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The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

The Wind That Moves The Dunes.


The Wind that Moves the Dunes is the sequel to a steampunk RP called The White Group. This RP will be small (three RPers max) and will have a focus on character development and epic stories.

1,251 readers have visited The Wind That Moves The Dunes. since Bosch created it.



The Wind that Moves the Dunes is the sequel to an RP called The White Group. While familiarity with the original is not vital there will be returning characters. This RP will be small (three RPers max) and will have a focus on character development and epic story telling.
The TLDR version of the old RP is that a secretive of mercenary assassins got embroiled in a war in which a Group called The Confederate Army attacked a region called the Flats. The White group fought on the side of the Flats and helped to unite the various city states of the region and repel the invaders. It’s kind of weird breaking all that work down to that but I guess that was a bare bones out come. Below I’m going to explain the Lore of the current world which takes place Ten years after the previous RP.


History and Geography


The region in which the RP takes place is called Cambria and it is divided into three areas. The Peaks in the north, The Flats in the middle and the Gold coast in the South. The Peaks are a cold mountainous region, The Flats are desert land and the Gold Coast is a thin tropical strip of land. There will be more explanation of these regions later.

The Past.

At an indeterminate time in the past an apocalyptic event occurred that basically ended civilisation. Not much is known about what exactly happened but it’s clear it had a massive impact on the environment. Climates became more diverse and the weather more extreme.

While the β€œWorld That Was” is a mystery to most, signs of it are everywhere, from the bastardised technology that keeps Cambria alive to the ruins that act as the grave markers of a society nobody remembers.

Exploration of the Old World isn’t necessarily the goal of the RP but it will crop from time to time.

The War of the Flats is basically the most important event in recent history as it had an impact on all areas of the Flats. The War was between a rag tag resistance movement led by representatives from across the Flats against a Group called the Confederate Army. While the Flats won the War the wider conflict is still unresolved. Since the war the Flats has seen increased cooperation between city states resulting in the formation of a government. The Confederate Army however are no the sort to give up easily. The RP takes place Ten years after the events of The White Group RP and thusly Ten years since the Flats War. This RP will not have the same level of focus of Warfare and will instead (hopefully) focus on espionage however as you all know once an RP starts the best laid plans can go awry.

The RP will take place in three regions separated by a lengthy travel time of a few weeks by airship. These regions will be explained below.

The Flats.

The Flats is a desert region which is obviously pretty flat. Many varied groups call it home and they live in towns and cities dotted around the place. The days tend to be long and hot while the nights are pretty short and cool. Until recently there was no overall governing body on The Flats now though it is run by the Independent Flats Government. It’s a democratic federal system made up of representatives from city states and led by a president.
Flatlanders tend to be independent and resentful of meddling however after they successfully repelled an invasion attempt from the Confederate Army in the Peaks they now understand the importance of cooperation. This doesn’t mean they work well together however and it often falls to the president to settle disputes between regions.

The Flats is made up of many different places and areas which will be described below.

The Badlands, The Wastes or The Wide Open.

This is the area between towns and cities that is pretty much barren desert land with the occasional oasis. It is home to the Tribals, the Ochil and some small settlements. The Tribals are roving gangs of people that are pretty much feral. The Ochil meanwhile are a community of Nomads that wander the wastes taking old world Technology and selling it to whoever they meet.

On the Wastes you are likely to encounter animal life like packs of coyotes, lizards, snakes, insects and sparse vegetation. Of course most are dangerous and some even venomous.


Farpoint was at one time the most civilised city on the Flats as it operated as a trade hub however during the War of the Flats it worked with the Confederate Army and as such has the dubious reputation of being home to traitors. It’s still wealthy but lack any real political input due to its history therefore it uses it wealth to influence politics. Its representative at The Table is Tobias Wing.

The most striking feature of the city is the cargo Airships overhead which is how the wealthy of the city made their money. It is a popular destination for the wealthy to dock their own airships. For this reason it’s sometimes called β€œShade city” due to the shadow cast by the many Airships floating above.

The town is the wealthiest on the Flats and citizens of Farpoint tend to have an inflated opinion of themselves. Those from outside the town however consider them to be treacherous.


It’s an old world town of cobbles and grand architecture that has been reclaimed from the sands by its religious inhabitants. The town’s people are xenophobic zealots who follow the teachings of a man called Father Singh. Singh believes by keeping his flock pure from the violence of the Flats they can become more pleasing to his interpretation of God and thus leave The Flats which they believe is a form of purgatory.

For this reason the town uses a group called the Guardians as protection, they are made up almost entirely of Orphans that are mercilessly trained to be the best defenders possible. Of these only a few ever venture outside the walls of Hope. These are called the Walkers who are considered to be the most lethal people wandering the Flats, however their small numbers make their threat negligible. The Guardians are considered to be brutal to their enemies and completely loyal to Father Singh. They also carry a mark on their hand which identifies them as Guardians, it is considered to be a trophy among criminal gangs.

Few people ever go inside its walls and all matters of trade with the outside are conducted outside the city’s walls using the Guardians as intermediaries. Intruders, if caught, will find their life expectancy is measured in seconds. Alleged crimes committed by citizens are judged by Father Singh and the only penalty is death.

During the Flats war The Guardians of Hope fought alongside the other city states of the Flats and the Guardians proved vital in turning the tide. Despite this Father Singh declined the option to join the Table and since the War Hope has returned to their isolationist footing.

New Mesa

This town is a combination of the old and new which means it has cobbled streets and some beautiful architecture sitting right beside houses made out of repurposed wood. It bore the brunt of the War but is also the capital of the Flats and was quick to be rebuilt.

The town was popular for its large Casino Complex called Fat Nick’s after a previous owner. Fat Nick’s still stands as is operated by The Flynns, two brothers that represent the seemingly undefeatable criminal element of New Mesa.
The other side of New Mesa is politics as it is the home of the Independent Flat’s Government and The Table. The Table is where the elected representatives meet and discuss matters that effect all of the Flats. The president is Jenner Reese and the representative from New Mesa is Maxwell Lowe.


A small settlement in the middle of the Badlands, its economy is based around the Tarkan Bead Mine which is a mid level mining operation. It is now a strongly prosperous town thanks to the intervention of The White group years ago.


Zong was once a slaver settlement and trading outpost but now it serves as an outpost for the United Flats Army and is widely considered to become the first battlefield should the Confederate army ever wish to attack again. It is one of the most northern regions of the Flats.


Sometimes this town is called the β€œFloating City” other times it’s called The β€œRat Cloud”. Both are accurate depending on your opinion of Sky pirates.

Skycove is a city in the sky that is normally in the south east of The Flats but it can move around a little. It’s completely New World made and started out as a flotilla of Pirate Ships which eventually tethered themselves to each other and became a safe haven for Pirates. Over the years the town grew as more ships docked and never left.

It’s not unusual to see someone taking a β€œlong jump” after a drunken argument which has led to a small society developing under the city. These are called the body snatchers and they make their living by rifling through the corpses that fall to earth. It’s much wiser to settle an argument over a round of shine.

