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Nathan "Twitch" Dyer

"Life's too short...I have to smile."

0 · 1,517 views · located in Ravenbrook

a character in “The Voice of Nothing”, originally authored by CharlotteV, as played by RolePlayGateway


ImageImage"You're never gonna get it, I'm a hazard to myself."
{We Don't Have to Dance | Andy Black}

Nathan Elias Dyer
Nate, Dyer

"Show me how to lie you’re getting better all the time"
{ You're Gonna Go Far Kid | The Offspring}

Nate only stands at about 5'9" which is probably why he fixes his hair straight up - an attempt to make himself appear taller. His body build is lean but toned thanks to years of being a comparative swimmer. His skin tone is naturally tanned which fits well with his dark brown hair and bright green eyes. He has a tattoo across his collarbone that reads: from cradle to grave, I'll carry you with me that he got for his brother. He has three scars from a car accident: a burn on his left forearm, two cuts on the left side of his face from glass, and a thin line down the left side of his calf.

Nathan is actually Nicolas Dyer. When the twins were sixteen they were in a car accident, one that sent them off the road and was fatal. In a desperate move, Nate stole his brothers glasses and switched their IDs.


"Don't look in the mirror at the face you don't recognize."
{ A Wolf at the Door | Radiohead}
While the Dyer twins were very alike, outside of the glasses one could often tell Nate and Nick apart if only because Nick always seemed so much more...involved, in life. They both had good grades, but Nick was the one aiming for the Honor Society. They were both athletes, but Nick was the star, the one who really had the passion. They were both constantly in trouble, but it was Nick's charming smile that got them out of it. Nick Dyer was the twin was going to do something with his life.

No one could really call Nate Dyer shy, but he was definitely more withdrawn. He went places with his brother, but he wasn't the one people joined to hang out with. He was generally kinder, more softhearted, and the few who could call him a friend knew he was the kind of guy to call if you ever needed a body hidden.

And, despite what he'll tell a person to their face, he was not the one driving the car that night. Nicolas was. It was Nick who couldn't save them when the breaks on their truck locked up, Nick who tried his best to keep them from rolling, Nick who pulled Nate's body from the passenger side window when they hit the ground...and it was Nick, who found an opportunity while he sat there holding his dead brother in his arms.

It was Nick who switched their ID's, who put Nathan's broken glasses on his face, and who managed to turn his life around. Because Nick was always the 'better' twin, and the pressure on his shoulders to Be Somebody was suffocating him. Because Nick had always wanted to be more like his carefree brother, who never really knew anyone and didn't have any expectations. It was Nick who started going by Nate.

Unsurprisingly, Nate's personality switched after the death of his brother. He was withdrawn, quiet, and it was a good year before anyone saw him smile again. But once he did...he never stopped. He lives for the good, And finds happiness in what he can. He’s always up for a good time and seen with a smile on his face. That’s not to say that Nate is completely fine though...the accident and the loss of his brother took a lot out of him. PTSD has made him twitchy, thus the nickname, and occasionally he still breaks down. But...he’s trying.

To be himself. be his brother.
Swimming - he's been into it since he was a child
Cooking - he's particularly good at making up new dishes
Lying - he's been doing it for years, after all
Social Interactions - while generally kind hearted, he has trouble connecting
Can't Drive - can't, or won't, depends on who you ask
Clingy - he's close to few, but refuses to let those few go
Cars - the crash left more than physical scars
Secrets - one day, something will slip
Thunderstorms - been an issue since he was young

"And you'll ask yourself, where is my mind?"
{ Where is my Mind | Pixies}

The Dyer family was an average one, came from old money so the mother never worked and the father inherited the family business. Having kids was natural progression...ending up with assholes of twins was sheer dumb luck.

Nate and Nick Dyer were a force to be reckoned with. Pranksters as children, pure evil as middleschoolers, and too devious for their own good as teenagers. They were always exceptionally close, wearing their hair the same and dressing the same even as their personalities began to become their own.

The car crash was a complete accident and no one's fault. The damage, however, was irreparable. It split a marriage up, changed lives forever, and left only half of what should have been a package deal. Without Nick, Nate just seems...not all there.


"You can't wake up, this is not a dream."
{ Gasoline | Halsey}
Blake Steven


So begins...

Nathan "Twitch" Dyer's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan "Twitch" Dyer Character Portrait: Matthew Summers Character Portrait: Zaria King Character Portrait: Jay Harris Character Portrait: Theo Pierce Character Portrait: Evelyn Beth Campbell
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An uneasy week or so had passed between the last message, and all had gone worryingly quiet. Everyone was forced to the edge of their seat, braced for something to happen. Or, at least, everyone who had got the texts were. Everyone else was perfectly chilled out- still throwing parties, at least.

The party Jay was at was definitely more his type of party. The music wasn't all pounding bass, and it was turned down to a volume where you could actually hear the conversations around you. There was a cup in everyone's hand, but nobody was throwing up or passed out anywhere. People were dancing, but not just grinding on each other with the hope of getting lucky. He'd been to all kinds of parties in his time- from the mind-numbing social events that barely passed as parties and that he'd been obliged to attend, but that did have free alcohol, to the wild parties that the models had somehow found or started themselves afterwards. But these chilled out, laid back ones were always his favourite.

