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Jennifer Harolds (Clarity)

"Sound is my power and sound is everywhere."

0 · 627 views · located in Marvel Universe

a character in “X-men: Xavier and Magneto Unite”, originally authored by MoonlightWraith, as played by RolePlayGateway


“Music, in performance, is a type of sculpture. The air in the performance is sculpted into something.” – Reba McEntire

Jennifer Harolds (Clarity)



|Sexual Orientation|

Hero (Vigilante)


5’ 5”

short and average, with lovely curves

|Skin Tone|
Pale complexion

Jennifer has blue and pink eyes, predominantly blue with flecks of pink, which pulse to the music as she uses her powers. Her hair is blonde with blue and pink highlights running through it.

Jennifer's uniform consists of dark denim jeans, tucked into knee high black converse, she wears a top with a pink and blue union jack underneath a spiked leather jacket and a pair of sports glasses that hid her eyes..

|Powers & Abilities|
Sonic Scream - Jennifer can generate extremely powerful screams of a high amplitude for a variety of purposes, such as a solid barrier, used for defense or offence, or echolocation.

Sound manipulation - Jennifer can create and modify sound waves to mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as powerful physical force and high-speed movement. They can affect music as well as produce it. At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult.

Hypnotic Song - Jennifer is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting songs/music that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards her. Depending on the song, she can make the victim fight for her, defend her, calm down or get angry.

Jennifer is a creative person that enjoys making her own music and dancing. She comes across as tough and brutal to anyone that she doesn't like or that has annoyed her. To people she likes, she's friendly and protective, of the people she cares for and her secrets.

She is very secretive and defensive about her private life and when she first meets someone she's reluctant to let them see her softer side until she gets to know them.

Jennifer is Annabelle's half sister, they grew up together and Jennifer was the sister that stood up to Annabelle's dad and sent her away to Xavier.

She grew up in England with her dad and step-mum, she was allowed to see her mum every weekend and her mother taught her control of her powers and also introduced Annabelle to her, she instantly felt a connection and need to protect Annabelle and from then on, anytime she saw Annabelle hurt or upset she instantly took action against the cause of her sorrow, mostly Annabelle's dad. She then thought it best to send Annabelle away and followed her to ensure she was safe and well protected with Xavier, keeping a close eye on the mansion and her sister.

So begins...

Jennifer Harolds (Clarity)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jennifer Harolds (Clarity)
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Jennifer Harolds sat in one of the VIP booths of the club, courtesy of DJ Flow, an old friend she was currently travelling with, his guest performer. She looked up from her drink and noticed the bartender speaking to DJ Flow with a worried expression. "Shit," she murmured to herself as she rose and made her way to the booth he was in, her pink fringe falling into her eyes as she evaded the dancers in her way. "Flow!" She yelled over the blasting music. "What's wrong?" The DJ just shrugged.
"Nothing, you don't need to worry, Jenny." He replied, an obvious lie but Jennifer shrugged.
"Okay, I'll see you back at the apartment." She jumped down from the booth and back into the dancing crowd. She shoved her way through the crowd and made her way to the performers entrance and exit. She stepped out and noticed the flashing lights coming from round the corner along with shouting. She made her way around the corner and noticed a SWAT team surrounding a large mutant. She instantly felt the need to join him fight but then she'd expose herself. She didn't hesitate, however, she Instantly approached the SWAT team and yelled at them. "Leave him alone!" She used her powers to enhance her voice. "He's scared, your threatening him!" She yelled as if he was just a dog, not thinking just trying to stop the SWAT from aiming at the mutant, if they aimed at her she'd have to expose herself though.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Cain Xavier Lehnsherr
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Without realizing it she had slept a little longer than she had expected she would. Not only that her body ached from leaning against the tree for so long. Ace attempted to stand which proved to be in vain. Her legs buckled under her weight from being numb "damn that hurt" she waited for a few minutes until her legs stopped tingling.

She stood up brushing off the dirt and leaves that covered her backside and legs. Stretching Ace heard a few pops and cracks smiling at the satisfying feeling that came after. She knew it was late by how dark it had become aside from the light created by the few lights that the mansion had outside and the ones from the open windows. Naturally Ace stuck to the shadows making it difficult for someone without night vision or acute eyesight to see her.

It would be good to go see how things have gone after Juggernaut decided to rampage. Ace entered the mansion this time through the front door. Expecting to see at least one person walking around but she didn’t see many of the mansions occupants. She did come across Victor and David but she wasn’t in any mood to converse with them though she did make sure they knew she was there.

She checked a few rooms but found some empty save for one where Six as she called herself laid out on one of the beds. "Strange way to sleep and a bit creepy at that" smiling a bit she went to her room to change clothes. Wait Cara's ability is about the same as mine maybe she knows a little something about what’s going on. But first where to find her." thinking for a moment as she changed Ace knew Cara wasn’t going to sit idle in the infirmary which meant she must have gone out. Drumming her fingers against her dresser in thought before an idea came up though she was unsure whether or not she could pull it off.

Concentrating Ace focused on Cara's shadow the one shadow she was unable to move or pass through. All she had to look for was a blank spot among the network of shadows. "Found you" a smile crept onto her lips to be honest Ace didn’t think she would be able to find her. Then again the blank spot didn’t necessarily mean it was Cara's. [i] let’s just hope it id
she left her room to get her bike. Once she was on her bike she sped off right into a shadow only to appear right out of another one. But this one was nowhere near the mansion, now she was in the city. Coming out of an alleyway Ace paused for a moment to put her helmet on and went straight for where she had assumed and hoped Cara would be.

Ace arrived in front of a bar, after parking her bike Ace walked to the doors but stopped for a moment listening. The sounds emitting from within the bar were strange, she heard the sound of things breaking and people yelling. Then a young man ran out his nose bleeding and she caught a glimpse of what was beyond the doors. A room of chaos and Ace stood where she was until finally she opened the doors and went inside.

Ace watched in amusement as the humans fought with a few mutants which were later revealed as Cara and Cain. Ace smiled weaving her way around the mass of people, usually by stepping into a shadow to get out if a fellows way. She jumped over the bar to be nearly decapitated by a broken wine bottle. Ace dodged it her had instantly going for the throat but stopped realizing it was just the bar maid fear in her eyes; chuckling a bit she pushed the girl down and served herself a drink. Leaning against the bar she watched over the brim of her shades as the fight continued on Cara seemed to be having fun but she was more concerned about Cain. With his abilities he could easily knock out every single person in her with just a thought well save for her maybe if she tried hard enough. But if he were to snap Cain could very well kill everyone in this room including her and Cara.

It wasn’t long before someone noticed her and headed her way, "Oi Bitch who the hell do you think you are! Either help us beat these shits to smithereens or get your ass outta here" Ace raised one eye brow in question ignoring the man. But that only made him even more upset "Any way why the hell are you wearing sunglasses in a bar dumbass what are you hiding" "nothing my good man nothing that concerns the likes of you" finally looking his way. Before she knew it he had snatched her shades right off her face and smashed them under his foot. "heh their now we can see that pretty-Oh hell no you’re a mutant just like them!" noticing her yellow and black eye. The guy then called out to a few others but not before making an attempted to throw a bottle at her.

His attack was in vain, the moment he got in the position to let go of the bottle he had stopped moving altogether almost like a statue. Ace didn’t even bother looking at him but instead focused on drinking her glass. The guy’s face was red trying to break free from whatever it was that kept him still, a few of his buddies noticed him and in a yelling fit wen after her. But they too were stopped and were unable to move. Ace had control of every single shadow in that room all save for Cara’s and in a motion of her hand Ace had stopped all movement in the bar.

Ace jumped over the bar picking up her broken shades she studied them for a moment then kicked the guy in the face sending him flying across the room. He was knocked out so she didn’t have to worry about stopping his shadow but Ace was a bit upset at having her shades broken. “Damn bastard broke my glasses” she growled. Ace threw them over her shoulders indifferent to them and walked over towards Cara and Cain. Raisin her glass at them Ace smiled before drinking it down with a contented sigh at the end.

“Now why don’t we get back to the mansion? These people are a waste of your abilities Cara, so don’t bother trying to whip your lessons into them. They won’t listen and they never will that is how the human mind works. They fear that which they don’t understand, therefore they try to take complete control in trying to eradicate us or simply trying to “protect” the human population.” Ace then threw the glass making it shatter across the wall to her left; it barely missed the head of a young woman. “Now if you excuse me I have lost my appetite for socializing with animals so Cain do whatever it is you do and leave this bar. I’ll see you later at the mansion (she reached the door and looked over her shoulder) if at all that is.”

Ace got back on her bike and decided to make a run around the city. What she saw surprised her, the HMRI people didn’t surprise her much but rather the person they were trying to contain. “Ryan what the hell is he doing.” Slowing down to a stop, Ace walked over towards them but an officer wouldn’t let her pass. Quite a crowd had formed taking pictures and videos of everything and she wished Six were here to block any and all media but sadly the girl was at the mansion asleep. “Dammit just let me through boy I have no business with you” but no matter what she said the guy wouldn’t listen to her. “Fine I’ll just have to do it the old fashioned way.” The officer had a smug look on his face but that changed when he too went flying by a kick to the side from Ace. She continued on her way to Ryan and noticed there was a girl in front of him trying to get the officers away from Ryan.

Before she could reach them Ace was surrounded guns pointed at her so she put her hands up, “Psych like I would surrender to a bunch of humans with little toy guns.” Grinning Ace sank into her shadow like quicksand as it came up to great her. The soldiers were surprised but quickly regained composure and tried to figure out where the hell she had gone. Ace soon appeared behind Ryan and the girl her hand still on her clay mask as if she had just put it on. “Ryan and girl I don’t know I suggest you two come with me. Geez man how many asses will I be saving tonight. First Cain and Cara but they pretty much had it handled and now you two and I don’t even know you.”

The soldiers surrounded them again but were aiming only at Ryan and Ace. “Dammit, really that won’t help you one bit now good bye.” Waving at them Ace would have grabbed Ryan and the girl even if they resisted and into her shadow. Once inside the trio would head back to the mansion unless the other two had plans for somewhere else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Jennifer Harolds (Clarity)
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Jennifer Harolds
Jennifer let out one of her screams and managed to cause people to drop their phones and the soldiers to let go of their guns for a second, she watched as everyone scrambled to gather their things and she turned to run but the other guy wasn't going to. "That was a perfect chance to escape!" She shouted at him, suddenly another woman was behind them, she was wearing a clay mask and it slightly freaked Jennifer out but she had no time to resist as she was pulled into a shadow and then appeared at the Xavier mansion, she was lying on grass.
"What the hell just happened?" She managed to cough, the shadow travel gave her a bit of vertigo as she tried to stand. "This is Xavier's mansion isn't it?" She asked the woman in the clay mask, Jennifer's british accent came through very strong and she knew that being here, she was at risk of Annabelle seeing her.

