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Jasmine Khan

The Adoptive Daughter of Shin Khan

0 · 489 views · located in Narita

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Seveneleven, as played by RolePlayGateway


A criminal organization founded and ran by the Immortal Shin Khan. They are a league of assassins, ninjas, and martial artists teamed with organizers, with the goal to make their name known in the criminal underground.





Name: Jasmine Khan
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 110lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Hazel
Orientation: Heterosexual
Race: Terran
Base of Operations: Niihama


Demeanor: Jasmine is an incredibly intelligent woman. Not only is she efficient, but she's thorough too. She has skill for business administration and management, and is a skilled negotiator. She is very charming when she wants to be, but never really flirtatious. She is business minded and prefers to keep things at a professional level. Jasmine is also known to be a stern and cold woman. Sure she may appear to have a smile and may even occasionally laugh. But it's only to further her goals and to make clients more comfortable around her. She knows how to be sociable and acts on social graces. Underneath her facade, is a calculating and stoic individual who will not tolerate strikes against her "Father" and his business.

Likes/Dislikes: She loves the culture upon Niihama, but more towards the influences Shin himself favors. Taking in the older oriental style like on Terra, but mixed with some Niihama modernism. She loves tea, especially green, and the martial and bushido arts. Her greatest dislike is towards those who disrespect Shin and his honor. Which she would defend to the death.

Dreams/Fears: Her greatest dream is to help accomplish Shin's goals of having a far-reaching and influential, intergalactic organization. Her greatest fear would be to disappoint Shin, to dishonor him. Something she could never recover from.

Capabilities: Spread through three categories, Physiology, Powers, and Training.

Physiology: Peak Human Condition= At peak physical condition, thanks to her body and Shin's training.
*Peak Speed
*Peak Reflexes
*Peak Senses
*Peak Strength

Powers: No known powers.

Training: Thanks to Shin's training, she is an excellent fighter, trained in many martial disciplines. She has been commented by Shin, to be one of the most pure, athletically gifted person he has ever met. Even going as far as to call her a prodigy.

Enhanced Swordsmanship= Jasmine is capable of dazzling swordplay, which stands out compared to the rest of her combat capabilities.

Enhanced Combat
Combat Perception
Weapon Proficiency

-Qinggong: Though not as skilled as Shin, she is able to use her chi to moderately circumvent gravity.


Background: Jasmine was born on the planet Terra, but was abandoned since she was a baby. She grew up in an orphanage in the iconic Wing City. Never really understanding who she was and why she never had parents. She was given the basic comforts, food, water, clothing, and shelter. She was also given a rudimentary education, from which she showed great promise. Her intelligence was well noted since she was a child. Noticing her mental capacity was greater than normal children. Though this didn't help her find a home of her own. She was bounced around many foster homes. Never really knowing a true home and a true family.

The lack of such stimulation and growth made it's impact on her psyche. Leaving her to grow up cold and already cynical, like a world weary old maid. This made it hard for her to connect or love anyone. Which also made it difficult for others to love her as well. When she was ten she ran away, no longer could stomach the abusive family she happened to land in. She hated to be hit and hated herself even more for not being able to defend herself. For months she lived on the street barely surviving. It wasn't until Shin Khan traveled down a busy street in a limousine, that her life would change. It was a strange moment for her, she had to steal food from a nearby general store.

Cops where on her tail, as she forced herself to run. Barely going on any energy thanks to malnutrition, it would seem she would be caught. Shin noticed her plight and took a modicum of intrigue. She ran faster than the grown men and in such rough shape as well. Then she started to slow down and was finally caught. Though only for a moment. Using impressive reflexes and natural fighting instinct, she refused to be harmed again. Kicking, screaming, and flailing her arms she eluded her captors. Even one of them cursing how hard she kicked him. She ran but that struggle was all she had left as she collapsed. Hyperventilating from all of the excitement. The cops were soon upon her but not before Shin appeared before them. They were confused at first but Shin bribed them and the Cops turned a blind eye. He looked upon the worn and sickly youth, and he saw potential. Shin offered her food and clothing. Jasmine was wary, but she couldn't voice any retort as she passed out.

