since it was needed so they didn't have to go through 3 doors to get into their own house. However, this one was locked up tighter, and Hawke hated having to use it.

He walked to his room and sat down on his yoga mat, ready for tonight's session. He started with some stretches, easily touching his wrists to the floor when most struggled to touch their own feet. As he stretched, he kept his mind blank: He didn't need to think, just relax.

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 1 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Jarren WhiteRaven
0 sightings Jarren WhiteRaven played by BlueWind_22
Looks at his new Demon and sighs. "Don't bother asking."
Character Portrait: Ashley Rush
0 sightings Ashley Rush played by Talisman
"Well, let's dance!"
Character Portrait: Gyos "Timewinder" Heliophyn
0 sightings Gyos "Timewinder" Heliophyn played by MapleDragon14
Rewind time itself...

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Tamer Wars. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Riven Andrews
Character Portrait: Hailey Usagi
Character Portrait: Katsurou Kohaku
Character Portrait: Hawke Dareflight
Character Portrait: Npc List
Character Portrait: Melian Deveut
Character Portrait: Juan Phoenix


Character Portrait: Juan Phoenix
Juan Phoenix

Let's turn the lights off, and have some fun!

Character Portrait: Npc List
Npc List

List of importnt npcs

Character Portrait: Hawke Dareflight
Hawke Dareflight

I'll just blow down your house now...

Character Portrait: Katsurou Kohaku
Katsurou Kohaku

"Some things in life you just do. Sometimes the best you can do is survive."

Character Portrait: Hailey Usagi
Hailey Usagi

"No I am not a girl... Really bro!"

Character Portrait: Riven Andrews
Riven Andrews

"I can't lose, I'm doing this for my family."


Character Portrait: Npc List
Npc List

List of importnt npcs

Character Portrait: Riven Andrews
Riven Andrews

"I can't lose, I'm doing this for my family."

Character Portrait: Hailey Usagi
Hailey Usagi

"No I am not a girl... Really bro!"

Character Portrait: Katsurou Kohaku
Katsurou Kohaku

"Some things in life you just do. Sometimes the best you can do is survive."

Character Portrait: Juan Phoenix
Juan Phoenix

Let's turn the lights off, and have some fun!

Character Portrait: Hawke Dareflight
Hawke Dareflight

I'll just blow down your house now...

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Riven Andrews
Riven Andrews

"I can't lose, I'm doing this for my family."

Character Portrait: Katsurou Kohaku
Katsurou Kohaku

"Some things in life you just do. Sometimes the best you can do is survive."

Character Portrait: Hawke Dareflight
Hawke Dareflight

I'll just blow down your house now...

Character Portrait: Juan Phoenix
Juan Phoenix

Let's turn the lights off, and have some fun!

Character Portrait: Npc List
Npc List

List of importnt npcs

Character Portrait: Hailey Usagi
Hailey Usagi

"No I am not a girl... Really bro!"

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Tamer Wars: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Tamer Wars

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

That's just the nature of a role play Arcanus, we can't control whether it lives or dies. What could've been done, however, was that a certain Game Master introduced something everyone could've been a part of. Sadly, something like that was neither introduced into the role play, nor was it actively discussed in this OOC thread.

I am willing to get this rolling again. But if that means a whole new re-make of this, then, no.

I suppose I'll just keep my fingers crossed for two more days. Who knows? Maybe space radiation will awaken this role play, and we can all continue without problem. Until then, It'll be up to either someone with a plan, or the Game Master to support this 'reviving' idea.



Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

It is a shame. Star City Chronicles seems to have died as well. It seems that every RP I get interested in dies slowly and painfully. Let's at least try to revive it, yeah?

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

So, I'll try this again. Is there any hope of this continuing? I'll wait a few more days for a response, and if nothing has happened. Then I'll be calling it quits for this one. Shame, really. Because this could have easily been solved with a time skip to a more active plot...

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

It'd be nice if we could move on, but I don't mind. My character's in a good position to learn about when the plot begins and join in, after all. But I'll let you decide.

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

Heh, Celldweller. It is a pretty good band, and song. (Although my favourite will always be 'My Own Little world.')

Anyway, I was wondering. Although I could post now, I am desperately holding off to do so. Why? Well, I am actually waiting until we are going to either 'move to a plot' or 'time skip'. All we have been doing is chatting, meeting other characters, and train. I am curious as to when we are beginning the Tamer League. I don't mean in-game time...

No, I mean when did you want to skip some pointless time, and go on with something interesting? Something we all can hop onto and ride with. (A.K.A: Moving towards the actual plot.)

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

I've just realized the theme song linked in the introduction is by Celldweller. Fuck yeah. Picked a pretty good song, too.

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

lol, i can understand being sick sux like no tomorrow, and no this is not dead, I will get my post up some time tonight or tomorrow.

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

Right, so the sequel to Tamer's Wars is up at:

But I don't think that means that this one is dead. I'll try to get a post up eventually here, my sinuses are effed up something fierce, so it might not be for some time... Damn sinus.

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

lol, our super post makes people scared.

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

You did that too huh?

In hindsight, we could have probably split it up, I post half, Pheonix posted half...

Too late now!

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

24900 characters in this post.
4592 words in this post.


*Lurks Elsewhere*

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

yes!!!! the underground battle is finally over now we can get to the good stuff

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

I tend to be overzealous in my pursuit of the best martial arts in writing format.

Which is technogeek for Ashley is a badass, and it takes a lot of words to express it.

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

lol no, i expect you to enjoy the fact that it is so long. me and Talisman did good work ^^

p.s. i only posted it so everyone would know how the fighting went, you don't have to read it unless you really want 2

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

Dark phoenix, do you expect me to read that? O.O Holy crap man.

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

well seeing as this underground tourney has gone on to long, it will be me and you to see who fights Mad Max, after that we can finally get to station battles, after everyone gets their 4 station battles wins they can enter the league. and lets hope it doesn't end like The underground tourney.

to make sure we don't get to this problem till possibly the League, Station battles will be either 1 on 1 between the player and the station leader npc, or in the special case of Station 3, 2 on 2 between two npcs and two players.

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

Because nothing beats the hell out of a heated debate. That being said, who's my next contestant.contestant

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

Oh, oh! Staring contest! Do a staring contest! lol... sorry. I was just expressing my opinion. *offers apology-cookie*

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

boring??? I felt action was quite nice and added a flare to it.. guess i should have made it all talking then that would have been exciting, people talking each other into submission.

Re: [OOC] Tamer Wars

You never decided! Liar! You just went with the flow! you are a fu- .... Oh wait, lol. Forget this, wasn't directed at anyone. blame my randomness. Anyway, long post is long DarkPhoenix. And boring to read. Doh! I apologize, even if I crossed it out. But I just had to put it that bluntly. Never mind, forget about that crossed sentence. Just me getting my opinion out in the open. (xD)