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Shiloh Taylors

"We forge the chains we wear in life." -Charles Dickens

0 · 697 views · located in Salem, Massachusetts

a character in “The Order: Dark Veil”, as played by Wolf's Bane109




"You keep on saying that I've changed, I know that I don't seem quite the same." - Nola 1, Pvris

Run | Seize The Power | Underdog | Still Learning | Playing God | Holy | Run Cried The Crawling | Clean | Dig | Cry Cry Cry | Freaks Like Us | idontwannabeyouanymore | Carnivore | House Of The Rising Sun | Which Witch | Bottom Of The River | Lala Lala Song | Little Lion Man | Season Of The Witch | In The Woods Somewhere | Gypsy


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Shiloh Aleena Cerys Taylors

N I C K N A M E (S)
"Anything but 'Bitch' will do.."

November 15th, 2000 (Scorpio)

Twenty-Two (22)

Metal Elementalist of The Order

G E N D E R & S E X U A L I T Y
Cis-Female | Pansexual, Bi-Homoromantic

White Caucasian

New Orleans, Louisiana



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Red/White Wine, Tea (Honey & Lemon), Pine Scented-Candles, Smell of Clean Linen, Old Books (Studies often), Movies (Anything but romcoms), Music (Anything but Rap & Country), Chocolate Chip/Black Raspberry Ice Cream, Dark Chocolate (Especially imported), Leather Jackets, Animals (Excluding Big Dogs), Fresh Coffee (Dark Roast), Board Games & TTG's, Robotics, Engineering, Mechanical Work

Her parents, Talking about family, Religion, Liars & Hypocrites, Bigots (Closed Minded Folk), Bullies, Dark & cramped Spaces, Deep/Dark Water (Fear of Drowning), Wool Sweaters (Causes rashes/Hives), Sudden/Loud Noises, Overly cheery people, Strong Smells (Such as burnt toast or coffee), Being seen as weak, Being talked over, Disrespect, Most Authority Figures, Being yelled at, People arguing, 'I Told You So', Double Standards, Judgemental Assholes


In Shiloh's case, what you see is what you get. In nearly every sense of the word, she's an open book. If someone needs a second opinion, or some advice on something, she's typically the best person to get an honest answer from. Shiloh finds no point in hiding what one's opinions or views may be on something, often times being a bit too honest. But never brutally so. With all the dishonesty, lying, and backstabbing she's endured over the years, Shiloh cannot stand people who keep the truth from others. If she knows someone is lying, she'll most likely call them out on the spot about it, but depending on the circumstances and situation, she may tread lightly. As she isn't a fool and knows when to save certain topics or even potential arguments for later. The last thing she'd want is for all hell to break loose and be the cause of some bigger ordeal. Shiloh simply wishes people could just be honest and say what they mean more, as most problems people have would probably be fixed than when they lie.

But, as open as she is in most areas, there are some where not even those she has known for years are left in the dark. What most people know of Shiloh, as being the cliche meloncholic and dark brooding figure in the corner somewhere reading a book or giving a snark comment back in return to a stupid question. Versus what people can't see. The heavy weight that's been on her chest ever since she was a child. Being born into a world where people can and will hate you for what you are. Especially for something you can't control. She's seen the absolute worst that humanity is capable of, even with someone's own flesh and blood. For years, she has lived with the scars that her past have left her, whether physical or emotional, they're all the same. It's not that Shiloh's afraid of opening up old wounds and talking about things, it's just that she knows once they do open, they'll fester and rot. She'll go back to the hallow, empty void of a person she used to be. The one who was such a dedicated people pleaser who put her own feelings and even life at stake, just to feel like she had earned someone's approval and affections.

Shiloh knows if she were to open those old wounds once more, and someone were to look inside, all they'd see in the darkness she hides inside. Somewhere no one can see, strictly out of fear of being seen as different. Just like her parents had once viewed her as. Something to be discarded and left to rot in some hole where no one will ever find it. So, she keeps it all to herself. Buried deeply under lock and key. If people don't know about your problems, and if you act like you don't have any emotions and feelings, it's harder for them to hurt you, right?




TW// Topics of Domestic abuse and Religious based trauma

The Taylors were a long line of common folk who lived more in the 'backwoods' part of Louisiana. They came from a very long line of people who belonged to the church, often times there were stories that the family's ancestors were part of the Salem Witch Trials. But it's all hearsay coming from those who viewed anything outside of 'normal' as sinful and wrong.

Shiloh spent a good portion of her younger years at her grandparent's home in the city part of New Orleans. Going to the city had been one of her most looked forward to parts of her life, as her grandparents had a less severe outlook on people who may have been different. While they wouldn't shun or send off into exile, like Shiloh's parents would, they still held fast to their Christian beliefs. Especially with things that revolved around the occult and magic. Something her family forbade.

In Shiloh's earlier years, things were good. To an extent. Her parents loved her, she had a roof over her head, and never had to worry about going hungry. But that had all changed by the time she was around eight years old. It started out easy enough to be undetected. But Shiloh's mother knew something was off about the child, almost swearing there was something demonic and unholy about her at times. As often time wherever Shiloh went, things didn't add up. Such as the time that all the forks in the house had gone missing, only to later find a pile of metalic dust hidden off somewhere.

Shiloh's mother finally had enough one day when she saw a young Shiloh in her room, levitating various metalic objects in the air. They had only clattered to the floor when Shiloh heard a loud, blood curdling scream, and then her father being called to ring in a local priest. And that was when everything started to go wrong and south for Shiloh. It was when the small amount of solace and love she had in her life, became Shiloh's own personal hell.

Much of the time after that was a blur. Between being shoved into cramped and tight spaces, such as a cupboard, a closet, or any place that they could keep Shiloh's 'curse' at bay. Instead of trying to understand and help their child, her parents forced her to believe that what she was capable made her a monster. Between barely being let out of where she was kept, to scarcely being fed or looked after, to even a few Exorcisms that had left permanently left Shiloh with scars of varying degrees and causes, Shiloh had withdrawn into herself. The happy quirky girl who had rose-tinted glasses was snuffed out, and she was forced to become a hallow husk of her former self.

It was only when her grandparents had found out what was going on, that Shiloh's salvation came. Her grandparents were furious and had Shiloh sent away to be treated properly. But not for what her parents believed to be demonic possession, but to help her recover from what her parents had inflicted on her. When she was found, Shiloh was incredibly underweight, dehydrated, riddled in scars and untreated injuries. It was only after four years of rehabilitation and treatment, that Shiloh was let back out into the world.

Shiloh was twelve years old when she had gotten a letter after staying with her grandparents for a week that everything changed once more. She was contacted by some group of people that were unknown to her. They offered the chance to have Shiloh be brought to a place with others like her, where she could be properly trained and secured. Her grandparents had insisted and she had been taken to Salem, Massachuessets that following summer. And that was the beginning of it all...

It had been ten years since Shiloh last saw or had any contact with her parents, and about six years since her grandparents had both sadly passed away due to natural causes. Between then and now, Shiloh has been surrounded by people like her. Those who were born with exceptional gifts and attunement with the arcane and magics. While Shiloh is still learning every day on how to fully gain control of her magic, she has come along way. Things aren't disintergrating and turning to dust in her presence. If anything, she's put things back together again than taking apart. Shiloh has shown a nack for engineering and robotics, using her ability and affinity for metal manipulation, to help aid in her projects. While she doesn't have an exact desire to eventually become a chosen member of The Order, Shiloh has shown promise in several fields, even outside of being a leader. But truth be told, Shiloh doesn't know what she wants, nevermind really who she is. She's content living how she is, being a no one, but she'd also be fine at least trying to prove her worth, whatever that may be anyway...


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Ferrokinesis:Those who are born with the unique elemental control over metal, are able to shape and manipulate metal, a solid material (an element, compound, or alloy) that is typically hard, shiny, and features good electrical and thermal conductivity. Metals are generally malleable—they can be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking—as well as fusible (able to be fused or melted) and ductile (able to be drawn out into a thin wire).

Metal Detection:The ability to sense the presence of metal in one's vicinity. If Shiloh focuses and concentrates enough, she can pick up the presence of metal in most forms around her. The more pure the metal base is, such as platinum, it will be harder to detect.

Metal Dust Reconstruction/Solidification:This is a very minor sub ability, but with this, if Shiloh concentrates enough, on enough metal dust base she can form and fuse it together into a solid form, and possibly in a form of a weapon, or even small plates of armor. The more pieces needed, more focus and concentration will be needed, just as much as metal compounds present. If someone needed say, a coin reconstructed, Shiloh could do it rather easily, but forming a knife or something bigger, will require more effort and more dust, as it is a naturally occuring substance that needs to be reformed and manipulated, and not something that can be created from thin air.

Essentially, reconstructing it from a powder base, back to a solid. While this inheritantly requires less focus and power, considering the amount and density she may need, it can result in light headedness, a bloody nose, all with the possibility fainting.

Robotics, Engineering, Science, Focus/Detection

Reading/Studying, Loyal, Dependable, Honest

Hot-Headed, Distrustful of Adults, Slow to trust others, Easily emotionally shaken, Not as physically combative as others


So begins...

Shiloh Taylors's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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#, as written by Caille

Image J U P I T E R X B R A D B U R Y

Fire Elementalist | 22 | #F2CD66 | The Academy | Outfit.

"Awaken your spirit to adventure, holding nothing back, learn to find ease in risk; Soon you will be home in a new rhythm. For your senses the world that awaits you."
- John O'Donohue

Girls like you | Bad Guy

Jupiter was excited about tonight, it was going to be legendary. These parties only happened once every 100 years, or in their case 92 years, but who was counting? Jupiter had spent forever trying to pick out what she would wear, starting from the moment she was sent to the academy.

As a young girl, she used to flip through teen magazines and find dresses that she would like to wear. Arguably her style has changed a lot since she was 12 years old, but that didn’t matter. She had narrowed it down to three different options last year to allow herself time to wait and feel what would be right. This moment meant more to her than anyone would know, it was the hard work and deviation that finally paid off and she got to continue the family legacy, it was the utmost honor for Jupiter.

The redhead had spent several minutes that turned into more minutes staring at herself in the mirror, moving her head to get all the angles. She had to make sure every angle was perfect and not a single thing was out of place. It was kind of how she was with everything, this would be no different.

Jupiter began to look a little harder really examining her crafty work on her makeup and began to adjust it a little as seen. This was why she was late half the time, but if one of her looks had to be perfect it had to be this one.

Part of her was so excited about tonight that she got to attend this party, but another part of her could feel the heavy emotion tied to it. She did get to carry on the family legacy, but for what? Her family chastises her for being weak or not good enough. The feeling was like a pit in her stomach weighing her down. Would she ever be good enough?

It was the part of her that made her almost want to take off everything she was wearing and toss it aside so she could curl up in her bed and watch The Office. The only reason she didn’t do that was Shiloh. Shiloh would kick her ass if she didn’t come and she would just make things worse for her parents if they found out.

Instead, she was now inspecting her dress to make sure there were no loose threads, no tears, or any blemishes that would ruin it. It was a process, but the constant checking and keeping busy distracted her from everything on her mind.

Jupiter found it was hard to calm down, but she had made it down by the stage doors where everyone was expected to meet up so that they could be formally introduced to the witch community as the new order. Her hands had added moisture in them from being a bit nervous, but she slightly wiped them on her dress.

They were behind stage watching the headmaster of the academy, Ethel Maud Genes, introduce the evening.

” Welcome witches from far and wide to join us here at the Academy to celebrate the successors from The Choosing that happened last night. Our students like always were all dedicated to their studies both in theory and practical. With so many bright students, it is always difficult for The Order to come to a unanimous decision, but they have easily agreed on our next Order.”

Ethel went on to give a speech about how proud she was of everyone and that there couldn’t have been a better pick. Part of Jupiter couldn’t help but wonder if that was just something they had to say and to keep the peace. Her mind lingered on Liza, she was an incredible fire witch with so much talent, but yet she didn’t get the role. Maybe it should have been her standing here tonight.

Nevertheless, her mind was brought back to Ethel Genes when she started to introduce them.

“Our first member is here to represent the element of Wood, without food there would be no food to the fire, congratulations to Othello Estney.

Without fire to burn down the wood, there would be no earth, congratulations to Jupiter Bradbury.”

That was her cue and she started to walk at a timely pace behind Othello to resume her spot on the stage as Ethel continued.

"Without Earth on this planet, metal would not exist, congratulations to Eden Thomas.

Metal acts as a container and can store many things, without metal, there would be no place for water to store, congratulations to Shiloh Taylors.

And without water, we would not be able to nourish the wood, congratulations to Malachai Bernard.

If the wood was not nourished, the earth would not root the earth, the earth would not dam water, water would not extinguish the fire, the fire would not melt metal, and metal wouldn’t cut wood. These elements require balance within themselves and together. Without one the whole earth is out of balance. These individuals have shown the greatest bonds with each other proving even more so that they are meant to take this role. ”

Jupiter smiled while she was on stage making sure to hold up her good appearance because if her family saw one foot out of line it would be game over.

The event had a couple of speeches to welcome them and the older order members had given small speeches for each of the new members. The formalities were done and Ethel allowed for everyone to get into the ball. It was time for the orchestra to play and the drinks to come out.

After getting off of the stage Jupiter was immediately offered a drink, which she took. She began to sip at it trying to get the flavors of what it was.

Jupiter found one of the standing tables to stand at while she had her drink.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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Shiloh Taylors
The Metal Witch | Post Song | #708090
Mask | Hair & Makeup | Dress | Rings | Shoes
I stay up all night
Tell myself I'm alright
Baby, you're just harder to see than most
I put the record on
Wait 'til I hear our song
Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

It was safe to say, that Shiloh was beyond anxious about this entire party, for multiple reasons. Far more than she could count on one hand. For starters, she knew that the moment she was even considered as a candidate on the Order, she'd need to go big or go home if she was chosen. And always, Shiloh had managed to pull through in the end. She spent well over sixty hours making the entire ensamble that made up her outfit for the party, including the rings that she formed and bent to her will to come up with the ending results, a cliche for a witch to have such designs, but what about Shiloh wasn't a cliche? The most pain staking part of the attire, was the shoes and mask. She'd need something to match, and after another thirty or so hours, mulling over designs, as well as functionality, material, shape and texture(s), she was finally able to come up with something. And after asking Eden on some second opinions, she was confident enough that it'd be more than fine. And sure enough, she was more than happy with the end result. She had to admit, it was cute.

Second, her hair. Shiloh knew for damn well she wasn't showing up to the fanciest and most important party of her life. Like Kai had said, "You'd look like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas", showing up with dark green hair and a red dress. Shiloh did have some pride after all, and she wanted to show she could and did have the potential to be a proper example and teacher. Especially as she was someone who essentially came from nothing. So, she did have some standards to meet.

Shiloh was sitting in her dorm room, looking at herself in the mirror as she made last minute changes to her makeup and hair. Double checking to make sure no stray strands up hair got awkwardly caught in the mask and everything blended well together. Taking a deep breath as she finally put the mask on, looking at her reflection once more. "You got this, Shi...Even if you know you don't. You do, and you're gonna kick major ass." she reassured herself. Even if she didn't believe a word of it, she knew for damn sure her friends would remind her that she had little to nothing to worry about. The Order rarely ever made mistakes, and Shiloh had done more than proved herself enough ever since coming to The Academy. Even Shiloh had to admit, everything she had learned and was able to do over the years, and even recent months has impressed even herself at times. So, often times being reminded of her success, was nice to hear. Sometimes.

After looking herself over once more, Shiloh's eyes drifted off to a small picture that was stuck between the mirror and the wooden frame. A small smile spread across her lips for a moment, her fingers trailing across the jewel on the necklace she wore. It had been a present from Tyson, and she had planned on wearing it to this party regardless, even before the accident. But now, it meant more to her than before. Even if he wasn't here anymore, part of him was. Even if it was a simple necklace. "I wish you were here, babe...I'll make you proud...I promise." her tone was soft, but held a sense of purpose and certainty. She would make Tyson proud, and she'd go on to do things for the both of them, because he couldn't.

