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The Lines Between Black and White


’It was love, it was adoration—a parent’s gentle affections for their dearest ones, their beloved little children. . . . Or, that was what it began as.’


ImageNo matter how a parent might fight it, there is no winning a battle against the inevitable hands of time, the hands of the ticking clock that ever marches forward. . . . No matter what a mother or father might wish, they cannot stop their child from growing up and blossoming into an adult, even if they so wish to. The transition is a hard one for most—seeing their little ones sprout into a person who must carry the same weights they have. But, true parents can accept this change, as their parents before them, and remain at the sides of their child, and give them their continuing love and support when it is needed. When children are young, they cling onto their parents, needing them for everything, craving their constant attention and adoration.

At a point in time long since passed, humans were once this to those called the divine; innocent little children. . . . Lonely and wishing for companionship beyond one another, the divine gave birth to mortal man and woman, their frail and imperfect children, children whom they would dote over and devote much time to caring for. The delicate little flesh and blood people were indeed as kids, they did not understand the world, and were timid to it and one another, cowering away from one another due to shyness or insecurities, always seeking solace in the comfort of their parent’s presence. But, as time went by, the gods were able to encourage their mortal offspring to interact with other mortals despite their timorous ways, and the divine were able to proudly watch as their children began to connect to another, and grow. Developing kinships with others of their own kind, forming friendships and giving to one another something that the Gods could not yet; love. Though humans were still delicate little souls, innocent and fresh to the world, knowing not of its dangers or the painful part of existing, they still managed to form fragile bonds of love with other humans. . . .

ImageHumanity still clung onto the hands of the divine as a child to their mother, they were regarded as their parents and to the godly, mortals were still their dearest little children. Their attention was still sought out and desired by these naïve little souls. . . . They did not understand anything yet, though they could give to one another simple love, the complexities of true adoration and warmth eluded these new lives. It was until that jealousy spawned that the mortal children began to grow up. Pain, sorrow and other such negative experiences began to plague the once innocents, tears were shed, arguments occurred, and they began to change—their hearts maturing.

Their understanding of the world was ever flawed, but each child of the godly had spawned into something that none of the holy parents expected—complex and fascinating beings that each had a unique view of life and the world. Mortalkind had become sentient.

As this happened, it became hard for the gods to view their offspring as simple innocent children anymore, the world was no longer so simple to them. They had changed, learned of hard things, sad things, and they could never return to the utopia ways of their births. From being their parents, the divine instead choose a new path to take with their little ones—they choose to walk alongside them as their guides, letting them choose their own paths, but ingraining them with the knowledge that they knew best.

With this, time marched ever forward, the gods treaded upon the same grounds as humanity did, and the latter continued to grow and alter. Coming into their own ever more, their intricacies never ceased evolving—their constant transformations and their interesting ways always captivated those they had been created by, never once had they expected their little children to sprout up so very much, or as they had. And with their ever-shifting ways, mortals began to once again shift in the eyes of the divine, from children, to the guided to something much different. . . . Humans knew the divine as superior beings, those that had created them, and yet still, Mortalkind had matured, grew up and gave life to their own children. The gods began to see their children as beautiful and handsome beings, and . . . a new form of affection toward them began to flourish. They began to fall in love with them.

It would happen time and time again, becoming ever more common, the Gods were beginning to take mortals as more than vassals and students to guide; they began to take them on as lovers. They began to love one another dearly, as soul mates. Though some relationships between mortal and divine were pure, truly of love, there were also times when relations between the two were purely acts of lust, of physical desire. No matter of love or lust, often enough, these actions led to the birthing of children who were caught in-between the worlds of their parents, they were neither mortal or divine—they were the demi-gods. . . .

ImageHumanity and divinity lived on like this for quite some time, happily so. Love and lust were acceptable acts between the lines of the two, and not once was there ever a time when a mortal would reject the advances of a god, humanity still viewed them as more than themselves; they were perfection, amazing beings who were undying and beautiful. For what reason would one reject such a creature . . . ?

Well . . . there were no known humans, or gods who believed that such a thing could happen. Such an act was unthinkable, and it was viewed as impossible, for one to do so they would need to possess something no mortal was yet thought to have; pride, a belief of self-worth higher than that of their view of a god’s worth. To the divine, this was considered arrogance and they did not think their children had this in them, despite how they had grown. However though. . . . Some did. Within a few humans, such sense of self-worth existed; their hearts were strong enough to refuse the desires of a god, or one’s love. As time began on ahead, this sense became more and more common, humanity turned to themselves for love and lust, pushing their divine parents away.

In this time as well, it also became a commonality for humans to refuse the advice and guidance of their parents—they wished to take control of their own lives over letting another impede.

And though it had become common for humanity to reject divinity and their advances, there was an unknown stigma in doing so. Something hidden, secret from all mortals, even to those who had come under the curse. . . .

It happened with the first of the mortals whom dared to reject a God. This instance may’ve occurred with the worst of the gods possible—the snubbed deity was not a happy one. He was the God of War, a prideful figure who allowed his arrogance to rule him. As far as he was concerned, a mortal daring to say ‘no’ to him was the worst act committable . . . worse, yet, he was discarded by this human woman for the mortal man she already loved. To be snubbed for a mortal was beyond insulting. And in his anger, he punished the lovers.

ImageAnd oh, what a terrible penalty it was. Together the lovers were bound in one body, one awake to the world but asleep to the truth, while one was asleep to the world and yet awake to the truth—to their memories of their lover and cruel fate. So, the God began to play his sick game of vengeance in this, the mortal awake to the world but wiped of their memories lived a normal life, laughing, crying perhaps even falling in love with another, all the while their once-love resides within their soul, trapped and bound to a fate of watching their other half go through it all, remembering their life of love and the punishment handed down by the God of War. It would be like this that they two lived, one aware to the world, not know the truth while one lay within, knowing all. In every lifetime, they would exchange places, one out and one within. . . .

