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Victor Vidal

Terran Parliament Candidate

0 · 676 views · located in Parliament's Chambers

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Zarhara


Registered citizen of the Terran National Government


Age: 35
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 160
Species: Human
Career: Former Terracast Foreign Affairs correspondent. Currently Running for Terran Parliament
Political Party: Leftist
Political Views: Victor is deeply concerned with the international relationships that Terra is currently holding. He believes that Terra is being manipulated by political and military means. He hopes that these elections will change that. He is in support of national defense but is against any type of foreign military or mercenary defense incorporation. Victor also is in support of Strengthening the educational system of Terra and investing in Terran research programs. He is also a firm supporter of civil rights. Despite Victors expertise in foreign affairs he leans toward isolationism for Terra given the current state of affairs, he wants to push for solving internal matters and stabilizing relationships before opening new negotiations.

So begins...

Victor Vidal's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Faith Park
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Victor happened to be walking down the street when he noticed the crowd. He had just come from doing a short report infront of the square about foreign relations. He pushed his way through the crowd and motioned his camera man to get a shot of the crowd. Many people refused to move but finally a few people recognized the news reported and parted.

He hated reporting on stories like this but he also knew reporting on something like this would bring in ratings which lead to a bigger paycheck.

"Officer Victor Videl Terracast, Is this how the WCPD Treats it's suspects with Violent force?" He asked her as the people in the crowd then began to train their camera phones from the officer to him and back again. This was going to make an interesting story one that the news would be talking about for days.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jintei Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Faith Park
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Faith turned her attention to Victor for only a moment before her eyes were focused back on her suspect. "I have a gun trained on a possible terrorist. That isn't violent force, that's protocol." She said simply, "Back away, he could be dangerous." She told Victor, tossing the man before her his wallet.

"Might want to put those cameras down, I'm questioning him and backup is on the way. You'll compormise an ongoing investigation by recording from this distance any further."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Jintei Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Faith Park
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Victor Videl listened to the woman as she addressed the issue. He knew laws and it seemed that this would be something that would just end him up in deeper trouble. So he walked away across the street where the camera man set up looking over the crowd.

"Vic studios going to you live for a report on what's going on in 3...2...1 Victor heard through his earpiece.

"This is Victor Videl reporting from Northern Mainstreet with breaking news. A suspected Terrorist is being apprehended as we speak. In the commotion the area is crowded and we expect there to be traffic delays along main street. Commuters are advised to seek alternative routes if possible. We will be reporting vack at 11 with more details." Victor said and then the camera was cut and he walked away from the scene. He had other stories to chase this was an interns job now. "

At somepoint during the incident a nondescript black car pulled up to the scene. It had emergency lights but it was clearly unmarked. Will Jackson stepped out of the passengers seat wearing some light tactical gear with a pistol strapped to his waist. Command had intercepted the police chatter and now here Will was. This was a WCPD investigation he was going to need to tread carefully here.

He walked through the crowd and approached the suspect and the officer. "I'm Sargent Jackson. with JOE, I was dispatched to assist in your investigation. It should all check out." He said wondering if command was b.s'ing this or they were really authorized to work with the police.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Jintei Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Faith Park
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"Keep quiet and let me work." Faith told Will, "That's all I need you to do for now." The woman informed him, a few WCPD vehicles began to roll down the street to join the two already there. It was clear that the WCPD were taking things like this seriously.

"Detain him, actually." She ordered Will, "I'm going to give you a rundown on who you might be dealing with in this city." The Asian detective told the man. "Don't need you getting your ass fed to you because you got in over your head. I know how your people get down." She continued.

"Big damn heroes."

The setting changes from Northern Main Street to Terra


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
"Good Evening People of Terra My Name is Victor Vidal and this is A special edition of Your Universe Tonight: The Sullen Enterprise Confederation Crisis. Here with me tonight is Ms. Lindsey Holiday Now acting President of the Board of Directors in Luke Sullen's place. But before I get into the interviews I would like to give a quick recap for our viewers before we start the interview."

