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Jay Harris

"I am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me. All day I feel its soft, feathery turnings, its malignity."

0 · 874 views · located in Ravenbrook

a character in “The Voice of Nothing”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway



"I am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me. All day I feel its soft, feathery turnings, its malignity."

{Empty | PVRIS}

Jackson Arthur Harris
Jay, Jackie, Jack


"Sing it for the ones that will hate your guts."
{ SING | My Chemical Romance}

Jay stands at a reasonable 5'11". His hair is naturally almost platinum blonde, but he bleaches it until it's practically white. Sometimes he then dyes it silver, other times he leaves it white. His dark brows are natural, if unusual, as are his lashes. The lines of his face are sharp, but yet his looks cannot be described as harsh. There's something about his features that soften them- whether it's his naturally slightly mischievous smile or his friendly demeanour. Jay was never exactly bulky to begin with- but his eating disorder stripped his body of its fat and left him scrawny. Even a short while into his recovery, he's still quite thin.

Jay is currently recovering from an eating disorder. When he was in his early teens, he became fixated on his appearance, wanting to always look perfect. At first, this paid off- however, this later contributed to his eating disorder and anxiety disorders. He feels ashamed of them, and doesn't want to talk about them, feeling like he'll be judged and estranged for them. He's determined to get through this himself- whether that's a good thing or not remains yet to be seen.

"I'm so afraid of trying something new, cause every start begins with saying goodbye to you."
{ Astoria | Marianas Trench}

On the surface, Jay is perhaps the least likely person you'd expect to have an anxiety disorder. He's laid-back and friendly, and never seems to get overly worked up over anything. He's got a great sense of humour, and while he's not the type to play a prank, he's the type to laugh so hard that his teachers suspect him even just a little. He's a master at steering the conversation away from himself without seeming rude or making what he's doing obvious. He's incredibly loyal, and is protective of all his friends. He's the type of guy who'll listen to your problems and offer what wisdom he can. He's also the type you can text at four a.m to go for a drive because your boyfriend broke up with you and you can't sleep, and he'll always oblige. He understands that sometimes you don't need to talk, sometimes you just need to be distracted.

But below this outer shell lies a tempest. Jay's usually an anxious mess, even if he's managed to figure out how to hide it from those around him. He's protective of his friends because he's constantly afraid that something will happen to them. While he's recently got it under control, some remnants of it have still stuck in his brain, determined to ruin him. He has serious issues with his self esteem, ones that he would never admit to anyone. He feels it makes him weak, that nobody would take him seriously if they knew. He's pushed people away before because they got too close to finding out the truth. He's secretive, and inclined to lash out at the slightest provocation.

His mental state aside, Jay has always had a temper behind him, and a tendency to turn violent. While he would never touch a friend or anyone he cares about, he's been known to get into fights over something seemingly trivial. His determination to hide his secrets has only ever worsened this. He refuses to talk about his problems, no matter how big or small, and prefers to try and deal with them himself. He frequently pushes himself too hard, believing that his limits are just imaginary, imposed there by his screwed up brain. As a result, he has a tendency to worsen his own problems.
He's a rather talented drummer, and usually uses it to release any stress or tension.
He's naturally bright, and doesn't have to put too much effort into getting decent grades.
He's light on his feet and agile.
His disorder stripped a lot of his strength and fitness from him.
He can't talk about his problems and will refuse to do so.
He's stubborn as a bull and won't budge on certain things.
Being alienated as a result of his illnesses
Something happening to the people he loves as result of him failing to do something


"It's gonna be a long year 'till the hospital can find hope in me."
{ Soap | Melanie Martinez}


Jay's childhood was rather unremarkable. He was an only child, loved but not spoiled. His parents were too busy to spoil him. His mother was the editor of a prestigious fashion magazine, while his father was a lawyer. Fortunately for them, Jay was an easy-to-manage child. He was in almost every extracurricular going, and on the few occasions that he had to be brought to work with his parents, he was perfectly happy to sit in their office or in a corner somewhere and read or listen to music. He never minded this, as he always liked people-watching.