Jasmine later found herself in an ornately decorated room. She was bathed and placed in beautiful clothing. Shin sat across from her as she rose from a lofty, queen size bed. Shin insisted she eat the food down at the foot of the bed. Like a skittish animal, she hesitantly reached for the food and ate. Shin said, "I had it made, do you like it?" Jasmine nodded. "Would you like more?" He asked. Jasmine nodded again. Soon more of the same came. He then spoke, "I can provide you without whatever you like." "Anything at all." He spoke almost seductively. The young girl then whimpered, "Even far away?" Shin then smiled, "Yes, very far away." It was after their encounter that even she was lured into his world. Shin treated her with care and respect, even love. It was rocky at first, but eventually she came to consider him her father. It was then Shin trained Jasmine and raised her like a daughter. Now she is ever devoted to Shin and works as a valued member within the organization. Being a Vanguard and The White Paper Fan for his Niihama division. Becoming a great business woman and a great fighter.


So begins...

Jasmine Khan's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vega Malice Character Portrait: Ione Fanil Character Portrait: Aereth Character Portrait: The 49ers Character Portrait: Jasmine Khan Character Portrait: Quinn Suitcliff
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Vega didn't know what to expect from this excursion. Though they seemed to shift instantaneously and Vega barely noticed he was in some nondescript room. It seemed to be a rather unimpressive room, there was a console fit with communciations devices up against a wall. But nothing much. The area though was different architecturally to Hera or Misrana. Within the room though were four strangers. One was a woman, presumably the one he has spoken within. Her hair was long and black and she was fitted in a beautiful red kimono.

There were to masked men dressed in all black. They seemed to be wearing some high tech piece of armor. Then finally and the most strangest of all, was what seemed like a young woman. Her hair was oddly enough purple and wearing very odd clothing. A mixture of purple and black Gothic like clothing. With a tattered jeans, and long sleeved black and purple striped shirt. Also she was playing with what looked like some sort of doll. Though it was hard for Vega to see it. But their was something disturbing about that kid. Something unnatural and it made Vega uncomfortable.

It was then he looked towards the woman and she introduced herself. "Greetings to one and all." "I am Jasmine your contact Vega Malice." She spoke. She had a smile yet it seemed false. Perhaps only conveying some form of comfort, though her thoughts were hard to read. Well at least to those without such advanced technologies. On the outside she seemed peaceful, even motherly. Though cold hard business and logic ran through her mind. Vega then spoke, "Greetings to you to." "I am glad we could meet in under such circumstances." "Yes I was rather surprised by your decision to bring accomplices." "Though I am more bewildered by what gadget you are happening to use at this moment." Jasmine spoke giving a discerning eye towards Aereth. "Makes me wonder, why you would need our arms if you have such powerful tech in your possession?" Jasmine spoke inquisitively.

"Trust me, whatever you can provide will help my cause greatly." Vega spoke. "Well then lets get straight to business shall we?" The woman spoke. "With you here you will be able to examine all that I have to offer personally." She spoke as she gave a sweet smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vega Malice Character Portrait: Ione Fanil Character Portrait: Aereth Character Portrait: The 49ers Character Portrait: Jasmine Khan Character Portrait: Quinn Suitcliff
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#, as written by Akiyo
"Nice to see you again Jasmine." Aereth smiled to Jasmine.

Aereth remembered the last universe he was with her he worked for her taking care of any thorns in her side.

"You don't know me, but I know all of you very well. Too many familiar faces in one day. I think I should at least tell all of you, if you attempt any physical interaction, you will move through each other like holograms. I've explained it once today and don't feel like doing so again. Just take my word for it, you are all data and can see each other only because its how the concept of being turned into data doesn't drive you insane."