Shiloh finally realized it was time to start making her way to the hall, she'd be damned if she was late to this. Especially considering her purpose for being there in the first place? Like hell she'd miss it. Even more so, she had to make sure Jupiter didn't flunk out. Or Shiloh really would be kicking someone's ass tonight, and not in the fun way. The walk from her room to the hall seemed like an eternity, but Shiloh soon enough found her way, and to the back of the stage where the others were. Thankfully from what she could tell, she wasn't the last one of the five there. Thank god.

She gave the others a nervous smile, her hands shaking a bit as she nervously fidgeted with the rings along both hands. A technique she learned had helped calm her nerves and anxiety best. The last thing this party needed was one of the chosen five having an anxiety attack, lights exploding and panic ensuing. They just, didn't need that. Again anyway. Shiloh focused on her breathing as she listened to the Headmistress giving the welcoming announcements, and introducing those who had been chosen by the previous members of The Order. Giving each of her friend's a smile as they had been called. Eventually it was her turn to make her proper entrance and join the others on stage. Shiloh gave her best smile, a small wave of her hand and stood next to Eden, giving him a brimming smile, and turned to look at Kai as he joined them as well. This was it. They made it, and here they all were. That small pit formed in her stomach behind stage and only seemed to get worse the longer time went on.

But thankfully, the formal parts of the party eventually came to an end, and the real purpose of being there was allowed to commence. Shiloh had initially lost sight of Jupiter among the chaos that ensued, the real music finally came in, and the thing Shiloh was looking forward to most. Alcohol. Shiloh grabbed one of the glasses off a tray one of the waiters had, giving him a small wink and smile as she gave him the cheers gesture with her glass, and nearly downed the glass in a single go. Now that she had at least one drink in her system, she was in need of more. But most importantly, she needed to find her friend. Not just any friend, no no. Her best friend. "Where did that dumbass fox go to now..." Shiloh mused to herself, her eyes scanning over the large crowd of party-members. Slipping through the crowds as she was in desperate search to find that little spark, somewhere.

Thankfully, Shiloh hadn't needed to spend all that much time looking for Jupiter. Her god damn hair was like a beacon in the night, in and off itself. May have strung her up with the lights, as a replacement for the disco ball. Which, as Shiloh thought on it, would have been highly entertaining, if she was being honest. Shaking her head, Shiloh made her way over to Jupiter, who seemed to be entirely enthralled with everything and hadn't seen Shiloh yet. Perfect. Shiloh crept over as stealthily as she could, heels and dress be damned, and snuck up behind Jupiter, and bumped her hip into Jupiter's. "We fuckin' did it, girl! Look at us go!" Shiloh wrapped her arms around Jupiter for a few seconds before stepping back excitedly. "I don't know what your plans are for tonight, but I know I plan on getting absolutely shitfaced drunk, dance with just about everyone, and whatever else. I don't care. We deserve this tonight, and I'll be damned if we don't enjoy it for all it's worth." Shiloh noticed another waiter and gestured her over, taking one of the drinks from the tray, and gave her a small wink as well. Turning back over to her friend, "To the baddest bitches in the entire Academy." Shiloh flashed the redhead a smile and saluted before taking a sip of her drink.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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    yelizaveta radomir
    fire witch | outfit | vibe | #6B191B

xAll she could hear were their desperate cries for help, horrifying and blood-curdling screams all swallowed by the roar of an infernal blaze and then, the ear-splitting cracking of wood. Support beams shatter, an entire building crumbles into rubble, the disembodied howling stops. Fire had been all that was left that night; that, and the pungent stench of burning flesh. Even after all these years she could still smell it, as if it took root in her very skull. Her ears rang with the memory, the hollowing dead haunting her despite the many years that had passed. Pale eyes stared vacantly at the lit end of her cigarette, her thoughts spiraling into the darkest recesses of her mind as she took a deep drag. She held the smoke in her lungs for as long as she could, until they finally ached for release. Smoke billowed around her like a low hanging cloud, a soft breeze eventually carrying it away, taking her darkness with her. No point in holding onto the past. It wouldn't bring anyone back.

xYelizaveta held her hand out over the edge of the balcony, her eyes trained on the cigarette held between her well manicured fingers. It began to glow red where her skin made contact, glowing brighter and brighter until the paper became completely engulfed in flame. She watched it turn to ash in seconds, unfazed by the heat, annoyed that she couldn't actually feel it. Her apathy had crossed over into outright boredom minutes ago, a long suffering sigh escaping her ruby-colored lips as turned her face toward the moon. She stood tall against the railing, her red tipped fingers relaxed on its stone surface, the fingers of her right hand armored with silver claws. Her silver mask shimmered in the light, giving her face an ethereal glow as the glitter on her eyelids sparkled like fallen stars. Yelizaveta had made an effort to look stunning, knowing it would be the only way she'd be able to catch someone's attention, especially on a night like tonight.

xIt was to be the party of the century, a celebration held to announce The Chosen Five. Despite being eight years premature, witches all over the world had come in droves to see who the The Order had picked to take their place and maintain balance over the world. Liza had no real reason to be there, having not been picked herself. Well, no reason except to lend her support to the New Order and drown her envy in expensive alcohol.

    x"Welcome witches from far and wide to join us here at the Academy to celebrate the successors from The Choosing that happened last night," Headmistress Genes' voice carried throughout the ballroom, resonating out onto every outdoor balcony. She called the attention of everyone in attendance, including the ones on the second floor. Liza made her way to the indoor balcony, elbows on the railing, her face held in her armored hand. "Our students like always were all dedicated to their studies, both in theory and practical. With so many bright students, it is always difficult for The Order to come to a unanimous decision, but they have easily agreed on our next Order."

    x'Gods, I need a drink.'

    xLiza's eyes rolled further and further into the back of her head the longer the old crone rambled on about how proud she was of the students who were chosen, only to snap back when she heard a familiar name. Othello was the first to be announced, and Yelizaveta couldn't contain her pride. She smiled despite the mood she was in, her eyes following them across the stage, that gorgeous head of bright blonde hair shining under the lights. 'My little sunbeam.' She'd be sure to congratulate them at some point during the festivities, stealing them away at the end of the night with the intention of congratulating them properly once the two of them got back to her room. First was Wood, next was-... 'Fire.' Who had been chosen for fire? No one knew, she just knew that it hadn't been her. She'd be up on that stage otherwise, wouldn't she? Standing next to her beloved Othello with her head held high. As the Headmistress went on to announce the next new member, she couldn't help but feel her heart rise in her throat with anticipation. Maybe this was when she would be told after all. When Jupiter stepped out from behind the curtain, her blood ran cold, her heart plummeting into the pit of her stomach. 'They chose her?'

    x"Well isn't that a surprise," a familiar voice cut through her fog like a knife, interrupting her thoughts before they could darken her mood even further. Standing to her immediate right was Deimos Grimshaw, a defensive spells teacher at The Academy. He was a perverted old man who often ogled the female students in his class, and Yelizaveta was one of his favorites. "I would've thought you'd be a shoo in for the Fire Element," he said, his leering eyes roaming over her body as if he were devouring a feast. Liza quickly stood ram-rod straight, her eyes hard as she turned to him fully.

    x"Move away from me, Grimshaw, before I use my heel to end your bloodline permanently." her eyes cut pointedly to his groin before they returned to his, holding his gaze with malice burning behind her mask as the realization suddenly hit him. He quickly walked away, hiding the fear in his eyes a second too late. Seeing it was almost enough to make her feel better, until she took her hand off the railing to see scorch marks in the shape of her palm burned into the wood. 'Seems like they chose her for a reason,' she scolded herself, the thought forcing her to calm down before anything else could happen.

    xYelizaveta turned back to the stage to see the members of the New Order standing in front of the masses, met with thunderous applause. It was humbling, to say the least. Perhaps she wasn't as strong as she had thought. As her eyes flitted from one member to the other, she realized just how familiar she was with each of them. There was Othello, her lover and confidant, the only person she actually felt something genuine for. There was Jupiter, a friend turned enemy turned one night stand. Liza wasn't a stranger to feeling inferior to the redhead. She'd tried to distance herself from the girl in the past and it resulted in a heated night of passion, their emotions coming to the surface until kissing was the only thing they could think of to shut the other one up. They've remained friends ever since, and will "reconnect" on rare occasions, but now the difference in power was out there for the entire world to see.

    xStanding next to the redhead was Eden Thomas, another former flame of hers. He'd wanted a relationship when she hadn't and has held contempt for her ever since. It was a shame, really. Eden wasn't a bad lover, but Liza knew she couldn't ever bed the boy again. Nothing good would come from it. After that was Shiloh Taylors, the metal witch. Now there was a girl who got under her skin. The two of them couldn't spend more than five minutes around one another before wanting to rip each others throats out - or rip each other's clothes off, if you were Liza. Shiloh only ever shied away from her advances when they were sexual in nature. It was curious, something she might just have to pursue one of these days. Last, but certainly not least, Malachai Bernard. A water witch and her own personal booty-call. The two of them had a friends-with-benefits type of relationship, one that benefitted both of them with no strings attached. He could take her mind off of anything, dragging her into parties she won't remember the next day, always letting her have her wicked way with him.

    x'Might as well congratulate them,' she thought, making her way toward the double staircase. Liza chose the one closest to her, the left set of stairs if one were looking at it head on, and gracefully began her descent. Her armored fingers traced along the railing, her ebony train following her down with every step. Compared to many of the other former protégés, she was dressed rather... provocatively. Everything was covered, all things considered, most of it was just see through. That had been her goal when choosing her ensemble for the evening. Chosen or not, Liza was going to turn a few heads.

xxxxxxxxA/N: bc i suck at describing things, click here to kinda get a better idea of what i'm talking about with the ballroom ♡ tysm u guys

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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eden thomas
outfit - mask - hex: #63acaa
xxxI woke up from a never-ending dream
xxxI shut my eyes at 17
xxxI lost every moment in between
xxxI felt the sun rise up and swallow me
Eden was, to put it frankly, a nervous wreck. Being named for the order had been a wonderful moment, but it had been quickly drowned out by the anxiety of the whole thing. He wasn’t entirely sure that he was the right choice. Surely, there had to be other people more worthy. His control still wasn’t perfect, and it seemed like a lot of pressure for somebody with no sense of his own identity. His friends had all been chosen too, so at least he wasn’t in it alone. But he also wasn’t sure he was on the same level as them.

And then there had been the ball. Usually, Eden would have jumped at the chance of any type of party. But all eyes were on him tonight, so he had to look right. He didn’t know how he wanted to look, if he wanted to go traditional and formal or if he wanted to be brave. When Shiloh had asked him about her outfit, it had given him half an idea of where to go, and he’d erred on the side of “out there.” But as he got ready, he wasn’t so sure it was the right decision.

His father had apparently been sent an invite. He’d written to Eden to say he wasn’t able to attend. Eden had been expecting as much, but that didn’t stop the disappointment. He knew that the others probably weren’t going to have family there, but he’d been thinking a lot about family in the last couple of weeks, and he missed them.

He wanted to turn and run as he stood on the stage, waiting for his cue. He didn’t know what to do as he took his spot, and just stood and awkwardly smiled. Some of the others waved. He wished he’d done that now.

When the time came, he couldn’t have gotten off the stage quick enough. Much like the others, he grabbed a drink and downed half of it in one go. Then, he scanned the room for the others. When he spotted Kai, he made a beeline for him, wrapping his arms around his roommate in an awkward side-on hug. “Thank god that’s over,” he said. “Time to go get shit-faced drunk, right? Yes?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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malachai gabriel bernard
“We ignore seeing the truth for temporary happiness.”

outfit | mental | soul | #90a3a7



    xxxxThose were the words that echoed in Kai's ears. In addition, to the sounds of a young child that felt all too familiar, then he couldn't hear anything. The sound was both audible and silent at the same time. Finally, however, it was heard. Then there was darkness. It yanked and clawed at him like a crazed beast. Then it all became clear. And all that was left was a hazy vision of Hadrien. Then it dawned on him. That's what he heard. His older brother's gentle and joyful laughter resembled the ocean waves that extended in front of him. as if to say, 'hello.'  Then he turned to face Kai, who was taken aback by the brilliance of it all. His brother was smiling as he raced to his frère. As the wind smacked at his young cheeks and the pattern of his bare feet vanished into the sand, he raced with outstretched arms. But when Ren came closer to Kai, the light faded, and he was drowning, drowning, drowning.
    xxxThen there was silence...x

    The only thing left was the sound of... water splashing? Malachai blinked his eyes open, his gaze fixated on the present. Water was overflowing from the sink, which Kai held on with both hands on the opposite side of the porcelain sink.
    xxxx“Merde!” he swore in foreign words as he pivoted his oxfords from the puddle of water. He looked down at his hands and shook them dry in unison. He had lost control of his abilities yet again. Water manipulation, it irritated him like a fish out of water since it made him feel imprisoned in the power that had taken his brother away. He gave himself a long, thoughtful look in the mirror. He had the same appearance as Ren. The same blue-green eyes ridiculed his emotions. They looked at the drowning child, leaving Kai to fend for himself as a killer. Kai, like everyone else, was terrified by those identical eyes. It conjured images of his sibling drowning and people gazing at him. In some respects, he believed them; perhaps he was the murderer and didn't realize it. Perhaps that wasn't an accident. Stop. The sounds. They were eating his existence until he quickly drew the Xanax bottle from his jacket, twisting the lid, and consuming in 2-3 tablets.
    xxxxThen there was silence again. Finally, he was okay.
    He glanced in the mirror one more time, and the soulless countenance that glared back in disdain, as if to mock him as an abomination, and he felt they were right. He looked down, nervously running his fingers through his hair, attempting to comb back the long strands that had fallen into his eyes. He straightened, his bowtie brushed at his shoulders. He wore a royal blue, floral-printed tuxedo in honor of his element of past proteges. Desiree, his foster mother, was a big fan of making a good impression. And she tends to it all to ensure that her boy was recognized. So she insisted on him wearing the royal blue polyester suit and matching metallic gold oxfords. But, of course, it wasn't his decision. None of it is true. Not even his powers, which had wrecked his life, could save him.
    xxxx“And without water, we would not be able to nourish the wood, congratulations to -” the headmaster of The Academy, Ethel Maud Genes announced from the stage, “-Malachai Bernard.”
    xxxxShit. He just got nominated as the new water protege to represent the order. He didn’t actually believe that this day would come that he would eventually lead the water element. On the other hand, Desiree was hopeful, which annoyed him because it worked in miraculous ways that he had no control over. After securing the mask to his face, he threw open the men’s bathroom door, and of course, there stood the damn former voodoo witch.
    xxxx"Congratulations,” she consoled him. She always knew how much he hated being a witch. But being in the Order was much worse. It brought on new remembrance of him being a killer because Ren would still be here if he didn't have those powers. But now, he has to represent the entire faction of others. He willingly pried his arm away from Desiree’s hands and walked past through the curtains and into the exuberant festivities. Everything slowed as people turned their heads in his direction, some clapping, and some left faint whispering about the commoner of witch descent orphaned because of the incident with his brother, leaving him in the care of a voodoo witch. The whole thing was fabricated to separate the dogs from the pack. He kept his head hung low to avoid the eyes, and his fists shoved inside his pockets until he eventually found himself on stage with his friends. He waited still until the ceremonial "Choosing" was over, and everyone could return to their festivities. He stepped off the stage as the group dispersed. He needed a drink, elegantly maneuvering his way through the crowd. At the bar table, he ordered a gin and tonic on the rocks and waited. In the crowd, he met eyes with his roommate / best friend waving in his direction. Kai smiled, calling him over. Eden Thomas was handsome, it was obvious. The earth witch dressed down in a red silk suit imprinted with exquisite hand-knitted embroidery patterns did its trick striking him as a God. However, the flowered mask he wore red did not veil his identity because of his bleached hair that proudly stood out from the rest. Eden proceeded through the animated crowds with the largest grin on his face until he greeted Kai by gently squeezing him into one of those awkward side hugs. Eden groaned, rolling his eyes, and Malachai listened as he ordered himself a drink. Then, he sighed, leaning his back against the counter with elbows propped on top of the laminated surface. Eden matched Kai’s stance and saw out the corner of his eye Eden side-glancing as he said,
    xxxx“Thank god, that’s over.” He elbowed at Kai’s arm, “Time to go get shit-faced drunk, right? Yes?” Eden's remark elicited a quiet giggle from Kai. He looked up with his eyes to scan the crowd that found both Shiloh and Jupiter together, toasting their initiation with alcohol. They both looked stunning in their different colored gowns with designs that Kai couldn't make out from a distance. But he didn't need a sign to know they were both gorgeous women. They were his girls, or as he should say, they were The Powerpuff Girls. The group name that came off shits and giggles.
    xxxx“You have no idea,” He shook his head remembering the great times that were shared by the three of them, including Eden. Kai used a hand to beckoned for the girls. Waiting for their arrival. “What trouble are you trying to get into now, copain?” His french words naturally rolling off his tongue, he raised an eyebrow in amusement towards Eden’s direction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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outfit - #9ABD97
this is a new year. a new beginning.
and things will change.

