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Alexander Yang

We're never promised another day

0 · 743 views · located in New York

a character in “the way we were”, as played by Bayonet RPG



Just givexup. I did...
Another Day - Dream Theater
Hail to the King - Avenged Sevenfold
Megalovania Remix - Oscar Santos


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English: Alexander Yang
Pinyin: Yang Guowang

N I C K N A M E (S)
Friends: Lex
Family: Wang

November 5th



Chinese American

Kowloon City District, Hong Kong

Main: #4e3475
Thought: #724CAB


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Alexander's style is heavily influenced by his upbringing and his need to portray confidence and excellence. This has resulted in Lex's wardrobe consisting primarily of expensive: business suits, dress shirts, dress pants, formal shoes, ties, watches, jewelry, and various other accessories. However, when Lex is relaxing or spending time with friends or family he will dress more casually, opting instead to wear: long sleeve shirts, chinos, jeans, sneakers, hoodies, coats, and cardigans. No matter what mood he is in or whatever style he may be wearing, Lex undoubtedly looks amazing.

H E I G H T & W E I G H T
Height: 6’ 4”
Weight: 195 lbs

Alexander has a tall and lithe body, which he sculpted and maintains with a lot of effort. This effort in his appearance can be seen in other areas, such as: neat and styled haircut, trimmed and oiled facial hair, well maintained skin, and business-like fashion sense. All of his time and effort into maintaining his appearance is in order to convey outwardly that Lex is a highly capable person, and to leave a long-lasting and, hopefully, good impression.


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Music: Rock, Metal, Blues, Jazz.
Physical: Exercising, Sports.
Vices: Nicotine, Caffeine, Alcohol
Food: Spicy, Asian, Dark Chocolate.
Misc: Technology, Motorcycles.

Music: Country, Mumble Rap, Pop.
Physical: Dancing, Rock Climbing.
Vices: Excessive Eating, Drugs
Food: Extremely Sweet.
Misc: Children, Self Righteousness.


Alexander has several different "masks" that he wears when interacting with different people. You could ask a number of people who have interacted with him and receive just as many accounts. Distant and calculated to some while friendly and charismatic to others, there are few people who can truly say they know Lex. Reason for this is because Lex finds it hard to trust others, and will keep most people at arm's length at best.

At first glance Alexander appears to others: aloof, confident, composed, and mildly arrogant. This is because when Lex is in public he tries to convey a sense of superiority, to observe how people will attempt to interact with him if at all. Depending on his first observations he will then decide whether to expend the effort to get to know them. To those who have piqued his interest he will turn up the charm and become friendlier with them, which is another layer of observations in order to determine if he should continue to interact and become acquainted with them. For those who intrigue him enough he will maintain a friendly and mutually beneficial relationship while others he will treat indifferently.

To the lucky few who Alexander believes important to him, such as family and friends, he will expend as much effort as he would for himself. He would willingly do anything within his capabilities to help and lift them up to their maximum potential. This amount of care can become overwhelming which can result in a falling out between Lex and them. Despite the amount of effort he would use on those he cares about he will not try to change anyone's decision if they wish to distance themselves from him. This is because he believes that those who are truly friends will eventually come back and reestablish the relationship themselves, and those who won't are not worth the trouble.

The unlucky few who become enemies or threats to Alexander or those he truly cares about will be treated with as much venom as possible, while he maintains a cold and indifferent appearance. There is no knowing where the line is that Lex wouldn't cross, or if there even is a line, depending on the level of threat he calculates them to be.



Yang Guowang grew up in Kowloon City District, home to some of the wealthiest and most influencial families in Hong Kong, and his family was one of them. His father, Yang Fang Yuan, was one of the founding owners of Monarch Security Ltd, a business which focused on developing software and instrumentation for computer system penetrative testing and security. With the business thriving and continuing to expand Guowang didn't grow up with any financial hardships but this didn't mean that he didn't have any problems.

With the successes of his parents Guowang was pressured by them to always excel in whatever he did, to climb higher and higher to reach his potential. These expectations placed on him forced Guowang to expend all his time, effort, and intellect to live up to his parents expectations. Despite his best efforts Guowang was never praised or celebrated by his family, no matter what he accomplished because that was his duty. Whenever he would fail, no matter how minutely, he would be treated as trash by his father, who would on occasion physically beat his son. This treatment lead to Guowang developing an inferiority complex as he never felt: what he achieved was never good enough, he was wasting the family resources used on him, and failing was inexcusable.

When Guowang was eight years old his family had gained a new member, his younger sister Yang Wangfei. When his sister was born Guowang felt immense joy at the possibility of having an adorable and loving sibling. Having faced the treatment of his family for so long Guowang was determined that his sister would not share the same fate as he did. Whenever Wangfei would be troubled by something Guowang would do everything in his powers to protect her, even to the point of being beaten by his father for her. No matter how he was treated by his parents because of Wangfei, Guowang would smile and endure. This lead to the siblings forming a strong and loving bond.

Just before entering high school Fang Yuan had the opportunity of expanding his company to New York City, USA. Driven by his own need to excel Guowang's father decided to take the opportunity and moved his immediate family to the states. This change frustrated Guowang because he was leaving all the friends he had made back home in Hong Kong but he never voiced this opinion to his father.

When they had arrived to the United States, Guowang's father spent the majority of his time on improving and establishing the business while the Yang siblings tried their best to become accustomed to their new home. It didn't take long before Guowang was treated as an outsider by those he met when he went to high school, even though he could communicate perfectly in English. A number of students even took it upon themselves to bully and mistreat him while he was just trying to live and let live.

One day while being bullied someone had approached the bullies and had gotten them to stop attacking him. When he looked up to see who it was he saw a beautiful girl named Rebecca. Cleaning himself off, Guowang introduced himself to her with his English name, Alexander. The two walked to a nearby coffee shop where they talked a while and started a budding friendship. This friend of his introduced him to several of her friends, a bunch of misfits and troublemakers who partied hard together. Finally with people he felt he belonged with in this new home, Lex was determined to maintain the friends he had just gained. A task that would prove to be nigh impossible because of his actions.

With his new friends Lex raised hell, going from party to party and engaging in whatever activity the group would decide to do. These experiences were so much fun to Lex as he was finally able to find a place where he didn't need to feel insecure about achieving the imaginary potential his parents forced down his throat. During this time he began to develop romantic feelings towards Rebecca, due to: how well she treated him, the fact that she was his first friend in the US, how attractive she was to him, and how cute and genuine she could be. The fact that she engaged in relatively casual and flirtatious relationships with others frustrated Lex but he ultimately didn't want to change her and hoped that his feelings would reach her one day, eventually.

His parents didn't like what he was doing and the friends he was hanging around with and were determined to force Lex from being with them. This tore and even bigger rift between Lex and his parents to the point where he almost left the house, until he remembered Wangfei and stayed home to continue to protect her. He stayed with his family until he left for college and studied computer engineering, taking his sister, whose English name was Elizabeth, with him.

The roller coaster ride with his friends continued for years until one day, when shit hit the fan. During one of Lauren's parties Soren was noticeably absent, a fact which seemed to have upset Lauren. Attempting to distract her from this, Lex ended up spending the majority of the night with her as they conversed and drank together. Their conversation became steamier as the night went on and the drinks continued to pour, until playful banter became open physical flirtatious. This continued until both their inhibitions were subdued as they entered a nearby room, away from prying eyes. There they engaged in carnal and sensual pleasures for a long time, until they were discovered by Soren. This lead to a huge fight between everyone involved and resulted in the ultimate splintering of the group.

While blaming himself for what happened Alex received more news, which didn't serve to relieve him of his troubles. On a business trip back home in Hong Kong, Lex's parents met their untimely end. When this news reached Lex, despite how they treated him growing up, grew sad but determined to properly raise Liz. Lex decided to work for his father's company full time while still going to college, in order to maintain their finances. This shift in duties and needs for him and his sister made for the perfect excuse to get away from the group and let things cool off for a bit before he tried to mend his relationships with them. Especially with Rebecca who he believed he was in love with but ruined his relationship with her by sleeping with her best friend, Lauren.

Five years have since passed as Lex has obtained a number of degrees and certifications within the field of computer science and ethical hacking. These achievements, as well as the achievements of his father, lead to Lex rising higher and higher in Monarch Securities Ltd, to the point where his influence was almost as high as his fathers was. With his finances secure, Lex had provided all he could to support Liz as she started going to college. With everything at home now seemingly put together Lex receives a message from out of the blue to get the crew back together again for one more hurrah. Seeing this as an opportunity that he had been waiting for, to try and make amends for his actions, Lex goes to the party. A decision he live to regret...


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Several casual relationships

| Hacking | With the amount of time he has dedicated into the subject Lex is a well trained hacker.
| Calculative | Able to solve numerous problems through the use of his intelligence and experience.
| Mechanic | Drives and repairs his own motorcycle as a hobby. Can possibly repair other simple machines.

| Technology | Having studied in the STEM field Lex has an understanding of most electronic and mechanical devices.
| Cold Blooded | Is capable of turning off his emotions in order to focus to the best of his abilities.
| Physicality | Lex spends a lot of effort on staying in shape. This makes most physical activities easy for him.

| Inferiority Complex | From a young age Lex has had a problem with this. This can affect him in multiple ways.
| Overthinks | His calculative mind can be both a blessing and a curse. Can lead to inaction if he is still looking for another solution.
| Suspicious | A number of events have aroused suspicion around Lex. One of which was the sudden death of his parents.


So begins...

Alexander Yang's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #575772
xxxremember the words you told me
xxxlove me till the day i die
xxxsurrender my everything cause
xxxyou made me believe you're mine

Soren’s day had been going pretty good right up until that moment. Beautiful Strangers had played an acoustic set on local radio, done a Skype interview or two, and arrived at the apartment in loads of time to get set up and warmed up. They hadn’t played a private show in a while, but Richard, their manager, had said the girl organizing it had seemed really eager to book them and had paid handsomely for it.

None of them had asked too many questions. They were too tired, still jet-lagged from flying back from Europe and exhausted from playing six shows in six countries in seven days. Soren wished he could say it felt good being back in New York, but since his parents had moved back to Camden and had been renting out the apartment while he’d been touring, he was waking up to an empty apartment in a city where his memories weren’t exactly the fondest. But it was worth it all to get to do this. He’d do it all over again for that feeling of stepping out on stage.

He hadn't recognized the building at first. They went in a back entrance so they could use the service elevator, which was big enough that they could get all of their gear up to the right floor in just two runs instead of four or five. But there was something strangely familiar about the hall, something Soren couldn't quite put his finger on. It was only when the door to the apartment opened and an all too familiar face stepped out that things finally fell into place.

"Hi guys! Oh my god, it's so good to see you all, it's been too long!" Lauren gushed. Soren couldn't say anything. His stomach had plummeted through the floor and apparently taken his power of speech with it. This had to be some kind of sick joke. It had to be. By the time he came to his senses, Richard was chatting away to Lauren, having propelled them all into the apartment. "You know the guys already?" Richard asked. "Oh yeah, I knew them all the way back when Soren was still mopping floors and making frappés to fund it!" She laughed. Soren's jaw clenched even as he forced a smile.

"We'd better get set up, right?" He said, taking the opportunity to go over to where a small stage had been set up for them. Richard kept Lauren occupied for a few minutes, but eventually, he heard those heels tapping over, caught a whiff of her signature perfume.

"Hello, stranger," she purred, and his jaw clenched again. He didn't look at her, continuing to tune his guitar. "Look at you all. Big stars now, even bigger than the last time I saw you," she added, placing a hand on his shoulder. He wrenched his arm away and took a few steps away.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Lauren?" He asked. "Sneaking backstage isn't good enough for you now, you have to book my goddamn band behind my back?"
"Well, it was the only way I’d get you to talk to me. And besides, you didn't seem to mind me sneaking backstage so much last time," she said. Her tone was teasing but he knew her well enough to see the venom in those eyes and in that smile.
"Because you practically force-feeding me drinks had nothing to do with it," he retorted. Her smile widened, practically dripping with venom.
"You don't have to play the show, you know. If you're really uncomfortable," she said. He shot a glance back to the rest of the band. They had to have known what was going down, but they were making an exceptional show of pretending they didn't.

Soren knew two things. First of all, she had done this to torment him. This had nothing to do with loving their music or wanting to support the band. This had everything to do with him and their history.

And second of all, walking out would be letting her win. If he walked out, she could play the pity card and drag their name through the mud. And he wouldn’t, couldn’t, do that to the others. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to let her win that easily.

"Well, you've paid half upfront. Wouldn't want to waste your money now, would we?" He replied, matching that dangerous smile. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, enough for him to count it as a win. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we need to finish getting set up.”

They got their gear set up and tuned, and Lauren pointed them in the direction of a spare bedroom they could use to warm up and finish getting ready. Soren was glad that he usually took his time warming up, because every minute he was doing so was a minute that Lauren would leave him alone. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to talk to Rebecca yet, because she seemed to always be in too close of a proximity to Lauren to risk it. As they went out to start the show, he spotted Erin pouring drinks at the bar. Well. At least he had that much. Erin would back him up if Lauren tried anything, and she’d slap some sense into him if needed. Catching her eye, he mouthed “What the fuck?” before grinning.

The show went well. It was a smaller crowd than their last few shows, but the atmosphere was still good enough that for just over an hour, Soren completely forgot about Lauren. He always put his all into the show, always had. So much so that when he came off stage, some of the crowd chanting for another song, despite everybody wanting to congratulate him, he had to go back into that spare bedroom to recover for a few moments. It was a mistake. He heard somebody by the door, and knew exactly who it was without having to look up, even before she spoke.

“How is it you’re even better than you were the last time I saw you guys play?” Lauren asked, leaning against the door.
“That’s how this works. You play enough shows, you get practice, you get better. Simple process really," he said, leaning in to the mirror to fix his eyeliner.
“You’ve grown up so much,” she mused, and he could see her making her way towards him. His heart was pounding in his throat, but he felt rooted to the spot. “I’m so proud of you.” And then she was right in front of him, a hand on his cheek. He pulled away from her.
“Get the fuck away from me, Lauren. I don’t want anything to do with you.” He warned, and she laughed.
“Oh, but Soren, darling, I’ve heard you say that before,” she purred, running a hand along his arm and going to take his hand. He snatched it away, taking another step away from her.
“You’re pathetic, you know that? It’s so obvious what you’re doing. I wasn’t good enough for you when I was mopping floors and making frappes, but now that people are taking notice? You’re all over me again. It’s sad, Lauren. I’m done with you. No amount of alcohol or drugs in this world could make me want to get with you again.” Lauren hadn’t changed. He knew now she never would.

Almost an hour later, Soren was still on edge after the argument. He didn’t trust himself to drink, didn’t trust that he wouldn’t do something stupid. Staying was a bad idea. He needed to go. He headed back to the spare room to grab his coat and his gear. He opened the door, running a hand down his face- and froze.

