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Cameron Arthurs

I take pyromania to new extremes.

0 · 424 views · located in San Francisco

a character in “The Consequence”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway


Okay, I don't know how you got your hands on that one...

Name: Cameron Arthurs
Age: 18
Sexuality: Straight
Alliance: Villain

Power: Pyrokinesis is the ability to manipulate and create fire. Users can manipulate both the fire they create and fire from other sources. If a flame reaches anything like a large amount of fuel or explosives, the user loses all control. Christian is immune to fire to a certain extent- after prolonged exposure he will start to burn. Cameron's pyromania means he often obsesses over the flames and forgets to control them. Manipulating flames has the same effect as physical exercise for him.

Skills: Cameron is extremely fit. He has no problem with running long distances or doing physical activity for long periods of time.
Cameron is fearless, verging on recklessness.
He's a good cook.
He's not afraid to sacrifice himself if someone he cares about is in danger.
He always follows orders, but if following orders would put himself or other people he likes in danger, he'll find a way around them.
Weaknesses: Christian is a pyromaniac, meaning he's obsessed with fire. Sometimes he forgets to control the flames.
He's impulsive and reckless.
Ironically, he has a mild hero complex.
He's over-protective of people he cares about.
He has a temper to match the fire he controls.

Likes: Fire.
Being warm.
Sunny days.
Ice-cream over hot muffins.
Dislikes: Water. He can't swim, and he nearly drowned as a kid.
Being cold.
His name being shortened to any form of nickname.
People who play their music so loudly the whole street can hear it.

Personality: Cameron is generally a pleasant person. He doesn't like people enough to be called nice. He's usually very polite, but can occasionally come across as abrupt. He likes being in his own company. If he likes you, he won't mind you being with him, even if he's not talking to you. If he actually engages in conversation with you, you know he really likes you. He's a control freak, especially when he's cooking. However, he's incredibly loyal and protective, even if he doesn't always show it.

He's also incredibly temperamental. He can snap at a moment's notice and just start yelling at you. He's impulsive and reckless, as water is the only thing he actually fears. He avoids any bodies of water that go any higher than his hips like the plague. His biggest fault, however, is his pyromania. It's usually relatively controlled, as he can smother any fires he starts, but it has gotten out of control on more than one occasion.

History: Cameron was born into a broken family. Six months after he was born, his mother walked out, leaving his father to deal with the baby. His father tried, he did, but Cameron wasn't exactly the happiest kid. He cooked for himself a lot, when his father was at work. He was incredibly responsible. When his father came home with a new girlfriend, Cameron was happy for his father. It also meant that he was getting meals that he didn't have to prepare himself, which meant a lot to him.

Cameron had never learnt to swim. His father hadn't had the time to bring him. One day, when Cameron was ten, his new step-mother and his father brought him to a lake. He and his father were on the pier, watching some boats. The board Cameron stood on broke, and Cameron plunged into the water. He couldn't swim, and had to be resuscitated on the beach. His parents tried to teach him to swim after, but it was too late. He wouldn't go anywhere near large bodies of water.

His power became obvious when he started playing with matches. He's not sure why he did, but it was the beginning of both his power and his pyromania. His power appeared six months before the villains did, and his pyromania was too well developed to quell by that point. The villains simply kept him away from all the explosives and made sure that all the fire alarms worked in the base.

Other: He's been having nightmares about drowning more and more often recently.

So begins...

Cameron Arthurs's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx
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Scott took a mouthful of coffee as he headed back into the base. Everything had just been so chaotic when he had woken up, and he had just had to get out of the base for a while. It was unusually calm when he returned with his coffee in hand, and he started to wonder if the whole thing had been a prank by the other heroes, just to wind them up.

He thought he'd seen her again when he'd got his coffee. Ever since he'd first seen her, he'd been going to the same place for his coffee in the hope that he would see her and talk to her. He'd met her a couple of times and they had talked enough to call each other friends. He'd fallen for her on first sight. He hadn't had a chance to talk to her today- which was probably a good thing. He had been so weirded out by the whole thing, he'd probably give away too much. He'd told her that he was a freelance journalist.

He passed by the conference room and stopped. It was chaos in there. It made sense. All of the trainees had gathered there. Looked like the other heroes hadn't just been playing a trick, then. He went in and sat at the back of the room, waiting for someone to try and regain order. He then realized that he was probably the only person who could.

Sighing to himself, he stood up and headed for the top of the room. Nobody noticed- they were too panicked. It was understandable. They'd all heard the message that had been received, all heard the rumour that the greatest villain was still to come. They were all terrified out of their wits. Even he was a little scared.

"Guys-" They didn't hear him. He tried raising his voice, but to no avail. He rolled his eyes, climbing to stand on the table. "GUYS!" He yelled. He picked up a glass from the table and hurled it at the ground. The crash was loud enough to force them to look at him, still standing on the table.

"I know we're all scared. I don't know what's happening, but we need to get out onto the streets, make sure everything's okay. We need to prioritize the civilians at the moment. If we're right, then there could be something huge happening very soon. Get prepared. Usual precautions- student ID's, cover stories, and so on.

Right now, guys, you are the heroes. So you need to be responsible. There's nobody who can patch up your mess if you screw up. So don't. Go get ready. You have five minutes. Meet me back here."

His own outfit of a white short-sleeved shirt and black jeans was enough to pass him off as a teacher. He swung by his room briefly to grab a pair of glasses. The lenses were just plain glass, but they made him look a little more like a teacher. He swore to himself as he realized the major flaw in his plan. Teachers would have to be able to read. He'd just have to hope that nobody asked him to read anything.

He headed back for the conference room, sinking back into the chair at the head of the table and swinging his feet onto the table. All he could do was wait for the chaos to start.


Cameron spun himself around in the swivel chair idly. Everyone had gone mad since most of the fully trained villains had disappeared. Someone had suggested going out into the streets, seeing what was happening there. With nothing better to do, they'd decided to go. It hadn't taken Cameron long to get dressed.

A small flame appeared in his hand, and he started playing with it, manipulating it into different shapes. He formed a ball and threw it into the air. He wasn't sure if it would hang there or if gravity would affect it. It seemed it was the latter, as he missed it and it fell to the carpet. He quickly extinguished the flames, but there was still a burn mark left. Oops.

He leaned back in the chair and started to spin himself around once again, waiting for someone else to come in. His beanie nearly flew off, and he grabbed it before it did. He felt unusually calm, considering their deaths could be waiting for them in the near future. He was even surprised at himself. It was probably due to the fact that he'd had a night of decent sleep for the first time in about two weeks, with no bad dreams about drowning.