"A few months ago Luke Sullen was the President and CEO of the SEC but in light of recent events things have changed. On a diplomatic Mission to Niihama the Capital of the Taiyou Empire. Upon his arrival there Mr. Sullen was arrested for crimes against international peace and conspiracy to insight a war. The reports on what has happened have been sketchy and fairly unconfirmed but here tonight to release an official statement is President Holiday, Madame President if you would?"

"Yes, First of all Mr. Vidal thankyou for inviting us onto your show. First of all I need to Clarify a few important details before I begin to explain the events. Though I am acting president of the board I am not the CEO. That position along with the ownership of the SEC is still in the hands of Mr. Sullen but he his authorization has been frozen until further notice. The confederation is a corportracy meaning that the Board of Directors oversees the confederation council but all military decisions go through me and the military officials."

"Now onto the events that brought about these charges. Mr Sullen was attacked by a rouge ship currently I cannot release the ship's id but I can tell you Mr. Sullen was attacked. Obviously when asked to conduct negotiations it was unfeasible to send Mr. Sullen personally, so his body guard was sent in his place. This man committed a treasonous act but one that so far has resulted in no harm to the Aschen People."

"I see Ms, Holiday but would you please elaborate on why this would Pertain to the Aschen Specifically."

"Yes this man was told he would need to give the coordinates of a world where the ship could refuel and attack if he did not give correct coordinates then they would terminate Mr. Sullens vessel. This ship was beyond our standing of physics so Mr. Sullen's security officer gave the Coordinates of Langara. This man hoped that this would please the Taiyou but I assure the people both Mr. Sullen ant the entirety of the SEC condemn this man's actions. "

"Thankyou for that clarification President Holiday please stick with us as we take a short brake."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nobuo 'Tatsu' Takayama Character Portrait: Kilum Vontaru Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
"And We are back here with President Holiday of the SEC and Envoy Vontaru representative of the ZAR sect of the SEC. President Holiday so were you suggesting that the claims made by the Taiyou are the result of a misunderstanding or were you s uggesting something else?" He asked her.

"No I think the Taiyou placed these charges upon Mr. Sullen for a reason but not one of legitimacy. The Taiyou in our opion have no reason to place Charges upon us for something regarding the Aschen. We have heard no word from Langara or on charges they will be placing against Mr. Sullen. The emperor has grounds to take this small event and turn it into a political stunt to weaken the SEC. So I am asking the if the Aschen wish to pursue this trial then I would like to speak with Emperor Mullen Personally."

"President Holiday what about the fact the Luke Sullen's assets were frozen how does this affect the SEC?"

"I believe I will leave that to Envoy Vontaru to Answer."

"Yes, Though much of the Companies assets were in Mr. Sullen's name the SEC still has a substantial amount and we are losing money and our economy is in a total collapse. Much of Mr. Sullen's Annual salary is given to charity providing food for the poor more so our stocks have plummeted as the assets have been frozen and business has ground to a halt. The people are starving, jobs are being lost and though we are doing our best to stay afloat it isn't enough."

"Mr. Vontaru Are you suggesting that the Taiyou's actions have brought upon this chain of events."

"Yes He is Mr. Vidal and So am I, this trial isn't about crimes against peace no, the SEC occupies systems in the Andromeda galaxy we are what is standing in the way of the Taiyou our systems would only serve to increase the empires borders. The emperor want's nothing more than to diffuse the SEC and merge our systems into the Empire."

" I have one Final message Mr. Vidal one for Emperor Takayama, Emperor if the Taiyou do not release Mr. Sullen's assets then I see no way in which we can ever discuss the peacefully, your actions have brought upon the suffering of thousands and I as the leader of the Sullen Enterprise Confederation will not stand for this cowardly act of economic warfare."

"I emplore other nations to reach out we are willing to start business, I will be here on Terra on my Milky way tour for Three more days before I must return to Syntori 8."

"Thank you Envoy Vontaru and President Holiday, it was great to have you on the show and to our viewers on Terra and Across the Universe I'm Victor Vidal until next time."