Lauren was slumped on the floor. Soren sighed, thinking that she’d had too much to drink or had taken something, and crossed over the room to her. “Lauren?” He called, kneeling down beside her and shaking her shoulder. Something felt wrong. He went to shake her again- and it was then he saw the small pool of blood. “Lauren? Lauren?” He kept calling, panicking. Soren went to feel for Lauren’s pulse, confirmation of something he already knew. Nothing. Lauren was dead. In the doorway, a woman screamed.

He didn’t know what happened then. He didn’t know how he reacted, if he yelled out for somebody, if he just froze. But suddenly it seemed that everybody else knew. He was numb, hardly able to move, hardly able to think. He was just kneeling numbly beside her. Someone said something about calling the police. And as he heard the sirens, something awful occurred to him.

Pretty much everyone at the party knew about their history. They'd been arguing earlier. If the police started asking questions... fingers were going to be pointed his way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang Character Portrait: Lauren Clark
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0.00 INK

Ethical Hacker | Outfit | Hex: #4E3475
There is only one way to avoid criticism:
do nothing, say nothing, be nothing...

"Hey Lex, how is it going? I know it has been a while since we've seen each other but... I was just wondering if you would like to meet up sometime? This is Jessica... just in case you forgot. Well, I'll be looking forward to your response. Don't be a stranger now, hun. Kisses!" The voicemail playing from Alexander's smart phone in his right hand had finally ended. He was massaging his his temple with his other hand as he tried, to little effect, alleviate the headache he felt growing from listening to the voicemail.

"You sure do have a number of admirers, don't you boss? Not worried that one of them is going to act drastically after you slight them?" Christina, also known as Tina, Lex's secretary, asked him jokingly while giving him a cup of coffee.

"It doesn't matter. Whether or not I return their affection, none of them really care or know about me, at least the true me." Lex said as he thanked Tina for the drink. As he slowly sipped he continued, "There are few who do... even less now."

While walking towards the door to exit Lex's office, Tina said, "I don't seem to remember you doing anything to change that sir. You should probably address that, the sooner the better. Everyone needs a few good friends." She giggled a little as she opened the door. Turning around and looking towards Lex she continued, asking, "Aren't you suppose to meet up with some old friends tonight?"Alexander casually looked down at his phone, looking at the date and time.

Earlier in the week Lex had received a message out of the blue from his old friend Lauren, taking about getting their old group back together again after the fallout years prior. He had blamed himself for what had happened and had distanced himself from them all of them afterwards. Now after years had passed he was slowly trying to repair his past relationships with those he could find in New York City. He was steadily making progress and this event provided him with the opportunity to try and patch up things with those he was unable to meet with earlier, due to the lack of free time Lex had to do so.

"Seems like it." Alexander got up from his desk, walking towards the exit where Tina was now located. As he walked past her and towards the coat rack to put on his coat, he said, "Cancel any unnecessary meetings and postpone anything deemed important. I don't want to be disturbed by anyone til tomorrow at noon. Knowing my old friends I probably won't be available until then." As he was about to leave he turned back towards Tina and said, "You can take the rest of the day off, if you like... Paid of course."

Tina blew a teasing kiss towards Lex as he left his office. He then messaged the front desk with his phone to have a car prepared for him to leave for Lauren's party, giving them its location. As he exited the elevator in the main lobby Lex was greeted by a number of employees. He waved towards them all nonchalantly as he left the building and entered the car waiting for him outside.

As the car left towards its destination Lex looked down towards his watch, thinking, "Looks like I'll be a little bit late... Just like old times." He laughed to himself quietly as he waited until he arrived at Lauren's party.

After a fair bit of time Alexander arrived at the party. Looking around he saw a number of familiar faces, those being: Erin, Nathan, and Lauren. Lex approached Erin and exchanged pleasantries with her while he ordered an Irish Buck. Thanking her, Lex said, "Thanks. Hopefully everything ends uneventfully tonight... unlike last time." Sighing Lex game Erin a short farewell as he looked for Lauren, to greet her.

While walking towards Lauren, Lex nodded and smiled towards Nathan, one of the few people Lex has spent time trying to connect to after the group's fallout years ago. When he reached Lauren he greeted her with a hug. Despite everything that went down between the group Lex had kept a mutually beneficial relationship with her. They were both affluent and influential people, within their own right, and used their abilities in order to assist each other whenever they needed the other.

Looking towards the stage Lex noted that Sorin's band would be performing for their party tonight. Looking towards Lauren he said, "I'm guessing he wasn't told that you were the one hiring him tonight, right?" After receiving an affirmation for his thoughts Lex laughed a little to himself. "Well... I hope whatever you're planning goes as well as you think it will. Me and Sor haven't been in the best terms since we... Just don't expect much out of me tonight. I'm planning on trying to reestablish the relationships I lost." Before leaving her Lex gave Lauren a kiss on her cheek before saying, "Happy Hunting."

Some time and a few drinks later Lex was quietly observing the crowd while Beutiful Strangers was playing their set. While looking over the crowd Lex had spotted Rebecca, his past crush while they were in high school. After knowing her for so long and from their first interaction Lex had slowly developed romantic feelings towards her. When she left New York City he was having a hard time, missing just having her in his life as a support. This was the time when he had his major slip up with Lauren and caused the rift between the group members. Lex's greatest hope for coming tonight was to rekindle the relationship he once had with Rebecca and possibly even more.

Alexander waited patiently as he watched Rebecca talk to a couple of the members of their group at the party. Smiling to himself as he thought, "I'm glad she can still make those expressions. Maybe moving away before everything went down was best for her." Not wanting to disturb her while she was enjoying herself Lex decides to mingle among the other attendants who catch his interest. Engaging in small talk with a few people until he grows tired of talking to them, bidding farewell as he walks to a nearby balcony to have a smoke.

While lighting his cigarette and taking the first drag Lex notices Lauren standing nearby. Looking towards her Lex smiles and offers her a cigarette. After inhaling a considerable amount he lets the smoke lazily exit his mouth as leans on the railing turning to Lauren, saying, "So what's with this party anyway? You can't tell me that this is all just to get us all together... If that were the case we could've done this earlier... What's the motivation?" Waiting to hear her answer Lex sees an all familiar cold glint in her eyes, one that tells him he may not want to hear the answer. While listening to Lauren talk an even colder glint could be seen in his eyes as he stared daggers towards Lauren...

After having talked to Lauren, Lex walked towards the bar to get another refill as a headache seemed to creep into his head. He didn't see Erin anywhere near the bar so he decided to mix himself a drink. Just after he finished preparing his drink Lex heard a scream over all the festivities going on around him. He wasn't really concerned about what happened until he heard Rebecca shouting for help. Hearing her triggered Lex to run towards the scene, pushing onlookers aside until he was behind Rebecca, Sorin, and Erin. The sight of Lauren laying in a pool of blood made Lex instinctively hold back some of his emotions, in order to better help in the situation and remained focused.

Alexander looked around, assessing as much as he could about the situation before leaning on a nearby wall to Rebecca. He stroked her hair gently, attempting to comfort her while calling his secretary Tina. "Sorry for calling but a friend of mine was... killed. I'm sure someone has already informed the authorities about this so I'm sure they will be on their way here soon." Just as he said this he could hear a number of faint sirens in the background. "Tina, this is going to be very important... Get a number of our experts to try and gather as much information as they can about the party that I am at now, anything that may prove useful no matter how minute. You know how we do things." After hearing Tina agree to everything with a serious tone, Lex returned his focus to those around him.

As law enforcement came by he saw Erin questioning Sor, preparing him for the investigation that would surely start sometime soon. Looking down at Rebecca holding Lauren's hand Lex promptly squatted down next to her, attempting to comfort her by wrapping his arm around her shoulder, patting her. He leaned towards Rebecca's ear, whispering,"Erin is right, the cops soon start questioning everyone here... and Sorin will most likely be their main suspect."

Looking around Lex noticed that their wasn't any law enforcement within eyesight. While still comforting Rebecca and with the cops currently distracted, Lex removed the hands she was holding Lauren with, wiping the hand Rebecca had just been holding. He turned to look at her in the eyes with the most caring look he could muster while maintaining his composure. "Your fingerprints would only lead to more complications for you... I know how much Lauren means to you but you being put in a holding cell for holding her hand doesn't sit well with me."

Looking at Rebecca's eyes he couldn't help but break down the emotional wall he had just built a little bit. He then held her even tighter as he said, "I'm sorry... I'm not exactly the greatest at comforting others. If you want to stay here with Lauren... we can do that. If you need some fresh air, we can do that... " As he looked down at Lauren while holding Rebecca he couldn't help but feel regret that he was incapable of keeping this event from happening and deciding that he would do everything within his ability to get to the bottom of what happened here, while protecting himself and those he cared about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang Character Portrait: Lauren Clark
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0.00 INK

N a t h a n Miller
outfit - #D6CF13
Nate had always loved parties, that was no secret. Something about going out, being with his friends, it made him feel alive. As a teenager, it had been some form of escapism; the less he was at home, the less time he spent dealing with his parents. But as his father started leaving him alone, he didn't slow down any. His group of friends was kind of like a second family- one that understood him, or, at least, they did. Nate had lost friends after everything that happened, but he'd ended up closer than ever to others. He had the day off, but wanted to make sure there would be plenty of people at the party before he arrived- he wanted to avoid Lauren if he could. The thought that he would be avoiding her in her own home crossed his mind, but he honestly didn't care if that hurt her feelings.

The party was a blur of people he didn't recognize, a few he did, and music that shouldn't have surprised him. He should have known there would be drama, there always was when Lauren was around. He didn't give himself time to start regretting his decision to come to the party, instead he got a drink and went off in search of someone he knew- one he was willing to talk to, anyway. Nate had always been good at small talk, so he knew he would be just fine mingling around until he spotted someone he knew. It didn't take long until he ran into Rebecca, and a bright smile lit up his face, "Rebecca?" He returned her hug, squeezing her gently. He smiled as she spoke, and shrugged in a nonchalant gesture when she halfway brought up the mess Nate's life was in when she moved, "I'm doing alright, now," His voice was even and calm, as if he were speaking a universal truth, and not just his own opinion, "I actually work for Erin now. She's a good boss." He paused, but only for a moment before he continued, "Very patient." They caught up for a few minutes, but it wasn't long before Rebecca excused herself to go find Lauren, and Nate found himself alone yet again.

He tried to enjoy himself, but everyone seemed so wrapped up in Lauren and whatever she was scheming that he felt like there was going to be a repeat of the last time they were all in one space together. Combined with how Lauren seemed to be everywhere, and how difficult it seemed to be to avoid her spotting him, he started to contemplate leaving. He decided to say goodbye to everyone who still cared, or at least Erin, but his plans were quickly changed by the sounds of shouting and crying from one of the rooms. He took a moment to take it all in; his brain trying to understand what had happened. His face was set in an expression of indifference, but as he heard sirens approaching, he moved into action. He moved to Soren's side and squatted down to lift him to his feet, "Come on, buddy," He spoke, voice barely above a whisper, "Let's go sit down."

Arms wrapped firmly around Soren's shoulders, Nate led the man out of the room and sat him down on a couch. He looked around, briefly, before settling down next to his old friend, not wanting to leave him alone. He and Soren had never been close, but Nathan knew this moment was devastating, so he was more than happy to wait in silence, at least for the moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang Character Portrait: Lauren Clark Character Portrait: Khepri Mahajan
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xxxxxxxxxxxxthe perfectionistx|xoutfitx|x#8BA3A6

72 hours and counting. Khepri has been up for a total of 72 hours, a majority of which she spent at the desk in her hotel room just typing away on her computer, trying to come up with a story that wasn't shitty. She spent close to 3 days staring at her computer, not including the four-hour nap she took while sitting at the desk in her hotel room while she was on the phone with Christopher who was persisting that her pain medication mixed with her lack of sleep was only going to cause her to crash. Again. Or at least asked her to step out of her room to get some fresh air. Not that she listened. She promised both him, Lex, and Lauren that she would go to the party which gave her a ton of time to finish her draft, she'd get some fresh air then. But until then she had to focus that was before she saw the blinds of her room open and let in streams of light causing the reporter to cover her eyes and groan. "Ugh! You could at least open the windows so it's not completely depressing in here." Khepri groaned before hitting save on her document because she knew, whatever Lauren had planned would leave it unfinished. She raised her eyes for the first time to see none other than Lauren Clark with her hands on her hips. "How'd you even get into my room? I told them no disruptions."

"It's not a disruption if you tell them you're worried about your friend's mental well being and think she might hurt herself." Khrepi raised her eyebrows as she removed her glasses. "Lauren!" The black hair beauty chuckled. "What? You weren't answering your phone and I need help." The Indian woman raised her eyebrows once more before returning to her word doc. "I'm busy. Some of us actually have careers that never stop." Lauren rolled her eyes. "The world won't fall apart just because Khepri Mahajan stops working." Khepri took a deep breath. "No, but my career might." Anyone else would think she's being dramatic and okay, maybe she was but, as far as she was concerned. If she was ever going to get back in the field, broadcasting these exciting stories from all over the globe, she had to show her bosses that she was healed in every possible way; physically, mentally and that she was better than ever. And instead of taking anyone's advice and taking time off, she's spent her time 'off' thinking of stories that she would get started the moment she was back in front of the camera as opposed to just publishing them in some newspaper. Laur scoffed as she slowly started to close the girl's computer. "And people think I'm dramatic." Pri looked in disbelief as Lauren quickly grab the computer and tossed it on the bed. "Your career will be fine for a night. Now, how long have you been cooped up in here?"

"Two days." Three, but who's counting. "Have you eaten anything." Khepri didn't even look as she gave a signature snide remark as she rubbed her eyes to help them adjust to the world. "Whatever answer gets you to leave me alone quicker." Lauren smiled as she scurried towards the walk-closet, not saying a word until she started to toss out an outfit for her friend to change into. "Great, so that's a no. So, here's the plan: you shower, we get lunch, we get some sexy outfits for tonight, and then start scheming." Pri whined like a child as she caught to pair of booties Lauren tossed towards her. "Why me?" Khepri whined. "Why not Becca or just anyone but me?" Lauren threw her a pair of booties. "Because you're the brains and I need a plan." At this point Lauren was holding Khepri's hand with big eyes. Khepri groaned with annoyance as she ripped her hand away to head towards her bathroom to get ready for the day.

The pair spent the rest of the day getting ready for the party before heading to Lauren's to put on the finishing touches. Honestly, with Khepri, everything was going to look perfect even if it wasn't her party. At this point, the two were made up with their hair and makeup and, at least Khepri was a little more relaxed than usual after partaking in more than enough drinking since Lauren started to tell her how she wanted Soren back and her whole idea. She nodded and gave her advice but was a lot less vocal about how bad of an idea this was. And could you blame her? She had still never told the girl about their little run-in after the breakup and before he left town and honestly, she didn't plan on it. As far as Lauren knew, Soren was just a raging pain in her ass (which he was) and she just didn't like the idea which was why she was reluctant to agree with it. How was she supposed to even bring that up? "Hey you want your ex back? Great. By the way, I slept with him. We good?" She was a terrible person and to null that feeling of guilt, she kept drinking and nitpicking things with the setup of the party. Lauren pulled her aside and smirked. "They're on their way up." Pri smirked back, hiding her anxiety before chuckling. "Great, then I'm going to go get dressed before everyone shows up and give you some space to enact that twisted and very fucked up plan of yours."

