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Xaiani Rosao

Magic User

0 · 393 views · located in Eterna

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lostamongtrees


An ancient order of scholars, sorcerers and warriors who protect the World Spirit of Eterna.

So begins...

Xaiani Rosao's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Dario Moterano Character Portrait: Tony Spark Character Portrait: Xaiani Rosao Character Portrait: Ulao Asaali Character Portrait: Poegaoa Voon
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0.00 INK

Eterna - High Orbit

Space and time bent, and buckled with the arrival of the massive Reverence II Class planetary assault carrier. One digit was all it took for this massive, state of the art warship to reach this strange, undiscovered alien world.

With a brief but brilliant flash that skimmed from bow to stern, the Esteem winked into high orbit. There was no sign of the rest of the strike group, this vessel was alone, orbiting a strange alien world, and centered above what was the dark side of the planet, far enough to have the sun hit the underbelly of the carrier, to those below this massive vessel would take up a fair amount of space in the night sky, and the sunlight reflecting off it's armored hull cast the light that was brighter than that of a full moon.


"Sitrep." Hanley demanded as she set her coffee down in frustration, several alarms blaring as the AI Spoke. "No sign of the Strike Group, and our stellar charts do not match with the star patterns, this world is not in Imperial charts either." The AI reported, while Colonel Warren brought up several transparent star charts and laid them over the CIC backlit command table.

"No clue where we're at." He admitted, as Hanley growled.

"All hands set condition two, heightened alert status. If we have inbound I want to know about it." Hanley ordered, and the brightly lit CIC Shifted to an amber color, with an alarm blaring throughout the ship, readying the crew for possible hostilities.

The Admiral then manipulated a large hologram of the planet, with most of it shaded black to denote undiscovered and surveyed areas.

"Get a recon wing of Apollo fighters for a quick survey planetside, and gods damnit get Astrometrics to figure out where the frak we're at!" Hanley barked, her voice carrying over the confusion of her CIC.

The setting changes from Eterna to Dragon's Heart Plaza

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Character Portrait: Xaiani Rosao
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0.00 INK

There was a subtle burning on her chest and she knew.

Xaiani had been shopping, sort of. She was looking for nothing in particular. Strolling the open air market was something Xaiani did regularly to read the tone of the Kingdom. Today things were a little off kilter. People were a bit more tense, and there were little to no rell out and about. The burning crystal gave her a clue as to why.

There was only one thing to be done when that happened. Giving a courteous farewell to the owner of the stall she had been browsing, Xaiani took off towards port. From there she would secure a water pod, one was always reserved for her likes, and make off towards the towering structure on the edge of the nations.

The setting changes from Dragon's Heart Plaza to Eterna


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Dario Moterano Character Portrait: Tony Spark Character Portrait: Xaiani Rosao Character Portrait: Ulao Asaali
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0.00 INK

From high up in the building of the Greater Eternan Tripartate, a council met. The structure itself was impressive. Generally isolated from cities, the building perched where all three civilizations of Eterna kissed. Half of it fell off a cliff, a waterfall surrounding a plasma tube which lead from the sea to the top of the structure. It was taller than it was wide, hosting on top an orb that was the best of both worlds.

"I've never seen anything like it," The rell ambassador Ulao Asaali was speaking truth. A ship of that magnitude, of that shape, casting that glow. There were many things Eterna had seen, including some more tragic affairs such as high orbit pirate raids, but this was not one of them. The other representatives and ambassadors present murmured agreement.

"So what do we do? Do we contact it, do we wait for it to contact us, what? I mean..." Tony Spark of Cathos wasn't exactly excited, and he was at a loss of what to do. It had been primarily his citizenry from the south, not those from the Atellan Kingdom of the north, who had been effected by the pirate raid years ago. It had left them unsettled. Most had healed, but this wasn't going to help anything.

"I say we wait, until first light," Suggested Dario, Moterano, a representative from the Atellan Kingdoms. He was usually the person they dispatched to here on emergency account. Reasonable, someone who preferred to wait, watch, and then act. He had a tendency to take his time. It was that which annoyed Tony Spark, who let out a huff of air.

They stood around a three dimensional plasma replica of the planet Eterna, showing live updates thanks to the magic of the planet. Two massive, precisely cut crystals above and below, linked with the planet's magic itself, made this possible. It was a piece of equipment not used in most situations, and took a lot of energy to fire up. Over by the control panel, a dark haired woman adorned with crystals watched the three, and listened.

