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Meilani Valencia

0 · 1,529 views · located in California's Academy for Superhuman Children

a character in “The Special Ones”, originally authored by Aquamarine, as played by RolePlayGateway


Meilani Renai Valencia
Face Claim: Debby Ryan || Role: Student || Dialogue Color: #ff0055 || Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time || Portrayed By: Aquamarine
Mei || Commonly Used || Likes
Lani || Often Used || Unsure


October 2nd

Zodiac Sign


Irish & Itailian

Tactful: Mei is the kind of girl who likes to get things done in a timely manner. No matter what it is she is working on, be it a project, schoolwork, etc. She takes her time and doesn't waste any time to get her work done.

Romantic: Very romantic at heart, she finds herself always looking forward to meeting that perfect guy. She wants to meet someone, fall in love, get married, and have that white picket fence family one day.

Just: When in problems, she always justifies herself in a skillful and civil manner.

Diplomatic: Has a great sense of listening to different points of views and is very patient with everyone.

Balanced: Mei hates disappointing people so whenever there is a way to do what she has to do and make everyone happy, she would much rather go that route.

Superficial: She can get distracted by outer beauty to the extent that she may ignore the beautiful inner qualities of other people.

Laid Back: Though she is mostly energetic she can sometimes be lazy and may tend to make things easy. It is not physical laziness, but she wishes to avoid any kind of stress or emotional challenges.

Indecisive: When it comes down to making huge decisions she has a hard time making up her mind. She tends to over analyze things with each different choice before making up her mind, which later on may be changed.

ImageDuplication Power
To replicate oneself, others and/or objects

Capabilities: Users can instantly and perfectly replicate themselves and/or targets which can be objects or living beings, numerous times. Most users have both of these abilities, also their clothes are often copied along with their body. Some also have the ability to remove their copies as quickly as they were made. Biological properties are exactly the same, however, each copy will have different experiences and may gain independent personalities over time. Copies always cooperate because they posses the same minds and goals.
Limitations: May require close proximity to the user.
There may be limit to the number of replicates user can have at a time.
Replicates may have individual thought/personalities that may go cross-purpose to the original.
Replicates that exist long time and/or are away of their creator may be especially prone to this.
Infection or damage to a copy may return to the user upon assimilation.
Concentration may be required to maintain copies.
Pain or struggle could cause copies to become distressed as well.
If there are problems with the copying process duplicates may have physical or mental setbacks.
Users may require a certain amount of energy or stamina and once they run out, the duplicates may disappear.
If a duplicate dies or becomes injured, the pain may be inflicted on the original.
Dismissing replicate may be hard or complicated process, some may stay until they run out of energy or are destroyed.
May be clearly fake, with a pixel sort of look or an obvious difference.
Replicates may be temporary.
Keeping the clones in existence may drain energy from the user.

ImagePrecognition Power
To perceive future events before they happen

Capability: Users have the ability to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting. While not being able to select futures or travel through time, these visions may assist in possible courses of action.
Limitations: Precognitive Immunity makes the user unseen in any and/or various predictions.
May require being in a trance, asleep or unconscious to see the future.
Foretelling may be an involuntary action happening unexpectedly.
May only be able to see destiny, being unable to change events.
Visions may be more similar to dreams, difficult to remember, or decipher.
May behave like a reverse memory, wherein the nearest futures or most important future events are the most vivid.
May be limited by how far into the future they can see.
Can cause great strain to the user's mind.
May be uncontrollable and unpredictable.
May only be able to see a certain aspect of the future.
Can't see what has already happened, unless the user has Retrocognition or Chrono Vision.

ImageFamily Ties
Misty Valencia || Mother || Alive
Angelo Valencia || Father || Deceased
Katerina Valencia || Sister || Deceased

Meilani had a very happy childhood. While growing up her parents did all they could to take care of her sister and Mei even though the family never had very much money. She grew up with a very close bond to her father, the two of them did everything together. From going to the park, her learning how to play the violin, even been there to help her through her high school years. Though just like everything else in the world, that all ended when her father passed away due to a tumor that formed in his brain. Come to find out her father knew about the tumor but never told Meilani about it because of how close the two of them were. He wanted to be sure the amount of time he had left was spent with her being happy.

Ever since Mei's father passed, she has felt so alone. He was the only one in the family who understood her, the only one who had abilities like she had. Her mother and sister didn't have them. In fact the two of them were more scared of Mei than anything because she didn't know how to control them. Her father helped her the best he could when he was around but there was still a lot for her to learn.

In that case she was accepted into a school for a lot of others just like her and in reality, she thought there weren't many others like her. The day Mei left for school her mother and sister got in a car accident, killing her sister and sending her mother into a coma. Everything is different now. Misty is all she has left of her family and she is practically laying on her death bed. Even though Meilani never seemed able to get along very well with her mother, she still wouldn't know how to handle herself if she passed too.

New Years
Pajama Set #1

So begins...

Meilani Valencia's Story

{ The Shapeshifter ~ Location: Her dorm ~ Outfit }


It was no surprise that by the stroke of midnight Ella was completely wasted. Bottle of white wine in her hand she took another swig and drunkenly poured herself another glass. The room was rowdy, full of life and feeling confident she stumbled over to one of her ‘floor’ mates and kissed him on the lips. "You good sir, are yup..." she hiccupped. Ella began to giggle, her vision was blurry but she felt invincible. Suddenly, one of the girls in the room slammed into Ella’s shoulder as she walked by and made a snarky comment. Ella turned on her heel uneasily and gave her a sarcastic smile "This is my room darling so if you have a problem with…omg who cares it’s a new year!!!" she shouted and took another swig of her wine.

Pulling out her smart phone, she groaned "13 texts Sam! Answer your god flipping phone!" she shouted at the empty screen. She made her way to the door and let out another “woooo” before she stumbled into the hall. Ella began to venture towards Sam’s dorm uneasily, glass of wine in one hand and the other flat on the wall guiding her and holding her up.

