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Skyla Ascot

'Stay where you are, I'll be there in a second. Literally.'

0 · 550 views · located in San Francisco

a character in “The Consequence”, originally authored by Issa, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Skyla Opal Ascot
Nickname: Sky
Age: 18
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alliance: Hero

Power: Teleportation
'Before you go calling my power crap, just see what I can do.'

Sky is not only able to teleport her body from one physical location to another she can also teleport inanimate objects or other people. This means she can use them as projectiles when fighting, a handy little trick to have.

Of course at this stage in her training she can only teleport things that she is touching, and she has to teleport with it. But she is learning to use her mind to teleport objects and is confident that soon enough she'll be able to transport something without touching it or having to go herself.

When you get down to the smaller, microscopic levels Sky's power can also be used with devastating effects. The ability to teleport groups of cells away, or even a whole limb is something that Sky will one day be capable of. It is doubtful that she would ever use it to harm anyone though, given that she is a hero.

It also helps to have a quick mind, which Sky does have. Teleporting can transport her body from one position to another in the blink of an eye. As such she needs to be able to make flash decisions or else she could end up teleporting into something or someone, which can be very painful.


Cooking 'I'm pretty good in the kitchen'

Languages 'The perks of coming from a bilingual family mean I speak fluent English, German and Spanish. I'm also learning Japanese.

Hand-to-hand combat 'My power isn't really offensive so I've been learning hand-to-hand combat to help me kick ass.'

Lip reading 'Comes in handy when people don't want you to hear things.'

Strategic thinker 'I love planning missions.'


Hunger 'When I'm hungry my brain basically shuts down. Not literally, but I become pretty single minded when I'm hungry and won't be happy until I've eaten.

Her Morals 'I believe what I believe and that is why I'm a hero'
Sky's morals might be called her strength or her weakness, depending on which side you're looking from. She believes strongly in giving second chances, never hurting others and only causing harm when absolutely necessary.

Heights 'Sure, I can teleport myself away if I fall but that doesn't stop heights scaring the pants off me'

Coordination 'Don't throw me the priceless artifact, just pass it to me!'
Pretty self-explanatory. She isn't the most coordinated girl.

Laziness: 'Why run when I can teleport?'
While Sky does keeps up a certain level of fitness she would much rather teleport herself than walk or run.


The cold
Playing Sports
Stick Insects


Sky is someone that people often have a hard time pining down. On the one hand she can be lazy, preferring to use her power rather than walking or running somewhere. She also loves to joke, even when the situation might not be completely appropriate. When not on a mission Sky often exhibits a casual, easy attitude.

On the other hand she has a set of values that she believes whole-heartedly. Sky believes in giving second chances, seeing the good inside everyone and never hurting anyone unless absolutely necessary. She has been called naive in the past for her beliefs but is resolute in sticking with them. While she knows hand-to-hand combat she prefers to use it to disarm instead of hurt people.

Sky is a friendly person who loves to enjoy the moment. She knows her weaknesses and strengths. She frequently laughs about her shortcomings and openly admits that she is useless on a sports field. She is rarely far from the centre of attention as she loves to be around people, but she also has no problem spending time alone.

She isn't a genius but she's far from stupid. Her skills lie in strategy and planning. She has a great mind when it comes to thinking up plans of attack and making the most of her assets. Her easy-going attitude often masks a mind that is quick at finding answers and planning what next to do. Her mind needs to be quick if she is to use her power to the best of her ability. The faster she can think the more effective her teleporting is.

Sky never had an easy childhood. She was born the fourth of five children and the only girl. Her parents were middle class, run of the mill people who spent more time at work than raising their children. Sky was often left to the supervision of her older brothers, the oldest being ten years her senior. Needless to say the older boys rarely wanted to hang out with their younger sister. There was little love lost between the siblings and Sky was often the one who was left out, pushed in the mud and laughed at.

When her father died the family, already pretty dysfunctional, seemed to completely split. Her mother spiraled into depression, her eldest brother turned to alcohol, another never left his room, one left home at 16 and her younger brother stopped talking. It was hardly an ideal house for the young girl to grow up in, but she still managed to remain positive despite her family problems.

Then her powers appeared. At first it was such a small leap that Sky questioned whether she had just imagined it. The next time it happened she found herself rolling out of bed one moment and the next she was falling through the clouds above her house. It was probably that teleportation that caused her fear of heights. It was also the one that almost killed her. Sky didn't know how to control her powers at that point and was too busy screaming to try to understand what had happened. Luckily some survival instinct seemed to burst to life and she teleported herself to safety.

After that her teleporting became more frequent although never quite as dangerous. She slowly began to learn how to control it. Then she was approached to join the Heroes. It was more than just a will to learn to control her powers that made her accept, but a need to help others from harm. She has enjoyed training, even if her sometimes lazy attitude does not always mesh well with the strict learning environment. She rarely misses her family, but does check in with them every few months.


So begins...

Skyla Ascot's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx
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Scott took a mouthful of coffee as he headed back into the base. Everything had just been so chaotic when he had woken up, and he had just had to get out of the base for a while. It was unusually calm when he returned with his coffee in hand, and he started to wonder if the whole thing had been a prank by the other heroes, just to wind them up.

He thought he'd seen her again when he'd got his coffee. Ever since he'd first seen her, he'd been going to the same place for his coffee in the hope that he would see her and talk to her. He'd met her a couple of times and they had talked enough to call each other friends. He'd fallen for her on first sight. He hadn't had a chance to talk to her today- which was probably a good thing. He had been so weirded out by the whole thing, he'd probably give away too much. He'd told her that he was a freelance journalist.

He passed by the conference room and stopped. It was chaos in there. It made sense. All of the trainees had gathered there. Looked like the other heroes hadn't just been playing a trick, then. He went in and sat at the back of the room, waiting for someone to try and regain order. He then realized that he was probably the only person who could.

Sighing to himself, he stood up and headed for the top of the room. Nobody noticed- they were too panicked. It was understandable. They'd all heard the message that had been received, all heard the rumour that the greatest villain was still to come. They were all terrified out of their wits. Even he was a little scared.

