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William Dorsun

A plain, bespectacled man of average height and appearance. Were it not for his distinct dress, he would seem a clerk or some other such. In his eyes is the light of knowledge. He knows, and you do not.

0 · 635 views · located in Niihama

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Fishbucket


Ser William Dorsun of Asylia is the royal Ambassador assigned to all first contact missions and negotiations. He is a shrewd, intelligent man, who's disarming appearance leaves him near invisible in the eyes of most noble courts or similiar functionaries. He is plain and, were it not for his manner of dress, he would appear to be nothing more than a clerk or lawyer, or other such individual.

He possesses a unique intellect, and a specially talented mind, a perfect memory. No matter what he sees or hears, whether it is only the briefest of glances, or the shortest of whispers, he is able to recall with absolute accuracy the events to occur.

This talent lends to his purpose as a negotiator and ambassador quite well, as even the slightest misstep by an enemy becomes a tool for him to use in his means.

So begins...

William Dorsun's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: William Dorsun
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William Dorsun and his Guardian had taken up a temporary residence in an inn, or at least that was the mindset they took. The truth was they had been directed to this place to stay until another meeting could be made with the emperor, or his aide.

William himself was, as ever, busy with multiple documents, paperwork, scanning reports, and all other sorts of things. His Guardian was cooking breakfast on a small portable device that unfolded into a functional galley. Thanks to the use of a number of spells, a small, multi sectioned backpack contained a large array of ingredients and supplies, all kept at perfect temperature.

The Portable Restaurant was a standard for all Asylian Ambassadors, as one could never trust that foreign food would be edible to Asylian Physiology, or that if it was it would not cause complications to digestion. Ambassadors had to represent their country, and so it was paramount that they be able to function in public at all times. Thus being able to supply their own food at all times was a necessity.

Of course, being offered a meal was another matter, and for that, preparation would be taken in the form of pharmaceuticals that would protect against ill effect of food and the like, as well as poison.

Regardless, the meal being prepared was eggs benedict, with a rasher of bacon and a glass of Guiro Juice. Two trays of the meal were readied, and the Guardian placed William's down before him, as he himself took a seat off to one side and began enjoying is breakfast.

In all likelihood, Dorsun would not eat, and The Guardian would end up having two meals, so he had made both small enough to compensate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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Seated in his throne room, Shimizu began going over several documents. He had been recovered from the brutal attack he had suffered, and he was eager to get back to ruling his Empire. Placed in front of him was a tray with hot, jasmine green tea, and a few small, shallow cups with which to enjoy the tea. Shimizu took a sip of the tea thoughtfully, as he awaited for his adjutant to fetch Dorsun.


William Dorsun and his guardian were kept in a special wing of the Imperial Palace where diplomats were permitted to stay, that way they could have quick access to the diplomatic staff, and the Emperor to discuss any vital diplomatic details. The room was luxurious, with hardwood floors, traditional Taiyou artwork, and an assortment of newspapers, magazines, and a television if they chose to partake in the study of Taiyou culture.

There were three knocks at the door, a young Adjutant standing outside, when someone came to answer the door the adjutant would offer a deep, polite bow.

"Sumimasen." He said aloud. "The Emperor will see you now."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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William returned the bow and stood, leaving his guardian to follow behind. As was expected, William had not eaten his breakfast, and the Guardian had cleaned both plates of the small meals. The portable restaurant was packed away and left behind in the room, and the two of them left to meet with the emperor.

"So... this mean they decided to listen to us?" The Guardian whispered to Dorsun as they walked.

"Not easy to say. Let's not speculate until we know for certain." He replied.

"heh, you always say that. Never act until you've gone over everything at least five times, and even then only the smallest of corrections." Was the Guardian's response.

The two followed the Adjutant to the emperor.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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The Adjutant lead them through several corridors to the main Imperial throne room. The room itself was grand, with stained hardwood flooring, which gave way to a recessed area that was paved with Tatami mats, and a small table with cushions situated around it.

There was a long red carpet that was flanked by two statues that looked like cobras, their eyes were open, and their fangs were bared, it was a new addition that had been requested by the Emperor to complement his tastes. Each cobra had green gems for eyes, that seemed to shimmer in the soft orange light.

Shimizu himself was wearing his formal kimono, which consisted of a black fabric that bore subdued designs much like the statues in the throne room, subdued matte patterns of cobras with their fangs bared. This was so Shimizu would send a specific message without outright sending it. He remained seated, with two young women on either side of him, his two sisters, Princess Yukiko, and Princess Sakura, both in their formal Kimono attire, Yukiko chose a light floral pattern, with stylized cranes, and flowers adorning the garment, with a contrasting gold Obi, while Sakura wore a red Kimono, with the yellow chrysanthemum emblem emblazoned on the fabric.

Standing directly behind Shimizu, behind his throne were two men wearing formal attire, carrying ornate wooden rods that seemed to pulse, and shimmer with strange cosmic energy, they were rods crafted from the wood of the Royal Tree Tenju, and crystallized with it's sap, both were artifacts of great power.

Tucked in Shimizu'z Obi was a similar looking wooden sword hilt, Tenchi Ken, and it too seemed to pulse, and radiate with immense hyper-dimensional power that was unique in the universe.

Shimizu quietly watched as the Adjutant escorted William and his Guardian closer to the throne room, past the serpentine statues that seemed to watch as they passed by, or was it just the way the light reflected in the gemstone eyes.

Shimizu kept his hands folded in his lap, seated on an ornately carved wooden throne, as the Adjutant bowed deeply.

