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Luther Rothenburg

"You..are unnecessary...disapppear"

0 · 369 views · located in The Training Ground

a character in “The Illegal Generation”, as played by rekkainferna



nicknames| |LUTH OR LUCK
age| 21
gender| Male
my fear| Failing
what i hate| Children
what i love| Nothing really
role| Second in command/ hunter in charge of finding the resistor
power| Alchemy(morph anything he touches)
my crush| Has no time for such things
personality| Determined, Won’t stop until he finishes his job, emotionless for the most part stoic. Able to with stand great amounts of pain
About me| Doesn't remember childhood, it is a crime for an adult to do so, Has worked his way up to the top, earning the BOSS's respect, He's the head of the search for fugitive children and the Resistor, but not the head of the entire army as he yearns to be. He is envious of those who look stronger and wishes he could surpass them. Often works harder and trains harder giving up free time. He has one close friend in Zero though. The two as a team make a dangerous foe, and also give them reputation among the other adults. He is often called “Child” because of his short height, despite the fact that his features are adult-like. He will not halt to harm anyone who calls him this, regardless of status. There is one particular child he hates more than anything

roleplayer| Rekkainferna


HEXCODE #ff0000
You Will Never Surpass Us

So begins...

Luther Rothenburg's Story

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Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg
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A huge jolt of energy hit the wall, zapping it on all sides with such a force it would be reduced to rubble, but, not in this case. The energy encased it turned red like flames but yet not so. It licked the stone changing it amidst the light was a shadow. The shadow commanded the power like an artist through the stone as he sculpted his masterpiece. The power increased the red light of the alchemy flickering rays upon the shadow. A man’s face was formed between the site.

The man being: Luther Rothenburg, an unstoppable military machine. Nothing could hurt him it seemed nothing could make.... even a dent in his vast power. The man was able to with stand pain and even hunger, filled with the determination to finish the task and do it to the utmost right. The alchemy he controlled surrounded him like a warm coat but was vicious to anyone else. Luther was a monster none could surpass him in any way shape or form ....

"Hey short stuff stop showing off and bring me lemonade!!" a voice interrupted his thoughts.

Luther's blood red eyes popped open with the slight twitch of a muscle. He ignored the caller and focused his power on the wall surging more energy into it. The wall sparked again and continued to shape and form. Luther waved his hands like a conductor of an orchestra.


He closed his eyes again gripping his fists on the air strengthening the alchemy more. The wall literally looked as if it was on fire, and yet it was a beauty to behold.

"HEY~! KID!"

And Luther lost it. The 'would have been masterpiece', came crashing down onto the training ground. The dust clearing fast with the futures technology designed to keep the other trainers safe.

"How... many times... do I Have.. to tell you" Luther spoke calmly his hair obscuring his eyes. "My Name is Luther Rothenburg not Kid!"

"You sure look like a kid to me" called the soldier lazily from a safe distance away.

"You must be mistaken I am not a kid" Luther replied trying to reform his magic.

"Owwww~ did I hurt the little boy's feelings wanna go for a timeout back in pathetic little town with all the other little babies"

"I AM NOT A CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luther roared finally losing his cool exterior as alchemy erupted from his hands sending the ground around the soldier straight into the air.

"SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" called the soldier shooting high in to the air and vanishing from sight closely followed by Luther’s alchemy.

"You better be" Luther said calm once again. Though. There was still a muscle still twitching on his head. He then returned to his alchemy reforming the rubble wall. Now his thoughts raced faster

Calling me a child I'm not even that short.... It’s such an insult they don't know who they're messing with I have a job to do I don't have time for fooling around. Truth was there wasn't much of a job to do...being only second in command. He had to wait for orders from his BOSS.

Second he scoffed in his mind Second, that's like last to me. I have to be better I have to surpass them. His power increased again with the speed of his thoughts. I won’t let mere children beat me.

He was a hunter and the leader of the group who hunted after the Children, Children who were rouge and out of place, Children who defiled the name of the grand city of Éclos. He would stop at Nothing until every
. one of them was gone. After all, how else was he to be promoted? Luther lived to be promoted, he worked day after day. He started at the bottom of the chain and now, Now look at him. Such a high honor it was to be second in command.

Second he scoffed again. He pressed his hands deeper into the ground and rose them up again. Not for long the alchemy engulfed him once more then faded as it zapped around his finished creation. It was a gigantic, perfect replica of a group of children tied together. He half grinned at it. Once this job is done, I’ll get promoted again. For me, it will be a dream come true. He held a hand out towards the stone formed children. For them however.. He snapped his fingers and the entire structure shattered into nothing.


The setting changes from The Training Ground to Project21


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cethin Aurel Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg
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#, as written by Skwidge
|Cethin Aurel|

Plip, plip, plip, plip
. Dripping water could be heard somewhere within the dark building, most likely from one of the broken pipes lining the ceiling like a maze. The area was eerily silent, except for the sound of hot air being released every so often, followed then by the loud rustling of chains in the background. Broken windows dotted the walls in random locations with black tattered curtains behind them to keep the light out in the training session, while other metal pipes protruded from the ground and were mostly caked with dirt and grime aside from some small areas that were covered from the elements and still somewhat clean. Some of them had lights that would flicker on and off in a slow, mesmerizing pace. Three shattered mirrors could also be located, one against the northern wall, another propped up against one of the metal pipes, and another simply lying on the ground. The glass shards from these three were also scattered about the room.

However, there was also a loud heartbeat that steadily responded to the eerie surroundings, beeping every second, almost as if someone was hooked up to the medical machinery found in the E.R.; probably because someone was. One of the new recruits had opted to assist in one of the more experienced adult’s training, and he had been hooked up to the machine to record his breathing and heartbeat rates in the ‘simulation’.

Plip, plip, plop, plop, plunk. Plip, plip
. For a few moments, the water’s steady beating suddenly shifted, hitting something other than the floor for those precious two seconds before resuming the free fall into its puddle. Sweat covered the recruit’s brow, his eyes wide and heartbeat picking up a few notches. Having spent at least twenty five minutes alone in the room with nothing but agonizing suspense and adrenaline, his senses had become adjusted to all of the sounds and the darkness, so he immediately noticed the difference in the water’s soft drumming. He swiftly turned his head to stare into the darkness of where the noise usually was, but he saw nothing. Another few ticks escalated in his breathing, before
 Whoooshhh. The recruit jumped in coiled surprise, but it was only the air vent going off again. But, wait
 where was the clinking of the chains?