Aereth looked to his wrist again before looking at Jasmine once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vega Malice Character Portrait: Ione Fanil Character Portrait: Aereth Character Portrait: The 49ers Character Portrait: Jasmine Khan Character Portrait: Quinn Suitcliff
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Jasmine took something between a glare and shock over the man's words. He acted as if he knew her. Though she knows she's never seen him before. She would have remembered. Still despite the stranger's demonstration of familiarity she acted unfazed by his words. Even when Aereth slightly went over the concept of them being data, she only registered it as information. Then took nothing more from it. Despite what could arise as confusion and would certainly warrant questions, Jasmine had no intentions of running a Q & A session. In fact she only spoke a little on the matter. And not the type of comment Vega thought would be spoken.

"So I am correct to assume this technology that's made us into data, is how you found us?" Jasmine spoke. Her tone seemed wholly unsurprised or unimpressed. Vega nodded, "Yes that's correct." He answered. A bit bewildered she wouldn't comment about how Aereth seems to know her or about being data herself. No, she was focused and had no patience for distractions. No matter how great they are. Speaking of distractions the quiet kid off to the side, was playing with that doll. The kid was sitting in a chair and seemed to be talking to the doll, well to himself but at the doll. She looked innocent enough but the kid's mumbling and creepy fidgeting was bothering him. But Vega thought it best not to stare too long at the kid and focus on Jasmine. He didn't wish to offended. Especially when she looks to be from the Taiyou Empire. Never wise to offend an imperial, he's heard that through the grapevine.

"Well then Malice-san." "Allow me to bring forth the weaponry." "I am sure your associate here has converted our exhibition into data for us to view." Jasmine spoke slighlty glancing over to Aereth. Then she suddenly spoke in Taiyou as the two masked ninjas departed to retrieve the weapons. "It will be here shortly." She spoke giving another smile that lit up her face. Vega stood there as he awaited for his objective.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vega Malice Character Portrait: Ione Fanil Character Portrait: Aereth Character Portrait: The 49ers Character Portrait: Jasmine Khan Character Portrait: Quinn Suitcliff
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#, as written by Akiyo
"Don't worry about Quinn, Vega. He's data right now and can do no more arm to you than the air can." Aereth sent a message between the data files that represented them and only Vega and Ione could hear.

Aereth recognized Quinn, but had no good memories with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vega Malice Character Portrait: Ione Fanil Character Portrait: Aereth Character Portrait: The 49ers Character Portrait: Jasmine Khan Character Portrait: Quinn Suitcliff
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Ione had been quietly listening and watching the scene with her arms folded. She still was not happy with their developments, though she was impressed that the device...ship...whatever it was, actually worked. However, she recognized Taiyou territory when she saw it, and being there unnerved her further. Not only that, but this woman Vega was speaking to. Ione stared back at her with her narrowed eyes.

Still, she had no place to speak just yet. She gave Vega a critical glance, however. She knew he was shady, but the Taiyou? A mysterious syndicate? That was almost too much.


She gave her eyes to the boy speaking to the doll, then to Jasmine.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vega Malice Character Portrait: Ione Fanil Character Portrait: Aereth Character Portrait: The 49ers Character Portrait: Jasmine Khan Character Portrait: Quinn Suitcliff
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The Ninja henchmen returned guiding several floating containers. The digitized weapons cache soon divided Jasmine and Vega, as they both looked upon the gear. "Now then." Jasmine spoke as she revealed a lightweight, sophisticated device. A blue screen appeared and with a few taps of her fingers the cache opened. Within was a white, phosphorescent light revealing guns of many sort. "Here is a wide range of weaponry." "Courtesy of our...suppliers." She then made light chuckle. "So see what you like?" She asked as she looked at him.

Vega walked up to the cache and peered at it's contents. He gave close examination of the guns. With a discerning eye he inspected each one. He then turned his head up towards Jasmine. "So this is Taiyou weaponry?" Vega asked. "You may recognize certain products as such." She spoke. "Have anything that could disrupt energy waves?" Vega asked. "Well, there is an Arc Projector Rifle." "Releases a high concentrated stream of pure energy." "Depending on wavelengths, concentrations, voltage, amps, fire at a source could disrupt it." "We also have EMP Emitters and Bombs." "Guaranteed to knock out electronic devices and energy sources." She described. "We'll need whatever you got in that field of concern." Vega spoke.

