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Memory Ashcroft

If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

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a character in “X-men: Xavier and Magneto Unite”, as played by ViviOrunitiaFF9


Name: Mnemosyne (Like the Titan Mnemosyne who had power over memories)

Civilian name: Memory Ashcroft (Though her brother calls her M). Her name was originally Minerva Ashford but she changed it to Memory Ashcroft when she was old enough to do so.

Age: 21

Occupation: Student

Alliance: Good (X-men)

Appearance: Image

Memory is a fun-loving and bubbly 21 year old with a slim figure and flowing brown hair. She stands at 5' 4" and has alluring chocolate brown eyes which you just seem to melt into. There is a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, a twinkle of life shining from her very soul, and a cheeky - and slightly flirtatious smile - on her face almost constantly, though it is mostly an act to bury down the loneliness she feels in her heart. Her skin has a healthy tan and seems to glow when she smiles. There is a scar down her left leg from the car crash that killed her mother when she was 16 and has a tattoo of the word Memory in Japanese on her left wrist.


Personality: Really flirtatious and feisty. Memory's strong willed nature and feisty attitude is what attracts people to her, and her cheerful flirting but that's not the point. Though, it must be admitted, it has come in handy in many situations. She's not even nearly trusting by nature. It's not that she will treat you differently because she doesn't trust you, she'll will just not share important information with you or she'll keep an eye on you when you are doing something shady. That sort of thing. Ok, yeah, she will treat you differently but still.

Since a young age, Memory was taught to think about every decision thoroughly before making a choice by her mother. However, she tries her best to defy this rule as much as possible. Even now she not entirely sure why, she just don't like following the rules that are dictated to her. Probably why she's pretty damn good at hacking, because of her need to be. Which brings us to the next part of her.

Memory's intelligence is astounding. These are not her words so she cannot be accused of being vain or anything. It was her personal tutor that told her after her exams when she got almost full marks for every exam except one which she got just over 4/5. Also, she can be a little cheeky at times and can be very criticising. But she always does it with a smile so that makes it all better, right? Plus she have fairly good acting skills so she can just fake an apology if needs be.

While Memory acts flirtatious, cheeky and just generally fun-loving, there is a painful loneliness deep within that she has been feeling since her mother's death.

Finally, her courage is something that Memory holds dear. Even though her family have been trained to think of the repercussions of their actions before doing anything, Memory has made very split second decisions that has saved one life already. She could have killed herself saving a girl who had fallen on to train tracks at a subway station not long before train was ready to arrive, but her life was greater than Memory's at that point in M's opinion. It was selfless but it is not something she expects to happen often, as much as she'd like it to.

Mutant Classification: Alpha - As Memory not only appears fully human to those around her, but she also has enough control over her ability so as to choose when it is to be used. This advanced control and human appearance allows her to comfortably sit within the Alpha class while her brother lies within in Beta.

Powers and Abilities: As her codename may suggest, Memory's abilities are based primarily on memories. Her main weaknesses are that she must have prolonged skin contact at the temples for most of her powers to work at this stage and that some abilities require a certain state or mind to do. If she does not have this then the power can be a little temperamental.

1. Memory Walking - Memory can not only see but also experience the memories of another. If she is in a place of calm and has skin contact at the temples (unless it is for her own memoires which require only a calm mind) she can let her mind travel into another's and wander around their memories, seeing the scene from every possible angle with every possible detail.

2. Memory altering - She cannot erase memories, but she can suppress and hide away memories in a way similar to her memory defences. This can be used as a last resort move where she will completely suppress every memory that she can within the target's mind temporarily in order to escape though it drains her considerably and she again requires skin contact at the temples. While she cannot erase memories, she can stop someone from ever remembering her if she concentrates very hard. Even if they know she is there, their brain will not want to remember seeing her there and will not look at her no matter what the cost (depends on strength of use with this ability).

3. Memory Implantation - Place a fake memory within someone's head for many reasons. For example, sending yourself into their memories as a loved one or friend to gain information and infiltrate their personal life or the like. Again, requires same kind of skin contact.

4. Memory Defences - Much like an ordinary telepath, Minerva can create mental defences on her own and another's memories, but not the mind itself. She envisions the mind like a never-ending labyrinth or corridors and room, each room containing a different memory. It is merely used as a tool to help her navigate through the mind. Using this same ability Memory could potentially seal off bad memories for another or herself if the situation called for it.

5. Retrocognition (?) - It's not often that this happens, but sometimes when Memory touches an object or person she can get a glimpse at the memories that have attached themselves to it. As of yet, she has never gotten a very clear image, always just a rush of emotions and images, but the ability has been growing.

6. Adoptive Muscle Memory - With this ability, activated through skin contact, Memory can temporarily duplicate the muscle memory of anyone she touches, augmenting her own skill set and techniques to the same as another. For example, she could touch a martial artist and instantly, but temporarily, learn when he/she has learned. While she would be able to put it into practise she would retain the physical capabilities and limitations that she had before. Also, if she were to try and copy the fighting style of someone unpredictable who uses erratic and non-routine fighting then it would be nearly impossible to learn anything as they are constantly changing how they act. While it requires skin contact now and is only temporary this could change as her strength and control grows.

History: Memory Ashcroft, the only child of Olivia Moore and David Ashcroft and half brother to Jonathan Moore whom she is closer to that any other person alive. She actually changed her first name to suit her ability from Minerva to Memory when she was old enough to do so. Up until she was 16, Memory did not even know that Jonathan existed. She had never known her father as he had left them not long after Memory was born. She always learned to fend for herself, becoming quite independent and strong willed, but she had no male figure to look up to. It was only after the car crash that injured Memory and killed her mother that she ever learned of Jonathan. When they finally met, it was not the instant brother-sister bond that she was hoping for. The second she saw him her distrusting nature kicked in her first reaction was to push him away while his was to try and welcome her into his side of the family. It continued like this for just over a year, with the two arguing and fighting constantly. One time Memory actually pushed him out of a first floor window. It was an accident that he went trough the window but she doesn't feel bad.

What really brought them together, as surprising as it might sound, was high school. They had both awakened to their powers by now. Memory had awakened to her own power during the car crash when she tried to check on her mother's condition, as weak as M was. She had touched her mother's head, her fingertips touching the temple, and the fear of her being dead awakened her to her powers. M just managed to catch the last few memories in her mother's mind slip away before her eyes as she fell into the dark abyss that is death. Jonathan had never really been liked for his rather blunt personality at times so he had quite a number of people wanting to deal some serious damage. This he could have handled. The rumour that he, and by association M, were mutants they could not handle.

They were looked down on and treated like scum by the teens, even with no proof. The mere possibility of them being mutants was enough to have them hated and feared by most, even some teachers. They would be abused every single day, treated like scum and assaulted on multiple occasions because of what these people believed.

The turning point in the relationship between these half siblings was shortly after Jonathan had graduated from school and had moved onto university. A bunch of guys from his years had also graduated and seen him one day, taking it as the opportunity it was. They dragged him into a secluded alleyway and started beating him senseless, each taking their turn holding or hitting him. He fought back at first but then he just accepted that there was nothing he could do to save him. M thankfully had been meeting him near there. When she heard his cries of pain, Memory rushed to him only to see the leader of the group drop to the ground. He had tried to cut Jonathan with a switch-blade but had only managed to slice down his hand, which is why he has the scar, and in a moment of panic Jonathan and grabbed the attackers wrist. He died hours later in hospital. Memory had comforted him through this for months, the memory of the killing tormenting his mind. She even tried to suppress the memory for him but only ended up making it worse for him by sending herself into the nightmare. Due to her abilities, she was able to protect herself from the bad memories and fears, becoming immune to his ability when she returned to the waking world - so far the only one who can touch Jonathan's skin without dying.

When rumours spread of them being mutants spread again, they left their home state of Texas and moved up the country. When they heard rumours of a school designed for people like them that wouldn't judge them but help the siblings develop their abilities they jumped at the chance, though tried not to get their hopes up. As it happens, their decision was the right one. They've been there ever since.

Other information: Memory has an unusual fear of Leprechauns. There is no real explanation for it but ever since she was young, Minerva has never been able to look at a Leprechaun without being terrified.

So begins...

Memory Ashcroft's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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"Memory...?" He whispered, barely even a noise at all. Ryan's ears perked and he turned toward Jonathan, a look of slowly dawning horror on his face. Could Jonathan read his mind? Thinking about it, he had never asked what Jonathan's powers were when they had walked together in the courtyard. Ryan readied himself to jump, but before he could jump away from Jonathan and the pain in his chest, Jonathan stepped forward quickly, knocking over a few pillars of paper in the process, and asserted a light grip on Ryan's arm. Ryan recoiled, but Jonathan let him go. Ryan was about to pull away, but instead, he stayed stock still, petrified. After a brief moment, Ryan regained his senses and was about to leap into the leafy canopy and the safeness of the dark, but Jonathv called out to him. "Ryan wait!" He paused for a moment, chewing his words. "You're afraid.". Ryan let out a small gasp. He couldn't help himself. Jonathan was right. "You are afraid... and it's to do with Memory." Feeling it was better to wait until Ryan confirmed or denied this, he closed his mouth.

Ryan scoffed, "Me? Afraid? Look at me Jonathan. I'm a monster, a big, scaly scary monster! How could I possibly be afraid of someone as sweet, as kind, and as wonderful as Memory?" As he spoke, his false bravado faded fast. Jonathan would know he was bluffing. Ryan was, in fact, a terrible liar. He turned around, sitting now on the windowsill and facing into Jonathan's room. His eyes found the floor, and his head hung low, hair obscuring his eyes. "Of course I'm afraid. Wouldn't you be?" Ryan asked. "Wouldn't you be terrified to find out what someone you so admire thinks of you?" Slowly, and stuttering at first, Ryan began to speak. He was so embarrassed, and he couldn't stop his cheeks from burning. "Weeks ago, no, even just days ago it was different. I was stuck in one shape, I was somebody not even my parents would love. I was horrible, a monster, full of sharp teeth and wicked claws. I was a predator of men, built to kill them with my bare hands. I was the top, I was king, I felt invincible. Then Vincent and I discovered that I could change. I could be different. I could be me, and that could be whoever I wanted it to be. I grew softer. I started seeing things in new ways. One of those things was Memory. You both have always been so kind to me, like older siblings, like the best of friends. Then... I'm not entirely sure, but sometime last summer I started falling for her. I was in love with Memory. I didn't want to do anything about it. I wanted to run away and hide because there was no room for me. I was like your pet, something that followed you home. Since you too were so close, that was why figured there was no room for me, that I could never be welcome. I was fine with that. I didn't want anything else. That felt too greedy. But now, now I can be me. I can be someone that she could be proud to be with. The thing is... I'm scared. I don't know how to tell her and I'm afraid of what will happen if I do. I... I'm sorry." Ryan finished sadly. His ears drooped and tears formed in his eyes. He didn't know what, or how to say the raw and tumultuous feeling that roiled within his heart.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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"Me? Afraid? Look at me Jonathan. I'm a monster, a big, scaly scary monster! How could I possibly be afraid of someone as sweet, as kind, and as wonderful as Memory?" His power flickered at Ryan's words and his eyebrow rose questioningly. If Ryan really expected Jonathan to buy that he had seriously underestimated him. His friend turned on the windowsill and sat to face into the room onto the floor, but not to him he noticed. With his head hung low, he almost looked like he felt ashamed of something.
'What the hell is he afraid of?' Jonathan asked himself, worried.

As Ryan began to explain it all pieced together in Jonathan's mind until the puzzle was complete, the big picture clear for him to see. He mentally slapped himself for not realising the blatant obvious. For the all the intelligence he had and the rather revealing powers, he wasn't half stupid sometimes. I swear I should have been born a blonde,' he thought dryly.

Then... I'm not entirely sure, but sometime last summer I started falling for her. I was in love with Memory. I didn't want to do anything about it. I wanted to run away and hide because there was no room for me. I was like your pet, something that followed you home. Since you too were so close, that was why figured there was no room for me, that I could never be welcome. I was fine with that. I didn't want anything else. That felt too greedy. But now, now I can be me. I can be someone that she could be proud to be with. The thing is... I'm scared. I don't know how to tell her and I'm afraid of what will happen if I do. I... I'm sorry."

Jonathan let out a light sigh as he stepped forwards and crouched down in front of Ryan. He looked up into Ryan's face and gave a reassuring smile. "Y'know, you can really ramble sometimes," he joked to lighten Ryan's mood ever so slightly. He tried to look into Ryan's eyes as best he could before he began to speak.

"I can see now why you're afraid - literally," he started, pausing as he thought of his power. "But you don't need to be. Honestly, you don't. You are not a monster. You were never a monster. So what if you have scales? So what if you have a tail? That's just who you are. It's the ones who can't see past all that to the sweet and caring boy beneath, the ones who are willing to judge and hate you, that are the monsters." Jonathan gave Ryan a direct look into his golden eyes. "They are the monsters."

