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Katherine Hayes

"Have a break, have a-"

0 · 1,976 views · located in California's Academy for Superhuman Children

a character in “The Special Ones”, as played by rubytuesday



Full Name:
Katherine Sophia Grace Hayes

Meaning of Name:
Katherine: pure ; clear
Sophia: wisdom
Marie: wished-for

Kat | by everyone | always | likes
typical shortening of 'Katherine'

Kitty | by various | occasionally | dislikes
Another shortening of 'Katherine', typically used with teasing/mocking undertones

Kit-Kat | by close friends and family | often | loves
Shortening of 'Katherine', and also in reference to the chocolate confectionery, which Katherine loves



Date of Birth:
October 2nd

Zodiac Sign:


❝Yes, I like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain. I'm not much into health food, I am into champagne.❞


Kat is able to move through objects and ignore most physical effects in her way. She can, when physically touching someone or something, also 'phase' accompanied.

Kat can render herself unseen by the naked eye and become invisible in visible spectrum. Using this power, she can move about an environment unseen by others and act without being observed. She can also inflict this ability on her attire, and other inanimate objects when she is touching them physically, although like with her intangibility, the larger the mass of the object she is influencing, the greater the concentration necessary.

Other than the varying amounts of concentration necessary, which are oft too much for her to handle at her current level of control, the limitations to her powers include such as: with intangibility, her breathing and vitals are still working when she is using this power, so if moving through a particularly thick space, she could easily suffocate herself if she didn't get through quickly enough. With her invisibility, she is only such in the terms of visibility. As such, noises and such can be just as easily noticed as someone without her ability.

For what Kat lacks in strength and brawn, she more than makes up for with her quick wit and ability to think on her feet. She is also a rather fast runner, and used to do both cross country and track. She's an excellent cook, for whatever reason, and whilst she isn't the most suave of people, does possess an odd and endearing kind of charisma. She has a good sense of humour, and knows how to empathize with people. She is good with children, is a good singer and celloist, and is very resourceful; able to make something out of nothing, and produce good ideas with efficiency and speed.

As is expected of her small stature, Katherine is physically weak, and not exactly the sort you'd expect to win in a fistfight against... anyone. She can be rather awkward around people, and often displays her reckless tendencies when her emotions are heightened. Although one could argue that they are her strengths as well, her friends are an easy enough way to immobilize her. She is claustrophobic, and a complete technology-illiterate, unable to rewire a hard-drive or hack into a database to save her life. She is also very clumsy, and is always dropping and/or breaking things.


❝I want to do with you what spring does to the cherry trees.❞


Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual | Panromantic

Relationship Status:

Sexually Active?:

Relationship History:
Aside from a one-sided crush in elementary school, and a couple of random dates here and there, Kat hasn't really been in a romantic relationship before, let alone a long-term one.



❝And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.❞



Body Build:
Slim; petite; dainty

Eye Colour:
Dark brown

Glasses or Contacts?:
Neither; Kat is fortunate enough to have 20/20 vision.

Skin Tone:

Distinguishing marks:
A teardrop-shaped birthmark on the inside of her right elbow; a thin, inch-long scar tucked into her hairline above her left brow.

Hair Colour:
Dark brown, with natural, mahogany highlights.

Type of hair:
Long and loosely curled, reaching about three inches past her shoulders when down.

Jenn is prone to a variety of styles, and when it comes to her hair, typically wears it either down -sometimes accessorized with a hat of some sorts, braided, or up in a ponytail. The former is most common, but she tends to simply go with whatever she feels like at the time.

Physical disabilities:

Kat's personal taste in fashion isn't the sort you'd expect to see on the runway, or adorning the shelves of an top-class store. Her style tends to vary between hipster-esque grunge and tomboyish. Whilst frills and lace aren't exactly up her alley, she really just wears whatever she feels comfortable in, and thinks looks nice.She rarely wears skirts, instead preferring shorts and jeans, and often wears over-sized hoodies, jumpers, and cardigans.

Tattoos and Piercings:
Single piercing in each earlobe. No tattoos, so far.

Jewelry or Accessories:
Although jewelry isn't something she tends to wear an excess of -save for the occasional charm bracelet or pair of earrings- in temrs of accessories, she really likes to wear hats. She wears beanies and snapbacks especially.

Overall Attractiveness:
There is no doubt that, by typical western standards, Kat is physically, an attractive individual. She isn't really the sort to be described as 'hot' or 'sexy', but she is certainly the sort to be described of as very pretty and 'cute'.


❝She may be small but she is fierce.❞


Mental or Behavioral Disabilities:

| empathetic | awkward | resourceful | impatient | witty | clumsy | loyal | tactless | brave | reckless | intuitive | dauntless | curious | stubborn |

Kat's always been quite a verbal person, the sort to stand up for her friends, her family, and her beliefs. The type to speak aloud rather than tuck her opinions behind a facade of indifference and indecision. If she is being picked on or treated wrongly, she is never going to simply stand down and take it for the sake of saving face or avoiding conflict. She's fiery in temperament, fierce despite her small stature, and perfectly willing to do fight back if it means keeping things fair. More so than herself and her pride, she is protective of the people close to her.
When it comes to emotion, Kat is in no way a stoic. She's an open book, an a total page-turner, at that. Lying is something she has never been able to do, no matter her attempts, and all tries at a disguise tend to end up self-portraits. Once one knows her quirks and tics, it is easy to tell what she is thinking, even without telepathy.
One might easily call such things a weakness in her case, for being a 'super' like her, connections and emotions tend to be the opposite of helpful. You just need to flick through a DC comic to know that.
However, despite her knack for painting her actions with emotion, and pursuing her heart over her head, Kat is far from naive. From her wide imagination and sharp intelligence birth traits such as resourcefulness and wit. She is a pro when it comes to thinking on her feet, and acting quickly under pressure. She can spin new ideas as quickly as she can fire out swift retorts and clever quips from her notoriously loaded arsenal of verbal barbs, and she shan't show remorse, either.
Kat's habit for allowing her emotions to sometimes topple her wisdom often results in rather reckless acts, such as her said tendency to confront the people that harm those she cares for, rather than consider other tactics. She is impulsive both in terms of actions and words when her emotions are flared, and her personal feelings have a nasty tendency to get in the way of her thinking straight. She is slightly impatient, and can oft suffer from foot-in-mouth disease, but if she causes mistakes through her recklessness, she will do what it takes to make amends, and is willing to offer her pride up and admit to wrongdoings rather than ignore responsibility.
As much as she'd love to be suave and slick, Kat isn't. At all. Her clumsiness is, apparently, something she was born with, and try as she might to smooth this out along with her slight social awkwardness, they have so far proven themselves as stubborn as the rest of her, clinging onto her persona and generally making her look like a moron in the least flattering of situations.
When curiosity strikes her, and an unanswered question becomes a source of interest, Kat truly is dauntless. She hates leaving mysteries unsolved, and thus in her youth made herself out to be a right Nancy Drew. Suffice to say, she wasn't quite as sleuth-worthy as she thought she was, but that didn't -and doesn't- stop her from pursuing answers with severe and fierce dauntlessness, overcoming obstacles in order to satisfy her need for truth, and slate her curiosity.
Sweet and compassionate, Kat is the sort to let her friends know they are loved, and to seek out solutions when they are facing problems. Despite her seeming to often have a great many other things on her mind, Kat will never ignore a friend -or just a person in general- in need. Whilst she herself is often obvious in her feelings, she too is rather adept at sensing when something is amiss. Combining this with her need to protect, and her fierce curiosity, and you have a girl that is going to do whatever she can to make you smile again.
Finally, Kat loves to laugh, and does so without vanity or reservations. Often and with constant enthusiasm.


❝Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain.❞


Favourite Colour || Least Favourite Colour:
Pale shades of green, such as seafoam and mint; cerulean blue. || Beige, probably.

Favourite Music || Least Favourite Music:
Kat is a fan of rather old music, the sort of 80's hits one might dance around the house to, or sing passionately in the shower. The likes of Queen, Billy Idol, and Hall and Oates are among her favourite artists. || Kat absolutely loathes dubstep.

Favourite Food || Least Favourite Food:
Anything chocolate, really. She also likes watermelon, pineapple, and ramen. || Beetroot. Urgh.

Favourite Literature || Least Favourite Literature:
|| She doesn't really have one, although she was never a big fan of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series.

Favourite Form of Entertainment:
She enjoys video games every now and then, but really, she's a film junkie, and an adorer of movie marathons. She is also fond of curling up with a good book, and does so for hours on end when she feels in the mood.

Most Prized Possession:


❝She wasn't looking to change the world; she merely wanted to be happy in it.❞



enclosed spaces; ever since her first experience with her abilities at ten years old, Katherine has been severely claustrophobic. Small spaces and the general feeling of being trapped tend to result in anxiety attacks and hyperventilating. harm coming to those she cares about; being as naturally protective as she is, it is only natural that she worries over the welfare of her loved ones, but with the appearance of the hunters, such caution is becoming continually more understandable.

adorns the margins of her books with doodles sings to herself nose crinkles when she laughs excellent cook can't whistle fiddles with her hair when bored bites lip when troubled

Plays a musical instrument?:
She plays the cello, and knows a song or two on the piano, but that's all.