Skycove was led by Carla Reynolds during the War and her ability to get the pirates of Skycove involved was a key factor in victory. For this reason Jenner Reese ensured they were represented at The Table.
The representative at the Table from Skycove cove is Shamus Cole who has been in the position for a record ten months.

The Workshop.

This is the home of the Census Analysis Group of which your character is a member. In reality the group has no name but its members call themselves the White Group. The White Group report directly to the President and undertake tasks for her for the good of the Flats. The members of the White Group live and train here.

The office is located in some underground old world ruins that were once home to the Old White Group.

The Office is run by a staff of three Mr Chastain is Jenner Reese’s representative, Kincaid is the Armourer and Mrs Smythe handles all the domestic issues alongside a small staff of domestic workers.

The Training room.

The largest room in The Workshop was selected to be the training area because of its cavernous size. Here Members can practice their skills using a plethora of training devices such as practice locks, Wooden dummies, training weaponry, small practice buildings, Ranges, equipment for physical exercise and anything else a Member may need.

It is maintained by Kincaid the armourer who develops new weapons for the assassins.

The Library.

A room filled with Maps salvaged from the Flats. The Library existed before the original White Group uncovered The Workshop although then the shelves were empty. Apparently the delivery of Books never arrived.

It also contains the combined intelligence on each location that the White Group has collected over the Years. The White Group operatives use it to plan their missions.

The Peaks

The Peaks is a very cold mountainous region to the North and is the home of the Confederate Army.

Igur Penal Mine.

The Igur Penal mine is where those who have broken confederate law wind up if their crimes are considered bad enough. It’s the kind of place that few people make it out of alive. There is only one recorded break out in history.


The Capital City of The Peaks and Home to the Confederate Army. It is also the heart of Political life in the Confederate State which is closely tied to the Military. It is a large and imposing city designed to be a symbol of Confederate Strength. Many Airships dock on the outskirts and the Town has a distinctly Gothic feel. It is situated on the side of a mountain called Mundus' Rise.


The Tanu Capital City. It is not as advanced as Mundus and is a collection of wooden structures. Given the Tanu's resistance to cold it is rare for fires to be lit in City unless cooking. The City sits beside a frozen lake.

The Gold coast

A thin strip of tropical land south of the flats which is populated by members of all races that have shrugged off the aggression to the north. It is by all accounts a beautiful but hard place to live. The plants and wild life there are very dangerous and someone inexperienced with life there will not last long. Those that do thrive have little interest in anything outside their paradise. The Flats have sent representatives in attempts to drum up some form of dialogue but all have been politely sent home with nothing.


The Tanu.

The Tanu are humanoid in appearance but there are a few marked differences. To begin with their Skin is a pale grey colour and is quite tough compared to other races, their eye colour also tends different from that of normal humans with purple or orange being most common. Their hair colour varies from Blue to White although it’s not unheard of for them to dye it.

The other immediately noticeable trait is their extreme height and musculature with an average member of the Race being around 6’7 feet tall. All Tanu are very strong and this is represented by their large muscular frames which makes them a formidable opponent although their size prevents them from being very agile or stealthy.

The saying β€œTo defeat a Tanu it must die three times” does have some basis in fact as the Tanu physiology is remarkably resilient to damage. It is also widely believed they have some natural immunity to poison.

Culturally they are a war like people with little thought given to science or art. This proclivity for war means they have little interest in the Old World and as such their progress has been limited. Tanu are known to get agitated with long periods of inactivity which can result in infighting and increased aggression. Interestingly Tanu poetry is considered to be quite accomplished even if themes tend to be limited to physical violence or tales of old battles.

The Tanu’s history is intricately tied to that of The Confederate Army. When the Confederates first began to conquer regions in the Peaks they encountered the Tanu who were the first to successfully resist the Confederates. Many in the Confederacy believed they could have defeated the Tanu had they kept fighting due to the Confederacy’s size however most would agree it would have been a Pyrrhic Victory at best.

Instead of continued pointless war the Confederacy offered to allow the Tanu people to join the Confederacy as equal members. The Tanu ultimately decided to accept the offer as it gave them real power and benefits they would not have had otherwise. Tanu culture seemed to fit well with the Confederate one as it was just a far more extreme version. Racism exists though as the Tanu’s size and baritone voice has created a stereotype that they are slow witted, while to the Tanu Humans are considered weaklings and the Ochil are seen as little more than pests.

In the Confederate army the Tanu are used as Shock troops who are unleashed in the first wave against an enemy often this first wave is enough to completely break the resolve of any opponent.

Despite the seemingly happy marriage between the Tanu and The Confederacy some Tanu feel the relationship is degrading to their people as they hold no real political power in the Confederacy, their military units are often overseen by Human commanders and used in meat shield operations. This has led to small groups of separatists springing up across the Peaks.


Pretty much us. Odds are good if you’re reading this you have a fair idea what they’re like. They come in all shapes, sizes and colours and have a pretty diverse set of beliefs and ideologies. Humans are the most populous group.

The Ochil.

The Ochil are a race of nomadic traders who travel The Flats. They are more far rational than the Feral Tribals. They are a hard people who are second to none at surviving on the harsh wastes. Their horsemanship is highly regarded and their use of primitive weapons is the stuff of legend.

Socially the Ochil are divided into clans, each clan will have slightly different customs and each Ochillian can be fiercely defensive of their Clan even if they left it years ago. They are a spiritual people but don’t really believe in a personal God. Most groups see the Flats as a kind of presence or force. For example a standard Ochillian burial involves burning the body to return it to the Dunes which they consider to be a fitting reward for a life well lived.

However their appearance marks them out in a crowd. Most Ochil are only slightly over five feet tall with deep dark skin and blonde hair. This can make life difficult for them when encountering the fervent racists on The Flats. They tend to be more toned than humans and have generally higher cardiovascular health although not be as strong.

Groups on The Flats

If you can imagine it and it fits with the theme I’m willing to accept anything here’s a few that have sprung up as the RP has progressed.

The Sky Pirates.

Farpoint serves as a refuelling station for many Airships on their way south. Given the Flats’ harsh terrain and isolated geography this makes it a perfect place for Pirate attacks to occur. Of course most trade ships now employ some form of guard so pirates have to be careful. In addition the Confederates have a zero tolerance policy on Pirates and those captured can expect summary execution or enslavement.

Their leadership system goes no further than the Captain of a ship. Sometimes ships will work together to take down a big score but aside from that they are a group of independents.

The Guardians of Hope.

Possibly the best trained fighters on The Flats but they are rarely seen outside Hope, the town they are sworn to defend. They are trained from a very young age to be completely loyal to the town and deadly with their chosen weapons. Their greatest strength is their disregard for their own safety as they value the lives of those living in Hope over themselves.
As they are brought up to be soldiers their emotional intelligence is quite low, they also tend to have a brutal honesty and stoic attitude. Walkers are Guardians that leave Hope to undertake jobs for the Town. It’s rare to see one alone as they always travel in at least a pair.