Jonathan dropped down and sat cross-legged on the floor in front of Ryan. Now for Memory. He didn't quite know how to explain his half sister to Ryan without revealing their past. He didn't feel reluctant to reveal his past to Ryan; he trusted him, more than most. He was only concerned his sister would mind. She was always more secretive than Jonathan. Felling it was better to explain fully, he pushed his worries aside and spoke.

"The thing about Memory is," he began slowly, thinking of how best to word it, "she's a not always been like this. There was a time when she was completely different. She was a lot quieter, less out-going. Always strong-willed, independent, just not the type to party and flirt all the time, at least, since I knew her." He sighed. Now it was his turn to look away.

"When Memory was your age, she got into a car crash with her - our - mother. Memory survived but..." He shook his head and looked again to Ryan. "We would argue a lot, and fight, when we first met. She pushed me out a first floor window once. Eventually, though, she started to change. She accepted me, but she started to take on a persona to the rest of the world. The only way to hide how she truly felt, and stop people from getting too close only to leave like both her mother and father, was to act like this. Never one to stick with one person for too long, always keeping them distracted from her true feelings with flirting and... stuff." He looked away, a little embarrassed. He had no problem talking about "stuff" with most others, but it just felt awkward with a 16 year old boy, even if it was his best friend.

"She has a lot of walls stopping people from getting to her heart. It just takes time, and patience. And love. And even with that, I've seen how she's looked at you before. My guess is that you've already gotten pretty far in. Like I said, the scales don't matter. Memory obviously sees through them too." Jonathan smiled reassuringly again to Ryan's lowered face. "I say, you should talk to her. Don't force an answer out of her, that'll make her put her guard. Just," Jonathan paused, and began to stand, "let if flow. Even if it feels like rambling." He placed his hand carefully on Ryan's shoulder carefully, sure to keep his skin on the power resistant scales, a smile curling at his lips. "Besides, she thinks it's cute when you ramble. She told me herself."

Jonathan stepped back and rolled up his sleeves, getting ready to move to the door and onto another. Ryan he approved of. Memory's flirting partner, however, he did not. Now that he knew how Ryan felt, Jonathan finally had a better reason than instinctive over-protection of his sister to push David away.
"I'll let you have some time to yourself. I need to go deal with someon- thing. Something anyway." He mentally sighed at himself for nearly revealing where he was going. "You can use anything here if you're wanting to, the paint and canvases. I'll be back soon, I promise." J turned to the door and started to walk out. Stopping in his tracks, he turned back to Ryan.
"No matter what happens, there will always be room for you with us." Smiling again, he left in search of David. It was time to deal with him already.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero)
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[A collaborative post between Masato22 and ViviOrunitiaFF9]

David North and Jonathan Moore

David followed Memory to her room, walking closely behind her. His body having no discernible scent made moments like this slightly interesting for the other party who would usually notice a person’s body scent when being intimate. David’s warmth was memory’s clue that he was close behind her. David could hear Hideki and Logan down the hall and smirked. ‘Looks like I’m not the only one getting a leg over tonight.’ David thought to himself. The thought of Logan shacking up with another guy made David want to laugh out loud. They entered her room and David quietly closed the door behind him.

He smoothly kissed the beautiful brunette’s lips passionately. David effortlessly picked up the petite girl up and held her as the make out session swung into full effect. However had a quick thought that made him pause and look Memory in the eyes. The thought was an image, the image of Ryan’s face stricken with sadness. He knew that Memory had the right to choose who and what she wanted, but seeing that poor boys face as David simply chased a temporary thrill made him feel actually horrible. David just could continue.

David let out a sigh. “I’m sorry love. I just can’t this time. Ah…this place it really working a number on me…” David said with a look that showed how hard it was for him not to carry on with it. David slowly put Memory down and then planted a gentle kiss upon her lips. “I guess today is not my day. I should go, you have the sweetest of dreams, okay?” David said as he turned toward the door, and the exited. As he closed the door behind him, he saw Jonathan.

“Good evening Jonathan.” David greeted with a small smile.

Jonathan's blood ran cold. Unable to stop himself, his hands closed over into fists as his eyes took in the sight he wished he hadn't seen. Just when he had been coming to keep David away from his sister, here he was smugly leaving her room and talking to him as if Jonathan had seen nothing. With more effort than should have been needed, he schooled his expression into something a little calmer and drew in air slowly to speak.
"David," he replied with a stiff nod. "Can I have a word?" He looked around the hallway, then back to David. "Somewhere a little more private?"

At David's nod, that smile still on his face, he turned and began walking quickly down the hall, several students moving out of his way upon seeing him - partly as they knew of his powers, partly because of the look on his face. The room he took him to was a small bedroom for a student that was yet to filled. He opened the door slowly and ushered David inside with the closest thing he could manage to a half-hearted smile. Glaring into David's back, he let the door close over and tried to calm his temper. "This should do for a quick chat," Jonathan murmured while he took a quick appraising glance across the walls. So long as no one was around to hear them he didn't care. This was between himself and David.

David wondered what Jonathan wanted. Jonathan didn't look very pleasant but David was trying to keep a positive outlook on things. He was already having a rough night. He smirked as he saw the other students avoid touching Jonathan. David remembered Jonathan’s file well. The guy couldn't touch anyone without sending them into a nightmare coma. Lucky for David he was excellent at evading attackers.

Jonathan addressed David, "I want to let you know now that I don't trust you, never have. Currently, I have no problem with you being around the mansion. If Charles trusts you enough to not cause any trouble, then I'll stick by his decision. But I want you to stay away from my sister."

David let out heavy sigh and rolled his eyes. He felt he just couldn't catch a break around this place. "God being nice is such a fucking pain... Look guy, your sister should be free to make her own decisions. So instead of riding my jock about giving her space, why don't you pull out first?" David snapped.

"Need I remind you of when we first met? You were holding us at gun point. My fucking apologies if I'm just a little reluctant to let her go with your kind." Jonathan replied in just as charged a manner.

"Well I ought to give her what both she and I both want just because I fucking can. I mean damn, you would have walked in on me in her had I not grown some form of a conscience due to your scaly little friend who likes her." Jonathan's face shifted into a look of contained anger and his fists closed. "So you really should thank me for showing a little restraint." Jonathan's knuckles slowly turned white as he fought to contain the growing flame within him. "But perhaps my being with her isn't really your problem... maybe it's because I haven't given you much attention?” David stepped closer to Jonathan, the two standing face to face. David totally could tell that his taunt mocked the young man greatly. David then laughed. Jonathan's face quickly turned from rage to disgust before he turned his head away. “Don't worry guy. I'll leave her alone for now. But I warn you, if she comes knocking I'm gonna answer.” David turned to walk away.

"Now let me warn you, North." Jonathan turned back to David and stared darkly into his eyes as he spoke slowly. "You stay away from me and my family or we are going to have a problem, and you are going to have to watch your back. Remember who you're dealing with." He opened his hand and slowly flexed his fingers to emphasise his point. "You're not the only one with blood on his hands." Jonathan replied coldly.

David smirked, "Alright kiddo. It's not that serious to me. Like I said, I'll give her space but I'm letting you know, that if I back off she'll come running. Don't be surprised. I've got nothing against you but I'm not in the mood for any more shit tonight so let's end it here. Before I remember the bloodstained monster I really am." David’s face displayed a deadly serious expression. David turned to walk out of the room.

The fight to control his breathing was becoming somewhat easier now that David had left him on his own. A dull pain in his palm finally registered in his mind as he calmed down slightly. He glanced down and noticed small red rings where his nails had been pressing hard into his skin. Shaking his hands, he took another deep breath and started for the door. He had protected Memory like a father since meeting her eight years ago, and he was not going to have all of his work undone by a self-obsessed asshole who think he can get everything he wants. Jonathan snorted. 'He should be a politician,' he joked to lighten his mood as he stepped out into the corridor and began back to his room, fixing his expression into something friendlier for Ryan.

David was pissed. It seemed to be one thing after another. David pondered about Ryan, Jonathan and memory. He wondered if he should interfere with Memory any further. He knew that given the look in Ryan’s eyes he felt strongly for Memory. “What the hell have I been doing here? I should have gone about my way long ago. I guess I do like it here but do I ever see myself as an official X-men like Logan? Ugh… I don’t wanna think about it any further.” David laid down in his bed and went to sleep.

[Post by Masato22]

{OOC: I just wanna apologize in advance because this post is ridden with intimate moments... sorry. I hope things were discreet enough and not too character bending.}

Victor Creed

Victor walked up the hall toward his room when he heard a familiar voice. It was Annabelle. He remembered her from the attack on the city by the Morlocks and Juggernaut.

"Maybe you could become an x-man and stay here!" She was walking backwards and bumped into something, something big and muscular. She spun around, her face flush and her eyes nervous.
"He's rather handsome." Annabelle and Victor heard a voice slur, her face then went pale and her eyes looked to the ground nervously. Victor grinned slightly at her.

“In a rush are you, little lady?” Victor said calmly.

"Sorry, Mr Creed." She projected into Sabertooth's head before ducking past him, her face hidden behind her hair.

Victor’s eyes followed Annabelle as she scurried past him. Jennifer gave him a curt nod and introduced herself. "I'm Jennifer Harolds, Annabelle's older sister."

Victor looked down at the young woman. His sights focused in on her and he raised an eyebrow. He was curious about her as he had not seen her around before. She was just as pretty as her sister. He smiled in his usual grin and replied. “I’m Victor Creed. Most people know me as Sabertooth.” He paused for a moment wondering what he wanted to say if anything at all. He never dropped his confident disposition. “So is your little sister alright. She doesn’t seem her usual self. Actually not that I care much, but she’s been a bit jumpy lately. I noticed her antsy energy. I can feel it a mile away. Just saying, you should probably check up on her.” Victor said to Jennifer. He could explain why he felt even slightly concerned. He never thought the X-men would grow on him like they were.

Cain Lehnsherr

“I think he makes a point.” Cara almost whispered to him in her thick Russian accent before kissing him passionately.

Cain kissed Cara his emotions flaring up strongly. He took Cara’s hand and led her to his room. He and her kissed and embraced each other passionately. Cain wanted Cara and nothing would stop him from pouring out his soul into her. It was like he desperately needed someone to love, a love to call his own. He knew how it felt to be in love because he had such a direct link to Vincent and his emotions meaning that he technically felt the same romantic love for Phillip that Vincent felt. Likewise, Vincent could feel what Cain had formed with Cara.

Philip Klein and Vincent Xavier

Vincent and Philip were in the middle of their intimate activities when Vincent felt a strange warmth in his heart. It was as if he was feeling a certain passion that was his own yet wasn’t at the same time. His mind flashed with thoughts of Cara, oddly enough. Vincent stopped and grabbed his head trying to sort out the strange phenomenon. Philip sat up and asked, “Vince what’s the matter? Are you alright?” Phillip held Vincent close.

Vincent replied, “It’s strange… I felt as if I was with Cara… please don’t take that the wrong way Love.” Vincent explain while still looking confused.

Philip chuckled, “No worries hun, I won’t.” Phillip thought for a moment, “Do you think it has something to do with Cain? He told me once that he could feel what you felt for me as if it was his own feelings for me. Maybe you’re feeling what he feels for Cara?”

Vincent’s eyes widened in shock. “Oh my God you must be right…. Bollocks! I have to get the fuck out of his head when he’s having sex! That must mean that he sees or feel when I’m having a go!? God… now I’m just done…” Vincent moaned in frustration.

Phillip frowned, “Oh no you’re not! I’ll fix the problem. If you need our passion to be amped up so that you drown out his thoughts then so it. Now lay down Xavier…” Phillip commanded with a devilish grin.

Matsuzaka Hideki and Logan

Logan and Hideki lay in Logan’s bed after Hideki begged him and successfully was allowed to crash there for the evening. Logan had already fallen to sleep and one that seemed quite deep from Hideki’s perspective. It was somewhat harder for Hideki to fall asleep for some reason that evening. He noticed how heavy Logan was considering how much the mattress sunk in under the sheer weight of the muscular man’s Adamantium frame. Hideki smirked at the thought of Logan at an airport.

“I you get stopped by airport security all the time huh?” Hideki asked quietly to the sleeping Logan. He knew Logan was asleep but he didn’t care. What better way to pass the time than thinking out loud. Hideki felt more comfortable sharing the close space with Logan than he thought he would initially.

Just as Hideki began to drift off he heard Logan began to grunt uncomfortably in his sleep. It was as if he was having a bad nightmare. Hideki turned toward Logan and sat up in bed. “Ne~ Logan-kun…” Hideki said in Japanese. Logan’s nightmare seemed to get pretty worse by the looks on his face. Hideki touched Logan on the arm and the strong mutant shot out of his sleep with a frightening roar and claws extended! Hideki jumped backward toward the wall in fear. Luckily he didn’t get cut or stabbed by the dangerous claws of the Wolverine.

“Logan-kun… Daijyoubu ka? [hey Logan… are you alright?]” Hideki asked in a timid manner. Logan was still breatinh heavily and sweat dripped off of him.

