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Jackson Murphy

"Mister Tall, Dark, and Mysterious, you say? I suppose I don't mind that."

0 · 1,513 views · located in Arcana Academy, California

a character in “The Arcana Academy”, as played by Imagine That!


Me before... everything happened.

Full Name: Jackson Flynn Murphy
Nicknames: Jack is only allowed by those who I let into my close circle of friends. To everyone else, it's Jackson.
Age: Nineteen.
Birthdate: Eleventh of March.
Home Town: I was born and raised in Galway, Ireland until I was seven. Then, my family moved around - we reside in San Francisco at the moment.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.

School: Arcana Academy
Power: My power is emotion manipulation. I can cause the people around me to feel things that they are not, and to enhance or decrease the intensity of an emotion. I can't completely remove an emotion, but I can dull it down to the point where the person can barely feel it. I also can't "add" an emotion, but I can try and enhance a tiny speck of it in someone, if I believe that it's there somewhere. Some of the main emotions that I usually have to deal with are sadness, anger, pain, affection and fear - it's rare that I have to deal with any of the "good" emotions, as most don't like those emotions being dulled. I have to be told, or physically see how someone is feeling, as I'm not an empath, to be able to use my power as well, so against an enemy, it is a little useless. However, there are a lot of limitations to my power, seeing as it is incredibly powerful when used correctly. I can affect more than one person at a time, but my limit so far as been four - and after that, I almost collapsed. Also, to be able to dull someone's emotion, I have to absorb it myself. See why the many people is a problem now? I try to limit myself as to how much I use my power, and to who I interact with, as I can't stand having to absorb too many emotions.
Likes: ā™¦ Whiskey ā™¦ parties ā™¦ anything to do with music - listening to it, playing it, ect. ā™¦ bacon sandwiches, possibly with sausage ā™¦ genuine people ā™¦ a good cup of tea ā™¦ just wandering around aimlessly, with no worries or cares ā™¦ Disney movies are a guilty pleasure of mine - not the lovely dovey ones, but Lion King, and Pinocchio, but don't tell anyone ā™¦ long showers or baths ā™¦ the smell of freshly cut grass.
Dislikes: ā™¦ Not being able to walk outside - I just likes being outdoors ā™¦ being asked to help with emotions - I don't like people asking me unless they're in my close friendship group ā™¦ wearing new shoes for the first time ā™¦ being too cold ā™¦ orange juice - it's too sour to drink ā™¦ being classed as a traditional Irishman because of my accent and like for drinking ā™¦ girls that are taller than me - it's rare, but it's happened ā™¦ clingy girls ā™¦ I can't stand people sitting on a piano, just playing "Chopsticks" ā™¦ when people who I'm not close to decide to touch me - just don't.
Fears: I have pyrophobia, which is a fear of fire. I honestly don't have a reason for disliking fire - I just really, really hate it. It's the only thing I'm really scared of, other than death.

Personality: I'm a perfect gentleman. I hold the door open for a lady, always buy everything on a date, and act with the up-most chivalry. I don't however, like to make a lot of conversation - I'm quiet and solitary. If I don't have to stand there a talk to someone, I won't. I will smile and excuse myself before a conversation can be sparked. I don't know why - maybe it's because of all my moving around as a child, I don't like the idea of getting too close to someone, as I'm still a little afraid of loosing them. That's probably why the word "mysterious" follows me around a lot. I haven't opened up to many people in Arcana since I have been here, and I don't plan to in the near future; I'm quite content the way I am with my small number of friends. I'm extremely confident when I have to be, such as talking in front of crowds in Philosophy class, or leading a charge in Battle class, but I wouldn't walk up to a woman with the same confidence. I am a little shy when it comes to dating, which explains my only ever having one serious girlfriend.

I'm also what you could call a partier. I host all of the best parties at Arcana. If you don't get invited to one of my parties, it seems, then you are no-one. However, I try to invite everyone. Although, I don't heavily get involved in the drinking and dancing festivities. I much prefer standing in the corner of my room, drinking a glass of whiskey. I don't flirt, I don't have casual sex, and I don't dance. Some say I can be a bit of a prude, but I just say I don't like to make a fool of myself. I'm very stiff-upper-lip and upper class as some people may say, but I again call it being polite. I do have a little bit of a temper problem however, and I don't like people who go against my will on purpose, and rub it in my face. I'm like most males, extremely stubborn when it comes to a lot of things, and I am quite closed off. If you want to get close to me... well, you can try, but I'm sure it won't happen. If I want to be your friend, I shall come to you, not the other way around. Finally, I hate people who are "mean" to others on purpose, and if I see it happening, I will get involved and try to stop it. I can't stand bullies - they have no place in this world.

Before my father died, I was completely the opposite to the way I am now. I was a socialite, had many friends, drank a lot, and... let's just say I had a little bit of promiscuous side. I enjoyed my youth the way that every male does - whilst keeping a polite and straight facade up in front of my parents - at comprehensive school, I was the class joker, the life of the party, and the school "player." I had to grow up when my father died, and my gift came out. It's rare that I smile any more...

History: I was born Jackson Flynn Murphy to Millicent and General Bartholomew Murphy in the small town of Galway, in Ireland, their only child. It was my mother's home town - the place where she had grown up, and had wanted to give birth to her first child. My father had been stationed there for the last four years, and had fallen in love with and married my mother, Millie. He had to extend his company's stay to accommodate his wife's wishes, of giving birth to me in Galway, and on the Eleventh of March, I was born into the world. My father is the General of the Irish Army, and so decided to stay in Galway with my mother for the first few years of my life.

It was nice, having both my mother and my father around, seeing as some of the other children that I knew didn't have that same stability. However, that all changed when I hit the age of three, and my father started getting restless. He was used to travelling around with his troops, making sure everything was perfect with them first hand, and it made him uncomfortable knowing that he was being left behind. So, he went off again to travel with them, leaving my mother and me behind in Ireland. I didn't like it at first - I wondered where my father was going, and why he didn't come home for long periods of nine months at a time. When he did come home however, it was lovely, and we spent as much time together as possible - going on picnics, playing in the park and everything else that a usual family does.

I was definitely more of a father's boy than a mother's one. I looked up to my father more than anyone else in the world, and by the age of seven, I was pleading to go along with him on his journeys. My mother was also getting sick of my father leaving us all of the time, and so, we started to travel with him - I became what some call an "army brat", being dragged around different countries, and cities by my General father. However, I loved it. I got to meet an amazing array of people, made a couple of good friends and had a fun time. Of course, it hurt when we moved on again, and I had made a friend, for example, that one girl I was friends with before, Lulu - sometimes, I still miss her. But, all of the hurt was taken away when I arrived at a new place, with new people, and new things to see. I wanted to become my father, to join the army and move up from the very bottom rank like he had done.

When we lived in Washington, we stayed there for three years, and I started going to school there, I made friends, and I even found a girl. Bethany Phillips. Whilst I was in the basketball team, and hung out with all of the jocks, she was the girl who sat in the library reading whatever books she could get her hands on, and she was the most beautiful girl in the school. I was only fifteen at the time, her only fourteen, but I knew I wanted her as my own. I tried to ignore her however, as my friends all told me that "going out with a nerd like her would be social suicide" but in the end, she won me over - I mean who could ignore a beautiful face like that? She became my best friend, rivaling my friendship with Lulu, and soon, we were in a relationship. It was perfect for the first year - we went out for romantic meals, took pictures in photo-booths, walked through the park barefoot - it was lovely. We even took each other's virginity - something that meant a lot to both of us.

However, we were still stupid kids. New Years, we went out to a party together, and there was a lot of drinking. When I say a lot, I mean, I barely remember anything from the night. I don't even remember the clock turning twelve, going up stairs with Beth, and forgetting to put a condom on. I blame myself for the situation that we found ourselves in - it was my responsibility to carry the condom and to put it on, but no - I was too drunk to care, and I forgot. About a month later, I finally asked Beth why she was acting so strangely. She was a little sick, which obviously had me worried out of my mind, but she had been strange around me; not telling me anything, trying to avoid me - it wasn't like my Beth, and I didn't like it. Then, she finally opened up to me and dropped the bombshell.

She was pregnant.

I was going to be a father at seventeen.

I literally held her as she cried in my arms as she told me, and I could see that she was petrified. I was too - I was so scared. Would I be a good father? What would we end up doing about the child? What would my father say? Did her father know? So many questions ran through my mind, but they were all slowly answered. Both of us instantly decided against an abortion; it's wrong and there's no condoning killing a child like that, and we thought about adoption. However, both Beth and myself knew that we couldn't give up our child like that. It was wrong, to have someone else raise our son or daughter as their own; we decided to do it together, to help each other through it. My mother agreed that it was the best decision, and she said that she would be there to help us throughout whatever. I got a job to be able to pay some of the medical fees, and bought some of the baby things - like a crib, and toys. I held Beth's hand throughout the scans, throughout all the medical procedures, and finally, throughout the birth.

When I first laid eyes on my daughter, I cried. There was honestly nothing more beautiful in the world. We named her Holly Millicent Murphy, taking my mother's name as her middle name. When she was first placed into my arms, I just didn't want to let her go. She had a dark head of hair like mine, and the beautiful blue eyes of her mother. That was the moment I told Beth I loved her, holding Holly in my arms in that hospital room, minutes after her birth. I was literally on Cloud Nine.

I practically moved in to Beth's house when we brought Holly home; our parents didn't mind - they thought it was right for me to be over there all of the time, seeing as she was out daughter, and not just Beth's. Reading her bed time stories was my favourite part of being her father, and just laying there with her in my arms, looking down at her. She was just so beautiful, and the one thing in my life that I knew I would love for the entirety of my life. I telegramed my father days after she was born telling him to come on video chat, and the first time he saw her, he cried. Holly was my world.

However then, the worst thing imaginable that could happen, happened. One night, when Holly was just over five months old, I was laying next to Beth in bed, catching up on a bit of homework, I heard our daughter cough. And then again. And then again. And then she cried. I woke up Beth instantly, and moved over to the crib to check on her. A little bit of a sniffly nose, but she was fine. I was a panicky father - probably one of the worst that there has ever been, but I just saw it as being protecting of my daughter. A few days later, she started being sick, and we instantly rushed her to the doctors, wondering what had made our precious daughter so ill. We were told about a flu that was going around, and that all we had to do was keep her wrapped up and warm, and she'd get better in a few days.

But she didn't. Our baby didn't get better. She got progressively worse and worse, and six days after going to the doctors for help, Holly passed away. She was in Beth's arms, and I was holding her hand as she took her last breaths. Our precious little girl was gone, at such a young age. All I remember is Beth screaming, tears falling down both of our faces as I took her out of Beth's hands, cradling my little girl. Beth was in too much of a state to hold her as her father rushed us to the hospital, but there was nothing that they could do. She was gone.

Me and Beth tried to keep our relationship together, but as we took apart the cot and packed away all of Holly's toys, I could feel us drifting apart. The loss of our daughter was driving a wedge between us, instead of helping us grow closer. Then, I got some news that just destroyed me completely. Three months after my father was shipped out to Iraq, we received a telegram. The dreaded telegram. My father had been in a jeep with another five members of his squadron, and a land mine had blown. First Holly, now my father... was anything ever going to go right for me?

I found out about my power on the date of my father's funeral. There was no body to bury, and there was just a casket with his picture on top. We were in the front row, my mother and me, and I as I was holding her hand, I wished that I could make her stop crying. I didn't want her to be upset any more, it was killing me to see her crying so much, and the harder I thought about it, she began to stop. Then, I began to cry - I began to take in everything that my mother was feeling - the emptiness inside her heart, her fears and worries for the future... I felt everything my mother had been, and when I turned to look at her, she had stopped crying completely - where was I was pouring my heart out through my tears. When I asked my mother about it that night, she bit on her lip softly, and began to tell me about my father.

My father had been an Empath - knowing the emotions of those around him, and with how close to him I was, it was no surprise that my power began to stem from his. My mother then told me about a school that he had once attended, Arcana Academy, and I instantly knew that I wanted to study there, to make my father proud of me there. And so here I am. I'm completely broken since my father's death - I haven't been myself in two years, and I'm not sure that I ever will be again. We moved to San Francisco after my father's funeral. Beth and myself split up before I left; we knew it wasn't going to work out without our daughter around, and with my added sadness of my father's death, I was no good to be her shoulder to cry on. Holly and my father were buried next to each other in Washington, allowing them to meet in heaven, and then we left. Ever since then, it hasn't been the same. My mother has changed, I've changed - and we now live in San Fransisco.

