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The Multiverse

Astrius Academy Librarium

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

A Library, Museum, Ruins, Partial Dungeon, Artifact, Memorial, and such all rolled into one, the top floor is also where the Arcanium is. It is one of the largest buildings in the Academy, and all sorts can be found here.

StorageofPerks holds sovereignty over Astrius Academy Librarium, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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A Library, Museum, Ruins, Partial Dungeon, Artifact, Memorial, and such all rolled into one, the top floor is also where the Arcanium is. It is one of the largest buildings in the Academy, and all sorts can be found here.
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Astrius Academy Librarium

A Library, Museum, Ruins, Partial Dungeon, Artifact, Memorial, and such all rolled into one, the top floor is also where the Arcanium is. It is one of the largest buildings in the Academy, and all sorts can be found here.


Astrius Academy Librarium is a part of Astrius Academy.

4 Characters Here

Ellie Sinopa [11] Student at Astrius academy
Millen [10] The Demon King that was slain 1000+ years ago....or at least, was supposed to?
Basil Constanzi [0] The first sire of Zosimos. An accident, accursed.

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Character Portrait: Kaju'ha {CL}
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Kaju'ha awoke on some books wide open and some closed. "Huh? O-oh." He placed his hand on his cheek, letting reality set in. "Books. Lots of books. Nothing useful." Kaju'ha yawned, stretching as he did so. The place seemed empty. "Any books about beings from another reality?" He stood back up, stumbling around, looking for a specific book. Well, nothing very specific. Just a book that contained information about beings from another reality.

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Character Portrait: Hayden Oakley Character Portrait: Kaju'ha {CL}
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Hayden walked into the library and quickly began to scan the shelves looking for anything he could use to help him in his project. He was trying to create a matter density field generator to help keep the school safe for and from students and teachers of larger species. It would encompass the school in a field that would adjust the density of everything so that larger creatures wouldn't damage the foundations or the walkways on the campus.

"Let's see here, quantum entanglement? No that isn't what I need. Ah, here we go, applied quantum field theory. That should help" He reached for the book and bumped into another person in the library. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. I must have been caught up my work again." He smiled at the guy. He looked a little younger than Hayden, but the scars on his face suggested that he had been in many battles. Hayden noticed the book in his hand about inter-dimensional travel and the look of confusion on the guy's face. That in addition to the scars and Hayden was quickly able to put the young man's situation together in a matter of seconds after observing this.

"Let me guess; you showed up here out of nowhere, got teleported to the headmaster's office where he gave you some crazy story about you being here for a reason or something like that, then you came here to try and find a way to get back to your home? Well I hate to say it but the headmaster is usually right on those sort of things. You could try to travel back home at great risk, or you could see if there's anything here worth staying for. But that's just my opinion." He smiled as he took his book and flipped through it in front of his eyes and he scanned the information directly to his brain. He put the book back and smiled once again at the guy before turning to leave "The food is pretty good here, that's reason enough to stay for some people. I'm going to go get lunch now if you want to join me."

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Character Portrait: Hayden Oakley Character Portrait: Kaju'ha {CL}
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Kaju'ha stumbled back before catching himself. The place looked so empty he didn't expect to run into anyone. He was, however, distracted by the man's blue hair. Kaju'ha wasn't given any time to respond before Hayden went on with his guess. It wasn't entirely accurate, nor inaccurate. "U-um. Actually, I guess I never got the crazy story about me being here for a reason. I was simply teleported here because I said I was looking for the library." Kaju'ha chuckled awkwardly as he looked down at his shirt. It appeared he drooled whilst he slept. Completely unintentional on his part. He only drools when he's hungry or extremely tired. Perhaps he was both when this happened.

Kaju'ha personally hadn't ever heard of "lunch" before. It sounded tasty. And Hayden telling him there was food was what sold him. Kaju'ha nodded his head rapidly, going into his natural slouching state as he did so. When slouching, his height was about 5'8-ish. He never liked standing upright for too long, as the burns along his lower back made sure to that. "I-I'd like to join you." Words simply flew outward from his lips. "I mean. I was looking at the books to see if I could summon a being who was known for reality... dimensional... jumpy thingy. I see that you are interested in "applied quantum field theories". Me personally, I like that too but also learning how to harness magical powers... stuff. I can't manifest any type of power, you see."