Cethin shifted out from the hot, sticky air, placing a finger on the cleaner part of a nearby pipe running suspended in midair before suddenly disappearing once more. A crunch responded from under his boot as his weight settled on the shards of broken glass, a huge smirk spread across his face and his eyes wide with anticipation. He had to admit, it was pretty fun playing predator, especially when he got to increase his ability anyway. Swiftly crouching down, he stared at the reflective glass, watching as the recruit was just coming up to the mirror propped against the north wall. Seth portrayed himself on that mirror for exactly half a second before causing the image to shift violently to the right of the mirror in the other half of time before it was nowhere to be seen, quite effectively toying with the poor recruit once more. The sweet sound of the rapid beeping from the wires hooked up to display heartbeat made Z rather smug with himself.

’Enough play, I wanna see how well I did this round.’ He thought silently to himself before reaching into a different shard and climbing out of the mirror the recruit had passed moments before. Silent as he could, Seth snuck up behind the boy and in one swift motion pressed a knife to his throat. A shattering scream split from the boy’s throat, and Cethin recoiled from the loud noise. ”Woah, hey, relax, it’s just a rubber blade~” With an innocent tone, he held out the fake knife as the overhead lights flickered to life, signaling the end of the training.

The recruit’s right hand was pressed against his chest where his heart was. “Holy crap, man.” He breathed, his eyes wide but the beeping beginning to slow down. ”Well, let’s see how I did, shall we?” Sauntering over to where the machine itself was located, the recruit in tow, Ceth pulled the curtain back, revealing the screens and green lines and such. The boy stood beside him, watching with wonder at the screens. Shifting his eyes toward the boy, another smirk filled the assassin’s face before he turned back and wiped his wet hand on the boy’s shoulder. ”Increased shift time by a few seconds, definite marks on the psychological warfare.” He snickered, patting the boy on the back with some force.

“Where did you get this stuff, anyway?” The recruit grumbled, obviously embarrassed that he couldn’t take on the challenge. ”Stole it. But hey, hey, I’ll bring it back as soon as I’m done. It doesn’t take long to transfer items through mirrors.” He raised his hands in the air above his shoulders, defending himself. ”It’s a pain they don’t let me just have it.” An irritated frown flickered across his facials for a moment before disappearing. ”Anyway, you should run along now. And I hope you learned a very valuable lesson.” Z ruffled the boy’s hair, further demeaning him in that subtle way with a full grin on his face. “Yeah, yeah, don’t do any training with crazy Ceth.” The recruit placed his chin in his hand before turning to get the heck out of this place. ”What, no! Don’t tell your friends that! Otherwise I’ll never get anyone to train with me!” He had turned as the boy was leaving, his voice rather loud and playfully frantic while he had a pout on his lips. ”Pah.” Coal simply waved off the boy as he exited his training area, a content look to his face as he scanned over the results once more.

However, his form suddenly froze and his pupils widened as his mind seemed to slip and crash. Ceth winced physically as blinding light filled his mind’s eye. “Come on Coal, don’t be like that!” He looked up, the face before him completely unrecognizable as the light prevented him from making out anything other than a blurry silhouette. “Come on, please? Pretty please? You know you wanna get out of your grumpy pants and come p-“ With a harsh scowl, Z abruptly cut off the flashback. But his body gave him up as his form shivered with tensed pain and he coughed. ”Bloody
.” ’That one was weak, pointless.’ He clenched his fists before turning away from the screen. ’Guess I just forgot that sometimes they’re delayed, if I’m even gonna have one anyway.’ He slammed his fist against one of the pipes, denting it in his anger. He shouldn’t have such memories, no one else did, so why him?

However, all was completely forgotten as a scream could be heard hurtling above his training building, and a bright smirk filled his features, knowing exactly what that meant. Trotting back to one of the glass shards, he slipped through and popped out a few meters behind Ruukia. His eyes scanned over her before he looked up at Luther and then bent over, one arm across his stomach while with the other he pointed at his open mouth and fake gagged. With that shiny outfit of hers, Seth was very, very thankful he didn’t accidently alter his course and pop out like right on top of her.

Without a moment to lose, he shifted onto one of the clear lines that bordered a few of the training areas. ’Ah Èclos, such an easy place to get around in.’ And he reappeared closer to Luth just as Ruukia taunted him. "Goodness me... somebody had a little temper tantrum, hm?" Ceth shoved his hands into his pockets and lazily walked over to Luther, clicking his tongue in Ruukia’s general direction. “Some people just don’t learn even when a hurtling body comes screaming over them.” He spoke breezily at Ruukia, leaning towards Luther and about to rest his elbow on the man’s shoulder before immediately changing his mind with a good-natured look. He then danced away from Luther, subtly worried that the man would explode once more. Obviously he couldn’t really get out of his range, but he was closer to something reflective so he’d have an escape route if things turned violent. Seth was feeling very plummet-free today, and would rather prefer to stay on the nice, safe ground to begin with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cethin Aurel Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Anna Morgan
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#, as written by slcam
|Anna Morgan|

Anna slowly spun in her seat, her eyes gazing over the various monitors, taking in data from sensors. It was once again the time for a routine scan. Each scanner was deployed in a designated route through Project 21, ensuring that each child would be scanned, as long as they were where they were meant to be, of course. And if they were not where they needed to be....
However, that had not happened today, at least so far.

Through the data and video that came each day through the screens, Anna got to know many of these children, or at least know about them. However, it was difficult to see them as much more than data, and Anna never tried to connect with them. They were merely there to mature into an adult, little more. Their time as a child meant little as long as they made it through childhood. And if they failed in even that... well, their data mattered even less, and was quickly filed away, rarely opened again unless for some obscure statistical matter.

Anna checked each child as the scanner brought their face and location into view on the screens. She made sure the information matched with a practiced speed, then gave the scanner the 'okay' to proceed. After all, they would not want the children getting the brilliant idea to switch bracelets. Each had their place and function, and it would not be beneficial for them if they ever forgot that. Suddenly, a screen began flashing with an error. It seemed that some child had forgotten its place. Her hands nearly flying, Anna turned the scanner to 'pursue and clean' mode. She watched impassively as it rapidly scanned the surrounding area.