As centuries would pass and follow, time and time again, mortals would reject the gods for their then-mortal lovers, and the penalty inflicted upon the first set of lovers would be carried out again, so many, many times. . . . How very many people befell this tragic fate is a number nigh uncountable. Now, many souls carry within them memories of a lost time, and the spirit of their once-love. Into the present day, this has continued to happen to mortals, though the presence of the gods has waned away, they becoming figures believed to only exist within the echoes of mythos and history. Humans live as they do; leading their own lives and believing the world to only be inhabited by themselves. Some souls are ones who befell the fate forced onto those who rejected the gods, though they do not know of this.
Things however, are about to potentially change. Despite the penalty placed onto the humans who had rejected the gods being a fate carried out for millennia, the God of Love himself has recently called upon his brothers and sisters, and uttered unto them a plea regarding the fates of these star-crossed lovers. He wished them to be released of their fates, and allowed to once more meet.

The ruler of the gods was not at all against this idea, however, the proposal was met with resistance from one particular figure. . . . The God of War. The very notion of releasing the mortals who had dared to defy the gods from their bindings was something he scoffed at, and objected to quite openly. Though it had been eons since he had been rejected by the first of the humans to deny a god, he remained ever bitter. His pride still hurt by that mortal woman, he refused the idea of releasing her and her lover from the fate he inflicted upon them.

Though the God of War resisted the proposition brought forth by the God of Love, many of the deities were not completely against it, because of the mixed reactions to it, the King of Gods himself formed, in his mind, a fair compromise regarding the bound souls.

He deemed that a test would be carried forth, those undertaking it would be the very first two sets of lovers who befell the fate of forgetting one another and being spiritually bound together. For the first time in millennia, their souls would be divided back to their original forms, they would be allowed to live at the same time, and . . . by the musings of fate, the lovers would be made to meet each other again, as themselves, for the first time since before they were penalized. They would not be aware of their pasts, their histories as lovers, nor would they be conscious of the memories from the previously led lives. And through this, the test conjured up by the King of the Gods would begin.

Just what was the test . . . ?

It would be to see if these once-lovers were able to once again fall in love with one another. If even after so many centuries and leading different lives, these four humans were able to love those they rejected the gods for again, then all those mortals who had befallen the same fate as they had would be released from their bindings and allowed to meet their lovers. Because, it would prove that the humans were truly in love. . . .

The love held by humans who were able to reject the gods . . . was it so strong that it was something even that the divine could not defy? Was the strength in this unseen force enough to subsist through countless eras, into the present day? Can two couples really still love one another from their souls alone?


Our story picks up in the modern day, after the lovers were separated from one another and born again. They have since grown up, apart, and possess no conscious memories of their past lives/lovers, and they are not aware of the fact that they are being tested by the gods. As far as they know, they are just completely normal people, leading average lives, like everyone else in the world. The gods are but legends that only echo through the annals of history. Nothing more. None of these four are at all aware of the fact that they are about to meet the ones they called their soul mates in a life long since over. . . .

The strings of fate are about to be fiddled with to bring these four mortals together, as one commonality will bind them together—the place in which they will reside.

Blanchett Manor; an old home located on the outskirts of the metropolis of Aglaia. Recently renovated by a rather obscure young woman, rooms have been put up for rent here by her . . . and fate has seen to having those being tested by the gods taking up the opportunity to live here. It is here they will dwell, together, but it will not simply be them.

There are two others whom will also be living here, two people who are not quite so . . . normal. Who are they?

Well . . . in line with his protests against releasing the mortals whom had snubbed the gods, the God of War himself has decided to descend upon the earth as the test begins to ‘overlook’ it. He himself will be living within the home as well, trying his hardest to prevent the lovers from falling in love with one another again, more specifically because one of the women being assessed was the one who had rejected him.

And, the other does not have such ideas in mind. No, no, if anything else, her goal is to prevent the God of War from meddling in the affairs of these four humans. She is a young demi-goddess, born of the God of Love himself, she too will be living in Blanchett Manor with the humans and the God of War, watching over the events, and working to protect the hearts of these humans from being tainted.

Together . . . these six are going to be living within the confines of Blanchett Manor. One can only wonder what will unfold, will the lovers find their lost feelings for one another again . . . or will their hearts be given to another? And what of the demi-goddess and the God of War, living with mortals, what changes will ensue within their souls as well; is it possible that they might find love?


Character Slots: There are six main roles required to start the roleplay, I accept reservations, but I’m strict about enforcing a cap time on how long you may reserve without asking for an extension! If you wish to reserve a slot, ask in the OOC thread, reservations last for 48 hours from the time I confirm them. If you need more time than this, post a message in the OOC and I’ll give you a 24 hour extension. If you exceed the 48 hour cap time without asking for an extension, I will open the character slot back up and allow someone else to take it.

After the six main slots have been filled, I will be willing to open up two more beyond them--one male and one female slot, should two more people want to join. These characters can be ordinary humans, demi-gods or even a deity too.

Regarding the roles of the divine, I expect these two to have powers of some sort since they are more than human. The Demi-Goddess and God of War can have powers, by all means, but just keep it within reason and remember that the mortal four are not suppose to know about the test or that they are living with divinity. Also, the mortals are paired up based upon who their past lovers were, the first boy and girl were once-loves and same goes for the second boy and girl.

Remember, just because they might have been lovers before, that doesn’t mean they have to fall in love with one another again!

The Mortal Four
The First Girl ~ Amaryllis Honey played by OpalePhantasmagoria
The First Boy ~ Elisedd Martel played by OpalePhantasmagoria
The Second Girl ~ Arteryu Suzuki played by Zenia
The Second Boy ~ Joseph Mòr played by an0nymous

The Divine
The Demi-Goddess ~ Celandine Letitia Aleksander played by LazuliMetempsychosis
The God of War ~ Marcus Vendetta played by God_of_Darkness

Those Caught Up In-Between
The Demi-God ~ Hakuchō Hikōno played by Annaky
Reincarnation of the Goddess of Hope ~ Aina Bliss Ederra played by xKyrie

Character Skeleton

Code: Select all
[left][font=Choose font][size=200]FULL NAME HERE[/size]

[size=95][b]Role: [/b]

[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Nickname(s)/Alias(es): [/b]
[b]Age: [/b](16-20)
[b]Love Interest: [/b]Not yet needed.
[b]Past Lover: [/b](Erase for the God of War and Demi-Goddess!)