"Tennoheika." He said, before turning to leave.

Shimizu slowly brought his eyes up to William, whispering to one of the guardians behind him.

"Ambassador Dorsun, welcome to Niihama. I apologize for the delay in meeting with you, but I was otherwise preoccupied." The Emperor said, snapping his fingers, two young maidens approached, setting plush pillow in front of both William, and his Guardian.

"Please." Shimizu said, gesturing to the cushions.

"I understand you wish for the Taiyou Empire to refrain from assisting our august allies, the Aschen Empire." Shimizu said aloud. "You have shared much with my mother, and the Aschen have shared some intelligence that I find quite disturbing. The Aschen are a peaceful people, and yet, your government finds it necessary to cross swords." The Emperor added.

"It is reasonable to say then; that is why you are here."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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William took his seat upon the cushion, the guardian however stood.

William took a moment, and a slight bow to the emperor, to explain. "I apologise for any appearance of disrespect to you on my Guardians behalf, but the Guardians hold to a strict set of rules that cannot be broken, less they forfeit their very souls. As such, he shall not take rest until this meeting of ours is adjourned."

Continuing, William addressed the emperors words indirectly. "The Aschen may indeed be a peaceful people, and outwardly so all signs say such, but their history paints a very different picture. And it is that history that concerns the leaders of my people, the Knadan specifically. For among our kind there stands a logic that has held true for generations immemorial, that evil must be destroyed utterly, lest it be allowed to grow again from the roots."

"The Kingdom of Asylia holds that the Aschen, though now peaceful, engaged in acts of war across the universe, and likewise enacted depraved stratagems of cruelty and abuse. By the Knadan of Orta, such an evil must be wholly vanquished in entirety, lest it return to power."

"His majesty the King has given leave to the Knadan to enact this campaign, and as such it will not be contested, nor will any other stand in his way. But you yourself, and your people, are of a noble heritage. The Knadan shall suffer no allies of the Aschen to impede his crusade, and any who set themselves in his path shall be destroyed utterly."

"I Mean this not as a threat, but as a dire warning, though your people are strong, the Knadan is beyond you, the forces he holds are beyond you, and if you engage him, you shall be swept away as weeds on the path of a mighty storm."

"But this does not need to be your fate. His Majesty the King is benevolent and kind, and would welcome your people as allies, if you find it fitting to leave the Aschen to their fate, and join yours with Asylia. I know such an action may be seen as dishonorable, but in history many terrible sins have been committed by those who could have been stopped, if their advisors and allies had just been willing to stand for justice. Asylia does not ask that you betray the Aschen, nor that you risk your own forces in a conflict not of your making. We ask only that you refrain from taking part of this war."

The Guardian stood silently during this, his body as still that it might be a statue all it's own, the armor gleaming and glowing softly in the shallow darkness of this place.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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Shimizu quietly listened to William as he tried to justify the actions of the Knadan, and the actions of his people, he listened to them intently, committing every word to memory, every motion, every syllable. His keen eyes watched the guardian, in his statuesque stillness, and they watched his surroundings.

Shimizu didn’t seem to react, he merely listened, and contemplated his response.

It was the perfect poker face, the only giveaway was his eyes, they watched William like a predator waiting for his moment to strike.

Shimizu parted his lips to speak, his voice sharp, his words clear as they echoed through the halls of the Imperial Palace.

“Your Knadan is as ignorant, as he is foolish.” Shimizu commented, shifting his weight to lean slightly to the left, his slender fingertips wrapping around a cup of hot tea. You might be able to destroy the Aschen state, topple their institutions, overthrow their government, cleanse their worlds. Such things are certainly feasible to someone so powerful. But if your Knadan wishes to utterly destroy the Aschen, then we are already enemies, and your visit here is a fool’s errand. Mr. Dorsun.”

Shimizu took a sip, there was something odd about the way he sat there, a strange lack of substance, an ethereal state of his physical presence, subtle artifacts in his appearance. A keen eye would note that Shimizu wasn't actually there, but was broadcasting from aboard the Soja some sort of lifelike, three-dimensional holographic projection. He had refused to leave the relative safe confines of the Soja since the Vikings attacked him, and his guardians.

“We are treaty bound to protect the Aschen, we are treaty bound to ensure their continued prosperity. Your wars of aggression will be met with the full fighting force of every space-faring civilization in two galaxies." Shimizu said, his tone cold.

"United, we will face you, and we will prevail." Shimizu said, his tone resolute, unwavering. "You'll have to kills us all, and any notion of justice will evaporate, as more, and more civilizations rise up to challenge your unrepentant aggression."

Shimizu leaned back into the throne, which flickered subtly.

"Your king will live long enough, just to see himself become the villain."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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  1. This and the previous posts are being rewritten

    by Fishbucket

0.00 INK

To this William nodded and said. "You were correct in your regard of the Knadan, he is and has behaved foolishly. His nature is that of a reckless warlord who believes his might to be inconquerable."

"However, that is where the extent of things ends." William added, raising a finger to punctuate his statement. "As is a requirement of diplomats, regardless of their origin, I have taken the liberty of studying and coming to understand your culture and governmental structure."

"In any other circumstance, I would never have come here, because you are very much right. My presence is a fools errand, to convince one noble and just kingdom to turn on it's allies, to abandon all notions of honor and integrity." William issued his statements with a clean, crisp voice brooking no interruption. "However, Your nation and my own are very similar. Your kingdom spans across a great deal of territory, and in order to maintain control of that territory, you have a system of lesser rulers designated to maintain your order. This is a similar state of affairs to Asylia, for the Knadan are a group of five individuals, each of which commanding the unyielding might of Asylia's military. However, the Knadan themselves answer to the King."