Annabelle Greyson
Annabelle sat under a tree and just closed her eyes, taking in deep breaths as she focused on setting up mental barriers around Aurora, although Aurora was fighting back and trying to destroy the barriers with her own telepathy, if they weren't on the same power level Annabelle would be having a hard time containing Aurora but she managed it, all she needed was for Xavier to help her set up more powerful barriers.
Annabelle suddenly sensed a familiar person, someone from England. She quickly got up and went to investigate, she turned a corner of the mansion and saw Ace and Ryan, he was in his true form and it slightly frightened Annabelle but then she saw a familiar head of blond and pink hair and immediately knew who it was.
'Jennifer!' She called and ran over to her, hugging her.

Jennifer willingly hugged her baby sister back and then released her and turned back to Ace, Annabelle then smiled to Ace and Ryan.
'Hi guys, this is my sister, Jennifer.' she introduced them using her telepathy. 'Jennifer, this is Ace, in the clay mask, and Ryan, in his true form.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Jennifer Harolds (Clarity)
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Ryan waited a long moment. He hadn't heard anything from Vincent, hell, he could hardly catch Vincent's scent anymore. It was far too crowded around him for Ryan to pick anything up. Consigning himself to being arrested, Ryan put the man down and put his hands in the air. However, they were immediately back in front of him, in his fighting stance, when a newcomer pushed her way through the crowd to where Ryan was. She looked at him, the directed her attention to the SWAT Teams around them. "Leave him alone!" She yelled. Her voice was loud, loud enough to hurt Ryan's ears, he cringed, stepping away from her. "He's scared, your threatening him!" She yelled. Ryan had the sudden realization that he was being treated like a wild animal. Unsurprisingly, it did nothing to calm him down. "Now just a minute there lady, I'm not scared, I'm just plain..." Ryan began, but those present would never learn what Ryan was feeling. He was cut off, he looked up, into the air, as if straining hard to hear something. Something only he could hear. Ryan heard the low roar of a motorcycle above the din of people yelling, then the sounds of a scuffle. The girl let out one wicked scream that made Ryan drop to the ground and cover his ears in pain. "That was a perfect chance to escape!" She shouted at him. Ryan stood, woozy from the pain. "Not when your ears are three times as sensitive as a german shepherd's." Ryan countered. This new lady was a bit of a jerk. Then everything went quiet, and Ryan found himself looking directly at a teacher of his. He grinned sheepishly. "Ha.. haha... ha... Hi, Ms. Vasquez..." Ryan muttered, and like that Ryan backed down. He knew that if Ms. Vasquez was here, then he was in trouble.

However, before she could reach Ryan, and the newcomer girl, Ace was surrounded. Guns pointed at her, so she put her hands up, “Psych like I would surrender to a bunch of humans with little toy guns.” Grinning, Ace sank into her shadow like quicksand as the ground came up to greet her. The soldiers were surprised but quickly regained composure and tried to figure out where the hell she had gone. Ryan chuckled. Those dudes were so stupid. Ryan nonchalantly stepped backwards, his hands in the air, as if he were preparing to surrender. Ace soon appeared behind Ryan and the girl her hand still on her clay mask as if she had just put it on. “Ryan and girl I don’t know I suggest you two come with me. Geez man how many asses will I be saving tonight. First Cain and Cara but they pretty much had it handled and now you two and I don’t even know you.” Ryan turned his face to the side ever so slightly, as if to directly address Ace. "Sorry Ms. Vasquez, I just got so angry and I couldn't stop myself. I wasn't gonna hurt anyone, I promise." Ryan said sincerely. "You're right though. Let's get out of here." The soldiers surrounded them again but they were aiming only at Ryan and Ace. “Dammit, really that won’t help you one bit now good bye.” Waving at them Ace grabbed Ryan by the shoulder and the girl next to him too. Ryan winced, this was gonna feel gross, but he dove head first into the shadow, following Ace's lead.

As he'd expected, it had felt gross. The shadows just felt... odd. They had no real feeling, it was really only an impression of a feeling, but it was still enough to make Ryan nauseous and giddy with vertigo. He stood slowly, shaking his head, as if to dislodge the feeling. "Never do that again..." Ryan muttered, he felt so sick. "I think I might puke." Ryan sighed. "Still, thanks for the ride. I can only imagine what might have happened if you hand't found me." Ryan said, turning directly to face Ace. "Thanks much." Ryan said, smiling widely before covering his mouth with his hands. "Sorry, sharp teeth and all." Ryan muttered in apology. Then he heard a voice in his head. 'Hi guys, this is my sister, Jennifer.' It was the new girl... Annabelle. Ryan heard her voice in his head and turned to smile at her. She returned the gesture and continued the introductions using her telepathy. 'Jennifer, this is Ace, in the clay mask, and Ryan, in his true form.' Ryan smiled his big toothy grin once more. "Sorry, bad first impression." Ryan said, concentrating for a moment and shifting back to his human form. "Ryan LeGrand." Ryan said, offering his hand to shake. "Thanks for back there." Ryan said, trying to not be sarcastic and mention how she'd nearly deafened him and made him look like a rabid dog.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Jennifer Harolds (Clarity) Character Portrait: Dr. Emily Coleridge
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Ace & Emily

Turning to Ryan Ace light hit the back of his head though she doubted it would have really hurt him but he would know what she did. “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Ms. In public. I’m not your teacher outside of the classroom you make me feel old tonto.” Despite her irritated words a slight smile was on her face glad that Ryan was alright even if he didn’t see it. “I’d say sorry for the ride but I’m not that sentimental. And your teeth don’t bother me I’ve seen worse.” Ryans apologetic attidue for showing his teeth irritated her a bit and Annabelle’s question added to that.

“Well where else would I take you idiot?” she snapped back at her. Ace was not in a particular good mood and it soured even more when Annabelle did that little thing again. It came as a buzzing sound in her head giving her a slight head ache. “Dammit I already told you not to do that did I not” huffing angrily Ace stormed off and sunk right into a shadow.

She later appeared in one of the many halls of the mansion that she called home. Strolling around for a bit Ace didn’t bother taking the mask off mainly since she knew her eye hadn’t returned to normal just yet. I need to figure out where the Professor is-no that won’t do he doesn’t need to know about this nor does Cara. deep in thought with her head down Ace subconsciously side-stepped Magneto and a woman but stopped and backpedaled.

“Eric (giving him a brief nod then turned towards Emily) well it’s good to see you’re back Emily. And right on time too a lot of people are high-strung due to recent events so do bless us with that music of yours.” Patting Emily on her shoulder who smiled at Ace even though she had no idea who that had been since she couldn’t see a face behind the mask.

Emily smiled at the woman but then looked over towards Eric. “Who was that? I don’t think I know that woman. But would it be alright for me to play tonight is there anything you and the Professor think I should play?” she signed as well as spoke though not very loudly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Cerebro (NPC) File:


Name: Alex Minho [alias: DJ Flow]

Ethnicity: Korean

Gender: Male

Mutant Power:

Telepath with the ability to produce psionic sound waves used to create music. This sound is not made from vibrations in the air but occurs in the mind. The psionic sounds can be produced at any frequency to create pleasant sounds or harsh screeching noises capable of driving the target into disorientation. Currently he is unable to read minds with his telepathy but he can block another from probing his thoughts by musically drowning out their telepathic probe.

Philip Klein, Hideki Matsuzaka, Kyle Jean-Claude, Vincent Xavier, Peter Rasputin

The club was in an uproar due to the disturbance at the front door of the establishment. Several swat members rushed into the club to apprehend DJ Flow. “It seems that whoever held them off at the front of the building is gone.” Vincent commented.

The swat members knocked people aside in the crowd and DJ Flow attempted to escape. Philip tossed a handful of marble sized time-bombs at the feet of the swat team. The glowing orbs caught their attention and exploded at their feet. They fell to the ground and the DJ ran past them toward the exit. Vincent, Colossus, Philip, Hideki and Kyle all followed behind.

One of the club goers that was an Anti-Mutant sympathizer realized what was happening and quickly took action. He turned to the crowd and shouted, “Hey they’re running from the HMR, they’ve got to be mutants!! Come on guys don’t let those freaks escape!! The man rallied several others into joining his cause and the group blocked the DJ and the X-men’s path.

Vincent and the group stopped. “Hey don’t hate on us guys. Jealousy never got anyone anywhere good.” Kyle said as clutched his fists and began to float a bit off of the ground, ready to attack.

Hideki smirked and flipped his pink vintage 90’s shades over his eyes, “Yeah bro, it’s time for some crowd control
” His hands began to generate sparkles as he prepared to fire at the opposition.

Vincent was appalled. “Have you two lost your minds? We’re X-men! We will not harm human civilians! Is that clear?” Vincent fussed at Hideki and Kyle.

Colossus shrugged his shoulders in confusion. “I agree Mr. Xavier, but how are we to be getting past our not so friendly friends?” Colossus asked.

DJ Flow looked back at the X-men, halfway turned but still keeping an eye on the angry mob before them. “You guys are the X-men huh? I’ve heard of you, I thought about joining your school once. You guys can’t hurt them, but I’m no X-man so your ideal little rule doesn’t apply to me.” DJ Flow commented and then touched his temples. He created sharp high pitched noises in the minds of those in their way. The other could not hear what those under DJ Flow’s telepathy could hear. The victims of DJ Flow’s psionic assault fell to the floor in pain and mental agony.

“I can’t hear anything.” Kyle commented.

Vincent replied, “Nor do you want to hear what they hear. Let’s go now. The Swat soldiers are getting up and it’s past time we leave.” The group, including DJ Flow, bolted past the staggering people and left the club. They all hopped in the X-van and sped off toward the mansion.

Once the group reached the mansion they all entered. Philip realized he hadn’t even asked the DJ if he wanted to come to the X-mansion or not. “I’m Sorry DJ Flow, I didn’t ask if you wanted me to drop you off somewhere before we returned here. I can drive you home if you want.” Philip said.

DJ Flow replied, “Please call me Alex, my name is Alex Minho. It’s late and I don’t much feel safe going back to my apartment while the government is after me. I mean, the bartender told me that those guys had a tip off that I was a mutant. Who knows if they know where I live?”

At that moment Professor Xavier approached the group. “You may stay here if you like Alex. I’m Professor Charles Xavier and this is my school for gifted students. I have been picking up a heightened level of mutant activity using Cerebro tonight. You also showed up in its files. You have a very unique gift Alex, with the right training, you needn’t fear for your safety. The X-men and I can help you.” Charles explained.

Alex felt at ease when he met the professor. “I think I’ll stick around for a while, at least until it’s safe. Until then I guess I can help out if you need it.” Alex replied.

Soon the group ran into Ryan, Annabelle and Jenifer. Alex (DJ Flow) was surprised to see Jenifer at the X-mansion. “Jenifer you’re here too?” He smiled, it was good to see a familiar face.