The setting changes from Terra to Gonthar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victor Vidal
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0.50 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Across Gonthar a string of advertisements were being played across a multitude of electronic devices including radios, televisions, holograms and through the internet and news papers. More shocking to most Terrans was the Cancellation of Victor Vidal's evening news segment on Foreign affairs.

Victor had canceled his show tentatively and chosen to run for parliament. In a town hall in the Gonthar region there was a small crowd gathered where a suited Victor stood before a podium.

" People of Gonthar, most of you are familiar with me but those of you who aren't My name is Victor Vidal. Many of you I'm sure are familiar with my segment on Terracast regarding foreign affairs but tonight I'm not here to talk about that. Tonight I am here to talk about you, the People of Gonthar. I am happy to officially announce that I am running for Parliament, representing Gonthar."

Victor paused looking into the few cameras set up before continuing. "Gonthar has been through a lot recently and with the recent Cybran Incident I'm sure most of you are very concerned with the National Defense. So tonight I am here to tell you, the people of Gonthar my three step approach if elected."

Victor paused giving the crowd a few moments to process before he began to roll out his plan. " First, Terra needs to stabilize it's relations in the region. For too long we have been on the rocks with our neighbors and Allies. If elected I will propose that The Terran Foreign Minister hold a conference with all of the powers that have a firm stake with Terra and sort out our political and regional differences. For too long Terra has been the battleground for international disputes between Non-Terran Nations."

"Secondly I will propose a bill suggesting the Immediate Dismantle of All Mercenary and Corporate Defense forces. Terra must become independent and Terran the Defense of Terra should be in control by the Terran Military and not run with Mercenaries and other corporations. For too long they have been profiting off of these incidents."

"Finally, We need to invest in Terran research programs. Terra is one of the most Diverse planets in the galaxy. With citizens form inconceivable amount of different backgrounds. It is time that we use this to our advantage. Together with the amount of knowledge and ability I can see no bounds to where we could rise. For many years Terra has been on the decline but, no more the people of Terra, the people of Gonthar do not deserve this. So I ask all of you to rise up to the occasion and together we can achieve stability and growth. The road ahead will be tough but we will face the future together, so I ask you all if you elect me I will do everything in my power to help the people of Terra. It's time that we focus on the people and not war and Territory."

"To sum things up, I plan to focus on this, First of all National Defense followed by improving our educational and scientific research along with our health care system. For too long the people of Terra have been over looked. Today I say no more, no more this is about you all the citizens of Terra. Together we can make this nation a better place." Victor Paused giving the people in the crowd and the cameras a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Amber Kelly
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
It was the morning after Victor had made his announcement to the people of Gonthar. He sat in his newly set up campaign office where a few volunteers were diligently working and a line of applicants for paid staff were waiting to be interviewed. This had to be his least favorite thing. What he needed was a personal assistant to sort all of this out but of course that was what the first few interviews had been about he could have asked a volunteer in the meantime but he wanted their manpower focused on getting votes not helping him hire more staff.

Clearing his throat he looked at the next name on the list, the last two in his opinion had been too odd the first wouldn't stop talking about stories from his life and the first woman had seemed a bit to permiscous and he decided to steer clear of her in fear of a political nightmare. He had reported on this stuff too much and that had made him picky. Being drawn back out of his thoughts he said.

"Next Please."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Amber Kelly
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0.00 INK

Amber swallowed, walking into the room with a smart dress on with a nice pair of platform high heels. She smiled, offering a hand as a greeting, "Hello there." Her eyes glancing around as she took in the situation. She grinned, her makeup perfect, her body perfect. She sat down in the chair after shaking hands with a smirk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victor Vidal Character Portrait: Amber Kelly
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Victor smiled as the young woman entered his office. "He shook her hand and then sat down across from her as well. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Kelly I'm Victor Vidal though I'm sure you already know that." He said chuckling a bit at the last part. He assumed she would recognize the Parliament candidate and former news reporter for Terra.