"The Knadan of Orta is the one in command of this campaign against the Aschen, and his force is the largest. With your permission, I would share with you the full scope and strength of the forces he commands. I would do this freely, so that you would understand two things. The first being the full breadth of what is arrayed against the Aschen, and the second my own honor and desire to prevent the destruction of your own people."

"You say that my king would find himself the villain, but what you fail to understand is that my king would find no qualms with this. The whole of the universe could come crashing down, but he is the mountain. No matter how the wind howls, it will never bring him down."

With this said, William snapped his fingers, and his Guardian stepped forward and placed a small silver disc upon the floor directly before William, before returning to his position.

William paused a moment, then continued "This device is known as a Dream Mirror among our people, it is designed to allow one to see places beyond ones own reckoning. With this, I would show you our forces as they come. Will you permit it?"

The setting changes from Taiyou Imperial Palace to Niihama


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Kaggen
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Some of the denizens on the surface of Niihama would begin to notice a small celestial anomaly in the sky at night. A new comet, with a small green tail, would appear in the night sky, and would travel around the planet for several days as it entered the planet's gravitational pull and crashed towards the surface. The object appeared to be a common black glassy rock, or some kind of space debri. It had arrived from a region of space controlled by the Matokey Order, but did not show any sign of intelligence. The object was very small, about the size of a Volkswagen, not nearly large enough to cause any significant amount of damage to the planet's surface.

The comet passed over the sky slowly for several days, heating up and increasing speed as it neared Niihama's surface. After the third day of rotating around the planet, the object glowed white and had a long luminescent green and blue tail caused by the immense speed and heat. But the object never dissipated, or broke apart and disintegrated, instead maintaining it's solid form as the oddly shaped lumpy rock crashed into a remote region on the planet, landing somewhere in an open field. The object smashed into the planet's surface, creating a small crater upon impact.

The crater was about 200 yards in diameter and about 50 yards deep into the planet's crust. The small black object was resting in the very center of the small crater, glowing from the intense amount of radiation as smoke and steam rose up from around it. The object gave off no radio signals, no life signatures and no signs of intelligence. It wasn't man-made, and appeared to have just landed there randomly. As the rock cooled, the glow faded away and the smoke slowly disappeared. But the ground around it remained highly radioactive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki
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The Global Self-Defense Army and Niihama's Skywatch had been tracking the object ever since it entered Niihama's solar system. Every trajectory had been carefully plotted into hundreds of supercomputers, and the course analyzed, it was projected to crash far outside any major urban zones, what few existed on the planet. Was this deliberate? Skywatch was concerned, so the decision was made to redeploy the fleet, and move ground forces towards the mountainous region south of the Yukikaze megacity, one of the few untouched regions left on the planet.

Whatever it was, no chances could be taken, so the Army deployed, and set up fortifications all around the small crater, powerful resonance barriers kept the radiation contained within the local area, and a combination of machinegun emplacements, sandbags, and hastily poured concrete redoubts marked the first line of defense, as hundreds of Taiyou soldiers took position surrounding the crater.

Each one was in a fully hermetically sealed combat suit, which offered a second layer of protection from the radiation, their weapons consisted of the Seburo C26A Assault rifle, a 5.45x45mm box fed high velocity assault rifle that fired high-powered armor piercing rounds.

The Area had also been closed off to the public, but the surrounding area began to fill with news crews, reporting the affair all across the Empire.

Two wasp-like Jigabachi AV attack helicopters were circling the crater as well, their rotors thundering through the still, thick air, thirty-millimetre rotary cannons mounted on their tails crooked forward, like a wasp about to sting it's prey.

Four Armor Shrikes, and two HAW206 multiped tanks rounded out the ground response, their main weapons trained on the small object below, was it a simple meteor?

The Director of Public Security, and the General of the Imperial Ground Self Defense Forces were both standing on the back of a large troop transport, under the camouflage canvas cover that was flapping in the wind, With most of the government pre-occupied with other things, both had been placed in charge of the response here.

"Director Miyagi is on his way from Niihama City." Aramaki said, turning to the General. Whom turned back to Aramaki. "I was redeployed from the gate to this location, fortunately the situation with the Vikings has yielded little in the way of events." Hama said, taking a pair of binoculars to gaze into the crater.

"We'll wait for Director Miyagi before we approach the object." Hama added.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Kaggen
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As the time passed by, the rock-like object that crashed into Niihama's airspace remained motionless. By now, it had become quite visible to the naked eye, but the ground around the inside of the crater, 50 yards below the normal surface, was still radioactive. The dirt was brown and fine, with an almost reddish hue, perhaps a mixture of carbon and other elements, iron deposits, clay and hard rocks. The top of the crater had been slightly lifted up, forming a natural raised embankment or earth ring around the entire circumference from where the earth inside the crater had been kicked up. This embankment provided a natural barrier or mound for the Imperial Taiyou Navy personel to take cover behind if anything were to happen.

But nothing ever happened. The earth around the base of the object had turned to glass from the intense temperature during impact, but apart from a few glowing pebbles and magnetized stones detectable within the radiation zone, there wasn't a whole lot of activity. Through a pair of binoculars, or rifle scopes, the soldiers could see the object clearly. They would see for the first time what Skywatch did not see, the actual appearance of the object up close. Their supercomputers had not been far off in determining the object's shape. It was very lumpy and oddly shaped like any normal space rock. It wasn't very big either, about the size of a large cow. The surface was shiny and glossy like a chunk of glass, or even a sea shell. The entire rock was solid black, non-transparent, and devoid of any scratches, cracks or markings.