[b]Appearance: [/b]Whatever cannot be seen in the picture; or the sorts of general expressions they keep.  Or, do they have any unseen scars?

[b]Preferred Clothing: [/b]

[b]Height: [/b]
[b]Weight: [/b]
[b]Hair Color: [/b]
[b]Eye Color: [/b]

[b]Notable Features: [/b]

[b]Personality: [/b]Two paragraphs at least.

[b]Oddities: [/b]

[b]Charm Points: [/b]

[b]Likes: [/b]
[b]Dislikes: [/b]
[b]Hobbies: [/b]

[b]Fears/Phobia(s): [/b]

[b]Skills: [/b]

[b]Personal History: [/b]Three paragraphs at least.[/size]

[size=120][b]Theme Song: [/b][url=LINK TO SONG HERE]SONG TITLE AND ARTIST HERE[/url][/size]
[size=95][i]Lyrics here[/i]

[b]Other: [/b]Anything else that does not fit in the app, stick it here. [/font][/size]

Okay, so the plot to this is clear, but there is this factor; the fact that this roleplay is pretty open-ended. Considering there are mythic figures at work here in the role, IE the demi-goddess and the God of War, I don’t think everything will be so simple. I imagine that there will be some seriously weird stuff happening off and on, wacky things that will be dramatic and funny . . . if you want to know what I mean, think of Ah! My Goddess.

Toggle Rules

1. As far as posting length goes, I’m imposing a minimum word count per post. I don’t want a bunch of tiny posts, so I’ll ask that you please write at least one-hundred words per post. Also, I expect proper grammar and spelling, this is meant to be a literate roleplay so, I think that understandable?

2. No godmodding or meta-gaming. Seriously, no one really likes this.

3. Post as often as you’d like—I’d love it if everyone could post at least once a day, but I know that can be a bit much to ask at times. So, I’d really appreciate it if everyone posted just as much as they could. At the minimum, I’ll be asking for a post once every three days here, if you don’t, I’ll be PMing you about this. Nothing personal, I just don’t want my roleplay to go and die out!

I understand that real life gets in the way of online life sometimes though, so if you can’t post for a little while, please notify everyone in the OOC thread, okay? Then go ahead and try to get your character out of the limelight for a little while so the roleplay doesn’t get all stopped up and stuck. If you can’t do this though, permission will be granted to the other players to ghost roleplay your character to the extent of performing minor actions in order to get them out of the limelight until you yourself are able to return and assume control.

If you are gone for more than five days without proper notification though, your character will be put up for dibs, and one of the remaining active roleplayers will be allowed to control them until you return.

Also, there is no set posting order at all, simply, do not double post.

4. Romance is encouraged here, but not smut. Yes, one of the tags for this roleplay is ‘adult’ as I expect some situations to arise in the roleplay that aren’t exactly rated G. Buuuut, I don’t want full out graphic scenes cluttering the roleplay up, keep the situations PG-13 and make sure you follow the rules of the site too—wrap up kissing scenes in two posts, and keep the stuff separated by five posts in total. If things start taking a turn for the too graphic, FADE TO BLACK and take your hormones elsewhere. I don’t want to log onto the roleplay and find a sex scene or something really smutty. . . . ._.

You can use innuendo and stuff here, but, try not to make it the only thing your character says, give them some more depth than that.

5. As far as violence goes, it and gore are not a problem for me at all, but I don’t want the roleplay turning into some gore-laced horror story, where there is a disembowelled body at every turn, so let’s keep death and injury at a realistic level. We don’t want anyone leaving here mentally scarred, do we?

6. Reserve characters in the OOC thread, remember that there is a cap time for reservations, two days from the time I confirm your request. Also remember this; if you can’t commit to the roleplay, then don’t submit.

7. If you have a question, ask me. ^^

8. Do not post until it stated that it is time to begin, I will myself write the introduction post, and once it has been placed, then it is free game.

Browse All » 2 Settings to roleplay in


Agalia by Jakuri-chan

A large city located in the heart of the mid-Eastern United States, it’s a bustling place with over a million people living in it. Other than being a large enough city, there is little noteworthy about this place—it has the commonalities of all cities, shopping districts, malls, culture, theatres. . . .

Blanchett Manor

Blanchett Manor by RolePlayGateway

A large home that fate has drawn our characters to dwell within, it is a very spacious place with seven bedrooms, and an attic and basement that can serve as bedrooms or other areas all their own. It is has recently been renovated by a young woman who is newer to the area, there are rumors regarding her though. Rather unpleasant ones that say she is the blacksheep of her well-to-do family, as she is a partying, wild-woman who tends to drink herself into a stupor.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
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She smiled at Celandine as she got to her feet. Seemed like she was beginning to feel better now, which was definitely a good thing; the truth was that the strange feeling that had permeated the air before still lingered, but the heaviness was more or less gone. It felt as if things had returned to feeling bearable, normal enough to go about things. While her face was still slightly red from having to deal with Mr. Suave again so soon, Amaryllis knew that she could keep it together now. It might prove to be hard . . . but she’d kept herself together before him already once, so she could certainly manage it again, even if afterward she about lost it. Yeah, the embarrassment from that was not going to be going away anytime soon. Everything would be all right though, she believed that much at least.
“Well . . . I don’t think he’ll be too much trouble, honestly.” Amaryllis spoke, more so thinking aloud than actually talking to Celandine. Retracting her hand back to her own side, she set her hands on her hips while turning to look in the direction of the basement stairs. “No doubt that there are some . . . ‘interesting’ times to be had in the future, him probably being the catalyst for the lot of it all. But, well, whatever. . . .” she sighed, shaking her head.

This weirdness in the air wasn’t really going away, and it still made her skin feel like it wanted to crawl. How was she suppose to explain that? It was a sentiment her own body couldn’t even comprehend; it tried, but it just couldn’t clearly perceive it. The feeling was just something utterly heavy, negative and consuming. Kind of . . . kind of like water actually, the feeling sort of was similar to what it felt like diving fully into a pool of water, and just staying under. It just felt like you were engulfed from all sides and angles by something weighted. Still, the feeling itself, what it held, that was not something she could explain. Odd.