"And go get another drink, Jesus Christ." It wasn't that she was worried about it coming out at any point in the night, god no. She knew neither her or Soren would 1, ever bring it up and 2, would rather die than tell Lauren. It was just the fact that it happened and this was the first time in years Khepri was around Lauren in person and now it was starting to weigh on her. The polished woman took her time getting ready, not only to stop from facing any awkwardness but because she had to make sure she looked absolutely perfect. This was the first time she was seeing the whole group together and, yes, she had to show off her hair that was down and framing her face just right, her makeup, her emerald green silk dress that stopped right above her knees and strappy black heels, down to even the shine on her engagement ring. She looked herself in the mirror for what felt like the 30th time, fixing her flyaways before taking a step back to take in her entire appearance. Turning to the side, she smirked. "Still got it." It had felt like forever since the last time she had gone out and had a good time, but that didn't stop her from looking down at her phone every time it went off. Constantly remembering the work she was putting off... for a party. She took a deep breath, reached into her clutch and pulled out a baggie of blue pills, throwing two into her mouth and washing them down with some water, Lauren had given her after noticing how much Khepri was drinking before the party even started. Yes, she was aware that mixing alcohol with her Adderall wasn't the best idea but, she needed to work after this. She didn't plan on being at the party too long, only long enough to see her friends, please Lauren with her social skills, and sneak out the back to talk to Christopher and finish editing her article. She'd out in like two hours, easy. "Stop be an antisocial narcissist and come out here!" Lauren yelled through the door.

Most of the party went off without a hitch, she saw some old friends, danced with Lauren as she made sex eyes towards Soren as his band played even after telling Khepri how her plan went and slung her arms around Khepri's shoulders. She'd never admit but, he was talented. She swayed as Lauren spun her around just the band's set ended. "Okay! I will be back until then," Lauren kissed her on the cheek. "Try to get some dick or pussy, whatever your little bicon heart desires. I'll be back!" The black hair beauty winked before disappearing into the crowd before Pri could say a word. "I don't need pussy because I'm not a bicon." She scoffed and threw her hands up before turning around to make her way to the bar to pass time until Lauren came back as she definitely didn't plan on sleeping with anyone tonight especially since she shouldn't at least act like she's engaged.

Khepri past the time, talking to a woman who walked up to the bar, not really picking up on the flirting as she looked at the time and all of her notifications, she knew it was time to bow out. But, not before thanking Lauren for actually getting her out of her shell for a night even if it was against her will. She excused herself from the conversation and hurried off but not before the girl handed her a piece of paper. Khepri didn't even look at it before slipping it in her pocket and starting to look around for the host. She had seen her go into the hallway away from the party and started to push her way through, saying the occasional excuse me but, mostly just shuffling through. She peeked in her bedroom, nothing. She groaned before walking into the spare room, seeing Lauren bleeding and Soren kneeling by her. She couldn't even stop herself from letting out a blood-curdling scream as she leaned against the doorframe. She covered her mouth and started shaking as she held the wall for balance to help her toppling over. The room soon filled with people; screaming, crying, and being escorted out by others. It was as if Khepri wasn't even there, she was frozen to the world around her and she couldn't hear anything but muffled sobs. The rest of the group came in and she didn't even say a word, she just stood there, softly shaking. No tears, no sobs, just completely numb, letting out the occasional shaking breath. She didn't even move as Becca held onto Lauren before being moved by Lex and Nate grabbing Soren.

Khepri couldn't even explain why she had frozen up, she had seen battlefields, crime scenes, you name it and Khepri had seen it before in her career but, this. This hit differently, this wasn't some unnamed victim, this was Lauren. Someone she had just danced with an hour ago and now, she was just gone, like that. Through the muffled voices running through her head, she heard someone saying that the police was coming and saw flashes of red and blue fill the room. Most of the guests had left the room before being police made their way into the apartment but, Khepri at this point had slid to the ground clinging on for dear life to her position on the doorframe. Only letting go when two uniformed officers softly removed her and escorted her out of the room. When leaving, Khepri turned to see the body of her friend just as they covered her with a sheet. She gasped for air as if she was suffocating and finally let out a tear that made its way down her face. The officers sat her down near the others when she finally completely snapped back. "Ma'am, again, are you okay?" Khepri rapidly blinked before turning her eyes to the officers. "What? Yea--... Yea, I'm okay." She turned her eyes to the room around her. "You're in shock, stay here until we can check you out. You may have hit your head on your way down." She just nodded, not even making eye contact with them. Just finally taking in the sight of distraught party goers as the wheels in her head began to turn.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Alexander Yang Character Portrait: Arisa Winston
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0000S O R E N 0 B O W E R S 00000000000000000|000000000000000000000 E R I N 0 M O N A G H A N

#4d5676 0 | 0 #800000

soren 0 | 0 erin

Soren was completely numb. People were talking to him, he was pretty sure that one of those people was Erin, but he just... couldn't respond. Rebecca was sobbing beside him, and he couldn't even comfort her. It felt like he was watching it all from somewhere outside his body, like this wasn't really happening to him. He could hear the sirens getting closer, but he couldn't respond. They arrived, and somebody- was it Nate?- gently pulled him to his feet and led him out of the room. They sat him down and disappeared again, leaving Soren alone. The whole time, all Soren did was stare at the floor. People moved around him, some of them even tried talking to him, but he couldn't process it. Lauren was dead. She was gone, just like that. It just... didn't seem possible.

He was vaguely aware of somebody talking to him, but he only really came around once they tapped him gently on the cheek. He finally looked up at the ground to meet Erin's eyes. She was saying something about the room they'd found her in, if he'd gone back in.

"I... I went in after I came offstage, I needed a.... a breather before I went out to.... to see everyone again. Lauren- she- she came in, she wanted to talk, she wanted to... but I left." And then it hit him. It hit him so hard it felt like he'd been physically kicked in the chest. She was gone. She was dead and everybody was going to think it was him and he'd ruined things for everyone, he'd ruined things for the band- he was never going to get anywhere now-

"I didn't do it, Erin, I swear to god, I didn't, you have to believe me-" he forced out between heaving sobs, somewhere between crying and a panic attack.

Erin looked at Soren as he simply sat there in silence. The look on his face mixed with the body language, as well as the look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. He was in his own little world, and it only took her gently patting his face to bring him back down to earth, however helpful that may have been in the moment. But sometimes the only thing that someone needs in some tough love. She sighed softly as he finally began talking, his voice was wracked with emotion and was occasionally cracking from him having cried as much as he had. Erin gently placed her hand on his knee as he continued explaining that he had gone into the room, for only a minute and in that small time frame that Lauren did come and talk to him. She sighed heavily, if the police found out that they did indeed have one final talk before she was found murdered, Soren would indeed be the first one they went after even more, and she couldn't allow that. She couldn't allow any of her friends to be found guilty of this, it was absurd anyway, right? None of them could actually be found guilty of murder... right?

She gently squeezed his leg as he began crying as she slowly stood up and sat down next to him, wrapping her arms around him as he began to cry once more. Erin could feel his entire body shake, and she could have sworn she felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest. "I want to believe you, I do. I really, really do...But...Anyone could have done it, Sor...Anyone...And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." she said as she could feel the burn behind her eyes begin, and then finally the tears hit as she tried to remain calm in this moment. But seeing everyone go from having a good time and enjoying themselves like last time, this only caused her to be a mix of angry and entirely heart-broken. "Everything's going to be okay, Soren...I promise." she said softly as she kissed the top of his head, as well as rubbing his left arm with one hand, and his back with her other. He needed someone to help him in this moment, and she'd do her best to be there for him, just like she always was.

Soren instinctively leaned into Erin the minute she put her arms around him. The physical contact made him feel just a little calmer, a little more grounded. But Erin only said that she wanted to believe him, not that she did, and that just made it worse. Because he didn't blame her for not believing him. He probably wouldn't have believed himself. So how the hell was he going to make the cops believe him? How the hell was he going to get anyone to believe him? Goddammit, he hadn't even wanted to come to the party. He'd just showed up expecting to play the private show for some superfan, take a few pictures, make some polite conversation, maybe have a drink, and then go home. And then everything had gone wrong, and now he had ruined everything.

After a few minutes, the sobbing subsided, but he stayed where he was in Erin's arms, entirely emotionally drained and having returned to that awful, cold, numbness. "What do we do now, Erin?" he asked, not sure if he wanted an answer or not. The cops already seemed to be interviewing people, and he knew it was only a matter of time before his name got mentioned in all the wrong ways.

Erin continued trying her best to comfort him, ignoring how she felt entirely in that moment. Soren needed comforting more than she did. She held him close as he leaned into her embrace more, which only made her hold him even tighter. She finally waited until he had finished crying, and once he did she let go of her embrace slightly, which allowed him to compose himself better. Erin sighed as Soren asked what were they going to do, and honestly, she had no idea. There was nothing they really could do, except for try to remain as calm and collected as they could. "I don't know...Just try to prove that none of us did it? I honestly don't know, Sor...That's what scares me.." her voice showed evidence of being genuinely scared and uncertain. And the fact that two people walked in that didn't look like normal police officers sent a shiver down her spine. Something was unsettling about the whole thing, the fact that it wasn't just the average police officers arriving was worrisome. "No matter what...I got your back." she said as she gently held his hand. There was one thing she knew, and she wasn't going to let her friends fall for something they didn't do...If they were all innocent anyway. And she tried believing they were.

The attention of two new cops walking in, two that looked... different to the others, put Soren a little on edge. It just made the whole thing feel even more real. But it reminded him that he wasn't the only one dealing with this. He squeezed her hand. "We've got each other's back. No matter... no matter what." he said. "We'll be okay. We'll be okay," he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. He wasn't sure if he was saying it to himself or to Erin. But he had to believe it. He had to, because the alternative didn't bear thinking about.

Erin simply nodded as Soren spoke, whether it was to reassure the both of them, her, or even just himself, she wasn't sure. But she wasn't going to question it. She didn't really know what to say or do, except hold his hand and be there for him. She looked on as the officers began questioning more of them, as the people that stood out from the normal officers began examing the room and apartment. She knew what they were looking for, any sign of anytihng out of the ordinary. She watched silently for a few minutes as the male in the suit began encrouching closer, but she noticed how he simply kept to himself and was more invested in investigating than talking to anyone. She simply shook her head and looked back at Soren, "I'm going to go check on the others, see if they're okay...Think you'll be okay for a few short minutes while I'm gone?" Erin asked, genuinely concerned and wanted to make sure if it would be okay for her to leave or if she should stay. If Soren needed her to stay and comfort her longer, she would. But she just wanted to make sure that he was okay first before she left him.

Watching the police just made Soren feel even more anxious, so he turned his attention to the ground again, trying to keep himself calm. He nodded as Erin said she was going to check on the others. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine," he said. Fine was probably an overstatement, but the overwhelming panic was at least gone. It appeared to have taken a chunk of his chest with it, leaving him feeling numb and empty, but it did mean that he could probably manage by himself for a few minutes. "Go on, go make sure everyone else is okay," he said, forcing a smile. He knew they both knew it was forced, but it was better than nothing.

Erin gave him as much of a reassuring smile as she could give him as she ruffled his hair slightly. "I won't be gone for too long. If you need a place to stay tonight, you know my place is yours." she gave him a reaffirming nod before she turned to go leave and see how the others were doing. Even though it wouldn't be much of a guess, seeing how things had gone from good, to bad in a simple matter of minutes. And she doubted anyone was fairing better than Soren. Erin scanned the area to see who wasn't having to give statements, and saw that Alex was currently comforting Rebecca in the corner of the room. She turned back towards Soren and pretended to vomit before she walked over to those two to see how they were doing.

He nodded as she told him her place was his if he needed it. He was more than likely going to take her up on that offer. The thought of sleeping in an empty apartment after this... he couldn't do it. He caught a glimpse of her pretending to vomit at the sight of Lex comforting Rebecca and managed a smile, but couldn't manage much more of a reaction than that. He had no idea how long he was sitting there before the female cop came over. Nate also appeared to be beside him. Had he been there even when Erin and Soren had been talking? Had he only just sat down?

The cop introduced herself as Detective Arisa Winston and didn't waste much time in getting to business. Her manner was efficient but not totally cold. Soren ran a hand through his hair and at least tried to compose himself a little. "Soren Bowers, 25. I... Lauren is- was... my ex-girlfriend," he admitted. The wave of panic crashed over him all over again, and he had to fight to at least keep himself able to talk to her. "I was just going to get my stuff to leave when... when..." He couldn't get the words out. It still didn't seem real. It felt like a bad dream he couldn't escape from, no matter how much he tried.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang Character Portrait: Arisa Winston
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Rebecca Cruze
outfit : herex|xhex: #D02090
xxxYoung hearts, out our minds
xxxRunnin' 'til we outta time
xxxWild child's, lookin' good
xxxLiving hard just like we should


Rebecca had tunnel vision just focusing on Lauren as tears came down her face. She felt someone per her shoulder and say something to her but her attention was full on Lauren, hoping she would sit up, say something, or do anything. It wasn’t until someone separates her hand from Lauren she broke out of her trance. She looked up with watery eyes make up that was starting to get runny to see Alexander. He talked about not wanting her to get in trouble for touching Lauren and that it could point fingers at her, she nodded when he spoke about staying or heading out to get some fresh air and try to calm down until the cops arrive. Rebecca saw Erin ask Soren what happened, and then say she had to call someone and stepped out. Erin was probably calling the cops. Rebecca knew now that Lauren wasn’t coming back and that police will be coming to investigate everything. Becca was helped up by Lex and lead out of the room and towards the window for some fresh air. “Th-thank you Lex… sorry you have to see me like this.” She barely whispered out to him. “Just… Lauren. She’s dead and the last thing between us was an arguement, I feel like a terrible friend… who would do this to her…” she said as some more tears rolled her eyes.

The two head back in the hallway as the cops were called and waited. Rebecca day on the floor against the wall and had her arms wrapped around her legs as she leaned into Lex who was holding her and comforting her. She had finally stopped tearing up and crying and was mostly sniffling. She looked up at Lex for a second and gave a slight smile through her runny/ruined make up, she was happy to have someone there as she was freaking out. She might have seemed more calmed down than when she saw Lauren’s dead body laying there with Soren next to her, but internally she was still freaking out and not sure what to think. Who could’ve done this, and why? Rebecca thought to herself as she was leaning her head against Lex, him just rubbing her shoulder and saying she would be okay. While thinking all of this to herself, Rebecca had be scratching and pinching her arms as a reaction to her anxiety, nerves, and emotions taken over, it wasn’t until Lex said something that she stopped, but had already marked herself up a little.

