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Alana Marie Saint

Baby I can be your dream girl

0 · 1,467 views · located in The Academy

a character in “The Demi-God Academy”, as played by yourbunnyboo2


Better to be hated than loved for what your not


Full Name:
Alana Marie Saint

"Honey you can call me whatever you want

Birth Date:
June 19

Home Town:
Miami Florida, moved to England when she was sixteen.


Majoing in Fashion Design and minoring in sociology

Being Demi-Gods

Godly Parent:

Obviously as a descendant of Aphrodite she has powers over love and beauty. In he case as it related to beauty she can tell exactly what you need to be beautiful. She sees flaws and sees what is necessary to improve htem. She is naturally gorgeous, with or without makeup. She has the ability to lure men in. Like she's a magnet they can't help but be drawn to. She can temporarily make you believe you are infatuated with someone. Though that wears off after twelve hours. She can eminate sexual pheromones. They make anyone within a certain range feel sexually attracted to her, though that is very dangerous so she rarely does it.


Weaknesses and Flaws:
Needs attention-
Headstrong people-

Sharing Our Desires

Gifts| Drinking| Partying| Attention |Boys | Playing hard to get|Partying | Makeup| Clothes| Her hair|Kissing |Cuddling |Jealous guys | Laughing |
No|Country music |Brooding people | Snobs| Drugs| Cheaters| Kids| Reptiles| Reality Tv| Slobs| Bad hair days|Hipsters | Bitter coffee| Cigarettes|


Writing| Playing piano|Fashion designing | Running| Baking|
Being alone| Fire| Being unloved|
×Had a child



{Sweet, Flirty, Spoiled, Reckless, Vain, Blunt}
Lana is one of those girls who even when you want to hate her you can't. She has her faults but she owns up to them and faces them confidently. She walks around like she's thhe hottest thing on the planet. But even with her vanity and faint bitchiness she still is a total sweetheart.

She is the epitome of what a Queen Bee should be but she's not mean enough to be a queen bee. If you don't get on her bad side she's one of the sweetest bitches you will ever meet. She is always there for her friends. Lana is almost always smiling or laughing. She has a sweetness to her that draws people in.

As a descendant of Aphrodite, of course she's flirty. Flirting is second generation to her. Flirting for her is like conversating is for everyone else. She loves boys being hooked on her every word. But she id far from a slut. Yeah she kisses guys alot, she is always hugging somebody, and preffers a lap to a chair anyday but she is not a slut.

Alana does have her faults. She's been spoiled her whole life so she's used to getting what she wants and tends to get an attitude when she doesn't get what she wants. She tends to not thinks things through either. She is very reckless. She has been known to party too much and date the wrong guys.

Lana is Vain and blunt. Which is a pretty interesting combination. Basically she knows she's pretty and has no problems flaunting it. But on top of that she will say whatever she wants. No matter how it may make her look. She says anything she wants any time she wants and she won't apologize.

The Past Defines Us

Alana Marie Saint was born to Bonnie and Jake Crade on a hot June day. That is all she knows about her parents. Her parents had her adopted as soon as she was birthed. Melinda and Allen Saint paid the teen couple half a million dollars to give them their daughter and never return.

Alanas parents tuly did adore their seemingly "perfect daughter". She was adored by anyone who came in contact with her. Alana never heard the word no as a child. It never mattered how impractical her request was. Some might say her attitude is their fault, but Lana dissagrees. Her family kept it a secret that she was adopted for many years. But when her powers started showing up they had no choice but to confront her past.

Findind out she was adopted was basically a slap to the face for Lana. Her whole life seemed to change. Her father was a very successful plastic surgeon to the stars and her mother was a model. She came from a family of beautiful blondes. She fit in perfectly. So hearing she wasn't one of them was not easy for her.

It all started when her teacher grew a serious affection toward her, many would call it an obsession. Lana would always bat her eyes and coo at him to get him to raise her grades. But what she didn't realize was she was releasing a sdangerous amount of pheremones. One day after class he asked her to stay behind. He told her he loved her but she rejected her. I guess that pushed him ove the edge because he tried to rape her. If it wasn't for her screams being heard by the football players he might have succeeded.Her parents contacted her birth parents a month after that.
Turns out her father took that money and ran to England. He told her parents all about Alanas heritage and her powers and recomended sending her to the Demi-God Academy. Lana never met Aphrodite herself.

She started her sophmore year of high school at the Demi-God academy. As you can imagine it can be a little rough being the descendant of Aphrodite. Alot of people want to assume she's s alut. But really she's not. She's a socialite if anythhing. She parties, alot, she drinks, maybe a bit too much, she has sex, with like two people, and overall she just charms the pants off everyone. She hates the rumours but when it comes down to it her response is usually "Fuck em' they don't know shit".

Alana got pregnant her last year by [TBA]. Since it was toward the end of the year she kept the pregnancy a secret. When summer came she broke up with him. Instead of facing him and telling him the truth she lied and said she couldn't do a long term commitment. She had the baby but her cousin, who is infertile, is raising it along with her husband.

Theme Song: (Optional)
Oh No || Marina and the Diamonds[/url]
(Lyrics here)

So begins...

Alana Marie Saint's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Florence Bradshaw
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#, as written by Cloud



Time: 8.30am

The weather seems to rest at a comfortable temperature, not too warm or too cold. Curiously, the seasons of the Academy don't seem to relate much to the outside world, in fact it usually seems to be a mild summer day even if snow storms rage outside of it's boundaries. Of course, with a collection of super-powered demi-gods within it's walls the weather and many other aspects of life is always likely to change rapidly.

The Academy's first day of classes is always a more relaxed day for the students. Classes start slightly later than usual at 9.30am (usually classes begin at 8.55am) and end just after midday to allow for the traditional game of Capture the Flag in the afternoon.

However, this early in the morning most students can be found rising from their sleep and preparing for their day. All the students have arrived earlier in the week, giving everyone a chance to catch up on their holidays and make themselves at home again. Of course, the week has also given the students a chance to reopen old wounds, confirming past enmities or on the flip side form new friendships. Of course others have used the free week to get a head start on their studies, start working on an invention or begin to plan pranks. Of particular interest to the party animals would have been the nearby town bar which hosted a party the previous night. Of course leaving the school grounds is prohibited...

Given the vast array of personalities at the Academy, this year promises to be a very interesting one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Ariel Lee Character Portrait: Jason_Brooks
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Alana woke up to sun shining through her window. She groaned and attempted to roll over. This of course was useless since she was deeply entangled in her sheets. She sat up and shoved the heavy comforter off her, only to discover she was wearing the same black mini dress from the night before.

She groaned and immidiately ran to the nearest mirror, praying she had remembered at least to remover her makeup. If she remembered correctly she wore smoky eye makeup last night to play up her bright blue eyes.
She exhaled as she peaked and the mirror and happily sighed, of course she remembered.

She smiled and happily strode off to her bathroom for a scalding hot shower. She exfoliated her face until she had a natural glow and dewy tone. She washed her long hair, she let it grow over the summer so it hung all the way to her mid behind. Then once she blowdryed it she straightened and curled it so she had bigbombshell curls. She then focused on her face. She applied liqued eyeliner along her lids, applied mascara, and slicked red lipstick along her plump lips.
She glanced in the mirror and a smug smile played on her lips. "Pefect "She said blowing herself a kiss. Once she was thouroughly satisfied she strose her long legs over to her closet. After numerous attempts she settled on a pair of tweed shorts that showed off her long tanned legs, a silk cream blouse that was loose yet still hugged her impressive chest and a pair of Jeffrey Campbell lita boots. She finished it with gold hoops, a delicate gold and diamond necklace, and a Channel purse.

She grabbed her phone and keys as she headed out of her dorm. She glanced at the buildings as she walked to the cafeteria. He head was high, her long blonde hair caught the sun perfectly like a golden halo, and her dewy tanned skin glowed. She proded herself on the fact that though she never met her mother she had often been called the epitome of Aphrodite.

