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The god of Magic, Wisdom, and Knowledge

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a character in “The Pantheon: Post Cataclysm”, as played by Midnightclub


God Name: Acanthus
Titles: The Sage, The Wise, The Old, The Knower, The Teacher
Creed: "Experience and reflection, there are no gifts that one may give oneself that are greater than these."
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolios Governed: Magic, Wisdom, Knowledge
Description: In his main form Acanthus is humanoid in shape. However, Acanthus is extremely tall and majestic. The air glimmers about him as he walks. He has long white hair as if he were old though his strides seem to be taken by one with much youth and vigor. His eyes are golden orbs that resonate understanding and inner peace. Wherever he roams, magic fills the air around him and magic users seem to gather more power just from his proximity.In other forms that he might take the air always glimmers around him and his eyes are always golden.

Territories: Where the wisdom of generations is strongest, where magic gathers together, where there are those that study and seek knowledge, there Acanthus is most at home.

Symbol: An old, knotted, and curved staff.


Acanthus is like a grandfather. Having been the first god to rise since the exile of the Corruptor, he has had a long time to absorb the knowledge and wisdom of the world. He is caring for younger gods, though stern with those who do not accept his wisdom. He loves story telling and also enjoys hearing stories. Acanthus is generally pleasant and good humored. He is known to take everything in stride, feeling as though the ones who would provoke him simply do not understand. However, when his temper does flare up, Magic explodes from him, destroying all that may have drawn his ire. He gives his magic to anyone who may be able to control it. This means that evil and good mortals and gods alike benifit from his wisdom and magic. He takes no sides except those of the laws of the universe. In terms of alignment, he is lawful neutral.

Mortals: Acanthus sees mortals as precious gifts. He also sees them as children who should be taught. His mortals tend to be the teachers of other mortals. They teach both wisdom and magic, all to gather and give knowledge in the will of their patron.


Unless in other forms, Acanthus has a long, warped and beaten staff that he carries with him wherever he goes. This staff is said to be the most powerful magical artifact in existance. He also wears robes of red, black, grey, or white, depending on his mood.

The other favored form of Acanthus, one used when in battle or when he needs to travel to someplace quickly, is a large swirling ball of pure magical energy.


When the All Father left the middle realm there was a burst of power that awakened Acanthus. He took that Power into himself and first felt the tingling sensation of Magic. He gave magic to the world in a joyful burst and spent as much time as he could, discovering the world and searching for others like him. He found none in his travels but he did learn much from the creatures that were already there. He learned and grew wise and embraced wisdom. Then he waited for someone to whom he could impart that wisdom to.

So begins...

Acanthus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Hanriot Character Portrait: Elder God Cragin
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The God of war watched the events unfold with silent interest. The death of the Wild Bearer, the God Cragin whom Kalimdor never met. The rage of Mathias and the growl of the earth itself. Then the healing power of Adarani took focus followed by the remorse of the Justice Bringer. Finally was the return of the odd blue crane and the sudden appearance of the shadowy figure who was totting the one who had offended Mathias so by stealing the ashes of his fallen elder brother. Kalimdor shouldered his hammer, as the realization that the Elder Gods not only could die entered his mind but that they were as prone to flights of emotion as the newer deities were. In a sense it brought the image of these elder gods off a pedestal of the unattainable and made them, at least in that moment, all seem as equals. A family like any other dealing with a loss of one of their own. Kalimdor Menethil had never met Cragin, never cared much for the wilds. That being said the loss of a God was always a somber event and the blasphemous theft of even a small part of the ashes of the deceased called for decisive punishment. Punishment Mathias would undoubtedly deal out in time. The outburst from Mathais while terrifying to some planted in Kalimdors mind the seed of inspiration. To have one so orderly, so righteous give way to savagery and blind berserker fury was impressive. The duality of it was powerful showcasing Mathais' power and might. That duality was to be admired and emulated and Torsc's little inventions had given Kalimdor an idea of how to do just that.

With a plan in mind Kalimdor took a step forward, nearing the odd thief, the figure wreathed in shadow and the still grieving paragon of Justice. Kalimdor's bright lightning infused gaze fell on the thief who was still laying in the dirt at Mathais' feet.

"I do not envy the penance my brother has in store for you young one. Yet take solace in the fact that I did not know this fallen elder better for then it would be I whom dealt your judgment and your pain would be legendary before I threw your soul at death's door."

Kalimdor's lightning glare held the thief in sight for a few tense moments before he raised them to Mathais.

"Your loss is felt by all of our kind brother. Come find me if you seek battle to busy thy mind from your sorrow."