It was not long before it locked on to the signal of the errant child in the wood. It was not his first infraction either. There would be no mere punishment this time, but a full-blown 'cleansing'. Anna could feel conflicting emotion rising somewhere within her, but it was distant and faint. She easily suppressed it, fulfilling her duties with a properly emotionless, logical mindset.

The scanner easily came to the now terrified child. The young teenage boy futilely tried to flee, pushing recklessly through the undergrowth. His bracelet flashed in a bright, blood red, that was stark against the foliage surrounding him. All his fuss was useless, and the scanner easily pursuing him gave him one finale sentence, the last he would hear. "You have committed your final violation. Prepare for cleansing." The boy stumbled and fell to his knees, turning toward the scanner with a wide-eyed look that still stubbornly harbored defiance. Then, in a flash of light, he was gone. From discovery of the empty area to cleansing of the errant child, less than a minute had passed.

Without another thought about the boy, Anna returned the scanner to its normal function, and it sped back toward its route. Scanning resumed in each of the scanners, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. In fact, it was nothing out of the ordinary. That had been the third cleansing that week, though it was unusual to have such a high number for so early in the week. Perhaps the children were becoming restless for some reason? In any case, they would soon settle, and those who did not would be dealt with promptly.

The scanning concluded without any other aberration, though a few children seemed to have barely squeaked by this time. Anna gave a small sigh and began the process of returning and shutting down the scanners, as well as writing up a report. It was slightly longer than usual due to the cleansing, but still did not take more than a few minutes. Soon, Anna was signing off for the time being. Once these tasks were finished, Anna set off for the training grounds.

Within a few minutes, Anna arrived. From the general mood around Luther, she assumed he had lost his temper and injured, or perhaps killed, someone again. Anna almost felt sorry for the poor oaf who angered him. She approached silently behind Cethin, who seemed a bit on edge, which was probably wise. She carefully avoided the 'line of sight' of the few reflective objects in the area until she stood directly behind the man, sure she had not been noticed by any of those gathered around Luther.

"Watch it, he might get ya," she said, nearly in his ear. She was not especially loud, so Luther would not hear her and break his concentration, but she was easily audible to the rest of those gathered, and, no doubt, especially loud for Cethin. She saw a couple of the recruits jump when they realized she had suddenly appeared, and barely kept a smile from her face.

The setting changes from Project21 to The Training Ground

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clementine Jr. Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Aramay Wheaten "Grue"
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#, as written by Aramay

Aramay's head turned towards the direction of the laugh. It looked as though it was becoming a common theme on the field today which she wasn't taking a fancy towards. Her eyes harshly darts to the owner of the laugh; intent on making sure the chuckle was stopped short. Her expression softened somewhat when she saw that it was a familiar face, Clem. Her ears twitch at the realization. The bright light threw her off making it hard for her to maintain an intimidating aura about her. She straightens up to take on a fairly normal posture; something she isn't often seen doing.

Her eyes looked back down at the subconscious soldier and her mouth opened yet took a few seconds before she actually responded; her voice was low and raspy. "I know." Anything more than a couple of words required a pause. Many physical feats were almost effortless for her to perform yet a simple sentence strained at her vocal chords. Therefore her words or responses were simple and few. Anything more than a couple words meant that it was something worth the effort of saying. "To see, if I...could." She adds. Her voice strains unnaturally and could send chills up anyone's spine. Intimidating or not it only added to her unsettling looks. For those who actually listened to her words would realize that she wasn't even sure if she could catch him. Not that she was incapable of it in the past but that she managed to achieve it in broad daylight was something of a challenge she hadn't taken on and it was due to her eyes being far more effective in lower light.

Speaking of which; she lowered her head just enough for her hair to partially cover her eyes. The sun was forcing her to squint and giving her a headache. That however was part of her training. Tell her to chase down a child late in the day or better yet after dark, through a building, down a poorly lit alley it was almost guaranteed that she would be on top of them within seconds. If the child's power kept them out of her grasp their screaming due to her chasing them would be enough to alert the others of their location. She could get into most places that others didn't like going or normally wouldn't fit through. Have a child run down a well lit street in broad daylight and she found herself taking more than a second longer to respond to what's happening in front of her. More than enough time for her to be left at a disadvantage for one reason or another. Therefore trying to use her other senses to compensate while training became aggravating yet necessary.

Of course there was the option of having something made to cover her eyes to block out some of the sun. Though the likelihood of her peripheral vision being obscured or the off chance that they would be knocked away leading to temporary blindness made her unwilling to take the chance. Plus she needed to rely on her own eyes, they alone were enough to make a child freeze in place without requiring a single finger to be lifted. Then again, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to have them just in case. For that off chance of needing them.

In the time that it took for her to respond to Clem and look back up at Luther from under her messy hair, a bit of a crowd had formed around around the irate male. It looked like Ara and Clem were the furthest him. Luther was the one that she always made sure to allow him his space. She was smart enough not to push his buttons as opposed to the others. It wasn't that way in the beginning. After a few testing spats with him in the past she became more inclined to listen to his orders. It didn't prevent her from shooting a defiant look, watch him intently or according to others seemingly stare him down. It wasn't simply because he was the second in command.

The only thing that broke her gaze and her posture was the pain that rose up her spine making her hunch forward and crouch down. The baring of her teeth and hissing breath made it apparent that she wasn't pleased with having to almost sit on the ground to alleviate the pain. Her tail swiped against the ground in annoyance. It had been over a year ago when it first started though it was still fresh in her mind. For weeks her body had been in pain from when she began showing unusual symptoms from the injections. With the occasional pains she still experienced, she wondered if the changes had yet to completely settle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cethin Aurel Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Anna Morgan
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No sooner had his creation collapsed, by his own hand of course, that another voice addressed him. Now that he was calm again, he resumed his normal stoic behavior and was not affected by another’s presence. He heard the woman approach and did not turn to look at her as she spoke.

"Goodness me... somebody had a little temper tantrum, hm?". Luther could identify the voice straight way. Of course, it was “her”. Ruukia Hanabi, she enjoyed teasing people, got her kicks from it or something. Her voice was mocking. Luther could almost sense her smiling at him, maybe with a slight smirk. "Does somebody need a hug...?"