She walked into the cafeteria and smiled a little. She waved at a few friends before walking over to the food. She grabbed a strawberry smoothie, granola bar, and a fruit salad. She immidiately smiled as she saw Rose and Eddie. "Hey guys, has anybody seen Ariel?" She said setting her food down and kissing them both on the cheek. She suddenly could feel all the eyes on her. She glanced around "Well they're a bit... bolder this year" She said spearing a slice of kiwi and popping it into her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully before spotting Jordan. She smiled at him before turning to her friend "Be right back. Don't leave without me."

She walked over to Casey, Jordan, and Jasons table. "There you are" She said easily sliding onto Jordans lap. "Hey love"She said with one of the smiles reserved just for him. She smiled at Casey too "Hey Case by the way I got thia new nail polish that will look crazy cute on you". She reluctantly nodded in greeting to Jason.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Cyrus Goldsmith Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell
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"Some say that Olympus is one big party. I would discount this as exaggeration, but judging from the behavior of my kin, there is a rather large kernel of truth to it."

Cyrus woke up early this morning, unlike a few of his "cousins", though Cyrus would prefer not to think of them that way too much. After all, that term combined with the tendency of many of his peers to "hook up" along with his own attraction to multiple said female peers was liable to trigger the incest reflex, a survival mechanism meant to defend the human species from the many genetic diseases incest would trigger.

When he woke up, Cyrus decided to take a shower as the bathroom he shared with his siblings on his floor was empty at that time of day and proceeded to dress himself and pick up the case containing his laptop. It was a custom one his brother, Camden gave to him for his birthday. Its looked to be the work of a demigod. Perhaps a child of Hermes, Athena, or Hephaestus. He and the other children of Athena along with the children of Hermes had worked on a project where the computers on school grounds could network together in a way reminiscent to the internet but without the downside of attracting monsters as it was a closed network. Truthfully, Cyrus felt he contributed very little aside from the initial idea and the mathematics behind it. However, the network proved popular. If he remembered right, someone daughter of Aphrodite was working on a replica of Facebook. Children of Aphrodite could prove industrious if given the right motivation, he mused.

He stepped out of his room an headed down to the main floor, ignoring the many weapons and bookcases he passed as he did. However, on the main floor, he stopped in front of the statue of his mother. He looked at her. She was so regal-looking and ageless, as though she demanded proper respect. Her statue was a lot different than how she acted when he met her for the first time. The way she talked with his father was so natural, so human. He did not know how the memory made him feel so he stored it away.

He headed for the cafeteria and, deciding that he would rather manage his time more efficiently, ordered a blueberry smoothie mixed with nectar. Cyrus felt that fine food such as this, with nectar and fruit from Olympus, was one small way the gods showed their children that they cared, though in an indirect manner. Not to mention Hermes charged a pretty penny too.

He sat down at a table near the corner and booted up his laptop, taking a sip of his smoothie as he did so. Immediately, he opened up Total War: Shogun 2. Total War: Rome 2 had sadly been a disappointment. It was a pity. The first Rome had been far ahead of its time. He chose a multiplayer match and smiled when he saw the screenname of one of his siblings. He raised an eyebrow when they chose the Otomo faction. So they would be using firearms. He chose the Takeda.

What followed was a half hour match where two children of Athena utilized multiple tactics against each other. His opponents use of gunpowder units was masterful, but the Takeda horse archers had a clan bonus, not to mention a longer range. While his horse archers flanked his opponents units, they charged towards his army, but he sent them to retreat in the woods. Nonetheless, it wasn't an easy match. He was unable to avoid many casualties due to the gunpowder units, but, at last, he won.

He closed his laptop and finished off his smoothie. He eyed his surroundings, noting that several people had arrived during his game. He waved at each of his friends/acquaintances and pondered who he should talk to first. His mouth twitched at Alana's actions.

"She likes one twin, but dislikes the other. Twins are a package deal, though," he mused to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Jason_Brooks Character Portrait: Jordan Brooks
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Casey smiles as she sees Alana. She thought Alana was a fun person, maybe a little flirty at times, and set on helping Casey with looks, someone with a good heart. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it then, huh?" Casey responds with a smile as she runs the spoon she was using through the yogurt almost absentmindedly. She liked Alana, she really did, she was just an interesting person in general and made things more fun. Casey took another sip of water as she watched Jordan and his response.

"Hey gorgeous. Excited to get back into the world of studying fashion?" Jordan asks with a smile as he wraps his arms around her gently. Even though Jordan was two years younger than Alana, he was taller, even if it was by a few centimeters, or millimeters if he was wanting to be honest. Jordan didn't bring up the party last night as he had left rather early, not wanting to get drinking for his fear of Jason finding out. Jordan hadn't really classified his relationship with Alana as all around exclusive yet just because he wasn't sure. He knew Alana liked him, why else spend time with him? Though he was sure that she just needed to see that Jordan was worth it. Jordan rarely smiled this way and Jason knew it. It actually made Jason's heart hurt to see Jordan use it on Alana. It was one that was pure adoration and or love. He rarely used it on anyone except slightly more often on Jason himself.

Jordan looked at Alana's hair and could feel himself smile a little more, his eyes soften a bit more as well. She was pretty, she was gentle, usually, and she was something that he needed. Jordan loved her hair, the way it always was bouncy and smelled amazing. He thought about the last time he had run his hand through it gently, brushing it away from her face, then the memory faded. Jordan's breath caught slightly and he saw a flash before everything was back to normal. He noticed that nobody had noticed his quick spacing out and was thankful.

Jason groaned softly and made a face as he ducked his head. He hated seeing Jordan like this. Acting like an idiot because he thought he was in love. For all Jordan knew, Alana could be seducing him and nothing more, playing with him for fun, but of course he was blinded by the beauty. Jason couldn't help but admit that Alana was pretty, but she was just unreliable in his head and there wasn't much of a chance for that to be changed any time soon.

"Alana's studying fashion?" Casey whispered to Jason who nodded his head without looking up. Casey nodded, eyebrows raised as she watched Jordan from across the table. Jason was sitting by her while Alana and Jordan were on the other side. "Hello Alana," Jason says with a reluctant and rather fake smile to the girl he probably disliked the most on all of campus.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Jason_Brooks Character Portrait: Jordan Brooks Character Portrait: Luca Peverell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Phoeni

“Don’t call it a fight when you know its a war.”

After years of irregular mealtimes, eating whenever she felt like it, or skipping altogether to focus her mind that little bit more, the routineness and balance of food in the camp makes her feel more ill than she's sure she'd feel if she didn’t eat at all. She'd been introduced to all sorts of new flavours and combinations in her time here, but everything I try seems to reflect the mannerism of the Camp itself – spiced and flavored and not nearly sensible. She's no food critic, but she has always been suspicious of things she can’t easily recognise. She prefer eating in the dining hall than in her own room. It feels more like home – the foods served in big shining vats with ladels or serving forks, not on dainty, miniature china crockery that’s as fragile as bird bones – and as well-suited for the purpose of holding a large meal, too.

The dining room is not only plainer, both in design and in recipes, but also gives much more scope for conversation, too. It’s easy to go and sit opposite a new person, (as easy as it is for the introverted people to sit alone), and chatter flows easily when there’s whole lives of different experiences to compare.

With a plate lightly topped with the blandest things she could find – waffles topped with a dusting of icing sugar – She glances around the tables, all filled with faces she does not recognise- except for a few scattered in every direction. And then, oh. She spots her sibling, Casey, at a table with the twins, Jordan and Jason, and Alana. That'll do nicely the thought sprung from her head and she took a seat at their table.

"Hello, everyone" She said, smiling that infectious smile of hers "Were you guys at the party last night? I didn't see anyone I knew, so I just left"

She can’t even begin to compare this nostalgically to her perfectly cooked meals at home, whatever the time of day or the depth of her appetite, before she notices It’s a mixture of courtesy and genuine interest, but she know it’s a good start, whatever direction the interaction takes.

{today's outfit}: (x) {today's song}:(x) {today's mood}: calm, ready


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell
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Rick hummed along to the lines of the song blaring on the small hand-crafted stereo that he and Poppy had built awhile back as it was a nice, and much needed, addition to the shop. Of course, he knew how early it was and was also fairly certain the walls of the dorm wasn't thick enough to stop the sound from emanating throughout the dorm, but since none of the others have come down to holler at him then it must not have been bothering them.

