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Toxic Angels

Toxic Angels


It's been 60 years sense the cataclysm and humanity has been divided into groups... Mutant's are hunted like animals. But thing's are not what they seem when humanities hope's clash and realize there not as different as they might seem.

3,908 readers have visited Toxic Angels since CookieCupcake created it.


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60 years ago the cataclysm happened...

Few remember how it was caused and even fewer know why.

The thing people remember most was ash raining from the sky and everything either being wiped cleaned or wilting.

People everywhere died from the toxin's in the air.

The people who survived did what human's do best.

They fought and survived and soon groups of people formed.

Some wanted to start over with little question as to why or how.

Other who were religious believed they could not simply "start over".

Others mad with the thought of no rules and power became scavengers.

As new generations the hopes of the world were born people noticed a problem.

Not all were... Perfect.

Some were cursed with strange mutations.

Some people took there mutated children and fled.

Other chose to kill there own children and never speak of it again.

Soon mutants were hunted like animals.

That is untell just recently...

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Plot: 60 years ago there was a great cataclysm one that scent the world veering into madness and disorder. No one or at least few remember how or why this happened but humans doing what they do best kept of surviving and going. (All that is known is that the cataclysm released large amount of radiation into the air) The different groups of people each with there own believes went there own way each finding a new place to live. When the next generation was born people began to notice that some were mutated in very unusual ways. While some parents took there children and ran away others decided to kill there own children because they were twisted.

When things became more stable and society's and even cities were built back up mutants were chased and hunted down like wild animals until they formed there own society's and like nomads moved from place to place. That is until recently... The new government realizing that for one some mutations were undetectable and that two mutants might be useful man power in the cities invited mutants to live /near/ them in harmony... As you can imagine this means treated like scum and at first were not even allowed education. That was until the government seeing that there was going to be large riots appointed a group they called The Toxic Angels to help run the city and collectively came to the decision to let mutants and humans mingle no one knows what kind of effect this will have but with the first ever mutant human school opening up and the sort of acceptance of mutants into everyday life who knows what will happen...

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Toxic Angels: Toxic Angels are an elected group of mutants into the government who are trying to win equality for mutants or as the group calls them... The little angels. The group is actually called this because there founder was a mutant with angelic looking wings.

School: All characters in this RP will be teenagers and will be going to Toxic Angels high school the first school for Humans and Mutants now this is the only school for both people and its fairly small now most humans going here are delinquents or government kids who need good rep. Most mutants coming here are coming here cause there was no room in other schools or plain curiosity. The principle is the founder of Toxic Angels but is rarely seen.

Mutations: Mutations range from different skin, to an extra limb, to mind reading, future seeing, gills, extra toe, extra eye, gender malfunction if you can think of it go ahead unless its REALLY extreme then talk to me.

Purification Cult: This is a group of people who loath mutants with all there might they are working agaisnt the Toxic Angels trying to destroy all mutants they are so serious about it that they even bombed a few schools and many worry they plan on bombing Toxic Angel High-school.

Government: The government operates in Cilestia the capital of the world and government center while mutants are allowed to attend schools in the city and visit the city the government has not approved of mutants living within the city yet...

Disease: With the cataclysm one can imagine much disease even 6 years later there are still some people who suffer from there skin getting eaten away from the toxin's of the world or radiation poisoning and much more... You an be creative here but its good to keep in mind that newer generations are becoming adapted to the world and are less likely to be sick.

The world: The world aside Mern and Cilestia is vast there are the wilds other towns and cities the desserts and more each with there own dangers and inhabitants. It good to note that the world is filled with mutated animals as well...

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Cilestia: Capital of the world and home of the Government Cilestia is home of the humans not yet of Mutants Cilestia is large with the outer ring of the city being refugee mutants poor people ect to the heart of the city where wealthier people live. It is a strong city built to show humans perseverance and it is doing quite well... Or the rich part is.

Mern: Mern is home of the principle amount of mutants it is nearly the same size as Cilestia but lacks in a government. It is not as well built supplied or looked after as Cilestia but its home to mutants, friends of mutants, and simply outcasts. People often say if you want to disappear go to Mern. Mern was built across from Cilestia and is allot shabbier and patched together but still pretty nice. There are strange places in Mern though where water just randomly flows even parts where they say if you look close enough you can seen the remnants of an old city from before the cataclysm hidden under the water.