Kaju'ha's eyes widened at a thought. "C-can you train me?" He bowed politely. When asking someone a great favor, it was a custom to bow in a formal way. Kaju'ha soon realized he too talked too fast for the man to even respond to his first statement. He had a lot to learn. Hopefully, Kaju'ha wasn't a useless case.

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Character Portrait: Hayden Oakley Character Portrait: Kaju'ha {CL}
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Hayden could tell that the young man was being polite in his actions. He had learned a lot of different gestures were used to convey gratitude while he was living in Questrios. There were a lot of tourists. He bowed in return. "Reality dimensional jumpy thingy, huh? Is that the technical term for trans-dimensional rift? I'm still working on that technology. The power supply is the hard part."

He thought his reaction to hearing about food was kind of funny as well as the fact that Hayden was clearly a little older, but this guy had to slouch to be at eye level. And speaking of eyes, his were two different colors and it took a lot for Hayden not to stare. "I can try to train you. I have expert knowledge of most forms of magic, but I'm only able to use one type magic myself. Oh yeah my name's Hayden." He grinned. "But first things first, let's get some food." He took the young man's hand and dragged him along to the cafeteria. "They have an all you can eat type of thing and more varieties of food than you can imagine. If you like food this is the place, I mean it's not gourmet, but it's good and there's a lot of it."

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Character Portrait: Hayden Oakley Character Portrait: Kaju'ha {CL}
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As Hayden led Kaj back to the library, Kaj could feel the pull getting stronger. It made his body feel weak and his legs tremble. "I think we're getting closer." Kaj unintentionally placed his hand over Hayden's shoulder as to try and keep his own balance. He himself didn't notice what he did until a few moments later. "S-Sorry." Kaj moved to the side, running his left hand over the bindings of books. "So much... knowledge." Both his eyes began to glow as he stepped closer to his sword's location.

His chest felt tight. Kaj was starting to sweat from the heat. The heat that his own body was generating. "I-I need to take a break..." However, he didn't. He couldn't stop himself. As Kaj continued to wander around aimlessly, he came across his sword. From within its sheath, a bright yellow-ish, red-ish color could be seen emitting.

Kaj forced himself to step forward, even if he felt as if he was going to collapse. Bending down, Kaj gripped the sheath. His vision began to blur, and soon enough, he found himself passing out onto the ground.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Oakley Character Portrait: Kaju'ha {CL}
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Hayden was far stronger than he looked so supporting Kaj's weight was no big deal. However, the way he was growing weaker was concerning Hayden. He could feel the heat radiating from Kaj's body and when they saw the sword glowing Hayden was almost certain there was fire magic being used, but something else as well. The sword seemed to drain Kaj of all his energy.

"Definitely a chaneling device, but it needs to be calibrated." He said to himself after catching Kaj mid fall when he fainted. He grabbed the sword and picked up Kaj like he didn't weigh a thing and put him over his shoulder. He took Kaj back to his dorm room and laid him down on the extra bed and laid the still glowing sword on the floor. He began to construct a few machines and in a matter of minutes, he had a few things built.

He scanned both Kaj and the sword to figure out the type of magic linking them and found no trace of fire magic like he thought would be there. He used another small device to put a dampening field around the sword to prevent it from absorbing any more of Kaj's energy until he could learn more about how it worked. He hoped this would allow Kaj to regain enough strength to wake up. He also scanned Kaj to figure out what universe he was from, but it wasn't one that Hayden was familiar with. As Kaj lay there sleeping, Hayden got a rag and ran it under cold water before placing it on his forehead to try and prevent him from getting a fever.

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Character Portrait: Akela Anku
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Akela walked though the Librarium. The sight of so many books amazed her. Just imagine the knowledge stored here. She looked through the books until she found one about some war between druids and dragons. She had heard stories that there where once dragons on her home world Mauhasina but they where wiped out after a war with the anicent Mauhasinans. Curious to read this book now Akela took it from the shelf. She found herself a quiet corner and began to read the book.