After what felt like an eternity Ella reached Sam’s dorm room and sighed, she tapped on the door and let out a small "hello”. Hearing a groan from the other end Ella kicked the door open and shouted "Seriously?!” She tripped over towards him and sat on the end of the bed "Sir Samuel, I sent you this invite last week!! You promised you’d be there.” She chugged the remainder of her wine and placed the empty glass on his bedside table. ”Scooch over” she demanded. She rolled him slightly over and lied down, the room began to spin. She let out a small giggle and covered her face in slight embarrassment "Ooh man, I’m so fucking drunk. Look! My arms are changing into different shades.” Ella sighed and took a deep breath. She smiled at Sam and nudged him "So, Happy New Year” she whispered.

Meilani Renai Valencia
Dialogue Color: #ff0055 || Location: Her Dorm || Outfit: X
ImageMeilani laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling just as she has every other New Year in the past. She never really saw the point in celebrating a new year anyway. All that was happening was another year that was to be added into time, nothing all that great. It happened millions of years already, nothing real special about it. Mei sighed as she glanced over towards Ella, who was far from gone as she stumbled out their dorm room. Mei knew she should have been keeping an eye on her best friend, but she didn't see the point in it. Whatever it was she was going to get into, she would do it whether Mei was looking out for her or not.

The redhead finally climbed up out of her bed and stood to her feet before making her way over towards the refrigerator and deciding to mind as well start drinking. The only way she would be able to handle all of the chaotic noise going on was if she was drinking. Mei pulled a Four Loko out of the refrigerator and popped the can open before taking a sip from it. "Hm, peach," she mumbled to herself as she shrugged her shoulders.

She eventually made her way out of the dorm and closed the door behind her. Mei didn't want any drunken idiots going into her room when neither her nor her roommate was in there. The two of them had too many valuables that would be at stake. Once she was submerged into the crowd, she began looking around for any of her friends or someone who seemed approachable. After giving up she let out a soft sigh and pulled her phone from her bra and texted Aislinn, Chris, Ella, and Leo.

To Aislinn, Chris, Ella, and Leo
Hey, where are you guys?

Mei sent the message hoping that at least one of them replies to her. Yeah, she may not be all that interested in partying like this, but she would at least like to have some sort of company, maybe then she would even have some fun.

#, as written by CutUp
Take Me Home - Outfit: Feeling The Burn
"Seventy four.....seventy five....seventy six.....seventy seven...." Chris counted out as he lifted the weights in the training area. He was alone with everyone else doing whatever it is everyone else is doing. He didn't really care that much for holidays like New Years. It was just another year down, he didn't get what's to celebrate about that. But whatever. He lifted the inhumanly weights up, and down, showing off his great strength. He liked testing the limits of his strength like this. It's fun have incredible strength like this. As he was nearing the mid eighties he was interrupted by a text.

He sighed as he placed the weight down. He had hoped to reach a hundred before he left. Didn't like that was going to happen. He looked at his phone, and saw it was message to see it was from Mei. He took a deep breath in, and exhaled before he replied. He stretched out his fingers, and then picked up the phone.
[To: Mei]
[Working out shirts on fyi]

He quickly replied back. He put down the phone as soon as it was sent, trying not to accidentally zap it. He didn't want to go through another lecture from Synth, and her calling him a brute for braking so many electronics.

Once he got done gathering his stuff he returned to his room. And Landon wasn't there. Probably with his girlfriend or whatever the hell they label each other. They spend so much time together they are just boyfriend, and girlfriend in his book no matter what they say. He didn't really mind it. Though he was a little jealous that he couldn't get any. But he was glad that they go over to her room rather than come over here. That's what Synth gets for lecturing him so much.

He sat down on his bed, and pulled out his phone. Might as well she what Miss Third Wheel is doing while he thought of her.
[To: Future Overlord]
[Hows third wheeling going? They there right? Does the damsel need rescue? Wanna do somethin?]

He figured he'd be nice, and rescue the damsel in distress. Plus he enjoyed spending time with her. She was his oldest friend her at the academy. Well, as close as Synth comes to having friends he guesses. He put his phone down on the nightstand, and laid back on the bed. He grabbed one of his favorite books, Dune, and began reading to pass the time.

{ The Shapeshifter ~ Location: Sam's dorm ~ Outfit }


Ella childishly stuck her tongue out at Sam and shut her eyes. "Maybe if you replied there wouldn't be so many..." she grumbled. "Besides you need to get out more."

Ella's phone began to buzz, she reached into her dress pocket and read out Mei's text message "Where are you guys?" Ella sat up on the bed and leaned against the headboard.

{To Mei:}
{ With Sam, let me know if we're meeting up! Lets go do something fun :) <3<3<3 }

Ella glanced down at Sam and grinned ”God I’m know it’s all your fault for not showing up, when the clock struck midnight I think I kissed Andrew from my floor... urg… I’m never going to live that one down,. I mean if you had shown up at least I would have had some options…” Ella’s face suddenly turned bright red as she realized what she had just said. She sunk back down onto the bed and then slid off onto the ground. "Um...let's go out, come on it's a new year and going to bed at this time is a waste. Besides I’m hungry!”

She whipped out her phone and sent off a text to Chris & Mei:

{ Food run! Let's go have our first meal of the new year xD }

Ella rubbed her eyes as she tried to find the strength to get to her feet. She stared at the door attempting to give herself some encouragement when out of the corner of her eye she began to see some designs forming on her legs. Her eyes widened as the symbols on her legs began pulse multiple times. She shook her head in horror and jumped up. Need to sober up she thought.

Ella extended her hand towards Sam and said “Come on let's go on an adventure”

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times.
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Run ▮ Bring Me The Horizon
Power To Progress ▮ Darren and Stephen Loveday

"Happy new year!"