“Uh… yeah, sorry kid. I didn’t mean to scare ya.” Logan looked worried but was trying to calm down.

Hideki simply placed his hand on Logan’s back gently. “It ok Logan. I don’t know how much help I can be… but, I’m here.” Hideki’s voice was serious. Logan looked at Hideki with vulnerability in his eyes, a look few ever saw on Logan. Logan said nothing, but hugged Hideki close.

“Thanks kiddo.” Logan said while still embracing Hideki. Logan casually laid down while still holding onto Hideki which made Hideki nervous a little. He had never been this close to before Logan. After a moment of silence and stillness, Logan said, “You make a great teddy bear Matsuzaka. Hahaha…” Logan chuckled.

Hideki smirked, “Well I make an even better night light if you need one.” Hideki began to glow with soft multicolored light all over his body.

Logan frowned a bit. “Okay out with you.” He then smirked.

“HEY!!! I didn’t do anything funny!!! You said no funny business!! You’re the one who hugged me and snuggled!! I didn’t initiate that!!!” Hideki protested.

“I said no funny business as in, corny light jokes. Now scram.” Logan said with a smirk on his face.

Hideki in a huff crawled out of the bed. “Oh alright…” But before he could get but a pace away Logan grabbed Hideki’s hand and pulled him back down.

“Just shut up and go to sleep.” Logan said while smiling. He laid with one arm around Hideki and fell asleep. Hideki smiled shyly. If Hideki had doubts before they were erased now, Logan did care for him. However most importantly, Hideki was glad that he could help Logan as a friend. Hideki soon afterward drifted off to sleep as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Agent Six (#6)
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Memory pouted on her bed, staring at the closed door with a vague disappointment, but also guilt. When David had followed her, she hadn't even tried to push him off of her. She was quite willing to go all the way with him. Her eyes dropped to the ground. She bit her lip and picked under her nails as she thought, a faint frown creasing her face. She didn't know what to think any more. Ryan was cute and adorable, and she could see herself liking him - a lot - but David had a way of getting into her head that Ryan could never achieve. She couldn't tell if it was a good thing or bad thing. Memory dropped her head into her hands and groaned.

Rubbing her eyes with her fingertips, she sat up straighter on the bed and took a deep breath. She let it out shakily and repeated this a few more time. When her heart and breathing had calmed and returned to normal, she stood up and started for the door. She needed a walk. There was too much rattling around her mind for her to sleep. If a walk around the mansion didn't help, she'd increase it to the grounds. Where she was to go if that failed, she had no clue. As she stepped forwards towards the door, an old habit kicked in and she began to sing to herself, loud enough that it echoed off of the walls.

"Kiss me hard before you go," she began, a calm smile curling the corners of her lips. "Summertime sadness. I just wanted you to know, that baby you're the best." As Memory stepped out into the hall, her voice echoed off of the walls loudly. She had always been gifted with her singing voice, usually resulting in her having little to no cares about who heard her. He smile spread to a grin as she glided gracefully down the corridor.

"I got my red dress on tonight,
Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight.
Done my hair up real big beauty queen style.
High heels off, I'm feeling alive."


The curtains at the windows in Jonathan's fluttered in the gentle breeze drifting into the room. A small feeling of disappointment played at the edge of his mind, but he pushed it away and forced a smile. He hadn't expected Ryan to stay put, but he hoped nonetheless. Shaking his head with a more natural, but sad, smile, Jonathan pulled his sleeves down over his hands once again and walked further into the room dodging pillars of paper. His boot tapped a tower and it toppled. He cursed aloud and an urge overcame him. Anger from moments before resurfaced, the flames growing to stronger until it flared out. He pulled his leg back and threw it forwards kicking a pile of notepads against the wall. Smiling, he stepped further into the room. As his mind began to move towards his conversation with David again, he pushed it from his mind and looked around the room quickly for something to keep him mind occupied.

It was only then that his eyes took in the new addition to his room. His mouth dropped open into a surprised smile and he stepped closer bringing yet another tower down. he gave it only a passing glance before his eyes returned to the painting. The sky attracted his gaze first. He knew it wasn't one of his. The painting style was different, and he would recognise it. His eyes travelled down, taking in the emerald hills, until he reached a note. Taking off gently, he began to read.

"Thanks Jonathan, for everything. I took you up on the offer to paint, it was very fun, and I hope you like it. It seems a bit narcissistic to paint oneself, but I figured since I'm not hanging it in my room it isn't so bad. See you tomorrow."

Frowning out of confusion, Jonathan returned his eyes to the painting and a warmth spread through his chest. A smile spread on his face at the sight of the figures in the painting. Two figures holding hands, one with green eyes, the other scaled with golden eyes watching the view with a smirk. 'I guess I don't have to worry as much about him not accepting himself...' Jonathan thought, continuing to gaze at the work.

A noise behind him sent a wave of panic through him. He turned quickly and jumped back. His body slammed into the wall and his heart threatened to burst from his chest. After a moment he controlled his breathing and focussed on what, or rather who, was standing at his window.
"S-Six?" He put his hand over his heart and curled forwards slightly with a sigh of relief. She had scared him. He had been scared more than he should have at something so small. Shaking his head, he put it down to David.

At the thought of his name, familiar anger and fear rose up. Anger at the man, but fear for his sister. For his family. Jonathan had always been the one to protect her, look out for her, ever since they met when she was 16. He had done more for her than she knew. But now, after years of protecting her from people like David, he was losing her. The Texan had tried to tell himself that she would never choose David over her family time and again, but he knew that if it came to it there was no way of knowing. She could just as easily choose David as Jonathan. He pushed the fears away and turned his eyes to the girl.

He stepped forwards and stopped. Now that he was going to speak to her, he couldn't think of a thing to say. For a moment he froze. The girl began moving before he had a chance. As she tried to get around him she tripped over a pile of paper littering his floor with a quiet "oh". He moved to help her up but she pulled herself up before he got the chance. Her sightless eyes found his chest. Without a word, Six pushed the corners of her lips up into a crude smile.
"Happy," Was all that she said.

Jonathan opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again as all questions for her evaded him. He wasn't sure whether she meant him, or her. Or even how to react to this. A familiar bell-like voice echoing in the distance outside of his room saved him. He glanced to the door and smiled apologetically at Six. Realisation struck him and his eyes widened. 'She's blind, dumbass.'
"Uh... one moment, Six. I'll... I'll be right back." Jonathan walked to his door and stopped, listening to his sister singing in the hallway.

"Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare.
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere.
Nothing scares me any more."

"Well that makes one of us..." Jonathan muttered dryly before stepping out out into the hallway to his sister.

Kiss me hard before you go.
Summertime sad..."
She paused as she saw Jonathan before her. "...ness?"

"Hey, M," Her brother said quietly to her. She stopped and looked at him questioningly. He seemed different. There was an expression she'd never seen before on his face. The more she looked, the less she could see it. She shook her head and let herself forget all about it.
"What's up, Jonathan?" He smiled at her words and looked down the hallway behind her quickly. Her eyebrow rose questioningly again. "Are you ok?"
His eyes snapped to her. "What?" A light bulb clicked on inside his head. "Oh. Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just..." She nodded her head and watched his eyes look behind her yet again. Following them, Memory turned her head around, but saw nothing. "Just wanted to say that I think Ryan might want a word with you." He gave her a smile - a clearly fake one, then turned away into his room.

Jonathan watched her, just out of her sight in his room, as she walked away, a worried and thoughtful expression on her face. He ran his finger through his hair. What was wrong with him? Every second while talking to her he couldn't stop looking behind, a nagging paranoia irritating his mind. Closing his eyes, he expelled all thoughts of it from his mind, putting it down again to David. He turned again to Six and smiled, even though she couldn't see it.

"So... you play the piano?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Agent Six (#6) Character Portrait: Dr. Emily Coleridge
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Ryan Legrand was, to say the least, starting to get a bit cranky. He'd forgotten that he'd locked the window to his room, and was now forced to find a way back into the mansion that wasn't Jonathan's window. Normally, that would be his first choice, however, he'd just left Jonathan a note about seeing him tomorrow, and it felt poetically incorrect to see him again so soon after the nature of their parting. Sitting in the grass near the fountain, Ryan was attempting to think hard. He pictured all the windows in the halls near his room and any other window even remotely in the vicinity of his room. There were quite a few, but chances were they'd all be locked up as well. There was no choice other than to check every single window by hand. Ryan sighed, it was going to be a long night.

Carefully, Ryan clambered along the side of the mansion, checking the hallway windows, and not the ones attached to rooms that weren't his. It was an arduous process, but it did afford him some time to think about things while he looked for an open window that wasn't Jonathan's. Unfortunately for Ryan, thinking is hard even at the best of times, and feeling as sleepy as he was didn't help much at all. However, Ryan's fatigue addled brain did manage to discern a pair of distinct facts that made him feel quite proud of himself. The first was that Memory liked him, even if only a little. That in and of itself was cause for celebration, but Ryan was climbing now, the victory dance could wait. Further, and perhaps even better, not only did Jonathan not care that Ryan loved Memory, he even endorsed Ryan's courting of Memory as well. This was a huge relief to sleepy Ryan. There was just something about having Jonathan, his best friend, being cool with Ryan liking his sister, that was momentously satisfying. However, once more, the victory dance would have to wait, clinging to the wall was far more pressing at this point in time.

Unfortunately for Ryan quite a while had passed, or at least the twenty minutes seemed like eternity, and he still had had no luck with any of the other windows. Just as Ryan was debating on whether or not he should just sleep outside in a pile of leaves, he found an open window on the third story that was directly above his room. Though it wasn't ideal, it was better than sleeping outside or going through Jonathan's window. Clambering through the window, which he hastily slid open, Ryan tumbled onto the ground and nearly fell asleep right then and there, however, his brain was still functioning enough to get him to close the window before getting up and trying to find his room. Groggily, and yawning profusely, Ryan stumbled down the stairs towards the hallway his room was in, he tripped and fell once he was halfway down, making a good deal of racket while he sledded down the stairs on his stomach. Rubbing his head, and apologizing to no one in particular, Ryan stood and meandered towards his room. However, as he rounded the corner, Ryan stopped dead in his tracks, now fully awake. No sooner had he finally confessed his feelings about Memory to Jonathan, than here she was, walking down the hallway towards him. It didn't quite register that she might have just been taking a walk, so, of course, Ryan's thoughts immediately flew to Jonathan, who might have spoken with Memory while Ryan was looking for a way back into the mansion. Did he rat me out? Ryan thought furiously, glancing between Memory and his door. Nervously, Ryan raised his right hand and waved, "Hi," he quipped sleepily. "Fancy meeting you here, however I think you might be lost, this is my room silly." Ryan joked, laughing pathetically at his bad joke, and knowing full well that Memory knew her way around the mansion just as well as he did, if not better "I don't mean to be rude, but it's awfully late, why are you still up?" Ryan asked, trying to innocently steer the topic away from the fact that the pair of them were alone together for the first time in quite a while. He took a few steps forward and leaned against his door frame, staring Memory in the eyes. Suddenly nervous, Ryan remembered his appearance. He'd been crawling all over the building in his bestial form, and for some reason appearing human seemed more important than anything. Casually, while maintaining eye contact with Memory, Ryan slowly shifted back to his human appearance in front of her. His scales withered away, his tail spunk into his pants, and his horns, teeth, ears and claws all shortened and shriveled away until Ryan stood before Memory, apparently, completely human.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Agent Six (#6)
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"What is happiness, Jonathan?"

Jonathan opened his mouth to answer, but what he had in mind was a rather crappy way of describing it. He closed his mouth over and walked over to her, making sure to make enough noise that she would know we was coming to sit beside her. Dropping to the ground with a grunt he lay back against the side of the bed. How would he answer her question? He could be as vague as possible and say an emotion, but he could tell this was not what she wanted. If he were to be perfectly honest, he didn't even know if she could experience the same emotions as others, from how she acted. That answer would be no use. Pausing for a moment, he considered, then nodded his head as the start of an idea came to him.

"Well," he began slowly, "I suppose happiness is a little different for everyone. However, on the most basic level, it's feeling content with something, often a certain situation." Shifting into a more comfortable position, Jonathan pulled his sleeves down over his hands further to reduce the risk of killing her. He wasn't taking any chances. He had sat half a meter away, and was in a good enough position to move quickly if she came close to his skin. "It can come from many things. Eating a chocolate cake," he said with a chuckle. "Finishing a painting." A smile spread on his face as he looked to Ryan's painting. He returned his gaze to Six. "Performing for others." He pursed his lips thinking. "Did you feel happy tonight, Six?"


"Hi," a familiar, but sleepy, voice said, breaking through her thoughts like a wrecking ball. She jumped slightly, but recovered quickly. "Fancy meeting you here, however I think you might be lost, this is my room silly." Ryan laughed quietly at his words. She gave a half smile and looked to the door. He was right, of course, but her arrival was unintentional. 'Funny,' she thought to herself, 'Here I am with the one of the people I had been trying to avoid to give me room to think. Interesting.'