Plays a sport?:
She used to be a part of the little league baseball team in her home town, but was never particularly blessed in terms of physical finesse, although she is a fine runner.

Spending habits:
Sensible, with the occasional splurge.


Rarely, only on social occasions, and even then, keeps the alcohol to a minimum, as she is a major lightweight, and doesn't really like the taste of most alcoholic beverages.

Other drugs?:


❝Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright; their songs too sweet and wild.❞


When Kat was born, she never seemed particularly out of the ordinary. She was bright, and bubbly, with a penchant for hogging the limelight at family get-togethers, be it by singing, dancing, or generally being adorable (read: a nuisance). As she grew up, she still didn't display any odd qualities. She never burnt down her school or found herself defying gravity; she never suffered any mortal wounds, only to be fine the next day, nor did she turn into a wolf come the full moon. Until she was ten years old, she was -as far as she or anyone else was concerned- completely ordinary.
Then she turned ten, and things went pear-shaped.
About a month after her tenth birthday, Kat was granted a day off school on behalf of a nasty cough and sore head. Her parents were at the respective jobs, although on speed-dial and ready to come home at a moment's notice. At about two in the afternoon, for whatever reason, Kat leant against the wall of her bedroom.
And slipped right through.
Suddenly, she found herself trapped between the plaster, unable to get out. She screamed and kicked, punching at the walls as best she could in the tight space until her knuckles were bloody and adorned with splinters, but to no avail. By the time her father got home, she'd been there four hours. The undoubtedly horrific and stressful experience resulted in Kat's claustrophobia.
After cutting her out of the wall, neither Kat nor her parents knew how to explain it all. It was inexplicable. Ridiculous. Impossible.
And yet it was.
The second time her powers manifested was when she fell through the floor of her school, and landed in the middle of the school gymnasium, interrupting a game of volleyball. She received a broken arm from the accident, and afterwards, they came. They told her about a school for people like her.

And, well, here she is.

Emily Hayes | mother | 43 | secretary | alive | close
Charlie Hayes | Father | architect | alive | close



Childhood Hero or Idol:
Her parents have always been her main role models, although she had a fair few other idols, both real and fictitious, as well, including Mulan, Buffy (the 'Vampire Slayer'), and Princess Leia.

Dream Job:
Kat dreams of writing screenplays for a living, be they for sophisticated, period dramas, or big-budget blockbusters.

Winterhall Elementary | 5 - 12 | 7 years attendance
Caroline Anne High School | 12 - 15 | 3 years attendance

Currently Living With?:
Her parents, although she is technically currently residing at the school, as she is boarding.



Kat tends to either walk, or take her blue electric scooter. Not the fanciest ride, but it does the shop, and is as endearing as she is.


❝She's the kind of girl whose light doesn't have an off switch.❞

Hex Colour:




So begins...

Katherine Hayes's Story

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times.
ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя#068481
тнσυgнт cσƖσя#868669

Run ▮ Bring Me The Horizon
Power To Progress ▮ Darren and Stephen Loveday

"Happy new year!"

The words echoed through Ash's dorm room walls as the party next door hit a new level of loud. She could feel the thumping beat through the floorboards, and through the air. It vibrated throughout her being, but Ash was glad she wasn't a part of it. As much as Ash wasn't a party type of girl, Ash wouldn't have minded going to the party - but she felt it was more polite to wait for her best friend and give her a quieter welcome - one she would prefer. It could be quite uncomfortable for both Gisele, Blair, and Ash to be around loud noises - Ash and Blair could detect the vibrations, and Gisele could hear minds. It gave Ash a headache just thinking about it, let alone being a part of it. Kat, luckily, didn't have a problem with noise, but then again, Kat was just awesome in general. Ash had to admit, sometimes she was jealous of Kat's ability to not get headaches caused by powers.

Then again, there was the issue of boys, too. Ash was, admittedly, saving herself for someone, but she was losing hope of ever seeing him again. As much as she'd vowed to never forget his face, it was slipping from her. She could remember his eye colour perfectly; Ash held onto this knowledge tightly, in fear of forgetting. She couldn't forget the boy who saved her from drowning a second time.

Snowball squealed in his cage just as something - or, more likely, someone - thumped against the adjoining wall. Ash sighed, sitting up on her bed, before getting up and walking around to his cage, scooping the small rabbit up, and resuming her place on the bed, cross-legged with the animal on her lap. She stroked him, making soothing noises to the ball of fluff, trying to calm her pet down. The screaming next door began again, and Ash clamped her hands over her ears while the small rabbit burrowed it's head into her lap. "Oh my god....
" She groaned to herself, resisting the urge to flop backwards on the bed and pull the pillow over her head. "I am never going to get any sleep tonight." She told the rabbit, before picking him up and placing him back in his run with a treat ball. She was sorry she couldn't do anything else for the creature, but she was hoping he would curl up in his nest and fall asleep.

Aislinn was shocked out of her thought trail by the sound of a car alarm. She was surprised she could hear it, but she headed over to the window, opening it as wide as she could. She shivered as she realized how cool it was outside. Ash had been in California for just over a year now, but the milder seasons always caught her by surprise. Back in England, everyone assumed that California was hot 24/7. However, this was definitely not the case, and Ash caught herself rubbing at the goosebumps appearing on her arms. She threw on a cardigan quickly, before hurrying back over to the window, and sitting down.


Ash's phone decided to receive a text just as she sat down. Sighing in frustration, Aislinn pulled herself off the window seat and grabbed her phone from the charging point on her nightstand, before typing in her code and flopping down onto her bed. She opened up her messages to see that she'd received a message from Mei. Sighing once more, she typed a quick reply.

Hey, I'm in my room at the moment. It's so loud.

She hit send on the phone and plugged it in, just as someone opened the door. Ash jumped, expecting it to be some drunken idiot stumbling in by accident, but to her pleasant surprise, it was Gisele. Ash squealed in delight, leaping off the bed in delight, before she noticed her best friend sink to the ground. "Are you okay? Rough journey?" She asked softly, sitting down next to her. She didn't want to push her, but wanted to make sure she was okay. The French girl had been there for her since Ash had arrived, and Ash reciprocated it towards her. She just wanted to make sure her friend was okay, catch up, and get to sleep.

What more could a girl want?


K A T . H A Y E S

MOOD | content; enthused
LOCATION | outside the dorms

Kat weaved through the crowd, her eyes flitting over the faces of those she passed, searching for ones that stood out. She didn't really know why she was bothering, as she knew perfectly well that parties weren't exactly up Ash's alley, and as for Blair and Giselle, well, they couldn't go to one without surrendering themselves to nausea and migraines. Which was ironic, considering that a lot of the people here would be suffering from exactly those come morning.

With a sigh, Kat reached for her phone, typing a text to the three girls, asking about their whereabouts in a typical 'Kat' tone. Her thumb rose over the send button, only for a loud cheer to interrupt the act, as the sea of students around her began to chant in unison.

"Sixty! Fifty-nine! Fifty-eight! Fifty-seven-"

Kat's eyes widened in surprise, and her gaze flicked to the little clock at the corner of her phone. Seriously? It's midnight, already? The numbers nodded back at her, neon white, reading 11:59 and confirming her query.

"Thirty-eight! Thirty-seven! Thirty-six-"

Kat frowned, somewhat disappointed to not have her friends with her to count down the seconds. Nonetheless, she just as quickly shook away her gloom, replacing it with a grin as she joined in the counting.

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four-"

Around her, she could see people pairing up, lips armed and ready for the obligatory New Year pash. A boy appeared in front of her, a smirk on his lips and a hazy look in his eyes. All about them, people screamed "One!" In jubilant unison, and the guy before Kat leant towards her, his lips curving in preparation. Kat stepped back, raising her hands in front of her as she eeked out a meek rejection, "Ah, no thank you, sor-" The rug caught beneath her feet, and she went stumbling backwards into the wall.

And through it.

Katherine landed with a thud on the wooden floor, and groaned as she raised a hand to her cranium, rubbing it where it had made contact with the ground. Looking up, she prepared an apology for whomever she had bugged, "Um, hello. Sorry about tha-" Her voice froze, and she blinked at the pair in the room. One of them -a boy with shoulder-length hair and a handsome face- blinked at her, clearly pretty out of it. His companion, however, stared agog at Kat, before looking down at herself in realization of her lack of clothes. Kat's hands flew to her eyes, and she spun around and ran.

Into the wall.

"Ow! Er, sorry. Really! I'm not a pervert! I- I-" She didn't finish her sentence before bolting, this time using the door like a regular person.

Her cheeks were still flaming as she left the party.

By the time she'd made it outside, her phone told her that it was half-past,before slipping it back into her pocket she sent the three texts she'd prepared before her incident with the kisser and the nakedness and the mortification. In that order.