"Guys-" They didn't hear him. He tried raising his voice, but to no avail. He rolled his eyes, climbing to stand on the table. "GUYS!" He yelled. He picked up a glass from the table and hurled it at the ground. The crash was loud enough to force them to look at him, still standing on the table.

"I know we're all scared. I don't know what's happening, but we need to get out onto the streets, make sure everything's okay. We need to prioritize the civilians at the moment. If we're right, then there could be something huge happening very soon. Get prepared. Usual precautions- student ID's, cover stories, and so on.

Right now, guys, you are the heroes. So you need to be responsible. There's nobody who can patch up your mess if you screw up. So don't. Go get ready. You have five minutes. Meet me back here."

His own outfit of a white short-sleeved shirt and black jeans was enough to pass him off as a teacher. He swung by his room briefly to grab a pair of glasses. The lenses were just plain glass, but they made him look a little more like a teacher. He swore to himself as he realized the major flaw in his plan. Teachers would have to be able to read. He'd just have to hope that nobody asked him to read anything.

He headed back for the conference room, sinking back into the chair at the head of the table and swinging his feet onto the table. All he could do was wait for the chaos to start.


Cameron spun himself around in the swivel chair idly. Everyone had gone mad since most of the fully trained villains had disappeared. Someone had suggested going out into the streets, seeing what was happening there. With nothing better to do, they'd decided to go. It hadn't taken Cameron long to get dressed.

A small flame appeared in his hand, and he started playing with it, manipulating it into different shapes. He formed a ball and threw it into the air. He wasn't sure if it would hang there or if gravity would affect it. It seemed it was the latter, as he missed it and it fell to the carpet. He quickly extinguished the flames, but there was still a burn mark left. Oops.

He leaned back in the chair and started to spin himself around once again, waiting for someone else to come in. His beanie nearly flew off, and he grabbed it before it did. He felt unusually calm, considering their deaths could be waiting for them in the near future. He was even surprised at himself. It was probably due to the fact that he'd had a night of decent sleep for the first time in about two weeks, with no bad dreams about drowning.

He glared at the glass of water on the table and slid it towards him, dipping his finger into the glass and lighting a small flame. It was difficult to keep it going, considering the lack of fuel and temperature, but it focused his attention. He removed his finger, concentrating on the flame. It was a good idea all around- focusing his mind and satisfying his pyromania without any risk of burning the base down. He focused all of his attention on the glass, trying to encourage the flame to grow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Scott Williams
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Andrew had left the conference room the moment Scott told them to get prepared. Whilst he stripped down out of his sweatpants and t-shirt, drawers opened up around him. Folded clothes levitated about the room until they reached the bed where they took their own initiative, resting themselves lightly on top of his mattress. He adorned his clothes, dressing the part of a regular high school graduate, shoving his fake Student ID in his pocket. There was not much he could do at this point to prepare because he didn't know what to prepare for. At first Andrew thought they were pulling a prank, maybe even an emergency drill to test their reactions upon discovering that they were gone. But when they saw the blood on the floor, that's when they knew it was real. Someone was killing heroes. If that was true then Andrew didn't see any logic behind going to the surface and splitting up, monitoring civilians. He didn't want to leave them alone or defenseless, but he didn't see how they were in danger. Regardless, he returned to the conference room, seeing Scott at the head of the table, sunken into the chair.

He looked stressed, more so than usual. Walking in on the chaos earlier must've taken a toll on him given the circumstances. In retrospect, it was curiosity spiked Andrew's interest more than concern. He wanted to know what was going on, every little detail. He didn't like being left out in the dark, not in a situation like this. Scott had been his mentor since he first arrived at the base. It wasn't like him to keep anything important like this a secret. Especially from his trainees. Scott had helped him a lot throughout the years, the trainer having brought his mental stamina and overall ability to a whole new strength. Andrew felt almost selfish for wanting more from him. But from what he could tell, this was life or death. People were going to die. And some of the most powerful heroes already have.

Andrew stayed at the back of the room, watching over his mentor as his fellow trainees began to file in. He knew it was only a matter of time before someone demanded to know the details of what was happening. Andrew himself just wasn't going to be the one to do it.


Should I tell them? Helena pondered as she sat in solemn contemplation, as she sat in her room at the compound. Even if I did, what would I say? Nothing like this has ever happened before.

The moans and creaks of the prison above reverberated around her, giving her a sense of unease. She never preferred it here over her apartment downtown. She kept only the necessities in this bedroom, during times of grave importance when she just had to be here. This room was just like any common guest room, no personalization or sign that anyone lived there. She hadn't been in this room for nearly a month. Now, all of a sudden, Matt had called her back saying that there was a problem. It was happening. The villains who had trained her, picked her up off of the streets, practically helped her discover her true potential aren't just missing. They're dead. Helena felt a gaping hole in her chest. It was like losing family all over again. She didn't know how to cope. She could only wait for Matt to show up and still her grieving heart.

Helena made her way to the conference room begrudgingly, unable to put on her casual demeanor. She sat at the head of the long, steel table for the trainees to come back in. They were planning on leaving. But Helena couldn't let them do that, couldn't let them walk out that door without some knowledge of what was actually going on. She glanced up as Cameron walked into the room, not noticing her as he played with his fire. She leaned back into the leather chair, burying her face in the palm of her hand. As soon as she felt the air in the room become more condensed she raised her gaze, realizing then that everyone had made it inside of the conference room.

"Sit tight everyone. There's something important you must know.." She inhaled deeply through her nose, reluctantly admitting her weakness, "Unfortunately it is something I cannot bring myself to tell you. We'll all just have to sit tight until Matt arrives.."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Scott Williams
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Alisia felt the fear strike through her, it woke her from sleeping. It was so intense, coming from all around her. It was deafening, it made it hard to think let alone get dressed. She decided to pull a black hoody on over her tank top and pajama pants and make her way to the conference room.

The closer she got to the conference room the more painful the fear became. She made herself take deep calming breaths as she forced her way in.