"I don't mean to be rude, but it's awfully late, why are you still up?" She smiled quickly, then shifted her stance. Would he believe her if she were to tell him the truth? And could she even speak to him without feeling the same guilt as before? She met his eyes, and froze. There were no words. She couldn't bring herself to speak. How could she talk to him like nothing had happened when not long before she had been making out with another? Before she could do anything, Ryan began to shift into his human form like before. Where scales had covered him, flesh replaced it. Slowly, his golden eyes gave way to green, the transformation complete.

Memory swallowed to wet her throat and tried to turn away from his eyes, but couldn't. Her mouth stayed open for a second, no longer smiling. She looked lost. Her natural reactions failing, Memory stood there in a a frozen state, like a deer caught in headlights. Finally, something in her brain clicked and she regained some control of herself. Taking an unsteady step backwards, she gave a quick, empty smile, which was replaced by worry just as fast.
"Uh... o-of course, I..." She swallowed again and took a slow step around Ryan. "I was just t-taking a walk... um, to clear my head." She looked down the hall past Ryan with a glance. "You're obviously tired, so... I'll just..."

She turned quickly and strode down the hall, legs shaking and breathing fast. When she reached a turn down the end of the corridor, Memory stepped around it and out of sight before pressing her back to the wall. It was getting harder to breathe. She could barely focus on anything around her. The walls around her were spinning, taunting her. Her knees began to weaken and buckled beneath her. Her back slid down the wall and she sat leaning against the wall, legs curled beneath her, shaking. Her chest was tight, the air no longer reaching her lungs but choking her. She clutched at her chest and felt her heart pounding hard beneath. She could feel wetness on her cheek but was unable to move, fear and panic overcoming her. Beads of perspiration were forming on her forehead and her body burned hot.

After a few moments, the tightness in her chest began to dissipate. She flooded her lungs with air and lowered her shaking hand down to her side. Her mind still couldn't return to the world around her yet, but Memory was calming down slightly. As her mind returned to David and Ryan for a second the feelings threatened to return. Pushing it away with force, she closed her eyes tight and wiped the tears away. Without another thought, she erected another wall between herself and the world. Only when hiding behind these would she be safe from people getting close to her. She couldn't let them in. Letting anyone penetrate her defences would only lead to pain and loss. She had learned that the hard way.

'But I do like him...' She thought, almost helplessly. Memory shook her head and pulled her mind within, closing the thought behind a door. She would think on it again later. For now, she just had to get back to her room. Exhaustion was hindering her, but she pushed through it and managed to make it to her feet. The world was still spinning slightly.
[i]'Maybe just a few more minutes...'[i]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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As Ryan initiated the small talk, he couldn't help but feel incredibly aware of his surroundings. Though he wasn't in his bestial form, everything around him seemed to be painfully sharp. The noises, the sights, the smells, and the atmosphere were all painfully present to Ryan. He chalked it up to his sleepy body responding, via adrenaline, to the extreme stimulus he was currently experiencing: talking with Memory. As Ryan spoke, she smiled quickly, then shifted her stance. Something was wrong. Even as sleepy and addled as his brain was, Ryan could tell that Memory was upset. She swallowed hard, as if trying to come up with something, and she was having trouble meeting Ryan's eyes. She made to speak, but no words came out. Her mouth stayed open for a second, no longer smiling. She looked lost. Ryan stood up straight, no longer leaning on the wall. He took a step closer to her, reaching out to her with his right hand. "Hey, are you ok?" Ryan asked innocently. He had no idea what was troubling her, but it had to be something, usually she at least obliged Ryan's small talk. Instead, Memory stood there in a a frozen state, like a deer caught in headlights.

Finally, something seemed to click and she snapped out of whatever trance she was in. Taking an unsteady step backwards, she gave a quick, empty smile, which was replaced by worry just as fast. "Uh... o-of course, I..." She swallowed again and took a slow step around Ryan, who was now more than a little puzzled. "I was just t-taking a walk... um, to clear my head." Ryan nodded, sometimes talking a walk was just plain good. She looked down the hall past Ryan with a glance, who matched her gaze, trying to see what she had, but there was nothing. "You're obviously tired, so... I'll just..." She trailed off before turning quickly and making her way down the other end of the hall. Ryan had been right, something was very wrong, her legs were shaking and she was breathing fast, even without his sharpened senses, he would have caught it. Nervously, Ryan followed, his ears ringing cacophonously, and his adrenaline levels spiking.

When she reached a turn down the end of the corridor, Memory stepped around it and out of sight. Ryan approached the corner and peered around it, finding nothing. He sighed, stepping fully into the hallway and taking a good look around. Strangely enough, she had disappeared. Ryan turned, and made to leave, when what should he see but Memory leaning against the wall in a little alcove where he would have been unable to see her from around the wall. Though he would never say it to her face, she was in some bad shape. She was standing, but only just, her knees were knocking, and she was sweating. Something was very wrong with Memory, only Ryan didn't know what. Despite the way her eyes flitted nervously, her obviously distressed expression, and her unfortunate situation, Ryan could still only describe her as beautiful. She didn't even have to try and she could pull Ryan around as if she'd had him on a string. He walked over to her and sighed, smiling. As much as Ryan wanted to tell her everything right then and there, he wanted to spill his guts and bare his soul to her so that it would just be over and done with, however, he could see that now was obviously not the time. Memory was upset, and most probably exhausted. "You know, you don't have to lie to me Memory, something is up. Maybe... Maybe now isn't the best time to talk about it... If you like, we can just forget about it. But... Umm, just so you know, if you wanted help, if you ever needed my help, all you have to do is ask. I... I would drop everything and come running, but... Umm... Maybe we can talk about that later." Ryan said, smiling softly. Without another word, Ryan scooped Memory up into his arms, princess style, and began to walk towards her room. "No 'buts.' Just shut up and let me take care of you..." Ryan trailed off before whispering softly, "Just this once...". Speaking up again, he said, "Tomorrow you can lecture me on whatever it is I've done wrong this time after you've had a good sleep." With that Ryan became silent, focused only on getting Memory to her room.

It didn't take long at all to get Memory to her room, she didn't weigh anywhere near as much as her brother did and, truth be told, she smelled a little better too. Not that Jonathan smelled bad, it was just that Memory smelled... softer. In fact, their trip would have been almost pleasant if not for the painful silence between them. Ryan didn't try to ease the tension between them, and Memory didn't do much to make Ryan feel any less conscious of himself either. Finally, after a few moments, it was time. Ryan set her down gently in front of her door and nervously took a step back. "Well... Here you are. Sleep well Memory, and... Um... I hope you feel better soon. I... Umm..." Ryan chuckled nervously. "I miss your smile. I know that it's fake sometimes, but you're... It's still beautiful. Goodnight Memory." Ryan finished, somewhat lamely, and turned to head back to his room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Agent Six (#6)
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"You know, you don't have to lie to me Memory, something is up. Maybe... Maybe now isn't the best time to talk about it... If you like, we can just forget about it." With every word her heart hurt more and more. She looked away from him to hide her shame and guilt. She closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. She wished she could just disappear. She wished that none of this was happening. "But... Umm, just so you know, if you wanted help, if you ever needed my help, all you have to do is ask. I... I would drop everything and come running, but... Umm... Maybe we can talk about that later."

Memory felt her eyes sting as moisture formed. Her life before all of this wasn't great, but everyone stayed on the right side of her walls. No one had been close to her except her brother. There had been no one to hurt her any more. But now, here she was, falling for someone, her walls in ruins around her.

He stepped forwards and, without warning, lifted her up into his arms and began in the direction of her room.
"R-Ryan, I'm..." She hesitated, then thought better of her words. "Well... I'm not fine, but-"
"No 'buts.' Just shut up and let me take care of you..." Ryan told her. She didn't have the energy left to argue with him. "Just this once..." he added softly in a whisper. All thoughts of arguing left her then. Supported by Ryan's arms, Memory let herself lean against his chest, her head resting on his shoulder. The reassuring warmth of his body sent her into an unexpected calm. She wrapped her arms gently around his neck and closed her eyes slowly.

"Tomorrow you can lecture me on whatever it is I've done wrong this time after you've had a good sleep." Her eyes closed tighter and a tear slid silently down her cheek. She wanted to do something to reassure him, to tell him that he had done nothing wrong, but she couldn't bring herself to speak. Instead, she tightened her grip on Ryan, not wanting to ever let him go.


When they finally reached her door, Memory felt disappointment creep into her heart. It hadn't exactly been overly pleasant, but now that she had reached the end of the line, she did't want to let go. But Ryan set her down. She took a second to stabilise herself, then stood up a little straighter rubbing her arm gentle with the opposite hand.
"Well... Here you are. Sleep well Memory, and... Um... I hope you feel better soon. I... Umm..." He gave a quick chuckle, full of nerves. "I know that it's fake sometimes, but you're... It's still beautiful. Goodnight Memory." He turned to walk away.
"C-could you... could you stay tonight?" she asked, a hint of helplessness in her voice, before she could stop herself. "With me. I..." She breathed out quietly. "I don't wanna be alone."


"I can't say." Jonathan nodded at her words. He bent one knee as he sat and rested an arm on it, the other leg resting mostly bent in front of him. So maybe he hadn't been all that wrong about her being emotionless. But how could anyone live like that? How could they even survive? Jonathan tried to think back on times in his life, guessing what it would be like without emotions. He didn't like what he saw. He looked to her with a slight frown. As Six began to shift to sit in front of him, he gave an almost silent sigh. 'I may not being getting any reassurance to stop me worrying, but at least she's a little more talkative tonight that usual.

"I'd fear if I could what they call happiness." She paused, the continued. "Where does it come from? The heart, which is merely an organ in the body. What does this "heart" contain now?" Her finger touched gently against his top above his heart.
[i]'What does my heart contain?'
he asked himself. 'Worry. Fear. Regret.' He shook his head, and tried to push away a feeling that had been playing at the edge of his senses for a while now. Since his encounter with David. It was a terror unlike any he had felt before that was chipping away at his composure little by little, very slowly: the fear of losing his sister.

Or was it unlike anything he had felt? Jonathan's mind began to wander back to every time that he had felt something similar, and the number surprised and scared him. Every time that something had threatened to disrupt his family he had felt it. 'But not like this,' he reminded himself. This was far worse than anything he had ever felt. And it felt... unnatural? Was that the right word? He was almost literally a master of fear and nightmares. He knew well about amplified fear, and something warned him that this was more than a natural reaction.

Jonathan looked to Six quickly and frowned slightly. He needed time to think about this, try and figure out what was happening. If anything. 'It could well be that I'm just overreacting,' he told himself, but knew as he thought it that he wasn't. Something just didn't feel right. He grimaced as he realised he would have to send Six away early to get some time. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself, and moved his body away from her hand.

"I'm really sorry to do this, Six, but..." He closed his eyes and took a second to think of how best to word it. "You've helped me realise something, and... I need some time to think about it. Alone." Despite her being incapable of seeing it, Jonathan gave a small apologetic smile. He really didn't want to do this to her, but he needed to do something about his nagging feeling.

'Great. Now I feel like an asshole.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Ryan mentally kicked himself as he began to walk away. He'd sounded childish and dumb. He was beginning to regret ever falling for Memory in the first place. She had David and she had Jonathan. Why want another boy in your life when you were surrounded by real men. Men who didn't rip up the furniture or shed scale on the carpet. However, any thoughts he might have had after that point were gone once he'd heard her speak, her words stopping him in his tracks. ""C-could you... could you stay tonight?" Memory had asked him, a hint of helplessness and sadness in her voice. Luckily, Ryan had been facing away from her when she had asked, or else she would have seen the unfortunate spectacle that was Ryan's jaw hitting the floor. "With me. I..." She breathed out quietly. "I don't wanna be alone." Ryan's ears pricked slightly. He began sweating bullets. He was sure Memory hadn't meant it that way at all, but to Ryan, it had still sounded quite bold. He felt his cheeks flush and then drain of all color all at once. Ryan had never even kissed a girl, let alone be asked to stay the night by one, even if it was in a non-romantic manner. Though he wasn't experienced in any sense of the word, Ryan still knew that attempted romance, at this stage of their relationship was immoral at best. From the look on her face, Memory was most likely just having a rough day, and needed someone to be with her in case she woke up scared. More often than he'd like to admit, Ryan had woken up to shredded stuffed animals for the very same reason. However, none of that mattered right now. After all, he had been told it was rude to keep a lady waiting.