To: Ash ; Giselle ; Lil Red
Happy New Year!!! Any of you in need of a New Year's kiss? ;)

Her faux-leather boot came crashing into the ivory mound, causing a spray of crystalline sparkles to shoot through the air, separating like the fireworks that powdered the sky above. She watched said fireworks with a bright smile, a soft ooh escaping her lips every time that another shot of color was fired into the dark abyss, exploding into a shower of peppering glitter.

"Happy New Year." She murmured it to herself with a wan shift in expression, as her hand reached out to catch the falling snowflakes.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times.
ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя#068481
тнσυgнт cσƖσя#868669

Run ▮ Bring Me The Horizon
Power To Progress ▮ Darren and Stephen Loveday

Ash pursed her lips as her friend tore off her heels and chucked them onto her bed. She realized that this meant that her friend was upset, and as she began unpacking, Aislinn couldn't help standing up with her and shuffling over to the bed, sitting down and crossing her legs. Gisele began talking about her trip to Paris, and as much as Ash knew Gisele hated it, she was secretly a little jealous. She decided to cut the thought from her mind as quickly as it appeared, and instead replied with a quick, "As much as that sucks, I wish I could have visited Paris. Is it as pretty as the pictures?" before realizing that they were getting off topic and making a gesture to continue.

Ash's face split into a huge grin as her friend turned around with a box in her hands. She took it and placed it on the bed, before digging under her bed for the item she was looking for. It was a box, too, but slightly thinner and lighter. Inside, Gisele would find a scrapbook of English Flora, with little pressed flowers included in the book, gently sellotaped on the corners. Underneath that was a woolen shawl for cold nights, and alongside that were a couple of bars of clotted cream fudge. She placed the box on Gisele's bed before flopping back onto her own bed, trying to ignore the rowdiness of the party next door.

Just then, her phone pinged again. Ash rolled her eyes at her friend, holding up a finger in a one-second gesture, before reaching over and seeing it was Mei. She texted back quickly.
{To: Mei}
Sorry, G just got here. Gonna hang with her for a while!

She sent the text and turned back to her friend, mouthing a silent apology before placing the phone back on the nightstand. "She wanted to make sure I wouldn't regress being around everyone partying and celebrating New Year's. She thinks I can't control myself since I had to go to rehab and everything.... That's why she made me come to Paris. Not to see me. But because she couldn't trust me to take care of myself and not slip back into the hole that was my former self... And, I come back to a tsunami of noise in my head and a drunk trying to kiss me at midnight." Gisele continued her rant, and Ash listened to her, letting her best friend vent. "Welcome to the Academy.
" She muttered sarcastically, a grin across her lips. Her hand was on her ring, holding it gently. Gisele's mention of her mother - however much she bothered her - had reminded Ash of how much she missed her own, and it was out of habit that she was holding the ring now. She dropped it quickly before smiling at her friend again.

"Why don't we have our own lame PG fun tonight! Be the Elsa to my Anna... And let's go build a snow man! It snows maybe one day a year here. Let's make the best of it!" Gisele suggested, and Aislinn found herself moving towards her drawers before she could stop herself. "Hell yes!" She grinned as she dug through her drawers, finding some thicker leggings grey in colour and patterned with white and pink aztec designs, and she threw a grey jumper over the tank top she was going to wear to bed. She pulled on a pair of pink uggs and put a thin pink scarf on to top off the outfit.

Ash's phone received another notification, much to her annoyance, at the same time as Gisele's; her annoyance faded as soon as she realized it was Kat, and Ash sent one last text to her other best friend before turning off her phone.

{To: Kit Kat}
Meet you outside Party Central - Snowmen and snowball fights are on the agenda!

With text sent, Ash turned to Gisele with a cheeky smile on her face. "I'll race you out! Three, two, one, GO!" She yelled, before turning around and hot footing it out of the door. The corridors were rammed with people, making it difficult to move - or breathe. Ash tried to ignore it, but found herself slowing to a walk anyway, and gently pushing her way through the crowd. Other party goers, obviously completely wasted, formed what seemed an intangible wall between her and the outside world, but Ash was determined to win. She focused on keeping her breathing even as she fought through the crowds, and was disappointed to find not one pair of golden coloured eyes. She didn't even realize she was searching, but she pushed through, only stopping to push those hungry for another's attention away. At one point through the Party Corridor, she was kissed on the cheek, but a quick push and a glare was enough to get him to turn away and pursue some action elsewhere.

Finally, Ash reached the outside world, where the cold bit into her skin and went through to her core. She shivered, but ventured out into the snow, reveling in the fact that she'd won the race. The fireworks lit up the sky above her, turning the snow every colour Aislinn could name. She held out a hand, catching snowflakes in her hand. Just then, she heard something move behind her, and Ash turned towards the patio, realizing that someone was sat there. He - or she - was silhouetted, so Ash couldn't tell who it was, and she hoped that they hadn't seen her.

Time to have a little fun.

Ash scooped up some snow and patted it together into a ball in her hands. She made sure it wasn't too compact, so it wouldn't become ice, and she was glad to find that it was the right consistency to make a decent snowball. Her hand felt the sting of the cold, and she sneaked closed to the patio. Finally, with a grin on her face, she yelled, "Snowball fight!" threw it at the unknown person, hoping that they wouldn't mind too much. She giggled as she watched the snow explode on impact, showering them with the substance, and ducked down to make more of the soft projectiles, laughing as she did so.

#, as written by mjolnir

T H E - M E N T A L I S T


Winter Outfit

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

Gisele was happy to be out of her blouse and pencil skirt. She always enjoyed looking nice but it wasn't the most comfortable attire in the world. She turned around to face her roomie and couldn't help but chuckle when she realize they were both wearing grey and pink. "You know... Eventually some day someone is going to ask about our strange friendship." She smiled as she pulled on her white beret just as her phone dinged. She grabbed her purse and it took her a minute or two to search its contents for her phone. She hated and loved technology. She didn't like how everyone was so dependent on them these days but it also gave her an excuse to avoid people's minds.

{ Kitty-Kat }
"Happy New Year!!! Any of you in need of a New Year's kiss? ;)"

Gisele chuckled at her phone, glancing up to see that Ash already replied. She wasn't as quick at texting as her roommate.

{ To: Kitty-Kat }
"Whatever Ash said! Be our Olaf!!"

Gisele clicked send, then tucked her phone into the pocket of her plaid skirt. She hadn't even had the chance to put her shoes on yet when Ash said, "I'll race you out! Three, two, one, GO!" "Hey! Wait you cheater!" She shouted after her roomie who disappeared into the crowd of people in the hall. She quickly grabbed her white boots, bouncing on her left foot as she tried to slip her right boot on. Once that one was on she did the same with the other shoe, but fell over into her wardrobe. "Dammit..." Quickly regaining her balance, she got her shoe on and rushed to the door. She made sure to grab a room key because chances were that Ash forgot hers.

Gisele slammed into someone the second she got out in the hallway, "Oh... Sorry." She weaved through people as quickly as she could but it wasn't very easy. She turned around the corner and that end of the dorm was rather quiet. There was a few people disappearing into their rooms but no blonde prepared for a snow battle running away. With a sigh, she slowed down as she walked down the hall, adjusting her clothes and hat. She came to a halt when she saw a door open to a room. Wondering if whoever was in there might have seen Ash, she slowly walked towards the open doorway. She was surprised when she saw the lights out. At first she thought someone just forgot to close their door but as she looked inside she saw someone laying on a bed.

She contemplated just continuing on but she honestly had no idea which way Ash went. So Gisele took a deep breath and moved into the doorway, raising her hand to knock on the opened door. She used her hand to brush back her brunette locks while clearing her throat. She hadn't realized that the male had his iPod in until she could slightly hear it throw his thoughts but the fact that all she could hear from his head was his music made her brows furrow. She didn't want to enter his room uninvited so after a moment she spoke, out loud while simultaneously in his mind, "Hello... Sorry to bother you..."

Gisele waited until she had his attention. She smiled softly towards him as she asked, "Didn't mean to interrupt your... Listening." She motioned her hand towards his iPod. "I was just wondering if you saw Aislinn fly past here not long ago? She thought a race would be a good idea but I quickly lost her. And these big buildings still confuse the crap out of me." She laughed softly while scratching her head at her own confusion.


K A T . H A Y E S

MOOD | mischievous; competitive
LOCATION | outside the dorms

Despite the chill it was setting into her slender fingers, Kat's arm remained stretched out before her, her palm catching the icy white as it fell. As the segments began to pool in her hand, melting in the warmth of her skin, she finally allowed them to pour through her fingers, and dark blots appeared where the now-water met the snow.

In her pocket, her phone buzzed, and she hurriedly rubbed the dampness off on her thick coat before slipping the device from its pouch, and reading the pair of messages that had just arrived. The first was from Ash, which didn't surprise Kat in the slightest. Giselle was rubbish at answering her phone, and her speed of texting wasn't exactly Synthia caliber. As she read the message, a wide grin broke out on her face.

From: Ash
Meet you outside Party Central - Snowmen and snowball fights are on the agenda!

"Snowball fights, huh?" Kat murmured to herself, voice lilted with a tone of Bond-villain wickedness, "Unwise, Miss Buckledee. Very unwise..."