”I don’t want a freak for a son, Titania!”

“If you didn’t want a ‘freak’ for a son, you shouldn’t have married one! What did you think would happen?”

It was strange, the things one became nostalgic for when their life was changing forever. For better or worse, the ghost of the past haunted the space just behind Othello's eyes, reminding them of every moment that had led up to this.

This was arguably going to be the biggest moment of Othello’s life. There was no doubt that every young witch around his age had once dreamed of being in his position. He wouldn’t lie and say that being on the Order was his life’s goal, but Otto had worked hard every day since his giftings became apparent so that he’d at least be considered. Still, it was almost surreal. This was a bigger honor than they knew what to do with, and it was a bigger responsibility than they felt they were ready for. In eight years they may have felt ready. In eight years they may have been passed over in favor of someone else. They probably would have deserved it.

Othello’s mother had come in early, wanting to be sure that they looked perfect. They felt perfectly capable of preparing themself for the evening, but she’d insisted, and Otto had never seen her look so proud of them. He couldn’t tell her no. They also thought it might be nice to have her fret over them for once. They regretted it almost as soon as she’d arrived at his room. ”Oh, Othello. Your hair.”

”What’s wrong with my hair?”

”It’s so…”

”This is how I like it.”

She’d fretted and stressed over his hair until he kicked her out, which he would no-doubt never hear the end of. Decades from that day, she would bring up how her only child shunned her help in his finest hour, as if he’d needed it in the first place. In the end it was neatly styled, and still he still felt like himself. The mask was a nice touch, it made them feel more like the person everyone at the Masquerade was expecting. They weren’t really nervous, just… Unsure, unsteady. Othello was confident in his abilities, and in himself. He’d always needed to be. But Othello also knew that things would never be simple for them again, and the future needed to be certain. Othello was the type that had a path, and didn’t stray far from it.

While waiting for their cue, it struck Otto just how nervous some of the others seemed to be. He didn’t understand it. Had he missed something? Was there something wrong with him, that he wasn’t nervous? Then he heard it: ”...congratulations to Othello Estney.” And the nerves kicked in as he strolled across the stage. They looked a sight, though; the crystals on their suit jacket and the beading on the mask caught the light beautifully as they took their place on the stage, hundreds of little pinpricks reaching out into the world to announce Othello’s presence.

All the while he was reminding himself to stand up straight, don’t slouch, smile? No, that felt wrong. At least don’t grimace. So he stood, arms clasped behind his back as he tried not to look visibly uncomfortable. A constantly internal reminder to stand tall and strong and look… Impressive or something. They didn’t even process the speeches; they could hardly hear them over the nervous energy rattling around in their head. It was all the people, all the eyes on them. They hated that much attention. It was probably about time to start getting used to it, though.

Othello wasn’t sure how much time had passed- the droning of speeches felt like an unpleasant background noise to an uncomfortable moment- but eventually he felt a nudge to his side. Eyes darted to Jupiter at his side; it was time to leave the stage. Don’t run, They reminded themself internally, Just walk calmly off the stage. They were offered a drink almost as soon as their feet hit solid ground, it seemed, and they were grateful enough for it. The music began to swell, and Othello tried to will his heart to beat in time with the tempo of the music, at least for long enough to calm his shaking nerves.

One breath. Two. Three. Repeat.

See? All better.

Othello began to glance around the room, intending to search out something to eat, instead his eyes landed on Yelizaveta- the center of his universe- as she descended a staircase. There wasn’t a world where he wouldn’t know her. Words couldn’t do her justice most days, but in that moment she absolutely blew any comparison Othello could make out of the water. They adored her. For a brief moment, they wondered if things would change between them. Would she be jealous? Bitter? Angry? Would his new responsibilities take too much of his time, lead her to pick someone new to lavish with her affections? Would she shun him now, afraid to associate, or perhaps finally embrace him whole-heartedly like he’d desired for so long. Otto had never even tried to kid themself into believing they were the only one in Liza’s bed, but they did like to think they had something special all the same.

Otto grabbed a flute of… Something and went to stand near the bottom of the staircase. They went running to Liza often enough, they could wait and let her come to them tonight. They desperately wanted to ask if she’d seen them on the stage, but of course she had. They wanted to ask if she was proud, or if she was okay, or if she wanted to blow off this entire thing and go watch a movie instead, but they said, ”Good evening,” while casually offering the extra drink to her as if they hadn’t practically composed symphonies for her in their head a moment before. ”You look,” He paused, taking a moment to really drink her in. She was perfectly stunning in every way, and the dress was absolutely eye-catching. ”Positively sinful.” There was no other way to put it, really. ”I’m glad you came.” That was the closest to, ’I’m glad to see you,’ they could bring themself to say.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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#, as written by Caille

Outfit | #F2CD66


Jupiter was mid-sip when someone’s hip collided into hers and immediately she stumbled over her own two feet forwards. It was one of Newton’s third law of motion when two objects collide, they were going to stumble apart in opposite directions of equal force, so with that force, her martini glass had shifted from a sturdy grip to a loose grip and half the drink slipped right off the top and splashed onto the floor below with the bell of the glass tilter ever so slightly to the floor.

“For fucks sake.” Jupiter sighed, setting her glass down on the table before Shiloh had the chance to knock the drink all on the floor. There was a laugh that erupted from her chest as the feeling of being giddy came upon her, but she had to keep her composure and bug Shi a little bit, so her eyes shifted over to look at her best friend and roommate and gave a deafening glare.

“How dare you bump into me, a member of the order, and spill my drink. Unacceptable!” She tried her best to use that stern, and dark serious voice they always heard from Roman Cassidy, the former metal witch. Instead, she just threw her head back with her red curls brushing her back as she laughed out loud. “Yes, we fucking did it, Shi! We both did it. I’m literally on cloud nine, ecstatic!” The girl had a strong sense of determination and glee radiating from her soul at the very thought of it all.

Her pale green eyes scanned the room, there were more people than she could even name and that was saying a lot. Jupiter knew a lot of people, her family alone had at least 30 plus people in it. Still, she knew there should be a lot of familiar faces in this room, there she wound one, Otto.

Otto was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, and Jupiter was curious as to why. So the feisty redhead looked up the stairs, and immediately her breathing stopped. She saw what her smash and smash buddy was looking at. Yelizaveta. That was one maniacal woman, but god was she vivacious, tantalizing, and alluring. That dress on her was absolutely delectable and a crime to look that good.

Jupiter realized how long her eyes were lingering on the woman and instantly she came back to her and Shi. She had a devilish grin sneak on her face though, as she had an idea to bother her other best friend. “Shi, I need you to lift me up for a second.” She said with her hand resting on her shoulder, “I’ll show you why after.” With that, there were no other questions asked.

The girl could feel hands at her waist with a firm grip as she was hoisted up higher above the crowd. She pulled her phone out, zoomed in, and snapped a photo of Otto. When her heels clicked against the floor signaling she was on the floor she instantly went into her text messages and found the one titled ‘Ottomobile <3’ and sent him the photo of himself. The photo sent along with the message;

“Lil, Otto you look so cute in your wittle suit. I just wanna pinch those lil cheeks.”

After the text message, she sent three kissy face emojis to him. When she was done she showed her text to Shiloh to show why she wanted to be lifted up in the first place.

“Okay, yes. Let's get totally wasted tonight, let's start.” She said as the girl clasped her hand around the glass and down the rest of the contents and then waved down one of the waiters to get another flute of this sweet bubbly liquid, by the time she slid that down her throat and set the glass on the table she could see Kai waving at her and Shi from across the room.

Kai stood out among the crowd with his blue and gold suit, he was handsome and fancy as ever. It almost made her feel as though she was underdressed, but all the same, she waved her hand back at the guy across the room. Her eyes fluttered and noticed Eden next to Kai. Eden had the red suit with embroidered details that really stood out. It was classy, yet elegant and the mask with the flowers on top was simply stunning.

Eden almost felt like a magnetic force she couldn’t pull away from, so instead of wasting time, she grabbed Shi’s hand and pulled her best friend towards their other close friends so they could all get shit-faced together.

When they finally got to the other two, Jupiter couldn’t help but say, “Heeey, we all made it bitches. We need a platter of shots as soon as humanly or I guess witchingly possible.” She said flashing the three of them a big grin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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Shiloh Taylors
The Metal Witch | Post Song | #708090
Mask | Hair & Makeup | Dress | Rings | Shoes
Friends are happy for me
Or they're honey-suckle phonies
Then they celebrate my medals
Or they wanna take my trophies
Some are loyal soldiers
While these other thorns are rosy
And if you never know who you can trust
Then trust me you'll be lonely

Shiloh couldn't help the grin that formed on her lips as Jupiter had turned around, cursing as she faced the darker haired witch. Sure, should Shiloh have done what she did? No. Would she do it again if it didn't end with getting literally burned? Possibly. But now wasn't the time for that. Now was the time for celebration, and she'd be damned if they didn't spend the rest of the night enjoying every moment of it. And tonight, Shiloh wasn't just celebrating tonight for her and her friend's success. As much as she didn't want to talk about it, Shiloh had more than just the obvious reasons to be celebrating. She was able to accomplish things she never thought possible, and one of her biggest supporters couldn't be here. And as bittersweet as that fact was. No matter how much it weighed on her shoulders and chest every day. It was what pushed her as hard as it did. Knowing she had to do something for the ones lost to be proud of. She had just had to.

For the third time, a smile creeped over her lips, "Oh I am so sorry. How could someone like me be so careless. I truly am sorry for my clumsiness." Shiloh said with an overdramatic, and expressive tone. One often seen by Fleur Vossen, who was the water witch of the Order before. Shiloh glanced over as Jupiter explained how ecstatic she was. "I mean, is it any surprise, really? Like, c'mon. One of the baddest fire witches in this whole place. If not the baddest. So, I'm not really surprised, girlfriend." Shiloh joked, and two toasted their respective drinks and downed them together in one go. Her eyes glancing around the room, trying to see if she could see anyone she knew. Well, the best she could do considering everyone and their god damn mother's mother were all wearing masks.

Shiloh leaned her elbow on the table the two were standing next to, letting her weight be supported by the structure beneath, occasionally taking sips from the new drink she had gotten from the waiter that had been called over to them. Her mind would occasionally wander as she looked around. Her nerves and anxiety slowly building the longer she focused on them. Shiloh had just barely come out of her thoughts when she heard Jupiter ask a question, placing her hand on her shoulder, that she only managed to get the tail end of. Blinking a few times as she tried to process what was asked, seeing as she had been zoned out moments before.

"Uh, yeah sure. Just uh, lemme..." Shiloh said, placing the glass she was holding on the table. Shiloh took a moment to remove her shoes, and wrapped her arms around Jupiter's waist with just a bit of a firm grip, and easily lifted her up enough so she could see through the crowd. After a few moments, Shiloh got the hint that Jupiter got what she needed, and gently placed her back down, letting the bottom of her shoes touch back down on solid ground. Shiloh was in the middle of putting her shoes back on when she saw Jupiter shove her phone into her face. Furrowing her eyes-brows as she attempted to focus on the text.

"Oh, real classy." Shiloh joked as she leaned over Jupiter's shoulder. She picked up the glass she had prior and finished it off alongside Jupiter. The two had managed to get a few more drinks in before her attention had been taken by Kai and Eden who were across the room. A small smile appeared on her face, they both looked amazing in the attire they chose, and it worked all too well for them. Shiloh looked over at Jupiter and nodded, "Let's go see our boys." she chuckled as Jupiter grabbed her hand, tightening the hold as the two made their way across and over to their friends.

When the two finally got closer, Shiloh was finally able to make out what fabrics and designs the two boys had chosen for their suits and masks. She mentally took notes, she'd need to ask Kai later who made the suit, as it complimented him rather well. Even if she wouldn't make that known just yet. "We did it, bitches!" Shiloh said excitedly, wrapping her arms around the two boys' shoulders as she got in the middle of them, Kai and Eden on either side of them.

"You boys ready to get absolutely fucking wasted? No other way to properly celebrate tonight, than getting fucked up." she chuckled, pausing for a moment. "Well...There is, but I'mma have to pass on that one with you guys." Shiloh joked as she grabbed another shot glass from a passing waiter and downed it in one go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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malachai gabriel bernard
“Dear child, choose to forgive yourself. You are human, flawed, and most of all worthy of love.”
- Desiree Nala Dupree

outfit | soul | #90a3a7


    Malachai couldn't stop thinking about his admittance into The Order, which had happened less than thirty minutes before. It's not that he wasn't grateful, but being a witch was one of the many things Malachai despised. It was the same abilities that claimed his older brother's life, culminating in his admission to a psychiatric facility, his parents' abandonment, and the psychological issues he encounters daily. Malachai didn't want to live this life because he wanted to be redeemed. He was one of many students that joined The Academy at a late age, and he immediately felt like an outsider because of his background and because he didn't fully realize the scope of his abilities. Although he was one of the top-performing witches at The Academy, he tends to lose control when his emotions are raging. He was paranoid, and the night terrors from the night his elemental force stole his twin's life had taken over his head. But each flashback began with darkness, then white lights, a fuzzy face, and then drowning. It was as if there was a missing puzzle piece buried deep within his mind. That was how it ended until Malachai is jolted back into reality by the out-of-control spilling of water. It was unpleasant, and Malachai contemplated not sleeping at all on most nights, which would explain his typical black bags under his eyes. Because if he slept, he would drown in panic, anxiety, and more panic as he plunged farther beneath the wave into the abyss. Then there was darkness. He felt restless and defeated simultaneously, which is why he couldn't join The Order. Because how could you be put in a position to help others when you couldn't even survive to help yourself? Malachai felt it was ironic, even ridiculously humorous.

    As he waited for the girls to join him and Eden at the bar, his blue-green eyes swept the crowds. When he spotted Othello talking with Yelizaveta, he smirked to himself between swallow after a sip of his glass. They both looked quite seductive, especially Othello, dressed in the perfect, cut forest green suit encrusted with microscopic crystals that glistened under the spotlights. Malachai wished he could stroll over there, take Othello's hand towards his dorm, and rip his clothes off. He, on the other hand, resisted. Instead, he used his eyes to undress the lovely devil, storing the nibble for later. Finally, his gaze shifted away from Othello and met Desiree, who held a conversation with The Old Order and other significant members of the witch race. She noticed Malachai's eyes on her and gave him a reassuring smile as she nodded her head, her wine glass balanced in her palm. Malachai mocked her by raising his drink and bringing it to his lips. He drowned his grief with alcohol. Desiree was not amused, and she frowned at Malachai before averting her gaze from him to resume her speech. The two resembled a mother and son more than anything else. Desiree was concerned about Malachai. She disagreed with Malachai's irresponsible behavior fueled by sex, alcohol, and drugs. She peered behind the curtain and saw the same sad, innocent little kid his mother had dropped off on her front doorstep. And the older he became, the more determined he became to learn the truth about his family's history. Instead, it simply served to break him further. Desiree expected the phase to pass in his adolescence, but rather, she witnessed his insanity grow over time due to remorse, wrath, and defeat. Desiree adored Malachai as if he was her own. And she was destined to defend what was rightfully hers at any cost. Desiree was providing tough love, but one thing was sure: she was not giving up on Malachai. She saw him for what he indeed was. Malachai was a genuinely powerful witch, capable of great things even if he didn't realize it. On the other hand, Desiree’s goal was to teach him because it was only a matter of time before the youngster became a force to be reckoned with.