"I know we're all scared. I don't know what's happening, but we need to get out onto the streets, make sure everything's okay. We need to prioritize the civilians at the moment. If we're right, then there could be something huge happening very soon. Get prepared. Usual precautions- student ID's, cover stories, and so on.

Right now, guys, you are the heroes. So you need to be responsible. There's nobody who can patch up your mess if you screw up. So don't. Go get ready. You have five minutes. Meet me back here."

Before she could even make her way entirely into the room everyone was rushing back out. Already tired from the pain in her head she made her way back to her room. What in the world was going on? She did as she was told, quickly dressed. She brushed her hair, letting it hang long today, trying to take whatever pressure she could off of her head. She also quickly popped some Excedrin, and pulled her student ID lanyard around her neck. Slipping on her Airwalks, she made her way back to the conference room. She wanted to know what was going on, she searched the minds of those around her. She got pieces, blood stained floors, heroes gone, some woman? This only aroused more questions for her. She saw Andrew standing in the back of the room.

”Do you know what is going on?” she asked mentally. Her voice probably sounded tired and pained even in his head. She knew he would understand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Scott Williams Character Portrait: Alisia Scott
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#, as written by Issa

The conference room in the heroes base was loud, all the trainees gathered were trying to figure out what had happened. Each idea was being shouted louder over the top of the last. It was, Sky thought, a bit of a mess. She had voiced her own ideas obviously but hadn't spoken since then, preferring to turn around the others' ideas. She was still trying to figure out exactly what had happened. The whole situation was still a bit of a haze really. All she knew for certain was that suddenly all their heroes had gone.

Well, not all of them. Sky spotted Scott entering the room and trying to grab everyone's attention. It didn't appear to work until Scott picked up a glass and smashed it on the ground, the sound of it shattering caught everyone's attention. The room fell into a hush and they all turned towards Scott.

"I know we're all scared. I don't know what's happening, but we need to get out onto the streets, make sure everything's okay. We need to prioritize the civilians at the moment. If we're right, then there could be something huge happening very soon. Get prepared. Usual precautions- student ID's, cover stories, and so on... Right now, guys, you are the heroes. So you need to be responsible. There's nobody who can patch up your mess if you screw up. So don't. Go get ready. You have five minutes. Meet me back here." Scott's words sent everybody out of the room, their goal clear now.

Sky stood up and, in the blink of an eye, she disappeared with a barely discernible 'pop' sound as the air rushed to fill the space where she had been.

She reappeared in her room, standing in the middle of her room. Rather than take the few steps over to her wardrobe she teleported again, appearing close enough to slide open the door and stare at her clothes. She pulled out a simple outfit, changed and then teleported to the spot in front of her mirror. Casual, comfortable and definitely something a student would wear. She left her hair down, there wasn't much time to do anything with it now. She double checked to make sure she had her student I.D and then, satisfied with everything, she teleported back into the conference room.

Alicia, Andrew and Scott were the only ones in the room at the moment. Sky took a seat next to Scott.
"It's pretty bad, huh?" She remarked to Scott. Her question didn't really need an answer since anyone could see that the situation was indeed bad. Sky just wanted to fill the silence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Scott Williams
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I've no idea, Ali. But don't worry, Scott wouldn't lead us astray. I'll keep you safe. The words washed over her and gave her a sense of relief. She knew that she was more than likely able to keep herself safe, but the fact that Andrew would say that made her more happy than she cared to admit. She smiled as he raised his pinky, she followed suit.
'Thanks,' it was a soft spoken phrase, full of all her appreciation. I have your back too

Alisia tried her best to hide her surprise as the blonde girl popped into the conference room. It was Skyla. Ali tried her best to smile at the girl, but with the pain pulsing through her temples she imagined it looked less sweet and more grimacing.

“It is pretty bad huh?” she asked. Ali nodded.

'Seems that way,' she projected with her thoughts from the room to hear. She was both too shy and in to much pain to use her real voice.'Hopefully Scott will be back soon.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot
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Scott jumped a little as Skyla took a seat beside him. He'd been lost in his own thoughts, and mentally slapping himself in the hope that he'd wake up. "It's pretty bad, huh?" He nodded, sighing a little as he stretched. "Bad is an understatement." He remarked. He smiled a little at Alisia as she sat down, but she didn't seem to notice him.

He instinctively done a quick headcount, seeing who they were missing. Andrew was still waiting down the back of the room. Alisia and Skyla were at the desk. The only person missing was Athena. He wished there was some way he could leave a message for her, but his dyslexia made writing more trouble than it was worth. "Okay guys. Let's get going."

He led the way up to the street, glancing around. The city was chaotic, but no more so than it usually was. The words left his lips instinctively. "Stick together, guys. Let's have a quick scout around."

Everywhere was filled with words. Maybe it was because he wasn't in the best of moods, but it seemed even more frustrating. He could make out every third word or so, but not much more. His eyes dropped to his feet, trying to cloud his frustration and disappointment in himself. Even with all the coaching he'd received, he could hardly read or write his own name.

His eyes flicked up, and it took him a moment or two to register the sight he saw before him. But when he did, he swore to himself. It wasn't just them out in the city, then.


Cameron smirked as Helena tore into Dismay. He mightn't have liked the heroes, but Helena had a point. As soon as they were dismissed, he stood up, fixing his beanie and heading out to the streets.

Cameron spotted Xeno, Helena and Lara together, with Xeno grabbing them all in a bear hug. The sight made Cameron immensely glad that he wasn't with them. He wasn't particularly fond of human contact. He could barely tolerate Helena hugging him or whatever. Nobody else was allowed to get that close.

He watched the scene unfold. Lara came towards him as Helena wrapped Xeno in a hug. Cameron smiled at Lara, a spark flaring between his fingers.

"What do you think about all this? About losing all those people I mean." She asked. He raised an eyebrow, shrugging a little. "I don't know. I don't think it's really set in yet. It's just like we're on another trip and that they're going to show us how to rob a bank without anyone noticing or something."