The words echoed through Ash's dorm room walls as the party next door hit a new level of loud. She could feel the thumping beat through the floorboards, and through the air. It vibrated throughout her being, but Ash was glad she wasn't a part of it. As much as Ash wasn't a party type of girl, Ash wouldn't have minded going to the party - but she felt it was more polite to wait for her best friend and give her a quieter welcome - one she would prefer. It could be quite uncomfortable for both Gisele, Blair, and Ash to be around loud noises - Ash and Blair could detect the vibrations, and Gisele could hear minds. It gave Ash a headache just thinking about it, let alone being a part of it. Kat, luckily, didn't have a problem with noise, but then again, Kat was just awesome in general. Ash had to admit, sometimes she was jealous of Kat's ability to not get headaches caused by powers.

Then again, there was the issue of boys, too. Ash was, admittedly, saving herself for someone, but she was losing hope of ever seeing him again. As much as she'd vowed to never forget his face, it was slipping from her. She could remember his eye colour perfectly; Ash held onto this knowledge tightly, in fear of forgetting. She couldn't forget the boy who saved her from drowning a second time.

Snowball squealed in his cage just as something - or, more likely, someone - thumped against the adjoining wall. Ash sighed, sitting up on her bed, before getting up and walking around to his cage, scooping the small rabbit up, and resuming her place on the bed, cross-legged with the animal on her lap. She stroked him, making soothing noises to the ball of fluff, trying to calm her pet down. The screaming next door began again, and Ash clamped her hands over her ears while the small rabbit burrowed it's head into her lap. "Oh my god....
" She groaned to herself, resisting the urge to flop backwards on the bed and pull the pillow over her head. "I am never going to get any sleep tonight." She told the rabbit, before picking him up and placing him back in his run with a treat ball. She was sorry she couldn't do anything else for the creature, but she was hoping he would curl up in his nest and fall asleep.

Aislinn was shocked out of her thought trail by the sound of a car alarm. She was surprised she could hear it, but she headed over to the window, opening it as wide as she could. She shivered as she realized how cool it was outside. Ash had been in California for just over a year now, but the milder seasons always caught her by surprise. Back in England, everyone assumed that California was hot 24/7. However, this was definitely not the case, and Ash caught herself rubbing at the goosebumps appearing on her arms. She threw on a cardigan quickly, before hurrying back over to the window, and sitting down.


Ash's phone decided to receive a text just as she sat down. Sighing in frustration, Aislinn pulled herself off the window seat and grabbed her phone from the charging point on her nightstand, before typing in her code and flopping down onto her bed. She opened up her messages to see that she'd received a message from Mei. Sighing once more, she typed a quick reply.

Hey, I'm in my room at the moment. It's so loud.

She hit send on the phone and plugged it in, just as someone opened the door. Ash jumped, expecting it to be some drunken idiot stumbling in by accident, but to her pleasant surprise, it was Gisele. Ash squealed in delight, leaping off the bed in delight, before she noticed her best friend sink to the ground. "Are you okay? Rough journey?" She asked softly, sitting down next to her. She didn't want to push her, but wanted to make sure she was okay. The French girl had been there for her since Ash had arrived, and Ash reciprocated it towards her. She just wanted to make sure her friend was okay, catch up, and get to sleep.

What more could a girl want?

Image Image Image



T H E x S P E E D x D E M O N

{ Thursday, January 1st, 12:14pm, 2015 || Outfit [x] || Location: His dorm }


"Maybe if you replied there wouldn't be so many..." Ella stuck out her tongue at him like a small child, which made him chuckle. "Well, I already have over 1,000 other texts to respond to, so I wanted to leave all of them till morning. You know as a past-time." Samuel said the last setence with a sarcastic tone. "You need to get out more anyway." He raised his eyebrows and stretched his fingers, "Really, Ella? I'm hurt." The sarcasm was strong on this particular night. Lack of sleep time sometimes made him a bit grumpy. And that was when the sass kicked in. Sam was alerted by the buzz of Ella's phone, "Where are you guys?" He sneakily looked over her shoulder on her phone's screen. It was from Meilani Valencia. He had never really talked to her and had no intent to. She was pretty though. He guessed that Ella was going to meet up with her, and possibly company. He guessed that he was now obligated to go with her. Great.

"God I'm know it’s all your fault for not showing up, when the clock struck midnight I think I kissed Andrew from my floor... Ugh… I'm never going to live that one down. I mean if you had shown up at least I would have had some options…" Sam squinted his eyes at her, "Okay then." Even if he was there, he would never have kissed her. He wants his first kiss to be with someone special not some random, meaningless drunk make-out session. And he might have blushed if she wasn't wasted as fuck. "Um...let's go out, come on it's a new year and going to bed at this time is a waste. Besides I'm hungry!" Sam sighed as she whipped out her phone, "Can't we just order a pizza? I mean, then we could just stay here and not have any other social interaction when I'm meant to be getting some sleep. That would be a bit more preferable. But, of course, a party can solve one time insomnia, right? That last part sounded better in my head." Ella got up from the bed after sending a text to Mei and Christopher Flynn. Ugh. He didn't really like Chris. He seemed like a douchebag, jockstrap steroid junkie in all of those cliché and/or guilty pleasure high school movies. As Ella got up from the bed, Sam wouldn't budge. "Come on, let's go on an adventure." He still didn't move, "There is no where to 'adventure' in this place if you have lived here since you were three. And for your own personal information, that is basically my whole life." He then sighed, getting up from the bed which he had sat on for hours, only getting up a few times. He stretched his legs, feet and toes and shook his head, "Fiiinnneeeeee, I'll go. I'm bored anyway."

#, as written by tigerz

Image Image



Teenage Dirtbag

Leo had been cooped up in Spencer's room for a long time playing video games in his pajamas. This was a pretty normal thing considering the devil's spawn, also known as Nathaniel, was his roommate and tormentor. Ever since Leo got here a few months ago, he's been hiding from Nathaniel and staying way too close to his sister. At least he tormented him less out of fear of Spencer's wrath.