Anything else? I've played the piano since I was a young boy, and I'm also fluently skilled in the violin - I have my own black one called Verona. I'm also fluent in Spanish, Gaelic, Italian and Chinese, and I can fence. Yup, I can fence. The joys of being a rich child. I'm also very interested in psychology, and I would like to work as a mental health doctor one day. I have to also wear glasses when I'm in class. I carry around a picture of my daughter in a chain around my neck, keeping her close to my heart, always.

So begins...

Jackson Murphy's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Erin Hawthorne Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Addison Lawler Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore
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Spencer heard his alarm clock go off, but he paid no attention to it. It was one of those annoying bell ones that nobody could stand, but somehow Spencer was able to keep sleeping. Although for every thirty seconds that passed, the ringing got louder and louder until even Spencer couldn't sleep. Then something happened that someone from the outside would see an unusual, but anyone that knew Spencer well enough saw as normal. He took out a dark gun, but it wasn't the usual kind. You could say that Spencer, "tricked it out". It was more futuristic, but it had the same function, being a dart gun. Although it was ten times stronger than a normal one. Spencer didn't even look up from his pillow and he took the shot. The dart flew across the and hit the alarm right at the eight hour mark. The clock flew backwards and broke. It was silent for a while and Spencer once again tried to sleep. Then the alarm clock moved around as if something was inside and at last it broke apart into two pieces, with another alarm clock inside. Although this one sported mechanical legs and started to run around the room for a few minutes until it reached Spencer's bed, and finally Spencer himself. Then it spouted a hammer and started banging Spencer on the arm. This forced him to wake up and as he tried to catch it, it just jumped away. Without missing a single ring, the "alarm clock" went into hiding in Spencer's already ready suitcase.

Spencer finally gave up on the thought of sleeping. I'll just sleep on the bus he thought. He got out of him bed, fully dressed in a green t-shirt with a gaping hole on the bottom of the shirt, a torn pair of jeans, and his signature lab coat. He went to the tiny motel bathroom. There was some green slime on the bathroom mirror after he tried to create a new type of toothpaste that cleaned teeth on its own. Sadly it was unsuccessful. Then he put on his glasses and tried to settle his unruly hair, tried. Meanwhile, his alarm clack was still ringing until Spencer went to his suitcase and dismantled it. Then he took a pen from the nearby desk and took out his notepad from his pocket and mumbled to himself, Note to self: Find a better way to wake up. Or just don't wake up at all.. Spencer sighed. He liked having a room to himself, even if it was just a normal three star motel room.

Finally he decided it was time for him to get at least another ten minutes of sleep on the bus. Sparky he called to his little robot assistant. A small robot no bigger than a teacup was carrying his two big suitcases. It put them underneath the bus, where all the luggage goes then the little robot just jumped into Spencer's lab coat pocket. As he entered the bus, he saw Cor and Erin sitting next to each other. Of course, what would anyone expect anything else from them. he thought to himself. He found himself an empty spot, and the best one on the bus too. That one seat behind the back door, the one that has its own window and great leg room. Yeah, that amazing spot. Finally he could sleep, but the bus was so noisy he couldn't and that kinda pissed him off. Right as he was about to finally fall asleep, they reached Arcana. Spencer sighed once more as he got of the bus. He released Sparky once more to carry his luggage as he just started walking toward the school, mumbling to himself and taking about fifty pills that he made against headaches. He slept way to little last night. Fifteen hours just doesn't cut it. From the corner of his eye he already saw three people smoking, of course. Cain was smoking way to many, Likely due to stress Spencer thought, Addi also, but Ben was just addicted. He couldn't even go an hour without smoking and everyone at Noctrem knew that. Spencer saw Ben a drag that no right person would able to take if they needed oxygen. He then decided that its none of his business and with that thought he forgot about them all together as he mind switch to other topics. Such as, who will he room with?

As he reached the entrance of Arcana, he saw a group of students all around a list. The roommate one. Many people had dissatisfied looks on their faces while others were just neutral. Spencer scanned the list and found his name, Room Twelve with Jackson Murphy he mumbled to himself. Spencer grimiced, he wanted a room to himself, so he could experiment freely without some stupid roommate complaining. Also Jackson was notorious for his parties. Not in my room Spencer thought. He looked around the room to see if he could find Jackson, scanning the faces quickly.


Ben yawned as he opened his eyes, he was beat. Last night he went to some club in the city and got completely wasted. He was surprised that he somehow got to his motel room in one piece. He glanced at the clock. It read 4:45, way to early for Ben's liking, but since he's awake why not go for a early morning stroll. As he sat in the motels garden, he took out a cigarette and lit it up with his lighter. It had an orange paw print on it with the name Lucifer, for his very own cat. Since Lucifer was with his sister since the fire, he kinda missed the orange fur-ball. He took a long drag.....and then blew it out. This was his stress reliever and he couldn't quit even if he wanted to. Ben just sat outside until the sun came out and even a bit after. Then he decided that he should get ready.

Turns out Ben was longer than expected outside. When he came back to his room he only had about ten minutes until the bus left. Shit! Ben yelled as he pretty much threw everything he owned in the ginormous bag that he owned. He hurried up to get dressed in jeans and a white and black striped t-shirt. I woke up early and yet still i'm late, I don't even have enough time to find Eri and play some last minute pranks on those motel workers. Ben and Eriol were torturing the motel workers for the past two months, over ten workers have quit.

Ben ran as fast as he could to the bus. Man, Cain's gonna kill me Ben said out loud to himself. He threw his bag under the bus in the compartment and quickly boarded the bus, with two minutes to spare. Ben let out a sigh of relief, but then he noticed he was wearing his slippers. Not any slippers. His Winnie the Pooh ones. Oh great Ben thought to himself. Its not like the Noctrem students have never seen them, but Arcana haven't. Although after a while Ben just didn't really care anymore because what was done is done. Ben saw Bells come in late. At least I'm not last he thought. After that, they started the bus and they were on their way to Arcana.

When they reached Arcana, Ben was one of the last people to leave the bus. Lets say he's not that excited about the new arrangement. He was far more happier being where he was in the motel, even though the food tasted like shit. He always went to the nearby liquor store and bought tons of munchies. There can never be too much food. Hey he was hungry even now, but first things first. Ben took out another cigarette and started to smoke again. Who knows if his new roomie will be a bitch about it, but truthfully if he was, Ben didn't care. Although Ben doubted someone from Noctrem would care since half of them smoke. He saw he wan't the only one smoking, even Drake took one from Addie.

Finally he finished and just threw the bud on the floor. Ben started to walk towards Arcana and saw everyone huddled around something and from all the commotion, Ben could tell it wasn't good. He read the list, he was in room eight with Elijah. Oh great Ben said out loud. Then he saw who was in the next room, Cor. Now this is going to be hilarious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen Character Portrait: Addison Lawler Character Portrait: Alli Jackson
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#, as written by Korrye

Life in a motel was not pleasant. It was quite far from it, especially when one was rooming by ones self and had no line of defense from a group of begrudging young women. Lulu Allen was a girl of few friends and many enemies, though she had never intended to wrong so many people. The blond woke to silence, the air thick and muggy as her roomā€™s air conditioner had been broken intentionally the week they had moved in by Cor Quellen. Sheā€™d called it a welcoming gift, wandering off to room with her brother. Lulu had dealt with it. No matter how much the motelā€™s repairmen tried to fix it, the thing wouldnā€™t turn on. If it did, it blasted hot air, making her room even more unbearable. The heat had left her with little more option than to sleep in her underwear with a bucket of ice at close hand to try and cool off. On the hotter nights sheā€™d gone without much sleep, taking to a routine she had long perfected at Noctrem. Mild insomnia would have her wander the school, make her way to the cafeteriaā€™s kitchens where luck would have it that the chef du jour left her something edible. If things went right at Noctrem, Lulu would run into her former hallmate Drake. In the motel, however, the Quellen boy was rarely seen. If they were in class together, Lulu resigned to staying away from him and if anything doing all that she could to blend in and avoid the brewing fight that seemed to be coming.

It was a joy to know that the motel would no longer be their place of residence. Luluā€™s face could not hide her relief as she hauled a black duffel bag on her shoulder to the bus line-up. She held a paper coffee cup in her hand and kept her head low, a dull thud prodding her temples. Having pushed her powers in the past two weeks ā€“ both in helping or harming those who cared to bug her on top of her lessons and private sessions ā€“ left her feeling hungover when she hadnā€™t had a drop to drink in weeks. Maybe I should, she thought lowly. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tucked her chin and watched as Cor stood near the front of the lineup to board a coach bus out. When they boarded, Lulu sat herself at the front across from Cain, pulling the hood of her black sweater over her hair and leaning her head into the window beside her, if only to drift the few minutes it took for them to arrive at Arcana. The routine was near perfected at that point. If she sat at the front, no shit would happen. Her eyes danced over Cainā€™s slumped figure. She didnā€™t need to ask about the disposable cup in his hands. She knew it was his morning concoction and she wished she could steal it for herself before she moved, closed her eyes, and kept her backpack close to her. Six weeks of little to no sleep had her struggling to stay awake.

Cainā€™s booming voice had her startle and wake up. "Give ā€˜em Hell, kids. Itā€™s your school now too!ā€ he cheered, his voice raspy and yet authoritative. Sheā€™d always liked it. Lulu smiled weakly at her mentor before standing and hauling herself out the steps to the curb. The school was impressive, the white marble practically sparkling for their arrival. Lulu moved to collect her bag before something happened to it, standing out of the way from Cor and Erin who moved closely together. Keeping her eyes on the ground she nearly ran into Drake as he paused to take a cigarette from Addison. Lulu watched as he leaned into the brunetteā€™s ear, whispering sweet words before standing tall and proud while she processed his comments. When he stepped back her shoulder knocked into his and Lulu allowed herself to slid sideways, her feet arranging themselves to catch her. Swinging her bag around to her other shoulder, Lulu flushed and kept walking. It wasnā€™t until she was in the main foyer that she turned to look over her shoulder at him. Shaking her head at the display, she focused on in the billboard listing roommates. Her eyes scanned the list behind the shoulders of a few others. Lulu didnā€™t care to notice who they were, only to note where she was headed.

Room Fifteen: Alli Jackson and Luly Allen

What smile she possessed disappeared. They couldnā€™t even manage to spell her name right. Lulu frowned and clenched her teeth, shaking her head and turning away. It seemed like a joke, especially with how often people belittled her since arriving and her name had shown up on all the class lists as Talulah.

Being at Arcana had been a hard sell to her parents. When the fire had happened, Lulu had been immediately confronted by her mother who would rather she attend a public school in Washington over attend the ā€˜goody-goodyā€™ school. It has taken a week of arguing before sheā€™d finally won them over, telling her parents both that she wanted to stay and that Cain was still working with her and they were making progress. Of course, now she had to prove that she was making progress which meant pushing herself on little to no sleep and thus feeling as she did then ā€“ ready to throw up in a bucket, curl up in a ball, and pray she could find some peace.

As she prepared to turn away from the listing, Lulu turned back to look at it again. She spotted Drakeā€™s name close to the top of the list, his room far beyond hers. Disappointment laced her features momentarily before she moved, hauling her bag and removing her cell phone from her bag to fire a message off to the one person who may be excited that she was finally there.

Jack, looks like weā€™re here to stay. Room 15 for me. Where are you? - Lulu <3

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Bethany Phillips Character Portrait: Erin Hawthorne Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy
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Leo couldn't stop himself from smiling as the beautiful woman next to him rose up from underneath the duvet, baring her naked body to him without a care. "Good morning." He spoke, letting himself being pushed back down onto the bed, Amy leaning over the top of him. He couldn't say that he disliked the view in front of him, and for a brief moment, the male felt himself being taken back to the night before, where the woman had been practically in this position, her breasts bare and bouncing, the first time they had made love... He was however quickly brought back into the present, when the stunning woman spoke to him, asking him about sleep. "Not true. I slept a little last night, just... not as much as I probably should have." He smiled gently, bringing up his left hand to delicately brush away a strand of hair that was falling in front of her face. He had never been so happy before, never been in a position like this where he had cared about someone so much that he let them sleep next to him in his bed. Amy was the first woman that he had loved in two and a half thousand years, and he couldn't be happier about that fact.