The professor had shook Jenifer’s hand. “It’s good to see Jenifer. I hope you feel we’ve taken good care of Annabelle.” After a few moments the professor explained what Fuyumi, Stinger, and Joanna had reported to him regarding the incident at the mall. “It seems that there has been increased discrimination against mutants by the government and the HMR. I want everyone to vigilant and try not to draw attention to your powers. I expect that we will also begin to see an increase of violence from both mutants and humans alike. We must remember that the X-men will strive to be a voice of reason in such times of chaos.” The professor explained to the group.


“Where is the Professor, I would like to tell him of my arrival. As well as what has happened while I was gone.” Emily’s words came out a bit slurred

I believe Charles said he wanted to scan about using Cerebro tonight since he had some free time. He’s is most likely there. Earlier I had hoped that he and I could go out and get a bite to eat together but he’s a bit more of a workaholic than I am. We can go see him if you like. I’m sure he’d love to speak with you again.”

As Eric and Emily spoke casually he noticed Ace quietly approach the two. “Eric (giving him a brief nod then turned towards Emily) well it’s good to see you’re back Emily. And right on time too a lot of people are high-strung due to recent events so do bless us with that music of yours.” Patting Emily on her shoulder who smiled at Ace.

Emily smiled at the woman but then looked over towards Eric. “Who was that? I don’t think I know that woman. But would it be alright for me to play tonight is there anything you and the Professor think I should play?” she signed as well as spoke though not very loudly.

Eric chuckled a bit. “That’s Ace. I don’t know why she insists on wearing that clay mask about. Even Charles has trouble figuring her out.” Magneto joked. To most in the mansion, it was nice to see Magneto smiling and at ease. “It’s always very much a pleasure to her you play my dear. As for what to play
 anything you like would be suitable. However if I had to choose, I’d say my personal favorite Sonata, Op. 72.” Eric smiled brightly, he was a true gentleman. When he wasn’t acting as a mutant dictator any woman could see his classy and gentlemanly appeal.

Logan, Sabertooth, David North, Pietro

Agent Six’s arm suddenly swung outwards one small finger pointed at Victors face. “Hush mutt, I can see” were her only words and they held no emotion to them.

Victor began to chuckle in a most sinister manner. “Who does that little bitch think she’s talking to?” He fought to speak through his laughter. Victor was surprised at the tiny mutant’s boldness as well insulted that she felt brave enough to threaten him.

David patted Victor on the shoulder. “Now now, watch your language. We’re in a school remember. Besides we have fun awaiting us. Take your frustration out through the right outlet.” He said with a smug smile as his hand slid from victor’s shoulder to his chest, formed a fist and gave him a light playful punch there. As they walked away he spoke to Canaan, “Later Tiger.”

A few moments later they arrived in the War room where Logan sat watching TV and drinking. “Logan
 just who we wanted to see.” David said while smoothly striding over toward Logan. He playfully sat down on Logan’s lap and Logan quickly punched David in the kidney causing him to fall off to the floor. “AH!! FUCK Logan!! Ahhh
. Can’t you take a goddamn joke?! Oww
 an adamantium fist to the fucking kidney
.” David complained as he slowly stood to his feet. Had he not had a mutant healing factor he’d been seriously injured.

Logan replied with a playful smirk, “Well North, I can take a joke but given your track record I can never be too careful.” Logan winked at David and took another drink as he stood from the chair. “Alright you two, what do you want?”

Victor took a drink from one of the bottles Logan hadn’t yet touched. “We want to train in the danger room. We need you to open it for us.”

“Not without supervision you two don’t.” Logan replied taking another drink.

“Oh of course Logan. We want you to have a little sparring match with us. Gym equipment don’t fight back, and we’d ask someone else but David and I are afraid that we’d kill anyone else in a sparring match except you that is.” Victor replied with a grin.

Logan’s face lit up. “Well listen to you, ‘David and I’, you two have been around each other for waaay too long bub. Hahaha
 Look I’ll do it but only because I’ve been itching for a chance to kick the shit out of you two lovebirds. Let’s go.” Logan replied and headed toward the Danger Room.

On the way there they ran into Pietro. “Hey what are you boys up to? It’s kinda weird seeing you three all chummy with one another. Really stop it.” Pietro joked, now walking with the group. After Logan explained the situation Pietro replied, “Oh
 I’ve got to see this! I’ll operate the system from the control room. No worries my father taught me how to operate it all, of course we argued the whole time but whatever. However, won’t Cyclops flip a fat bitch over if he finds out?”

“You might be afraid of Scott I ain’t. I do, what I wanna do.” Logan replied and moved forward. They four entered the danger room and the fight between Logan, Victor and David was on.

Scott Summers and Jean Grey

Scott and Jean had went out on a quiet date. The two had seen a movie earlier and now they were finishing up dinner at their favorite restaurant. A member of the HMR had entered the restaurant and began to survey the patrons regarding their status. The owners could do nothing to prevent the survey due to government blocks on business countermeasures. “Jean this looks like trouble.” Scott said as he watched the representative approach their table.

Jean replied, “Scott I know exactly what that is and I’m not signing it.” She placed her cell phone into her purse in preparation to leave. Scott placed money down for the check.

“Excuse me may I have a bit of your time?” The HMR rep asked but continued on talking before Scott and Jean could respond. “I am performing a government issued survey regarding mutant status and registration. I’m going to ask if you would take a few moments to feel this out.”

 sure but I don’t have a pen on me. Honey do you have a pen in your purse?” Scott asked.

“Nope not at all.” Jean replied as she flipped open her small pocketbook to check superficially.

“Oh that’s alright I’ve come equipped with one.” The rep said with a big fake smile.

“It’s great to be prepared.” Jean replied in a snarky tone. She took the pen and clipboard and began to use her telekinesis to keep the ink from leaving the pen thus not appearing not to work. “It’s not writing. Uh oh
” Jean tried to hold back her smirk.

Scott looked down at his watch impatiently, “You know we really gotta go. Can you please hurry this up?”

“Funny this pen was just working. Well
 let me ask a waiter for one, it’ll just be a moment folks.” The rep said nervously and hurried off to ask for a pen. Scott and Jean quickly left the restaurant and drove off in Scotts car.

“Gosh darn it. Why can’t we have one night out without hassle. I didn’t want to get caught up in any mutant human politics. I just wanted it to be me and you, watching movies, dining out, and making love. Mood killed
” Scott fussed in frustration as he drove them toward the mansion.

Jean giggled. “You really are more uptight since I left, Logan was right.” Jean replied.

Scott frowned up, “Logan said what? I knew I shouldn’t have encouraged you to skype with him while you were away. What else did the jerk say?” Scott was not very happy and he was embarrassed.

“Well he said you really missed me and that he could tell you needed to be close with someone you cared about a lot to make you feel better. And since I wasn’t able to be there, Logan was your next best friend although you’d hate to admit that.” Jean explained knowing Scott would get even fussier.

“What!? I did not!” Scott replied loudly.

Jean laughed aloud. “Your mind just said ‘oh shit
 he picked up on that?’ so yes you did Scott. Look Logan told me you had even him worried with how much you started hanging about with him. You needed a friend, and Logan didn’t give you a hard time about it because he’s your friend too. I think your little bromance is cute.” Jean giggled.

Scott’s face turned red as he drove home. “Alright
 alright It’s true okay. I missed you so much and It felt better to be around someone who
 who understood exactly home much it felt to miss every second of Jean Grey when she’s not around. I hate to admit this but Logan is the only guy who knows how that feels.” Scott said in a calmer tone.

Jean grew silent as she was taken aback by Scott’s words. Logan’s affections for Jean were most always a taboo subject around Scott. Yet he was openly and honestly talking about it. This also made Jean fight to suppress her feelings for Logan. Jean loved Scott hands down, but Logan was a forbidden love for Jean, one she could never have. “I’m sorry for teasing you Scott. I understand. Logan didn’t mean any harm in what he said you know.”

Scott sighed, “I know. Looking back on it I should thank him for putting up with me huh.” Scott began to smile.

Jean replied just before she was about to get out of the now parked convertible, “Yeah I think Logan would greatly and silently appreciate that.” The two laughed and hugged as they walked into the mansion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma)
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Annabelle Greyson and Jennifer Harolds

Jennifer smiled at Ryan when Annabelle introduced them. “Don’t worry, I near deafened you, you’re allowed to be pissed.” Jennifer shrugged with a light-hearted smile before turning to see Alex. “Oh my god!” she pulled him into a hug and let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god, you got out.” she looked over her shoulder to see if Ace was within earshot. “I got teleported her by someone called Ace, I think. She doesn’t seem to like me or Annabelle.” she said with a shrug. Jennifer looked to the other behind Alex and smiled to them. “Thanks for helping him out of there.” She thanked them and then turned to the Professor, shaking his hand. “I never doubted you, Charles, this is as much a surprise to you as it is to me. I didn’t plan to come here for awhile anyway.” She smiled to the man that saved her sister.
Xavier then told them what he had heard from around the city, from what it seemed. “So wait, this is happening all over the city?” Jennifer asked stepping forward. “There’s still people out there, mutants who’ll be detained and arrested just for being who they are. We can’t just let that happen.” She spoke up, not wanting anymore people to get hurt, human or mutant.

Annabelle smiled at Ryan when he reverted back to his human form, it was hard to believe someone so cute could turn into something so ferocious, she then noticed Xavier and the others approaching, there was a man with them she didn’t recognize. Annabelle stepped up to introduce Xavier to Jennifer but they seemed to already know each other and it confused her, until he asked whether Jennifer thought they were taking good enough care of Annabelle and immediately knew it was her that applied for Annabelle. He then informed them of what was happening around the city. “They’ll all be okay, won’t they? she asked, telepathically. “There’s other schools and safe places, like with Miss Frost and the Morlocks.” Annabelle had no clue as to where they actually based themselves and assumed they based themselves within the city due to their history with the X-men. She grabbed Jennifer’s arm and used her empathy to calm her down a bit, her empathy was used during the last few seconds of her telepathic broadcast and caused a slight absorption of everyone’s personalities, a few more blond strands appeared within her brunette hair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Colossus (Piotr "Peter" Rasputin)
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After Annabelle had introduced them, Jennifer spoke to Ryan. “Don’t worry, I near deafened you, you’re allowed to be pissed.” Jennifer shrugged with a lighthearted smile. Ryan laughed it off. "How could you have known my ears were highly sensitive? Just remember for next time, ok?" Ryan asked nicely, he smiled playfully.

Turning to Ryan, Ms. Ace lightly hit the back of his head. It didn't hurt too much, but she definitely let Ryan know what was on her mind. He pretended to rub it, as if it had actually hurt, and made an overly aggrieved face, his bottom lip hanging out as if she'd hit a puppy. “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me 'Ms.' in public. I’m not your teacher outside of the classroom; you make me feel old Tonto.” Despite her irritated words a slight smile formed on her face, glad that Ryan was alright. Ryan smiled, and laughed sheepishly. "Heh heh heh, Sorry, I won't do it again." He laughed. “I’d say sorry for the ride but I’m not that sentimental. Your teeth don’t bother me I’ve seen worse.” Ryan nodded. His apologetic attitude irritated some at the mansion, and endeared him to others.