Each Guardian is branded on their hand that marks them out as a Guardian which to Tribals, slavers, sky pirates and other nefarious types is considered to be a form of trophy. Therefore on the rare occasion a dead Guardian is encountered it’s not unusual to find their hand has been removed.

The Tribals.

These are disparate groups of completely insane individuals who live on The Wastes and prey on unsuspecting caravans and travellers. The most infamous tribal was a man called Gretch who became known for his brutality and leadership skills. He was able to build his own tribe by conquering other tribes and taking their best warriors. He then used arms supplied by the Confederate Army his Tribe to take New Mesa. Although Gretch won the Battle he lost the War and ultimately wound up dead at the hands of the White Group. Lacking leadership and direction the Tribals fell back into their old ways and are now seen as a dangerous nuisance.

The Confederate Army.

The Confederates hail from a region called the Peaks which is very different from The Flats, its characterised by mountains and colder temperatures. The leader of the confederacy as a whole is Grand General Bertram Dunseith who is an aged man living in Mundus the capital of the Peaks.

The β€˜Feds are a terrible group known for their brutal tactics and enslavement of conquered foes. On The Flats they are viewed with open distain as the culture they come from in The Peaks is very conservative when compared to the freedoms available on the Flats. Comparing them to the Guardians would be a stretch but they are a formal army.

The regulars are conscripts although most see serving the Army as their duty they are not professional soldiers and receive limited training. These guys are more likely to be manning checkpoints and as such are the most numerous group.

The Specials are well trained and are the forces used in battles. They have better equipment and tend to be Career Soldiers. Additionally they are used to defend Higher risk outposts.

The Cabal are a small group of Elites in the confederate Army. These guys are sent in for special jobs such as assassinations. They are under the direct control of the Grand General.

The Confederates largely wear the same uniform which is grey while their officers have an iconic greatcoat which perhaps shows how ill prepared they are for life on The Flats. The Cabal however are supplied with more specialised gear. The β€˜Feds have been known to use private contractors to conduct operations such as Gretch although they are not above an old fashioned double cross.

The Confederate Army despite its many immoral practices is the largest organised military group on the Flats.


They are the lowest of the low on the Flats and their trade is considered disgusting by most.

Nevertheless slavery is permitted in the Peaks where it is a booming trade. The poor or the gullible have been told there is wealth in The Peaks only to find themselves in chains and destined for a life of servitude. For some reason Ochillians are popular with the Slavers and fetch a high price on the Peaks it has been suggested this is why The Ochillian Clans are constantly on the move.

The Independent Flats Army.

The IFA is the military force of the Flats government and is made up of all groups on the Flats. They vary wildly in ability and equipment and are all loyal to their city or group over the Government but by and large understand the Flats must be united if it wishes to remain free. It is composed of Infantry and the Airship wing. Since the Battle of the Flats there have just been small skirmishes with the Confederates. They are not as well equipped or trained as the Feds but have home field advantage and seek only to defend their boarders.

The White Group.

Led by a man called Mr Chastain who represents Jenner Reese, the White group perform jobs under the direct orders of the President. They are loyal to the office not the individual. They come from all walks of life and only have ability and loyalty in common. The name comes from the fact that white light is made up of all the colours of the spectrum much like the White Group is made up of lots of different groups.



Air ships come in various sizes and shapes from small and manoeuvrable pirate ships, to large Transport vessels and pleasure ships designed for the wealthy. Airships are a common sight but most people on the Flats spend most of their time on solid ground.


The Peaks has rail roads. Yep that’s right Old World Trains have been refurbished and the β€˜Feds were able to create rail links between Mundus and the rest of the Peaks. Primarily they are used for transportation of troops and cargo as well as civilian use.

The Skyhook.

Shaped like a revolver but it actually fires a grapple that can be used to get from the ground to an airship quickly. It’s often used by pirate boarding parties.


Not Technology but they are in use on the Flats, mainly by trade caravans.


In general Weapons and all technology can be thought of as falling into two categories Old world and New world.

Old World Weapons tend to look handsome and work very well. However it is very rare to find a complete working one. They are based off fine clockwork technology that The Flats has no way to recreate so replacement parts tend to degrade the quality of the weapon.

New world weapons are generally of poor quality and are homemade from scrap parts. If Old world weapons are surgical scalpels New World weapons are Hammers.

Firearms are on the flats and fall into loosely Three categories. Revolvers, Shotguns and Rifles. The weapons should have a Steampunk western feel. So think lever action rifles etc. Old world weapons are far superior to New world weapons. The technology just isn’t there to reproduce these weapons even the best New World efforts are heavy, inaccurate and loud. They have a lot of recoil and create a lot of smoke plus if your gunsmith wasn’t particularly skilled you run the risk of it blowing up in your hand.

Old world weapons are accurate, relatively quiet have less recoil and are dependable but are rare and are often bastardised with new world parts.

Swords are common or the Flats and come in all shapes and sizes while the Technology exists to make them to near Old World Standards the New world swords are better suited to their tasks than Old World swords. I’m going to be pretty loose with what’s permissible here so feel free to use a katana or a Scythe or whatever ever else you like. I see swords as being an important part of life on the Flats so of course they’d be customised. Blunt weapons are commonly used as well.

Crossbows and Bows from the New World are probably better because tribes like the Ochil use them as their weapons of choice. Crossbows in particular are very deadly in the right hands.

I’m always open to new weapons.

How The RP will work.

All of my RPs work in the same way and they seek to let the RPer have a massive impact on the world and how it grows. The other feature of my RPs is their tendency to have large post sizes as evidenced by two of them featuring in the top five of highest word counts per post list of this website. This isn’t really through design but more to do with the level of input it’s possible to generate with the style of RP I like.

This brings us onto the mechanics of the RP. Basically I call them short story RPs. The idea is I present an objective, goal or mission to your character and then you write how your character goes about achieving this goal. They can fail, succeed or only partially achieve a goal it’s all ok. Then in my next post I’ll write how these outcomes affect the world. In what I call Epilogue posts, I’ll then give more jobs and the cycle starts over again.
Put more simply the structure is this.

Step 1. The GM (that’s me Bosch) will post Missions in the IC section of the RP. These Missions will be clearly titled in the IC post.

Step 2. The RPers (that’s you) read the mission and choose one. They state which mission they would like to undertake in the OOC section of the RP. This is to prevent two people doing the same mission. The Missions are allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Step 3. After declaring your interest you can get writing. Remember from the day you say you want mission you have one week to complete your post.

Step 4. Once all the posts have been received the GM will create a post that deals with the epilogues of each mission and their impact on the setting. The GM will also post a new selection of jobs at which point we go back to step one.

To begin with each job will be a solo effort in that one job= one writer. In time though we’ll do doubles. One job= two writers. We’ll see how it goes.

The CS

Ok so here’s the CS. Remember I’m taking on you as a writer so having a β€œcool” character isn’t as important as telling a good story. Anyway Here’s the CS.


Description- Should include age, race, gender and sex.

Personality- Have fun with this tell us how your character is.