Something caught Cameron's eye and he turned to face it fully. A group of teenagers, all about their own age, led by a guy that looked about Helena's age. They weren't exactly the most extraordinary sight in San Francisco- until he saw Skyla. The heroes were on the streets as well. Matt had appeared at some point, but Cameron was more worried about Dismay. He watched her, trying to gauge her reaction. The flame that was still flickering between his fingers swelled until it formed a ball of fire, ready to intervene if necessary.


Matt has been about to speak when Lena stepped in, dealing with Dismay. As the villains began to disperse, he himself headed to they room he usually occupied. He traded his black t-shirt for a clean white one, pausing briefly to fix his hair, before heading out to the streets. It took him a little while to find them, but when he did, he didn't like what he saw.

The heroes were on the streets as well. He hadn't seen them encountering each other. Something with as much possibiltiy for destruction as this wouldn't slip past his power, so it was entirely a coincidence. That didn't make it any less dangerous.

He glanced at Dismay, who hadn't seen them yet. "LENA! At your ten o'clock!" He yelled, striding forward. He went to stand a short distance from Dismay, enough so that he could prevent her from attacking if he needed to. He caught Lena's eye and shook his head.

No. Don't run. We can find out what the hell is happening and if it's happening to these guys.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot
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#, as written by Ever

A bored expression tugged at Dismay’s fine features as she strode over to their group, a feeling of absolute disgust at the sweet display flashed within her. God.. whatever happened to villains being cruel and ruthless? Its all because we have one soft member.. I know it! She’s causing everyone to turn bloody soft! ranted a nauseated voice within her being, the temper flaring even more at the mention of Helena. Instinctively, her posture became rigid and standoffish as resumed a place on the outer edges of the circle next to Cameron.

Feeling a soft warmth near her legs, Dismay raised an arched eyebrow at her team member, those black orbs holding a questioning gleam. Sliding her eyes downwards to land on his fingertips and seeing the small flame flicker between them, the villainess’s signature smirk returned to its former residence before speaking out, the tone more or less amused and slightly threatening. ”Watch it, flameboy. Don’t you dare set these tights on fire, they're my favorite.” Choosing to direct her attention away from Cameron, Dismay shot another venomous glare over at Helena, who had, currently, placed her hands lovingly on her friend’s face. Gritting her teeth in annoyance, the young woman crossed her arms to constrain that urge to rip off her trainer’s face. That bitch.. she’s lucky I have enough self-control! resonated the haughty thoughts as she continued to stare at Xeno and HER.

However, a movement on Cameron’s hands yanked her eyes to look down curiously. That harmless flame was now turned into a full-blown ball of fire. That arched eyebrow raised even further in an incredulous surprise, those black orbs narrowing ever-so-slightly. ”Cameron what the hel-”, Dismay’s hissing words were cut off by another movement in her peripheral vision as Matt, their leader, stepped up next to her. What the hell are they doing?! growled a furious voice within her mind at their sudden closing in on her. The villainess was about to open her mouth to display the hostility when Matt boomed, his voice causing her to wince. "LENA! At your ten o'clock!". Whipping around to stare at Helena, Dismay froze iin place at the sight of the approaching heroes.

Those black hued eyes narrowed into slits and seemed to grow even shadow-y, if that was even possible, as she took in the sight of the approaching group. Her fists clenched in an attempt to quell the rising anger, the voice inside her whispering frantically Don’t act out... Look at Cameron and Matt, they are ready to fight you.. You’ll have your chance.. soon.. Sliding her eyes over to look at her comrades, they, those blackened eyes, immediately filled with disgust seeing them ready to intervene. Giving a small tsk of agitation, Dismay relaxed her stance ever-so-slightly. Keyword; ever-so-slightly. Training her hostile glare on the approaching crowd, Dismay merely gave a slight flicking motion with her tapered fingers. To anyone watching, it would have been a bewildering sight; a tiny circular shadow from a nearby tree had disconnected itself from the bulk and was currently snaking it’s way through the grass and between peoples feet at an alarming speed Finally, it paused at it’s summoner’s feet before slowly rising out of it’s 2D form and into one of a black cat. However, unlike real animals, it’s fur was pulsing and wavering like a shadow did. Giving a slight meow, it spiraled around Dismay’s body until it landed on her shoulder, rubbing it’s head against the girl lovingly before turning it’s glowing red eyes onto the approaching group. A slight smile made a rare appearance on villainess’s petal pink hued lips as a finger reached up to lovingly scratch the shadow cat’s head before she muttered ”Hey Jinxx, long time no see.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Alisia Scott
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ImageAlisia did as Scott said, staying as close to Andrew as they left the headquarters. She had always made an effort not to come into the city. It was full of thoughts and emotions and crowds of people to make her headaches even worse than normal. She knew she had to do this though. As a hero in training she had a duty to the city to make sure the citizens were okay.

She was distracted, trying to keep her concentration on Drew alone. It helped filter out the rest of the city, she almost didn't notice the group until they were right upon them. She wasn't sure what was going on, until she recognized Cameron. He didn't like her very much and she only knew him a little.

“Do we speak with them?” she heard Athena ask. She was sweet girl, another of the trained heroes.

'Stay close to me, I'll shield us if they fire so we can get away.' she thought it so the others could hear as well, but it was pointed mostly at her fellow mind link buddy. The privately to him

'This could be bad huh?'

She knew what his answer was going to be but it didn't help the unease in her stomach.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Scott Williams
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#, as written by Issa

Sky loved the city. She lived for the vibrancy, the people and the many different cultures. When allowed to she would make trips into the city, dressed in civilian clothing, and spend as much time watching and talking people.
Now, though, Sky found the crowded streets almost overwhelming. The mood had shifted and the group of heroes walking down the street were all aware of the new danger that may have lurked around every corner.

Sky wasn't usually an impatient girl but today, as they had traveled into the city, she had just been itching to teleport into the city and begin to explore. She had held back though, wanting to stick with the group.

