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Aschen Marine

Generic Aschen Marine

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by barney_fife


Kanvium vest issued to soldiers of the Aschen Empire, has excellent kinetic, and thermal absorption.
Standard issue assault carbine for troops in the Aschen Empire, with an effective range of 900 meters, a cyclic firing rate of 700 rounds per minute, and chambered in an 8.8mm caseless ferric-tungsten Mk 1 projectile.


Governing Branch: The Aschen Confederation Marine Corps
Training Regimen: 6 Months basic training, 8 Months Augmentative training, 10 Months Advanced Tactics Training, 3 Months Power Armor Training
Race: Aschen

The Aschen Imperial Marine Corps, or formerly known as the Aschen Confederation Marine Corps is the Backbone of the Aschen Empire's military might. The Marines have seen deployments all across the Galaxy across several theaters and through multiple conflicts both large and small scale. The Aschen Marines are adaptable, well trained, and capable of handling almost any situation.

Known Augmentations
Aschen Medical Technology is well known across the Galaxy for providing superior medical care, genetic enhancements, and nanomachine augmentation. This reflects in the Marine through their regimen of both Chemical, Nanotechnological, and some times, Genetic Enhancements.

  • Type 48A Medical Nanite Compound; These small nano-machines are administered to every Aschen citizen as part of their mandatory immunizations. These nanites identify and repair bodily damage, cellular damage, and mitigate the effects of radical cells, cancers, pathogens, toxins, and physical damage. This is seen in increased muscle health and definition, faster healing, and a resistance to poisons. Aschen enjoy roughly three times the strength of your average human, thanks to these enhancements, in addition to twenty times faster healing in non-serious injuries. Nanites also allow rapid injury stabilization in otherwise life threatening injuries. These nanites also afford noticeably increased stamina and pain tolerance.
  • Tretonin; Tretonin has been touted as the Miracle drug of modern Aschen medicine. This compound, with the help of nanites provides immunity to almost all diseases. Increased resistance to Toxins to the point of near-immunity, and near immunity to almost all known biological agents. In addition, Tretonin has been shown to mitigate the damaging effects and subsequent infection from serious injuries such as burns, and chemical injuries. However, Tretonin can cause permanent damage to the immune system, in addition to chemical addiction due to a lifetime of dosage. This can sometimes strain supply lines as Tretonin is required to be distributed to soldiers in the field. Though a dose can last up to five years, the more time in between dosages, the weaker the immune response.

Equipment; (This is a General list, Many Marines are equipped with situation specific load-outs, this is the general Load-out)

  • Kanvium impregnated composite ceramic plates housed inside a Kevlar combat vest. This provides Level IV protection from Projectiles, and Type III Protection against energy weapons.
  • Trinnium Combat Helmet with integrated subspace communication node and real-time holographic heads-up display, Some models come with a visor that is equipped for low-light vision, X-ray vision, and infrared vision. Some models come with an integrated visor for NBC Situations.
  • IMCDU (Imperial Marine Combat Dress Uniform) with solid colors (Blue, Black, Olive, Tan), and FEAR (Fractal Enhanced Ambient Resolution) Camouflage (Transitional Woodland, Desert and Rough Terrain, Arctic, Urban, Jungle, Taiga, and Starship)

Weapon Systems;
  • Type 53 Disruptor Rifle; Disruptor Rifle with a Single Shot (Semi-Automatic) Action. 50 Shot capacity Microfusion Cell, Holographic sights, charge counter, and an Overheating indicator.
  • Type 22 Disruptor Pistol; Standard issue Disruptor based Sidearm, 50 Shot capacity with a single Microfusion Cell, Holographic Sights, and an overheat indicator.
  • Type 02 Monomolecular Filament Ceramic blade.
  • Type 56 Shoulder Launched Anti-Armor System (Situation Specific); 38mm Shoulder-launched Cannon that fires superheated plutonium rods.

Other Equipment
  • Incendiary Grenades
  • Plasma Grenades
  • Fragmentation Grenades
  • Flash-Bang Grenades
  • Detachable Type 8 Personal Shield Generator capable of deflecting most small arms and energy weapons fire. Generally worn on the belt or vest.
  • Type 01 'Vindicator' MANPADS System
  • Spare microfusion cells.