He glared at the glass of water on the table and slid it towards him, dipping his finger into the glass and lighting a small flame. It was difficult to keep it going, considering the lack of fuel and temperature, but it focused his attention. He removed his finger, concentrating on the flame. It was a good idea all around- focusing his mind and satisfying his pyromania without any risk of burning the base down. He focused all of his attention on the glass, trying to encourage the flame to grow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Scott Williams
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Andrew had left the conference room the moment Scott told them to get prepared. Whilst he stripped down out of his sweatpants and t-shirt, drawers opened up around him. Folded clothes levitated about the room until they reached the bed where they took their own initiative, resting themselves lightly on top of his mattress. He adorned his clothes, dressing the part of a regular high school graduate, shoving his fake Student ID in his pocket. There was not much he could do at this point to prepare because he didn't know what to prepare for. At first Andrew thought they were pulling a prank, maybe even an emergency drill to test their reactions upon discovering that they were gone. But when they saw the blood on the floor, that's when they knew it was real. Someone was killing heroes. If that was true then Andrew didn't see any logic behind going to the surface and splitting up, monitoring civilians. He didn't want to leave them alone or defenseless, but he didn't see how they were in danger. Regardless, he returned to the conference room, seeing Scott at the head of the table, sunken into the chair.

He looked stressed, more so than usual. Walking in on the chaos earlier must've taken a toll on him given the circumstances. In retrospect, it was curiosity spiked Andrew's interest more than concern. He wanted to know what was going on, every little detail. He didn't like being left out in the dark, not in a situation like this. Scott had been his mentor since he first arrived at the base. It wasn't like him to keep anything important like this a secret. Especially from his trainees. Scott had helped him a lot throughout the years, the trainer having brought his mental stamina and overall ability to a whole new strength. Andrew felt almost selfish for wanting more from him. But from what he could tell, this was life or death. People were going to die. And some of the most powerful heroes already have.

Andrew stayed at the back of the room, watching over his mentor as his fellow trainees began to file in. He knew it was only a matter of time before someone demanded to know the details of what was happening. Andrew himself just wasn't going to be the one to do it.


Should I tell them? Helena pondered as she sat in solemn contemplation, as she sat in her room at the compound. Even if I did, what would I say? Nothing like this has ever happened before.

The moans and creaks of the prison above reverberated around her, giving her a sense of unease. She never preferred it here over her apartment downtown. She kept only the necessities in this bedroom, during times of grave importance when she just had to be here. This room was just like any common guest room, no personalization or sign that anyone lived there. She hadn't been in this room for nearly a month. Now, all of a sudden, Matt had called her back saying that there was a problem. It was happening. The villains who had trained her, picked her up off of the streets, practically helped her discover her true potential aren't just missing. They're dead. Helena felt a gaping hole in her chest. It was like losing family all over again. She didn't know how to cope. She could only wait for Matt to show up and still her grieving heart.

Helena made her way to the conference room begrudgingly, unable to put on her casual demeanor. She sat at the head of the long, steel table for the trainees to come back in. They were planning on leaving. But Helena couldn't let them do that, couldn't let them walk out that door without some knowledge of what was actually going on. She glanced up as Cameron walked into the room, not noticing her as he played with his fire. She leaned back into the leather chair, burying her face in the palm of her hand. As soon as she felt the air in the room become more condensed she raised her gaze, realizing then that everyone had made it inside of the conference room.

"Sit tight everyone. There's something important you must know.." She inhaled deeply through her nose, reluctantly admitting her weakness, "Unfortunately it is something I cannot bring myself to tell you. We'll all just have to sit tight until Matt arrives.."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs Character Portrait: Matt Kamrada
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Matt swerved out of the way of a black SUV, hearing it's horn blast angrily as he did so. He was perhaps being a little reckless this morning, but he knew that nothing bad was going to happen. Not before he got to the base anyway.

He'd woken up this morning and known instantly that something was wrong. The one night he'd been away from the base, the one night he'd stayed in his apartment to reassure his landlord that he was still alive, the rest of the villains had been killed. He'd never been so glad to hear Lena's voice when he called her. He'd seen exactly what was about to happen, and it meant that he knew exactly what had happened.

He leaned lower as he weaved between vehicles, heading for the tunnel that crossed the bay to their base. The speed limits in the city and the traffic irritated him, especially today. But the minute he entered the tunnel, he accelerated fast, breaking every speed limit in the country as he did so. Slinging his helmet over the handlebars, he started to sprint for the compound.

The sight of the blood in the main hall startled him, but didn't slow him anything. He hadn't wasted much time getting dressed this morning, simply pulling on a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt and his leather jacket. His hair was probably a mess, but in reality, they had bigger problems right now.

The conference room was oddly calm, considering the circumstances they were in. Was it just him, or did Helena sigh with relief as he came in? He smiled, but his thoughts were on exactly he was about to do.

He looked around. As soon as he was sure that everyone was back, he started with no warning.

"Okay, guys. I know you're all wondering what the hell is going on. I'd love to tell you that it's nothing serious, but I'd hate to lie to you. The truth is... All the villains are dead, or as good as. Before you ask, we can't do anything. We're all that's left. And it's coming. The biggest threat of our time is heading for the city.

It will not discriminate. It's killed both heroes and villains already. None of us are safe. I can hear you all wondering why the hell we're going to the streets, in that case. We need to assess the situation. Most of us have lived in the city our entire lives, but we've never looked at it when planning defense. So that's what we're doing. Any structure that could be of tactical advantage, take note. Don't get yourselves in trouble. We'll stick together for a while, then we've got to split up to cover more ground. Let's go."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs Character Portrait: Matt Kamrada
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Lara came into the conference room, still tired and confused. Not about the situation, the situation seemed fairly clear to her, but rather she wasn't sure what to feel. It wasn't like other times when she knew what she felt and just suppressed them till they drowned. No today was quite different, today there was a confused jumble of different things she didn't know how to identify. She was in her usual clothes, a sweater two sizes too large and shorts; no shoes were necessary.

The conference room was quiet, only two people were inside; Helena at one end of the table looking distressed and Cameron who was, as always, playing with fire. She went and sat down next to Cameron, pulling her feet up and leaning back in her chair. She had a book in her hand, a black and worn book with the title on the side in gold, peeling letters. Before she opened it to where she had left off last night, she looked to Helena again. She rather liked Helena, she was kind and intelligent and Lara had found that no matter how much she may come across as unfeeling or bitchy, Helena was still always there. Lara tried to mouth to her friend if she was okay, but the red head couldn't get Helena's attention. So she did the only thing that she could do, she returned to her book. It was Edgar A. Poe that she was reading, she was currently on his story The Pit and the Pendulum. She loved this story best out of all of his. It's hard to explain why she likes it, but when she does try she'll just tell you there's so much red in it; blood, fire, the glow from the flames, pain, it was even on the Spanish inquisition and whenever she thinks of Spain or the Spanish she just thinks red. This story oozed red from spilled blood, it glowed with the flames that lit the walls as the the trapped man found he only had two options; two ways to die. As she red she became enraptured with Poe's words, they moved her slowly from one scene to the next, almost as if she were walking in a dream. She could see everything that was happening, the rats and mice crawling over the man's body, the sharp pendulum that swung lower and lower to chop off his head, the walls closing in forcing the man into the pit.