When he was fourteen, he was in his mother's office, and had been asked to help with a photo shoot. He was never supposed to do more than put the clothes away, help out the photographer from time to time, and run errands for some of the models. However, instead he was roped in as a model. This began his career. He was never told that he needed to lose weight or watch his looks or anything- but with spending time around older teenage models, both male and female, he felt like he didn't stand up to them. At first, it was just careful monitoring of his diet and increasing exercise, which simply made him fitter and more toned. And for a while, that was enough. But then, on one shoot, he was working with a bunch of guys who were all thinner than him, and he became convinced that if he wanted to stay doing this, then he needed to lose weight. It wasn't like he could improve his diet any more, so he started cutting down on food and being much more rigid about what he ate. The industry did nothing to combat this, and some of his employers even praised him for that.

Somewhere along the way, he'd developed general anxiety and panic disorders as well. At first, these were connected to his eating disorder, but it didn't take long for that to change and become much more general. He learned how to hide these for years, much like his eating disorder. Some people expressed a concern about his habits, but others praised him and gave him tips. The fact that he was only getting more work only worsened that.

It was only when he passed out on a shoot that people started to realise how serious it was. But to him, it still wasn't enough. It took him being hospitalized against his will for his habits to be broken.

A few months later, he got out with new anxiety meds and a rigid eating plan. He had to stop taking the meds after a while, because they simply weren't working for him, and the side-effects he was experiencing outweighed the benefit he was getting. He's on a different kind now, which don't work as well, but don't give him any side effects. He was given an eating plan to help him put weight back on, and it's mostly working- although he does still have his bad days. He's back doing some modelling, but only for companies that won't encourage him or anyone else to lose weight or develop unhealthy eating habits.

Image"In the mourning, I'll let you die."
{ In The Mourning | Paramore}

Face Claim:
Lucky Blue Smith

So begins...

Jay Harris's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan "Twitch" Dyer Character Portrait: Matthew Summers Character Portrait: Zaria King Character Portrait: Jay Harris Character Portrait: Theo Pierce Character Portrait: Evelyn Beth Campbell
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An uneasy week or so had passed between the last message, and all had gone worryingly quiet. Everyone was forced to the edge of their seat, braced for something to happen. Or, at least, everyone who had got the texts were. Everyone else was perfectly chilled out- still throwing parties, at least.

The party Jay was at was definitely more his type of party. The music wasn't all pounding bass, and it was turned down to a volume where you could actually hear the conversations around you. There was a cup in everyone's hand, but nobody was throwing up or passed out anywhere. People were dancing, but not just grinding on each other with the hope of getting lucky. He'd been to all kinds of parties in his time- from the mind-numbing social events that barely passed as parties and that he'd been obliged to attend, but that did have free alcohol, to the wild parties that the models had somehow found or started themselves afterwards. But these chilled out, laid back ones were always his favourite.

Taking a sip out of his drink, he pulled out his phone and sent a few texts.

To: Theo
i'm inside whenever you get here- let me know when you're nearly here and i'll snag you a drink

"Jay, my man!" Someone yelled, and he grinned as he realised who it was. A fellow model, one he'd worked with and had shared a hotel room with a year or so previous. Jay'd heard that he was coming to town, but hadn't known when.

"Mikey! Still have that inbuilt talent to find parties, then," Jay said, standing up to hug the other guy, careful not to spill his drink. Mikey shrugged, grinning a little. "Hey, dude, you either have it, or you don't. I brought alcohol, where should I leave it?" He asked. Jay pointed the place out to him, and sat back down on the couch, checking his phone again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Summers Character Portrait: Jay Harris
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Matthew silently sat in his room. His dark brown hair kept out of his face in a black beanie. His dark eyes would look at his computer screen. He typed away at the game he was playing, well not a game. His life. He was playing some MMORPG he got into when he was in Art III. He would look at the screen and feel an endless bout of boredom. His left hand moved into his pocket, as he would silently check his phone. No notifications. Something he was used to. He would blink and then start to type a text to Jay. His 'elder brother'.

~ To Model Boy ~
Hey? You busy tonight? I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over and play some video games?