Kalimdor gave Mathias a final nod of condolence before turning to leave but paused as his gaze fell upon the shadowy one. An interesting figure indeed yet not one that Kalimdor knew of. The War God and the God of Darkness locked stares for a moment before Kalimdor gave him too a nod and with that a bolt of lightning struck the ground where Kalimdor Menethil had been standing. In the next instant he was gone, off to lay claim to an area of Middle Realm and try his hand at the creation of his own mortal races or races.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy Character Portrait: Elder God Cragin Character Portrait: Sairis
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Nightling had not seen what had grabbed him, and he had been super surprised when he appeared by the hole again. He had thought he had got away when none of the fireball had hit him he had not been happy when it had awakened an apex predator that was above him in power. He quickly swallowed the ash, his eyes change to become wolf like but he spat a branch into his hand. “Dead feed living, weak feed living, that is the natural order of meat-eaters. You fire-tosser me powerful under earth, you awoke something not even me try to hunt there. Why cry over fallen predator more food for you to hunt, me die if me fight too many apex predators to fight” he held the stick in his hand and it started to glow he had consumed all the ash at once and was paying for it. “I unleash the power of the dead” slammed the stick in ground and a tree formed around him protecting him from the stick while leaving a patch of dirt for him to dig through, and wolves with mouths foaming with Lycanthrope came out of the trees and the trees grew twice their size. He quickly dug down at full battle mode ready to rip, tear, and die if he was dragged back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy Character Portrait: Sairis Character Portrait: Nightling
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Adarani was content with Mathias' answer, at the moment. What happened rattled his mind and heart, and she was not about to do anything to hurt him further. The predator God surprised her when he displayed the instancts that she saw in animals that the Vitaiim would fight as part of their training regimen. She decided to speak on Mathias' behalf, even if it was too late. "If you would just look at it from Mathias' point of view, you would see why we would all be upset. Cragin was very dear to us, even when he was hostile to some of us. He stood up for us many times before he died. He was a brother to Mathias, more than you can imagine. I, personally, am hurt by this, too, because now I will never be able to settle matters between Cragin and I. I shall never be able to see the day that we would finally forgive and forget. You do not have to fight us, just understand why we are mourning him."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Hanriot Character Portrait: Splendy
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Mathias watched as the beast god began to dig himself in. This god acted like the beasts of the wild, predatory only understanding survival. While Mathias has no understanding of such primitive ways, it doesn't change the fact that he wants those ashes back. The remains of Cragin deserve a better resting place. Mathias was not in the mood to go through the ordinary customs, he didn't even feel like giving out punishment. Despite his ways...the pain of losing Cragin...not all gods are beyond feeling. Mathias cared not about what reputation he may did not matter in light of this. Honoring his brother Cragin is more important than that.

Mathias drew his spear and in one powerful slash he knocked the tree away covering the animalistic god. Mathias noticed it dug itself in and was prepared to fight, like any other cornered beast. Mathias drew a heavy sigh as he looked around him and then back down. "Look here, I am in no mood for fighting or for games." "I am giving you the opportunity to give me my brother's ashes and leave here without any repercussions." "This is a once in a lifetime chance and I suggest you take it." Mathias spoke to Nightling. He knows he probably doesn't understand but there is value to those ashes and being swallowed and digested isn't a proper burial. Not for one as the likes of Cragin. "Please, just give them back." Mathias spoke as pain and sorrow filled his plea. Mathias could only wait and see if he will comply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy Character Portrait: Sairis
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#, as written by Drogyn
"No brother, you awakened something in the deep. But not I. Something younger, yet at the same time older. Hmmm," his eyes furrowed in thought as the odd feeling of the thing stirring came to him. It was young, without memory, yet felt old. Older than him by far, it was odd, and he didn't know what to make of it. He shoved the thought from his mind, he'd find out eventually.

Sairis watched silently as Mathias demanded the ashes of the god before them. But he wasn't really paying attention. Instead he was thinking, well brooding really, over his reaction to the matter. Without a moment of hesitation he had fought for Cragin's remains as an old friend. Someone he didn't know. He let out a small sigh as he realized the hilarity of the joke. The God of Memories, depressed because he had memories, truly even he couldn't ever remember hearing anything funnier. It still didn't make him laugh though.

He was distracted from his musings when a new god walked up to him. With lightning in his eyes and a mighty hammer in his hands, he was an impressive visage. A young one as well, someone who had not yet made many memories upon this earth. What was most interesting though, was the familiar feeling of War. This man had a similar aura to Genocide. His hand twitched as that thought occurred to him, wanting to reach around his back for his sword, until the god met Sairis' eyes. A nod was all it took, and Sairis knew that this one was different, a proper warrior. So he nodded back, but when lightning fell from the sky to surround the new god, he flinched away from it, the bright light making his skin crawl. The light soon faded and Sairis let out a dry chuckle.

"Affected so strongly by mere lightning. What a joke." he sighed yet again, memories threatening to overwhelm him once more. He shook his head and once more tried to focus on the god he'd bought here. He heard the god's speech, and honestly, there was truth within it, but only some. Suddenly the god did something and a massive tree formed around it, with wolves jumping out at the gods assembled. Sairis showed no reaction other than to snap his fingers and watch as the wolves shadows jumped up from the ground and bound them. The wolves now lying helpless on the ground, he turned his attention to the tree, just in time to see it survive a hit by Mathias' spear. No easy feat. Then he heard Mathias talking to it, urging the god within to return the ashes.

"Don't bother with that Mathias, the animal isn't there anymore. It's dug back down into darkness. Of course, that means it's completely at my mercy. If you wish, I can find it again, or kill it." he said, his voice becoming colder as anger at it's actions flashed through his mind. He took a deep breath and continued, "But though I call Cragin an old friend, you and he were like brothers, so I say the choice is yours. But know that a beast won't let itself be captured twice. One way or another, we won't capture it alive long enough to question it again." Sairis waited, perfect calm etched into his face as he waited for Mathias' answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy Character Portrait: Sairis Character Portrait: Nightling
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#, as written by Deallo
Splendy was ignored by the twist of dramatic events that took place. The one known as Mathias was enraged, flinging fire down the hole, and the tinier one otherwise known as Adarani dropped to the ground and looked like the first God who turned to ash. The young God watched as Ahuv, Adarani's blue-crane creation, explained to the God of Justice that it was a display of love. It was ever so entertaining to watch, a grand spectacle of a show, as the tiny God rose from the ground and kissed Mathias.