Then Matt walked in.

He looked disheveled at best. It seemed to Lara that he had rushed here; and that he was expecting more reaction from the group. Lara deducted that she was safely out of this expectation as she never showed her feelings, so why should she start now? He explained what was happening. How the rest of the villains were dead and they were the only ones left. How they needed to find a place for shelter before more worse things happened. The weird unidentifiable feeling within Lara grew, but like always she smothered. She was curious as to what it was, but not curious enough to let it flow out. Especially not in a situation like this. She found some shoes to pull on, her socks were hidden somewhere and she couldn't be bothered to find them. She was planning on using the same alias she always did, a book-loving college student who's on break. It worked out well because people always asked what literature classes she was in and all she would have to do is raise the book she was currently reading and someone would always make sense of it and know what class she was in. She was getting better at acting emotions out as well, at first it was really hard to act excited and the proper emotion for a situation, but this was getting easier for her. Then when she wanted them to leave she would tell them the whole truth about how she was a super villain who could shoot lasers from her eyes and she was on a big mission or training seminar, whoever would be talking to her would just laugh and tell her that's she isn't a villain then walk away.

They made their way to the city, cars bleeped and people yelled, talking came in and out of cafés and restaurants, there were screaming and cheers coming from pubs. Everything was so loud and the outside was much brighter. Though what annoyed Lara the most was that it was a sunny day, which meant that today the air was yellow, she would have loved nothing more then to be back in her room reading her red, red story. Though she knew that if she were to survive she had to follow directions. She kept her eyes peeled as they walk around the city, so far nothing seemed like it would work; if it was abandoned there was a reason because the building was not structurally sound and if it was there were people living inside. She caught up with Helena at one point and took her friend's hand.

"Are you alright?" she asked, her eyes looking straight at Helena's face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs Character Portrait: Matt Kamrada
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#, as written by Ever
Her outfit
A small sigh escaped the petite blue-haired girl as she kicked her knee-high clad conversed feet onto the tabletop while leaning back in the swivel chair. Hm... getting tired of black the red combo.. maybe I'll try purple ones? echoed the bored thoughts in her mind as she examined the shoes with mild interest. Desperate to escape the suffocating silence that had settled over their conference room, the female teenage had pulled out the newest IPod touch, the bright light glinting off the black screen. Ugh... can’t they dim the lights?! For god sakes... Are they trying to keep away vampires or something? flooded the irritated voice as one tapered finger flipped the ON switch. The device came to life, a black background with two gleaming teal hued cat eyes and a sadistic smile, otherwise recognized as the Chesire Cat, greeted Dismay before disappearing as her delicate fingers swiped the screen. It was quite obvious this girl had experience with technology because in less than 1 second, the password was approved and she was browsing through the long list of music. After a few moments, she stopped scrolling and began unravelling a cord from her pocket. Shoving the skull buds into her ears, Dismay tilted her head back onto the headrest of the chair. This had caused the ombre aqua hair to spill over and hang, frozen in place by gravity. Closing those black colored orbs, the villainess sunk into the world of violent music.

The heavy bass as well as the maniacal screaming faintly buzzed in the room from her headphones, the song a tad bit too “raging” for many people’s taste. A slight smile made an appearance on Dismay’s lips as Andy Sixx’s scream ended, the actual song of Perfect Weapon transiting into the dark instrumental section. It wasn’t until she opened one shadow hued eye that she realized Matt had suddenly appeared in the room with a smile (that didn’t quite reach his eyes) plastered onto his face. Pausing the song and yanking one ear bud out, Dismay trained those frightening eyes onto their leader, an amused smirk on her lips. What’s got Matty all in fluster? she thought to herself, quite amused. "Okay, guys. I know you're all wondering what the hell is going on. I'd love to tell you that it's nothing serious, but I'd hate to lie to you. The truth is... All the villains are dead, or as good as. Before you ask, we can't do anything. We're all that's left. And it's coming. The biggest threat of our time is heading for the city.

It will not discriminate. It's killed both heroes and villains already. None of us are safe. I can hear you all wondering why the hell we're going to the streets, in that case. We need to assess the situation. Most of us have lived in the city our entire lives, but we've never looked at it when planning defense. So that's what we're doing. Any structure that could be of tactical advantage, take note. Don't get yourselves in trouble. We'll stick together for a while, then we've got to split up to cover more ground. Let's go."
resonated their leader’s voice, easily filling the room with his words.

A sadistic smirk twisted Dismay’s fair features into one of a cruel demon as she gave a dark chuckle, folding her arms across her chest. She spoke, the tone almost laughing and quite heartless ”Those pricks deserved it then.. always blathering about “morals”. How ironic that they died. “Ironic”...nah, it’s more like hilarious. So, how many of those bastards are left? Kinda unfortunate about our team mates though..Heh. Oh well. As long as you’re not weak, I think we’ll be fine.” with that, she let out another demonic chuckle before getting up out of the chair and crossing the room with ease to the door. Glancing back, Dismay asked one more question. This time however, her voice held a bitter hardness to it, her eyes taking on a murderous glint”Hey, quick question...if we see any of those “heroes” out on the streets, do we have permission to slaughter them?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs Character Portrait: Matt Kamrada
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Xeno Min Park

Xeno awoke in his apartment from a crazy dream. Another one about his parents no doubt because someone was playing the erhu. It wasn't him. He yawned and stared at the ceiling. The other part of his crazy dream was that all the Villains and Heroes had been killed off or something, . He smiled and rubbed his eyes listlessly. Turning to the clock he saw he was clearly late. He need to get to homebase, or so it was called by his fellow trainees. With a speed that could make the Flash jealous, he had taken a shower, gotten dressed in some clothes he had just bought, and out the door with a bagel in his mouth.

Usually he would navigate his way from his dwelling to the base using parkour but not today. He was sure there was some meeting of some kind. He laughed awkwardly and grinned at how he was going to be punished for being so late. Anyways sometime later Xeno had slinked into the conference, hoping he could get to his chair without being seen. Cameron, Lara, Dismay, Helena, and Matt were all here, each doing their own thing. He knew they could see him, but he was so intent on getting to his chair at the moment that he barely registered what Matt spewed out. The truth is... All the villains are dead, or as good as. The words hung in his mind as he sat down. He hasn't known them well, but.....