One such mutant, Annabelle, smiled at Ryan when he reverted back to his human form. As she turned to look at something Ryan followed her gaze. It was Vincent and the others! Immediately a giant grin took over what was left of his face, Ryan bounded over to the group and tackled them, pulling them into a great big hug. "I'm so glad to see you! A lot happened today and I really wanted to be with you guys, and then..." Ryan said stopping himself and letting them go. He shyly took a step backwards. "I'm sorry about what happened down at the club you were at. They were going to arrest somebody inside just for being a mutant. It made me so angry... I... I just couldn't contain it any longer. I don't think I hurt anybody, but I'm sure I scared the crap out of at least one person." He chuckled sheepishly. "I didn't make too much trouble for you, did I?" he asked, looking to Vincent.

Just before anyone could explain the situation from their end to Ryan, Professor Xavier spoke up, warning them all of the incidents happening around town. He informed them of what was happening around the city, and it made Ryan angry. It was that same unreasonable anger that Ryan experienced down at the club. He shut his eyes and ground his teeth together. He balled his hands into fists. As much as he tried not to think about how stupid the HMR was, or what might happen to other mutants, he couldn't help himself. His ears began to lengthen and his eyes became slits. Scales began forming around his temples, and little nubby horns began to sprout there. His fingers slowly sharpened into claws and his canine teeth became longer. His eyes turned gold and then he noticed that several people had their eyes on him. He smiled shyly before reverting the process on his own. He slid his hands through his hair, which had returned to its not-so-shaggy state. "Sorry about that, I'm under control, it's ok." Ryan said reassuringly. Though he played it cool, Ryan was very worried. What about Memory and Jonathan, where were they on a night like tonight? What about Scott and Jean? They'd gone out together as well. Ryan hoped they were alright. As if to voice his concerns, Annabelle made herself known. “They’ll all be okay, won’t they?" she asked, telepathically. “There’s other schools and safe places, like with Miss Frost and the Morlocks.” Someone else spoke up, and alleviated Ryan's fears. Hopefully, no one else would have to suffer tonight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Vincent, Philip, Hideki, Kyle, and Peter approached the group not long before Xavier informed everyone of the happenings around town. They saw the other congregated about and were relieved to see who was present. It seemed that anything was bound to happen tonight with out on the town and it was simply not safe for mutants. Vincent greeted everyone. “Evening all. I’m glad to see you all are safe and sound here. It’s a mad house out there.”

Ryan bounded over to the group and tackled them, pulling them into a great big hug. "I'm so glad to see you! A lot happened today and I really wanted to be with you guys, and then..." Kyle was glad to see Ryan but he was also vainly concerned about not messing up his model-esque hair style. Hideki was happy that Ryan was his jovial self yet sad that he couldn’t dance with them at the club like he wanted. Peter chuckled in happiness he liked Ryan’s vigor. Peter was a pretty positive guy and enjoyed being around those that were similar.

Ryan said stopping himself and letting them go. He shyly took a step backwards. "I'm sorry about what happened down at the club you were at. They were going to arrest somebody inside just for being a mutant. It made me so angry... I... I just couldn't contain it any longer. I don't think I hurt anybody, but I'm sure I scared the crap out of at least one person." He chuckled sheepishly. "I didn't make too much trouble for you, did I?" he asked, looking to Vincent.

DJ Flow replied, “The one under arrest was me. Thanks for saving me. You really helped me big time. I was freaking out back there.” He was grateful to Ryan for his aide.

After Charles’ explanation regarding the HMR’s activities, Ryan seemed to become quite upset. Vincent felt bad about all of this. He knew how he wished he could deal with the situation, with violence, but that way was the wrong way. He needed to remember to keep his feelings under control. Bad things were happening to mutants but the best way to overcome is to put your best foot forward and show the other side fairness and rightness. Once they open their eyes change will come. Vincent wished it was as simple as knocking a few bullies around and getting them to back off but this was far more complex and volatile a situation than that.

"Sorry about that, I'm under control, it's ok." Ryan said reassuringly. Vincent smiled at Ryan and placed a reassuring hand on Ryan’s shoulder.

Philip looked quite frustrated as well. He let out a rough sigh. “AHHH
. This is just so wrong! It’s things like this that make me wish I had not come to this country. Germany was bad but this is a completely different level.” Philip’s hand began to glow as he held on of his marble sized time bombs. He calmed himself and reabsorbed the energy before it detonated. He didn’t want to harm anyone nearby.

Charles then recommended that everyone try to take it easy in the mansion for the evening and avoid going out until he was able to do a probe of the city’s activities with Cerebro. Eric scanned the group with his eyes trying to get a check on who was there and who wasn’t. Scott, Jean, Logan, Pietro, Victor, David, Jonathan, Memory, Cain, Cara, Fuyumi, Wendy, Joanna, and Kent were all still not around. Charles reassured Eric. “Logan, Victor, David and Pietro are in the Danger Room although I am not the biggest fans of that particular combination of mutants being gathered there of all places. Fuyumi, Joanna, and Wendy are headed back from the mall. They should be back shortly. Scott and Jean just pulled up and are entering the mansion gates.

Just as Scott and Jean got out of the car, they encountered Cain and Cara. Scott turned to acknowledge the duo. “Ah Cain, Cara, It’s good to see you’re alright. You didn’t happen to have a run in with-” Scott was cut off by Cain.

“The Humans? Yes we fought a whole bar full of those monster homo-sapiens.” Cain replied trying to remain calm. He didn’t mean to put Scott and Jean off but tonight’s incident really angered him.

Scot arched an eyebrow, “Actually the term I was going to use was the House of Mutant Registration. However I see you have. We should inform the professor. It seems things are growing out of control about town tonight.”

Cain replied in a kinder manner, “He already knows so no worries. I’m glad that you and Jean are alright as well.” Cain gave a smile. He also once more grabbed hold of Cara’s hand, exchanging a glance with her. “You two should take it easy. Aren’t you still supposed to be on your date night?” Cain smirked.

Scott was quite surprised that he remembered from their earlier conversation. He seemed to notice Cain’s closeness with Cara. It was unusual for Cara to act so
 submissive of sorts. Jean commented with a smile, “Indeed we are Mr. Lehnsherr. And it looks like we’re not the only ones.” Jean gave Cain and Cara a playful wink. “We should double date sometime.” Jean added.

Scott looked a bit nervous. He remembered the times when Cara flirted with him in a rather provocative manner. He was pretty sure she wasn’t serious and was trying to get a rise out of him, and she succeeded. Scott pretty vividly remembered the shadow mutant’s seductive touch on his body and how he almost gave into her wiles. Jean wasn’t blind to Scott’s experience and struggle with looking at Cara without being terrorized by that memory. However she was confident that Scott wouldn’t actually cross the line with Cara. They simply weren’t compatible. However if Cara was Emma Frost, Jean would worry some, but that was a different matter altogether. The Four entered the mansion and met with the professor and the others. Fuyumi, Wendy, and Joanna also returned to the mansion.

Meanwhile, in the Danger Room, things got quite heated in the fight between Logan, Sabertooth and David. Logan and Victor slashed at one another viciously, fists pounding each other into submission, bodies ready and raring to take such punishment, and keep going. David was almost untouchable taking pop-shots off of Logan, from the ground, walls, and ceiling, as he dealt with Victor’s brutal full frontal assault. “WHY YOU EGG SUCKING PIECE OF GUTTER TRASH!! You can’t have it out with me without your little boyfriend to hold your blood ridden hand huh? Fine by me bub!!” Logan retorted.

Victor replied in a sarcastic chuckle, “Well playtime is much more fun when you invite friends over Logan. You’d know that if you actually had any real friends.”

At that moment Pietro activated the Danger Room’s highest level of training exercises. The protocol however was altered to attack Sabertooth and David. An energy beam fired and connected with Victors back. Pietro taunted the duo from the control room. “Did I forget to mention that I was on Logan’s team? Oops~! HAHAHAHa

“You little hyperactive traitor! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” David replied angrily.

Pietro laughed maniacally, “Choosing the better side silly!! And I thought you were smart
 I guess love really is blind huh North?”

David responded by pulling out a mini rocket and fired it at the control room window. The impact caused a huge explosion that made a boom that could be heard all over the mansion. The glass was nearly indestructible so fortunately for Pietro, he wasn’t hurt. Scott heard the noise and wiped around. “What the hell was that?” Scott asked.

“It came from the danger room.” Jean replied.

“Gosh can’t Wolverine ever stay out of trouble?” Kyle commented in a snarky manner.

“Look who’s talking Marvel
” Eric replied with a raised eyebrow. Kyle wasn’t the best for keeping out of trouble himself and everyone knew it.

The group raced to the danger room. Scott had everyone grab hold of each other as he placed a hand on Fuyumi’s shoulder. She proceeded to phase everyone through the locked Danger Room doorway. “It’s a war zone in here! Logan what the hell were you thinking?!” Scott yelled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore
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Emily & Agent Six

Eric chuckled a bit. “That’s Ace. I don’t know why she insists on wearing that clay mask about. Even Charles has trouble figuring her out.” Magneto joked. To most in the mansion, it was nice to see Magneto smiling and at ease. “It’s always very much a pleasure to her you play my dear. As for what to play
 anything you like would be suitable. However if I had to choose, I’d say my personal favorite Sonata, Op. 72.” Eric smiled brightly

Emily smiled at him and nodded. Saying her thanks and goodbye Emily went to her room to drop off a couple of things. Once that was done she went to the music room unaware of the large boom that resounded throughout the halls of the mansion.

However one person did, that person being Agent Six who woke up from her sleep. She slid out of bed and began to wander the hallways again. Taking out her mirror she located the sound with her specters and decided not to bother going to the danger room.

Emily began to set up her instrument, although it was late Ace and Eric suggested that she play something. At least this way she was able to help about, whenever the mood was foul about the mansion someone usually requested that she play to help enlighten the mood with her abilities.

Taking out her bow Emily began to tune her cello giggling at the sight of colors that sprang as if alive from the strings that made her music possible. Taking a deep breathe, Emily rested the cello against her shoulder one hand at the top while the other slowly began to pull at the strings with her bow. A deep resounding note escaped from the cello, echoing throughout the halls of the mansion. It sounded rather haunting really but as the song slowly progressed it turned into something else.

Agent Six heard the sounds of the cello and was drawn to its source as most people were when they heard it. The effect was calming and made people aware of what they were doing and hopefully gave them a warm feeling in their chest. However Agent Six felt none of those only the tugging feeling that she needed to be somewhere.

So she walked down the hall following the music until she came to a room. With the help of her specters she found a woman sitting in the center of the room playing a cello. Agent Six watched her for a moment and it didn’t seem Emily noticed her either as she was that engrossed in her music. She noticed a piano stood to the side and walked over to it. Pulling out the chair Agent Six sat down sliding her fingers across the keys and then randomly began to push down keys.