"Oh, oh. No no no, look," Tony pointed to three smaller vessels entering their atmosphere, putting a hand to his mouth. What was that? The three ships did as they did, and it set everyone in the room on edge.

"Would waiting be wise?" Ulao commented, considering their options. There weren't many.

"Would that not be an attempt at contact?" Dario responded, sounding unsure, and rarely enough nervous. Tony shot him a look of surprise, but kept his comments to himself.

"We should wait," Piped up the dark haired woman at the control board. The three turned to look at her, with full attention. She had her eyes fixed on the plasma replica of Eterna. Adding a crystal to the panel, the mini-planet zoomed in on one of the ships within the atmosphere, "I've never seen that before, and so long as it's not provoking volatile activity or raising citizen concern, we should do nothing, and that is my opinion," Xaiani said with a slight bow. Though she had no actual political power, the group she represented here was arguable the most influential of all.

"So, what? What do we do?" Tony was growing impatient, wondering what he was going to tell his citizenry if anything were to go wrong. Surely someone had noticed the ships, surely someone was going to say something, and surely he would be going home to a panic.

"We wait," Dario agreed, very much so less concerned with the potential dire-ness of the situation. He trusted in Xaiani, perhaps more than he should.

"We watch," Commented Ulao, for that was exactly what they would be doing until the next move would be made. All four nodded, and continued to do just that, as Xaiani moved crystals and manipulated the plasma map to show different views.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Dario Moterano Character Portrait: Tony Spark Character Portrait: Xaiani Rosao Character Portrait: Ulao Asaali
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0.00 INK

Hanley waited aboard the CIC, as the black on her holographic display gave way to landmasses, cities, and water as the trio of Apollo fighters began to snap photographs and map the planetary landmass. Everything that wasn't on the Reverence II's scanners were being filled in.

Hanley silently turned to her AI, the flickering female projection standing silently overseeing the planetary hologram before them.

"Initiating surface scans." The AI reported. "Indigenous population detected, threat probability is low, recommend cataloging for future Imperial missions."

Hanley nodded slightly.

"Acknowledged, compile a report so I can read it later, for now, keep communication channels open and see if they contact us." Hanley said, bringing her attention to the status of the FTL Drives.

"Looks like the FTL Will be spooled up soon." She said, checking her watch. "We'll jump when the recon picket returns."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Dario Moterano Character Portrait: Tony Spark Character Portrait: Xaiani Rosao Character Portrait: Ulao Asaali
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0.00 INK

"Yeah, no, I really don't like this," Tony Spark had taken to biting his nails, a habit the rest found trying to hear. In the politicals his sometimes overly human ways had won him the hearts of his people. When it came to actually handling situations he had a tendency to hinder himself. Thinking before speaking wasn't exactly a virtue of his. Dario Moterano rolled his eyes and hoped nobody noticed. A silence stretched between the four, and Xaiani continued to manipulate their view. The entire plasma representation rippled, rapidly reforming to show a jet of some variety zooming over the sea, near a coastline, and above a bunch of mobile water pod boats. It seemed to be going too fast for the average anyone to notice with the naked eye.

"Will this disrupt your populous?" The melodically mechanical voice transmitter of the rell ambassador Ulao Asaali broke the silence. He knew his kind would pick up on that, if any were paying attention. All it took was one to notice anything with the rell. Thanks to telepathy, there were no lies. There were also no secrets, which proved complicated sometimes. Not often.

"Probably? Maybe? Augh, you know what..." Trailing off, Tony Spark resumed biting his nails.

"I doubt there will be a panic," Dario Moterano's voice was smoother than his thoughts. There wasn't much that couldn't be explained and excused away, and space ships from another planet just so happened to be one of those things. He was simply glad the ship was out of view of his kingdom.

Instead it was parked over Cathos. Space trouble always seemed to happen for Cathos.

"Hah!" A nervous laugh from Tony Spark, "You didn't have your people shook by pirate raids, and that's a collaborative project between yours and mine and ours. We're sending crystals off to some other planet for study, and what have we gleamed? Chaos, that's what-"

"Fear should not guide your future," Ulao Asaali interrupted Tony, provoking a sigh from Dario. The rell were very different from the humans.

"And what would you do if they came down to here and, and, and killed everyone! What would you do, hm? Hide under the sea?" Tony Spark's words rang through the room. It was uncomfortable, the quiet that came after such an accusation.

Xaiani watched the three representatives. They avoided each others eyes, staring at the plasma Eterna between them. Dario looked the most uncomfortable, not wanting to take a side but secretly sharing the same concern. Tony was clearly distraught, unnecessarily so in her opinion.

