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The god of Magic, Wisdom, and Knowledge

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a character in “The Pantheon: Post Cataclysm”, as played by Midnightclub


God Name: Acanthus
Titles: The Sage, The Wise, The Old, The Knower, The Teacher
Creed: "Experience and reflection, there are no gifts that one may give oneself that are greater than these."
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolios Governed: Magic, Wisdom, Knowledge
Description: In his main form Acanthus is humanoid in shape. However, Acanthus is extremely tall and majestic. The air glimmers about him as he walks. He has long white hair as if he were old though his strides seem to be taken by one with much youth and vigor. His eyes are golden orbs that resonate understanding and inner peace. Wherever he roams, magic fills the air around him and magic users seem to gather more power just from his proximity.In other forms that he might take the air always glimmers around him and his eyes are always golden.

Territories: Where the wisdom of generations is strongest, where magic gathers together, where there are those that study and seek knowledge, there Acanthus is most at home.

Symbol: An old, knotted, and curved staff.


Acanthus is like a grandfather. Having been the first god to rise since the exile of the Corruptor, he has had a long time to absorb the knowledge and wisdom of the world. He is caring for younger gods, though stern with those who do not accept his wisdom. He loves story telling and also enjoys hearing stories. Acanthus is generally pleasant and good humored. He is known to take everything in stride, feeling as though the ones who would provoke him simply do not understand. However, when his temper does flare up, Magic explodes from him, destroying all that may have drawn his ire. He gives his magic to anyone who may be able to control it. This means that evil and good mortals and gods alike benifit from his wisdom and magic. He takes no sides except those of the laws of the universe. In terms of alignment, he is lawful neutral.

Mortals: Acanthus sees mortals as precious gifts. He also sees them as children who should be taught. His mortals tend to be the teachers of other mortals. They teach both wisdom and magic, all to gather and give knowledge in the will of their patron.


Unless in other forms, Acanthus has a long, warped and beaten staff that he carries with him wherever he goes. This staff is said to be the most powerful magical artifact in existance. He also wears robes of red, black, grey, or white, depending on his mood.

The other favored form of Acanthus, one used when in battle or when he needs to travel to someplace quickly, is a large swirling ball of pure magical energy.


When the All Father left the middle realm there was a burst of power that awakened Acanthus. He took that Power into himself and first felt the tingling sensation of Magic. He gave magic to the world in a joyful burst and spent as much time as he could, discovering the world and searching for others like him. He found none in his travels but he did learn much from the creatures that were already there. He learned and grew wise and embraced wisdom. Then he waited for someone to whom he could impart that wisdom to.

So begins...

Acanthus's Story


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Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Acanthus
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Adarani's eyes widened when she heard Mathias mention talking together in private. She simply nodded prior to her hand being taken as he led her to an area further away from the main group. She listened and observed his expressions, yet she could not believe what it all implied. Many a Sacriran, Valeish, or other mortal she has seen during her travels behaved this way during one of those special moments she had become all to familiar with. She knew even before the diamond ring completely appeared what he was going to ask, which made her blush while her heart raced in anticipation. At last she heard Mathias propose to her.

Her eyes lit up in a joy too great for words. Her every move and expression made clear her answer. Adarani had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and it finally came. Her impulses led her to happily cry out, "Yes!" Just as she shouted that, she grabbed him into a big hug, at the same time. The embrace was followed by her gazing into his eyes, her own sparkling. She gently closed her eyes, afterwards, and pressed her lips onto his. This moment made her feel even more fluttery inside. She knew there were matters to attend to, but at the moment, all she felt was bliss. After all, having waited for more than a century, who would not feel like she did after what was waited for finally came true?


Meanwhile, the Sacriran Republic made one last attempt to have the Federation rejoin them in the "crusade to punish the war lovers." the fleets and air forces of both sides were already at the borders separating the two nations while negotiations went on. Congress and the President debated the issue heavily. Whatever happened from that point would determine the future of all Sacrirans not under Betan rule. Were the Federation to give in to the Republic's demands, it would mean constant warfare at a magnitude no sane leader would hope to survive. There was that, and there were rumors of the Betans holding an utter disdain towards Adarani. The Federation knew, as well as the New Order did, that if both the Republic and Federation were to attack the Empire, it would only add fuel to the fire, something they could not allow.