She shifted to the next text, and grinned once more.

From: Giselle
Whatever Ash said! Be our Olaf!!

Slipping her phone back into her pocket, Kat began to make her way to the aptly dubbed 'Party Central'. It wasn't all that hard to find the building, even if you were a stranger to the college. Basically, follow the music. If you're deaf? Sniff for alcohol.

The moment she got there, Kat knelt down in the snow, the powder soaking through the knees of her tights as she began rolling balls of the substance, smiling wickedly as she anticipated firing them into her friends' unsuspecting faces. Hearing the sound of a door opening, her frantically rolled the final ball. Looking up, she saw a familiar blonde figure rolling up a snowball of her own, and as Ash threw it right with excellent precision at an unsuspecting Reed.

As the pair interacted, Kat's eyes narrowed mischievously, and her Bond-villain voice returned with a pinch of mental moustache-twirling. "As much as I hate to ruin this romantic moment..."

She crept closer, snowball at the ready, metres away from Ash, she stopped, leaning her arm back, before leaping up with an epic battle cry, throwing the ball with all her might.


The ball, however, missed Ash by about a foot, and the maniacal grin froze on Kat's face.

"Ah. Well... Take this!" She knelt down, rolling up another ball at an astounding pace, before jumping up and throwing it, only for it to this time meet its target. Kat smirked triumphantly, "Ha!"

Image Image Image



T H E x S P E E D x D E M O N

{ Thursday, January 1st, 1:14am, 2015 || Outfit [x] || Location: The Mansion }


Samuel finally got bored of the Chris and Nathan's constant bickering at one enough and took off running, speeding away at a high velocity, making it back to the academy in about a minute or two and as soon as he made it, he waited at the entrance and pulled out his phone, immediately going to text one particular individual. First of which was Ella, he was still worried if she was still okay from the encounter a few minutes before hand.

[To: Ella]
[Ella, are you sure you're okay? Who was that guy, anyway? Whatever, I'm waiting for you at the entrance of the mansion with those other buddies of yours. Plus, if you're still hungry I can order pizza and we could all have a group thing in one of our dorms or something. If you are down, we could text the others and plan something. Maybe some party games and shit? You know, to lighten the mood. :D]

Samuel waited for about forty minutes later when, finally, Ella turned up and leaned up against the wall. "Yo, what's up." He looked around and witnessed a snowball between Aislinn Buckeldee, Reed Adams and Katherine Hayes. He didn't know Kat very well, but, she was cute. Reed was obviously a good friend, best friend actually. And Aislinn was a good friend as well. How convenient. "Hey, wanna join that snowball fight? We could wreck some fools. I could make heaps of snowballs and throw them all super fast, you know? It would be so cool! Come on!" He slowly ran up towards the three individuals, picking up a scope of snow while moving and rolled it up, immediately throwing it at Reed when he was finished making it. "That is for not answering my texts!" He quickly made two more. One went straight towards Ash, "That's for redirecting those paper planes I was throwing at the teacher back at me!" He threw the last one at Kat and laughed. "And that's just cause I want to."

#, as written by Layla

      [ song; arabella ] [ outfit; the immutable cold ]

      XXX"I should like some large fries with chilli mayo and a strawberry float."
      XXX"Uh..." The chef stood with his hand frozen on the handle of a frying pan he'd been about to bring over a hulking man's head.
      XXX"You are open for business, are you not?" Synthia prompted.
      XXX"Well, yeah, but..." he mumbled, shifting the pan to his other hand.
      XXX"Keep the change," she said, placing a fistful of notes in his hand. His eyes nearly bulged from his head as he raced into the kitchen. He whipped out his knife and sliced into a basket of potatoes faster than seemed humanly possible. Perhaps he was like Sam. He handed Synthia her chips and drink with a splitting grin on his face, before untying his apron and bolting out the door with a stream of praises in his wake.
      XXX"Really Chris, this whole 'alpha male' act is rather idiotic, don't you say?" Nathaniel's voice carried over the battlefield as his eyes slid over the writhing bodies to land on her. "Acting like a brutish hero for the attention of a girl." This last part he seemed to say loudly, as if wanting her to overhear.
      XXX"Well, don't look at me. I have a penis," said Synthia, her voice devoid of any inflection that might belay humour. "You just fail to see it beneath my layers of self-doubt and crippling anxiety."
      XXX"Isn't going to work on someone who has an IQ that weighs more than two of you," Nathaniel continued.
      XXX"I am humbled. Alas, IQ cannot be quantified in weight." She waved a chip at Nathaniel as she made the noise of a buzzer in a game, declaring an answer incorrect. "Try again."
      XXXSynthia slipped the french fry between her lips, stepping around sprawled bodies and fighting men. The door burst open and a gold-haired blur flew towards Synthia. She easily pivoted from the onslaught and took a sip of her drink as Spencer collided into a gunman instead, before hurtling into Chris. Synthia ate her chips.
      XXXShe walked towards them until she towered over her portable generator. She did not offer a hand to help him up.
      XXX"Will you look at that," she mused. "I think I like you better helpless and immobile. Let's go. Here, I procured some fried potatoes." She slipped a fry between his lips and turned to Nathaniel. Her eyes flicked to the apple in his hand, before returning to meet his gaze. "Did you know the seeds of apples are poisonous?" She quirked her head. "It would require approximately 87.33 grams of apple seeds to kill someone of your size."
      XXXSynthia smiled. A dimple appeared in her left cheek.
      XXXAnd without another word, she left for her car.

      ・ • ● • ・

      XXXWhen she arrived at the mansion, she was pelted with a snowball. She could not tell from whom it had come, but it had surprised her. She stared at the splatter of white that laid just above her heart as if she could not for the life of her, comprehend what it was for. She raised her head to find a gaggle of students running about. The sight was bizarre.
      XXX"Katherine." There was no "happy new year" or "how have you been." Synthia seemed to think her name was greeting enough. She was likely the only person under the age of 50 who called Kat by her full name, but Synthia had never been liable to shortened epithets. She even called Chris, Christopher, some days. Synthia looked at the dark-haired girl, who'd been standing nearest to her when she'd arrived. "Are we partaking in a practice drill? I do not recall a notice in the Academy's schedule. Should I retrieve the cannon?"
      XXXA year before, she had developed a snowball cannon that propelled ice at incredible velocities and with maximum reload efficiency. Synthia had reasoned that "rolling spherical clumps of ice" to be "rather tedious," and had built a machine that did so for her instead. Needless to say, it was clear who won the snowball fight that year. Many a bruise had been imparted that day.

{ The Shapeshifter ~ Location: The Mansion ~ Outfit }


Ooh look who waited for you! Ella ignored Liz's remark and smiled at Sam "Yo, what's up." Ella ran her fingers through her hair and tucked some behind her left ear. "Not much, fully sober now, really needed that walk. Um, I'm not sure who that guy was either...he was really drunk so he probably thought I was someone else...yea. Sorry I didn't reply to your text I'm totally down for party games, chilling and pizza I could eat like five right now."

Ella squinted her eyes to see who was involved in the snowball fight "Is that Aislinn? Yea let's go join" she said as Sam ran off.

You lied to him! Ella glanced over at Liz "I don't know who those guys were Liz. Remind me to kill once I've had a good nights sleep" Liz grinned You could use that right now huh? And yet you chose party

Just then Mei appeared with Leo, she was furious and relieved when she saw them. She walked over and gave Mei a funny look and then shrugged "How could you Mei? You know never to get involved when Liz is around. What did you guys do this time? Steal? Threaten? Kill? God, it's been like two years, I don't understand that girls influence on you just urg...just please tell me you're alright!" She listened patiently to Mei's response, unfortunately she couldn't hear much of it since Liz was screaming in her head on purpose. Ella simply nodded and glanced over at the group in the snowball fight "Let's deal with this another day, I've had enough drama for one night. Sam is setting up a get together with games and food. You guys should come"

Ella ran towards the group having the snowball fight. She ran straight for Aislinn and tackled her to the ground "Happy New Year" she laughed rolling to the side. She got up and brushed the snow off her dress, she extended her hand towards Aislinn to help her up.

#, as written by CutUp
Chris' hand tightened into a fist as electricity began to surround it. He was ready to punch that smug ass grin off of Nathaniel's face. He moved forward a little bit but was stopped by the sudden.....arrival of Spencer as she barreled into him. He groaned as he pushed her off of him. "Dammit Spencer! You are just hell-bent on proving that dumb blonde stereotype aren't you!?" He growled. When Synth leaned down, and forced the fry into his lips he acted like a child at first when their mother tries to spoon feed them before he finally accepted the fry.

"Shut. Up." He merely responded to her as he got up. He was too pissed to give her some clever comment. He glared at Nathaniel as he laughed at him. "Do remember that fears can be conquered. But over a thousand volts of electricity surging through you is a lot harder to deal with." He stated in a threatening manner. "Fun fact, it only takes about one tenth of an amp to kill a guy. I can produce much, much more than that. Keep that in mind the next time you decide to be a bigger douche than you already are."