Its unevenly round, egg-like or pod-like ovular shape was rather interesting, but not distinctly unusual. Space rocks came in all different geometric shapes, depending on their structure. Some planets and moons were perfect spheres. If it was an egg, it was a very large egg. But if it was an egg, it showed no signs of life. Perhaps the embryo had died on its hundred year voyage over millions of light-miles through different dimensions and galaxies. With no internal heat signatures, and no vibrations or pulses suggesting a heartbeat, it was beginning to seem very unlikely that this was an egg. Maybe it was a seed pod of some kind, perhaps a new unknown species of plantlife. It couldn't be ruled out. Then again, all signs were pointing to the most obvious explanation, that this was just a common meteorite. The only thing really left to the imagination was the rock's composition. What was it made of?

But for that answer, they would need to examine it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing
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Whatever this was, it certainly could not stay here, on Niihama. With the area secure, all that was left was to extract the object, and secure it in a place where it would pose no threat to Niihama, or it's people.

A Large six wheeled heavy duty army transport truck was slowly beginning it's descent down the crater walls, flanked on either side by large, bright yellow humanoid mecha that sported various attachments on their arms. The glass canopies of the humanoid mecha that comprised it's torso held the pilot, surrounded by a various assortment of controls. These humanoid machines were what the Taiyou called a Yunboro, which was a general multi purpose exosuit that allowed the operator to conduct operations in a multitude of environments.

Director Miyagi joined General Hama, and Director Aramaki in the observation. His eyes focused on the crater below.

"Fleet's been instructed to saturate this immediate area with nuclear ordinance if we lose control of the situation." Hama commented, turning to Miyagi, Miyagi simply nodded. "I've arranged for the object to be transferred to Yukikaze Space Elevator, where it will be transferred into orbit."

Miyagi's voice was briefly drowned out by a pair of tachikoma, the spider-like multiped tanks quickly skittered past, kicking up a small cloud of dust as they moved into the crater to support the pair of Yunboros.

The moment they reached the object, soldiers in full hazardous materials gear emerged, they wore full face visors, which were affixed to hermetically sealed suits. One soldier produced a pair of bright, orange light up sticks, directing the Yunboros to approach the object, as the truck slowly backed up closer.

The Armor Shrikes, humanoid mecha much like the Yunboro affixed their weapons, large high-caliber anti-materiel cannons onto the object, each Armor Shrike painted a brilliant blue, in contrast to the bright yellow yunboro that approached the object.

"Approaching object now..." One of the Yunboro pilots remarked onto the radio, slowly, the Yunboro approached, large clamps attached to it's arms opening up to find purchase on the glassy surface, the second Yunboro approached at the opposite angle, attempting to allow it's own clamps to find purchase on the object.

"Alright... now we'll need to load it into the truck." The second Yunboro operator remarked. A trio of soldiers moved in the truck, preparing a large nanosteel box strapped to the chassis of the truck, this hardened casket would accept the strange object, where it could be secured for transit off world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: Seno Miyagi Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing
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After some time, a large heavy duty transport truck was brought in. The anthropomorphic mecha accompanied the large six wheeled vehicle as it made its descent down the slope on the inside of the crater, leaving large tracks in the reddish brown dirt as its engine roared, flood-lights surrounding the area. "Alright, slowly now, bring her in", one of the operators inside the mechanoid Yunboro exosuits would call out, guiding the large transport vehicle into position.

At the observation point, the Imperial army general and two directors were going over their debriefing on how to handle the assignment. The order was given, and it was determined that the object would be relocated to the Yukikaze Space Elevator, where it would be transferred safely out of orbit. Two large crab-like Tachikoma mecha tanks would assist the six wheeled transport truck and the two working Yunboros, offering some form of assistance just in case something bad happened. Would it even be enough to stop an alien attack, if such a presence did appear? Nobody knew what to really expect as they treated the object with great seriousness, and care. The Navy and ground forces looked on, hundreds of high-powered weapons focused on whatever this object was.

The truck backed into position as the large brilliant blue Armor Shrikes affixed their anti-material high powered cannons on the inside of the crater. The moment of truth had arrived, as the two human operators inside the Yunboro mechsuits communicated back and forth over their radios. Soon a pair of robotic arms would reach out and grab the object, followed by another pair of robotic arms from the second Yunboro as they carefully lifted the object off the ground. So far so good.

"Oh wow, it's really light" one of the lift-workers commented. "Okay, let's just get it in the box alright? This thing creeps me out" the other Yunboro operator commented. Moments later, a large nanosteel crate would be moved towards the large truck's chasis and opened. Soldiers scrambled quickly around the truck as the pair of Yunboros brought the solid black glossy object over to the nanosteel box. As the mysterious lumpy glass-like rock was loaded into the box, and the gate was closed, locked and secured, one of the hazmat soldiers on the ground gave the truck driver a thumbs up. Just as the directors had hoped and anticipated, nothing happened. Everything was going smoothly according to plan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Kaggen Character Portrait: Varden Character Portrait: Jakira Fixess Character Portrait: Rottenführer Heinrich Ritter
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Once everything had been loaded into the truck, and the truck sealed, Director Miyagi offered a reassuring nod to Director Aramaki. The truck’s engine groaned in protest, and it’s driveline gears churned, propelling the vehicle forward, and out of the crater. Black, sooty smoke billowed fourth from the exhaust pipe, and the truck churned forward.