And so, the following letter was sent to the Republic by the Federation President, himself:

"Fellow Sacrirans among the Republic,

Your demands are unjust. We have neither the strength, nor the will, to engage other nations and contribute to the vicious cycle which has led to our current situation, to begin with. Such insanity would only serve to bring about chaos and barbarism at a magnitude one cannot hope to escape. It is natural for mortals to feel malice, and pain, not to mention a desire to hurt others. However, unless those thoughts and emotions are kept under control, they are a threat to civilization itself.

In short, our policy remains: complete neutrality. We will not budge or be enticed to do so under any circumstances, and we are willing to fight to maintain that neutrality. That is our final word.


Davidklajh Androsti na Jordiikite
President of the Sacriran Federation

Upon receiving the letter, the Eastern Consul of the Republic became infuriated, hurling insults to nobody in particular, all the while slamming his fists onto his desk. "Damn those war lover sympathizers! How can they call themselves just when they write lies like this? We must eliminate the leaders of those war lover filth before they can manage to spread their tyranny further! That is the only way we can achieve peace, at this point! The time to remove our prime obstacle has come!" His fist was lifted up in an obvious rage. "For the purification of our ravaged Realm!"

As the first shots from the Ironclads on both sides were made, a Vitaiim Messenger was already en route to the Divine Isle in the customary mail delivery uniform issued by the Federation government. He landed in front of the capital's castle and handed an envelope which was, as he put it, "Meant for the King and Queen's eyes, only. It is urgent that they know what is going on in the Sacriran Nations."

He next flew to New Sacrira, where he sought an audience with the Queen on important diplomatic matters. Once admitted, he went to the throne room and handed the letter, bowing the customary Sacriran way which has lasted since before the Cataclysm, with both hands together, flat the whole time, the upper torso leaning forward while the legs stood straight up. To her, he mentioned his hopes for her understanding while giving the traditional good-luck saying just as old as the other Sacriran custom mentioned earlier, "Serenity and great harvests to you." With that, the mailman left for the Federation capital to report the delivery a success.

Inside both letters were these words:

Your Highnesses,

I regret to inform you of the current climate at home. As you might as well know, Many of our own brethren have been stricken by grief the magnitude of which has caused their hearts to become crooked. It is madness, total insanity. The Western Sacrirans in the Republic are so infuriated by the invasion and its horrors, they are under an insane outcry for vengeance. They are willing to cause more chaos and agony, to contribute to the endless cycle of hatred and retaliation, just to satisfy some vain sense of justice. Their drive for revenge is anything but just, which was why we Eastern Sacrirans broke away from the Republic and formed the Federation: to stay out of the unjustifiable carnage to come. Unfortunately, the Republic began hurling threats and insults to us, falsely accusing us of sympathizing with advocates of war.

The hypocrites have brought war to our borders, it is inevitable they will attack us. In fact, by the time you receive this message, we most likely shall already be fighting to defend ourselves and our neutrality. Should we fall, all other Sacrirans not under a non-Sacriran nation's rule shall fall with us. That, we cannot allow. In order to protect the integrity of our attempts at neutrality, we respectfully request that you not be involved in this conflict. If you were to bring your soldiers and sailors to our waters for any reason, at this time, the Republic would only grow angrier, more insane. They would claim their accusations were justified, something which would mean a prolonged feud.


Davidklajh Androsti na Jordiikite
President of the Sacriran Federation


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhaegar Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge
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"If it is inevitable, shall we continue to fight or to accept? Perhaps, it is better to understand it then smile..."

The discussion between gods, the decision they had arrived to, the swirling emotions much like a hurricane filled the hall, they were all enough to make the epithet of Hope remained silent and satisfied with observation. Troubling? No, she was not exactly deeming the death of gods as such. Irritating? No, it was not that as well. Sad? Yes, she felt just so. Concern? There was that as well for herself and for those around her. Fear? Certainly, she did not want to die. Then again, she was also curious. Her fellow gods spoke that killing gods were taboo. It is due the consequences that can never be measured. But then again, the creations flooding the Middle Realm were not subjected to such a thought. Fueled by ambitions, pushed to the limits, anchored by necessity, they will not hesitate to end a life. Repercussions were established but need not care

Thinking about it, the life of the Middle Realm were all created in the liking of their perceived Deities. They were subjected to their free will and introduced beliefs. It is the same for them who are called Gods. They are subjected to their nature and to their desires. There was not really much of a difference as far as she could see. Death will also come to them. It was an inevitable matter. Yet, despite how logical she looked at it. Dying or being killed was truly a terrible and a sad matter. She would never wish that on anyone or be under its hold. Yes, it is why they should know who is this murderer they speak of. To understand. To know. To decide.

