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Karin Onishi

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

0 · 497 views · located in True Cross Academy

a character in “The Demons Inside”, originally authored by ☿Urania☿, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Karin Onishi's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inori Sandy Character Portrait: Petasus Demens Character Portrait: Anzhela Kotov Character Portrait: Niko Vasiliev Character Portrait: Chun Li Character Portrait: Haru Tanaka
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True Cross is no longer as safe as it once was before. After the incidents of demons cutting loose and attacking students and teachers, security has been strengthened, yet daily classes still go on. Not too much has changed except for the slightly altered subjects and number of fully-fledged exorcists who watch each and every student with absolute caution. Anyone of them could be a demon in disguise, whether they be good or bad. It's not a situation where anyone can let their guards down. Even the teachers are being suspected. Teams have been created to ensure safety and to superiors can watch over students and observe them. Each team is separated into a different activity for the day to put their exorcist skills to the test, even though they just might not realize it just yet...



Location: A dark, closed-off forest near by True Cross used for practice missions.

Team Members:
-Pavel Emmittson
-Roman Aichi
-Rhea Sato
-Chiko Benjiro
-Feodore Rudo

Description: Team Aries has been assigned the task of scouting through the forest for a teacher who had recently gone missing. The forest looks normal enough, despite the darkness from the trees hiding the sun and unusual lack of any animal life, but besides that, normal forest. There don't seem to be any demons near by either until the students see a body walk towards them in the distance. Then, it catches fire and turns into a creature that had never been seen before.

Control Over Enemy: Anyone in the group may write the actions of the enemy!


Location: One of the class rooms in the academy. Currently located on an empty, cleared out floor.

Team Members:
-Atsuko Gensou
-Athena Usagi
-Dores Barroso
-Karin Onishi
-Botan Ugaki

Description: Classroom 2-B hasn't been used in years. The whole floor is completely empty from renovations that began to take place, but mysteriously stopped. Yet Team Olympus is called there by a new teacher for their class to take place for the day. Except... something's off about this teacher. She gives off an aura unlike a regular humans, and the moment all the students seat themselves, a sinister look passes over this teacher's face. Clearly, what she has planned for this lesson isn't like any other...

Control Over Enemy: Anyone in the group may write the actions of the enemy!



Location: Old, ruined building behind the academy. Currently has three floors though the two off ground level aren't stable.

Team Members:
-Akiba Ashitaka
-Kardos Nellian
-Chun Li
-Haru Tanaka

Description: It's been said that a kid has been messing about with the left over items and rotten furniture in an old building that originally was for younger students to train in. Team Minerva has been told to check it out and find the kid who's been causing all the trouble. Except, the moment they walk through the doors, they find that it suddenly locks behind them, leaving them with no escape, as a tricky shadow lurks over the barely-lit walls.

Control Over Enemy: Anyone in the group may write the actions of the enemy!


Location: Basement of a dirty classroom that hasn't been used in years. Completely dark with bits of storage here and there.

Team Members:
-Niko Vasiliev
-Anzhela Kotov
-Kyo Zero
-Petasus Demens
-Raburadōru Nisemono

Description: Beneath one of the unused classrooms of True Cross Academy lies a basement containing old items used in the past for training and learning in classes. Strange noises - moaning, crying, screaming - has been echoing down from there, and who's better to take care of a mysterious noise than a mysterious group? Team Dolos will go inside the basement and locate the source of the abnormal sounds. They'll soon realize it's not a single demon causing the ruckus - it's more than a dozen, all multiplying, growing, and living there in the silence.

Control Over Enemy: Anyone in the group may write the actions of the enemy!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Botan Ugaki Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Karin Onishi
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#, as written by Kestrel


“Rise and shine, girls!”

Dores made rounds across all the dorms of her team, knocking on their doors and impersonating an impromptu alarm clock. Earlier that morning, the entire team had been called in for a new class by a mysterious new teacher, for an unspecified class to take place on the True Cross Academy's ghost town, AKA floor 2B. That smelled like trouble, Dores just knew it. With the recent lock-down, disappearances and demonic infiltrations, the knight figured she hardly was the only one to come to that conclusion. The truth was, it wasn't so early anymore she would expect to catch her team sleeping (except maybe for Karin, who could be a little more flexible with time). Rather, Dores wanted the team gathered together, so none of them would be end up going alone to the upcoming suspicious class.

