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Vampire Knight: The New Generation

Cross Academy


a part of Vampire Knight: The New Generation, by kellycat122.


kellycat122 holds sovereignty over Cross Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Cross Academy is a part of Vampire Knight: The New Generation.

12 Characters Here

Hanako Fukushima [0] I like cows
Kali Tsuiyomi [0] "We put up walls not to keep people out.... but to see who cares enough to break them down...."
Sakura Hanazono [0] "Tell me, what are you feeling...?"
Yoshino Kuran [0] " Blood is a necessity to our lives, I don't deny it. Blood tablets or the blood from veins, either way it helps satisfy the burn of the thirst.."
Icarus Keegan [0] An old vamp with a wicked sense of humor
Kishi Kiminari [0] "Get the hell out of my face."
Ame Hatori [0] Protect me from what I want
Shinku Touya [0] "Life.... rather a mystery... you have to find the clues along the way...."

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Kali was lying on a tree branch, looking up at the cloudless blue sky through the holes in the branches. Some sunlight shone through and covered her face in sunlight. In her hand was her white violin case that had her violin in it. Kali couldn't get what had happened yesterday out of her thoughts.
Last night, Kali was told by the leader of the vampire hunters to go out and hunt this one Level e that had killed many people so far. She had killed the Level E.... but she had come upon her sister.... and by the looks of it, she was turning into a Level E.... And Kali knew that one day she might have to kill her.... but when the time came, would she actually be able to do it? Kali cared deeply about her sister, even if she is a vampire....


Shinku was sitting on the grass with a letter in her hands. It was from her younger sister, who was still living with their parents. She smiled as she read it, it was nice to hear from her once and a while. I wonder when the day class fans are going to start crowding around the gate to the moon dorms... she thought as she glanced over at the gates. It was almost sunset, they did have some time though before though.


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Jiro was sitting right by his window, plates full of cake on the table. He gulped down half of it in one bite, neatly stacking the empty plates on top of each other. "Mmm it's always so great to start off my day with cake." he said to himself, licking the icing of his fork. He tilted his head, peeking out the window, wondering where all the day class were. He stuck a lollipop in his mouth, and twirled towards the door. Chuckling lightly to himself he walked out of his room, skipping happily down the hall. Jiro stopped in front of Ryou's door, knocking on it gently. "Ryou-kun~ wakie wakie." he called, turning the door knob and and poking his head inside. Right when he was going to say a nice greeting, he had a pillow thrown on his face. Jiro blinked, biting his lollipop in half. "That wasnt very nice." he pouted, picking up the pillow.

Ryou sighed as the familiar voice rang through his door. Doing a mental countdown, he grabbed his pillow, and thew it right as the vampire stuck his head inside. "I'm already up, you dont have to be my alarm clock." he muttered in annoyance. At least the screaming didnt begin. Ryou fixed his tie with a quiet sigh, and walked out of his room with Jiro following behind him.

"If you keep being mean to me.. I'll let loose one hundred cats in your room hehehehehehehehe..." Jiro threatened.

A chill ran down his back as he mentioned the word "cat." Those evil creatures... "Are you threatening me?" He glared at the noble, his eyes slightly twitching. "If a cat gets anywhere near me... I swear I'll throw out all the sweets you have."


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Kishi tossed and turned in her sleep until she woke up and rolled off the bed with a faint but a little loud thud, Kishi sighed and mumbled,"What a perfect start to a perfect day." Her long black hair surrounded her silky pale face and she laughed as she realized she was wearring a black t shirt and pink underwear. She sighed and tugged on her school uniform, she studied herself in the mirror and brushed her hair. good enough


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Icarus roamed the halls of the moon dorm in silent reflection, observing every aspect of his surroundings carefully. The only sounds he could hear were the soft click of his heels against the tile floor, and the distant chatter of the day class. He was still new at the cross academy, and still wasn't quite comfortable with his room and sitting still had never been one of his strong suites.

So, instead of lying awake in bed, he decided to pace through the massive dormitory until it was time for the night classes. Had it been later, and had he been sure he wouldn't have woken anyone, now would have been a great time to practice playing his trombone. His daughter, Nes, was just learning to play the violin, and he'd promised that once the two of them had a little more skill, they could play a duet. He really looked forward to that.

Silently, he sighs as his mind wanders. Coming to the den, He collapsed on a couch and pouted softly to himself to relieve boredom as he waited for the sun to go down "Giant house and no television.. what a rip off..."