Shrugging, Amaryllis turned on her heel, trying to decide what it was she was going to do now; sure she’d originally intended on greeting the new tenant, but chances were that they were up to their own business by now, and it would just be better to meet the person on their own time rather than disturb them. . . . Ms. Pirate seemed to be pulling herself back together after the shock encounter with Mr. Suave, who could be almost labeled a sexual deviant for evidently hitting on a sixteen-year-old girl. And she herself was starting to get over the emotional ‘trauma’ of earlier events.

So . . . what was there for her to do now? Not . . . much, I’m ahead on my work for school so, that’s not a problem. And it looks like it might be best to just let the new tenants go about their own personal business rather than act the jolly greeter and possibly irk them by going to say hi out of the blue. Amaryllis thought, puffing her cheeks out as she went about her musings, I’m caught up on my roleplaying, and watching or playing anything right now sounds like a bore. . . . There . . . really wasn’t much for her to do now, was there? That was, that was a little unusual. Well, there was something she could do, but that was a something she was more than a little iffy on. But . . . it wasn’t like she’d be doing it because she’d been told to, it was because she was doing it by her own volition.

“I’m an idiot, but what’s been decided . . . has been decided.” She mumbled to herself with an honest sigh, heading over to poke around the kitchen. While the redhead went about this, she opened her mouth up and called back over to Ms. Pirate, “Y’know Ms. Pirate, you can go ahead and go about your day now if you want to, I know that you might still a bit shaken up by Mr. Suave’s weirdness from before, but I think you’re all right to get on with your morning.” As she’d spoken, Amaryllis found herself wrestling with the cookware, yanking on the handle of the frying pan with all her strength, trying to get the thing to budge from underneath everything that Alessa had piled on top of it in her laziness to get her chores done as quick as possible. With a few more tugs and a grunt, the thing finally came loose . . . along with sending Amaryllis stumbling backward, into the island counter behind her. She yelped in shock as the edge of the thing hit the same spot on her lower back that she’d managed to bang up after she’d freaked out after the incident downstairs. Damn it, you try to do a good deed and. . . . she backed away from the thing, rubbing the area while she grumbled about everything, shaking her head.

After all this, the teenager just went ahead on with her plans. Doing her best to avoid anymore mishaps or accidents while she actually bothered to cook the breakfast that been ordered before. She’d refused to make it because it’d been requested with such a snide and arrogant attitude . . . but eh, she was bored now and actually cooking the food was something she was undertaking by her own choice. Of course, cooking something that simple didn’t really take so long, it was just frying eggs, and making toast—with how she cooked, that was something that only took her about five minutes. Maybe I just got off on the wrong foot with him or something . . . just because someone acts one way, that doesn’t actually mean anything. You learned that from past experience after all. she told herself, gathering up all of what was needed for the breakfast. A rather dull look that overtaken Amaryllis’ face before she’d even attempted to gather up the glass and plate before her to take it downstairs.

Honestly, she didn’t really know what to make of the tenant who now resided in the basement, he kind of acted like an arrogant jerk, but then, she really had learned in the past that people were not always as they seemed. Maybe she just needed to give him another chance. . . . As she always tended to do with people. Everyone had good in them somewhere, even if it really was hidden underneath a lot of stuff. Without making a sound, she took hold of the things in front of her and headed for the basement steps, not quite knowing if she was doing the right thing or not.

By some miracle this time, she actually managed to make it down the stairs without about falling flat on her face. Of course, her face turned red as she remembered what happened the last time she’d trekked down those steps. A sigh came from her as she adjusted what she was carrying before knocking on the door in front of her, part of her honestly hoping to high heaven that the basement dweller was still decent . . . however, Amaryllis really didn’t know what she could expect now.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey
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A low growl came from Vendettus at the sound of the knock at the door.Dammit, not now! He thought fighting his transformation back hard. He tried to speak with painstaking composure, "Not... Not now... I...I'm naked again... Just stay out!"

Vendettus tried to crawl out of the recreation room before he completely transformed. His hands began to become more humanistic claws, digging into the waxed hard wood floor, pulling his body towards the door way. What the hell is she doing down here?! What kind of person puts herself into such positions?! With a reaction like her's, she should have stayed away for weeks!

The setting changes from Agalia to Blanchett Manor


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra Character Portrait: Joseph Mòr
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One. Two. Three. Pull. Joseph’s right eye squinted in a wince as the suitcase let out a light thump, landing onto the next step. It wasn’t particularly powerful, but the young man had set himself high expectations for subtlety. To even attempt silence with such a weighted bag meant a long, tedious process, but it would be worth it if it allowed him to move his possessions in peace. It was a plan, but as with all things in the universe, that didn’t mean it would work out.

It came less than a minute in—the sudden sound of voices drawing nearer—a male and a female, it seemed. It was coming from upstairs. Attempting to twist his head around, the distraction caused him to lose control mid-glance, the suitcase slipping sharply down a couple of steps and sending a jagged pain to cut into his right shoulder as the load almost pulled him to the ground. Struggling to regain the bag’s control, he was currently straddled across the entire width of the stairwell. This was a problem. Blocking their path would likely mean that he would be asked to move, be dictated by etiquette to answer questions about who he was, which room he was staying in… It was far too time-consuming. Joseph concluded that he would have to sacrifice his stealth, at least for the moment, and so ignoring the throb of pain pushing down his arm, he picked up his pace, heaving the load cacophonously up toward the landing in a series of ungraceful bumps and thuds.

He made it just in time. A young man and woman passed him without incident, the two of them too involved in their own personal interactions to notice the dark-haired figure pressed discretely out of the way. It appeared that the male was leaving, but such an observation seemed largely irrelevant at this point. Leaning against the railing, Joseph’s weight sandwiched the bag momentarily in place, his left hand crossing over his chest to press its fingers into his right deltoid, air hissing a bit through his teeth as he rolled his joint in a vertical 360-degrees. It felt like a minor strain, nothing that the passage of time couldn’t heal, but that didn’t prevent it from being a major annoyance in the moment. Puffing out a couple expectant lungfuls of air, Joseph’s hand gripped again onto the handle and began dragging the weight up the stairs toward the next floor. Dwelling on the matter served no practical purpose. It was his own fault. He would just have to pay more attention next time… although, ideally, there would not be a next time. Ideally, he would drop off this bag, repeat his process with the next three and be finished… without complication. However, with so many residents, the odds were against him. Apparently.