The wilds: The wilds are places where mutated animals are found mingling with the still pure animals strange things are also found here such as bandits, rogues, and various other people. The wilds are not too far from Mern so there might be people from there in Mern. A fun fact is that often you can find boats in the wilds next to Mern because it was once said to be an ocean.

The Desserts: It is wise never to tread here because there is still high amounts of radiation and toxins found here... Only few wanderers are found in the desserts that plague the world.

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Building a Character:

(Note: Your allowed to make 2 characters and please try to keep humans and mutants balanced so the story is spiced up!)

Code: Select all
[b]Age:[/b] (In between 14 and 19)
[b]Race:[/b] (Mutant or Human)
[b]Mutation:[/b] (Only for mutants be creative)
[b]Home:[/b] (Do they live in Mern or Cilestia or even somewhere else near by)
[b]Likes:[/b] (At least 3)
[b]Dislikes:[/b] (At least 3)
[b]Gallery:[/b] (Anime or drawn only)

Toggle Rules

1. I am Bruce Wayne riding a frigen dragon while dancing the samba please listen ok?

2. Be respectful

3. Not gonna post don't bother joining

4. Be active

5. Have fun

6. I wanna see some creativity!

7. I'm batman!

8. Go above and beyond whats written be creative have fun be original.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi
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Lumi was starring outside the window of her and her mothers small apartment. She'd barely slept a wink with the thought of going to school... An actual school haunted her thoughts. She took a deep shaky breath and looked back at her mothers room where she could hear the gentle wheezing breaths the frail woman took as she slept... If she slept at all. Lumi moved away from the window and changed from her shabby torn pajamas into clothing. They were homemade and patched but Lumi liked them all the same. Her mother had made the the comfortable cotton shirt and the shorts were made from strange material that was died blue. The entire outfit was baggy but made Lumi feel somewhat better about going to school.

She headed downstairs into the restaurant and said hello to the owners a large family of half humans half mutants who had taken in Lumi and her mother letting them stay for free. They even gave Lumi food so long as she cooked it. Lumi made everyone a quick breakfast and a plate for her mom before she waved goodbye to everyone put on her worn yellow converse hand-me-downs from her mother and ran through the streets of Mern. She quickly found her route following one of many strange streams that ran through the city she passed under and over things in the patchwork like city all the while keeping her eyes on the looming city of Celestia. Her long time ago home... The place she'd lost confidence and learned the word... Freak. Now she was actually going back probably only to be called that once more... or killed by fake friends or Purists or whatever.

Lumi quickly departed Mern and a quick run across a field lead to the gates of Celestia where after an argument with the very tired and drunk guard she was let into the city and even given the general reference point of where the school MIGHT be. Lumi hated drunk people... They made her feel... Sick then again maybe that's how Purists felt around her and if that was the case... Lumi shook negative thoughts from her head as she allowed herself to become in a way just part of the scenery as she snuck about and around Celestia until she indeed came face to face with the school. It had some of the charm of Mern with the technology of Celestia. She let herself her skin and her physical being fade back into the world as she silently walked up and into the school. What now?

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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"CAW!!" the raven shouted into Luna's ear. She jumped in surprise and rolled out of her tree, landing hard on Midnight who had been guarding her all night. Letting out a loud growl she shot up and glared at the bird.
'do that again and i'll whack you out of that tree' she snarled at it. Luna could talk to animal's ever since she was a baby and it was kinda of a good thing since she was raised by wolves.

'fine then be a meanie i just didnt want you to be late for school' the raven hissed then flew off. Luna growled as she remembered she had to attend 'human' school. Sighing she went down to the river, Midnight right on her heels.

'i dont want you to go to school, and you know that the Alpha and female alpha are going to have guard wolves surrounding that place right?' Midnight whimpered. Luna took off her wolf fur dress and jumped into the river.

'i know, mom and dad arent to happy about me going' Luna's parents were the Alpha male and female of a large pack. They found her when she was a baby at the forest's edge. Luna ran a hand threw her long blonde hair, touching the bone antlers that grew on top of her head. Moving her hair to the side she un-tucked her wings from her back and stretched them. She didnt use them very often so they were stiff. They were white and near the bottom of each feather they faded into a silver. She thought they were beautiful but the humans thought it strange for even a mutate to have antler's and wings.