"Anything that can be easily modified?" Vega asked. "Ah you mention the M-Vials?" She spoke. "Yes we do have some weapons that are customizable, and rather simply so." "Various sidearms, Rifles, Launchers, and Machine Guns have this feature." Jasmine spoke. "Good, I'll take supplies of those as well." Vega commented. He then went over his head about what else might be wise to choose. "Would like a basic supply of weapons?" "I'm sure your cause can use whatever firepower they can get their hands on." Jasmine spoke as she smiled. "Yes, I suppose so." Vega agreed. "Excellent, I'm glad you like our selection." "We are prepared to ship your specifications and more." She then chuckled lightly. "Now comes the matter of payment." Jasmine spoke.

"Yes, I assume you would require a hefty sum for all of this." Vega spoke sounding a little nervous. "Normally I would agree, but I am willing to accept a different means of compensation." Jasmine continued to give her false smile. "What is it?" Vega asked, a bit hesitant. "Well all you consider me as, is some arms dealer." "But I am something much, much more." "I represent a burgeoning organization." "And we are looking to expand, like any successful business." "We are searching to outreach, to extended ourselves beyond our current locations." She then chuckled again. "We would like an agreement established." Jasmine said as her tone grew rather serious.

"What kind of agreement?" Vega asked. "If your cause is successful Malice-san...," She paused,"...We would like to establish installations on Misrana." Jasmine finished. Vega was unprepared for this kind of proposition. He wasn't sure if he could provide that kind of payment. He entered into deep thought.

The setting changes from Narita to Space


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vega Malice Character Portrait: Ione Fanil Character Portrait: Aereth Character Portrait: The 49ers Character Portrait: Jasmine Khan Character Portrait: Quinn Suitcliff
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Upon a space transport heading to the port in Zanzaria on Misrana, sat an anxious Vega. The deal went on without a hitch, thanks to Aereth's technology. Having made the Deal with the mysterious, Black Lotus, they promised to supply weapons to the Rebellion. So long as The Rebellion up holds their end of the bargain. To allow the Syndicate to establish operations on the planet. Vega had no choice but to accept their terms. After the deal, Jasmine and her associates graciously left Aereth's ship. That was the last time Vega saw any of them. It felt like a good deal at the time, though Vega slightly worried about the implications of them crawling around on Misrana.

Though it can't possibly be worse than what the Supremacy does. He just hope they can smuggle the weapons as discreetly as they boasted. Well if they can get by the Taiyou and the Terrans, perhaps they can get past the Supremacy. Only time will tell. Aereth disappeared shortly after the deal was made. He apologized for his sudden departure. Obviously something caught his attention. Vega then had to find his way back to Misrana. Ione suggested a flight to Misrana. With no other options Vega agreed. Soon they found themselves on a ship on it's way to a port on Zanzaria. Vega only sighed. Tired from his endeavors. He just wanted to get to Misrana and contact the Rebellion. So much has occurred.

The setting changes from Space to Narita


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: The 49ers Character Portrait: Jasmine Khan
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0.00 INK

Shin watched as Cy entered beside him. Once so Montague closed the door behind her and hurried to the driver's seat. Soon they where off. Shin smiled as he looked towards the concerned mother, with a soft tone he spoke, "You do not have to apologize." "If I choose to do something I see it through." "It only makes good sense." Shin said as his eyes narrowed and a frown started to form. "Well I don't know about other problems, but if so I can handle them." Shin spoke as he looked onward. Shin perked up from self thought as Cy asked about his knowledge of the area. Shin took up another smile in a rather matter-of-fact style, spoke, "Why yes, yes I do." "I have much business conducted here on Terra." "It was easy to branch out here, though hard fought to remain." "The competition can be intense here on Terra." "So many rivals," Shin then sighed.