Moving to a clustered table, he tossed an alternator on it; a favor just being finished for a child of Ares, seemed his totally awesome Toyota Camry's, honestly Rick still couldn't figure out how a Camry could be described as awesome, battery kept dying; causing the car to shut down over the break which really impeded on his plans of getting laid as much as possible before returning to a place full of kinda-sorta-but not really-relatives, and the Ares' kid was far to cheap to pay to have it replaced.

Finally finished with that mini-project, Rick glanced up at the large clock in the shop to figure out what was what, but it seemed he would have enough time to shower up, change, and then either go back to work on his newest prototype or go mingle. It truly was a hard choice given he had spent a good portion of last night at a party mingling with people. Yes, it had been a long night just like how every night was. Went to a party for a few hours, came back and tried to sleep for two hours, failed miserably, then came down to the shop at three in the morning to work on projects till daybreak.

One look at the 'prototype' was enough to convince him to go mingle. He needed to tell the twins to stop by the shop as they were going to be his beta-testers, and he needed to see Ellie and C. to start preparation on the 'Masta Plans' for the years first major prank. If all went well, some dorm was going to have a very, very long day sometime this week. Wiping his hands on his worn jeans, Rick headed for the door.

Feeling fresh and as wake as someone can be when they haven't slept in thirty-eight hours, Rick left the dorm in his 'new' outfit. New was a subjective term as the shirt was a bland grey, but on the bright side, it lacked any holes, burn spots, and oil stains. The jeans were faded, but that said they didn't start out faded. Running his hand across his chin and enjoying the small stubble that ran along it; he decided he could look a whole lot worse, but then again, even if he was looking terrible; he wouldn't have cared. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he headed for the cafeteria ignoring most of the dorms he passed as they weren't really of interest to him as his mind was completely wrapped up in his newest prototype, and the havoc it was going to play on the lives of the other Demi-Gods.

When he finally got to the cafeteria, he glanced around the room to note on the 'clicks' that everyone migrated into, and Rick prided himself on not belonging to one as he was just far too awesome. He was a 'drifter' if anything, able to sit anywhere and fit in because he usually knew one or two people in every click.

Walking along the set out food, he shook his head, "Would it kill them to serve me something nice and greasy?" He bemoaned as he really didn't want any of that 'godly' food or any of those veggies as he was not a rabbit. Reaching out, he snaked a green apple which was good enough as he really wasn't hungry as the lack of sleep was making his stomach start to churn just from looking at it, and if he has learned anything from his time here, a churning stomach plus that nectar equaled lots of vomit.

Apple in hand, he swept his eyes over the assembled 'mass' once more before getting to work. Knowing the trip to the twins would be the fastest, he headed to their table first, and leaned over the wood, "Hey double trouble, I got something awesome to show you, so after school stop by the shop. Trust me, it is going to blow your minds," he said not able to keep the excitement form his voice over the topic at hand, not wanting to be completely rude having just barged in on whatever conversation they were having, "Hey oddly disproportion amount of blondies," He said to the three present as a form of greeting, as he only knew one of their names, Alana, with the other two just being... whoever they were. Plus, just calling them blondies saved him the time of having to pretend he knew their names, or worse, have to go through the whole, 'hi, how are you? Who are you?' time waste. He had a noble duty to uphold at the moment. There was time for such things later.

Rick pushed himself from the table and started to leave, but stopped and leaned back giving Jordan a wink, "Nice lap warmer," He said giving he had a beautiful blond girl in his lap, wasn't that the American Dream? Normally, he would wait to exchange jokes and what not, but not today, he had places to be.

Moving to another table, Rick slid into the table housing Eddie, Rose, and any other person his mind was too distracted to take note of, "Hello guys and gals," he said, "You guys didn't happen to see Ellie or C. run through here have you? Kinda need to grab them for a super secret, awesome talk about a super secret, awesome project," He said before taking a bite from his apple.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Ariel Lee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Cloud

When Ariel Lee woke it was to find warm morning sunlight pouring through her lace curtains. Her room was bathed in a light pink glow. Ariel yawned and stretched her arms above her head before pushing herself into a sitting position. As always her room looked perfect. Everything was in it's proper place, from her collection of make up, the decorative posters that lined the walls to the tidy line of designer shoes. Ariel pushed the blankets off her and stepped out of bed. She grabbed a towel and headed for one of the two bathrooms in the dormitory. Ariel loved that the Aphrodite dorms had two bathrooms. They were needed though, particularly given the fact that the students in this dorm were more likely to take longer in the showers and in front of the mirrors. Ariel was no exception and it was nearly twenty minutes later that she stepped out of the hot shower, smelling wonderfully of strawberries.

With a luxurious towel wrapped around her small frame, Ariel padded back to her room. Sliding the doors of her wardrobe open she gazed at her wardrobe. She had made sure to purchase all the most recent fashions during the break. Her father had even had some items flown in from Milan and Paris. In the end though it hardly mattered what she picked, she would look fabulous in anything. Eventually she decided on an outfit. For the first day of school she decided on a more preppy look, picking a gorgeous blouse and tucking it to a faux leather black skirt. She paired it all with golden jewellery and a pair of new boots. Everything was designer, of course. Dressed Ariel flung her hair into a bun and then turned to do her make up. All it took for Ariel to do her make up was to wave a hand in front of her face, imagine what she wanted done and use her powers. She did just that, picturing a soft blush, killer lipstick and flawless eye-shadow as she moved her hand across her face, not quite touching. Removing her hand and turning to the mirror told Ariel that her make up was on, and perfectly. She did one final twirl in the mirror and then, satisfied, grabbed her Armani bag and strutted outside.

She made for the cafeteria, feeling the pangs of hunger calling her. It was a short walk. She saw a few younger students along the way who, if they knew her, quickly back-pedalled to get out of her path. Ariel just smirked to herself, loving the fear that they gave off. All too soon she reached the cafeteria. Pushing the doors open she found herself disappointed by the collection of people. She supposed that most of her friends either weren't up yet or were doing something else. She did see people that she liked well enough, but they were either sitting with people she cared little for or she simply didn't feel like sitting by them. She spotted Alana sitting on the lap of one of the twins. Ariel didn't know which one and hardly cared to try and figure it out. She also couldn't say that she approved of her half-sister's choice in men, but she wasn't about to go and point out the evils of her sister's choice right then and there. Instead she turned her attention to breakfast and quickly gathered a small plate of healthy options. Thanking the staff in the kitchen (because thanking those who made your food was always a smart idea), Ariel took her plate and, after another scan of the cafe, quickly exited the building.

Thankfully she spotted Elinor enjoying an orange under a tree and made a bee line for her friend. "Gorgeous dress." Ariel remarked as she carefully took a seat beside Elinor. Ariel had nothing to sit on herself, but grass stains and wrinkles in clothes always came out with another little push from her magic. "I might have to borrow it sometime." She added, applauding Elinor for her choice of clothes. It was one of the many reasons Ariel liked the girl. Of course her wicked sense of humour and her ingenious pranks were another large factor in it too.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Ariel Lee
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Alana smiled leaning back into Jordan's arms. She smiled brightly at his comment of Fashion. "I'm so excited. I missed designing ocer the summer." She truly did. But she missed the praise she got from her designs more. She had a schetch book filled with designs she couldn't wait to show off.

At the arrival of Luca, Lana realized she should probably go. Not that she was worried about losing Jordan to her but she knew Jason much preffered Jordan being with Luca, than with Lana. Hell if Lana was honest he should be with Luca. Lana was too old for him, she was unreliable, and generally unpredictable. She rolled her eyes at Adams quick entry and exit before easing out of Jordans arms "Well I gotta go, I told Rose I was going to come back to sit with them" She said gesturing to Rose and Eddie. "See you later?" She said quickly kissing him on the cheek. She hugged Casey and nodded to Jason as well before she walked away.

Once she got back to her table she glared at Adam "Did you seriously call me lap candy?" said with a scoff. She turned her attention back to Rose. "So what are the hottest blondes on campus next move?" She said with a mischievous wink.