She scrubbed clean and controlled the water to help her out. She then dressed in the human clothes, a pair of little blue jean shorts, a white t-shirt, brown cowboy boots and a brown leather jacket. The raccoon's had stolen them for her when she announce she was going to school.

Luna scratched at the material and walked over to the cave where her pack slept.
"MOM!! DAD!!!" she screamed and dozens of wolf heads popped up "sorry" she shrugged and entered the cave, going over to where her parents slept.
"hey i just wanted to tell you guys i am leaving now" Luna saw her mother's ears pop up as she heard that her only pup was leaving her.
"i dont want my little pup to leave me" Luna's mom, Lily whimpered and stood up "Beau get up"Lily growled and Luna's dad groaned.
"no because if i get up i cant pretend this is a dream and that my baby girl is actually leaving" He whimpered the stood up but he refused to open his eyes. Luna went over to him and touched his face

"Daddy i will be fine you raise me well and besides its only a few hours a day"She cooed at him and he opened his golden eyes. Luna smiled sadly and they left the cave and walked to the forest's edge.

"you guys dont have to come any farther if you dont want to" She didnt want her parents to leave. She have never been away from them.
"of course we are dropping you off on your first day and dont worry if you get in any trouble we will have wolves stationed in the trees all around the school " her mother said then licked her daughters face "and midnight will be staying with you all day" Lily finished then walked out of the bush and towards the school. Luna, Beau (her dad) and midnight followed her until they were on the front lawn of the big building. Students were already gathering around, busying themselves with trying to find out who they were going to hang out with. Luna didnt want to know anyone, she wanted to be alone.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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"Miss.Martin its 7:00am it is time for you to get up and get ready for school" Edmund spoke softly to his boss and best friend.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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Ellen woke up, and let a yawn escape her throat. It took a few moments for her half-unconscious mind to register what Edmund said. School, that's right...the same school I'm wasting my precious time least I only have a few months before I graduate. Ell got out of bed, with a faint smile appearing on her face as her signature way of saying "thank you" to her friend. Walking downstairs, the smell of freshly cooked breakfast Edmund made brought up Ell's mood. Waffles and strawberries, with an even number of strawberries, just how I like them. As Edmund joined her in the kitchen, she finally spoke.
"I may be a little tiresome today, for I spent all night looking at some chemical compounds under the microscope." Another yawn escaped her throat again.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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Edmund couldn't help but softly laugh at Ellen's yawns. She rarely ever stays up late because she like's to get the 8 hours of sleep scientist say is needed for a teen-aged girls.
"No worries miss you can have a nap in the car the school is about a 15 minute drive from here" he said politely. He then finished his cereal and went to Ellen's room to make her bed and get her laundry basket.

"i do hope you enjoy your breakfast miss, would you like me to go preheat the Audi (car) its quite chilly out today" Edmund asked as he carried the laundry to the laundry room beside the kitchen.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelly Numa Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
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"Miss.N..." a servant walked into Kelly's to see her already dressed and ready for the day.
"What" Kelly snapped, she hated when people came into her room without knocking. The servant became nervous and scared.
"Mmm...i just came in here to wake you but you are ready up so i will leave, sorry Miss.Numa" the servant rushed out of Kelly's bedroom and Kelly grinned at the fear she had created in the servant.

Kelly left her room and made her way down the stairs and to the kitchen. A platter of smoked salmon, wheat toast slices and fresh cut tomatoes was waiting for here at the grand table. Kelly sat and started eating her breakfast, savoring the delicious taste.
"yum, mommy's chef sure does know how to cook" Kelly finished and left the table leaving the plate for the servants and maids. She walked door to the garage where her driver was already waiting in her Mercedes S class. She hopped in the back and they pulled out the garage and started their 10 minute drive to school. Kelly texted one of her friends Sophia

