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Sakura Takayama

0 · 585 views · located in Taiyou Imperial Palace

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Ruanzilla


Massive Empire stretching tens of thousands of planets nestled within the nearby Andromeda Galaxy


ImageName: Sakurako Takayama
Age: 28
Species: Human
Race: Taiyou
Place of Birth: Niihama City, Niihama
Current Residence: Niihama city, Niihama
Nationality: Taiyou
Language(s): Taiyou, English, Gemonese (not fluent)
Family (siblings):
ImagePrincess Yukiko (sister)
ImagePrince Shimizu (brother)
ImagePrincess Aeka (sister)
Family (other):
ImageEmperor Nobuo Takayama (father)
ImageKeiko Takayama (mother)

So begins...

Sakura Takayama's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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Kayabuki didn't take the woman's hand, but she did offer a small bow to the SEC representative.

"I'm glad you could join us, unfortunately the Emperor is ill and the Prince is unavailable at the moment, so any questions can be directed to me as if I were the Emperor." Kayabuki explained.

"Come, this way, we have much to discuss." The Prime Minister added.

The Primce, rather than actually being busy was situated in the Palace gardens, overlooking the city. Sitting in front of him on a small pedestal was the sapling of the first Taiyou royal tree.

"In time, Funaho." He said, hands clasped behind his back.

"In time..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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#, as written by Zarhara
Holiday was a bit taken a back by the handshake rejection but she let it go. She followed the Prime Minister as did the small group with her. "Yes, Well I believe there is much to be taken care of. The allegations against Mr. Sullen have been hard on our people, I hope today we can reach an agreement that would be suitable for both of us. " Holiday said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama
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#, as written by Tiko
Sakura swept through the gardens in search of Shimizu. One could almost see the irritation in her quickened steps that still managed to maintain a sense of dignified poise to them. Haughty was a word that described Sakura quite well, and even when angry she still managed to maintain that.

"Shimizu!" she snapped irritably as she found him in quiet contemplation. "Do you have any idea what's going on around here?" she demanded. "Even Yukiko is getting suspicious with all of these unexplained trips and gallivanting gods only know where! What are you up to now?"

It was a thin line to walk, taking such a tone with Shimizu, but Sakura's penchant for covering up for her younger brother over the years left her over-stepping herself perhaps a bit. She may be the older of the pair, but he was still the male and thus the heir to the Empire.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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The Prince was quietly contemplating the small sapling in front of him. The nature of the small tree was obvious, but it left the prince contemplating none the less.

"Yukiko won't be nosing around much longer." He said, not starting or flinching, simply keeping his eyes out onto the horizon. "The Senior staff don't take me seriously, no one takes me seriously but that will soon change." The Prince said, slowly turning to face Sakura.

"Do you know what this is?" he asked, gesturing to the sapling.

Kayabuki lead Holiday through the inner halls of the Imperial Palace, hands clasped firmly around a file folder until the group was lead into a large conference room.

"Please be seated." The Prime Minister said, as she too took a seat for herself at the edge of the table.

"Mr. Sullen will likely be executed, the Emperor personally has ordered his execution, so my hands are tied in that regard."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama
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#, as written by Tiko
"And what is that supposed to mean?" she demanded.

She looked to the sapling as he gestured.

"It's a tree," she said, somewhat annoyed at his change of the subject. "And how do you expect them to take you serious? Father is dying, and you're off to Terra every other week."

Though Sakura was well familiar with Shimizu's sadistic tendencies, it had yet to occur to her that he might be in any way responsible or involved in the ailing health of their father.

"What's so important about those people anyways."

First he had brought that avorian woman here, and then he was off on matters with Losenji. He was up to something, she was sure of it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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Shimizu turned back to the sapling, and then to Sakura.

"it's a 'Royal Tree', something Dr. Miyagi concocted with the Matokeyans." He said, picking up the small potted plant. "By binding ourselves to this particular tree, we can ascend to the next level of our existence, and become unrivaled in the universe." Shimizu explained.

"Terra will be the crowning achievement in our foothold of the Milky Way, so falls Terra as does the rest of the Galaxy." He said, turning once more to approach Sakura.

"You lack vision, Sister."