He let his hand cup her cheek softly as she kissed him, smiling against her lips. Every little touch between them sparked electricity into the males hands, his lips, his heart. However, then, he watched her smile disappear, and he instantly knew that something was wrong. Something that she was going to tell him, and something that he was not going to like. Leo shifted slightly in the bed, raising himself up so that his head was resting against the headboard, her lips working on his jaw. He, however, didn't enjoy it as much as he should have. Instead, he was a little worried as to what Amy was going to say, and he could see that same feeling mimicked in her own eyes.

Yup, he didn't like what she had to say at all. The male closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath as she began to speak about their relationship again. She just didn't understand; she didn't get his need to abide by all rules, and especially his own. How would he look in front of Cain, in front of everyone, when they found out that he was breaking his own rules. Leo shook his head, moving out of his position from underneath her, exiting the bed. "Really Amy?" He asked her, an exasperated tone taking over his voice. "You want to do this right now? After an amazing night, and before one of the most stressful days of my life in millenniums? Really?" He took up his mobile phone from the side, angrily pressing in the buttons, his fingers missing the keys every now and again. He really wasn't the most techno-savvy person in the world, and it took him a moment to find the send button, sending his text back to Cain.

You sir, are a grammatically challenged braggard. Yes, I know about the mistake, and I don't like it any more than you do.

Leo put his phone down on the side, and moved over to the main telephone in his room, the one that if when he pressed in a number of buttons, he was able to speak over the tannoys around the school. [u]"All students, please note that there is an assembly being held at ten o'clock in the main hall. Non-attendance will result in an immediate detention, and a loss of free periods."[/s] Then, he slammed the phone back down into it's holder, turning back to face Amy. "Look, we've got to get ready. We'll talk about this later." He sighed, before making his way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.


[font=georgia]Erin had woken up with a bright smile on her face, unlike most of the other Noctrem students that morning. She was happy that they were leaving that god-damned motel, and moving into the Arcana Academy, a place they had been going to study for the past month or so anyway. She had no feelings about the "life long battle" or whatever that was supposed to be going on between the two academies, she didn't care about it at all. In fact, she had no qualms with any of the Arcana kids, minus ones that had offended her since her schooling life there had begun - she disliked more of the Noctrem students than those from Arcana. There was one thing on the girl's mind that morning, one thing that had the smile stuck on her face for all the world to see - and that was Keirol Rancora. The one boy who had ever wriggled his way into her heart, settling himself there for the rest of time.

As she stood there, looking into the mirror, the girl took in her appearance. The one thing that caught her eye however, was the glistening sword necklace around her neck - the one that Keirol had given her a few days prior. Her hand came up to aimlessly play with the pendant, turning it around in her fingers. The smile on her face was that of a girl in love, her eyes glazing over slightly as she went back in time to that moment on the hill. A sigh escaped her lips as she day-dreamed, still turning the locket over in her fingers. Then, a banging on her door broke her out of the trance, the girl snapping her head up quickly.

The quick movement had jolted Erin out of her daze, and into the reality of pain. Her head was throbbing as she walked towards the door, rubbing at her temple softly to try and rid herself of the drink-induced headache. Of course, Cor had been the one who had gotten her drunk, the one who had literally forced her to down her brother's bottle of vodka, despite the fact she despised the drink. She took in a few deep breaths before opening the door, before the whirlwind began. Cor had been there to shift her into gear, and within in the minute, the two girls were downstairs, shoving their bags into the bus and sitting down next to each other.

The bus journey to Arcana Academy had been another blur for Erin, letting her head loll softly on top of Cor's, slipping in and out of sleep. The headache was progressively getting worse, and somewhere deep down, she felt like slapping her best friend for forcing her to letting her drink so much. Soon, the bus was pulling to a stop, and the two girls were exiting, hand in hand, being one of the first to collect their bags. No-one really messed with Cor, and Erin was guilty due to association. She chuckled at the sarcasm in Cor's voice as they walked into the school, taking in a deep breath. She moved away from her blonde best friend, her eyes glancing over at the crowds of people beginning to swarm the reception. She was hoping to see Keirol, to pick him out of the crowd, but he didn't seem to be there. She spotted the speedy guy coming in to check the board, Colby, she believed his name was, and she witnessed the sickening sitaution between Drake and Addison. The girl physically grimaced as she looked upon the scene, before Cor's voice again hit her ears. Addi deserves so much better. She thought to herself, before turning around to see what had gotten her friend so het up.

There was a defnite reason, all right. As Erin's eyes scanned the list of roommates in front of her, her expression turned quizical, before turning angry. She wasn't "angry angry", but she was definitely irritated. "What the fuck?" She repeated Cor's words, her mouth hanging open slightly as she realized that the two schools had been mixed. "We're not rooming together? Well, this just turns everything on it's fucking head, doesn't it?" She sighed loudly. When she found her name, and saw that she was rooming with Loralei Evans, the gypsy girl, she shrugged. "I don't mind. It's better than say... rooming with darling little Lulu or sickly sweet Ashleigh." Erin forced a laugh, but it soon turned to a real one when she saw who Jay was rooming with. "Oh, c'mon, it's not that bad." She put her arm around her friend's shoulders, sarcasm lacing every word that escaped her lips. "Come on, they may even... become friends?" Then, the girl burst out laughing, turning to apologize to her friend "Oh, I'm sorry Cor. That's just... oh, that's going to make your life fun." She grinned.

"So," Erin spoke, the grin once again evident on her face, turning to face Cor, "what shall we do until this stupid assembly?"


Tears fell softly onto the bed as Jackson stood there, holding his precious baby daughter in his hands. She was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen, the one thing that shined so brightly in his life. Holly Millicent Murphy, a little girl with a head of soft brunette locks, and the most beautiful blue eyes in the entirety of the world, inherited from her mother. Jack slowly looked up, looking over at his girlfriend, smiling with largest smile ever at her. She looked so weak, so tired, but so beautiful. He moved over to sit next to her, holding Holly in one arm, and wrapping his other around Beth. The two of them looked down at the life they had created, their smiles never falling from their faces.

However, the scene soon changed. The room turned dark, and Jackson snapped his head up, the smile falling from his face, wondering what was going on. He wasn't in the hospital any more, he was in Beth's bedroom, still in that same position, his arm wrapped around Beth, however, Holly was in her arms this time. Tears were falling down his face, but he couldn't move his lips to ask her what was wrong. He knew something bad was going to happen, something terrible, but he just couldn't think as to what it could be. Then, his daughter stopped moving. She turned a horrible shade of grey, loosing all colour in her skin, but Jackson couldn't move. All he could hear was Beth screaming, tears falling down his own face landing on his daughter's pale face. They were then in a car, him holding Holly. She was cold, and she wasn't moving; all Jack wanted to do was to touch his daughter properly, to hold her close, hug her and kiss her, but he just couldn't move. He couldn't do anything as they arrived at the hospital, and Holly was taken out of his arms. The same word was then repeated over and over again, resounding in the male's ears.





Jack's eyes snapped open, and he flung up in his bed. His breath was hard and ragged, his heart pounding at a thousand miles an hour. He hadn't had a dream about Holly and Beth for a number of months, and it took him a moment to realize why his past was coming back to haunt him once again. Beth Phillips was now a student here, or had been for the past month - and he hadn't noticed. He had only wondered about her being a student at Arcana when he had heard her name floating around in the corridors. He couldn't believe that she was here, coming back into his life, in such a place as his school. It wasn't as if he didn't want her here... well, that might not be in the case. He didn't want his ex girlfriend, and the mother of his dead child here... but there was absolutely nothing that he could do about it, was there?

He spent a maximum of ten minutes in the shower, letting the warm water wash away all of the sweat and worries from his dream. It didn't take him long to get dressed or ready either, wearing this plain, yet smart outfit, smelling like his favourite cologne, his hair styled in his usual damp mess. He wasn't much of a conformer, but he had decided to go down to the reception hall anyways this morning, to look at the roommate list that had been posted up. Just after he had left his room, he received a text. Pulling out his iPhone, Jack checked his messages, smiling as he saw Lulu's name appearing. The male made his way down to the reception hall, instantly spotting the blonde that had been his best friend through the hardest times in his life.

Instead of going to check his new roommate, he made a beeline for Lulu, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, a bright smile on his face as he pressed his lips to her hair, a soft, friendly peck. "I'm here." He grinned, moving so that he was now standing in front of her, pulling her into a proper hug this time[u]. "It's great to see you again, Lu."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Cain Montgomery
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Korrye

Lulu had thought herself to be one of the first in the reception hall but within minutes the place was swarming with students. Standing slightly aside, she slid her hoodie from her head, her blond hair frizzing slightly on top. Unzipping it, she revealed her outfit. She moved to smooth her hair, watching people from the corner of the room. Corentine and Erin were reading the list of roommates, with Erin cursing and rolling her eyes at the fact that they werenā€™t together. It didnā€™t please her either that she would not longer be in a single room as she had been in Noctrem, not entirely about privacy but more so about what she would likely bring with her and thus upon Alli.

The blond student was so focused on other people, she didnā€™t hear her friend approach her from behind. The moment Jackā€™s hands wrapped around her waist she tensed, her shoulders tucking into her neck and her hands immediately flying to grab his. Her toes curled in her shoes until she felt his gentle peck on the crown of her hair. "I'm here!" Jack announced. Lulu couldnā€™t help but smile. Her long time best friend moved to hug her properly, which of course she did. "It's great to see you again, Lu," he told her. Lulu looked at him in the eyes, seeing the tired quality to his face.

ā€œYou look as tired as I do!ā€ she commented, rubbing a thumb on his chin while she pursed her lips. ā€œWeā€™ll be insomniacs together!ā€

As she moved, watching another girl crash into Drake ā€“ he really was a magnet for those kinds of people wasnā€™t he ā€“ Arcanaā€™s headmaster suddenly made an announcement via the PA. ā€œAll students, please note that there is an assembly being held at ten o'clock in the main hall. Non-attendance will result in an immediate detention, and a loss of free periods.ā€

ā€œIs it me or does he sound a little peeved?ā€ Lulu wondered aloud, her eyebrows momentarily creasing before she shrugged away her concern. So long as Leo was agreeable when she dropped in on his office hours, she wouldnā€™t pick away at him. He was old and irritated, concerned with Cain ā€“ as he had expressed to her before. Luluā€™s eyes wandered back over to her mentor momentarily to see him smirking at his phone. Lingering cigarette smoke made the air thick around him. She didnā€™t care for that part of him but he was one of the only teachers capable of really pushing her to excel, to push her powers. Unfortunately she wondered if he noticed how hungover she looked from it, their session yesterday having run rather late. Lulu could feel the heaviness in her shoulders and a tired quality to her eyes. No doubt they were bloodshot. Her head spun when she turned around too quickly to try and locate where the main hall was or where she had to go to get there. Lulu reached out to grab Jackā€™s shoulder. ā€œSorry,ā€ she muttered. ā€œPower hangover. Some caffeine may help,ā€ she explained, knowing he would understand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Bethany Phillips Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Isabella Dorson Character Portrait: Spencer Oz Jerem
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille

Bethany was running around the house and getting things ready. Beth had aged a bit and by now she as wearing a nice dress suited for a special day, a special day she wasn't sure of yet until she went upstairs and that's where she found a young women sitting on a chair in front of the mirror, she had her hair curled to perfection and a few strands pinned back with beautiful blue clips. Her brown locks had gone down just a little passed her shoulders and her skin seems soft and pale but with a little colour to it. The young woman's eyes were an amazing blue but they were familiar and Beth couldn't quite put her finger on it for the time being. As of the moment the young woman had her make-up being done and she looked absolutely stunning so far. That was when Beth noticed the dress, a nice white one, that could only be a wedding dress. Beth looked in the mirror and both Beth and the young woman locked eyes together and that's when she realized that they had the same eyes. The young woman smiled with a familiar smile to Beth and her lips opened to speak, "Mom!" She said with a smile plastered on her face. Mom? Bethany was confused until she realized, this was Holly. Her beautiful baby had grown up and was still alive, how was this ever possible? That was when someone else entered the room a man who had aged a bit himself and he held some flowers in his hand and let the make-up arist finish before he placed the flowers down on the vanity in front of Holly. Beth was smiling and couldn't help it but the site of Holly was one that was rare. Bethany must not have been paying attention because they had a whole conversation and she didn't realize it at all. Beth finally realized that who was with Holly was Holly's father, Jackson Murphy. As soon as she realized that the whole turn of events changed.