One of the Yunboro pilots gave the thumbs up, and the pair of Yunboros followed the truck out of the crater, even though everything was going smoothly, no expense could be spared, and security would remain tight all the way to the space elevator.

The main road to Yukikaze had already been closed off in preparation for the truck’s departure. This would minimize the chance that traffic, or anything else would cause a problem with the truck’s transit. Once on the highway, the truck moved forward, now escorted by two Tsunami tanks, which moved swiftly alongside the cargo truck.

So far, so good.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Kaggen Character Portrait: Varden
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The truck was on the road and heading to a more secure location, escorted by two tanks which rode alongside it. The cargo had been secured safely in the back of the truck. Everything was going smoothly according to plan as the military and the response teams worked together to clear the area. The authorities had decided to launch the foreign object back out of orbit, rather than investigate.

Without warning, the unidentified egg-shaped object inside the sealed nanosteel box container began to move. Since nobody else was inside the container, they would not notice that the object slowly began to unroll like a blanket, the polished rock suddenly opening up and transforming itself into three different segments. It wasn't a giant meteor after all, but what actually looked like a giant preying mantis. It had just been rolled up into a ball. But this wasn't no ordinary mantis, as it stretched its long legs and stood up in the pitch black empty box, lifting its head.

The insectoid's legs alone were longer than a man, and it stood up over ten foot tall, larger than any mantis or insect most denizens of Niihama had ever seen before in real life. But even its looks were quite deceiving as it peered through the nanosteel container, seeing straight through the pitch black cargo unit to the heat signatures and magnetic wavelengths all around it, detected by its pitch black enormous spherical shrimp-like bulging eyes. Although it resembled an insect, this was no preying mantis. Still unidentified and only known to have come from Matokey air space, the insectoid being was clearly extraterrestrial. It probed the inside of the box with its mandibles, touching and tasting the nanosteel container at the same time while trying to process its location.

The creature looked at the red and yellow human-shaped heat signatures, green magnetic wavelengths and blueish white vibrations emitted by the truck driver, and the tank operators on either side of the truck as it headed down the highway at a safe but considerable speed. None of them were prepared for what they were about to encounter, as the giant insect used its large scaley talons to shred through the thick nanosteel like a knife through aluminum foil, peeling the top of the container open and pushing out the nanosteel folds before climbing on top of the truck with multiple legs moving completely in sync, tiny hook-like barbs clinging to surfaces in place of toes or feet as the mantis-like alien looked around, its large black spherical shrimp-like bulging eyes giving it an immediate view of its entire surroundings. This posed a pretty serious problem for national security, as the military personnel aboard the two state-of-the-art Taiyou tanks were now experiencing a real close encounter.

The insectoid creature would glance side to side, appearing to look at both tanks for a moment as the vehicles continued down the highway. It clicked its mandibles and moved its antennae, before lifting its head up to look at the city. Suddenly, what looked like four armoured wings appeared to spread out from the alien's back around what almost appeared like shoulder plates. It vibrated and fluttered its elongated wings very rapidly for a moment, causing a loud buzzing sound almost like an electric weed eater or helicopter drone. At that moment, like a tacky old school giant grasshopper from a boring 1920s horror film, the mantis-like extraterrestrial being ascended above the transport vehicles and hovered in the air above them with its long spindly legs dangling below it.

It didn't fly away or hover out of range. Rather, it hovered in place and kept the pace with them, flying in plain view as it assessed the situation. Suddenly, the radio inside the truck cab would be distorted by changing channels and frequencies. Any personal radios and telecom systems inside the tanks would experience a similar phenomenon. This was completely untimely and irrational, and without any knowledge of what they were doing, it was uncertain what was suddenly causing these disturbances. Could it be coincidence? Or was the unexplained aerial phenomenon caused by the strange mysterious lifeform hovering along with them? Was it trying to communicate? If so, how? And what was it saying? Was it even saying anything? A million questions rushed through the Taiyou military officer's minds at that instant.

What had started smoothly and uneventfully, pushed off into the back of people's brains, had now taken a three sixty. What had been pawned off by the media as a false alarm, now being ruled as a random meteor strike by the mainstream, was now about to become a press frenzy, and an absolute terror for the top secret government and the powers that be. Despite not detecting any life signals coming from the stony segmented creature, it obviously had life, and therefore the potential to have sentience and intelligence as well. This meant it might be dangerous. The soldiers had to analyze and learn everything they could immediately, and contain the threat before any news of its existence could be leaked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Kaggen Character Portrait: Varden
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0.00 INK

It seemed at first that everything was going smoothly while the strange alien anomaly was being transported to the launch facility, but that was not to last as the sound of metal ripping, groaning, and tearing reverberated throughout the convoy, drowning out the sounds of the engines, and garnering the attention of one of the tank gunners.

The man watched wide eyed as he racked the charging handle of the mounted 12.7mm heavy machine gun, an audible ‘clack-clack’ followed as a twelve millimeter armor piercing tungsten tipped projectile slid into the weapon’s chamber, attatched to a belt fed mechanism that drew it’s ammunition from a large box affixed to the side of the machinegun. The peculiar thing was that their radios weren’t working, so the men resorted to hand signals, as the gunner for the second tank swiveled his weapon to bear while the alien creature was trying to climb out of the truck.

There was a man in a truck directly in front of the transport truck who signaled for it to stop, the driver acknowledged the hand signal and depressed the brake pedal, bringing the heavy truck to an abrupt stop.