Then a holographic display activated in front of Shin. "Oh? Who is this?" Shin spoke at it as the holographic display distorted then formed the vision of a young woman. A smile lit up on the woman's face, apparently glad to see Shin. "Hello, father." She spoke with a bow. "Ah, Jasmine quite the surprise." Shin spoke. "As am I." "I did not expect you here...have you come to monitor progress?" She asked. "I have been conducting business meetings...though only a few managed to seal any kind of deal." Jasmine spoke with disappointment upon her ashamed face. "Well I am sure what you have done is satisfactory." "Though I am here on other business." Shin spoke. "In fact you could be of use to us." "Us?" Jasmine asked. "Ah yes, I am here with a friend of mine." "I am on my way to find her son." "The poor dear is worrying herself to death." "Would you mind sending some of our...employees to this location." Shin spoke as he typed the coordinates in a holographic computer. Those of which quickly reached Jasmine's end of the link.

"Of course." "I can have some of the grunts out there in-" Jasmine was quickly cut off by Shin, "No, send our more distinguished out there." "This is a high priority." Shin spoke emphasizing high priority. "Ah, yes of course, father." "I am sending a group the coordinates now." "They will be there before you even." Jasmine spoke. "Excellent, you may be on your way." Shin spoke dismissing her. "Thank you father." She spoke with a bow and the display disappeared. Shin looked towards Cy and smirked, "As I said I have friends out here." He spoke. Soon they arrived to where Ki should be. Montague stepped out of the limo and opened the door for the both of them. As Shin exited he was visited by a man in high-tech tactical armor, reminiscent of ninjas. The helmeted man spoke, "Lord Khan!" He exclaimed with a bow. "My team and I are here!" "We kept the area guarded, though we do not know what we are guarding." He spoke. "Well that is a detail that will be handled now." "You may dismiss your men." Shin spoke. "Yes sir!" The armored man ran off into the darkness of a nearby alleyway.

"So then Cy, let's find your son, shall we?" He spoke gesturing for Cy to lead the way. Figuring it best she reaches him first. Might cause problems if he was the one to find him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cybra Savage Character Portrait: Shin Khan Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage Character Portrait: The 49ers Character Portrait: Jasmine Khan
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Cy nodded as she listened, her body growing more stiff the closer they got to where they were going. "That may be but it is how I was raised and I understand business in every way considering my father was...well known in many ways." she said softly only to cock her head when the holographic vision of a young woman appeared and blinked as she listened to Shin and the girl talk, arching her brow when the girl called him father. Silently she listened watching the holographic form as she chatted with her father and smiled slightly when he stated that he was helping her only to blink when he asked for some employees.

Silently she continued to watch and listen before slipping from the car and stared at the men in high-tech tactical armor, grinning when she recognized the semblance to ninjas. ''''Lord Khan.'''' she thought and nodded to her self as her eyes trailed over the area, a slight tremble to her taut form as the pain was excruciating both strong and continuous only to blink and look at Shin when he spoke to her, trying to understand what he had said before giving a short nod and tight smile before turning and took off in a dark ally way to her left, seconds later she was twisting and turning corners until she slid to a stop in a small clearing her eyes sweeping the area, the pain beyond comprehending as she shuddered stumbling slightly as her eyes landed on a ramshackle shed and keened as she leaped forward.

Moving quickly she yanked the door open and stepped back, blinking when several pieces of junk fell out but than her eyes landed on a form that laid in the center of the shed. "Fuck Ki!" she called out as she began yanking what remained of the junk that barred her way before slipping through the small space she had made and slid to her knees beside her son who lay on his side, silver streaked tawny gold hair laying spread out behind him, knotted and filthy as was the white outfit wore, his tail barely flicked where it lay behind him even as his body trembled even as loud raspy pants slipped from him, his face pale with sweat tracks through the grime on his face and hands, indicating that he had not only fallen down many times but had also laid in dust and mud.

"Goddess Ki..." chocked Cy ass he gently lifted she sons head to lay in her lap as tears slipped down her cheeks, her fingers brushing sweat drenched bangs from his face as her tears slid down her cheeks, her emotions bunched and wrung to the point she forgot all about her companion as she tapped lightly and gently against her sons dirty cheek. "Kesha...what happened?" she choked out her voice braking as her eyes roamed over her sons face.