Intrigued by everything, Splendy was on his tip-toes in anticipation, and nearly jumped in excitement as another being came out of the woodwork, and threw the beast that took the ashes out into the open. Captivated by the primitive God's guttural speech and the power he commanded, he watched as he stuck a glowing stuck into the ground and the tree erupted to protect him. Wolves morphed themselves from the trees into existence, vicious, and dangerous, ready for combat.

Some of the wolves rushed forward to attack the young God, their primitive pack passing the rest, teeth barred and ready to tear the newborn God flesh apart. Splendy barely moved and suddenly a flash of purple and red blinded Nightling's creations. They recovered their sight quickly, lost sight of their primitive pack order, but not their taste for flesh. They began to eat and fight among each other, descending into anarchy. Others dealt with with the wolves in different ways as Mathias gave a mighty swing and sent the tree protecting the God flying. The tree crashed into the forest, breaking multiple forests, and creating small quakes. The young God was very much entertained at the sight of mayhem and walked a bit closer as the powerful God trying to negotiate with the bestial God who was curled up in the darkness and readying his claws. Splendy awkwardly looked at Mathius as he's filled with pain and sorrow, almost pitying the man. Begging was not amusing to watch, no, not at all. Even when Sairis spoke beside Mathias how boring talking was indeed!

Deciding to take action, Splendy's tendrils extended into the manhole, the bells ringing and imprinting a cacophony of colours inside, the light reflecting the colour and partially illuminating the darkness inside. Nightling fought to the teeth and bone as he was faced with six tendrils, slashing, biting, pain running up Splendy's body, the sound of laughter the only indication of pleasure from the pain the primitive God inflicted and the ringing of the bells echoing from the manhole. Lest he should have been surprised when discovering that Splendy's blood was of the same rainbow brew, it took a while before Splendy was able to wrap a tendril to each limb, including his head, restraining him, and forcibly pull out Nightling from his hole into the open air, a few feet above the ground in front of the young God.

"You were amusing." Splendy told him in his childish voice before abruptly shoving his free tendril down Nightling's mouth and into his stomach as the primitive God tried to reply back. His teeth drew more of Splendy's flesh and as pleasured as he was, he started to slowly pull each of Nightling's limbs, amused at the concept of being pained and hurting someone, giggling as he did so, his laughter growing louder and louder. The ringing the beast's stomach was dulled but still audible as the tendril moved inside, gathering what of the ashes inside before pulling out, the end of the tendril shaped into something of a shape resembling a ball, the entire thing covered with saliva, bite marks, stomach acids, and Splendy's own colourful blood.

Nightling's restraints were lightened before he was thrown back down into his hole the opened tree surrounded. The young God turned to Mathias and opened up his badly damaged tendrils to reveal the damp ashes that was inside. "Here you go." He said in an eerily childish voice again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy
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After the Catclysm the Amares had been quite shocked, their once peaceful, happy lives were turned chaotic quite abruptly. Now, after much of their population had died they were quite sparse. Many arguments began between the dwindled numbers, ranging through many things but mostly, the cause of the Cataclysm, what happened during it, and what they were supposed to do next. Soon, other arguments began questioning the validity of Gods. Many Amares hadn't seen a God, only the elders of their tribe able to tell them about the Gods. Eventually, after being nomadic for quite some time to learn more about their new surroundings and having many more offspring, the Amares had enough of arguing so they split up into two opposing sides. The first group of Amares called themselves the Beta Amares. They wanted to keep the ways of the Amares how they were before the Cataclysm, even going to far lengths as to greatly emphasize what they stood for. They believed and followed Gods and the most important things to them were simply survival, pleasure, and sexual intercourse. They went to the South side of the islands in the Blessed Isle. As for the other group, they dubbed themselves the Alpha Amares. They decided to stray away from the ways of the old Amares, most became Atheist and some became asexual, abandoning the Gods and the idea of having sex for pleasure, many would only have sex to continue having offspring. The most important things to them were survival, philosophy, art, and scholarly works. They decided to take the North side of the Blessed Isle mountains. The Amares were now divided, and tended to isolate themselves from each other, but their was still a fierce rivalry and possibly even hatred between the two groups.


The brother and sister gracefully swam through the ocean, enjoying every second of life they had. There were many sea creatures for them to interact with, but it was quite obvious they were the dominant figures. They named themselves Dawn and Turlak. Dawn and Turlak did have many children, who soon had children as well. Dawn was beautiful and elegant, but quite deadly and used her beauty almost magically to make others do as she wished. On the other hand, Turlak was noble and refined, he had slight power for controlling water, like magic. They realized that these powers they had were within them due to them being the children of Gods. Though they weren't Gods, they were still blessed with very minimal godly power. Dawn soon became narcissistic, her ego grew exponentially. Soon, she began tricking the other sea creatures to coming to her so she could devour them. Eventually, she became greedy, she decided that she deserved to rule the sea. Turlak was surprised at his sisters ways, shocked really. Though he was a good person, he too had a slight ego, and so he banished his sister to the bottom depths of the sea, many of their children took his side, dubbing him their king, but a few joined Dawn in her hiding, plotting their revenge. Turlak and his followers changed the name of their species, to Merranos, just to greatly differentiate themselves from Dawn and her followers. Turlak hoped that soon, his mother Nylia would come to stop this madness, however, Dawn wanted revenge, and wished that her mother Nylia would assist her in achieving it...


