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The Continent of Shintenchi is home to 2.2 Billion ethnic Taiyou that settled before and during the Tripartite occupation of Terra. Many of these Taiyou, in their disconnect to the central Imperial Government hold loyalty to a minor shogun born on Terra. These Taiyou have striven to populate and develop this largely isolated continent, and the fruits of their labor are apparent with several cities that dot the landscape of the continent.

The Capital city of Narita is the largest and most populated of the cities. Built with a large harbor hosting a respectable starfleet of Taiyou ships moored in the water, Narita is the center of commerce, culture, and politics for the Nation of Shintenchi.

Also making their home within Shintenchi are the avorians within their coastal cities of Volaria, and the Lósénji Imperium which holds land in the south. A scattering of predominantly human populated fishing villages and small cities also dot western Shintenchi where they currently co-exist peacefully alongside their Volarian, Lósénji, and Taiyou neighbors.

Many prominent schools of martial arts claim origin within western Shintenchi.

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Shintenchi is the island nation to the west of Solinus Sea, and home to a large settlement of Taiyou that came to Terra during the Tripartite occupation.


Shintenchi is a part of Terra.

5 Places in Shintenchi:

9 Characters Here

Patraeko Payemyndii [8] A royal Shadonian with an insane view on life.
Duana [4]
Damion Teller [1] Director of SEC Intelligence
Jin Konguo [0] A broken ronin. A sworn sword of the Raitosodo, and loyal soldier to clan Takayama. A vengeful samurai.
charm lenti [0] a ice mage who just happens to be a ghost
Mark Vanburen [0] "Orange is a cool color, and is way more interesting than that plain yellow shit going on"

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7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Rottenführer Heinrich Ritter Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar Character Portrait: Admiral Starship Character Portrait: Rottensturmführer Richard Schaefer Character Portrait: Kumar D'alia
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He swallowed, "Right, On one condition." He calmly set down his weapon, the rest of the squad doing the same, "I am sorry for this... situation. We were aware this planet was populated but thought this was an unpopulated area. We were looking for someone to talk to, clearly this has not went well for either side. I am going to call my Air units to go back to the ship and get a transport to come down and pick me and my men up."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Rottenführer Heinrich Ritter Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar Character Portrait: Admiral Starship Character Portrait: Rottensturmführer Richard Schaefer Character Portrait: Kumar D'alia
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It was about time, the Taiyou had shown up.

The roar of aircraft, the thrum of helicopters followed, as a squadron of Jet tengu flew over the group, circling around the small area while a pair of Chopper VX began to make a deafening mechanical grinding noise, literally transforming from Helicopters to powered walkers, which landed on the ground with an audible crunch.

A pair of Sudden Transports followed, touching down just outside where the Cybrans were holed up.

Two Tsunami tanks rolled over the hill, having been dropped by a Botanachi DRHC Tilt Rotor helicopter, and a pair of Wasp-like Jigabachi AV Attack helicopters circled overhead.

The Commander of this small Shintenchi detachment emerged, a young Taiyou man in his late twenties.

"Attention Hostile Military forces, this is your one and only call for your immediate and unconditional surrender, Come out with your hands raised and unarmed. Any sudden moves or hostile actions will be met with overwhelming force!"


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Rottenführer Heinrich Ritter Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar Character Portrait: Admiral Starship Character Portrait: Rottensturmführer Richard Schaefer Character Portrait: Kumar D'alia
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#, as written by Tiko
Again words were exchanged between the avorians while Kamil was only catching bits and pieces of the foreigners words. Kamil shook his head as he stepped out from behind the building along with his men.

The group trained their spears on the now unarmed Cybrans. Given the positioning of the weapons against their shoulders much as one might brace a gun, it was clear that these were not traditional spears. Though the ends were curved and barbed for melee combat, the haft was thicker than was traditionally required, and the grip that was sculpted along the length of it was reminiscent to that of a gun. One could only speculate on what the weapons might fire.