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Yoshino was quietly sitting on a loveseat, being unable to sleep she had decided to read a book. Her curtains were drawn, causing the room to be almost completely filled with shadows cast by the small lamp at her side. The young Kuran wasn't completely immersed in the text as she allowed her mind to wander, trying to ignore the sounds of the other vampires who were also too restless to sleep or otherwise awake. It took mere moments for her to let her mind go blank, shutting out many of the sounds both inside and outside the Moon dorms.


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"Neehhhhhh" Kari groaned as the teacher seemed to go on and on. She was restless, and it was very evident by her fingers twitching and foot tapping. "Chill out, Spaz." One of the girls close to her complained but she shook her head. "I'm restless!" she complained rather loudly before glancing back at the teacher who was occupied with writing on the board and talking. "I'm just gonna get the notes from you later." Kari whispered then grabbed her bag. For a second, she waited to see what the teacher was going to do but, luckily, he continued to face the board and talk. As fast as she could, Kari made her way to the door.
Outside the school building, Kari sat on the steps and opened her Frappe. She knew she didn't have long until the fan-girls came running and screaming for the Night Class students, but at least she had a few minutes. The sun setting cast deep red and orange streaks on everything, including her. It made her hair a deep red instead of its neon pink. The wind pushed her bangs into her face but with one free hand, she pushed them aside, making room for her drink. The drink was cool, but not cold. A delightful mix of coffee, mocha, and vanilla. She couldn't help but to smile then let out a shallow sigh. "This is nice."


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Sakura Hanazono was silently sitting at a small table at the entrance room of the moon dorms. Tea was set up on the table and silently Sakura picked up the tea cup and quietly drinked some of the tea that was lapping at the sides of the tea cup inside. Once she was done taking a sip, she set the tea cup back down on the table. "Ah... So much mayhem at sunset...." she said in her voice that was always calm and soft, kind of quiet, but had a tone that could tell she was mischevious and devious. As she said that, she smirked.


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Realizing the time, the Moon Dorm Head slowly marked her page with a bookmark and placed it back on the bookshelf. She calmly changed into the white uniform of the Night class, taking her time as she stepped out of the room. She walked down the hallway, pausing at the top of the stairs to glance around. She was mildly curious to see if everyone would attend classes tonight or not. Her brown eyed gaze moved across the room as she stepped down the stairs, taking in the walls and each piece of furniture, and even a few students. She continued to walk, only stopping to open the door before continuing to the main building for classes. She barely spared a glance to the straggling students, only glaring at them for an instant in warning to hurry up.


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Icarus sighs and soon begins roaming again. Loosening the tie of his school uniform (which he detested for the simple fact that he had to wear a tie,) He looks out the front windows as he passes, seeing the first of the day class students crowding around outside to glimpse the night class students. Their devotion was amusing, and at the same time ugly to him, since many of them knew nothing about the night class students except that they are intelligent and beautiful; and he doubted the day class was very interested in their intellect. Soon, he comes to the entrance room and spotted a young girl drinking tea."Pardon me, young miss, mind if I join you for a spot of tea?" He grins playfully as he speaks in his old English accent. Normally he kept his accent hidden, but an Englishman asking for tea seemed somewhat amusing to his twisted perspective.


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Sakura looked over at Icarus. "Hm.... well usually I don't share my tea with others, but I guess for this one time you can join me." she said. She wasn't very fond of any of the other vampires, mostly the dorm head, thinking she could always boss us around. Well, there was no chance that Sakura would listen. She looked out of the window that was next to the table on the wall. She could see all the day class students gathering at the gate. "Hm.... It's always the same thing everyday...." she said with that devious and mischevious tone in her voice. "Maybe it won't be the same way today....."


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Icarus nods with an oblivious smile and sits across from her, pouring himself a cup before adding a few cubes of sugar to sweeten the brew. "Not the same, how, young miss?" He tilts his head to the side in curiosity as he watches the younger vampire, noting her tone; stirring his tea with the tip of his finger the whole time, waiting patiently for the sugar to melt. "From what I've seen during my few days here, I don't think the humans will stay away unless you find a rather large stick to beat them away with. And to be honest, I think some of our dorm mates enjoy the attention. In any case, they certainly aren't discouraging it."


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Sakura looked at Icarus as her eyes flashed red. "Oh, there are so many ways how it could be different today...." she said with a smirk. She then tapped her cheek with one finger. "And lately, I've been kind of thirsty.... And I don't like the attention much either."