Sky followed behind Scott, her eyes scanning the crowds and buildings. She was hoping to find some clue, maybe even a marker from another hero. But there was nothing.
Then Sky heard Scott swearing, something that brought Sky's attention back to their immediate surroundings. She followed his line of sight and spotted the group opposite them.

Even if Sky hadn't recognised Xeno or some of the others she would have known them for villains. Cameron had a flame burning in his hand and the blue haired girl, Dismay, was starring daggers at the group while patting a shadow cat.

Sky glanced from the group of villains back to Scott and Athena. They were the two trained heroes, she would let them lead the group. Her curiousity peaked as she looked the group over. Apart from two of the members they were all trainees, did that mean that they had also been affected by the disappearance. Or perhaps they were the cause and had come to pick off any remaining heroes?

"'Stay close to me, I'll shield us if they fire so we can get away." Alisia's voice echoed through Sky's head and she nodded in reply, her mouth set in a determined line.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs
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Xeno Min Park

Xeno was confused about what Lara had said. To apologize to Lena...Then it hit him. She probably noticed his mistake with his social skills again. "Helena I'm so-" He began, but stopped when she pulled him into a hug. When she hugged him even tighter, he felt it difficult to swallow. Slowly he wrapped an arm around the her. "Lena...I'm sorry about earlier.." He murmured to her. A serene smile was playing across his lips. Right now his guilt was building up, but he needed to keep his smile. Besides he knew he needed to improve and mistakes were part of the process. As long as he could apologize he could learn to do better next time.

To anyone right now who didn't know the two villains, what Helena did next would have made it seem like they were a couple. Xeno didn't know and was puzzled slightly by the odd stares given by bystanders and passerby. His eyes widened slightly when Lena cupped his face. "Xen, darling, look at me." She was tearing up. "Lena loves you, you know that don't you? Lena loves you so much." He touched his forehead to her's briefly and grinned. "Of course I do, if not you wouldnt take the time to teach me so many things. Like how you can get money for free if you go into a bank at night and go to the room they locked up. You are like the mom I never had. Please don't cry." He wiped one of her tears away. That's when he noticed something from the corner of his eye.

A group of young adults. Heroes. Xeno saw Skyla and waved with his signature Cheshire Cat grin. However, when everyone else around him tensed he pretended to as well. "Lena...what are we going to do?" He asked as he brought a finger near his lips. It seemed Dismay was getting ready to fight with her shadowy pet. Cameron had a ball of fire. This all seemed like a plausible cause for him to be ready to fight as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot
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Alisia yelped as she felt the pain rip Andrew. Immediately she shoved her consciousness into his, trying to take some of the pain onto herself. Not a lot, she knew Andrew wasn't a baby, but she didn't want him to hurt if she could help him. She didn't like the way that girl was around Andrew, like she felt he belonged to her.

'Are you okay,' she asked him softly. She didn't want to pester him too much with her worry. She felt rage, and for a moment she worried it was her own. She wasn't sure, there was such a full rainbow of emotions right now. She quickly put a shield up around Helena's 'Clever Boy,' so she couldn't hurt him again.

She just wanted desperately for them to go away. They had lost enough today, they didn't need to spend their time fighting with the villain trainees.

'Do you know that girl Drew? There is so much rage boiling underneath her, I don't think I like her.”
She heard Lara ask about the note, with a deep breath she spoke aloud in her very soft, quiet voice.

"We did," it was short and sweet and to the point. She wasn't even sure if she should be telling anyone, but if there was a chance they could all just work together that would make things easier. Maybe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Scott Williams Character Portrait: Alisia Scott
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Athena's angry and rage had calmed down, no one had been talking to her for her to have it fed and keep it going. She sighed with relief when she figured out Andrew was okay, and she couldn't help but feel all the attention was Helena. Helena this and Helena that, that's all most people seemed to care about by the looks of things. Athena was fairly good at reading people. Then she looked over at Scott.

He was concentrating on something and she knew at that moment he was using his illusions. He was letting his guard down by showing them his power. Athena sighed softly, it was alright she supposed. Athena watched as it continued and the villains some of them had stopped in their tracks others kept walking, Athena could think of possible scenarios that Scott was giving the illusion of, some might now care at all what he was doing.

Athena watched as soon he collapsed to the ground. He kept talking like he was trying to convince them. Athena knew it was no use, she would have tried herself, but she'd have to be constantly talking or slowly the effect would wear off and she knew that'd be a waste of energy that she had stored up. She went down to the ground and sat there and she let Scott rest parts of his shoulder and head in her lap, just so he wouldn't be laying there on the ground.

She also knew there was no use in trying to calm him at this point. Athena was waiting to see the next move of the villains and she was ready to protect who ever with her life if she had to. She wasn't even much of a close combat fighter but she would do it for her family. Especially Scott, he was the older brother she never had. She wasn't going to lose him like she lost her actual brother. Athena was still studying them not sure at this point.

She rested a hand on his forehead, and she turned to the other heroes ,"Get behind me please." She said softly. She may have been a pain in the ass or she may be very out spoken at a lot of times, but Athena was very gentle and caring, which was something people always seemed to be shocked at whenever she was. It was just something that she did. She was almost like a mothering figure to her family known as the heroes sometimes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Scott Williams Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa
Skyla Ascot

Sky had watched the drama unfold. The words traded between the heroes and villains had shown that both sides weren't completely ready to work together to solve this mystery. Sky, standing back from the main confrontation, had watched anxiously as everything had happened. Every now and again her attention had been drawn to the people passing them by in the street. Most of them were giving the two groups a wide berth as they passed, especially Cameron with his flame and Dismay with her shadow cat. More than a few, however, had chosen to watch from a safe distance.

Sky ignored them as best she could, turning her attention towards Scott as he spoke,
"Don't move... Keep an eye out, talk to a few people, see if anything else strange has happened, but don't go too far. And don't come after me. Even if you hear me scream. If you hear me scream, you run as fast as you can."
With those ominous words Scott went after the heroes. Sky had turned away, preparing to follow his instructions, when she heard the sound of someone falling to the ground. Sky turned to see Scott collapsed. Athena ran towards him and knelt beside him.
"Get behind me please." She said to Sky and the others.