Looking down her hands, La'Moire entertained herself in that manner as her fingers entwined with each other. Her eyes of mauve held a lonely haze that she seemed to emit as well. There was then the sudden pang of pain riveting within her. She looked at the entrance as her eyes widened in surprise. Then, it was announced. Another god had disappeared into the grave of the glittering skies. She felt the suffering this god had endured and then the void of a lost connection never to be touched upon again. How disheartening. She lowered her head once more and let her thoughts wonder while half-listening to the conversations fluttering about her.

Then, there was the arrival of new gods or at least other she had yet to meet. Two of them were females from her conclusion and bear something undetermined in their hearts. This much she could tell. Then, the roof was torn from the hall as if it was mere paper. Perhaps, she would also try that once. It looked amazingly adorable. She could imagine Syberion or even Bartum doing such a thing. It brought a small smile on her lips. There arrived the children of another god. How intuitive to create such large creatures. She wondered if she was capable doing the same thing. But, she would not want to cause Bartum further discomfort.

Standing from her seat, the Goddess of Light approached her companion with such calm radiance. She opened the door and beamed at Bartum. "It will be fine." Her hand slowly reached for the embodiment of fear. "I will be here. I will not let them harm you. I promised remember?" Soon, her hand had reached its destination which was his head. "Shall we take our leave?" She inquired before looking to the other gods with a apologetic expression. "Whatever decision you have chosen, I will not refute or seek disagreement. Please just remained safe." Once that was stated, Acanthus as she remembered gave out a ring. The god stated it will help them be in contact. Taking hers and Bartum, she showed it to her companion. "It's pretty, isn't it?"

Wearing hers and giving the other one to Bartum with a gentle smile. "This means we can always talk to each other. You'll never be lonely again." It was then she heard a prayer. Oh yes, the envoys from the Love Goddess. Closing her eyes, she prompted them to leave the place to prevent further altercations. Knowing Bartum's anxiety, it would probably be the same of his people. There was no need for anyone to bear ill feelings and the consequences of being hurt. "I apologize and thank you for your assistance. Please take your leave, and until we meet again." Speaking of which, she could not see Adarani anymore or the rather stern-looking God of Justice. Well, it seemed this meeting is now adjourned or something like that. Looking over her shoulders to gaze at the other gods and goddesses, she had a sense of peace radiating from her form. A soothing sensation that calmed fears and such.


"When we are to meet again, I hope we can talk more lighthearted matters. Until then." She spoke her farewells and then pulled Bartum by the hand. "Let's get to work. We still have a city to create, right?" With that, La'Moire left the halls and fortunately with Bartum following her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhaegar Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge
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The massive Karlibor warrior looked down on the Valeish with an unreadable expression. There was a cool still that washed over the gathered warriors on the exterior of the camp as it appeared that Makilik was deciding the fate of the Foresters when the truth of the matter was considerably less grim. The large, silver eyed Karlibor was struggling to keep his snout from breaking out in a large, cub like grin but ultimately failed. Makilik let loose a cheerful chuckle before stepping forward and nodding in friendship.

"Then come Foresters, let us break words."

He said warmly as he turned and began leading the Valeish through the Karlibor camp. As they passed the exterior gates the Valeish were greeted with the scents, sounds and sights of Karlibor living. Warm exterior hearth fires where Karlibor sat around and exchanged stories and food. Impressive metal work on display by the skilled clawed hands of Karlibor craftsmen. Karlibor females shopping along long expansive open air markets where fresh fish, meats and perishables could be found that held such sweet and succulent scents the traveling warriors no doubt were reminded of how long it has been since they'd had a good meal. They passed by proud and fearsome warriors practicing by war tents in the arts of combat. Their titan like strength on full display as the bear men wrestled, clawed and swung at each other with massive battle axes and giant sized blades. The most memorable sight was no doubt the Karlibor cubs that began to run along side the new comers full of smiles, laughs and wonder.

Makilik laughed kindly at the sight of the young before turning to Damias.

"Forgive the cubs Captain Damias, they have never seen outsiders this close before. They are merely curious."

One small cub ran up to stare up at Priyah in awe.

"You're pretty..."

The child said sweetly. Makilik laughed and shooed the young one away as he cast a quick glance at the female Valeish.