Energy Weapon classifications;
  • Type I - Resistant to laser, maser and low power particle beam weapons.
  • Type II - Resistant to Laser, Maser, and moderate to high powered particle weapons, in addition to some resistance to plasma weapons.
  • Type III - Resistant to all types of Laser due to excellent thermal dissipation. Resistant to most small-arms plasma weapons. Resistant to moderate to high powered particle beam weapons.
  • Type IV - Shows excellent thermal dissipation and is highly resistant to all types of laser weapons, plasma weapons, blaster weapons, and high powered particle beam weapons.
  • Type V - Excellent thermal dissipation, though bulky, this armor is rated for superior resistance to all laser, plasma, blaster and beam weapons, and has been shown to be resistant against tachyon, phaser, and disruptor weapons.

So begins...

Aschen Marine's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Sire Mollem McGregor Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kianna
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Outside the hospital police vehicles were pulling up and officers were taking cover behind the armored vehicles as they trained weapons on the building. There was a crowd gathering as police tried to clear the streets of onlookers - but ever a slave to human nature and curiosity people gathered in throngs regardless of the danger that the ship overhead, or the marines in the hospital presented. Reporters were all vying for the best shot of the hospital with little regard for personal safety.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Sire Mollem McGregor Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kianna Character Portrait: The Divine Shadow
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0.00 INK

Aiyanna took the child incredulously before she turned to Mollem and Kianna.

"The Reverence is preparing it's Gravity beam so we can depart." She said, listening as more Police officers were heard closing in on the hospital.

"Come, let's get out of here." She said, starting out of the hospital room, and rounding a corner. Already Aschen soldiers were engaged in firefights with police officials in the Hallways.

"We've secured a route to the roof, where we can be picked up."


As Aiyanna moved out, several Marines moved to collect Whisper's body for disposition.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Sire Mollem McGregor Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kianna Character Portrait: The Divine Shadow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Echo followed the group in silence, with only a momentary backwards glance at where Whisper's body was being lifted before he turned away to stare forwards as he walked, with a thoughtful frown.

The setting changes from Illumene Hospital to The Gaelian System

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kianna Character Portrait: The Divine Shadow Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Back aboard the the Reverence II 'A Psalm Every Day', the planet of Arastel looked little more than a distant azure oasis as the ship broke atmosphere and entered the wide expanse of space. The crew was already beginning preparations to carry out the Divine Shadow's orders against the planet.

Kianna had yet to don the offered garbs of her station as the Black Hand, choosing instead to stand beside the re-appointed Divine Shadow as she was when they had been found upon the Auroran planet. Or what was to be left of it shortly.

"And just like that, we're going back?" Kianna asked.

There was an edge of anger to her voice.

"To be puppets for the Quorum?" she added. "That's all this is really. Do you think for a moment they intend to just give over the power they've gained in your absence?" she asked.

She sparred a look to Echo who remained nearby. The odd construct she had found upon Terra was growing into a potentially formidable weapon, but she had seen the emotion within him at the hospital. She didn't entirely trust him, but perhaps with time and conditioning such emotions could be... silenced.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kianna Character Portrait: The Divine Shadow Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

Mollem nodded as he looked to the large holographic readout of the planet. Admiral Nagala was preparing to carry out the orders. "I've ordered the AI to charge up the energy projectors. We may want to order the fleet to this planet so they can begin operations."

Nagala paused a moment, then continued.

"If I may, we would be better off taking the planet than glassing it."

Mollem nodded.

"Tell their Government to surrender to the Empire, or be destroyed." He said flatly before he turned to Kianna.

"The people in the Quorum now are the people who supported my leadership and the Empire." Mollem explained. "I trust many of them. They were my failsafe in the event something like this happened, and my Failsafe paid off. The Divine Shadow's rule will prevail even when Challenged."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kianna Character Portrait: The Divine Shadow Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Silence remained Echo's prerogative for the moment. His eyes betrayed his discomfort, as subdued as it was. He did not understand the hostility towards this world, when it appeared to have committed no crimes. He just wanted to return to the ship he knew, where at least the crew acknowledged him beyond suspicious glares.

He did not want to be party to decisions that could end a world, since he could do nothing about them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kianna Character Portrait: The Divine Shadow Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"The same people who put Jarrod Kane into power in the first place," Kianna replied dryly. "The only reason for this is because they didn't get what they wanted out of him."

She shook her head with disgust.

"Not a year ago you could think of nothing else but being rid of this, and you cursed these men that you say you trust. I won't play puppet for the Quorum."