Skyla, glanced from Scott and Athena up to the villains. Knowing what Scott's powers were meant that Sky had some idea of what he had done to the villains. She waited and watched to see how they would react. Some were walking away.
Xeno had actually waved at Sky and the other heroes before turning to leave,
"It was nice meeting all of you. See you soon" He said as he left. Sky gave him a quick smile before turning her attention back to everyone else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot
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#, as written by Ever

Images of a ruined city engulfed Dismay, the scent of singing bodies and rotting corpses attacking her senses. In a eye-wided stare, the young villainess took in the sight of crumbling buildings against an ashy red sky before those dark eyes landed on a new sight, a more gruesome one. In front of the teal-haired girl, a mere few feet away, were the soulless corpses of her fellow villains (as well as heroes), all strewn about and covered in crimson. Red.. its...blood! whispered the excited inner voice as the shadow manipulator gazed appreciatively at the chaotic hellish scene. A small fraction of her being knew it was wrong to become gleeful over the sight of destruction but those feelings of remorse were quickly overpowered by the emotion of lust for blood. A lust for revenge, a lust for death.

Within her black-hued orbs, Dismay knew excitement and sudden anticipation shone heavily yet clearly within them. And she didn’t bother to hide it. In fact, a look of disappointment flashed across her delicately carved features when Scott had fainted, taking away the beautiful scene with him. Biting her lower lip, eyes narrowing ever so slightly in annoyance due to the lack of time she was allotted for admiration, Dismay whispered softly to her teammates. Within the whisper, an pining want and a strange tone was present. ”Wouldn’t...that... be a shame.. if it came know?”. It was an obvious lie, to Dismay it wouldn’t be a shame if the future turned out hellish; to her it would be fun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot
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It felt like he actually passed out for a second or two, before he felt Athena pulling him onto her lap. It was only when she put a hand on his forehead that he flinched. He realised what a stupid idea it had been. Both he and Athena were in a vulnerable position right now, and he didn't have the energy to defend either of them. He pulled away from her, unsteadily getting to his feet. His balance wasn't the best, but he wasn't going to let them abuse his weakness.

"The world will fall. We're the only things standing between it and destruction right now."

A shadow flickered in his vision. Well, not exactly a shadow, but something black and darting. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up straight. As he was about to say something, the male villain yelled out for them all to hit the ground. Moments later, gunfire filled the air, followed by an explosion of the building next to them. The gunfire didn't falter.

Adrenaline replaced the exhaustion, and Scott ran for his heroes. "GET DOWN!" He yelled. As he reached them, he grabbed their hands and crouched down, pulling them down with him.

"The moment the gunfire stops, scatter and regroup back at base. It's too dangerous for us to be out in the open right now." He hissed at them. "Act like frightened civilians wanting to get away from the explosion. Talk to as few people as possible."

As soon as the bullets relented, Scott was on his feet and moving, heading for the base. He didn't feel right, like something was about to go wrong. Or possibly that it already had. More than just the explosion and attack.


The illusion paralyzed Cameron, and he turned to face the male hero as soon as it was over. The effort of the illusion was evident, and Cameron turned away once again, allowing the words to swim over his head. It wasn't his choice whether they cooperated or not. Either way, he'd work with it.

Matt yelled out, and Cameron felt gunfire pierce the air. He swore to himself and ducked, making himself as small as he could and lighting a small fireball. A second or two after, an explosion shattered the air, the shockwave sending Cameron flying. Uninjured, he scrambled to his feet. As he did so, an arm wrapped itself around his chest, covering his mouth with a rag to stop him from screaming and the other injecting a needle into his arm. He instantly went limp and watched as the fireball in his hand extinguished itself, moments before he blacked out.

The whole thing happened in the space of thirty seconds after the explosion. He didn't think anyone had seen him or his attacker.


A vision, from his own power, not the male hero's, swallowed Matt. Gun fire shattered the air around both the heroes and the villains, before an explosion detonated. With that, the vision ended.

"GET DOWN! NOW, RIGHT NOW!" He yelled. To their credit, most of the villains hit the ground. They'd seen how accurate his warnings were, a point which was emphasized by the gunfire that pierced the air. He was a little slow to hit the ground himself, and a bullet skimmed past his shoulder, grazing it. He grimaced as he flattened himself against the ground. He saw Cameron light up and counted the seconds. One. Two. Thr-

With a whoosh that almost sucked the air from his lungs, the building near all of them went up. The heroes were scattering. Matt's head shot up. Helena. Where was she, and was she in danger?

"Get back to the base. Split if you have to, but stay safe. Don't try any stupid crap. We're in enough danger as it is." He ordered, getting to his feet. He pulled out his fake police ID and used it to cut his way through the crowd.

As soon as he was clear, he broke into a sprint. He found her and grabbed her shoulders. "Helena. There was an incident. Gunfire and an explosion. We need to move." He took her hand with his uninjured arm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Scott Williams Character Portrait: Alisia Scott
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa
Skyla Ascot

The gunfire came out of nowhere. One moment the street had been normal, well relatively normal when two groups of super-powered people were involved, and the next an eruption of shots had fired out. Choas erupted. A nearby building was ripped to pieces as a violent explosion tore through it. Debris flew through the air, sending citizens screaming. Scott ran towards the group of heroes, any ill effects from using his power were now gone. He grabbed them all and pulled them to the ground,

"The moment the gunfire stops, scatter and regroup back at base. It's too dangerous for us to be out in the open right now... Act like frightened civilians wanting to get away from the explosion. Talk to as few people as possible."

Normal meant no teleportation. But Sky could teleport herself safely to the base in the blink of an eye. She could also, if she concentrated, no doubt teleport the others in turn. It would save a lot of trouble for them but would, no doubt, be noticed eventually.