The two sat there when the first wave of cops showed up and taped up the room, well now what was the crime scene. The cops had started questing some people but left Rebecca alone as she just continued to stare into the ground and Lex letting people know she was okay and needed a minute. But once the detectives got there she knew she would have to talk to them at some point. She lightly nudged Lex and signalled she wanted to stand up, and used him to stand up and try to get ahold of herself. Becca took a look around and saw Erin talking to Soren but couldn’t make out what they were saying, and then Erin came over to her and Lex asking if they were okay.

“Y-yeah. Just, Lauren… she’s…” Rebecca was able to get through her sniffles and recovering from crying, and not wanting to say it out loud, as if not saying it will make it not true. She heard Lex say something to Erin. She saw the two detectives come out of the room and the female went up to Nate and Soren and started asking them things. Rebecca looked back at Lex and Erin when the other detective came over to talk to the three of them, asking for some basic information, small statements. “Rebecca Wilde Cruze, 24. Friend of Lauren’s… really close friend.” She said before sniffly and tearing up a little thinking about her best friend from high school being dead. Lex and Erin gave their information while Rebecca just stared at the male detective, she felt like she knew him from somewhere but wasn’t sure. She was broken from her trance when he said asked for anything else. “Oh! Soren was in the room when I saw L-Lauren. I got emotional and started to freak out so I wasn’t sure what he was doing, sorry.” She said pausing for a second before stepping forward grabbing the detectives hand. “But Soren wouldn’t hurt Lauren. He’s not that type of guy.” She said before realizing what she did and backed up, back into Lex’s embrace. The detective thanked them and left, a little awkwardly so.

Rebecca looked over at Erin. “Ri-rght? He wouldn’t kill Lauren would he?” She asked before noticing Lex looking at Khepri. Lex quietly excused himself and asked if Rebecca would like to stay with him tonight, so she wouldn’t be alone. Becca gave a small smile and nodded before Lex walked away to check on Pri, and watched him walk away before Erin got her attention. She warned Rebecca and told her to be careful. “I’ll be fine… I just don’t want to spend the night alone. You know?” Rebecca said grabbing Erin’s hand it’s both of hers. “I promise.” She said before smiling and walking over to Pri and Lex, staying quiet to let them finish talking. “I’m ready to go when you are.” She whispered to Lex, taking his arm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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Erin Monahan
outfit : herex|xhex: #80000
xxxForget the horror here
xxxForget the horror here
xxxLeave it all down here
xxxIt's future rust and it's future dust

Erin nodded as Soren simply just nodded in reply to her offer for coming back to her place after. It wouldn't be much, but it was all she could really offer anyone in the moment. They were all so broken and confused, and tired. None of them knew what had happened, or why. Why was it Lauren? Why did someone have the motive to kill her out of everyone there? What would have been so bad that someone had to take another's life? She knew Lauren, and as manipulative and toxic as she was at times, she didn't deserve this. No one deserved this. Before she left she gave Soren's shoulder a gentle squeeze and then turned and left for Rebecca and Alexander. She didn't know exactly what they had been saying due to everyone talking as quietly as they could, but she figured it was about what had just transpired. No matter how strong someone was, something like this, no one was ever prepared. Things had gone so well. Aside from the small argument between Soren and Lauren earlier, everything was fine, well, as fine as it could have been. She'd make sure to talk to Soren later about it, probably tomorrow when he was in a better mindset. "Are you guys okay...?" she asked, rather rhetorical in nature, but it was the only thing she could think of to say. All she knew was that they all needed someone, and she was trying her best to keep herself together. Erin gave a sorrowful look when Rebecca began to talk, her voice low and shallow, it was obvious that she had just been crying. From either the tear-stained make-up, to the reddened eyes. She sighed softly as she sat down next to them, gently rubbing Rebecca's back as the same man from earlier slowly walked up to them.

It was obvious from the way he dressed to the badge by his hip that he was no normal cop. Police usually dress in their police uniforms, not a suit and tie. She guessed the FEDS had been called in, but why? It's not like Lauren was any person of real importance, but maybe they were needed more so than the regular officers? She didn't know, all she knew was that she'd need to give her statement, and that was it. As she looked up at him as she was finally able to get a proper look at him, something seemed familiar, yet foreign. It was weird. She couldn't exactly put her finger on it, but she saw countless people every day. She figured she had just seen him in passing and thought nothing of it in the moment. "Erin Monahan. Twenty-five. Lauren was...A good friend...She hired me as the bartender for the night." she said as she looked down for a moment, and then looked back up, "You-You don't think I poisoned her, right? You can check all of the alcohol at the bar, nothing was messed with. Besides, I have my own bar...I don't think poisoning someone would be the best way to get business, right?" she said with an awkward chuckle as she tucked some loose hair behind her ear. She cleared her throat with a simple cough as she tried to relax, and not let her anxiety take over. She looked back up as Alexander gave his information and statement, and left the two of them to do whatever he was leaving for. She gave him an annoyed look and roll of her eyes before looking back at the detective. "Anything else? I don't really remember much. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary or hear anything. All I know is that uh, Khepri had been talking to her earlier, and that they danced. That was all that I remember under I heard people scream...I was also the one that called it in..If that helps any?" she questioned, her hands were sweaty and her heart was racing. The last thing she wanted to do was lie to a cop, but she wasn't completely lying. She didn't need to tell him that she had passed out in the bathroom, and didn't remember some things in that time-frame, not like it mattered much/

The detective thanked her for their time and their statements and quickly walked away after taking some notes. He didn't say much aside from the normal routine questions, obvious that he was rather new. Erin looked back at Rebecca when they were finally alone, and offered her if she needed a place to stay, but slightly frowned when she explained that she'd be going home with Alex. She rolled her eyes, of course, he would have offered. He had a crush on Rebecca since day one, and he wasn't very subtle about it. Not like she was one to talk exactly. She simply nodded as she spoke, " careful, alright? I can't afford to lose someone else tonight..." she said as she gave Rebecca a small smile, but her eyes portrayed something else. Worry, concern, and a bit of sadness at the news of going back with someone else. But if anything happened, Erin would have a reason to lose her shit at Alex finally. She simply just gave Rebecca's hand a gentle squeeze, but not before slipping a small paper into her hand after Rebecca had clasped her hand between her's. She figured Rebecca would look at the paper later, it was simply just her phone number and a small reminder to call/text her when she wanted to talk next time. Erin silently watched as Rebecca stood up and returned to Alex and Khepri, letting them know she was ready when they were to leave. A small tinge of annoyance and possibly even jealousy slithered its way into her head as she found herself clenching her jaw in an annoyed manner. She simply just sighed and stood up and walked back over to Soren, seeing how he had also given his statement, as well as Nathan. They had been talking to the female officer that came in with the male that had asked her and the others a few questions. Erin waited for them to finish their statements, giving the blonde-haired woman a small smile and nod as she thanked them for their time and gave another small bow and apology for what had happened before she left.

Erin looked at Soren and Nathan as they sat there and gave them a small and reassuring smile, "Alright, you sad saps. Soren, you said you're coming back with me, Nate, you in or did you already decide on going with someone else? You know my offer always stands." she gave him a small smile and ruffled his hair before she helped Soren to his feet. She grabbed her jacket and put it on, feeling the pack and lighter in her pockets, she'd wait until she got outside of the complex to have another one. She needed something to calm her nerves, and if smoking didn't do it, possibly drinking until she passed out sounded like a good plan. And that would most likely be how she ended up dealing with it when they got back to her place. "Let's get the fuck out of here, shall we?" she asked as she turned and left with Soren and whoever else decided to head out with her. But before they left, she stopped by Alex, Khepri, and Rebecca. She gave them all a small nod as they passed by, "You guys know where to find us. I'll see some of you tomorrow...Hopefully." she said with another nod of her head and then proceeded to leave. That apartment was too stuffy and she needed to escape from that place. When they finally reached the bottom floor and walked out of those glass frame doors, she immediately dug into her pocket, retrieving her pack of cigarettes and lighter. Immediately, she put one between her lips as she lit it and took a very long and slow drag before she gave out a slow puff of smoke into the crisp night air. There were few things that helped her calm down, and sadly, as bad of a habit as this was, it was one of her most relied upon remedies. "Don't judge me...I've been cutting back...Sort of. Anyway, to the bar or back to the apartment? Either way, some of the good shit and drinks await us." she said as they continued down those same damn city streets that they once walked down together. Once happy and full of life and mistakes, and bad decisions. Now..Now they walked these streets with nothing but regret and brokeness...Hoping tomorrow would be a better day. That's all Erin could do, was hope. Hope that this was either all some sort of sick joke, or was all just some nightmare.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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0.00 INK

Ethical Hacker | Outfit | Hex: #4E3475
There is only one way to avoid criticism:
do nothing, say nothing, be nothing...

Alexander was quietly thinking about the various things he could do in order to address the predicament Lauren's death had caused himself and the rest of the group who had gathered tonight. Lauren was guaranteed to cause drama whenever the group was together but this was something completely different from the usual, she wouldn't be here to enjoy the chaos. Sighing to himself Lex couldn't help but think Lauren is somehow a little delighted at the trouble she was causing all of them. A wistful smile began to form on his face thinking about her.

While sitting down in the hallway Lex continued to comfort Rebecca, knowing just how hurt she was after losing her best friend. He wanted to remove the pain she was feeling but he knew how much work he would have to burden himself in order to accomplish it. His secretary was already accumulating whatever they could, working with experts at Lex's company, in order to uncover what exactly happened tonight and depending on what they discover, to act accordingly. If the answer was simple enough then that would be the end of it but Lex had a feeling that whatever went down tonight was far from simple.

A number of guests had asked about his and Becca's condition. While exchanging pleasantries and noting that him and Becca were fine he noticed Erin walking towards them. Becca had nudged him to stand up, complying Lex stood up while supporting Becca making sure that she was fine. When Erin had asked them if they were okay Lex smiled slightly before looking towards her and saying, "Things could be better... Lauren always knew how liven up a party..." Lex tried to alleviate their situation with levity but he knew that nothing could really be said at this moment to ease any of their minds.

Becca was having a hard time speaking about Lauren, fumbling with her words as she was overcome with emotions. Lex would stroke her shoulder whenever she seemed to struggle, hoping that his actions were of some help to her. Looking up he saw the look in Erin's eyes which he found oddly sorrowful. It wasn't out of the question for her to have that expression, since Lauren just murdered, but there was something different there, something familiar to Lex, longing.

Not long afterwards a police officer has walked over to take their statements. Lex patiently waited as Becca and Erin gave their accounts. He noted everything they said into his mind, both Becca and Erin's accounts. Erin saying that she hadn't poisoned Lauren made Lex mentally facepalm, wondering why she would say something so unnecessary, especially while giving their official statement. When she implied the possibility of Khepri having something to do with Lauren's death, Lex couldn't help but stare daggers towards her.

When it was Lex's time to make his statement he calmed himself totally, as if he was completely removed from the situation. Turning towards the officer he said, "Name, Alexander Yang, legally documented as Yang Guowang. Age, 26. Relationship to the deceased... friend." After noting the essentials he then continued describing his account of what he had seen happen at the party, saying, "When I had arrived I had introduced myself to the hostess, Lauren, we had exchanged pleasantries before separating. During the band's performance I was in the crowd, drinking and exchanging small talk. Afterwards I went outside onto the balcony to have a cigarette, where I met Lauren again and we conversed about the party. I spent the remainder of the time talking to others in the crowd before getting a drink at the bar and hearing someone scream. When I had heard Rebecca I went towards the scene and had seen the my friend Lauren laying in a pool of blood. That's my account of the events of tonight."

Lex had left somethings out of his account: the fact that Erin had not been at the bar when the murder may have taken place, what exactly him and Lauren had talked about. Becca than talked about seeing Soren being in the room with Lauren, before shortly saying she doubted that Sor had killed Lauren, a belief they both shared. Lex and Sor's relationship hadn't been great after what had happened when the group split up years ago but he didn't believe that Sor would've murdered Lauren.

"If you need to reach me about anything concerning this case you should be able to get either in touch with me or my secretary by calling this number." Lex had given his business card to the officer after he said that. Continuing, Lex said, "I would like to extend my and my companies capabilities to assist in this investigation. As Lauren's friends we would like to find out what had happened to her... and a number of us no longer live in the country. If we will be kept from traveling out of the city it would inconvenience a lot of us, so the sooner everything is sorted out the better." The officer received the business card before walking away from them.

He heard Becca asking about whether or not Sor had murdered Lauren, before noticing Khepri. "I doubt it but until this investigation is completed... anything is possible." He turned towards Becca and said, "Your welcome to stay at my place during the investigation. I doubt that any of us will be able to leave the country before our names are cleared..." Lex smiled a little mischievously before saying, "My place is better than most hotels you'll find around here... and the room service will be exceedingly better."

Lex patted Becca on the shoulder before he turned and walked towards Khepri, saying, "Excuse me, I have something to talk to Pri about. We can do whatever you like once you've come to a decision." While walked towards Pri, Lex received a message from his secretary Tina, stating that they had gotten almost everything they could. He returned a message thanking them for their work, promising them a bonus once they obtain everything, before telling them his friend Pri would contact them soon.

Once Lex was in front of Pri he asked her, "Are you alright? You look a little shaken up." Lex listened to her response with concern visible on his face. "You need to take care of yourself... we don't need anyone else leaving us soon, especially you... We're gonna need your skills in order to get to the bottom of this, right Miss Journalist." Lex tried to keep things light but he needed to address everything he needed to, before any law enforcement overheard them. Lex slipped Pri a number before saying, "This is my secretaries number, her name is Tina. Tell her Wang sent you and she'll send you what information we had gathered about what went down tonight. I'm not going to force you into anything but... I think you and I both know we need to figure this out. Besides, breaking something like this would be great for work, right?"

Lex listened to everything Pri said before he said, "All of my resources will be available to you, you just need to say the word." He then walked up and gave Pri a hug, holding her close to him. "I don't want to lose you." Lex was about to offer Pri to stay at his place but when he thought of Becca possibly going with him tonight he was at odds with himself. He wanted to support Pri but this was one of the few chances Lex had to become closer to Becca. "I would offer my place tonight but... Becca's probably going to spend the night and I... You know how I feel about her, right? I hope you understand... After tonight you can come over, I just want to have one night."

He knew Pri was a strong and highly capable person, he saw a lot of himself in her. Lex believed that Pri would be fine but after what happened with Lauren he wasn't quite sure where she was mentally. Concerned but being driven by his desires, Lex chose Becca. Bidding Pri a goodnight he walked back towards Becca, seeing her talking with Erin. When he heard her say that she would be leaving with him, he couldn't help but genuinely smile.