Chris then walked past Nathaniel, plowing through his shoulder, almost knocking him down as he followed behind Synth to return back to the mansion. Once they returned to the mansion, and saw Synth get pelted by an snowball he laughed out loud. "Nice shot Kat-Kit. But be careful, she has my jacket." He stated, acting as if he cared more about the jacket than Synth. "Well I'm going to go inside, and get away from the snowballs of terror. It's still water, just frozen water, but it still stings like a bitch." He stated, reminding them of his weakness to water.

Before he started his way inside he turned to face Synth. "Oh, you weren't hurt back there right? I was a bit too pissed from that asshole to ask. You're alright right?" He asked with a clear note of genuine concern for her. No matter what he'll always worry for her safety after all. She's the closet thing to family he has anymore.


K A T . H A Y E S

MOOD | mischievous; competitive
LOCATION | outside the dorms

The moment it had missed its intended target, Kat had taken her attention away from her first snowball in favor of a new, on-target one. Basking in the glow of her victory, Kat's smirk rivaled that of the likes of Nathaniel or Spencer.

"Katherine." The voice was as calm and somewhat monotonous as ever, and Kat almost leapt out of her skin as she turned back to face the speaker. She'd never been fond of people using her full name, but for whatever reason, Kat couldn't help but think as though it would be odd for Synth to do anything else but. Synthia was no robot, despite what people said, but she was nothing if not to the point.

Kat's eyes widened as she took in the snow that smattered Synthia's front, undoubtedly thanks to her rogue snowball. Kat couldn't help it, she laughed. "My bad." Synthia's matter-of-fact warning sounded like a death sentence, and Kat's eyebrows knotted nervously, "Are we partaking in a practice drill? I do not recall a notice in the Academy's schedule. Should I retrieve the cannon?"
Kat was about to answer when she heard a laugh, and a familiar, thunderous voice commented, "Nice shot Kat-Kit. But be careful, she has my jacket." Kat winked, smirking devilishly, "No promises."

As Chris prepared to make his way back to his dorm, Kat looked to Synthia, and raised her hands, gesturing the way one does when dealing with a ferocious animal. "Ah... The cannon won't be necessary. This practical is specifically hands o-"

A snowball collided with the side of her head, and Kat looked up in shock. "And that's just cause I want to." Her face contorted into rage, and a spark of humour lit her eyes alight. "Why you- take that!" She hurled the snowball, and fistpumped as it hit Samuel.

Her gaze turned back to Synthia, "I don't suppose you'd care to join me and these morons in a no-cannon snowball war, would you?" He lips curled into her infamous cheshire grin, and she knelt down in the ground, curling up another ball. "Otherwise, you could always be..." She fired the snowball directly at Synthia, making a teasing face as it hit her, "... Collateral damage!"

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times.
ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя#068481
тнσυgнт cσƖσя#868669

Run ▮ Bring Me The Horizon
Power To Progress ▮ Darren and Stephen Loveday

Ash's eyes grew wide as the figure stood up and revealed himself to be none other than Reed himself. He was laughing - a sound Ash wasn't familiar with. She laughed too, when a snowball made contact with her shoulder and exploded in her face. She spluttered with shock, still laughing, as she gathered another together in her hands. He tossed another one before emerging from his hiding place.

"Aislinn Mae, is that you?
" He asked, approaching cautiously. He had his hands out, obviously unarmed. Ash hid the snowball behind her back. She remembered his face well, now - she could remember the feel of his body as he'd held her out of the water, as the weight shifted until it felt like they had been laying against the pole of the pier. She had been right, then. He was a super. She stood there in awe for a few seconds, too happy to move. A smile crossed her face.

"Reed!" She exclaimed, moving towards him. Hoping he didn't see the snowball lightly clutched in her hand, she ran over (a rare sight for Ash) and wrapped her arms around his neck, before pressing her face into his shoulders. Grinning into his shoulder, she quickly pulled at the back of his collar and stuffed the snowball down the back of his shirt, laughing as she did so.

Ash's antics were interrupted by the sneaky arrival of Kat. After her quick, villain-like speech, Ash braced herself for an impact, but grinned sheepishly at her friend when nothing hit her. She feigned a hit, clutching at her side. "I... can... see the light!" She exclaimed, just as her friend balled up another ball and this time, it hit her in the stomach. She stumbled off balance, grinning again. Just then, the three of them were assaulted by a barrage of snowballs.

"Hey!" She yelled at the thrower, before realizing it was Sam. "No powers! That's cheating! And give me a break, it was funny and you know it!" She retorted, before noticing the arrival of Synth. "Wild inventions are banned too! No snowball-making mechanical devices! They're cheating!" She protested, giving Synth a cheeky smile and a friendly wink to show she was joking. Ash hardly saw it as Kat's snowball smacked into Synth. She laughed a little, before waving to Chris as he disappeared inside and out of the snow, which wasn't surprising, seeing as the snow would cause his powers to act up. Just then, Ash was caught sideways by someone new - Ella. She laughed as much as she could; the air had been knocked out of her by the girl. "Hello, Ella. Happy new year to you too!" She giggled again, stuffing snow down her collar for good measure while she was down. The other girl got up and Ash took her hand, pulling herself up. Her clothes were sodden through with snow, but nonetheless, she turned and exclaimed, "What a beautiful snow angel we made. Would be a shame if another were to appear!" She turned and gently pushed Ella, aiming for the snow, carefully and sparingly using her power to cushion her fall so it wouldn't leave a mark if she lost her balance. She flopped down next to her, sending the snow into the air, before getting up and admiring her handiwork, and heading back over to Reed.

"Seriously, though, I told you I'd see you again, didn't I?" She whispered, pulling at his coat collar. "And if I get around to it, I guess I can explain everything a bit more." She resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him in a teasing fashion, instead just sticking to grinning. "I never properly thanked you for saving me, did I?" She asked, looking down at the snow and huffing out a sigh. She watched as her breath turned white, before disappearing again. "I'm just... I'm so glad." She sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck again in a tight hug.




T H E x S P E E D x D E M O N

{ Thursday, January 1st, 1:49am, 2015 || Outfit [x] || Location: The Mansion }


"Why you- take that!" A snowball hit Sam right in this face as he laughed. "Snow is in my mouth... It tastes like really cold water, it's so weird." He laughed, Katherine seemed alright so far. Hey! No powers! That's cheating! And give me a break, it was funny and you know it!" He laughed menacially, "Rules were made to be BROKEN!" He made a large pile of snowballs in a matter of seconds with his super speed. "Haha!" He threw a massive bombardment of snowballs on to Chris and Synthia with his arms moving at a million miles a minute. "Buwahaha! Oh, my god! That was hilarious, haha! They're covered in snow!" He did the same with Katherine and Ella, then Aislinn and Reed again, he laughed again. "Oh my god! Did you just see her face?! Buwahaha!" He then waited for some of the big group to retaliate back at him, he created a small snow wall, a hid behind it, knowing that it would eventually happen. He looked over the wall, "Hey, you two love birds, stop being love birds." He threw another snowball at the two of them and laughed again. "Hit me with your best shot!"

{OOC: Sorry my post is so short, guys}


Reed couldn’t believe his eyes as she stood there. That night when he had breathed slightly better for a moment, her breath had gotten labored… had she used powers to help him breath after all the effort it was taking to paddle that surfboard back to shore with her in front of him. He was still shocked from seeing her and the fact that she seemed excited to see him too that he didn’t notice her coming at him with a snowball until she hugged him.

He hugger her back, picking her up slightly so he wouldn’t be bending over much and laughed as he felt snow going down his back. ”How dare you attack your savior with snow down the shirt?” Reed declares with a smile and a joking laugh and tone.

He was surprised when he heard a voice and dropped Aislinn before turning to see a girl he didn’t know. She pelted Reed and Aislinn with snow and Reed laughed as he turned from the cold snow. First, she missed, but then she made it and Reed and Aislinn both laughed.

A moment later, Sam flew out from the doors to throw snow at Reed and Reed couldn’t help but smile at his friend. ”For the record, I answered your texts, I just didn’t answer all of them,” Reed declared as he made another snowball and threw it at his friend. Apparently Sam already knew Aislinn as he declared she had messed with one of his many pranks and knew that the other girl too. Or at least, it appeared he knew the other girl too.

As the war began, Reed reached to pull Aislinn out of the immediate line of fire to talk with her. She was amusing and beautiful with some snowflakes dusting her eyelashes from one of the snowballs that had hit her. Reed was so distracted he didn’t even feel the numbing pain that came with playing in snow without gloves. Reed glanced over to see Synth when Aislinn addressed her but didn’t comment on her presence. He didn’t know when their relationship went sour, but it had at some point, a while ago.

”Honestly? I didn’t think I’d see you again and please do, Aislinn Mae,” Reed replied, taking all his willpower to keep his voice from cracking or hitching with how close she was, how her hands had his collar in their grasp and how all he had to do was lean forward a few inches to taste her again like he had so long ago.

