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Evelyn Beth Campbell

"Wow, I have a QUOTE. So edgy. Don't get cut on my edginess!"

0 · 860 views · located in Ravenbrook

a character in “The Voice of Nothing”, as played by L.Jaigirdar



Imageβ€œPain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.”
{Merry Go 'Round | Kasey Musgraves}

Evelyn Beth Campbell
Evie, Beth, Betty


β€œAnd if you couldn't be loved, the next best thing was to be let alone.”

171cm (5'7?)
56kg (123.459lbs)
Evie has dark auburn hair, although when she was younger it was what some might describe as ginger. She has pale blue eyes and a somewhat pointed nose. Her skin is paler than average and she is rather skinny, erring on the line between normal and underweight. Her cup size is 34A and her dress size is 7 (UK). She has a belly-button piercing, but she hasn't worn a ring in it since she left the gang. She also has her ears pierced. Her hair is almost always down, except for special occasions.

Evie joined the all-female gang, 'bloodbound' at the young, impressionable age of 9. In order to be 'initiated' into the gang, she had to get a belly-button piercing behind her parents backs. Under their influence she has committed several crimes, but she took moving to America as an opportunity for a new start.

Imageβ€œIt’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”
Evie is nice, Evie is polite, but only because that's what's expected of her. She isn't particularly empathetic and very emotional responses to things alarm her. Evie is a very practical person, with no qualms against hurting someone, emotionally or physically, if she has something to gain from it. If she expressed her inner thoughts, she would most likely come across as very sassy. She has a 'survival of the fittest' attitude, which she learned from her old gang and she can't seem to shake that viewpoint. She gives in to peer pressure very easily, as long as whatever it is won't get her in trouble.

Evie is very image-concious. She wants, or rather, needs people to think highly of her. Sure, she'll help you out when you're in a pinch, but not out of real compassion. She knows intuitively who to suck up to, who to avoid and who doesn't matter. She knows the nuances of getting attention -- be weird, but not too weird, be charismatic but don't get in the way of the dangerous people, and either flirt or laugh (preferably laugh) your way out of every situation.The social hierarchy is something Evie has mastered.

Of course, Evie isn't always cold and calculating. She loves her family more than anything, annoying big brother included. If someone bothers to make a genuine connection with her, she is very loyal. It's hard to become friends with her, but once one does they realize she's actually very lively. Her inner sass, sarcasm and general saltiness comes out with people she cares about in a very loud, albeit charming, manner. However, if your boyfriend just broke up with you and you're crying on the sofa, she isn't going to come with ice cream and a box of tissues. No, she's going to slap some sense into you using reason and logic -- and then give you ice cream.
School: Evie is naturally clever, and excels at all of her subjects, particularly mathematics and physics. She works hard at it and it shows.
Smooth-talking: Flattery gets you everywhere, and Evie is proof of that.
Good with animals: She loves animals, and they love her back.
Chess: Evie plays a lot of chess against computers in her free time. Not against her family though, she beats them easily.
Practical: She's down to earth and efficient. Evie, if nothing else, knows how to get things done.
Slow to form relationships: It takes a while to get her out of her shell, but it's worth it.
Singing: Oh god. If you hear her singing, run. Far, far away.
Selfish: Almost everything she does is for her own sake.
Callous: She is un-empathetic towards anyone who isn't herself or her loved ones.
Arrogant: To her, mostly everyone else is stupid. She knows that she's the best here.
Dolls: God, they are so creepy. She knows it's a stupid fear, but they weird her out.
Her secret being found out: She can't let her history ruin the perfect life she has set up here.



β€œWell, I never heard it before, but it sounds uncommon nonsense.”

Evie was born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Her parents were very loving and kind, although they were often away or working. She never did get much attention from them. Her brother was overly-affectionate and annoying, but she loved him all the same. She joined an all-girls gang at the age of 9 -- her brother had also joined a different one before -- and was quickly influenced by their delinquent ways. She got a belly button piercing behind her parents' backs, although nowadays she doesn't wear a ring in it so that the hole will close up, and was pressured into several minor crimes such as shoplifting. 3 years later, at the pre-pubescent age of 12, the heavy stuff came in. She started stealing money, cars, severely injuring schoolmates, and much more. She never got caught though, thanks to her quick wits and her skills at framing other people. By this time she had already realised how much being in a gang sucks, but it was too late to go back.

Of course, when she was nearing 15, Evie's parents announced their move to big corporate America, land of the free, so that their business wouldn't have to pay so much taxes. She jumped at the chance to escape the gang, even if she would miss her (two) friends. Evie decided she would craft a new image and make everybody respect her.

Image"Some people think that if their opponent plays a beautiful game, it's OK to lose. I don't. You have to be merciless."

Other: N/A
Face Claim: Sophie Turner

So begins...

Evelyn Beth Campbell's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan "Twitch" Dyer Character Portrait: Matthew Summers Character Portrait: Zaria King Character Portrait: Jay Harris Character Portrait: Theo Pierce Character Portrait: Evelyn Beth Campbell
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An uneasy week or so had passed between the last message, and all had gone worryingly quiet. Everyone was forced to the edge of their seat, braced for something to happen. Or, at least, everyone who had got the texts were. Everyone else was perfectly chilled out- still throwing parties, at least.