'Hey u on ur way yet? I cant wait 2 get there and torture those stupid mutates' she texted then sat and played angry birds all the way to school.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
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Sophia stood at her dresser. Her clothes looking new, with no wrinkle in sight. She gave herself a small smile, before picking up her hair brush and brushing her auburn locks again.
"Today is the day Sophia." She said softly yet strictly to herself. "You are going to make your father and the rest of the Purification Cult proud."
Sophia turned to her bed and smoothed out her blankets on her neatly made bed before pulling out her backpack from her closet.
"Sophia time to go!" The deep voice of her father rang through the house.
"Coming!" Sophia yelled back running out of her room and hurrying down the staircase. She stopped herself at the bottom stair turning her run into a slow walk. Ladies don't run she reminded herself quickly. She entered the kitchen immediately acknowledging her father, Greg.
"Hello I am ready to learn." She said respectfully. Yes it was a rather odd thing to say, but she was always taught to acknowledge and say this to an elder.
"Good morning Soph. Are you ready for your first day? I heard Kelly will also be attending the school." Sophia looked up at her father who was giving her a stern look.
"Remember what your there for, okay?"
"Yes father." Sophia said giving him a nod.
"That's my girl." Greg said a grin sweeping across his face.
Sophia smiled at her fathers sentence. She always loved being praised, especially by her father. It was like a reward to her, a privilege.
"Breakfast is in the oven." Greg said picking up a newspaper nearby and directing all his attention to reading. Sophia sighed quietly before covering her mouth. It was rude to sigh in front of your elders. Sophia scolded herself quickly before beginning to eat her breakfast.
Sophia allowed her mind to wander, something her father told her was very dangerous. Just like he had told her not following directions was dangerous, along with mutants and the city mern.
As Sophia's mind wandered it went to a thought she had many times. Why didnt her mom love her?
From what she read in books and the way her friends mom treated them,her mom should have loved her.
Sophia shook her head clearing the thoughts from her head as she ate the last bite of her breakfast.
She put her dishes in the sink deciding to wash them when she got home. She picked up her backpack and headed out the door.
"Mutants don't belong here, they were created by the devil. Don't let them get into your head, Sophia." Greg said coldly making Sophia stop, she looked over at him giving him eye contact. Something she was always told to do when speaking to an elder. She nodded slightly.
A smile spread across Greg's face again."Have a good day sweet heart, daddy loves you." He said kindly.
Sophia nodded before leaving the house thinking nothing wrong of what her father said about mutants.
As Sophia walked down the street towards the high school she went over a check list in her head.
Sophia stopped letting the butterfly's that had been trying to fly in her stomach take flight. She gulped a little scared with not being able to tell who was mutant and who was human, yeah she could tell with a few kids, but not all of them.
She began to panic as a kid brushed past her. Calm down Sophia, remember how your suppose to act.
Sophia forced a smile on her face and began skipping over to a few people and introducing herself.
This is ridiculous, even worse than humiliating she thought introducing herself to the third person today. The kid smiled at her and introduced himself. She excused herself to try to make another 'friend'
"Hello my name is Sophia! What's yours?" Sophia said a little to energetic as she stopped in from of a girl with antlers.
Her skin crawled as she looked into the eyes of the mutant. The sentence her father had said before she left popped into her head. Mutants are evil, she told herself. Her features stayed the same, she actually looked like she wanted to be the girls friend.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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0.00 INK

"Yes, please." She said while finishing her waffles. I'm quite looking forward to that nap. Ell, no more staying up that late. It's not healthy and unnatural. She mentally told herself. Ellen had most of her stuff pre-organized in her backpack. "Ten pieces of line paper, four pens, two pencils, two erasers..." She started recalling everything in her backpack and peeked inside to make sure it was still there. Setting her backpack by the door, she found herself face to face with the mirror that hung near the entrance. It almost seemed to mock her in a way, reminding her body is not as it used to be. She took one strand of her white hair and sighed deeply. "A terrible symptom. The lack of pigmentation in the hair follicle seems to make it lose it's melanin. Pigmentation cannot be restored, as far as what studies show." She was doing her scientific babble again, not really talking to anyone in particular. She glanced at her pale skin, another sign of her illness. "Seems to have a similar yet less direct way in the skin cells." I have repeated these phrases multiple times, still have yet to find a cure. The wheels in her head started to spin as she thought of reverse genetics.
I hope I do not have gym today. Ellen noted her still weak legs, although they felt a little stronger today. She rubbed her legs a little bit, then placed on her shoes. She also remembered to bring her jacket and scarf. "The cold front should last for a bit, I calculated 8 days at most." This time she was speaking directly at Edmund. Ellen had her trusty small calculator in her hand, holding it like a delicate flower.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
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Luna watched the girl. She had auburn hair, slightly tanned skin and brown eyes.
Brown eye's that were looking right into her crimson ones.
As an Alpha wolf's daughter no one ever looked her in the eye unless she said so, it made her feel as if this girl was disrespecting her. Luna took in a small breath of air threw her nose.
'she human' Luna thought and a shiver ran down her spine.