" I have a few questions to start with, Have you had any secretarial or political campaign experience before?" He asked the young woman. He discretely glanced her over. She surely looked the part she was dressed professionally and not as promiscuously as the other woman he had interviewed in a few moments before. From what he could see there was nothing that struck a cord with him in particular.

The setting changes from Gonthar to Windcrest Market Square

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victor Vidal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
In the area of one of the news set up stations stood Victor Vidal the candidate for the Gonthar region. He was in the middle of a quick interview with his current replacement.

"Victor what is your reasoning from attending this debate?" The reporter asked him,

"Well let me clarify I'm not participating just here to spectate, I think it is important that as a parliament candidate I keep up on the entire election regardless of my own region we are all citizens of Terra and the things we would be doing will effect all of the Terran people." Victor said as the camera was cut.

Victor walked over and stood among the news crews, though no longer a newscaster it still felt like a bit of normalcy for the man. Plus this was about the other candidates and he felt he could best watch from here. All he needed was to be blamed for causing a publicity stunt.

The setting changes from Windcrest Market Square to The Nillies


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Joran Davrell Character Portrait: Chloë McGregor Character Portrait: Najia Okeke Character Portrait: Victor Vidal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
It was a cold winter night in the city of Van Leugen, the skies smoggy and glutted, the moon a pale sliver misting through the distant clouds. There was a light snowfall, the pattering flakes adding quiet layers of white to the already blanketed streetways bellow. Van Leugen had already seen two blizzards in the last month. The city was frozen to its roots.

Of course, none of this mattered to the attendees of the Western-Terra Parliamentary Debates. Nestled in the grand ball rooms of the Remmington Aramill Arts Atria, the opulent audiences of the latest electoral installment were enclosed from the cold and callous exterior of Van Leugen's harsh cityscape in the warmth and luxury of one of the city's finest accommodating penthouses and swankiest theatre centers.

As it was, the crowds were just beginning to take their seats after an hour of mingling and drinking. Though technically a formal, officiated event, the TNG had given full logistical and creative freedom to the various hosts of the many Parliamentary debates. Van Leugen had taken charge of the Western debates (more specifically, the Van Leaugen aristocracy) and no party was complete in Van Leugen without a little... sin. Drinks were served. Fine music played in the background. Gorgeous women in tempting dresses paraded around the grand ballrooms, flirting and talking with the various Leugen big-shots. Indeed, at first glance, the occasion would seem more of a classy party than a debate between electoral-hopefuls.

A large stage with four podiums was at the forefront of the audience. An older-looking man in a sharp suit ascended the stairs, microphone in hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he smiled, "my name is Joran Davrell, and it is my honor to be the host and moderator of this year's Western Parliamentary Debates." A smattering of applause followed. "Thank you. I'm very pleased to introduce to you the candidates for this year's parliamentary elections. Though they hail from various regions across Terra, they are united by the ideals of democracy, liberty and justice, the very same virtues that have guided the Terran National Government since its conception."

The NPA officer cleared his throat. "We have three candidates appearing before you today. Though they are not competing directly against one another, the viewpoints and ideas they espouse tonight will be broadcast across the globe. These are the Western debates; the chance for candidates from across the hemispheres to bare their political philosophies against their peers from other respective domestic regions. So, without too much further pomp, I will briefly introduce our candidates and then summon them up their podiums."

"First, hailing from over the ocean from Gonthar, we have Victor Vidal. A Leftist, Mr. Vidal has a rich history in media and is a formerly renown reporter and journalist for TerraCast. He supports a domestically-secure Terra, particularly in economic and educational matters. As far as diplomacy goes, Mr. Vidal leans more towards a diplomatically-isolated planet, believing that many of Terra's past intergalactic dealings have not been to her benefit. He believes that domestic affairs should be handled foremost, foreign affairs second. He is a staunch supporter of civil rights, and he is joined tonight by his secretary, whose name is ((WHATTHEFUCKSOKKAWHERESYOURFUCKINGSECRETARYHOLYSHITIWILLEATYOURLIMBS)), and what a lovely name it is."

The audience applauded.