He calculated his response, weighing out the odds of what would ensue from different reactions. He was not one to lose his temper easily. Some particular new recruits just irritated him. However, he was a strong man, able to control himself. He made a nod of greeting in Ruukia’s direction, but didn’t look at the woman. Why should he, he had a job to do. He didn’t need distractions.

At this moment another approached them. Luther’s eyes flashed to the newcomer for a moment. “Some people just don’t learn even when a hurtling body comes screaming over them.” . Luther rolled his eyes, and dropped his gaze again. He wondered if he should continue practicing or go check up on some new recruits. Some of them couldn’t be left alone, they were so foolish. He knew there were some that ran off to Project 21, and would pay for it in some way or another. Foolish recruits.

“Cethin” Luther said simply, acknowledging the man by name. He watched as the dark haired taller man, had practically danced over to them. Luther did not understand this particular assassin’s methods precisely. However, he was not really that ill hearted with him. Luther outranked him, so
 so what if Ceth was taller. Ceth made a move as if to belittle Luther, but then seemed to second guess himself and skipped away. Luther “humphed” quietly. Ceth knew better than to mess with him. He had his reputation from the new recruits he consistently threw into the air or practised his alchemy on in other ways.

It was not a surprise that Cethin would know this as well. People learned quickly to obey him and not play with him. Testing Luther’s patience, regardless of your rank, could get you maimed or injured. So, Luther had quickly earned the respect he desired from his peers. He began to raise his hands again. “You all should get back to your training, and I as well. . He spoke quietly, but his voice was the type that demanded attention. No one failed orders, especially knowing what he was really capable of, and throwing a few soldiers would look like child’s play compared to it.

He gazed over the group gathered around him, what was he popular today or something? Another person had joined them. He hadn’t missed it when she showed, being a hunter, he was always completely aware of his surroundings. It was the “cleaner”, one of their best anyways. He made another nod in her direction. “Morgan!” Luther’s commanding and monotone-ish voice changed slightly. ”What are the numbers from today’s cleaning mission?” He asked interested, and hoping that they had increased. He really hated those children. The little rats of Project 21.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Anna Morgan
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Ruukia scoffed as Luther ignored her, but she wasn't giving up. 'I wonder what it will get him to play with me...' she thinks, grinning to herself, she then phases into darkness, giggling with excitement. 'I am gonna have fuuuun~' she sings to herself.

She peeks out of the shadows as he sees Luther talking to Morgan, she phases back in and phases back out behind Luther, resting her breasts on his head, her elbows on his shoulders, tilting her head side to side. "ooooh~" she says in a sultry voice, "I hope they are a death count~" she giggles and slinks back into the darkness before Luther can react, then appearing in front of Morgan, her masked face inches from Morgan's. "did they slowly bleed and beg for mercy~" she says, a slight moan to her voice, then she giggles and vanishes back into the shadows, hiding in both of their shadows but very aware of what is happening and being said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clementine Jr. Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Aramay Wheaten "Grue" Character Portrait: Anna Morgan
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#, as written by Aramay

"Im-press-ive?" Clem's comment confused her enough to make her forget about the pain long enough for it to fade. It almost made her forget why she was hunched over in the first place. She wasn't trying to impress anyone. She gave up so much more than she bargained for, not just because of the obvious. The training and time that went into proving to herself that she could be productive, useful, more than just adequate. After the, changes, she had to train again to re-learn how to do almost everything, walking, eating. It took more than a couple months to get herself to stop having those 'fits'. Training just became a way for her to cope to the point where it became foreign to her to hear a compliment.

It didn't stop there either. People kept their distance in the beginning. Now they were beginning to relax around her. Clem began to speak to Aramay more openly. She looks at the masked man's eyes as they looked to be smiling. "Kinda scary huh?" Was it really? Wait, what was he talking about? "Scary?" She felt like a deranged yet very confused parrot; repeating everything that Clem was saying. Her eyes showed genuine confusion. With her head tilted it almost would have looked cute. His, tittering only added to it. Either her mind was now comprehending enough to pick up that Clementine was acting strange or being out in the sun this long was affecting her more than she expected."My job, I catch. With-out kids, no job. No purpose." In a more serious tone was her response. For some reason the thought of children still being around irritated her but the idea of being no longer needed scared her far more.

She wasn't keeping track of what the numbers were. Something was throwing her off. Her ears picked up something strange. Looking back at Luther she saw Ruukia rubbing herself all over him. Or at least that's what it looked like. She was acting completely out of line. "did they slowly bleed and beg for mercy~" Just as Ruukia slithers back into the shadows she would feel a rush of wind rush by her face and through her hair. It was a set of claws just barely missing the sly merc but close enough to nick at her mask as the beastly female rushed past before sliding to a halt. "Come out!" She snarled in the direction of the shadows that she dissappeared into, namely Luther's and Anna's. In an instant she was overwhelmed with anger thanks to Ruukia's antics. There were so many things she wanted to call her; snake, sadistic, slut, anything with an 's' in the pronunciation. It was too easy for Ruukia to simply hide in the shade while Aramay growled and snapped like a wild animal demanding for the squirrel to come out of its hiding place. She learned to restrain herself with Luther. The busty wench in the mask, was fair game.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clementine Jr. Character Portrait: Cethin Aurel Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Aramay Wheaten "Grue"
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#, as written by zody
[ Sorry for the terrible Zero post guys. My brain is like asgasg Dx ]

| ZERO |

"La dee daa dee daaa~!".

Zero sang to himself as he wandered down the hallway, smirking widely as he thought of the day ahead. The sun was shining, the adults were happy and the children were..

. . .

The children were down in Project 21, alone and afraid. Zero was a child once, wasn't he? Why didn't he remember? Oh, right. The laws stated that he wasn't allowed to remember. He wasn't allowed to remember the pain, the suffering or the terror that came whenever a Scanner passed by. He wasn't supposed to remember the girl with the bear that seemed to look at him with admiration and love. Zero stopped, staring off into the sky as he tried to shut the visions out of his mind.

"Where're you going? You're coming back, right?!". The girl looked at him, eyes and voice full of concern and worry. "Of course I will, idiot~! I'll never leave your side, remember~?".