"You have an admire it seems, she bear."

He said with a warm smile before returning to his position at the head of the group, leading the Valeish through the camp. They finally reached their destination, a large wooden sweat lodge where thick smoke could be seen rising out of the central hearth. Makilik led the Valeish through the Lodge's leather door flap and they were greeted with the warmth of the massive hearth located in the center of the room. The fire bathed the entire room in a warm orange glow and the few Karlibor in it seemed relaxed and calm as some ate and others talked. At the sight of the outsiders they all turned in concern but a harsh word from Makilik and they all scurried right out leaving the group to sit in peace.

The silver eyed Karlibor warrior led them all to the circle of log benches around the central hearth fire where they could all sit and talk. He motioned for them all to sit but paused one of his own men before they took their seat.

"Fetch Pauni, he should be here."

The warrior nodded respectfully to his commander before rushing off to do his bidding. After a quizzical look from the Valeish Makilik clarified the order.

"Pauni is our Chieftan. He is our wisest elder and leader. He no doubt will be one all new friends of the Karlibor should meet."

Makilik said casually as he reached ahead of him to grab the wine jugs and meat that was layed out from the previous diners.

"Will you take food?"

He asked Damias as he already offered the spiced meats and strong wine to his guests.


Rhaegar stared at the ring given to him curiously. A open line of communication to his goddly kin. He was not one for jewelry or adornments but this was a tool and a gift, not one he would refuse. Rhaegar accepted the gift with a grateful bow of his massive maned head before he attempted to fit the ring around his clawed hand. His eyebrow arched curiously as it felt unnatural to him to fit a ring to his fur. He chose instead to wear it around his neck affixed to a simple piece of string. He slipped the magical ring around his neck before a thunderous sound broke out through the hall. He snarled as his fur on his back stood up in response to the perceived threat. The very roof was torn asunder and two behemoths loomed over the hall of the gods. A savage growl tore from Rhaegar's throat as he prepared to leap forward and bring claw and fang to bear.

Fortunately for all involved his kin spoke first and it was learned that these titans were actually the children of yet another sibling Rhaegar had yet to meet. The Great Lion calmed yet his tail still flicked about behind him dangerously. His golden eyes flicked from brother to sister as the meeting continued and more words were spoken. There was even new arrivals, females with interesting and distinct appearances and demeanors. The Goddess of Light took her leave with the Coward in tow, freeing the other gods assembled from his ravings which was a kindness to Rhaegars ears.

The Great Lion yearned for the hunt to commence but knew the patience only a predator knew. He knew not to rush the moment before action. He would wait until the meeting was over and observe in silence unless addressed before he and his sister would embark on their hunt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhaegar Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge
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She tilted her head slightly as the giant creatures that had been making there way towards the meeting arrived, rather abruptly she thought, by removing the domed roof in order to gain entry. Though her interest in them was somewhat disturbed by, well the nature of their meeting firstly but also by the high-pitched howl of terror coming from another within the chamber who appeared to be trying to claw his way to safety. She winced slightly as his shouting echoed around the room but when it faded to little more than a whine she frowned at his words.

Shaking her head she turned back towards the main focus of events, catching a slight change next to her as Adarani clutched Mathias closer, her eyes alight with something approaching hostility. Confused at this odd behaviour and wondering what she had done to offend her sibling she almost didn’t hear when Mariva spoke, her voice tinged with nervous laughter. Mérida turned her head slightly to look at the puppy, smiling softly.

"Uh, Aunt Merida... I think mom is a bit jealous. You see, she has had romantic feelings for Mathias for quite some time, so... that explains her behaviour, right now."

The auburn haired goddess shook her head gently, her smile warming as it dawned on her that her sister was jealous. And of her no less. And believed that she desired him as she did, rather than simply feeling a friendly connection with a kindred member of their family?

She noticed that the small puppy, Angelira was bobbing next to her mother, holding one of the rings that Arcanthus had offered them all as a means of communication. While the idea of having the creature fetch it seemed slightly odd to her it did allow for Adarani to make sure that the slowly increasing distance between her and Mathias remained so.

As they both moved away from the others in the room, Mathias guiding Adarani this time, Davidni shrugged slightly before speaking "Don't worry about it, Miss Merida. Mom does not hold any ill will towards you."