He put his headphones on once Landon entered the room. He knew exactly what would come next and definitely didn't want to hear any of it. Leo continued to play video games until he feel his phone begin to buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out to read the text and his heart nearly skipped a beat.

{From: Mei♥}
Hey, where are you guys?

She texted him! It was to multiple people but she still texted him! He jumped up and responded lightning fast to her:

{To: Mei♥}
I'm coming

He threw off his headphones and ran to the door like a maniac on a mission until he heard his sister. "Hold up, pipsqueak." Leo stopped dead in his tracks right at the doorframe. He was used to the nicknames and insults by now but he still found it weird how differently they talked from one another. Spencer still held a small amount of her Birmingham accent even after coming to the states. It wasn't as strong as it used to be but it was still noticeable enough. Leo on the other hand, lost his accent and gained a subtle southern one from living in Kentucky Part of the reason why he still gets called a country hick around here.

"Where's my goodbye you little shit." She teased him with a smirk and he sighed before teleporting next to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Just like he'd been doing since she took on the 'motherly' role thanks to their flakey, drunk dad. "Goodbye, big shit." Leo teleported away with a laugh and began to teleport all throughout the school trying to find Mei until he over exhausted his powers and needed a break only to realize he had no idea where she was. Leo took out his phone and texted her while he caught his breathe.

{To: Mei♥}
Uh... Where exactly are you?

Meilani Renai Valencia
Dialogue Color: #ff0055 || Location: Her Dorm || Outfit: X
ImageJust a couple moments later she received replies from all four of her friends, though she couldn't help but to let out a bit of a chuckle at Chris's response. If it weren't for the fact he had his shirt on, she definitely would have popped up to say hi. But of course he had to be a party pooper and work out with his shirt on.

Mei let out a sigh as she opened the next text. Two of them were from Ella, saying that she was with Sam and that she wanted some food. The redhead shrugged her shoulders a bit before sending her a reply.

To Ella
"Alright. wanna meet up at the bistro?"

Mei sent the message then opened the message from Aislinn. Mei really should have known better, she was always in her room whenever it was loud and things were overly chaotic. The two of them had that in common.

To Aislinn
"Wanna join me and Ella at the bistro, get out of here and get something to eat?"

Mei sent the text before she was flooded with messages from Leo. She sighed and shook her head when she read the last message. With a soft smirk she responded to him.

To Leo
"Meet me at the front door to the girl's dormitory."

Once the final message was sent, she pulled herself from the wall she was leaning against and maneuvered her way through the crowds of drunken students, some who were way too young to be drinking but she just shrugged it off. It wasn't any of her business.

Once she made it outside, she leaned against the brick wall and took a couple sips from her Loko. If it weren't for Ella buying her the Loko, Mei wouldn't have drank a single thing tonight. That was one thing she could say about her best friend and dorm mate, Ella definitely knew Mei sometimes she thinks even more than she knows herself.

{ The Shapeshifter ~ Location: The Bistro ~ Outfit }

Ella smiled in satisfaction, getting Sam out was a struggle and half. Ella's phone buzzed and it was Mei with a reply to meet at the bistro Thank god...FOOD! she thought happily.

They began walking down the hall and Ella couldn't help but think back on the first time she had been in this corridor. It was about 2 years ago and not only was she lost but the "dark" side of her kept tormenting her. She was also stressed due to the recent gaping hole in her memory. After what had felt like hours of walking around campus and searching for her room she ended up sitting down in the hall. She was in great distress until Sam came out of his room. He acted weird as per usual but was kind enough to help Ella out and having a friendly face shut up the other girl. Ella enjoyed Sam's company greatly and was pretty much her first friend at the academy before she met her awesome best friend and roommate Mei. At first Sam was like a younger brother to Ella but he had grown up so much in the last couple years that she felt her feelings for him shift, she ignored them for the sake of their friendship but every crush he's had over the last year or so, had driven her mad.

"So you'll be glad to hear Chris isn't meeting us tonight, I know you don't really like him. But we're getting food and to my knowledge it'll just be you and me and Mei. Weird thing, I've known both of you for quite sometime and yet you guys haven't really met have you?"

She walked in silence listening to his reply but couldn't help being distracted by her legs at the same time. The symbols kept pulsing, she hated it. The other girl always tried to get out when Ella was under the influence of something, but luckily she felt in control tonight regardless of her intoxication, that and the walk was sobering her up.

Finally they arrived at the bistro and Ella sat down on a near stone wall that fenced the area. She swung her feet and stared at the stars as she waited patiently for everyone else to arrive. "Gorgeous night" she noted "Only thing that sucks is school starts again in a couple days...sigh...might as well make the most of this"

#, as written by tigerz

Image Image



Teenage Dirtbag

Leo leaned against a wall and panted heavily while he waited for a text. He looked like a sweaty dog in pj's. Oh god... He never changed. Leo was bout to run to his room and changed when he got another text from Mei.

Meet me at the front door to the girl's dormitory.

Leo sighed and decided he didn't feel like running around to the other side of the school to grab his clothes and didn't feel like running into his roommate either. He could always run to his sisters dorm and steal her boy toy's clothes but that would take too long. Leo decided to suck it up and started running until he was finally able to gain enough strength to teleport to Mei's location.

He ran a hand through his damp hair and smiled nervously at the angel before him which made his cheeks flush. "Uh, h-hey Mei." He looked at the ground and put his hands in his pockets but kept with that nervous smile of his. "Happy New Year." He felt like a nervous mess. He couldn't look at her without blushing. He was all sweaty from teleporting and running around the school like an idiot. Plus, he was still wearing his pjs. I'm such an idiot.