Equipment- Ok obviously this will change over time but it helps give a feel for the character.

History- Here’s where you really go a chance to shine what your character’s story? Be as brief or verbose as you like. Detail is appreciated.

Toggle Rules

Eww Rules, I know right? I hate writing β€˜em and you hate reading β€˜em but we’ll be through in a jiffy.
1. Respect all site rules at all times.
2. In situations not covered by Site Rules the GM has final say.
3. After a Job has been accepted the RP has one week to respond unless they contact me and get an extension.
4. If I haven’t heard from you in a while I’ll probably fill your place with a new RPer. I’ll send PMs and all that stuff but if I don’t hear from you I’ll just assume interest has been lost.
5. Swearing, Violence and Sex are all parts of life and given the seedy nature of the RP there is no doubt we’ll touch on dark themes however this not an excuse to be crude for the sake of being crude.
6. In general characters with a Character Sheet cannot be killed. Every other NPC is fair game unless otherwise stated.
7. We’re about good storytelling, not tearing people down over simple mistakes. So long as you can tell a good story that I can follow we’ll be fine. Nobody is going to freak out over Grammar here as I understand some of you may not have English as a first language.
8. I have only got a couple of months with enough free time to do this so I’d appreciate it if you could inform me of absences etc ahead of time so I can maximise my schedule.
9. Lastly we are all here to have fun, including me so I expect a level of maturity and cooperation which you will receive in kind.

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#, as written by Bosch
Northern Territory of The Flats.

He thought the Dunes moved liked the waves of an ocean and almost smiled at the familiar view of endless sand. It had taken weeks for the cold and ice to fade and be replaced by the orange warmth of the Flats.

β€œSight of sore eyes Pete?” Thompson said. β€œOr well eye in your case.”

β€œIt surely is.” James Costner said ignoring the little joke Thompson had made. Thompson was still calling him Pete but Costner knew that Thompson knew the truth.

β€œI ain’t been down to the Flats in the three years or more... still a lot of bad blood with Confederates.”

β€œI’d say.” Costner said simply.

β€œI don’t get it. I’m just a trader.” Thompson said with a shrug. β€œAnyway The Zong is down to the South East. Used to be you avoided it on account of the Slavers now it’s the Soldiers you gotta watch fer. One thing you gotta give the β€˜Feds at least they’re trained. This Flats Army ain’t nothing but shit kickers with uniforms.”

β€œI wouldn’t know.” Costner said as he pulled out his revolver and cocked it.

Thompson turned quickly and held his hands palms out at his side. β€œWoah now Pete what you doing?”

Costner sighed. β€œThompson, Who have you told about me?”

β€œAbout you?”

Costner nodded.

β€œPete I ain...”

Costner interrupted. β€œStop, you know that’s not my real name.”

Thompson’s face fell but after a moment he nodded.

β€œLook I’m sorry I dragged you in to this but it was your greed that made this go south.”

A tear ran down Thompson’s cheek. β€œYou don’t have to do this. We can go... just like old times me and you.”

Costner laughed. β€œLike old times? You weren’t thinking about old times when you sold me out were you?”

Thompson looked at the ground.

β€œWho?” Costner asked.

β€œRyan Mozambique.” Thompson said faintly.

Costner was shocked for a moment. β€œMozambique? That whole thing was years ago, Jenner Reese is more of a threat to him than me.”

β€œHe’s an old man now. Crazy too, thinks his enemies are everywhere. I knew he had an old score with you and... and I just wanted to cash out.”

Costner nodded he then lifted the revolver and fired a single shot killing Thompson instantly.

Costner patted the body down and took some beads and bullets. He then glanced up at the sun which was already beating down harshly.

β€œWelcome Home.” He muttered before he gathered his small pack and started walking south into the Flats.


New Mesa.

The Office of Jenner Reese.

The speech was as good as any she’d written recently but she still found herself doubting it. Was it too much? Farpoint was already making the case that too much was being spent on the military and not enough on rebuilding and expanding the cities. Jenner was no fool though she knew that Tobias Wing had already earmarked the beads currently going to the Army for his own Train project. Jenner would be damned if defence spending would go to help another Farpoint turncoat make a fortune on the back of taxes. She was about to reread the speech when there was a knock at the door of her office.

β€œYes?” she said although she knew what the meeting was.

The door swung open and a small portly man gave her a thin smile. β€œPresident Reese, Mr Chastain is here.”

β€œSend him in.” Jenner said as she set the speech to one side.

β€œAt once.” The man said with another meaningless smile.

A few seconds later the lanky frame of Chastain was in her door way.

β€œThis a bad time? Your butler seems all wound up.” Chastain said with his trademark drawl.

β€œNo it’s fine and he’s not a butler he’s an aide.”

β€œWhatever you say.”

Chastain entered the room and closed the door behind him. He glanced around the room laconically before leaning against a book case on the far side of the wall. It always entertained Jenner that he never saw an occasion to dress formally. Always in the same poncho, always armed.

β€œHow’s business?” She asked.

β€œGood but dull. Some rumblings of the Fed’s sending down some Cabal but nothing came of it.”

β€œGood. I received a request from Deeza the representative of the Ochil.”

β€œFor us? That’s not like the knife ears.”

Jenner frowned at his use of the epithet but Chastain’s face remained unmoved.

β€œYes, it seems some of the clans to the east have been having trouble with a slaver gang. They want us to help track them.”

Chastain raised an eyebrow.

β€œThe Ochil want help tracking? They’re the best trackers on the Flats.”

Jenner nodded and leaned back in her chair. β€œTrue. Deeza is an old friend from the war and she’s trying to get the Ochillian clans to agree to join the Table.”

β€œDeeza. I know of her, she’s pretty much their leader. Like the Ochillian version of you. Why doesn’t she just make β€˜em join?”

Jenner shook her head and frowned. β€œOchillian politics are not that simple I’m afraid.”

β€œRight so you want us to go out help this clan with their slaver problem and maybe generate a little bit of good will towards the government?”


β€œYou know anything about these Slavers?”

Jenner shrugged. β€œThey’re slavers. What more is there to say?”

β€œGot ya. Any other business?”

β€œOne other thing. Alexia Coleman is travelling to Farpoint and requires an escort.”

Chastain rolled his eyes. β€œLemme guess we’re going too?”

β€œNow I can see why you make sure leader.” Jenner said with a smile.

Chastain smirked at her jab and allowed a few seconds of silence to linger before he changed the subject.

β€œI know Tobias Wing and his railway is screwing with the beads going to the army. Why don’t you just put us on him? Evanna can make it look like... well anything.”

Jenner shook her head. β€œNo that’s my battle. He’s an elected official.”

Chastain nodded before slowly rising to his full height. β€œAlright then. I’ll be back next week for the speech.”

β€œNot necessary, the army is more than capable of keeping me safe.”

β€œI’m sure they are. I just want to be an informed voter.” He said as he left the office.