It was a third voice. Female. Very close. Joseph was slow to turn, this time, first making sure that he had proper grip on the suitcase. His eyes scanned automatically, and rather unsubtly, over her—short, dark hair, very blue eyes, etc.—but his expression did not register any particular reaction to what he saw. It was like making a record and then filing it immediately away without review. That usual change—that shift in comfort—on a person’s face when someone goes from being a stranger to an acquaintance: That didn’t happen, but he didn’t appear particularly displeased to see her, either. She was simply there, another element to process and adapt to. Stepping down a couple of stairs so that the bag was now in front of him, Joseph allowed its weight to lean back against his shins so that it freed up his hands for the time being. Apparently, her name was Aina. She probably expected his name in return. “Joseph,” he reached out his hand in the traditional show of courtesy, eye twitching slightly at the pang that flew into it. It was distracting in the moment, yes, but his attention never fully moved away from her. It was so steady that it had the potential to be unsettling for some. They might wonder what he was thinking, but “observing” or “hypothesizing” might have been more precise verbs.

“They are mine, but I do not immediately see how you could help me,” he spoke in a tone that was entirely matter-of-fact. It was neither humorous nor condescending. “Your build suggests that you do not possess any especial physical strength.” He continued to stare at her, but not at any particular part of her, the lack of focus in his eyes seeming to suggest that a decent portion of his attention was directed inward on his own thought process, “Although… visual appearance is a notoriously inaccurate indicator for many things…” Suddenly, Joseph blinked, and his own blue gaze honed in behind his dark, plastic frames, now fully connecting with hers. “Do you feel like you actually could help me, or are you simply compelled by courtesy to offer?” His head tilted slightly, as if examining her more closely, this time, but again, his delivery: completely flat. He didn’t seem to realize or care that, on face value, that his words might have seemed sarcastic or even entirely rude, perhaps. After all, in spite of appearances, Joseph was genuinely interested in her response, as it seemed, to him, a reasonable question. His shoulder was giving him trouble, so if she was capable of offering him assistance, it would be irrational to refuse her, even if he had initially hoped to move alone. On the other hand, if she could not or did not truly wish to help him, finding out now would likely prevent both of them from wasting more time.


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Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey
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At hearing what was shouted through the door, Amaryllis’ face went red in an instant. Why was she bothering to do this again . . . ? Right, she’d really thought that maybe things had just started off on the wrong foot and she’d maybe just had bad timing, that things could well be different if she tried. . . . He was claiming to be nude, again. That was enough to incite the unpleasant memory of before into her head and to leave her embarrassed, not enough to utterly freak out, but more exasperated. It wasn’t really like she could currently do much else than what she was . . . she’d made him his breakfast. Even with the past mortification drudged up within her memory, Amaryllis couldn’t deny one more thing about the situation and what the man was claiming. Given his past actions, he really didn’t seem like he was the type to go and warn someone of him being without clothing, and two, his voice had sounded forced. Like he was trying to be calm when he wasn’t.

Of course, such an observation by her would have her going to check up on someone, but the last time she’d tried to play nice and see how he was, well, that’d caused her the most mortifying experience of her life, and she was not going to repeat her act of just blindly going into something. No, she’d wait this out, wait out whatever was going on with him was done. Might be better that way, really. God, these coming months really are going to be something. . . . she sighed to herself. Shaking her head, Amaryllis choose to speak then, responding to him despite not fully believing what he was saying. “All right, look, I’m not coming in, I’ll just be sitting out here waiting, whenever you’re decent or whatever, with your breakfast order!” she shouted back at him, doing exactly what she said she’d be doing; sitting.

She slid down to the floor, keeping the plate and glass on her lap and in her hand while she sat there, still feeling that her face was red. Her mind was a bit sketchy from the embarrassment she felt, but she did her best to shake it off; it wasn’t great to go and get focused on that again. It happened, it was over, and it was time to move on, she needed to learn from it to not be so reckless, but that was it wasn’t it?

It really was, it was as simple as that for her, she needed to move on from it and not let it get to her so much; that did her no good, dwelling wasn’t the way to go about anything. As a sharp sigh left the redhead’s lungs, she looked up at the ceiling blankly with her honey-colored eyes before she began to hum. And as it always did with her, the hum eventually turned into her singing aloud, her voice carrying through the Manor, loud enough to be heard up to at least the next floor clearly, permeating the walls of the large home. “I fall so far away the clouds above my head, will always stay reflected in the rain that stains the ground, muddy and forgotten~” Her voice carried out gently, the song a soothing one, yet sad, melancholy and beautiful; in a way, it was calming.

“And in those older days . . .I think back on them now, and wipe my face. Forgetting all I had, but finding it so suddenly. . . . Ah, but what a pain, seems that I fell again. You don't seem to recall, it's worth it all. Oh, tell me gently~ I knew you knew the truth, but wanted so much more than what was true. I told you what you needed, but I guess reality knew better. . . .”

The setting changes from Blanchett Manor to Agalia


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey
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Just as he was about to flow entirely into his demonic form and possibly explode half the manor from excess energy being expelled, the air was suddenly filled with a soft and lovely voice. With a powerful and tight gasp, Vendettus froze on the ground, his body slowly dissolving back to his humanic form. In a hot sweat he tore away his jacket, vest and shirt, panting and coughing desperately. What's happening...? Vendettus thought to himself as the singing seemed to sooth him into control. Once he had regained his breath he stood up weakly and leaned against the wall for stability. How did...?

Vendettus stomped over to the door and swung it open abruptly. "What is it?!" He barked but then suddenly, he realized she had brought him his food. What an odd girl... She is this desperate for trauma and abuse...? "I-I uh... Th-thank you."