Looking around the room Lex grabbed a nearby bottle of whiskey, pouring himself a drink before offering ones to both Erin and Becca. "My driver should be downstairs, we can leave now." Lex downed the remainder of his drink before he offered his hand towards Becca, holding it as they traveled down to their ride bellow. The driver was waiting outside for them, opening the door for them as they entered the limousine. When they had entered the vehicle a small gasp escaped Lex's mouth, he felt like he could finally relax after leaving that apartment. As the driver started to drive towards Lex's penthouse apartment Lex turned towards Becca and asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang Character Portrait: Arisa Winston
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0.00 INK

N a t h a n Miller
outfit - #D6CF13
Everything- and everyone- was just a blur of emotions, movement, noise. If you closed your eyes, you could almost imagine it was just the natural end to a party, with people lazily making their exit. Nate almost wished he could convince himself of that. There was a natural unease that came with close proximity to the dead, and an unease of law enforcement that came from experience. Nathan was uncomfortable, and he wanted to leave, but he had to stick around to give statements, and whatever else might be needed. He silently cursed himself for not leaving sooner, if he would have left when he first wanted to, instead of trying to look for his friends, he wouldn't be stuck in a suddenly stuffy apartment with a mixture of emotionally distraught and emotionally distant people. There really wasn't a more uncomfortable combination.

He always tried his best to stay out of his friend's drama (for better or worse, really), but he couldn't help but overhear pieces of conversations, and parts of the statements being taken around him. Lauren had changed everything forever. Again. While this wasn’t her fault, because Nate highly doubted she’d sat down and asked to be killed, he couldn’t help but feel a little annoyance towards her. Of course; when things weren’t going the way she wanted, she was murdered. Now nobody would be able to stop thinking, or talking, about her. It was unfair, and Nathan knew it, so he tried to shake the thoughts from his head. No matter how he’d disliked her, he didn’t want to continue to be bitter through her death, and he certainly didn’t want to blame her for her own death. Still, it was an inconvenience.

When it was time for him to give his statement, he did so with a heavy sigh and a shrug. “I’m, uh-” He licked his lips. The questions were easy enough, but he wasn't sure of how to answer them. “Nathan Miller. Twenty-six. I was,” He paused briefly, trying to collect his thoughts. What was he to Lauren? They weren’t friends. Not anymore. He didn’t seem to acknowledge the grief rising in his throat, even if it was, in that moment, evident on his face. He cleared his throat to continue, “We were… We were friends. Well, we used to be friends. It’s a long story: we were friends in, like, high school. We got along pretty well back then, but as time went on, we both changed and, well, I haven’t really spoken to her at all in… a few years, and then she invited me to this party, and I almost didn’t even come.” He shrugged, “Anyway, I was just trying to enjoy the party, and it was nice. Live band, lots of friendly people, some old friends I haven’t seen in ages, but the whole thing was a little too... “ He made a sort of vague circular gesture with his hands, “It was just a little bit classier than I guess I’m used to. But, um, I was just getting ready to leave when I heard the commotion. Was trying to track down a few friends to say goodbye to, and I sort of just walked into…” He exhaled forcefully, shaking his head almost as a way to signify that he still wasn’t sure how to process the events of the night, “A real mess, honestly.”

Nathan realized, a bit too late, that he’d probably given much more information than anyone needed, or even wanted. He nodded when Erin told him he was welcome at her place, then he sighed, “I don’t,” He interrupted himself, shrugging, “I’ll be fine. Thanks, though.” He didn’t want to tell the truth- that he didn’t think he could handle Soren right now, nor did he particularly want to. It was going to be a hell of night with those two, and all Nathan really wanted to do was go home and get some sleep. Maybe he could make sense of what had happened in the morning. Besides, none of them needed him, they all had someone to look after them, and even if they didn’t, he was pretty sure he wasn’t anyone’s first choice to of emotional support. Or, he thought so, until he saw Lex leaving with Rebecca. He sighed, silently cursing Alexander isn't he supposed to be her best friend? and walked to Khepri’s side.

“Hey,” He said, words as gentle as the hand he placed on her shoulder, “Where are you staying?” He smiled, gently, “You’ve had a rough night, I just want to make sure you get back okay.” Then, almost as a defense he held his hands up in front of his chest, as if already conceding defeat, “I know you don’t need my help, but it would make me feel better, you know.” He didn’t know what to expect from Khepri, honestly. She was normally the one trying to insist on helping him, a point that had caused just a small amount of contention between the two of them. Still, Nate had always considered Pri a friend, and she had always only been trying to help. While he knew she would probably be just fine on her own, Nate felt that she shouldn’t be going through all of this alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang Character Portrait: Khepri Mahajan
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0.00 INK


the perfectionistx|xoutfitx|x#B76A81

"Khepri Mahajan, twenty six. Lauren was one of close friends and colleagues. She cleared the lump in her throat as she felt her hands start to shake. The officers asked her about the night, telling them how they knew she was with her a lot throughout the evening and this made the lump plummet to her stomach. All of a sudden she felt like she was going to be sick as if this one tidbit of information somehow made her suspect number one. "I mean, I guess I was around a lot. I helped her set up earlier for everything, we talked, we danced, which isn't a crime, and then she excused herself and disappeared. I didn't see her after that." They asked how long Lauren was gone.

"Maybe, half an hour? forty-five minutes?" The officers asked her if she was concerned about her friend's presence during this time. Khepri shrugged, not letting the now blaring voices of anxiety show. "Not really. It's her party, she has tons of guests and I just assumed she was... occupied or something." They asked her one last question about where she was when they discovered the body. She took a deep and shaky breath but clearing her throat once again. "I was right there... I, um, walked in, looking for her. Saw Soren, her ex, by her. I looked down and saw... blood and then I screamed and then I froze." She looked down as if she was ashamed of her reaction before returning her eyes to the detectives. "I don't remember anything after that, I don't even remember being moved here." She didn't even remember what was said after that, she zoned out thinking about all the potentially bad moves she made that night or the things that could make her seem more suspicious if they came out. She only caught the last bit of the detective's little speel where they told her if she found any information to call them and, of course, told her how this should stay out of the public eye until they concluded the case, ahhhhh. So they had known who she was and they knew what she did, which made this all the more complicated. But, she hid it as she grabbed their card with a scoff. "Right, well, I'd hate to break it to you but, it's my job."

She put the card in her purse before continuing. "Yea, so, if you have an issue with it. You can take it up with my producers, my editors, the station, the paper, and, oh, my lawyers. Not me. Have a great night, officers." She offered a fake, but bright smile as they walked about before letting it fall and softly cursing as she covered her face with her hands. She moved her hands so she could look down at them she fidgeted with the ring on her finger. As she did so, again, the world around her started to tune out and the wheels went back into motion and she replayed the night's events in her head. She had been around Lauren the most, at least from what she knew. They danced, caught up, bitched about the men in their lives (with Khepri keeping a few things out of the conversation) and of course, God for-fucking-bid, Khepri Mahajan let her guard down and try to relax for a change. This is what happens and now, this was her punishment for trying to go with the flow for once, being probably marked as a 'person of interest' in the murder case of her friend, great. Just great. And why? All because she didn't really know who she could and couldn't go up to at this party. She hadn't really left on the best of terms with some of the guests before leaving the country. She hadn't seen Lex all night, Becca was busying roaming around, socializing and Khepri didn't need a repeat of the last time they were together with copious amounts of alcohol in their systems. With the two of them out of the equation. What was she supposed to do? Sit in a corner like some wallflower or better yet sit down for a drink with Erin and Soren to reminisce about all the great times they had?

And just like that, Khepri started to do what her forced therapist has said she does a lot of; she started to spiral. Her breathing started to quicken as if she was stuck inside a plastic bag but quiet enough where no one around her thought anything was wrong. She could feel everything she's worked for, everything she planned, everything she's ever dreamed of just slipping away: her career, her credibility, all of it gone because someone had seen her spending, apparently, too much time with the victim. The only thing that snapped her out of her snowball moment was Lex, thank God.

"W-... Yea, yea, I'm fine. I'm... just thinking."

"Thinking of all the ways I could have flushed $200,000 down the goddamn toilet as opposed using it on my, now, soon to useless journalism degree from Princeton. She cleared throat as she tried to reassure him with a smile that she was okay. She didn't know if it'd work, Lex could read her like a book. "You need to take care of yourself... we don't need anyone else leaving us soon, especially you..." She scoffed as she shook her head. Everyone was acting like she was about to dive headfirst off the building, she was upset but, she wasn't fragile. "We're gonna need your skills in order to get to the bottom of this, right Miss Journalist." She chuckled before nodding. Her eyes connected with Lex's hand as it reached towards her, as to not make it suspicious to the officers around them, she held his hand for a minute and cast a small smile. To anyone else they just looked like friends with one trying to comfort the other when in actuality, she realized he was handing her a small piece of paper. She didn't know what was on it but, whatever it was she knew it was important. She and Lex didn't need secrecy useless it was for a purpose. She tried the limit how much her hand was shaking as she squeezed before letting going moving the paper into her trench coat pocket. As Lex went on, Khepri was taking in every word and when he said: "Besides, breaking something like this would be great for work, right?" For the first time, her eyes locked with his as her rational thinking (or obsession with compartmentalizing, you decide) starting to slowly return. This was what she needed; a distraction to take her mind off the anxiety and guilt racing through her head or at least something that allowed her to shove it right back down to deal with at a later time. "A great for the reporter and company who did it." She took a deep, shaky breath as she shook her head. "You don't have to force me to do anything. I got it." She forced a small smile before he pulled her into his arms. She took a deep breath and tried to control how much her body was shaking. She rested her head in the crook of her neck, just trying to hold on to the one piece of stable ground she had in her life right now. "I don't want to lose you." She took a deep, shaky breath and quickly wiped away the few tears trying to escape down her cheeks. She shook her head as tightened her arms around him.

"I'm not going anywhere." She moved to look him in the eyes with a smirk. "Besides, I have a new story to start." She chuckled softly before he started to explain why she couldn't come over, which she didn't assume he'd say she could but, she'd be lying if she said she didn't expect it. Anytime something happened to either of them, the other stayed by their side until they were okay. And just the way he said, that he just needed one night. As if she was constantly pestering him to be her support animal. But, it's fine. He wanted one night to get the girl and she understood it. She did know how he felt for Becca and if he felt like this was his moment then he should go for it. Even if it meant leaving the girl who was like a second sister to him in the dust for the time being. However, she'd bitch about it tomorrow to Chris but, for now, she just hid it behind a coy smirk as she laid her hands on his shoulders. "No, I totally get it." She moved her hands to his jaw with an evergrowing smirk and a wink. "Go get her."

She let him turn before grabbing his arm to turn him back around to face her as she pointed a finger towards him. "And enjoy it because tomorrow we have work to do, Yang. Now go, I'll call you in the morning." She told him goodnight and watched as he left with Becca, who she gave a small and kind of awkward wave before they disappeared out of sight when she sat back down. She ran her fingers through her hair as she took yet another deep breath. "Fuck." She placed her elbows on her knees as she rubbed her face and tried to think about what to do now. She could call her fiancee, tell him everything that happened but, she didn't need him worrying and she definitely didn't need him thinking he had to fly in just to be by her side through this. She was fine, everything was fine, everything was just... complicated right now. And then, the snowballing continued as those tiny little voices started to tell her everything that was going to go wrong; she'd lose her job, her friends, she'd fall out of her family's good graces, she'd go to jail, any possible worst-case scenario was going through her head and she had no one to help her stop it.

That was until Nate Miller, of a people, came up and put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey," She looked at him with a smile. "Hey." As he inquired where she was staying, she shrugged. "Probably my hotel room, I don't really have anywhere else to go." She let out a small joyless chuckle. Unbelievable, the friend she hadn't seen in a while was the one worrying about her. But, she appreciated it even if it was unexpected. "I know you don’t need my help, but it would make me feel better, you know.” She scoffed as she looked offended, in a joking way. "No fair."

She jokingly swatted his hand away as she got up and pointed a finger in his chest. "I'm supposed to worry about you but, yea, I get it and I... kind of really appreciate it." She tightened her coat before letting her eyes linger on the floor before looking back at Nate. "Besides, it might nice to walk it off, get fresh air, and talk about... all of this. If you don't mind." Plus it'd keep the negative thoughts at bay even if it was just for a little bit until she was able to get home and take whatever she needed to get to work. She put her hands in her pocket as she started her way towards the exit with Nate in tow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Alexander Yang Character Portrait: Khepri Mahajan
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0.00 INK

Rebecca Cruze
outfit : herex|xhex: #D02090
xxxYoung hearts, out our minds
xxxRunnin' 'til we outta time
xxxWild child's, lookin' good
xxxLiving hard just like we should


Rebecca stuck the paper from Erin into her bra and gave a slight wave to Khepri as Lex led the two of them outside to her surprise an actual limousine. “Wow.” Rebecca said under her breathe as she climbed in, Lex following her. She finally took him up on his offer of the whiskey and poured herself a half glass full and quickly drinking in an attempt to calm herself down. “I don’t know…” she muttered looking out the vehicles windows as they drove down the roads to wherever Alexander’s place was. “Just, be here for me, I guess.” Becca said forcing a smile out to Lex.

It wasn’t long until the limousine stopped in front of what seemed like a luxury apartment building. Becca was a little impressed by how the lobby looked and stayed close to Lex as they walked in and into the elevator, holding onto Lex’s arm as he swiped a card in the elevator and clicked on the top floor. The penthouse. When the elevator’s opened Rebecca as shocked by how nice the place was. She slowly stepped in and let go of her purse as it fell on the ground, she looked around surprised by the whole place. [color=#D0209]0“Wow… I never knew you lived like this… like I knew you had money and such but wow.”[/color] She said as she walked around more and admired the place, just about turning/spinning as she walked to get a look at everything.

The apartment was huge compared to Rebecca’s place back in London. The luxurious kitchen that had its own island and bar, the stunning glass window wall that led out to a terrace with a pool and hot tub, also what looked like access to Lex’s own gym. As Becca reached the center of the room she assumed that upstairs was all the living arrangements, though not sure exactly how many bedrooms he had. She turned around when Lex spoke about money not being an issue and quickly walked over to him seeing his open gesture to take her coat. She let him take it off of her, and turned around back to face him.

“Lex, do you have anything more comfortable for me to wear? Kind of want to get out of this dress. I’m going to wash my face, I probably look terrible with crying with this make up on.” Rebecca asked and then walked into the bathroom to wash her face as Lex said he could find something and headed upstairs. By the time she was done washing her face Lex was back down stairs and the two met by the kitchen island, and he and handed her a dress shirt. Since he was taller than her it would work for now around his apartment.Rebecca thanked him and started taking off her jewelry and heels, placing them on one of the bar seats. “Hope you don’t mind.” She said as she took off her dress in the open. This revealed her numerous tattoos that she has gotten over the years, as well as her matching black underwear.