Like a normal person, Xeno should have gone into shock or shown some form of fear. Unfortunately, he wasn't taught that way. A cheerful smile was plastered on his face. In his head though, he was formulating plans on what might happen, what he missed. The missing links were filled in as Matt continued. It will not discriminate. It's killed both heroes and villains already. None of us are safe. I can hear you all wondering why the hell we're going to the streets, in that case. We need to assess the situation. Most of us have lived in the city our entire lives, but we've never looked at it when planning defense. So that's what we're doing. Any structure that could be of tactical advantage, take note. Don't get yourselves in trouble. We'll stick together for a while, then we've got to split up to cover more ground. Let's go." He nodded a bit to eagerly, but he was an optimist after all.

Dismay spoke up a moment later. It was something about hating the heros and wanting to slaughter them all. He grinned at her like the Cheshire Cat. "Well if we are allowed to...I guess we can count on you to take them out!" Then Xeno thought about what he just said and clamped a hand over his mouth. "It wasn't proper to be encouraging people to kill others" , the old, warrior part of his mind scolded. "But they are our sworn enemies. If we see them we take them out or rough 'em up." His new modern mind argued back. He started scratching his head awkwardly in embarrassment, but that bright smile stood in place. He was so confused right now, about his response that is. He understood quite well that with the Villains dead, which is rather unfortunate, they needed to prepare to fend off this new foe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs Character Portrait: Matt Kamrada
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Xeno Min Park

Xeno mentally flinched when Helena started yelling at Dismay. It showed how despite her kind and nurturing nature, she was still a Villain. It saddened him to know that one of his favorite people to be with seemed to dislike the one he considered the mom he never had. Well he had no time to dwell on the matter as everyone filed out of the conference room. He was smiling with anticipation. He had never been on a mission with everyone before, but it would also provide a valuable amount of opinions. "Also like Matt said. We'll cover more ground." He mumbled.

Awhile later he was strolling the streets of San Francisco. The smell of food managed to occupy part of his attention, but he kept focus. He needed to find a strategic location. The cafe? The university? "The....Bridges." He said aloud, earning a few curious looks from passerby. In his moment of thinking he had lost everyone for a bit. Then he spotted the brilliant head of real blue hair. He rushed to catch up, but even he got lost in the busy crowd. Luckily he bumped in to Helena and Lara. Lara was comforting Helena by the looks of it. Maybe he could help..."Hugs~"He said cheerful and hugged the two tightly in a bear hug. "I hope you two don't intend on frowning on day. You'll get old and wrinkly." He released the duo and pulled and mashed his face to demonstrate. "Ah...sorry if that wasn't proper..."Again he scratched his head awkwardly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs Character Portrait: Matt Kamrada
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Lara knew that Helena was lying about being okay, but she also knew that pushing is wasn't going to help any. Instead of pushing further, she just tightened her hand to let Helena know she was there, though her face didn't show any concern or comfort, just it's usual black and focused look. Then Xeno came up behind the two gave them a hug. It surprised Lara to say the least, though she still appeared to almost a robot on the outside. Xeno was an interesting character to her, like Helena even though the red head would come across as cold and mean, Xeno would still do things like this; giving her hugs. He even took her criticism well, which surprised her the most about him when they first met. Though, Lara found him to be a bit too happy go lucky, she was starting to get used to him and his whole sunny demeanor.

"I hope you two don't intend on frowning on day. You'll get old and wrinkly," he said mushing his face with his hands, trying to exaggerate what he just said. Then he stopped and added, "Ah..sorry if that wasn't proper..."

Lara looked at him like he was being a silly little kid, "You're fine, with friends it's okay to act like that," Lara said, putting her arm around Xeno's shoulders which was a somewhat difficult task as he was taller than her. She leaned a little bit to whisper in his ear, "Though I think you should apologize for earlier. She likes you so she will forgive you, but it's a gesture of good faith and she will appreciate it." Lara let go of Helena's hand to go find Cameron, she wanted to talk to him to see if she couldn't figure out that feeling she felt this morning. She was only planning on leaving Helena or a minute, but she kept a careful eye on her friend in case she needed to rush back to her for comfort.
"What do you think about all this?" Lara asked Cameron, "About losing all those people I mean." Her eyes were mostly on the ground, though they flicked up to check on Helena every now and then.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot
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Scott jumped a little as Skyla took a seat beside him. He'd been lost in his own thoughts, and mentally slapping himself in the hope that he'd wake up. "It's pretty bad, huh?" He nodded, sighing a little as he stretched. "Bad is an understatement." He remarked. He smiled a little at Alisia as she sat down, but she didn't seem to notice him.

He instinctively done a quick headcount, seeing who they were missing. Andrew was still waiting down the back of the room. Alisia and Skyla were at the desk. The only person missing was Athena. He wished there was some way he could leave a message for her, but his dyslexia made writing more trouble than it was worth. "Okay guys. Let's get going."

He led the way up to the street, glancing around. The city was chaotic, but no more so than it usually was. The words left his lips instinctively. "Stick together, guys. Let's have a quick scout around."

Everywhere was filled with words. Maybe it was because he wasn't in the best of moods, but it seemed even more frustrating. He could make out every third word or so, but not much more. His eyes dropped to his feet, trying to cloud his frustration and disappointment in himself. Even with all the coaching he'd received, he could hardly read or write his own name.

His eyes flicked up, and it took him a moment or two to register the sight he saw before him. But when he did, he swore to himself. It wasn't just them out in the city, then.


Cameron smirked as Helena tore into Dismay. He mightn't have liked the heroes, but Helena had a point. As soon as they were dismissed, he stood up, fixing his beanie and heading out to the streets.

Cameron spotted Xeno, Helena and Lara together, with Xeno grabbing them all in a bear hug. The sight made Cameron immensely glad that he wasn't with them. He wasn't particularly fond of human contact. He could barely tolerate Helena hugging him or whatever. Nobody else was allowed to get that close.

He watched the scene unfold. Lara came towards him as Helena wrapped Xeno in a hug. Cameron smiled at Lara, a spark flaring between his fingers.

"What do you think about all this? About losing all those people I mean." She asked. He raised an eyebrow, shrugging a little. "I don't know. I don't think it's really set in yet. It's just like we're on another trip and that they're going to show us how to rob a bank without anyone noticing or something."