Ulao was remarkably silent and still. Had the rell not helped the humans, time and time again? Had they not aided drastically in the building of their civilizations, offered technology the humans may have never discovered without their jellicient cohabitants of Eterna? Were there not habitable places for the humans under the sea? Had the two species not fully embraced their coexistence?

"We do what's right for Eterna," Ulao said, "As always."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Dario Moterano Character Portrait: Tony Spark Character Portrait: Xaiani Rosao Character Portrait: Ulao Asaali
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0.00 INK

"Should we make contact?" The XO asked, his inquisitive eyes falling on Admiral Hanley, who quietly shook her head. "No, not yet. None of us are either qualified or prepared to make contact with another indigenous civilization, especially one as underdeveloped as this one."

Hanley's fingers moved across a holographic display, typing in Anquietas characters as she established a connection with the larger Aschen datalink.

As she focused on the readout, the AI Chimed in.

"Admiral, I've calculated our position, and mapped current stellar patterns. Point of Origin has been configured, additionally, I have entered coordinates to the Tal'dor System, where we may resume our patrols." The AI reported. Hanley nodded, and pulled up a larger readout of the trio of Apollo fighters.

They had completed their circumnavigation of the planet, and were returning back to the ship.

"Apollo ETA is one millicenton, FTL Will be charged in one point five Millicentons. I have not detected any surface weapon launches, or communications aimed at our direction. I will continue to monitor indigenous communications."

The CIC Crew of the Esteem were hard at work, configuring the ship's FTL jump, and monitoring it's endless monitoring systems. In addition, any ground communications, from television broadcasts to cell phone communications were being listened into by an advanced sensor suite.

"No doubt they know we're up here, if our surface scans are correct... why haven't they made contact?" Eclaire wondered silently to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Dario Moterano Character Portrait: Tony Spark Character Portrait: Xaiani Rosao Character Portrait: Ulao Asaali
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0.00 INK

"So why don't we just, I dunno, try talking to them?" Tony Spark stopped abruptly in his pacing to propose. He had thought not so long but very hard on their current circumstance. There was a ship in the sky. There were ships in their atmosphere. They were silent, staring in the face of who might be their demise. Or, maybe not. Maybe the beings in the sky, who popped by so unfashionably abrupt, meant something less than malicious.

When the next pulse of readings came from Eterna, Xaiani slid a crystal across her panel. There. They now had a full read of the less than familiar craft hovering high above their atmosphere. It took a minute for anything off planet, but Eterna's natural magic was able to reach and read things even farther than high orbit. The four stared at the ship in a mix of horror and wonder.

"Have you considered," Dario Moterano said slowly and with notable exhaustion, "That they can't be talked to? Look at that thing. Sure, we can contact them, but what happens next? Tea?"

Tony Spark shrugged, fixated on the plasma model before them. Tea would be a reasonable outcome, regardless of how improbable at this juncture. They didn't even know if whatever was aboard that thing was human. Did species matter, though, considering the rell?

Ulao, their resident rell, sat silent and still in malcontent. The humans argued enough as it was. They were lucky to have peace between the two nations of land dwellers on this planet, unlike some reports that came back with their science shuttles of unrest between the humans.

"I think tea with the strange alien ship currently zooming all around our everywhere would be great!" His voice dripping with sarcasm, Tony Spark shot back at Dario Moterano- but part of him meant it. Part of him really, truly wanted to contact that great thing in the sky. Part of him wanted to question them, talk to them, see what they had to offer. Dario was looking at Tony Spark as if he were the biggest fool on all Eterna, sea and land combined. Xaiani simply stared forward at the plasma model of the ship rotating slowly before them.

"You'll lead us all to ruin," Dario Moterano responded simply to Tony Spark, as if it were a definite thing. Nobody argued the point, but nobody combated it either. Before the four, the plasma ship glowed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Dario Moterano Character Portrait: Tony Spark Character Portrait: Xaiani Rosao Character Portrait: Ulao Asaali
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0.00 INK

Ten minutes had gone by without a response from the planet below. Hanley's eyes remained on the flickering displays and the representation of the holographic woman.

FTL Coordinates had been locked into place, and the three Apollo fighters that had managed to circumnavigate the globe had docked within the hangar bay.

"Reports are coming in, Data packages are uploading." The AI reported, as Hanley offered a nod and a slight shrug. "I'll relay the location of this world to my superiors, and they can determine if this world is suitable to be conquered, or to be contacted peacefully." She said, before she turned towards her Executive officer.