Rose was Lanas go to girl. They shared a real bond as well. Not the sister bond of her and Ariel but a bond of best friends that can only be achieved by a certain large amount of trust. A trust that the two of them shared.
"And where the hell is Ariel?" She asked feeling very uncertain and slightly annoyed that Ariel wasn't there.

When she finally spotted her she stood up and waved her over. She really didn't care who she was with. Ariel was her sister. Whoever she was with could tag along if they wanted. But she noticed her go outside. Lana pouted for a moment but decided to let it go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Adam Hayes Character Portrait: Clara Reinhart
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"Hilarious. You guys are absolutely hilarious."

The silence of the mild morning was disturbed by Clara's amused voice and the sound of... Chickens? "How did you rascals even manage to get your hands on this?" Her voice was definitely more amused than angry, her hair a mess as she stepped out of her dorm. This is perhaps the usual sighting for a child of Hermes, for the children of Hermes did not even attempt to ease up on their pranks even in their own dorms.

Except for the chicken under Clara's arm. But of course, she wasn't even going to bother finding the culprit, save for the sound of laughter that rang out through the dorm, so typical in the dormitory filled to the brim with booby traps. She had to admit, the one she had created this morning was child's play compared to the usual tricks, but whichever victim that fell to the cold showers that she had tapped with the night before was going to get a morning surprise. "You know what? I'm going to keep this." Whoever the culprit was, she'll get them eventually. For the moment, she was going to have to subdue the newest addition to their dorm she had found in her bed this lovely morning. Poultry Science would be rather useful right about now.

Taking one last look at her very own "collection" that piled its way toward what could be called a tiny hill in her dorm, filled with random objects, some she did not even remember "borrowing" from others. Of course, makeup, jewelry and clothes made up much of the pile, thanks to her war with the famous Aphrodite Barbies. Without even much of a morning preparation, she took quick strides out of the dorms, making sure as to not fall into any more morning surprises along the way. The bucket of glue above the door is the oldest joke in the book, but she was sure someone was going to fall for it sooner or later. With the chicken under her arm "bocking" away, she was definitely a sight to see, but that was nothing compared to the sight of Zeus' statue, rising high and mighty with his precious canoe paddle. "Clever." Her voice was accompanied by the agreeing bock from the chicken, or at least what she believed it meant.

"What say you to some breakfast, Mr. Bock?" Believe it or not, Clara was actually starting to take a liking to the chicken. Now, she did not know what the academy rules were regarding pets, but this one was a keeper. With strides quicker than most, she was at the cafeteria within minutes, the sound of chaotic socializing filled her ears as the morning scene of the academy unfolded itself before her.

"So how's your breakfast..." "....Still hungover? " the way I got this new nail polish that will look crazy cute on you". A faint smile of interest rose on her face at the faint sound of the last line of conversation she caught as she picked up the tray on her right. Of course, the voice belonged to one of the school's Barbies, one who will regret she had named her possession in Clara's presence, given that it was probably her duty to mess with the Aphrodite children at least once a day. But at the moment, the food required her attention even more, grabbing nearly as much as she could, muffins, waffles, piece of chocolate here and there, and definitely do not forget the banana. The tray was filled with the food she actually planned on finishing as she walked toward the sight of her partner-in-crime that had caught her eye a while earlier, finishing the banana along the way, nearly dropping the chicken as she placed the banana peel discreetly in the corner by the door.

"...happen to see Ellie or C. run through here have you? Kinda need to grab them for a super secret, awesome talk about a super secret, awesome project," She had caught onto the latter part of Rick's question as she approached the table, placing the chicken onto the table as if it was everyday occurrence. "Before you even begin, I believe you can count Ellie and I in." She spoke with much confidence as she gave Rick a winning smirk. She did not believe for one second that her half-sister would pass up on a good first day of school prank. And Rick had not failed her in her belief that he had a master plan for the first day of school. But before she could ask him more about the "super secret, awesome project, the chicken that had at first quietly sat right beside her started making its way toward the Dionysus child, Eddie. She wasn't about to let that happen. It was her chicken. She immediately jumped up from her seat, leaning over the table to grab at the tail of the chicken before it jumped higher than she thought chickens would jump, right onto Alana's lap, (Or who she likes to call Barbie Number One, who appears to be looking out for Barbie Number Two) who just happened to sit down as she did, and before she could even take note of what was happening, the chicken made its mark along her pants, save for the fact that, to her relief, it didn't use her bed in the morning as its bathroom.

"Ooooh..." Clara was definitely speechless for a second before regaining that mischievous smile on her face, a faint chuckle letting loose from her lips, "You know, as much as I would like to say that was intentional..." She was not laughing a little too hard to finish her sentence. And with that, her day was definitely made.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Casey Adams Character Portrait: Adam Hayes Character Portrait: Jason_Brooks Character Portrait: Jordan Brooks Character Portrait: Luca Peverell
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Jordan waved Alana off with a dazed look in his eyes before regaining his composure and turning to the conversation at hand, taking Jason's orange juice for a sip before replacing it where it was. Casey smiled after Alana giving a faint wave. Jordan was not too happy with Rick for calling Alana a lap warmer, but what could he say? She was pretty.

Jason smiled at both Rick and Luca as they joined them, then lot Rick. Jason loved Rick, in a bromance sort of thing, not in like love love. That was saved for a special daughter of Zeus that Jason had difficulty talking to. He smiled as Rick made the comment about a lap warmer as that is all Alana is sometimes. That, and a girl always looking to have a bit of fun. Jason and Jordan both gave Rick a nod as they both knew they would definitely stop by Rick to get what he said to get.

Jason looked to Luca and said, "We didn't go. Jordan and I weren't if we'f know anyone." Jordan's eyes widened as he looked from the table to Luca then to the orange juice, not wanting to make eye contact and give himself away just in case he couldn't keep a straight face or something. "Yeah, you see, I had to finish some lyrics for a song," Jordan explains hoping that the excuse would pass by Jason which it did. Jason jut nodded, accepting the answer as if it was completely obvious.

"I didn't hear about it until a half hour before it started. I didn't have anyone to go with to make sure I knew people, so I just didn't bother trying," Casey says with a smile. She wasn't upset she missed it, but she wasn't happy she did either. It would have been an opportunity to meet and interact with people that she would need to live with.

"So, was that guy that came over the supplier?" Casey asks Jordan and Jason who both nod. "Yeah, that's Rick. He's a child of Hephaestus and a guy to go to for any trick you might need," Jason says with a wink as he sits back, careful to not spill his orange juice as he took a sip.

"So with capture the flag going on and all tonight, when are they having the bonfire?" Jason asks nobody in particular as he fiddles with a pick he carried on a necklace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Ariel Lee
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Camden, hardly the sort to do anything even resembling sleeping in, has in fact been awake for a good amount of time by 8:30am. Of course, he spent most of that time, after getting dressed and showering, and eating as well, reading. To him, reading frequently and expansively is the first step towards a greater mind. Of course, his arrogant streak has him believing that he, if not already a great mind, is incredibly close to this rank. He reads a book that he had found in the school library, The Secret Life Of Pronouns, which, despite sounding a bit like an elementary guide to parts of speech, in fact talks about the significance of speaking techniques and syntax when it comes to reading a person's personality. Subjects like these, in which what may have seemed trivial can in fact be very telltale about a person, have always fascinated him. He likes to get into people's minds, simply put.

Camden might have read all the way up until it was time for him to leave for class, had he not glanced very briefly out the window, only to see Ariel walking past his cabin on the way to the cafeteria. While the son of Athena has already eaten, he has no qualms with visiting the dining hall for a second time if it means a morning interaction with the girl, whose ability to manipulate compares to his, and looks probably only make it easier for her. The student marks his page with an artificial feather and tucks it into a bag, which of course contains papers and a few other books and journals for classes. Just before leaving his room to go and join Ariel, and likely Elinor as well, among others, Camden is distracted for a moment by a bird that swoops by. He has constantly wished, himself, for the ability to fly- certain that he would hardly make the mistake for which Icarus is known. Daedalus, after all, was a son of Athena, most say, or a favorite at least, and he managed to use his wings properly.