    Malachai was so engrossed in his thoughts that he overlooked Shiloh and Jupiter until Shiloh stepped between him and Eden. “... I'm going to have to pass on that one with you guys,” she said, finishing her sentence. Malachai didn't understand the first part of what she or Jupiter had said, but he thought they were talking about getting drunk, which Malachai planned to do to forget the rest of the night. He only muttered, "Amen to that," before chugging the last of his vodka and gin. Malachai set the empty glass on the counter and signaled for the bartender to prepare another. Then he turned to face Jupiter, and his heart plummeted to his knees the moment he laid eyes on the stunning redhead, who dressed in a beautiful, flowing black gown with flowers and a slit that displayed part of her superbly toned leg. It was both innocent and wonderfully sensual, and Malachai believed she did a good job. His deep-set eyes admired his ex-girlfriend, who was now one of his closest friends at The Academy. She was as lovely as ever, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smile. He complimented her softly, "You look gorgeous." And he claimed the butterflies in his gut that was fluttering madly. Malachai wondered how Jupiter still had a hold on him even though they were no longer together and how she had become the one to seize his mind. But, to his amazement, Shiloh drew all of his attention. It took him a moment to recognize her because of her all-black hair, but it was her lovely, long legs that gave her away. She looked stunning in her deep crimson and black gothic gown, adorned with numerous roses and a necklace to complete the appearance. Her dark, laced mask set her apart from the others who wore plastic masks. Shiloh was unique, one of Malachai's favorite aspects, even though he wouldn't admit to Taylors that he appreciated having her around. It would detract from their frequent banter. Shiloh was a pain in his ass, but that didn't mean he wasn't attracted to her in the same way the others were. Her beauty raged with a fire that even demons were afraid to touch, the same beauty that contained the mystery in her eyes and enchantment in her soul. “As do you, Shi,” he said nervously, pulling aside a strand of hair from his eyes. He wanted to crack a joke, but he couldn't develop anything clever because of Shiloh fucking Taylors. He grabbed his new drink and took a long taste of the vodka mix. “I'm prepared to dance. What about you?” Malachai peered past Shiloh to Eden, his eyes bright with a grin as he waited for his best friend to react.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Eden Thomas
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0.25 INK

eden thomas
outfit - mask - hex: #63acaa
xxxI woke up from a never-ending dream
xxxI shut my eyes at 17
xxxI lost every moment in between
xxxI felt the sun rise up and swallow me
At the question of what type of trouble he wanted to get into, Eden grinned widely, before putting on a overly pensive expression and making a show of pretending to have to think about that question. Truth be told, he didn't care. He just wanted the warmth and the buzz of alcohol to take away the looming fear and feelings of inadequacy. He didn't understand why he'd been chosen over the others. He kept waiting for Ruby Ma to materialise in front of him, take him to one side, and apologise sincerely for the huge mistake, and tell him that somebody else had actually been chosen. Cassie Lightborn, probably, she seemed to have all the qualities they were looking for and that Eden himself seemed to lack.

A part of him kept hoping to have that conversation.

He was momentarily distracted as Jupiter and Shi appeared. Before, he'd been so nervous that he hadn't fully taken in how stunning Jupiter looked. She stood out from the crowd even more than she usually did dressed that beautifully. Then again, no matter what crowd they were in or how she was dressed, she always stood out like a beacon to Eden, drawing his attention and holding it. His attention was only drawn away from her when Shiloh materialised between him and Kai, wrapping an arm around them both.

Shi, of course, looked as badass as ever. He'd helped consult on her outfit, so it wasn't too much of a surprise to him, but he felt a certain amount of pride in seeing how amazing she looked, even if his contribution had been minimal. He wrapped an arm around her as she appeared between him and Kai. "Yes, shots seem like an amazing idea," he said, turning to the bar and ordered a round of shots for them all, laughing at Shiloh's comments about it being the only way to celebrate that she was willing to do with them.

When the compliments left Kai's lips, they seemed far more natural and sincere than they ever would have done if Eden had said them. He probably would have tripped over his words and corrected himself half a dozen times, so Eden just nodded and held up one of the shots to the two girls before downing it and immediately picking up another. It was as he lifted the second to his lips that he realised Kai hadn't said anything to him about how he looked, and the burn of jealousy that came with that. He tipped the liquor down his throat. He couldn't- wouldn't- dwell on that now. The last thing he needed tonight was another full-blown crisis over who he was and what he felt and towards who. Two acute crises in a week seemed to be enough for anyone.

And then, of course, Kai said something about dancing, which made Eden's heart leap more than it had any right to. Not that kind of dance, you idiot. Kai's grin gave the impression that it was more the kind that would probably make everyone around them question why the hell they'd been appointed to the Order. Which, of course, was just as good. So Eden grinned back, and downed another shot. "Always," he said. "Excuse me, madam," he said, his tone overdramatically formal, as he stepped past Shiloh and held out his arm to Kai. "Now remember, Mr. Bernard, we must uphold the expectations and the good name of the Order to the highest extent tonight, so I expect you to remain a perfect gentleman at all times," he said in an approximate mockery of an aristocratic accent.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Eden Thomas
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille

Outfit | #F2CD66


As the girls had made their way over to Eden and Kai, she couldn’t help but laugh as Shi wiggled her way between them. She held up her finger to signal for neither of them to move, her hand reached into her clutch purse to grasp the rectangular object that was almost nearly in her hand, almost as if it were her heart pumping blood through her veins and moving the oxygen around. Gliding her thumb across the bottom, it opened her phone and she swiftly punched in her 4 digit code and opened the camera icon.

Jupiter took several photos of the three of them, and even turned her back to them and extended her arms out and up as far as they could go to get a group selfie. The redhead was like the group mom who was outrageously proud of her children or one of those hockey moms that would fight other parents about how shitty their kid was to hers. It was this overwhelming feeling of complete and utter gratification. These were some of her closest friends and most special bonds at the academy.

After taking the photos the others had been talking among themselves, and Jupiter was staring at the pictures she had just taken. She wanted to remember this night and she wanted to remember how good everyone looked. Shi was stunning in her handmade dress, and Jupiter had known just how much that girl practiced walking in those heels to be an absolute goddess walking around this ball room with them.

When Kai had mentioned she was gorgeous Jupiter’s face instantly lit up, her hands laced together in front of her and her shoulders began to rock back and forth as she spoke, “Oh, stop! Says you, Kai.” it was spoken in a playful way while her eyes looked up to meet Kai’s gaze. Quickly her stance changed to her hands removing themselves from the other and locking on her hips.

The group had got a couple rounds of shots together. Each time Jupiter had a little nose scrunch to her face. One would think that over time you would get used to the bitterness or after taste of such profanities, but that was hardly the case. No matter how many times Jupiter started a night with shots, they never got easier until you got to the fourth shot. Then they go down smoother as they liquor starts to hit your system.

Jupiter's favorite shots were Jager bombs, it gave you the energy that one would need to face a night of dancing, but also was a little richer tasting that vodka shots or gin shots. Vodka and white rum had a shit taste, they were almost like paint thinner. But Jager was more than a boozy aftertaste, it almost tasted medicinal and spiced. Then there was gin, gin wasn't meant to shoot, gin was a piney taste in your mouth and better suited with club soda and some lime wedges. Then there was her favorite, spiced rum or whiskey shots. It had a bite to it, but the flavor was all there. At this point the girl was fairly sure that she was an alcoholic with her knowledge of different alcohol tastes, but it didn't stop her from drinking anything or having a bad time. Tequila was the kind of shooter that her body hated, but got her drunk the fastest.

There was that one incident during Cinco de mayo, where she had been completely obliterated by tequila shots to the point she was black out. She had managed to lose her clothes and apparently was a risk for streaking on campus as it was one of her wild ideas, but she was thankfully stopped. Somewhere out there people did own videos of her talking about streaking, but that would probably have been strike number two against Jupiter. Her great grandfather did not take a liking to almost being plummeted with a giant pumpkin.

When Kai and Eden locked arms to go dance, there was a residual feeling left within herself that made her hate that they were just going off with each other. Where did that leave her? Jupiter knew she wasn’t one to talk, she never made things official with others, she did once with Kai and she knew how much that agonized him, despite his reluctance and stubbornness to admit that’s how he felt. There were too many of her own feelings to unpack, because she was jealous of both of them. Kai with Eden and Eden with Kai. It was a feeling that made her feel disgusting, so instead of dealing with it she did the next best thing. Drown it out.

The redhead managed to track down a waiter carrying a platter of shots and slipped him a twenty to give it to her. Sure alcohol was free, but she didn’t want to fuss about taking the whole tray. “Bon Appetite mon Cheri!” She said holding the shot platter to Shi. “We may have been ditched by the two boys who asked us to come see them, but it does not mean we can’t have fun or wont have fun. Their loss.” She shrugged as she brought the platter to a standing table.

“First things first, we’re probably gonna dance after these shots, so I’m going to take the god forsaken heels off.” As she said it, she propped her leg out of the slit of the dress and began to work her magic with the little buckles at her ankles before removing the heel completely and did the same to the next one.

Once Shi also had her heels off, Jupiter held up the first shot, “To many shots, but most importantly, to my best friend and sister, without you I would not be here today!” Her words were spoken and after a bit the two of them downed the first shot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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0.00 INK

Shiloh Taylors
The Metal Witch | Post Song | #708090
Mask | Hair & Makeup | Dress | Rings | Shoes
"She would've made such a lovely bride
What a shame she's fucked in her head, " they said
But you'll find the real thing instead
She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
And hold your hand while dancing
Never leave you standing
Crestfallen on the landing
With champagne problems

Shiloh chuckled at Kai's response, giving him a sly grin, her eyes lingered on him for a moment longer than she would have liked. The comment thrown her way from Kai had been unexpected, if she was being honest. But, when her mind went back to the night two weeks ago, it sort of hit her a bit differently than it would have normally. If it had been elsewhere, she would have said a simple but soft 'thank you' his way but, right now, all she could do was keep up their casual persona they shared in public. "Well obviously." she teased back as a reply, playfully tossing her short hair over her shoulder as a chuckle rang out. Her eyes glanced over to Jupiter as a smirk creeped over her lips, Kai did have a point though, Jupiter did look absolutely gorgeous tonight. But that wasn't a shock, she always knew how to at least look the part when it counted.

Grinning, Shiloh looked back over at the boys as Kai asked if Eden was ready for a dance. "Make it worth the show, boys." she rattled off as the two boys finished off a last drink and then took to the dance floor. Leaving just Shiloh and Jupiter to their own devices. "And then there were two-" Shiloh joked as she looked at her friend, with a gentle smile on her face. Raising an eyebrow playfully as Jupiter returned with a tray full of shots, "Don't mind if I do-" she replied, taking one of them and downed it quickly. Picking up another glass as she turned to properly face Jupiter, knowing what was about to come.

Shiloh nodded along and removed both of her heels as she knelt down and unclasped them, before quickly shoving the black and red velvet shoes under the table. Hopefully no one would attempt at stealing them, or there'd be hell to pay. Getting back up to her full height, just a few inches above Jupiter, Shiloh's expression softened ever so slightly as her friend began to make a toast. Holding up the shot glass in hand, "-And to my best friend and soulmate, the light of my life-" she gave a small wink at Jupiter and the two finished off the shots in one go.

Shiloh's eyes trailed over Jupiter after the two had finished off their toast, and began their long trail of shots to be taken. If she was being honest with herself, Shiloh never would have thought she'd be here today, alongside Jupiter. Not only being fellow members chosen and selected by The Order for their respective element. But just in general. When the two first met, Shiloh wanted nothing more than to be left alone by the red-haired fire witch. The two were like cats and dogs, no matter how similarities they had at the start, their clashing personalities would have been a recipe for disaster. And maybe it was. Especially at the start. But one thing led to another, and they somehow found themselves becoming friends one night as neither one could sleep. What seemed so silly at the time, asking if Jupiter liked Nightmare Before Christmas, and then sliding her down one of the old plushies she had taken with her. Small tokens of friendship had been shared that night, and while they didn't exactly make it seem like they were enthused to be friends, it was something Shiloh desperately wanted, and needed. All those years ago when she first joined the Academy, Shiloh was entirely alone and as much as she didn't want to admit it, she was terrified and lonely. Just hoping anyone would be willing to be her friend. And out of all places, an angry and even bitchy young red haired fire witch, would later become one of the most important, and dearest people to Shiloh. Her twelve year old self would have laughed if anyone told her that was to come in the future. It just, didn't make sense at the time. Yet here they were now, ten years later.

Emerald eyes scanned over the fire witch with a sense of fondness, and even a bit of nostalgia intermingled with softness. In nearly every way possible, Shiloh loved Jupiter. She was Shiloh's best friend in the entire world, and even since day one, no matter how much Jupiter irritated the ever living hell out of Shiloh, she could tell that something was there. In whatever copacity, she didn't know. But after everything the two had been through over the years, it wasn't surprising by now that Shiloh had come to grow rather soft for the red-head. From becoming unlikely friends over a single night-time conversation, that eventually led into more late night conversations that would go on for hours, and well into the night between the two, talking about simple things that eventually got into personal, family topics, and just life in general. Shiloh adored Jupiter in every way, and owed her so much, she could never put it into words properly. And then there was that night in the basement, when Shiloh found Jupiter, carrying an injured Jupiter to the infirmary, asking and begging the Healers to help her friend. Refusing to leave her side until Shiloh knew she'd be okay. And even then, Shiloh had been glued to her friend's side for weeks, even months after, making sure nothing like that ever happened again. She just couldn't lose her. To the day Shiloh was confronted by Jupiter, asking if she was pregnant after Shiloh had wound up in the bathroom again, emptying her stomach into the toilet for the second day in a row. Jupiter was the first person Shiloh had confided in, even before she told Tyson that he was going to be a father. Jupiter had been there through it all, and kept the secret like she said she would. And of course, eventually when the accident happened, Jupiter was there for Shiloh when Tyson passed, and eventually when the innevitable happened with the baby. Jupiter was just always there, no matter what.

It didn't matter what anyone would say about Jupiter. They could say she was a bitch all they wanted, but no one knew how she really was. Not like Shiloh did. There was an unspoken gentleness that Jupiter had to her, and as much as Shiloh had promised they'd never talk about it, Shiloh's mind couldn't help but occasionally go back to that night when the unexpected between them happened. Shiloh had been so emotionally vulnerable after Tyson had died, all she wanted, no needed, was for someone to hold her and let her know she wasn't alone. That there was something to hold onto. And while it was entirely unplanned, and some may even had called it an accident or even a mistake, Shiloh wouldn't have taken that night for anything in the world. While the two had agreed to stay strictly platonic afterward, there was still those moments where the two were soft towards each other, no matter how much either one wanted to deny it. Jupiter was and always would be Shiloh's chosen person, and visa versa, and she'd have it no other way. Jupiter was Shiloh's light at the end of the tunnel, and was always a reminded that there was at least one person left to fight for and carry on living, and she wouldn't wish it any other way.

One shot down. Shiloh counted to herself as she took down another glass. Her eyes having looked out toward the dance floor after she had finished ruminating on her fondness for her friend. Her eyes flitted from one person to another, a small grin forming on her lips as her green eyes locked on two individuals dancing together. A tall, platinum blonde woman, with an undercut who was dressed in a black suit, with a mostly unbuttoned shirt, who gently swayed side to side as she danced with a shorter, brown haired woman. The two were an iconic couple in Shiloh's eyes. Seeing as the two were an unlikely pair, as well as both being Former Protege's of The Order. A Fire witch, and an Earth witch respectively. Erin Monaghan and Evie Parker. Shiloh took another shot glass and raised it in their direction, giving the women a grin as they waved at her in return, and downed it in their honor, before her attention was taken by another duo.