It was a small memory, but it was enough for Zero. That girl was... odd. She seemed so familiar, yet so anonymous to him. Zero shook his head, smacking the wall and growling as he attempted to clear his mind. Luckily for him, he noticed something that could easily keep his mind away from the girl and the memories she brought. Nearby, a group had formed, and Zero sighed as he saw the one-and-only Ruukia Hanabi teasing his friend, Luther Rothenburg. Zero shook his head, moving down to the area where they were just as Ruukia vanished into the shadows. He stayed a fair bit away, observing the group and taking a step backwards to leave, but... Something stopped him in his tracks, and he felt compelled to move over to the group.

"I'm terribly confused right now, buuut...~". Zero smirked, and turned away. He walked a fair way away from the group, then pulled a quarter out of his pocket. "I do enjoy having money, I must admit~!". Suddenly, something cannoned into him. Zero watched the fire flow around him, and he smirked as water exploded out from his cane. "Weeaaak~!". Zero smirked, turning around to the man that had attempted to light him on fire. "Do you like Dinosaurs, my good friend~?". Zero grinned, the coin suddenly expanding, growing flesh and sinews as it slowly turned into a massive Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Dinosaur studied it's surroundings, then looked at the man with the cane. Zero smirked, pointing the cane at the offending man and nodding quickly. The T-Rex let out a loud roar and began to chase the poor fellow around Eclos. Zero laughed darkly, watching the man flee in terror as he adjusted his hat and looked back at the group behind him before pulling his cloak tighter around him.

The cloak was midnight black, with patterns of stars on it that seemed to shimmer and gleam as if they were real stars. Zero smiled, spinning on his heel and proceeding over to the group that had assembled around Luther. He twirled his cane as he walked, a smoking pipe appearing in his hand as he moved over to them. "Hello there, ladies and gents~! Don't mind the Dinosaur running around, he's not a problem~! Well, not for any of you, at least~!". Zero laughed nonchalantly, and pointed his cane at the shadows in which Ruukia had vanished. His eyes suddenly turned dangerously cold, dark, full of sadistic insanity that thrived in the moment. His smirk broadened, showcasing his elongated canine teeth.

"Ruuuuuukiiiiaaaaaa~ Didn't your mother ever teach you your manneeeers~?". Zero smirked at the shadows, the end of the cane glowing slightly. "I suggest that you come out of your hiding place right now, or your punishment will be most...~". Zero seemed to ponder for a moment, before settling on a simple word. "... Severe~". Zero turned to Aramay, his smirk seeming to vanish instantly as he pulled another coin out of his pocket, transforming into a leash as he smiled at Aramay with his eyes. "I don't want to have to put a leash around your neck, cutie-pie~ But you might leave me no choice~". Zero smirked as the leash vanished and the coin reappeared.

"Good to see everyone in one place, though. Oh, wait... Where'd shorty go- Oh, just under my line of siiight~!". Zero looked over at Luther, laughing lightly. "You're very popular today, short-stuff~ How's your day been~?".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clementine Jr. Character Portrait: Cethin Aurel Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Aramay Wheaten "Grue"
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He stopped at what Aramay had said.

"My job, I catch. With-out kids, no job. No purpose."

She was right. Clementine knew that, even he followed his own job effortlessly, but for some reason speaking of the deaths of children like it was a game stirred him. There was something locked up inside that caused him to feel pity for the children; he could not kill them, despite the government trying to recruit him into a hunter position when he had first started he had refused. Clem had heard the pleas of broken mothers, usually abandoned by their partners, telling him to not kill their babies and he never did.
Adults were different, usually they were cruel and relentless. Even the mothers who had brought their children into this dark world, despite their knowing of what it meant to be a child. He had no pity for the adults, the ones who knew better.

His train of thought got cut short when Aramay went rushing to whatever Luther and the girl Rukia were doing. He tuned into the conversation, to see if there wasn't any trouble being caused, but caught sight of the man Zero came who approached the group in his usual unusual manner.

"Eventful, it seems." Clem answered for Luther with an amusing tone. He walked up to the group, curious as to what Zero was up to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clementine Jr. Character Portrait: Cethin Aurel Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Aramay Wheaten "Grue"
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#, as written by Skwidge
|Cethin Aurel|

Cethin looked back at Luther as he addressed him, and his eyes brightened with a cheery smile. He put his index and middle finger to his forehead before saluting the second in command, ”Luth-Man.” He grinned brightly before dropping his arm back to his side, completely ignoring Ruukia and focusing completely on Luther.

”Watch it, he might get ya~" Seth whirled in surprise at the loud noise centimeters from his ear, aiming a well rounded punch to her form in self defense before awkwardly changing the hit into a slap at the last few moments before impact. Her reaction to him was definitely not expected, and a loud laugh escaped his vocals. ”Cripes, don’t.” He breathed out, though his eyes flared up with mischief, positively firing up between them. ’Let the war commence!’

Luther’s voice then broke into their little exchange, ”What are the numbers from today’s cleaning mission?” Seth turned away from him, not interested in hearing what A had to say about that at all. Luckily, as more of the adults began to appear at the scene, it was quite distracting enough. Except for when Ruukia’s irritating voice broke through into his head.

”Did they slowly bleed and beg for mercy~?" A look of disgust filled his features at her reactions, but once more, a perfect new distraction showed up. The ground began to shake underneath Z’s feet, and a shattering roar filled the area as he took in the sight. It was the big man himself, having just made a discipline come back from the dead to haunt some poor unfortunate soul. A huge T-Rex began its pursuit, and Ceth couldn’t hold back his laughter, having to hold his sides for a few moments.

He prodded Anna in the side with his elbow, a wicked smirk on his lips. ”Haha, just imagine that thing with its tiny little arms chasing that poor fella, it tries to snap at it, ends up falling to the ground with that massive head of its and can’t really get up.” He had stopped laughing a little while back, and then swung his head towards Anna with a look, his arms pressed to his chest and his hands protruding, mimicking the Rex. “Rawr~” He raised his eyebrows, giving her a full, dashing lopsided half grin.

"You're very popular today, short-stuff~ How's your day been~?" Seth diverted his attention from Anna to look at the exchange between Zero and Luther, a slight wince to his features for a moment. Since Luther had already calmed down, Ceth expected to be impressed once more with that formal, unfazed response of his. Coal slipped one hand into his right pocket before hearing another voice join in.