"We find a stark opposite from Mr. Vidal in our very own Chloe Anne McGregor. Raised right here in Van Leugen, Ms. McGregor is a Center-Rightist who hopes to turn Terra's attention towards domestic threats to security, particularly the various terrorist and insurgent factions that plague the planet. She hopes to work closely with the various ministries of the Terran National Government and legitimize its administrative offshoots as best she can. Diplomatically, Ms. McGregor is particularly open-minded, favoring continuing relations and strengthened alliance with various intergalactic nations. She is joined tonight by her secretary, Ms. Sydney Forte."

Another round of applause.

"Last, but certainly not least, we have Mr. Rubano Malijin. A veteran Parliamentary Chairman, Mr. Malijin is a Center-Rightist who favors a strong domestic military and powerful economic reform. As the author of the Xenia Compromise, Mr. Malijin firmly believes in the power of intergalactic diplomacy, though he remains a strong advocate of Terran self-sufficiency and internal cultural authority. He is joined by his secretary Najia Okeke."

"Now, will the candidates please assume their positions at the podiums?"

The audience would rise to their feet and applaud the candidates as they took their seats.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Joran Davrell Character Portrait: Chloë McGregor Character Portrait: Najia Okeke Character Portrait: Victor Vidal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Victor walked to his seat as he listened to the announcer speak. He had been studying his talking points all afternoon deciding on what he wanted to spend most of his time on in the debate and what areas he would attempt to avoid. He knew his strengths were in foregin relations so he planned to clarify his stance on what his position for Terra was.

For the most part Victor felt that this debate would be unlike the average debates and this posed an interesting event for him. This setting would serve to solidify the future. Victor though a firm believer in his values and his beliefs, also wanted to show the Terran people that he was capable of compromise. He knew that often political parties were seen to be dead set against one another but Victor believed that sometimes a necessary truth, he also wanted to portray a sense of bipartisanship.

As He walked onto the stage he waved to the audience before moving to his seat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miles Hagan Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Joran Davrell Character Portrait: Chloë McGregor Character Portrait: Najia Okeke
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0.00 INK

Chloe sat with her small entourage of people at a table situated slightly to the front and center of the room, close to the stage. Seated with her was her secratery, and a few Van Leugen big shots. Handshakes were exchanged amongst them, and Chloe sent a quick text message to an unknown, but clearly Aschen number.

"Alright, let's roll." She said, standing up from her seat and approaching the podium, taking her position behind the Podium, and checking the text of her phone one last time as it vibrated with a barely audible buzz.

"From: 877-(34)-4122-34221
Gotcha, I'll wire some cubits to you in the morning. Best of luck to you."

The phone was quickly pocketed, and Chloe placed both her hands on the podium, politely and quietly waiting. She offered a wave to the audience, many of whom were Van Leugen big shots here to support her. One could say she had the home field advantage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miles Hagan Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Joran Davrell Character Portrait: Chloë McGregor Character Portrait: Najia Okeke
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
After shaking the hand of his secretary, Rubano assumed his position at the podium. He easily towered over the other candidates, his imposing physique dwarfing his pulpit. Despite his daunting frame, Rubano remained as cheerful and warm as ever, smiling grandly at the audience and waiving.

Joran smiled as the candidates took his seats. "Welcome all. We'll begin immediately. I'm going to ask all of you a series of questions focused on highlighting your political philosophies and authoritative intentions should you take office. You will each be given a turn to answer these questions, uninterrupted. After each question, there will be a five-minute open response period during which you may freely expound upon your answers and critique and offer counter-arguments to your fellow candidate's answers. For the turn-response, we will proceed in the order in which I called you: Mr. Vidal, Ms. McGregor, Mr. Malijin. Once you've all answered, you are free to debate one another out of turn until I call the five minutes."

Joran removed a series of flashcards from his jacket. "Now then. The first question..." He smiled, "...and one that is very near to my heart..."