Something caught Cameron's eye and he turned to face it fully. A group of teenagers, all about their own age, led by a guy that looked about Helena's age. They weren't exactly the most extraordinary sight in San Francisco- until he saw Skyla. The heroes were on the streets as well. Matt had appeared at some point, but Cameron was more worried about Dismay. He watched her, trying to gauge her reaction. The flame that was still flickering between his fingers swelled until it formed a ball of fire, ready to intervene if necessary.


Matt has been about to speak when Lena stepped in, dealing with Dismay. As the villains began to disperse, he himself headed to they room he usually occupied. He traded his black t-shirt for a clean white one, pausing briefly to fix his hair, before heading out to the streets. It took him a little while to find them, but when he did, he didn't like what he saw.

The heroes were on the streets as well. He hadn't seen them encountering each other. Something with as much possibiltiy for destruction as this wouldn't slip past his power, so it was entirely a coincidence. That didn't make it any less dangerous.

He glanced at Dismay, who hadn't seen them yet. "LENA! At your ten o'clock!" He yelled, striding forward. He went to stand a short distance from Dismay, enough so that he could prevent her from attacking if he needed to. He caught Lena's eye and shook his head.

No. Don't run. We can find out what the hell is happening and if it's happening to these guys.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot
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#, as written by Ever

A bored expression tugged at Dismay’s fine features as she strode over to their group, a feeling of absolute disgust at the sweet display flashed within her. God.. whatever happened to villains being cruel and ruthless? Its all because we have one soft member.. I know it! She’s causing everyone to turn bloody soft! ranted a nauseated voice within her being, the temper flaring even more at the mention of Helena. Instinctively, her posture became rigid and standoffish as resumed a place on the outer edges of the circle next to Cameron.

Feeling a soft warmth near her legs, Dismay raised an arched eyebrow at her team member, those black orbs holding a questioning gleam. Sliding her eyes downwards to land on his fingertips and seeing the small flame flicker between them, the villainess’s signature smirk returned to its former residence before speaking out, the tone more or less amused and slightly threatening. ”Watch it, flameboy. Don’t you dare set these tights on fire, they're my favorite.” Choosing to direct her attention away from Cameron, Dismay shot another venomous glare over at Helena, who had, currently, placed her hands lovingly on her friend’s face. Gritting her teeth in annoyance, the young woman crossed her arms to constrain that urge to rip off her trainer’s face. That bitch.. she’s lucky I have enough self-control! resonated the haughty thoughts as she continued to stare at Xeno and HER.

However, a movement on Cameron’s hands yanked her eyes to look down curiously. That harmless flame was now turned into a full-blown ball of fire. That arched eyebrow raised even further in an incredulous surprise, those black orbs narrowing ever-so-slightly. ”Cameron what the hel-”, Dismay’s hissing words were cut off by another movement in her peripheral vision as Matt, their leader, stepped up next to her. What the hell are they doing?! growled a furious voice within her mind at their sudden closing in on her. The villainess was about to open her mouth to display the hostility when Matt boomed, his voice causing her to wince. "LENA! At your ten o'clock!". Whipping around to stare at Helena, Dismay froze iin place at the sight of the approaching heroes.

Those black hued eyes narrowed into slits and seemed to grow even shadow-y, if that was even possible, as she took in the sight of the approaching group. Her fists clenched in an attempt to quell the rising anger, the voice inside her whispering frantically Don’t act out... Look at Cameron and Matt, they are ready to fight you.. You’ll have your chance.. soon.. Sliding her eyes over to look at her comrades, they, those blackened eyes, immediately filled with disgust seeing them ready to intervene. Giving a small tsk of agitation, Dismay relaxed her stance ever-so-slightly. Keyword; ever-so-slightly. Training her hostile glare on the approaching crowd, Dismay merely gave a slight flicking motion with her tapered fingers. To anyone watching, it would have been a bewildering sight; a tiny circular shadow from a nearby tree had disconnected itself from the bulk and was currently snaking it’s way through the grass and between peoples feet at an alarming speed Finally, it paused at it’s summoner’s feet before slowly rising out of it’s 2D form and into one of a black cat. However, unlike real animals, it’s fur was pulsing and wavering like a shadow did. Giving a slight meow, it spiraled around Dismay’s body until it landed on her shoulder, rubbing it’s head against the girl lovingly before turning it’s glowing red eyes onto the approaching group. A slight smile made a rare appearance on villainess’s petal pink hued lips as a finger reached up to lovingly scratch the shadow cat’s head before she muttered ”Hey Jinxx, long time no see.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Scott Williams
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#, as written by Issa

Sky loved the city. She lived for the vibrancy, the people and the many different cultures. When allowed to she would make trips into the city, dressed in civilian clothing, and spend as much time watching and talking people.
Now, though, Sky found the crowded streets almost overwhelming. The mood had shifted and the group of heroes walking down the street were all aware of the new danger that may have lurked around every corner.

Sky wasn't usually an impatient girl but today, as they had traveled into the city, she had just been itching to teleport into the city and begin to explore. She had held back though, wanting to stick with the group.

Sky followed behind Scott, her eyes scanning the crowds and buildings. She was hoping to find some clue, maybe even a marker from another hero. But there was nothing.
Then Sky heard Scott swearing, something that brought Sky's attention back to their immediate surroundings. She followed his line of sight and spotted the group opposite them.

Even if Sky hadn't recognised Xeno or some of the others she would have known them for villains. Cameron had a flame burning in his hand and the blue haired girl, Dismay, was starring daggers at the group while patting a shadow cat.

Sky glanced from the group of villains back to Scott and Athena. They were the two trained heroes, she would let them lead the group. Her curiousity peaked as she looked the group over. Apart from two of the members they were all trainees, did that mean that they had also been affected by the disappearance. Or perhaps they were the cause and had come to pick off any remaining heroes?

"'Stay close to me, I'll shield us if they fire so we can get away." Alisia's voice echoed through Sky's head and she nodded in reply, her mouth set in a determined line.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs
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Xeno Min Park

Xeno was confused about what Lara had said. To apologize to Lena...Then it hit him. She probably noticed his mistake with his social skills again. "Helena I'm so-" He began, but stopped when she pulled him into a hug. When she hugged him even tighter, he felt it difficult to swallow. Slowly he wrapped an arm around the her. "Lena...I'm sorry about earlier.." He murmured to her. A serene smile was playing across his lips. Right now his guilt was building up, but he needed to keep his smile. Besides he knew he needed to improve and mistakes were part of the process. As long as he could apologize he could learn to do better next time.