The setting changes from The Gaelian System to Delphi


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Helene Chaska Character Portrait: Leolik Character Portrait: King Neodin Shadowslayer Character Portrait: K.A.V. Motokhenajhi Character Portrait: Pakhavu Golemtamer
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0.00 INK

A group of children moved through the crowds of people and Khroniktans towards a small plume of smoke where a relatively short Aryite stood. Being only a foot and eight inches taller than tall Aschen men, he was no where near as intimidating as the rest of the Aryites when it came to size. His simple magi robe was a brilliant and flawless blend of blues, purples, and greens and his cat like feet were covered in simple wrappings. Behind him stood a very large Golem, which just about every other Khroniktan who didn't know who we was stayed away from as if in fear. But the Golem stood still, waiting for a command. Gripped in the right paw of the relatively short Aryite was a staff made of a strange material, a equally strange crystal of Arcanium stabilized on top of it.

"Gather around little ones, gather around, and listen to the epic tale of the defeat of the terrible Dark Emperor!" he cried out in a playful tone that didn't match any of the serious looks of other Aryite faces. However, the tone attracted the children, who all sat around a campfire that glowed with blends of Dark greens and blues. "And do not worry about the big guy behind me, for I have him under control." he said, not needing to gesture to the large Golem behind him.

He cleared his throat, waving his staff over the Arcane Fire. "Now, where to begin...Ah, yes I know." he muttered as the flames grew a little before dying down. Floating puppets representing King Neodin, Sheodin, and Erebuz floated above the fire, locked in combat. "It was the last battle of a long and deadly war, the great and powerful King Neodin and the also greatly powerful Arch-Mage Sheodin fought a tough battle against the deadliest enemy the likes of which the universe had never seen before!" he said. The children were mesmerized by his words and the movements of the puppets.

He told them all he could about the battle, the epic moments, the suspenseful ones, and everything in between. "Things looked bleak for our King and Arch-Mage; the Dark Emperor was closing in for the final blow before the great and mighty king caught a second wind, and charged head first with the most fierce and ferocious battle cry he could, holding in his paws the mighty sword, the Claw of Leolik!" as he said this, a powerless replica hovered above the children's head, and they were all mesmerized, their eyes widening.

"And with that sword and battle cry he struck down the Dark Emperor! Casting him to the ground where he was sealed inside a great and magical block of ice, where he remains to this very day, locked in the underworld." the Aryite, known to many as Pakhavu Golemtamer, finished the story there, the puppets and powerless replica plunging into the arcane fire, snuffing it out in a mesmerizing plume of fire that was harmless to all before it died down to a small flame. The children all looked as if they were hypnotized before clapping and cheering, asking for another story.

Pakhavu chuckled. "I'm afraid the stories will have to wait, little ones, for it is time for me to eat." he said. To the disappointed "Awws" of the children, he chuckled. "Perhaps I will tell you another story later if it will make you happy." he said. "Now run along, and try not to get in the way of the heavy lifters!" he said playfully, shooing the children away as they went off to go and play somewhere else.

The setting changes from Delphi to The Gaelian System

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kianna Character Portrait: The Divine Shadow Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

As the Aschen ship pulled out of orbit, several flickers of light emanated out in the distance as another Aschen fleet jumped into the system.

The fleet was spearheaded by the command ship, the AHSC Absolution, with the Bloodied spirit not far behind.

One by one the rest of the fleet jumped into the system, several thousand ships strong. And they began to file into position.

Nagala turned to Kianna, and then back to Mollem. "It seems the fleet has arrived. I'll prepare to go to the planet and make contact with their government to facilitate their surrender." She said, inclining her head, as Mollem nodded, turning to Kianna. "They won't because I have a job for you."

He turned to face her, his expression darkening. "Those that disagree with my designs... kill them." He said, folding his arms in his robes. "And when I was rid of it, I knew how miserable it was to be hunted, to have no control. I don't want that anymore. I'm going to seize this Empire and make it strong." Mollem said, and Nagala nodded.

"I worship his shadow." She said, departing from the ship, while Mollem turned to the planet.

"This world... ignorant in their imminent demise. I will make slaves of them, and they will build statues of us." Mollem said. "So long as we direct our conquest away from the Coalition, we will be set loose on these savages with their blessing. In the name of National Security."

"I would like to personally oversee this invasion, actually... What do you say? For old times sake?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Aiyanna Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kianna Character Portrait: The Divine Shadow Character Portrait: Echo Alpha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Kianna remained silent for many minute as her anger roiled through her and she mulled the matter over.

Finally she folded her arms over her chest and spoke.