Midnight, Luna's giant wolf/tiger/deer companion growled at the girl. 'i don't like her Luna, she doesn't smell right' Midnight spoke to Luna, knowing that only Luna would be able to understand. Luna's parents had left for the bushes a while ago so it was just her and Midnight.

The girl had asked for her name but Luna didn't want to give it to her. She didn't like this girl, her aura felt off and the sweetness of her voice sounded forced. Luna didn't move her crimson eye's way from the girls brown ones as she spoke

"Luna Nyx"Luna spoke softly, she wasn't use to using her human tongue (language). Her parents told her to be good and polite so that's what Luna would be.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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"yes miss i know" Edmund opened the door for Ellen then stepped outside, he had already started the Audi. He looked back at Ellen, she didn't look so well her pale skin looked whiter then usual. He stepped closer to her and held her arm.

"Help miss?" he asked. He knew her legs were weak and helping her down the step's would give him the chance to heal her. He sent healing waves into her body while he held her arm.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Kelly Numa Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
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Kelly exited the car once they were at school. Her blue eye's scanning the crowds until it came upon a certain auburn hair girl.
'why is she talking to that mutant with antlers?' she asked herself and glared at the blonde girl.
'she have blood red eye's oh my god how creepy is that' she thought in disgust and made her way over to Sophia.

"Hey Soph whatcha doing?" Kelly asked once she reached the two. She knew Sophia was here for under-cover reasons, he dad had informed her a while ago. So Kelly put on a big, sweet smile and greeted the mutate girl.

"hello i am Kelly Numa" she said sweetly. She had been taught to always shake a person hand when you meet them, but she didn't for the mutate, she didn't want to touch the creature.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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The sensation of Edmund touching her arm instantly made her feel more energetic. She couldn't place her finger on it why she usually felt this way when Edmund touched her. It certainly wasn't the first time it's happened. She figured it was just the feeling of companionship and that made her feel better. Positive emotions meant less stress on your body, which in turn makes you feel better. She thought she had it figured out and smiled slightly because of it. She didn't notice the faint color coming back on her skin and face, something she should have picked up on, but didn't. As Edmund guided her down the steps, Ellen spoke ever so softly. "I know I don't say this often, but I am thankful to have you around. Not only as a butler, but as a friend too." The faintest of smiles appeared and disappeared when she spoke her honest words.

To tell the truth, Ellen had no clue what she would do without him. He helps her with so much she almost feels guilty about it. The only thing that's annoying about him is that he often wants me to be outside and have fun. But there's so much research to be done, I sometimes just can't. Ellen recalled the time he took her to a local carnival to "get away from the books" for once. She had never gone to one before and insisted on staying home. Although she complained the the whole way up until the carnival, she actually enjoyed much as she didn't want to admit it to Edmund. The bright colors, warm smiles, delicious food, and the joyful music was the highlights of her carnival memory...that...and the balloons. He always seems to have an uncanny favoritism of them. She thought with a smirk.

Snapping back to the present time, Edmund opened the Audi door for her and she stepped inside.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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Once Ellen was in the car Edmund went to the front and started on their journey. He turned on the radio and switch it to the classical station. Beethoven's symphony 5 flowed threw the car easing Edmund's nerves. He wouldn't be able to go to classes with Ellen because he had already graduated but he would be in the school at all times just case something happened.

"Miss why don't you have that nap now? we will arrive at your school in approximately 14 minutes and 34..33 seconds" he announced softly.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Marx
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(occ: sorry clicked on wrong person lol)

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Kelly Numa Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
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Luna started to become nervous with the two human girls surrounding her. She backed up until her back pressed into the warm fur of Midnight. Midnight growled at the girls and Luna petted her.

'its ok Midnight calm down' she softly cooed to the beast. Midnight looked down at her for a second then back at the girls.
'but they are making you feel under comfortable' Midnight snarled and Luna sighed. She knew her parents wanted her to have a guardian but Midnight was just to big and to scary for school.
'Midnight i want you to go get Rey, the youngest pup i want him to replace you as my guardian' Midnight looked down at her in shock. Luna just put on a serious face and patted Midnight's torso.
'go' Luna ordered and Midnight huffed then walked away.