Although it did ruin the sound of the cello, Agent Six let her specter disappear so she was once more in the dark. She began to push down certain keys that sounded nice with the cello. Then with both hands Agent Six began to play along with the cello. Emily then noticed Agent Six’s presence by the sudden colors that erupted besides her. The colors swirled and danced with the ones produced by her cello and she smiled. Taking a deep breathe Emily continued to play allowing both sounds to mix and become one unity that filled the entire mansion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Ryan smiled as he felt Vincent's hand on his shoulder. "Thanks Vince." Ryan smiled. "You don't have to say it. I know. Bullies like these require a different kind of response." Ryan smiled. "That's what you and Professor X always say. I did take your ethics class." Ryan explained, smiling impishly. As he finished, a man Ryan didn't recognize spoke up. “The one under arrest was me. Thanks for saving me. You really helped me big time. I was freaking out back there.” He was genuinely grateful. Ryan smiled. "Glad I could be of use. My scaly hide isn't good for much else." Ryan smirked playfully. "Ryan." He said, extending his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you Mr?..." Ryan asked, introducing himself, waiting for this new friend to offer his name as well. The man introduced himself and Ryan smiled. "It's very nice to meet you." Ryan then switched his attention to Professor Xavier, who spoke, addressing the group.

Professor Xavier recommended that everyone try to take it easy in the mansion for the evening and avoid going out until he was able to do a probe of the city’s activities with Cerebro. Meanwhile, Professor Lensherr scanned the group with his eyes trying to get a check on who was there and who wasn’t. “Logan, Victor, David and Pietro are in the Danger Room although I am not the biggest fans of that particular combination of mutants being gathered there of all places. Fuyumi, Joanna, and Wendy are headed back from the mall. They should be back shortly. Scott and Jean just pulled up and are entering the mansion.". Ryan smiled wide when he heard Jean was back. He was excited to see her again. As she walked up to the group with Scott, Ryan ran up to her, threw his arms around her waist, and smiled. "I'm glad you're home safely." Ryan said, his smile massively wide. "I'm glad you're home too Scott." Ryan said, addressing Cyclops. He shyly stepped away from Jean and addressed Scott. "It's getting more than a little scary out there. I'd hate to be a mutant without somewhere safe to call home." At that exact moment, Ryan's ears perked up and Scott's head whipped around. Something had just exploded in the Danger Room, the force of it shook the mansion. Ryan sighed. He sniffed hard. "It's Professor Logan and that predator, Sabertooth. North might be with them, I smell the gunpowder on him, but he has no smell himself." Ryan stated the facts nonchalantly, as if everyone might know them.

Scott ordered everyone to hold hands and Professor Fuyumi phased them through the floor to the door in front of the Danger Room. Ryan smelled gunpowder and sweat. It was like a war zone in there. He was walking through the door when he heard the ding behind him. Someone had used the elevator. Ryan's ear perked, and his nostrils widened. He smelled acrylic paint and a sort of river-y kind of smell. Not like dead fish, but like flowing water and green grass. He whipped his head around and saw a familiar sight. It was Jonathan! Ryan smiled wide. Ryan wanted to call out to him, but the elevator door closed before Ryan could.

Ryan squeezed Jean's hand, he'd been holding onto her when Professor Fuyumi had phased them through the floor. Ryan had maintained a gentle grip on his surrogate mother's hand while the group walked into the Danger Room control booth. Ryan smiled. "For once, I don't want in on this Danger Room session." Ryan smirked. He turned around and walked right back out the Danger Room door. Ryan lowered to all fours and let himself go. His skin became dark and scaly. His ears and teeth lengthened and became pointed. Horns sprouted from his temples and his eyes turned golden and slitted. The best way to get to where Jonathan was, was through a window after taking some stairs. So that's exactly what he did. Ryan followed his nose to Jonathan's scent, taking some stairs, jumping through a window, running around the Mansion, and climbing a tree to peek through the window in the room Jonathan was in. As he looked, Ryan noticed the song he was hearing for the first time. There were two people playing. It was a piano and a cello, twining their sounds together in perfect harmony. It was beautiful. Ryan couldn't help himself, he started to hum along with the song. It was one he remembered. It was often played at the mansion, being the favorite of several students and teachers. When the song was finished, Ryan poked his head through the window. "That was so beautiful. Thank you." Turning to Jonathan, Ryan spoke up. "Hi! I'm glad you're back safely. It's a nightmare out there for mutants, what with the HMR surveying us and basically rounding us up. Also, I think I left my backpack with you a while ago. I want my backpack and my painting back." Ryan said to Jonathan, smirking. "Did you perchance take it to your room."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Kent Van-Pelt

Kent had finished the evenings broadcast and exited the set of the news room. He noticed the faces of some of his co-workers. They seemed quite nervous for him after having stood up to the HMR on national television. Kent packed his things and went home to his condo however it was broken into and vandalized horribly. On the large glass window that had a view of the city was spray painted “MUTANT LOVER GO TO HELL!!” Kent knew that it was no longer safe for him to be there. He packed up a few things and drove to the X-mansion where he knew there was always a place for him.

[At the X-mansion]

Logan replied in a snarky manner, “What does it look like ruby red, I’m letting out a little frustration on thing one and thing two over here. Now BUT OUT!”

Professor Charles cut in, “I want this brawl to stop now! Logan you know better than this. I do not permit stand offs against other students you know that.”

Logan let out a heavy sigh. Victor chuckled under his breath. However Charles not only reprimanded Logan but Victor and David as well. “Victor and David, I expect better from you both as well. Victor you especially could learn to control your rages.”

Victor’s laughing came to s quick halt. “Look wimp, I ain’t one of your puny little students! So you can take your cheap psychiatric advice and chuck it.” Victor snarled.

Logan shouted, “You’re outta line Bub!” He pointed his claws at Victor in warning.

Kyle crossed his arms and took a couple of steps forward, smirking. He was in line next to the professor now. “I could take a little steam out of old tiger eyes, just to cool him off a bit if you want professor.”

Victor smiled devilishly, “Oh your pretty little dead carcass would need some cooling time in the morgue once I’m done with you.”

Hideki stepped forward beside Kyle, “BACK OFF!! I’m warning you
” Hideki said as bright flashes and flares crackled and popped around his hands.

David stepped forward, “Ah ah ah
 you’d better play nice.” He threatened as he pointed a pistol at Hideki.

Scott immediately took action. He would never allow such a blatant threat on a student’s life to pass. He shot an optic blast at the gun however David ducked and dodged out of the way rather effortlessly, hand still steady and now aimed at Scott. David took two steps closer and fired a shot at Scott. The bullet was stopped by Jean telekinetically.

Eric frowned strongly. He levitated the weapon out of North’s hand and crumpled it into a little ball of metal. “Charles said enough! If you cannot obey then you shall be forced into submission!!” Eric said angrily. He dropped the crumpled mass of metal to the ground and it made a loud clunk.

Cain levitated the metal ball and shaped it into a sharp spearhead. He made it shoot past David’s head and it launched into a wall behind him. “We mutants should not be fighting each other. It’s bad enough that the humans are out for our blood but you’re acting no better.”

David simply rolled his eyes and headed for the door of the danger room. He placed a hand on Hideki’s shoulder, “Sorry Matsuzaka. I guess I lost my cool there.” David turned to the Professor and Eric, “My apologies, I’ve been a rude guest. You should have a problem out of me any further.”

Scott frowned, “Aren’t you forgetting somebody?” He said in an annoyed manner.

“Oh yeah, my bad Cyclops.” David said with a smirk and a wink.

Joanna was quite annoyed. “Really North? Ugh
 this is ridiculous. You four (Logan, Pietro, Victor, and David.) should really grow up.” She said as she rolled her eyes and opened the danger room door. She heard the sweet music rushing into the danger room and was captivated. “What in the world
?” she said in confusion.

Fuyumi turned around as well, “That music
 where is it coming from? It’s so beautiful.” She said with a smile on her face.

Eric smiled as well. That would be Emily’s doing.”, he replied.

Everyone followed the sound of the music towards Dr. Coleridge. The negative energy simply melted away and everyone felt pretty harmonious. Cain smiled peacefully. “If only this could be played for the world to hear. They would all lay down their hatred and reason with one another peacefully.” He said calmly.

Vincent replied. “As lovely as that sounds, it could be taken as mind control once someone realizes the true nature behind the music.”

Philip stepped closely toward Vincent and said quietly, “Speaking of love and peace
 let’s go to bed and make a little love~ Xavier
” Philip smirked devilishly.

Vincent blushed redly. “Well, everyone with that I’m off to bed now. Night all! And Lovely solo Dr. Coleridge!” Vincent said as he pulled Philip by the hand and out of the room.

Kent had arrived at the mansion with his suitcase. He easily found Charles as he simply followed the music. Once he found Charles and the others he told them what happened. “I hope I can take shelter here once more.”

Charles hugged Kent. “Of course you can! You will always have a home here. You know that Kent.” He said.

“Thank you Professor.” Kent replied with a relieved smile.

Logan pated Kent on the back reassuringly, “Good to have you home buddy.” He smiled. Logan always had a fondness for Kent. Logan never warmed up to anyone easily but it took him absolutely no time with Kent. Perhaps it was Kent’s easy going nature. Kent never pushed things too hard or was overbearing in any way. Logan liked that about him. Honestly there was a time Logan pushed for Charles to make Kent the X-men Team Leader instead of Scott. However Kent declined and Charles had firmly decided that Scott was the ideal candidate, much to Logan’s dismay.

Most everyone began to retreat to their quarters. David headed down the hall Victor at his side. They were headed to nearly the same place as their rooms were right next to one another. David saw Memory, Ryan and Jonathan. He smiled at the sight of her. He approached her from behind and placed a peck on her cheek. “Hi there beautiful.” He said with a cute smile.

Victor sighed and shook his head tiredly. He didn’t stop but kept walking. “Why don’t you flirt with chicks remotely closer to your age range North?”

“Don’t wait up for me Victory honey.” David replied to Victor sarcastically. David glanced at Ryan and Jonathan with a smile. “Hi ho fellas.” David didn’t mean to put anyone off, he had done his share of that tonight. He genuinely wanted to be friendly to the three, especially Memory.

Down the hallway a bit further walked Logan and Hideki. Their conversation could be heard a bit off from where they were. Hideki pulled at Logan’s arm beggingly. “Logan
com’on!! I’m creeped out by the HMR!! They know this place if full of mutants! Who knows whether or not they would raid this place. Please
 let me crash with you tonight!!” Hideki begged.

Logan frowned in annoyance. He knew that Hideki was being overly clingy for the reason that he usually was, because Hideki had a crush on him. “How old are you again Matsuzaka?”

Hideki replied, “Please Logan! If anyone would sense a soldier sneaking up on him, it would be you. Rooming with the Professor is out of the question, Vincent is getting a leg over with Phillip so that’s a no go. I don’t really know Cain all that well and it would be
 more than awkward. I’m not so sure about Annabelle’s telepathic skills yet and we don’t really know one another. Jean’s with Scott and three’s a crowd anyway. There’s nobody left but you!”

