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Memory Ashcroft

If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

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a character in “X-men: Xavier and Magneto Unite”, as played by ViviOrunitiaFF9


Name: Mnemosyne (Like the Titan Mnemosyne who had power over memories)

Civilian name: Memory Ashcroft (Though her brother calls her M). Her name was originally Minerva Ashford but she changed it to Memory Ashcroft when she was old enough to do so.

Age: 21

Occupation: Student

Alliance: Good (X-men)

Appearance: Image

Memory is a fun-loving and bubbly 21 year old with a slim figure and flowing brown hair. She stands at 5' 4" and has alluring chocolate brown eyes which you just seem to melt into. There is a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, a twinkle of life shining from her very soul, and a cheeky - and slightly flirtatious smile - on her face almost constantly, though it is mostly an act to bury down the loneliness she feels in her heart. Her skin has a healthy tan and seems to glow when she smiles. There is a scar down her left leg from the car crash that killed her mother when she was 16 and has a tattoo of the word Memory in Japanese on her left wrist.


Personality: Really flirtatious and feisty. Memory's strong willed nature and feisty attitude is what attracts people to her, and her cheerful flirting but that's not the point. Though, it must be admitted, it has come in handy in many situations. She's not even nearly trusting by nature. It's not that she will treat you differently because she doesn't trust you, she'll will just not share important information with you or she'll keep an eye on you when you are doing something shady. That sort of thing. Ok, yeah, she will treat you differently but still.

Since a young age, Memory was taught to think about every decision thoroughly before making a choice by her mother. However, she tries her best to defy this rule as much as possible. Even now she not entirely sure why, she just don't like following the rules that are dictated to her. Probably why she's pretty damn good at hacking, because of her need to be. Which brings us to the next part of her.

Memory's intelligence is astounding. These are not her words so she cannot be accused of being vain or anything. It was her personal tutor that told her after her exams when she got almost full marks for every exam except one which she got just over 4/5. Also, she can be a little cheeky at times and can be very criticising. But she always does it with a smile so that makes it all better, right? Plus she have fairly good acting skills so she can just fake an apology if needs be.

While Memory acts flirtatious, cheeky and just generally fun-loving, there is a painful loneliness deep within that she has been feeling since her mother's death.

Finally, her courage is something that Memory holds dear. Even though her family have been trained to think of the repercussions of their actions before doing anything, Memory has made very split second decisions that has saved one life already. She could have killed herself saving a girl who had fallen on to train tracks at a subway station not long before train was ready to arrive, but her life was greater than Memory's at that point in M's opinion. It was selfless but it is not something she expects to happen often, as much as she'd like it to.

Mutant Classification: Alpha - As Memory not only appears fully human to those around her, but she also has enough control over her ability so as to choose when it is to be used. This advanced control and human appearance allows her to comfortably sit within the Alpha class while her brother lies within in Beta.

Powers and Abilities: As her codename may suggest, Memory's abilities are based primarily on memories. Her main weaknesses are that she must have prolonged skin contact at the temples for most of her powers to work at this stage and that some abilities require a certain state or mind to do. If she does not have this then the power can be a little temperamental.

1. Memory Walking - Memory can not only see but also experience the memories of another. If she is in a place of calm and has skin contact at the temples (unless it is for her own memoires which require only a calm mind) she can let her mind travel into another's and wander around their memories, seeing the scene from every possible angle with every possible detail.

2. Memory altering - She cannot erase memories, but she can suppress and hide away memories in a way similar to her memory defences. This can be used as a last resort move where she will completely suppress every memory that she can within the target's mind temporarily in order to escape though it drains her considerably and she again requires skin contact at the temples. While she cannot erase memories, she can stop someone from ever remembering her if she concentrates very hard. Even if they know she is there, their brain will not want to remember seeing her there and will not look at her no matter what the cost (depends on strength of use with this ability).

3. Memory Implantation - Place a fake memory within someone's head for many reasons. For example, sending yourself into their memories as a loved one or friend to gain information and infiltrate their personal life or the like. Again, requires same kind of skin contact.

4. Memory Defences - Much like an ordinary telepath, Minerva can create mental defences on her own and another's memories, but not the mind itself. She envisions the mind like a never-ending labyrinth or corridors and room, each room containing a different memory. It is merely used as a tool to help her navigate through the mind. Using this same ability Memory could potentially seal off bad memories for another or herself if the situation called for it.

5. Retrocognition (?) - It's not often that this happens, but sometimes when Memory touches an object or person she can get a glimpse at the memories that have attached themselves to it. As of yet, she has never gotten a very clear image, always just a rush of emotions and images, but the ability has been growing.

6. Adoptive Muscle Memory - With this ability, activated through skin contact, Memory can temporarily duplicate the muscle memory of anyone she touches, augmenting her own skill set and techniques to the same as another. For example, she could touch a martial artist and instantly, but temporarily, learn when he/she has learned. While she would be able to put it into practise she would retain the physical capabilities and limitations that she had before. Also, if she were to try and copy the fighting style of someone unpredictable who uses erratic and non-routine fighting then it would be nearly impossible to learn anything as they are constantly changing how they act. While it requires skin contact now and is only temporary this could change as her strength and control grows.

History: Memory Ashcroft, the only child of Olivia Moore and David Ashcroft and half brother to Jonathan Moore whom she is closer to that any other person alive. She actually changed her first name to suit her ability from Minerva to Memory when she was old enough to do so. Up until she was 16, Memory did not even know that Jonathan existed. She had never known her father as he had left them not long after Memory was born. She always learned to fend for herself, becoming quite independent and strong willed, but she had no male figure to look up to. It was only after the car crash that injured Memory and killed her mother that she ever learned of Jonathan. When they finally met, it was not the instant brother-sister bond that she was hoping for. The second she saw him her distrusting nature kicked in her first reaction was to push him away while his was to try and welcome her into his side of the family. It continued like this for just over a year, with the two arguing and fighting constantly. One time Memory actually pushed him out of a first floor window. It was an accident that he went trough the window but she doesn't feel bad.

What really brought them together, as surprising as it might sound, was high school. They had both awakened to their powers by now. Memory had awakened to her own power during the car crash when she tried to check on her mother's condition, as weak as M was. She had touched her mother's head, her fingertips touching the temple, and the fear of her being dead awakened her to her powers. M just managed to catch the last few memories in her mother's mind slip away before her eyes as she fell into the dark abyss that is death. Jonathan had never really been liked for his rather blunt personality at times so he had quite a number of people wanting to deal some serious damage. This he could have handled. The rumour that he, and by association M, were mutants they could not handle.

They were looked down on and treated like scum by the teens, even with no proof. The mere possibility of them being mutants was enough to have them hated and feared by most, even some teachers. They would be abused every single day, treated like scum and assaulted on multiple occasions because of what these people believed.

The turning point in the relationship between these half siblings was shortly after Jonathan had graduated from school and had moved onto university. A bunch of guys from his years had also graduated and seen him one day, taking it as the opportunity it was. They dragged him into a secluded alleyway and started beating him senseless, each taking their turn holding or hitting him. He fought back at first but then he just accepted that there was nothing he could do to save him. M thankfully had been meeting him near there. When she heard his cries of pain, Memory rushed to him only to see the leader of the group drop to the ground. He had tried to cut Jonathan with a switch-blade but had only managed to slice down his hand, which is why he has the scar, and in a moment of panic Jonathan and grabbed the attackers wrist. He died hours later in hospital. Memory had comforted him through this for months, the memory of the killing tormenting his mind. She even tried to suppress the memory for him but only ended up making it worse for him by sending herself into the nightmare. Due to her abilities, she was able to protect herself from the bad memories and fears, becoming immune to his ability when she returned to the waking world - so far the only one who can touch Jonathan's skin without dying.

When rumours spread of them being mutants spread again, they left their home state of Texas and moved up the country. When they heard rumours of a school designed for people like them that wouldn't judge them but help the siblings develop their abilities they jumped at the chance, though tried not to get their hopes up. As it happens, their decision was the right one. They've been there ever since.

Other information: Memory has an unusual fear of Leprechauns. There is no real explanation for it but ever since she was young, Minerva has never been able to look at a Leprechaun without being terrified.

So begins...

Memory Ashcroft's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Mutt Ant
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The tears had stopped falling. The pain had faded away to a dull murmur at the back of her mind, the sound of it smothered by the crowding masses of questions closing in on the negative thought invading her mind. Questions about Ryan and the relationship she was forming with him. Was this the right thing for her to do? Would the age difference, and the fact that he wasn't 17 yet, be an issue? What would the others in the mansion say to a relationship between them? What would Jonathan say? Despite believing he would approve, she decided to sidestep this question and move on. The question that mattered most in that moment however was far more important. Did it really matter to her what they would say?
'Hell no,' she thought, a stubborn streak cutting through every other emotion. Except one. She did love him, and she had managed to finally let someone in beyond her walls and defenses, but a familiar voice deep within resurfaced. Like an unwanted relative at Christmas, it appeared whenever something good was happening her life to cloud her mind with doubts and generally make her life miserable. One look into Ryan's green eyes dispelled the voice to the deep pit it had clawed its way out of.
'And you can rot there for all I care,' she called to the voice of doubts fading away as it slipped further and further away from her.

"Well..." she started, her voice still slightly shaky, "I never was one for trains." Memory closed her eyes with a sigh and picture herself in her mind tying a noose around her neck and hanging herself from the ceiling of her corridor within.
'Really? "I never was one for trains"?!' In her attempt to answer him and lighten the mood and stop the tears, she had made herself look like a complete idiot. 'Well, wait ago, Memory. I wouldn't be surprised if he gave up on you just for that. I can't wait until he sees everything else you have to offer,' she thought to herself sardonically. She sighed slightly and opened her eyes looking to the ceiling with a slight roll of her chocolate colored orbs.
'Well hello again voice, I see you're back to ruin another good moment in my life.'

Memory returned her eyes to Ryan and smiled apologetically. The voice once again faded as their eyes locked. The reassuring warmth from his hands holding her own brought comfort and security to her mind. She stood there, staring deep into his eyes, for so long she didn't even realise if it was seconds, minutes or hours going by. Inhaling deeply, and letting it slowly, she attempt her answer again.
"I'm staying, Ryan. I can't guarantee you'll like everything about me, but I'm staying." Memory's mouth went dry as she started trying to say something else. Her stomach flipped over with the effort of trying to say what was coming next, slight nausea washing over her. She swallowed a couple of times to wet her throat.

"I-I..." She breathed out slowly, shakily, again. "I love you." The full impact of the words finally reached her. She meant it. With all her heart, she meant it. But this was something she still had difficulty saying to Jonathan, her own brother. She looked away blushing. It had been burning inside her for so long. Now that she had finally told him, everything seemed to be that little bit better and brighter. She returned her eyes to his. She felt ready now, to finally create be a part of a relationship built on love and trust, and she would have done so much more here with him and been more. But, like they did everything time, her defenses finally kicked in and she lost all confidence again. Despite this, she didn't care. She had finally told him how she felt, and that was enough for her right now if it was all she would be able to do. She continued to stare into his eyes, thinking about how much better her life had just become.

“Are you mad?! The fact that humans can’t even get over problems within their own damn race proves my point! Back home in Russia I could be beaten just for being bisexual let alone being a mutant! Are you saying we should trust the humans who can’t even all accept different races and sexualities without a few lynching’s not to chain us all up and throw us in prisons! I’ve already been tortured once in my life and I will not let them do it to me again!”

Her words about being tortured brought a pain to his heart. He hated hearing about anyone, humans or mutants being hurt, and hated it even more when it was him hurting them. But despite this, Cara's words had not motivated him to change his opinions in any way. Nor had they extinguished the fire still raging within at her outbursts that would surely lead to a divide in the mutants under Charles's care. Even now, the split was obvious. It had become physical, people in the room visibly showing which side they were on. But, rather than get himself involved again with the argument, something he was sure he would have plenty of time in the future to do, he continued his conversation with Mutt.

Jonathan smiled as best he could when Mutt gestured towards his jacket. He lifted the coffee cup and tried to cover the look on his face. While Jonathan tried to accept everyone he could, sometimes there would be certain fanatics and such whose views would just be smothering. This Mutt seemed to be one, the collection of pins making Jonathan's eyebrows rise high and he drank to warm liquid. Smoothing out his expression, he decided to give Mutt another shot. It was bad enough being the only human here during a conversation such as this. Acting like he normally would wasn't going to help any. He lowered the cup and switched it to his other hand before taking a closer look at the pins. Something on them stood out to him and realisation hit him hard.

"You're that guy!" he said, gesturing to Mutt with his coffee cup. "From the website. You are him right? That mutant rights fana-" Jonathan stopped short of saying "fanatic" with a quiet intake of breath and snapped his mouth shut, the lips pressed tightly together and an apologetic look on his face. Taking a deep breath, and letting it with a sigh, he tried again.
"It's good to see a human amongst us who doesn't hate our kind." Jonathan smiled apologetically. "If you are "a friend of mutants" then you're a friend of mine. Just holler if you ever need anything."

'Smooth, J. Real smooth. This is why you have barely any friends.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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"Well..." she started, and Ryan's internal monologue kicked into overdrive. His consciousness threw insults at him with an ever increasing rapidity. He felt his heart shatter into pieces. Of course she won't say yes. Why would she ever say yes? You're a stupid little kid with abandonment issues. Who would ever love you? Idiot. However, she continued, apparently not finished. "I never was one for trains." Ryan laughed out of reflex, a sharp, single syllable. Wait... What?! Is she playing along or... is... is she saying yes? Ryan's conscious was playing tricks on him. Perhaps he was denying reality. That seemed far more feasible than a girl like her choosing a boy like him. Memory closed her eyes and sighed. Ryan's ears perked up. Wait a minute. She's thinking pretty hard about it. Oh... Laugh you idiot, she just made a joke for you. God only knows how heartbroken she must be feeling. Laugh. LAUGH! Ryan laughed mechanically, even Agent Six, who Ryan had heard was devoid of all emotions, would have been able to tell the gesture had been forced. Ryan blinked a few times, then groaned, smiling apologetically. The joke had been bad, even by his standards. However, because Memory was trying so hard for his sake, Ryan had to do his best as well. Even if she was considering never talking to him again, Ryan wanted her to be happy. He could laugh at a bad joke or two. She sighed slightly again, and opened her eyes looking to the ceiling with a slight roll of her chocolate-colored, perfect orbs.

Memory returned her eyes to Ryan and smiled apologetically. Ryan returned the gestured giving her hands a gentle squeeze. His cheeks were rosy, and his smile was truly genuine. He loved Memory so much, he didn't care if she was about to leave him forever. Ryan would always, always love her. Though he appeared calm and collected on the outside, he was dying of nervousness on the inside. Realizing he was still sitting, Ryan stood. He maintained his grip on her hands, soft, warm, and reassuring. He wished he could hold them forever. She stood there, staring deep into his eyes, for so long Ryan forgot that time was passing. Centuries could have passed them by, and Ryan would continue to gaze into her chocolate eyes until the day he died. Inhaling deeply, and letting it out slowly, she appeared to be trying to... give him an answer; a proper answer. Ryan swallowed hard, beginning to sweat. This is where the fun begins. Don't cry baby.