"I have six dead. Call your units off but you go to Volary."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Rottenführer Heinrich Ritter Character Portrait: Marine Infantry Corps Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar Character Portrait: Admiral Starship Character Portrait: Rottensturmführer Richard Schaefer Character Portrait: Kumar D'alia
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Hocs twenty and dropping. Its a confirmed landing, pull apart the satellite net to account for those sunspots, no one scratch my hundred million dollar satellite web now

Reconnaissance patrol, Oscar Thirty One, is the tactical piece southwest and corner of the AO-box -- AT301, Shintenchi

Hold the information until we get a clearer picture.

“Six to one someone was just flying under the influence, hey pass me those axel irons.”

The ten marines in the bed of the troop transport all spoke amongst each other until several made boisterous laughter as Specialist Beniamen fixed the two iron tools on to the sides of his helmet.

“Specialist, what in the fuck are you doing?” Corporal Soros pointed with his hands around the foreguard of the AR-98, the weapon between his legs when the other marines began to explain their opinions.

“Someone hasn’t read their local population pamphlets, hey Soros where did you say your dad served in the Terran Conflict again -- yeah fucking Maribor?”

“Obviously -- in a pre-Archosdative society such as the Taiyou Shogunate of Shintenchi warriors display their mettle in the attire they wear into battle. Motherfucker we are Marine Cavalry, horses of war. You gotta’ culture yourself more man.” Beniamen shrugged his shoulders once as the troop transport followed on with the rest of the convoy, an advanced force of the battalion moving into position to allow the mobilized Taiyou groups a quicker transit to the designated area.

“Yeah I’m pretty sure the belittlement of thousands of years of religious behavior is totally how we culture ourselves … “ Soros made a face as he shrugged the Specialist off, and craned his head. Passing by a small checkpoint on the main roads outside of a farming town Soros watched the sentries at the checkpoint speaking. “Hey who the fuck’re the plainclothes with the Taiyou locals? They’re not from the MSP.”

“Oh shit man, that’s an ALT.” Another Corporal, Stelian, replied as he lifted himself out of the seat just slightly to see the fading view. “That’s when you can tell the people in the Garden actually give a fuck -- when they send the Auxiliaries to fucking Terra.”

The checkpoint fell into the background as the convoy moved on.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Rottenführer Heinrich Ritter Character Portrait: Marine Infantry Corps Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar Character Portrait: Admiral Starship Character Portrait: Rottensturmführer Richard Schaefer Character Portrait: Kumar D'alia
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The Cybrans shouted out again, "Fine, as long as you don't kill us. It was our mistake for attacking you when this is clearly our land. We are sorry for that."

Schaefer looked at him is disbelieve, "God damn it Heinrich, you can't do this."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Rottenführer Heinrich Ritter Character Portrait: Marine Infantry Corps Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar Character Portrait: Admiral Starship Character Portrait: Rottensturmführer Richard Schaefer Character Portrait: Kumar D'alia
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Schaefer looked at Heinrich, "I would rather die than be a prisoner for some people like that who won't understand you fucking idiot."

"What do you suggest then?"

"Call down reinforcements." Schaefar snapped, his hand going to his pistol.

"Then that is a further act of war, then we have too many nations to deal with. We can not start that." Heinrich snapped back, his tone and voice sharp.

Schaefar shook his head in disbelief, "We have the largest Military known."

"But we don't know the strength of the other Nations."

"That does not matter."

"Fine, you go as a one man army then, out you go." Heinrich watched him closely, his rifle brought up to point at him. "On you go."

Schaefar shook his head, standing up and went outside, firing upon the avorians. He continued shooting but as he started, a single shot hit him from inside the building, "Death to the Traitor."