That set of platinum dyed hair, that was accompanied by a red and black floral mask, and a matching suit. If Shiloh had known any better, he had tried matching their outfits together. Shiloh mused at the thought for a moment. The two had been the most unlikely pair to ever be friends. The scrawny and awkward boy from Australia, who was a prime victim for bullies on campus, and then the ever present grump on campus who bullied bullies. From the day the two met, Shiloh knew that the Earth witch would hold a special place in her heart, and he did. She adored his natural presence to be himself, even when others told him not to. Shiloh was there to tell the bullies to take their shit and shove it somewhere else. Always coming to Eden's defense. He had become like a little brother to her over the years, someone she'd go to bat for any day, if anyone started any sort of shit with him, and even now, as they both became members of The Order, she'd hold to that promise. Regardless of them not being related by blood, she'd always see him as a brother, her brother, and she'd do anything for him.

Next, were those all too familiar brown, curly locks of hair that matched his dark-set eyes. Malachai Bernard, or as she affectionately ever called him, Kai. Like the others, he was an unexpected friend, at least from any outsiders looking in. She heard all the rumors and stories of the kid who allegedly killed his twin on purpose when he was a child. Was sent off to a mental hospital and then was raised by a witch who dealt with dark magic. She didn't care about any of the things she heard about him. People said whatever they wanted about her, and half if not most of those rumors were true or held even the least bit of merit, so why should it have been any different in the water witch's case? Shiloh could see parts of herself in the young boy when they were younger. Guarded and walled off, not wanting to be hurt by the people in the world who would gladly use their insecurities against them. Kai was a familiar soul to Shiloh's own, even could having sworn that whatever souls were made from, some said it was star-dust, that the two of them had to have been the same. They were just too alike, in so many ways.

Even on days where Shiloh wouldn't admit it, Kai was the closest thing to what she could ever consider a soul mate, even somehow out-doing Jupiter. There was just something about Kai, an unspoken, well hidden tenderness to him that he only ever showed when him and Shiloh were alone. Spending time together as they walked around the campus late at night, halled up on the roof of the Academy, smoking or simply just talking about life and family. He meant something to Shiloh, and ever since that night two weeks ago, when Kai was beyond drunk and said that even when he was sober, she'd still be beautiful. The words echoed around in her mind, and she didn't know why they weighed as heavily as they did. But here she was, a small smile plastered on her lips as she watched him dance alongside one of their best friends.

Two shots down. Shiloh tilted her head back as she downed another glass of whatever it was. She didn't care at this point. All she wanted was to become absurdly drunk and allow herself to escape reality, even if just once for a night, and truly enjoy herself and whatever life would throw at her this night.

Shiloh continued to look around the room, taking in the scenery around her as music above blared to life. Finally starting to feel the slightest affect of alcohol taking over her brain. It was a nice, warm buzz, and she welcomed it. Shiloh was only taken back when her eyes locked onto the absurdly tall giant with a mess of blonde hair. She even had to admit, they knew how to clean themselves up when things called for it. As annoying of a thought as it was. Othelo Estney. The one who had been chosen by The Order for wood. Otto was an incredibly talented witch, anyone with eyes could see that, and Shiloh had to admit, he did have his ways of impressing Shiloh. Compared to everyone else so far, these two had some of the most complex dynamic Shiloh was able to take of note. When Shiloh wasn't making the wood witch's life utter hell by pulling pranks, or the two would exchange jabs at one another, but, there was that one day where the most unlikely thing had happened, and it's since stuck with Shiloh.

There was a day that Shiloh was busy working on a project, or well, more so she was in the training room alone, attempting at furthering her ability to bend metal to her will. And Shiloh just couldn't get her mind from bringing up past insecurities and weaknesses. How she'd never be able to accomplish what others expected of her, and how she'd be the weakest one of her kind due to where she came from. Even the anger that she felt in her heart didn't help be enough fuel to stoke the fires to push her to do better, be better. But the most unexpected thing happened when Othello appeared from nowhere, having apparently walked in to see a failed attempt at whatever Shiloh was attempting to accomplish. Shiloh expected a sarcastic quip to come from the wood witch, another jab at her inability to do something what others would consider basic and fool's play. But that wasn't what happened. Instead, Othello simply gave her a word of encouragement. And she could tell that they were being genuine as well. No hidden, 'Gotcha' moment or anything. He meant it when Othello said, 'You can totally do it. I know you can.' It was such a simple sentiment, but it hit her all too hard. She had given him so much shit over the years, yet here he was, complimenting her, and giving her a boost of confidence. It was silly and simple, but it was all she needed and she was able to do it, and gave Othello an unexpected hug out of sheer excitement as Shiloh even shocked herself. The two hadn't exactly been the closest after that, but it was still something she tended to think about, which may have helped lessen the extremes of what her usual manner towards the wood witch was.

And of course, there was also the time after Tyson's passing. Shiloh refused to come out of her room, and the one day she did actually answer the door to a strange knock on the dorm door, she was surprised to see it was Othello. He had heard about what happened, and explained that they didn't know what Shiloh liked but, Othello figured a few easy, home cooked meals would at least help so she didn't have to leave the room if she didn't want to. It was another moment of genuine kindness and selflessness she didn't expect from them, and was beyond grateful for. Shiloh had invited Othello in and the two had shared some of the food Othello brought, and they had very brief small talk, even though it was mostly one sided from Othello as they asked her questions, and she shrugged in response. But made sure to show she was thankful for the kind and unneeded gesture. Shiloh knew they weren't friends by any means, but the fact that Othello had cared enough, to go out of his way and beyond, to not only check up on someone who made their life hell, but also made an effort to make sure she was at least looking after herself. Shiloh knew she never properly thanked Othello as much as she could have, but she was never one that was good with words, especially with people she wasn't very close to. But she at the very least attempted to repay it back in some way.

Shiloh had managed to ever so gracefully ask Jupiter what Othello liked, and had baked them some cupcakes with light green frosting and small, edible bits in the shape of trees and things of that nature. She knew it was goofy and very cliche, but it just felt right to her. As much as she didn't want to admit it, Othello was a kind and selfless person deep down, even if they didn't show it very much, and Shiloh would be forever grateful for their actions, especially when it wasn't expected. It was small actions like the ones Othello took, that reminded Shiloh that there was still good in the world, and it oddly kept her grounded. She made an unspoken promise to herself, that if Othello ever needed something in return, she'd do her absolute damndest to repay it in kind. It was the least she could do for them after all.

Shiloh's eyes ever so slightly flitted beside Othello and landed on a figure. It took her much longer than it should have for her to realize who it was. Shiloh's eyes had trailed across the body of the woman who stood beside the wood witch. Her eyes scanning over all too tentatively as she couldn't help but stand there and take in the beautiful creature that stood across the way from Shiloh. It took the metal witch about a solid two minutes of staring for the gears in her head to start working, and piece together that it was none other, than god damn Yelizaveta Radomir herself. The second most notable fire witch, and Former Protege at The Academy. "Oh fuck me-" Shiloh sputtered out, quickly grabbing and turning to grab another shot glass. Three shots. She noted to herself. With shaky hands, Shiloh grabbed another shot glass and just as quickly downed it as the last one, Four shots. She would have dank more, but the last thing Shiloh needed, was to become this intoxicated just yet. Or maybe it was the exact thing she needed, after she just realized who she had been staring so god damn intently at for two solid minutes. Thoughts crossing her mind that she really shouldn't have ever let cross her mind, knowing who it was. Retrospect was a funny thing, now wasn't it?

But, as much as this realization annoyed Shiloh, she couldn't refuse to admit that the fire witch in question was absolutely gorgeous in every single way imaginable. From the hair and eyes, to the shape of her body, especially in that damned dress, and of course...The face. Even with the mask, Shiloh couldn't help but stare for few more minutes longer. As much as Liza had always managed to get under Shiloh's skin, further stoking the animosity between the two witches, there was something undeniably attractive about it all to Shiloh. Sure, she'd be damned if she ever admitted that fact to anyone alive on this god damn planet, especially Liza. The constant back-and-forths the two shared, it undeniably held various forms of tension between them, anyone who would witness their outbursts of when the two would have enough of each other, and stare intently into each other's eyes, refusing to be the first one to look away until some other force had taken their attention away from the other. No one else ever made Shiloh's blood boil with anger as much as the Russian fire witch did, or even make her heart beat as fast and sporadic as she did. The metal witch didn't know what kind of ungodly affect that witch had on her, or even why, but it alone was intoxicating. And Shiloh wanted for nothing more than to be able to be done away with those god damn thoughts and feelings, whatever they may have been. She wasn't able to wrap her mind around the thoughts properly, as whatever gods existed probably didn't even know what she was feeling, but it was an undeniable case of confusion, and even worry on Shiloh's end. Just why couldn't she get that damned fire witch out of her head? The lingering stares, the occasional touch as the two got closer, mere inches away from one another, and the heavy, anger filled breaths that she felt on her skin as the two stared each other down, ready to tear into one another-

Shiloh was taken out of her thoughts as she noticed the song changed, it just so happening to be one she liked and couldn't refuse to not dance to it. Shiloh turned and grabbed another shot and quickly downed it. Hoping it'd be enough to help keep those thoughts at bay. Shiloh grabbed one of Jupiter's wrists, and held one of the fire witch's hand with her own, "Okay, enough drinking. We need to get dancing, girl! just you and me-" Shiloh said with a chuckle as she pulled her shorter friend over to the dance-floor, playfully pulling her closer as Shiloh just let the rhythm of the music take them away to some place else, that wasn't here...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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in collaboration with phosphene




    yelizaveta radomir
    fire witch | outfit | vibe | #6B191B

    outfit - #9ABD97
    this is a new year. a new beginning.
    and things will change.
xTheir reunion was a moment frozen in time. When their eyes met everything else became a mere blur, the dull roar of the crowd regressing into white noise as the music swelled with the beating of her heart. They matched each other’s pace, meeting one another at the bottom of the stairs, and just like that, Liza finally felt at peace. Othello had that effect on her, in a way no one else did. With just one look, her tumultuous thoughts of failure and ineptitude flitted away on butterfly’s wings, her stomach light with their fluttering. Othello looked at her like she was his entire world, and Liza let herself believe it. For a moment the two of them just looked at one another, soaking up one another's presence in all its splendor. Letting them look their fill, Liza took the opportunity to admire their beloved up close.

xEven without the masquerade mask, Othello was hard to miss in a crowd, much to her lover's chagrin. Tonight, they seemed to stand out more than anyone. Perhaps it was the power they now wielded - being a member of the Order was no same thing - or maybe it was the way they glistened with every subtle shift of their body. Liza had wondered if all that sparkling was just her imagination; turns out it was the work of little jewels adorning their suit, giving off a reflective quality that even rivaled the bright glow of Othello's hair. Here they were, waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, a flute of champagne for the both of them and that same adoring look in their eyes. She hid hers well in the public eye, but she knew that once they were alone she would look just as besotted as they.

xTaking a glass with her armored hand, Liza offered the other to Othello, allowing them to lead her to the dance floor if they wished. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, darling.” she tells them, her voice like a purr, “It’s not every day I get to see you all dressed up like this.”

xOthello gladly took Liza’s hand in theirs, flashing her a brief but genuine grin, “Well, soak it in. I’m going to ditch the jacket once things pick up.” It would be much easier to slip into the background without a suit jacket literally encrusted with little jewels. It was a very dazzling piece, and it was suitable for the occasion, but Othello had already had more than enough attention for the evening. They upended the champagne, finishing off the flute in one drink, then smoothly handed it off to a server walking past collecting empty glasses.

xAfter a few seconds to work out the internal jitters (though externally none of it would be evident to most, perhaps a few extra glances around the room, slightly tense shoulders. Otto was very good at behaving very normally), he turned to Liza, an expectant look already on his face, “Would you indulge me and share a dance with me, Miss Radomir?” He was already leading her to the dance floor, but it was polite to ask rather than just assume.

xHer refined brow rose in both surprise and amusement as Othello downed the champagne in one gulp, shaking off his nerves after ridding themself of the empty glass. Liza liked to count herself one of the lucky ones, being able to see the little ticks that showed just how anxious her beloved was in a crowd. She finished her own drink in one smoother gulp, taking her time to admire the jacket after being told they'd be rid of it as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Discarding her own glass on a passing tray, Liza followed them onto the dancefloor, her movements as graceful as ever. "It would be my genuine pleasure," she replied, pressing her body against theirs, her armored hand resting gently against the crook of their neck, "A dance, a drink, a night of passion…" Liza mused, happy to be led by her beloved. "Every moment shared with you is an indulgence, starlight."

xOthello smiled; Liza’s sentiment was one he could easily share. Every moment with her was a moment well spent, and he would collect them until she had none left to give or decided he was no longer worthy of them. Whichever came first. They rested a hand on her waist, drawing up her free hand in their own, “You flatter me,” Otto said, flatly, matter-of-factly, but not unpleased. Othello loved the quiet praises she would shower on them. They didn’t know what else to say, and like most moments where they felt unsure, they let their actions speak for them as they started to lead Liza across the dancefloor, looking up at her with that puppy-like adoration in their eyes all the while.

    xSilence between them was comfortable, they didn’t have to fill it as they danced, but there were still thoughts that plagued his mind. How was she handling not being chosen? He knew she wanted it badly, and it must have been like a slap in the face to be passed up for the honor. They were overjoyed for Jupiter, but knew that, perhaps, Liza may have felt the sting of rejection more deeply than some. Was being in the order going to complicate things between them? If things were going to change for the worse, Othello wasn’t sure they wanted to hear it. “Liza, I,” They paused, scanning her face for signs of emotion before they continued, “I wanted to thank you.” He was sure it couldn’t have been easy to be there, and though he’d already expressed that he was glad to see her there, he needed to express a gratitude as well, “I find so much comfort in your presence,” They were speaking softly, just to her, “This is overwhelming, and until I’ve had enough drinks to see me through, I’m glad to have you.”

    xLiza took no offense to the flatness in their tone, knowing it wasn't for lack of emotion but rather a lack of reply. It didn't surprise her; she knew them well enough to know it was all they could do surrounded by so many people. Their affections were often saved for the privacy of their own bedrooms, but tonight was a special occasion. She may still feel the sting of not being chosen, but for the moment it was tempered by the immense pride she felt for Othello. She lost herself in the dance, letting herself be led through the crowd with nothing but trust and devotion in her pale eyes. She let herself be turned, spun, and lifted. Her smile brightened as they both swayed with the ebb and flow of the music, her train billowing around her feet every now and then to reveal a flash of red at the bottom of her heels.

    xWhen Othello spoke again, Liza's gaze narrowed to meet theirs, having been lost in the intricate details of their face in the moments prior. They expressed their gratitude again, but in a different way, thanking her for being their support through all of this. In many ways, Liza could express the same sentiment. Rejection hung over her head like a dark cloud, and has since the moment Jupiter was announced as the Fire Elementalist. Othello was her own little ray of sunshine, breaking through the grey and bringing her into the light. She couldn't say as much without running the risk of ruining this special night for them, directing the attention on her when the moment was theirs. "You don't have to thank me, Othello." she thought aloud, keeping nothing from them, "My actions aren't entirely selfless, you know. Your presence is more a comfort to me than you realize. If a distraction is what I can provide for you then I'll do my best to make sure I have your attention." The last statement she said with a smirk, a sly little gesture like that of a vixen.

    xA sense of pride swelled in Othello’s chest, and they fixed Liza with a bright grin. In that moment, the idea that they could be a comfort to her felt like more than enough to get them through the evening. He was glad for his mask, as it could perhaps hide some of the red that bloomed across his cheeks when Liza smirked like that. She knew what she did to him. “Oh, trust me,” They said, leaning in to speak into her ear, “You’ve held my attention for years.” Truly, Othello often wished that Liza would let him love her or let him go, but they were unwilling to tell her as much. Having her in their life, even if they only got her in fragments, was more important than having something to hold onto and call real. Maybe that was strange, or maybe that’s how Othello knew they were really in love.