Rebecca took a seat at the bar and started buttoning up the shirt before looking over at Lex. “Do you think any of our friends would’ve done this?” She asked as she watched him get some drinks out of the cupboard and start mixing. He quickly handed her a familiar looking drink, as she took a sip she knew he had attempted to make her favorite drink, not as perfected as Erin’s, but she was a bartender and it still tasted good. She listened as Lex explained his thoughts, the last part peaking her interest. “First off, this tastes great, didn’t know you knew what I liked And what you mean? You’re going to try to find out who did it?” She asked, quickly downing her drink and putting her elbows on the counter and staring at Lex as he talked.

Rebecca took his hand as he looked into her eyes. “Well… I wanna help. Not sure how, but I want to.” Rebecca said nodding to Lex, she took a glance at the clock he had on the wall. [color=#D02090]“I think we should head to bed. I’m assuming upstairs?” She said as she stood up and quickly started heading up the stairs. She tripped on the second step, partly to her not paying attention and a little bit due to her tipsiness over the night. Lex helped her up. “I’m fine, just hit my knee. And Lex… do you mind if I sleep with you? Don’t really want to be alone…” she asked softly as they walked up the stairs.

As they got settled into bed Rebecca took off her bra from under the buttoned shirt and turned ti face. “Thank you, really missed you over the years. Glad to see you’re successful with everything.” Rebecca leaned in and gave him a kiss, holding for a couple seconds before laying down. She subconsciously snuggled close to Lex and quickly fell asleep. Rebecca actually felt safe.

Rebecca slowly woke up and found the paper Erin handed her and sent a message along with a picture of herself sitting on the edge of the bed to show that she was alive and okay. She then got up to find Lex, just following the smell of breakfast. When’s she reached the staircase she looked down and saw him. Shirtless, making food. Becca stared for a second before finally saying something. “You know, cooking shirtless is dangerous.” She headed down stairs looking at the island and all the variety of food Lex had set our. “Wow, this is amazing. Feel like a princess to wake up to all of this.” She quickly made a plate with a little bit of everything that Lex has made and started to eat.

While Lex continued to cook Rebecca noticed his phone buzz and out of curiosity noticed some talk about murder and crime, but not much from trying to read the small print upside down. “Lex.. what’s this about?” She asked pointing at his phone. She listened to his explanation. “Well? What do you know? Who did it?” Rebecca asked. She put on a pouty face with sticking out her bottom lip when Lex told her he couldn’t tell her. Either he didn’t want to or didn’t know, still both wouldn’t matter.

After finishing the meal that Lex has prepared for her Rebecca saw the time on the largeanalog clock Lex had up on the wall. “I have to head back to the hotel, need to gather some things and let my work know what’s going on.” Rebecca said as she slid her phone to Lex. [color=#D02090“Incase I want to message you…” she said with a smile as she got up and gathered her things and changed back into her dress. “Thanks again Lex, I’ll probably be back.” Becca said kissing him on the cheek before leaving.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Alexander Yang Character Portrait: Arisa Winston
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0.00 INK

0000S O R E N 0 B O W E R S 00000000000000000|00000000000000000000| E R I N 0 M O N A G H A N

#4d5676 0 | 0 #800000

soren 0 | 0 erin

As soon as the cop agreed to let Soren go, he went straight back over to Erin, still feeling as though he caught in a nightmare, making everything feel surreal and warped. He hated it. He knew he had a conversation with the rest of the band, but he couldn’t remember what he said the minute it left his lips. They left, and Soren found himself just sticking to Erin. He didn’t realise he was biting his nails until he’d bitten one of them so far down that he drew blood. But eventually, they left. He hoped the cold air might help snap him out of it. But instead, it just made it a little less horrible, but no less dreamlike. The smell of cigarette smoke made him look at Erin, but not to judge. He was almost tempted to ask for one. But the one small part of his brain that still remained functional reminded him that cigarettes were bad for his voice. It was almost enough to make him laugh. Everything was going to hell, and he was worried about his voice.

”I want to get really fucking drunk,” he mumbled in response to Erin’s question about what he wanted to do. ”I want to go back to yours and drink until I can’t remember… anything,” He wanted to feel numb, but not like he did now. He wanted to feel that hazy, stupid, free type of numb that he only felt when he was insanely drunk. And he needed to be somewhere that felt like home. And Erin’s was the only place he could think of that felt anywhere close to what he needed.

The crisp night city air helped relieve some of the stress she had been feeling prior, mixed with the chemicals that she was forcing into her lungs. Funny though, walking in the fresh night air while polluting her lungs with the toxic substance she relied so heavily on. She knew she should quit, but bad habits died hard and this was one of the few things she couldn’t let go. A golden amber glow flickered from her lips as she took another inhale and then coughed as Soren began to speak. She could tell by the look on his face before he even spoke, that for even a moment he considered asking her for one of her cigarettes. A smirk formed on Erin’s face as she held the small and burning object in her fingertips, “Trust me, pretty boy. This will kill you faster than the alcohol will. Best to not get hooked on this…shit.” she said solemnly as she took one last and final drag, feeling the smoke fill her lungs and throat for a few short seconds before she exhaled once more and crushed the cigarette butt under her boot as she pressed it into the concrete below. Erin smirked slightly as he said he wanted to go back to her place and just forget everything. Drink until they could forget, and hope that this was all some sort of dream.

A small chuckle exited her lips as she looked at him, wrapping her arm around his shoulder, “Trust me, we’re gonna get super fucked up. I have all of the drinks you could want. Besides, with it being just us two, means there’s even more.” she said with a small smile. She gave one more look behind them at the apartment complex, seeing Lex and Rebecca get into one of his cars and leave. Her eyes narrowed for a moment before shaking her head, “I don’t have a good feeling about those two being alone together...But what do I know? I only make terrible choices.” she started to say before her voice softened for a moment, “But what do I know? They can do whatever the fuck they want...Even if I don’t like it..” she muttered under her breath, partially loud enough for Soren to hear, but not enough for her to really care. It was obvious enough that she always had strong feelings for her friends, Soren knew first hand. Especially after something bad happened. The two simply continued walking down those streets as time seemed to linger on forever, much longer and daunting than it had prior. Any and all positive emotions had been sucked out from them, and the only real remedy they would have was from their old and trusty friend, alcohol. And plenty of it. Finally, after some time they arrived to a large, old stone apartment complex building. Erin ushered him along as they opened the metal barred gate which closed with a metallic thud and then lock as they closed it behind them. After having to walk up the first four flights of stairs, they arrived to the floor where her apartment was, being three doors down on the right side of the complex. Erin dug through her leather jacket’s pocket for a moment as she fished for her keys, “Sorry if this isn’t what you’re used to. But with this being Brooklyn, well...It’s more...Rustic? You remember, right?” she questioned as she opened the door and waited for Soren to enter the apartment behind her, and closed the door, making sure to lock it. “After all of this time...I never left Brooklyn. With the bar being so close to my childhood home as well as being in a part of the city I was familiar with, leaving would feel wrong, for me anyway.” she said casually as they made their way down the hallway. A large spiral staircase was at the end of the hallway which would lead to the spare room as well as the bathroom to the right, and to the left would be another way of getting to her room, which she decided would be in the small loft of the apartment that overlooked the living room. It was a rather large apartment, by no means was it a flat or penthouse, but it was large enough, especially for one or more people. Erin had preferred to live in a big enough space, just in the off chance if her friends ever needed a place to stay for a while, as well as being able to afford it due to her ties with her aunt and uncle. She shook her head as she walked into the kitchen that was in the adjacent room to the right, with the living room on the left end of the apartment and hallway.

Make yourself at home while I get everything set up. You know where everything is by now.” her voice called from within the kitchen, which too was spacious and rather rustic like the rest of the apartment. A large spacious room, with an old and cozy look due to the interior, which were old stone covering the walls with hardwood floors and small rugs of beige and light browns and grays. Erin retrieved a few glasses from the kitchen, as she held a few bottles in her arms, as well as a food bags of chips between her teeth as she shuffled from the kitchen and into the living room. Placing the cups and drinks and food on the coffee table that was next to the couch. “Before we get entirely too wasted, I’m gonna get changed out from this and get into something more comfortable. I’ll make sure to grab you something as well and you can get out of that outfit. You always were one for that extra look.” Erin said with a small smile as she left the room by the staircase in the living room and disappeared from view as she went into the loft for a few short minutes. She came back dressed in a plain black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, tossing Soren his own t-shirt and sweatpants. For him, she grabbed him one of her old band graphic t’s and black sweatpants. It was a wild guess that they would comfortably fit, but they’d be better than nothing. Erin sat down on the couch with one of her feet tucked under her body as she pulled out a small bag and some paper, placing them down on the coffee table as she prepared the drinks, “I don’t know about you, but I plan on more than just drinking. You can join me if you want, but it’s entirely up to you. No pressure to smoke, as always.” she said casually as she began to pour some of his and her favorite drinks. She knew how hammered he’d want to be, and she would make sure he got what he wanted, even if he would regret it the next day. She handed him a small shot glass, as she grabbed her own and held it in the air, “To all of our bad decisions. Both past and future ones. Also...I missed you, Sor...It’s good to see you again.” she said with a small smile as gave him a small side hug, placing her head against his for a moment before she gave him one more salute with the small glass and took their first shot of the night. The first of many for the two.

He didn’t much like the look of Lex and Becca leaving together either. But he didn’t comment on it, Erin seeing troubled enough by it. Rebecca was a big girl, he was sure she could handle herself. The walk back to Erin’s apartment was silent, neither of them feeling much like talking. He managed a smirk and a chuckle as Erin apologised for her apartment not being what he was used to. “Erin, I’m just back off tour, what I’m used to right now is a tiny ass van that we took shifts in driving. Maybe a not-so-terrible motel room if we’re really splashing out,” he remarked. It had been a while since he’d been back to her apartment. In fact, it was probably only the second time he’d been here, and most of his memories of the first time was Erin yelling at him over the pounding headache of a hangover after the last time he’d been in New York. After he’d slept with Lauren again.


Even just thinking about her felt like a kick to the chest. How could this be happening? How? How could it have happened, just like that?

Erin reappeared with drinks and snacks, dumping them on the small coffee table before saying something about getting changed and getting something for him to wear. He’d almost forgotten what he was wearing. He was perfectly comfortable as he was, but he still appreciated the change of clothes. Maybe then things would feel a little more real. Or at least, like it had all just been a terrible dream and things were like old times.

He stepped into the bathroom briefly to change after Erin tossed the clothes to him. The sweatpants were a little short, but the t-shirt was at least a good fit. He sat cross-legged on her couch as she poured them drinks. She could still remember what he liked, even after all this time.

He shrugged as she said she was going to smoke. “Nah, think I’m good, but thanks.” He managed a smile as she leaned against him after her toast, giving him a small hug. “It’s good to see you again. Wish it was under different circumstances, though,” he said, before clearing his throat. “To the worst decisions we can make.” He downed the shot, the burn in his throat welcome.

He lost track of time and shots and drinks. His head was a swirling, tilting mess, and he loved it. Everything seemed a little less terrible. Everything seemed a little more fun.

“I missed everybody, you know,” he slurred, swirling another drink in his glass. “You and Rebecca and Nate and Kyle and… well, not Alexander. Fuck him. But everyone else. I love you guys,” he said, half leaning, half falling on top of Erin and wrapping her in a hug.

The two of them had become an absolute mess of alcohol and drugs, well, Erin became the mess of the two as Soren simply stayed to the drinks. Her vision was somewhat blurry and her mind was a slush of thoughts, albeit they were somewhat blurring together. She decided to finally lay off of the smoking halfway through as she could feel the alcohol canceling out the high. What was the point if she couldn’t exactly enjoy it. By the time that Soren had spoken up once more, they had both done nothing but drink one after the other. Would they regret it in the morning? Yes, but was it worth as an attempt to forget the reality of their situation? In the moment, yes. And that was all that they cared about. Just escape reality for even just a moment, a moment of hoping this was all some sick joke.

Erin was alone in her own drunken thoughts when Soren spoke up once more, his words slurred together but not to the point of where she couldn’t understand him. At least not yet. She had years of practice, and was always one of the few people that could understand his drunk ramblings. She looked up at him when he began saying that he missed everyone, except for Alex. All she really could do was limply nod her head in agreement at his statement. That was until he leaned over and gave her a hug, which caused her to almost fall over and off of the couch, causing her to catch herself somehow and push themselves back up. All the while laughing. No matter how long they went without talking, Erin always had Soren’s back, and he had her’s. They had been childhood friends the longest in the group, and nothing would change that. “I missed you too, Soren. Hell, I missed everyone…” she retorted, her words slurred slightly, but she wasn’t entirely drunk as Soren, not yet anyway. “After everything happened, and everyone kind of just...left...First Kyle, then you...and then some of the others, it was...lonely. Sure I had Nate and Lauren, but like. We didn’t really talk that much until after a while. And you know the rest.” she said as she took another shot, the burn never really faded or became less intense, it was just that she had grown accustomed to it. Pouring herself and Soren another drink, clearing her throat as she handed a glass to Soren, she began talking once more. “As for everyone that left, I had some contact, like you. And even Khepri, but that’s...That’s different. But until today, I hadn’t talked to Rebecca since she left that day and well...Kyle...I still don’t know where he is or what he’s even doing. Doubt I ever will.” she said rather solemnly, giving herself a moment before she took the next shot and put the empty glass on the table, “You wanna make some super stupid decisions, Sor?” she asked as she slowly stood up, her legs wobbling for a moment as she regained her composure enough to see straight.

This was what he had missed the most about New York. Him and Erin getting stupidly drink and talking the real talk. Even if the conversation veered into the depressing, they were still at least talking. And things felt strange, felt dreamlike, but in the alcohol clouded way that felt good. So when Erin asked if he wanted to make some stupid decisions, he just grinned. “Abso-fucking-lutely,” he said, getting to his feet. He, however, did not regain his composure as well as Erin and stumbled, having to grab her to regain his balance. This was enough to make him crack up all over again. “What should we do? What’s the dumbest decision we could possibly make right now?” He asked. “Nope. Not the dumbest. Don’t let me text Pri.” He corrected himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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0.00 INK

Ethical Hacker | Outfit | Hex: #4E3475
There is only one way to avoid criticism:
do nothing, say nothing, be nothing...

While Rebecca and Alexander were driven to his place he received a number of messages from his secretary concerning their investigation. He would look down at his phone every so often to see the first few lines of the messages but nothing really caught his eye, it looked like he would need to expend some of his own effort to find out more about what happened. However the investigation wasn't his biggest concern at the moment, what mattered more to him now was being here and providing all he could for Becca.

A number of people would wonder why he cared so much about her. Their personalities differed so much and it didn't seem like they have similar interests but they were still good friends despite their differences. The one person who had supported and defended Lex when he had first moved to America was Becca and she was the first person to accept him into the group. These few instances cemented an important feeling towards her in Lex's heart, feelings that eventually became romantic. Feelings which he would fail to express towards her before she moved, something which Lex has regretted to this day. This was his first chance in a long time to rekindle their friendship and he hoped maybe develop into something more.