The White Group wasn’t large so Chastain had to pick and choose the missions he took carefully, unless of course they were missions for Jenner which meant he had no choice as the White Group was an extension of her office. In all other jobs though Chastain had the final say in where they went. Of course nobody requested the White Group got involved in situations as they were unaware the White Group existed. Instead Chastain played the long game. He’d identify problems that only the White Group could fix and introduce the solution. One such problem has occurred in the small town of Karkuth.

The town was nothing special apart from a whisper he’d heard a few days ago from one of the Lost Boys. The Lost Boys were the eyes and ears of the wastes. The Children that nobody noticed but that noticed everything around them. One of his informants had told him that the Barkeep in Karkuth was acting strangle and had been wandering out into the wastes at night. This coupled with rumblings of Cabal sightings in the area were what piqued his interest. He had his missions for the week and set about drawing up the listings.



Come With Me.

Location- New Mesa to Farpoint.

Objective- Ensure Alexia Coleman makes it safely to Farpoint and back to New Mesa.

Information- Alexia Coleman is going on another trip which as you know means we have to hold her hand. This one comes straight from President Reese so it’s gotta be done.

As we all know Professor Alexia Coleman aside from being the Genius who invented the Mechanically Augmented Walker that helped us win the war is... eccentric. This means whoever goes on this mission will have to be on their best behaviour. Professor Coleman is in possession of many phobias and most would agree it’s best to just play along. Shooting a snake is far easier than getting a two hour lecture in the middle of the wastes about different types of venom.

This is not to say the trip will be simple. So far we’ve be lucky in these little excursions as Tribals have stayed away but as we all know the second you get out on the wastes things can go real, bad real fast.

As we all know Professor Coleman is currently working on some kind of new military gizmo and her survival is vital. So try not to lose her.

How to Make friends and Influence People.

Location- Eastern Flats, The Scrublands.

Objective- Aid the Takalu Clan in tracking a defeating a band of Slavers

Information- This is another request from President Reese and is something of a diplomatic job. The representative of the Ochillian Clans is called Deeza, an old war friend of Reese’s. Anyway Deeza is the intermediary between The leaders of the Ochillian Clans and the Flats Government. Deeza and Reese feel that everybody would be better served if the Ochillian Clans become part of the Table. Of course the Ochillian Clans ain’t too trusting so Deeza and Reese reckon the best way to win them over is to show how the Government can help out the Clans.

One such problem is an Issue the Takalu Clan is having with a band of slavers raiding their settlements. The Takalu isn’t a big clan and have been hit twice already. They can’t take a third so you are not going to let that happen. Reese wants you meet with a band of Takalu warriors and track down these Slavers. Liberate the prisoners and deliver some β€œfrontier justice”.

What we know about these Slavers is limited. They always attack by land but they have airships. The Takalu are able to track the Slavers across the wastes but inevitably the trail goes cold and the Takalu believe an airship is being used. The good news is its unlikely the Slavers have went north yet however if they get wind the Government is involved they’ll hightail it. These assholes like pushing around a tiny band of nomads but will run at the first sign of the big boys getting involved. That’s why we can only send you in. We show up with a battalion they’ll be gone before we’ve even started searching.

If you find these Slavers and free those Ochil we’ll be a step forward to bringing the Clans into the Government and uniting all the Flats. Fail and the Takalu will most likely cease to be a tribe. No Pressure, right?


Location- Karkuth

Objective- Investigate the Bar Keep at the Drunken Scorpion.

Information- The Lost Boys recently passed me a piece of information about Bradley Hounslow, the Bar Keep at the Drunken Scorpion in Karkuth. Karkuth is a small town in the North West of the Flats very close to the border with the Peaks. It is of little strategic value as it is quite out of the way. In fact the only reason the town exists is due to its remoteness. It serves as a small resting post for traders travelling by land North to the Peaks. Obviously in the years since the war this trade has dried up. The only thing that has kept the town alive is the small mine on it’s outskirts but that too becoming depleted.

However the creation of the Flats Army has created new opportunities for Karkuth as our forces moving to guard the border have to pass through the town. This means the town gets an economic boost each time troops pass through. This means the citizens of Karkuth have a pretty good idea of what we have guarding the western border of the Flats.

Hounslow has been brought to my attention thanks to his slightly odd behaviour which involves him travelling out into the middle of the wastes for no easily identifiable reason. The Lost Boys are unable to follow him out on to the wastes as they’d be discovered immediately. This coupled with recent reports of Cabal activity in the area has piqued my interest. It’s not a lot to go on but if Hounslow is meeting with Cabal agents we need to know what they are discussing and if possible to stop any meetings happening in the future. It’s up to you to get to the bottom of this. It could be nothing more sinister than a man enjoying the occasional ramble or it could be a spy monitoring troop movements. You need to find out.


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Location- Eastern Flats, The Scrublands.

Objective- Aid the Takalu Clan in tracking a defeating a band of Slavers


Evanna sat with one hand on her hip, glaring into the harsh sunlight. She'd forgone thick or stuffy clothing for the day, instead opting for a thin shirt and a skirt that hardly reached her knees. The Wastes were hard and dangerous places, so unlike her home. Evanna reached to touch her belt as she looked around her, subconsciously taking stock of what poisons she had at her disposal- vials of doll's eyes in her right side pocket, their juices sloshing wildly with every jump of the horse she rode; a vial of liquid seeped with the roots of a Water hemlock on her left side; crushed crab's eyes mixed into cheeses that she kept in the pocket next to her buckle. None of them would be of much use for her today, of course- today would be bloodier than she liked. For that reason she had a quiver of arrows on her back and a bow next to her on the horse. The arrows were coated in ricin, but she could kill without that. But, she thought idly as she pulled the horse, a mare named Kalia, to the left I might not be able to use them at all at this rate. Where are those Ochil?

She'd been looking for them since she'd arrived at the edges of the Scrublands that morning. She'd taken a horse from a trader in exchange for a belladonna plant- rare, expensive things, those. Lucky that Evanna could grow her own. The horse was old and slow, and Evanna's fair skin was beginning to burn in in the harsh light, but suddenly she saw what she had been looking for- the Takalu Warriors. They were brutish and large, but Evanna kicked herself down from the horse to greet them kindly. She wasn't afraid of them- and they were not afraid of her, it seemed. One of them, a man, stepped forward and raised a spear towards her, pointing it at her chest.

"Evanna Kings, of the white group. I am here to be of assistance," she explained. Another of the Ochil, a woman this time, stepped forward and pushed the spear down from the man's hands, yelling at him at a speed Evanna couldn't understand.

"I am Beril, that is Izach," the woman's voice was harsh but motherly, and Evanna nodded as she introduced the rest of the small group. Aside from Beril and Izach, three more made up the small group of men and women. Evanna nodded her head to each in turn, happy that they had apparently been expecting a liaison of the white group to assist them.

"So, as I understand it you have been having trouble with Slavers?" Evanna said as she drew her bow over her shoulder, ready to rest. It would be easier to track at night, and the day was starting to wane in any case- and from the tales Evanna had heard of this Ochil tribe, they made very good food from the harsh ingredients of the Wasteland.