The alien creature wouldn’t have long to attain flight before the gunners opened fire, each machine gun making a rapid ‘thoom-thoom-thoom’ sound as they began to spray high powered armor piercing rounds up at the creature, there was no rationalization, only cold discipline as the abrupt escape set several protocols into place, as the sounds of gunfire filled the immediate area. The lead driver moved quickly to try and get his radio working so he could call out, whatever it was had breached the container, and was now being subjected to concentrated fire from the tank mounted machinegunners. With much of the surrounding area already evacuated ahead of time, the Military had full capabilities to move swiftly to cordon off the area, and with a bit of luck, they could get a call out to the nearby airbase, and call in close air support.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Kaggen Character Portrait: Varden
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0.00 INK

The soldiers did only as they had been trained to do. As soon as the extraterrestrial insectoid creature climbed on top of the truck, the truck started to slow down, its driver receiving a hand signal from the trucker in front of him to stop his vehicle as the mantidroid extended its four long wings and began to hover in front of the tank cannons.

Bad move...

the shots rang out, hot casings from 12.7mm rounds flying as the armour piercing tungsten-tipped cones flew towards their intended target in rapid succession, with more velocity and accuracy, as well as a more secure stabilization and handling as someone might expect from such large machines.

These were not just any tanks. These were Taiyou tanks, engineered with state-of-the-art technology. Many travellers and guides across the galaxy were already well familiar with the Taiyou military. But this wasn't some ordinary military operation. This was classified, something of extreme importance to the Taiyou powers that be.

They just didn't know it yet.

"Tick-ting-zzzuuooo!!! Zuoohm-zuoohm-tick!!! Ting-tick-tick-tick-tick-zzzzuuooo!!! Zuoohm!!! Tick-tick-tick!!!" the soldiers hit the hovering mantis at close range with 60% accuracy as it tried to dodge some of the tank rounds by moving sporadically in mid-air between them. At one point, the winged alien, which must have appeared to them like some knockoff version of the mothman creature, even appeared to get frustrated and slap one of the tank rounds out of the air, using its scissor-like curved talons or pinchers like a fly swatter to a common house fly. Much to the tank operator's dismay, they were attacking a non-carbon based lifeform as it moved closer, positioning itself between the gunners.

Their cannons had no effect...

The creature hovered in place for a moment after the tank soldiers eventually ceased fire, suddenly realizing that despite all their direct hits at close range, that the tungsten-tipped rounds would ricochet, bounce off, or miss completely. It was too much of a risk. Who knows where the missed shots would go and end up? The hovering mantis-like shrimp moved closer, positioning itself between the two tanks. It continued to hover in place, tilting its head and clicking its mandibles. The clicks were trinary, almost as if it was saying something. It seemed almost like, not a Norse code but a Morse code, only trinary and slightly more complex. Yet this was inaudible, for none of the humanoid beings could hear it. But somehow, their radios started to amplify these inaudible sounds, and the Taiyou drivers began to hear clicks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Kaggen Character Portrait: Varden
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0.00 INK

If at first you don't succeed...

"Station, this is Wyvern, We are on approach, confirm payload ETA, two minutes."

"Wyvern 0-3, this is Station, steer 040, maintain present angle."


Six Type-99 Cosmo Zeroes hailing from Misawa Air Base north of the outskirts had begun their burn towards the main highway where something strange was unfolding, fielding numerous distress calls, the central Defense office had made the decision to handle this quickly, before any further collateral damage could be inflicted.

Each Type 99 Cosmo Falcon was armed with a specialized payload, two one hundred and fifty kiloton tactical nuclear air to surface missiles, two twenty megaton antimatter warheads, two Type 87 SLAM Ground Attack missiles, and two air-to-air anti ship missiles each. They were also equipped with two 7.62mm machineguns, and two twenty millimeter cannons. Each of these Cosmo Falcons were moving in a southern direction at roughly two thousand knots.

On the ground, among the convoy, the two machinegunners indeed stopped firing after realizing that their weapons were having no effect, they stared upwards at the creature for a moment before looking back towards eachother, they were made aware of the incoming air strike, and had to act quickly, as it was going to be a danger close strike.

The Tanks engaged their treads and moved backwards on the road to put some distance between themselves, and the alien creature in front of them, moving backwards as quickly as they could while the crew inside the transport truck began to bail, running as quickly as they could across the road, and over the jersey barriers on each side. They were going quickly to cover as the two Tsunami tanks were quickly moving away as well. Perhaps seeing the uselessness of their weapons, the humans opted to run away?

The Tanks themselves had managed to put roughly a quarter of a mile before the Cosmo Falcons began their approach.

"Station, this is Wyvern, I have positive target identification on scopes, locking on."

"Wyvern, Escort is clear, you are clear to engage."


The first of six Falcons adjusted it's heading, the unusual creature zoomed in, and highlighted on his scope while he calibrated the targeting parameters. The pilot switched his master arm, and loosed a single Sidewinder type Air-to-air anti-ship missile which contained a powerful flux warhead capable of blasting through the solid metal armors of most capital ships, a powerful takedown missile, it carried enough explosive charge to vaporize a frigate sized starship with one direct hit.