Heinrich then lead his men out with their rifles on the ground outside the small building, their hands in the air.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Rottenführer Heinrich Ritter Character Portrait: Marine Infantry Corps Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar Character Portrait: Admiral Starship Character Portrait: Rottensturmführer Richard Schaefer Character Portrait: Kumar D'alia
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The Taiyou soldiers in the area immediately ducked when the Cybran soldier opened fire at the Volarians. Bullets flying about while the Taiyou quickly got their bearings, and began to return fire.

The rattling of Taiyou weapons followed as the lone Soldier engaged the Volarians. And even though his fellow Cybrans shot him, a flurry of Taiyou 5.7mm and 5.56mm bullets seemed to pepper and shred the lone soldier, impacting the building behind him. When he was neutralized, the Taiyou Shogunate forces moved in, and when Heinrich moved to surrender, with their weapons on the ground and hands in the air, Taiyou troops moved in on them.

One by one the Soldiers closed in on the Cybrans, while a Taiyou soldier approached.

"Hands on your head, line up against the wall on your knees!" He called out, while soldiers moved in with weapons pointed.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Rottenführer Heinrich Ritter Character Portrait: Marine Infantry Corps Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar Character Portrait: Admiral Starship Character Portrait: Rottensturmführer Richard Schaefer Character Portrait: Kumar D'alia
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0.00 INK

Loading deck of Dropship Bravo Nine,
Unknown local time,
Bearing unknown

The Honorable Diplomat, Adolf Ehrlichmann stood up as the dropship landed not too far away from the combat scene, the Wasp fighters blasting down the valley at Mach eight before they stormed back off into the area of space towards the fleet.

Ehrlichmann stood there in his smart suit and top hat, his bifocals covering his eyes as they scanned the troopers that were meant to be escorting him to the local capital. His right hand holding a smart black walking stick, the other bionic with a leather gloved hand over its parts. His face pale but ready as he climbing into the small black car and drove off the dropship, going towards the local capital.

Meanwhile, in the combat area

Heinrich grunted, telling the others to do as they were told, watching the Wasps blast overhead. They all did as they were told, Heinrich looking at what seemed to be that commander, "Greetings." He tried, "This is our mistake."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Rottenführer Heinrich Ritter Character Portrait: Marine Infantry Corps Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar Character Portrait: Admiral Starship Character Portrait: Rottensturmführer Richard Schaefer Character Portrait: Kumar D'alia
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#, as written by Tiko
Among the approaching Taiyou were the scattering of avorians from the Volarian Guard with their weapons equally at ready.

As it became apparent that the Cybrans were surrendering Kamil took a moment to transmit brief instructions in Volarian to Tahir. "That's enough, let them pull out."

With that taken care of he paused to exchange a few words with one of the Taiyou.

"Wareware wa, ikutsu ka wa shinde imasu. Meitoriāku wa sorera o jinmon shitaideshou," he spoke in fluent Taiyou. "Otsukai no bēsu wa, sorera ga ōkina torikago ni hakobu yori mo chikaidesu," he explained.

While the pair conversed briefly, Tahir and the other avorians overhead began to rejoin with those on the ground, and as Heinrich spoke Kamil turned sharp eyes upon the Cybran. He spoke only briefly to Tahir before turning his attentions back to the Taiyou he was speaking with.

Tahir pondered Kamil's words a moment before the visor covering his tattooed face slid open. He spoke briefly to Heinrich while Kamil saw to the matter of where the prisoners would be taken. "He says a mistake is when you forget to pick up your dry cleaning. He says this isn't a mistake, and that he hopes you enjoy Taiyou hospitality." Tahir's grasp of the basic tongue was fluent and with only a light accent.

He seemed largely indifferent to the fate of the Cybrans as he moved off from the group and towards the open field where the dead avorians lay among the bits of wreckage from the ships Tahir had brought down.

"Tahir?" Kamil called out to him in avorian. "I want a salvage crew out here. Maybe we'll find something useful in the wreckage."