"I'm staying, Ryan. I can't guarantee you'll like everything about me, but I'm staying." Ryan blinked, dumbfounded. He spoke. "Y-you mean... you're... I-I-I..." Ryan trailed off, shocked into complete happiness. Inside his head, Ryan couldn't hear his own thoughts. He was sure that his eyes had rolled into his head and a poof of smoke had rolled out of his mouth. However, all his thoughts were insignificant. They were drowned out by the fireworks, general fanfare, and sounds of victory and overwhelming happiness. Ryan wanted to jump for joy. To roar as loud as he could, to hijack a television network and proclaim his love for Memory to the whole world. He restrained himself. Noticing Memory was about to speak again, Ryan snapped himself out of his wild imaginings and gave her his full attention.

"I-I..." She breathed out slowly, shakily. What she wanted to say next seemed... important. Ryan listened intently, gazing deeply into her perfect brown eyes. "I love you." Ryan's face instantly turned deathly pale, then the brightest scarlet. Memory looked away blushing. Ryan felt his insides turn to mush and his soul rocket into the clouds. Even in his head, Ryan was lost for words, there was nothing, only silence. It was only made more strange by the fact that just moments ago his thoughts were on overdrive, screaming insults, instructions, and congratulations in completely random patterns. He was completely blown away. He tried to speak, but all that came out was a slightly muffled squeak. His face felt hotter and hotter, until he was sure he had burst into flames. Finally accepting what had just happened as the truth, Ryan sighed. He smiled, giving Memory's hands another squeeze. "I... I think you're stupid." Ryan said, smiling at her. "How could I ever dislike anything about you?" Ryan finished, and at that, Ryan did something he had been wanting to do for a very long time. He took both her hands into his own, leaned in, stooping just a little, and kissed Memory, full on the lips. He didn't hold it for very long, just enough to be called a real kiss, but he broke it off after a moment. He was afraid of two things, the first was Jonathan, whom Ryan could smell was in the kitchen, coming up and seeing them. The other was that he wouldn't be able to control his emotions, and that he might turn scaly purely out of the shock of it. Blushing insanely, Ryan smiled, and clearing his throat, he spoke. "Let's go get some breakfast. Yeah? All this... well, whatever this is, has made me hungry. What about you?" He asked simply and light-heartedly, trying to divert the conversation away from what had just happened with humor and food. If he thought about it too much, he was afraid he'd run away, or cry. Neither were excellent options. Trying not to think about it too much, Ryan let go of one of Memory's hands, still holding one, and began to lead her towards the kitchen.

Just before the pair were about to proceed through the doorway, Ryan stopped. He was nervous. He hadn't realized it before, but just about everyone was here. At least, everyone that he cared about. While the other students in the mansion were his family just as much as his closest friends and teachers, Ryan had difficulty gauging how he felt. He was so very happy. Nothing could possibly make him happier, but there was a nervousness; a hesitation. What would his closest friends think? Would he care? They would most certainly tease him, but they were family. That was what family did. Ryan me worries were mostly focused on Jonathan. What would Jonathan, his best friend, think about him going right to work and starting to date Memory this early? It hadn't even been a full twenty four hours yet. Ryan looked back to Memory, putting on a brave face. "This isn't gonna get any easier the longer we think about it. I suggest we do it fast. Like a band aid." Ryan had spoken with a smile, but. Memory would know better. His hands were shaking and his face was most certainly ghostly pale. However, for her, Ryan would charge to certain death. A few friendly jibes wouldn't be so bad. For her, Ryan could do anything. He took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled, shooting the air out through his teeth. He slapped himself lightly on the cheek with his free hand. "Shall we?" Ryan asked, before openin the door and walking inside, leading on bravely.

Upon entering the Kitchen, Ryan could immediately sense something was wrong. Everyone was on edge, the air was full of a thick, roiling tension. It couldn't mean anything good. Ryan gave Memory's hand a gentle squeeze. Leading her over to Jean, Ryan ignored any pointed looks and snide comments. If there even were any, Ryan honestly didn't hear, and didn't care. Steeping up behind Jean, He hugged his surrogate mother from behind, briefly letting go of Memory's hand. "Good Morning!" Ryan said excitedly. "Two plates please, thanks!" Ryan said with a smile. After he had put in his request, Ryan stepped back to where Memory was and took her hand once more. "I'm so excited. I could smell them from upstairs, and they've been making me hungry all the way down."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero)
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Hideki couldn’t help but notice the aura of colors emanating off of Jenifer as she danced to her music. “Well at least she hasn’t missed a beat.” He said quietly. He began to create small sparkles of light that like flickered around his hands.

Victor smiled at Annabelle when she entered the kitchen, looking a bit more put together than she did the night before. Before he could give it a second thought, he walked over to her and quietly asked her, “You alright little lady? You didn’t look so hot last night and I was wondering if you might need some help. I’m no Charles Xavier so don’t expect much though.” Victor said to Annabelle.

David grinned as Memory and Ryan entered the Kitchen coupled up like two train coaches. He walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed the note pad designated for memos and scribbled down “So M I guess Beast Boy was the better man. I respect that and I agree. We had a good run, Cheers. David North” he wrote in very precise and neat penmanship. David then folded the little note into a paper airplane and shot it towards Memory. David had keen aim and could send a projectile exactly where he wanted when he wanted. The plane landed right at M’s hand.

Jean hugged Ryan back as he embraced her. He helped her feel a lot more relaxed in the tense atmosphere. She quickly noticed his closeness with Memory and her smile widened. She prepared the two plates and whispered to Ryan “Way to go Mr. Stud.” She winked.

Cain couldn’t help but smile brightly when he saw Ryan with Memory. He was so proud to see a confident Ryan. Cain thought of Ryan as his little brother, exactly as Vincent did. “Ryan I didn’t realize you had such pretty girlfriend? I’d ask you to introduce me to her but I believe we already met.” Cain said cheerfully with one of the most lighthearted expressions he’d given all morning.

Vincent and Philip awoke as together in a carefree manner. They were glad to have found a moment to relax after the tension brewing with the HMR the night before. “Good morning Professor Xavier
” Philip said in a sultry voice, he couldn’t keep from giggling in his silliness.

Vincent playfully shoved Philip, “Oh please
 you just put a bad image in my head of my father in,” Vincent stopped abruptly. “You know what? I’m not even going to finish that statement. I’d say you German boys are quite crafty aren’t you.” The two of them chuckled.

Vincent seemed to flinch for a moment. Philip noticed immediately and his smile quickly faded. “What’s wrong Vincent? Are you alright?” Philip asked, holding Vincent close.

“Nothing much, I just have a little bit of a headache. I guess I’m telepathically picking up in the mounting tension in the kitchen. It seems there’s a debate on about the current situation with the HMR. I’d better break this up
” Vincent began to get out of bed while he let out a tired sigh.

Philip responded with a devilish smirk. “Let me fix things with a little prank Herr Xavier” Philip’s German accent only increased his charm.

 Why not? It’ll be way better than me lecturing everyone on father’s methodology.” Vincent replied.

The made there way outside of the mansion after getting dressed and crept along the side of the building in order to sneak up to the kitchen window. Philip produced two handfuls of marble sized time-bombs and tossed them on the ground outside of the Kitchen window creating a popping sound akin to rapid gunfire. The people in the kitchen were all startled by the prank, some thought the HMR were really there. Cain created a protective magnetic barrier, Kent also generated a large domed force field to protect the group. However a few of them such as Logan and Victor knew full well who and what was coming, given their keen senses.

Philip and Vincent appeared in the window laughing loudly “Got ya!!” Philip chuckled.

“Mind giving us a hand inside Fuyumi?” Vincent asked her. Fuyumi pulled the two through the window via phasing. Her face looked somewhat annoyed. “Oh really you two! As if there weren’t enough tension brewing this morning!” she fussed.

Philip’s smile never faded, “Relax
 See there are no guns from the HMR. So why are we pointing them at each other in here? We should all be enjoying this nice morning.” Philip replied with his German accent ever present.

Vincent chuckled, “Well at least you all are on your toes and ready for action.”

Cerebro chamber

Charles sat in the cerebro chamber scanning the city for mutant activity. With the HMR making such brash moves mutants were being pushed into acts of desperation. He could feel the emotions of fear and anger spiking in mutants across the nation. The X-men would be needed soon.

Moments later Eric entered the Cerebro chamber and addressed Charles. “What do you see Charles? Is it as bad as I feared?” He said as he approached Charles.

“Worse Eric, it’s worse than we both imagined. People are in a serious state of panic. The HMR has no clue what they unleashed upon us all. I must think of some way to help, there must be a way to convince them of the danger of their actions
” Charles said in a stressed manner.

Eric grew even more concerned. “Charles this situation is indeed dire but your state worries me most of all. You must no strain yourself. We can’t save the world, but we can help a little bit at a time.” Eric placed his hands gently on Charles’ shoulders in an attempt to guide him away from the cerebro headset.

Just then Charles got a sharp transmission of images. There were several attacks on HMR facilities by Mutants and it seems that the Morlocks have followed the lead of the main aggressors. Charles explained the happening to Eric, whom held Charles as he had almost collapsed under the strain of the Cerebro transmission. “Charles you need to rest. Allow me to handle it from here.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Jean Grey
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“Morning stranger.” Jonathan smiled at the familiar voice. He hadn't spoke to Kyle in a while, and it would be nice to think of something other than mutant wars, which was only getting worse with Aidan's words, and protecting his sister. He gave polite nod down to Mutt as he began to step away, then turned to the source of the words that had caught his attention. He gave a playful half smile to the French man.
"Is that what I am now?" He asked with a restrained smile before taking another drink of his coffee, finishing it. He caught Kyle's eyes for a second, then turned for the coffee to refill his cup.

With that done he moved around to talk to Kyle when a burning red beacon caught his attention. His mouth dropped open as Memory walked in holding Ryan's hand. He was not surprised by Ryan and Memory getting together, it was bound to happen eventual with the way they were going and he knew Ryan would be good to her - and if not then he would kill him - he was only surprised at the fact she was blushing, a rare sight with someone like Memory. Feeling his eyes on her, Memory turned her head to him and her shy smile (even more surprising) faded into a thin line. she sent a silent message with her eyes: "Keep your mouth shut". Jonathan lifted his free hand and pulled it along his lips, as if zipping it closed. She glared playfully in return before they turned away from each other.

Memory took her pate and placed it down beside her. Her mind was still going over Ryan kissing her, making the tops of her cheeks burn a little hotter. Even if it was for only a little while, she didn't want to think of anything else. A tap beside her hand brought her mind back to the real world and she suppressed a groan. She had been enjoying going over that moment again and again in her mind. The neatly folded paper airplane made her frown slightly with confusion. She lifted it up slowly and unfolded it. It read, in neater handwriting than her own:

“So M I guess Beast Boy was the better man. I respect that and I agree. We had a good run, Cheers.
David North”

A pang of guilt spread from her heart, but she pushed it away. She did feel bad, but she knew David would understand. Maybe not like it, but he would understand. She scanned the room for him, finding him by the refrigerator. She gave an apologetic smile, then turned back to Ryan.

Memory stood listening to each of the compliments coming her way with some embarrassment, which was strange to her. She would normally like to get compliments, but now it just made her feel uncomfortable. Before she could continue with the thoughts, a series of pops, like rapid gunfire, made her jump and legs nearly buckle. Jonathan too jumped, dropping his coffee, but pressed his gloved hand against Kyle's chest and pushed him back slightly, moving between Kyle and the sound, lifting the other up slightly, ready to use his powers. An unnatural shiver ran down Memory's back she had felt it before, a long time ago, when Jonathan's power had put her under into a nightmare land. It felt different to the normal way it happened, as if someone were slowly implanting fear after fear. She gave a quick worried look to Jonathan before they both turned towards the source of the sound only to see Philip appear at the window.
“Got ya!!” Simultaneously, Memory and Jonathan shouted at him. "Are you fucking insane?!"

Memory sighed in relief that it was just a prank as they were dragged in the room, ripping a pancake in half and biting into it. Jonathan merely relaxed, then cursed at the broken cup on the ground. He opened on the the cupboards and began to pull everything he'd need to clean it up.
'If I ever get my hands on that boy, he's dead,' Jonathan thought to himself with a frown. His anger would subside eventually, but for now Philip would do best to avoid him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine)
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As Ryan entered the kitchen, his eyes turned to Jonathan in the corner of the kitchen, next to Kyle. Ryan was a little nervous to see him. Ryan had smelled Jonathan from up the stairs, alerting him to his presence. His mouth dropped open as his sister walked in with Ryan, their fingers laced. He seemed somewhat shocked by the state of affairs. Ryan couldn't help but feel a flicker of fear and uneasiness. Was Jonathan upset? Did he approve of Ryan approaching Memory so soon after they had talked? However, much to Ryan's relief, Jonathan appeared to be ok with the whole situation. The corners of his eyes were turned up, and he appeared to be mostly happy with Ryan and Memory's arrival. Ryan mentally wiped a head of sweat from his forehead and sighed quietly. Though the majority of his worries were dispelled, he couldn't help but feel a strange sort of uneasiness around Jonathan. Ryan dismissed the thought, attributing the feeling to how stifling the room had felt when he entered, but a single thought remained. He would certainly hate to be on Jonathan's bad side. His eyes locked with Jonathan's for a brief moment, and Ryan smiled. He tried to, in that one moment, thank Jonathan for his brilliant advice, his kind, listening ears, and his big heart. Ryan wasn't sure if Nonathan caught the gesture, but Ryan felt obliged to make it none the less.

Approaching the stove, Ryan greeted his surrogate mother like he usually did, and Jean hugged Ryan back as he embraced her. Ryan felt his heart pound affectionately, and he resisted the urge to release a low growl of contentment. As the two broke apart, Ryan couldn't but notice his surrogate mother's smirk. She appeared to have noticed his closeness with Memory. Ryan blushed and smiled somewhat apologetically, as if he felt bad for not telling her about it sooner. After she had finished preparing the two plates, she handed them to Ryan, whispering just low enough for him to hear. “Way to go Mr. Stud.” She winked, and Ryan blushed deeper. Jeez Mom... Ryan thought, directing his grievances at Jean with a roll of his eyes. Whispering back, Ryan said. "Trust me, there was nothing suave about it at all." As he said it, Ryan couldn't help but smirk. Jean always knew just how to make him smile. For all Ryan's life she had taken care of him, and her approval and candor meant more to Ryan than the opinion of everyone else at the mansion, not including Jonathan, or Memory herself.