"Fox one." The pilot uttered as the missile disengaged from under the wing, ignited, and seared towards the creature with precision guidance, a split second from launch to impact would give the creature almost no time to react. Of course, failing that the Taiyou knew that Armor Shrikes would soon be on station to neutralize the threat, now that the surrounding neighborhoods had been evacuated in an orderly fashion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Kaggen Character Portrait: Varden
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0.00 INK

The ticking noises continued over the Taiyou radio stations, persisting on every channel as the black glassy egg-like rock inside the shredded nanosteel box on the truck began to vaporize and disintegrate. The mantis-like extraterrestrial continued to hover in mid-air between the two armoured tanks as the gunners started to back away. The truck drivers, wanting nothing to do with the situation, began to pull forward and drive away. The creature remained motionless, clicking its mandibles while looking at the tanks. It was trying to communicate with them through their radios, but it was so alien and foreign to humans that the tank drivers didn't even realize what was happening.

Meanwhile, calls were coming in from the north. Phones were chiming left and right as police stations and news stations on Niihama began to receive calls and reports of military aircraft flying over the skies. Was something wrong? Whatever was going on, the area had been evacuated and restricted as much as possible to contain the threat. Nevertheless, hundreds of civilians gathered around in troves, wanting to get a better look or perhaps trying to figure out what was going on. News teams were on the ground just behind the barriers, cameras flashing and video recorders running as they began questioning the police. Of course, even the police themselves were confused and operating under limited authority. The roads and highways had been blocked off far away from where the threat had been located, and although the reporters broadcast live that they were at ground zero, the fact is, that wasn't entirely accurate. Ground zero is where the Falcons were headed, as they prepared to engage.

The creature had its back turned towards the Falcons, as it assessed the tanks in front of it who were backing away at considerable speed. But its large black shrimp-like bulging round eyes gave the alien a 360° view of its surroundings. It was already well aware of the aircrafts in the sky above, for the insectoid being had optics and physical senses which far exceeded anything that the Taiyou military currently possessed. It was picking up heat signatures, radio frequencies, satellite systems and electromagnetic waves all at the same time, assessing its location and calculating the situation like some kind of machine or A.I. super-brain computer. Only once the huge transport trucks and convoy tanks put enough distance between themselves and the creature did their radios stop malfunctioning and began working normally again.

By now, the self-destructing egg from which the insect had hatched had vanished completely, disintegrating into thin air. All that remained now was the creature itself, as the first of six Falcon pilots zoomed in on his target. The creature would descend straight down and land softly on the hard orange rocky dirt, retracting its four wings and standing upright on two legs bipedally. The pilot calibrated his target parameters. The creature was now on the ground and not moving. Now would be the best time to pull the trigger.

"Fox one," the pilot said as he made the call. His message came through clearly, as the Falcons were far enough out of range that their computers and radio systems worked just fine. Yet right as he hit the switch on his master arm, he thought he noticed something. In less than the fraction of a second, there seemed to be a blip. A mysterious anomaly appeared on his targeting screen, almost like a second target of equal size some fair distance away from the first target, closer to the proximity of the approaching craft. But the blip happened so quickly, and vanished in an instant as the air-to-air sidewinder missile began its descent towards the alien creature. Oddly enough, the other five pilots would immediately notice the same blip. Yet nothing seemed to happen, and the alien creature did not seem to have moved. It was still zoomed in on the flight screen.

In almost no time at all from the instant the missile was launched, it made contact. The pilot would watch as the missile appeared to hit the creature directly in the back, exploding upon impact. The warhead was detonated, and suddenly there was a large explosion followed by a soaring black, red and white cloud of smoke and debris as chunks of rock, sand and earth were blasted up from the surface of the desert-like terrain. It was enough firepower to completely vaporize an entire frigate. At that moment, the large cloud of smoke and dust was obscuring the pilot's vision, but he was almost sure it had been a direct hit. They just needed visual confirmation. That is, if the target hadn't been completely vaporized and there was any evidence left of its carcass. So far, they couldn't see anything at all but a huge crater where the alien had been standing. No dead body. Just a crater.

Was it really that simple? So much for E.T., he must have thought at that moment as a slight smirk formed in the corner of the Taiyou pilot's lips. Yet in the back of his mind, he was still trying to process what he saw. Was it a giant winged insect? No way were the boys going to believe this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Kaggen Character Portrait: Varden
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0.00 INK

A black 1969 Cadillac S60 Fleetwood Brougham 4 door sedan pulled up slowly to the road barriers. It was a classic old school vehicle, completely obsolete for the time period, or so it seemed as the black cadillac drove up to the police gates. An officer approached the vehicle with a blue LED flashlight and shined it into the vehicle, but the all zero point black tinted windows prevented any light at all from penetrating in, even a little bit.

The officer tapped on the driver side window with his flashlight, at which point he noticed something peculiar. The glass was especially thick. The windows were bulletproof, and custom made to look older than they actually were. The driver side window slid down partially, operated electronically or so it appeared, before a shadowy figure in a black fedora held out a card to the officer.

The officer didn't say anything, but reached for his radio and called it in. The voice on the other end gave him the go ahead. The officer handed the card back to the mysterious driver, who then closed the window again silently. The officer just shook his head and lifted the gate as other officers stepped in to prevent any of the civilians or news reporters from sliding through as the black cadillac drove slowly through the barrier and into the caution zone. Its state of the art 7L-V8 engine revved loudly as the black cadillac turned slowly on to the evacuated highway, passing armoured tanks and military personnel as the mysterious driver took his sweet time getting off the highway.

Eventually as the caddi got closer to the red zone, the driver noticed a few groups of Taiyou soldiers near the roadside who, despite all their tanks, weapons, armour and military equipment, appeared to be confused and slightly distressed. But this didn't seem to detour the old fedora wearing cadillac driver, as he lit up a brandless cigarette and continued driving towards the scene of the original meteor landing. Once he arrived at the large crater where the meteor had landed, the cadillac pulled off to the side of the road and stopped, cutting off its bright round headlights.