A few minutes later a bouncing brown wolf pup came up to her and nuzzled Luna's knee.
'hello Luna' he yipped and Luna smiled down at him.
'Come lets go' Luna spoke softly to the pup then turned around and headed towards the school. She turned her head towards the 2 human's.
"umm i must go goodbye" she said softly then fled the area and almost started running towards the school doors.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi
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Lumi was already inside the school trying to orient herself on which way was which. She'd seen the odd human and a mutant here and there but it still seemed to be empty probably because the school day had not actually started. Lumi had made her way around the school when she noticed why no one had bothered to say hello even though she'd waved. She been blending the entire time without realizing. She felt her cheeks heat up and forced herself to be seen. Lumi walked back into the area of the two school doors when her eye's spotted a paper on a notice board. Something she'd not seen before. She walked over to the board and read the words written so perfectly on the page. 'All new student's report to the office for a locker number a lock and then report to the gym for opening ceremony.'

Finally finding a sense of what to do Lumi jogged down the hall until she found the office and walked in there was a lady with bright red nails and ridiculously long lashes behind the counter who looked at Lumi oddly. "Hello Miss I'm here for a locker number and a lock." The woman nodded and fished around carefully her long red nails clicking on everything she touched. She handed Lumi a lock with two numbers on the back and a map of the school.

The woman looked at Lumi bored. "The first numbers are your locker number second numbers are your locker combo have a nice day." Lumi smiled and nodded before leaving on the quest to track down locker 116.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Luna had entered the school and saw the sign and she quickly made her way to the office.
'it smells bad in here' the pup whimpered at Luna's heels.
As Luna walked into the office she bumped into someone. The force knocked Luna onto her butt as Rey (pup) leaped out of the way and growled at the person in front of Luna.
"s..soo..orry" Luna stuttered and saw a girl with short blonde hair and a blue shirt one.
'hush Rey' Luna scolded the pup and he stopped growling but he never left his position between the two girls.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Lumi's eyes widened when she knocked into another person. "N-No i-i'm sorry!!" She quickly helped the girl up which was somewhat difficult with Lumi being so small. "I-I'm so so sorry!" Panic and nervousness rose up in Lumi even the girls wolf or dog hated her! She could feel her skin creep as it changed colors wildly. She put her face in her hands not wanting to see the look of judgement she was probably going to receive. "I-I'm sorry..." She moved backward and allowed herself to disappear and blend into the background leaving her clothes hanging around her invisible features. Lumi mentally scolded herself feeling idiotic for having already in less then an hour ran into someone and lost control of her emotions to the point she'd lit up like a firework machine. Could she not make one decent normal introduction with a person?

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Luna watched the girl turn colors and she was surprise then jealous. Why did she mutate into something with antlers and wings? and so many other mutants got to look normal?
"its alright i was the one not looking so please don't hide and don't worry Rey the mean little wolf pup beside me is harmless" luna smiled at the girl. She felt like she could connect with this girl for they were both very shy and unsociable.

Luna was a little bit taller then the girl, for her forehead came up to Luna's nose. Clearing her throat Luna did something sh enver thought she would do
"its nice to meet you i am Luna Nyx and this is Rey may i ask what your name is?" Luna spoke softly as she held out her hand to the girl.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelly Numa Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
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Sophia's smile widened, if that was even possible as the girl said her name. "Lun-."
Sophia was cut off by a familiar voice. She looked over seeing Kelly heading towards them. Relief spread through her. Finally a familiar face. Sophia thought waving at Kelly.
"Hey Soph whatcha doing?" Kelly asked stopping and starring at Luna.
Sophia didnt have to be a mind reader to know what Kelly was thinking, they had been friends for a long time. She was probably thinking the same thing she was a disgusting mutate.
"Nothing I was just talking to Luna..." Sophia's voiced trailed off as she noticed the blonde headed antler girl was no longer there. Don't tell me she can transport, Sophia thought no longer able to hide her distaste for the place she was in.
She turned to Kelly quickly. "This place is horrible." Sophia said trying to keep her voice low. "One of those.. things actually touched me!" Sophia exclaimed her bangs falling into her eyes.
Your not acting like a lady, shape up! She scolded herself. Sophia straightened her shoulders standing tall. "Shall we go inside?" She asked Kelly softly, brushing her bangs out of her eyes.
Sophia really didnt want to go into the school, but she had to.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Lumi slowly moved her fingers apart to peek out at the girl. She was taller then Lumi and much prettier probably older as well... Lumi allowed herself to fade back into view as she slowly reached out her thin arm and small hand to meet the girl Luna. "I-I'm Lumi... Lumi Noi." Lumi grabbed onto one of the girls fingers and shook it. "Ummm... I-I don't really know what I was s-suppose to do with your hand... N-no one's ever... r-really introduced themselves t-that way to me before... P-Probably cause I-I was in the wilds so l-long... And the family I-I live with now just smother me in hugs...." Lumi blushed and looked at her feet letting her abnormally colored pink hair hide her blue eyes. "Ummm... I-I like your antlers... They make you look very pretty and elegant." Lumi peeked up bravely and gave a small nervous but genuine smile to show she was being honest.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Luna blushed at the girls complement "th...thank you Lumi you live in the wilds that's amazing so do i, i live with the Winter wolf pack and if you think my antler's are cool then you should see my wings their...." Luna trailed off as she realized she had never talked this much with any person before.