Taking a sip out of his drink, he pulled out his phone and sent a few texts.

To: Theo
i'm inside whenever you get here- let me know when you're nearly here and i'll snag you a drink

"Jay, my man!" Someone yelled, and he grinned as he realised who it was. A fellow model, one he'd worked with and had shared a hotel room with a year or so previous. Jay'd heard that he was coming to town, but hadn't known when.

"Mikey! Still have that inbuilt talent to find parties, then," Jay said, standing up to hug the other guy, careful not to spill his drink. Mikey shrugged, grinning a little. "Hey, dude, you either have it, or you don't. I brought alcohol, where should I leave it?" He asked. Jay pointed the place out to him, and sat back down on the couch, checking his phone again.


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Character Portrait: Nathan "Twitch" Dyer
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He was high, which wasn't really anything new these days, but it was a decision he was already beginning to regret. It was funny, because Nate had never really dabbled in drugs before the accident...he was an athlete, top of his game, but afterwords...well, swimming hadn't been quite as fun when he didn't have a twin brother he was trying to best. He'd never really managed either...

Thinking about him never did any good. It either reminded him, vividly, of who he really was, or made the tears come. And sometimes, even after all these years, once he started crying...he couldn't stop. Missing a twin was like missing half his he could still feel phantom limbs, but nothing was there. It was crushing.

Now that he wasn't an athlete, he knew the pleasures of pot. It was fantastic because it...calmed him down. As long as he was stoned, people didn't call him Twitch so much. It wasn't that he really minded the nickname...he was twitchy, and being able to laugh about that made things better somehow. It was more that he...hated the difference. Hated something else being applied to him that fit in the after Nick category.

There was a lot of stuff about to be in that category though. A lot.

He's lonely, and that's an odd feeling, if only because he normally has people around him. Not friends, exactly, because he doesn't have a lot of those...not like Nick had. But people. People who liked his upbeat spirit, even if they wondered how the hell he managed it.

Tonight, however, he's not feeling very upbeat.

His phone is in his hand, and there's a few people logged in there he can text. Reid, for sure. Except that on a night like this, his friend is probably busy. He also knows Jay is inside, and though a part of him is basically itching to be near the other boy, he can't really seem to make himself move.

He unlocks his phone, pulls his texts up, and freezes.

Yeah, he almost forgot why he was so stoned tonight.

The text is still there, taunting him, saying that whoever the sender is knows his secret. At first, he'd thought it had to be a joke. One of his friends was fucking with him...but then he'd remembered, he didn't really have friends like that anymore.

What he did have, however, was a pretty big fucking secret.

One he'd been holding onto for almost a full three years now.

Nate swallowed thickly, closed his phone, and lit up another blunt.

Lonely as he was, he thought he was probably better off by himself tonight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan "Twitch" Dyer Character Portrait: Matthew Summers Character Portrait: Jay Harris Character Portrait: Theo Pierce
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Jay leaned against the wall, tilting his head back and sighing. He was pretty sure that he'd had a little too much to drink, but he also couldn't care. He was so relaxed that he didn't want to worry about something small like that. And besides, he could still walk and talk, and he could remember his name and how to flirt, so he'd be fine. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he grinned as he pulled it out. It was a text from Matthew, one he quickly replied to.

To: Matt
Sorry dude, I'm at a party right now. You know, you could always come along. You won't have to drink if you don't want to, and I promise I won't leave you alone. Well, for too long anyway. unless you get lucky and want me to, that is ;)

He was pretty sure that Matt would be able to tell that he was more than a little drunk, but he honestly didn't care. He took another mouthful out of his beer and grinned as one of his friends emerged from the bathroom. They went back to the main room, where someone managed to drag him up to dance.

He was gone to get a drink when his phone buzzed again. Expecting a reply from Matthew, he took it out and unlocked it without reading the message preview. When he read the actual message, however, his heart stopped.

From: Unknown
This person has kleptomania and pyromania. That is, they're a thief and a firestarter. Just how close did you let this person? 72 hours. Then the hunt starts.

His first emotion was relief. It wasn't him. His secrets weren't going to be revealed, and he wasn't going to die. Then came the guilt. But somebody's secrets had been spilled, hadn't they? Somebody could die. One of his friends.

Panic suddenly gripped his chest, and he closed the message, typing out a few rapid texts.

To: Matt; Theo; Nate
Did you guys get the text?

He very nearly asked if it was them, but deleted that and instead sent the same message to the three of them. The panic wasn't clearing, so he forced out an apology and made a beeline for the bathroom. The nearest had a queue a good few people long- but he was friends with the host and knew where there was another bathroom, a quieter one. He got in and locked the door, his hands and breath already starting to shake. What if it was one of them? He honestly didn't care about the secret itself, but he was terrified that they were going to get hurt, or worse, killed.

He sank onto the floor and pulled his knees to his chest, running his hands through his hair and pulling at it. His thoughts were racing, he couldn't breathe, and he was all alone. Oh god.