Nylia flew around the Inferno, searching for either Jute or Laska, the two of them were still quite suspicious, if she found Jute, quick action would be took and she would engage in combat, however, if she found Laska she would first have to determine if she truly was Jute, which would prove quite troublesome, seeing as the Jute girl was the Goddess of Deception. Nylia slightly wished to be free of the Inferno, to communicate with other Gods...but she had work to do, duties to fulfill, she couldn't just abandon them and make Cragin's efforts in the Middle Realm useless. After searching for a while she heard a voice "Nylia, come to me. Take me, use me for yourself. I will help you find the girl" Nylia swooped down to the appeared to be a crystal amulet of sorts...the fact that it was in the Inferno did make it quite suspicious, seeing as the Inferno was a place of evil...but she did have to find the girl...but how would an artifact help a Goddess in achieving what they wished? Nylia was about to leave until she felt something...remorse filled her heart as she dropped to the ground.

"Cragin," Nylia whispered as tears poured down her eyes. She had always been able to maintain the image of a fearless, heartless warrior but she couldn't stop her tears. He was dead...Jute Jute must have known that he was searching for her and had him's the only viable explanation that she could come up with at the moment. He seemed odd before he left the Inferno...if whatever that was killed him, then it was her fault for not noticing. If it was Jute that killed him, then it was her fault for sending him out to find her. She couldn't believe what happened, she just couldn't...she was entering a state of depression until she thought of something, "Wait...I control the Undead...I can save him, can't I?" Nylia asked herself, stuttering as tears poured onto the fire filled ground of the Inferno...but he was a took so much out of her to save her two children...if she saved Cragin...she would die wouldn't she? But the amulet...the amulet could give her enough power to survive couldn't it? Nylia rose up and turned to the amulet, even if it didn't give her enough power she could still use it to find Jute and avenge the death of Ulmo, Braun, Kylian...all the Gods who died in the Cataclysm...and Cragin, she could get revenge for all of them and set things right. She wan't sure though...what if the amulet was wouldn't be able to directly kill her, even if it was made by Jute, it would need the full power of a God. Nylia grabbed it, feeling a surge of energy already, and she placed it around her neck. Once she was done she left the Underworld, knowing the barrier was still around it to keep it protected from people trying to enter without her clearance.

She entered the Middle Realm and began flying, hoping to find Cragin, she searched for any form of Godly energy she could, hoping to find his remains and any other God that might be with him. Eventually she found a group of Gods, including Mathias, Acanthus, Adarani, and some Gods she was pretty sure she didn't know. She couldn't see too clearly so she swiftly moved down to them, what was going on was quite horrifying, there was a God that she didn't know with tendrils wrapped around another God she didn't know, and then he...stuck one of his tendrils in the other Gods mouth to what appeared to be retrieving something. Nylia watched in the background as the God handed what seemed to be moist ashes to Mathias after throwing the carnivorous God into a hole. Nylia ran closer, over to Mathias. "What's going on?" She asked frantically, her usual calm and vindictive complexion no longer evident " that Cragin?" she asked him as she glanced at the ashes on the Gods tendril, a tear or two rolled down her cheek as she spoke, showing a whole other side to Nylia that not even she knew that she had...a vulnerable, quite defenseless side overrun by sadness at the event and not anger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy Character Portrait: Elder God Cragin
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Mathias was all bet felt even more depressed by the beast's refusal to return the ashes. Even when the Darkness God spoke up he wasn't much inclined to speak to him. Still his offer...Mathias contemplated his words. Mathias thought hard about what should happen to the creature. Mathias wasn't at all entertained with the idea of more death at the moment. He's had his fill of the stuff. Mathias just wants the ashes back, perhaps he could ask him to find him again and this time...he will remove them himself. Mathias turned to speak his answer until the unexpected happen.

A god whose more imbalanced than The God of Madness appeared to stretch at inhuman lengths and sent a tendril down the hole. Mathias worried at the being's gesture, no matter how nice it was. He didn't want more people harmed because of him. Mathias spoke up, "Please stop!" "I don't need more of my kin harmed because of my actions!" Mathias spoke to Splendy, but the cartoonish being was lost in some fit of ecstasy. Apparently the being enjoyed the pain it was being suffered at the claws of the beast. Mathias worried more about the being's mental health than it's physical. What kind of school of thought believes pain is pleasurable? Such a creature disturbs Mathias greatly. Seeing Splendy retrieve Nightling though, gave Mathias hope. That was until he brutally shoved his tendril down it's throat.

The pied being was hurting the tunneling monster and Mathias did not like it. "Stop!" "Can't you see your hurting him!?" Mathias spoke outraged that the being enjoyed hurting him. Yet, Splendy showed no signs of stopping until he reclaimed the ashes. Splendy let him go once the mission was completed.

"Here you go." He said in an eerily childish voice again.

Splendy spoke to Mathias as it handed him the ashes of Cragin. Mathias despite his complaints was really grateful for what he had done. Mathias used his magic and a golden light enveloped the ashes. The ashes from Splendy's tendril drew the remaining ashes from the ground and the combined and soon, the golden light transformed into what would be called an urn. The urn was golden and inside it contained the ashes of Cragin. The urn floated into Mathias' arms. Mathias noticed Nylia appear and ask if that was Cragin. Mathias looked at her and then back at the urn. Mathias had the most sorry look anyone could see. Mathias said nothing to her he knew words didn't need to be spoken. His eyes said it all and they said I'm sorry. Mathias looked at the tall and more than a little disturbing being. While Splendy's appearance and his ambiguous intentions gave Mathias bad vibes, he was undoubtedly grateful. Mathias looked at the tendrils. Mathias felt guilty for Splendy being the victim of apparent assault. Mathias turned to Adarani.