Before she could voice her idea, a high pitched scream pierced through the noise. Sky's head turned and she pinpointed the source of the noise, a small girl trapped beneath a fallen stone. In the blink of an eye Sky had disappeared from beside her allies and reappeared by the screaming girl. Her hand clasped around the small girl's wrist and she gave her a reassuring smile. In the blink of an eye she and the girl were down the street, well out of the danger zone. The girl's screams stopped and her eyes widened in wonder.
"Are you alright?" Sky asked her, quickly looking her over for any injuries. There weren't any thankfully, other than minor scraps and bruises. Sky had to leave her there, worry for her friends growing. She let go of the girl and teleported back into the chaos.

In the middle of the street, amongst the running citizens, it was hard to find her teammates. Sky had just thought she had seen someone she recognised when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her. Before she could teleport away a needle was inserted into her arm and her world turned black.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs Character Portrait: Matt Kamrada
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0.00 INK


"Ow..." The words escaped his lips almost unintentionally. His whole body ached, but especially his head. He didn't know what had happened. Perhaps he had been caught in the explosion and had been knocked out. Helena would have brought him back to the base until he woke up again. But that couldn't be right. Because if it was, he'd probably be able to hear her voice. And all he could hear was a smothering silence. He dragged his eyes open. At first, all he could see was darkness. Then his eyes adjusted slightly to it and he could make out a few shapes. It looked like he wasn't alone.

He cupped his hands and willed a small flame to fill them, just enough to see by. A second or two passed, and he stared at his hands, which lacked the usual warmth of flames. They were empty. No matter how much he concentrated, he couldn't light even a small flame. That frightened him. He rooted in his pockets, hoping he'd left a packet of matches in them. It was a habit he was trying to get himself out of. And as the despair filled his stomach, it seemed like he had succeeded. His pockets were empty.

Suddenly lights burst on, causing Cameron to recoil a little. The sound of someone entering the room only made things worse. Before he could even get a look at who else was in the room, someone grabbed him and dragged his to his feet. Before he was even fully upright, his hands had been bound with duct tape and a rope slipped around them. "Come on, then."

And thus began the struggle between the two. It was brief. Cameron received a few swift blows to the stomach, crippling him and enabling them to tow him along behind them. One figure stayed in the room, and as they dragged Cameron away, he growled, "Let that be a warning to you."

Their intentions only became clear when they stopped. Cameron looked up and froze. They were in front of a huge pool. "No, no, no, don't, please, don't, I can't swim, I'll do anything, please, no, anything else, anything-" He was shaking, begging them. One laughed, before shoving him into the pool.

It was awful. He couldn't breathe, and his wrists were tied, meaning he couldn't even try to keep himself afloat. A rough tug from above dragged him to the surface. He didn't know how they were doing it. He was kept afloat for a few seconds, before he was dragged under once again.

This continued for a few minutes, until they dragged him out of the pool altogether. He lay on the ground, shivering with a mix of fear and cold. They didn't allow him long to recover, barely enough to get his breath back, before he was dragged back to the room where he had woken up and was slung in the corner, his hands still bound. He barely noticed them take away another boy.

His clothes were wet and he was cold. His breathing was fast and uneven, thanks to the fact he was on the verge of a panic attack. And somehow, he knew it was far from over.


He had never been so glad to see her safe. He noticed her eyes dart down to his arm, but he ignored it. "Where are the others?" She called over the panic as he tugged her through the crowd. "Heading back to base." He answered, dodging a frantic mother and sprinting for the tunnel that brought them beneath the bay.

He only allowed the two of them a break when they reached it. He slowed to a walk as they entered, allowing himself to catch his breath. "That was too much of a coincidence. Someone was targeting the supers, both sides." He said as his retinas were scanned. The door swung open to allow them access, and he headed straight for the conference room, knowing that the room was the standard meeting point for them.

He sank into a chair, finally glancing at his arm. "Today is just not my day." He sighed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa
Skyla Ascot

Sky's eyes fluttered open to darkness. Her body ached, her head was pounding and worst of all she had no idea where she was. She was sitting back against a cold, metal wall. Her first instinct was to teleport herself away. Only she couldn't. Her breath came faster as she realised that something was holding her powers back. She had always been able to teleport, jumping from place to place as she liked. Now, with her power gone she felt weak and vulnerable.

Her next instinct was to find out where she was. Her hands stretched out in front of her, groping through the darkness for anything that would help her figure out where she was. The brushed up against cold metal a mere arms length from her face. Her breathes were coming in short gasps now. She slowly stretched one leg out, only to feel another wall constricting her. Wherever she was it was small, giving her barely enough space to sit.

A moment later blinding lights exploded in her eyes. Sky let out a surprised yelp and flung her hands up to shield them from the onslaught.
"So, you've awoke." A voice echoed out from some unknown place. Blinking sun spots out of her eyes Sky slowly took in the scene. She was, as she had guessed, sitting in a small box. She could comfortably sit in it with her legs curled up but there was no chance of her lying down or standing up. All but one of the box's sides were metal. The last side, directly in front of her, was a see through plastic. It was through this side that the lights came.

The lights dimmed slightly and she could make out a figure standing in front of her small cube. Male possibly, but there was little way for her to be certain until he spoke again.
"I'm so pleased that we can finally begin." He said.
"Begin what? Where am I?" Skyla shouted, slapping her hands against the walls of her prison. The figure outside laughed,
"You don't need to worry about where you are Skyla, or should I call you Sky?" The man took a step closer. The lights still made it impossible for Sky to make out his face.
"Let me out!" Sky shouted, ignoring his question. Her emotions were beginning to get the better of her. Sky hated small spaces. She had an intense fear of being confined and now, without her powers, she was scared out of her mind.
"Oh, I'm sorry Sky." The man cooed, his voice taking on a fake concerned tone, "Unfortunately we're not going to be able to do that today. But how about we try this..."

Something was activated and suddenly the walls of the box began to shift. The cube compressed, pushing Skyla tighter against the walls and together. She bit her lip rather than let herself scream in front of this man, but it was a near thing. Her arms went to the wall above her head and she desperately tried to push it back.
"That's not going to work darling." The man laughed. No doubt he had a perfect view of Sky as she struggled against slowly reducing container.