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Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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Ellie plodded into the Library section/floor/whatever her volatile emotions hanging in the air around her in a 15 yard radius
She found a book on ballistics and brought it over to a table. Setting it on top over her head she climbed onto the chair and sat down. Hugging her rabbit doll and beginning to read through the book quietly the aura around her slowly stabilizing into a plain cold lifeless feeling in the gut of anyone who may approach.Though she was indeed reading the pace was rather crazy for an 8 year old who's penmanship was horrible. Just 3 minutes in She was already halfway through the fifth page.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Millen Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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Millen chased after Ellie, to make sure she was okay. He guessed what happened before might have been a bit too much stimulus, but he made sure to clean everything up and get anything important she might have dropped, in case it was important or needed.

"Ellie, are you in here? You okay?"

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Character Portrait: Millen Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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"M-Milo? Why would you follow me here?" The sound of a chair scooting and uneven footsteps drawing could have been heard approaching. Being followed by a volatile torrent of emotions and other feelings slamming into Millen intrusively. " How did you follow me here?" She asked cautiously, the torrent snapping into a focused split between anxiety and fear "I'm so sorry about earlier!" The recently present cyan glow in her temples returning with a brightness that made it easily noticeable.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Millen Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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"Well, I found all this on the ground, and I wanted to make sure everything was okay" Milo said as he walked through the torrent of emotions, his Demon King Blood protecting him. And in his head, despite his calm appearance, he had a myriad of thoughts. This seems similar. It could be coincidence, or it could be...a descendent? I dont know for sure, but...she needs help, and that is all that matters.

He then opened up his hands to show the items he found that had been dropped. She was pretty sure she had dropped them, but he might have been mistaken. If this wasn't what she needed, then he would just have to use his own powers to stop it if needed.

"Its fine, everything will be fine Ellie. After all, one of my good traits is my reliability. Though, some people tend to call it me being stubborn, I prefer reliable. Or determined" he said, with an honest smile on his face.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Millen Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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Her aura calming down, Ellie looked at the contents of Millen's hand finding her missing shoe and her necklace. Then at her hand that had a mostly straight burn mark that matched the thickness of the cord. "I know I'm supposed to wear that necklace but I'm not sure I want to." Having said that she took her missing shoe and put it on securing the Velcro.

After finishing with the shoe she gave 'Milo' an inquisitive look while crossing her arms, seeming to completely ignore the burn on her hand. "Milo... I have to ask since you've been surprisingly nice to me so far. I really want to know. Just how old are you really? I know that it's probably weird to ask that but.... You act WAY older then you look. I know I'm still a kid but I.. well let's say my experiences so far in life have forced me to be um...In-quisi.."

Her face scrunched up in immense concentration for a moment before a metaphorical light bulb flashed above her. "Inquisitive. that's the word. I think that's how you use it. And I've gotten sidetracked, I pay more attention to small details then I guess most kids my age would and don't dismiss them. You acted like a grownup back in the hallway when Mr.Azler was talking about some attack. I want to be friends with you Milo but...well I have a hard time putting my trust in people." She finished, shooting a quick glare at the necklace still in Milos hand. But then she had a sudden realization. "Um, you said something earlier about a piggyback ride and I ran off before you could explain what that was and where you would get a pig. Would you mind explaining that to me?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Millen Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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Millen just gave her a calm and kind smile as he went to ruffle the hair on her head, after she asked that question and said her mind.

"How old am I, you ask? Well, thats a bit complicated. But I like to think that I usually act the way I should. Maybe a bit too mature sometimes, maybe not mature enough sometimes, but...everyone is different right? I dont know all your experiences are in the past, but I can tell you this...not everyone is the same. Some people age differently then others. I mean, I have an idea I could do if needed but...".

He had one solution, was a solution that might make more sense one thousand years ago then the current era. However, her next question let him change the topic.

"A piggyback ride is a term. It does not require an actual pig. It is what you call it when someone rides on another person's back or shoulders. That is what it means".