Mérida smiled at the young creature and nodded, though inside she was feeling a little, well perhaps angry toward her sister for presuming to judge her actions thusly. She could just about hear what Mathias asked his love as the others in the hall began to leave, the din created almost drowned out by the cry of happiness from Adarani as she screamed yes at the top of her lungs. Shaking her head slightly she turned towards the puppy that had followed Mathias and whispered softly to him.

"I would like you to congratulate your mother and Mathias on the commencement of their union; and that I have something for them both that may serve as a gift for this occasion."

She sighed softly, closing her eyes for a moment, her lips moving as she muttered under her breath raising her hands palm up before her as she spoke. After a while she opened her eyes and smiled at the two small, semi-translucent eggs that lay nestled in her palms, one sapphire and one emerald.

"Tell them that these eggs contain a pair yet unborn Ail’oki, called fae dragons in common tongue. One of the young creatures of nature that I wish them to have. I hope they find them loyal companions when they’re born. Mariva can help you deliver them, as I need to deal with a few things."

She bowed to the small puppies before making her way to collect her ring from Acanthus. Her head tilted slightly as she passed the beast-creature in the center of the hall, clearly another god of wild origin such as her. Continuing till she reached her elder brother and accepted the gift, thanking him kindly for the effort. Nodding respectfully to the god of magic she turned and made her way out of the hall and made ready to soar back into the heavens and make her way to the grove of Cragin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhaegar Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Acanthus
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The many different forms of the seff-proclaimed goddess of all were scattered. Each one holding sway over only a portion of Jute's abilities. And while each one was a formidable opponent, they all knew at some level that one day they would rejoin and be more powerful than any other god or goddess. However, while they were still separated, a force was moving within one of them. This force of Imbalance was changing the powers that Jute had. Chaos was not an ability or a force to control but anathema to the gods. As created beings, these gods could not co-exist with chaos. It ripped at Jute, as each of her parts rejected Imbalance. For some, like Sithis and Laska, the Imbalance was jutted out with less than a thought. For the Crystal and Chrysalis, however it was a hard-fought battle. The Crystal, as the center of Jute's mind and personality had to focus extremely hard on removing the taint of the chaos. Chrysalis was the part that had absorbed the Imbalance and so it was her that the chaos affected the most.

As Jute purified and cleansed her other forms, Imbalance began to affect Chrysalis.


"Oh, Othuma this is amazing!" Chrysalis said, observing the fortress that Othuma had made. She walked through the newly made streets with Othuma. "It's a little dark and it could use a woman's touch," She said, waving her arms and making emerald-colored flames appear within the torch sconces. "But it's amazing." She walked with him into the castle. As they entered the throne room, she looked around.

"Only one throne, Othuma dear?" She said, smirking a bit. "That one is fit for a king of gods. Of course..." She said, looking at the dark throne and she made an emerald one next to it, "What is a king without a queen?." She giggled and sat down onto the emerald throne she had just made.

It was then that she started to feel something boiling inside of her. She screamed as pain coursed through every inch of her body. Brilliant orange shafts of light poured out from her eyes and open mouth as scars coursed over the visible parts of her body running down her arms and legs and over her neck. The scars did not reach her face but seemed to thicken and split leaving orange glowing gashes running where the scars had been. Chrysalis' scream pierced the air as she felt her body ripping apart and her power began to wane.

Her portfolios were being changed by Imbalance within her. Conflict became Battle and the energy she had absorbed from Kazus coalesced into Foresight. Power was drained from her even more as she felt herself begin to be ripped apart completely. It was then that the Crystal was able to purge the chaos from Jute's forms all together. Chrysalis was left limp upon the emerald throne she was on. Her body scarred and steaming, her portfolios changed permanently, and her power drained.

The Crystal

While Nylia prepared to go, the Crystal was busy fighting off an infection of sorts. It quickly purged as much as it could but had a much harder time dealing with the source of the problem. As such it was unable to communicate with Nylia and as the infection raged on, it began to glow white hot on her chest. Once the Imbalance was purged from Jute's domains, the Chrystal apologized to Nylia.


The Silurians had proven to be split in their ideals. Sithis was able to connect with the younger generation with promises of power and prestige. They only had to leave their own god and worship Sithis. For the younger Silurians who had had no real time to become true worshipers, it was all too easy to leave. They followed the Snake god and it gave them the ability to speak with the snakes of the world. These younger Silurians thanked their master and venerated Sithis by choosing to slither on their bellies. Over time this would prove to change these reptilian mortals. Eventually, this offshoot of the Silurian race would be better known as the Thobaan. This Silurian sub-race of Sithis worshipers would come to be known as the most silent and deadly assassins able to slither up walls and create their own potent venom.