"These people are broken already. They live in fear of their own government. Break the government and the people will follow," Kianna said simply.

Kianna turned and swept away, leaving Mollem to the matters at hand. Even with their superior weaponry, it would likely be hours yet before they broke through the Isirian fleet to reach Arastel. Even when faced with insurmountable odds, it was oft in human nature to defy them anyways. It was a trait she could appreciate, though it would do these people little good.

The setting changes from The Gaelian System to Lakeside District

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Confederation Protection Force Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm
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0.00 INK

The serenity of the night would be suddenly interrupted by five very loud bangs on the front door. Two Aschen marines, a CPF Officer, and a single purple robed Divine Confessor waited in the front porch.

Another moment went by and a second series of bangs echoed on the door, and the CPF Officer shouted.

"Occupational Authority!"

He then proceeded to bang on the door again, three loud bangs as the two Marines readied an explosive charge to stick to the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Confederation Protection Force Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm
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0.00 INK

The knock at the door came as an unwelcome call. No one ever visited him at this hour. No one ever visited full stop. "Wrong door. You might want the neighbour. I've been complaining about their noise level for weeks. Or it might be the one down the road. I felt a disturbance earlier." He shouted out.

Dayson was not going to ruin his routine. No way in hell was he going to ruin it. It was time to do the washing up. Then time to get his pajama trousers on. Then it was time to go to bed. No where in that routine was there: answer the door to random strangers. It wasn't happening.

"Hope you find who you're looking for, goodnight." With that, Dayson went back to washing his dishes and stacking them to dry in just his boxers.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Confederation Protection Force Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm
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0.00 INK

There was another pause, and then a deafening crack as the door was blown wide open and clean off it's hinges with explosives.

The Marines entered in first, clad in full combat gear and wielding their standard Disruptor rifles, the CPF Patrol officer followed suit, weapons drawn and aimed as the two Marines moved to clear each room of the house.

"Go go go!" The Officer called out, before coming up on the bedroom door.

'Bang' Came once as he kicked the door.

'Bang!' Twice.

And then the third time the door swung open, kicked by the single Aschen Officer, who lit up Dayson's form with a bright blue-white light.

"On the ground scumbag!" The CPF Officer called out, stepping aside as one of the Marines moved in, his weapon drawn.

"Hands where we can see them! Xeno Scum!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Confederation Protection Force Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm
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0.00 INK

Dayson finished the dishes... the moments silence allowing him to go to his bedroom. They must have moved on. Funny that he didn't have the chaos of people around his place in his head... It was like that girl from earlier. He'd just closed his bedroom door when a deafening crack filled the house and Dayson covered his ears wondering what the hell was going on. Moments later he had a blue-white light shining in his face, showing the man that was just standing there in red boxers, navy pajama bottoms in his hand.

"What on Earth is going on?" Dayson asked. "There's got to be some mistake. I'm a good model citizen." His hands moved so they could see them. Looking down the guns though were scary. "I haven't done anything wrong! What are you talking about? If you just put the guns down I'm sure we can talk about this and sort out who you're looking for."

Because ever the diplomat, Dayson thought his words could talk him out of this obvious mistake, just like his father taught him. And he'd never heard of himself referred to as Xeno before. He had no idea what that meant.

"What's Xeno? Who are they? I'm not Xeno!" He didn't do one thing though. And that was get on the ground. Because surely this was just some mistake. "It's my bedtime... I really should be getting to bed. If you can just describe who you're looking for maybe I can help..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Confederation Protection Force Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: John McKendry Character Portrait: Jerry Jackson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Dayson's place wasn't the one only being subjected to such measures. Similar shouts rang from other buildings in the neighborhood as the Illumene Police Department worked alongside the Aschen Marines and CPF officers. Lights were flicking on up and down the streets while officers ordered citizens back into their homes who had found their way out onto porches to see what was going on.

Several vehicles were parked alongside the road where a handful of citizens had already been detained and were being prepared for transport.

Not four houses down a police officer was speaking with a woman holding a small dog in her arms that was yapping its head off with its incessant barking.

"Ma'am, please go back inside and close your door," John McKendry told her. "This doesn't concern you or your family."

Once the woman had returned inside he sighed and made his way back down the steps towards the street where his partner was mingling with several other officers.

Flipping his flashlight on he looked at the papers in hand which had a list of names and addresses on them. It was going to be a long night.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Confederation Protection Force Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: John McKendry Character Portrait: Jerry Jackson
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0.00 INK

The lead CPF Officer paused a moment, with the Marine keeping his rifle trained on the man, the Officer lowered his pistol, and slid it into his holster before withdrawing a piece of paper.