Having joked with his surrogate mother about the situation, Ryan stepped back towards the counter, plate in hand, and dug around in an open drawer until he found a fork. Attempting to use somewhat proper table manners, Ryan ate quickly, as he was quite hungry, but not so fast as to forget his manners. After all, he was attached to Memory now. People would associate his behavior with Memory's image. Ryan had to be a good example. The better he looked, the better Memory looked by association. As he ate, Ryan was approached by someone he hadn't properly been introduced to. Cain. Though Ryan had seen him come in with Vincent after the kidnapping incident, Ryan hadn't spent much time with him. However, Cain smelled exactly the same as Ryan's adopted brother Vincent; their scents were identical, indistinguishable. Further, he walked over towards Ryan with a wide smile, giving off waves of, what felt like, happiness and pride on Ryan's behalf. Had Ryan been transformed, his tail would have unconsciously started to wag. For some reason, Ryan was instinctively happy that Cain was pleased with him. The two were practically strangers, and yet Ryan felt as if he had known Cain all his life. Technically, though Ryan didn't consciously recognize it, he had.

Having reached where Ryan was, Cain spoke. “Ryan I didn’t realize you had such pretty girlfriend? I’d ask you to introduce me to her but I believe we already met.” Cain said cheerfully, a wide, bright smile on his face. Ryan blushed slightly, and returned the gesture with his own infectious, toothy grin, after, of course, making sure there was no food in his mouth. Setting down his plate, Ryan responded. "Cain, right? Though I don't think we've properly met, and I didn't know you'd already met Memory, I can most certainly agree with you. She is rather pretty." As he said it, Ryan threw a warm, heart-melting glance at Memory, and beamed at her, smiling wide. Once he'd finished his little compliment, Ryan stepped over to Cain and inspected him. His nose worked furiously, as if he were trying to smell his way into Cain's soul, to read his very essence via scent. Nodding, and having apparently deduced something pleasant about him, Ryan smiled and embraced Cain in a brotherly fashion. "Vincent said you were a part of him, and he of you. Two halves of the same whole. I'm not really sure how that works, but I suppose I can be ok with having another older brother as cool as you." As he said it, Ryan smiled wider, overflowing with a warm, wistful, happiness. Cain's scent, which was identical to Vincent's, contained only happy memories for Ryan. The same warm feelings he had for his brother Vincent, were present when he was with Cain.

After hugging Cain for a moment, Ryan let him go, quickly smiling up at him before fully stepping away. This way Cain could finish his breakfast, or be free to talk with others. Further, Ryan had the tiniest niggling suspicion he wasn't the hugging type. He wasn't the kind to break a hug for no reason, but he definitely wasn't the kind to run around hugging people either. His piece having been said, Ryan walked back over to where Memory was, and resumed the eating of his breakfast, cheeks still rosy, not from blushing, but from happiness. Ryan just felt so happy, he couldn't help himself. When he had finished his pancakes, which were absolutely delicious, Ryan thanked Jean and carried his dishes over to the sink, so that he could wash them. As he scrubbed, Ryan could smell Vincent and Philip outside the mansion, which explained their absence at breakfast, but what were they doing outside? Their footsteps were muffled, and oddly placed, as if crouching along the Mansion walls. Ryan tilted his head sideways, chuckling to himself. Just what were those two troublemakers up to? Ryan's question was quickly answered, as the sound of, what appeared to be gunfire, filled the air. Though he couldn't tell Philip was making miniature bombs, he at least knew that Philip was there, and was most likely responsible for the noise. When the rest of the room reacted to the little prank, jumping in surprise, or yelling obscenities, Ryan only smiled, laughing light-heartedly and shaking his head. He dried his hands off once he had finished washing his dishes, and returned to Memory's side, leaning his back against the counter, and casually sliding an arm across the counter to rest his hand on her waist. The contact demanded nothing, not even reciprocation, it was even placed so that she could continue eating, talking, or doing whatever she liked uninterrupted. Ryan's hand was just there as a reassurance, to let her know that he was there, and that he loved her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer)
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0.00 INK

Cara Black

Cara relaxed into Cain’s arms the bile in her throat still threatening to lunge once more but as his voice flitted back into her head she felt herself calm slightly. “There’s no need to die for me lyubov, as long as I am indebted to Xavier I can’t join those who are fighting for our freedom. Besides, I’m more of a follower than a leader.” She thought back, smiling as he kissed her.

“What’s this, a class on current events and social issues? If you ask me I’d say I’m an equal opportunity kind of guy. As in, I’d split the skull of a mutant or a human for equal reasoning. Hahaha
” Victor chuckled smugly.

“And that is why no one likes you.” Cara smiled to her old comrade teasingly before Scott’s snipe drew a familiar growl from Sabertooth. This time Cara thought it best to avoid starting another argument and maintained her silence and Ryan’s entrance with Memory drew everyone’s attention away momentarily.

So they were officially a couple now then Cara smiled to herself. Good catch. On both parts. Though Ryan’s shame of his appearance always confused her, if anything his horns added to the allure. Her train of thought was broken at the explosions her shadow quickly becoming several tendrils as she reached for things to throw. “Idioty!” She yelled in Russian as the two were helped in, obviously not amused by their prank.

 See there are no guns from the HMR. So why are we pointing them at each other in here? We should all be enjoying this nice morning.”

Cara relaxed herself back, her shadow returning to its normal shape but her face remained a picture of unimpressed.

Regaining the small amount of composure, she had that morning Cara leant back against the wall deciding that she was only going to end up homeless if she continued arguing, Xavier had spoken to her on many occasions about speaking out about humans around students and she was probably close to her last chance. As it happened it left her opposite the new couple, whom had been absent for much of the arguing and thus safe to talk with.

” She began all of the English she knew had apparently just left her. “Good night?” She at last grasped at. The chance that it was probably a bad question given Ryan’s anxious manner not hitting her until it was already too late. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.” She backtracked. “Did you sleep well?” Cara raised her hands to head she wasn’t good with normal conversations. She didn’t have them much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer)
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0.00 INK

Memory smiled at Ryan's reassuring, and protective, arm around her and let herself lean into him slightly. It was sweet, he was doing it because he loved her after all, and wanted her to know he cared and wanted to keep her safe, something that she wasn't used to with the guys she usually got with. Normally it was just a crappy "date" and then to the bedroom. A sly smile curled her lips and she looked away slightly.
'Well... mostly the bedroom.' Memory closed her eyes and sighed quietly at herself, at who she used to be, then stepped away from Ryan for a cup of coffee with a quiet "I'll be right back". She needed something to give her a little boost, it seemed as if it were going to be a long day and she wouldn't last without it. After pouring and walking back to Ryan, a slightly forced, but decently hidden, smile on her face, she took a sip and moved closer to him again.

 Good night?”
Cara's voice caught her by surprise and she jumped, nearly dropping the cup. for a second the words didn't even register in her mind. then suddenly, at around the same time it hit Cara, the possible meaning behind them made Memory give a quiet snort of amusement, and surprise. She knew that Cara spoke her mind, but she never expected her to put her thoughts across quite like that.
“Sorry, I didn't mean that. Did you sleep well?”
'Oh... oops,' M thought with another smile as she drank her coffee.

She had found out years ago that both Jonathan and Memory drank the same coffee - black coffee, no sugar or cream - and had wondered since how two half siblings, raised separate for years, could be so similar. Not just with their tastes of coffee, but with everything. There was similarities in the films they watched, the songs they listened to, their food preferences. Even personality wise.
'Although, apparently not when it comes to this mutant rights debate.' While Memory admired her brother, and the professor, for being able to stay positive and optimistic, believing that with time and patience mutants would find their place in the world. But she had been finding it harder and harder to believe. Everyday the humans worked harder and harder to eradicate them, to destroy the "mutant threat", and it didn't seem as if words were going to solve it. For mutants to have their place in the world, they would need to take it from the humans with force if necessary. However, Jonathan and Memory could both agree that unneeded death on either side was uncalled for. Memory turned her eyes Cara and pursed her lips thoughtfully. She may share Cara's views, but not her near extremism.
'Or Jonathan's on the other side, for that matter.'

"Trust me the telepath knows."

Jonathan grimaced as he stood, then dropped the broken shards of the cup he had previously been holding into the trash. He knew it was hypocritical to think seeing as technically he was a telepath too, but they were one of the few things he didn't trust in the world. He like Vincent. In fact, Vincent was one of the few people he both trusted an respected. But being around him brought a sense of wariness that he just couldn't stop no matter what he did. Secrets were supposed to stay secret, and yet any old telepath could rummage around your brain and rummage in your darkest corners.
'Best not to tell him the full thing, he already got offended last time.' Shaking his head, he finished putting everything he had used away and grabbed another cup and filled it with coffee. Jonathan turned his eyes back to Kyle and ensured he had a smile on his face.

"Hopefully I'm not the only one getting sick of their pranks," he said with a sigh, leaning against the counter casually, still managing to be taller than the Frenchman despite his best efforts to lower his height. He lifted the coffee and drained half the cup, then set it down gently. He thought back on his words and ran a hand through his hair, moving it back out of his face a little better. "I feel like I'm getting old myself when I say things like that." He looked to Kyle. "So what does a handsome young man like yourself do all day? Wont you entertain this old geezer with your stories," he joked weakly.
'Why do people even like you when you happily define that as a joke?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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0.00 INK

After their short embrace, Cain spoke to Ryan once more, "You don’t know how glad I am that you approve of me Ryan. It seems you understand the connection I share with Vincent and thus with everyone else, yet many of the others don’t seem to see it. Thanks for giving me a chance little brother." As softly as Cain had spoken, Ryan replied, "It's a little easier for me I guess. You two smell practically identical, nearly indistinguishable from the other. You're the same, but different. It doesn't take anything away from either of you. It's nice." When he was finished, Ryan smiled, the gesture was returned by Cain, and the two parted to greet other members of the X-Mansion.

Having finished speaking with Cain, Ryan washed his dishes, then returned to Memory, and put his hand on her waist. Memory smiled at Ryan's reassuring, and protective, embrace and let herself lean into him slightly. A sly smile curled her lips, and she looked away slightly. Ryan felt his heart thump, and his temperature shoot up a few degrees. He blushed slightly, the tops of his cheeks becoming warm and rosy. Quickly, but gently, Ryan wrapped his other arm around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. After a brief moment, he gave her a quick squeeze, a gentle embrace from behind. Just as quickly, as if he weren't trying to draw attention to himself, Ryan removed one arm from her waist, leaving the other in its previous position, and went back to his leaning position against the countertop.

After Vincent and Philip's prank had passed, an iota of normalcy swept into the kitchen. Conversation resumed. The dark atmosphere from before, which had filled the room with a sense of brooding and anger, had passed. The tension and panic seemed to melt away into nothingness; as if it had never been there to begin with. It was almost as if all the incidents of the previous day had gone, and it was just another day in the life of the X-Men. Ryan sighed quietly. He wished days like these would continue on forever. Days without war, days without strife, days where they could just exist. Those were the days worth living, "the days worth fighting for," Ryan thought to himself. He sighed again. Days like those were few and far between. As much as he hoped, wished, and prayed for days like these, he knew they couldn't last.

For a brief moment, Memory stepped away from Ryan, bringing him back from his daydreams. She was heading over towards towards the coffee. Altough Ryan had been enjoying the pseudo-snuggling, he could understand the need for specific morning rituals to be observed. Though Ryan wasn't a coffee drinker, he used to have to wake up an extra hour and a half early to grind the scale off of his body just to feel confident in leaving his room for the day. Regardless, he had really enjoyed her contact, her warmth, and her love. Her entrance into his life was like the birth of a brilliant, shining sun, filling him with energy, happiness, and, most importantly, confidence. Even though he knew she would be back in a moment, he felt somewhat disappointed. He would have to get her back for it later. Ryan blushed to himself at the thought. He was such a pervert. With a quiet, "I'll be right back," Memory strode off into the kitchen to give herself a little boost of caffeine. Though Ryan wasn't a coffee drinker, far too bitter for his overdeveloped sense of taste, he loved the smell. After pouring and walking back to Ryan, a slightly forced, but decently hidden, smile on her face, she took a sip and moved closer to him again. He stepped a touch closer to her as well, leaning his head on her shoulder. Once more he had to resist the urge to growl affectionately.

Apparently, someone else had noticed Ryan's closeness to Memory. Miss Cara, who had been rather attached to Cain this morning, stepped over to the two of them, having been drawn away from the flow of conversation within the Kitchen's small break from its heated debate. Her voice almost made Ryan jump, and though he left his hand on Memory's waist, he took his head from her shoulder, and faced away from her, so as to properly address Miss Cara. “So
 Good night?” She asked politely. However, in Ryan's mind, the question was... rather stimulating. He felt his face begin to burn, and he was sure he was beet red. Apparently, it had caught Memory by surprise as well, and she jumped, nearly dropping her cup of coffee. For a moment, Ryan didn't know how to react. Dreamlike, sultry scenarios played in his head, only causing him to blush deeper. It was all too much for Ryan. He removed his hand from Memory's waist, nearly shouting in reply to Miss Cara, though he managed to keep his voice down so as to keep the conversation mostly private. His hands flew up, waving wildly in non-committal gestures and attempting to dismiss the idea without distancing himself from Memory. "N-n-n-n-no! N-n-noth-thing l-l-like th-that! W-w-we j-just.... I-I-I-I.... U-umm.... Uhh..." Ryan trailed off, and his eyes burned holes in the floor. He didn't really know what to say without sounding like a totally weirdo. Luckily, Miss Cara realized how uncomfortable she had made him, most likely by accident, and spoke up, cutting Ryan off from further humiliating himself. “Sorry, I didn't mean that. Did you sleep well?” Ryan looked up from the floor, and sighed with relief. He heard Memory snort, and took it rather poorly. He mock pouted, "That's not funny, M!" However, the situation was actually rather humorous, and he couldn't help but burst into laughter. All awkwardness forgotten, Ryan let himself openly laugh, small tears even forming in the corners of his eyes. After a moment, he had settled down, and he wiped a drop of sweat from his forehead, and a tear from his eye. Chuckling lightheartedly at his own expense, he spoke, "Wow. Um, S-sorry about that. I didn't mean to yell. Yeah... I, umm... I slept very well, thank you for asking." Ryan smiled politely, before returning the question upon Miss Cara. "And you? Did you have a good night's sleep as well?" In the confusion and more than mild embarrassment, Ryan had forgotten his hand had left Memory's waist, and he didn't return it to it's previous position.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer)
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Cara Black

Cara had to giggle at the pair’s responses, Memory’s cup very nearly scattering coffee across the room and Ryan seemed to cycle through every shade of red that was possible before she spoke to ease the boys mind and her own linguistic mistake. It was good to see Ryan laugh, it occurred to the music teacher that today was probably the most she had ever seen the boy smile, Memory was evidently doing good for him already.

"Wow. Um, S-sorry about that. I didn't mean to yell. Yeah... I, umm... I slept very well, thank you for asking." Ryan said wiping tears from his eyes.

“It’s ok, I didn’t mean to come across like that. Apparently arguing used all of my English for the day.” She smiled, her thick accent rolling over her words as she brushed a hair from her face.

"And you? Did you have a good night's sleep as well?"