"What is your position on federal paranormal policy on Terra? Should supernaturals be forced to register with the state? Should formerly convicted paranormals who have completed their sentencing be given the same privileges as non-supernatural ex-convicts?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miles Hagan Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Joran Davrell Character Portrait: Chloë McGregor Character Portrait: Najia Okeke
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Victor Smiled and and listened to the question. "I Believe this is a very important question but first let me say thank you for hosting this event I believe we can answer many of the questions that weigh on the public mind. Terra is so diverse and the issue arising from paranormal abilities is a tough one. Though there would be some benefit to the registration of paranormal's I feel that by forcing registration would be a firm violation of ones personal rights. Though I am in favor of offering an optional clause of identifying on a census record. "

" Convicts that have used their abilities to commit crimes on the other hand I feel need to be kept registered and classified as paranormal depending on the level of their crime. Though of course this information would need to be placed as classified to law enforcement only as to not harm the employment chances against these people. " When Victor Finished he looked to Chloe and nodded. "Ms. McGregor I'm sure you have some insights on this matter as well." He said kindly passing the theoretical torch onto her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miles Hagan Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Joran Davrell Character Portrait: Chloë McGregor Character Portrait: Najia Okeke
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0.00 INK

Chloe offered a soft and rather disarming smile to Victor. It was the same smile that her father often offered to people when he wanted to condescend or lull them into a false sense of security. It was the smile that perhaps said this politician didn't know her field, or was perhaps young and naieve.

The blonde thought for a few moments, a long silent pause as she considered her response to Victor's Proposition.

"Paranormals..." She thought to herself

"Mr. Vidal, I respectfully disagree." Were the only words out of the blonde for several moments.

"If you went to a gun store and bought a gun, doesn't the law stipulate that you register the firearm and submit to a background check?" She said, moving onto her next statement. "Paranormals, Magic Users, and other... unorthodox individuals might make up the backbone of society in your part of Terra, but here, in Therrier-Paix, and especially Van Leugen, we make every effort to keep tabs on those with supernatural abilities. Through a rigorous background check system, and registration of their 'powers' and abilities just as if they purchased a firearm." She said, clearing her throat.

"Paranormals committing crimes are subject to much stricter punishments in accordance with the laws of the TNG, because given their extraordinary abilities, they have a responsibility to use them with discretion, and committing crimes with powers that give you an edge over the average human are disgusting, which is why, as Parliament I will vow to push for stricter regulations for paranormals across all of Terra, in the spirit of strengthening domestic security, and preventing the superpowered slug fests that you see in Wing City, from spreading."

She took a brief sip of water. "To sum it up, Abuse of paranormal and magical abilities should not be tolerated by any level of government, and a system should be maintained to keep tabs on all Paranormal beings not as a matter of prejudice, but a matter of public safety."

She turned to Rubano, and nodded. "Do you have anything to offer, Mr. Malijin?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miles Hagan Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Joran Davrell Character Portrait: Chloë McGregor Character Portrait: Najia Okeke
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Rubano smiled grandly. "Thank you, Ms. McGregor. As Mr. Vidal eloquently put, I am also honored to be here before you this evening."

He cleared his throat. "I think there is a plausible middle-ground between the viewpoints of Ms. McGregor and Mr. Vidal. On one hand, forced registration of unconvicted supernatural citizens could potentially be an immense violation of personal privacy. On the other hand, their innate abilities and powers do impose an implicit responsibility on such citizens. As Ms. McGregor said, we require citizens with firearms to register with the state. So why are superhumans, with abilities and powers that are often far more lethal and dangerous than your standard hand pistol, exempt from similar registration?" He raised a stern finger. "Still, we must remember: these people are not weapons. They are Terran citizens; sentient beings endowed with all the same liberties and freedoms as any other man or woman, and as such, may be given the same chances and opportunities. Thus, I would propose, as Mr. Vidal has argued, to not require forced registration for unconvicted superhumans. So long as paranormal citizens continue to show that they can use their gifts responsibly, I see no reason to keep tabs on them." He cleared his throat. "Similarly, I would (If re-elected) impose registration on superhumans convicted of crimes of any nature in which they've used their powers to enable their nefarious activity. This could be as minor as using their telekinesis to vandalize public property or as serious as using their pyromancy in an intended arson." He smiled, nodding at Joran. "I would also push for more funding to be sent to the brave men and women who protect Terra from explicitly malicious individuals, supernatural or no. I understand that local police forces and NPA agents alike need to continue to improve their equipment and training to address the ever-dangerous and evolving face of domestic crime. If elected to office, I will ensure that the defenders of Terran liberty will receive the funds they need to continue in their admirable and noble professions."