When Becca had said that all she wanted from Lex was to be here for her, he couldn't help but smile. The drive didn't last too long before they had reached Lex's place, the residential building for Monarch Security Ltd employees and families, which was located next to the companies main office. The two of them exited the limousine and walked into the main lobby of the residential building, Lex waving towards the receptionist and security officer sitting at the main desk, before entering an elevator. With their arms linked Lex took out a residency card from his coat pocket with his free hand, swiping it across a mechanism to confirm his identity before pressing the button for the highest floor, the penthouse suite.

As the elevator doors opened and revealed the grand and expensive lifestyle Lex was accustomed to Becca's eyes were filled with surprise as her bag hit the floor. This resulted in a small chuckle leaving Lex's mouth, he found her reaction extremely cute. When she expressed her thoughts on Lex's lifestyle and her lack of knowledge about it, Lex couldn't help but feel slightly sad. He didn't take much pride in material things, unlike his parents who had first acquired this suite, and he didn't want to influence other's opinions towards him by throwing his wealth around. Becca at this moment was an exception, he wanted to show her that he was fully capable of taking care of her and her needs during this hard time, that she didn't need to seek help from anyone else.

Watching her twirl around as she walked further into his apartment made Lex happy, this was the Becca he wanted to see not the girl who had a hard time walking because of the tragic loss of her friend. While Becca was admiring the place Lex removed his coat, walking towards the walk-in closet. Turning around he said, "To me and my family... Money was never really an issue. We had other ones though... Don't be too shocked just yet, we just walked in. There is a lot more to this place." He opened the door for the closet, placing his coat inside before offering to take Becca's coat. She quickly walked towards Lex offering him to remove her coat for her. With a gentle hand Lex slowly removed her coat, making sure he didn't make any errors in his movements, cherishing the moment before he fully removed it and placed it on a hanger in the walk-in closet.

Becca turned around and asked Lex for something to wear and of her intention to wash her face because of the state of her makeup, saying that she must look terrible because she was crying earlier. Lex tilted his head in confusion and blankly stated, "There isn't any possible way you could ever look terrible Becca. I refuse to believe it." He laughed a little after saying it, knowing it must have sounded somewhat cheesy. "I should be able to find something for you to wear but... I don't believe I have any clothes of the female variety available."

After saying this he walked upstairs towards his room and opened his wardrobe, removing a white silk/cotton blend shirt and returning downstairs with it in hand. He saw Becca exiting the downstairs powder room and walk towards the bar in the kitchen. Following her they met in the kitchen where Lex gave her his dress shirt, saying, "I'm assuming this would work just fine?" Judging by how fast Becca was to undress Lex's assumption was correct. He couldn't help but stare as he saw Becca undress, revealing her beautiful body and the numerous tattoos she had on it.

Noticeably aroused and flustered Lex began to busy himself by preparing a cocktail for Becca behind the bar, a bar he was glad he had at this moment. While opening various cupboards to prepare the drink, Becca had finished buttoning the dress shirt, Lex heard her question about whether any of their friends were involved in Lauren's sudden departure. He placed the finished drink in front of Becca before quietly contemplating her question, fixing himself a glass of whiskey. After taking a sip he said, "It's possible. Definitely possible." He continued to sip while he thought more about the question. "Whether or not any of us did I'm determined to get to the bottom of it."

After answering her question Lex looked towards Becca, whiskey in hand, noticing the subtle expression of intrigue in her eyes. When she complimented his drink he smile towards her, Lex knew he wasn't as good as Erin when it came to crafting drinks but he payed enough attention to this particular drink while at her bar to reconstruct it for Becca. After asking if he was going to find out who did it Lex replied saying, "Yes. Someone is behind all this and I plan on finding out who... It's the least I could do for... " He looked directly into Becca's eyes, with a sad and troubled expression, before he continued, "... All of us."

Becca had taken Lex's hand in hers, revealing that she wanted to help him in his investigation in anyway she could. He already had a number of people working together with him in this investigation, Pri included, but he knew how much Lauren meant to Becca so he couldn't refuse her. "Of course... We all should do our best for Lauren. The fact that you're willing to act is enough... your willingness will lead you to what you need to do, if not... I'm always here."

Looking at the an analogue clock hanging nearby Becca suggested going to bed. Lex nodded his head when she asked if the bedrooms were upstairs, placing their finished drinks by the sink before following Becca towards the stairs. Her balance was wavering when she began to walk upstairs, loosing her footing on the second step. Before she could fall Lex had already wrapped his arm around her shoulder, steadying her by holding her close. He didn't believe her when Becca said that she was fine but what she said next stopped Lex's thoughts in their tracks. "... Lex… do you mind if I sleep with you? Don’t really want to be alone…”"

Lex wasn't a stranger to having others share his bed with him, he has several casual relationships, but Becca meant more to him. He knew that she wasn't in the best way at the moment and he didn't want to take advantage of her because of that. Lex was planning to refuse her before he heard her say that she didn't want to be alone, he couldn't after she said that. They continued slowly walking until they finally reached Lex's room. He opened the door and lead Becca towards the bed, sitting down next to each other and making themselves as comfortable as they could. Becca removing her bra from underneath the dress shirt she was wearing and Lex completely removing the dress shirt he was wearing.

"Thank you, really missed you over the years. Glad to see you’re successful with everything." After saying this Becca and Lex exchanged a kiss, one which lasted for several seconds. Lex leaned into the kiss as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, laying down on the bed. When Becca became to snuggle closer to Lex he began to softly stroke her hair with his free hand. Once he was sure Becca had fallen asleep he gently caressed her face, a wistful look revealed on his face as he said, "... I wasn't successful with everything."

Hours passed before Lex was woken up by a number of messages from Tina. Lex gently raised Becca's head and removed his arm which was supporting her, laying her back down before going downstairs to address the messages received. Nothing really notable had changed but they had listed all the party-goers that had been questioned by the police officers. He messaged Tina to attempt to get the statements that were made but to not do anything that may alert anyone's attention. After sending that message Lex began to prepare breakfast for Becca, having all the necessary items gathered by the kitchen staff downstairs that he didn't have in his apartment, as well as gathering her clothes to have them cleaned.

About an hour or more passed before Becca had woken up, she stood at the top of the staircase looking at Lex who was now cooking pancakes, after prepping fruits and condiments for them. When she noted how Lex was currently shirtless while cooking he looked down and then shrugged towards her. He had apparently forgotten to put one on after waking up since his mind was occupied with other thoughts, his full back intricate snake tattoo revealed to Becca.

Now sitting across from Lex, who was still cooking, Becca noted how she felt like she was being treated as a princess. "Mornings can continue to be like this if you choose to stay here. As I said yesterday I doubt any of us will be able to leave the country anytime soon... My place will always be open to you Becca." Seeing her happily eating, Lex couldn't help but smile, finishing the last of the pancake batter he had made.

Suddenly Lex's phone began to vibrate, another message about the investigation popping on it. Becca had noticed the message and had asked Lex, "Lex.. what’s this about?" Without missing a beat he answered her by saying, "I had some people gather what information they could about what happened last night." Becca then continued asking questions, asking, "Well? What do you know? Who did it?"

He finished cooking the remaining pancakes in his pan, the silence between the two growing as he did, before turning around to answer her. "Not much so far, I'm still trying to piece things together... It did just happen yesterday." Walking over Lex placed down the finished pancakes in front of Becca, saying, "As for who did it... I can't answer that... Not yet anyway."

After answering her Lex sat next to Becca and began to eat with her until they were finished. Becca noted that she would need some time to sort things out with her work and with the hotel she had a room with. An understanding look appeared on Lex's face as he nodded towards her, knowing that the two of them both had things they needed to sort out. When Becca had slid her phone towards Lex he entered his information into her contacts. Becca then began to gather her things and change back into her dress, which had just earlier been returned by the residential building's housekeepers.

"Thanks again Lex, I’ll probably be back." Lex smiled when Becca pecked him on the cheek before leaving, still smiling until he saw the elevator doors close and Becca had truly left his apartment. Once he was sure she had left Lex began to call his secretary, saying in Cantonese, "Have someone follow Miss Cruze, she just left my apartment... Just ensure that she is safe." Ending the call, after receiving an affirmation from Tina, Lex walked towards his study to read all the documents his employees had gathered. "Lets see how competent my people are..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #575772
xxxremember the words you told me
xxxlove me till the day i die
xxxsurrender my everything cause
xxxyou made me believe you're mine

Soren couldn’t remember most of what he and Erin got up to that night. In fact, the couldn’t remember much after the shot, and had no memory of their conversation about missing each other. But given the state they woke up in, and the stinging of a new tattoo on his right wrist told him that he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to remember.

He couldn’t quite remember what came first- the text about the memorial service or the police interview. Everything felt like a dream; except for the moments when everything suddenly felt like it was going to crush him, like he was drowning in the air around him. He’d been going to Erin’s when he couldn’t bear to be alone or when he needed to drown his sorrows, but she didn’t know about the panic attacks. They only came when he was alone. And besides, she was finding it hard too. She didn’t need him to worry about too. But both of those incidents had brought on an attack, one that had left him sobbing alone in his apartment. He’d agreed to attend the memorial service. And when Lauren’s parents had asked him to read one of her favourite poems, he didn’t have it in him to say no. As far as they knew, they’d broken up on relatively okay terms, and he wasn’t going to break it to them now.

The police interview had gone about as well as could be expected. He’d been honest, but they didn’t seem too convinced. But they didn’t have anything concrete, so they’d just warned him to stick around in case they needed to ask any more questions. The band didn’t have any commitments for a few weeks because they needed a break after their Europe tour. He was assured he had management on his side, but he wondered how long that would last.

He’d arrived to the hotel early to help Lauren’s parents get set up. It was Lauren’s favourite hotel in NYC, and they had some drinks and canapés out for people to graze on as they arrived. He’d had to escape to the bathroom for a breather twice already, and he’d only been here forty minutes. He’d spent the past ten minutes avoiding conversation and trying to steel himself for small talk. The reminder on his wrist wasn’t doing all that much to help. He had a vague memory of just yelling “I want an MCR tattoo” at Erin when he really dwelt on it, which explained the three short words. “We’ll Carry On.” It felt oddly poignant, all things considered. He tugged at his sleeve, his new nervous habit since he couldn’t bite his nails any more, because it was painful to do so and he kept drawing blood. He couldn’t ignore the guests anymore. He picked up a glass of something and took a deep breath.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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0.00 INK

N a t h a n Miller
outfit - #D6CF13
The days between the party and the funeral blurred together in Nate's mind. There was always something to do, always seemed to be someone who needed him (he would always be there for his friends, of course, all they had to do was ask), and he had- for some reason- offered to pick up the some of the slack at the bar for Erin. Once things calmed down, he would have to ask her to never let him take on any extra responsibilities again. He felt overwhelmingly stressed, and desperately wished for his life to return to some sort of normal. His police interview had gone fine, he thought, but the whole thing made him nervous. He didn't have much faith in the police: his experiences were of them not believing him, and ignoring most of what he said. He didn't care about not being able to go far: he'd never left the city, anyway.

When he got the text about the funeral, he had honestly considered blowing it off. He and Lauren hadn't been close enough to be considered friends in a couple of years, and he knew it would feel strange to be there. He'd feel like someone showing up, pretending to be upset over something that, had he not been there the night she died, wouldn't have bothered him enough to take more than a moment out of his day. Your friends will need you there. He told himself, knowing that should have been enough to get him to agree to go without hesitation. He wondered, though, how much they really needed him. Every last one of them seemed to be doing just fine, and he felt like he was stuck in the past.

He knew he needed to go, though, and he even dressed up as much as he could. There was no way he was wearing a tie, or even a collared shirt (not that he even owned one), but he did his best to be appropriately dressed for the occasion. Everyone might have even been impressed, had he showed up on time.

But there he was, notification on his phone, barely readable through the cracked screen, Lauren's funeral starting in now. He was still a few minutes away. He started walking a little faster, and tried to take in his appearance as he did so. He had dirt all over his clothes, and a brand new rip in his pants, right on the left knee. He sighed, angrily, having really wishing his day had gone more like he'd planned it. He stopped, right outside the hotel, and tried to brush himself off; clean up a little. But he felt like he'd only made it worse. He caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of the doors: his hair was a mess, he was sweaty, he looked like he'd gotten in a fight.

He tried to sneak in quietly, as he could hear that the service was begging, but he felt eyes on him as he slipped into the back row. He quickly found a seat and slouched down, as if trying to appear small. He tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone and briefly wondered if it would have been better if he hadn't come at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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Agent Cassandra Heiks
outfit : herex|xhex: #085721
xxxGot a jail on my heart from the pessimists
xxxGot those nails in my mouth for impressionists
xxxSpent too much money on a therapist
xxxCouldn't fix me, I accepted it


The third agent had landed in New York only a couple days ago but quickly got to work to catch up on the case, Agent Cassandra Heiks. Her previous precinct had sent her along to help Agent Winston and Agent Monahan, but also to get her out of their hair, a couple days after they reported back about the quick murder, Cass was interested and asked to go, hasnt been anything fun for awhile for her to work with, plus she just got done being undercover. In her mind this would be an interesting and fun assignment, and she thought easy. Well that was until she got to there and saw what they were working with.

Cass had checked out all the evidence tagged by the first team, read over the statements that were taken, as well as pictures of the crime scene. She wanted to talk to the other two that she would be working miss but somehow always missed them, so she decided to dig through all the current suspect’s files and histories. Soren, the ex, who most people thought did it, but that’s too cliche. Rebecca, the best friend, first time back in the country and had a bad car accident awhile back, but she was ruled not at fault. Erin, the bartender, has am unofficial criminal record only some know about, and told the cops she didn’t do it, smart. Nathan, the deadbeat, nothing to gain, but also nothing to lose. Alexander, the rich boy, seemed to have an affair with the victim at the same time, caused the break up with the ex, maybe some sort of jealousy or fight happened. Khepri, the reporter, small fly on the publicity scene and could use the story to make herself big, and Cass doesn’t like reporters.

Cassandra tried investigating a little bit off the record, but didn’t find much so she decided to try to hunt down her fellow Agents and see what they know that isn’t written down, luckily Agent Monahan was easy to track down and assumed he would maybe stop by the service. It was mentioned in the paper the location and time so wasn’t hard to find. She decided to not show up a little late after getting herself a coffee, and sticking towards the back before noticing Kyle towards the back and trying to stay out of sight, though Cass didn’t care.