The desert cools alarmingly fast, turning the molten heat of the day to frigid winter within what seems like moments. The sun had just set and Evanna, full of soup made from cacti milk and lizard, was back atop her horse with one of the men's fox-fur blankets slung over her shoulders. Now, she kept her bow ready at her side, always half-ready to drop her hand on the reign and pull it into action. The wastes became the stuff of nightmares at night, and even though she was protected by people who knew the lands she was vigilant.

"Where'd a broad like you learn to use a bow?" Izach, the quick-to-the-trigger man from earlier in the day, said as they tracked their way across the land, searching for signs of the Slavers.

"An Ochil taught me," Evanna said simply. She must have seemed bristled by the question because he didn't ask her again. They road for hours, it seemed, before they even had an idea of where the men might be, and even then all they'd found was a scrap of fabric that had torn from the body of one of the captured. Of course, this may seem to be a very small clue, but apparently it struck something in Beril, who Evanna had noticed was the leader of the small caravan of warriors.

"Airship. It left here.. I do not know what direction it went in," she said, and Evanna noticed a tinge of sadness in her voice before she resumed the trotting of her animal.

"What if it hadn't gone anywhere? Slavers are smart people- some of them, anyway. They know the Ochil are trackers. They know this , and what would be the easiest way to avoid being followed? Don't leave." Evanna muttered under her breath, looking skyward. At night the sky was cloudy, and any airship would be obstructed by the low-hanging clouds. "That cloth was ripped off one of yours, right?" a few nodded in agreement. "Right. Your people aren't stupid. They left it for a reason," Evanna dismounted and searched the heavens before nodding to herself.

"We stay here until morning," she declared.


They took turns sleeping, and by the time morning rolled around Evanna was pacing, searching the heavens. If she was right, and she was quite sure she was, there was an airship around up there somewhere. She paced back and forth for a time before she did notice what she'd been looking for- the silver glint of a metal ship high in the air, hard to see if that didn't know what to look for. Of course, Evanna had no way to get up there, but it was only a matter of time until they came down.

As it turns out, she didn't have to wait long. A long rope fell from the heavens by about noon, and they were ready. Evanna tied it down to a nearby rockface and, soon enough, the straggly figure of a lanky man in desperate need of a bath fell from the sky, clutching a bag to his person and mumbling to himself. Evanna delighted in shooting him down and watching the ricin in the arrow turn him to a mass of seizures.

"Up," she demanded, and they followed the order quickly, scaling the rope with inhuman strength. Evanna followed swiftly, though she had more trouble with it than the others.

The inside of the airship was steamy, decrepit and in desperate need of repair. The thin metal slacks that covered the bottom of the craft had to be navigated like a maze, lest someone fall through. But, they managed quickly, pulling themselves into an alcove that had a reliable ground.

"How many attacked your tribe?" Evanna asked, holding her bow upright.

"Fifteen or so- a small group. At night, and they had very good weaponry," Beril answered.

"I'm willing to bet your captured are in a cell at the back of the ship. You go to them, I'll deal with halting this operation permanently. Once you get them, you get out, understand?" Evanna took off her boots, set them on the ground and disappeared into the framework of the building, waiting patiently until she heard them trail off into the depths of the structure before she walked towards the front of the ship, where the captain would be. She didn't meet anyone for the first few minutes, but the first one she met was hardly a challenge- a person- no more than a boy really- that couldn't hold a knife if it was taped to him. She had pushed him into one of the many holes that littered the floor of the broken airship. His screams were loud, and provided just the diversion she needed to slink into the captain's room and lock the heavy steel door behind her.

She announced her presence quickly, tapping her fingers on the metal of the door frame. The captain turned to face her, looking over her greedily. She could almost see him putting a price on her. Her bow was at her side, and she didn't have an arrow in it at the moment- she must have looked very innocent. She surveyed the room, noted the decanter of brandy on the table next to him, and a plan formed in her mind. She dropped the bow and arrows at the door, hoping they were out of the way, before she began to speak:

"He-Hello. A man told me to come in here- a young boy, with sandy blonde hair," she described the man she had just killed quickly, feigning innocence, "He said you'll take me to Farpoint," she said, scratching at the ginger hair that was curled into a bun at the top of her head.

"Why- Micheal, yes. We'll take you to Farpoint, if you want Miss... for a price, of course," the man smiled a seedy sort of smile and Evanna almost gagged, forcing herself to pull herself forward.

"I don't have much... I make cheese, you see, and I have a client in Farpoint that I wanted to talk to about possible employment with the airships.... not many people can afford the frivolous anymore," to demonstrate, Evanna held out one of the cheese cuts from the pocket in her belt out, offering it to the man. "You can have what I have on me, if you want... I don't know if that'll be enough..." he took the outstretched triangle from her and examined it, even took a bite of it before he began to speak again.

"Miss, I think I'd much rather have what you could offer me with nothing on you," the man advanced on her and caged her in, and she fought the urge to simply end it and stab him then. She wanted to give the Ochil as much opportunity as possible to get everyone out. His breath stunk of ale and he stunk of death, but Evanna smiled a nervous smile as he moved towards her, probably intent on kissing her. Thank god the poison started up then, attacking his systems and leaving him foaming at the mouth. He seized suddenly and fell, grabbing onto Evanna's leg. She shook him free and grabbed up the remaining portion of cheese from where it had fallen onto the floor. She put it on the table next to the decanter and poured a glass of it, sipping it slowly. It burned her tongue but it was a nice burn. She set the ship on a course for the ground, making it so that it would fall slow enough to enable her escape if she was quick but too fast to stop. She would have to count on the Ochil having already left. She made her way to the rope quickly, thankfully not noticing anyone else as she fell down. Once down she cut the rope as high as she could manage and watched the airship sink with increasing speed towards the ground.

Evanna caught up with the group as they were preparing to leave, stopping the sadness on their faces as she approached.

"We thought you'd been killed, what took so long!" One of the women said as she cut the ties off of one of the captured.

"I had to deal with the arrangements. I don't think you'll be bothered any longer," she said slyly as she watched the ship sink into the distance. The caravan was heading out when they heard the initial boom and a smirk graced her features.


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Come With Me.

Yvette was annoyed. She prefered the shadows. Escort duty was not something she excelled at. On top of that the woman was known for being as eccentric and out there as they came.

Her scarf was draped around her neck. There was no need to hide her face for this job. In fact doing so might set off the professor. Perhaps that was the part that bothered Yve the most. The professor was a mess of phobias, fears and rules but they were not always consistent.

Yve had briefly considered hiring someone to pose as her to do all the meeting and talking to the professor so that she could watch from the shadows. She decided against it knowing that if the strange woman found even on inconsistency with things or began to think someone was watching her she might go ballistic. Even the woman’s reactions were all over the place. One minute crying because sand had somehow gotten into her shoe and thus meaning she had to change her whole outfit to yelling about how someone coughed on her to lecturing on the dangers of wind burn.

Yvette waited at the arranged meeting spot. When the blonde approached everything about her screamed odd woman walking.