Each candidate had now addressed the question. Free-debate was now open. Rubano quickly jumped on the chance.

"I do have a question for both of you, Mr. Vidal and Ms. McGregor," he smiled, turning his attention away from the audience and towards his fellow candidates, "Ms. McGregor you mentioned earlier about establishing an 'institution' to oversee domestic security concerning paranormal crime. Exactly what sort of institution to propose to establish for such a job?"

He looked to Victor. "And for you, Mr. Vidal. You've lived in Wing City for quite a while, no? Surely you understand, perhaps better than any of us, the threat that supernatural criminals possess to daily society. Hardly a week goes by without some sort of (as Ms. McGregor put it) 'superpowered slug fest' tearing up the metropolis. Isn't this a sign that the TNG's formerly lax restrictions on federal paranormal law isn't working? Perhaps we need something more... explicit... to evoke serious change."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miles Hagan Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Joran Davrell Character Portrait: The Hammer and Star Bratva Character Portrait: Chloë McGregor
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#, as written by Zarhara
Victor listened to both of the other candidates speak as he pondered their responses, he wasn't too intrigued by the institution idea but he was was not completely in opposition to a mandate against criminals. Smiling he turned briefly to Rubano

"Mr. Malijin, I will admit that there is a need for serious change but, the perils in wing city do not rest solely on those with paranormal abilities as I am sure we are all aware there are many groups that attack innocent Terrans as well take for example The Hammer and Star Bratva or the rough demon and other hunters that plague the city. The city is clearly in a racial and cultural war, so in a similar way I would not be completely opposed to an agency being created to help stop the conflict between the Paranormal and non-paranormal factions operating within the city and all of Terra. Clearly this issue has grown beyond local law enforcement for criminal acts. I would be interested to hear Ms. McGregor's insight into what type of institutions might be put into place."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miles Hagan Character Portrait: Gabriel Ereb Character Portrait: Rubano Malijin Character Portrait: Joran Davrell Character Portrait: The Hammer and Star Bratva Character Portrait: Chloë McGregor
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The Aschen women nodded slowly, as she considered the proposal for a moment. She shuffled some papers on the podium for a moment, and then she nodded.

"Perhaps we should take a page out of the books of our-- and I use this term loosely, friends beyond the stars. I've studied on Langara for several years in College, and I've discovered that the Aschen Empire's mode of dealing with Paranormals through the creation of specialized agencies is, though heavy handed, very effective. However, we don't live in an Autocracy, and we must work to preserve individual liberties, while providing the utmost in public safety." Chloe explained.

"If elected I'd propose the creation of a specialized, but autonomous law enforcement agency that would answer only to the Ministry of Justice, and work closely with the NPA, and local police departments with relative freedom of movement." She explained.

"A sort of Mythical Crimes Division that would explicitly handle paranormal crimes without the restrictions of regional and provincial boundaries. An Agency that would rely on the creation of special Oversectors, with hand picked Captains that could operate without regard to jurisdiction or provincial boundaries. That they may provide consistent, and effective enforcement across Terra, from Wing City, to Van Leugen, and if possible through Diplomacy, to Narita and Volary."

"Coupled with a database through mandatory registration of Paranormal individuals who wish to use their abilities to better assist enforcement. Registration that's no different than registering for a driver license. You'd need a driver license to operate your car, certainly it'd be reasonable to require one to use your powers. Simply put, registration would only be required if an individual wanted to use their abilities. It'd be a crime for someone to drive without a license, why not make it illegal to use magic without a license? It doesn't infringe on any liberties, after-all, they don't have to register for anything, if they choose not to use their abilities."