Next thing Beth knew she was in an empty hallway at Arcana and she saw jackson coming and she went to turn around and leave but it wasn't possible. As soon as Jackson saw Bethany her eyes widened, she had been avoiding him on purpose for the past while considering she didn't want to slap his past in his face just like what would happen if she saw him, it'd be a slap in the face, so it was best to not be around him as much as possible. She wanted to leave but it wasn't possible in her dream, she turned around and faced him but after that it was like her feet were stuck like glue. She was forced to watch all the events from two years ago replay as they locked eyes with each other but soon her worst nightmares came to her, although she knew Jackson was never like this at all and it wasn't in him to do it but he started to yell at her for coming here and ruining his life, it was all a lot to take in and Bethany just stood there blank faced doing nothing absolutely nothing which wasn't much like her either but she ended up turning invisible and things started to fade as he kept yelling at her and then she was just in an empty room.


Bethany sat upright as fast as she could, that all wasn't possible in her dream, not at all but it sure did feel real, that was the problem with Bethany's dreams half the time, they felt real and made her still feel the mix of emotions afterwards. She pulled back her blankets and then brought her feet over out of bed and she walked to her closet and picked out this. She then walked to the bathroom and she brushed her teeth before heading to the shower, after brushing her teeth she got the tangles out of her blonde hair and then she stripped down and went into the shower, she let the hot water soothe her a bit and then began to make herself clean. She got out wrapping a nice, soft towel around her small frame and then she plugged in her hair dryer and began to dry her hair and brush it. After she was finished that she dried herself off and slipped on her dress, she struggled with reaching behind to her back to do the zipper up and then when she finally got it she took her shoes and slipped them on. She went over and straightened her hair and made sure it was good before she applied a little bit of eye liner and a bit of lip bomb. She smiled at herself in the mirror and smoothed down her dress and came back out to make her bed.

Once she was finished in her dorm room she left and shit the door behind her. Bethany then walked downstairs to where the roommate listings were supposed to be. Before she got there she turned her self invisible and continued to walk along. When she got to bodies of people that's when she had to be careful and weave her way through the crowd a bit, she didn't want to face anyone who disliked her at the moment, that wasn't the key to a good morning. She then went and looked down the list until she found her room and her name and looked that she had a Noctrem student. One she had an odd relationship with at that but it wasn't as bad as it possibly could be so Bethany couldn't complain. Bells was an interesting roommate and she couldn't wait for the things that may happen. Now it was time for Behtany to weave her way out of this mess.

As she tried to weave her way through she had noticed Jackson off in the distance with Lulu, she couldn't see him and go near him, no, no, that'd be the worst idea possible she just couldn't be forced to be around him. She kept her self invisible as she kept walking but her eyes kept shifting towards Jackson and Lulu, his arms were wrapped around her? What were they dating now? Were they going to have a child? Was their child going to be as beautiful as Holly was? Would their child actually live?! She asked herself these questions snapping at herself in her mind, maybe she was just getting jealous was all, and she had no right to get mad at them because Bethany and Jack were no longer together and therefore she had no right to be all angry with him. It was still upsetting to think that maybe they were dating though, because that was the man who was the father of her child and the man who had once been her best friend, and that brought sadness upon her, of course not paying attention as she weaved her way through the crowd she bumped into someone and her invisible state was broken, from the shock. She had fallen back on her butt but she got up and brushed her self off. She looked up to see Spencer. "My apologies, Spencer, I didn't mean to bump into you. I just was being idiotic and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She said in a polite tone. "Pleasant to see you again, Mr.Jerem." Beth said with a small smile on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bethany Phillips Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Morgan Janssen Character Portrait: Zac Barnes Character Portrait: Alli Jackson
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If I add more Propanoic acid to my pills, maybe possibly they might be stronger Spencer mumbled to himself. His headache was only getting worse and his body was getting used to the pills that he made. He needed to sleep, and for a long time. He was still looking for Jackson, but he gave up. He'll find his room by himself. After how, he already memorized the map. From the corner of his eye, he saw Alli being carried by Morgan and Zac. Maybe she that controlling of her body as most of think.. As Spencer thought that, he felt a sting of disappointment. As if his expectations of her were high. That's not very likely, He thought, I never expect too much of someone, only myself.. With that thought he tried to get her out of his head, and there were enough topics for that to happen easily. Such as, finding his room, setting up his lab, science, world domination and so forth.

Sparky! Spencer yelled. The little robot scurried to his master's side as fast as his little wheels could carry him. Take my things to room twelve. Now. he told the little thing. The robot just stood there. Spencer raised an eye as if saying "What?". Then the little robot took as a little robotic hand and held it out, as if asking for a tip. Alright, alright, remind me to reprogram you without any sass. he said as he threw a half-dollar coin. Sparky caught it and quickly went to put Spencer's luggage in his room. Spencer sighed, why must he always have a stupid glitch with his inventions. This morning it was the alarm clock, now Sparky. Well they weren't glitches, he actually programmed them like that. Spencer just always regrets it later.

All students, please note that there is an assembly being held at ten o'clock in the main hall. Non-attendance will result in an immediate detention, and a loss of free periods., thundered all over the school. Spencer groaned. There goes the only chance he had of getting rid of his headache by sleeping. Maybe he should just skip the assembly to sleep, then he would have detention to sleep some more. The thought was getting better and better, but he will mull it over some more. He started to walk, maybe find a nice spot to take a nap or something, when he felt a thud against his chest.

He looked down and was about to get angry at the idiot who wasn't looking were they where going until he saw that it was Bethany. He could never mouth off a lady, his mama taught him better. Especially since it was Bethany. Spencer was about to offer her his hand as help, but she already got up. My apologies, Spencer, I didn't mean to bump into you. I just was being idiotic and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. she said. Spencer was a bit stunned you could say. She already knew what he was thinking without even being a mind reader. Then Bethany quickly added, Pleasant to see you again, Mr.Jerem.. Good Morning Ma'am. How are you? Spencer politely said to her. They were absolute moments when he adored this girl and that made him very angry. So Spencer was trying to be as neutral and polite as possible, but even that wasn't normal for him. There was something different in the way he spoke to her, although he doubted she noticed. Something caring, maybe even soft.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Lilian Grace Elizabeth Daniels Character Portrait: Kaliyah Rickerson Character Portrait: Julie Cheyenne Heart
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Julie Heart

Julie pulled her fluffy, white comforter from her face and willed herself to sit up. It had been a rather long night, but nothing like she would have hoped. No, she wasn't off getting wasted somewhere, but spending hours pouring over her textbooks. A lot of kids here were naturally smart. Jules had to constantly work for it. She didn't mind studying in the slightest, but the procrastination aspect of her personality kind of kicked her butt.

About thirty minutes earlier, Jules had heard her roommate and best friend, Lily get out of bed. She knew she should have done the same, but just couldn't bring herself to open her eyes, much less sit up. It didn't take a reminder to remember that the Noctrem student would officially be moving in today. Julie honestly didn't think it was that big of deal even. She got along with some of the Noctrem kids perfectly, some she avoided, and others were nothing more than acquaintances. So what if they all had to live together? I guess she would feel slightly different if she hadn't already had a roommate like Lily. The girls were hardly alike, but somehow a friendship had formed. Forcing herself from the bed, Jules made her way her dresser choosing to forego a shower this morning. If she had gotten up a half hour ago, then there would have been time, but sleep had won. After debating for what seemed to be nearly five minutes, Jules finally chose an outfit. She dressed quickly and ran some control product through her hair before tying it up with a ribbon. Today was a day of comfort of style for sure. Even so, Julie thought she looked cute. After taking one last look in the mirror, she grabbed her bag and headed to the cafeteria.

It took a few minutes to get through the line and find her friends, but once she spotted them Julie headed straight for the table, Banana Nut Muffin in hand. "Hey girls." She called out, acknowledging Kaliyah, McKenna, and Lil. As she took her seat next with them, she couldn't help but to think she'd been so lucky to have Lily for a roommate. She didn't dare mentioned it though. Jules could tell by the mood that some people weren't happy with who their living partners would be. "So, what do you think this assemblies about? Lil, you're sitting with me right?" Jules asked. There were only two people with whom Jules was completely at ease with, Lily and Jackson Murphy, but she'd yet to see him this morning. Where, oh where could he be?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Erin Hawthorne Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen
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#, as written by Mela
Miss Amalthea Roerig

Amy hated throwing up. It was the most disgusting, repulsive thing ever, and she couldnā€™t even breathe as the little bit sheā€™d had to eat the day before kept forcing its way up and into the toilet she was bent over, blocking out airways. Soon, she could feel Leoā€™s hand gently gathering her hair, his other hand caressing her back and she felt herself growing thankful once more that this man loved her, even as she sat there, fighting to breathe while the lumpy, yellow substance forced its way up. Maybe this was a delayed allergic reaction to the red wine from last night? She was grasping at straws though, because she knew her body wouldā€™ve reacted sooner if that had been the case. The thing was, however, that others possibilities didnā€™t fit with this random pattern either. Tears began streaming from her eyes in frustration at her inability to breathe. When it finally stopped, Amy fell down onto her bum, heaving for air as she took some toilet paper and wiped her mouth, throwing it into the toilet afterwards.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Leo moving from her, filling a glass with water and she closed her eyes, trying to calm her body from the shock it had just experienced. Normally if a student had come to her with similar issues, she wouldā€™ve asked about sex, protection and the likes, because it would be one of the first signs of pregnancy. But with her, that simply couldnā€™t be the case. Sheā€™d only had sex last night, and before that, she hadnā€™t had sex in something like half a year or so. Besides, she was on the pill, not that it was a certain guarantee of anything, but still. The mere fact that she sexually couldnā€™t be suffering from morning sickness already, completely erased that possibility, so what was it? Then she heard Leoā€™s voice and her eyes fluttered open to see him. She smiled weakly at him as she took the glass, shaking a little. She would calm down in a bit, but right now her body was still adjusting. ā€œThanks,ā€ she said hoarsely before taking a big gulp of the water, closing her eyes as it soothed her aching throat and made her breathing much smoother.

Her eyes followed him as he poked his head out the bathroom door and she wondered who was knocking. Probably either Vince or Keirol. If it was important, Leo would merely take care of it. She wasnā€™t helpless after all. She could handle herself and she didnā€™t want him forsaking his Academy merely because she couldnā€™t keep her dinner down for some odd reason. Her ears perked when she heard Vinceā€™s voice, wondering what he wanted. She frowned slightly as she thought it over. Heā€™d probably felt the emotional explosion between her and Leo. She sighed, shaking her head a little. Sheā€™d have to talk to him about that. What if theyā€™d still been arguing? All in all, she didnā€™t want Vince coming by every time Leo and she had a blow-out, because she knew there would be more to come. Fine that he hadnā€™t tuned it out; he couldnā€™t help his powers any more than she or Leo could theirs, but he didnā€™t have to act on it. She knew heā€™d be understanding enough and respect her wishes on this. She couldnā€™t remember Vince ever being difficult in that department, which was why she loved him. As a friend, of course. Never more.

She smiled softly when Leo returned to her and she took another sip of the water, looking up at him through a veil of dark, thick eye lashes. ā€œItā€™s fine,ā€ she said, still smiling that soft smile of hers, ā€œIā€™m fine. Reallyā€¦ I donā€™t know what just happened.ā€ Truthfully, she did feel much better already, even though she had a terrible taste in her mouth, and probably even worse breath. Yuck. ā€œJust need to brush my teeth.ā€ She struggled to her feet again, quickly regaining her balance as she stood and went to the sink. She felt weak. Not only tired, but weak. Was she coming down with something? That was weird. She was literally never ill. Ever. Her magic provided some kind of shield, she supposed, supporting her immune defenses. She shook her head a little, trying to calm it as she took her toothbrush, adding toothpaste before she began brushing her teeth, getting rid of the vile remnants of her dinner. Sheā€™d actually puked in front of Leo. That when it hit her. This was downright embarrassing. What came next? Peeing with the door open? Gods. She shivered at the thought. What was he thinking? She glanced at him with toothbrush in her mouth, gauging his reaction for the first time since her ghastly display.