Slowly, Ryan turned back around, a gentle smile on his face. "Yeah, if that's what you want, I can do that." He stepped forward slowly and placed his hand in hers, he was blushing like crazy, but he tried not to think about it. He cleared his throat before speaking up once again. "It's just... I-I've n-never done anything like t-this before so I'm unsure of how this w-works." Ryan said nervously. For some reason he found it impossible to meet her eyes. Instead, he stared at the floor, and scratched his cheek. He chuckled softly to himself, "After all, this is the first time I've held a girl's hand that wasn't my mother's." Ryan whispered, just barely loud enough for Memory to hear. He was, of course, referring not only to Jean, but his biological mother as well. Clearing his throat yet again, Ryan spoke. "So... umm... I guess just... uh, tell me what you need from me, and I'll do my best to do it." He finished awkwardly, giving Memory's hand a gentle squeeze.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Agent Six (#6)
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A faint smile spread on Memory's face and touched her eyes. The action caught her by surprise for a second, it had been her first real smile in a while. Something deep within her warmed and for a moment she felt light-headed. She shook it off gently and turned her eyes on Ryan, weak amusement still on her face. "Don't worry, Romeo," her amusement left her, to be filled with a hollow look to her eyes, "I just... want you close by." She closed her hand around the door handle and twisted, pushing into the room. She led Ryan by the hand gently over to the bed, urging him silently to sit down. She let her hand slip from his reluctantly and stepped back. Memory turned away and stepped over to her desk, using it to support her as she removed her shoes. Not bothering to change, and stretch out the moment any longer, she removed her upper garments until only a t-shirt remained and stayed in her jeans.

She turned back to Ryan rubbing her upper arm nervously. Building up the courage, she walked to his side and once again directed him, this time to lie down on the bed after removing anything he needed to - shoes and such things. She sat down on the bed beside him. Reaching for the lamp, she flicked it off plunging the room into a peaceful shade. She closed her eyes and took a moment to control her breathing, the speed increasing as panic began to work its way into her system. 'You're fine, Memory,' she thought harshly to herself. 'You're just going to be sleeping in the same bed. You've done worse than that with loads of guys - and girls.' Feeling slightly calmer, she pulled herself up on the bed and slowly turned her body to Ryan.

"T-thanks... for this," Memory said quietly, slowly lowering herself down, getting herself comfortable. "I'm glad you're here." She gave another faint smile, though this time intentional. It reached her eyes again. Memory moved in closer, hugging into him and resting her head against his chest lightly. For a second, she was afraid he would resist, but she pushed it from her mind and closed her eyes tight, bringing her hand up to gently rest on his chest also. She lay still for a little while until her body finally succumbed to her exhaustion, and her mind drifted away to peaceful dreams of her green eyed boy.


Jonathan had been pacing his room for at least ten minutes thinking, but it had only messed with his mind more. Paranoia and panic were beginning to take over him. His window had been closed long ago, and the curtains drawn. The door was shut tight and his sleeved had been pulled down fully to cover most of his hands. Something wasn't right. Something was terribly wrong. He just couldn't figure out what it was. Growling in frustration he kicked a pile of paper against a wall and stormed to his bed. He dropped down heavily and leaned forward, head in hands. Running his long fingers through his hair, Jonathan looked up at his door and let his eyes become unfocused, seeing past it into his mind. Trying to search through the whirlwind that was his thought process at the current moment only frustrated him further. He groaned loudly and lay down.

'I'm obviously having trouble figuring it out in the waking world, so maybe I'll have some better luck in my dreams,' Jonathan thought hopefully. It seemed a little bit of a long shot, but it was the only shot that he had. Getting comfortable, Jonathan closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift into a slumber before his mind awakened in his dream world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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As Ryan fumbled and flopped, Memory smiled faintly; a real smile. It reached all the way up to her eyes. Ryan had to keep himself from sighing wistfully. She really was beautiful when she smiled genuinely. "Don't worry, Romeo," she said flatly, as if all amusement had left her, replaced by a hollow sort of sadness. "I just... want you close by." Ryan only nodded. He blushed slightly as he realized how dirty what he'd said had just sounded. Ryan chastised himself silently. He was such a pervert. Memory reached forward, closing her hand around the door handle, she twisted, pushing the door open and revealing the room behind it. Memory led Ryan gently by the hand over to the bed, urging him silently to sit down. There were no words, there was no need. Ryan knew what she was asking, he seemed to understand how much this humility took out of her. So, without words, without barely any noise at all, save for the gentle cream of the mattress springs, Ryan sat down. He did so gingerly, as if he might break something at any time. Slowly, Memory stepped away from Ryan, letting her hand slip from his, albeit seemingly reluctantly. Ryan almost whimpered as she let go. It had taken him a lot of courage to initiate the hand holding, it seemed a waste to let it go so soon. Memory turned away and stepped over to her desk, using it to support her as she removed her shoes. Ryan took a moment to examine her room.

It was pretty typical, or at least Ryan thought it might have been, for someone like Memory. There were a few books on her desk, a closet that looked full to bursting, and some other odds and ends strewn about the floor. Ryan almost laughed. The small messes aside, Jonathan's room was the exact opposite. When he looked back to Memory it appeared that she had not bothered to change into pajamas, wearing only a t-shirt and jeans. Blushing for literally no reason whatsoever, Ryan smiled softly, looking away from Memory as she turned to face him. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Suddenly, the atmosphere was stifling. Ryan felt as if he couldn't breathe. Memory slowly turned back to Ryan, rubbing her upper arm nervously. Ryan swallowed hard. He felt himself start to warm up. He wasn't sweating yet, but he felt painfully hot. She slowly walked over to his side and once again directed him, to lie down. Before laying all the way flat, Ryan slipped off his shoes, shirt, socks, belt, and jacket, leaving on only his jeans and underwear. He felt sort of self-conscious, but he knew from experience that he would only get warmer while sleeping. Further, he supposed, almost guiltily, that she might like such a thing. After all, hidden for so long underneath the cover of scales, Ryan's muscles were lean and toned. Girls liked stuff like that, right? Ryan smiled apologetically.

Finally, after all their nervous putzing, Memory sat down on the bed beside him. Reaching for the lamp, she flicked it off, plunging the room into a peaceful darkness. Ryan felt himself actually relax a little, his racing heartbeat slowed slightly. Something about him still being able to see and her being unable made him feel less self-conscious. Ryan's breathing slowed as well, and he ruffled his fingers through his hair. Easy tiger, Ryan thought to himself, as Memory shifted slightly, still sitting upright. She must have been doing something. Ryan shifted to his back, staring up at the ceiling. His eyes glowing slightly in the darkness. Nothing else is going to happen. You're just her teddy bear for the night. Stop being so nervous. Funnily enough, Ryan felt his heartbeat slow down once again. He sighed softly, turning his head slightly to face Memory. "T-thanks... for this," Memory said quietly, slowly lowering herself down, getting herself comfortable. "I'm glad you're here." She gave another faint smile. It reached her eyes again. Ryan felt himself smile reflexively. "Y-yeah," Ryan felt himself stutter. "Of course. I told you already didn't I? I'd..." Ryan trailed off. "I'd do anything for you." Ryan finished, whispering. He'd said it so quietly, he wasn't even sure if he'd heard it. At that, Memory moved in closer, hugging into him and resting her head against his chest. For a second, Ryan thought about running away. He thought about transforming, throwing himself out of bed, and flying down the hallway back to his room. This was too unreal. Ryan's body tensed, but as Memory's hand came up to rest on his chest, Ryan felt himself relax once more. He moved the arm that was closest to her underneath the pillow her head rested on, and placed his hand on top of hers. Ryan let out a long exhale. Ryan was afraid to sleep. He didn't want to wake up from the dream that was Memory choosing to be with him. He felt himself tear up slightly, but immediately banished any thoughts of sadness. He was NOT going to cry in front of the girl he loved more than anything. After laying there a while, Ryan turned his head ever so slightly, just to look at Memory's face. Her body finally succumbing to exhaustion, and her mind had drifted away to peaceful dreams. Ryan sighed, smiling. He leaned over ever so gently, unwilling to disturb Memory, and kissed the top of her forehead. His lips only touched her skin for a half a second before he slid back over to his spot and lay back down. "Goodnight Memory. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Yawning, Ryan closed his eyes and let himself fall into sleep's gentle embrace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Ryan had slept peacefully. It had been almost surprisingly peaceful, nearly deceptively so. While he slept that night, he hadn't tossed and turned like he usually did. He didn't kick, punch, or lash out as he normally did, either. Congruently, there was a small locus of dents in the walls around the bed in his room, proof of such nocturnal pugnitive activities. However, last night, there had been no restlessness, no nervous energy, no bedtime boxing, and no inability to sleep. In fact, Ryan had slept so soundly, that he didn't even dream. This was an odd occurrence for the scaled boy. Usually, Ryan dreamed every night. Awakening happily in the morning and rushing off to Jean, or Vincent, or Professor Xavier with the latest installation of his nighttime fantasies.

Instead, this time, after a deep and peaceful sleep, Ryan's eyes simply snapped open, and he was awake. He slowly sat up, resting his back and head against the headboard behind him. His first reaction, more of a conditioned response than anything else, was to immediately look down at his hands. Sure enough, as his conscious mind rested, his unconscious self protected him from harm, thickening his scales, and growing new weapons for the new day. Normally, this would have bothered Ryan. It meant waking up an hour earlier to use the clunky tools in his dresser drawer and manually grinding his scales into a workable configuration. Instead, Ryan sighed softly, and closed his eyes once more. Slowly, his scales shrunk, his tail withered away, and his claws, horns, teeth, and ears shriveled back into his body, returning him to a more human appearance. His morning ritual finished in a fraction of the time it would have normally taken, Ryan laid back down, facing the ceiling. His first thoughts flew to his dreams, and what wonderful stories they'd told him tonight, but there were none. He could remember neither thrilling tales of adventure and enterprise, nor absurd fantasies of infinite comedic impossibilities. Try as he might, Ryan couldn't remember what he had dreamed. "Perhaps," he thought simply. "Perhaps there simply weren't any."

As Ryan mulled over his lack of dreams, he remembered the night before. He had spoken with Memory, sweet, and beautiful Memory. Ryan blushed ever so slightly, and smiled just thinking about it. He had been so cool in fornt of her. He'd carried her to her room, he'd told her that he would always be there for her, and he'd been a perfect gentleman about the whole thing to boot. However, as his mind continued working, slowly, and somewhat sickeningly, Ryan began to recall the events of last night as they'd occured AFTER, his interaction with Memory outside his room. His stream of consciousness followed the chronological trail, leading him to the bed he was currently in. A bed that had different sheets than the ones he'd remembered fitting onto his own mattress the day before.

An expression of horror slowly dawning on his face, Ryan nearly jumped as he felt movement next to him and heard the rustling of blankets. Suddenly, Ryan was perfectly aware of his exact location within the mansion, painfully so. He was in another wing on another floor, more specifically, the wing designated entirely to the girls. As if it wasn't already bad enough, Ryan wasn't even wearing pajamas. Instead, Ryan's only cover were his boxer shorts, the rest of his clothes were laid in a neat little pile on the ground near the bedside. However, upon closer inspection, his pants were not among the others, a cursory sweep of the foot of the bed revealed he had kicked them off while sleeping. Swallowing hard, and turning towards the source of the sound and movement, Ryan's brain lethargically struggled to establish a plan. Technically he had been invited here, he was ok as long as Memory wanted him to be. That wouldn't last forever.

Facing Memory while laying on his side, Ryan moved his elbow underneath him for support. Then, against all odds, against all precedence, instead of running away and hiding, Ryan tried to act casually. However, this wasn't Ryan's forte and it tanked almost immediately. It began simply. Realizing that the blankets had fallen off of him when he'd sat up, Ryan began blushing quite heavily. Wearing only boxers, in front of the girl he still struggled to remain confident and sociable around, Ryan pulled the blankets up to his armpits in an attempt at modesty. This, however, only served to draw more attention to Ryan's toned physique, making him more nervous. While it stood to reason, that with all Ryan's training, running, jumping, playing, and general horsing around, that he had developed a fair bit of lean muscle under his thick black scales. However, normally this was hidden beneath Ryan's impenetrable "non-socialization" armor, his own lack of self-confidence and his ability to hide his strengths.Shrugging off his embarrassment, and continuing his attempt at casual conversation, Ryan smiled, albeit rather shyly. His cheeks felt like they were on fire. In a doomed attempt to banish his nervousness, Ryan began by clearing his throat. "G-good morning Memory," Ryan stuttered, failing immediately. It was no good, after finding her eyes, Ryan's own diverted towards the mattress he was laying on. Mentally slapping himself, and looking back into Memory's beautiful eyes, Ryan pressed forward, trying not to sound like a total idiot. "D-did you sleep well?" Ryan asked politely. He'd figured that it would be no different than if he was seeing her at breakfast instead of in her room, and inquiring as to Memory's well-being was always a good place to start friendly conversation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer)
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“Of course.” Jean smiled sweetly. “So you must be Jonathan." The corner of his lips pulled up slightly, but fell just as fast. He didn't know the right response, so remained silent. "I’m Jean Grey. Scott has told me a bit about you. He said your relationship with your sister reminds him that he’s an older brother too.” Jean handed the plate to him, he took it slightly in one hand, trying hard to resist looking over to Scott. His internal battle ended badly. His eyes fell on the team leader, the plate still held by himself and Jean, hovering between the two. Jonathan hadn't even thought Scott paid himself and his sister any attention. It made sense, as the leader, to observe them, but this was something more personal. 'Have I just made a potential friend?' He caught Scott's eye for only a moment, and gave him his first real, though faint, smile of the morning. His eyes returned to Jean as the bickering continued, and inclined his head politely in thanks, fully taking the plate. Instead of moving to a seat, he lingered close to Jean as she cooked.