"I know your weak but could you heal this being?" Mathias asked. "It will be my sign of thanks to it." Mathias then turned to Splendy. "I apologize for the pain I have caused you." Mathias spoke apologizing to Splendy. "Thank you." Mathias the said to Splendy as he turned and began to walk away with the urn. Before he left the company of the others he placed his hand on Sairis's shoulder and gave him a friendly pat. "I thank you too for all that you have done as well." Mathias will remember the kindness these new kin have shown him. "I will not soon forget what you and you have done." Mathias spoke as he pointed to Sairis and Splendy. "What all you have done today...I can not express my deep gratitude, you've done an honorable thing." Mathias spoke addressing all of the gods before him.

"If you all don't mind I'm going...I need to time...just need some time..." Mathias then turned from the group and began to walk away. The suddenly his body buckled down and Mathias dropped to his knees again, in exhaustion. Mathias let go of a pained gasp. Mathias nearly dropped the urn but managed to clutch on to it tightly. If anyone were to take it from his grasp, it would be out of his cold dead fingers. The constellation of Cragin, is nearing completion.

(((Crap! Ninja'd let me edit))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy Character Portrait: Sairis
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Blood lots of blood, the creature that dragged him away its blood tasted good and his blood gave him a little power. He split into two bodies more like re was replaced by a fake him and kept running allowing the fake to keep fighting. As the fake was dragged out and the ashes removed, he said two things to the gods that had captured him “you have captured me therefore you may eat me like I ate the other, but know this this one’s blood was tastier then the dead one and I liked it more beware, because it allowed me to do this” the fake exploded into confetti.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy Character Portrait: Sairis
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#, as written by Drogyn
Sairis saw Mathias getting ready to answer when suddenly a god ignored so far made it's presence known rather, forcibly. As a tendril made it's way down the creature's throat Sairis considered telling them the thing they caught had no memories, and so was fake. But seeing what was happening to it, he decided maybe it'd be better to let it get away. The fake seemed to have the ashes anyway, so it was all alright. It might try and hurt someone in the future though...but it might not, so best save the heroism for a time that it's actually needed. He thought, annoyed that he couldn't get a handle on his own mind. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Nylia land, tears rolling down her cheeks. As Mathias formed an urn for the ashes, she asked if it was Cragin, obviously dreading the answer. Amazing, how silence can be such a solemn answer.

Sairis walked up to Nylia, hesitantly putting a hand on her shoulder, an uncomfortable expression on his face. "I don't pretend to know just what you're feeling Nylia, but I understand the need to mourn. But never forget what Cragin fought for, never forget the friend he was. Because he's only really died, once all you remember is that he's gone." he brought his hand back, very uncomfortable with trying to comfort a mourning person. Then Mathias walked up and gave Sairis a pat on the shoulder, thanking him and Splendy for their help in recovering the ashes. "It bothers me, someone defiling the remains of a friend. So there's no need to thank me for acting in my own self-interest." Sairis watched as Mathias walked away, suddenly dropping to his knees is exhaustion written in his expression and the droop of his shoulders. At that moment, the ground shook and rumbled. Sairis, with a completely deadpan expression, said to Mathias, "Mathias, about that thing that you may have woken up?"


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Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy Character Portrait: Sairis
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Mathias was breathing hard, a consequence of recklessly using the power of righteousness non-conservatively. That is something Justice himself, would be upset over. Funny, he hasn't made an appearance to him in quite sometime...Mathias figured he would be displeased of him using his power for what he might consider, selfish reasons. Or perhaps Mathias' exhaustion is blocking communication with the Ancient Spirit...whatever the reason Mathias is glad not to hear the habitual scolding. Mathias felt the earth itself shake once more, apparently that wasn't going to be the only episode. Something is stirring, what he can not tell, but it feels godly whatever stirs. Mathias noticed the shadowy figure asking about what he might have awoken.

Mathias slowly stood up, urn in hand. Mathias looked over his shoulder to Sairis. "I know not of what might be awoken." Mathias spoke. "I really have no patience to deal with it...but I will consult with it, if it be passive enough." Mathias said as he turned and looked at the holes the beast made. Mathias did know how to appease the land itself, that was something Cragin would be an expert upon. Without his guidance...Mathias felt lost on how to handle that situation. The best Mathias could do was apologize and accept responsibility from the person in question. Still....Mathias couldn't help but hope it would dismiss this fiasco. Mathias saw that Adarani must have left before dealing with Splendy. He wished he could help heal it but he hasn't the ability to do so. Then Mathias looked towards Ahuv who surprisingly did not leave with Adarani. He then asked him seeing as he was able to heal Adarani.

"Graceful Ahuv." Mathias spoke to the crane. "Would you mind healing this tentacled being?" "I saw you heal Adarani so could you perhaps heal the wounds of this god as well?" Mathias asked the blue crane. If he could not, then he could not and then Mathias hoped Splendy would come through alright. If not...then perhaps he has ruined the life of one of his kin. That would be difficult to bear.


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Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Hanriot Character Portrait: Torsc and Riomu
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The Old god was taken aback as Craigin's ashes were stolen. Mathias suddenly seemed to brake as he began throwing fireballs into the earth. Acanthus stepped back. Such rash actions...such full disdain for wisdom or even was too much for him. He turned away from the struggle that was happening behind him. No matter what happened to his remains, Craigin was gone, and not even Paradise awaited him. Acanthus shed another tear before he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A metallic messenger came through the brush. It began to speak but Acanthus stopped it. "You are much like my Prachians. Before they all perished in the Cataclysm." He sighed a little but shook it off. "But you have urgent news, I can tell. Tell me where I need to go."