"umm what was the thing you just did the disappearing thing?" Luna asked wanting to change the subject from her.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelly Numa Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
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"Lets" Kelly agree and started walking to the school with Sophia.
"so how many mutants to you think there are here?" Kelly asked.
"Good god did you see that girl......Luna right? she had freaking antlers and a giant wolf thingy beside her like what a freak at least most mutants look like human's unlike her" Kelly shivered in disgust

"she have got to be one of the first to die" Kelly whispered to Sophia.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kelly Numa Character Portrait: Sebastian Marx Character Portrait: Sophia Foster Character Portrait: Markus Durril
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Markus bolted upright as the voice yowled in his skull, more effective than any alarm clock. ABOUT TIME. The voice said lazily. I'VE BEEN DEALING WITH YOUR STUPID NERVOUS FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL DREAMS ALL NIGHT. GET A FUCKING GRIP. Markus shook his head and rubbed his eyes, trying to ignore the other half as he hauled himself out of his low bed. He stumbled to his box of clothes, he'd never unpacked anything or made himself at home at all. It just didn't seem right. And the other voice always interrupted him when he started working on mindless tasks. As he pulled on a washed out pair of jeans the voice heckled him mercilessly. HURRY UP. COME ON. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO GET DRESSED. I'D ALREADY BE DONE BY NOW. HURRY UP. Markus heaved a sigh and furrowed his brow against the headache welling in his over-occupied brain.

"Why are you so eager to go to school anyway." the dark haired boy muttered as he tugged a shirt over his head. YOU DON'T TAKE ME OUT ENOUGH BECAUSE YOU'RE A SOCIALLY AWKWARD PRICK. the voice declared. I NEED SOME INTERACTION WITH SENTIENT BEINGS INSTEAD OF PUTTING UP WITH YOUR SHIT-FOR-BRAINS. Markus shook his head, trying to clear it of the other's thoughts, which were really taking their toll on his mood. Said mood was already rather low because he was nervous about heading to this new school, and he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, so he felt in a rather precarious position.

The boy left without eating, his nerves wouldn't permit it, and trotted through the familiar streets on his way towards Cilestia. He managed to not be rude to the guard, despite the voice's insistence that he make an amusingly heinous remark about the man's mother since he was utterly unhelpful. YOU'RE TOO SHY FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. The voice complained as they were granted admittance inside the city to find his own way through the streets. He received strange looks from passer-bys as he argued with the voice about the location of the school, and even when he managed to find it the voice was smug. TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH. IF YOU'D JUST LISTENED TO ME IN THE FIRST PLACE MAYBE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE HAD TO RUN, EH? STUPID DUMBASS.

Markus tried not to pay attention as he ascended the steps and made his way into the school for humans and mutants alike. None of that really bothered him, since his mutation wasn't immediately obvious unless someone caught his eyes changing color, which hopefully wouldn't happen, he didn't need the voice trying to usurp him today, or if they overheard him talking to himself. Well, then they might just think him crazy, not a mutant, but whatever. The young man's blue eyes flicked over the front hall as he edged off to the side, hoping he could figure out what to do before someone approached him. COME ON. GO TALK TO SOMEONE OR SOMETHING, INCOMPETENT SOD. GO ON. DO SOMETHING INTERESTING AT LEAST. DON'T LEAVE YOUR BROTHER HANGING.