    xThey spun her; it was playful, maybe a bit flashier than they would have liked, but if there was anyone who deserved for them to step out of their comfort zone to be properly adored it was her. If there was a moment that Othello could suspend in time and keep forever, this might be what he would choose. It was peaceful and wonderful, and everything to them. Holding Liza close, gliding along to the music just after being announced and welcomed into the order. It felt like a moment out of a movie, and to Otto it didn’t quite feel real yet.

    xThe song sounded like it was winding down, and Othello knew that they had no right to, but they wanted to monopolize Liza’s entire evening. Instead, he asked, “What other plans do you have tonight?” Othello wasn’t big on small talk, so this was really his way of asking ‘how long do I have you?’ without having to be terribly blunt. Yelizaveta could handle it, of course, but Otto was always trying not to seem too attached.

    xYelizaveta had always been loath to admit that what she had with Othello qualified as a relationship, but it was exactly that. One-sided as it may be in some aspects. She genuinely cared for them, doted on them as any typical 'girlfriend' might, but she was hesitant to let herself be wholly theirs. What they had was open ended, the both of them free to be with anyone they wanted, but it ended up being much more than just two people who frequently sleep together. There were feelings involved, the likes of which Yelizaveta had never felt for another person. It was new and exciting and a little frightening. Finding out that she still had the capacity to hold someone in her heart in such a way was a surprise in and of itself, but to come to terms with it was something else entirely. It left her feeling vulnerable, like her emotions had been exposed for the world to see. Anyone else would've taken advantage of that, pressed her or manipulated her to satisfy their own means. Not Othello. If Liza had the potential to fall for anyone, she was glad it was them.

    xOf course she knew how they felt about her, how eager they were to take their relationship to the next step and actually be something. Anyone with eyes could see that. It almost broke her heart to deny them, but she knew she would only break theirs even more if she were to let them in. She couldn't do that to them. Liza knew it was selfish, stringing them along like this. If she were a better person she would let them go, let them be happy with someone who could actually love them the way they deserved, but she couldn't. She wanted them in her life too much, cared for them too much, relied on them too much to keep her happy. It was an emotional dependency that she hadn't counted on and now she couldn't let it go… despite knowing Othello would probably be better for it.

    xEven now she was keeping them all to herself, garnering all of their attention while their friends were likely getting drunk at the bar. As the music faded, their dance came to an end, but neither of them pulled away. They asked her what she had planned for the evening, and Liza knew of only one thing she wanted for certain. "Oh darling my plans for tonight won't start until after the party is over," she told them, her voice as sultry as her smile, "You have me at your mercy until I have you at mine."

    x“That’s a dangerous thing to say, Yelizaveta.” He said her first name with all the tenderness he usually reserved for such occasions, “I’ll be glued to your side all evening.” Othello led her off the dancefloor, feeling the need for a break from all of that. They remembered that they’d gotten a text earlier, but had been too preoccupied with Liza to check it. “Excuse me,” They said, aware that it was a little rude to go checking their phone while they were supposed to be with Liza.

    xTheir brows knit together when they looked at the text, and they glanced briefly around the room. Jupiter taking his picture didn’t bother him, but it did make him think she might want him to talk to her. “Liza,” They said, turning to look her right in the eyes, “I need to talk to Jupiter,” This was two fold- a warning and a question, “Would you like to join me?” They were giving her an out, if it was going to be too painful for her. Hopefully their intentions would come across properly; they were still mastering the art of subtlety.

    xHearing her name spoken so affectionately, watching those pale lips form every syllable with such intent, made her preen like a spoiled house cat finally getting the attention they were after. Liza was led off the dancefloor with the promise of their company. It put a smile on her face, one that didn't falter when they excused themself to check their phone. In truth she almost felt giddy, getting to dance with her beloved in such a public setting. The butterflies in her stomach made her feel as though she were walking on air, putting an almost serene expression on the usually stoic woman's face. It only slipped when Othello turned to her again, telling her they had to go talk to Jupiter. Liza crashed right back down to earth at the mere mention of the fire witch's name.

    xAlmost immediately she felt contempt, jealousy turning her mood sour as her armored hand balled up into a fist at her side. She could feel herself spiraling back into the same mindset she'd been in when she'd been a protégé, when Jupiter began learning magic at a much faster rate than her. In a way, she must've known this would be the end result, Jupiter being rewarded with a seat in The Order and Liza watching on the sidelines as she struggles to keep her magic under control. Realizing she'd gone too long without saying anything, Liza snapped herself out of her own deprecation, meeting her lover's gaze apologetically, slipping on an amicable mask. "Of course I would, darling," she said, her voice giving nothing away, "After all, congratulations are in order."

    xIt was subtle, maybe, how Liza cycled through her emotions. Othello knew her so well, though. He waited a short moment, as if telepathically asking if she was sure. There was a part of them that so badly wanted to kiss her, assure her that she was incredible and thank her all in one brief moment. But that was too much. He reached out and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. They were so thankful for her, truly. “Thank you,” He knew it wasn’t easy for her to do, but a part of him hoped that, just maybe, his being there would help to soothe her.

    xIn times like these, he liked to fool himself into thinking they could really be together one day. He knew they couldn’t, he knew Liza too well, knew she wouldn’t let herself let him in fully. Othello offered her their arm again, with a small smile. Oh, they were enjoying having her there with them. “I think,” he said, “You’ll probably be able to see them before me tonight.” She was taller than him in those heels, and he didn’t mind it a bit.

    xYelizaveta yearned to be kissed in that moment, to feel their gratitude on her tongue instead of merely hearing it leave their lips. They grabbed her hand instead, but even that small gesture was enough to ground her again, refocus her. It was incredibly really, the tumultuous emotions they put her through. Othello was her anchor and yet, when she’s with them, she’s over the moon with utter delight. How they managed to seize her heart so completely she would never know, but she knew for a fact that no amount of bitter resentment would keep her from giving them whatever they wanted. This was their night, and after stringing them along for as long as she has, they deserved that much. Liza took Othello’s arm, her grin returning in full bloom as they commented on her height. She’d chosen six inch heels tonight, mostly to keep her train from dragging more than necessary, and it made her a few inches taller than her beloved. For someone as tall as they are, it must be quite amusing for them. Perhaps it was something she could integrate in her wardrobe more often, at least in the bedroom.

    x“Follow me, my dear,” Yelizaveta said, “I know just where they are.” It didn’t take much effort to weave her way through the crowd, especially with one of the new members of The Order. She didn’t mind all the attention they were getting, in fact she almost reveled in it. She kept her head held high, her grip on Othello’s arm just shy of possessive as they made their way over to the small group clustered at the bar. Liza walked right up to Shiloh and Jupiter with Othello in tow, holding Shiloh in her gaze while Othello spoke to Jupiter directly.

    x“Why are you taking creepy pictures of me?” Othello asked, receiving Liza’s attention once more, her eyebrow cocked and her smile crooked as her curiosity got the better of her. Her eyes returned to Shiloh briefly, holding the young witch’s gaze before letting hers roam the length of her body, subtly admiring the eclectic attire the other woman chose for the night. Eventually she tore her attention away, looking to Jupiter to hear more about these ‘creepy pictures’ her emotions tamed behind a mask of insouciance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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in collabration with partially-stars


malachai bernard

outfit - soul - hex: #90a3a7
xxx“Dear child, choose to forgive yourself.
xxxYou are human, flawed, and
xxxmost of all worthy of love.”
xxx- Desiree Nala Dupree


eden thomas

outfit - mask - hex: #63acaa
xxxI woke up from a never-ending dream
xxxI shut my eyes at 17
xxxI lost every moment in between
xxxI felt the sun rise up and swallow me


"... Dance with me."

Eden shocked Malachai by reaching out his arm in his direction, almost causing him to choke on his drink. Then he snorted at Eden's jester, who was mocking his fellow nobles at the joyous masquerade ball, one of the year's most significant events. It also happened to be a long-standing inside joke between Eden and Malachai. They spent hours beforehand ridiculing the sophisticated social elite founded on politeness, as well as their ludicrous accents and clothing. For the sake of appearances, everything was a ruse. “Are you serious? Right now?” Malachai hesitated, his mouth open, yet his eyes filled with excitement. “ Fuck it,” he shrugged as he downed his third shot and slammed the empty glass on the counter, attracting the attention of a few bystanders. “Of course, Mr. Thomas. We must preserve our idealistic gentility in the face of our fellow witches and warlocks. We cannot let people believe that we have been chosen as The New Order to wreak chaos and destruction.” Malachai proudly raised his chin in the air, his arm linked with Eden, displaying his blasé attitude. Malachai tried hard not to laugh, but the ludicrous performance got to him, and he broke out in hysterics. Finally, he dragged Eden along with him to the dance floor with an exaggerated spring in his step. Violating the rules was their first plan, and Kai devised nefarious schemes to do this. The Academy owed him a favor because of the hardship he was about to face. After all, what better way to have a good time than with his best friend? Eden's presence elevated Malachai continuously, bringing much-needed light into Malachai's life until the two became inseparable. Malachai felt happier as long as Eden was nearby. Eden breathed new vitality into Malachai's life. He explained to Malachai that home isn't a physical location but rather a state of mind. Moments, not clocks, are used to measure time. Instead of being heard, heartbeats are to be felt and shared. Eden had come to bring Malachai back to life; he was his guardian angel. Eden symbolized roots, Kai represented water drawn to those roots, and the two combined to produce a blossoming flower. In an attempt to draw closer to his closest friend, Malachai unlinked his arms on the dance floor and turned to face Eden. And Malachai simply stood there for a while, staring into Eden's sparkling, blue eyes that resembled the glistening Atlantic in the summer sun. The corners of Kai's mouth curved into a grin. It was difficult to remain serious in the presence of someone so animated. He'd always had a “thing” for Eden, although Eden had turned him down years ago. As a result, reaching out his hand to Eden felt natural. “May I have this dance, Mr. Thomas?” he grinned, lowering his head.

Eden grinned as Kai asked if he was serious. So many of their stupid jokes and dumb ideas had started as one of them jokingly suggesting something and the other deciding they should do it, and this was no different. Of course, it usually ended in a fashion that some would probably describe as “bad,” but they always laughed until their ribs hurt and tears streamed from their eyes. And for Eden, anyway, that was enough.

Kai joining in on his mockery of the aristocracy made Eden’s grin widen. He knew that there would be some in the room who would lament what the order had become, with so few of the chosen ones being from a “suitable” background. A conversation in which he’d overheard somebody complaining about the “standard” of the protégés a few years ago had sparked the whole thing when he’d relayed it to Kai, and their terrible impressions had begun. But, over time, they’d gotten quite good at portraying a caricature of the old money that surrounded the order.

But that didn’t stop them from finding the whole thing hilarious, and when Kai started laughing, it was enough for Eden to also drop the act as Kai’s laughter spread to him. Whenever the other boy started laughing, Eden couldn’t help but laugh, too, especially now with the alcohol beginning to buzz through his system. The harder Kai laughed, the more he set Eden off, to the point that it was Kai that eventually had to drag the two of them, still giggling, towards the dance floor. Finally, Eden managed to fix his overly pompous and snobby expression and posture back on his face. He even managed to hold it until Kai let go of his arm and took a step back.

The minute Kai grinned, Eden could feel his act beginning to slip. That smile, that genuine, warm, bright smile, it always made Eden smile too, no matter what. It was a smile he’d do anything to get, a smile he’d search the stars for. So as Kai lowered his head and held out his hand, Eden smirked and sank into a perfect curtsy before taking Malachai’s hand.

That contact felt like an electric current running through Eden’s hand until it felt like it was the only thing he was aware of. It felt like he was controlling somebody else’s body as he stepped into the hold. His hand hesitated for what could have only been a moment before coming to rest on Kai’s waist. All thoughts of chaos and mischief were entirely out of Eden’s head at that moment. The only thing he could think about was the points of contact between them, and that was the only thing he cared about maintaining. He was looking at Kai, really looking at him, and Eden suddenly remembered the last time they’d been this close to the other. He couldn’t remember much about that night, but he could remember the feeling of Kai’s arm around him, helping him home, how much he’d liked that. He could remember the slurred confession. And most of all, he could remember kissing Malachai as clear as if he’d been stone-cold sober.

There was static from the moment Eden's palm touched Malachai's, and Kai wondered if Eden had felt it as well because, for a brief time, he watched his friend hesitate as if testing Malachai's touch. Malachai offered Eden a subtle gesture of comfort by nodding his head, then gently drew Eden against his body and felt him relax the tension. Kai closed his eyes and took a long, controlled deep breath between clenched teeth as he sensed Eden's touch on the small of his back. Malachai was experimenting with fire. He hasn't had this much contact with Eden since that night. The night of too many cocktails, Eden's touch caressing his thigh, and then those eyes. That night was a blur, but those blue eyes were prominent and Malachai's favorite feature. Eden's blue eyes glistened back at him like the layered marine ocean that captivated Malachai and caused him to sink in its sparkling seas. One thing led to another, and they were leaning in like magnets until their lips met, generating an electric current to flow through Kai's body, similar to how Eden had fit his palm almost perfectly into Kai's. The only difference this time was that Malachai was reluctant to repeat the incident with Eden's questioning of his identity. Even after a few more “curious” hookups, Malachai began to wonder whether his romantic feelings for Eden had resurfaced.

Malachai and Eden stood there swinging their hips in sync to music that wasn’t intended for slow dancing, and he could hear hushed murmurs from a few bystanders who looked at the queer couple. But Malachai didn't mind since it was just them and the countless 'what ifs' at the time. For instance, 'what if’ they hadn't kissed? 'What if,’ they hadn’t met? 'What if,’ they didn't know the person having the greatest effect was standing directly in front of them? Malachai believed Eden was the most beautiful 'what if,' despite Malachai’s acquaintance with this portion of the tale. So many possibilities tugged at his heartstrings that it seemed inevitable. It was the reason Malachai was cautious about anyone he allowed to get near since he didn't know whether they'd remain or if they'd leave him the next day. Eden was one among those who remained at his side. Nonetheless, Malachai's other hand on Eden's shoulder slightly twitched as if urging to draw Eden even closer in dread of becoming the 'what if' into oblivion.

Malachai's thoughts entered his head as they slow danced, and the booze was finally setting in. Kai pressed his forehead against Eden's and looked him in the eyes, smiling wistfully. "What if," he murmured more to himself than to Eden. Still, he had a glimmer of hope that Eden understood what those two words meant, so simple but powerful, like a blank canvas with endless possibilities. Malachai gently gripped Eden's hand for comfort, his agile fingers intertwining with Eden's before carefully bringing them to his gentle lips. His gaze never leaving Eden's, he kissed each finger gently, allowing his buzz to sink in deeper. Eden and Malachai's customary intimacy represented a profound bond for two people involved in an ambiguous romance.

Malachai took Eden's hand and trailed his fingers up his arm, interlocking his hands behind Eden's neck. It was dangerous, extremely dangerous, particularly in front of the others. However, the booze gave him fresh confidence, which clashed with his feelings. He leaned close to Eden’s ear. “Excuse me, Mr. Thomas, but I may have been mistaken,” he said indistinctly, his smile widening, “for you are a wonderful dancer just as you are well-dressed.” As they pirouetted around the dance floor, he chuckled as he pushed his temple to Eden's. Malachai's eyes closed once more as he focused on the warmth of Eden's chest against his heart, which was pounding rapidly in his chest to match the instrumental bass of the music that filled the air.

Eden had never been a risk-taker. Even from a young age, it felt like his thoughts had always had a habit of getting caught up in themselves and becoming a tangled ball of roots, catastrophizing and confusing him. Everyone around him had praised it as responsibility and as being “mature.” And then he’d met his friends. He’d met Kai, and suddenly, the risks didn’t seem so terrifying because there was always somebody by his side, keeping him fixed to the earth and making sure he couldn’t get too entangled in his thoughts. With a smile and some encouragement, Eden found he was able to take risks.