Cara felt a slightly creep across her lips as her eyes flash to Cain. “It was
 indescribable.” She lingered upon him for a few moments before returning her attention to the table. “I am glad to see that you are both looking happy though. This constant struggle for what’s right and wrong often leads to the pleasures of life being pushed aside.” She wasn’t lying, although Cara’s opinions were very harsh and rarely the flavour of the month for the mansion’s occupants she wasn’t entirely an extremist. “Although I suppose my own reputation precedes me on that.” She laughed, her eyes quickly scanning the room, mentally counting those in the room she had either slept with or at least kissed and that was from when they were enemies.

“I assume this means that I am not allowed to flirt with either of you now then?” She asked leaning back on two legs of her chair, pulling a cigarette from her pocket. Smoke quickly blowing from her nose as she took a long drag. “Would you like a top-up?” She asked Memory as she stood gesturing towards her cup, awaiting for her answer before turning towards Ryan, “Hot drink?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Terra Reyes Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Canaan Reyes
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0.00 INK

(A collaborative post between Polarisbear12 and XShishioX)


Ryan stood, enjoying the company of Memory, and the rest of his family in the kitchen. Though Miss Cara’s question had caught him slightly off guard, as he wasn’t expecting anyone to flirt with him at all, much less openly declare it might happen. Ryan blushed slightly, before speaking. “I think that refraining from that would be best, if you please. I’ve
 I’ve recently learned I’m the
 the jealous type, and though I’m sure such minor flirtations would be a joke to you, I would really appreciate if you didn’t tease me like that. I tend to take things like that rather
 poorly.” Though Ryan had spoken what was in his heart, it made him nervous. He didn’t like sharing such intimate details about himself with anyone really, even Jean or Memory, but he knew that answering honestly was never a bad thing to do. He smiled weakly, before answering the other question he was posed. “No thank you. I’m not a fan of coffee. To my nose, the smell is absolutely wonderful, but to my taste buds
 not so much. Thank you anyway.” At that, Ryan turned and headed towards the fridge, grabbing a glass along the way. “I am a fan of juice though.” He said, directing his thoughts to Cara. At that, Ryan poured himself a glass of orange juice, putting the carton back when he was finished, before returning to Memory’s side once more.

Meanwhile, Terra and Canaan walked the halls of the Xavier Mansion. After a while, they neared the source of the most interesting scent Canaan had ever smelt before. “What’s the yummy smell Terra?” He looked back at her with a raised brow, “Um
 Canaan, not everyone has such a sharp nose as you do. But my best guess is that is where all the people are. At least the ones we haven’t seen from that time.” Terra continued walking and eventually he too could smell something in the air, it was a scent he was unfamiliar with but it made his mouth water. What is that smell, it’s making me hungry. As they drew closer the sound of people talking could be heard, and Canaan’s tail twitched as she recognized some of the voices from before. The two stopped just outside of view of the kitchen and shared a pointed look with one another before stepping into the kitchen.

Ryan sighed contentedly. It was turning out to be such a pleasant morning. He felt himself relax and his hand found Memory’s waist once again. Her touch, her scent, and her warmth was truly doing wonders for his anxieties. He felt so much calmer with her, so much more at ease. He laughed more openly now than he ever had before in his life. She was so good for him. However, such tranquility never lasts long. Suddenly, and much to his surprise, the smell of earth filled Ryan's nose. It was odd to be certain, to smell such a strong, earthen scent in the kitchen, which had previously been nothing but the sweet aroma of pancakes, the warm scent of coffee, and the sharp bite of citrus fruits. The smell of wet clay, dried out dust, and black dirt was nearly overwhelming in contrast to the gentle smells of breakfast that permeated the kitchen of the X-Mansion. Intrigued, Ryan turned his head to the strange new smell, which was accompanied by a pair of footsteps and the smell of an animal. It was the same type of smell that Ryan, Logan, and even the predator, Sabertooth, carried. The smell itself wasn't very strong, it never really was, but Ryan would recognize it anywhere, and it wasn't one that he was used to smelling within the house. Immediately, upon seeing the face of the boy who he had fought only just a few days ago, Ryan's nostrils flared, the hair on the back of his neck stood up straight, and he opened his mouth, showing his rapidly sharpening canine teeth, and growled loudly. His vocal chords beginning to shift into their more bestial, and raspy counterparts. So too was his bestial form threatening to come forward, as his eyes had already shifted into the golden, slitted eyes of the Leviathan, and small pockets of scale had begun to spring up all over his body and face. He set down his glass and stepped forward, throwing his right arm out, in front of Memory and Miss Cara, as if to protect them from the threat. “What're you doing here? You wanna fight again?” Ryan asked, his voiced was edged, and threatening. Even after he had finished speaking, his growl continued, low and rumbling.

The moment Canaan and Terra entered the room, they were met with hostility. Something the two had experienced many times before, at least before their time with the Morlocks. Terra took a step back while at the same time, Canaan took a step forwards. Her arm shot out in front of Terra to protect him. “Stay back Terra you’re in no condition to fight. I’ll take him on.” She said through her teeth, as anger clouded her vision; it was this creature before her, threatening Terra, that caused her beloved brother to go into that coma-like state the last time. Already her hair began to grow into a more raggedy appearance and the faint strips on her body were becoming visible, taking on a darker hue than before. “I’ll rip out your throat before letting you anywhere near Terra.” Growling her voice took on a more ferocious and feline tone.

Ryan only responded by deepening his transformation. Rage clouded his vision, as he stared down Canaan. Those two were a threat to his family, and if they were here to fight, Ryan would tear them to pieces. Though his bestial form was already threatening to come forth at the pair’s appearance, but it had hastened in response to Canaan’s challenge. As she growled at him, Ryan returned the gesture, growling louder and deeper than he had before. His eyes burning with anger, Ryan’s gaze never wavered. Claws shot from his fingertips, his tail snaked out from his pants, and his skin darkened, becoming gradually more covered with scales. His ears lengthened, and his teeth sharpened. Lastly, a barbed hook grew out of the end of his tail, which thrashed wildly, and large spines, made of thick, dark scales, shot out his back. His horns erupted from his temples, and swept back to his neck before jutting out in front of his mouth. The transformation was complete. Ryan was ready to fight.

Terra gulped, well aware of the results of the fight that was about to become reality, so taking a step forwards again he pushed aside Canaan’s arm. “I can fight my own fights Canaan and although this one may be one of them it isn’t worth our time, especially mine. Think about it for a second, why in the world should we fight amongst the very people who took us in? This isn’t how we repay our hospitality even if you had no other choice.” He put his hand on Canaans shoulder and squeezed it; with his strength it sent pain into her body which helped snap Canaan out of her near rage. “Besides you wouldn’t have won anyway, not against those armor-like scales.” Canaan shuddered, hearing the cold truth escape from Terra’s lips and in an instant her body relaxed. The tiger stripes lost their color and faded so they were near impossible to see against her already pale skin. Looking back at Terra, she rubbed her shoulder, rolled it around, and frowned, “You didn’t have to hold me that tightly you know.” Terra glanced at her but only for a moment, a look of apology flashed across his face before it once again went back to a calmer state as his attention was fixed on the black creature before him. “I’m Terra by the way, Terra Reye’s. This temperamental feline here is my sister, Canaan.” He continued to speak. “Now I don’t know what happen while I was asleep but from what my sister tells me, you guys offered us a better place and possibly a future, one that wouldn’t have been possible with the Morlocks. I thank you for the offer but we have no intention of staying her for long but I am curious as to what it is you guys had planned for us.” Terra cleared his throat not really used to talking so much, it was starting to make him anxious to get out of the room. Not to say he was shy or anything, he was just so used to letting Canaan do all the talking. But seeing as she nearly went into her rage-mode it wouldn’t have been wise to have let her negotiate with them.

Though the boy, Terra was his name, didn't appear to wish to fight, Ryan's instincts told him differently. There was no open hostility about him, he was actually very calm, and was negotiating wisely. Regardless, something within urged Ryan forward. Ryan had to suppress another growl as Terra introduced himself to the group. Ryan watched the new boy closely thinking only of fighting. Should he and his sister prove a threat, Ryan would be at their throats. Wait... their throats? What am I, some kind of animal? Some kind of... "Monster..." Ryan whispered to himself, finishing the train of thought out loud, but trailing off. A monster... Am I... what's wrong with me? Ryan had never thought like this before, had he? He had never wanted to viciously kill someone before, had he? Then, with a sickening lurch in his stomach, Ryan remembered. His hands flew up to his face, covering his eyes. He stumbled, and hunched over, fighting wildly with the anger within himself. His transformed state fluctuated. His scales became thicker in some spots, but much thinner in others. His spines grew and shrunk randomly, and his eyes fluctuated between green and gold with alarming rapidity. Ryan felt the Leviathan’s presence in his mind, and suddenly, with a surge of adrenaline, Ryan remembered. Against his will, Ryan saw red, and his memories opened up and swallowed him.

Ryan remembered that time with David; it had only just been last night. Ryan had wanted to rip him to pieces... Ryan had wanted to... eat... the pieces. That was different; it was because I was jealous of him and Memory. It's totally different to want to kill someone who's going after the girl you like, isn't it? Isn't it? Ryan thought, desperately trying to rationalize his wicked thoughts. His eyes stared blankly through his fingers, as the Leviathan crooned in his ear. With a jolt, Ryan’s transformation stabilized, and his scales filled in. With horror rotting away at his gut, Ryan remembered what he had done as the Leviathan. He remembered hurting his friends. That girl, with the tiger stripes, Ryan had fought with her as well. He’d nearly killed her. He had wanted to
 to devour the black haired boy, he wanted to rip his enemies to pieces and feast on their soft flesh. He remembered how he had fought with the Juggernaut, how his feral mind had pushed him past the point of humanity, and into the realm of true, bestial strength. He had been
 he had been a monster. Ryan growled, and he shook his head, as if to shake the thoughts from his mind. He needed to speak with Vincent about this. This was
 this was

Standing up straight, Ryan halted the reckless transformation, and reversed his form back into the pale skinned boy he knew he was. He knew he was. His roiling emotions were getting the better of him. He shouldn't be thinking this way. It wasn't right. It wasn't what the Professor, or Vincent would have wanted. Ryan needed to think calmly and compassionately. His scales withered away, his teeth and claws retracted, his tail snaked its way back into his pants, and his golden, slitted eyes, returned to their normal, human green. Stepping forward, somewhat awkwardly, and offering his hand to shake, Ryan spoke. “Well, since you’re not here to fight, in that case, let me be the first to say, welcome to the X-Mansion. I'm Ryan. I’m sorry I yelled at you. It wasn’t very nice of me." Though Ryan smiled, his mind was working furiously. He needed to get out of here. He needed to speak with the professor. This wasn’t the first time he’d been like this. It needed adjusting. He needed help.

Terra watched patiently as the black creature seemed to fight with himself on his next course of action, seeing as his opponent didn’t want to fight him. The black beast transformation was interesting. Watching him, Canaan couldn’t help but feel a bit of jealousy towards him. On the other hand Terra merely watched with cold eyes, ever since he entered that room, even when the black beast started to threaten him. Not once did Terra break character and lose his composure, instead he kept a passive face, unlike his sister. Seeing Ryan’s offered hand, Terra took a few steps forwards to reach it and take it into his own hand. Continuing forward, Terra stepped a bit closer and put his other arm around Ryan’s shoulders in a brotherly hug, “Next time I won’t be so peaceful. I only stopped the fight because I knew Canaan wouldn’t stand a chance against you. Besides if it were me, I’m betting you won’t get off so easy like last time.” His voice was quiet so only Ryan would hear, and know that Terra had meant every word of it. Ryan suppressed another growl. “There won’t be a next time.” He whispered back. “This is my home Terra. My home. I grew up here. I belong here. I have nowhere else to go back to. I don’t care what you do here. If you’ve been invited then it’s not my place to tell you to leave. However, you remember this. If I get even the slightest inkling that you’re planning to hurt my family, my precious friends, I’ll rip you to pieces.” Breaking apart, Ryan maintained fierce eye contact with Terra, neither boy willing to admit defeat to the other.

After a few seconds, Ryan realized that his transformation had ripped his clothing to shreds. Suddenly remembering where he was, with everyone looking at him, Ryan became rather shy. He was practically naked. “Well then, if that’s settled, I’ll be taking my leave. Please, help yourself to something to eat. This is your home now too.” Ryan said coolly, trying not to cry from embarrassment. Turning on his heel, he sent Memory a fumbling, apologetic glance. Hopefully she would get the message that he wanted her to stay. Ryan wanted her to talk with him, to calm him down, and make him feel better, but he knew that he couldn’t rely on her for everything. Ryan then headed for the door, intent on getting back to his room to put on some clothes that didn’t make him look like he’d just been sent through a wood chipper.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Terra Reyes Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer)
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Memory gave a slight shake of her head politely to Cara's question on a coffee refill before taking another swig of her morning wake up juice. As Ryan stumbled through his sentence and left to get his juice, she smiled. He was cute, no, adorable like a little boy. In a moment of realisation at what she had just thought she frowned slightly and shook her head.
'Well, I won’t be saying that to him. I can see how he could take that the wrong way.' She finished her coffee and placed the cup down as Ryan returned and slipped his hand onto her waist again. She liked it. It was reassuring. Sweet. It made the entire morning seem brighter. Like there was a new glow to the world. But then it all went to crap as two people walked in, a man and a woman. She immediately recognised them as the siblings from the Morlocks. As her gaze focussed in on Canaan her face twisted into a mixture of annoyance and mild disgust. If there was someone she wasn't wanting to see, it was that bitch.

Jonathan rolled his eyes playfully at Kyle's words and crossed his arms over his chest, one eyebrow raised slightly as the Frenchman told of his drinking habits and daily activities. He chuckled slightly at the airhead comment and looked to the ceiling trying to think of what he had planned for the day. The fact that they were being hunted and couldn't go out into the streets, it significantly lowered their options.
"Well... I suppose we could-" A loud growl made him turn quickly to its source and a sick feeling hit his stomach. Ryan began to shift slightly into his Leviathan state and stepped in front of Cara and memory. Jonathan's hazel followed Ryan's to the pair that had just walked in. He had heard about them, but had yet to the see the siblings.

“What're you doing here? You wanna fight again?”

Jonathan took a sharp breath in at the mention of fighting. While he preferred to settle things a little more diplomatically, except when it came to David, Jonathan could understand why Ryan would want to fight. But he refused to have Ryan fighting now, not while his sister was in a position that she could potentially be hurt.
"I'll just... I'll be a sec," Jonathan said to Kyle, his eyes now on Memory, as he walked forwards quickly, but cautiously. Not far from her though, he stopped. He slipped off his glove and let it drop to the ground. They both watched Ryan and the feline growing more and more ferocious until Ryan furthered his transformation. Without another thought, Jonathan sprang into action and moved behind Ryan to his sister, grabbing her hand and pulling her back behind him. At first she was ready to protest, but seeing Ryan now in full Leviathan form she thought better of it.