"Shut up." He mumbled as the voice took on a mocking tone, shutting his eyes for a moment and trying to build a wall between himself and the annoying entity to no avail.

“Goodbye Mother.” Sebastian crooned to the sleeping woman. She didn’t look so well, her face was white as a sheet, so he decided not to wake her. The child-like figure ran his fingers through his messy hair as he bounded out of his house and trotted through the streets, avoiding cars and dashing between people as if it was all a game. He was sort of excited to learn things now, his mother had told him what school was like and he couldn’t wait. He’d get to meet new people, and maybe he could lift some stuff off some of them and make some money.

His empty bookbag, one that he’d found abandoned in an alleyway near a dumpster, bounced on his back. He’d seen some of the richer kids wear them when they went to school, and he decided that he needed one as well, even if he didn’t have anything to fill it with. After a few good scrubbings he’d decided it was clean enough to wear. His bookbag was bright yellow, the happiest color one could imagine, and while he loved it he worried that it might draw more attention to him that he’d like. He loved the attention, but if he needed to do something all incognito-like, it would be best to ditch it.

The school wasn’t too difficult to find, Seb knew the streets better than the wrinkles in his brain, and he grinned brightly, shoving his hands in his oversized hoodie as he pushed the door open with his elbow. His bright blue-green eyes flicked over the people within. He spotted two rich looking girls. He bounced over in their direction. They were probably not mutants, mutants weren’t rich. He arranged his face into the cutest possible expression he could, a bright smile on his round face. “Hi.” He chirruped at them. If they were nice, then he had some new friends, and if not, then he had some rich kids he might be able to nab some nice things from. It was a win-win situation, what fun! There was nothing better than meeting new people.

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Character Portrait: Markus Durril
1 sightings Markus Durril played by pieluver
"It's a bitch convincing people to like you."/"Could someone get this guy out of here? Um... Please?"
Character Portrait: Sebastian Marx
6 sightings Sebastian Marx played by pieluver
"Hullo! I promise I won't steal your watch if you give me candy!"

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Toxic Angels. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi
Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
Character Portrait: Unity Kane
Character Portrait: Kelly Numa
Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin
Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich
Character Portrait: Aaron Knight


Character Portrait: Aaron Knight
Aaron Knight


Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich
Vladimir Ivanvich

"I LIKE WRESTLING ... and ponies"

Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
Edmund Corric

" Life is full of logical answers but sometimes its ok to just let you mind be free"

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin
Ellen "Ell" Martin

"Logic rules the universe. What's power without knowledge and understanding?"

Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
Sophia Foster

I do as my father says

Character Portrait: Kelly Numa
Kelly Numa

" I want them all dead what do you not understand about that"

Character Portrait: Unity Kane
Unity Kane

WIP, Just need Bio and Personality

Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
Luna Nyx

" I speak for the tree's and to the tree's"

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi
Lumi Noi



Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
Edmund Corric

" Life is full of logical answers but sometimes its ok to just let you mind be free"

Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich
Vladimir Ivanvich

"I LIKE WRESTLING ... and ponies"

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi
Lumi Noi


Character Portrait: Unity Kane
Unity Kane

WIP, Just need Bio and Personality

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin
Ellen "Ell" Martin

"Logic rules the universe. What's power without knowledge and understanding?"

Character Portrait: Kelly Numa
Kelly Numa

" I want them all dead what do you not understand about that"

Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
Sophia Foster

I do as my father says

Character Portrait: Aaron Knight
Aaron Knight


Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
Luna Nyx

" I speak for the tree's and to the tree's"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin
Ellen "Ell" Martin

"Logic rules the universe. What's power without knowledge and understanding?"

Character Portrait: Kelly Numa
Kelly Numa

" I want them all dead what do you not understand about that"

Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
Luna Nyx

" I speak for the tree's and to the tree's"

Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich
Vladimir Ivanvich

"I LIKE WRESTLING ... and ponies"

Character Portrait: Unity Kane
Unity Kane

WIP, Just need Bio and Personality

Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
Edmund Corric

" Life is full of logical answers but sometimes its ok to just let you mind be free"

Character Portrait: Sophia Foster
Sophia Foster

I do as my father says

Character Portrait: Aaron Knight
Aaron Knight


Character Portrait: Lumi Noi
Lumi Noi


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