The setting changes from Agalia to Blanchett Manor


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey
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She stood to her feet rather quickly when she realized that the door was opening, moving so that she wasn’t hit with it as it came flying opening rather roughly, Blanchett Manor’s basement dweller seeming to be rather unhappy to be disturbed. Of course, it made sense he wouldn’t be a happy camper upon being disturbed by her so unexpectedly, Amaryllis understood that well enough since there was no telling what he’d been up to before she’d knocked on the door. That could’ve well been anything, however, she knew enough to not bother going there, or thinking about that matter, whatever he had been up to was his business and not hers. In truth, she had suffered enough mortification for one day and could do without anymore for a while yet.

Of course, when she realized he was lacking a shirt, her face went red again, him being shirtless was still embarrassing for someone like her, but it wasn’t so bad compared to that day’s earlier event. She could very well bear this, even if her face did wind up looking like a cherry . . . and matching the color of her hair quite well. Despite the fact that he initially was not in the best of moods due to her bothering him, Amaryllis didn’t flinch back when he more or less snapped at her, more like she noticed that he seemed kind of . . . well, he wasn’t looking the best at the moment. He kind of looks ill, not like he’s going to sick, but just like he’s generally not feeling well. she thought tilting her head to the side, doing her best to keep her mind from wandering much from that.

He kind of looked like he was exhausted from something, there was no denying that if you just looked at him as he was then. Despite how he’d acted earlier, and the fact that he seemed to be the general source of some feeling that she’d not been able to quite comprehend, Amaryllis couldn’t help but believe her belief before was true. So, I don’t think I was at all wrong, seems like all that trying to act suave stuff might really just be some sort of ruse. . . . she thought as he seemed to uncertainly thank her for the food, seeming to not know what to make of her actions perhaps.

There seemed to be more on his mind than simply how to react to her, but it was Amaryllis herself wasn’t certain. She could only read people so much after all. Maybe things really did get off on the wrong step as far as things are concerned between us. A smile came to her as the color in her cheeks began to die down to a comber pink, she smiled about the fact he’d thanked her. Really, she didn’t expect even a thank you out of him, or much of anything, all she’d wanted to do was to try to fix things up enough from what had happened beforehand. “Mm, it’s not a problem,” she started, handing the food to him, “I kind of wanted to apologize about freaking out before, y’know regarding earlier, I know I kind of had a reason to, but still, you probably saved me from a concussion or something like that.” That much was actually true, even if she hadn’t intending on saying that . . . it made sense when it left her lips. To her, at least. She actually probably had been spared a head injury by him, even if had caught her in a less than decent state of being.

“I guess a bruise on the back is better than a head injury.” Amaryllis laughed a bit nervously, realizing she was beginning to ramble and sound like an idiot. Her embarrassment and uncertainty of what to say to him was beginning to get the better of her.

The setting changes from Blanchett Manor to Agalia


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
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“Well . . . I don’t think he’ll be too much trouble, honestly.” Amaryllis’s way of speech seemed to be more of a matter of speaking seemed to be a matter of fact… “No doubt that there are some . . . ‘interesting’ times to be had in the future, him probably being the catalyst for the lot of it all. But, well, whatever. . . .” The woman let out a sigh.

Celli simply watched the girl as she spoke. It didn’t seem as though she was expecting Celli to respond or anything.

Amaryllis turned away. She seemed locked away in her own thoughts.

“I’m an idiot, but what’s been decided . . . has been decided.” Celli heard the woman speak, but she had no idea what Amaryllis was rambling on about. “Y’know Ms. Pirate, you can go ahead and go about your day now if you want to, I know that you might still a bit shaken up by Mr. Suave’s weirdness from before, but I think you’re all right to get on with your morning.”

It wasn’t as though anything particular was planned… Celli tilted her head to the side. What was there to do this morning? A walk had been planned out in Celli’s head, but she felt a little too shaken to take a walk yet. Her heart was still racing inside her fragile body. Celli took a deep breath as she herself became lost in thoughts.

What would happen with Marcus in the future? He certainly did not have a liking for Celli… Hoprfully things wouldn’t get any more tense between he and she than they already were. What did he have against the halfling anyway? Perhaps he just didn’t like demi-gods. OR maybe it had something more to do with who Celli was… But she knew for sure she had never done anything to him… What reason could he have for hating one he had never met? Perhaps he was Vendettus. Things were most certainly pointing to that.

Celli could even sense him transforming in the distance. His aura was most tense and unpleasant… She could feel the god pushing his power down, struggling to keep it ceiled. Perhaps he was under too much emotional stress. Knowing her father, Celli knew that god forms were harder to suppress the more extreme certain emotions became. Did she do something to upset Marcus?

With a stretch, Celli felt a little tension lift away. Her hands reached for the ceiling before drifting back down to her sides. She needed a drink of water to cleanse her mind… Then maybe she could go on a nice, mind purifying walk… Perhaps Marcus would calm down by then. Perhaps with a clear head, she could see what she had done to upset the man.

Celli sipped her water as she calmed herself. Her tension was still apparent, but it was slowly drifting away. Even still, her hands trembled as she lifted the glass of water to her lips. She hadn’t even notice Amaryllis walk away.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey
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Vendettus chuckled teasingly, "You wouldn't have bruised anything if you hadn't panicked. And you're underestimating how dangerous stairs are. Of all the places in the house, stairs hold great lethal potential. You could have broken your neck, you little clutz." He turned and walked over to a table on the side of the recreational room turned dojo. "But if you want me to apologize for causing your episode, I will not. I don't apologize for anything and I will not be starting now because a girl hadn't seen a naked body before." Vendettus turned away and dropped like a plank to the floor, catching himself on his hands and began doing push ups. After three quick push ups, he paused and spoke again, "However... I greatly appreciate your apology." With that, he began to do push ups again.