“Well, well, Look who it is.” Cassandra said as she came up from the side of Kyle and giving him a light slap on the ass. “Been awhile since we worked together. Interesting bunch of suspects we have don’t you think. Especially your sister…” She said with a smirk before leaning against the wall and starting a scan of the room. “Well, the killer always shows up at these things, come on Ky. Plus wanted to see if there’s anything else you can tell me that’s not on paper.” She replied to Kyle’s question and taking a sip of her coffee, before something caught her eye. A female had some markings on her neck, but right as Cass was going to point them out to Kyle, not sure if he saw them, the girl put her scarf back on. “That’s Rebecca Cruze, right? Next to your sister. She has some markings on her neck beneath her scarf. Your reports didn’t mention any type of injuries like that…” She mentioned to her fellow Agent. Wanting to question Rebecca, but knew this wasn’t the place or the time, maybe later. Cassandra then scanned and took note of their other suspects and the states they were in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #575772
xxxremember the words you told me
xxxlove me till the day i die
xxxsurrender my everything cause
xxxyou made me believe you're mine


As soon as Soren turned around and spotted Khepri, he nearly turned around and walked back out again. He couldn’t stand the thought of an argument with her right now. Even if they hadn't spoken yet, he just knew today would be one of those days where if they spoke, it would end in a blazing row. So instead, he just drained his glass and turned his back, striking up a combination with somebody else instead. He’d just gotten the beckon from Lauren’s parents to say it was nearly time to begin when Rebecca burst in, running straight to Erin. At first, Soren just thought she was upset, given the event they were attending. And then he looked at how disheveled she was and the look of panic on her face. Something had happened. He went to follow them out of the room, but instead, another one of Lauren’s old friends or co-workers or somebody who knew him well enough to know that he was her ex, but not well enough to know how bad things had been.

By the time he escaped, there were too many people for him to slip out and check on Becca. He glanced back for a moment to see her and Erin coming back in, and shot them a forced smile. He dug out his phone and texted Erin.

To: Erin
“Everything okay with Becca?”

Then the service started, with the minister introducing them with a prayer. This wasn’t a funeral. The body hadn’t been released yet for them to bury. But people had to travel home, had commitments, just wanted to move on. And so it still felt like a funeral, a lump rising in Soren’s throat. This had been a mistake. Agreeing to any of this had been a mistake. Coming back to New York had been a mistake.

He somehow managed to keep his composure until he was called to read the poem. He managed to stand to the lectern, his hands shaking as he put the poem on it in front of him. He shouldn’t have been doing this. This wasn’t his to do. Everybody thought they’d remained on good terms and he was lying to everyone, he was lying to everyone in the room. He couldn’t do this.

He somehow made it through the poem. He had no idea how he did, and he had no idea how he did it so well, somehow managing not to stammer or stumble over the words. But as he finished, he couldn’t just go back to his seat and sit there politely and hear everyone talk about her. So he stayed walking, stayed walking until he was out of the room, stayed walking until the familiar feeling of the wave crashed over him and he sank to the floor in heaving, choking sobs. Lauren was dead. Had somebody attacked Becca? Nate looked like he’d been in a fight when he came in. Had somebody gone for him too? Was it a matter of time before people were attending their memorial service? Or would Soren be hearing about it from jail after they pinned the murder on him? He pressed his fist to his mouth in an attempt to stop the sobs or at least muffle them. He didn’t know if he wanted to be found or not. He didn’t know if he wanted a hug or to be left alone to drown in the isolation and the fear and the panic.

He needed to go back before people started to worry. Would anyone worry? Should he wait, just to know for sure? Know if anybody cared for the man they were convinced had killed their beloved Lauren? Should he find out for sure?

No, that wasn’t right either. They didn’t need to worry about him, they all had too much to deal with. They’d lost her, and they had loved her, and they were in enough pain without him to deal with.

The weight of his own indecision, his own fear, kept him pinned to the ground where he was sitting, still sobbing, still gasping for air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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0.00 INK

Rebecca Cruze
outfit : herex|xhex: #D02090
xxxYoung hearts, out our minds
xxxRunnin' 'til we outta time
xxxWild child's, lookin' good
xxxLiving hard just like we should


Rebecca stayed cuddled up next to Erin as the service continued, putting her scarf back on to try to cover up any bruising she might have, not exactly wanted people to ask too many questions at the time. She stayed quiet and had a couple sniffles in between everyone’s speeches and talks. Becca had closed her eyes a little after Soren had read his poem and started to zone out as more people continued to talk about who Lauren was and what type of person she was, all of it positive and most of it ignoring the bad part about Lauren.

It wasn’t until Erin nudged Becca that she came back to what was going on. Rebecca was being called to come up and say some things. People knew Lauren and her were close during her time in New York and she had forgotten she had told Lauren’s parents she would say some things. Her mother and father knew about Lauren’s lifestyle and how she would party and her attitude, but they still loved her and were taking this whole situation. Rebecca took a deep breathe and stood up with some help from Erin and slowly walked up to the podium, adjusting her jacket and scarf and wiping her eyes a little.

Rebecca stood infront of the podium and looked at all that were here and smiling to see a her friends faces, Nate, Pri, as well as other friends and family of Lauren. She took a deep breath before talking. “Hello, as most of you I’m Rebecca Cruze, and at one time Lauren’s best friend.We all knew Lauren in our own ways, while she wasn’t perfect, she was who she was and many of us bonded over her. I remember first meeting her when I got to high school as a freshman and met Lauren and took me under her wing, giving me the best years of high school I could ask for. She’s the reason I changed my middle name to Wilde to remember the good times. Some people couldn’t handle who Lauren was, but she knew this and accepted it. I regret not keeping in contact with her more, but she was never forgotten while I was away and will continue to never be forgotten even though she is gone…” Rebecca trailed off, in between wiping her tears before walking down the stage.

As Rebecca walked back to her seat a familiar figure caught her eye, the same detective that had questioned her, Erin, and Lex was here, though in more casual wear. Though he wasn’t alone, he had another woman with him, different than the one at the crime scene, and she had more of the cop look to her, both were eyeing the crowd and had eyes on Becca as she took her seat next to Erin. “The cops are here…” She whispered to Erin, not sure if she had noticed. “I don’t know why they won’t just leave us alone.” She continued, laying her head on Erin’s shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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0.00 INK

Ethical Hacker | Outfit | Hex: #4E3475
There is only one way to avoid criticism:
do nothing, say nothing, be nothing...

|| Day of Lauren's Memorial ||

A week had passed since Lauren's unfortunate passing, her memorial would be held later today. During this time Alexander had spent his time going over all of the evidence that he and Khepri had accumulated. Despite the vast amount of information they were able to gather they weren't any closer to discovering any hints to who had committed the crime. There was very little Lex could do to further their investigation, there just wasn't anything there. Resigned to that fact Lex chose instead to get back into his usual routine, addressing the investigation if anything else came up.

While preparing to go to Lauren's memorial, while taking a shower, Lex heard his phone ringing on the sink. He ignored it and let the call go til it would leave a message but the phone would ring again right afterwards. Thinking it must've been important, considering not many people had his personal number, Lex exited the shower and answered the call. "Who is it and why are you bothering me?"

The voice on the other end was hurried and sounded out of breath, "Boss... You're not going to like this but..." They were hesitant to continue, not wanting to be the one to deliver the message. Lex silently waited for them to finish, feeling slightly perturbed. "...You know the lady you told us to take care of... Well she was attacked but she managed to get away... I think she ran to the memorial service for your... Friend."

Fury and anger erupted in Lex's psyche, impacting even his physical appearance. Before being overcome by these emotions Lex calmed himself down enough to talk, saying with an oddly cool but unmistakably furious voice, "Weren't you suppose to take care of it? ...Tell me exactly how she could be attacked if you were doing your job?" They replied that they were preoccupied. "Preoccupied? ...That would mean you were busy, correct? What exactly is more important than a direct mission given by me ...your Boss?" Between the silence and unintelligible mumbles from the other end Lex began to lose his patience. He knew that they wouldn't overlook any direction he gave them without a good reason, it was then that the answer was obvious. "Which branch was it? Who had overridden my order? Seconds passed until a single word escaped from the voice on the other end of the phone, the word Deputy.

Still fuming Lex ended the call with his subordinate, he knew that they didn't have a choice so he didn't question them further. While getting dressed Lex began calling his secretary. She answered the call cheerily asking, "What do you need boss?" While buttoning up his shirt Lex began to list a number of things he wanted his secretary to take care of. This list consisted of: delivering a gift to the Clarks after the memorial; expressing Lex's apology for not being able to attend due to company related issues; look into who had attacked Rebecca, as they were likely to be connected to, if not, Lauren's killer; to have a 'meeting' with his subordinate arranged; have one of his firearms placed in his car. His secretary could tell that there was something off due to the tone of his voice. She asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you? ...Have some drinks prepared perchance?"

Now fully dressed and prepared Lex laughed at his secretaries attempt at humor. Walking out into the elevator and pressing the button for the bottom floor Lex answered her, saying, "Yeah, I'll probably need it..." Lex pulled his lighter from his coat, lighting up a cigarette as the elevator started to go down. "Don't wait up for me Tina. I need to have a 'little chat' with someone..."

It took a while for his driver to arrive since there were some late minute 'arrangements' which needed to be made. Lex continued to chain smoke waiting for his car to arrive. He pulled out his phone, pondering whether or not to contact Becca or any of his 'friends'. Looking down at the new wallpaper on his phone, a picture he took while Becca was eating breakfast, a number of emotions swirling around his mind til he saw his driver park in front of the residential building.

When he reached his car and got inside he checked underneath his seat to find his Glock 45, fully loaded with four more magazines prepared. He fastened the gun into his appendix holster and clipped the magazines on the back of his belt. After he was done preparing that his driver asked him where they were going exactly. Opening up the window, Lex flicked out the remainder of his cigarette before answering the driver, saying, "Where does anyone in this city go with a gun? ...We are of course going to the 'shooting range'." The driver chuckled at this response before he started to drive to where he knew they needed to go.

Muffled sounds being emitted from the limousines trunk. Clicking his fingers Lex acted like he just remembered something. "Ah, that's right. Before we go to the 'range' we need to throw out some trash... Know any good places to do that?" The driver shook his head, knowing where they needed to go and his boss's preferred order. As the driver looked back towards he saw the cold glint in his bosses eyes, glad that he wouldn't be on the receiving end of whatever he was planning.

|| Day of Soren's Dinner Party ||

Days had passed since Becca's assault and there was no signs or information he could gather about the culprit. This frustrated Lex but he couldn't do anything about it, despite his skills and resources, just like in Lauren's case. Lex sent several messages to Pri, seeing if she was able to find out anything about the incident either. He hadn't received an affirmation yet but considering the difficulties he was having he doubted that she would've caught on to anything either.

"Boss, we'll stay nearby in case you need us... and as per your instruction we'll pay better attention than last time." Lex's eyes scanned over the subordinates he had gathered today. There was four of them, not including the driver, they were Chinese American like himself and were dressed in common New York street-wear to better blend in to their surroundings. It was a completely different group from the people who were first tasked to watch over Becca. Lex didn't want a repeat of what happened last time.

"Just stay outside near the building. Two of you have eyes on the car and each other, the driver will maintain surveillance on the main entrance. The others will patrol around the building and see if anyone goes in any other way, stay together and watch each others back." Lex had carried his gun with him since Becca's assault, not wanting to be without an answer to an unexpected incident like that again.

Lex and Soren weren't particularly the greatest of friends, especially after the incident between himself and Lauren, but he wanted to see everyone after what happened. Opening the door of the car, Lex slowly walked towards the entrance to Soren's residential building. As he was about to go inside he saw his men go into action and start following his instructions. He looked at them indifferently before the entrance closed and his view of them was obscured.

Arriving at Soren's apartment Lex knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open the door for him. A minute passed before anyone came to the door, whoever was inside must've been to busy to welcome Lex in. He began to think about whether or not he should open the door himself or wait outside for someone to answer the door. Not wanting to be rude and not being really interested in engaging in the majority of his 'friends' drama, Lex patiently waited across from Soren's door. Taking out a cigarette and lighting it up, taking a drag as he waited for someone to either open the door or arrive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Monahan Character Portrait: Rebecca Cruze Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Monahan Character Portrait: Nathan Miller Character Portrait: Alexander Yang
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0.00 INK

Rebecca Cruze
outfit : herex|xhex: #696969
xxxI act like I don’t fuckin care,
xxxLike they ain’t even there,
xxxI act like I don’t fuckin care,
xxxCuz I’m so fuckin scared,


Rebecca barely acknowledged the sort of compliment she recieved from Soren with a nod before walking away and trying to look busy so people wouldn’t bother her, most of this was just being on her phone and avoiding eye contact. Though when people did try to come up and talk to her, either to question her new look or try to comfort and make sure she was okay, she would just blow them off. Becca did make eye contact with Nate when he arrived, but quickly turned around and turned her attention elsewhere, gazing out the window and into the streets of New York, taking a few more sips of her cup of straight gin.

Becca sighed as someone tapped her shoulder and was ready to give a snide remark about not wanting to be bothered, but when she turned around and saw Erin, she just went quiet and agreed to talk to her as Erin led her to a room for a little bit more privacy Rebecca would be lying if she said she felt bad for how she left Erin’s apartment, but it was the spur of the moment and she had been impulsive and wanted to leave. She quietly listened as the other woman talked, hearing the sincerity in her voice and the words she was saying, she knew there was truth behind them but didn’t know how to respond, especially to the apology that wasn’t needed. Even though being rejected by Erin happened before Rebecca dyed her hair, it wasn’t her fault for how she was acting, how she looked. Erin went to turn away from her but Becca grabbed her hand.

“Erin. It’s fine. I’m fine. We’re fine. Nothing is ruined. It’s just complicated okay? With how eve-” Rebecca could hear a knock at the front door since it was next to the small office they were having their conversation. Becca peaked through the window and saw the build of a familiar person waiting for the door to be answered. “We will talk later. Promise” She said with an expressionless face before she excused herself from the room and went to answer the door.

When Rebecca opened it and her assumption of it being Lex was confirmed, she wanted to smile to see him again, but then remember she hadn’t really spoken to him since the few times she visited him before the memorial. “Hey Lex. Honestly surprised to see you here.” She said as she brushed her now black hair out of her face, the look Lex hadn’t seen yet. “Come on in.” Becca said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, giving him a rough rundown of the set up, even seeing Soren and just making a remark about him being drunk. But when Becca saw what direction her drunk friend was going, she stopped dead in her tracks. The cop. The same cop, detective, agent, or whoever or whatever he was from Lauren's crime scene, her memorial service was now here at the dinner party.

Rebecca walked away from Lex and straight towards the cop, accidentally bumping into a few of the other patrons before getting to her destination. Usually she wouldn’t had been this so confrontational, but the liquid courage was getting to her, as well as a lot of the stress was affecting her mind. “Why are you here?” Becca said in a loud tone, a couple people turning to see what the commotion was about. “Seriously, can’t you just leave us alone for one minute without showing up and monitoring us when we’re just trying to relax? We are trying to mourn our dead friend, but you keep insisting on questioning us.” She had lightly shoved the cop, not much power behind it. Becca wasn't exactly happy with being at this party, but she definitely didn't appreciate it being crashed. She took a look around and saw now she had accidentally grabbed the attention of most people in the room, ending her gaze on Lex, almost as if to ask for help.