Memory's mind was racing. She was starting to freak out. How could such a perfect morning have turned around in two second? How could everything good been turned upside down and into... this? A strange satisfaction, and almost pride, washed over her as she saw the fear on the man's face when Ryan let his true power show. There was something about him that she didn't like, though it was likely more to do with his sister. Jonathan was matching her thoughts, but for a different reason. He didn't trust this Terra. The way he was smooth talking his way out the situation... there was just something off about him.

Before they could continue to think on their distrust of the pair, a word slipped from Ryan's lips that made both Jonathan's and Memory's blood run cold. As he said "Monster...", they looked to each other with wide eyes, half in worry and half in fear. They had been trying to show him that he wasn't a monster, that he was just as normal as everyone else, that there was nothing wrong with him, but this had just erased everything they had been working on. Jonathan stepped back and pushed Memory behind him further when Ryan reached up to his face and his scales and body began to grow and contract randomly. A sudden fear, greater than she should have been feeling, pulsed through her body. Her fears were corrupting, distorting into something worse. She looked down to her hand, still held tight by Jonathan as he kept her back, then snatched it back as she realised where this feeling was coming from. He looked back at her for a second in confusion, but returned his eyes to Ryan when it seemed he had begun to calm down. She followed suit.

“Well, since you’re not here to fight, in that case, let me be the first to say, welcome to the X-Mansion. I'm Ryan. I’m sorry I yelled at you. It wasn’t very nice of me."

As Ryan offered his hand, Terra came forward into what seemed like a brotherly hug. Jonathan narrowed his eyes as he watched them. Something wasn't right. He just couldn't trust them after this, couldn't see why they would just retract their claws and go straight into something so... personal? Intimate? Separating, Ryan looked down at his shredded clothes and tried to act as if he were unaffected by the fact he was practically naked.
“Well then, if that’s settled, I’ll be taking my leave. Please, help yourself to something to eat. This is your home now too.” He made to leave quickly, and Memory started to go after him, but Jonathan grabbed her wrist gently and stopped her.
"Leave him be," he said quietly to her, "give him some time to calm down." She opened her mouth to protest, but then closed it again. As much as it pained her to admit, he was usually right about these kinds of things. He gave an understanding smile, and then moved away from her.

His eyes lingered on Terra for a moment, a look of distrust barely concealed, before he smoothed out his expression so that he seemed unaffected, maybe just concerned. He walked back over to Kyle and leaned back against the wall. He leaned in a little closer to Kyle.
"I don't trust him," he said quietly. He shook his head and stepped back, turning to Kyle with an apologetic smile. "Sorry 'bout that." He cleared his throat and gave another quick unsure glance to the pair, before finishing the conversation they were previously having.
"How does a walk sound?" He asked with a smile. "I need some fresh air."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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Niles Cranston

The young man seemed to scowl when Niles bumped into him but only momentarily. Right behind Niles and Keith, two cops had pointed at Keith and he quickly grabbed the Niless arm. "Listen. Don't say a word okay?" Keith ordered not explaining much.

"Sir we're going to need you to come with us." One of the officers said.

"Why? I didn't do anything." The young man replied.

"Article 10: Disturbing the peace. Passage 12: Destruction of owned property. Article 9: Thievery." The officer retorted.

"Awe come on, I'm only a kid. Plus I gave the man money so all should be fine." said the seemingly crafty young man.

Niles stood puzzled by the happening. He remained silent as he took in what was going on. It seemed that this young man was in a spot of trouble and needed a helping hand in getting out of it. Niles was deciding what he was going to do. He had his own troubles to deal with but he couldn’t help but rack his brain with how to help the young man out.

"You must learn that there are consequences for your actions. . . Hey." The officer said turning to Keiths new "friend". "Aren't you that guy... George. What's that guys name. The one that sells the jewelry and stuff."

Niles looked a surprised in a somewhat lofty manner as the officer recognized him. Answering casually, “Ah, yes. I’m Niles Cranston.” He replied.

The other officer known as George apparently looked up and laughed. "Oh yeah. Niles Cranston. You know, I bought my wife something from your make and well, let's just say, we had a good night."

Niles replied pleasantly, “Is that so? I’m glad she found my work satisfactory. And that it was worth the purchase for you sir as well.”

"Did she cook you meat or something?" Asked Keith in an innocent manner.

"What?" the officer inquired.

"Well, when you do something nice for a woman, she cooks you meat right?" Keith continued.

Niles stared curiously at the young man. ’How peculiar he is.’ Niles thought to himself.

Staring at each other the two officers whispered while doing various head movements. "How do you two know each other again?"

"Uh.... Um... He's my....Brother? Yeah. He's my big bro. You know like we have the same mom.... and dad." The young man replied quickly.

Niles’ expression was unchanging as if the statement were true. He decided to play along. “Sorry officers, my little brother has always been a bit awkward and prone to misbehave when nervous.” Niles added.

"Okay kid." George said patting Keith on the head. Turning to Niles he winked and said, "Seeing as your brother is both innocent and a little bit of an airhead, we can let him go for this little misdemeanor, but please, give this kid the talk or something."

“Yes, sir. I promise officer, you won’t have any more trouble out of him.” Niles replied with a relieved expression and then looked down at Keith with the scowl an elder brother would give.

As the officers left, Keith let go of Niles arm. "Man those guys are dumb. Do we look related. Hehehe. I wonder what he meant by the talk though. Anyway," He said holding out his hand, "I'm Keith. Nice to meet you. Niles was it? Seems I'm in your debt or something like that so I'm going to follow you around seeing as you might need help with something. That sound cool. I can do anything you want. Listen since you kept quiet like I asked I'll tell you a little secret." Keith looked around. "I'm a mutant. So yeah. I'm pretty much a bad ass. Don't tell no one though. Awe heck. I don't care if you tell. Seriously though, anything you want, I'll do it for you. A rich looking man like yourself might want something. Not saying you have to pay. This one favor's on the house." Keith grinned. "Only one though."

“Nice to meet you Keith. You’re quite a strange one, I must say.” He shook Keith’s hand. “As for doing me a favor
 well I’m not sure what to ask of you. Regarding my fortune
 well, I’m not sure how long that’s gonna last now.” Niles let out a heavy sigh, the pressure of his predicament once again weighing upon him. “By the way, your secret is safe with me Keith as it is the same as the secret I’m keeping, or at least was keeping up until moments before I bumped into you.” Niles then sat on a nearby park bench. “I’ve just been blackmailed and set up by a rival in business. He gave my name to the HMR and they will most likely lock me away. No one will want to do business with a mutant, he said. He might be right. I’m finished, so Keith I don’t think it would be good for you to get involved with me.”

Niles sat and rubbed his brow. “If only someone would put an end to the HMR. Then no one would have to fear being hunted down by them. Maybe sending them a message via force will be enough. My mentor Emma Frost, said that I should fight for the freedom of mutants. I might get caught but I’d rather get caught fighting for mutant kind then running away. I’m already in the spotlight of the HMR so I can risk getting caught but you’re under the radar for now, and I’d rather you stay that way. So I can’t ask you to help me with my plan.” Niles was concerned for Keith. In the short time he’d known the young man, he’d developed a fondness for him. Niles felt like he was safeguarding his own estranged little brother.

The Kitchen

Vincent grew quite concerned with Ryan’s sudden furry. It was a rare sight for anyone to see Ryan in such rage. He was almost terrifying, ready to rip anything that moved the wrong way to shreds by the looks of him. “Whoa whoa
 Ryan buddy it’s alright! Please calm down.” He said.

Fuyumi had begun to approach Ryan and Jean stepped forward but Logan motioned for them not to get too close. Logan understood the kind of rage Ryan was exhibiting, he and Sabertooth often met with such standoffs. It was purely a miracle that the two hadn’t tried harder to kill one another while in the mansion for so long. The two simply kept a mutual distance from one another and that seemed to help a bit. “Look there will be no fighting you got it?” Logan said after Ryan challenged Terra.

Scott stood from his chair ready to break up a possible fight. Things seemed to calm down before he could say anything. Hideki, for the first time, was actually afraid of Ryan. He had never thought Ryan could become so fierce and angry. When Ryan calmed down, and reverted back to his human appearance, his clothes were tattered all over. Hideki called after Ryan as he left the room, but Cain placed a hand on his shoulder, “Let him be for now Hideki. He’ll come back around when he’s ready to. He probably wants a little space for the moment.” Cain said to Hideki.

Jonathan walked back over to Kyle and leaned back against the wall. He leaned in a little closer to Kyle. "I don't trust him," he said quietly.
Kyle took a moment to evaluate Terra for himself. “Yes. I too am a bit, what is the word? Ah, apprehensive. I agree.”
He shook his head and stepped back, turning to Kyle with an apologetic smile. "Sorry 'bout that." He cleared his throat and gave another quick unsure glance to the pair, before finishing the conversation they were previously having.
"How does a walk sound?" He asked with a smile. "I need some fresh air."

“It sounds great to me. A little fresh air will do me good too. Too much too fast. I’m embarrassed to admit it.” Kyle chuckled.

Ororo Munroe

Storm had arrived in the LaGuardia airport that morning from her trip to visit a few friends of the X-men. She caught a cab to the X-mansion eager to surprise Charles, Erik and the others. She unlocked the front door and was greeted with the familiar sights and sounds of students. She could hear the commotion in the kitchen, so she placed her bags down and walked toward the kitchen with a curious tilt of her head. She smiled the whole way there. She quietly entered the doorway to the kitchen as Kyle and Jonathan were just reaching the doorway to head out.

“Ah, Hi there Kyle, or should I say Marvel Boy?” Ororo said pleasantly with a smile.

“STORM!!” Kyle exclaimed. “That was a really long Holiday you took.” Kyle added.

“Yes, a much needed one. Northstar sends his love Kyle.” Storm replied casually. “Jonathan, have you grown taller now?” Storm asked as she had as she embraced him, being sure not to touch his exposed skin.

“Oh! You went to see Jean-Paul?! No wonder you didn’t want to leave. I wouldn’t have either.” Kyle replied with a smirk. Kyle had the biggest crush on Northstar. It was Northstar who was responsible for Kyle’s referral to the Xavier Institute.

“I didn’t say I didn’t want to come home. I could never stay away from here. Besides Jean-Paul isn’t the only one I went to see. I also met up with Dazzler and Gambit. Everyone they send their love.” Storm said with a gentle smile.

Hideki was so excited about Storm having met up with Dazzler. She was like another mentor for him, in different ways than Logan was. Like Dazzler, Hideki shared many of the same light based abilities but his were plasmatic in nature rather than only light. Dazzler had taught him a few things on her visit to the mansion some time ago. They also shared common ground as they were both popular singers. Hideki loved the Disco Dazzler.

“Storm noticed Jean among the usual crowd. Jean had left before Storm had took her holiday and she hadn’t expected to see Jean back so soon. She was very glad that Jean looked well. ”Jean! I didn’t expect you back so soon!! I’m so glad, and I’m sure Scott is too.”

Jean rushed over and gave Ororo a big hug. Scott smiled proudly at Storm’s comments. “It’s great to have you back Storm.” Scott said as he as well gave Storm a hug. Storm was like another family member of his. Her not being around was like having a sister not present at home. He was always concerned and waiting for her safe return so that things would be as they should at home.

Logan couldn’t retain his smile, “Ororo it’s about time.” Logan said trying to mask the excitement in his voice.

“I missed you a lot Logan.” Storm replied as she walked over to him and hugged him.

Vincent approached Strom and embraced her. “You always could sneak up on me. My telepathy never works well with you. I tricked myself into believing that I would have been able to sense when you were going to arrive home.”

“I guess I win then.” Strom giggled. “You’ve been treating Philip well I assume?”

“Yes, considering how much of a trouble maker he is.” Vincent replied while looking Philip up and down with a smirk.

 Vince.” Philip replied trying to contain his snickering. “Hi Storm.” He added.

Storm greeted the others warmly and then looked about to see a few unexpected faces, Sabertooth, David North, Agent six, as well as a few new faces. “Well, well, it seems I’ve missed a lot.” She said as she placed her hands on her hips.

 There’s a lot we’ve got to get you caught up on Ororo.” Logan said. An explanation followed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom) Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel)
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The young man looked over his shoulder then to the left and right. Seeing no one in sight he continued on towards his destination. He pulled the collar of his jacket up, he was just about to stuff his hands in his pocket but stopped halfway in doing so. Shaking his head he began to mutter quietly under his breathe. Most of what he said was inaudible but every now and then you'd catch a few words and random strings of sentences like, "They're following me" "Got to get away" "No touching" "Not safe, not safe."

He stared down at the sidewalk he was walking on, not being very careful of bumping into someone. His clothes covered nearly every inch of his body save for his hands. That's where the power was concentrated, Andy walked in a nervous manner, his eyes flitting back and forth, his shoulders hunched and he kept walking back and forth between the door of a building to the end of the street said building was one.

Andy glanced up at the crowd of people passing him by. He caught on the words "Freak" "Is he homeless?" And others similar to that. His right eye twitched and he shook his head before hunching his shoulders again and started to mutter under his breathe. In his rising paranoia, Andy wrapped one arm around his stomach his hand balled up into a fist while the other was pulling his lower lip. Still walking back and forth a new sentence was added to his mutterings, "I didn't mean too" "Leave me alone" "Alone, lonely be alone."

Suddenly Andy stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder. A man in a suit with a fedora was heading in his direction. He wore dark sunglasses and immediately bells began to ring in his head. But Andy stood stock still his hand lowered and a look of awe passed his face, then his head twitched to the left. And just like that it was over, he spun on his heel the mutterings got louder and his arms were at his sides as he took wide steps to get away from the man in the suit. Andy kept looking over his shoulder to see the man and he did which only made him more paranoid. Walking even faster he reached the door but wasn't sure how he would open the door without disintegrating it.

Looking over his shoulder again the man in the suit was even closer then he was before and Andy jumped. In doing so he instinctively grabbed a hold of the door handle and pushed his way inside the building. The whole time his attention on the man in the suit. Andy was oblivious to the yelps of surprise from the people as there was no longer a door to the building only a pile of rubble.

Ace&Agent Six&Emily

Ace nodded at Logan's reply with a smirk on her lips. "That's nothing new, their always at it even if its quietly." Ace scratched her head, not really sure where she'd have to stand in this. Sure she disliked humans, rather she found them to be quite amusing with their little antics to be the alpha of the pack. Not that they're doing any good about.

"Oh really?" A look of amazement crossed Emily's face and then turned to a welcoming smile. Nodding at Cain she continued to smile but it eventually exchanged itself for something of a worried frown as their debate grew more and more heated. But she took no part in it, Emily disliked it when everyone bickered like this. She did he best to lip read but everyone was yelling and talking fast so it was difficult for her. Releasing her first sigh of the day, Emily brought her hands to her brow and shook her head. Looking over at Scott and Jean she sent them an apologetic look before she maneuvered herself around everyone and left the room.