The mechanical being did and Acanthus opened a portal. He stepped through, not very far from where he had been. There on the ground before him was a broken and unconscious god. Scratch that. This was a half-god. He bent down and spoke a few Words of healing before he gently lifted her. He opened another portal and stepped back into the realm of Torsc. He laid her down on the dais before the throne of Torsc. "I brought her as soon as I could. She is unconcious and hurt, but I will do what I can to help, if you wish."

The Crystal Heart

Nylia had picked her up in her desperation. The Crystal was overjoyed. Now that it hung like a pendant from around her neck, the Crystal began forming a bod with her. It used all of the powers of greed it possessed to gradually make Nylia want to keep it. I can help you gain all that you desire. You lust for revenge, I will help you get the power you need to attain it. With any luck, Nylia would never want to let the Crystal go.

The Emerald Sword

It felt him approaching. The god that would be its tool for malice. It slid itself easily from the ground as Hanriot pulled on it. Thank you for saving me. I am the Sword Crysalis. Wield me, and we will adventure to your heart's content. And who are you?


Laska, far away from any other god, laughed. Another one of her enemies had fallen. She grinned. The crystal and sword both were performing to the highest of their abilities. They both had found a god to control. She needed more allies and those two would be interesting indeed. Nylia was going to be tricky but Hanriot, he would be simple indeed. Now she needed to find an ally of her own.


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Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Torsc and Riomu
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Torsc looked upon the broken, twisted body of his sister, and felt grief. He was thankful for her safety, but saddened by her condition. He could sense the injuries she had suffered, and could feel her pain. He knew that conventional healing would not do for such injuries. It would only serve to cripple her further, divine bones mending warped and disfigured. She'd never be able to walk, let alone travel freely, again. He could build a chamber wherein her body would be ever so slowly mended, but it would take centuries for her injuries to heal in such a machine. She'd miss so much. So many things would go unseen. Landscapes would erode, kingdoms would rise and fall, entire generations would come and go, taking with them so many fascinating traditions and sights. She'd not be able to bear it. But, perhaps there was a solution to the problem of passing time...

After all, the greatest magi the world could ever possibly know was standing before him...


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Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Torsc and Riomu
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And so, a deal was in progress. Acanthus would assist in healing Riomu, by creating a Glyph to give function to a device that would slowly mend her body, as well as placing a grand seal over the Citadel, thus ensuring that Riomu would not miss the many wonderful sights the world outside had to offer. Now, the only matter that remained was to discuss the terms by which Acanthus would provide these services.
"I ask of only one thing from you..." said Acanthus. "That you allow me to remain within the Citadel for a durance equal to whatever time is needed for Riomu's recuperation, so that I might learn from you these ways of "Artifice" you seem to embody." Torsc was rather surprised by this. Another deity, nay, the oldest deity was asking to learn from him. "I must say, that is quite an honor, Sir Acanthus." said Torsc, with a hint of pride in his voice. "It's a bit... distant, from your specialties, but given the requirement for sorcery in the very practice of Artifice, I doubt you'll have any trouble. Now, let us get Riomu onto the path of recovery..." "Would you mind explaining the basics to me in the meantime?" said Acanthus. "I'm entirely capable of multitasking." "Alright, then..." said Torsc, leading Acanthus to the room wherein the Seal and the healing chamber would be constructed, carrying his sister in his arms...

"The base aspects of Artifice, known as the Threefold Principles, are these..."


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Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Torsc and Riomu
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Acanthus gently set Riomu down in the machine as he was instructed. He listened intently to Torsc as he explained artifice. "Ah so, you power these devices with magic." He stated, gathering what he could from his younger brother. He began writing runes into the glyph that Torsc had given him. "This will last as long as Riomu is in the healing machine. The magic will warp time. We will experience several hundred years in as many days. That is the strongest spell I could make without draining myself too much. I hope that is ok."

Once he was done with his spells he turned to the city. "Such a marvelous creation. All of your mortals treat each other equally. And can you feel it? More gods are appearing daily and each will create their own mortals. It is our wont to create. These times will be amazing indeed. The world will soon be filled and we will push even on the borders of the chaos filled wilds." He smiled and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small bag. Inside were the ashes of the first mortal he had created. "Sinclair," Acanthus said softly. "You were a faithful servant. I never treated my mortals as they deserved. I gave you sentience but treated you as tools. But no longer. You will be a promise and a gift." He took the ashes from the bag and sifted them through his wrinkled and gnarly hand. "My promise is this: My next mortals will be treated as they deserve to be treated. And my gift, to the god who taught me this lesson: Your mortals will be given magic. Those blessed by the power will be the most valued among the many who do not." He then cast the ashes out over the grand city.