Drake Quellen

Drake laughed at Lorā€™s comment. Ah, this girl. He loved how she always played right along with his bullshitting. Not a lot of people had the wits to. Granted, he was good so it was understandable, but he always like a good game with an opponent who actually proved a challenge. ā€œWe could,ā€ he said thoughtfully, grinning down at her. ā€œBut I think it would qualify as damaging school property so Scary Marinos might give us a talking to.ā€ He wiggled his eyebrows at her and chuckled. He knew how close Lora felt to Leonardo Marinos, which was funny because the guy hated Drake. In truth, maybe that made Lora all the more appealing. It was just entertaining. In reality, Marinos had a stick lodged up his ass and Drake couldnā€™t help wonder what would happen if someone pulled it out. Ah hell, he had so many tongues up there it probably wouldnā€™t make much of a difference. Thinking of that, wasnā€™t Colby one of them? The thought made Drake smile. Maybe rooming with Colbs might end up pretty entertaining after all. As it was, however, he was considering how theyā€™d swing things because the way he saw it, they were both pretty sexual guys. In different ways. Very different ways, thank you.

Drake snorted in amusement at Lora comparing gypsies to Erin, ā€œno, I meanā€¦ thatā€™s her power. Erin goes all Hulk when sheā€™s pissed, and sheā€™s got a bit of a temper.ā€ He smiled secretively at how much that benefited him in reality. Then he laughed a little. ā€œSo yeah, I donā€™t think you can quite compare it, sweetheart.ā€ Soon, she was commenting on his roommate and Drake smiled casually. ā€œNah, Iā€™m good, really. Itā€™s fine.ā€ He didnā€™t mention how he was starting to consider the entertaining aspects of rooming with Colby. Honestly Drake rarely voiced his actual thoughts. He never lied either; he just withheld certain information he didnā€™t see fit to share. Not that people noticed. They were too caught up in his smiles and the fact that he always seemed so carefree and casual in everything he did. So they didnā€™t even notice. The same way they very rarely noticed that he didnā€™t actually give a shit about them.

He could easily narrow down the people he himself considered friends to one degree or another; Cor, Lora, Lulu, Jackson. Now, why was his sister on the list? Well, he sometimes disliked his sister to an extreme degree, but he knew she cared about him, just like he did her. They never showed it, but they did. Jackson had a stick up his ass, but Drake considered him a friend nonetheless. Maybe because Jackson was the kind of guy Drake knew he would be able to count on in a sticky situation and honestly theyā€™d grown to become pretty good friends this last month. Lulu spoke for herself; she was Lulu, and the same could be said for Lora who heā€™d known for years. So yeah, considering how many people thought themselves his friends, he didnā€™t really return the feeling a lot. Of course, Jaysin wouldā€™ve probably been on the list years back, but then heā€™d fucked Cor completely up by leaving and ignoring her existence, and now things were just fucking bungled. Theoā€™s ex, Scott wouldā€™ve been included too, but he was dead, soā€¦ yeah.

When Lora commented on him being Lazy, Drake merely smirked at her. ā€œYou say that like itā€™s something new,ā€ he countered. Of course, Drake wasnā€™t usually lazy. Not really. He was the kind of guy whoā€™d get up at 5 am in the morning just to get a good work-out before school, and he wasnā€™t being lazy right now either. He just frankly wanted to get the whole room-introduction thing over with so he could move on with his life. With her next comment, Drake laughed, ruffling up her hair just to show how easily he could reach. ā€œWhat kind of gypsy are you, forgetting your magnifying glass? Really, Lor. What would your mother say?ā€ He said playfully, feigning outrage at the fact, before grinning down at her. ā€œBesides, I thought weā€™d already settled that you need to stop dreaming about being taller than me.ā€

ā€œStrict?ā€ Drake repeated her words about Leo thoughtfully, almost tasting the word before laughing. ā€œThatā€™s an understatement. Heā€™s such a rule-rider, itā€™s almost embarrassing. Heā€™s going to have his work cut out for him now that all these idiots from Noctrem are moving in, though. My sister and her bitches are going to be hell to deal with while they get settled in, for instance. Now, theyā€™ll need to establish their little social order for real, and itā€™s going to cause trouble because those chicks want to be on top.ā€ He shook his head, smiling wryly before giving her a half-concerned look, ā€œbetter stay out of their way for the next couple of weeks, love.ā€ It was a rare show of affection from Drake. Mostly because it was genuine; not faked in any way. He actually was worried about Lor now that she was staying with Erin, and he knew Cor didnā€™t like his little gypsy friend. Never had. He didnā€™t want her getting hit in the crossfire, so to speak. Not that he didnā€™t know she could handle herself, but compared to some of these girls, Loraā€™s control of her magic was shady at best.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen Character Portrait: Jade Locke Character Portrait: Julie Cheyenne Heart
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Stupid post.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen Character Portrait: Jade Locke Character Portrait: Julie Cheyenne Heart
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Lulu's tensing upon his arrival made the male chuckle slightly, and soon, she was relaxing once again, knowing it was him. Jackson let her touch his chin, something he was very strange about - he didn't like people touching him, especially people he wasn't close to in any way, shape, or form, but Lulu... well, she was his best friend. His very best friend. Yes, he had Drake, and Jules, and Scott, but there was no-one that he was closer to than Lulu. She had been there throughout the two hardest times in his life, the deaths that had changed his entire life forever. He hadn't spoken to her much after that, had ignored her phone calls, texts and surprise visits, but she had always kept in contact with him, one way or another. She hadn't let him slip away, much to his own gratitude. She was a rock to him. A sturdy, beautiful rock. "You're not allowed to be an insomniac, missy." He smiled, taking her hand as it came down from his chin, squeezing it lightly.

"But, I suppose that reasons are reasons. Who knows, maybe I'll join you on one of your midnight rendevouz with Drake." Jack winked playfully at her, before the head teacher's voice took over the intercom. He listened to the message, frowning a little at the male's tone of voice. He wasn't insanely close to the male, like some of the girls around the school, or Keirol, but he was curious as to what could have made the usually calm and collected teacher act out a little like that. He just nodded when Lulu spoke, voicing his own thoughts almost exactly. "Maybe you should talk to him later about it." The male spoke, remembering in that moment that Lulu herself liked to spend time with the head-master, and that the two of them were quite close. Then again, if he wanted to find out something, Amber Romano was probably the person that he would ask. But, he wasn't the most curious and nosy person around; he wasn't one for gossiping.

However, Jackson was quickly brought back to the moment at hand, catching his best friend, his hands clasping at her waist to steady her. His eyes were filled with a momentary flash of worry, before she soon explained her falling over. "Caffeine?" He repeated, before nodding. "Right, the cafe is this way." He smiled softly, wrapping his arm around her waist, keeping a hold of her. He was a little worried now, and on her journey to the cafeteria, he didn't want her falling over again.

When they got there, he sat her down slowly in the chair, a smile on his face. "You, sit there." Jack's playful smile was on his face, obviously going to buy both coffees himself. He then walked over to the till, buying two cups of coffee, before then heading over to the table once more. "Here you go. What is it with you Noctrem kids and your drinking?" He asked her, a playful smirk coming onto his face as he took a sip of his hot drink.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen Character Portrait: Cain Montgomery
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#, as written by Korrye

Jack always had the ability to make her feel better. Lulu smiled at his reply. "You're not allowed to be an insomniac, missy," he teased. She rolled her eyes at him immediately and sighed, trying to stifle her desire to yawn. ā€œIf I had any choice, I wouldnā€™t be. But something happened to my AC unit in my motel room. The heat has been killing me on top ofā€¦well. Yeah. Iā€™m an insomniac,ā€ she rambled, shaking her head and shrugging. She couldnā€™t very well change the way things had been but she could do all she could to make things run smoothly by laying low for awhile.

"But, I suppose that reasons are reasons. Who knows, maybe I'll join you on one of your midnight rendevouz with Drake," Jack countered, winking at her while she tucked her chin and looked at him with a coy smile. Lulu held her tongue between her teeth and felt the heat rise in her cheeks before she could stop it. The blush was powerful and she turned away from her best friend while she recuperated. Then of course, she found herself stumbling right in front of him, the heaviness of her migraine catching up on her. Leoā€™s announcement came of course and she heard it overhead, commented and Jack replied.

When she suggested coffee, he seemed more than content to help her. Lulu nodded at his repetition, swallowing back dry mouth and her desire to heave into the nearest bin. Though she had spent a month at Arcana, some areas of the school were still beyond her. The walls could begin to look the same and sheā€™d never really ate much on campus as the motel had free room service. "Right, the cafe is this way,ā€ he acknowledged, taking the lead. Lulu was incredibly grateful. If sheā€™d wandered off on her own, in this state, she didnā€™t doubt that sheā€™d either end up lost or find trouble ā€“ likely both. It wasnā€™t that she wanted to be at the center of distaste at Noctrem. She just attracted it and rubbed all the students the wrong way it seemed. But she never wanted to compromise on what she liked to do, or who she was.

Jackā€™s hold on her waist made her smile lighten. She held a hand over his initially, a tickle rippling through her waist. Initially she wiggled out of his grasp but she felt her left knee shake and nearly buckle. Fortunately Jack was there to hold her up again. It suddenly seemed daunting to walk around without his assistance so when he helped her along, she didnā€™t swat him away again.

The cafeteria smelt sweet and of all the good things ā€“ pancakes, coffee, eggs, bacon and more. She settled herself into a chair that Jack pulled out for her. When she sat it was more of a collapse but she shuffled herself closer to the table at hand to cover that fact. "You, sit there," he instructed. Lulu cradled her head in her hands and moaned her content response.

The power hangover was brutal. Lulu couldnā€™t remember it being this bad for a number of years. Cain pushed her, sure, but lately sheā€™d also wanted herself to do better. As a result, sheā€™d given into his taunts and pestering to give more. Unfortunately now she was paying for it and it felt like a rubber mallet continued to tap on the back of her skull. The dull ache was aggravating and nearly had her seeing double while her body tried to compensate for itā€™s lack of sleep. Her eyes were slightly irritated, which of course didnā€™t help to how she appeared. Anyone who didnā€™t know her better would think she was drunk when she really wasnā€™t.

"Here you go,ā€ Jack said upon his return. Lulu startled, sitting upright in her seat as she came to from her thoughts. She sat upright and reached out, her hand stopping inches short of his arm defensively before she smiled weakly. ā€œYouā€™re heaven on legs,ā€ she thanked, taking the cup he offered with two hands and setting it before her like she would a priceless trinket.

ā€œWhat is it with you Noctrem kids and your drinking?" he asked, smirking with his tease before he sipped. Lulu popped back the tap on her cup and sipped, finding it milky and sweet just the way she liked. Only Jack would ever get her coffee order right. He didnā€™t seem aghast at how much sugar she liked.

ā€œI have not been drinking,ā€ Lulu countered, nursing her paper cup between her hands and leaning her weight into her elbows which were propped up against the table. ā€œYesterday I worked with Cain. Weā€™ve been working on good luck charms, bad luck omens etc. That and I was trying to test the degrees of fortune I can bestow on people. Weā€™ll see how that turned out. He bought a lottery ticket yesterday after my efforts. If he won the five grand I promised him, then weā€™ll know that this was worth it.ā€

Lulu felt comfortable telling Jack all of this. Few people, aside from Leo himself, knew how much she worked with Cain on her own. Classroom work didnā€™t offer her much by way of skill building. Cain enjoyed it, and of course she wasnā€™t against giving the man a few thousand dollars ā€“ or more helping him win it ā€“ since his school had burnt down. That and Lulu knew that Jack wouldnā€™t immediately ask for her to help him win money. He knew how much she hated that given how much her parents had milked her powers in the initial years.

"What do you think the assembly is about? We rarely had them at Noctrem," she asked him, looking at him with sleepy eyes and a near loopy grin. There was some relief from the coffee but not much. She needed rest more than anything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Morgan Janssen Character Portrait: Zac Barnes Character Portrait: Alli Jackson
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Morgan Janssen

Mo grinned as Alli left to go search for her roommate. That girl would put Colby to shame with the speed of her talking sometimes. But Mo was happy for her. She was clearly buzzed about the whole thing. Mo finished her meal and briefly debated whether to head back up to her room or go to the assembly. She checked the clock on the wall and decided to head to the assembly. It couldn't be that long until it started, anyway. She checked her pockets and decided to make a quick stop to her room. There, she grabbed her iPod and headphones. She didn't plan on listening to it during the actual assembly, but she needed something to pass the time until then. And what better option than music?