"Are you Dayson Gorm?" The CPF officer asked, and of course, should the man answer in the affirmative, the CPF officer would continue.

"By Decree of His Shadow, you are to be immediately arrested for being a mutant, and processed at the nearest Imperial garrison." He said, approaching Dayson.

"Hands behind your back, any sudden moves and this soldier will open fire." The CPF Officer added.

Commotion echoing all throughout the Lakeside District, bright white-blue spotlights wandering the darkened streets, a single PCF Airfrigate loomed overhead.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Confederation Protection Force Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: John McKendry Character Portrait: Jerry Jackson
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0.00 INK

Dayson frowned. "Yeah, my names-" He was cut off before he could continue what he wanted to say. He tried to interrupt a few times. He moved his hands behind his back.

"I'm not a mutant... Can I at least get dressed?" Dayson did what the CPF Officer wanted. The last thing he wanted was to get shot. But he didn't want to end up outside in just his boxers.

"I'm sure this is some kind of mistake and I'm willing to cooperate if I can just get my clothes on first. Then we can sort this mess out." Most people could have used that to try and get a head start in running. Not Dayson though. He just wanted to get his clothes on and then he was fully willing to cooperate so that he could get himself out of whatever mess they thought he'd caused.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Confederation Protection Force Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: John McKendry Character Portrait: Jerry Jackson
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0.00 INK

The Officer scowled, and then moved to cuff the man, but not before taking out his baton and moving to strike Dayson across the kneecaps.

"Don't backtalk me Mutant!" The Officer shouted, as the Marine lowered his weapon, the CPF Officer moving in for another swing.

With a broad stroke, he moved to swing the baton a second time, aiming for the side, and then a third time backhand swing, aiming for the thighs.

"Teach you to backtalk your new Imperial Masters, Mutant!"

At last the robed Confessor moved into the room, the Marine too approached with a metal collar, but they waited for the officer to conclude his beating.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Confederation Protection Force Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: John McKendry Character Portrait: Jerry Jackson
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0.00 INK

One thing Dayson hadn't expected was to get beaten up. "Ouch!" He cried out "Stop!" Dayson's hands moved from behind his back to try and protect himself only to end up with him cuffed. The next two beatings resulted with Dayson on the floor trying to move away from the men that had so rudely entered his house.

He had no idea what they were talking about but the chaos wasn't just in his house. It was happening everywhere. His head was full of confusion. Screams and pain were traveling through him mingling with his own pain so that he couldn't tell if he was really in that much pain, or he was suffering other pain too.

"Stop. Please... I'm sorry... Can't we just work this out. I said I'd cooperate." Dayson told them, his eyes resting on the Marine that was carrying the collar.

What were they doing? What was that? And he spoke out again, voicing his thoughts. He couldn't read any of them and so all he could do was ask. "What's that thing for? Why are you doing this?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Confederation Protection Force Character Portrait: Divine Confessor Character Portrait: Dayson Gorm Character Portrait: John McKendry Character Portrait: Jerry Jackson
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0.00 INK

The Officer screamed, then swung once more with the baton. "I Said shut the frak up!" He barked, and shortly after the man shouted his order, there were several pops a few houses down. Some residents had been lined up on the wall of their house and shot execution style.

Holding the baton up, the Officer waited, and the Marine moved to place the collar around Dayson's neck. The Psionic inhibition collar would work quickly to provide painful feedback to empathetic and telepathic abilities. Should the Collar be affixed, the Confessor would press a remote, and the collar would send a painful shock through Dayson's body.

Affixing the collar to a metal pole, the Marine yanked on the pole, to drag Dayson from his bedroom. And once outside the sheer ferocity of the carnage would become apparent.


Outside similar raiding groups were pulling 'Registered' People from their homes. Some resisted, some tried to fight back. One particular family within sight tried to keep the Aschen from taking their son, in a similar fashion.

They refused, the father reached for the Officer's rifle, trying to pull it from the man. A brief struggle ensued and the father was shot. A moment went by and the entire family was lined up and shot execution style with strange energy weapons. Green flashes of light dotted dark alleyways signifying executions all over the place.

The Officer moved to drag Dayson by his collar into a large van, throwing him in with a few other 'Registered' individuals. One of them made everything clear. Arastel had undergone some kind of alien invasion.