Vendettus needed to think and exercising always got his blood flowing right. How was it this little girl's singing calmed me...? There is something peculiar about this one... A lovely song can sooth my rage but I was on the brink of full demon. What the hell is happening today?!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aina Bliss Ederra Character Portrait: Joseph Mòr
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#, as written by xKyrie

Aina smiled at his reply. She turned to him and took his outstretched hand, shaking it as firmly as she could. Just like how Axel had thought her to. Her more vocal older brother had never failed to remind her to keep her cool and be as professional towards possible business partners or as accommodating as she could in front of a new face. First impressions would normally last after all. Studying the man in front of her, she had one dominant impression about him. Joseph… as what he had introduced himself seemed very detached. He spoke bluntly and she had a distinct feeling that he is quietly assessing her as they currently conversed. Not that she minded. She knew that it was the most natural and usual thing a person would do to somewhat they had recently met.

Staring at his blue-eyes, the black-haired girl couldn’t help but compare him to Haku-kun. Haku-kun was the first tenant that she met after all and while Haku-kun exhibited the same aura of detachment much like Joseph-san did, there was a distinct difference between the two. Hakucho… is gentler and perhaps had more warmth compared to the black-haired man in front of her. Though she was not implying that he was mean or terrible… this was just based on her assumptions about him. Joseph had shorter hair and somewhat a direct to the point personality. He actually reminded Aina of those persons who seemed rational and calculating of their every action. Still though, she decided not to wholly judge his personality based on their initial meeting. She was never the type to be skeptic towards other people and she wouldn’t dare start today, especially on her first day here.

As she listened to his comments, she honestly didn’t feel insulted in any other way or form. In fact, she silently agreed with him. She didn’t know how she could be of help in carrying his luggage. And if she had been another girl, she would have probably inwardly been berating herself for daring to volunteer into something she was certainly not going to be helpful. She didn’t like to be called delicate. But with the way she had grown up, cared for and duly protected by her two older brothers; she had gotten used to the security and safety of their influence. Which is why aside from minor exercises here and there, she was not the one you could call strong, athletic or any other terms related to the two mentioned. She loved creating artistic projects not things like those and will probably be the physically weakest person out there. Her occurring clumsiness was the viable proof to this. But seeing that Joseph had a lot of luggage to bring to his room, Aina had truly wanted to be of help. She didn’t know how but she finally decided that if he would let her, she’d do anything she could.

“Do you feel like you actually could help me, or are you simply compelled by courtesy to offer?” She shook her head and let out a slight smile. “It’s nice meeting you, Joseph.” She decided to her usual addendum of drop the Japanese suffix just in case he wasn’t fond of it before she continued, “I, I think I’ll agree that I wouldn’t be much help. I’m quite weak just as you assumed.”-here she couldn’t help but blush. She looked down and deliberated for her next words. It was amusing to hear her offering physical help when she was the type of person who wasn’t able to do manual labor all her life but that would not deter her from her current goal. “But I want to be of help! You look like you had a lot of things and I think it’ll be easier if there is two of us,” she said seconds later. She smiled at him again and waited for his reaction before she optimistically suggested. “I have a suggestion. Don’t you think it would be easier if we carry the opposite sides of your luggage? I can’t possibly carry one whole bag by myself but I think it will be easier to go upstairs if we do this.”

The setting changes from Agalia to Blanchett Manor


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta Character Portrait: Amaryllis Honey Character Portrait: Elisedd Martel
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Amaryllis found herself showing a visible pout at what had been said to her . . . she couldn’t help her reaction to before, any normal girl would’ve probably had a reaction like her, albeit it might’ve been less a violent one. Even still, they still would have gotten pretty damn embarrassed wouldn’t they have? I don’t need to be chided for anything, I came to apologize about how I acted anyway, so. . . . she sighed to herself quietly, making sure not to draw attention to her exasperation. She quickly rand her hand through her bangs, assuming a stance that bespoke of her current mindset without meaning too. I know I’m a klutz, but that’s just . . . it happens!

Her face was tinged red still from embarrassment at the memory of the incident beforehand, and the fact that the basement dweller of the Manor was shirtless did not help that fact. . . . Still, she couldn’t deny the fact that he still didn’t look completely well. The man still looked he just didn’t feel well, despite the fact that he’d taken to exercising it seemed. That was just . . . kind of random. Okay, so, maybe it was a bit more than just kind of random. It was really random. While the redheaded teenager might not have been a health professional, she thought she at least understood enough about a person’s wellness to say that suddenly just dropping into a workout routine when one looked like he did couldn’t be good. Some of the things he’d gone and said to her of course sounded on the arrogant side of the spectrum. . . . But, Amaryllis didn’t expect much more out of him then that in truth, yet still, she didn’t think she was wrong assuming that they might’ve gotten off on the wrong foot due to what had happened before. He had at least said ‘thanks’ for the food she’d made for him. . . . That was something.

He still doesn’t look right, of course, I’m not going to really ask about that . . . but, she tilted her head to the side, an uncertain expression passed over her face as she leaned up against the doorframe, lost in thought. Of course; I’m concerned! Probably stupid of me to be this way, but, I can’t help it. Sighing, she again choose to speak, “Y’know, I never expected an apology out of you for what happened before, honestly, I wasn’t even expecting to apologize for it before like I did, that just kind of came out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying. Regardless, I still meant it though.” A typical expression formed over her face, almost a look of boredom. “Sorry if I’m prying, but, should you really be at . . . that right now? Exercising I mean, it just . . . it looks like you’re not completely well, and if that is the case, then straining yourself would only make that worse, wouldn’t it? No point in doing that if you make yourself sick.”

Amaryllis shrugged, “Whatever though, it’s your choice after all . . . just don’t get yourself so ill that you can’t move or something.” With that, she turned on her heel, ready to head back up the stairs before she stopped and turned partway back around, remembering that there was one more thing she should do. “Oh yeah, I come down here and I almost don’t remember to actually give my name . . . sheesh, well anyway, I’m Amaryllis Honey, Alessa’s niece.”