He placed his plate down on the bunker and began to think of possible ways to continue the conversation, but the sound of the conversation getting fiercer behind him was too much of a distraction. He had only heard snippets until one voice cut through the cloud in his mind.

“None of us will be free until the human race is put in its place! Any one of us has more than enough power to prove that they cannot do this to us! Scott, you and Jean are still here so you yourselves have proven that! There are mutants out there scared for their lives because we’re just sitting here waiting for an old man to say that it’s ok because mutants and humans can get along and we must sit back and let them to show that we’ll roll over to whatever they fucking want! We are better than they are and it is far beyond time that someone took Magneto’s place to show them that!”

He had chosen to not get involved, but something inside him snapped at Cara's words. He turned slowly, trying badly to contain the sudden release of anger at her words.
"We are better than them? Did you seriously just say that?!" He snapped his mouth closed and drew in a quick breath, releasing it sharply. "Please, by all means, explain to me what exactly this will prove. If we take violent actions, what will we gain? Freedom?" Jonathan nodded, looking away. "Maybe." His eyes snapped back to her. "But at what cost? Countless lives will be lost in your act to prove your misplaced superiority. On both sides. And then what? How far will it go? You think it'll end with mutants just gaining their freedom?" He shook his head slowly. "Role reversal. That's it. Mutants ruling over humans. Even genocide, if the views of some were to ever be followed." Jonathan shrugged questioningly, his anger building, but surprisingly being contained. "How will that be any different than humans are now? Charles' method is the only way to ensure equal rights on both sides. To ensure that we will be treated with respect, not feared. I can see why you are pissed Cara, I truly can. I want to help those mutants as much as you. But starting talk of resorting to the kind of means Magneto would be willing to go to is helping no one right now. We need solidarity within the mutant community if we are to get through this."

Jonathan took a deep breath and reached back for his plate. Stepping back, he pulled off a glove with his teeth, tossed it on the bunker, and lifted one of the pancakes. Eating it, he let the last of his anger seep from him. He would no doubt get hell from Cara for opposing her views, particularly in the manner in which he did, but also from Scott and the Professor for getting involved in the conversation. It hadn't been his place to interrupt. He hadn't planned on it, but Cara's way of describing mutants and her remark about the professor had released something inside him to spur on his words. 'I hope this wont damage my relationship with Mrs. Black too much. I have a lot of respect for her, but I wont stand by and let her talk like that. Especially not now.' Jonathan smirked slightly to himself. 'Guess M was right. I really can't keep out of other people's business.'

Memory awoke with a peaceful inhale of a beautiful scent. Memory pushed herself into a more comfortable position and opened her eyes. She shut them immediately. It took a second her for morning mind to fully register what it was that she had seen. 'No. Surely not.' Memory opened her eyes again and smiled in amusement. Would he have done it himself? Did it really matter? Especially after all she had seen? These were just some of the question going through her mind. She decided on no, no, and no. Even though she didn't think he would have done it himself on purpose, she was kind of glad she had gotten to see him like that. 'Leaves less to the imagination.' She bit her lip as her mind began to wander.

As Ryan began to turn to face her, trying to act nonchalant, a sudden thought struck her like lighting. There wasn't as much feeling as before. As much... 'Love..? Surely not. But maybe..? No.' She withdrew into her mind and once again saw the walls in place, defending her. But they were weak, and crumbling. The remains of the previous walls lay around her. 'Stepping' over the debris, she counted how many remained. Less than before Ryan had broken through. She returned to the boy in her bed.

He pulled the covers up to cover himself. She bit her lip softly as her eyes trailed over his toned body. Stopping suddenly, she pushed the thought from her mind. That was how the fake Memory would act. 'What would the real me do?' She frowned slightly out of worry, then wiped it from her face. Memory had no clue how the real her would act. She would just have to wait for him to break the walls again. Smiling now, she rested her head on her hand so it was raised from the soft surface and looked up into his eyes as he stuttered good morning.
"Morning," she replied, her voice a little airy, as if whispering, the effect waking up had on her. His eyes pulled away and a disappointment flared into existence within her. After a moment however, it died down to a slight light inside s his green eyes fell on hers.

"D-did you sleep well?" Memory smiled again. Truth be told, she had slept better that night with him than she had in a while. Despite the faint tired feeling that usually followed after sleep, she felt strangely refreshed and rejuvenated. She nodded, and smiled warmly.
"A lot better than usual. Thank you again..." It was her turn to look away. "...for staying. It really helped me. A lot." Memory looked back to his eyes. Her natural "fake Memory" reaction started to kick in as she looked into his eyes. Cutting it off before she could do something stupid, she moved before he could reply, lifting herself herself up and gracefully - at least, as gracefully as she could manage after just waking up - pushing off the bed into a walk. The movement had disturbed the sheets covering Ryan. She peeked behind, then scolded herself mentally. 'Real, not fake. Unless that is real... But for now, I'm assuming it's not. Stop it. Flirt with the boy, but don't be a slut.' She looked down at her clothes. 'Ok... maybe a little.'

Memory turned to Ryan lingered her eyes on him, taking in everything. "I better get dressed. We'll need to get breakfast soon." She smiled again and turned, stretching slightly with a quiet yawn, before settling, her hands resting on her hips, holding her top at the bottom, ready to lift it off. She couldn't fight her curiosity at how he would react, and started to lift slightly, walking towards the closet only a few more steps away. 'I didn't realise how much of a bitch I could be with my walls up. I guess it's too late now though...'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Memory greeted the blushing Ryan with a gentle smile. "Morning," she said breathily, her voice no louder than a whisper. As she returned Ryan's gaze, he felt his mind melt pleasantly into mush. He was lost in her eyes. They were such a wonderful shade of brown. They were lush, and fiery, and held a bubbly joy that made Ryan unable to keep himself from smiling. As they exchanged morning pleasantries Ryan almost felt... ashamed? Was it that he had just spoken with Jonathan before doing this with Memory? What was this even, that they were doing? Further, was all of it ok? Worse yet, did Ryan care what it was? And what about Jonathan? Ryan loved Jonathan almost as fiercely as he imagined one might love a brother. Would being with Memory, a dream that was slowly breaking through to Ryan's waking hours, be ok with Jonathan? A thousand questions burned within Ryan's head. He almost didn't even hear Memory respond to his question. "A lot better than usual. Thank you again..." It was her turn to look away. Ryan loosened up a little. 'Thank heavens, I'm not the only one who's nervous.' Memory continued. "...for staying. It really helped me. A lot." Memory looked back to Ryan's eyes. Just as Ryan was about to respond, some stupid comment about how he was glad to be of use, Memory moved before he could reply, lifting herself herself up and gracefully jumped off the bed, landing squarely and beginning to walk. The movement disturbed the sheets covering Ryan, who's face turned instantaneously red. In a knee jerk reaction, Ryan flung himself upward, and off the bed. He landed awkwardly on the floor, making quite a loud noise. "Whoa!" Ryan said, surprised, as he took to a kneeling position, his butt on his heels, hands resting on the edge of the bed, his nose resting on the same edge. Howeer, the position felt too awkward, as if he were a peeping Tom. In an attempt to make himself feel less weird, Ryan stood quickly, his hand resting on the opposite elbow, rubbing it nervously. Once again, Ryan felt himself blush insanely red.

Memory turned to Ryan her eyes lingering on him, Ryan didn't think it was possible for his cheeks to burn any hotter. "I better get dressed. We'll need to get breakfast soon." She smiled again and turned, stretching slightly with a quiet yawn, before settling, her hands resting on her hips, holding her shirt by the hem, ready to lift it off. She started to lift slightly, walking towards the closet only a few more steps away. Ryan instinctively turned away from Memory, eyes burning a hole in the wall. "Mmm, yeah, I suppose we couldn't go to breakfast in pajamas..." Ryan mumbled nervously, just loud enough for Memory to hear. He knelt, eyes now boring into the floor, and threw his clothes on as quickly as he could, not noticing his shirt was on backwards. Everything was in order, socks, shirt, shoes. However, his adrenaline addled mind jumped to the next piece of the clothing puzzle and stopped quite abruptly: pants. How would he find them with Memory undressing on that side of the room? The last he remembered, they were at the foot of the bed. Ryan awkwardly stretched his arm behind him, hand searching desperately for pants, finding them after a good minute of struggling. Ryan ripped them from their spot, throwing them on as quickly as he possibly could. He stood, facing away from Memory and her closet and made his way to the door. Finally finding it, Ryan spoke up. "I suppose I'll see you at breakfast, I need to change as well, it wouldn't do to show up in yesterday's clothes after all." Though it was a legitimate excuse, Ryan felt... disappointed? He wanted... well, he wanted a a lot of things, but he really wanted to walk down to breakfast, holding hands with Memory. It was a simple want, a childish want, but he wanted it so badly. "If you like, I can come back after I'm changed, and we could go to breakfast together. We don't really have to though, if you don't want to. It's your call." Ryan finished. Just then, every instinct in his body told him to run. It told him to shift and jump through the window, climbing along the mansion walls until he found his room, and then stay inside and need come out, even if Jean or the Professor came to get him. Holding it together, Ryan tensed, the muscles of his back and shoulders tightened, and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He didn't notice how tightly he was gripping the doorknob, how tightly his other fist and jaw were clenched, his knuckles white, his teeth grinding. However, Ryan didn't move. As much as he wanted to run, Ryan wanted to know what Memory wanted from him. He relaxed, muscles loosening, and turned to face Memory. The only reason he did was because she wasn't moving, her clothes stopped rustling, as if she wasn't changing anymore, at least that's what his ears told him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare)
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Jonathan's lips pressed into a thin line as Cara began her retort. He wanted to cut her off and knock some sense into her, but he waited. She had every right to voice her opinion and he had no right to stop her. Jonathan's hand slowly closed into a fist and opened again over and over until, and after, she finished. Surprisingly, to him at least, it wasn't Cara that pissed him off next, it was Cain. He had so far seen nothing wrong with Cain and had tried to treat him fairly and with decency, though he never really liked him. But now it was becoming more.

“Besides Hideki, there is only a matter of time before that acceptance from the Japanese people becomes jealousy, or fear of your strength. What people feel is cute now they will realize is a deadly force. Hideki you’re powerful and it’s time humans recognize that. Firstly you should recognize that. All of us should embrace who and what we are. Never run from that.”

Jonathan hesitated. There was just something about what he said that just seemed far too much like Magneto in his previous years. He was thankful that he had made Hideki feel better, but the way he had spoken of his strength reflected Cara's way of thinking. 'I guess she's got herself a supporter then, and a pretty powerful one.' Jonathan opened his mouth to say something against Cara's little jibe, but he was cut off by another voice.

“Good morning all." Jonathan jumped and snapped his mouth shut, his anger dissipating in place of annoyance. He had not personally met Aidan, but he knew of him well and had seen him in the mansion before. He was not Jonathan's favourite person."My, my doesn't it appear that you all could use a bit of ‘The Author’s’ touch. All it takes is for me to say the words ‘and they all lived happily ever after.’ And you’ll be set and carefree.” Aidan smirked and Jonathan glared, not that he was noticed, as far as he could tell, despite towering over most of the people in the room.
'Go on, try it. See what happens,' Jonathan thought towards him with venom. He knew saying out loud what he felt would cause yet another argument and so remained silent, but the glare continued.

Kent, ever calm, sipped his coffee and asked for Aidan's reason for being the the mansion politely.
“The very thing that is seems you all have been violently discussing. I wanted to know Charles and Eric’s plan of action before I start taking matters into my own capable hands. I don’t want to be scolded for being too hasty now do I?” Jonathan rolled his eyes and grabbed a cup of black coffee. Resting back against the counter beside Jean, Jonathan watched over Cara and Cain over his coffee mug for a moment. 'I doubt that'll be the end of this...'


Memory could hear behind her the sound of Ryan getting changed back into his clothes of the previous day. A small disappointment played in her mind, but she pushed it aside and continued to change herself. For quickness, she grabbed the first things should could - a sleeveless top, a skirt and her red converse - and changed quickly. Not bothering with make-up of any sort, she grabbed her brush and began to do something with her hair.
"I suppose I'll see you at breakfast," Memory stopped mid-brush. "I need to change as well, it wouldn't do to show up in yesterday's clothes after all." She hesitated, not sure what to say. She didn't want him to leave, but she knew she couldn't just keep him there. She continued to fix her hair while she thought for a moment.
"If you like, I can come back after I'm changed, and we could go to breakfast together. We don't really have to though, if you don't want to. It's your call."