Ace listened on, her eyes flicking back and forth between Cara and the rest of the team. Leaning back against the counter top, one arm under the other that held her coffee mug. The young woman took sips of her coffee with every lull in the debate and couldn't help but look in awe at some of the things they chose to say.

Especially Jonathan, who made a pretty valid point. Not that she was going to be choosing sides or anything, hell far from it really. Ace wanted nothing to do with this debate and she cared very little about. So long as I'm not the one getting tossed about like a toy I'm quite content in watching you guys tear at each others throat.

Of course she did care for some of the students, but that care can only go so far. A slight frown appeared on her lips at Hideki's words, not that she was very close with him, hell she wasn't very close to anybody in the mansion. But she knew Hideki would be greatly missed by the others and Cain's response to their favorite fire cracker made Ace snicker. Okay sure Hippie for the mutants. That really won't work well. All your saying is that mutants should take up arms and show the humans just how powerful they are. Like that'll get us anywhere.

The new girl Jennifer earned a internal applause from Ace. A smile curled the corners of her lips and she raised her coffee mug at her. Bravo, couldn't have said it better. And Cara's response made Ace stiffen as she set her coffee mug down on the counter beside her. Without realizing it, Ace began to rub at her wrists, if one looked close enough they would notice the faint scars from her time with MI7. Rolling her eyes Ace could only smirk at her fellow shadow manipulator, You think you've been tortured, I was raised on the very concept of it.

She wasn't really sure how Cara's comment hit so close to home or even get to that place. I must be getting soft. Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes at Cain's open affection for his Russian lover. "Tonto" she muttered under her breathe in her native language.

Agent Six was having a hard time keeping up with the conversation and just like Ace, she unknowingly thought about own situation. The people of WeaponX raised her on torture as that's what Xavier would call it, the program on the other hand would merely call it, "Raising her abilities to another level through pain." She was disrupted from her thoughts when Hideki asked of her thoughts on the subject to which she replied, "You've never experienced real torture." Her words were directed at Cara but she said them quietly so she knew the older woman wouldn't have heard her.

Ace glanced at the entrance to the kitchen and couldn't help but smile at Ryan and Memory. She knew Ryan better than his new girlfriend so she was more keen on feeling happy for him. "Well this is a big surprise. Finally has the guts to do it eh?" Not that she was meaning anything by it. Of course the cheerful mood was interrupted by a loud popping sound from the window. For once Ace was caught of guard but she didn't jump she merely flinched. Looking around she noticed the protective antics from the other guys and rolled her eyes, "How cute, I'm honored to have been protected by a few cocky bastards. What's next, Victor and Logan giving each other brotherly hugs, Si bien tontos."

She wasn't too keen on the next course of events that started with the appearance of two siblings. Ace could only wish she'd care enough to do something about the two's little probing threats and Ace was cheering on Ryan in the inside. "Well glad that's settled, not that I care really, Dios mios, what next are the HMR actually going to show up on our doorstep with cookies?" Shortly after Ryan left the kitchen someone she hadn't expected to show showed up that person being Ororo. "Even better we got our little storm in a bottle back." She said dryly before nodding a greeting at the woman. Ace wasn't much for hugs or greeting people with smiles.

[OOC:Whoops sorry accidentally tagged a Robert fellow:/]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Jean Grey Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Immediately after exiting the kitchen in a calm, dignified manner, Ryan walked around the corner. He maintained an even, walking gait until he was sure he was out of sight and out of earshot. Once he was sure no one was listening or watching, Ryan took off running. His bare feet padded over the wooden and tiled floors in an increasing rapidity, that wouldn't have been too unusual for Ryan, but the look on his face most certainly was. Ryan had been worried before. He had never been this... terrified. He bolted through the mansion, over the furniture, around his classmates and peers, and into more than a few walls. Ryan's pupils were constricted and beady, his eyes darted about from place to place, as if trying to catch some invisible assailant. His body was bathed in a cold sweat, and he felt as if he might vomit. Halfway to his room, Ryan stopped, slumped against the railing of the stairs that lead to his floor. His stomach pressed against the side, his head hung over the railing, his hands gripping the wood so tightly his fingertips dug into the soft wood. Fingertips... Fingertips? Slowly, Ryan's world stopped spinning. His vision swam, and his skin crawled, but he felt his heartbeat slow. Shaking, and breathing heavily, Ryan held his hand in front of his face. Scales had begun to spring up on his white skin, patches of darkness that tried to rip him away from his own sanity. Claws had also begun to form on his fingertips, explaining the marks he left on the railings. Reaching up, Ryan felt little nubs at his temples, the beginnings of his horns. His ears were similarly pointed, and his teeth were beginning to sharpen. What was this... fear? Ryan was a monster, Ryan was the king of his territory, why was he afraid?

Crying out with fear, Ryan ran to his room, pounding on the door as if to entreat someone to let him in, someone who wasn't there. Then he remembered, just this morning, with Memory, the trick to his door. Ryan jiggled the handle, then slammed his fist on the door, leaving a mark where his scales bit into the wood. The door opened. Slamming it behind him, Ryan threw himself onto his bed, and dove under the covers. "What's wrong with me?" Ryan sobbed. His clawed fingers found a pillow, and Ryan grasped it tightly, pulling it to his chest, and hugging it. In anguish, he cried out. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? What's..." Ryan trailed off, sobbing. Having hidden beneath his covers, and having found a pillow to cry into, Ryan wept bitterly.

He remembered the reactions to his little fight from the kitchen, the looks on his family's faces. Like a sick, plague-inducing mantra they repeated over and over in his mind, bringing on shuddering sobs that racked Ryan's whole body. Vincent had tried to calm him down, but it hadn't done anything. If anything, his brother's words only made him angrier. Calm down? I am calm? Don't you see him? He's a threat. How dare he... Ryan had been furious with Vincent. Then there was Hideki. His face contorted with fear, cringing away from him. Canaan and Jonathan had given him that look too. Why? What was this ache in his heart? It was still him, it was the Ryan they'd known all those years? What was so different now? Ryan hated them. He hated them for being afraid of him, and yet, he was afraid of them as well. He feared their disapproval, their rejection of him. Jean and Fuyumi had moved behind him, trying to detain him, keep him from ripping Terra to pieces. The two women who had raised him were planning on locking him away like some... Ryan didn't want to think about it. Then there was Logan... Logan had been so stern with him, so cross. That was pretty normal for Logan, but the way he'd looked at Ryan, as if he were a rabid beast. It broke Ryan's heart to see his family look upon him with such contempt. The visions played over and over again in his mind, driving him deeper into the darkness of his blankets. He didn't ever want to leave. Here it was safe, warm, and dark. Here, Ryan could melt away into nothing. Just as he felt his eyes close, his tears stop, and his mind begin to drift into sleep...

Ryan's breathing stopped, he sat bolt upright, throwing the covers off of him and scanning the room. Something had spoken to him. The voice in his head; the one from earlier. In the kitchen it had been crooning in his ear. It had growled.

"You..." Ryan whispered. The growling continued. "What do you want from me?" Ryan asked, fear in his voice. "Who are you?"

The growling quieted, and harsh tones filled his ears. "Leviathan... smell... prey..." The voice said, it hissed and growled, it's vocal range was indeterminant, it could have been male of female, it could have been any number of combinations of animals that existed on this planet, but one thing was certain. It was power, plain and simple. As Ryan felt the touch of another entity come into his mind, he shuddered, it wasn't like Memory's of Professor X's. It was cold and cruel, as if it sucked all light and happiness into itself and feasted on them. Ryan was afraid of it. It terrified him.

"Prey..." Ryan breathed. The Leviathan... he was the one who fought Terra, the one who nearly killed Canaan, the one who, for a moment, fought evenly with The Juggernaut's physical strength. Ryan felt his heart skip a beat. "I am not prey." Ryan asserted, growling lightly. Though he sounded brave, the voice knew better, it laughed. A deep rumbling filled his ears. Ryan scowled.

"You... prey." The voice said, assuring him. "Only prey... fears... You prey..." Ryan felt another twinge of fear race through his body. It was right. Ryan felt his transformation deepen. Strength flooded into his body. His hearing and smell sharpened, and scales covered his body. Though he was nearly gone, his eyes remained green.

"No." Ryan said, gaining a little confidence. "All things fear. Fear is what ensures survival. Even you fear."

"Yes..." The voice admitted, it paused for a moment, as if studying Ryan, whose mind held firmly, pushing back the Leviathan's transformative grasp. Slowly, Ryan's transformation halted, and reversed. Though scale still covered his body, Ryan's claws shortened, and his tail slunk away. His ears and teeth became less pointed, and his eyes remained green. "However..." The Leviathan continued. "Not all fear... good... You... You fear... everything..."

Ryan gasped, he couldn't help it. The thing was right. Ryan had lived his life like a door mouse, shunning everything that might hurt him. It had only recently become different due to his ability to change the transformation, but had Ryan really become better? "You're right..." Ryan admitted, and he felt his transformation begin to hasten itself upon him. Just as it was about to reach his eyes, it stopped. Ryan growled, forcing the scales back with sheer willpower. "I'm still the king." Ryan asserted. He growled, causing the Leviathan's scale to retreat. "This is my body, not yours. I am the one who controls it. Not you. You are my power. You are mine, not the other way around. I call on you to protect people, not kill them. I call on you to defend what is good and bright, not send it spiraling into darkness. You are my power. Now get out of here." Slowly at first, the scales began to recede, but just before they faded away entirely, Ryan heard the voice whisper once more in his ear. "You are... my alpha... Beware... any... weakness... will be punished..." Ryan only growled, keeping his thoughts clear until he felt the cold presence of the Leviathan slither away.

Once he was sure it was gone, Ryan jumped out of bed, dropping his pillow in the process. He had accidentally shredded the damn thing. Stupid claws... Sighing, Ryan plucked the feathers off of his body and ripped his shredded clothes off of himself. He threw on some new ones. Ryan donned a pair jeans, a graphic t-shirt, and new converse sneakers. Once he was dressed, Ryan left his room, shutting the door behind him, heading back down to the kitchen. Though he appeared fine, Ryan's hands were shaking and his slitted pupils were constricted, showing nearly all of his golden pupils. His body was caked in a cold sweat, and he felt as if he might be sick. In his fevered mind, there was only one plan of action. He was too flustered to think of something rational. He didn't even know where to begin with this kind of issue. In order to calm himself down, there was only one thing Ryan could do. He needed to see Memory. After their little debacle on the staircase, she was the only one who could understand him without waking up... whatever it was that was in his head. She would know what to do. Ryan needed to see his girlfriend, and for that, he needed to go back down to the kitchen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Terra Reyes Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Cara Black (Shadowdancer) Character Portrait: Canaan Reyes
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Cara Black

“I think that refraining from that would be best, if you please. I’ve
 I’ve recently learned I’m the
 the jealous type, and though I’m sure such minor flirtations would be a joke to you, I would really appreciate if you didn’t tease me like that. I tend to take things like that rather

“You worry too much Ryan.” Cara smiled kindly in response before starting on the task of preparing a coffee. Almost as soon as she returned sipping haphazardly on the boiling drink Ryan’s form had violently shifted the thick scales holding her and Memory back almost causing the scolding water down them both but quickly Cara’s own instincts kicked in and she was following Ryan’s wonderfully mutated gaze to the ‘threat’.

People often came in and out of the mansion so Cara found it difficult to keep up with the new comers but with Ryan in such an uncharacteristic stand, she thought it was probably best to follow his example on this matter. These people were obviously causing him some kind of grief.

She tried desperately to keep up with the spiralling conversation, there was obviously some piece she was missing, when did this all happen? As the boy, Terra spoke Ryan seemed to calm fractionally but the whisper of “Monster.” sent a shiver down her spine. ‘Poor boy’s given himself a complex.’ She thought sadly to herself, making a mental note to try to talk to him some time. Her thoughts were interrupted as Ryan changed back, surprising everyone as he extended his hand to the boy whom before he seemed almost ready to tear limb from limb. ‘I really need bringing up to speed.’ She thought confusedly.

As the boys hugged Cara was greeted with a very open view of Ryan’s pale form, there was very little left of his clothes, his sharp scales having torn straight through them. ‘Oh dear.’ She thought as he ran for the door. Shaking her head sadly she took another sip of her coffee, her own expression in stark contrast to many of the room’s occupants.

Cara nodded as Jonathan stopped Memory, not that they asked for her agreement it just felt like the right thing to do. “He’ll come and find you when he’s ready.” She added giving Memory’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Are you ok?” she asked her, having already made a pretty good guess at what the answer was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Kyle Jean- Claude (Marvel) Character Portrait: Ororo Munroe (Storm) Character Portrait: Vincent Xavier (Psionic) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft
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Erika White listened to the tapping of the keyboard before her, the man's hands moving slower than she would have liked. However, to avoid attracting attention she let him continue at his painfully slow speed. After all, she had already convinced him to start erasing files about herself and her children, she didn't want to control him too much. And it had already taken a couple of tries before she had managed to get the wording right. People only did what she asked if it was something they would normally do anyway, so the wording behind exactly what they are to do is the key. For this she had asked him to delete a certain file that was no longer in use, and he had. When he finally turned back to her, finished, she smiled. He returned it, then spoke quietly to her.
"You're very beautiful," he said, his face seeming like he was in a daze. Smiling again, though this time forced, Erika cleared her throat.

"That's sweet," she replied, upset that he probably only really said that because of her powers, then continued." "How about, just for me, you go to your employer's office and see if he has any of that file you deleted stored?" She asked, her powers kicking in. When she spoke with her ability, her voice became distorted and strange, but soothing, like a warm, reassuring hug from your mother. "You wouldn't want him to get angry that you didn't do your job fully, now would you?" His eyes grew wide and he nodded quickly, almost running into the office. Erika sighed and shook her head, but had a slight smile.
'I'm getting better.'

Several minutes later he finally came out of the room with a triumphant grin on his face, and a small disc in his hand. He handed it to her and she took it happily.
"That's the last file there is. I thought you might like it," he said, like a little child trying to make his crush like him. Once again she smiled and opened her mouth to speak when a loud crash was heard to the side. She turned quickly to it. Her jaw dropped and she stepped back slightly in panic. The plants that had previously been pathetic and in need of a good watering were now through the wall of the building, still growing. Soon more and more began to grow rapidly and spread about the place. The entire building was literally shaking with the activity as plants started breaking through.

She looked quickly to her controlled companion, then rolled her eyes amid the destruction. He was on the ground crying in fear. Steeling herself, she turned back to the room where the plants had broken through as a man emerged. She took a deep breath and moved into more stable footing. She had beat the crap out of the first man who had tried to have his way with her, had two kids and survived the death of the man she loved. This would not break her.

“Shoot to kill!”