T H E x S P E E D x D E M O N

{ Thursday, January 1st, 12:20pm, 2015 || Outfit [x] || Location: His dorm }


Ella was lucky when she got Sam's grumpy ass out of his bedroom to a hall of screaming drunk kids throwing shit at each other, kissing random people on the floor or unconscious corpses. He didn't bother changing out of his pyjamas but, Ella had a good point of why we were going out. Sam loves food as well. Their were a few minutes of plain silence between them, to get used to the chaos. "So you'll be glad to hear Chris isn't meeting us tonight, I know you don't really like him. But we're getting food and to my knowledge it'll just be you and me and Mei. Weird thing, I've known both of you for quite sometime and yet you guys haven't really met have you?" They both walked out of the large academy before he replied. Finally, some peace. "Well, good. He's a prick. And she is... I don't know." He left his car keys in his pocket and they walked for almost an hour to the bistro, when they could have driven in Sam's car.

"Gorgeous night." Ella said as she sat down. He walked over to sit beside her, "Well, you're not wrong." He smiled at her as they waited for the other potential to arrive. "Only thing that sucks is school starts again in a couple days..." She sighed, but he didn't mind that school was starting soon. He had a long enough break. "Might as well make the most of this" He smiled again, wondering what was taking the others so long. Maybe they had walked too, making it at least five minutes more of a wait. "Heh. Yeah, I suppose."

Meilani Renai Valencia
Dialogue Color: #ff0055 || Location: Her Dorm || Outfit: X
ImageOnce she had finally caught sight of Leo she gave him a soft smile. His stuttering was always so cute, she couldn't help but to glance at him up a down a moment when she realized he was still in his pajamas. "Happy New Year, Leo. Looking good in your jammies by the way," she stated in an amused tone.

She leaned off the wall and took a sip from her Loko before speaking up once more, "I'm meeting up with Ella at the bistro, wanna tag along? And don't use your no money excuse, if you do I'll pay for your meal." At that moment she ran her fingers through his messy hair to straighten it out. "Have you been running?" she questioned.

Mei pulled her phone out of her bra once more and shot a text over to Ella.

To Ella
"Sorry, I'll be there soon. Just wanted to see if Leo wanted to come."

Once she sent the message, Mei replaced her phone back into her bra and once again sipped from her alcoholic beverage. The redhead was finally beginning to feel a bit tipsy. That's one thing she loved about the Four Lokos, it never took very long for her to start feeling it. Though she can never seem to drink a full can without getting sick. She always has to leave a little bit in the can. But it never seemed to bother her, as long as she gets her use out of the beverage, she wouldn't care either way.

"Want some?" she questioned as she held the beverage out towards Leo.

{ The Shapeshifter ~ Location: The Bistro ~ Outfit }


Ella's phone buzzed with a new message from Mei, she sighed in frustration as she read out the text.
"Looks like Mei is taking her sweet ass time and she invited Leo... great. I've already made a fool of myself tonight, let's just add another situation where that could happen. Gosh I swear I have the worst luck, that and my love for white wine just gets me into trouble. The struggle is as real as a porcupine walking into a balloon shop, poor little porcupine..." she ranted.

Ella jumped off the stone wall and made her way towards the doors of the bistro "I have no patience, lets just get some food shall we?"

Suddenly Ella came to a halt as goosebumps rose on her arms but this was not due to the cold. Something in the air was off, she examined Sam's face to see if he could sense it too but he showed no signs of discomfort. Ella took a few steps forth before she glanced around in confusion, she spun on her heel facing Sam and lifted an eyebrow "Sam" she said calmly "I sense something weird...I don't know, a presence maybe? Something unwelcoming."

It happened so quickly, Ella was suddenly pinned to the cold brick walls of the bistro by a dark hooded man. He held her a couple feet above the ground with one hand around her neck, to make matters worse, he wasn't alone, three males of the same guise surrounded them. "Now you little bitch" the shadow faced man sneered, his breath reeked of whiskey "You think you can get away with it huh?" Ella wanted to shake her head, gasp for air, anything. She had no clue what he was talking about or who this man was. He squeezed tighter, Ella felt like her neck was going to snap. Scars began to form from her head to her toes, her eyes turned sapphire and a sense of calming overcame her. She smirked and transformed into the attacker. Ella took hold of his grasp and began to peel a couple of his fingers back breaking them as she did so. The man dropped her and shrieked in pure agony. Ella transformed back to her regular self and sat frozen on the ground. The man stumbled a bit before he took off his hood, it was a face she still did not recognize. He was of dark complexion with a scar on his right eye, his thick eyebrows furrowed as he pulled out a pistol and aimed it at her head.

#, as written by tigerz




Teenage Dirtbag

"Happy New Year, Leo. Looking good in your jammies by the way," She looked down at his pajamas and Leo couldn't help but blush as he looked up at her. He grinned and rubbed the back of his head. "Uh, t-thanks. You look really nice." He looked down and then back at her. "I mean... You always look nice." He gave a nervous laugh as he started to ramble. She smiled at him which only made him blush even more.

"I'm meeting up with Ella at the bistro, wanna tag along? And don't use your no money excuse, if you do I'll pay for your meal." Leo simply nodded. He didn't like the idea of her paying but he did want to spend time with her. He'd much rather be the one taking her out to some nice place and paying for everything but Spencer forbade him form working during the school year since she wanted him to focus on academics even though they needed the money.

She stepped over to him and Leo instantly froze since he had no idea what to do. She ran her hand through his hair and his eyes widened out of embarrassment of her feeling his sweaty head. She straightened his hair out Leo just stood there like a wide-eyed statue. "Have you been running?" He could hear the amusement in her voice as she pulled her phone out of her bra which made Leo looked away. "Kind of." Leo answered honestly. "I ran and teleported here." He grinned at her.

He watched her take a sip of her drink and then put it out towards him. "Want some?" Leo shook his head. "I don't drink." Leo actually hated alcohol unlike his sister. Mostly because of all the memories of the few times his father decided to come home and was drunk.

Leo rubbed his arms once he fully realized how cold it was outside and his shirt was sleeveless. "Uh... Want me to teleport us to the bistro?" He really just didn't want to stand outside in the cold and freeze. Plus it was a lame excuse for him to hold her hand.