Tahir nodded briefly in response before the visor slid closed once more and he continued on his way towards the field.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: The Jupiter Corporation Character Portrait: Tahir Bhandari Character Portrait: Kamil Iyengar Character Portrait: Kumar D'alia Character Portrait: Ling Wu Character Portrait: Zhiya Liu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
Bright flashes lit up the sky above Terra, a battle was clearly raging and it was hard to tell just who was winning, losing or involved. It could have been pirates, a sovereign nation, or terrorists. Maybe even alien overlords coming to enslave Terra.

Large spheres were falling from the sky all over Shintenchi and the surrounding areas. Landing in Volary, the Shogunate, and even Losenji. They slammed down hard, destroying anything in their path if it wasn't sturdy enough, and even then the force of the impacts probably did some damage.

There were hundreds falling, many in the distance being shot down by Terran forces in the hopes that they could thin the herd of whatever was going to be released.

The spheres opened up soon after they touched down, revealing several men and women in blue jumpsuits and heavy black armor in each. Almost immediately those inside began to open fire on anyone they could find. Military and police being priority before they made examples of the civilians they encountered.

These attacking soldiers who were further from cities and villages opened fire with long-range rifles, trying to take out as much opposition as possible without needing to get close.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii
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The cockpit flew across the sky, fragments were still falling off of the burning cockpit as it fell closer to the coast.

A massive splash occured, the cockpit had fallen into the sea, not too far from the coast. Large clouds of steam were emitted from the area of the splash as the reinforced metal cockpit floated on the water, slowly sinking. Patraeko pulled himself out of the cockpit before he was pulled under with it, blood pouring out of his nose and mouth. Holding his robotic arm he tried to swim towards the coast but it was being useless due to having only one leg under control with his robotic one seized up, slowly his vision was fuzzing, his eyepiece was smashed and made useless, only allowing him to see from one eye. He couldn't hold his consciousness any longer, so he passed out. Floating on his back slowly towards the beach on Shintenchi.

Patraeko washed up on the shore, still without his consciousness he was holding his robotic arm with a tight grip. Blood was slowly dripping out of his mouth as he lay there. Waiting to wake up.


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Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii
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[Ignore this.]


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Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii
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#, as written by Tiko
It would be some time before Patraeko was found by a group of local fisherman who dragged him from the muddy sands of the Shintenchi shores. There were mixed opinions between the lot of them though, and several seemed in favor of simply leaving him where they had found him. He wasn't Volarian and there was no telling why or how he had come to be in the state he was in. The voices of the more compassionate among them won out in the end though and Patraeko was taken to a nearby fishing village.

Patraeko would wake to find himself in a shanty hut on a worn out cot. There were no signs of more modern comforts to be found, no hint of electricity or likely even running water. He was alone in the room, though someone had seemingly made the effort to bind his wounds as best they were able.


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Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii
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Patraeko dream about the destruction of his clan. His head moved side to side as he gave off uncomfortable grunts of pain and despair. Suddenly, his eye quickly opened. A tear ran down his face. "This is why i don't sleep" he thinks to himself as he glances at the poorly built roof. Where is he? How did he get here? Not that it matters, he had to fix himself and get his comrades back.

Patraeko attempts to sit up, but some force is pushing him down, he looks to his chest and notices that his cybernetic arm is resting on his chest. Patraeko attempts several more times to sit up, but he fails. His body is still repairing itself, the major damage he got from the crash caused his body to remove energy from his muscles and bones to use it to repair itself, he has lost his strength and had become as strong as a normal human. The heavy Selaikah arm will not allow him to get up, along with his bones which are also made of Selaikah. (Selaikah is an amazingly strong yet immensely heavy metal alloy. It is found naturally in Shadonian bones, believed to allow them to withstand Shadonika's extreme gravity).