Unfortunately, Camden is not much for inventions. Not dwelling on this, he finally leaves the cabin, taking the familiar path towards the dining hall. This is his fourth year of attendance here, and will be his final in the high school program. The young man has actually yet to decide whether he will attend university here, or in a better known school. He has the next semester to decide, fortunately, and isn't the sort to push things off too long, really. There just needs to be something to tip the scale of his decision making.

It soon becomes clear that the boy needn't even enter the cafeteria, as Elinor and Ariel are actually sitting underneath a tree just outside of it. Walking towards them, Camden raises a hand in a brief wave, smiling. "Good morning, Elinor, Ariel," he greets them politely, taking a seat near them. He's not overly concerned about grass stains, really, mostly because he has chosen a spot that appears to be mostly leaves.


While a very practical girl, Poppy sometimes has the tendency to stay up later than she ought to [usually working on a project] and then sleep in the next day. However, the girl had resolved to be on time for the first official day of school, especially given that it is starting a bit later in than it does on normal days. Thus, the daughter of Hephaestus manages to wake up a bit before 8:30, with the help of at least three alarm clocks- two of which she had made herself a few days ago with the sole intention of making ones that would force her out of bed in the morning. One simply rolls around the room, needing to be caught, and the other creates a lock box around itself as soon it senses a bit of movement- and must be told a joke in order to turn off. If asked how she designed that one, Poppy would likely offer no answer. She had made it on a whim, and the fact that it functions properly is a miracle even to her. The joke has to be a knock knock joke lasting a certain period of time- those are the criteria for the noise to go away, anyway.

Getting ready to leave isn't a huge process for the young woman. Poppy had showered the night before, so she is clean, and she doesn't really put on makeup or spend a long period of time trying to decide what to wear. Rather, the girl simply gets up, braids her hair off to the side, and puts on denim shorts, a black tank top, and an open button down over it. And she wears the same black boots almost every day, and can't be seen without her toolbelt, even when she's not using it. Some people have joked that it's super glued to her hips or something along those lines. Poppy responds only with a grin. By the time Poppy has gotten ready, she can hear the music, which had previously been blaring, click off. Or maybe it had turned off a bit ago, and she has only just noticed. Regardless, that means Rick has already left the dorm. She's joked to him before that he's going to make her go entirely deaf.

The journey to the dining hall is not long. While Poppy's limp can make it difficult to run at times, she does walk at a fairly decent speed. It simply requires a bit more effort on her part, but one would never catch her complaining about her limp. Anyway, she reaches the cafeteria in good time, and spots Rick, with a group of others. Her first instinct, naturally, is to go and sit with him.

So, she does, smiling at her half-brother whilst quietly slipping into a seat at the far right, so that she can hear people in her good ear, "I'm surprised you're not the one a bit deaf, considering how loud you listen to your music." She says this in jest, naturally. Somewhat in the distance, Poppy notices Cyrus and smiles at him, waving hello.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Adam Hayes Character Portrait: Jordan Brooks
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As she was seasoning up her eggs, Alana breezed through, dropped off her things, and then pecked her cheek with a promise to return. Rose shook her head in response as Rick popped over in her peripheral. She shook her head when he inquired of the whereabouts of his companions, but painted on a face of one who was insulted.

"Super awesome plans...? I want in! Were you at the party last night? Can't remember who I actually saw..." Not being able to remember who she was making out with last night was at the tip of her tongue, but Rose bit it back and took a delicate bite of her muffin instead. Last night's party...damn, that was awesome!

Not long afterward, Alana returned to her seat and Rose grinned in response to her friend's inquiry. Honestly, she had no idea. Junior year was supposed to be busier; she had probably three dance performances this semester, volleyball season was starting, and classes were going to be hectic. She shrugged at her best friend.

"I don't even know...looking fabulous as always," she offered with a suggestive smirk, tacking on a wink while she was at it. "What else is new? And um...what was that...over there?" Rose gave a pointed look over in Jordan's direction. Even if Lana wasn't comfortable enough to discuss her relationship status at the table, Rose was going to get it out of her.

One way or another.

Rose nodded politely when Poppy sat with them, offering her a bright smile and a wave, but kept her main attention on her best friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Adam Hayes Character Portrait: Clara Reinhart
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Cloud

While Eddie waited for a friendly face to appear he contented himself with playing with his glass of water. He gave the glass a tap and the water seemed to blossom with colour as it converted to orange juice. Eddie took a sip, made a face and then tapped the glass again. This time the colours took on a pale pink colour and on taking a sip Eddie felt the delightful tangs of Rosé Wine. Yet, not wanting to be drunk on his first day of classes he once again changed the liquid, finally settling on a new combination of flavours that faintly reminded him of raspberries mixed with pancakes.

It doesn't take very long before more of Eddie's peers begin to enter the cafeteria. The first to grab his attention is Elinor, the mischievous daughter of Hermes. Rather than sit inside Elinor chooses to head outdoors, waving to Eddie as she passes. Eddie returns her wave with an easy one of his own, a piece of toast still clasped in it. Next into the cafeteria, or at least the next to earn his attention, is his very own half-sister. Rose, after picking her own breakfast from the large selection, came over to Eddie's table, sliding happily into a seat. "Wassup, love? Still hungover?" She asked. Eddie laughed at her suggestion and shook his head,
"Dear Rose, have you forgotten that Father has blessed me with immunity to hangovers?" Eddie joked. He had been surprised to find that his half-sister didn't share his immunity to hangovers, he'd just assumed it was a given for Dionysus' children. However, he didn't have long to dwell on the differences in powers of the two as they were shortly joined by Alana. Alana took a seat with them, asked if either had seen her half-sister Ariel and then, on seeing the Apollo twins, headed over with the promise of returning soon.

However, her spot was soon replaced by the appearance of Adam Hayes, or Rick has he preferred to be called. It seemed everybody was looking for someone else as Rick question the two children of Dionysus whether they had seen Ellie or C. While Eddie wasn't too sure who 'C' was, he was happy to reply his knowledge of Elinor.
"Elinor came in not long ago and then headed outside." Eddie told him, nodding towards the doors. However, his question as to who ‘C’ was, was answered fairly quickly by the arrival of Clara who had, oddly enough, a chicken clutched under an arm. She assured Rick that she and her half-sister would be in on his secret plan.

Fearing that his food was going cold with all this chit chat, Eddie took a large bite of his bacon sandwich. His eyes followed Alana as she left the Apollo twins and returned to their table, accusing Adam of calling her lap candy. Eddie, despite having a mouth full of food, gave a snort of laughter. He gave an appreciative nod to Ricky as Alana turned her attention to Rose. Then found his attention caught by the chicken Clara had brought. It was pecking its way towards Eddie, only to be stopped by Clara a moment later and then flapping onto Lana’s lap.

Eddie nodded a greeting to Poppy. While Poppy wasn't a particularly close friend of Eddie's, he still enjoyed her company when they happen to cross paths. However, Eddie's main attention was drawn to Alana and he waited with held breath to see her reaction to the little 'present' that the chicken and left her on her lap.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Ariel Lee Character Portrait: Clara Reinhart
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Lana glanced up at Clara before a smile of her own filled her face. It was a smile that to most would look normal. However Clara would know it all too well. It was a smile that said I'm still pretty and you lose. She looked Clara up and down before reaching in her tote, and pulling out a tan form fitting skirt. She glanced at Clara again and sighed, almost apologetically " Listen I know that you might get..lonely but I highly doubt that chickens are allowed here. I woud reckomend eating outside where animals belong next time" Her voice was laced with honey and seemed almost sugary sweet but she knew that they would piss Clara off even more than a insult.