The party Jay was at was definitely more his type of party. The music wasn't all pounding bass, and it was turned down to a volume where you could actually hear the conversations around you. There was a cup in everyone's hand, but nobody was throwing up or passed out anywhere. People were dancing, but not just grinding on each other with the hope of getting lucky. He'd been to all kinds of parties in his time- from the mind-numbing social events that barely passed as parties and that he'd been obliged to attend, but that did have free alcohol, to the wild parties that the models had somehow found or started themselves afterwards. But these chilled out, laid back ones were always his favourite.

Taking a sip out of his drink, he pulled out his phone and sent a few texts.

To: Theo
i'm inside whenever you get here- let me know when you're nearly here and i'll snag you a drink

"Jay, my man!" Someone yelled, and he grinned as he realised who it was. A fellow model, one he'd worked with and had shared a hotel room with a year or so previous. Jay'd heard that he was coming to town, but hadn't known when.

"Mikey! Still have that inbuilt talent to find parties, then," Jay said, standing up to hug the other guy, careful not to spill his drink. Mikey shrugged, grinning a little. "Hey, dude, you either have it, or you don't. I brought alcohol, where should I leave it?" He asked. Jay pointed the place out to him, and sat back down on the couch, checking his phone again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Beth Campbell
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Evie sat politely in her seat, not quite listening to what her bland conversation partner was talking about. Shopping or something of the like, probably. She was feeling particularly grumpy -- she'd once again been trapped in the dining room at one of her father's dinner parties. Her brother, the clever one he was, fled upstairs at the first opportunity. Evie, however, had not been so lucky. One piercing stare from her mother and she was back in her chair at the counter.

She shifted awkwardly. Everyone here seemed to have alcohol of some sort, and the one who had just staggered out of the bathroom, face flushed, was halfway drunk. Evie seemed to be the only one who couldn't drink, with a glass of Ribena in her hand. The plate of tiny sandwiches on the dinner table was practically untouched, while the macaroons were all out. She really wanted some tea, but it would be rude to get up and make some without making tea for everyone else, right?

Her gaze focused on a figure outside in the garden. A cat. Her neighbour's Scottish Fold, to be exact. He had a tendency to clamber over the fence, and Evie would always feed him treats when he did. "--Doing in the garden!" Stated the woman opposite her. She wasn't even quite sure of her name
"Pardon?" Evie said, having no idea what this person was talking about.
"I said, what's a cat doing in the garden?"
"He wanders in sometimes, I'm sorry. The door is closed, so he won't disturb anybody." She followed the cat with her eyes, feeling disappointed when he disappeared from view.
"Yes, alright, I was just wondering. Will you direct me to the bathroom, dear?"
"Oh, it's just this way." Evie showed her to the upstairs bathroom, and took the chance to slide back into her room instead of going back to the kitchen.

Once in her room, Evie turned on her phone, checking if she had any messages. Nothing. Her finger lingered over one particular message, a week old, before tapping on it to view it once again. It was a very menacing text, threatening to basically ruin her life. How this person had found out her secret, she had no idea. She paused, hesitated, before placing her phone onto the desk and slouching down in front of her computer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Beth Campbell Character Portrait: Reid Putnam
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0.00 INK



Evelyn, who was sitting in her room on her computer like a typical teenager, had just remembered that she had a party to go to. After seeing so many facebook posts -- 'At the party!! Sooooooooooooooo much fun!!!!!!' was the most common caption -- she had realised that she was also supposed to be there. With a groan, she looked around her room and wondered how she was supposed to get out. It wasn't that Evie had to sneak out, per say, since her parents already knew about the party, she just had to find her own way of getting there. She glanced towards the window, contemplating for a second if it was too high to jump out of? 'Yes, it definitely is, debiel! I can probably just sneak out the front door when there's nobody in the hall. No need to make this overcomplicated' She thought, looking out of her door to check if the coast was clear. It was not.

Evie sighed and looked into her closet, trying to remember what she'd decided on wearing the night before. 'A floral skirt and a white blouse, huh... I'll have to wear shorts underneath the skirt, it's not long enough.' She wondered for a moment if her outfit looked too formal for a party, before opting to just act extra classy and nobody would question her choice in clothes. 'Besides, the skirt is short enough to not seem like a prude, yet long enough to not look slutty... This will be fine.'

Once she was dressed, Evie took another look outside. The hall was empty. Taking her chance, she grabbed her bag and phone before creeping down the stairs and out the door. Mission success! Getting into the car, Evie was about to drive before she received a text. From a blocked number, possibly the same one that sent the previous text.
From: Unknown
This person has kleptomania and pyromania.
That is, they're a thief and a firestarter.
Just how close did you let this person?
72 hours. Then the hunt starts.

Evie sighed, 'I should really try to trace these texts or something... Ugh, at least it's not my secret that's been revealed. Let's pray I'm not next.'. Evelyn had no concern as to who this person with kleptomania and pyromania was, simply glad it wasn't her secret being sent out. She paused for a moment, taking out her phone and sending a quick text.
To: Reid
reid u will probably find this annoying but did u get that weird text? if not, plz ignore this thx.

'I wonder will he even respond' She thought irritably, thinking of his extra hostile behaviour as of late. Shaking her head, Evie started to drive.