"Lock coordinates in, prepare for jump on my mark." She ordered, and the coordinates were entered into the main navigational computer.

This resulted in a tremendous buildup of power within the vessel, as it's gargantuan FTL Drive system began to spool up, a spatial bubble briefly formed around the massive vessel.

"Jump!" Hanley ordered. And then braced herself for the jump.

There was a brilliant flash of light that formed at the bow of the vessel, and in milliseconds, the light skimmed to the stern, the entire thing flashed brilliantly, and then disappeared; leaving nothing in it's wake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Éclaire Hanley Character Portrait: Dario Moterano Character Portrait: Tony Spark Character Portrait: Xaiani Rosao Character Portrait: Ulao Asaali
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0.00 INK

"Can we watch that again, slower?" Ulao Asaali asked Xaiani Rosao. She gave him a slight smile, maneuvering the crystals to rewind the ship's departure and play it much slower than jump speed. The three ambassadors watched intently, each having a different reaction to the ship's jump.

"Wow," Tony Spark was very impressed with the technology. Part of him yearned for it, the part which didn't fear it.

"Oh," Dario Moterano was concerned with why it left, and whether or not it would be back. He hoped not.

"I see," Ulao took in the information and regarded it as just that: information. He would relay it to the appropriate channels within the Rell empire to be dealt with appropriately.

Xaiani reached up to the mass of crystals hanging around her neck, pulling one to her mouth and breathing into it. The crystal changed from a vibrant red to a deep blue. Across all of Eterna, others in the order would notice the change in their linked crystals. The threat was gone, but there was much to be discussed. The future of Eterna depended on it.

For a few more hours, Xaiani played over various capturings for the ambassadors. Tony Spark was especially interested in the technology and the main ship. It was huge and beautiful to him. Dario Moterano seemed to take most note of the patterns of the smaller ships which scanned their surface. He seemed displeased when they zoomed over the Atellan Kingdom. Ulao took in the data, preparing a presentation to his political peers deep under the sea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: Snowbund Character Portrait: Cynthiana of House Kuat Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Tony Spark Character Portrait: Xaiani Rosao
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Awinita
A ship fell out of hyperspace, they had fled another planet before just jumping, blindly at that, into hyperspace, Snowbund knew the desire to get as far as possible from Terra, Wing City, hell the whole of that area to begin with was a powderkeg r eady to go off. And it did not help much if at all that Cynthiana, her friend and fellow Jedi Master, carried something truly evil within her gear.

Dropping so suddenly from hyperspace however jerked them all out of calm relaxing. Slamming into the forward controls Snowbund jerked the Focused Fury Crystal to a dead stop in space, drifting there dead in space, the emergency lights flickered on inside the vessel. This was going to get rough for sure. Slapping her clawed hand on the intercomm Snowbund called to Cynthiana who was caring for Kinara in the medical bay "Status ?"

In the medbay was a absolute mess from hell. "Oy! Call your stops next time Snowball!" Clearly Cynthiana wasn't happy getting jerked across the ship so much, she had to literally tie dow her gear to keep the holocron from getting loose and worse. She sat up and pulled herself to her feet next ot the bed where oddly Kinara still slept, thankfully the younger girl was simply tired. Cynthiana envied her for sleeping, at least she never saw her use Force Lightning... yet. "What's going on Snow ? Where are we ?" She felt at the edges of her mind someone searching for her. Someone..... different.

"No idea. We dropped out of hyperspace into a unknown region. Trying to get backup power going but nothing is working, sensors picking up a planet though. See if you can activate the main systems down there, a coupleling may have come loose again." Snowbund had been modifiing her CR90 extensively inside and out. "Should have a support control network somewhere. Check the maintien corridor, goes off the medbay" Snowbund turned off the intercomm and started trying to get her ship started back up again

What had dropped them from hyperspace ?

Cynthiana did as requested, after making sure that Kinara was safe in the bed inside the medbay she went to the side panel and accessed the maintenence corridor. Moving to some wires she activated her commlink. "Looks like a fuse burned out. Hyperdrive reading says its ready for jump, but we're in a grav well of some kind. Can you scan for cloaking networks ?"

"Negative, I reached out with the Foce upon drop, nothing is out here that I can see or feel" Snowbund said.