Alana leaned down under the table and pulled off the shorts by the side and slipping on her skirt. "I guess I should thank you I forgot how good my body looked in this. " She stood up and spun around " Hey Eddie, don't you think my body loks great in this?" She asked him with a flirty look in her eye. She knew that Eddie couldn't tell her no. She also, as she suddenly remembered as she turned her full attention to him, could really go for a makeout session with him. She bit her lip in anticipation before handing Clara her chicken and dangling her shorts by one finger. " I'lll just inform the school that they can charge my dry cleaning to you. That way we can let this all go" She quickly pulled out her phone.
To: Ariel
Clara just had her chicken poop on the shorts we bought together

She then altogether ignored Clara and directed her attention to Eddie and Rose, knowing her shirt was substancially tighter showing off her impressive bust and her naturally flawless curves. "So I feel we should do something naughty. I want to start this year with a boom. A hot, fun, naughty boom. And you two " She said motioning to them, her voice all husky and hot. Her voice tended to change depending on her emotions. When she was neutral is mas clear and direct, when she was angry it was honey sweet with a frightening under tone, when she was flirty it was cute and innocent, when she was mischievious, it was hot and she annnunciated all her words.

She walked over behind Eddies chair and draped her arms down his chest. She got close to his ear and said " Or we could just have a hot fun party and save the naughty for a private party later" She then stood to the front of the table " Ok so you two get to it because that is your specialty." She ran over and engulfed Rose in a hug. " Aaaah yes brilliant." She said with a giggle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Adam Hayes
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Rick let his shoulders slump at the information of where Ellie had sneaked off to. If she had gone out the back that meant there was roughly two, maybe three, places she could be hiding at, but since it was the first day; his instincts were telling him she was at the tree overlooking the cafeteria, but there was a chance he was wrong... well, no there wasn't, he wasn't sure why, but he always had a knack for finding Ellie. It was a feeling as if he just *knew* where she was, but however he could do that wasn't really worth pondering on, or he was too afraid to ponder on the why, either way worked. Kinda.

"Rose, love," Rick said adopting her manner of speaking, "You couldn't handle my super, awesome secret plans," Pausing to rub the stubble on his chin, "Party? I was there for a couple hours. I left sometime between one and two. Why? What I miss?"

Whatever answer he would have heard was interrupted by the arrival of one of his very mischievous friends, "C! Glad you're on board because this is going to be awesome," he stopped to glance at her chicken walking around the table and couldn't help but wonder why they couldn't fry that chicken up and serve that to him.

The beautiful blond woman; he may have kinda-sorta insulted a few moments popped up with a not so friendly glare. Shrugging at the glare and accusation, "I calls them like I see them, but look on the bright side, you are a very pretty lap candy. I mean, Rick continued, "someday I hope to look half as good as you do on some pretty girls lap, like Roses or C's," he finished pointing out the girls in question.

Before he could really dive more into how great he would look adorning either girls lap, Rick couldn't help but notice Poppy sitting to the far right, no doubt because of her hearing and couldn't stop the large smile that swept across his face at her quip about his musical preference during work, "Sorry, sorry," He said waving it off, "The shop is a little creepy at night, what with the numerous shadows created from the junk, the hanging sharp pieces of metal... Music distracts me from thinking about all the monsters, that do exist, that want to eat me," Rick was going to ask how her leg was, but something C said caught his attention.

Intentional? Rick, of course, chose this time to take a large bite from his green apple when he looked just to see the white splotch on Alana's shorts, and he couldn't stop it. The fits that raked his ribs as he tried, in vain, to control his laugh, but as he knew he would, he failed and sucked in pieces of apple down the wrong pipe which ended in a very painful half-laugh, half-coughing fit. Not able to stop the laugh or the coughing, Rick put his head against the table as he tried to get in a small breath between either of them, "Can't. Breath."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Adam Hayes
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Jason frowned as he watched Alana from across the cafeteria, his eyes following her hands as she was practically begging Eddie to flirt with her, or probably prove Jason right in his assumption of a sl*t. "Excuse me, I'm going to go make sure Rick can fix those arrows that you broke," Jason says to Jordan with a wink before standing. Being a child of Apollo and having the ability to act was more than a blessing, it was a key to living. Jordan gives a nod and points to Jason as he agrees with his brother.

Jason moves away from the table, tray in hand as he walks over to the table where he only liked two or three, maybe four people. As he walked up to Alana, he gave her a friendly smile. "Hey everyone. Alana, I just wanted to give you this. Jordan was going to but forgot, so I came over as I was already on my way," Jason says kindly as he offers her a small little wrapped box. "I like the new look for the shorts by the way. Also, don't open the box just yet," Jason advises with a wink before turning to Rick, hoping the guy wouldn't recognize the little box that had been one of his projects he had helped the twins on.

The box had been one of their first team collaborations years ago. It was a small little harmless thing that would result in a slightly scared person. It was just a thing that could use the surrounding light to make an image of your smallest fear in the box. When Jordan had given it to Jason, the brother had seen a spider and had freaked when the thing moved, then realized it was just a fake thing. Alana would probably see a bug, get a bit freaked, drop it, and run off before having Jordan or Eddie go get it for her. Not a big deal. Jason felt slightly saddened that he couldn't come up with something like his brother could to get at someone. Jason didn't want to pull a larger card like dying her hair or painting her face blue, for that would result in Jason probably not getting out of bed for a few days with all the revenge that could potentially come his way, from Jordan.

Alana would be able to tell right away it wasn't Jordan who gave it to her, but who cares? Jason was okay if she figured it out as long as Jordan didn't get too mad.

"Hey Rick, I forgot to tell you, I need someone to fix some arrows that Jordan broke. I'd do it, but they just don't fly the right way sometimes," Jason says honestly and with a relaxed form. "Dude, are you choking?" Jason asks with a somewhat smile. He gives a laugh as he hits Rick on the back right where he knew he needed to thanks to his studying of medical stuff. "Later," Jason says before leaving the cafeteria to go get his glasses. Contacts weren't always optimal, so glasses were a good thing. Some people might imagine a person shooting a bow with glasses wasn't a good idea, but Jason could out shoot them and make them shut up rather quickly.

Jason hoped that Alana would at least stop flirting with other guys considering how Jordan thought what they had was somewhat serious. Jason could see it otherwise. Maybe he just saw it that way because he wanted to, or maybe it was that way. Whatever it was, Jason didn't like how Alana toyed with his brother and was willing to at least mess with her to try and discourage her. Hopefully she wouldn't try to mess with Jason back... she definitely knew how to anyway.

With that, Jason made his way to his room rubbing his eyes rather frustrated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Cyrus Goldsmith Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell Character Portrait: Ariel Lee Character Portrait: Amelia Sterling
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#, as written by Cloud

It was easy to let time run away with you down at the lake. Amelia found herself idly standing at the end of the dock, her thoughts drifting from the approaching day of classes to the evenings game of Capture the Flag. Eventually, with a growl from her stomach, she snapped out of her daze. It was time for breakfast. Amelia turned and began the walk back to the main buildings. She couldn't help but take her time, enjoying the fresh air and the sound of the wind running through the trees that bordered the lake. Eventually she found herself facing the dorms again. She took a quick look at her watch and decided it would be best to grab her books and bag before heading to the cafeteria.

Amelia pushed open the heavy bronze doors and stepped into her dormitory. Inside the foyer the ceiling was a mixture of clear blue sky and dark grey clouds streaked with lightning. Zeus' statue was still attempting to strike down intruders with the fierce canoe paddle. Amelia gave the statue of her father a small smile before continuing on. She was both glad and frustrated at being greeted with his image every time she entered the dormitory. It reminded her both of the many times her father had been absent from her life and of the pride she felt in being his daughter. Yes, two very contradicting thoughts. It sometimes helped her first thought when she found him carrying some strange object. Not that she would admit as much to the trouble maker who had put it there.