She spoke again and Reed gave her a smiling and odd look, as if she said something that wasn’t true. [colro=#f69d1e]”I don’t know what you’re talking about, except that that kiss was not entirely a proper one if that was what you were referring to,”[/color] Reed stated, waiting until she was hugging him again before he talked about the kiss.

”It feels like forever ago, you know?” He asks as he sets her down again from the big bear hug that he had ended up giving her just because he was growing cold and wanted to. He really wanted to pull her aside and make out with her, but the idea terrified him. He could mess up, or make her unhappy, or any number of things. How terrible would that be?

”Now I don’t know about you, but I believe it is time to join a snowball war,” Reed declared as he grabbed Aislinn’s hand and dove for cover before beginning to make snowballs to pelt in Sam’s direction. ”Yo Sam, don’t ask for what you aren’t prepared to handle,” Reed declared with a sneaky smile as he looked around Sam. He saw that he was right out from underneath an overhand coated with snow and winked at Aislinn before running over to the building and up the side, as if there was nothing but a jump and he was still running on the ground when in reality, he was running on the brick of the dorms.

He got to the overhang and pushed all the snow he could over, glancing down to see if he had hit his target with a wide smile.


Galen couldn’t help but run his hand through his hair in frustration, disguising it as something he saw Reed do a lot of the time around girls that appeared like they could be pretty. Galen was wearing a long sleeved thermic shirt that was snug but didn’t hug every line of his torso, and a pair of jeans tucked into boots. His sleeves rode up slightly as he moved revealing one full scar on his right wrist all the way across, and one half scar across his left, as if it was abruptly stopped for some reason.

Galen watched her movement carefully, making sure he stayed attentive so he didn’t miss anything he might be required to do in response. She shook his hand and he felt the warmth of it having gained more heat than normal thanks to the gloves. Her hand was soft and Galen marveled silently at that briefly.

She was nice and friendly, saying she was new too. It was reassuring to know that he and his brother weren’t the only ones new to the school. It was cool so far, but they were still getting used to not having to be careful when they walked around outside to keep their abilities hidden.

He suddenly realized what the issue was and drew his hand back to tuck into his back pocket. She was a mindreader. Reed had described the feeling Galen’s readings to him felt like and this was nearly exactly that. Galen blocked his mind the way he did when he wanted to try to focus away from getting other people’s thoughts. It was a way that he only heard bits and pieces of people’s thoughts towards him.

He noticed her hand movement as if she had announced it and took a cautious step back that gave them both a bit more personal space, working to try to make it look less like he knew what she was doing. ”Gisele, you can ask me what I’m thinking if you want to know,” He admitted with a smile that said he had caught her in the act.

”If you are 5, then I am 6. I would love to join you. Don’t knock listening to audiobooks until you try it. Without audiobooks, there is no fantasy worlds!” Galen declared excitedly, animately using his arms as he grabbed his coat and shut his room’s door before walking and gesturing even more.

”Oh… No way…” Galen says excitedly as he catches sight of his brother downstairs and outside, talking to a familiar form that Galen only remembered because Reed talked about her constantly. It was Aislinn Mae from that summer a few years ago. ”Would your Aislinn possibly be a girl named Aislinn Mae? I do see her in fact, she’s outside and she’s hanging out with my brother who looks like an idiot right now,” Galen states with a smile that shows he is happy for his brother more than most siblings are for each other.

As Galen made it down the stairs with Gisele, he held his arm out to prevent her from walking further outside and out from under the small roof in time to keep her from walking into a large snow fall that his brother had caused in hopes of landing it all on Sam. ”Hey Sam, need some help?” Galen offered with a smile as he picked up some snow nearby, seemed to consider it, then threw it at Gisele before going to help Sam pelt snowballs at everyone else, with or without his consent. He didn’t want to be on his brother’s team, there was no fun in both twins winning. One needed to taste victory and the other, defeat, as was their tradition always.

#, as written by mjolnir

T H E - M E N T A L I S T


Winter Outfit

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

Gisele watched the male before her run his hand through his hair. The gesture didn't seem like anything but her eyes widened slightly at the sight of the scars on his wrists. It triggered a suppressed memory as her right hand went to grab her left wrist, her thumb brushing across her sleeve that hid her own set of scars. It made her wonder how he had gotten those scars... The same as her? Or maybe something else. Her brows furrowed as she tried to snake her way into his head. She generally didn't use her ability on others but she felt that asking a personal question like that the moment she met him might not be the best first impression.

”Gisele, you can ask me what I’m thinking if you want to know,” Gisele froze momentarily that she probably was acting strange but chuckled softly at the realization that she was caught. Her cheeks flushed and it was the one time she was thankful that anyone was blind so he couldn't see her blush. She brought her hand up to brush back her hair. "I'm sorry... I'm just fascinated by your mind." She put everything aside as she stepped towards him, cupping his head in her small delicate hands. She held his head as if she was examining it, standing on her tip toes as she rotated it slowly. "Why can't I hear you?... You're thoughts I mean. It's just... quiet." She quickly released his head when she noticed how strange she was acting, laughing nervously. "I'm sorry... This is just... Well I've never been around someone where it's... normal." She smiled softly while letting out a soft sigh, "It's nice."

Gisele chuckled when he said he was a kid too and his comment about audiobooks. She waited for him as he grabbed his jacket and closed his door. "Well..." She said playfully as she walked in step with him. "Actually, I don't think I have any audiobooks. You'd think I would. It'd definitely make Shakespeare more fun... Ya know with all the different voices and stuff." She smiled. "I thought about getting some to listen to while I drive. But I generally read while listening to some Bach... Or Mozart. Generally which ever suits my fancy at the time."

"Oh... No way..." The exclamation caught Gisele's attention, causing her to quicken her step to catch up to him. "What?" She allowed her gaze to follow his as he spoke, ”Would your Aislinn possibly be a girl named Aislinn Mae? I do see her in fact, she’s outside and she’s hanging out with my brother who looks like an idiot right now.” She stepped up on her tip toes to glance over his shoulder, giggling when she saw the two outside. "Yep that would be her... Wait your brother is the famous Reed?" She looked over towards Galen with a smirk, "Well that explains a lot. I've heard a lot about him... But not you." She playfully bumped his shoulder with her own. "Guess I'll have to figure that out on my own."

Gisele bounced lightly down the steps after Galen, rubbing her hands together evilly as she prepared to submerse herself into the battle. Just as she was about to run outside, she was stopped by Galen's out stretched arm. It was good timing because if she would have ran outside she would have been covered in a blanket of snow with Sam. She brought her hands up to cover her mouth as she giggled at him. Galen had headed outside asking Sam if he needed help while she walked up to Sam, playfully rubbing the hair on his head, shaking out some of the snow. "I think you're under there somewhere." She laughed softly, looking over at Galen just as he threw a snow ball at her. She was just barely able to step out of the way. The snow ball going past her and hitting Sam. She cracked up before trying to be serious but playful as she yelled at Galen, "No friendly fire!!" She grabbed a handful of snow, running over to him and smashing it on his head before quickly making another snow ball and pelting it at Ash.

Image Image Image
Dialogue Color: #CC2900
Thought Color: #D6B89B
Outfit: [X]

Her hand unconsciously ran itself over the white bed sheets as her finger tips brushed gently against the cool and smooth white fabric. Rhythmatic drum snares played throughout her ears as her eyes blinked open slowly. Blair had her daily dose of socializing a few hours ago before she crashed on her bed after coming down from a sugar high. Honestly downing ten Dr.peppers couldn't be healthy at all but it happened and once that sugar disappeared form her system so did her energy and thus we are here. Blair rolled onto her back and placed her arm across her forehead so only her left eye was exposed while the other was covered by her arm. Her sleepy gaze slowly fell upon the fairy lights she had hanging over her bed while her brain caught up with her and noticed that the drum snare she was hearing was actually the song here by Alessia Cara, apparently Blair fell asleep with her earbuds in. She relaxed there for a few minutes before actually contemplating on getting up. She truly felt lazy right now, she needed more sugar. Ah yes, lots and lots of sugar.

That first shift in order to get out of bed made her groan as all her limbs felt heavy and just . . . floppy. She sat up, swing her feet off the bed and slipped them into her black slippers then got up. Blair stretched upwards until her cozy sweater lifted just enough to expose a small part of her tattoo that covered a part of her stomach an d abdomen. As soon as she felt that cold breeze hit her stomach though the red head quickly dropped her arms and felt a shiver run up her spine. It was sudden but a nice pick-me-up. As she went to take her first step one of Blair's earbuds fell out and that's when she caught the sound of chaos, sex and drunken bros all mixed into one incohesive and very abnormal blur of cheering and laughing. Her eyes widened in that second but they returned to normal as soon as she registered what was going on. Of course she forgot that it was still new years when she woke up, didn't know sugar could do all that, damn.