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Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Torsc and Riomu
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Torsc and Acanthus had finished laying Riomu within the Chamber of Mending, and were preparing to activate the Seal that would lock them all within an immaterial sphere that would cause ages to pass in hours. Before the Seal could take effect, it had to be given a name. Something to put the arcane runes etched on its surface into perspective within the eyes of the universe. Before they activated the Seal, Torsc pondered the future his Mortals, whom he'd created merely days before. He'd been shocked to see how quickly they were beginning to adapt to life in Citadel. But the choice he was about to make, sealing the city away for centuries while the world out side only experiences months at most, would ensure that this generation, and possibly many generations after that, would never experience anything else. All Di-Dorem would have an average lifespan of about 120 years. Riomu would remain in her healing chamber for much, much longer. He felt guilty for forcing them to remain in the city all their lives, but he tried to look on the positive side of things. Though they, their children, or their grandchildren may not life to see the world above, this city would one day be opened to the world again. And whatever descendants populate it in that far-off time would get to take the first steps out of the caverns and onto the surface. And when they do, they will be taking their knowledge of Artifice with them. Knowledge that shall surpass that of any species currently living upon the surface. When they can finally set foot in the light, they'll be bringing an important advantage with them. And so, with this thought fresh in his mind, he spoke aloud:

"I do name this the Seal of Divine Respite and Realized Potential."

And with that, the world outside did slow to a standstill.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida
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She saw the elder goddess throw a weapon and stopped her deadly tail just in time for the sickle to fly past without harming her. She turned to glare at the new threat when lightning shot out of the sky. She jumped away to see a great hammer wielding god. He crackled with energy and Jute enjoyed seeing the malice in his gaze as he threatened her. Behind him was an interesting hodgepodge of dead and new wood. She heard it speak. So this is another god then. Interesting. So many of her brothers and sisters had come when she had intended to fight with Nylia on her own. At least alone she had a chance. But a fight of four on one would not go well in her favor, even in full capacity. She raised her hands in a gesture of surrender. "I know when I'm outnumbered. I retaliated to Nylia's anger and she obviously wants revenge. I didn't even have time to speak with you." She looked at the goddess of seduction and manipulation.

"Why exactly do you want revenge against me?"


"I am the goddess of Purity, of Innocence, and of Peace." Laska said in response to the other god. "I am happy to meet all of you. I have longed to meet all of you for so long. I-I just get so embarrassed whenever I try to speak with others." She blushed and turned her head so that they wouldn't see. Even while the cute smile played upon her face, malicious intent fumed within her. She hated all of them. She would see them burned and destroyed, but not yet. She needed time, needed to be clear of suspicions. She needed more allies and more power.


The sword had spent a while waiting for the malice to course its way into Hanriot. Why don't you want to kill anything? Isn't that what a weapon is made for?

The Serpent

The great snake nodded its head towards Othuma. "Yesss yesss, you underssstand. But not all deathsss need to be acidentsss. I mussst eat to survive and the bearsss provided nourishment for me asss well." It turned towards Sairis. "Isss thisss how you treat a fellow immortal? Did i threaten you?"


The god of magic turned towards the god of technology. "All of your mortals seem to be lifelike but also...synthetic. It is truly amazing how ingenuitive you are. After hearing the intricate nature of Artifice, I had an idea. Let us create mortals in our likenesses. Give me a machine, or many different machines, and I will give them magic unheard of in mortals. It would be a most amazing experiment, yes?" Acanthus grinned, and turned to the new god. He was so eager to create and he felt the rush of new power entering his veins. Something was changing him. He had begun to see the world in a new light and this change that was occuring in him also seemed to be changing the portfolios that he was connected with. The other gods had changed so quickly, had been given much power after the cataclysm. It would seem that he had not been skipped over, but instead was simply a late bloomer. The ever quickening time schedule had affected him greatly.


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Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Torsc and Riomu
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109 Years, 5 Months, 3 Days since activation of Seal

Torsc breathed a sigh of relief as his assistants finished helping him into his Vestments. While he didn't really have anything he needed to hide that wasn't already either collapsible or removable, it was common practice among his people to dress up for stately occasions. Given current circumstances , he certainly didn't want to stir up anything with his public. Today was a sad day, both for him and his Citizens. A former member of the Di-Doch, the presiding government body amongst the Di-Dorem in Citadel, had died. The last surviving member of the very first Di-Doch, in fact. While this in and of itself was a sad occurrence, there was an underlying significance to this event that the public, while not entirely conscious of it, could feel in the air. This marked the beginning of the end for the very first generation of Di-Dorem. Those first Di-Dorem had been created at an "age" equivalent to about 30 years, one fourth of a Di-Dorem's average lifespan, thus putting them at a distinct disadvantage to all future generations. While the first generation started out with thirty-six hundred, now there remained less than two hundred. Those first generation Di-Dorem that yet lived were, for the most part, saddened to see their friends and spouses dropping like flies, while subsequent generations were sad to see their progenitors -parents, mentors, and the most reliable source for information regarding their origins- dying off. Today was a sad day, indeed.

An hour later, he'd arrived at the funeral grounds. Most citizens were cremated regardless of social status, but those that left an impact on the city were given burials in the state gardens, one of about four or five areas in the city that warranted the upkeep of actual grass. Just about the entire city was in attendance, most businesses and nonessential government offices closed out of respect for the dead councilman. Once Torsc had stepped up to the podium, the ceremonies could begin. The pallbearers began marching toward the Councilman's grave, while a group of musicians began playing a tune he'd had been hearing a lot of lately. When the song had finished and the coffin was sitting above the grave, ready to be lowered in, Torsc gave his eulogy. He kept it simple and short, thanking the Councilman for his service to the city, and giving some words of reassurance to the citizens. He stepped down and allowed the Councilman's friends and family to speak, and sat back for the rest of the funeral. Once it was over, he decided he'd take the tram back to center-city and stop by Acanthus's dwelling, a modest apartment in the government ring. Acanthus insisted that he visit today, though he was awfully secretive as to why he wanted Torsc over. Perhaps it had something to do with that project of his...