Meilani Renai Valencia
Dialogue Color: #ff0055 || Location: Her Dorm || Outfit: X
ImageMei shrugged her shoulders at Leo's answer to her offer and took another sip. "Uh... Want me to teleport us to the bistro?" she heard him question just as she was about to start walking in that direction. She glanced over at him when he asked the question and noticed that he was a bit cold and she nodded her head, "Sure," she responded as she placed her right hand into his and laced her fingers with his.

Mei closed her eyes just as she was about to be teleported with Leo to the bistro. But the moment she touched his hand, she had a premonition. All she saw was a hooded man standing over Ella, it looked as if she were knocked unconscious or was even dead. Once they were at the bistro she opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she was seeing.

The man from her premonition was holding a gun to Ella's head. Mei immediately glanced over to Leo, "Stay right here, when I give the sign, teleport Ella out of here. I'll handle this, and don't worry about me I'm sure Sam and I can take care of each other." Even though she hadn't really met Sam officially, she knew that she could trust him.

Mei made a couple duplications of Ella before walking over towards the man to distract him a bit. She tapped him on the shoulder causing him to immediately turn his attention to her. Just as that happened, one of Ella's duplicates whispered to her to shift into Mei and run over to Leo.




T H E x S P E E D x D E M O N

{ Thursday, January 1st, 1:01pm, 2015 || Outfit [x] || Location: The Bistro }


Samuel looked over to Ella's phone when it buzzed with another text from Meilani. Speaking of a guy named Leonard Knight. Samuel didn't know him personal but he knew him as the brother of one of the school sluts. Skyler? No, no, no, Spencer it was. Spencer Marie Knight. "Looks like Mei is taking her sweet ass time and she invited Leo... great. I've already made a fool of myself tonight, let's just add another situation where that could happen. Gosh I swear I have the worst luck, that and my love for white wine just gets me into trouble. The struggle is as real as a porcupine walking into a balloon shop, poor little porcupine..." He couldn't help but chuckle again with her last analogy, his empathy for animals was strong. Ella kicked off the wall and said as she walked towards the entrance of the building, "I have no patience, lets just get some food shall we?" Samuel smiled and got up from the wall, he wasn't very patient either, it made the walk feel like hell, but the fresh air seemed to sober Ella up. "Now you're speaking my language."

They both walked through the front door of the small establishment. Ella turned towards him and raised an eyebrow, "Sam. I sense something weird...I don't know, a presence maybe? Something unwelcoming." He squinted at her, in disbelief as he quietly whispered to her, "But, that doesn't make any sense, you are a shapeshifter, not some precognitive or super-perception type girl, you know? Unless it's just a gut feeling. I guess I should have percieved that already, huh? Yeah, me over-thinking things again." He chuckled and looked around before it felt like a matter of seconds before Ella was smashed against a wall with a gun to her head and a group of drunken thugs around her. "Now you little bitch. You think you can get away with it huh?" Waiters and others who worked at the bistro. "You need to leave! Now!" They didn't stop or even acknowledge what the bystanders said. It was time to intervene. He couldn't use his powers, too many people around. He scanned around for this most efficient weapon. On impulse, he picked up a chair and smacked it across one of the tall, buff men, knocking him unconscious. Then it turned into an all out bar brawl against the group. When a number of punches landed into Sam's chest and face he collapsed with bruises, blood and one black eye. He stayed down on the ground until it eventually settled, he didn't want to put himself in more pain, but he still wanted to stick up for his friend. He moved towards her while ducking for his dear damned life, "Hey, Ella, are you alright?"

#, as written by Layla

      [ song; think twice ] [ outfit; the immutable cold ]

      XXX"Sorry," Chris said as he emerged beside her. "He was a dick, couldn't let him walk away unscathed." Synthia hid a small smile. She would have expected nothing less. Chris might seem the gentle giant more often than not, but he wasn't a self-proclaimed Thunderer for nothing. His rage was a thing of earthquakes and lightning strikes, though it never came often.
      XXX"So, was what you were talking about as bad as I think? Did he deserve more than just a light shock?" Worry lined his green-blue eyes as he walked beside her.
      XXX"It is better if you do not know," she responded with a shrug. "There are men after him." She quirked her head, tucking her blonde hair behind one ear as if listening to something nobody else could. Her gaze was directed at a corner of the ceiling, but she seemed to be elsewhere, staring miles into the distance. "They are coming for him. I can hear their cars. 8ALNO3 and 1ALN22. He owes them a formidable sum." Synthia turned to Chris. "I regret to inform you your friend will soon receive a black eye and a death threat. Alas, he will be fine. His father's accounts are vast."
      XXXSynthia was not a clairvoyant, but the future was easy to decipher when one had access to the past. XXXShe did not thank him for standing up for her, or moving when he thought the boy might harm her. She didn't think she'd thanked anyone for anything since her grandfather's death. There had been no one to remind her to say please and thank you, and she'd eventually lost the ability or rather, the will. It seemed silly, when the words were uttered so frivolously. They were so overused, they were meaningless.
      XXXIf she ever said thank you, she wanted to mean it.
      XXX"I am famished," she said abruptly. "We will retrieve sustenance."
      XXXSynthia moved towards the carparks without awaiting Chris' protest or agreement. Synthia was the sort who did not seek approval from anyone for anything. If Chris did not wish to join, he knew he need merely leave. She was offended by very little.
      XXXSynthia's car stood out like a diamond the size of a fist lodged between a sea of plain gravel. It was none other than the Koenigsegg Regera, a 2.1 million Euro hybrid that had not yet been made available for sale. The Executive CEO of the company had a special, albeit mildly creepy, fondness for Synthia. He was a Superhuman as well, of similar capacity for Superintelligence as Synthia, whom he'd hired as his private mechanical consultant after meeting her during a brunch with Synthia's uncle.
      XXXSynthia did not fear that her car might be stolen. She'd harvested some of Chris' electricity and coupled it with Sam's superspeed to construct a revolving forcefield. The air crackled around the car, lightning racing around it faster than the eye could follow. It would throw any intruders a dozen feet into the air if they so much as grazed the forcefield.
      XXXSynthia was nothing if not paranoid and mistrusting.
      XXXPlus, she liked pretty lights.
      XXXThe sight was indeed mesmerising, the silver-blue car cocooned in a sphere of similar hue. They danced and gravitated towards Chris as he neared like bees to its queen. Synthia returned them to the small, cylindrical device beneath her car that kept them upright with a wave of her hand.
      XXX"I got a new car," she said, as if that were not obvious. Her last had been an Ferrari F12 Berlinetta.
      XXXShe slid into the driver's seat, but she did not drive.
      XXX"Welcome, Synthia Aurore Faye," intoned a robotic female voice that seemed to permeate every inch of the interior. "Where do you wish to go?"
      XXX"The Bistro," Synthia said.
      XXX"Destination entered. Your journey will take approximately 12 minutes and 38 seconds."
      XXX"Activate sub-user Christop Gabriel Flynn."
      XXX"Voice activation required from sub-user, Christop Gabriel Flynn," said her car. "Welcome, Christopher. Would you care for some light refreshments?"
      XXXA tray shot out from the passenger armrest, revealing a tray of Chris' favourite drinks and snacks, as well as a steaming cup of coffee for Synthia. Meanwhile the car had begun its journey. But Synthia did not have her hands on the steering wheel. Whilst she enjoyed tweaking cars, as she had this one, she did not particularly enjoy driving.
      XXX"I have been dabbling in autonomous cars," said Synthia. "It still needs some work."