Blair finished pulling off the other earbud and tossed them on her bed along with her ipod before remembering her phone died earlier today. She walked over to it and found that it finally turned on and was 87% charged but what she always found was that she had multiple messages from a whole bunch of people. The red-head couldn't fight a small smile that tugged at the corner of her lips because even though most of these were just mass messages she was happy that she was included in something. With phone in hand Blair decided to brace herself and check how everything was looking in the halls. Exiting her dimly lit room her feet shuffled over to the mini fridge where she pulled out a nice cold can of Dr. pepper and popped the cap on it. The first splash of the liquidy substance was like bliss and a shock of energy engulfing her taste buds. There was a sudden crash out in the hall followed by a yell and a few shouts from some obviously drunken bros that instinctively made Blair jump. " Ugh, can't tell if they're celebrating or getting eaten by zombies." she said out loud to no one in particular.

Maybe she'd be able to find one of her best friends out in the hectic crowd. I mean knowing Ash Blair probably wouldn't find her out there but damn, it didn't hurt to dream did it? Taking another sip of her liquid cocaine the red head took a step into the hall and into the middle of all these yelling, lusty, overly excited sweaty bodies. The girl had tip-toed around people trying to peak over tall ass guys in order to see anyone she knew. At one point Blair had climbed up onto some guys shoulder and took the opportunity to scope out anybody but nothing. The guy on the other hand honestly was too smashed to even notice what was going on and once Blair landed back on her feet she petted his head like a doggy saying "Good, Brian" before walking off back in the direction of her room.

While on the journey back to her room though the count down began and everybody was counting down. It was loud but somehow Blair was feeling a bit giddy and excited. The sugar began hitting her and her pupils dilated while her mood lightened up and she joined in to the count down. "Three- Two- One! Happy New Years!!" everyone's voice was in union and that's when the hugging and kissing began. Blair ducked and weaved her ass out of there but right when shew as about to enter her room she was caught by Nerdy Sally who she honestly didn't know could get drunk, at all. She was such the up tight and homework focused type that didn't have time for parties or anything that had fun in it. So you could see why it came as a surprise to Blair when she saw her drunk and even more so when the woman took Blair by the hips and planted one right on her. Her red lipstick made a mirror image on Blair's lips and she stood there in shock for a second while her cheeks began to grow warm.

Sally winked at Blair while slipping something into her pj pockets before she danced her way back into the crowd. Blair quickly took this moment to dash into her room and close it shut behind her as if she was being chased and needed to keep whatever was on the other side of the door out no matter what. Her hand reached into her pocket and revealed a small piece of paper with a phone number on it. "Holy shite, is this her number?" Her eyes went over the numbers on the paper before a blush grew on her cheeks and a devilish smirk appeared on her lips. At least she still got it, Blair thought as her smirk turned into a goofy grin. The redhead wiped the lipstick off her lips with her hand then wiped it on her shorts then applied her vanilla chap stick. Suddenly her phone sung out the opening theme to buffy the vampire slayer and she instantly knew who it was without even looking at the text. It was Kat and boy was she glad to hear from her roommate because she wasn't in the dorm when Blair woke up. After reading the text Blair's fingers began to run across the keyboard as she wrote back.

To Kit-Kat:
"Happy new years to you too luv!! Apparently I got mines from Nerdy Sally, surprising right? BUT! I don't mind another ;3 "

Blair pressed the send button and slightly giggled at what she wrote before walking back into her room and booting up her computer. She was bored and alone so why not try and work on her hacking skills, the ones she learned from Synth, her mr. miyagi. Her bottom met the comfy chair, her throat swallowed back a huge gulp of her soda and her fingers began to type away on the illuminated screen.

Screw it, fuck it, I'm dying. Blair had been working on this code for a couple of days now and has been doing everything Sytnth has told her to do but she was still stuck on this one little part of the code that made everything click, as in work. She was getting frustrated real fast and after twenty minutes of trying to fix it she finally through her head back on the chair and groaned loudly. " Frrrackity Frack!" she exhaled before training her eyes on the ceiling as her brain worked through everything that could be wrong with the code. Finally when she couldn't come up with anything her hand shot out to her phone.

To Mr.Miyagi:
"Much help needed luv! Your young grasshopper cannot fix this code for the life of her and frankly I'm on the verge of an absolute informational overload."

She quickly pressed the send button before groaning again and throwing her head back once more staring up at the ceiling.

#, as written by Layla

      [ song; gasoline ] [ hex; #779F6D ] [ outfit; the immutable cold ]

      XXXThe sky fell,
      XXXbeads of white frost drifting like ashes from the Heavens. The clouds emptied their pockets of rain, releasing them into the unknown, to freeze and plummet and collapse beneath dirty feet. She felt their feather touch on her nose, in her hair, dissolving on her tongue as she tilted her head towards the skies. It clung to her lashes and she blinked them aside.
      XXXShe sighed at Chris' comment regarding the pain of jagged ice. The solution seemed so obvious to her. He need only warm his blood without enabling the electricity to venture beyond his skin. Just enough to produce enough energy to increase his resting temperature and melt any snowballs before they pelted him. She supposed he was merely lazy, unwilling, or ignorant. After all, what was the worst that could happen? He electrocuted everyone. She'd always been immune to his electricity - it energised her more than anything, though it made her rather nauseous afterwards.
      XXX"Oh, you weren't hurt back there right?" Chris asked her. "I was a bit too pissed from that asshole to ask. You're alright, right?" he repeated.
      XXXHis concern had always seemed an odd thing to her. She hadn't trusted it initially; she barely trusted it now. She didn't know what concern for her could serve. It was odd to think he cared simply because he did. Because he believed some bond hovered between them like strings she could not see, entwining about their fingers, their limbs, their hearts, tugging and propelling themselves towards each other. He cared for her because he liked her. It would be the death of him, his concern. As it was the death of everyone. He loved so fiercely, and it was such a hopelessly human thing to do.
      XXXSometimes Synthia forgot she was human, too.
      XXX"And if I were not?" she asked quietly, but she stepped away before he could answer, tugging his jacket from her shoulders as she did so. The cold bit her shoulders, its fingers grazing her neck. She clenched her jaw to keep them from chattering.
      XXX"The cannon won't be necessary. This practical is specifically hands o-" Katherine said nervously, before her head was whipped to the side by a carefully thrown snowball. Synthia observed its velocity. 201mph. Nearly twice the speed of Stephen Strasburg's fastest pitch. She wondered if Sam ever considered becoming a professional athlete, though she supposed he would have to hold back for mortal eyes. Besides, she liked him better here, by her side.
      XXXSlavery could be so affordable.
      XXX"I don't suppose you'd care to join me and these morons in a no-cannon snowball war, would you?" Kat asked. "Otherwise you could always be..." Synthia saw the snowball before it left Kat's hands. She calculated the arch of the girl's elbow, the depth with which she pulled her arm back, and the angle. It would hit the right of Synthia's 9th rib. She knew all this, but her body was too slow to dodge it. "Collateral damage!"
      XXX"Wild inventions are banned too!" Aislinn shouted from a distance. "No snowball-making mechanical devices! They're cheating!"
      XXXSynthia pursed her lips.
      XXX"My apologies," she said. "Please allow me a moment to detach my head from my shoulders. I suppose my thinking would constitute cheating as well."
      XXXWhat Synthia lacked in physical prowess, she made up for in strategy. She shifted so any snowballs pelted at her ended up striking someone else. She moved unpredictably, and she drew eyes to her only to slide behind someone else so the ice struck them instead.
      XXXShe lifted a handful of snow and rolled it into a perfect sphere. She threw it at Katherine.
      XXXIt fell mere feet in front of her, and collapsed in a heap a sizeable distance away from her target.
      XXXHer limbs felt like the ice she attempted to throw. Her knees wobbled and she leaned against a tree, shutting her heavy eyelids against the parade of raunchy students. She swallowed, and even that seemed a struggle.
      XXXShe reached for the pockets of her skirt, searching for the small bottle of prednisone. She couldn't find it. She must have left it in hers and Spencer's room. It angered her, as so many things did these days.
      XXXShe knew anger was irrational. Of course she did. There was no reason to wish she didn't have this stupid disease with its stupid symptoms and stupid medication. There was no reason, unless it helped her find a cure. She'd said as much to the doctor who'd given her the prognosis.
      XXX"Up to 30 in every 1 million people are diagnosed with myasthenia gravis every year," he'd said, and that had angered her too. Of course she knew that. Did he think muscle weakness meant a weakness in her brain as well? Of course not. She'd been mad because it had and did interfere with her work. How could she ever find a cure, if merely keeping her eyes open was hard.
      XXXTruly, she was devastated, but devastation was so much worse than anger. Anger fuelled action, devastation fuelled nothing. But she was. She was devastated that it was too painful to sing, so she didn't. Eating was hard, so she didn't. She'd likely lost some weight in the months since her symptoms first came to her notice. And smiling was hard, so she did it even less than she did before. Not because she was giving up, but because it was more important to save her energy for her work. Synthia Faye still had so much to do before the disease touched her lungs and made breathing and staying alive too difficult. She had to touch the moon. She had to see Mars with her own eyes. She had to find a cure for Cancer, and myasthenia gravis while she was at it.
      XXXShe would. She must.
      XXX"Christopher," she said. Her fingers brushed his hand, featherlight. But she might as well have wrapped her arms around him and pulled him forward, for how little she touched anyone. "Give me a shock," she said. It would tide her over until she got to her room. Until she could collapse in her bed instead of right here. She refused to be weak.
      XXXIt didn't matter that it would make her ill later. The medication did that well enough on its own anyway.
      XXXA text message flashed across her vision.