Being pressed that close to Kai felt like the biggest risk he’s ever taken.

He was never sure about anything these days. It didn’t take much to unsettle his surety. Sometimes, he just woke up and felt like the earth had gone beneath his feet, and nothing was the same as it had been when he went to sleep. But he felt sure that he wanted to be there, pressed to Kai, his hand in Kai’s. With his eyes closed, it felt like it might just be the two of them left in the ballroom, or maybe even the world. He wouldn’t have minded either of those things. It felt right, and that was such a rare thing these days. The whispered, barely audible “what if” seemed like a wish and a wish that Eden shared. But acknowledging it would break its magic. He only opened his eyes as he felt Kai’s hold on his hand change, and he was afraid that the dream would shatter. But instead, Kai’s lips- so soft, so gentle, so tender- on his fingers just added to the dream, and Eden managed a soft smile.

Kai wrapped his arms around Eden’s neck, leaving both of Eden’s hands to fold around Eden’s back. This, too, was a risk, especially as Kai leaned into Eden’s ear, close enough that Eden could feel the other man’s breath on his neck. Kai’s whispered comment could have been taken a number of ways. Eden decided to play along. “I could say the same about you, Mr. Bernard. You’re truly enchanting tonight; you know that?” He remarked, pulling away ever so slightly, allowing him to brush a few strands of hair out of Malachai’s face. It was as he moved that he spotted a member of the upper class they’d been mocking only so recently- or had it been hours ago? He couldn’t tell anymore- leaning to her neighbor and whispering something with a disgusted look on his face and a pointed look in their direction. “I do say, Mr. Bernard, we seem to be gathering a lot of attention rather,” he said, his voice slipping into a mockery of that accent again as he turned the full of his attention back to his dance partner. Sober him might have lingered on that fact. But right then, right there, he couldn’t have cared less.

When Eden pointed out a small group of upper-class witches talking about them, Malachai's grin vanished. And, to Malachai's surprise, as he glanced over his shoulder, he noticed the pointing and disapproving glances from a group of high-class witches. Malachai shook his head, returning his gaze to Eden. His hands, locked behind Eden's neck, slid down his back to his waist. While intoxicated, his emotions were out of control, and the alcohol was burning his insides. Kai brought back that same wonderful feeling from that one crazy night he had with Eden, and it was fantastic. Eden's presence was always reassuring during Malachai's worst moments. However, it did not deter Malachai from what he did next. He swung Eden around, spinning on his heel so that he was now facing the gossip. Malachai held his gaze on a single individual in the throng, much as he still had Eden against him. As he stared at them, the coldness in his eyes became stronger, becoming black and frigid. Then he focused on the strength from inside, which flooded him from the inside out till his hand had opened off Eden's waist. He made a waving motion in the direction of the gossipers. Immediately, he watched as the wine glass in one of the person’s hands began to shake, then the red wine erupted from the wine glass like a volcano and splashed on the person’s white attire. He grinned as he saw the terror etched on the person's face as their friends hurriedly searched for napkins. “I don't believe they'll be concerned about us anytime soon,” Malachai said, biting his lip to keep the laugh at bay as he returned his focus to his friend.

Eden almost regretted pointing their observers out to Kai. Almost, but not actually. Because soon, the boy’s attention was back on Eden again, and Eden just about forgot what he’d just said. Eden’s breath caught in his throat for a moment as Kai’s hands skimmed along his body, coming to rest on his waist. For a moment, Eden had forgotten where they were, for a second remembering that night in their dorm and for a brief second, maybe even wishing they were there again. And then they spun, and Eden’s attention was almost forcibly dragged back to the room around them. He watched Kai as his expression changed, becoming more intense and focused on something. Eden wanted to look to see what precisely that look was focused on, but instead, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from his dance partner. It was only when he heard the cry of shock that he turned around properly to look. Once the laughter started, Eden knew he didn’t have a hope of stopping it, so he tried to suppress it and maintain a somewhat composed expression. However, the minute Kai looked at him, Eden’s composure broke, and he burst into laughter, unable to hide it properly. Finally, feeling that they’d probably already drawn enough attention to themselves, he took Kai’s hand, lacing his fingers through his friend’s. “Come on, let’s go find the girls and tell them about it,” he said, dragging him back towards where they’d last seen Shiloh and Jupiter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Eden Thomas Character Portrait: Othello Estney
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#, as written by Caille
In Collaboration with Wolf'sBane109

Jupiter Bradbury | #F2CD66 | Best Friends | #708090 | Shiloh Taylors

Jupiter and Shiloh had just finished getting fucked up while drinking shots and taking their shoes off when eventually Othello found their way back over to them, but with him came Liza. Jupiter would not have her eyes linger on the solicitous woman, because although part of her felt the competition was over, in some ways it truly never felt over. Jupiter longed to be pinned against the wall like Liza had done to her in the past, but that was over now. Jupiter was a member of The Order and they had nothing to fight for among the two of them, so was that just the end of what they had? Not only that in recent things have been strained between them with no solution in place

Instead, her focus was grasped and literally pulled her full focus onto Othello. A creep? Yeah okay, Otto. Was the thought that rolled through her mind as she rolled her eyes. Of course, he would say that after she just did him a huge favor. Not only did she get a photo of him, but it was also a nice candid photo, and you honestly couldn’t put a price on candid photos. That and this was a photo of him just after becoming one of the members of The Order.

“Okay, Listen Otto.” She said in her matter-of-fact tone with a slight eye roll. “I may be a creep, but in about 50 years from now, you may want that photo. It is a candid photo of you becoming an order member. You can’t put a price on candid.” She said with a slight huff, her arms crossing over one another and her head-turning hastily to the other side, her chin pointing the way.

“If you really want. I will delete it, but think about it first.” Jupiter said, her red hair flowing behind her as she turned her head back to him. At this point, the ginger was still oblivious to the advancing stares that Shiloh was receiving.

Shiloh couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as Otto accused Jupiter of being a creep. Leaning over ever so slightly, “You do tend to have that tendency, I won’t lie.” Shiloh quipped softly, loud enough for the other two to hear it. Giving them both a small smirk for a moment. It was only when Shiloh managed to catch the odd looks that the other fire witch was giving her, that Shiloh’s face paled even more than it was normally. Shiloh instinctively reached over for a glass, turning slightly as to partially face away from Liza, as she took a sip of the drink in hand, she gave Jupiter a certain look of her own, hoping her friend would pick up the clear look of panic and needing help that was in Shiloh’s eyed. Before finally turning back to face the other two, giving a feigned smile in return.

“Oh please, Otto. You know you’re not gonna regret it in like, six months. So, why even try to act like it’s such a big deal?” Shiloh asked with a shrug of her shoulders, “Besides, I’ve seen way worse pictures of you before. You’re fine.” she began to put the glass back to her lips, “Unlike some people-” Shiloh finished as she downed a sip of her drink, giving Jupiter yet another side-eye, hoping that maybe, just maybe her friend would get the hint. But Shiloh doubted it.

Jupiter was always thankful for having Shiloh. She had her back no matter what and she could not thank the girl enough for that. Shiloh was her person and that would never change. Unfortunately for Shiloh, Jupiter wasn’t as good of a friend sometimes, because Jupiter had no idea that Shiloh was in an uncomfortable position until she looked back at her at the last second.

shit, was that a side-eye? Jupiter thought to herself and was immediately in internal panic and her eyes fluttered around the room to find anything at all that would help them out and get Shiloh out of whatever weird situation she was in. Jupiter was too drunk for this shit, so the only thoughts in her head were bad ones. The first was to take Shiloh by the hand and run away into the night, the next was to just kiss her because that usually got her to shut up when people did it to her, but Shi may not be too receptive of that right now.

“Fuck” She mumbled under her breath, because apparently her only option was to make out with anyone in her vicinity but she didn’t have to tell herself while making out with Otto or Liza would be bad right now.

Then by some form of miracle she saw them, the perfect scapegoat. Immediately her hand began to raise into the air as she waved it back and forth. “Eden! Kai! Come here, we’re over here!” Jupiter called, but they were still a bit away.

When the waiter came by with shots, the ginger immediately forced two of them on Otto, Liza, Shi and herself. They would drink their way out of this problem. “Bottoms up guys!” She called as she instantly downed one shot and then it was followed by another.

Shiloh was only able to stand by helplessly as she watched Jupiter attempt to flag down Kai and Eden, but with how far away those two were, with such loud music playing, it'd be near impossible to get them to notice. Even then, she doubted they'd be of much help in this entire situation. Shiloh knew no matter what she attempted to do, it'd be a bad idea all around. Or, maybe she was just imagining things, and it was the alcohol making her think that Liza would ever-

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Shiloh blinked as she felt two shot glasses being forced into her hands. That was a start at the very least. "Don't gotta tell me twice-" she mumbled, downing the first one. Taking a moment to compose herself, Shiloh side-eyed Liza, trying to gauge her reaction to everything. Maybe she was just imagining things; Shiloh noticed how Liza's eyes would occasionally flutter back to her, with a rather predatory glint in her eyes. Nope. She most definitely not imaging things. Quickly downing the other shot, before turning and putting both empty shot glasses on the small table off to the side. It was only in that moment, that a possible escape plan finally hit her. Shiloh turned to Jupiter, grabbing her wrist, she looked back to Otto and Liza, "-I would love to continue chatting. I really would but uh, I want at least one dance with my best friend so....Excuse us-" Shiloh said before she began to lead Jupiter off towards the dance floor.

Jupiter had taken the first shot, and it went down almost as smooth as a fine wine. The signs that she was probably getting herself in too deep with all this drinking, but it set no alarm bells for her at this point. As she took the second shot and set the glass on the table, she felt herself being pulled away, so she gave Liza and Otto a little wave.

Once Shiloh was certain the two of them were far enough away, she pulled Jupiter closer by her side, "You really suck as a wing-man, you know that?" she exclaimed quietly in the redhead's ear. "Next time I require help, I may as well ask Helen Keller-" Shiloh groaned.

“Ohhh that’s what you wanted? You wanted me to wingman you?”[/color Jupiter said in utter disbelief. How did she really not understand that? [color=#f2cd66]“Wait wait, with who? Liza? You wanna get with Liza?” Jupiter felt utterly confused.

It shouldn’t have been as funny as it was, but Jupiter couldn’t help the laughter burst from her chest as Shi mentioned Helen Keller. “I thought you needed to get out of the situation, not hook up with her. Gosh.” It was at that moment that you could hear Jupiter lightly singing along to DONTTRUSTME by 30H!3,

“She wants to touch me
She wants to love me
She'll never leave me
Don't trust a ho
Never trust a ho
'Cause a hoe won't trust me”

Shiloh was in complete disbelief as she heard Jupiter ask if what she wanted was for Jupiter to help set her up with Liza. Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor for a moment before she managed to recompose herself. "Okay first, ew. God no. Last thing I want is that-" Shiloh started, taking a moment as she'd have to speak over the music as she continued, "-And by Wing-Man, I meant help me out of that situation, not get with the god damn bitch. What sense would that even make in the first place? You know I can't stand her." Shiloh more or less had to yell in Jupiter's ear so she could hear Shiloh over the overtly loud music above.

“Look, you're not being very clear here. Wingman is there to help set you up, I ain't no escape artist.” She said, rolling her eyes at Shiloh, before looking her in the eyes. “If you want me to do something you need to be direct especially when I’m drunk. I can fucking set the room on fire if you need.” Jupiter said, throwing her hands up in the air in an exaggerated way.

Shiloh couldn’t help but roll her eyes, of course, she’d suggest setting the place on fire. “Yeah and we’ve seen how well that went before, so let’s not do that, huh?” she asked with raised eyebrows, and a bit of an annoyed look on her face as she spoke.

“Listen, I did that in a place that wouldn’t catch fire, I just wanted to catch fire to myself.” Jupiter said with a laugh, it had been a dark and trying time in her past, but if she couldn’t laugh at herself, then what could she do? Nothing, clearly.

“Hey, hate sex is a thing. Don’t knock it until you try it.” She said with a shrug of her shoulders.
Shiloh could have sworn, if she kept rolling her eyes, maybe one day they’d roll so hard and fast, right out of her head. One could dream anyway. “Yeah Uhm, I’d really rather not, thank you very much. Plus, pretty sure sober you would realize just how bad of an idea that would be, so I’ll really pass. Thanks.” Shiloh returned with a small shrug of her own shoulders as well.

“C’mon Shi, I have hate sex all the time whether I’m sober or drunk. Anyways, maybe just ask to dance instead of stalling like an idiot next time? Was that really so hard?” She asked and as they stood there the music began to shift from nice classical music to more of an electronic dance music style. Seemed the witches in charge knew everyone wanted to get a little rowdy.

Shiloh stood there in what would be considered silence if it weren’t for the blaring music above. Out of all the things she has ever heard come out of Jupiter’s mouth, and there has been a lot of shit Shiloh has heard that dumb bitch say, in all the years she’s known her, that was what did Shiloh in. Letting out an overdramatic, pained groan, Shiloh rolled her eyes and covered her ears, “Yeah, I am gonna pretend I didn’t hear what you just said. You can keep that-” Shiloh said as she gestured to Jupiter’s general direction, “-to yourself. Please and thank you.” there was a small pause before Shiloh couldn’t help but chuckle.

Jupiter just shrugged her shoulders as Shiloh had an apparent bad reaction to the words she had said. Jupe’s shrug was followed by a roll of her eyes, “suit yourself then, I am sure we would have a fantastic conversation.” She said but nodded along about keeping certain interests of hers to herself.

“Okay, nerd. I wanna dance. So get over here.” Shiloh said with a smirk, as she pulled Jupiter back over to her, and she’d be damned if she didn’t get at least one dance with her best friend, even if the tone of the music shift was entirely off beat from what she wanted. If anything, it just made the whole thing more on-brand for the two witches.

There was a fake groan as Shiloh pulled the drunk Jupiter to the dance floor. She actually did not mind nor care, but she had to give Shiloh some kind of hell for it, she just wouldn’t be Jupiter without it.

“You’re the nerd Jupiter said as a bad retort, but allowed to be danced with. The music was not on par with how they were dancing and mid-dance the song changed to “Where Them Girls At” by David Guetta which was one of their all-time favorite songs at parties. “Hey Shi, where them girls at?” she asked with a head nod.

That went into a series of the goofballs just jiving to the song, pointing fingers at one another to ask where the girls were at, and just laughing along the whole time. It definitely took some of the worries and stressors off of them and the prying eyes of Liza.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Rowena Dimitrescu Character Portrait: Eden Thomas
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OUTFIT xxxx | xxxx#856EAD xxxx | xxxx VIBE


      The celebration was in full swing. Hundreds of gyrating bodies packed tightly on the dancefloor, dancing feverishly as the music made the very walls quake around them. Announcing the new members of the Order was a momentous occasion indeed, one christened with unending stocks of alcohol for everyone and psychedelic drugs for those who thought to bring their own. In just one night the Academy had become the Palace of the Lotus Flower, a place where time itself stood still and the party was never ending. Magic folk from far and wide had come from all over the globe to celebrate this day, knowing that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. It was a night without limits, an exhibition of hedonistic fantasy. With caution thrown to the wind and inhibitions lost, they rejoiced, thriving on the full moon night.

      So caught up in their own frivolity were they that no one seemed to notice the cloaked figure making their way into the ballroom. They parted the crowd as they walked toward the stage, swathed in all black, covering their face with a hooded shroud. As the figure made their way toward center stage, the lights began to flicker and the music began to slow, rising in pitch with every step they took. Madame Genes was the first to notice, watching as the figure in the dark cloak made their way across the ballroom toward the platform where the disk jockey stood, looking down at his equipment in confusion. Quickly, the headmistress left the conversation she was in, making her way toward the stairwell, keeping the mysterious figure in her sights. Ethel reached the top of the stairs just as the person reached the stage, finally getting a look at the face of her uninvited guest. Pale lips stretched over ivory teeth in a gruesome smile, black eyes peering through a silver mask, with skin as white as freshly fallen snow.