As Sullen made his outburst, Kayabuki only nodded. "As unpleasant as it might seem, Mr. Sullen has committed crimes against peace. His actions have no bearing on our relationship as entities, and your assets will be unfrozen as soon as his sentence is passed."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoko Kayabuki Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Lindsey Holiday
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#, as written by Zarhara
"Then I believe all of that is settled, I'm sorry Luke but this is for the good of the nation." Holiday said with a cold look. Then she turned back to Kayabuki, "Now that this is settled and in light of recent events with the Cybrans I wish to speak with you privately about a recent series of events." Holiday said to the woman. Holiday knew she could leave what she wanted to say out but she felt that possibly the Taiyou Prime Minister could be of some political assistance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama
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Some time Later...

As the sun slowly began to rise over Niihama City, Emperor Takayama once again took his throne, deep within the secure confines of the Imperial Palace of the Taiyou Empire.

He opened up his agenda, and turned the page. An Ambassador from a nation that called itself Asylia had paid them a visit, and apparently something called the Kroniktan Alliance laid claim over Gaia. Shimizu frowned, and furrowed his brow as he studied the information in front of him.

"So the Savages committed mass suicide, they have no honor, and they died like cowards." The Emperor said to himself.

"It's not enough that they committed suicide... we should burn all evidence of their civilization, and erase them from the tides of history." Shimizu said to himself once more.

"No Yukiko, I will not yield to these Kroniktans, they deny us rightful vengeance. Send them a diplomatic invitation. I wish to hear their claims, and challenge them!" The Emperor instructed, before he turned to one of his adjutants.

"Find Mr. Dorsun if he's still here, and send him to me."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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Seated in his throne room, Shimizu began going over several documents. He had been recovered from the brutal attack he had suffered, and he was eager to get back to ruling his Empire. Placed in front of him was a tray with hot, jasmine green tea, and a few small, shallow cups with which to enjoy the tea. Shimizu took a sip of the tea thoughtfully, as he awaited for his adjutant to fetch Dorsun.


William Dorsun and his guardian were kept in a special wing of the Imperial Palace where diplomats were permitted to stay, that way they could have quick access to the diplomatic staff, and the Emperor to discuss any vital diplomatic details. The room was luxurious, with hardwood floors, traditional Taiyou artwork, and an assortment of newspapers, magazines, and a television if they chose to partake in the study of Taiyou culture.

There were three knocks at the door, a young Adjutant standing outside, when someone came to answer the door the adjutant would offer a deep, polite bow.

"Sumimasen." He said aloud. "The Emperor will see you now."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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William returned the bow and stood, leaving his guardian to follow behind. As was expected, William had not eaten his breakfast, and the Guardian had cleaned both plates of the small meals. The portable restaurant was packed away and left behind in the room, and the two of them left to meet with the emperor.

"So... this mean they decided to listen to us?" The Guardian whispered to Dorsun as they walked.

"Not easy to say. Let's not speculate until we know for certain." He replied.

"heh, you always say that. Never act until you've gone over everything at least five times, and even then only the smallest of corrections." Was the Guardian's response.

The two followed the Adjutant to the emperor.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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0.00 INK

The Adjutant lead them through several corridors to the main Imperial throne room. The room itself was grand, with stained hardwood flooring, which gave way to a recessed area that was paved with Tatami mats, and a small table with cushions situated around it.

There was a long red carpet that was flanked by two statues that looked like cobras, their eyes were open, and their fangs were bared, it was a new addition that had been requested by the Emperor to complement his tastes. Each cobra had green gems for eyes, that seemed to shimmer in the soft orange light.

Shimizu himself was wearing his formal kimono, which consisted of a black fabric that bore subdued designs much like the statues in the throne room, subdued matte patterns of cobras with their fangs bared. This was so Shimizu would send a specific message without outright sending it. He remained seated, with two young women on either side of him, his two sisters, Princess Yukiko, and Princess Sakura, both in their formal Kimono attire, Yukiko chose a light floral pattern, with stylized cranes, and flowers adorning the garment, with a contrasting gold Obi, while Sakura wore a red Kimono, with the yellow chrysanthemum emblem emblazoned on the fabric.

Standing directly behind Shimizu, behind his throne were two men wearing formal attire, carrying ornate wooden rods that seemed to pulse, and shimmer with strange cosmic energy, they were rods crafted from the wood of the Royal Tree Tenju, and crystallized with it's sap, both were artifacts of great power.