Memory put down the brush and, with a faint smile, turned to Ryan. Her lack of noise must have alerted him because he too turned. She walked overly slowly until she was only a few inches away and took hold of his hand. Smiling warmly, she opened the door and made to lead him out. Memory looked up into his eyes. "Then I choose that we go together." Intending to head first for Ryan's room for him to do anything he needed and then breakfast downstairs, Memory, still holding his hand, started to walk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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As Ryan turned to face the girl of his dreams, he couldn't help but blush a little. She wasn't wearing anything spectacular, just a sleeveless top, a skirt, and her red chuck taylors, but she was, and pretty much always had been, absolutely stunning to him. Ryan swallowed hard. Memory put down the hair brush she must have been using and, with a faint smile, turned to Ryan. She walked overly slowly until she was only a few inches away and took hold of his hand. The simple contact was almost too much for Ryan. He felt hot, and his cheeks were blazing red. Ryan mentally scolded himself. She hadn't done anything crazy, she was just holding his hand for crying out loud, but Ryan felt the need to shift and cover himself with black scales. If only just to hide his blushing face. Smiling warmly, Memory opened the door and made to lead him out. She looked up into his eyes. "Then I choose that we go together." Ryan nodded dumbly, and allowed himself to be led from the room, pulled along by the bouncing brown hair.

Ryan was so happy. It... this whole thing felt like a dream. It was too unreal. Even just a week ago, Ryan would have been too shy to make small talk with Memory. Now, here he was, holding her hand and walking back to his room after spending the night with her. Ryan felt like he was on too of the world, like he was the best around, like he was... sick to his stomach. What was this, that they were doing? Ryan had only even told Jonathan about his feelings for Memory last night. While he was sure all his teachers knew, especially his "father", Dr. Xavier, and his "brother", Vincent. Otherwise, Ryan hadn't told a soul. He'd kept the feelings bottled up, deep within his own mind, just to smooth things over. Don't rock the boat, don't make a mess, just live your life and make everyone else around you as happy as you could. But was that ok? What was he, a butler? Was it Ryan's job to make everyone happy? Didn't he get to have happiness of his own? Why was he the one who sacrificed everything for his family? Why was he the one who was kicked out of his own home, forced to be an orphan for most of his entire life, not knowing whether the parents that gave him life even loved him anymore. But what about David? Weren't he and Memory a thing? He'd always been so sweet on her, ever since he came here. What was Ryan to them? Was he a distraction? A funny toy? Was he even close to a real option, or would David and Memory just drop him off in the middle of nowhere after leading him on? These thoughts, and a thousand others, blitzed through Ryan's mind, torturing him silently.

Ryan stopped walking, deep in thought. He wore an expression of such sadness and depressed apathy, that was near the polar opposite of the usual smile and joy his face usually held. His eyes stared blankly at the ground, lifeless and cold, dead to the world. He didn't notice that he'd accidentally tugged on the hand he was holding. However, the feeling of the hand pulling on his own snapped him out of his darkened thoughts. He looked up, smiling happily into those beautiful brown eyes. "Sorry, I just spaced out for some odd reason. Let's go." Ryan pushed the waking nightmares into a corner. They were on time-out. He'd deal with them later. Leading on, Ryan brought Memory to his room. As he always did, Ryan jiggled the handle a few times, slammed the side of his fist on the door, and then turned the knob. Shyly smiling back towards Memory, Ryan blushed a little. "It doesn't open otherwise..." Ryan explained, laughing a little bit to himself. Ryan pushed the door open and stepped inside his room. Surprisingly, it was very well kept. All of Ryan's clothes were folded neatly and placed into their own respective drawers in his dresser. Next to the window was a painter's easel, complete with Ryan's own set of brushes and paints. A canvas was half-ready, the fabric not yet pulled all the way taut. Ryan's bed was made, a green comforter laid neatly over blue plaid sheets, with three poofy white pillows. Above Ryan's desk was a small bookshelf, filled with all the classic works of literature. Ryan had, "borrowed" them from the library and hadn't thought to give them back yet. Finally, sitting in the corner, was a single, giant bean bag chair, for guests. "Have a seat, I'll only be a moment." Ryan explained to Memory, immediately beginning to disrobe. He was too preoccupied with his thoughts from the hallway to notice he had dropped down to his boxer shorts and Memory was still in the room. Leaving on his underwear, still blissfully ignorant to Memory's presence, Ryan walked over to the dresser and pulled out a new shirt, a v-necked sweater to go over it, and a pair of well fitting jeans. Ryan threw on his clothes without speaking, and as quickly as he could. When he was finished, he grabbed a pair of socks from the drawer and threw them and his sneakers on as well. "Shall we?" Ryan asked, smiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Jennifer Harolds (Clarity) Character Portrait: Mutt Ant
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Memory walked ahead slightly with a new confidence and bounce to her step. She began to lead Ryan down the corridor. The occasional student would pass them. Some looked up, though few seemed to care about their presence, too distracted by the thought of food enticing them downstairs. Despite definitely not being a morning person, a permanent grin was set into her face since they had left her room that seemed to light up the hallway bright than the weak bulbs overhead. Everything just seemed that little bit brighter, that little bit better. she didn't know how anything could damage her mood today. She jerked slightly as Ryan tugged her back.

Memory turned to him, Partly annoyed, but mostly worried. Worried, because he had the strangest look on his face. Anxiety, fear and a sadness that ran deep. For a moment, Memory considered reaching out her mind and connecting it with his to view whatever it was that seemed to be tormenting him, but she held too much respect for him to do something like that. It wouldn't be fair of her to invade his private memories. But then, just as she shot down her own idea, his eyes found her and the expression shifted before her eyes. It was instantaneous and without hesitation. He had locked away his troubles and allowed more pleasant thoughts to escape. One door closed, and another one opened. Her surprise lasted only a second as his infectious smile brought on her own, though it held a question of why he had stopped.

"Sorry, I just spaced out for some odd reason. Let's go." He walked on leading straight to his room. More students were awake now. A small group of girls looked up at them with surprise, but kept their mouths shut. Another began to whisper and giggle when Memory's back had turned. She considered turning around and confronting them, but they were not going to ruin her mood. they finally reached his door. Her eyebrows rose high as he jiggled the doorknob, slammed his fist against the door and turned the handle before opening the way to his room. He looked to her, an awkward smile on his blushing face.
"It doesn't open otherwise..." Her mouth shaped a silent "ah" before she was led into his room.

Memory took a few quick glances around the surprisingly tidy room. Everything was in its own place and out of the way of those who wished to enter. though, it didn't seem like many people other than Ryan himself entered this place often. Her eyes found first the bookshelf, then the canvas near the window and she let out a quiet breath of laughter. 'It's like Jonathan's room, only cleaner.'

When Ryan turned his back to start getting ready, Memory stared down at the giant bean bag chair with a questioning lift of her eyebrows. Deciding to leave it, Memory dropped into the seat, locked her gaze on Ryan and her jaw dropped. He had already removed his top and the jeans were dropping quickly. Memory leaned back to get comfortable and tilted her head biting her lip. 'He's really does have a fine ass...' A nagging feeling played at the edge of her mind and threatened to come forth and ruin this great moment. She slammed the door on it with a satisfied grin. 'Piss off, I'm enjoying this.' there was a small disappointment in her when he put his new clothes on, but they were well fitting enough that she could still conjure up a few fantasies.

"Shall we?" he asked her when he was completely changed with a smile. She beamed back and put her hand on the bean bag to push herself up. It sank into the material. Memory sighed loudly and tried again to get out of the seat, stumbling when free from its grips. She cleared her throat and straightened out her clothes. She might as well try to retain some dignity. Returning her eyes to Ryan, she nodded and once again took his hand in hers and began to lead him to the door, and downstairs. An idea formed in her mind. She was going to push it aside when the more mischievous part of her mind let it escape her lips.

"You look good without any clothes on," Memory murmured, acting as if it meant nothing, but then looked over her shoulder slyly to him.'This should be interesting...'

Jonathan nodded his approval at Jennifer's words. He had always had a strong belief in Professor Xavier's views on mutant freedom, though he too occasionally had his more aggressive ways of putting forward the point, but nowhere near the extent of Magneto, and apparently Cara. He only hoped his ability to help in these matters would be appreciated. One of his greatest hates was being looked down on and treated like on of the teenage students. After all, he age was very close to Vincent's, only a year below.

Jonathan took a quick glance around the kitchen and his eyes fell on an unfamiliar face. The man looked uncomfortable, even more so than any of the other new recruits to the mansion. 'is he... human?' curiosity got the better of Jonathan and he grabbed his glove before sidestepping the continuing conversation. He had said all he could to try and persuade them against this foolish action for now. He reached the scruffy looking man and smiled warmly.
"Are you alright?" he asked, his Texan accent coming in strong. "You look kinda uncomfortable in here." Jonathan held out his gloved hand, the other unconcealed one holding his coffee. "Jonathan Moore," he said introducing himself, "and you are...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Minerva Ashford
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As the pair left Ryan's room, heading down to breakfast, Ryan couldn't help but notice the odd looks he garnered from his classmates. As the other students made their separate ways to he dining room and kitchen, some of them smirked at Ryan and Memory. While she seemed largely unphased by this development, Ryan couldn't help but feel... embarrassed? No, he loved Memory. Even if she was wearing a jacket made out of puppy leather, Ryan would stand by her and defend her until the end of days. So what was this feeling? The feeling of dread, the feeling of... shame, that permeated his entire being and made him sick to his stomach. Even as they approached the kitchen, smelling the wondrous aroma of pancakes and syrup, Ryan only felt nauseated. Was it that he was afraid to approach Jonathan, whose smell accompanied those of his friends and teachers in the kitchen? Was he afraid of what those people would say if he walked in following Memory like a puppy? Was he ashamed of himself, for allowing these kinds of thoughts to even occur to him? Ryan didn't know, but he was scared. He shivered, not out of cold, but fear, fear of the unknown.

As Memory led Ryan down the stairs to the kitchen, the final stretch before breakfast, she spoke. "You look good without any clothes on," Memory murmured, acting as if it meant nothing, but then looked over her shoulder slyly to him. Immediately Ryan blushed, his cheeks burning bright red. However, instead of being embarrassed, or acting scared, Ryan just stopped walking, his eyes turned to the floor. It had all become sickeningly clear to him. The sleep over, the careful flirting, and the casual attitude she had with him, all of it made sense to Ryan now. It was a ploy, all of it. She was just messing around with him. He stood there for a moment, saddened beyond all hope of recovery. His shoulders quivered, and he heard himself sigh. Finally, after a moment of nothingness, Ryan looked up to Memory, tears beginning to form in the corners of his eyes. Despite his sadness, and despite the heartbreak he was obviously feeling, Ryan smiled. He took a step forward, still holding her hand and cupping Memory's cheek with his other hand. He threw his arms around her, embracing her for just a quick moment. When he was finished, only a moment later, he took a step back, sniffled a bit, and looked directly into Memory's eyes. "I'm so glad." Ryan began. "I'm so glad I know now. I know what I am to you." He laughed, bittersweet, and continued speaking, the tears now flowing freely down his face. "I was scared, you know? I didn't want to get in the way, I didn't want to be a hindrance, and I didn't want to make anyone upset. I don't have to worry about that anymore. I'm not a real option to you. I get it. I'm like... a pleasant distraction, something to keep you busy. You didn't have to beat around the bush with me. You didn't need to play the flirting game, you didn't need to pretend anything to get close to me. I'm sixteen, not stupid. If this is just a game, then you win, let's not play anymore. I liked you, I really did, I still do." Ryan finished, sniffling.

Ryan's eyes were now red, and though he was dying, slowly on the inside, he felt better. "Here, come see how silly I was being." Ryan said, grabbing Memory's hand, and placing it to his forehead. "You can do that, right? You're a telepath, you can see what I'm thinking?" Ryan asked. "Go ahead. Take a look at how stupid I felt in the hallway on the way to my room. I want you to look, go ahead, see how good you got me. Do it. Please." Ryan said. He began to recall his thoughts from the hallway, all the angst ridden questions he puzzled over in an attempt to define their relationship, hoping it might help speed up the process. However, though he tried to be finished when the memory of the hallway was over, he couldn't. Thoughts of Memory came flooding into the light of his conscious thoughts and he couldn't hold them back. If Memory was still with him, she would see everything. He remembered all the nights he spent wide awake, staring at the ceiling, trying to find ways to impress her, get her to notice him, or start up normal conversation. He recalled the fluttering of his heartbeat whenever she walked by, smiled at him, said his name. He relived the night he spent with her, the kiss he gave to the sleeping Memory. He remembered every feeling he'd ever had for Memory, every moment of joy, and confusion, and love. It was as if his soul had been poured out for her to see. Though he didn't want to, didn't think it was a good idea, Ryan tried to, wanted to, say everything he'd ever meant to, but never could. Not that it mattered anymore. He would never fulfill those dreams. He was just a foolish little boy who'd been caught playing pretend. Even though he was heartbroken, Ryan smiled. "Wasn't I foolish? I'm sorry I was such an idiot. You're obviously not interested in that kind of thing. Not with me anyway, not with someone like David around. I wouldn't pick me either. I'm sorry. I was so... so..." However, whatever Ryan was, we wouldn't ever know. At that moment, his calm faded. He removed Memory's hand from his head and sat on the step. Silently, Ryan began to sob, crying like a child.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Memory turned to Ryan when he stopped, a confused smile on her face. His smile and touch was welcomed happily. But when he embraced her she could feel something was wrong. Despite her feeling, the smile continued. When he stepped back and began to speak however, that same smile that she had worked so hard to recover began to fade slowly from her face. The first tear brought a small sense of panic to her. She moved forwards slightly, wanting to comfort him, hold him, but the look on his face made her take a step back instead. His next words cut like a knife to her heart.