β€œProfessor. Nice to meet you. I will be your escort-” She put her hand out but was stopped in her tracks by the woman’s look.

Shit. Not even five minutes in.

β€œI do not shake hands. Now then do you have my transportation ready?”

Yve realized that it could have gone much worse and thanked her stars it hadn’t.

β€œYes of course.”

β€œIt is secure I trust and comfortable? You checked for damages or wear? You know one can die if one’s transportation has not been adequately maintained. In fact last year-”

β€œYes professor. I checked on everything and ensured its most recent work.”

The woman wrung her hands. She did not look entirely convinced. Yvette looked her over. Her tone of voice did not fit the worried, wide eyes or the constant fidgeting. Yve had a feeling that the words, the requests were well practiced, like she was coached by someone within the group on how to appear less terrified than she clearly was.

Yve was still stiff and tense but the professor seemed to lose some of her practiced edge. β€œYou know there are many dangers out there. In fact between random bands of-”

β€œWhy don’t we discuss this along the way? It will keep our minds alert and watching for things if we talk about them.” Yve interjected not wishing to hear about the dangers that potentially lay ahead. She was well aware of them and someone listing them off made it feel like all of them could happen. Unlikely she knew but the things this woman said made it feel like the sky could drop on them any minute.

The journey won’t be the hard part it is not letting her drag me into her neurosis that will.
A while later Yve sat in the back of a small but well maintained carriage with the professor. They were already behind schedule as the woman decided that Yve’s promise was not enough and she needed to inspect the passenger carriage for herself.

Midway through listening to Prof. Coleman talk about the design and engineering flaws Yvette was ready to pound her head against a wall. In her mind she pictured herself tying the woman up and gagging her for the entire journey. On the outside she remained calm, standing still and let the woman go about her business. It was no sense arguing with her.

They sat, Yvette staring at the back of the carriage and the professor staring fearfully out the window.

β€œIs that a coyote? I think I saw one. They hunt in packs you know.”

Yve sighed. β€œIt is fine, the horses are faster and the driver is equipped with a weapon.”

β€œOne can’t be too careful you know.” Alexia wrung her hands.

Yvette removed her scarf from about her neck. β€œHere, twist this. You are going to rub your hands raw.”

The woman looked up and then down at her hands. β€œOh if I do that there is a 78% of infection due to foreign bodies.” She frowned and took the scarf. β€œThough there is a risk of infection from using something that has been in contact with your skin.” She looked torn for a moment.

Yvette, as gently as she could muster at that moment, put the scarf in the woman’s hands. β€œLower risk with the scarf.”

β€œYes. Yes.” The professor seemed to be mentally calculating it all out.
They stopped for water at the halfway point. The land around them was sand, dust and the occasional scrub grass.

β€œI am surprised they sent a woman. Though I am quite-” Alexia struggled for the words. β€œOverwhelmed. No. Confused. No.”

β€œAnxious, nervous, awkward…” Yve offered. She received a heavy frown in return.

β€œMen are not my first choice of companion. Truth be told neither are women. Such fragile bodies and though able there is something to be said for human error.”

Yvette gave a huff. β€œYou’d rather a machine I take it?”

β€œBut of course. I designed know.”

Yve barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes. β€œYes I know and I know you are working on something new. All secretive, I understand.”

β€œI simply find human beings to be illogical at times.”

Yve forced a smile and gestured for the cart. β€œShall we get moving?”

The professor hesitated. What now! Yve inwardly screamed. β€œIs there a problem?”

β€œYes. I exited this side but when I first entered the cart it was from the other side. Perhaps, for consistency I should enter once more from that side and reserve this side for exit only.”

Hands wiped her face as Yve tried desperately not to yell at the woman. Why it mattered what side she got in or out of baffled her.

β€œWell you do what you are most comfortable with but we should not delay too long. The horses are freshly watered and rested.”

β€œYes of course but if I could have a moment to ponder this out….”

Yve’s hands balled up. β€œOf course.” She spoke through clenched teeth.

Turning her back on the professor her eyes raked over the land behind and to the distant sides of them. To the far east a dust cloud was forming.

Riders. It could be nothing but it could be something and Yvette wasn’t ready to risk it.

β€œProfessor have you decided? The-” She turned and found herself alone. Stunned but not worried she went to the other side of the cart. Must have gone around to get in. The other side was empty as was the interiour.

β€œYou have got to be kidding me.” Yve threw her hands up and began to look for the woman. Surely she couldn’t have gone far. She looked over the shoulder. The dust cloud was headed in what could be assumed to be their direction but there was a lot of land between them still.

β€œProfessor? Professor?” Yve’s eyes raked the sand for footprints. What she found baffled her even more. It looked as if the woman had walked in a circle and then was gone. Not possible her lip twitched in annoyance.

She turned to check the dust cloud and saw shadows visible in the bottom. Riders. Their intentions were not clear but Yve wanted to move on before they had the chance to show that they did not mean anything good.

Something moving just in the corner of her vision made her head turn. With a low growl of frustration she ran over to where the professor knelt in the sand.

β€œA curious thing this little plant. See how it holds water inside? Imagine what we could do if we could carry water with us all the time and keep it fresh. Not just in canteens or such but I mean great loads of it or other liquids?”

Yve wanted to strangle Alexia. β€œI thought you were deciding what side to get into the carriage on?” She attempted to hide the anger behind the words.

β€œOh let’s see.” Alexia stood and brushed off her dress.

β€œNo time now professor.” She grabbed her by the arm and steered her towards their waiting ride. She put herself between Alexia and the approaching riders. The last thing she needed now was the woman in a panic when they had no idea if the small band was even coming to them or simply riding on.

β€œIn we go.” Yve practically shoved the woman in.

β€œI do not-oh-stop pushing-what if this is-” Yvette turned a deaf ear.

β€œGo. Now.” She ordered the driver. She stood in the open door, balancing on the edge of the cart as they took off. She still couldn’t tell if they were coming to them or not but she was happier to be away.
They weren’t accosted. Yve had managed to get the moving with enough distance that it was not possible for the riders to catch up.

For her trouble she endured a lecture that lasted the greater part of the second half of their journey. The professor had an opinion on every point of the matter, all except the fact that they might have been followed, potentially attacked but Yve ensured that didn’t happen. Of course she might have had something to say about it if she had been aware that it had occurred. Yvette was grateful that the woman was blissfully unaware.

They arrived and Yvette was never so happy be alone as she was when Alexia went off with her new guards.

And I have to get her home again… Right now she was just happy to be rid of the woman. She didn’t know where she went or what she was doing while here but it was none of her business. Her job was protect her there and back.

Yvette went off to relax and find a very important thing.
They met once more at the prescribed place. It was time to head back.

β€œGood morning professor. I hope your time here was productive.”

Alexia frowned, β€œWell I wouldn’t say productive I definitely hoped for better.”

Yve grit her teeth. β€œWell shall we get going?”

Alexia looked over the carriage just like last time. Yvette stood there trying not to look bored, just like last time.

They climbed in and set off.