      All at once the music swelled in pitch and volume, an ear splitting noise that shattered the very windows, forcing the guests out of their stupor. Each of them brought their hands to their ears in a desperate attempt to drown out the noise, as the lights above them popped and sparked, sending the ballroom into darkness. Glass rained down over the masses as the DJ unplugged his equipment, leaving only the scream of the partygoers to fill the void. All the while, the mysterious figure took the stage, standing beneath the only light in the ballroom, bringing everyone’s attention to the center of the platform. They faced the crowd, turning their back to the headmistress entirely, removing their cloak to reveal a woman beneath. She wore a masquerade mask fashioned to look like a skull, her black dress accented with silver vines and leaves. She stood in front of the assembly with her head held high and a sinister smile on her face, letting the crowd quiet itself down as she swept her gaze across the room.

      Yelizaveta looked at the stage, her hand grasping Othello’s arm tightly as she put herself between them and the mysterious woman. Whoever this woman was, she brought fear along with her, and Liza couldn’t ignore the foreboding sense of dread looming over her head.

      When the woman finally spoke, her voice cut through the crowd like a knife, “Well, well-...” her soft laughter, while rich like velvet, was deep in its register - chilling the onlookers to their very core. “What a glittering assemblage we have here.” Sensing the fear rising in her guests, Ethel carefully descended the stairwell, her eyes finding Yelizaveta Radomir in the crowd. The young protégé found her Headmistress, exchanging a look with the older witch before their eyes returned to the woman, her voice stealing their attention. “I must say… I was quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.”

      “You’re not welcome here.”

      Ethel’s voice was like a gunshot, piercing the tension and making every heart in the room collectively drop, the anticipation forming pits in their stomachs. A sneer flickered over the woman’s face like a spark, immediately concealed by that mask of malevolence. The Headmistress had walked halfway down the stairs by the time the strange woman looked back at her over her shoulder. She pouted, little sobs of distress leaving her lips, putting on a show as if the thought was enough to bring her to tears. She began laughing instead, everyone looking to Madame Genes in desperation, their eyes beseeching her from where they all stood. Who was this woman? Why was she here? What was she going to do? Why did the Headmistress know who she was? Her laughter echoed across the ballroom, dark and menacing, only amplifying the tension.

      “Oh dear-...” she mused, her voice like a sigh, as if she were catching her breath after a hilarious joke. “What an awkward situation I’ve found myself in.” Turning back to face the crowd, the woman raised her hand, dark magic secreting from every pore like black smoke. As she made a fist, Ethel grasped at her chest, clutching at her heart as she gasped for air, only to crumble down the stairs. The crowd reacted immediately, a collective gasp sweeping over the ballroom, some crying out for the Headmistress while others screamed in terror at the thought of their own impending demise. Magic like this… it was unheard of. If she could make a powerful witch crumble with just a gesture-... what else was she capable of? Growing bored of their reactions relatively quickly, the woman shouted, “Silence!” and silence followed shortly after.

      Fleur Vossen pushed her way through the crowd, dropping to her knees at Ethel’s side to check the woman’s pulse. The mysterious woman sneered in disgust, “Don’t fret over your pathetic little headmistress.” she spat, “She isn’t why I’m here.” She scanned the room again, as if she were looking for someone in particular. “I don’t think I have to explain why I’m here. The Order you have now just is not fit to decide who should take up their mantle. Their incompetence has gone unsupervised for far too long, and I will not sit idly by while they appoint a New Order to take their place.” Her eyes snapped to Edward Bradbury as he broke through the crowd, anger clear in his face, letting her gaze linger on him for a moment before it went back to the crowd, holding the attention of everyone in the room. She paced under one solitary light, its beacon throwing shadows all over her face, casting it in a menacing shadow. “So let’s get this over with, shall we?” She paused, leaving the crowd to whisper amongst themselves, dreading what she could be asking for. “If the New Order would be so kind as to reveal themselves to me, I promise to make your death as quick and as painless as I can.”

      Yelizaveta’s eyes grew wide, her hand clutching at Othello even tighter than before. She shot them a look over her shoulder, telling them without words that she would do everything in her power to stop them from walking up to that woman. Her gaze swept over the ballroom, looking for her friends desperately, all of them having scattered halfway through the party. She found them each individually, pulling their attention away and holding their gaze, giving them all the same look. Surrendering themselves to this woman would be a mistake. It would be the end of The Order, the end of the Academy, quite possibly the end of the world. Who knows what this woman was capable of and what she has planned. As self-sacrificing as these new members were, turning themselves in could put more than just themselves in harm’s way. Liza tried to convey that in every exchange she had with them, wishing she could hide them away, help them escape while they left the Old Order to fend the woman off.

      Before any of the five of them could step up, Edward Bradbury stepped toward the stage, the other members of the Old Order standing behind him. “That’s enough!” Yelizaveta watched as the woman cocked her eyebrow beneath her mask, her lips pulled into an amused smirk and the sheer audacity of the man. “Leave.” the Fire Elementalist ordered, “I won’t tell you again.”

      The woman laughed, “Oh isn’t that precious.” Dark smoke drifted around her like a low hanging fog, her hands engulfed in their wispy tendrils, her magic building as she spoke, “You’re giving me options. Well I’m sorry Mister Bradbury-...” she shot her hand out and the smog erupted toward the Water Elementalist, forcing Fleur to bring her hands to her throat as she desperately gasped for air. “...- but I didn’t ask for you.” The Fire Elementalist threw a ball of fire at the mysterious woman, cutting off the connection between her and Fluer. Each of the members of the Order summoned their element, focusing all of their efforts in taking this woman down. Yelizaveta saw it for what it was, raising her voice to be heard by everyone in the ballroom.

      “EVERYBODY RUN!” Screams filled the room as the crowd’s desperation mounted, practically trembling one another in an effort to escape the ballroom. Yelizaveta pulled Othello closer to her, keeping them steady as people rushed past them, all of them being herded through the door like a flock of sheep through a single gate. Yelizaveta looked up at her beloved, her hands cradling their face in her hands as she let her own panic show, hoping that her transparency would inspire them to save themselves. “My love you have to go, you have to get yourself out of here. If they can’t take her down she’s going to come after you.

      A pained shout brought Yelizaveta’s attention back to the fight, her eyes widening in fear as Ruby Mun collapsed to the ground, the whites in her eyes a horrifying crimson color. She watched as, one by one, each of the members of the Old Order fell. Roman Cassidy was the next to fall, falling unconscious into a pool of his own blood, a line of it trickling down his chin. Liza’s hands fell to her side as she watched in shock and terror, witnessing the world’s greatest protector’s fall by one woman’s hand. Her sheer power could easily be admired if she weren’t such a threat, and yet still Liza found herself in awe at the fierce display. Adele Robinson had managed to trap her in a wooden coffin made from the materials of the stage before the woman broke free, her dark magic jettisoning out of her palm like a spear and piercing her through the heart. Edward Bradbury was the last one standing, putting up one hell of a fight, the ballroom around them mostly in flames as a result of his rage. Yelizaveta was forced to watch as the man was forced to the ground, coughing up blood as the woman’s magic slivered its way down his throat. He fell unconscious as Liza’s blood ran cold. The Order had fallen.

      “I gave you cowards a chance for a quick death but your predecessors have tested me patience,” the woman said. Her words were like venom, having lost its amused edge after a hard won battle. “Show yourselves!” she demanded, her eyes scanning the ballroom. “Or I’ll kill every single last one of you.”

      There were only a couple of people left in the ballroom, not including Jupiter, Shiloh, Kai, Eden, and Othello. Those few civilians that remained seemed to be either unconscious or nursing an injury they’d obtained in the stampede. For an outsider it would be hard to distinguish the New Order from an ordinary witch, especially with the new members being so young. Yelizaveta knew what she had to do, what was asked of her, but she was still afraid. You’d be a fool not to be. There was a window for her friends to escape but it was closing, so she had to make her move now.

      Gripping Othello’s arm one last time, Yelizaveta refused to look back; she knew they would try to stop her. Making her way to the platform, Liza addressed the woman, “I don’t think that’s necessary.” Her voice did not tremble, despite her fear, and that steadiness captured the woman’s attention instantly. Yelizaveta walked toward the stage with a confidant strut, squaring her shoulders in defiance, refusing to let her mask slip. The two women faced each other like predators in the wild, sizing one another up from a distance as one of them approached. The woman had not come out of that conflict unscathed, her dress scorched and torn in places, her necks bearing the marks of strangulation and her wrists bearing metal shackles, the chains dangling from them as if she’d broken free. Once Yelizaveta reached the stage, she looked up at the woman with a smirk of her own, as if she starred in the face of the threat and found the woman wanting. “I’m one of the ones you want.” Liza says, “Leave the others alone.”

      It was a lie. Everyone in the ballroom knew as much but all was quiet, the few civilians left willing to let this protegee throw herself to the wolves if it meant they might survive.

      “It certainly took you long enough to show yourself.” the woman hummed, looking the girl up and down. “Now where are the rest of you?”

      Liza scowled, feeling a pang of resentment at being cast aside so quickly, “I’m afraid you won’t get to meet them.” she stated, her hands suddenly engulfed in flames.

      “The new Fire Elementalist.” The woman smiled, Liza’s flames reflected in her dark eyes, “I suppose you’ll do for now. Let’s see if we can get your friends to come out and play.” Flames shot out from Liza’s hands, forming a ring of fire around herself and the mysterious woman. It amused the woman, her posture relaxed as she watched the flames dance around her. As Yelizaveta kept up her defenses, she could only hope that her friends had the forethought to at least hide if they were going to stay. She may be giving them a chance to escape, but she wasn’t fool enough to believe they might actually take it. “I don’t have time for games, little one.” said the woman, interrupting Liza’s thoughts as her dark magic spilled out of her palms once more.

      All of a sudden, black smoke quickly surrounded Yelizaveta, choking her, tightening around her throat like a spectral hand. Liza screamed in panicked rage, bound by the woman’s magic, before she was completely swallowed by flames. The wall of fire around them vanished, pulled around Yelizaveta like an aura, bathing her in its crimson glow. It was a spontaneous combustion of her own design, watching as the black smoke was completely consumed by the inferno. Her eyes were all that could be seen through the fire, staring down her opponent as she took a step back, taken aback by the display. For a moment Liza thought she’d gained the upper hand, approaching the mysterious witch, making her every step a threat, her footsteps leaving scorch marks on the stage. As Liza grew nearer, the woman remained where she stood, looking at the encroaching conflagration with thinly veiled amusement in her eyes, only moving to dodge the flaming projectiles Liza threw her way.

      Yelizaveta could only watch as the woman built up her magic, black smoke turning a blood red crimson, before she was devoured by it. With just a twist of her hands, the woman turned her fire against her, burning her from the inside out. Liza had spent so long conditioning her body to withstand her own magic - learning to utilize it in such a way where she wouldn’t be burned by her own flames - but she had never thought to protect herself on the inside. Her blood boiled in her veins, her insides beginning to melt, her skin splitting and peeling. She screamed in agony, fighting against the excruciating pain in order to stop herself from causing any more damage. That bitch had turned her own magic against her, and was doing everything in her power to keep her using it. Those few seconds felt like hours, but eventually she was able to extinguish the inferno she had created. Her tears felt cool against her skin, her breath rasping as her lungs struggled to expand. She fell to her knees, smoke rising off of her as if she herself were a snuffed flame. Every miniscule movement was suffering, her nerve endings like a live wire, sensitive to even the smallest hint of stimuli. And, just when the pain was at its worst, it dissipated, like the fog of morning drifting off the surface of a lake.

      Yelizaveta lost consciousness where she kneeled, piquing the woman’s curiosity. She approached the young girl, her body crackling like embers on a dying fire, and she knelt down at her side. The girl’s eyes were completely glazed over, an opaque cast over them, open and staring blankly at the ground. Charred sinew peeked through the holes in her flesh, her skin flaking off in burnt crisps. The woman smiled, utterly amused by the damage she caused. As she stood back up she felt a sharp pain piercing her side. She brought her hand to her waist, wincing in discomfort, her hand red with her own blood when she finally pulled it away. She was wounded. That girl must’ve landed a hit on her after all. With a scowl the woman cast her attention to the few remaining people in the ballroom, “I’ll be back for the rest of you,” she warned. Then, with a wave of her hand and puff of black smoke, she disappeared completely before their very eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Taylors Character Portrait: Jupiter Bradbury Character Portrait: Malachai Bernard Character Portrait: Yelizaveta Radomir Character Portrait: Rowena Dimitrescu Character Portrait: Eden Thomas
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eden thomas
outfit - mask - #63acaa
xxxI woke up from a never-ending dream
xxxI shut my eyes at 17
xxxI lost every moment in between
xxxI felt the sun rise up and swallow me
Kai had vanished. He couldn’t find Shiloh or Jupiter. Eden was temporarily all alone, unable to spot any of his friends. He exhaled heavily, trying to ignore the anxiety that that brought. They hadn’t abandoned him, he told himself. They weren’t sick or bored of him. They were entitled to time to themselves. But the anxiety still bummed in his chest, combined with a guilt. He was an Order Member now, he wasn’t supposed to be still so dependent on those around him. This is probably why they had vanished.

He had resigned himself to sulking in a corner with a strong drink, both wanting to leave and feeling like he couldn’t, that doing that would only make things worse and the Order would reconsider their decision, handing it over to someone else instead. Maybe that would be for the best. Eden was so lost in his thoughts and his insecurity that he didn’t notice the stranger making her entrance. In fact, it was only when the DJ’s equipment exploded, nearly shattering everyone’s eardrums, that Eden even realised there was anything wrong. He glanced up at the woman on the stage. Immediately, all of Eden’s emotions shifted and intensified, feeling like the fear was constricting his chest and threatening to cut off his air supply.

Ethel was the first to fall at the woman’s hands. Eden found himself backing away, searching for an exit and still somehow unable to move further than a step or two. He was scanning the room, looking for the others. Where were they? Kai had only been there seconds before and he was gone. Jupiter, Shi, Otto, he couldn’t make them out in the crowd. Were they okay? Were they in danger? Were they already hurt?

Then the stranger called for the New Order. Eden’s blood ran cold. He knew what she intended to do with them. Her presence practically oozed danger and death. She was not here to welcome them. She was here to destroy them and to end them. He caught Liza’s eye for the first time all night. But the only thing shared between them was a mutual understanding. To move would be to die. Eden nodded ever so slightly in understanding.

And then the old Order stepped forward to fight her. And like their headmistress before them, they fell, one by one, with Jupiter’s grandfather being the last to fall. Eden was rooted to the spot with fear. If the Old Order had fallen so quickly, what chance did they have? They couldn’t hope to defeat her. They were staring their death in the face. How long would did they have before she figured them out? How long would it be before they were all killed? And then a voice cut through the silence. Liza. Eden had to stop himself from calling out, telling her no.

He couldn’t do anything but watch Liza fight. He didn’t dare move for fear he’d be targeted or he’d distract Liza. Liza put up a good fight. Of course she did, she always did. But the stranger had decimated the old order in seconds; they were too young and inexperienced. They didn’t stand a chance, even Liza.

Liza’s cries of pain and terror finally motivated Eden to move, beginning to run, feeling the need to do something. It looked like he was too late, and he once again skidded to a stop, the familiar paralysis of fear setting in. The stranger kneeled beside Liza’s unmoving form, and Eden found himself holding his breath for fear even his breath would give him away. He saw the woman putting a hand to her side, and it came away bloody. And then, with an ominous warning, she was gone.

Eden’s legs buckled with relief, and he caught himself as he hit the floor, just sinking to his knees. He couldn’t tear his eyes off Liza though. Liza had been brilliant. She had been talented and more skilled than Eden ever felt he was. And she had fallen to this woman. What hope did he have?

He didn’t know how long he was there, frozen, before panic kicked in. Where were the others? Were they okay? Were they dead? Panic set in as he began to scan the room frantically, looking for his friends.