Logan chuckled, “You forgot Victor over there. His sense of smell is just as keen as mine. Go ask him if he doesn’t mind you snuggling up to him tonight for safety.” Logan couldn’t contain the laughter.

“Are you Nuts!!?? That’s not funny Logan
 You’re like one on my best friends
” Hedeki pouted.

Kyle passed the two up, “Logan please do it so Hideki will shut the hell up
” Kyle said in a tired way.

Logan looked at Hideki with squinted eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “Alright then. Grab your stuff. But you try something and I’ll punch you in the gut. You know I mean it Kiddo.” Logan said with a smile. He thought about it a bit more and he figured he could use the company. After the bout that he had with Sabertooth and North it made him think a lot about his past and his own rages. It put him in a foul mindset that wasn’t a good place for Logan to be while alone.

“Yosh!!!” Hideki replied in excitement.

Kyle commented in a snarky manner, “Looks like Hideki can die happily tonight. His dreams are partially coming true.”

Hideki frowned up in embarrassment. He quickly fired a blast toward Kyle. “SHUT-UP!! Or else I won’t miss next time!!”

Logan simply shook his head and sighed. ‘Maybe this was a mistake
’ he thought as he proceeded toward his room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Jennifer Harolds (Clarity)
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Annabelle and Jennifer split from the group and made their way down one of the hallways, Annabelle was still new herself but she had managed to make a mental map by snatching the memories of other peoples journeys through these halls. She skipped down the hallway, happy to see her half sister again. She turned round and managed to speak to her,
"I'm so happy that you're here!" She smiled at her. "Maybe you could become an x-man and stay here!" She was walking backwards and bumped into something, something big and muscular. She spun around, her face flush and her eyes nervous.
"He's rather handsome." Annabelle heard a voice slur, her face then went pale and her eyes looked to the ground nervously.
"Sorry, Mr Creed." She projected into Sabertooth's head before ducking past him, her face hidden behind her hair.

Jennifer was happy to see her sister smiling and actually talking out loud. Jennifer's smile then fell when Annabelle mentioned becoming an x-man. "Belle, I'm not planning on staying very long." She told her, sincerely, but Annabelle didn't seem to listen, she was too preoccupied with the large man that she'd just bumped into. Jennifer gave him a curt nod and introduced herself. "I'm Jennifer Harolds, Annabelle's older sister." She waited for Sabertooth to introduce himself and let Annabelle wander off in her embarrassment.

Annabelle ran down the hallway and snuck into the library, hardly anyone used the library and she was sure no one would mind her being in there and talking to herself. "Stop! Just stop! Leave me alone!" She sat in a corner repeating to herself, her fingers pressed against her temples as she focused on locking Aurora up with mental blocks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero)
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[A collaborative post between Masato22 and ViviOrunitiaFF9]

David North and Jonathan Moore

David followed Memory to her room, walking closely behind her. His body having no discernible scent made moments like this slightly interesting for the other party who would usually notice a person’s body scent when being intimate. David’s warmth was memory’s clue that he was close behind her. David could hear Hideki and Logan down the hall and smirked. ‘Looks like I’m not the only one getting a leg over tonight.’ David thought to himself. The thought of Logan shacking up with another guy made David want to laugh out loud. They entered her room and David quietly closed the door behind him.

He smoothly kissed the beautiful brunette’s lips passionately. David effortlessly picked up the petite girl up and held her as the make out session swung into full effect. However had a quick thought that made him pause and look Memory in the eyes. The thought was an image, the image of Ryan’s face stricken with sadness. He knew that Memory had the right to choose who and what she wanted, but seeing that poor boys face as David simply chased a temporary thrill made him feel actually horrible. David just could continue.

David let out a sigh. “I’m sorry love. I just can’t this time. Ah
this place it really working a number on me
” David said with a look that showed how hard it was for him not to carry on with it. David slowly put Memory down and then planted a gentle kiss upon her lips. “I guess today is not my day. I should go, you have the sweetest of dreams, okay?” David said as he turned toward the door, and the exited. As he closed the door behind him, he saw Jonathan.

“Good evening Jonathan.” David greeted with a small smile.

Jonathan's blood ran cold. Unable to stop himself, his hands closed over into fists as his eyes took in the sight he wished he hadn't seen. Just when he had been coming to keep David away from his sister, here he was smugly leaving her room and talking to him as if Jonathan had seen nothing. With more effort than should have been needed, he schooled his expression into something a little calmer and drew in air slowly to speak.
"David," he replied with a stiff nod. "Can I have a word?" He looked around the hallway, then back to David. "Somewhere a little more private?"

At David's nod, that smile still on his face, he turned and began walking quickly down the hall, several students moving out of his way upon seeing him - partly as they knew of his powers, partly because of the look on his face. The room he took him to was a small bedroom for a student that was yet to filled. He opened the door slowly and ushered David inside with the closest thing he could manage to a half-hearted smile. Glaring into David's back, he let the door close over and tried to calm his temper. "This should do for a quick chat," Jonathan murmured while he took a quick appraising glance across the walls. So long as no one was around to hear them he didn't care. This was between himself and David.

David wondered what Jonathan wanted. Jonathan didn't look very pleasant but David was trying to keep a positive outlook on things. He was already having a rough night. He smirked as he saw the other students avoid touching Jonathan. David remembered Jonathan’s file well. The guy couldn't touch anyone without sending them into a nightmare coma. Lucky for David he was excellent at evading attackers.

Jonathan addressed David, "I want to let you know now that I don't trust you, never have. Currently, I have no problem with you being around the mansion. If Charles trusts you enough to not cause any trouble, then I'll stick by his decision. But I want you to stay away from my sister."

David let out heavy sigh and rolled his eyes. He felt he just couldn't catch a break around this place. "God being nice is such a fucking pain... Look guy, your sister should be free to make her own decisions. So instead of riding my jock about giving her space, why don't you pull out first?" David snapped.

"Need I remind you of when we first met? You were holding us at gun point. My fucking apologies if I'm just a little reluctant to let her go with your kind." Jonathan replied in just as charged a manner.

"Well I ought to give her what both she and I both want just because I fucking can. I mean damn, you would have walked in on me in her had I not grown some form of a conscience due to your scaly little friend who likes her." Jonathan's face shifted into a look of contained anger and his fists closed. "So you really should thank me for showing a little restraint." Jonathan's knuckles slowly turned white as he fought to contain the growing flame within him. "But perhaps my being with her isn't really your problem... maybe it's because I haven't given you much attention?” David stepped closer to Jonathan, the two standing face to face. David totally could tell that his taunt mocked the young man greatly. David then laughed. Jonathan's face quickly turned from rage to disgust before he turned his head away. “Don't worry guy. I'll leave her alone for now. But I warn you, if she comes knocking I'm gonna answer.” David turned to walk away.

"Now let me warn you, North." Jonathan turned back to David and stared darkly into his eyes as he spoke slowly. "You stay away from me and my family or we are going to have a problem, and you are going to have to watch your back. Remember who you're dealing with." He opened his hand and slowly flexed his fingers to emphasise his point. "You're not the only one with blood on his hands." Jonathan replied coldly.

David smirked, "Alright kiddo. It's not that serious to me. Like I said, I'll give her space but I'm letting you know, that if I back off she'll come running. Don't be surprised. I've got nothing against you but I'm not in the mood for any more shit tonight so let's end it here. Before I remember the bloodstained monster I really am." David’s face displayed a deadly serious expression. David turned to walk out of the room.

The fight to control his breathing was becoming somewhat easier now that David had left him on his own. A dull pain in his palm finally registered in his mind as he calmed down slightly. He glanced down and noticed small red rings where his nails had been pressing hard into his skin. Shaking his hands, he took another deep breath and started for the door. He had protected Memory like a father since meeting her eight years ago, and he was not going to have all of his work undone by a self-obsessed asshole who think he can get everything he wants. Jonathan snorted. 'He should be a politician,' he joked to lighten his mood as he stepped out into the corridor and began back to his room, fixing his expression into something friendlier for Ryan.

David was pissed. It seemed to be one thing after another. David pondered about Ryan, Jonathan and memory. He wondered if he should interfere with Memory any further. He knew that given the look in Ryan’s eyes he felt strongly for Memory. “What the hell have I been doing here? I should have gone about my way long ago. I guess I do like it here but do I ever see myself as an official X-men like Logan? Ugh
 I don’t wanna think about it any further.” David laid down in his bed and went to sleep.

[Post by Masato22]

{OOC: I just wanna apologize in advance because this post is ridden with intimate moments... sorry. I hope things were discreet enough and not too character bending.}

Victor Creed

Victor walked up the hall toward his room when he heard a familiar voice. It was Annabelle. He remembered her from the attack on the city by the Morlocks and Juggernaut.

"Maybe you could become an x-man and stay here!" She was walking backwards and bumped into something, something big and muscular. She spun around, her face flush and her eyes nervous.
"He's rather handsome." Annabelle and Victor heard a voice slur, her face then went pale and her eyes looked to the ground nervously. Victor grinned slightly at her.

“In a rush are you, little lady?” Victor said calmly.

"Sorry, Mr Creed." She projected into Sabertooth's head before ducking past him, her face hidden behind her hair.

Victor’s eyes followed Annabelle as she scurried past him. Jennifer gave him a curt nod and introduced herself. "I'm Jennifer Harolds, Annabelle's older sister."

Victor looked down at the young woman. His sights focused in on her and he raised an eyebrow. He was curious about her as he had not seen her around before. She was just as pretty as her sister. He smiled in his usual grin and replied. “I’m Victor Creed. Most people know me as Sabertooth.” He paused for a moment wondering what he wanted to say if anything at all. He never dropped his confident disposition. “So is your little sister alright. She doesn’t seem her usual self. Actually not that I care much, but she’s been a bit jumpy lately. I noticed her antsy energy. I can feel it a mile away. Just saying, you should probably check up on her.” Victor said to Jennifer. He could explain why he felt even slightly concerned. He never thought the X-men would grow on him like they were.

Cain Lehnsherr

“I think he makes a point.” Cara almost whispered to him in her thick Russian accent before kissing him passionately.

Cain kissed Cara his emotions flaring up strongly. He took Cara’s hand and led her to his room. He and her kissed and embraced each other passionately. Cain wanted Cara and nothing would stop him from pouring out his soul into her. It was like he desperately needed someone to love, a love to call his own. He knew how it felt to be in love because he had such a direct link to Vincent and his emotions meaning that he technically felt the same romantic love for Phillip that Vincent felt. Likewise, Vincent could feel what Cain had formed with Cara.

Philip Klein and Vincent Xavier

Vincent and Philip were in the middle of their intimate activities when Vincent felt a strange warmth in his heart. It was as if he was feeling a certain passion that was his own yet wasn’t at the same time. His mind flashed with thoughts of Cara, oddly enough. Vincent stopped and grabbed his head trying to sort out the strange phenomenon. Philip sat up and asked, “Vince what’s the matter? Are you alright?” Phillip held Vincent close.