To anyone right now who didn't know the two villains, what Helena did next would have made it seem like they were a couple. Xeno didn't know and was puzzled slightly by the odd stares given by bystanders and passerby. His eyes widened slightly when Lena cupped his face. "Xen, darling, look at me." She was tearing up. "Lena loves you, you know that don't you? Lena loves you so much." He touched his forehead to her's briefly and grinned. "Of course I do, if not you wouldnt take the time to teach me so many things. Like how you can get money for free if you go into a bank at night and go to the room they locked up. You are like the mom I never had. Please don't cry." He wiped one of her tears away. That's when he noticed something from the corner of his eye.

A group of young adults. Heroes. Xeno saw Skyla and waved with his signature Cheshire Cat grin. However, when everyone else around him tensed he pretended to as well. "Lena...what are we going to do?" He asked as he brought a finger near his lips. It seemed Dismay was getting ready to fight with her shadowy pet. Cameron had a ball of fire. This all seemed like a plausible cause for him to be ready to fight as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs Character Portrait: Matt Kamrada
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Helena smiled up at her boy as he gingerly wiped her tears away. He'd apologized, but he really didn't have to—in fact, he probably didn't know what he was apologizing for. But it didn't matter. The moment his forehead touched hers, her anxiety was cleared, replaced by exuberant happiness when he referred to her as his mom. It was moments like this that reassured her just how good of a person he was. Helena could care less about the stares that floated by, by the questioning glares or skepticism. She'd always be there for Xeno and it was comforting to know that he'd be there for her. He was family, just like Matt was.

You know that phrase, Speak of the Devil-...?

"Lena! At your ten o'clock!"

Her attention immediately snapped towards the direction her brother's voice carried it to. The wind left her in a rush as she took in the sight before her. Matt captured her gaze first, gazing at her anxiously as he stuck close to Dismay. The rambunctious, dark teen had an ethereal feline on her shoulder, her cold eyes glaring into the oncoming group of young adults. Cameron was beside her, a ball of flames in his hands, his feral gaze pointed in the same direction. Helena's gaze followed, her eyes widening almost comically when she took in the sight before her. It was the Heroes. As if she didn't have enough on her plate. She mentally counted each one, taking in their faces and storing their appearance in the back of her mind. She saw her clever boy at the back of the group, hanging back with a platinum blonde haired girl. A spark of jealousy flared inside of her when she noticed how close they were to each other, how they sought each other out without realizing it. Her gaze flickered past them and fell on another familiar face, one that took her by surprise.

It was Scott, the boy from the coffee shop. She'd recognize his swagger anyway. He had a particular way of walking—even the way he stood was completely unique. Helena let out a disappointed sigh. Truly she was a bit saddened by this new realization. She had relished their conversations in the coffee shop whenever she'd see him there. It had just been small talk in the beginning, but then it became something more. He was a guilty pleasure of hers, Scottie was. He was her change of pace, an opportunity to experience a bit of normalcy. She shouldn't be all that surprised though. Helena didn't know how, but she'd always sensed there was something different and unique about Scott. Now she realized it was because he was a Hero. A trainer. Helena couldn't help but envy him a little. That is, until her baby boy's voice pulled her out of her reverie.

"Lena...what are we going to do?"

"We're going to talk to them, Xen." Helena replied without authorizing it. She glanced up at him with a comforting smile and took his hand from his lips, giving it a tight squeeze. "Don't worry, alright? No one's going to fight anyone. Do mommy a favor though and keep Dismay at bay while I speak to them." She waited for his affirmation before crossing over to the Heroes.

The look on Scott's face gave her a sickly, guilty feeling as she greeted him with indifference. "Hello Scottie. It's been a long time since I've seen you. What brings you here?"


This trip to the city was bittersweet, considering the circumstances. As introverted as he was, Andrew loved being on the outside instead of being cooped up underground. He couldn't exactly afford to move out so these little trips were something like a blessing to him. He saw the Villains and immediately put up his guard, readying his mind for the strenuous brain activity he'd probably soon have to relinquish. The girl with the cat but him a little on edge. Her unbridled rage made him a little bitter considering he'd done nothing to provoke such behavior. The boy with the fire set him on edge, considering he didn't know if he was ready to attack or preventing one. The trainer, a man with tousled hair, seemed to be standing in front of the girl in an attempt to keep her from doing anything. He heard Ali's voice in his head and responded to her, his voice sounded far away in the confines of his own mind as he agreed on how bad this could possibly get. It was almost overwhelming, everything that was happening.

And then she came into the picture.

Andrew didn't know how it was possible for him to recognize a woman he'd never seen before, but he did. There was something about her eyes. They were the deepest shade of brown he'd ever seen. Brown was such an underrated color in comparison to those eyes. Mocha almost, with ever prevent speckles of amber in their depths. Her hair was the color of chocolate, falling on her shoulder in bellowing tresses. Her skin was pristine, warm—reminding him greatly of the color of Black Tea with a lot of milk mixed in. And her lips. They were the deepest red, like two rose petals. She was petite but curvaceous, and very fit. He smirked as he used the term, his UK roots catching up to him.

"Hello Scottie. It's been a long time since I've seen you. What brings you here?"



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs Character Portrait: Matt Kamrada
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Xeno Min Park

Xeno stared a bit confused. They weren't going to fight? But his fellow trainees' actions were a clear code that they should prepare to attack. Whatever it was, he was making his way to Dismay. He was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "Dismay! Look what I got~" He held up a packet of Tieguanyin, Darjeeling, and some kind of rosé tea. "I was going to give these to you earlier...but you seemed busy." He was smiling serenely. He knew how much Dismay loved the tea that was pricey. In his mind he was trying to figure out what to do next if that didn't appease her anger. Maybe he could use what she feared if she got out of hand? Now what did she fear....

A random memory popped into his head when he brought five giant bags of gummy worms, bears, octopus, sharks, and rings. She had fled the room faster than anyone he had seen. It seemed very amusing to him, but Dismay didn't speak to him for awhile after that. He looked around there was a stand with someone selling candy. The whole bottom row contained gummy treats. Okay that's the back up just in case. He thought happily.

"Is it okay to pet it?" Xeno asked out of the blue. He reached a hand out, but then drew back. He need permission first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Scott Williams Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs Character Portrait: Matt Kamrada
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#, as written by Caille
No one had really commented back on what Athena asked, not even Scott. Soon though one of the mentors of the villains did speak, and she watched how Scott reacted to her, and she looked back to the other girl and knew there was something, especially since she knew his name, he had to know her from somewhere. Not sure how this could go, she walked up some so she could stand next to Scott.

By this point she had seen the rest of the villains in full view. Athena was one super, that wasn't the best in combat but when it came to speaking, Athena was golden. She's great with talking to people things and holding them in conversation as long as possible.