Erika's blue eyes shifted to the source of the voice, then back to the man as he got closer. She balled her hand into a fist, ready to fight if needed. From the almost casual way he was walking she knew he was the mutant doing this. Then there was the men with guns who were coming too.
“Hey, if your power is what I think it is
 Help me out please. We could both be shot. Look if you can get us surrounded by a bunch of human shields, they won’t easily shoot us. Please
 you help me, I’ll help you okay?” She got some sick satisfaction from his anxiety and fear. This had been her one chance to destroy anything concerning her children. Now everyone would know that Erika White was a mutant, and her kids were too. The seemingly impenetrable reputation she had created to protect her children from ridicule and hatred was shattered. Her face twisted into anger, but then smoothed just as quick. Unfortunately, he was right. She needed his help too.

A gun firing was all the push she needed. Erika drew in breath and let her power lace her voice with poison, the words corrupting the minds of those around her into doing her bidding.
"Please," she called looking to the side, her voice distorting into something sinister, but soothing, "won't anyone help us? Won't you save us?" Four terrified people around her suddenly stiffened and lifted their head to the ceiling as if given an electric shock, then ran forwards in front of the two of them shouting to the guards to not hurt those "innocent people".

Just as a gun was fired, an overweight and balding man in a suit ran in front of Erika, then dropped. Blood seeped from the bullet hole in his chest. She looked down at his body, hands shaking. This was the first time her power had ever been used to kill someone. She pulled her eyes away reluctantly to the office workers making a wall between the two mutants and the guards aiming their way. Determined to live through this and see her children again, she called again, but only one more person came over. She just didn't have a strong enough ability to protect them. She could only manipulate those that would help others in a crisis. She couldn't affect the unwilling, which was apparently a lot of the people who were supposed to be protecting New York.

"Have any kind of plan?" She asked the man over the calling of the people she had manipulated. "This was your fault after all," she finished with obvious venom. Her only chance to ensure her children's safety and he had shattered it like glass.
'Well I'm not that fragile. I swear I'll end you after all this.'

Just as Kyle was agreeing, a familiar face came through the door of the kitchen. A wide grin spread on Jonathan's face as Storm was greeted by everyone. She turned to Kyle with a smile and a conversation started.
“Yes, a much needed one. Northstar sends his love Kyle.” Storm said casually, and a jealous pang hit him. After, she turned her eyes to him. “Jonathan, have you grown taller now?” He rolled his eyes playfully and accepted her embrace, though her avoidance of his skin reminded him of how he could never get too close to people and a sadness washed through his mind. It didn't last long however, specially seeing as Ororo was home. He had always had a certain respect and admiration towards her since arriving at the mansion.

The greetings continued. All the while Jonathan kept his eyes on Memory who wouldn't stop looking to the kitchen entrance every few minutes. Suddenly, a shiver went down his back. His stomach twisted unnaturally and the sense of fear reached him. He straightened and opened his mind to the others around him, looking around with a worried and confused frown. Memory was afraid, but not enough to make this kind of effect. Just when he'd concluded it was not anyone in the kitchen, or nearby, it hit again, this time stronger. He stepped back and out of the obvious view of anyone as it grew in intensity. Every second it increased until it literally hurt his mind. A pain flashed through it, weak at first, but then again. And again, and again, and again. The pain grew and strengthened into a continuous pain in his mind. The fear someone was feeling... it could only end up being Ryan. He was the only one who had reason to be this terrified. Jonathan placed a hand against his forehead, as if that would help.

Another strong spike of pain brought his other hand against the forehead, his face contorting in pain. He pulled one hand down slightly, then moved it away from his face at the feeling of something wet. On the bottom of his palm was a smear of crimson blood. He swallowed nervously, looking up slightly to see if anyone had noticed. Believing he was undetected, he slipped past everyone during the excitement with Storm and out of the door into the hallway outside the kitchen. His back fell against the wall as he resisted yelling out from the pain. He sometimes had mild feelings in his mind with naturally heightened fear, but never this bad. Flashes of thoughts and images coursed through his mind, but the pain prevented him from focussing on them.

He continued to hold his head, holding back the cry of pain he could feel building up within him until it slowly began to subside. Giving a quick glance up towards Ryan's room with worry and fear himself, he tried wiping away the blood with his sleeve. But it was more than he had expected. His nosebleed was worse than he had thought. Jonathan took shaky steps towards the nearest bathroom and washed away the mess quickly, then returned to the kitchen as quickly as he could manage. He'd have to figure out what in the hell had happened for Ryan to have felt that much fear. Shaking it off, Jonathan shifted his sleeve slightly to hide the blood he had tried to clean away and entered into the kitchen as if he had just left for the bathroom. For a moment he had thought that everything had gone swingingly, until he saw Memory looking over at him with wide eyes.

Memory had simply answered Cara with a sarcastic "peachy" before shaking off her hand and walking away, nervously rubbing her hands together and moving her eyes to the kitchen entrance every two minutes. She was worried about Ryan, more than she realised should be. Much more. She hadn't been thinking of anything other than him until she saw Jonathan grimacing in pain and clutching his head. That in itself was worrying, but it wasn't until a lien of blood extended from his nostril that she got afraid. He left into the hallway. when he returned, he had been cleaned up so no one would know, but when he looked over to her she knew he would be kicking himself. Not only had he been seen, but by his sister of all people.

Before she could confront him on it, Ryan walked in. She looked up to him, then instantly away. Glancing back to Jonathan, she saw him watching Ryan intently, but not because he was any kind of threat. Jonathan looked worried about Ryan in a different way. She had no clue what it was he was worrying about, but she was thankful nonetheless that he didn't see Ryan as a threat. That wouldn't end well for either.

All through his greeting with Storm and the following conversation Memory could feel his eyes on her. She wanted to look up, more than anything, but she couldn't find the courage. She had been afraid when he was readying to fight Terra, and Ryan knew it. Everyone was terrified. He had been trying to protect them, and everyone withdrew. How could she face him after that? Finally finding the courage however, she brought her eyes up to meet his, golden and ringed in red from crying. She held them for a moment, then had to look away. Normally she loved his golden eyes, but now they were unsettling, disturbing. He left with Vincent and Memory closed her eyes, withdrawing into her mind.

The network of doors and corridors resembling the mansion spanned before her. So many thoughts and fears and memories were loose corrupting her mind with fear and doubt, when she knew there was no need for either with Ryan. She loved him, she trusted him. Memory knew Ryan would willingly kill himself before harming her. Reassured in this, she raised a hand and extended her will. The doors on both side closed simultaneously with a resounding slam. Instantly, she felt better, calmer. As she should. Twisting her wrist, she looked the doors then returned to the real world.

When Ryan finally entered a confidence Memory had not expected, her heart leapt. Her fears and doubts had been battering against the doors in her mind to break free. Only Ryan could keep them away permanently. He reached her and wrapped his arms around her, burying his head into her shoulder, before she could react. Returning the tight embrace, she stood with him holding back tears of... too many emotions to pick just one from the melting pot.
"I'm sorry." he whispered into her ear, sending a warm tickling sensation down her spine. "I shouldn't have freaked out like that. I lost my cool and could have involved you in a potentially dangerous fight. I would never forgive myself if I hurt you; you who I want to protect the most. I'm sorry, it won't happen again. Next time, I'll be even stronger." Memory tightened her hold on Ryan as his body began to shake. Despite her best efforts no words would escape her lips. It wasn't until his body had stopped its shaking that she found her voice again.
"You don't have to be stronger, Ryan," Memory whispered into his ear. "And I should be apologising. I know you would never hurt me and yet I was scared of what was happening. I'm the one who needs to be be stronger."

Ryan finally released her after almost a full minute and put his forehead to hers. A moment later, he pressed his nose to hers and stepped back.
"Thanks, M. I needed that." He smiled, and she couldn't help returning it. He took his hand in hers, and she let herself lean into him. This was the only place she wanted to be right now. There had been enough excitement for the morning. She just wanted to stay with Ryan all day and never let him go, no matter what.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Logan (Wolverine) Character Portrait: Jonathan Moore Character Portrait: Philip Klein (Boom-Boom)
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Vincent Xavier, Philip Klein

Vincent stood awaiting Ryan’s answer however before Ryan replied his mind spoke leagues before his mouth did. Vincent had not intended to read Ryan’s mind but it was as if Ryan’s extreme emotions yelled to be heard without Ryan’s approval or knowledge.

Instead of feeling relieved, Ryan stiffened. Vincent hadn't sounded caring to Ryan, he had sounded condescending and uninterested. Ryan felt such anger with Vincent. His turbulent thoughts raced back to the situation in the kitchen. Where was this concern when Terra and Canaan walked through the door?! Ryan thought furiously. His mind was screaming at him and at Vincent. Ryan felt so betrayed. Vincent didn't want to be on Ryan's side when everyone else was around, but now, now that it was convenient, after someone else had probably pestered him, now Vincent was reaching out to him? Ryan felt disgusted, not only with Vincent, but with himself. Vincent was his brother. Vincent loved him. He had since he'd met Ryan nearly eleven years ago when Ryan had first moved into the Mansion when Ryan was six years old. The two had grown up together. Why would Ryan ever feel like he couldn't trust Vincent? What was some piddly little argument between brothers such as they? Why couldn't Ryan forgive him? It's not like it really mattered to Vincent anyway. The last time Ryan had brought these worries to him, Vincent had shrugged them off. The last time they spoke privately, though the larger concern was Ryan's ability to transform, they'd gotten completely sidetracked by the idea of Ryan possessing a human form. Though Ryan was grateful for that, it hadn't been what he'd wanted to discuss in the first place. Even more frustrating, they had been interrupted by Ace's Shadows before Ryan had a chance to talk to Vincent about his more pressing concerns, namely, the Leviathan.

Vincent was suddenly hit with a rush of emotions coming from Ryan. He felt a sudden pang in his heart. ‘Whoa
 what’s all of this rage and anger?’ Vincent thought to himself. However, before Vincent could address the sudden rush of emotion that shot through him like a bullet through the heart, Ryan would soon give his reply.

Ryan sighed, looking up into his brother's eyes, his golden pupils glinting in the low light. Did Vincent even want to know? If so, why should Ryan tell him? "I'm fine Vince." Ryan lied effortlessly, a toothy grin on his face. "I was just a bit... surprised. I mean, come on, the last time I saw Terra we tried to kill each other. You trying to tell me Logan and Sabertooth, who hate each other, don't have minor scuffles from time to time?" Ryan's logic was sound, his facial expression was completely calm, even relaxed. So, where was this coming from? This calm, collected, effortless lying? Ryan never lied, let alone to Vincent, and yet, he couldn't stop. "I'm fine now. Terra lives here now. Just like me, this is his home. Who am I to refute that? Besides, just because we've fought in the past doesn't mean we have to be enemies forever. That's not conducive to anything productive at all. I just didn't know he'd come here on invitation. You should tell me stuff like that!" Ryan joked. Smiling, he even managed to laugh lightheartedly. Playfully, he punched Vincent on the shoulder. "I appreciate your concern Vince, really, my brother, I do. That being said, I'm fine. See?" Ryan finished his question with a smile, he even did a little twirl so as to facilitate a quick once over on Vincent's part. That smile of his, was his famous smile, toothy and white. It was a smile that refuted all argumentation. It was a smile that closed the subject, if only for a little while.

Vincent’s gentle smile increasingly became sorrowful. Vincent couldn’t believe that Ryan felt so hurt and upset with him. Ryan was now lying something that was quite foreign to him. Ryan no longer trusted Vincent, which hurt Vincent more than he could express. Ryan was battling with something big and Vincent was being barred from helping him. It seems that Vincent completely misconstrued Vincent’s concerns when they had previously talked during the shadow crisis. Vince tried very hard to keep from looking as destroyed emotionally as he felt.

Ryan turned on his heel and walked back to the kitchen, waving to Vincent as he left. "Thanks Vince," Ryan said jovially as he left. "I'm just fine. I promise."

Vincent watched Ryan depart and he simply stared in silence, trying to wrap his head around all that was going on with Ryan. Philip left the Kitchen in search of Vincent and he eventually found him standing alone in the hallway. Philip had passed Ryan along the way and simply gave Ryan a jovial smile and a casual wave as he passed him. Philip had tried not to make too much of what had happened with Ryan in the kitchen. He wasn’t a fan of being overbearingly worried. He knew things had to run their course, but he also desired for Ryan to know that he was there for him in whatever capacity he needed.

Vincent seemed highly saddened. Philip approached him and placed his hand on Vincent’s arm. “Hey Vince, what’s the matter? You look like you’ve lost a child or something.” Philip said jokingly. Humor was his way of lightening a dark mood.

Vincent looked up with weepy eyes. “Ryan
 he’s so hurt and angry right now. I don’t know how to help him. It hurts so much to see him that way. I was concerned when he was so enraged in the kitchen, it wasn’t like him to be so vicious, so I asked if he was alright. However I got a huge hunk of his mind right before he responded
 and it was so angry, all the thoughts he had of me. He doesn’t trust me, or much of anyone else right now. He’s struggling with something he calls the Leviathan yet he wouldn’t tell me about it.” Vincent said with a depressed voice.

Philip pulled Vincent close and replied ”He still loves and needs his big brother. Maybe there was a lot more happening in the kitchen than we realized.” Vincent shed a few tears quietly and just as quickly attempted to pull himself together. He stepped back from Philip.

“Thanks Philip. I needed to hear that. You’re my hero you know.” Vincent replied as he wiped away the tears that had previously fallen. A smile began to return to Vincent’s face.

“Ryan simply needs time to remember the love that never left him. He will in the right timing. He might push us away now but it doesn’t mean we leave him. We simply give a little space and an open doorway to the home he has in our hearts. So this Leviathan
 is it like the Phoenix?” Philip asked.

Vince pondered for a moment. “No I don’t think it’s quite the same. Jean’s power took on an alternate persona thus creating the Phoenix. This is different. I think this is more physiological in nature, but Ryan’s mind seems to be personifying some physical phenomenon. I won’t know for sure until I can speak with Ryan regarding what’s going on.”

Philip replied with a smile. ”Ryan is strong and a good kid. He’ll pull through this. We’re all here to help him. No worries Vince. Come on let’s go check on my father in law. He’s been missing all morning.” Philip gave a silly grin. It was true, the professor had been missing all that morning which was unusual.

“Yet another very good point.” Vincent replied. “He’s probably locked himself away with Cerebro again.” Vincent replied. He was feeling a little better but Ryan still worried him.

Frenzy and Stinger

You certainly can love! I's great to see a fellow mutants knocking about this place! Say, don't suppose either of you could point me in the direction of Charles Xavier's institution for Higher Learning? I was hoping I could have a chat with the fella.", Robert replied cheerfully .

Frenzy and Stinger looked at one another in surprise. Frenzy turned to the man and replied, “You’re in luck sir. We happen to reside there at the moment.” She turned her head to look at Stinger briefly, “In fact, we’re going home right now.” This was the perfect chance for her to put a stop to Stinger’s shopping spree. Turning her head back to the man she smiled pleasantly. “If you don’t mind coming with us, we can show you the way. I’m Joanna Cargill, by the way. This is Wendy Sherman. I go by the codename Frenzy.”

Wendy cut in adding, “I go by the name Stinger, due to my electrifying skill set. So what might your name be mister tourist?” She asked. Wendy was very curious about this guy’s powers. After obtaining the man’s name Wendy asked, “So what is it that you do, power wise that is?”