Vincent replied, “It’s strange
 I felt as if I was with Cara
 please don’t take that the wrong way Love.” Vincent explain while still looking confused.

Philip chuckled, “No worries hun, I won’t.” Phillip thought for a moment, “Do you think it has something to do with Cain? He told me once that he could feel what you felt for me as if it was his own feelings for me. Maybe you’re feeling what he feels for Cara?”

Vincent’s eyes widened in shock. “Oh my God you must be right
. Bollocks! I have to get the fuck out of his head when he’s having sex! That must mean that he sees or feel when I’m having a go!? God
 now I’m just done
” Vincent moaned in frustration.

Phillip frowned, “Oh no you’re not! I’ll fix the problem. If you need our passion to be amped up so that you drown out his thoughts then so it. Now lay down Xavier
” Phillip commanded with a devilish grin.

Matsuzaka Hideki and Logan

Logan and Hideki lay in Logan’s bed after Hideki begged him and successfully was allowed to crash there for the evening. Logan had already fallen to sleep and one that seemed quite deep from Hideki’s perspective. It was somewhat harder for Hideki to fall asleep for some reason that evening. He noticed how heavy Logan was considering how much the mattress sunk in under the sheer weight of the muscular man’s Adamantium frame. Hideki smirked at the thought of Logan at an airport.

“I you get stopped by airport security all the time huh?” Hideki asked quietly to the sleeping Logan. He knew Logan was asleep but he didn’t care. What better way to pass the time than thinking out loud. Hideki felt more comfortable sharing the close space with Logan than he thought he would initially.

Just as Hideki began to drift off he heard Logan began to grunt uncomfortably in his sleep. It was as if he was having a bad nightmare. Hideki turned toward Logan and sat up in bed. “Ne~ Logan-kun
” Hideki said in Japanese. Logan’s nightmare seemed to get pretty worse by the looks on his face. Hideki touched Logan on the arm and the strong mutant shot out of his sleep with a frightening roar and claws extended! Hideki jumped backward toward the wall in fear. Luckily he didn’t get cut or stabbed by the dangerous claws of the Wolverine.

 Daijyoubu ka? [hey Logan
 are you alright?]” Hideki asked in a timid manner. Logan was still breatinh heavily and sweat dripped off of him.

 yeah, sorry kid. I didn’t mean to scare ya.” Logan looked worried but was trying to calm down.

Hideki simply placed his hand on Logan’s back gently. “It ok Logan. I don’t know how much help I can be
 but, I’m here.” Hideki’s voice was serious. Logan looked at Hideki with vulnerability in his eyes, a look few ever saw on Logan. Logan said nothing, but hugged Hideki close.

“Thanks kiddo.” Logan said while still embracing Hideki. Logan casually laid down while still holding onto Hideki which made Hideki nervous a little. He had never been this close to before Logan. After a moment of silence and stillness, Logan said, “You make a great teddy bear Matsuzaka. Hahaha
” Logan chuckled.

Hideki smirked, “Well I make an even better night light if you need one.” Hideki began to glow with soft multicolored light all over his body.

Logan frowned a bit. “Okay out with you.” He then smirked.

“HEY!!! I didn’t do anything funny!!! You said no funny business!! You’re the one who hugged me and snuggled!! I didn’t initiate that!!!” Hideki protested.

“I said no funny business as in, corny light jokes. Now scram.” Logan said with a smirk on his face.

Hideki in a huff crawled out of the bed. “Oh alright
” But before he could get but a pace away Logan grabbed Hideki’s hand and pulled him back down.

“Just shut up and go to sleep.” Logan said while smiling. He laid with one arm around Hideki and fell asleep. Hideki smiled shyly. If Hideki had doubts before they were erased now, Logan did care for him. However most importantly, Hideki was glad that he could help Logan as a friend. Hideki soon afterward drifted off to sleep as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Jennifer Harolds (Clarity) Character Portrait: Aurora
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Annabelle cradled herself in the library, the silence broken by her nervous chanting. “Just go back to sleep!” She constantly repeated, her voice never seeming to stop, it was the most she had ever talked with her own voice. She then grabbed her hair within her own hands and pulled her hair, the pain causing tears to well up in her eyes. “Please, Aurora, please. Just leave me alone.” She whispered finally before stopping her chanting and released her hair.
”No.” Annabelle then felt a powerful psionic hit, causing her to scream out loud before collapsing, lying unconscious on the ground.

Jennifer smiled up at Victor when he responded, his grin making her smile more.
“I’m Victor Creed. Most people know me as Sabertooth.” Jennifer nodded and looked up at him.
“That sounds rather vicious.” She giggled lightly before shaking her head. “Some people call me Clarity.”
“So is your little sister alright. She doesn’t seem her usual self. Actually not that I care much, but she’s been a bit jumpy lately. I noticed her antsy energy. I can feel it a mile away. Just saying, you should probably check up on her.” Victor pointed out, making her smile disappear.
“You noticed that, huh?” Jennifer looked away from Victor and sighed. “She hasn’t been here that long and already people have picked up on that, people that apparently don’t care.” She then walked past him, ignoring any comments he said as she walked down the hall. She let herself start humming softly, little butterflies, pink and blue, fluttered softly around her as she hummed, only disappearing when she stopped.

Aurora sat up in the library, she pulled her hair from behind her head and looked at the blond streak that was hidden amongst the brown tangle. “You have no style, sister.” She got up and looked out the window, the night was still young, Aurora could go out and enjoy it. Aurora went to push the door open but her hand became engulfed in a purple aura that prevented her from going anywhere near the window. Aurora took a hard look around the entire room and noticed it was all covered in the aura. ”NO! You can’t keep me trapped in this hell forever!” Aurora swiped at the air in front of her, the scene of the library disappearing.

Annabelle regained control and cried softly to herself, it was only a matter of time before Aurora did something that Annabelle would have to live with forever.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer)
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Annabelle Greyson
Annabelle looked up as she heard Eric’s footsteps and she quickly wiped her tears away, the redness around her eyes remained. She looked up as he addressed her.
“Annabelle, good morning. You seem to be troubled, are you alright?” Annabelle blinked, she’d never been asked that before, most of the time when she was crying, her father left her to it and Jennifer always seemed to know why she was.
‘Go on, tell him.’ Aurora teased, her sultry slur causing more tears to well up in Annabelle’s eyes. ‘I dare you.’ Annabelle shook her head and gritted her teeth, she wanted to scream but that’d make Eric panic.
‘No, Mr Lehnsherr. I just
’ Annabelle paused to think of something. ‘Miss my mother and thought no one would be in this corridor after the shadows nearly destroyed it.’ Annabelle lied and got up to return to her room. As she passed the mirror, she noticed that Aurora was laughing in the reflection.

Jennifer Harolds
Jennifer grabbed a loose t-shirt, the shirt slung lazily off one shoulder and did nothing to flatter her body, she mainly wore it to be decent around the mansion, and her pyjama shorts just bounced around as she danced out of her room and down the corridor. She didn’t really know the layout of the mansion but she didn’t care, she just danced around the mansion until she got to the kitchen. Jennifer danced into the kitchen and didn’t care that everyone in the mansion must have been having breakfast minus a few people, Annabelle being one of them. Jennifer shrugged it off and kept dancing collecting a fruit salad and a drink of pure pineapple juice. She danced her way through the crowd and to a table. Jennifer looked up when she heard someone shout over her music, her music was pretty loud too so she slid the headphones off her head and turned the music off. Jennifer listened to the bickering and then watched as a slightly cocky man walked in and started to praise himself and she sighed. Jennifer then stood and addressed Cara and Cain.
“If I recall, Black people and Homosexuals went through this kind of prejudice yet very few of them turned to violence.” She finally spoke up “Just remember, black people were respect because the people that were against them used violence yet they remained peaceful.” She then looked to Cain. “Exactly, embrace who you are and what you are, but don’t abuse it. Why do you think so many people hate cocky, over-confident bastards?” Jennifer paused to think her point through. “Hideki, I’ve heard your music before and it is something to be proud of, but you don’t love yourself or think you’re better than anyone because of it, do you?” She asked, looking to him, hoping this example would be enough to sway a few people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Jennifer Harolds (Clarity) Character Portrait: Mutt Ant
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Memory walked ahead slightly with a new confidence and bounce to her step. She began to lead Ryan down the corridor. The occasional student would pass them. Some looked up, though few seemed to care about their presence, too distracted by the thought of food enticing them downstairs. Despite definitely not being a morning person, a permanent grin was set into her face since they had left her room that seemed to light up the hallway bright than the weak bulbs overhead. Everything just seemed that little bit brighter, that little bit better. she didn't know how anything could damage her mood today. She jerked slightly as Ryan tugged her back.

Memory turned to him, Partly annoyed, but mostly worried. Worried, because he had the strangest look on his face. Anxiety, fear and a sadness that ran deep. For a moment, Memory considered reaching out her mind and connecting it with his to view whatever it was that seemed to be tormenting him, but she held too much respect for him to do something like that. It wouldn't be fair of her to invade his private memories. But then, just as she shot down her own idea, his eyes found her and the expression shifted before her eyes. It was instantaneous and without hesitation. He had locked away his troubles and allowed more pleasant thoughts to escape. One door closed, and another one opened. Her surprise lasted only a second as his infectious smile brought on her own, though it held a question of why he had stopped.

"Sorry, I just spaced out for some odd reason. Let's go." He walked on leading straight to his room. More students were awake now. A small group of girls looked up at them with surprise, but kept their mouths shut. Another began to whisper and giggle when Memory's back had turned. She considered turning around and confronting them, but they were not going to ruin her mood. they finally reached his door. Her eyebrows rose high as he jiggled the doorknob, slammed his fist against the door and turned the handle before opening the way to his room. He looked to her, an awkward smile on his blushing face.
"It doesn't open otherwise..." Her mouth shaped a silent "ah" before she was led into his room.

Memory took a few quick glances around the surprisingly tidy room. Everything was in its own place and out of the way of those who wished to enter. though, it didn't seem like many people other than Ryan himself entered this place often. Her eyes found first the bookshelf, then the canvas near the window and she let out a quiet breath of laughter. 'It's like Jonathan's room, only cleaner.'

When Ryan turned his back to start getting ready, Memory stared down at the giant bean bag chair with a questioning lift of her eyebrows. Deciding to leave it, Memory dropped into the seat, locked her gaze on Ryan and her jaw dropped. He had already removed his top and the jeans were dropping quickly. Memory leaned back to get comfortable and tilted her head biting her lip. 'He's really does have a fine ass...' A nagging feeling played at the edge of her mind and threatened to come forth and ruin this great moment. She slammed the door on it with a satisfied grin. 'Piss off, I'm enjoying this.' there was a small disappointment in her when he put his new clothes on, but they were well fitting enough that she could still conjure up a few fantasies.