Tucked in Shimizu'z Obi was a similar looking wooden sword hilt, Tenchi Ken, and it too seemed to pulse, and radiate with immense hyper-dimensional power that was unique in the universe.

Shimizu quietly watched as the Adjutant escorted William and his Guardian closer to the throne room, past the serpentine statues that seemed to watch as they passed by, or was it just the way the light reflected in the gemstone eyes.

Shimizu kept his hands folded in his lap, seated on an ornately carved wooden throne, as the Adjutant bowed deeply.

"Tennoheika." He said, before turning to leave.

Shimizu slowly brought his eyes up to William, whispering to one of the guardians behind him.

"Ambassador Dorsun, welcome to Niihama. I apologize for the delay in meeting with you, but I was otherwise preoccupied." The Emperor said, snapping his fingers, two young maidens approached, setting plush pillow in front of both William, and his Guardian.

"Please." Shimizu said, gesturing to the cushions.

"I understand you wish for the Taiyou Empire to refrain from assisting our august allies, the Aschen Empire." Shimizu said aloud. "You have shared much with my mother, and the Aschen have shared some intelligence that I find quite disturbing. The Aschen are a peaceful people, and yet, your government finds it necessary to cross swords." The Emperor added.

"It is reasonable to say then; that is why you are here."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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0.00 INK

William took his seat upon the cushion, the guardian however stood.

William took a moment, and a slight bow to the emperor, to explain. "I apologise for any appearance of disrespect to you on my Guardians behalf, but the Guardians hold to a strict set of rules that cannot be broken, less they forfeit their very souls. As such, he shall not take rest until this meeting of ours is adjourned."

Continuing, William addressed the emperors words indirectly. "The Aschen may indeed be a peaceful people, and outwardly so all signs say such, but their history paints a very different picture. And it is that history that concerns the leaders of my people, the Knadan specifically. For among our kind there stands a logic that has held true for generations immemorial, that evil must be destroyed utterly, lest it be allowed to grow again from the roots."

"The Kingdom of Asylia holds that the Aschen, though now peaceful, engaged in acts of war across the universe, and likewise enacted depraved stratagems of cruelty and abuse. By the Knadan of Orta, such an evil must be wholly vanquished in entirety, lest it return to power."

"His majesty the King has given leave to the Knadan to enact this campaign, and as such it will not be contested, nor will any other stand in his way. But you yourself, and your people, are of a noble heritage. The Knadan shall suffer no allies of the Aschen to impede his crusade, and any who set themselves in his path shall be destroyed utterly."

"I Mean this not as a threat, but as a dire warning, though your people are strong, the Knadan is beyond you, the forces he holds are beyond you, and if you engage him, you shall be swept away as weeds on the path of a mighty storm."

"But this does not need to be your fate. His Majesty the King is benevolent and kind, and would welcome your people as allies, if you find it fitting to leave the Aschen to their fate, and join yours with Asylia. I know such an action may be seen as dishonorable, but in history many terrible sins have been committed by those who could have been stopped, if their advisors and allies had just been willing to stand for justice. Asylia does not ask that you betray the Aschen, nor that you risk your own forces in a conflict not of your making. We ask only that you refrain from taking part of this war."

The Guardian stood silently during this, his body as still that it might be a statue all it's own, the armor gleaming and glowing softly in the shallow darkness of this place.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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0.00 INK

Shimizu quietly listened to William as he tried to justify the actions of the Knadan, and the actions of his people, he listened to them intently, committing every word to memory, every motion, every syllable. His keen eyes watched the guardian, in his statuesque stillness, and they watched his surroundings.

Shimizu didn’t seem to react, he merely listened, and contemplated his response.

It was the perfect poker face, the only giveaway was his eyes, they watched William like a predator waiting for his moment to strike.

Shimizu parted his lips to speak, his voice sharp, his words clear as they echoed through the halls of the Imperial Palace.

“Your Knadan is as ignorant, as he is foolish.” Shimizu commented, shifting his weight to lean slightly to the left, his slender fingertips wrapping around a cup of hot tea. You might be able to destroy the Aschen state, topple their institutions, overthrow their government, cleanse their worlds. Such things are certainly feasible to someone so powerful. But if your Knadan wishes to utterly destroy the Aschen, then we are already enemies, and your visit here is a fool’s errand. Mr. Dorsun.”