Athena didn't trust the villain, especially looking at some of them and knowing they had hatred in their eyes, almost like lasers were in their eyes and they were trying to burn them all down. Athena never understood the big wedge between the two supers. Well she did to an extent, but why was there so much hatred, is what she didn't understand. The lot of them were so much alike but they were just divided, but there's always good and bad in the world.

"we wont attack if you wont." Scott had said and all Athena could do was nod her head in agreeing with him.

(Sorry for the short post, not much interaction with her. it'll get better, I promise.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Scott Williams
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Scott's nonchalance deterred Helena, though she knew she shouldn't have expected anything less. They were amongst their own kind, past relations were to be swept under the rug. She didn't like the way he approached her or her family, the way he sized them up as if they were animals. Anger flared through her as he took in their lack of numbers. A brief glance in his group's direction allowed her to respond in kind. She heard Dismay's threat and her jaw clenched. It wasn't sitting right with Helena that her rage nearly matched that of the maniacal teen. When Xeno stepped up to distract the shadow maker, it did nothing to soothe Helena's anxiety. This could go fifty different ways. If either team moved to attack first, someone was bound to get hurt. Helena had too much on the line to risk an attack. Too many people she cared about stood on the threshold of their rivalry, too many lives hanging in the balance. She froze, letting Scott scope her out—so to speak—all the while keeping her eyes trained hard on the young hero.

"We won't attack if you won't."

The moment those words left Scott's lips, Helena envied the heedlessness of a villain. Any normal villain would've jumped at that threat, taken out at least two of the opposing side. Her whole body tensed at the thought of her humanity being a weakness, an endangerment to her loved ones.

"It's up to you. Either way, I've got your back." The feeling of Matt's hand on her shoulder sent a wave of calm crashing against her. That is, until she glanced back into his eyes. For the first time in a long time, Matt was questioning her. Since they became partners, he'd always trusted her judgement. Now, just at the mention of this heroes name, a portion of that trust had been lost. Maybe not lost completely but it was definitely derailed. That look sent a surge of panic through her that she almost couldn't hide. She turned her gaze on the other trainer, a female who stood by Scott, and narrowed her eyes.

"Don't even try negotiating with me." The tone in her voice was almost frightening. She'd never heard herself speak like that before. "Here's the deal, Scott. We won't attack." Helena glanced back to see her clever boy smirk and her own lips rose in a cynical, crooked half-smile. "Don't flatter yourself, love." Her gaze scanned every face with heavy speculation, "You lot simply aren't worth our time. Now," Helena's eyes were trained on solely Scott now, encroaching on his space. Her voice was low, stern, harsh and her demeanor even more so. She sized herself up to intimidate, and by the look on their faces, it was working. "Let's save the turf war for later, shall we? You have a job to do, I imagine. Civilians to look after? It might be in your best interest if you worried more about them than us. Unfortunately for you, you caught me on a really bad day."

"Well in case you haven't noticed by our numbers, but we've had a pretty shite day as well." Helena nearly broke her cold facade as Andrew stepped forward, brushing past Scott and getting in her face. She could feel Matt and Cameron tense behind her as he stood barely an inch from her, glowering at her as he got right in her face. She called the off with a slight wave of her hand, looking up at her clever boy with an amused glint in her eyes that didn't match her aggravated expression. "So if you want to tell us what you're doing out here we'll consider letting you and your little cronies go free."

She scoffed, nearly laughing, "Big talk for a Hero." Helena glanced down to his chest and flared her fingers apart, pushing her hand into his chest cavity. His team moved in to protect him as he gave a small, gurgled cry but her team's reaction ceased an immediate defense by the Heroes. "Stand down all of you!" She ordered, and both teams seemed to freeze as Andrew let out a startled cry of pain. Helena glanced up, smirking a bit as she plastered a sinister look of glee on her face. "You feel that? That's my hand grabbing hold of your heart.'re going to take your friends and your little trainer cronies and you lot are going to get lost. Do you understand? So piss off." Helena aimed her last statement towards the two trainers, her eyes bearing a threat that needn't any words. Then she turned her attention on Andrew, savoring the look of confusion in his topaz eyes. She stood on her tip toes, her lips brushing up against his ear as she whispered, "Do you understand, Andrew? I'm telling you to run. Run, you clever boy...and remember me."

Helena pulled her hand out of his chest and sent one last tormenting stare towards their leader before turning on her heels, ushering her family to follow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Scott Williams
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Lara stood back from the group, observing all this from a far. It seemed that Helena and Scott, whom Lara had met a couple times before, were the ones who were the acting leaders now for each group. Being that the villains and heroes were usually enemies it seemed that they had decided on talking a compromise out. Cameron and Matt both walked over to Helena, apparently they were taking on the roles of body guards for Helena. There was also a girl, Lara only knew a little about her that she could persuade people, who walked up beside Scott. Though it seemed she was the acting body guard for Scott, she didn't really seem the part all that much, but then again knowing her power Lara knew that she didn't have to be what you would call a normal body guard. As Lara continued to watch it almost seemed like a battle ground, even with the by-standers walking past them. They both had leaders and those who would protect the leader at all cost; then looking to Dismay, those who would seek to overthrow the leader. This was unfolding like some of the dramas that Lara had read from Shakespeare's plays. But what role would the others take on? What role would she end up being?

Xeno had distracted Dismay with some tea, Lara couldn't help but think at how frivolous that was to loose focus of the situation just because someone had waved some leaves in front of your face. Though Lara was glad that Xeno had distracted her, before she could make the situation worse. Lara looked back to the heroes. It was odd, to say the least, that there would be a group of heroes about as big as their group wandering the city at the same time as they were. The thing that Matt had mentioned earlier about the thing that had attacked being non-discriminatory, it must be true. She wasn't sure at first because most people do tend to support the heroes more, but this thing wanted them all dead. But why? Lara thought to herself, Is it because we all have powers? Did this person get hurt by someone with a power and now feels the need to make the world safe from those who do? Or is it because another reason? Something deeper than that, something worse. Maybe they are trying to build a machine to give everyone powers, but they need a certain amount of DNA from each person to understand how it works? She brought her thumb to her lips, almost as if she were going to start biting her thumb nail, but it just stayed where it was resting on her bottom lip. For those who know her, they would know that she was deep in thought or that something very serious was on her mind. The letter! She thought, her eyes not really focusing on anything, but looking to the top of the buildings, We got a letter, the person who wrote it says they have powers as well. But then why do they want to kill others like themself? That doesn't make any sense. I wonder if the heroes got a message as well. If we could study both of them together, looking at the handwriting and what it says, we could possibly deduct a little bit more about who this person is and why they want to kill us.