Not a single noise came from him despite how it was the car seemed to shake every time it hit even the slightest of bumps on the road . . . no matter the sharp turns it took, or how sudden the stops were, he didn’t say anything or let out a sound. No, there was no reason to yet do that. He was just in-between homes again, stuck being transported by someone working for the state, a person who didn’t really care, who was just doing their job. . . . This was something he was rather used to as far as things went. For the last six years, it was like clockwork, he’d been taken to a new home every few months, introduced to a new family who would just be saying good-bye to him eventually anyway; taken care of by people who really didn’t care. As far as he figured, what was to come for him now was no different, so what did it matter? But, the knowing that he’d be with new people again . . . it made him both excited and a tad bit antsy. The thought of new faces was enough to elicit one reaction out of the boy, and that was him tightening the hold he had on his Elmo doll.

“It won’t long now, we’ll be arriving at your new home in a few minutes, Elisedd.” The driver spoke up for the first time in over an hour.

At hearing his name, the boy drew her crimson gaze up from his Elmo, and looked to the back of the driver’s seat, a vacant expression over his young face. Merely, he blinked in response, silently nodding in acknowledgement.
“So . . . what do you know about your new living arrangements?” the woman spoke to him again, seeming like she was bothering to make conversation now that his departure from her presence was so imminent.

Elisedd continued to start at her, not saying anything, keeping himself quiet for moment, almost as if he didn’t hear her. His new living arrangements. . . . What did he know about them? Well, what was there for him to know? The place he was staying at was another foster home, another temporary place for him to live. Of course, he’d heard that this would be different from the past because of how he’d wound up being taken in by this particular home. The woman who wanted to take care of him had specifically requested for him he’d heard. For some reason. . . .

As he did not answer her, the driver turned her eyes to look at the boy in her rearview mirror, “Did you hear me? I asked you a question boy.”

A sigh escaping him, the teenager drew his head down at the angered tone in the lady’s voice, eyelids lowering a bit. “Eli heard what was said to him ma’am, he was just thinking to himself some is all.”

“What do you have to think about? You’re going to a new home right now, given your history, it ought to be routine for you.”

Again, his grip on his toy tightened, “It is routine for Eli, he is used to this. He just heard that things were a bit different this time for him, so he didn’t completely understand that.”

“Hmph, well, whatever kid, you’re going to find out everything you need to soon enough since we’re almost there now.”
In response to her words, Elisedd nodded, partly believing he knew what to expect from his new home, and partly not. Whatever is to come, Eli will find out soon enough, it won’t be long until he is at Blanchett Manor.

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Agalia by Jakuri-chan

A large city located in the heart of the mid-Eastern United States, it’s a bustling place with over a million people living in it. Other than being a large enough city, there is little noteworthy about this place—it has the commonalities of all cities, shopping districts, malls, culture, theatres. . . .

Blanchett Manor

Blanchett Manor by RolePlayGateway

A large home that fate has drawn our characters to dwell within, it is a very spacious place with seven bedrooms, and an attic and basement that can serve as bedrooms or other areas all their own. It is has recently been renovated by a young woman who is newer to the area, there are rumors regarding her though. Rather unpleasant ones that say she is the blacksheep of her well-to-do family, as she is a partying, wild-woman who tends to drink herself into a stupor.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki
Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno
Character Portrait: Louvel Regis
Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta
Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
Character Portrait: Joseph Mòr


Character Portrait: Joseph Mòr
Joseph Mòr

"There is no certainty in the world."

Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
Celandine Letitia Aleksander

Sometimes people have no choice but to go without words.

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta
Marcus Vendetta

"May Love Die HERE!"

Character Portrait: Louvel Regis
Louvel Regis

"Hate is an ugly word. I prefer 'homicidal ideation'."

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno
Hakuchō Hikōno

"Are you talking to me...? Can you... stop that?"

Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki
Arteryu Suzuki

Hello there... Oh I am sorry am I reading your book?


Character Portrait: Louvel Regis
Louvel Regis

"Hate is an ugly word. I prefer 'homicidal ideation'."

Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
Celandine Letitia Aleksander

Sometimes people have no choice but to go without words.

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno
Hakuchō Hikōno

"Are you talking to me...? Can you... stop that?"

Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki
Arteryu Suzuki

Hello there... Oh I am sorry am I reading your book?

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta
Marcus Vendetta

"May Love Die HERE!"

Character Portrait: Joseph Mòr
Joseph Mòr

"There is no certainty in the world."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Louvel Regis
Louvel Regis

"Hate is an ugly word. I prefer 'homicidal ideation'."

Character Portrait: Hakuchō Hikōno
Hakuchō Hikōno

"Are you talking to me...? Can you... stop that?"

Character Portrait: Marcus Vendetta
Marcus Vendetta

"May Love Die HERE!"

Character Portrait: Arteryu Suzuki
Arteryu Suzuki

Hello there... Oh I am sorry am I reading your book?

Character Portrait: Joseph Mòr
Joseph Mòr

"There is no certainty in the world."

Character Portrait: Celandine Letitia Aleksander
Celandine Letitia Aleksander

Sometimes people have no choice but to go without words.

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Agalia by Jakuri-chan

A large city located in the heart of the mid-Eastern United States, it’s a bustling place with over a million people living in it. Other than being a large enough city, there is little noteworthy about this place—it has the commonalities of all cities, shopping districts, malls, culture, theatres. . . .

Blanchett Manor

Blanchett Manor by RolePlayGateway

A large home that fate has drawn our characters to dwell within, it is a very spacious place with seven bedrooms, and an attic and basement that can serve as bedrooms or other areas all their own. It is has recently been renovated by a young woman who is newer to the area, there are rumors regarding her though. Rather unpleasant ones that say she is the blacksheep of her well-to-do family, as she is a partying, wild-woman who tends to drink herself into a stupor.

Blanchett Manor

Agalia Blanchett Manor Owner: RolePlayGateway

A large home that fate has drawn our characters to dwell within, it is a very spacious place with seven bedrooms, and an attic and basement that can serve as bedrooms or other areas all their own. It is has recently been renovated by a young woman who is newer to the area, there are rumors regarding her though. Rather unpleasant ones that say she is the blacksheep of her well-to-do family, as she is a partying, wild-woman who tends to drink herself into a stupor.


A large city located in the heart of the mid-Eastern United States, it’s a bustling place with over a million people living in it. Other than being a large enough city, there is little noteworthy about this place—it has the commonalities of all cities, shopping districts, malls, culture, theatres. . . .

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