"Eventful, it seems." Cethin grinned slightly before inclining his head towards the masked man, raising his left arm in greeting.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clementine Jr. Character Portrait: Cethin Aurel Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Aramay Wheaten "Grue"
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Luther calmly waited for a response from one of his favourite co-workers. He favoured her because of her job, and that she was able to exterminate Children. He had once been a Cleaner before, though not for long as he quickly moved up the ranks. However before he was able to hear Morgan’s reply, a rather unpleasant response came from above him.

His eyebrow twitched slightly but he made no other reaction to Ruukia’s misbehaviour. "ooooh~
I hope they are a death count~". Luther had little chance to berate her for her actions before she vanished into the shadows she adored hiding in. Coward Luther thought. The woman’s giggle followed her like a trail, and Luther quickly found her before she reappeared in front of Morgan. His eyebrow twitched again as she spoke. Gawd that woman was irritating. "Did they slowly bleed and beg for mercy~".

He may have spoken at that moment if it weren’t for another woman rushing up. Luther titled his head to see Aramay lashing out a clawed hand at the vanishing Ruukia. He smirked lightly at this. Aramay was another comrade whom, like Morgan, he respected. He remembered her when she was a new recruit. She was like a rabid animal, completely out of control and snapping at every moment. She fit well with Luther’s own stoic personality and listened to his guidance, like his very own watch dog. Although, she wasn’t just some animal to him, she was dangerous when it came time for it, a worthy companion.

"Come out!". Luther heard Aramay snarl. She had slid to a halt rather than attacking. Which, Luther was proud of. The old Aramay would have reacted viciously and maybe tore apart half the people there to get to her prey. Now, Aramay was in much better control. However, if need be he would stop Aramay if it so happened that she went too far. For now, though, he was enjoying the scene. Ruukia would get taught a lesson without him even having to move a finger.

He hated getting his hands dirty.

However, due to the massive group around him it didn’t seem like he was going to get any more done, How irritating he thought. Yes, irritating was a good word to describe the day. But, the sudden appearance of, yet another, made that word
 not quite fitting. A white haired man, much taller than Luther, approached them with his usual grin, and a twirling cane. Luther raised his eye brows, wondering what was the cause for the said adjustment to the man’s usual attire.

"Hello there, ladies and gents~! Don't mind the Dinosaur running around, he's not a problem~! Well, not for any of you, at least~!”. The man, named Zero laughed as he joined their little ensemble of Adults. Luther rolled his eyes Wait
Dinosaur? . His eyes gazed over the area, and sure enough in the distance a giant T-Rex was in heavy pursuit of a few unlucky recruits. Ceth seemed to think it was hilarious as he told Morgan “Haha, just imagine that thing with its tiny little arms chasing that poor fella, it tries to snap at it, ends up falling to the ground with that massive head of its and can’t really get up.” . Luther shook his head at the exchange. The appearance of the creature was amusing, as Zero always was.

He looked back to see, another person receiving a punishment of sorts. Boy was this day interesting. “Ruuuuuukiiiiaaaaaa!~ Didn’t your mother ever teach you your manneeeers~? I suggest that you come out of your hiding place right now, or your punishment will be most...~". Zero stalked the shadows with elongated teeth, bringing Luther’s attention fully away from the T-Rex. Ruukia was definitely going to have to learn. "... Severe~" Zero finished his threat. Luther crossed his arms over one another, simply observing all that was taking place around him.

Interesting wasn’t the right word to describe the day either. He sighed lightly. No work will be done at this rate.. Zero was facing Aramay now and holding a coin. In an instant, the coin transformed into a leash, and Zero held it up to Aramay. "I don't want to have to put a leash around your neck, cutie-pie~ But you might leave me no choice~".. Luther blinked. A leash, really? . He didn’t think it would go that far necessarily unless Ruukia did more to annoy Aramay.

He hoped not. Luther brushed his hair from his face, and took another glance around. Morgan, still hadn’t answered his question, or she had and he missed it, due to. Oh I wonder? "Good to see everyone in one place, though. Oh, wait... Where'd shorty go- Oh, just under my line of siiight~!" Luther twitched at the word and his attention shot back to the group, namely Zero. "You're very popular today, short-stuff~ How's your day been~?"

Oh, he’s gonna get it. . Luther glared at him for a second then moved his hands to fix his collar. He Hated being called “short”, but he knew Zero wasn’t serious. In fact, Zero was the closest to a friend that Luther had. He shifted uncomfortably despite it, the word just infuriated him. He refused to lose his cool in front of the others.

“Hello Zero, having fun tormenting the new recruits with supposed to be extinct beasts? . He half-smiled for a second. He still couldn’t think of a word to describe the day. "Eventful, it seems." another male voice replied. Luther looked over to thank him for the absolutely fitting word. Luther nodded at Clementine as he joined the group. “Very eventful indeed” Luther said in a monotone. “It doesn’t seem like any work is going to be done today at all. .

A split second after he had spoken, his watch started beeping. Luther held up a gloved hand to silence the group as he pulled down his sleeve and pressed the sides of the watch with his index finger and thumb. A compartment of the watch opened and the beeping cut off. “Second in command, Rothenburg, speaking. He said his voice controlled and powerful.

Another voice responded but only he could hear it. “Assemble in the assignment hall in ten minutes. ” The voice was nearly inaudible, even to Luther. He smiled and replied. “Yes, BOSS.”. The voice cut off and the watch shut as Luther adjusted his sleeve.

He looked back at the others. “Looks like the fun here is over
 Zero clean up your mess. The rest of you finish what you have here and meet at the Assignment Hall in no less than ten minutes. . He swept his red cloak around his person and turned on his heel walking off fast. The numbers from Morgan would have to wait.

Finally some work to do 

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Aramay Wheaten "Grue"
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Ruukia loved to see people agitated, more so when the "bosses" got irritated. Just seeing people get mad tickled her.