“We wouldn't want to leave a bad impression on the new teacher, would we?”

Dores was indeed early, though not as early as some other eager students. She had spotted a few other classmates that had been on the list walking through the hallways already. She wondered if they shared her suspicions as well as her schedule. Dores at least, had prepared a twosome talismans for her own protection. 邊境 (border) was there so she could create a barrier wherever she put down her purse. 揭示 (reveal) was one she carried with her regularly these days, which alerted her if a demon came in very close proximity of the script. Or rather that was what it should do. This character was still new to Dores and she was far from having mastered it, even low level demons had a chance not to set it off. Still, it was always better to try and be prepared. Dores had been practicing on getting it right, but there was only one way to test her progress.

“Wakey, wakey!”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inori Sandy Character Portrait: Feodore Rudo Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Rhea Sato Character Portrait: Botan Ugaki
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Dialogue Color:#9493AB

Thought Color: #F7C67C

Without a word Karin shot straight up in bed. Her hair stuck up slightly in some places but her expression was tired. She blinked her silver eyes a couple of times, staring blankly at the wall. Karin snapped out of her trance like state when she heard Dores from outside her dorm room. It reminded Karin of why she woke up in the first place, there was light outside but the only way she could tell it was morning was because her stomach was growing and the digital clock that stood on her nightstand of course.

Looking around her room Karin found that it was rather messy but she shrugged her shoulders, dismissing the fact that it was messy Karin pushed herself out of bed, brushed her teeth and got dressed. It took a bit before her energy was up and running but after she ate her energy had completely returned. The Dragoon grabbed her dual pistols and placed them on the holster that were attached on both sides of her legs. She then grabbed her favorite assault rifle and slung it over her shoulder. Running up to the others Karin smiled brightly all ready to go. "Morning my little Seonggyes." she laughed lightly. "So the mission, let's get to it!" she smiled before trudging forward in a goofy soldier march.


Dialogue Color:#75D5C4

Thought Color: #B2B2B2

Roman took out a cigarette and lit it up. He brought it to his lips and took a long drag then exhaled the smoke from his nose. "How does the school lose a teacher?" he said to himself rather quietly before looking up at the tall trees that surrounded him. Barely any sun got through those thick green leaves that hung on the branches above him making the forest dim and eerie feeling. "What do you think Tsuki? Creepy in here isn't it?" he asked before giving the demon a soft pet on the head. Taking another drag of his cigarette, Tsuki began to make a noise similar to a cat, she meowed in an odd way like she always does when something is out of place and her ears stood up.

"Hmm?" Roman turned around only to hear, not see, rustling and twigs breaking. Cautiously walking over to the noise he realized that the rustling was actually a struggle and the voices of his teammates came into play. "Yo did you find hi-" Roman stopped mid sentence when he saw that thing in front of him. It was attacking Rhea. It all happened so fast, that monster, unlike the ones he ever saw before had Rhea on the ground gasping for air even though she put up a good fight. He looked down and Tsuki who gave him a face that let him know that she was ready to fight. In a swift second he jumped into action sending Tsuki out after she transformed into her bigger and more intimidating and powerful form.

While Tsuki kept the monster busy, Roman took this opportunity to run over to Rhea. He took his hand out for her to grab onto and pull herself up with while smirking slightly. "Watcha doing on the ground?" Once Rhea was up Roman turned his head around just in time to see Tsuki thrown back against a tree, that struck a nerve with Roman. "Oi, Tsuki let's get em!" he half shouted before the demon fox recovered and leaped to his side. "Want to tango big guy," Roman said with a slightly cokced head and a heated grin. His features changed as he felt his partners power rush into him, his hands now bared long sharp nails and his whole appearance looked animalistic. "then let's tango."

Roman leaped into the air with Tsuki and came down with both claws on the creature. Tsuki and him managed to keep him too busy to attack back with their fast paced combos and fighting styles which gave the team a bit of time to recover and get their heads back into the game.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Botan Ugaki Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Karin Onishi
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#, as written by Kestrel


It seemed Athena and Atsuko were preparing just like her, Dores was pleased to see. They must had picked up on the oddity of their schedule change as well. Botan and Karin even outright called it a mission. Did they know something Dores did not? Well, no matter, the knight decided. The class was strange enough as it was without worrying about frivolities like that.