Patraeko used his biological arm to push the other off of his chest, with several attempts, it finally rolls off of his body and hits the floor with a loud bang. Patraeko could finally sit up, still struggling to lift his own body. It wasn't long until his body realized that he was active and needed to move, so he began regaining his strength. But that had the downside of an extended healing period. Patraeko sat up on the cot and looked around the room, it was pathetic, the walls were close to collapse, what he was lying on seemed to withstand his weight only just. He moved his legs over and rest them on the floor, of course the cybernetic leg hit the floor with a thump, he still didn't have the strength to properly carry it. But he had to fix his arm in order to fix his body, and the thumps could have attracted attention. Whoever took him here could be hostile. With the though, Patraeko pulled a small handgun from his pouch located on his belt, it contained his storage pod. He placed the gun to his side and pulled a repair kit out of the pouch aswell, he pulled his arm onto his lap. Groaning in pain while he struggles to lift it. Once it sat on his lap and the pain had subsided, Patraeko began repairing his arm.


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Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii
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#, as written by Tiko
A man grunted from the doorway of the room as he raised an eyebrow to Patraeko. He spoke a few words of Volarian, though save for the tone of his voice hinting at a question of some nature or another, it was unlikely that Patraeko would be familiar with the remote language found almost exclusively within Shintenchi.

The man that spoke to Patraeko wasn't particularly old, but he was weather worn from years of poverty and poor nourishment. He was both lean and bony and his faded clothes hung loose over his scrawny form. His skin was browned and leathery from days in the sun, and he walked with a pronounced limp as he stepped inside. A young woman lingered behind in the doorway, but she didn't follow him in as the man had yet to ascertain the nature of his 'guest'.

Like the man before her, the woman looked older than her years due to a life of squalor, but there was an edge of youth to her eyes, and an inquisitively curious nature about her. The woman's sari had been draped over the top of her head and wrapped around her lower face to conceal it from Patraeko, but what one could see of her skin lacked the leathery sun-worn countenance of the male, hinting perhaps at her life of the indoors.


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Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii
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Patraeko instantly responded to the grunt by quickly pulling his handgun and pointing it towards the man. He couldn't stand properly yet, so he sat with the weight of his arm holding him down. These guys seem to be suffering though. "Who are you and where am I?" Patraeko asked, a hint of hatred lingered in his voice.

Patraeko noticed the woman standing in the doorway as the man walked in, from the sight of the people suffering poverty, they obviously seem safe to be around. No away could they be hostile.

"I apologize." Patraeko spoke as he lowered his gun, "Defense mechanism." Do you guys only speak Volarian? Patraeko could easily use his cybernetic eye to translate languages and allow him to speak different languages fluently. Except it's broken, he needs to fix his arm before anything.


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Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii
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#, as written by Tiko
The man seemed angry at Patraeko's gesturing of a weapon at him, in his own home after the generosity they had shown in bringing him there. When the weapon was lowered he barked a few words at the woman who slipped away. It would seem he had determined their guest to not be safe enough to be in the company of his wife.

He barked a few more words, this time in Patraeko's direction. It was a pointless gesture though as it seemed clear their guest did not speak Volarian.

He made a few gestures with his hand before he too left,

Patraeko was once more left to his own devices.


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Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii
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"I have no idea what that guy said." Patraeko spoke to himself as he looked down to his arm, it is best for him to fix himself before he tries to speak. Once his eyepiece is fixed then he will be able to understand the strange people.

Patraeko reconnected wires, replaced metal tubing with spares held in his storage pods and then held the arm to his shoulder. The arm connected itself to Patraeko's body, with his body still weak the arm pulls him down onto his lap. After making the final connections, the arm began to re power itself from the central source in his chest. With energy back into his arm it suddenly seems much more lighter, as if it were his normal arm.
Patraeko looked down to his leg and noticed that the problem was that it was bent the wrong way, it didn't take much work to place it back in place, he bent his leg several times and stood up to test if it worked.

Finally, Patraeko moved to his eyepiece, he turned his cybernetic hand into a set of wires which pushed under the eyepiece and disconnected it from his brain. With that, he replaced the glass and fixed broken pieces. After reconnecting the eyepiece back to his brain, it powered up and glowed red with a lighter red line passing through the middle which moved left and right as he looked around the place.