While the gradual micro-evolution of the Thobaan was taking place, Sithis left them in search of more mortals. The snake god tunneled under ground, swam through lakes rivers and even the ocean, and rolled over boiling sands looking for a worthy set of mortals. It was thus that the Snake god came across a group of wandering Di-dorem, it's eye was caught by a group of snake-like mortals among them. It came closer to observe the group and ascertain their worthiness.

Laska and Acanthus

The young goddess watched as all of the others decided on what to do. She was glad that they weren't nearly as afraid as she was. When Acanthus created the rings, she walked up and took one as well. "Thank you Acanthus, sir." She said quietly before turning to leave.

Acanthus stopped her with a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I'm not sure we've met. Why don't you stay with me for awhile?"

Laska looked up into the old god's wise eyes and nodded. "Okay. I was really lonely out there anyways."

Then Acanthus approached the goddess who had entered before. "You wish to join me and learn from me? How did you hear about me? From where do you come?"

The Xen'drik

These metallic mortals created by Acanthus and Torsc spent much of their time teaching each other and studying the sciences and the mystical arts. The rest of their time was spent scrying, looking for potential recruits into their race. It was thus that they discovered two Valeish candidates. One was a lord, the other was a reclusive doctor. Two of the Xen'drik prepared themselves to travel to these two mortals. One, a former Korrigan by the name of Rnnyld, and the other a former Iffriti who had her name changed to Ysma upon becoming a Xendrik.

Each one took a single wand of teleportation along with some scrolls and books. They left swiftly with the name of the coordinates of their charges and a wave of their wands. When they appeared outside the domiciles of their charges they each walked up to their door and knocked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Acanthus
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The Valeish

Secret Meeting

As they shook hands the man then spoke, "Excellent, we shall anxiously wait to hear news of your success." He spoke with a grin underneath his hood as he broke off the handshake. "Time to leave chaps." The Valeish man spoke and then the small group quietly walked out through the back exit. Leaving Abnersa alone and with a mission. Hopefully their plans shall succeed, and the Valeish Culture restored to it's former glory. The group beyond the warehouse was stopped by another group. "So, Lord everything set?" Asked another hooded man. "Just as you predicted Dracule, he came." Malachai spoke. "Good glad we didn't have to take drastic measures." "Let us return hopefully everything will proceed as planned." Spoke Lord Asher as the scheming Valeish disappeared back into the city.

Kolson Wells-Sacriran Tea Shop

Kolson took a sip of his tea as he listened to Marilaiku. "Um no, I haven't even stepped foot near a dojo." "I have heard it is for combat training, correct?" "I am not much for physical confrontation, but I have never been an aggressive person either way." Then Kolson nearly choked on his next sip as he gave a polite cough away from the table. "But that does not mean I do not find it an honorable position." "In fact I am an instructor myself." "I teach at the Academy up the street." "Bellview Academy is the name." He quickly spoke. "So do you often have children in these dojos?" Kolson did ask.

Lord Kelzor Roseum/Doctor Heyfeldt

In Manor Roseum in the Province of Greenhill, did come a servant as he opened the door to the strange metallic being. "Um yes." The servant spoke rather befuddled. "How may I assist you?" He asked rather nervously. Then back in the city of Kelzekia, at 28 Tooley Street, the door opened to reveal Doctor Heyfeldt's assistant, Aliandra. "Hello." She spoke rather undisturbed and unperturbed as she gave a rather unimpressed look at the metallic being. "Are you here to see the doctor?" she asked. Unsure of what this creature wants.


Othuma laughed as he gave a large grin. "Of course it's amazing!" "Everything about me is amazing!" "Mwhahahahaha!" Othuma spoke enthusiastically. Othuma watched as Chrysalis added more color to the city. Instead of just blackness emerald flames were added. Othuma preferred the dark, and dreary atmosphere, it reaked of death. But he must admit it gave more color. As they entered the gothic structure of the high palace. Othuma's attention was brought to the throne. "Well of course, I do need a magnificent seat for myself." Othuma pretentiously spoke. Then Chrysalis added a throne for herself. While Othuma secretly longed to be the only seat of power but she made a point.