“That shawl looks so good on you, copycat. Very classy.” Dores complimented Botan. Even with the accessory being pulled up to her nose, Dores thought it suited the aria. It's colour played off so vividly against her pale skin and white hair. Dores had been trying to get Botan to wear more red, she wondered if it was her influence.

Dores couldn't help but giggle at Karin's silly walk. It was good to see she was in high spirits. “You heard the lady, girls.” She cheerfully added, following in the dragoon's steps towards the class or mission or whatever was waiting for them on floor 2B was going to be held.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Botan Ugaki Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Karin Onishi
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#, as written by catgirl
Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #990000
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #F05868

Atsuko watched as her other team members filed in one after another, giving them a smile in greeting. Botan seemed oddly uncomfortable after she greeted them, taking out a pack of tissue to place in her mouth. Was she feeling unwell? She gave her a quizzical look, before quickly remembering her discomfort among the crimson plasma. “Sorry.” She pulled open her bag, ignoring her stinging finger as she fixed her hairpin back in her hair. The bag contained only a few items, her heavy medical journal, some summoning papers and her first aid kit. Atsuko pulled out the white box from the other items, her hands moving through its contents expertly. Soon, she pulled out a box of alcohol swabs and gauze bandages. Wiping her bleeding finger to clear it of germs, she dressed the wound before turning to Athena.

The tamer’s finger was bleeding as well, though Atsuko hesitated before taking her wounded hand. They never really had a good relationship, and she wondered if the purple-haired girl would rather fix her finger herself. Yet, Athena might not know how to, and as a doctor she wasn’t going to take any chances. “This might sting a little.” Taking her hand gently, she cleaned the wound as wrapped it tightly up in bandages as well, checking it over again before dropping her hand.

“You heard the lady, girls.” Atsuko lifted her head just in time to see the Dragoon march off in a silly walk, Dolos following her lead to the classroom. She nodded, but took a second to rearrange her medicine box and put it back in her bag again. There was nothing wrong with organisation, it helps her to find things easily. Following closely after the others, Atsuko couldn’t help but feel a chill as she walked closer to the classroom. There were several theories spreading around the school population about the unrenovated floor, and it’s silent emptiness was further disturbing her. But there wouldn’t be any danger. They had been called there by a teacher, and she had the utmost confidence that teachers wouldn’t try to harm their own students.

Yet, her fingers reached for Dores’s clothes, tugging it gently as she pulled up her scarf a little to hide the discomfort on her features. This was scary, the sooner they finish class, the better. She took some comfort in the fact that the others were with her. At least she wasn’t completely alone on the mission.

She stopped just outside the door however, her heart pounding in her chest. The presence inside didn’t feel human at all, and she was feeling strangely apprehensive about the whole situation. It was so odd, but it was their class, after all. Still, she hid behind Dores, unwilling to go in first.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dores Barroso Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Karin Onishi
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #CC99CC || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #8E388E

Athena narrowed her eyes as the Doctor took Athena's finger in her hand and gently wrapped it. Athena had the ability to heal on her own, but said nothing so as not to give away her species. Dores suddenly took off, Atsuko grabbing Dores's jacket like a scared little school girl, which is exactly what she was, and followed. Athena rolled her eyes, walking behind the two and wondering where Karin was. Had the girl not gotten the message that they were to meet here today? Athena wondered as they entered class 2-B. Inside was a teacher whose expression was anything but sinister. Her aura was odd though, there were dark waves rolling off of her and Athena hesitated to enter.

The confidence she wore as armor came back on though and Athena strode inside, taking a seat in the front. This was not their usual teacher, it was suspicious from the start but she wasn't about to say anything because often Exorcists had all kinds of auras and it could just be a simple misunderstanding. Just in case though, Athena did not call off her familiars who loyally sat on either side of her, waiting for some sort of instruction. "So teach, what's on the agenda today?" Athena asked, her confidence wavering as the teacher trained her eyes on her, an unsettling expression passing across her face. Athena turned to Dores and Atsuko, as though asking them if they had witnessed the odd look.