Something happened and the walls suddenly stopped. Sky let out a gasp of relief and slumped back against the wall. Only to have her relief tainted a moment later as the man gave another laugh and the walls began to move again.
All six sides of the wall were pressed against her now. Her head was tucked between her knees as she tried to make herself as small as possible.

"Please, stop!" She whispered, her distress almost bringing her to tears.
"All you had to do was ask." The voice barely registered, what did was the walls as they quickly stopped and then drew back. Just as quickly the plastic wall was opened and two pairs of strong hands drew the shaking Sky from her prison. A blindfold was immediately flung around her eyes and she was lifted off her feet and over the shoulder of one of her captors.

What seemed like an age later the blindfold was ripped off her and she was pushed into a cell containing several other people. The door slammed behind her and Sky let herself wonder to the side of the door. She slumped back against the wall, closed her eyes and gave her breathing a chance to return to normal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Helena Roche Character Portrait: Athena Powell Character Portrait: Xeno Min Park Character Portrait: Dismay Nyx Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot
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0.00 INK


Scott found himself at the base before he knew it, the usual security checks verifying his identity before he was allowed access. As soon as the green light flicked on, he heaved the door open and went straight to his room. Somewhere on his way back, he'd realised that he'd left his phone on the small bedside table. He was barely able to use the blasted thing. It was all words and even though the images made it easier, he still found it nearly impossible to use. He was able to answer a call and sometimes make one, but that was the extent of it.

He unlocked the screen and noticed a missed call. He couldn't exactly make out who it was from, and the adrenaline racing through his veins made the whole thing worse, completely eliminating the chances of him returning it. It didn't matter. If it was important, they'd call again.

He headed for the conference room, sinking into the chair at the head of the table. He was the first back, it seemed.


Matt gave a smile and a nod in greeting when Xeno and Dismay arrived. Lena stood up to give Xeno a hug, and Matt found himself watching Dismay. He tried giving her a small smile, but she didn't look at him.

It took Matt a second to realise when Lena turned to speak to him. "Where are they, Matt? Can you see them?" He sighed an closed his eyes. He could tap into his power at will, but preferred not to. It would be tricky trying too focus on just Lara and Cameron, but hey, if he accidentally saw a plot to assassinate the President, he could get himself some brownie points with the Secret Service.

His power kicked in immediately and he saw Cameron and Lara. At first glance they were unharmed. Then he saw the duct tape around Cameron's wrists and the fact that he was sopping wet. Cameron was petrified of water.The fear in Lara's eyes couldn't be denied either. It then hit him that they were being held captive. And then they dragged Cameron to his feet and out of the room.

He snapped back to reality, the pain in his arm returning in a rush. He made a quick decision on what to tell Lena.

"They're being held captive. I don't know where, I don't know why, I don't know by who."

She didn't need to know about how they were being treated. She would be troubled enough by the fact that they were being held captive. She didn't need to know anything more.


He was vaguely aware of others coming and going, but he was curled in a ball in his corner, trying desperately not to sob. He'd failed at trying not to hyperventilate, and he was just trying to regulate his breathing. He couldn't forget the feeling of not being able to breathe, of water all around him, of the knowledge that he was about to die...

His clothes were still wet and still cold and he was shivering desperately, longing for warmth and wishing his power would come back so he could dry himself off and get warm. The lights were on, so he could see, but he didn't care. He'd willingly give up his sight for warmth and dry clothes and safety.

After a while, his breathing regulated a little. He looked up, seeing a girl curled against the wall, like he had been- and still was. He didn't know if his voice would work, so he gave it a try.

"I see they didn't try drowning you." It was meant as a comment but almost came out as a little bitter. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that..." His teeth were chattering and so he gave up on speaking, instead deciding just to preserve as much of his body warmth as he could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrew Proctor Character Portrait: Skyla Ascot Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Cameron Arthurs
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0.00 INK

The men laughed loudly as Lara held her head in her hands crying; eyes held tightly shut.

"And I thought she would be a challenge to break!" the leader shouted.

"Well there's still plenty of those hidden memories to delve into. We can still have fun with this one," another said. There were only two men in the room and Lara was certain that it wasn't Oliver's voice that said the latter. She couldn't check though, she had lost complete control and if she opened her eyes even for a second the whole building would be taken down with her still in it.

She felt hands grab her arms as she was dragged back into the room she had started in. They through her on the ground and spit on her. "A monster like you doesn't deserve anything," he said as he closed the door. Lara stayed where she had fallen, hands still covering her eyes; not only was there all those feelings that had exploded inside her still there, but now there was embarrassment. There had been others in the room when she left so she was certain that they were still there. This meant that everyone in that room would be seeing her cry, so weak and lost, out of control; everything she had wanted to hide.

After a moment she put her hands to the cold damp floor and began to feel her way, crawling, towards any wall that was near by. She heard other breathing hard or sniveling like in the room, it sounded like there were only about four of them who had been captured, though she was unsure of who. Along her way to the wall, her hand met someone else's foot. It felt extremely wet as if the person whom it belonged to had been dunked in water. Without saying anything she altered her direction slightly away from the person. She didn't feel like being anywhere near other people right now, especially since she had no way of knowing who they were until they talked, even then they might all be strangers.

When Lara finally found a wall she pulled her knees up to her chest and tucked her head in, letting her hair cover her face complete. Her breathing was slowly going back to normal, though silent tears streamed down her face. She could feel the beginning of the memory the men unlocked beginning to show itself. Lara was in a hallway; long, thing, and wooden. The floorboards beneath her creaked with every step, photos of a strange man and woman hung on the walls, and scorch marks decorated the wooden walls in sharp and frightened patterns that just barely missed some of the picture while completely destroying other. Oliver was at the end of the hallway, a letter in his hand. He was saying something to Lara, but all the noises were still muffled. Then, just as he looked up an iridescent orange blasted from Lara hitting Oliver in the face. He screamed in pain and was knocked backwards clutching his face. The words "You monster" echoed. A sharp intake of breath and a weak and quiet "I didn't mean to" was all that came from the red head as she tightened her arms around herself.