It was time he left the room to finally speak to the people.


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Character Portrait: Shadonian Army
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A Shadonian carrier ships flew in orbit around Terra. It had targeted Port Astria as a drop down spot to fulfill it's orders.

"This is the Shadonian Military, requesting permission to land at Port Astria. We have orders to request permission of searching the city for two wanted criminals of the Shadonian Empire. We have our documents and contacting devices. Thank you." The captain sent off the request to the main terminal of Port Astria. Hopefully, it will be permitted. But for now, the ship stayed in a geometric orbit. Awaiting a reply.


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Character Portrait: The Invictus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"You can't be serious." Vidal muttered as the fuel light on his ship lit up, "I swear we had a full tank." He told his co-pilot. "Could be a leak, see if you can get in touch with the locals."The co-pilot said.

"I could have swore that was your job." Vidal joked, tapping several buttons to hopefully pinpoint any sort of air traffic over and around Shintenchi. Otherwise they'd crash. Crashing was bad.

"This is ICR47310. I repeat India, Charlie, Russia, four, seven, three, one, zero. Running low on few, requesting permission to land at the closest intial for refuel and logistics inspection. We may have a busted fuel line and a leak." Vidal said into his headset, "We are carrying farigle cargo. We are carrying arms and mining equipment." He continued.

Hopefully they'd bump him up any sort of waiting list if there was the risk of weapons flooding down into the countries below. The last thing anyone needed were gangs or revoltuonaires with some weapons to embolden them.


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Character Portrait: UCON
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From the Central Diplomatic Directory of the Terran Colonial Coalition Authority

In the interest of providing true government transparency and responsibility for the sovereign nations of the Shintenchi isles.

As the increasing tensions begin to rise once more despite the (apparent) efforts of these governments (the TNG, Losenyu Imperium, Sato Shogunate and Volaria) the threat of incredible destruction becomes a considerable matter that is beyond the scope of a simple domestic issue. The case of tensions between these governments, and also the "international organization" that is providing (questionable) assistance to their respective "memberstates" has become a particular obstruction to the Authority's duty of maintaining peace across this planet.

In no way is the TNG entitled to have the Shintenchi isles forcibly, or arbitrarily, brought into their sphere of influence without express and openly fair plebiscite or other methods of self-determination. While the AXIS has claimed to support this right, evidence and action of the involved states of the Shintenchi isles has proven to the Authority that legitimate peace is not truthfully the AXIS and Shintenchi intentions.

On the contrary, from an outward observer it appears the Shintenchi nations are more concerned with securing their position of power as hegemons over the rest of Terra in any (or the inevitable) confrontation between the TNG and their AXIS opportunists and cohorts. The evidence against this is undeniable and, completely, damning to the credibility of an organization that pretends to hold international legitimacy.

The Authority does not reserve that this speculation is unfounded however, yet the lack of convincing attempts to achieve a solution without discussion beyond the narrow horizons of these nation’s spheres paints the tapestry of where each groups intentions truly lie. For this model of behavior to continue is a contravention of legitimate nations everywhere: no mention of a gross violation of what this institute, the Terran Authority, is vowed to oppose.

In haste, the Authority will no longer stand by while the TNG or AXIS jockey for dominance over the nations of Shintenchi: neither will they allow the independent states themselves to use their position and "right" of self-determination to squander a legitimate peace.

The outcomes after this memorandum will be entirely dependent on several key factors: the Shintenchi nation's conviction that they truly rule with the best interest of their constituents at heart, another that the TNG willfully obeys any decision by said nations, even if this decision runs contrary to the TNG's vision of "their" Terra. The third factor is decidedly simpler: that the current status quo is untenable without entitling the Authority to take all action required to remove it, through force and diplomacy.