The main hall was quiet. She was almost tempted to take off her shoes so she wouldn't make any noise. But common sense took over. She sat in a row of seats that was just back a bit from the middle. She sat on her seat and swung her legs up onto the chairs beside her, reserving them for her friends. It was a position that was comfortable, but in which there was no fear of falling asleep. If she fell asleep, she'd either sleep through the whole assembly or fall off the chair when somebody tried to move her. Either option would be mortifying, and would ensure she never forgot about it for the rest of her life. She'd be in her eighties, and somebody would turn up to her retirement home and say, "Hey, Morgan, remember the time you fell off the chair/slept through assembly when we went to Arcana?"

She plugged in her headphones and turned on her iPod. She selected a random song and put her headphones in. Her first instinct was to sing along, but common sense reminded her that even though there was hardly anybody there, someone would be bound to hear. And knowing her luck, it wouldn't be Zac or Ashy or even Colby. It would probably be one of the teachers. They were all nice enough, but it would still be pretty embarrassing.

A song she liked played in her ears. It was a good song, and before long, she was nodding along and swaying slightly. She began to hum, and then began to sing to herself in her mind. When the next song came on, she was completely in her own zone.

I'll stop the whole world, I'll stop the whole world
From turning into a monster, and eating us alive...

Suddenly, she stopped. She realised that she had been singing the Paramore song through her telepathy. She quickly glanced around, before turning her stare to the floor. Hopefully, nobody recognised her as the girl with telepathy. But, chances were, there was someone about to come in who had just heard her, and who knew exactly which girl had telepathy.

Zac Barnes

There didn't seem to be anyone Zac really wanted to talk to in the reception, so he decided to go to the assembly. He headed into the almost silent hall. He could see the back of Morgan's head, so he decided to surprise her. He wasn't sure how, but he'd figure it out. As he approached, he saw the perfect opportunity. She was sitting with her legs up on the chairs, probably reserving them. But he grinned wickedly as he shoved her feet off of the chair and sat beside her. She glared at him, and he only grinned. His grin widened as he saw a blush fade from her cheeks. Don't you say a word, Zac Barnes. Before you ask out loud and embarrass me in public, I was singing through telepathy. And I don't know who heard me. He barely contained a laugh.

He rooted in his pocket and pulled out his iPod. His headphones were around his neck, as he had forgotten to take them off after he finished his drumming. He pressed play and slid the headphones back over his ears. The song that was playing had a complicated drum pattern, and Zac's brain was soon occupied unravelling it.

A thirteen year old Zac was strapped to a chair. His arm hurted him so badly. And he didn't know what was going to happen. He was so scared. The man who had him there was shouting at somebody somewhere. Zac wanted to stand up, to run away, or even just to hide. The man came in, looking angry. "How's your arm, Zac?" He jeered. Zac had the good sense not to reply. But the lack of a response seemed to aggravate the man. He kicked Zac's chair and snapped a leg, sending Zac crashing to the ground. "You know, you're wasting your time at school. Because you'll never amount to anything. You'll end up just like your father." The man hissed, before leaving the room.

Zac's eyes snapped open. Mo was looking at him. He shook his head and looked at his iPod. The song he had been trying to unravel was only just over.

He hadn't had that flashback for so long. He couldn't help but wonder why his brain had thrown it up now, sitting in a hall, waiting for his school assembly. Was some part of his brain telling him that he'd probably never amount to anything? Or was it just a coincidence?

Mo was still staring at him. "I'm fine." He hissed at her. She just raised her eyebrows. "Really. Hey, that's a weird place to put a piano." He whispered to her. He experience a brief moment of smugness as she looked around for a piano. He then experienced a slap on the arm.

Alli Jackson

Alli looked around. Lulu Allen... There! She spotted her going into the cafeteria with a guy. She followed her, grabbing a napkin as she went into the cafeteria. She found a pen in her pocket and scribbled down a quick message. She didn't want to interupt. If someone interrupted her when she was with her friends, she wouldn't be particularly happy about it. So she decided a written message would be fairest.

Hey. I'm Alli Jackson, your new roommate. I would come over and talk to you, but I can see you're busy. Room Fifteen is beside Rooms Fourteen and Sixteen down the hall and on the right. Maybe see you there after assembly?

She then stood up and walked past the table Lulu was sitting at, depositing the napkin in front of the girl as she passed. She then decided to find Zac and Morgan. As she left the cafeteria, she spied Zac heading for the main hall. She checked the clock in the reception. She still had a few minutes before the crowds headed into assembly, so she headed up to her room to clean it up a bit. She wasn't a neat freak, but her roommate might be. So she tidied up her few things. She had her medals hanging on the wall above her bed. She shoved her books in her closet and put her laptop charger into a drawer. The Macbook itself she placed on her bedside table. She hoped her roommate wouldn't mind her doing a bit of late-night research. It was the one way Alli could help herself sleep. She just found listening to music and reading articles online so relaxing.

She then left a spare key on the other bed. It was possibly the simplest way she could let somebody know if she didn't want to be interrupted, and she assumed that her roommate would appreciate it. She left the room and headed downstairs to the assembly. She wondered what it was about as she headed down. Possibly roommates. A lot of people seemed unhappy with theirs, although Alli couldn't complain.

She headed into the main hall. It was still very quiet down there. Mo and Zac were sitting together, both with their headphones in. Zac appeared to be bothered about something, and Mo was irritated at him. Alli decided that the seat beside Zac would be the safest. He smiled at her as she sat down. "What's up with Morgan?" She whispered. "Nothing. It doesn't matter." He whispered back. "Yeah. Right." She said. "I can hear you." Morgan whispered to her. "We know that." She whispered back, grinning at her friend. "Just saying." Mo said, returning her grin. They all sat back in their seats and waited for the assembly to begin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Addison Lawler Character Portrait: Freya Mason Character Portrait: Jade Locke Character Portrait: Landon Hirst
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Scott Martin Andrews

Scott wasnā€™t much of a drinker, and if he did drink he was quite reckless. It would be to the point where he could possibly find himself sleeping with Addison the next morning if he did drink, so he wasnā€™t the biggest fan of alcohol. Donā€™t get him wrong, If he did randomly wake up to find Addison right next to him he wouldnā€™t be concerned, she is one hot piece of work.

ā€œAddison you know how bad of a drinker I amā€ Scott coughed. He wasnā€™t only just reckless but infact, when Scott did drink he was massive klutz .He couldnā€™t keep his feet on the ground if his life depended on it, It was almost funny to watch. He would also have a tendency to laugh at everything, for some odd reason.

ā€œIā€™ll leave you both to your little party, Iā€™m just going to walk around a bit.ā€ Scott gave a engaging wink to both girls and went back inside. The towel from the gym was still wrapped around his neck and the thought of working out again was tiring. He was going to room, maybe just to relax a little and take a shower.

On his way he sees Colby, Sky and Landon. The simple thought of Landonā€™s name made Scott want to kill himself. If it wasnā€™t for Colby Scott could of killed Landon on day 1. Nonetheless, Scott didnā€™t want to get in a fight so early in the morning. Both Colby and Sky on the other hand, Scott respected entirely. He got along with both of them fairly well and Colby is one of Scottā€™s closet friends. Heā€™s one of the only guys from Arcana besides Jackson, who he likes to hang out with. Itā€™s fun to hang out with Colby, Heā€™s easy to tease. Not in that tormenting, bully way but in a playful way. Scottā€™s aware of how much Colby lusts over him so he finds it funny watching him scramble on his feet when Scott takes his shirt off or something. Sky is the same. Heā€™s a major flirt but really, Scott doesnā€™t really care.

ā€œSpeedy Gonzalesā€ Scott chuckled to himself as he passed Colby. As Scott passes all three of them he takes a glance into Colbyā€™s box. He holds his gaze, trying to avoid eye-contact with Landon. Candy, condoms, firecrackers and just a bunch of other things were in the box, this had Colbyā€™s name written all over it.

ā€œIā€™ll be taking one of these.ā€ Scott grabbed a rubber and slipped it into his pocket even though he wasn't going to use it, it smelt funky. Scott was about to make his way to the staircase until he stopped. He turned and spoke directly to Sky. ā€œYouā€™re with Jay? Right? I mean I have your back if anything goes down, just to let you know. Youā€™re not the only one that slept with Cor.ā€ Scott smirked and made his way to his room.

His stuff was still scattered everywhere, Izzy wasnā€™t here either. He had the place to himself, Scott got completed naked and jumped into the shower. He had put a fresh patch of clothes and organized everything that was his to the side of the room so that when Izzy arrived he wouldnā€™t get a heart attack. Scott jumped on his bed and stared at his ceiling. Minutes and minutes pass and he remained to do nothing, he was thinking, about everything. His thoughts were either about the assembly that was near by and the other half of his conscious was thinking about Freya.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Amalthea Desolee Roerig Character Portrait: Alli Jackson Character Portrait: Eleanor Carson
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Leo's face contorted into an expression of confusion when Amy shot down his suggestion of her sickness coming from a lack of sleep, but he didn't doubt her. She was, of course, the school nurse, and had a extended knowledge of health, illness and healing, due to her own gifts, and probably research. So, he just nodded, keeping his arm wrapped around her side, still not putting much pressure on it, in case he hurt her. "Well, at least it's gone now. We can hope it stays away." He smiled softly, before then, his face was changing, and the alarm and panic took over his body. Was he going to be late? Was anyone going to actually turn up? What was he really going to talk about to keep everyone interested? It was going to be an assembly about the houses and schedules - something obviously incredibly important, but something he was sure that the Noctrem students wouldn't be too happy about being forced to sit down and listen to.

"You sure you're healthy?" Leo asked her with a mischievous tone, a soft smile replacing the scowl on his face for a few brief moments, mirroring her own beautiful smile. The hand on his cheekbone obviously calmed him down ever so slight, any sort of touch from her soothing any sort of worries that he had. How she could do it, he had no idea, but he loved the feeling of it. then, her robe was being shrugged off, falling to the floor, followed closely by Leo's jaw. Her body never failed to cause him awe; Amy was just so beautiful, so confident, and so... his. Then, his own towel was being dropped onto the floor, revealing his own private area to the room once again. Both of the male's arms came to wrap around her waist, pulling her naked body further towards his own, skin touching skin.

"Really? We have to put it off?" The immortal male pouted childishly, before he was being pulled into the water, his body being the one to be covered in the cool water, his girlfriend being smarter, moving out of the way. The male practically yelped as the freezing water hit his skin, trying to move quickly out of the way of the water, but having nowhere to go, seeing as Amy was there. By the time the water grew hotter, Leo's expression had changed into one of a playful smile, turning to face his girlfriend with a mischievous, crooked grin. "You're going to pay for that."

"All students to the Great Hall please, assembly beings in five minutes. A reminder than any absentees will result in punishment."
Leo placed the tannoy phone back down on it's holder, this one not in his room however - it was just underneath the podium stand in the hall, the one that he was currently standing behind. The headmaster was wearing a classic outfit of his, a smart shirt, tie and jeans, disliking the feel of suit pants again his legs. There were chairs set up throughout the hall to accommodate for all of the students, a few already being seated, and chairs behind him for all of the teachers. Now, he just had to wait for the rest of the students to arrive; if they hadn't in five minutes, he was going to start anyway, punishing those who didn't turn up.


"Ellie is doing okay, thank you." The petite brunette girl smiled to her friend, nodding her head softly. "She has a little bit of a headache due to everyone moaning, but other than that, she's doing well." Ellie smiled to Izzy, before the headmaster's voice was being projected all around the room. She hadn't realized that there was going to be some sort of assembly that day, and she was curious as to what Mr. Marinos could be wanting to talk to everyone about. She was sure it had something to do with the arrival of the Noctrem students, but that couldn't be all - they had been studying there for about a month now. The girl could have focused in solely on her headmaster's voice, however, decided again it. Having to sit in a sea of students would be hard enough for her to get through, without already having the added pressure of a previous headache on top of that.

She was quickly snapped back to the conversation at hand however when Izzy spoke again, asking about going to get something to eat first before the assembly, and if she wanted to hear him play some of his music. The girl eagerly nodded at the second suggestion, smiling at the idea of hearing him play guitar once again. "Oh, I'd like that." She spoke, her grin stupidly spread over her face. "I love hearing you play." The girl's face grew a little red as she spoke, realizing how stupid she had sounded just then. She sounded like a love-sick puppy pining over the man of her dreams, and she quickly laughed it off, changing the subject as rapidly as possible.