β€œHere, I wanted to make sure we had plenty of water. I have heard it will be particularly dry this day as we head into the wastes.” She handed the other woman a canteen.

She received a nod of thanks and Alexia went back to staring out the window.

β€œI hope we do not see any coyotes this time. I am sure that is what I saw.” Alexia began rambling on and Yve tuned her out as best she could offering β€˜yes’, β€˜I see’, and interesting where applicable.

The canteen was opened and Alexia put it to her lips. Yve watched with baited breath as the woman drank.

It was long after the canteen was closed that Yvette watched as the woman’s eyes grew heavy, her speech more garbled and her head bobbed.

Yve smiled. The journey back would be far more enjoyable.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jenner Reese
Character Portrait: James Costner
Character Portrait: Evanna Kings
Character Portrait: Chastain
Character Portrait: Yvette
Character Portrait: Marin Sadi


Character Portrait: Marin Sadi
Marin Sadi

The Professional

Character Portrait: Yvette

The sneak

Character Portrait: Chastain

The Boss

Character Portrait: Evanna Kings
Evanna Kings

The Poison-Maker

Character Portrait: James Costner
James Costner

The Mystery

Character Portrait: Jenner Reese
Jenner Reese

The President


Character Portrait: Chastain

The Boss

Character Portrait: Jenner Reese
Jenner Reese

The President

Character Portrait: Evanna Kings
Evanna Kings

The Poison-Maker

Character Portrait: James Costner
James Costner

The Mystery

Character Portrait: Yvette

The sneak

Character Portrait: Marin Sadi
Marin Sadi

The Professional

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Evanna Kings
Evanna Kings

The Poison-Maker

Character Portrait: Jenner Reese
Jenner Reese

The President

Character Portrait: James Costner
James Costner

The Mystery

Character Portrait: Chastain

The Boss

Character Portrait: Yvette

The sneak

Character Portrait: Marin Sadi
Marin Sadi

The Professional

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Most recent OOC posts in The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Almost done! Last of family left today. So sorry I am holding things up!

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Ah Canadians, your ability to confuse me with your slightly different holidays of the same name at different times never ceases to amaze me. Honestly freaked out for a second there and thought I was gunna have to buy a last minute turkey and everything.

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Okay, slight issue. Trying to get it done for tomorrow but it is Thanksgiving weekend and family celebration has started earlier than planned. I may not get it in on time! I will try but I might be a few days delayed. Sorry!

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Not at all, I totally know what you mean.

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Hmm I am torn. Be nice to share the blog but my real name and my picture appear. I will have to think about this. I like the anonymity here lol I know sounds silly.

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

I think Pandora might have suggested a couple songs from the Sherlock holmes soundtrack to me before, but if you recommend it I'll definitely have to check it out.

Thanks for the info on beads and trains. I swear I can read, just not the intro apparently. lol.

That sounds like an awesome party. Skulls, you write a beer blog, I need that link asap girl. Pleeese!!

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

I don't know about you guys but I want a link to that blog!

@ skulls. I have plans for the prof but they are ultra flexible. I'm ok if she lives, dies, gets captured or just has a lovely time. I don't want to lead you guys down a particular path in terms of the plot as reacting to what you guys do in your posts is how I have my fun in this RP. However as Alexia is a returning NPC I'll give a brief overview of the character.

She was born in the peaks and was known to Jenner Reese. Where Reese was headstrong Alexia was timid proffering to spent time with her father. Her father like all men in the confederacy was in the army where he built and designed weapons.

Years later he attempted to flee and was killed, the White Group was involved in the escape attempt and was able to get Alexia out. The war was in full swing and Jenner was able to convince Alexia to make weapons just as her father had done, Jenner hated harboured a lot of guilt over this. Alexia's biggest contribution to the War effort was the MAG, a kind of steampunk Mech.

Sinc the war she has continued to design new inventions but not weapons. It is a secret what she working on at the moment. Her personality is timid and fearful with a hint of neuroticism. She is white with blonde hair And is the same age as Jenner. Hope this helps and remember you can whatever way you want in the story.

@Possibility. Great first post, really excellent. I love seeing the different ways people approach the initial set of circumstances and come up with some totally inventive. Good job!

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

I have many favourites. lol

I write a beer blog so I drink a lot of craft beer. This Oktoberfest was for a brewery called Beau's. They put on a heck of a party. Great food, great cask beers and great beers in general.

I guess I am on escort duty. Bosch do you have something in mind for the Prof.? Meaning would a collab be best?

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

I'm glad this roleplay has players with good music taste.

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Heck yes. I bought their album when I was doing the first one and it really fits the theme. I've been wrong before is probably my favourite song. I'd also recommend the soundtrack to the Robert Downey Sherlock Holmes movies.

The currency is beads which is shorthand for various types of jewels and gems. It's like a barter system. I freely admit it's hand waving to avoid having to work out a formal currency.

The train system is currently only in the peaks to the north while the flats where the White group and Karkuth are have none. This could develop into a major plot plot point as Farpoints representative at the table wishes to take government wealth to fund a railway system. Jenner Reese however would rather have the money spent on military spending. We shall see though as with everything from this point on it depends on what you guys write.

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Well if you insist. I will pick "Cheers", it seems like the sort of mission Marin would go for. =D I think we all knew what you were talking about by going to an Oktoberfest. I agree with Possibility, lucky you. Do you have a favorite brew/er?

Ah something I forgot to say earlier. We all are listening to Abney Park, yeah? At least that's what I'm doing. Do the three of you know other steam punk bands/songs I should be listening to as well? We need a playlist. I think Victorian Vigilante in particular seems to fit the function of the White Group, since we work outside the law and occasionally straight up murder people.

I also have two questions for you Bosch. What is the currency used? I read Beads, but I'm not sure what that means. And how extensive is the railroad system? Would my character be able to ride the train to Karkuth or would he have to find other transportation from wherever the track ends into the town.

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

I hope I did that right.

@north- Hello

@skulls- l u c k y

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Go ahead and pick. I am on my way to Oktoberfest so I won't get to look at it tonight. I should clarify a local craft beer Oktoberfest.

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

*Slinks into the back and sits low in his seat*

I'm here finally. I took the long route. lol

I look forward to writing with you again as well, Skulls! =) Ladies first, so whichever mission you would like to have I will be happy to take the other one. *gallant bow*

Hello Possibility, nice to meet you.

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

How to make friends and influence people - Evanna Kings

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Glad you're excited! The first post is up so please take your pick and if anyone has any questions please PM me or post in the OOC. Remember to post here which job you want and from when you post you have one week to post in the IC.

So there you go guys have fun!

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Right folks the RP starts tomorrow which is Friday the third of October. It would be great if the last CSs could be in before then. If not don't worry as the RP will always be open until we get three.

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Great man if we end with four that's ok. We'll have a duo mission to begin with. Quite excited to see what you all make of the plot I have an idea for how it will pan out but the fun is changing it based on what you guys write!

Re: The Wind That Moves The Dunes.

Get your butt in gear and get the character in!! I want a chance to write with you again Gaze!