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Character Portrait: Millen Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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Ellie crossed her arms with a rather annoyed expression "You just talked a bunch and didn't answer my question. What's the matter? Afraid I'll call you an old man?" Ellie teased Milo, reaching up to poke his cheek with a mischievous grin that was replaced by confusion shortly after with his explanation of a piggy back ride.

"But if there's no pigs then why is it called that? Where did the term come from if there's no pigs involved? How? Why? That makes no sense!" She said with increasing levels of agitation and frustration working it's way into her voice. as she struggled to understand how this strange term came to be.

The perceived absurdity of such a thing being called a piggy back ride had her giving an annoyed huff as she smacked her fist against a nearby chair in annoyance her temples flashing brightly with cyan, only to stop and stare for a second when her slapping it caused it to get pushed about 7 feet and fall on it's side despite the force of her swing and the impact not being nearly enough to have such results. "LqΓΊq! Not again!" Ellie huffed and stomped her foot, whining quietly to herself and muttering about losing control again.

She glared at the floor seeming to have forgotten about Millen in her quiet inwardly directed rant. the Cyan glow in her temples dimmed as she slowly simmered down.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Millen Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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"Well sometimes it can be hard, or even impossible, to answer. Some questions have no answers, and some questions have multiple answers. And some just are not yet the time to answer".

Millen left those vague words to what she said as he then noted something else.

"Well, maybe it was originally a phrase for someone riding on the back of a pig, but was adapted over time to include people. Words and language have a funny way of evolving like that after all. Hell, the Original Language of this planet is barely even known by people anymore, known simply as Ancient now. And it had such beautiful wording too. [To the day's breath, gives happiness and life eternally for all]. Yeah, still makes great phrases".

And then, he watched as Ellie had a bit of an aggressive moment.

"Now now Ellie, calm down. Instead, how about you tell me a little more about yourself now and what you are learning?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Millen Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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Having mostly forgotten what they were talking about in her frustration, Ellie stared off into space until Millen asked her to talk about herself. "Hmm. Well you've been nice enough to me and you don't seem like the type to judge. Fine. But I will stop wherever I feel like doing so" She replied "I guess the first thing about me that I can say Is that before I came here. I really didn't have a home and stole from people to live. I never liked doing it but I learned a few hard lessons about trusting anyone willing to give me a job at my age, The only thing I have here that I own is Hector here" She said looking down at her rabbit doll that she was currently coming close to squeezing the stuffing out of, It looked like it had seen better days and was missing one of it's button eyes.

"While I didn't like stealing I was pretty good at it I guess. See , I can sortof sense people nearby and tell where they are but It's a lot easier when they have some sort of intent directed at me. I can also tell when people try to lie to me. That last one I've always been able to do even before They got me. OOH, I can also uhhh... I can drain energy from anything of any type and use it however I like!" with saying this she showed off by putting her hand on a nearby chair and pulling thermal energy from it causing it to be coated in frost rather quickly before putting most of it back and arcing electricity between her fingers. "It's super cool!"

Then she got quiet and shuffled her feet nervously. " I guess it would be better to just show you this one, I guess it's not so bad but I don't like people seeing it, And I see weird things with It that nobody else seems to be able to when I don't have it covered things look different through it too, more colorful and a lot clearer. It actually makes my head hurt after a while." With that said she slowly pushed her eyepatch Upwards. Revealing a Golden colored eye with a slit pupil and a faint glow."S-so what do you think?" Ellie queried, rocking back and forth on her heels anxiously.

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Character Portrait: Millen Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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Ellie then cursed in the language of one of the nomadic tribes of the Esra Desert as the stress caused by the new position she had put the eye-patch in caused the elastic cord on the cheap medical eye protector to snap. Resulting in the thing fluttering to the floor. "Tzat! that's the third one this week!" She exclaimed with a stomp of her left foot and a rather childish pout "why do they always break?!" She wailed in frustration. Swinging her arms downward to her sides with a grunt.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Millen Character Portrait: Ellie Sinopa
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Elizabeth sighed and plucked the broken eye-patch off the floor. plucking the longer intact section f cord from it and using it to secure some of her hair in place over her eye. Muttering angrily, she put the rest in the small pocket in the back of her rabbit.