"Shall we?" he asked her when he was completely changed with a smile. She beamed back and put her hand on the bean bag to push herself up. It sank into the material. Memory sighed loudly and tried again to get out of the seat, stumbling when free from its grips. She cleared her throat and straightened out her clothes. She might as well try to retain some dignity. Returning her eyes to Ryan, she nodded and once again took his hand in hers and began to lead him to the door, and downstairs. An idea formed in her mind. She was going to push it aside when the more mischievous part of her mind let it escape her lips.

"You look good without any clothes on," Memory murmured, acting as if it meant nothing, but then looked over her shoulder slyly to him.'This should be interesting...'

Jonathan nodded his approval at Jennifer's words. He had always had a strong belief in Professor Xavier's views on mutant freedom, though he too occasionally had his more aggressive ways of putting forward the point, but nowhere near the extent of Magneto, and apparently Cara. He only hoped his ability to help in these matters would be appreciated. One of his greatest hates was being looked down on and treated like on of the teenage students. After all, he age was very close to Vincent's, only a year below.

Jonathan took a quick glance around the kitchen and his eyes fell on an unfamiliar face. The man looked uncomfortable, even more so than any of the other new recruits to the mansion. 'is he... human?' curiosity got the better of Jonathan and he grabbed his glove before sidestepping the continuing conversation. He had said all he could to try and persuade them against this foolish action for now. He reached the scruffy looking man and smiled warmly.
"Are you alright?" he asked, his Texan accent coming in strong. "You look kinda uncomfortable in here." Jonathan held out his gloved hand, the other unconcealed one holding his coffee. "Jonathan Moore," he said introducing himself, "and you are...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare) Character Portrait: Cain Xavier Lehnsherr Character Portrait: Jennifer Harolds (Clarity) Character Portrait: Mutt Ant
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Cara Black

Despite Aidan’s unexpected arrival the tension barely shifted in the air and a divide was almost becoming physical in the rooms occupants. It was times like this that Cara regretted her agreement with Xavier, at least the remnants of the Brotherhood had sense. Although Cara had had little interaction with Aidan he was a well-known loose cannon fighting for whichever side took his fancy at any particular moment.

His arrogance annoyed her but Cara knew better than to rub such a powerful mutant up the wrong way, he could easily stop anyone in the mansion including Xavier and Magneto with just a few words. It was better to stay quiet and hope that he would be on the mutants side in what was to come.

It didn’t take long before someone else jumped in on the argument and Cara recognised her as being one of the newcomers to the mansion Jennifer, a screamer or so Cara had heard.

“If I recall, Black people and Homosexuals went through this kind of prejudice yet very few of them turned to violence.” She finally spoke up “Just remember, black people were respect because the people that were against them used violence yet they remained peaceful.” She then looked to Cain. “Exactly, embrace who you are and what you are, but don’t abuse it. Why do you think so many people hate cocky, over-confident bastards?” Jennifer paused to think her point through. “Hideki, I’ve heard your music before and it is something to be proud of, but you don’t love yourself or think you’re better than anyone because of it, do you?”

Cara could only laugh in response. “Are you mad?! The fact that humans can’t even get over problems within their own damn race proves my point! Back home in Russia I could be beaten just for being bisexual let alone being a mutant! Are you saying we should trust the humans who can’t even all accept different races and sexualities without a few lynching’s not to chain us all up and throw us in prisons! I’ve already been tortured once in my life and I will not let them do it to me again!”

Mutt Ant

Mutt shifted uneasily, it wasn’t the first time he’d been around a debate such as this or even the thousandth but to argue with a mutant known to have killed humans in the past was probably not a good idea. He knew when to pick a fight and when to stay quiet.

Still, it gave him chance to make a mental note on different people’s viewpoints odds were if push came to shove Mutt would probably end up helping Xavier’s side anyway and it would be good to work out who would fight for whom.

Mutt was so distracted with his thoughts that he almost missed Jonathan’s question. "Are you alright?"
“Sorry? Oh! Right sorry, I’m Mutt!” He answered happily accepting the Texan’s gloved hand. “No no, not uncomfortable, just a little out of depth.” He leant in towards Jonathan to speak quietly. “Not a good place for a human when such a conversation is going on.” He winked before letting go. “I’m a friend of Xaviers and a friend of all mutants.” He gestured down towards his overly decorated jacket. “I am an activist for mutant rights, and leader of
” He glanced towards Cara who was now back in rant mode. “Well of pro mutant parties.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero)
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The Kitchen

Cain placed his arms around Cara’s waist and stood closely behind her. He wanted her to feel comfortable and relaxed. He was concerned with how she spoke of her tortured past moments earlier. Cain communicated to her telepathically. “Don’t you worry I will never let a human even dream of harming you again. You have my word. Unlike my father, I won’t leave you. I’d die first and I’m pretty hard to kill.” Cain then kissed Cara sweetly in front of the others. He didn’t really care what they thought. Only Cara mattered to him at that moment.

Kyle and Peter, having rolled out of bed and gotten lightly dressed, made their way to the kitchen. Upon seeing the frowning faces and thick atmosphere Kyle spoke. “What’s going on are we going to hang someone or something? It looks like a hostile town meeting in here.” Kyle shuffled to the liquor cabinet and opened it. “I think I could use an Irish coffee if I’m gonna stick around here.”

Logan intercepted him, “uh un bub. I’m not watching you ruin your liver this morning. Leave the Irish out of your coffee.”

“Good morning to you too handsome
” Kyle replied to Logan as he rolled his eyes. He went to the other side of the Kitchen where the coffee was, near Jonathan. Kyle stood next to him and smiled. “Morning stranger.” Kyle said quietly to Jonathan as he prepared his coffee cup. He couldn’t help but feel slightly anxious in a fearful way but he shrugged it off. Perhaps it was the energy of the room making him feel that way, as it was tense in the kitchen.

Hideki pondered the things said to him and he was on the fence as to which side to take. He definitely felt that if mutants didn’t stand up for themselves who else would? He glanced over at Mutt Ant who stood looking nervous to have been dragged into this predicament. There were humans like Mutt that felt Mutants should live free of persecution like anyone else. “I guess the Professor has been right all this time, so I shouldn’t doubt him now.” He thought.

Hideki looked at Aent Six who sat next to him quietly.” I wonder what she’s thinking about this situation?” He turned to Agent Six shyly. “Um Miss Six
 I heard you have no emotion. You wouldn’t be offended if I asked you for your thoughts on this situation would you? Well then again I guess you wouldn’t get offended if you can’t feel offense. Sorry about that!” Hideki apologized.

Victor and David entered the kitchen, it seemed that the two usually traveled together. “What’s this, a class on current events and social issues? If you ask me I’d say I’m an equal opportunity kind of guy. As in, I’d split the skull of a mutant or a human for equal reasoning. Hahaha
” Victor chuckled smugly.

“Well Victor, no one asked you so you could have sparred us that little nugget.” Scott snapped.

Jean frowned, “Scott
 Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.” Jean smirked at Scott after saying this. Scott only frowned up more yet slightly embarrassed.

Aidan interjected, “It seems that Charles hasn’t given you much instruction on what to do regarding this dire matter after all. Then again, situations like this are not as bad as they seem. I’ve been around for a VERY long time and I’ve learned something about people. We are always in a part of a quaint system of checks and balances. The humans fear anything they have difficulty controlling, us. We must allow then to have an illusion of power so that we can then snatch it from their grubby little hands when it is most effective to do so. Thus showing them that we are in truly uncontrollable and maximizing the effect of the realization.” His eyes scanned the room as he continued, “Charles may have some of you trained into docile peacekeeping doves. However those of us who are still ravens will know when the time is right to pluck the grub of power and control from the Earth. It’s like starvation, the food is placed in front of you and you can’t help but to ravage it. I suppose the REAL question is, who is willing to sit passively like Gandhi and become emaciated for the cause, and who shall sit fat and greedy with the power nature has supplied them with? Riddle yourselves that please.” Aidan couldn’t contain his smile.

Fuyumi shrugged her shoulders and flicked a lock of her long brown hair over her shoulder before responding, “I can understand the need to be afraid. I could incinerate someone by dragging them down into the Earth’s core if I wanted to, easily. There are so many of you who could do a lot worse. However everyone must deal with their fears responsibly and rationally. A competition of might is not the answer.”

Cain stared intensely at Aidan, “You have a fascinating perspective Mr. O’Doherty. I can understand why my fathers keep you close.” Cain said with a smile.

Aidan replied, “Indeed. Better me a friend than an enemy mate.”

Kent finished his coffee and let out a deep sigh. “Well we’re should try to stick together and win this one through perseverance and peacekeeping. We can’t expect to sway Anti-Mutant sentiment when we are swinging axes at each other. Whether Mutant-kind is superior or not, we should have the civil decency to try to showcase fairness in the hopes that the message gets through to those that need to understand it.” Kent looked to the others in the room. The let his eyes rest on Mutt. “Mr. Ant. You’re a human who is an activist for Mutant rights, how would you like to be interviewed on your perspective of this situation. I’m a news journalist and I think the populace could use a glimps of your thoughts on this. It could help our plight. What do you say?” Kent smiled as his ice blue eyes locked in on the strange man casually.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Annabelle Greyson (Enigma) Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Cain Xavier Lehnsherr Character Portrait: Jennifer Harolds (Clarity)
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Jennifer Harolds
Jennifer shook her head and rolled her eyes, "That doesn't justify killing innocents." Jennifer sighed, before putting her headphones back over her head and listening to her music, if anyone looked closely at the blond they'd notice the slight pink and blue aura forming around her, it spiked with the bass of the music like a visualisation on the windows media player. Using her powers gave her a sense of calm, even if it freaked a few people out but it also kept them away from her, the rare few that dared to talk to her when she was using her abilities she held a lot more respect for. She watched as more people came in, but she didn't do much to show her acknowledgement, she merely focused on not making her powers spike to much, she may have been sat by herself but she still ran the risk of hurting someone if the constructs spiked too much.

Annabelle Greyson
After sitting in her room, silently crying to herself for a few moments, Annabelle decided maybe it was time for breakfast. She stood up and let out a deep breath before leaving her room, she made her way down the halls and finally entered the kitchen. The tension hit her like a punch to the face, her empathy was going off the charts, she could feel anger, frustration, hatred, sympathy, almost every negative feeling she could register was hitting her like a pile of bricks. Annabelle focused on her own, hoping she'd block out the others and they wouldn't affect her, but she could stop feeling all the emotions and she decided to just open up her telepathy, blocking out the empathy unless she forced the two together. She picked up on a message obviously not meant for her, the voice was obviously Cain's but she merely ignored it, it was easier to ignore thought waves than it was emotions.
Annabelle noticed Jennifer sitting at a table on her own, the aura obvious to her having grown up with, so she decided to leave Jennifer to herself and noticed Jean, she had similiar problems but now wasn't the time to bring up Aurora and cause problems for anyone. She decided to make herself some porridge with syrup and having no other choice, sat next to her sister, who didn't acknowledge Annabelle's arrival. Annabelle looked across the kitchen and noticed Victor, a slight blush came across her even if he wash't looking at her.