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Dot is you, me, the universe, all universes, and all combinations of all things in existence. To put it short, the Dot is existence.

0 · 382 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Akiyo


The Dot is all combinations of all universes from beginning to end. It is everywhere, everything, and everyone. The dot itself cannot be seen or sensed anymore than an idea can. It is bound by no laws of the universe as it has made them and is them. One thing for certain is that it is conscious and self aware. It knows of what it can do and has and is doing everything that happens. If you find it depressing that you are made up of a single conscious that links you with the people you hate, the ground beneath your feat, and everything else in the universe, well imagine being the Dot. The Dot diverted its consciousness to experience existence on its own while a separate consciousness of itself continued its infinite existence of being all things and all possibilities of things. This Dot that is on its own exists to learn from experiencing the universes.

The only proof of its existence is the knowledge of a speck, there are lines and points. There are two parts to everything, from the greatest and highest god over the multiverse to the lowest organism, there are lines and there are dots. All dots are the same dot and all lines come from the dot.

So begins...

Dot's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Norrington Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Dot
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#, as written by Akiyo
Almost as soon as Inviere finished speaking the required documentation appeared in Norrington's pocket. Had they always been there? Did he have memories returning to him of the mundane task of getting them come back at this moment? The interior of his pocket was warm as new energy had been created for the first time since the creation of the universe. The Dot paid close attention to how things would progress now...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Norrington Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Zee the Wise Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

Unfortunately a lack of documentation wasn't the reason of his Visa denial, but something he had done years ago. Dot would likely also detect some other presence watching it, a presence that defied the laws of existence, a presence that oversaw all universes, a presence living in the metaverse itself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Norrington Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Zee the Wise Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Dot knew it was being watched. It was watching itself from the consciousness that continued the infinite existence of everything. As a Flatlander of another universe once said, "There is the one dot in its infinite number and the lines it draws to connect us." If it was aware, could speak, or at the highest level just existed inside or outside the multiverse, it was Dot, but not the Dot that moved through the multiverse to learn and experience from an incredible level of naive curiosity. Dot knew Norrington wasn't worth altering the past for when the situation would be easily overcome. Even if he couldn't, Dot knew this moment was only a small speck in time that would vanish quickly in mere months possibly. Then it started sprinkling outside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Norrington Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: Zee the Wise Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
Glancing down towards the toy mouse that Norrington had deposited beside her before climbing over her, Gabrielle released an amused sigh. Why hadn’t he just gotten in on the other side? There were two doors for a reason, but who was she to question his actions? Poking on the toy a little, she picked it up with great care to avoid the wet spot and once he finally got in his seat, placed the mouse in his lap with a slight shake of her head. She still thought this was a bad idea, but at least she wasn’t going alone. The car was finally going and she shifted her attention towards Inviere and let out a slight growl when the woman mentioned that there was a problem with his visa. More importantly… it had been denied. Did she not just say the other day that everything was fine with it? She really hated being played, especially when it could be detrimental to her health.

De fuck?

Before she had a chance to question the lying piece of shit that was sitting in the same vicinity of her, Inviere explained why it had been denied. She had no idea who the LDA were nor did she know why Norrington had tried to kill the agent. She knew what kind of business he was in, but wasn’t about to release that information towards the women. Instead, she narrowed her eyes at her choices, her fingers tapping against her leg to keep her from doing something stupid. The whole situation was absolutely irritating and she glanced over at Norry while wondering what this enhanced screening meant.

“De fuck, lady? You made it clear dat he was fine. Everyt’ing was fine! What de hell changed?!” Clenching her jaw tight, she forced herself to take in a few deep breaths in order to calm herself down.

“What do you mean by enhanced screening?” This sucked on the highest level.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Dark Woods


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lark Character Portrait: Dot Character Portrait: Jack The Killer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Dot watched them closely with great curiosity, with all it's attention focused the bark of the trees began to grow warm and the smell of something lightly burning hung in the air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dot Character Portrait: Jack The Killer
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Whatever was burning drew Jack away from Lark who said nothing, go fucking figure. Stubborn little prick..."If you're gonna burn something, DON'T do it here," She growled in a razor-sharp tone, leaning against the tree and shifting appearances once more.