Continuing up to her room Amelia quickly gathered the small collection of books she would need today. As it was the first day and her first class was Power Control, she actually only needed the books for her second period class, Chemistry. Tucking the books under her arm she quickly left her room and made her way back outside. She decided to take a short cut to the cafeteria instead of following the path around the dormitories. Her path led her through a small, well tended garden and around the back of the dorms. As Amelia came in sight of the cafeteria she noticed a small group of students a few steps away sitting under a tree. Amelia immediately recognised Ariel and, as if sensing the sudden animosity in the air, Ariel raised her head. The two made eye contact and before Amelia could leave, Ariel gave her an icy smile while her eyes quickly scanned Amelia's outfit, "You would think that the daughter of the Lord of the Sky would be able to afford better clothes." Ariel sneered, her words clear and easily carrying over to Amelia, "But perhaps she's too busy trying to befriend everyone and sticking her nose in everyone's business to worry about her clothes." .
Amelia was used to Ariel's barbed comments, but that still didn't stop the small flush of anger that appeared. "At least I don't have to resort to manipulation to make friends or to get what I want." Amelia replied. She glanced at the two sitting with Ariel, Elinor and Camden. She wasn't surprised to find either sitting with Ariel. None of them were people that Ameila particularly cared for. Before Ariel could respond Amelia took her leave, wanting to put as much distance between the daughter of Aphrodite and herself as possible.

Entering the cafeteria a moment later Amelia headed for the food, pushing her small interaction with Ariel to the back of her mind. She always hated her run ins with Ariel, mainly because she was never sure what emotions were truly hers and what had been manipulated by Ariel. Taking a deep breath Amelia let herself calm down. She picked out food for breakfast; yoghurt, muesli and bananas, and then turned to face the cafeteria. The first table to catch her eye was Eddie's. Seated around it were people that she was on fairly good terms with, although some of their actions were at times questionable. Amelia was a sociable person, but even she could tell that the table was too crowded already. So, she quickly shifted her attention and fell on a table with only two occupants.
"Hope you don't mind me joining you." Amelia said to Simon and Max as she slid into a seat beside the two, "Things look pretty intense over there." She added, glancing over at Eddie's table again. Alana was in the process of draping herself over Eddie, something that the boy didn't seem too upset about. Amelia spotted Cyrus sitting amongst the group and she smiled over at him, happy to see him in a group rather than by himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Cyrus Goldsmith Character Portrait: Gwen Whitney
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"Morning," Gwen announced, softly, curled on top of her bed's covers. She peered through the curtains of the Hades dorm, at the sunlight struggling to pierce through the heavy, velveteen cloth, and lifted a hand to drag them back. The ghosts that tended to haunt her at sun-down had been particularly nasty last night, moaning stories of death by drowning, fire, murder, poison, and asking her for a second chance at life--as if she could actually give such a thing. She hadn't slept at all and their cold, barely-there fingers and her sleeplessness had left her with a dull, cold ache that seemed to emanate from deep within her bones, accompanying the more natural, throbbing ache of her muscles from her dancing at last night's party.

Gwen moved to stand, swinging one leg after the other off the bed. Her bare foot brushed momentarily against the smooth, icy marble floor, before encountering something sharp that pricked at her toe. She frowned and bent down to examine the pointy, metallic object. Her frown only deepened when she recognized it as an earring, delicately crafted out of fine gold wire and bent into the shape of a heart in order to frame and hold a similarly-shaped rose-colored gem. She sighed. It most likely belonged to one of the daughters of Aphrodite. Most of her fellow demigods knew not to leave stray bits of jewelry or metalwork out anymore, but it seemed that a certain daughter of Aphrodite had left her jewelry-box open this morning. A quick look under her bed revealed another gold earring, completing the set, and a fine layer of metallic dust that might've escaped from the academy's forge. Gwen had arrived at the Academy a week prior to the first day of class and, already, bits of metal close to the earth's surface had begun to crop up in the surrounding area, easily found by shifting thin layers of soil aside. The sons and daughters of Hephaestus were probably ecstatic.

Gwen set both earrings on her dresser table and entered the bathroom for a warm shower. After returning from it, she exchanged the simple dress she'd worn to last night's party for a white lace sweater and capris. She slipped the earrings into the pants' side-pocket, planning on returning them to their owner, retrieved her bag from the corner of the room, and stepped out into the hall of the Hades dorm.

The dorm was already completely vacant: her half-siblings all seemed to be early risers, waking and slipping away at dusk. She felt a mixture of disappointment and relief at this. Some of her half-siblings were more than a little annoying, what with their constant attempts at provoking her, but others were rather comforting, offering her a sense of connection and quiet companionship. She stepped through the hallway quickly. The Hades dorm, unlike the other dorms, always seemed to give off an air of oppression to Gwen. The place was made out of cold, dark marble and filled with looming shadows and illusions of gems and bones and, while pranks were constantly played on the other dorms' statues, no one ever dared to take Hades's dident or Helm of Darkness. She skirted around her father's statue, throwing it a lingering, dark stare full of deep dislike and blame before exiting the dorm.

Possibly because of her fatigue, the walk to the cafeteria was longer than she remembered. Her limbs felt heavy and drowsy and she wondered if she could possibly forgo breakfast and simply get a cup of tea or coffee before going to find a nice place to nap instead. Spotting Ariel sitting with Camden and Elinor underneath a tree, Gwen made the unpleasant observation that the gold jewelry Ariel wore bore a heavy resemblance to the set of earrings in her pocket. Camden and Ariel were a well-matched duo, as far as Gwen could tell. Both were far too manipulative for her liking and she avoided both as often as possible. Her mouth formed a straight-lined grimace in distaste at her predicament, and, without much ceremony, she brought out the earrings and walked up to Ariel.

"Yours?" Gwen asked, arching an eyebrow in question.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Cyrus Goldsmith Character Portrait: Leslie Ashton Hans Character Portrait: Elinor Mansell
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Poppy smiled back at Rosie, and nodded, still smiling, towards Eddie, returning the two students' brief greetings. She isn't particularly close to them, acquaintances more like, but the two strike her as nice enough, and she has no problem with greeting them, naturally. Besides, she is semi-distracted by scooting to the side to let Cyrus into the table. The girl is glad he's joining them- the son of Athena sits alone often, she observes, and it would do him some good to be drawn as far away from his evil half-brother, Camden, as possible.

Alana then proceeds to take the attention of the table, rather typical of a daughter of Aphrodite, and Poppy looks away in a semi-awkward manner. She has no problem with Alana's forwardness, of course, but there seems to be this slick aspect to it that she doesn't mesh well with. Alana is Rick's friend, perhaps, but not Poppy's, really. Of course, Rick proceeds to break into a fit of laughter over the white splotch that had been on Alana's shorts. The two half-siblings are similar, perhaps, in the way that they laugh. In this case, Poppy merely smiles a bit, not finding it quite as funny as Rick, though still relatively amusing.

When Jason walks over and hands Alana a box, Poppy eyes it curiously. It's certainly familiar, and she can place it as having been in the cabin forge at some point. Of course, she had never asked about it, and therefore doesn't know its purpose. The glint in Jason's eye can give her a couple of pretty decent guesses, however. Maybe a stink bomb, a rat, something that reaches out and chops off someone's hair- the possibilities are nearly endless, if it had been a collaboration between Rick and the Brooks twins, which Poppy suspects it was.

The daughter of Hephaestus remains content to watch everything in silence, though she can't help but give Cyrus a curious look when he mentions Jordan to Alana. It's something she's sort of noticed, but not being close with the Brooks or Alana, hasn't really cared to become involved with. In fact, she's somewhat surprised that Cyrus is choosing to make any sort of intervention regarding it. She's friendly with him, but perhaps doesn't know him well enough to make such predictions regarding his behavior. And, anyway, Poppy works better at figuring out machines than people. "Class is starting soon, isn't it?" she observes, voice at a normal volume. She may not be particularly loquacious, but nor is she soft-spoken.


Fairly soon after his arrival to the group, Amelia, aka Miss "Holier than thou" passes by. Ariel doesn't miss the chance to make a snide comment, which is to be expected given the hardly subtle hostility that always crackles between the two of them. Amelia's retort is, of course, somewhat pathetic to all who witness it- which would mean Ariel's friends, of course, making the group a bit biased. Camden raises an eyebrow, agreeing with Elinor's observations about what can only be called Naivete on Amelia's part. "She's just a bundle of joy in the morning," he adds, sarcasm clearly signalling agreement with Elinor's remarks. The daughter of Zeus is undeniably powerful, and competent, but there is this naive aspect to her which Camden rather dislikes. This sense of self-righteous moral superiority, or something along those lines. It's just irritating, really- and that's coming from Camden, perhaps the most arrogant child of Athena, an infamously proud goddess.