Lara stopped and looked directly at Scott, she had formulated a plan, and though it was dangerous especially with Dismay being who she is, it was the only logical plan thus far. After they find a secret base of course. She walked towards Scott, passed Helena, Matt, and Cameron. She could feel everyone tense as she wasn't in the leader role and yet acting like it. She walked the short distance till she stood in front of Scott, in the middle of where both groups stood.

"Did you get a message from the killer as well?" Lara asked, her voice was strong and unwavering and her eyes just as focused on the task at hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot
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Alisia yelped as she felt the pain rip Andrew. Immediately she shoved her consciousness into his, trying to take some of the pain onto herself. Not a lot, she knew Andrew wasn't a baby, but she didn't want him to hurt if she could help him. She didn't like the way that girl was around Andrew, like she felt he belonged to her.

'Are you okay,' she asked him softly. She didn't want to pester him too much with her worry. She felt rage, and for a moment she worried it was her own. She wasn't sure, there was such a full rainbow of emotions right now. She quickly put a shield up around Helena's 'Clever Boy,' so she couldn't hurt him again.

She just wanted desperately for them to go away. They had lost enough today, they didn't need to spend their time fighting with the villain trainees.

'Do you know that girl Drew? There is so much rage boiling underneath her, I don't think I like her.”
She heard Lara ask about the note, with a deep breath she spoke aloud in her very soft, quiet voice.

"We did," it was short and sweet and to the point. She wasn't even sure if she should be telling anyone, but if there was a chance they could all just work together that would make things easier. Maybe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh
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Lara looked to the girl who spoke and nodded once. She then looked to the rest of the villains who were already walking away.

Her brain was working constantly in that moment, never breaking its thought pattern. She walked back to the rest of the villains. Lara knew she needed to look at that letter again and even get her hands on the one that the heroes got so she could compare the wording in both letters as well as the handwriting. The more she thought about it the more she knew that it might also help to look at what kind of paper it was written on. She wouldn't get a lot of information from the latter, but it might help, just maybe she might be able to figure something out from it. If it was written on a newspaper that might mean that the killer would have circled an article or underlined a line in it giving them some clue, if it was written on printing paper that would mean that they got it at one of the computer stores in the city. Though she wasn't sure how she would be able to figure out which store they got the paper from and even from there so many people had a need for printing paper that it would nearly impossible to figure out who they were.

Lara let her brain take over as she kept walking, not realizing she was passing the rest of the villains to the front of the group. Then she heard a scream of pain, breaking her out of her thoughts. When she turned around she saw Helena with her hand in one of the heroes chest. Though it seemed like she was indeed grabbing his heart, for some reason Lara couldn't shake the feeling that something about this picture was off. Was Helena lying? Or was it just that Lara had never seen Helena act in such a violent way before? Either way the red head knew that Helena was making this situation worse. They had to work with the heroes not against them. She was about to go up to Helena to make her stop, but then she withdrew her hand and then began to walk past everyone. Lara was feeling that tensions were getting high and knew that something bad was going to happen if everyone didn't get a grip on their wildly running emotions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Scott Williams Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs
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Scott felt his blood start to boil at the moment she touched Andrew. Nobody hurts my heroes. Her actions only accelerated his anger.

"Don't move." He warned his heroes. "Keep an eye out, talk to a few people, see if anything else strange has happened, but don't go too far. And don't come after me. Even if you hear me scream. If you hear me scream, you run as fast as you can." He wasn't taking any risks.

Something was telling him that they'd need to co-operate for this to work. And he needed to make it clear what would happen if they didn't. He doubted the villains wanted to see the city destroyed either.

The villains weren't like the ones from comic books. They weren't the ones who destroyed the city. They were the ones who made it difficult to rebuild, because they wanted to rule the world their own way. They were like the heroes, but with their own interests in mind.

Scott strode after the retreating villains, before breaking into a run. "You know as well as I do what's about to happen, Helena." He called. "You know what's happening, and you're just afraid of facing it. If you're going to keep letting this happen, then this is what we'll face."

His power kicked in so instinctively, engulfing all of the villains in a total illusion. He immediately felt the strain on his mind and his body, but kept it up.

He showed them the city in ruins, fires surrounding all of them. Dead bodies scattered the streets, and it was risky to try and move if you wanted to avoid contact. The air was filled with screaming and flames, as well as the occasional wailing siren.

The smell of death hung heavy in the air, mixed with the smoke. You could almost feel the heat of the burning buildings. And then Scott added the final piece. The bodies of all of the heroes and villains scattered the streets. He included the trained ones, just to add to it. He held that sight for a minute or two, then ended the illusion.

The moment he did so, his legs gave way and he collapsed to the ground, exhausted. He was still conscious, but barely. "That's what will happen."


Cameron watched the proceedings with interest. He frowned a little when he saw the boy's reaction. If Helena really was grasping his heart, he'd surely be showing more signs of pain. And he'd been taught to read expressions by the best- Helena herself. It meant he couldn't read hers, but he knew something was up.

He followed the lead when she turned away, heading for the streets. Now that more people were around, he sighed and extinguished the ball of flames in his hand. A small flame probably would go unnoticed, but he doubted that they'd be ignorant to a fireball engulfing his hand.

He hated to say it, but he knew that his pyromania was worsening. He was finding it harder and harder to extinguish the flames. It didn't require any more physical effort, but it took a lot more personal strength to quell the flames. He knew it was dangerous. Any loss of control in a dangerous situation could be fatal. And that extended to him as well.

He heard the male's voice once again, but chose to ignore it. He was considering asking around to see if there were any abandoned office buildings around when the illusion took over.


No, no, no, this shouldn't be happening. We should be working together on this. This is a bad idea. The visions once again caused Matt to stumble backwards as he saw what would happen, thanks to Helena's decision to walk away. He fell behind for a second or two, before lengthening his stride to catch up with his ally and friend.

"You know I trust you completely, right? I just don't want you or our team to get hurt." He kept his tone light and pleasant, as though they were discussing where they were going to take their class next.

He knew that she'd misinterpreted his expression. The coldness wasn't directed towards her. It was just that from time to time, it engulfed him until he wasn't even sure who it was directed towards.

"We need to work together. My power's been working overtime, and it doesn't look good. We need them."

The voice of the male hero seemed to confirm that he felt something similar. Matt's hand instinctively drew his gun, but didn't turn. Matt had been wondering what his power was. And then he found out.

The illusion was eerily close to what Matt had seen, but with more flames and less explosives. When the illusion ended, Matt found himself spinning around to face the male hero. He didn't move as he collapsed, instead watched Lena's reaction and holstered the gun. They weren't in any immediate danger, it seemed.