      ・ • ● • ・

      XXXThey arrived at The Bistro in 12 minutes and 42 seconds.
      XXX"Mmm, it's slow." Synthia pursed her lips.
      XXXThey entered The Bistro - what a creative name - just in time to see Sam bring a chair down on a brutish man.
      XXXSynthia turned around to leave.
      XXXBefore she could, a knife soared through the air, nearly taking off the ends of her hair. Synthia frowned.
      XXXA fight barred the exit, and she saw from accessing the monitoring cameras in the bistro that the emergency exit had a broken hinge they had yet to fix.
      XXXShe turned her gaze to Chris. Well, if she had to be a part of this violent debacle, she supposed Chris was as good a companion as any. Perhaps he could simply electrocute everyone except the chef. She really did crave a schnitzel and chips. Maybe a strawberry milkshake while they were at it.
      XXX"You called your friends?" The voice rose above all the others, filled with rage and venom. Synthia noticed then, the gun that was pointed above her eyes. Her frown deepened. Of all the parts of her threatened, why the mind, which she valued most? She saw Ella slumped on the floor and Sam crouched beside her. Synthia quirked a brow.
      XXX"'Friends' might be too generous a term," she said simply.
      XXX"Don't fuck with me, you little bitch!"
      XXX"It depends on the breed, but the average size of a female dog is between 45.9-67.2 pounds. I would be almost twice the weight of the average bitch and therefor, would not be considered little."
      XXX"What?" the gunman spat. "What the hell is this bitch on about?"
      XXX"Profanity is frequently employed in the absence of adequate vocabulary."
      XXX"Just shoot her!" another man called.
      XXX"Ah, but the police are 12 kilometres and 26 metres away," she said.
      XXX"How the fuck do you know that?"
      XXX"I informed them, of course."
      XXXThe cloaked man pulled the trigger.
      XXXHe pulled it again. Nothing.
      XXX"What the hell-"
      XXX"The bullets are held in a magazine propelled by a lever that is in turn interconnected with the selector switch," she explained. "It is very basic machinery, but quite ingenious."
      XXXThe man lunged towards her.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times.
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Run ▮ Bring Me The Horizon
Power To Progress ▮ Darren and Stephen Loveday

Ash pursed her lips as her friend tore off her heels and chucked them onto her bed. She realized that this meant that her friend was upset, and as she began unpacking, Aislinn couldn't help standing up with her and shuffling over to the bed, sitting down and crossing her legs. Gisele began talking about her trip to Paris, and as much as Ash knew Gisele hated it, she was secretly a little jealous. She decided to cut the thought from her mind as quickly as it appeared, and instead replied with a quick, "As much as that sucks, I wish I could have visited Paris. Is it as pretty as the pictures?" before realizing that they were getting off topic and making a gesture to continue.

Ash's face split into a huge grin as her friend turned around with a box in her hands. She took it and placed it on the bed, before digging under her bed for the item she was looking for. It was a box, too, but slightly thinner and lighter. Inside, Gisele would find a scrapbook of English Flora, with little pressed flowers included in the book, gently sellotaped on the corners. Underneath that was a woolen shawl for cold nights, and alongside that were a couple of bars of clotted cream fudge. She placed the box on Gisele's bed before flopping back onto her own bed, trying to ignore the rowdiness of the party next door.

Just then, her phone pinged again. Ash rolled her eyes at her friend, holding up a finger in a one-second gesture, before reaching over and seeing it was Mei. She texted back quickly.
{To: Mei}
Sorry, G just got here. Gonna hang with her for a while!

She sent the text and turned back to her friend, mouthing a silent apology before placing the phone back on the nightstand. "She wanted to make sure I wouldn't regress being around everyone partying and celebrating New Year's. She thinks I can't control myself since I had to go to rehab and everything.... That's why she made me come to Paris. Not to see me. But because she couldn't trust me to take care of myself and not slip back into the hole that was my former self... And, I come back to a tsunami of noise in my head and a drunk trying to kiss me at midnight." Gisele continued her rant, and Ash listened to her, letting her best friend vent. "Welcome to the Academy.
" She muttered sarcastically, a grin across her lips. Her hand was on her ring, holding it gently. Gisele's mention of her mother - however much she bothered her - had reminded Ash of how much she missed her own, and it was out of habit that she was holding the ring now. She dropped it quickly before smiling at her friend again.