Cynthiana shivered as she felt that presence again. Ah Sithshit. Someone had forced them out of hyperspace into this unknown region, and she could feel someone reaching out trying to find her, someone she felt oddly scared of. Those droids maybe ? Nah she bested them. She had no real combat forms with her staffsaber, she just fought for survival really. No exact forms or styles, just fight it out and walk away alive. "Snowbund, where are we exactly ? What do you see ?" Cynthiana asked on her commlink

Snowbund stared at the planet. "We're in a system, but nothing is coming up on sensors and the galaxy map is out of shit again." A loud WHACK was heard "Ok, we're back in business, Galaxy map is updating.... OK..... where are we ?.... wait... Ah Sithshit, what is this planet ? Oh by the Lightsaber Forge on Tython I hope this planet does not try to make me a rug like the last one"

"Why ? What is it ?" Cynthiana replaced another fuse and the lights came back on as main power was restored but the engines were still dead. Something killed their engines. And she had a feeling of why. "Are you sure you cannot feel anything through the Force ? I mean come on, even the legendary Sunrider could find anything through the Force without skipping a beat! So says the Tython histories at least."

"How the Sithshit did you know about my ancestory ?" Snowbund asked suddenly confused, her ancestor, Deiyi Sunrider, the first of the Sunrider clan and the reason why each Sunrider Jedi was so strong in the Force with a natural connection to it to begin with.

"Wait, what ? You mean your last name is Sunrider ?" Cynthyiana asked as she put the last fuse into place and the engines struggled to restart "How is that even possible for a Kraethian Shifter to be related to the Force like Deiyi Sunrider was ?" Cynthiana did not know that Snowbund had a older brother and two younger sisters.

"No idea, let me try something! How's Kinara ?", Snowbund said as she forced herself to calm down. Cynthiana was right. Deiyi WAS the Force Incarnate, So with that thought Snowbund closed her eyes and focused inwards, then felt the Force as it spread from her. There.... Something was out there.

Something was using the Force to keep her dead in space!!!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: Snowbund Character Portrait: Cynthiana of House Kuat Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Inner Knowledge Character Portrait: Tony Spark
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  1. This post is a violation of The Multiverse's rules of Combat & Conflict, in that it does not give the opportunity for proper response from the affected parties. It is also a violation of the Multiverse's rules against forced actions, in that it forces an outcome on many characters across a number of locations. Every character effected's current activity becomes immediately encumbered, a forced outcome in and of itself. It also goes against the general spirit of The Multiverse, as it is forces a win/lose situation, instead of encouraging an exploration of a possibility. This post can be safely disregarded by all players of the Multiverse.

    by Remæus

0.25 INK

A second Ship winked in not more than a few thousand kilometers away from Corellian Corvette. It was close enough that the spatial shockwave could be felt. But the strange sleek looking vessel quickly put some distance between itself and Corvette. This vessel was a great deal smaller than the Reverence that appeared earlier.

This was a Reverence S Class ship, a highly sophisticated scout ship that often served as the vanguard for an Imperial Assault.

A moment after the ship flickered into space, there was a brief surge of energy as the hull began to supercool, phase-fields were being broadcast, and the vessel itself was enveloped in nothingness as it's stealth field washed over it.


Commander Elanna Torres was just recently assigned from the Iconoclast Battleship Sanctis Legate, to the Reverence S 'Nightraven' Her mission was simple, having been handed down from Admiral Nagala herself. Ascertain this world's candidacy for planetary assault. Verifying the civilization on the surface, any resource deposits, and possible defenses. Admiral Nagala was clear, that Elanna was to seek out possible defense systems that could make a potential invasion too costly.

The Nightraven eased into a cool and silent cruise, as the CIC lights dimmed to a dull red, and Torres kept her eyes on a small corvette class ship not far from their own position. She made a face and shook her head slightly.

"We're not the first ones here. Get detailed scans on this alien vessel." She ordered, while the AI Offered a slight nod.

"Get pilots to their Prowlers, get them down and give me thorough scans of the planet below. I want locations of all population centers." She ordered.

With a swift nod of the AI, Prowler pilots moved into their vessels, each Prowler was sleek, fast, and capable of providing detailed readouts.

"Prowlers will be ready to launch in one millicenton, Commander." The AI reported.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: Snowbund Character Portrait: Cynthiana of House Kuat Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Inner Knowledge Character Portrait: Tony Spark
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Awinita
The Focused Fury Crystal floated in space, her reactor was active, yet, the engines themselves were dead. It just sat there in space. In a very wide orbit of the planet itself, spinning in a lazy circle. But its pilot and crew saw who just arrived, or was she seeing things ? oh no wait what the Sithspit Snowbund thought seeing the Rev float into view as the Corellian Corvette span lazily and she had a gander of the vessel before it faded from view, had she really seen such a vessel out of nowhere ? Or was this reguion of space like a nebulae they were to avoid at all costs ?