      From: Failing Prodigy
      Much help needed luv! Your young grasshopper cannot fix this code for the life of her and frankly I'm on the verge of an absolute informational overload.

      XXXSynthia chewed the inside of her cheek. It was a challenge. She was weary, but she'd never been one to take orders from anyone, much less her mortal shell. She left for Blair's room. Each step ached.
      XXXSynthia did not bother to knock. She slipped into the Blair's room and was met with a sprinkle of soft, golden light. It was admittedly rather relaxing.
      XXX"Your inadequacy brings me pain," she said by way of greeting. Synthia did her best to seat herself on Blair's bed like a normal human being, but it was more of a collapse. She leaned back until she was lying on her bed. Blair always had the fluffiest pillows, and so many of them as well. Her room stood in stark contrast to Synthi's. Whose plain, white walls, perfectly pressed white sheets and machines made for a rather uninviting space.
      XXXHere was a little piece of tranquility. Synthia shut her eyes.
      XXX"Mmm," she mused. "If only you weren't here. The relaxation would be complete."
      XXXBeneath her lids, her eyes bled into a stunning swirl of kaleidoscopic hues. Her reached out with her mind until she felt the familiar pulse of Blair's computer. She caught the thread of its interface. Suddenly, Blair's computer seemed to move itself.
      XXXIt shifted from page to page and lengths of code alternated between one another, scrolling so rapidly it didn't seem possible for anything except a computer to process it. Synthia paused at a section of code.
      XXX"Here," she said. "You should have swapped the two variables using the XOR gate." The entries backspaced before lines of code emerged as if invisible fingers were moving across the keys faster than the naked eye could see.
      XXXThis was easy. Effortless. If nothing else, Synthia was relieved the disease had not affected her cerebral functions. Computers did not expect anything from her.
      XXX"Is there anything else you would like to ask? Something a little less disappointing than rudimentary coding errors, perhaps?" Synthia asked. "I suggest, 'how would you like your coffee?' or 'how may I serve you, my overlord?' A massage would be lovely."

Power:Force-Field Generation || Dialogue:#66BDCD | Thought:#ff99f1 || Outfit:Winter Casual

She had flown overseas a couple of days ago causing her to miss New Year's with her family which wasn't as upsetting as it should have been, she noted as there was only a minor hole in her stomach. Evie needed the escape and the whole family needed a break from her and her abnormality. Maybe there would at last be a chance for things to cool over and Evie to get her powers under complete control while she was here.

On the night approaching the new year, Evonne decided to navigate her way to the mansion while the streets were packed with club and bar hoppers, people crossing streets to congratulate each other for making another year alive and rushing around to view the fireworks. Her father's words before departure was "be safe and look out for those who hunt." Obviously, it caused some skepticism but she drew that it meant hunters and the other kind of predators on the streets. So it made more sense for her to move at night with a "normal" reason to avoid gaining unwanted attention. It certainly had it's downsides with all the intoxication that quickly tainted the streets, including an overly friendly drunk female. The girl dragged Evonne off rambling about "how no one should be alone on New Year's. Great House Party. What about your new year's kiss?" She was a hyper individual but pleasant and hospitable in her own way. She offered drinks and food and even recommended who Evonne should try to target for the new year's kiss. Darling as she was, and handsome as her recommendation was, Evonne had to at least find the mansion first. Not that they'd know a new girl was missing. But for her own peace of mind. Evonne took the girl's hands gently "Thank you so much for literally being the sweetest person for me to encounter yet, but I have to find this place and meet up with others." "Oh at least give me your phone number and take some pictures with me!" she said urgently. Swelled with delight and slightly awkward about it, Evie complied.
"Don't get too drunk so you forget whose number that is," Evie warned then smiled. Though it was likely. But Evie genuinely wished her as a friend.

ImageEventually, she had found the place with lesser complications than she dreaded. Which meant it was only a matter of time before all that luck went south. Seeing as it was the first of a fresh new year by the time she reached the school, it meant she had plenty of chance for her luck to turn around too. As she approached, she heard all kinds of laughter and yelling, slowing cautiously. Evie didn't know what to expect. A more strict and groomed school that didn't encourage maniac behavior she supposed.
Evie scratched her arm awkwardly and saw the war zone a snow ball fight had become. "Oh my..." she broke off. It was the furthest thing from safe crossing and would sneaking around it really work? Probably not She was plastered in place. She tried to tell herself that participation was always a good thing but starting by hurling snow balls at people didn't seem that tempting or her place exactly.
She could always waltz through with her shield up but that'd be kind of grinchy. It'd subside or at least slow down soon enough. Plus, the show was kind of entertaining. A small smile curved on her lips. It was good to see such free-spirited people.

{ The Shapeshifter ~ Location: The Mansion ~ Outfit }


Ella burst out laughing at their new snow angel Aislinn had made when she pushed her down again. Ella got to her feet and began gathering up some snow and forming them into perfect little balls. Her hands were turning red and she began to shiver, but the adrenaline caused too much excitement for her to care. Get hypothermia why don't you? Ella ignored Liz's comment and fired a few snowballs at Sam and Galen. She dropped to her knees and began creating a little barricade Yes keep going, seriously kill us both why don't you! Ella paused and looked over to where "Liz was standing" "Shut up" she grumbled. Ella formed a couple more snowballs and launched one at Gisele "Hey Gisele! Happy New Year" she laughed hysterically.

After a while Ella stood back up from behind her fort and shouted "Considering I'm still in a dress, I think it's time I tap out. Party at Sam's dorm!!" Ella hurried off inside and made her way to her dorm "About time!! Our legs are turning blue for godsakes" Liz moaned. Ella shivered "Liz, do you ever shut up?" she snapped.

Finally Ella got back to her room and quickly changed into something warm and comfortable. The room was warm and smelt of a mixture of Mei and Ella's perfumes. She loved their dorm, they had been rooming for almost two years now and it just felt like home to her. She slipped into her cozy slippers and tied her brown hair up into a messy bun. "Can we put on some eyeliner or something?" Ella chuckled at the comment "Liz, it's basically two in the morning" Liz shrugged Yea and you're going out, what's your point? You know nothing good happens after two right? I mean I guess you wouldn't know that since I usually take over by now. Ella glanced over at her and lifted an eyebrow "And yet you haven't, why is that?" Liz shrugged followed by a shiver Too cold obviously. Ella smiled in satisfaction "Perfect, remind me to always freeze you out then"

Ella made her way to Sam's dorm, she felt exhausted but was too hungry and too hyper to pass out. She sunk to the ground next to his door and waited patiently for everyone to arrive.


Darren Veda

Hexcode: #808080 || Location: Outside

"Buwahaha! Oh, my god! That was hilarious, haha! They're covered in snow!"
Darren's rest got disturbed by a fuckton of snow hitting him on all places with the force and speed of a revolver.He got up,shook the cold off his person,and turned to see the source of the snowfall.Among the entire group,he quickly made out a person whose outline seemed to the naked eye to be a blur.He furrowed his brows at them.

Drake,Samuel Reuben
Age 17
Ability: Hyperspeed
Status: Kinetic
Stamina: 85%

Darren's brows still knit,his lips slowly curved into a smirk.He formed a decent snowball,estimated his aim,and shot it at his target.
It seemed to have hit him.Darren wasn't sure because his form was still blurry.The two most probable outcomes were either
a)the Samuel character got hit,and in his uninterrupted movement the snow either melted or slid off,
or b)the Samuel character in his uninterrupted movement managed to block or evade the incoming attack.
Either way,Darren was sure as shit he must have hit him.

Song| Seven Nation Army|| Outfit| X|| Hexcode| #BF00FF

"Your version of showing off is almost completely idiotic and ineffective." Annabeth commented from the passenger seat as she turned her head towards Nathaniel who was in the driver's seat of his car. "You should've done the disappearing party trick when Chris was still around instead of standing there gawking at Landon's chest." Nathaniel rolled his eyes and started the car. "Now why would I need to worry about that..." He smirked and put a hand on her thigh. "When I've got you, Annie."

Annabeth arched her eyebrow at him and a surge of pain flooded to his head until he let go and began to scream. Annabeth smirked and let go. "Stop being an idiot and drive back to the mansion." Nathaniel mumbled something before pulling out of the parking lot and heading back to the mansion. Annabeth pulled out her phone and began typing away. "Stop at the liquor store before hand and get something good. Apparently everyone's favourite speedster is having a party in his dorm." She looked up from her phone. "Might as well make it fun."

Nathaniel rolled his eyes and stopped at the liquor store like she asked. He grabbed a few cases of beers, some vodka, tequila, and used his powers to make the clerk think he paid for it before getting out of there. Annabeth began to text everyone in her contacts list about the party going on and made sure to inform them there'd be alcohol. It seemed that booze was the only way to get a bunch of teenagers all together for a good time.