"King?" "Yes, King." He then grinned. He then noticed her nuances. " surely mean so?" "Well I cannot say I disapprove of your tastes." "Of course I'm surprised I was not noticed sooner." "But then again I wasn't the being I am now." "And soon the whole world will know me, they will know my name." Othuma spoke. But before an eventually monologue Chrysalis acted suspicious and then something dreadful happened. Othuma covered his ears as she screamed. He closed his eyes in pain and once Chrysalis stopped her screams of agony, he then did look upon her and saw her broken body on the throne. "Lady Chrysalis!!!" Othuma screamed as he ran by her side. "Speak to me damn you!" "What happened to yourself!?" Othuma shouted as he showed stunned concern. Othuma could not explain what had just happened but whatever it was, it was not good.

Sithis maybe upset that his new assistant is well, harmed. "What did this to you!?" "I demand you answer me!!" Othuma spoke rather frantic. He worried death had visited her. He hated death comes to those he did not want death upon. He is the God of Death! The very force must bend to his will, how dare it act without him!? "Chrysalis do not die you are not allowed to die!!" Othuma's mind was flashed with visions of the bears and Shan. Death, that he did not wish for such to come by. In his anger he transferred power to Chrysalis. "Your time is not now!" "You are to rise from this!" "I am life an death!" Othuma shouted as godly energy caressed her. He was unaware of why he acted so emotionally, perhaps he wasn't completely matured as far as he believed. The dreadful powers of death, it still is elusive even to him. To see death beyond his will, places such rage in to him he doesn't even believe. He did what he could hopefully he spared her death and she will heal, like he did with Shan. Only time will tell.


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The Valeish

The perpetrators were surprised by the speed and forcefulness of the Teal Eagles. So much so they protested to their detainment. "How dare you filthy foreigners attack us!" "You will pay for your actions!" Some even going as far to cry out injustice. "Help we're being repressed!" "Unjust! Unjust!" "You can't do this to us!" Some even continue to spew more malicious words. "You are not like us!" "Your just filthy Fetthas!" "Go back home!" "You are not welcomed here!" Then there unrest was quickly silenced by the arrival of Ahuv. The remained silent as the being spoke. Some felt regret others fear, but even despite this some were still stubborn. "We will not listen to this!" "You have no right to claim such things!" "You do not understand the Native Plight!" "You are biased towards the Sacrirans!" "Leave us alone!" They cried.

Even with the cries of outrage the Expellers and any Book Burners that were there were arrested. They would soon find themselves in prison cells for violation of city edicts. The Protesters spoke of expressing their feelings about the Foreigners. Some even cried out against the Constables labeling them as Foreigner Lovers. That they were against their Valeish brethren. Some Constables even questioned to authority the Teal Eagles have to arrest Valeish citizens. Even if they did break edicts, do the Teal Eagles have the given authority to make such arrests over such a scale of crime? Most simple misdemeanors that the Eagles presented, the punishment was a slight fine and allowed to wander the streets. While criminals brought in by Valeish officers were imprisoned. But with the Constables that were more concerned with upholding the Law, defended the right to imprison these wrong doers. Even if Sacrirans made the arrest.

This along with Retainer support made sour amongst the Constabulary. Even considering their actions in violation of Law for allowing punishment of unauthorized arrest. Even with the debate the key figures in this Book Burning act went from local incident to national scandal. The figures were key members of the Clergy and even testified to Valeish officers that they only acted underneath orders from the Clergy. This led to a serious decision to investigate the National Clergy. At first Expellers and even Non-Supporters mentioned this move was folly. That the Clergy wouldn't be responsible of blatant disregard for the law. Though it is no rumor the Clergy is a firm supporter of Pro-Sacriran Deportation. Even some of the Bishops are reported to be Expellers with a rumors stating that even the Archbishop is an Expeller. The Constable Captain Rolf Anson sent a letter for permission to conduct investigation on the Clergy to the King. Which responded with an yes. This would be the biggest Investigation to have ever commence yet.

Several Investigative Officers were entering the National Clergy's Churches. Finally leading up to investigate the Mathian Chapel were the Archbishop resides. The Investigators uncovered evidence that would be connected to the Book Burning Incident and even details for several other bonfires. Though no evidence was found of the Archbishops involvement, pressure from the investigation and past association with the Expellers weighed heavy on the Archbishop. So much so after the signal to make several arrests, including a few Bishops, forced a Ceremonial Abdication from the Archbishop. It was a bright Weekend Morn when the Archbishop Algernon Abercrombie abdicated from his position as the Archbishop. He gave a rather hopeful speech and stepped down with dignity and grace. Despite not being charged for any law breaking. Though some suspect he did and was leaving his role before such proof surfaces. Whether or not he had anything to do with this was inconsequential as Abercrombie left his role of power. It would be several days later when a new Archbishop would arise.