As she was vanishing into the ground she felt Aramay's claw scratch her mask, she smiled psychoticaly, 'play time...' she thought to herself. She moves into Aramy's shadow, targeting her spine with her long, deadly senbon when she heard Zero's beautiful voice, her mind instantly went from killing to passion, love. She moved through the darkness as she approached Zero. "“Ruuuuuukiiiiaaaaaa!~ Didn’t your mother ever teach you your manneeeers~? I suggest that you come out of your hiding place right now, or your punishment will be most...~" he pauses. "... Severe~" he said and a shiver ran down her spine. She feared, respected and loved him, he was a real man compared to the others. She watched him approach Aramay and make a coin turn into a leash."I don't want to have to put a leash around your neck, cutie-pie~ But you might leave me no choice~" he said and she giggles more. 'that will teach that bitch...' she thought to herself, she watched a little long, waiting for him tho finish talking, then she appeared next to him, hugging his arm between her breasts, her back arched slightly and she lays her head on his shoulder.

"I am here, my lord!" she says with giddy, "I wasn't being a bad girl! I was merely wanting to play!" she said in as cute a voice as possible, "then that mean, psycho Aramy tried to hurt me..." she says with a whimper and a sniffle. "and no, my lord... I had no mother... You know this..." She snuggled his arm more, loving the way he felt against her, how he smelled... She starts getting lost in him, a warm happiness covering her that only could provide. She absolutely loved him and she didn't want anyone else to have him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Aramay Wheaten "Grue"
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#, as written by Aramay

The hunter recognized that smell. Zero. He always stirred her memories of times both harsh and hopeful. It took both Zero and Luther to get her thoughts an rationality back into some semblance of order. His presence was enough to distract her from noticing that Ruukia was aiming for her spine. Seeing that she wasn't the only person urked by Ruukia's actions and even willing to do something about her behavior took her anger down a bit more. She looks up at Zero as he approached her. The coin in his hand came to her attention. As soon as it reformed into the shape of a leash. Her eyes flash with a wave of shock, then glisten with renewed anger. Not enough to rush him.

There was a sense of mutual respect that she also felt with Luther. But enough for her to subconsciously bare her teeth, her ears to pin back and allow a growl to build in her throat. That was how Zero and Aramay usually were when they interacted with each other. One minute she would try to do everything within her power to inflict bodily harm on him and the next she would drop everything if she was ordered to bring recruits back into line. When it came down to it she performed to do the job she was supposed to and she did it well.

When Ruukia decided it was safe to make a jab at her, and while using Zero as a safety net even. On top of that she was so over the top. Her lies were painfully blatant. If she had fur on her neck it would have stood on end. "Psycho? Psycho?!" Her hands clenched into fists. It took so much effort for her to regain a working mind. Ruukia simply flaunted her assets and took the enjoyment of her job much farther than anyone would consider reasonable. She wanted to prove that she couldn't use others to keep herself safe around Aramay. "Just a floozy!" She springs towards Ruukia as if intent to finish giving her a few scars to remember her by. Even if she missed she was sure to try and snatch or slap her mask away from miss big chest and throw it a good distance away from her.

She didn't have enough time to register the outcome. Her ears turned noticing that Luther was speaking. “Looks like the fun here is over
 Zero clean up your mess. The rest of you finish what you have here and meet at the Assignment Hall in no less than ten minutes." She huffed. Looks like she would have to finish her tiff with the ninja-wannabe later. "Bitch." She snarls under her breath before heading to the Assignment hall. If Ruukia kept this up she would end up having to constantly watch her back even if they were on mission. She wasn't one to let go of a grudge that was rubbed so deeply into her pride.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clementine Jr. Character Portrait: Cethin Aurel Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Aramay Wheaten "Grue"
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#, as written by Skwidge
|Cethin Aurel|

After his greeting towards Cleo, Ceth’s eyes wandered back to Luther and Zero, watching both their reactions with high curiosity, being only distracted by Aramay trying to pummel Ruu again, to which Z had no qualms about, really. Furthermore, his interest was at its highest peak so far that day when Zero addressed Ruu’s misbehavior.

But of course, the little ’doll’ was unfazed by it, and just tried sucking up to Zero. Again, of course. "I am here, my lord! I wasn't being a bad girl! I was merely wanting to play!" Coal silently groaned, rolling his eyes. Oh she was so bad. "Then that mean, psycho Aramy tried to hurt me...!" And then a slight whistle escaped his pursed lips at her ruthless yet pretty obvious lying to somehow worm her way on his good side. How exactly, he had no idea. Ceth needed to jump into action, and without much thought, he did.

Z half skipped half waltzed over to Zero with a dramatic look of exasperation on his face. He hooked his own arm around Zero’s free one, hugging it close to his chest with a puppy dog face and a pout on his lips. He did his absolute best to mimic Ruukia’s childish girl voice, ”Yes, m’lord! We’re all good girls, we swearsies!!” He sniffled too, his lower lip trembling, watching Ruu out of the corner of his eye. Once she snuggled into him more, Ceth did the same thing, hugging Zero’s arm just the slightest bit more, bumping into her a bit. It was simply a good measure of spite for Aramay’s sake. But he really didn’t have to, as Aramay sprang forward, aiming a hit at the girl’s face.

Ceth remained rather unfazed by the wind that passed with the swift motion. He was then distracted by Luther’s announcement- that Godzilla himself was summoning the team for some deed or another. ’Speaking of Godzilla....' The loud, earth trembling roar from the T-Rex sounded from somewhere in the background. A content, wry grin wiggled across his lips before Ceth dropped the act with Zero, blinking a few times before wandering back over to Anna. ”Meet at the Assignment Hall in no less than ten minutes.” A few moments after the order, he offered Anna his arm, just for jokes, looking first to her and then in the direction of the Assignment Hall. ”Shall we?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clementine Jr. Character Portrait: Cethin Aurel Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Aramay Wheaten "Grue"
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#, as written by zody
| ZERO |

Zero sighed as he felt the familiar body of Ruukia pressing against his arm. He simply stood there, staring straight ahead as she rubbed herself all over him. Zero didn't disdain her as much as the others, but that's not to say he explicitly liked Ruukia. Then again, that's not also to say he doesn't like her, either. Zero looked over at Ruukia from under his hat, and he leaned hard on his cane to try and lessen her weight on him. Not that he didn't like her. He was just being lazy as usual. Before that, Luther had been saying something to him. Zero blinked as the sentence evaded him, but he was fully distracted by Ruukia's antics. "I am here, my lord! I wasn't being a bad girl! I was merely wanting to play!". Zero smirked, letting her bounce her words off of him like a squash-ball on a wall. "Then that mean, psycho Aramy tried to hurt me...!". Zero let out a light chuckle, and then he realised something.