The driver side door opened, and out stepped a man dressed in all black from head to toe. He was wearing a black suit consisting of a long black tie over a white collared button up dress shirt, a black suit jacket and black slacks or dress pants, long black nylon socks, black polished leather dress shoes, black leather gloves, black boxer briefs and a black brimmed hat. He looked classy, slender, sophisticated, and completely out of place as he flicked away his half smoked cigarette and approached the military commanders and directors in charge of the mountainous region south of the Yukikaze megacity, one of the few untouched regions left on the planet, where their meteor had crash landed. He removed his fedora and bowed his head formally before introducing himself to General Hama and Director Aramaki.

"Jon Sumisu keiji, kokusai kankei jōhō kikan, chōsa bumon" he said in perfect Taiyou, holding up his identification card before sticking it back into his chest shirt pocket, removing one glove and extending his arm for a handshake. His hand was cold and surprisingly smooth, being completely devoid of fingerprints. His name was Detective John D. Smith, and he seemed very professional. But he didn't appear to be of Asiatic origin. Rather, he was clearly caucasian and somewhat tall and slender with no distinguishable markings, scars or tattoos. He was also completely bald, even lacking eyebrows and eyelashes, something which made him look a little strange at first. But he was obviously human, with all ten fingers and toes, as he approached the large football field sized crater in the middle of the desert and peered down into it, as if looking for something in particular.

But it didn't take him long to realize that whatever he was looking for, it wasn't there. Agent Smith would crouch down and place his hand on the ground, feeling the sand. It was still warm. He noticed the thick mud tracks leading away from the crash site, left behind by the armoured tanks, and the heavy transport trucks. He also noticed the presence of the military and a few stragglers from the radioactive response teams. Agent Smith was too late. The meteor he had come to inspect had already been loaded up and relocated. This was not what the Army should have done, but it was a common mistake among human beings on different planets throughout the universe, and Agent Smith was all too used to dealing with these kinds of situations. He wasn't even perplexed.

After a minute or two of inspecting the area, and realizing that his presence in the vicinity was beginning to draw attention, Agent Smith stood back up and approached the army general. With great authority, he told the general to gather up all of the soldiers and response team workers who had been down in the crater and to have them quarantined immediately before they returned to base. Nobody was allowed to leave the area. It was a matter of extreme importance and national security, for all of them, including the mech-suit workers, had likely just experienced a close encounter of the 3rd kind, and had possibly exposed themselves to more than just a little radiation from a crashing meteor. Both the army, and the response teams had to be protected now, even from themselves it seemed, as Agent Smith asked Director Aramaki where the meteor had been relocated to. It seemed like the detective might pull out some flashy memory-swiping device at any second. But that didn't happen.

Instead, the mysterious detective put his glove back on and lit another cigarette, walking back over to his vehicle. He didn't seem angry, excited, nervous, anxious, frightened or in a rush to go anywhere. Smith was immensely calm, as if he'd been working for The Agency in secret for quite some time. He opened the trunk of his 1969 Cadillac and grabbed a black combolock briefcase before shutting the trunk again. He set the black briefcase on the back of the trunk and stood in front of it, looking back over at the director and the general before opening it. He pulled out a syringe containing some mysterious bright blue liquid, and held it up to the light, examining it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Einar Falls Character Portrait: Kurt Bannon Character Portrait: Linde Redwing Character Portrait: Kaggen Character Portrait: Haruko Makibi
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0.00 INK

The Cosmo Falcons banked around hard to port, swinging around wide to verify that the target had indeed been eliminated, sweeping around the lead pilot took one look on the smoldering crater where the armored truck once had been, there had been nothing but molten slag, and debris strewn about the highway.

"Station, this is Wyvern, splash one, target neutralized, we're RTB." He reported into the radio, kicking on the afterburners, and leading the other five Cosmo Falcons back in a northerly direction, with the airstrike successful, they had no further reason to be in the area.

Aramaki, and General Hama were both standing over a display table inside a makeshift command tent, where various officials were moving among their stations, when Smith approached, Aramaki had been talking.

" long as we can keep it out of the urban areas..." He abruptly paused to turn to Smith, with Hama not saying another word as the strange man addressed them as some kind of detective.

Hama offered a shrug, and Aramaki stayed mostly quiet as he watched keenly what the man was doing. He had never heard of this Global agency he had mentioned, and he didn't recall it being any part of any government agency he had been familiar with.

"I'm Director Aramaki, Section Nine, and this is General Hama, from the Self Defense Army." The Director said, introducing the man. "On whose authority are you here? Who let you in here?" He asked quizzically, while the General gave him a strange look as he tried to order him, and his men around, though they all stood there and gave Smith a strange look, while looking over to General Hama for any sort of guidance. After a couple moments, an unusual looking blonde with strange, piercing blue eyes moved through the cordon, though unlike with Smith, the soldiers recognized her uniform, and immediately moved to let her in.

"Director, General." She said in perfect Taiyou, though she did not have Asiatic features, either.

"Detective." Aramaki replied, before he turned over to watch Smith closely as he played with some kind of syringe.

"I'll handle it." The woman replied. "We need to get a cordon set up around here, the Marshal will want to speak with you as well, GXP Intel points to a potential extragalactic threat, I'm sure CIS, and the ISSP will want to be briefed as well." She added, before she looked over towards the Detective Smith.

"You, who did you say you worked for again?" She asked, this time in Galactic Common.