But whatever it was, ship or not, it was not what was keeping her engines dead. Someone with a strong connection to the Force killed her engines and forced hership to drop from hyperspace. But what scared her was the vessel, or rather, what she felt of those within it. Then again even with her strong connection to the Force through her family tree and decendcy.... Sometimes those with stronger Force connections had much stronger illusions. Oh dear. yes, she was scared. And why not, Kraethian fur was exepensive, and .... not exactly the best way to go. Triggering a Force Connection to her friend Snowbund said mentally "Cynthiana.... how are your.... diplomacy skills ?" The only time Snowbund was that scared was in the hands of the Sith, or Empire, or... worse

"Better then most, but not as good as I'd like, why ? What's wrong ?" Cynthiana mentally replied as she closed the panel on the fuse box and went back into the medical bay of the Focused Fury Crystal. the CEC Corvette had everythying that someone like Snowbund would want, 3.5 meter floor to ceiling passages, a standard class Nine escape pod which was basically the bedroom for Snowbund with complete controls to control the vessel if needed. And a T7 unit.

"We've no communications from the planet below, yet, I think you need to get up here" Snowbund replied, her vessel was lightly if that armed, but it was armored and shielded, yet... their shields were dead when they jumped to hyperspace, standard procedure of course, and with the engines down and unable ot start, their shields were gone as well, yet they did have the ray shielding, which defended against micrometorite damage and kept the life support working too

"On my way, fuses are all replaced, but I cant get the engines restarted" Cynthiana replied before cutting the connection. Cynthiana briefly paused as she felt something yet again searching through the Force for her. Something neither evil nor good. Just searching.

With her ship dead in the water, so to speak, she was defenseless as she felt through the Force something start scanning her ship. Snowbund shivered, clearly freaked out. This wasn't good. She hoped the planet was friendly. Maybe they could get a tow or a proper landing ?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: Snowbund Character Portrait: Cynthiana of House Kuat Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Inner Knowledge Character Portrait: Tony Spark
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  1. contains rule violation, needs review

    by lostamongtrees

0.25 INK

Commander Torres was silently going over the readouts from the planet below, shaking her head as she moved her hand over the large holographic projection of Eterna.

"What about the ship? They appear to be stranded. Shall we render assistance?" Colonel Derrick asked as he turned to face Commander Torres.

"It wouldn't deviate from our mission." Torress affirmed, before she turned to her Helm crew.

"Bring us around, dock us with that vessel. Get marines ready to board." Torres said.

"I'll be in my ready room." She added as she turned to leave. All while the Reverence S Disengaged it's sophisticated stealth systems, revealing itself to the smaller Corvette as it passed overhead, slowly easing to a stop. The Reverence S wasn't large enough to bring the smaller CR90 Corvette into it's hangar bay, but it could dock. And would be doing just that as a high resolution scan enveloped the smaller corvette, a docking medium extended from the underside of the Reverence S, and the larger Aschen ship slowly began to descend as Marines circled the main docking hatch.

"Easy.." Torres said aloud. "Easy..."

"Standby..." The Helm officer reported. "We're latched!"

Both ships would jerk suddenly as the magnetic docking clamps of the Nightraven engaged, holding the CR90 in place, the Inertial dampeners of the Reverence S stopping the spinning action, as Marines moved to cycle the airlocks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: Snowbund Character Portrait: Cynthiana of House Kuat Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Inner Knowledge Character Portrait: Tony Spark
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Awinita
As the Focused Fury Crystal jerked slightly at something Snowbund felt a brief sense of fear, they were getting help ? What was that ? She hoped. But she doubted things could go easy. Nevertheless. if someone was going to help them, simply Let Cynthiana do the talking and all would be well. She hit the controls as the gravity within the ship equalised with something connected to it and she quickly shifted to her human appearence, hopefully she'd be taken for a normal human, but with most empires she had come across in her time in this weird galaxy, they had tech that could pass it by, could tell she was not a normal human.

"Relax, its unlike you to be so high strung Snowball; just stay here and everything will be fine.... best case scenario, we get help, worst case scenario.... we get killed" Cynthiana just had to get one last crack in as she left the bridge and went to the observation deck

"Lets try not to think about that second one alright. T7, go with Cynthiana please, you have the tech readouts for Focused Fury Crystal, hopefully we can get some aid to restart our engines. Or find out what killed them. Maybe even find out where we are too" T7 whistled and beeped as well as briefly danced on his three wheels before turning and darting after Cynthiana who headed for the lift to the observation deck

The top hatch slowly began to cycle fresh clean air as she arrived. She used the force to keep herself calm. but so far so good at the very least. She hit the controls to cycle the airlock. Then it occurred to her, where they coming aboard, or was she going to them to leave Snowbund and Kinara alone on the Focused Fury Cystal ?