As Cethin waltzed over and grabbed his arm, Zero had to try hard not to laugh, or even grin for that matter. Ceth's play, an obvious way to spite Ruukia, was one of the most entertaining thing Zero had seen all day.”Yes, m’lord! We’re all good girls, we swearsies!!”. Zero snickered. 'Darnit Cethin, at this rate you'll make me lose my cool. Eh, what does that matter~?' He almost let his laugh out when Ruukia hugged him closer, and Ceth did the same. Suddenly, laughter erupted from Zero's lungs. He smiled to himself and looked down at the ground, still laughing in his head. "Oh my, we seem to have a bit of rivalry here, do we~?".

Zero stood still as he felt Aramay's claws attempt to rake Ruukia, and he blinked as one of them nicked him on the side of the face. He raised an eyebrow, his now liberated hand reaching up and tapping the moist, crimson liquid that was dripping down his cheek. Zero blinked, and his eyes suddenly darkened, the T-Rex walking over behind him and looking down at the ground as Zero studied the blood that had dripped onto his fingers. "My, my~ Looks like I'm bleeding~". Zero smirked, letting his tongue fall out of his mouth and trace up to his fingertips, blooding moving onto his tongue as he smirks.

Zero grinned, completely cleaning his fingertips of blood as his eyes shine with dark excitement. He smirked, staring straight at Aramay as the cut slowly vanished, and the T-Rex let out another earth-shattering roar from just behind him. Zero laughed lightly, a tinge of insanity creeping into the sound as he looked over at Cethin, his gaze travelling over everyone as his mouth slowly opens, words just about to spill out. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife, and then...

"I like Trains~".

Zero grins, holding out his arm as the T-Rex vanishes, and a train suddenly speeds past, with Zero catching a ride on it. The train was fairly long, so if anyone else wanted a ride to the Assignment Hall, they could always just jump on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clementine Jr. Character Portrait: Cethin Aurel Character Portrait: Ruukia Hanabi Character Portrait: Luther Rothenburg Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Anna Morgan
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#, as written by slcam
|Anna Morgan|

Anna's half grin turned into a look of surprise as Ceth rounded on her, aiming a rather fast, powerful punch. Anna stepped back, raising her arms in a messy block. At the last second, he opened his hand and whopped her arm, causing her to hit herself with a solid thump. The look of absolute surprise on his features, mirrored by her own, made her chuckle. ”Cripes, don’t,” Ceth said, laughing himself.

"Who else would keep you on your toes?" Anna responded in a formal tone, though it held amusement as she rubbed the sore spot on her head. Luther's voice interrupted her jovial attitude, and in an instant she became all business, straightening and giving him her proper attention. ”What are the numbers from today’s cleaning mission?” Anna noticed Ceth turning away, but made no acknowledgment for now. It was not exactly her favorite subject either, especially when she saw some eagerness in the eyes around her.

Anna quickly recalled the numbers to her mind, even opening her mouth to speak, before she was interrupted by her favorite person. Irritation immediately swept over her features, quickly covered by a professional mask as she pushed her feelings away. Ruukia appeared inches from her face, but Anna did not give her the pleasure of a reaction, though her hand tightened into a fist. Before she could debate whether it was worth it to punch the woman in front of her superior, she vanished into the shadows. 'Lucky for her,' Anna thought, with slight regret that she had not had the opportunity to do anything.

Apparently, Ruukia got Aramay riled up, though. Anna was almost sad Aramay had not caught the annoying shadow creeper, but it would be a harsh repercussion for Ruukia's actions if she had. Anna had seen her tear people up before. Suddenly, she heard a loud roar. 'Speaking of someone getting torn up...'Anna thought, highly amused by the T-Rex now stomping around and making a rukus. Ceth jabbed her lightly in the ribs, gaining her attention. ”Haha, just imagine that thing with its tiny little arms chasing that poor fella, it tries to snap at it, ends up falling to the ground with that massive head of its and can’t really get up. 'Rawr~'” Anna just shook her head with a smile, rolling her eyes at Ceth. He was such a clown sometimes.

Her attention returned to Zero, who was playfully scolding Ruukia and warning Aramay to calm herself. "Good to see everyone in one place, though. Oh, wait... Where'd shorty go- Oh, just under my line of siiight~! You're very popular today, short-stuff~ How's your day been~?" Anna could almost sense Luther stiffen, though, because it was Zero, he got away with the jibe.

Then the Irritant, Ruukia, appeared once more, rubbing all over Zero this time. "I am here, my lord! I wasn't being a bad girl! I was merely wanting to play! Then that mean, psycho Aramay tried to hurt me.... And no, my lord... I had no mother... You know this..." Ceth unexpectedly went over, giving a mocking imitation of Ruukia. ”Yes, m’lord! We’re all good girls, we swearsies!!” Zero laughed, "Oh my, we seem to have a bit of rivalry here, do we~?" Anna gave a scoffing laugh at their antics, poorly covering it up with a slightly exaggerated cough as Aramay lunged at the woman, scraping Zero in the process.

Soon, another joined their, rather comical, group. By the gas mask, Anna quickly recognized Clem. "Eventful, it seems." Luther responded, “Very eventful indeed. It doesn't seem like any work is going to be done today at all." Suddenly, Luther received a call. It was from the Boss, apparently. Anna wondered whether it would include them, and what they would need to do. “Looks like the fun here is over
 Zero clean up your mess. The rest of you finish what you have here and meet at the Assignment Hall in no less than ten minutes."

Anna gave Luther a nod as he left, looking around to see if there was anything she should take care of before departing. Ceth offered her his arm, saying with a joking air,”Shall we?”

Anna gave a mischievous grin before responding. "We shall! Beat ya there! No transporting there, that's no fun," She yelled over her shoulder, already running parallel to the ground on one of the walls surrounding the Training Ground. Suddenly, Zero summoned a train. Seriously, the adults were worse than children when it came to antics.

Anna gave a sudden jump, impossibly flipping her personal gravity 180 degrees to run down the side of the train toward the engine at a dizzying speed, a smile on her face. She was sure she could beat him this time.