The setting changes from Dark Woods to Gambit's Bar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Dot paid attention to each individual in the bar. Everything about them was taken in and Dot experimented with an idea. "Thirst" it sent the thought to everyone in so harmless a manner that one would think the thought came to them on its own. It wasn't a forceful thought, just the idea, or even a reminder possibly, of being thirsty. Then Dot waited and watched closely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Dot was aware of the deity in the room and was intrigued how the thought of thirst had so carefully integrated with the patrons own thinking that the order for beer and the acceptance of drinking it came naturally and perfectly. Dot chose to pay specific attention to this god and the family of deities he had. Dot understood them and their importance, but why he came to a bar made him more curious.

As Dot focused a slight burning smell could barely be noticed in the air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

"Now see, that what you just did, is simply enough to do. But my experiment is that on aquiring such power as the Void without actually being of his power class. That is the gist of what I am getting at. Because of a friend of mine, I no longer have the skills necessary to simply destroy or create matter. That skill was once gifted to me, but I gifted it to a dear friend. However, why do I need this simply skill and understanding, in order have the power necessary for creation and destruction? You obviously have this ability, or at least the capabilities. I see it in your aura. Yet I do not have this power, I have to create the 'skill' for me to utilize this power."

Heralding finished his soup and thanked Drew for the deed done. He left a 100 dollar bill and went back to the conversation.

"My question is, what does 'creation' really mean. Because if what you say is true. That which what you did, is just another form of alteration and maybe even teleportation if you shifted the beer to another dimension of area in place of the other. What is 'destruction'?"

Heralding sipped the beer, realizing the flavor cidar is actually quite nice. He drinks the rest and asks Drew for a whisky neat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Suddenly, in front of both Brian and Heralding a glass of water with ice and a straw appeared or had it? Was it there the whole time and neither seemed to care until now? Regardless of what anyone knew or thought there was at this moment a glass of water sitting on the counter in front of them...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

Brian seemed, rather amused with this conversation. "A noble quest, but one doomed to fail." he said calmly. "I'm afraid that those powers are unable to be achieved by most means known to any living life form." he said. "However, you're correct, I do possess the capability to create and destroy, however there are consequences to it." he said. "My body cannot handle such power. If I try to do it, I will become an omnipresent being with no physical form. And that is strictly forbidden by my Father." he explained.

"My father can do it, but he rarely does. He sees no need for it, and quite frankly, it diminishes his power significantly." he said.

"This means that I do not have an answer to your question as to what is Creation and Destruction. I do not understand the powers myself, so an answer from me would get you no better of an answer than if you were to ask a child." he said calmly. Brian glanced at the water that seemed to appear on the counter, but then looked away, having already figured out how it got there in the first place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

"Wakarimasu....Souka. It would seem that I was correct in my reasoning. But the missing peace, you are lying. I know that there are being other than those in your father's classification and above, because your not telling me about Creation and Destruction themselves. I understand that those beings are forbidden from utterance, which is probably why that water there has appeared before us. Those beings are as you say, omnipresent. The issue that you also aren't telling me about the secret behind the most advance of arcane and temporal arts. Time/space and arcane combinations allow the closest imitation to creation and destruction, yet you do not mention this. You may allocate yourself akin to a child, but even a child plays ignorant when it realizes its role to play."

Heralding checked his six foot staff, and realized that two things had changed, the dismal amount of people was no longer dismal, and the staff itself was darkening its brown luster. Which meant there was danger afoot nearby. To what end, he did not know, but he knew it was directed at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Dot reasoned and decided that Flatlanders didn't deserve to be the only ones with some idea on the very subject that Heralding now discussed with Brian. It had no need to explain itself to them it never would have, but for the sake of curiosity it passed a vague hint...

On the counter beside the glass a napkin appeared. Moments later a tiny black dot faded into existence and then a line reached out from the dot then paused as another dot appeared at the end of the line. The line continued moving, stopping, a dot appearing, then moving again until what was once a single dot was now a spherical shape with so many lines and dots that it was almost a single dot filling the edges of the napkin. Finally the napkin was black with as the dot and lines that appeared upon it. Dot felt this would suffice as aid to Heralding, but waited with all the patience in existence for his response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Pariah Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

Meanwhile, over in the far side of the bar where a gun fight was going on...

Both of the Drakes, each a perfect copy of the other, now both had their weapons drawn. The Drake that had entered first had knocked over the table he had initially dove under and was now firing blindly over the rim of it, keeping the Drake that had entered second pinned down behind a booth.