Cynthiana once again felt the slightest hint of something searching for her, something neither evil or good, something just.... searching relentlessly for her.

All she could ask was....

Why ?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: Snowbund Character Portrait: Cynthiana of House Kuat Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Inner Knowledge
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Hopefully these people are friendly The Jedi Master thought as the Airlock cycled, Cynthiana herself was dressed in a black minidress of some form, not the typical Jedi clothing as it was Kuat standards. Tall black boots lightly armored adnored her fee while long black gloves covered her hands and arms. Her saberstaff hung on her right side under her arm in a form of a shoulder hoslter for it it seemed. T7 was painted a light silver with gray and gold markings. Seeing they had vistiors she hit the door controls to open the observation deck once she was sure the airlock was in the full green and then stepped inside amid the steam.

Compared to the stark white of the interior of the CR90 class series of Corvettes by CEC, Cynthiana was actually surprised to find several men near the door in full military gear, but it lasted but a brief second or two as she figured these men were guarding in the case of trouble, before her eyes locked on Elanna as she stepped into view of the Aschen woman it was clear to the Jedi that the woman before her was one of a respectful type. And so respect was indeed to be given.

The droid at her side beeped and chortled something and danced a bit, Cynthiana tried to not smile at what T7 said, yet she hoped these people could help, thankfully they stopped the constant spinning they were stuck in for the moment. Cynthiana stopped about two maybe three paces from Elanna and bowed slightly in greeting. "Welcome aboard the Focused Fury Crystal. I trust we are not deviating you from an assigned task of any form by docking with us ?" Sithshit she hoped this could work. She had no idea what Elanna's mission was, or why the Aschen were there, she had never heard of them to be honest, having just arrived on the planet Arda, otherwise known as Terra, by chance alone to get away from a Sith patrol only to get found by another patrol plus those droids

Snowbund kept an eye on the galaxy map as it continued to update, but so far she found nothing on the planet whose system her ship was drifting within. Out there in the system somewhere someone was trapping them. She hoped Cynthiana knew what she was doing. One wrong word and they were doomed for sure. All of a sudden though Snowbund found herself wanting those droids they brefly fought, on their side should things go wrong.

But then again, something within the Force told her that everything was going to be alright. She just hoped it was true.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: Snowbund Character Portrait: Cynthiana of House Kuat Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Inner Knowledge
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Wait, what are.... oh no you dont! Try to search my ship without my permission ? Like Sithspit you are!! Sadly Snowbund noticed on her ships internal sensors certain things happening and reacted, hitting a few controls she sealed the observation deck to keep soldiers from moving so freely through her ship. Locking them in halls and out of certain rooms. this wasn't good"Cynthia! The men are spreading into Fury, stop them, something, stay diplomatic, I cant sense if Kinara is up yet. I dont know who these people are opr where they came from, but T7 has the full readout of the ship. Just have her look at that and keep the men in that deck with you!!" The mere idea of the men searching her ship scared the Kraethian. "If they find out I am not truly human, we got problems, this ship is encoded to my signature, if they try to take it from me..."

Cynthiana inwardly smiled and replied to her scared friend. "Relax Snowball, I'll run interference, just keep the bridge sealed" Cynthiana mentally replied to Snowbunds sudden scared Connection, this wasn't good, Cynthiana could feel that searching thing on the edge of her senses again, and she felt it getting closer too. "We're dead in space in a region none of us aboard know anything about. Other then hoping and praying that the planet below is not in the market for Kraethian Furs" Cynthiana said aloud to Elanna with a slight bow of greeting again.

"I'm keeping the entire observation deck sealed, sadly you're up there too. I can use ray shielding though. Lock the searching men within the shields and let you get back down from the observation deck before I vent it ?"

"No that wont work Snowbund, it wont work ,We're Jedi not Sith remember ? Trust me pleas,e I know what I'm doing" Cynthiana replied softly in the Connection, this was under control, hopefully

"My droid here has a readout of everything currently ailing Focus Fury at this time, we have main reactor power, but no engines, even if we could get back our desired destination the only result is nothing as we cant move." Cynthiana reached out with her senses. Following each Marine as they moved through the Fury.