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Icarus' eyes narrow to slits as she says this. "I'd be careful with musings like that if I were you, young miss. some people may not like it if you disturb the peace, and I'd hate to see a fight so early in my stay here." He pauses for a moment to take a sip from his cup, savoring the sweet flavor for a moment before swallowing. "I've made a promise, you see... to try and avoid conflict unless I need to protect something. so if you were to try and start trouble at this school, young miss, I would be forced to detain you for the class head to deal with. and neither of us wants that, believe me."

He pauses for a moment before finishing his tea and standing, his usual grin back on his face. "Well then, young miss, Thank you for the tea, and I will see you in class. Farewell for now." after a slight bow, he heads out the front door and waits for the gates to open, and for the daily routine of wading through the crowd to get to class.


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Sakura smirked as he walked away. "Heh, I guess some vampires never learn.... There was never peace between humans and vampires in the first place... If there was, then there wouldn't be vampire hunters." she said before taking enother sip of her tea. Once she set it back down on the table, she spun her finger around in the air. While she spun her finger around in the air, the petals of the rose set on the table slowly came off of the rose and swirled around her finger in the air.

"And I don't attend this academy..." she said to herself as one of the rose petals fell down into her tea cup. Once the rose petal hit the tea, Sakura was gone.


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Tsubasa had been standing silently in the corner, waiting for the Dorm Head to move out. Now, as Yoshino headed out the front door, he hurried across the main hall after her.
"Time for classes~" He called in a quiet, happy voice, catching up to her. He was one of the few, perhaps, who never skipped his classes, "Good evening, Kuran-sama," He greeted her, bowing slightly. He wondered, in the back of his mind, what sort of mood the Dorm Head was in today.

(So sorry... I didn't realize it had started...)


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Yoshino held in a sigh, knowing the differences in opinions about her going through many of the others' minds. She turned her head to look at Tsubasa as she continued to walk. She didn't want to be late.
" Good evening," She murmured, her voice light and musical, as she shifted her brown eyes to look at him. She gave him a small smile as she responded, knowing that he would hear no matter how low she spoke.


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A ragged sigh escapes Icarus' lips as he surveys the setting sun. The day class students hadn't noticed him yet, as all the girls were watching Tsubasa and wondering if his hair was naturally white, and the men were all drooling over the class head. He spits in distaste as he reaches into his pocket and withdraws a pair of black rimless sunglasses. "If it's always like this," He mused under his breath as he donned the shades and started through the gate, "I may need to sign up as a teacher and stand out here with a cattle prod when Nes comes around."

A soft smirk tugs at his lips as his daughter's smiling face flashes through his mind. Five hundred years, and he'd never been a father before. The thought was a pleasant one. He closes his eyes and ignores the crowd who was just now starting to swarm around him. even though he was half a millennium older than the other night class students, he only seemed a couple of years older than any other student, a happy side effect of his constant healing ability. A not so happy side effect was that many of the young students liked slightly older men, which didn't help the situation any.

Aren't there supposed to be prefects to keep these people off our backs? he thinks in an exasperated manner as a girl, O negative, shuffles in front of him, holding out an origami letter spritzed with an artificial rose perfume. The scent is overpowering to his acute senses, but he accepts it, not wanting the girl to feel awkward and thanks her before pocketing the letter and moving on.

Then again, I think the Headmaster likes this sort of chaos. Giving the students two contrasting uniforms only makes us stand out more... He keeps a soft smile, trying to think of Nes instead of the mob around him. Another girl, B positive, says something in a timid tone. He doesn't hear her, but smiles anyway and nods slightly. She seems happy just to be acknowledged.

As he finally breaks free of the crowd, he sighs in relief and hurries off to class after Tsubasa and Yoshino, happy that he could ignore the scent of all the A positive students for another day, and prevent any unhappy predicaments.


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(sorry i haven't been online.)


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Yoshino sighed softly out of boredom, knowing the others would hear, as she stood by the window. She stared out into the night, her gaze flickering from the sky to the ground, occasionally turning her head to see if anything interesting was going on inside the classroom. After spending some time continuing this cycle, she moved to sit and picked up a textbook. She opened it quietly and began to read the written words as she ignored the spoken words being said, hardly rustling the paper as she turned each page. She glanced up every so often to see what the topic was at that point before her gaze returned to her textbook.