"I was scared, you know? I didn't want to get in the way, I didn't want to be a hindrance, and I didn't want to make anyone upset. I don't have to worry about that anymore. I'm not a real option to you. I get it. I'm like... a pleasant distraction, something to keep you busy. You didn't have to beat around the bush with me. You didn't need to play the flirting game, you didn't need to pretend anything to get close to me. I'm sixteen, not stupid. If this is just a game, then you win, let's not play anymore. I liked you, I really did, I still do."

Memory opened her mouth to protest but couldn't get a word out. She took a moment to pause and regain her composure from Ryan's sudden outburst. Taking a deep breath, she tried again.
"R-Ryan, it's... it's not like tha-" Before the sentence could be finished her hand was pulled up and pressed to his forehead. She was a telepath, when concerning memories, but she couldn't bring herself to send her mind into his. However, after he once again accused her of playing him, she took a shaky, but determined, breath and let her mind slip from herself and drift into his own.

When she opened her eyes she was standing in his corridors, staring at the doors as they flew past, the entire mental world moving and twisting to get her to the room required. She saw and felt everything from his memory in the hall. But before she could do anything else, the floor was once again like a conveyor belt pulling her along to where she needed to go. Whenever it stopped the doors before her burst open revealing everything to her. One minute Ryan was watching her as she walked by, the same feelings he had been feeling now felt by the projection of Memory in his mind, the next minute he was lying in his bed trying to find any way to make her notice him. Ways to impress her. Ways to show her that he was more than just a kid. A crippling sadness washed over her mind. For what felt like hours she couldn't move.

The display of memories went past simple doors and corridors. Images flashed before her eyes when she finally opened them in the real world. Emotions penetrated her mind. The onslaught as every memory he recalled ripped through her brain like a bullet nearly made her cry out in pain. The agony of it tearing through her brain was almost too much. She had felt similar with her ability to see and feel the echoes of memories imprinted on objects. But this was a fusion of her two abilities, picking up his memories with the intensity and ferociousness of the other aspect of her powers.

When he finally let go of her hand, she stumbled back slightly, her knees ready to buckle. The words he spoke didn't even register in her mind. She let her body regain its balance and ability to remain upright before turning her eyes on the now sobbing Ryan. Her breathing was still a little heavy out of both anger and pain. Before she could stop herself a surge of emotion pushed her forward. She pulled his hands away from his face quickly, but gently, then slapped him hard. A pained frown settled on her face as her eyes began to tear up. She watched him like this for a moment, unable to think of anything to say that would sum up what she felt. And so, in a moment of clarity, she pressed her palms against his temples and sent her mind forwards. But, instead of going for his memories, she gripped his mind and dragged him into her own.

She let her projection fade from his mind's view and began to show him memory after memory of all the times she had thought of him, and watched him and tried her hardest to let him in to her life and heart. The floor was a conveyor belt again as it dragged him around her memories. She bombarded him with just as many thoughts, feelings and sounds as he had given her, though without the pain. That was something only she could feel from them overwhelming her thanks to her abilities. He could experience them in her mind, but he'd never get the same kind of effect that another's memories has on her.

Every second her mind was screaming at her, pleading with her, commanding her to stop, to expel him from her mind and locked up the doors within but she resisted. Memory let everything concerning her feelings for Ryan crash into him like a tsunami. Al the questions she had asked herself about how she truly felt, and that realisation that she may just be starting to learn to let people in and love them again all thanks to him. She countered every word about her "playing him" before finally letting him go, severing the connection between their minds. Back in the real world, Memory opened her eyes to Ryan. She wiped away the few tears that had slid down her cheeks and inhaled deeply before speaking.

"This was never a game, Ryan. Not once." Her words were sincere and gentle, but had a sharp edge to them. The held a threat. She dared him to try and claim she had been messing with him this whole time. She hoped he would so she could hit him again. "You weren't being stupid in the hall, but you are now for thinking that you were just some toy for me." The frown on her face continued for a few seconds before fading away to a sad smile. Now he knew how she really felt about him and she waited for him to speak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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As Ryan sat, crying, he heard Memory sit down next to him. Ryan put his hands to his face, covering his eyes. How could he look at her now? How could he look at her gorgeous smile or her beautiful brown eyes without crying? He couldn't. However, that decision was taken from Ryan. Memory pulled his hands away from his face quickly, but gently, then slapped him hard. At that, Ryan sat up, furious. His cheek stung, and his eyes began to water threateningly. He was about to use some very choice words but stopped, mouth hanging open. A pained frown settled on Memory's face and her eyes began to tear up. All anger or sadness that Ryan might have had vanished. The only thing he could feel was pity for Memory, and self-hatred. Sure she had made him cry, but that didn't mean he hated her. Still in love with Memory, Ryan's brain lurched forward lethargically, trying to find words to explain, to apologize for being such an idiot. Finding nothing, the pair sat in silence for a moment, neither able to find words that did their true feelings justice. Just when Ryan had thought that, maybe, he knew what he wanted to say, her hands flew up to his forehead. Confused, and slightly terrified, Ryan sat still as she pressed her palms against his temples. After a brief moment, Ryan felt the touch of her mind. Though her touch was soft, and warm, Ryan could feel intense... bitterness. She was so angry with him, incensed really. However, with a sickening feeling of a hook sinking into his navel, and giving him a strong, upward tug, Memory gripped his mind and dragged him into her own. The feeling of leaving his own body was nauseating at best, but then there was the touch of Memory's mind, reassuring, but still angry. Although he wanted to vomit, Ryan waited patiently. She had something to tell him, something words couldn't express to him.

For a moment, it was dark. Ryan stood in the middle of an empty blackness, seeing nothing, feeling nothing but his own body against the infinite emptiness. Then, slowly, Ryan watched in awe as Memory's consciousness assembled itself around him. First there was Memory herself. She stood in front of him, not smiling, and angry. Ryan shirked away from her. He was scared, and sorry, and sad all at once, but he didn't run. Ryan stood his ground, terrified of what she might do to him here. Though, of the two of them, Ryan was obviously better suited to physical combat, but inside her head, she made all the rules. Memory could crush Ryan's entire mind if she wanted to. The threat was terrifying. However, as the endless hallways doorways erected themselves around Ryan and Memory, Ryan forgot all his fear, and with wide eyed wonder, Ryan gazed at his surroundings, drinking in everything. Ryan didn't my know that a person's Memories were so similar to how the Mansion looked. Either Professor Xavier had done so on purpose, or Memory had chosen to organize her own thoughts this way. Regardless, Ryan smiled as he looked around them. The familiar carpet, the identical wooden panels, all of it just like the Mansion. As Ryan's eyes turned back to Memory she let her projection fade from his mind's view. Suddenly panicked beyond all reason, and equally terrified, Ryan jumped. He tried to scream out her name and look for her, but couldn't. As if being held by a massive hand, Ryan stood stock still, unable to do anything. The floor lurched beneath him, and like a conveyor belt, swung him along, down the corridors, and into the depths of Memory's mind. Just as how he had offered up his memories to her, so too was she showing him memory after memory. Just as he had before, she showed Ryan all the times she had thought of him, and watched him, and tried her hardest to let him in to her life and heart. Ryan's heart pounded painfully in his chest. He felt such sorrow, as if he could never apologize enough, say enough, do enough to ever make up for how much he had hurt her. However, Ryan had little time for pity. Though it had started slowly, Memory had picked up the pace, bombarding him with just as many thoughts, feelings and sounds as he had given her. The experience was overwhelming. Ryan saw and felt everything simultaneously. Had his mind been any weaker, it might have broken. Did he do this to Memory? Could such an experience cause he actual pain? It was like someone was trying to cram a lifetime of emotions and memories within his skull. To someone like Memory, such an experience would be torturous. However, as the tour became faster and faster, Ryan had little time for self-pity and penitent thoughts. Memory let everything concerning her feelings for him crash into Ryan like a tsunami. All the questions she had asked herself about how she truly felt, and that realization that she may just be starting to learn to let people in and love them again all thanks to him. She countered every word about her, "playing him," before finally letting him go, severing the connection between their minds.

Back in the real world, Ryan's eyes snapped open and he nearly fell over, as if he had been physically ejected from Memory's mind. Shocked, confused, and more than a little sick to his stomach, Ryan doubled over, hands at his temples. His head was spinning and he felt like he wanted to throw up, but a single thought kept him in check. "What does this mean?" Ryan asked himself repeatedly. Hearing Memory stir next to him, Ryan ignored his nausea. He sat up, hands in his lap, gazing directly into her eyes. What he would say next, what he would say to Memory right now, would change their relationship forever. He loved her. He loved her so much, and wanted nothing more than to scream it out to the rest of the world, but doing so now would be dreadfully inappropriate. He needed to choose his next words very carefully. As Ryan watched, she wiped away the few tears that had slid down her cheeks, Ryan's heart breaking as her hand collected each drop. Inhaling deeply, Memory's brown eyes locked onto Ryan's. She spoke.

"This was never a game, Ryan. Not once." Her words were sincere and gentle, but had a sharp edge to them. They held a threat. She almost dared him to try and claim she had been messing with him this whole time. Dared him to say something wrong so she could hit him again. "You weren't being stupid in the hall, but you are now for thinking that you were just some toy for me." The frown on her face continued for a few seconds before fading away to a sad smile. Now he knew how she really felt about him and she waited for him to speak. Breathing shakily, still sick to his stomach, now more out of fear than actual nausea, Ryan looked into his lap. He shook his head, bring both hands up from his lap, slapping his cheeks lightly. Ryan looked back to Memory, chewing in his words, making sure that they tasted just right before using them. Another shaky inhale, followed by a shuddering exhale. His voice slightly ragged, Ryan spoke. "You're right. I can see that now." Ryan reached his hand over to hers, taking her hand into both of his. He stared at it as he continued to speak. "I... I'm sorry." Ryan said, almost whispering, eyes tearing up again. "I'm so sorry." He repeated, louder this time tears falling down his face. He continued. "I felt so... insignificant. I love you, I really do. I-I-I have for a while n-now, but you always seemed so far away from me." Ryan explained, trying not to make her angry with him any more. "First it was my scales, but then that didn't matter." He chuckled sadly, "that time you kissed my cheek before I brought you back to school, I thought steam was coming out my ears." He blushed, voice still shaking, but he continued. "Then it was because I was younger than you, but that didn't matter either. That's when I started to notice it. You never say much, but it means much more than a few paltry words. You let me in. I never knew how guarded you were until you let me in. I didn't get it on my own, I had to talk with Jonathan about you, but he was right." Ryan blushed deeper, it felt so lame admitting to that. "Then it was David. The way he called out to you, flirted with you, could be with you how I couldn't. It made me so... angry." Ryan admitted, laughing lightly to himself. "I was so jealous. I always liked to think that I wasn't that type, but obviously I hadn't met you yet. For a while, I wanted to kill him. I really did. Like before though, you made it quite clear to me that he didn't matter. You proved that to me just last night, the way you held me, hugged me. You picked me. I almost can't believe it. It's hard to imagine that someone as pretty, and kind, and funny as you would pick someone as tactless, boring, and stupid as me." Ryan said.

He wanted to be done. This was so exhausting, but he pressed on, intent on atoning for every wrong he had just done to Memory. Ryan looked up, staring into Memory's eyes. He blushed, and wanted to look away, but he didn't. "I'm so sorry. I feel like there is nothing I could ever do to make up for how gravely I've insulted you. I can see that I never had anything to worry about, but none of that matters anymore. I... I wouldn't expect you to want me to stick around anymore after what I've done. I've been so horrible to you, and even though I would never have done so on purpose, I can't undo something I've already done. If you had picked to stay with me before, that doesn't matter anymore. I can't, in good consciousness, ask you to be with me after what I've done. However, never let it be said that I don't learn from my mistakes." Ryan said, with a lighthearted chuckle at his own expense. "After all, this whole debacle started with me deciding things on my own. So, if you still feel that you like me enough to pick me, and stay with me over everyone else, that's your own prerogative. I've said my piece. There's nothing stopping you from getting up and leaving. As much as I want you to pick me, I want you to be happy, I don't want your pity, I don't want you to be anything but happy, even if that means I don't get to share in it. But, thing is, if you're gonna pick me, honestly, you're stuck with me. I won't give up, I won't run away, and I won't ever make a promise I don't intend to keep. So, last chance, you can still catch the last train out of angsty-teenager-ville, or you can stick around and I'll try my best to make it up to you for being such an unbelievable arse." Ryan finished, staring into Memory's eyes, still holding her hand.