"Roommates? Oh yes, I forgot about that." She spoke, her eyes drifing off for a moment as she thought about who she would like her roommate to be. With her constant need to keep things tidy, she hoped that her new roommate would be accommodating to that, keeping their things tidy and what not. If not, she didn't know how she was going to survive. However, before she could dwindle on the subject any more, Leo's voice was coming over the tannoy again, saying that there was now five minutes until the start of the assembly. "Five minutes? How long have we been talking?" Ellie's voice was filled with concern as she slipped on the nearest shoes to the door of her room, not pausing to check what she looked like. "Come on, Izzy." She squealed, taking her friend's hand and pulling him in the direction of the Great Hall. "We can have a quick look at our roommates on the way! Let's go!"


Jackson just grinned as Lulu complimented him, calling him heaven on legs. "Oh, I know." He playfully said back, the Irish accent in his voice coming through thicker and thicker with every passing moment. The coffee was a delight, the male having had a late night before due to his nightmares returning, the high caffeine drink pulling him up out of his slightly tired state. He watched the blonde in front of him carefully, watching her reaction to the coffee that he had gotten her. He wasn't sure if her tastes had changed since the last time that the two of them had been together, but seeing the smile on her face only reassured him that it hadn't - she still liked her coffee the same way as always, and he had gotten it right.

After asking her about drinking too much alcohol, Jack leaned back in his chair, nodding slowly at her reply. Oh, so she hadn't been drinking? It had been a power hangover. "I hope it all works out." He spoke quietly, taking another sip of the hot drink in his hands. He knew that Lulu had the potential to be one of the best students that she could be, her power being extremely dangerous in the wrong hands - but she wasn't one for using it for evil doings. He knew how much she also disliked her power, due to the way that she was exploited as a child, but he couldn't see any harm in her helping Cain Montgomery out - the man had just lost his school. "I reckon it'll work." He smiled softly, putting his cup back down on the table in front of him - it had been beginning to burn his hands.

"Do you know, I have no idea. This is the first that we've heard of it either, so it's all news for us too. We don't have many assemblies either - but it can't be due to just the arrival of you Noctremers." Jackson shrugged his shoulders as he spoke, being as confused as the girl in front of him about why there was going to be an assembly. However, his mind was quickly moved on from that as an idea popped into his head, something that made the male's eyes sparkle with joy. He liked helping people, especially those who were close to him, and Lulu was one of the dearest people in the word to him. "Give me your hand, for a moment." He smiled, holding his palm out on the table for her to take. Once he had her hand in his, Jack closed his eyes, and took in a deep breath. It was a rare sight when the male used his powers, as he didn't like taking in other people's emotions - but with Lulu, he could make an exception. As he focused on the pain that was in her hair, and the tiredness in her body, Jackson felt it moving. He felt the pain slowly being dulled in her mind, and being replaced in hers, as well as the sleepiness that she was feeling.

Within two minutes, Jackson had transferred her pain over to himself, wincing slightly as it came to full fruition in his head. "Jesus, Lu. Maybe you shouldn't push yourself this far again." He groaned, instantly picking up his coffee again. He hadn't noticed that Alli had walked past as he had been transferring Lulu's pain over to himself, being in the "zone" he used his powers, and he felt extremely groggy and too tired to even ask what the note in front of her was. The male's head felt like it was going to explode as the loud voice of Leo took over the tannoys again, and his expression turned into a grimace until the voice had stopped. "Come on, let's get this over with." He forced a smile onto his face, opening his eyes up once more, looking at her. "Allow me to escort you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Alli Jackson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Korrye

ā€œI have to walk to the auditorium. Somehow. Dear lord how,ā€ Lulu thought to herself. The blond nursed her coffee cup between her hands, sliding her thumb along the card collar that prevented her fingers from burning. Feel the texture of it kept her mind momentarily pre-occupied from the nausea and dizziness that plagued her. When Jack spoke, his words felt sharp. She held back the desire to wince as the thudding in her ears escalated.

"Do you know, I have no idea. This is the first that we've heard of it either, so it's all news for us too. We don't have many assemblies either - but it can't be due to just the arrival of you Noctremers," Jackson replied. Lulu snorted at her friendā€™s sarcasm. The blond knew their new headmaster had put the needs of gifted students alike above all residual grudges held between schools. She had thanked him for that the first day theyā€™d arrived. That said, there was going to be nothing functional or smooth about this transition. With the likes of Cor and her friends in the halls, there would be more bullying, more fights and undoubtedly more drama. Lulu knew that it was no secret that Noctrem harbored students who were both cruel and promiscuous, more the latter than the former. She didnā€™t doubt that Marinos was concerned about both, if only because lust and relationships often brewed the blowouts and battles that leveled buildings.

Lulu felt her chin tuck and her eyes flutter as her thoughts receded and her head began to spin again. She inhaled sharply, curling her fingers around her cup and in her boots as she fought off the wave of disorientation. Jack, of course, was watching her like a hawk with concern. ā€œIā€™m fine,ā€ she murmured. ā€œIf only this room would stop moving and there werenā€™t two of Jack in front of me,ā€ Lulu thought but kept quiet.

"Give me your hand, for a moment," He asked her, extending his palm out to her gingerly. Lulu bit on her tongue, knowing full well what he wanted to do. It wasnā€™t often that he offered and she sure as hell didnā€™t like the idea of putting Jack through what she was feeling. For her it made sense and was normal, for any stranger it was something else entirely.

Hesitantly she slid her hand out to his palm, watching as her fingers tucked over the back of his hand. She was paler than he was and the whites of her nails were very prominent. Mentally she kicked herself. This was the result of poor diet and sleep of course. This has to change. Starting now.

Lulu exhaled deeply and focused on Jacksonā€™s face as he closed his eyes and began to work his magic. Within a minute the dull ache in her temples had subsided. Her ears popped and she could feel her heart die down and calm. For the first time in close to twelve hours she could pay attention to the noises and people around her without feeling dizzy from trying to follow so much movement. Her shoulders slackened and she felt more aware, if anything awake and rested for the first time in a month.

At two minutes he pulled back and Lulu watched him, feeling but better though concerned. Anyone who didnā€™t know better would think that Jack had willed away the sick feelings but she knew him well enough to know that he was feeling what she had been just seconds before. "Jesus, Lu. Maybe you shouldn't push yourself this far again," He groaned. ā€œI know,ā€ she replied, watching him sip his coffee with as much need as she had. Her tone was in no way promising either. She'd likely get a lecture when they had more time to speak later. Regardless Lulu mirrored his action and sipped her own coffee, her eyes watching a familiar face walk up behind Jack and close to their table. Lulu watched as Alli deposited a small napkin on their table before taking off into the throngs of Arcana students seeking breakfast. Her eyes slid over it, picking it up in her hand to read it.

Hey. I'm Alli Jackson, your new roommate. I would come over and talk to you, but I can see you're busy. Room Fifteen is beside Rooms Fourteen and Sixteen down the hall and on the right. Maybe see you there after assembly?

Lulu pursed her lips. She had met Alli before in a few classes. The girl was very nice and agreeable, the type of person that she could be friends with. She was far from disappointed with the news of who she would be rooming with, it was more that she feared what Cor might do to the girl or what Alli might face due to associating with her. She could easily get caught in the rift that had opened in the past year between herself and Corentine Quellen and Lulu was not about to see collateral damage happen.

With a sigh, she folded the napkin and slid it into her duffel bag at her feet. Lulu looked back at her friend. He didnā€™t seem to be handling her power hangover very well, the pallor of his skin having lost two shades in the span of minutes. Startling both of them, Leoā€™s voice over the schoolā€™s PA system prevented Lulu from asking that Jack do himself the favor and give her back the ill feelings. ā€œ"All students to the Great Hall please, assembly beings in five minutes. A reminder than any absentees will result in punishment."

He really did sound irritated. Lulu wrinkled her nose and sipped the last bit of her coffee. "Come on, let's get this over with," Jack said. His interruption was welcome as Lulu slid her chair out from their table. A handful of students began exiting the cafeteria, moving in throngs towards the Great Hall. Lulu walked around the table, sliding her duffel over her shoulder. ā€œI doubt heā€™ll be pulling teeth. And hey, no class just yet in return for sitting and listening and doing nothing? Iā€™m game,ā€ she smiled. Jack smiled back but she could see the difference between now and their greeting.

"Allow me to escort you?" Jack offered. Lulu held her arm out to him, lacing her elbow through his and helping him walk as he had her. ā€œIā€™ll escort, you direct. You always were an excellent navigator,ā€ she countered.

Getting to the great hall was simple enough, especially with so many students making their way there. Lulu didnā€™t care that she still had her bag with her. Many people still did and their luggage appeared quite a bit bigger than hers. In many ways, her bag was her backpack. She kept it slung over her shoulder, gripping the strap with her free hand while her other continued to support Jack.

ā€œYou really shouldnā€™t have done what you did,ā€ Lulu commented. A cup of coffee would take the edge off, she didnā€™t doubt, but it was no cure for six weeks of poor sleep and a power hangover so severe she couldnā€™t recall the last time it had been this bad.

When they entered the Great Hall, Lulu was struck by the sheer size of it. She allowed Jack to direct where they sat of course and once seated she remained close to her friend, if only to give him an extra shoulder to lean on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bethany Phillips Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Spencer Oz Jerem
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0.00 INK


Spencer saw the smile spread across Beth's face, and then some odd fact popped into his head about how there are 43 muscles in the face. Then Spencer waited for her to say something, but for some reason Beth was quiet for a few seconds and Spencer found it a bit odd. Finally she mentioned something about her roommate, and how she wasn't disappointed. Then she asked who was his roommate, Spencer just wanted to reply with one word, "Jackson". Every since that boys name first came up in a conversation near Beth, Spencer was curious. Her reaction was way beyond weird, and Spencer would know what weird is, he invented it. Although he never had the chance too since Beth just continued talking.

Beth said something about the assembly and how they should go together. Spencer thought about it. Truthfully he actually had no intention what-so-ever in going to the assembly since it would most likely bore him. Although he did wonder, Leo wouldn't just call all the students without being a normal reason on why they need to be there. Maybe it would be something to clear up the horrible mess with the roommates, after all Noctrem students and Arcana students did not get along most of the time. Although not all of them had disagreements, for example him and Beth. Right now they were having a perfectly normal conversation without going for each other's throats.

Then Spencer realized he never really answered Beth's question that was is he wanted to accompany her to the assembly. She also teased him a bit, that made him flush a bit of pink, but only barely. Truthfully, if he had to go with someone to the assembly, it would be a good thing that its Beth. So he just answered with complete manners that his mamma taught him and his thick southern accent, "Sure, I'll accompany you ma'am." Although as soon as he said that, "All students to the Great Hall please, assembly beings in five minutes. A reminder than any absentees will result in punishment." was heard all over the school. "I guess it means we better get going," Spencer said as he started to walk toward the assembly hall, although he did stop and turn to see that Beth was behind him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Freya Mason Character Portrait: Zac Barnes
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0.00 INK


'Ah well, some people say that that end of New York is the place to be' Ashy smiled at her room mate, rubbing her own leg nervously. She didn't really like thinking too much about her live in New York. The perfect life apparently. Well that was a load of rubbish. Life of suppression more like, Ashy thought darkly.

'Oh, I used to do all sorts of dancing, but I excelled in Ballet, so it's kinda my strength.' She explained to Freya. She truly loved to dance, it made her feel so free of everything. Her body, her cares and just life in general. She didn't mind that she wasn't exactly the best dancer in the school, it wasn't about showing off her talents for Ashy. It was more of a stress relief.

Ashy gave a small smile when Freya mentioned that she would have to kick Zac's ass if the drumming continued. 'Oh feel free, me and the rest of the world have no objections, at all.' She told the girl.

'I've been to England, but it's a country that fascinates me' Ashy commented as Freya was telling her about her past. She'd heard so much about England, the royal family was especially of interest to her. She had probably been the only person on campus to use the day off they had been given to watch the Royal wedding a year and a half ago. Everyone else had just slept in. 'I've also never seen that film' She smiled, as Freya explained about the old film's she loved. Ashy decided that she'd probably have to watch a few of them, just to say that she'd seem them.