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Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Torsc and Riomu
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"And so the Great War had been ended by the power of purity overcoming corruption." Acanthus' voice rang from his room. Upon entering Torsc would see a class of many different Di-Dorem being taught by a rather elderly Korrigan. The Korrigan raised his hands and said, "With that, class you are dismissed. Come back tomorrow for my lecture about the creation of our species."

The class filed out, bowing in reverence to their god and giving strange glances back at their teacher. It was obvious that they were wondering why Torsc would want to see an elderly Korrigan in the middle of his own apartment. Once they had all filed out, Acanthus returned to his normal form.

"Ah, there you are my friend. I was wondering when you would arrive. I hope you've been keeping busy? It has been awhile since I saw you last." He paused to stroke his beard for a second. "No matter. I have finished my plans, are you ready?" He took a sheet of paper from his desk and unfolded it. Then he unfolded it again, and again, and again, until the paper was just as tall and wide as both of them were. "Here are my diagrams for them. As you can see, I will need several hydraulic presses and an internal power core for each. Now, I don't need you to add any Artifice other than that required to hold them together and make them run. I will provide everything else when you are finished."

He bowed to the half-god. "Thank you for your time, good friend."


Laska shook her head at the god of service, "Oh no, I can fly. Don't worry about me- whoa!" She said as the god picked her up and began flying with her in his arms. She blushed furiously, "I-I don't really think this is appropriate..." She said as they flew off, meteors falling behind the great servant.


The snake writhed a bit at the idea of going to find Sairis. "If he truly wisshes to be your friend, Othuma, then he will come back. He isss far gone by now. Insstead, why not get to know each other more." This would be a good chance to start working on Othuma, making him more like the snake. "Tell me about yoursself."

The Crystal

It stayed silent, for the longest time. Nylia must have seen its aura. It was not nearly as good at deception as Laska was. The crack that Nylia had created reconnected and re-hardened as Nylia fought Marzaan. Finally when the Crystal was with Nylia and the Locust god it spoke to Nylia. Very well. I am not a crystal. I am a half god. I can absorb life force and give you power. I am part of Jute. I helped you slay my other half. I wish to rule the gods and I wish to have you by my side. Even as you slayed me I have looked forward to adding your power to mine. We could be great, you and I. I could help you punish whomever you desire. I have received the full pain of your punishment to Jute. I have felt the sting of your revenge. Now all that matters to me is achieving my goals. And My goals involve you by my side.


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Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida
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The Middle Realm

They were gnawing at the wall, pushing at it trying to get through. It bubbled and swirled, colors unimaginable blossomed and vanished in the blink of an eye. It seemed to take shapes but then lost them immediately. The Chaos, The Wilds, it had many names but it cared not. It's only wish was to expand. It pushed at the barrier and the barrier pushed back. Then the barrier gave way. Chaos beasts rushed into the world, weakened by the barrier that they had pushed through. The Barrier closed instantly but enough of the creatures had appeared to cause trouble. They began attacking and destroying everything in their paths and turning more creatures into beasts like them. Geographically these beasts were contained at the far North, far South, far East, and far West borders of the Wilds. But eventually they began to expand pushing farther and farther into the Middle Realm as they came...


The young goddess looked at Merida and Keindra. She understood all that they had told her but she did not wish it to be true. The god of War was dead, that wasn't a good thing, but she could only feel glad. In the end she took as somber of a face as she could and followed Merida and Keindra to go see Mathias. When she got there she let the other two do all of the talking. She only spared them part of her attention. The rest was focused on the purple mortals running around and setting up cities. She nearly clapped her hands in delight at the sight of them. They were so peaceful and happy.


Sithis had not spoken while Othuma had asked Adarani for help. Its attention had been on the prayers of the snakes who told of many mortal affairs and also of gods. Sithis was still gathering information when they returned to the Northern wastes. When it finally snapped out of its reverie it slithered out of its tattoo form and onto the shoulders of the god of death. Then it noticed the new mortal and the godlike presence.

"Who iss thiss Othuma?" Sithis asked with feigned politeness. "Why did you bring another god here?" Then it sniffed the air with a flick of its tongue. "Trouble approachess. Gather your weaponss. Chaoss comess."


Crysalis arrived at a new city on her way to the ocean. Here were very different mortals from the Klik'kik-t. All of them wore masks and they all seemed to hold malice for something or another. Crysalis could feel the Crystal nearby so she lessened her godly aura so that Nylia might not sense her. Crysalis entered the city proper and found herself bombarded by dirty looks. She was not welcome...That would change very soon indeed.

The Crystal

The Crystal had been watching Nylia's every movement. She did not seem to be angry at Jute, or even revengeful at the moment. She seemed to be absorbed in the war. That was good. The Crystal remained quiet for most of the time as Nylia moved about the world, doing as she wished. When she returned to the masked mortals the Crystal finally spoke up. It is time that the war is started. If these mortals do nothing then I can call others to the war effort instead. As for our relationship, I would like your opinion on something. The Crystal paused for response. What are your feelings for Jute now?


Riomu was healing at a fast rate and schools all over the Fortress were teaching the History of the Middle Realm among many other subjects. Acanthus and Torsc were now meeting on a weekly basis, their project was nearing its completion. The Time Bubble as well was nearing its cessation period. The two gods were planning to unveil their new creation at the Ceremony of Release. Acanthus had never been happier than he was in the Bubble, but he knew that when it ended he would be able to start his new plan for a better and safer Middle Realm.