The group is added to by the arrival of Kyle, the son of Demeter with a rather obvious crush on Elinor, despite the fact that their age gap leads to them not attending the same school divisions. Honestly, Camden finds Kyle a bit annoying, and the fact that plenty of people have labeled him as creepy does little to help this negative opinion of the seemingly introverted boy. Something about him just screams would-be-stalker, and Camden, naturally, looks down upon the boy. Still, he doesn't say anything. Not explicitly, enough. A brief look of disdain sends clear enough a message. He really doesn't understand what Elinor, a perfectly intelligent girl by all means, sees in the awkward, fidgeting thing.

He is happily distracted by Leslie who, despite having much stricter morals and clear dislike for most of Camden's other friends, is the son of Athena's closest friend. He is, in fact, the only one who has heard even a whisper about Camden's life outside of the academy- certainly the only to know anything about his mildly abusive father, who makes Camden seem like a humble little lamb in comparison.

"Morning, Leslie. How uncharacteristically judgmental of you," Camden shoots back teasingly. The two are equally proud, and nearly as equal regarding their tendency to judge other people. He watches as Leslie sits beside him, noting the fact that his expression seems strained. He can guess why, and is quickly confirmed when Leslie mutters something about sitting so close to the Dining Hall. "We can move, if you like. Class'll be starting soon, anyway," Camden responds, standing up. Leslie is perhaps the only person he cares about enough to be willing to move for the sake of.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Smoak Character Portrait: Eddie Greer Character Portrait: Alana Marie Saint Character Portrait: Poppy Malandra Character Portrait: Cyrus Goldsmith Character Portrait: Leslie Ashton Hans
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#, as written by Cloud

Eddie had to say that he appreciated Alana's way of dealing with a little *ahem* chicken shit. Instead of getting into a huff, she leaned down and changed from her spoiled shorts to a skirt. "Hey Eddie, don't you think my body looks great in this?" Alana asked, casting a flirty look towards Eddie. Eddie nodded, he wasn't about to deny that.
"Best legs in the school." He replied with a grin and a wink, enjoying the way that Lana was looking at him. He always enjoyed flirting with the Daughter of Aphrodite.
"So I feel we should do something naughty. I want to start this year with a boom. A hot, fun, naughty boom. And you two." Alana said. Eddie raised an eyebrow, wondering what she had in mind. His eyes followed the blonde and she got up and walked over to Eddie, draping her arms down his shoulders. No doubt about it, this was the life. Eddie felt a pleased smile appear on his face, no doubt he looked like some love struck teen, but that was the effect Alana usually had on people. "Or we could just have a hot fun party and save the naughty for a private party later." She breathed into her ear. untangling herself from Eddie, Alana then proceeded to hug Rose before ordering the Dionysus siblings to get to making a party.

It was as Eddie was opening his mouth to reply that Jason popped over, greeting the table as he gave Alana a box and warned her not to open it right then. It was a curious gift, but Eddie shrugged, surely people gave Alana gifts all the time. He once again prepared to reply to his friends when again Eddie's attention was drawn away from Alana, this time to Cyrus who had quietly sat down with the group, or at least Eddie had to assume so. He hadn't actually noticed Athena's son until Cyrus had spoken up. Then again he had a perfectly good excuse given that his attention had been held by Alana. "Alana... I know this is the way you are, but Jordan has a huge crush on you. You are in the position to break his heart in a million pieces. So, don't toy with him,"
Eddie glanced from Alana to Cyrus and then over towards the Apollo twins with a questioning glance. From Eddie's perspective his and Alana's flirting was rather innocent flirting. He had hardly been offended when Alana placed herself on Jordan's lap, but perhaps Jordan's feelings were more than his own. His own took more of a friendly inclination, although he never missed an opportunity to playfully flirt with her. It was as he was thinking these thoughts that Poppy spoke, reminding the table that classes would be starting soon. Eddie nodded, "Yeah, and unfortunately I promised Amelia that I'd attend class today." Eddie said, aiming his words at Alana, "Might have to postpone being naughty until after class." He added giving Alana a wink.


As Amelia sat at the table she was greeting with warm welcomes from Max and Simon. Simon grinning and indicating an empty seat.
"Of course not... I hadn't even noticed, I was completely captivated by Simon." Max replied, glancing momentarily at the louder group before back at Simon. Amelia hid a smile at his words and obvious affected for the other boy by taking a bite of food.
“Some might call it intense, others lunacy, but you have to admit they’re quite entertaining. They even have their own livestock, and which of us can say that?” Simon added, even chuckling as he glanced over to the other table.
"Undeniably the most entertaining thing I've seen this morning." Amelia agreed, raising an eyebrow as Alana's request for some 'naughty fun' drifted across the room. Amelia may have been on friendly terms with Alana (rather a surprise given Amelia's enmity with Alana's sister), but that didn't mean that she agreed with everything that the girl did or said. Of course, she doubted Eddie would mind Alana's forwardness or request for fun. Stifling a laugh Amelia turned her attention back to her own table.

"Are you both looking forward to classes?" She asked, knowing that both Max and Simon were in the university division of the Academy with her. "I think we have Power Control first." She added. Amelia rather enjoyed Power training. For one thing it took place at the training fields, which being outside were a lot more enjoyable to the indoor classrooms. She also liked that here the students were free to use their powers. While she might not be allowed to call up huge storms, she was allowed to create lightning without fear of being reprimanded for it. Besides, it would be a good warm up for when the played Capture the Flag later. Amelia glanced up at the large analogue clock that hung in the cafeteria, checking the time. Classes weren't far off starting, she should have time to finish eating and then she would make her way to the training zone.


It was only shortly after Ariel had joined Elinor under the tree that Camden joined them, greeting the two girls with a wave and smile, "Good morning Elinor, Ariel."
"Morning Cam." Ariel replied, gifting him with one of her more genuine smiles. It wasn't long after Cam's arrival that Amelia wondered past the group. Ariel couldn't help but make some comment about the girl, the two had been at each other's throats since Ariel's first week after all. Luckily, Ariel felt especially secure at the moment considering she was surrounded by friends who didn't have a particular fondness for Amelia either. “She says that as if it’s bad. Poor thing.” Elinor said, responding to Amelia's remark about manipulation, “All those pesky morals equate to a giant stick up her...Hey, Kyle.“ Ariel smirked at Elinor's agreement before nodding a greeting at Kyle. The two were on friendly terms, but Ariel knew that Kyle was someone easily manipulated so friendly only went so far as she could use him.
"She's just a bundle of joy in the morning," Camden added, his statement thick with sarcasm.

However not everyone seemed to agree with their sentiments. An unwelcome voice chimed in a moment later, "Perhaps because it is a bad thing." . Ariel frowned slightly as Leslie joined the small group, he was hardly her favourite person and in fact he only seemed to be on friendly terms with one of their party, Camden. Indeed, Camden was the only one he greeted or even acknowledged after his first sentence. "Good morning, Camden... Always surrounding yourself with these people."
Ariel's eyebrows shot up at that, "And yet you still take a seat with us, uninvited I might add." Ariel replied to the boy, even if Leslie's words weren't meant for her. She had to question him somewhat, why would he sit with them if he despised most of those there?

However Ariel was saved from having to consider Leslie for any longer by the sudden appearance of his half-sister. The quiet girl was holding out a pair of heavy gold earrings, "Yours?" . Ariel glanced from the earrings, which she immediately recognised as her own, to the girl holding them out for her. "Still can't control your power, can you?" Ariel said, her tone falsely sweet and caring. She even favoured Gwen with a small smile as she took her earrings back, "Or have you taken up thievery?" Her smile changed from friendly to a sneer and her voice took on a biting tone. Of course, Ariel knew of Gwen's powers and knew it had probably been them that dragged her earrings from her jewellery box, but that was hardly the point. Ariel usually either completely ignored Gwen, or simply cast judgemental looks at her. She rarely went out of her way to harass the girl, only now doing so because Gwen was there. Indeed, Ariel didn't even attempt to use her powers to intimidate Gwen, what was the point when Ariel simply didn't care?