He would type the text then press send, his hands hovering over it. He didn't want to bother Jay, he was somewhat the closest person he was tied with. He would hate to ruin it, like most of his own relationships. His sister, Bianca, didn't even talk to him after she told him to go see a therapist. He never had made really any friends. He wanted to. Man...he wanted to have a plethora of friends like most of his siblings. But he wasn't socially inclined. He was afraid they would hate him, and find out about his...issue. Then they would back away from him, and not talk to him. Worse...tell his parents. That's why he somewhat kept his secrets from everyone, even Jay. He thought about telling the male. He thought about it for at least a month, after becoming close to the man. But he decided against it in all honesty. It could wait.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan "Twitch" Dyer Character Portrait: Matthew Summers Character Portrait: Jay Harris Character Portrait: Theo Pierce
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Jay leaned against the wall, tilting his head back and sighing. He was pretty sure that he'd had a little too much to drink, but he also couldn't care. He was so relaxed that he didn't want to worry about something small like that. And besides, he could still walk and talk, and he could remember his name and how to flirt, so he'd be fine. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he grinned as he pulled it out. It was a text from Matthew, one he quickly replied to.

To: Matt
Sorry dude, I'm at a party right now. You know, you could always come along. You won't have to drink if you don't want to, and I promise I won't leave you alone. Well, for too long anyway. unless you get lucky and want me to, that is ;)

He was pretty sure that Matt would be able to tell that he was more than a little drunk, but he honestly didn't care. He took another mouthful out of his beer and grinned as one of his friends emerged from the bathroom. They went back to the main room, where someone managed to drag him up to dance.

He was gone to get a drink when his phone buzzed again. Expecting a reply from Matthew, he took it out and unlocked it without reading the message preview. When he read the actual message, however, his heart stopped.

From: Unknown
This person has kleptomania and pyromania. That is, they're a thief and a firestarter. Just how close did you let this person? 72 hours. Then the hunt starts.

His first emotion was relief. It wasn't him. His secrets weren't going to be revealed, and he wasn't going to die. Then came the guilt. But somebody's secrets had been spilled, hadn't they? Somebody could die. One of his friends.

Panic suddenly gripped his chest, and he closed the message, typing out a few rapid texts.

To: Matt; Theo; Nate
Did you guys get the text?

He very nearly asked if it was them, but deleted that and instead sent the same message to the three of them. The panic wasn't clearing, so he forced out an apology and made a beeline for the bathroom. The nearest had a queue a good few people long- but he was friends with the host and knew where there was another bathroom, a quieter one. He got in and locked the door, his hands and breath already starting to shake. What if it was one of them? He honestly didn't care about the secret itself, but he was terrified that they were going to get hurt, or worse, killed.

He sank onto the floor and pulled his knees to his chest, running his hands through his hair and pulling at it. His thoughts were racing, he couldn't breathe, and he was all alone. Oh god.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Summers Character Portrait: Jay Harris
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~ From Model Boy ~
Sorry dude, I'm at a party right now. You know, you could always come along. You won't have to drink if you don't want to, and I promise I won't leave you alone. Well, for too long anyway. unless you get lucky and want me to, that is ;)

The male hesitated a bit. Should he? He thought about it for at least three minutes. Yes, he was going to. He needed to get his mind off of some stuff anyway.

~ To Model Boy ~
Um sure. Are you drunk? Anyway, where is it? I'm telling my parents I'm going to a study.

He typed back as he would continue playing his game, before ending it and moving his rolling chair back. He was well off, not rich, but not poor. He would sigh and look at his body sized mirror, and grunt. "Ugh, what am I going to wear?" he thought with a huff. He would get up and move to his closet, and look through it. He took a black denim jacket out, and just put it over his own black Nirvana t-shirt.

He would hear his phone go do-do-dodo-do, a ringtone he set for unknown numbers. He looked at it and unlocked his phone to see it. His dark amber/green eyes would blink widely.

~ From: Unknown ~
This person has kleptomania and pyromania.
That is, they're a thief and a firestarter.
Just how close did you let this person?
72 hours. Then the hunt starts.

What the? The male thought before shaking it and hearing a reply from Jay.

~ From Model Boy ~
Did you guys get the text?

~ To Model Boy ~
Yep. What do you think it means?

The male replied before he walked out of his house, his hair covered by a beanie. "Mom. Dad. I'm going to a study group. I'll be back tomorrow, Jay's letting me crash at his place.". Not a complete lie. But not the complete truth either. After a few mumbles and groans saying okay, he would walk to his scooter. After starting the ignition, he realized he had no address to go to. So he sat in his driveway waiting for a reply from the male.