Looking over hopefuls, the remaining Bishops ordained a new Archbishop. In his Inauguration, Phalis Mortimer became the new Archbishop. He was then ordained and then tried to direct the National Clergy away from the embarrassment of the Clerical Bonfire Scandal as it was now called. Archbishop Mortimer even went as far as to renounce any ties the Church has with the Pro-Deportation Committee known as the Expellers. Without the backing of the Clergy and the aftermath of the Scandal, left the Committee crippled. It would seem the Sacrirans and the Retainers would win this Culture War. The final blow of the war would be given by the King himself. After The Dragons bringing to his attention the actions of Steiner and the recent events, he would hold an audience in the Royal Court. From there he would declared any propaganda from the Expellers outlawed and the Pro-Deportation Committee itself disbanded. Without any legal backing the Expellers were broken up and the decision to keep the Sacrirans in-country passed. Despite this victory, the tension and resentment left behind from this Culture War remained. As many Valeish citizens still reject the Sacrirans, but for now no more protests or rallies from the Expellers would be seen in the streets again. This "War" has shifted from a political arena to a sociological one. As the battle continues on a personal and much less publicized scale.

---Steiner was very much upset over the King's siding with the Dragons, but bit his tongue and held in any dissent. He was allowed to continue to be the Captain of the Guard, for what it's worth, The King does trust him as a stalwart ally and a very skilled fighter. When Steiner approached a group of Brown Dragons he would utter the last phrase of abuse. "I hope your all so pleased with yourselves!" "Despite whatever victory you believe you won, you will never change me!" Steiner then spat on the ground before them and walked away. They would not suffer any more abuse from him. At least not in a blunt and direct way as he once did.

---Many of the Noble Houses that sponsored and even members of the Expellers, left when the group was legally disbanded. Though those same houses still continued to possess the same prejudice and discrimination for the foreigners. Even though their efforts to have them legally deported has failed, the plot to have Abnersa convince them to leave still gave them some hope. As they and former Expellers will look onward to see if they will succeed or not.

---As for the Constabulary, a new found respect was shown to the Teal Eagles. For accomplishing such a goal. Though some Constables may view them a little more favorably. It did not lessen any of the hardships they will still face with the majority still having prejudice for them. Just now the Teal Eagles have allies as they will slowly be treated as a respectable part of Law Enforcement.

As the Servant looked at the strange being called a Xen'drik asked for his master. The servant reluctantly went to retrieve Lord Roseum. Kelzor came forth and immediately was energetic. "My, MY!" "What a most interested subject!" "Please come in, come in!" "I must say I was hoping I would have a foreigner come to my doorstep, but I didn't believe it would actually come to pass of it's own accord!" "Please sit! Sit!" "I am sure you have much to discuss...well at least I will!" Lord Roseum spoke with glee. As he went to quickly fetched as pen and parchment. "I hope you don't mind but I would most love to document this conversation!" Kelzor spoke. "So what brings you here my fellow?" He spoke with genuine intrigue.

Aliandra looked at the Xen'drik with discerning eye. When it spoke of The God Acanthus, it seemed to match what she believed would be a creation of such a Lord. "Please follow me." She spoke in a dull and unconfused voice. The Valeish apprentice would lead Ysma to Doctor Heyfeldt. "Doctor a visitor to see you." She dully spoke as the Doctor turned to see who it is. "Hello, I must say you are a strange looking fellow." "If you are looking for some cure for your appearance I'm afraid I only restore antiquities." Heyfeldt spoke confused on the matter in which he believes he speaks to another Valeish.


Othuma had a solemn countenance as he looked at Chrysalis. "Yes...death will not come unless I wish it." "Life bends to my whim, not it's own!" Othuma spoke with authority. "And I do not wish for death to visit you and nor shall it, so long as I condone it!" He spoke with conviction. "Besides I would never harm you." "You and I are to change the world...I cannot do it without your assistance." Othuma spoke with all matter of seriousness. "Which brings us to what we are here to do." Othuma spoke as he walked right up to Chrysalis and placed a tender hand upon her hands and clasped them together. "What are we to do now?" He asked. He wondered how he would start this thing war and when it should begin.