With loud K-KRACKA sounds, the plasma pistols exchanged salvos for almost ten seconds before there was a pause in the cacophony. Both Drakes had become dimly aware that new patrons had entered the bar, who seemed blithely unaware of what was going on in this particular corner. That didn't make them want to stop trying to kill their perceived dopplegangers though.

Using the lull in the violence to let his gun recharge, First-Drake got the idea to roll his table along the ground and towards the exit. Second Drake couldn't directly see what was going on, but he had a good guess. That said, he snuck along the other side of his booth as cover and trained his pistol on the doorway, anticipating his clone's next move...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Nexus Ver Leth Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Pariah Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Dot
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0.00 INK

[color=purple] Nexus walked into the bar hoping to find Heralding, but instead, he finds himself starring down a gun in the distance. Nexus draws his sword and electricity crackles around him. His electric barrier up, he points his half hallow sword at the threat.

"If your trying to ambush me, think again."

Nexus walks forward in his regal armor and dragon cloak. He noticed the bar, with three people, one flipping fire, and Heralding speaking to however that boy is. Nexus focused on his ambushers.

"Who are you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Nexus Ver Leth Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Pariah Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Alexandra Nichole Silverwood
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0.00 INK

Nexus walked into the bar hoping to find Heralding, but instead, he finds himself starring down a gun in the distance. Nexus draws his sword and electricity crackles around him. His electric barrier up, he points his half hallow sword at the threat.

"If your trying to ambush me, think again."

Nexus walks forward in his regal armor and dragon cloak. He noticed the bar, with three people, one flipping fire, and Heralding speaking to however that boy is. Nexus focused on his ambushers.

"Who are you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Nexus Ver Leth Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Pariah Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Alexandra Nichole Silverwood
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0.00 INK

Alex smiled as Drew poured her a glass of water and set the rest beside her. She laughed lightly as he looked at her bag and then back at her. His next question caught her by surprise as she looked down at her bag. She looked back up at Drew and smiled at him. "I guess you could say that. I don't have a permanent home anymore so I have to carry everything with me." she replied as she took a sip of her water.

It was times like this when she wished that she had a home or at least friends and a semi-normal life. She sighed as she finished off her water and poured the rest of the bottle into the glass. "I'm sorry that sounded so much less depressing in my head." She laughed as she looked back up at Drew. "I'm Alex, just in case you cared." She smiled as she stuck her hand out to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Nexus Ver Leth Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Pariah Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Alexandra Nichole Silverwood
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0.00 INK

As Nexus drew near the mayhem, he noticed how hungry he was, and ho the guy seemed not intent on attacking him, so he instead sheathed his sword and walked on over to the bar to greet his friend, but since Heralding seemed deep in conversation, Nexus decided to sit next to the woman with the large bag.

"Hello Drew, and hello miss, my name is Nexus Ver Leth of the Nexium Kingdom, pleased to meet your acquaintance." Nexus bowed and sat down, flourishing his cloak.

"Hey Drew, set me up with a Black Water Gator Steak and Seaside Mash Potatoes. I'll have the Saizon beer on draft."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Nexus Ver Leth Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Pariah Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Alexandra Nichole Silverwood
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akiyo
Dot found the fight to be more of a distraction than interesting. Dot's attention on the two Drakes was there, but the confrontation seemed threatening to the study it was conducting. A thin sheet of transparent material manifested in an instant between the two. The material was unknown and cool to the touch. Dot's curiosity turned to observe them and see how they would interact with one another now that they would likely be unable to fight. Dot's attention also remained on Heralding and the hint it had given him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brian James Character Portrait: Nexus Ver Leth Character Portrait: Drew Callahan Character Portrait: Pariah Character Portrait: Heralding Rymesis Character Portrait: Alexandra Nichole Silverwood
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0.00 INK

Alex smiled at the new comer as he sat down beside her and ordered himself a meal. She laughed as her stomach growled at her to feed it. "It is a pleasure to meet you Nexus, I am Alexandra but you may call me Alex. Oh and Drew, I'll have what he is having. My stomach is yelling at me to feed it." She smiled as she took a sip of her water.

"So, Nexus what bring's you to here?" Alex asked as she turned to face him with a smile.