'Well, there's the Dance studio, cinema's, Gym and there's quite a few social spaces that people hang out in.' She said quietly, 'Oh and then there's Jackson's parties, they're always fun.' She gave a small smile as she thought about the Irish male. He was hot and he made her blush like nobodies business, but she didn't like him like that. He hadn't given her the chance, he was very illusive, the sort of person that turned up when she needed him and that she didn't really see again. They were friends, Ashy couldn't deny that, but the relationship between them was an infuriating one.

Mr Marino's announcement brought Ashy back to reality and she blinked several times. 'We better go.' She told her room mate. Standing at the door and holding open the door for her, 'I'll show you where the great hall is, you'll love it, it's beautiful.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bethany Phillips Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Spencer Oz Jerem
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille

Beth had been looking around and she could tell that slowly the halls were getting emptier and emptier which had meant that most people were heading their way to the assembly and Beth knew it'd be best if she went. Also people were just gone out of this area in general and it made the school feely oddly empty to her. By the look on Spencer's face Beth could tell that curiosity lurked around in there somewhere. When he replied back with who his roommate was Beth didn't show how she really felt about that roommate but deep down inside she knew she'd only stop by if it was only Spencer in there because seeing Jackson wasn't too ideal for her right now.

Bethany had a few worries that Spencer may not want to go to the assembly, a lot of Noctrem kids wouldn't want to go at all and she completely understood that, but Beth wanted her schedule and all that so she knew. Beth also just didn't like detention, Beth would understand if he had declined her offer but either way she was going to go and walk to the assembly by her self if need be.

When he decided that he'd accompany her she smiled at him, "Alright, lets go then." She said and no sooner then she had said that an announcement came on and she took Spencer's hand and she took them off to the assembly, it was rather crowded but soon enough she found them seats and she sat down. After things had been settled and such, she was quiet and paid attention. As Mr.Marinos spoke she listened for her name as the houses were being called out, she soon found out what her house was and that Jackson was in it and so was Spencer. She soon found out she was the house captain. She was? That was rather interesting but Beth wasn't sure what to think of this just yet. When the mention of detention didn't concern her because she was here and she wouldn't be having it, soon they all got their schedules and were basically dismissed. Bethany stayed seated in her spot though unsure of what to do or who to talk to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Korrye

The assembly was to the point. For that, Lulu had to give professor Marinos credit. That said, he was not the smiling relaxed man she spoke to in his office. She watched him talk with tension, his voice serious and nearly cutthroat. He didnā€™t want to take shit from anyone, whether it was about the rooming issues or those who didnā€™t attend. She winced as he concluded, listing those who werenā€™t present and the fact that they would be having detention with Cain for the following week. She sighed, reclining into her seat and looking over at Jackson with a sly smile. ā€œIf Cor has detention for a week, and thus so free time, do you think Iā€™ll finally be able to sleep?ā€ she wondered allowed, whispering her thoughts to her friend beside her incognito.

The longer they sat, the more the dull pace of her headache returned. Lulu was almost grateful to know that her power hangover was returning to her, if only because she didnā€™t want Jack to bear it. When the assembly concluded, the blond was still awake and content. ā€œThe day is ours! Carpe diem!ā€ she giggled, pinching Jackā€™s arm beside her to get his attention. ā€œI need to dump my bag off at my room. Meet you later to do something fun?ā€ she asked, standing and sliding her duffel bag over her shoulder again.

As Lulu turned to the aisle she was instantly met with a dense crowd of students. Her eyes searched the faces, seeing a few familiar ones but largely strangers and younger kids. A few feet beyond she caught a glimpse of Drake. He was hard to miss given how tall he was. She smiled weakly and turned to enter the crowd.

No more than a few feet from the door, one of the older students was holding the Great Hall doors open. He was chuckling to one of his friends, pointing at someone ā€“ or something? It wasnā€™t until Lulu drew closer that she noticed a smaller boy, likely twelve years old. He was lanky and his hair was short, blond and extremely curly. He looked supremely awkward, carrying himself with unease in the crowd. No person talked to him and he was staring at the floor instead of ahead of him. When the boy reached the doors, the older student released the one he was holding. The thick wood swung back faster than she would have anticipated.

Luluā€™s eyes widened in surprise but quickly narrowed. She held her hands at her sides and kept focused, snapping her fingers idly, twice. The recoil from her power was nearly immediate. The nausea struck her hard but she looked ahead, watching as the young boy suddenly stopped, his foot stepping forward an extra two inches to catch the door with a kick. It swung back into the face of the elder who had opted to let it go intentionally. Quite brutally it hit his nose and he backed off with a low squeal. As Lulu walked back she noticed blood in his hands as he left to seek the school nurse. With a sigh of relief she looked over for the younger boy but he was nowhere to be seen. Crisis averted.

In the mix of the crowds Lulu suddenly felt dizzy. Her vision doubled momentarily and her sense of hearing made high pitches suddenly seem much sharper. Her pallor dropped two shades and the flush to her cheeks disappeared entirely. ā€œShit,ā€ she murmured, bringing a hand to her lips as she felt her stomach flip unhappily, her nausea building. Even one small trip was enough to push her over the edge this morning.

Hurriedly she ran, her eyes desperately seeking the nearest washroom. "Donā€™t throw up. Donā€™t throw up. Not yet. Not in front of everyone,ā€ she told herself in thought. Shoving aside a few boys, she threw herself in a menā€™s room as soon as she found it. ā€œHey! Get outta here!ā€ one shouted, offended and throwing his arms in the air as she pushed past him and into a stall. She didnā€™t even lock the door, she merely let her knees buckle and let her stomach roll. While the nausea had her head swimming and the toilet before her swimming, all she could do was dry heave, her diaphragm working painfully. Her body shook as the muscle tensed and knotted. Her hands gripped the sides of the cool toilet to brace herself. It was practically her only solace, that and the fact that all the boys who had been in the bathroom had now exited, offended by her presence in their nearly sacred men's only place.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen Character Portrait: Jaysin O. Dennis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mela
Drake Quellen

When Lora commented on her getting taller than him, Drake chuckled, raising an eyebrow at her. ā€œSure, Lor, on the 30th of February, second Thursday of the week.ā€ He retorted playfully. The way she was standing on her tiptoes, made him shake his head with an amused smile, eyes sparkling with humor as he looked down at her. ā€œYouā€™re such a dwarf,ā€ he then teased, messing her hair up a little. Heā€™d always been way taller than her, and it wasnā€™t like that was changing at this point in their lives, but it was an old argument, really, having started back in Harrogate all those years ago, and it had just picked right up now that they were at Arcana together. If he had to be honest, he was glad Lora was at the Academy. He hadnā€™t realized heā€™d sort of missed her company a little. And now there was the added bonus of her veryā€¦ womanlyā€¦ appearances. Okay, sheā€™d grown into one hot piece of a girl, and Drake had trouble not hitting on her, because he usually did. With women, heā€™d see something he liked, and heā€™d procure it somehow. But again, not with Lora. That was just a no-go.

He nodded a little absently when the young gypsy talked about Leo having his hands full, thinking again. Oh, he quite enjoyed his sisterā€™s stunts and bitchy little ways, simply for the entertainment provided in that context, but he wasnā€™t about to let her fuck Lora up in the process. Sure, he usually sought out people sheā€™d hate him being friends with, solely because it was fun bothering the blonde, but Lora had entered his life before that whole thing started, so she, if anyone, was off limits. He supposed he might have to shoot his baby sis a comment on that. He hadnā€™t said anything about Lulu and their issues, mostly because in some ways, Lulu brought it on herself, and he honestly considered it fair enough that his sister would strike back. He knew Cor had broken Luluā€™s AC, but he didnā€™t get involved unless he had to, and so far things were harmless so he couldnā€™t say he cared much. Right now it was just a little amusing. Although, he wished Lulu would unsheathe the claws he knew she had. But then it would only get worse andā€¦ oh, who was he kidding? Itā€™d be the show of the year.

Then she reassured him sheā€™d be careful and he cast her a wry smile, ā€œif I know you right, youā€™ll get yourself into trouble regardless. That is the definition of Loralei Evans, isnā€™t it?ā€ He teased dryly as they reached his and Colbyā€™s room. Twisting the door knob he found the door unlocked and opened, stepping inside. He took an introductionary, casual glance around the room, giving a slight nod of approval. This, he could live with. He dumped his bag on the bed that didnā€™t have custom sheets, guessing that was his, and went outside with Lora again just as Leoā€™s second announcement rang out and he chuckled. ā€œHe sounds rather grouchy, doesnā€™t he?ā€ The shadow-manipulator commented, grinning with mischief and curiosity, which were usually one and the same with Drake. He couldnā€™t help it. Anything he could bother Marinos with, was just great in his book. ā€œI guess weā€™d better go then, even if I do think timeā€™s passed a little quickly.ā€ He shook his head, closing the door behind him followed by him and Lora heading down to the assembly.

At the assembly Drake had been surprised to find himself house-captain of house Tyms, where he found both Lora and Luluā€¦ and Jay. And well, honestly, the fact that he had Jade and Lulu in his house made his ā€˜jobā€™ quite difficult, and frankly Drake didnā€™t work for anything unless it was his own amusement. There was nothing fun in playing police officer, so the odds of him being replaced soon were probably pretty grand. First the room mix-ups, and now this? Marinos was really falling off his horse, wasnā€™t he? But still, the fact that Ashy was captain of Cor, was extremely amusing, and that was at least something. Except he wouldā€™ve loved to be in that house just to see how that went down. Not that he wouldnā€™t hear the news and rumors, but being there in person was always better. If not, it was like hearing about a funny experience someone else had, where youā€™re all ā€œthatā€™s not funny?ā€ and the person telling it, goes, ā€œyeah, you probably shouldā€™ve been there.ā€ Then why tell the story at all? Still, he was growing even more interested in how this year was going to go.

On his way out, still with Lora, Drake spotted Lulu. He couldnā€™t clearly see what she was doing in the throng of students, but he could tell itā€™d relieved her, whatever it was. He was just about to look elsewhere and focus on where he was going when she suddenly looked more than just a little ill. He frowned at the sliver of worry that ran through him. What had she been doing? Next he knew, the beautiful blonde was running out of the hall, heading south. He tensed, ready to follow at instinct, not even considering what that meant. Instead, he looked down at Lora. ā€œIā€™ve gotta go, love. Iā€™ll see you tonight, right?ā€ He quickly said before heading in the direction Lulu had gone, not waiting to hear Loraā€™s answer. He knew sheā€™d be there at Jackieā€™s party, so it wasnā€™t that important right now. This worry, however, was important. He worried so rarely, he was usually shocked when it happened. Usually he found things entertaining, but there was nothing fun about sickness. Especially not if something was seriously wrong with her.

Still, though, he couldnā€™t help a wry smile when he spotted her barging into the menā€™s restroom and he sped up, just catching the words ā€œoutta hereā€ from the guy soon leaving the bathroom in a huff. Drake stepped to the side, allowing him to exit. There was now no one but he and Lulu in the bathroom and he stalked to the stall heā€™d seen her enter, quietly pushing the door open. He shook his head when he saw her and squatted down next to her. Drake then gathered her hair on her back, moving it out of her face gently, his fingers accidentally caressing her skin in the process. He could tell she wasnā€™t actually throwing up, but beads of sweat were forming on her face. He had no clue whatsoever what was wrong, and right now he didnā€™t care. He just, for some reason, didnā€™t think she should be alone with this. He put a cool hand on her heated forehead, looking down at her with worry in his eyes. He didnā€™t say anything, because reallyā€¦ what could he say? He didnā€™t want to crowd her right now, so heā€™d wait with the questions. Besides, she was pale as a ghost. What the hell had she been doing?

Thatā€™s when he frowned, recognizing this from his first year at Noctrem when heā€™d pushed himself too far, too many times in an attempt to get better control of his power, but it had never been this bad, and never this sudden either. He watched her more thoughtful now, pondering the possibilities in this situation, his mind going over several different alternatives. Of course it was a waste of cognitive functions since he could ask her in a bit, but old habits died hard. Why he was even there, didnā€™t cross his mind right now. However, it would have him wandering the halls of Arcana for hours and hours, because with that on his mind, he wouldnā€™t be able to relax and sleep. Nothing new about that. ā€œDamn, Lulu,ā€ he murmured softly, brushing stray strands of hair out of the way once more. Of course, heā€™d probably end up teasing her about this whole thing once he made sure she wasnā€™t dying or something equally insane, but right now he was just lost. He really didnā€™t have much experience with illnesses and such, so he was fumbling his way in the darkness, ironic though that was.