Diplomatic coordination and multilateral, open discussion of this situation must proceed before the point is crossed where no true solution will come without difficulty or violence. As it stands the Authority will take every measure possible to hold both groups accountable to their obligations under international law and binded to the requirements of their ruling authority. Before war will come to pass, this institution will ensure every option has been exhausted.

Your government, your nations and your people are on the precipice of forfeiting the rights thousands of other beings and souls have sacrificed to provide without so much as knowing your very existence. We will not let you waste them.


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Character Portrait: Damion Teller
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#, as written by Zarhara


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Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Duana
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High above the skies of Shintenchi, over the plains of Volaria, a shadow all but covered the sun. A massive warship, twenty kilometers in length, flanked by ten smaller vessels, descended from above. The Thunderous sound of it's approach reminded one of fire, an image only reinforced by the way it dragged the clouds behind it, like smoke from a falling star.

As the vessel fell towards the lands below, a swarm of ships were released from it's form. Hundreds of smaller hawk like ships sailed through the air over all of Shintenchi, while larger, almost whale like, ships rushed ahead of the massive structure towards the ground, where they would release massive numbers of golden armored warriors, white clothed sorcerers, and lightly covered individuals with gauntlets of golden starsteel over their hands and arms.

The Invasion had begun.


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Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: Duana
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Even higher above the skies of Shintenchi, reality itself bent and warped as a massive 76 kilometer long starship seemed to appear out of nowhere. At least, this appeared to be some kind of starship.

The vessel loomed above the mighty twenty kilometer vessel, watching it with keen eyes as stubby fingers manipulated an interface, and a keen mind coordinated with the vessel's central tree.

The alien words surged through the figure's mind as the massive Mt'kee omnicruiser shifted slightly, it's mind locking onto the ship below as 'Taanz watched the response from Shintenchi.

The strangest thing about this alien vessel was that it was made entirely from wood. The ship itself was alive, sentient, and working with it's captain in perfect synchronicity. They would wait for the right moment to utterly destroy the alien vessel below them.


ParaSOL Command and Control

The massive alien ship didn't go unnoticed by the forces on the ground either, the ParaSOL Command and Control facility deep underground was watching the massive blip on the screen as it moved onto Shintenchi.

Commandant Hideki Hasegawa kept his eyes trained on the screen above him as personnel moved all throughout the command center.

Phones were ringing, orders were being exchanged, but the order had come down to defend Shintenchi at all costs. Hideki was charged with redeploying all ground forces through ParaSOL's point and click interface, his eyes staring at the readout.

"An invasion..." He said, before he picked up a red ringing phone.

"ParaSOL.... I understand... yes... I will launch them immediately."

The Commandant turned to his Executive officer, before he took a deep breath.

"Launch all Shori missiles, nuclear ordinance. Try not to hit the Matokey ship above them." He said, and the order was swiftly carried out.


All across the Shintenchi countryside.

Across the Shintenchi Countryside, within it's rugged mountains, the complex and real-time defense grid came to life. Shori missiles stirred from their slumber, and nuclear warheads were armed. laser rangefinders calibrated for the massive ship that was descending on the continent.

All across Shintenchi, the vast nuclear arsenal of the Shintenchi shogunate launched.

The alien vessel recieved one simple message, from the strange alien ship above.

"This is sovereign lands of the Shintenchi Shogunate, and under protection from the AXIS cooperation forces. Vacate at once and we will not be forced to act in accordance with our treaties."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Vercinge Lagion Character Portrait: 'Taanz 'Velzzmkt Character Portrait: Du Kuldr Goroth Character Portrait: Shintenchi Shogunate Global Military Forces Character Portrait: Duana
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The massive ship that fell from the sky gave no response to those forces that had hailed it. It was silent as a tomb, save the for the thunder of it's continued descent. Afore long it would crash into the surface of the island, with a shockwave that would clear the area for miles and miles around it.

The Pillars were not so silent in reaction, however, as the swarm of Drones released from them rapidly relocated, interlocking into a massive dome wall above the ship, hiding it from the enemies line of sight, and protecting it aside.