Shimizu took a sip, there was something odd about the way he sat there, a strange lack of substance, an ethereal state of his physical presence, subtle artifacts in his appearance. A keen eye would note that Shimizu wasn't actually there, but was broadcasting from aboard the Soja some sort of lifelike, three-dimensional holographic projection. He had refused to leave the relative safe confines of the Soja since the Vikings attacked him, and his guardians.

“We are treaty bound to protect the Aschen, we are treaty bound to ensure their continued prosperity. Your wars of aggression will be met with the full fighting force of every space-faring civilization in two galaxies." Shimizu said, his tone cold.

"United, we will face you, and we will prevail." Shimizu said, his tone resolute, unwavering. "You'll have to kills us all, and any notion of justice will evaporate, as more, and more civilizations rise up to challenge your unrepentant aggression."

Shimizu leaned back into the throne, which flickered subtly.

"Your king will live long enough, just to see himself become the villain."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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  1. This and the previous posts are being rewritten

    by Fishbucket

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To this William nodded and said. "You were correct in your regard of the Knadan, he is and has behaved foolishly. His nature is that of a reckless warlord who believes his might to be inconquerable."

"However, that is where the extent of things ends." William added, raising a finger to punctuate his statement. "As is a requirement of diplomats, regardless of their origin, I have taken the liberty of studying and coming to understand your culture and governmental structure."

"In any other circumstance, I would never have come here, because you are very much right. My presence is a fools errand, to convince one noble and just kingdom to turn on it's allies, to abandon all notions of honor and integrity." William issued his statements with a clean, crisp voice brooking no interruption. "However, Your nation and my own are very similar. Your kingdom spans across a great deal of territory, and in order to maintain control of that territory, you have a system of lesser rulers designated to maintain your order. This is a similar state of affairs to Asylia, for the Knadan are a group of five individuals, each of which commanding the unyielding might of Asylia's military. However, the Knadan themselves answer to the King."

"The Knadan of Orta is the one in command of this campaign against the Aschen, and his force is the largest. With your permission, I would share with you the full scope and strength of the forces he commands. I would do this freely, so that you would understand two things. The first being the full breadth of what is arrayed against the Aschen, and the second my own honor and desire to prevent the destruction of your own people."

"You say that my king would find himself the villain, but what you fail to understand is that my king would find no qualms with this. The whole of the universe could come crashing down, but he is the mountain. No matter how the wind howls, it will never bring him down."

With this said, William snapped his fingers, and his Guardian stepped forward and placed a small silver disc upon the floor directly before William, before returning to his position.

William paused a moment, then continued "This device is known as a Dream Mirror among our people, it is designed to allow one to see places beyond ones own reckoning. With this, I would show you our forces as they come. Will you permit it?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Luke Sullen Character Portrait: William Dorsun Character Portrait: Sakura Takayama Character Portrait: Tom Riddle Quinn
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William would wait only a moment for the emperor to give his permission, before proceeding to activate the device. Shortly after, a display would form over the mirror, expanding outward to give a view of a galaxy, with all its myriad lights and stars.

And here, William grew very grim, he slowly expanded the image of the supposed galaxy, zooming in closer and closer to an individual light, getting closer and closer until finally, the image rendered an object. A small crystalline vessel, surrounded by the flowing lines and symbols indicative of sigil craft and driven by a number of relatively small flames, projected from arcane circles erected around the vertices of the crystalline structure.

William then began to zoom out again, until once more the image appeared that of a galaxy equal in size to that of this one. William was silent during this entire display, but the implication was all over his face. Only after he had returned to the original image encompassing the whole of the invasion force, did he speak. "As I stated previously, your majesty, Knadan Orta may seem foolish to you, but when one possesses power equal to this, one may be afforded such an image."

"And I am afraid that this is not the extent of his force, but merely a preliminary assault force. Ortaen doctrine follows a very cautious pattern, that leaves many of it's soldiers alive far longer than they might have any right to. First they will introduce an probing team consisting of a handful of strike carriers, whose purpose is only to gauge reactions and adaptation. Then, a preliminary invasion force is sent to judge the ability of an enemy to withstand all out assault."

William then expanded the image out yet further, revealing a curious, galactic cloud behind the original, as if several hundred galaxies were overlapping and conjoining with each other. "...It is not inaccurate to say, your majesty, that to fight Asylia is to make enemies of all the stars in the sky."