"Why don't we have our own lame PG fun tonight! Be the Elsa to my Anna... And let's go build a snow man! It snows maybe one day a year here. Let's make the best of it!" Gisele suggested, and Aislinn found herself moving towards her drawers before she could stop herself. "Hell yes!" She grinned as she dug through her drawers, finding some thicker leggings grey in colour and patterned with white and pink aztec designs, and she threw a grey jumper over the tank top she was going to wear to bed. She pulled on a pair of pink uggs and put a thin pink scarf on to top off the outfit.

Ash's phone received another notification, much to her annoyance, at the same time as Gisele's; her annoyance faded as soon as she realized it was Kat, and Ash sent one last text to her other best friend before turning off her phone.

{To: Kit Kat}
Meet you outside Party Central - Snowmen and snowball fights are on the agenda!

With text sent, Ash turned to Gisele with a cheeky smile on her face. "I'll race you out! Three, two, one, GO!" She yelled, before turning around and hot footing it out of the door. The corridors were rammed with people, making it difficult to move - or breathe. Ash tried to ignore it, but found herself slowing to a walk anyway, and gently pushing her way through the crowd. Other party goers, obviously completely wasted, formed what seemed an intangible wall between her and the outside world, but Ash was determined to win. She focused on keeping her breathing even as she fought through the crowds, and was disappointed to find not one pair of golden coloured eyes. She didn't even realize she was searching, but she pushed through, only stopping to push those hungry for another's attention away. At one point through the Party Corridor, she was kissed on the cheek, but a quick push and a glare was enough to get him to turn away and pursue some action elsewhere.

Finally, Ash reached the outside world, where the cold bit into her skin and went through to her core. She shivered, but ventured out into the snow, reveling in the fact that she'd won the race. The fireworks lit up the sky above her, turning the snow every colour Aislinn could name. She held out a hand, catching snowflakes in her hand. Just then, she heard something move behind her, and Ash turned towards the patio, realizing that someone was sat there. He - or she - was silhouetted, so Ash couldn't tell who it was, and she hoped that they hadn't seen her.

Time to have a little fun.

Ash scooped up some snow and patted it together into a ball in her hands. She made sure it wasn't too compact, so it wouldn't become ice, and she was glad to find that it was the right consistency to make a decent snowball. Her hand felt the sting of the cold, and she sneaked closed to the patio. Finally, with a grin on her face, she yelled, "Snowball fight!" threw it at the unknown person, hoping that they wouldn't mind too much. She giggled as she watched the snow explode on impact, showering them with the substance, and ducked down to make more of the soft projectiles, laughing as she did so.

Song| Centuries||Outfit| X||Hexcode| #C21818

There was so much going on at once. Men attacking the shapeshifter known as Ella, Sam hitting one with a chair, Synth mouthing off, and Leo trying to play hero for Mei. Others joined in to help fight the goons that decided to crash the 'fun'. But then something changed. One bye one... Each attacker froze in place. They all looked the same. Wide-eyed with fear and sweat slowly dripping down their ugly faces. That could only mean one thing... Nathaniel had arrived.

He walked past a table and grabbed a green apple that was sitting on it before tossing it in the air and catching. He was always one for a dramatic entrance. "Well, well, well..." One corner of his lip curled upwards into a vicious looking smirk as he tossed the apple from one hand to the other. He stopped and looked at one of them. "What do we have here?" He took a bite out of his apple and chuckled. Granny smith. His favourite.

Each attacker was stuck in the alternate reality Nathaniel created and each one of them was being tortured by the thing they feared most. Nathaniel's specialty. Normally he wouldn't have helped out but these idiots decided to start destroying one of the few places Nathaniel thought deserved his glorious presence.

"Let us go, man." Nathaniel was the only one they could see that wasn't their fears. Though he would become one of them after today. He responded to him. "Well, 'man'." He put his hands up to form air quotations before taking another bite. He held them there in silence as he savored that bite. "You were idiotic enough to crash one of the few places around here that is decent enough for someone as high class as me. So when you crashed in like a bunch of buffoons and harmed a fair lady..." He stepped in towards him and smirked. "You made me upset and since you made me upset, I'm going to torture you until the police arrive."

{ The Shapeshifter ~ Location: The Bistro ~ Outfit }


It was as if everything for Ella began to move in slow motion. From Mei arriving with Leo, to creating duplicates of her, to Sam taking a few punches and crawling over, to Synth a girl Ella loathed arriving out of the blue with Chris, followed by Nathaniel a familiar face from school who began threatening the bandits.

A sudden sense of deja vu came to Ella, it was not the scene itself but Mei's reaction to it all. The way she acted, the expression she gave the bandit, it was as if Mei had seen a ghost. Ella locked eyes with Mei for a brief moment and mouthed "What did we do?" She knew Mei would understand, it was unfortunate, she had asked this question one too many times.

Ella refocused her attention on Sam who had just asked "Hey, Ella, you alright?" Ella nodded unconvincingly. Her head began to pulse, the gaping hole in her memory gave her an instant headache, she could feel the other girl mocking her. Damn, what the hell did you do Els?

She grabbed Sam by the arm and pulled him up on his feet. She glanced over at Synth who was being a total smart-ass to the bandit. Ella whispered to Sam "Run fast, don't worry about your power right now. Save yourself, please!".

She transformed into Mei and ran towards Leo "Go now" she panicked taking hold of him. They teleported a few blocks away from The Bistro. "Please go save Mei before she does something reckless" Ella begged.

Once Leo disappeared, Ella fell to her knees. She laid her head in the palm of her hands in frustration. Els the other girl appeared next to her and began laughing. "Torturing you is so easy" the dark figure said devilishly. Ella lifted her head and stared at the dark version of herself "Go away Liz" she begged.