Sensing where two where going. with Kinara in the medbay and the door still wide open, Cynthiana focused her pink eyes on Elanna and calmly said simply "Do us all a favor and inform your men to return to this room and not waken the one in the medical bay, its imperitive she gets her sleep. She has not woken in two days since we left Arda and it worries me" the last time Cynthiana had really seen Kinara was shortly after the Clone Wars and during the Purge and rise of the Empire back home. Cynthiana had since lived on her homeworld of Kuat for several years.

Somehow however, Cynthiana felt it was going to go downhill very quickly. Already wishing those Droids she had faced on Arda at the spaceport there were hidden aboard the Fury. If they were, she prayed tothe Force itself for them to be of aid. The enemy of her enemy was her friend, in a manner of speaking. But there was something else about the woman, and the soldiers now on the CR90. The way the woman handled herself made Cynthiana cross her arms and look the woman over carefully.

Finally Cynthiana shook her head after trying to think over what Elanna had said she was part of, "I'm sorry I must apologise but I am not familar with this.... Empire was it ? I guess you could say I kept to my homeworld for some time before the Sith started tracking me again recently. It was not until meeting up with a friend who again I must apologise for at this moment she is rather scared of this planet and quite possibly you and your men. And because they have begun searching her vessel without her leave, Recall them into this room. now. If you are searching for something, you must ask first of such permissions to do so. And since your men did not ask for permission, some of them are now locked in ray shields. For Mandos, they're quite stupid" Then again the Aschen marines looked like Mandolorians, so it was lack of proper knowldge of this galaxy for Cynthiana to get the two mixed up, it was also very possible that Snowbund could snap and accidently kill one or harm one out of fear. But Cynthiana tried to keep herself calm

Compared to the soldiers, and to Elanna, Cynthiana was rather scantly dressed, and looked to be completely unarmed aside from a silver cylander about 55 centimeters long, but then again, Cynthiana was a Jedi Master, and her ally was the Force. Snowbund too was a Jedi Master as well; yet.... she was scared of the Aschen, scared for her life. Kinara, who while also a Jedi Knight, was out like a dead hyperdrive at the moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: Snowbund Character Portrait: Cynthiana of House Kuat Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath Character Portrait: Aschen Fleet of Inner Knowledge
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0.00 INK

The moment would pass, however, as Kinara began to stir. Reaching out with the Force, she squinted her closed eyes. Surely she wasn't dead....but it seemed that the ship she was on was. Or at least mostly. It took a little while, but the young Jedi finally opened her eyes. The room looked more or less a mess.

Not that she wasn't used to that, though.

She sat up slowly, a hand to her throbbing head while she gritted her teeth. Letting out a sharp breath she sighed and looked around the room again now that she was conscious. Well, they survived their encounter with those weird droids it seemed so that filled her with some amount of happiness. She swung her legs off of the recovery bed and tied her hair back quickly before standing.

Another reach out with the Force told her that Snowbund and Cynthiana were healthy and well, albeit a bit panicked. She shook her head before looking around one last time; where was her bag?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aschen Marine Character Portrait: Kinara Character Portrait: Snowbund Character Portrait: Cynthiana of House Kuat Character Portrait: Elanna Torres Character Portrait: Agent of Wrath
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Cynthiana merely bowed her head at the aplogy, "For what aid you were able to give us, you managed to cease our constant spin, and for this we thank you. Safe travels to you and yours." She said simply, a hint of strong Coreward accent to her tone. "Snowball, they're leaving, you can release the Mandos you got in the ray shields now."

"Doing so as we speak Cynthi, caught one outside the medbay, that door is open. Kinara's up though, best you check on her, we stopped spinning like you said, but we're still dead in space and cant move. At least we got reactor power, and the galaxy map is loaded"

"Good for me I will see to Kinara, you try and keep us.... sane. But keep your guard up Snow, we might have company. Something does not feel right" Cynthiana replied as the men who had begun searching the Fury came back to the observation room and airlock station. "For what aid you were able to give us, you have our thanks." Cynthioana said to Elanna with another slight bow as the airlock shifted closed and the light went red as the solders left.

That's that. now to see to Kinara Cynthiana thought, turning on her heel she darted to the turbolift and went down two decks to the medical bay. Stepping into view from the turbolift Cynthiana saw Kinara looking rather distressed. But of why she did not know. "Oh thank the Force you're awake! You had us worried the last two days!" Cynthiana said seeing her friend up and about, searching frantically for something. "Is something wrong ?"