Joanna hailed a cab and the three were off to the X-mansion. They arrived and entered the front door. Joanna said to Robert. “If you don’t mind with Stinger while I find the professor, it shouldn’t take long.” Joanna then turned to Stinger, “Please behave Wendy.” She said knowing how Stinger had the tendency to cause trouble.

“What am I gonna do?! I mean really Jo
!” Wendy replied as she folded her arms and rolled her eyes. After Joanna headed down the hallway, Wendy turned to Robert and spoke with an upbeat tone. “So, let’s go meet the X-men shall we? They’re a really tacky bunch but interesting nonetheless.” She liked to poke fun at the X-men.

They entered the kitchen where most people were gathered. David looked up and immediately poked fun at Wendy. “Well if it isn’t Static Cling. I see you’ve picked up a sugar daddy.”

Wendy immediately frowned in sheer annoyance of David. “Shouldn’t you be off getting plowed by Sabertooth or chasing after girls leagues younger than yourself?” She rebutted with a rather satisfied smile on her face.

David gave a sarcastic smile and looked over apologetically to Memory. Sabertooth, however, interjected. “Now now Wendy. Let’s not be a jealous and bitter old biddy. Besides I’ve heard more than my share of bickering today.”

Stinger was about to respond when Scott stepped forward toward Robert. “He there. Sorry about those two. I’m Scott Summers of the X-men. What brings you here.” Scott introduced himself in a friendly manner.

Niles Cranston

Keith chuckled into a fit of laughter as he stood up and hooted for his good luck. He turned around grinning the way a kid grins before playing a new video game. "Sounds fun. I don't mind joining you on this escapade if you like. No in fact I'd be kind of bummed out if you didn't. When it comes to destroying things like buildings and such, I'm sort of a demolition guru. Though I can't say people won’t get hurt. Hehehe. So what's the plan boss? Are we just going to walk into the place and let loose? Or are we going to fall from the sky like wrecking balls?"

Niles looked over at Keith and smiled lightheartedly. He was inspired by Keith’s energy. “Boss huh? Okay then, I guess there’s no stopping you from helping me. I do like the element of surprise. I’m sure they have guns or something to stop us with. But I’ve got my defenses. Sounds like you’ve got your offense covered. So you know, I can create explosive diamonds and control them at will. It seems that between you and me we’ve got a lot of firepower so we should be good. Let’s fall from the sky like wrecking balls. I like the sound of that.”

Niles created a platform of crystal and the two stood on top of it. He levitated the platform high into the sky above the building. Looking down at the roof of the building Niles spoke. “I can blast an opening for us an lower us down, or do you have another plan?”

Oliver Cassidy and Erika

Erika face twisted into anger, but then smoothed just as quick. A gun firing was all the push she needed. Erika drew in breath and let her power lace her voice with poison, the words corrupting the minds of those around her into doing her bidding.
"Please," she called looking to the side, her voice distorting into something sinister, but soothing, "won't anyone help us? Won't you save us?" Four terrified people around her suddenly stiffened and lifted their head to the ceiling as if given an electric shock, then ran forwards in front of the two of them shouting to the guards to not hurt those "innocent people".

Just as a gun was fired, an overweight and balding man in a suit ran in front of Erika, then dropped. Blood seeped from the bullet hole in his chest. She looked down at his body, hands shaking. This was the first time her power had ever been used to kill someone. She pulled her eyes away reluctantly to the office workers making a wall between the two mutants and the guards aiming their way.

Oliver was impressed with Erika’s power. However he did not foresee the particular mechanics of it limiting its effects. When the hypnotized man took the bullet and died it did indeed shock Oliver. He felt somewhat sorry for the guy but he’d rather it be that man than himself.

"Have any kind of plan?" She asked Oliver over the calling of the people she had manipulated. "This was your fault after all," she finished with obvious venom.

“Don’t you worry Ms. Seems we’re lucky to have run into each other. I can allow you to control this whole room. Give me a second.” Oliver said with a wink. Oliver looked up to the ceiling and concentrated. Thick vines broke through the ceiling and formed a sort of patrician between them and the security men. The vines quickly sprouted flowers of a strange sort. They opened and the air filled with spores. These spores were littered with pheromones. “Try your power now. Anyone weak willed and nearby should be all yours to control. Hell, we’d probably be able to simply walk out of here.” Oliver said with a confident smile. “I’m Oliver Cassidy. Thanks for helping me. I really didn’t mean for any of this to happen but I don’t handle being tricked very well.”

The building suffered massively from the plants exponential growth. More of the spore emanating flowers grew outside the building and more citizens were inhaling the pheromone spores. They began to head into the HMR building as Erika called to them.

Kyle Jean-Claude

Kyle looked around and noticed that Jonathan had suddenly left the kitchen. He was curious as to what had come up. He stepped toward the door to find Jonathan however Hideki grabbed Kyle’s arm and spun him around to face him. “I can’t believe you Kyle! Both Colossus and Jonathan?! You’re a total slut you know.” Hideki fussed.

Kyle rolled his eyes at the fussy Japanese boy. “I am no slut. I am simply flirting with Jonathan. Besides Piotr and I are in an open relationship. I haven’t cheated on anyone nor am I going to. You’re just annoyed because you’ve bot not shot with Logan. Too bad you’re not a cute Japanese girl instead of a cute Japanese boy.” Kyle taunted his friend.

“Hey! I’ll show you cute!!” Hideki huffed and created a bright flash of light that stunned Kyle’s vision.

Kyle flinched and rubbed his eyes wildly. ”AAHH! I HATE when you do that!! Ah

Hideki huffed, “Serves you right.” He noticed Ryan had returned. Hideki was very concerned about his friend. He walked away from Kyle who was still struggling to see, and approached Ryan. “Hey Ryan, are you okay? I was a bit worried about you earlier. If you ever want to talk about anything I’m here for you. I’m not all knowing like Professor X but I think a friend with a good listening ear can help just as much. If the two new guys to the mansion are trouble, I’ll take your word for it and be watchful. Honestly I didn’t know Cain had invited them here either.”

Piotr Rasputin

Piotr watched all that happened in the kitchen. He liked how eventful the X-mansion was. There was so much life there. However he did miss Russia, his original home. He looked over to Cara who was also from Russia, giving a smile he decided to chat with her a bit. He walked over to her and smiled “Morning Conrad Black.” He said with a chuckle. He knew she would appreciate the joke. Being around her made him feel slightly closer to home. “You’re very noble for speaking your heart without reservation. I admire that about you Cara.” He said in a more thought filled and pondering tone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: David North (Agent Zero) Character Portrait: Frenzy (Joanna Cargill) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Stinger (Wendy Sherman) Character Portrait: Robert 'Rob' Q. Ashdown (Switchblade)
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Robert grinned cheerfully at the pair of mutant women cheerfully, his smile having grown form their introductions. Things were going as smoothly as he hoped! To be frank he though he might be turned away due to being a complete stranger, a tourist, and an aging man which no-one recognized trying to enter a school.
"Well that's fantastic! Sure i'll come along! Been wanting to visit that mansion place since I came over here! Lovely to meet the pair of ya! I'm Robert, Robert Ashdown, but you can call me Rob. I'm afraid I ain't got a fancy nickname like the pair of you do, never had a reason too!" , the British tourist babbled excitedly, giving a quick chuckled as they headed to catch a cab, before adding; "As for my powers, I make blades, as in, make a pair of them pop up from my arms, a bit like that wolverine bloke of the news. Not really all that impressive as him though, so don't expect me to do back flips and slicing through walls!"

As they arrived at the mansion, Joanna announced that she was going to go locate the professor him, and told Rob to stick with Wendy for the time being. He nodded and raised a friendly hand calling after "Alright then, you do that mate,
See you and the professor in a bit then!" , seeming a bit puzzled about her comment to Stinger to stay out of trouble.
He then almost had a mini heart attack when Wendy decided they should go meet the X-men himself, gaping in amazement before babbling; "Really? The X-men? Wow now that's just fantastic! Brilliant! Ha, bet my sister wouldn't believe me if I told her I chatted with the X-men! yes, let's go see them!"

As he wondered into the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear, he heard a suited man poke fun at the pair of them by calling Rob a 'sugar daddy', to which he looked on in confusion, and startlement, which lessened as he realized that the stranger was merely poking fun at Wendy since she retorted back, causing the suited man to look over apologetically to a young long haired brunette woman. He then was caused even more surprise as he saw that the criminal mutant, Sabertooth was also among them, having appeared in the news with the other brotherhood of mutants numerous times, though Rob guessed the somewhat disbandment of the group led him to join the x-men, perhaps?

Before he could find out however, he was suddenly greeted by a man wearing sunglasses, apologizing for the behavior between the group, and greeting Rob friendly, to which he offered a hand out to shake Scott's before replying; "The names Robert Ashdown, nice to meet ya Scott, and it's no problem, all folks argue after a bit. After all i'm British, we enjoy taking the mickey out of each-other. Anyways, i'm here to meet with the professor, Charles Xavier. I'm just nosy tourist is all,and proud mutant like the rest of you bunch! Just hoping to just, well, talk about how to get through everyday life round stranger that hate you."
He looked into the distance for a few moments before snapping out of it and asking; "So which X-man are you, eh? Let me guess, the fella with the lazer eyes?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Memory Ashcroft Character Portrait: Matsuzaka Hideki (Flare)
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As Ryan held his girlfriend close to him, he heard her whispering in his ear. "You don't have to be stronger, Ryan," Memory said, soothingly, her voice was quite, but it was clear and cool, like pure water. It calmed Ryan, whose body continued to shake as she held him. Ryan felt himself threaten to cry, but he knew that he couldn't. He was all cried out. Just as Ryan was about to speak again, he heard Memory whisper into his ear once more. "And I should be apologizing. I know you would never hurt me and yet I was scared of what was happening. I'm the one who needs to be be stronger."

"But I will be," Ryan thought to himself. "I will be. I'll be so strong that no one will dare to question it. I'll be so strong that you will never ever have to be afraid again. This, I promise you." Assured of himself, Ryan felt himself smile. His body stopped shaking.

Ryan finally released her after almost a full minute and put his forehead to hers. A moment later, he pressed his nose to hers, smiling, and stepped back.

As he smiled, Memory couldn't help but return it, her soft brown eyes gazing deeply into his sharp, green orbs. Their golden hue had faded. Ryan had calmed down. He felt better, like he knew he would. Ryan felt so much better now. Memory was, arguably, the best thing for him right now. She understood him, she loved him, and she accepted him for who he was. She took his hand in hers, and she let herself lean into him, Ryan returned the gesture by letting his head lean against the top of hers. He wanted, more than anything, to kiss her again, to thank he for being so good to him. However, there were a lot of people in the kitchen, including Jonathan. Ryan would have to wait until later. The thought of it made Ryan's face heat up. "Later... Oh dear god, later... I'm such a pervert..." Ryan pushed the thoughts from his head. He hoped, more than anything, that Memory wasn't looking at his memories right now, or did she need to touch his temples for that? Thank heavens... the things she would see... Ryan mentally scolded himself. Now was not the time for such thoughts. They'd been dating for a whole ten minutes. That being said, Ryan felt that part of himself didn't care. People could call him hasty, rash, naive, or whatever they wanted. Ryan knew they were wrong. Memory loved him, and he loved her. They had seen it with their own two eyes, heard it with their own two ears, felt it with their own two hearts. Here, holding Memory's hand, resting his head against hers, reveling in her existence and love. This was the only place Ryan wanted to be. This was perfection.

As the dark, brooding tension in the kitchen lifted, Ryan allowed himself to relax, and his eyes closed. He didn't say or do anything. He didn't need to. All he needed was to listen to the sound of his family around him. To hold Memory close to him, and to feel love, like waves of warmth and calm, wash over his body. He had the love of the most wonderful girl he had ever known, his parents, both adopted and biological, and he had the love of his friends. Ryan felt so warm, and at peace with everything. It felt good to know he had so much love. Love... Ryan loved Vincent too, and Vincent loved him just as much... Ryan had been awful angry with Vincent. He had thought such mean things about him. Vincent loved him. He was only ever looking out for him. What was Ryan thinking? Ryan's eyes snapped open. Oh god! Thinking! What was Ryan thinking?! Had Vincent sensed it? Had he sensed how furious and scared Ryan's thoughts were? What if he read Ryan's mind? Ryan's anger, his fear, and his lying... it would destroy Vincent! Vincent who only had only ever loved Ryan like he was his brother. Ryan felt his ears droop ever so slightly, and a pained frown settled onto his face. Ryan felt so ashamed. He needed to apologize to Vincent, but where was he? Calmly, Ryan scanned the room. He couldn't hear or see him, and his scent was far away, heading up the other side of the Mansion. Philip was with him, which explained his absence. He had waved at Ryan earlier, but Ryan had barely even noticed him. His thoughts had been occupied with other things at the time. They were headed in the direction of Professor Xavier's office. Were they planning on telling the Professor? Ryan usually never lied, especially about something as dangerous as the Leviathan. Could they be telling him about what Vincent had sensed? Ryan felt his heartbeat quicken. Oh god, what if? What if? What if?!...

Suddenly, Ryan's worried thoughts stopped. The Professor hadn't been down all day. Why? Usually he joined them for breakfast. Ryan's head tilted to the side, away from Memory, and his frown vanished, replaced with a more quizzical expression. Why would Philip AND Vincent head up to the Professor's room, and where was Magneto? Had the Professor simply called them all to his room to discuss something? It was definitely odd, but not unheard of. If those four were doing something secretive, Ryan knew that whatever it was was well-handled, and wouldn't be a problem, even if it was about Ryan's Leviathan. Nodding to himself, Ryan relaxed once more. As soon as Vincent came back, he would apologize and sort everything out. Vince hadn't deserved the treatment Ryan gave him. Ryan needed to make it right.

However, Ryan's train of thought, a small bubble of furious, cognitive activity, was popped rather abruptly and derailed into the ditch. Stinger and Frenzy had returned, with a slightly larger, balding man, who spoke with a British accent. They entered the kitchen where most people were gathered. David, who's scentless presence sat in the corner of the kitchen, looked up and immediately poked fun at the odd little trio. “Well if it isn't Static Cling. I see you've picked up a sugar daddy.” Stinger, or perhaps Ryan had heard her name was Wendy, immediately frowned in sheer annoyance of David. Ryan couldn't blame her. He wasn't the fondest of that particular man. “Shouldn't you be off getting plowed by Sabertooth or chasing after girls leagues younger than yourself?” She rebutted with a rather satisfied smile on her face. To that, however, Ryan took slight exception. Memory was a person. She was, by no means, something that belonged to someone else. Ryan knew that. However, she was his girlfriend now. She would never belong to David. Something about the way Wendy said it disagreed with Ryan. His nostrils flared, his ears pricked up, and he growled low, grinding his teeth. It was almost inaudible, but Memory would have felt the rumble it caused in his chest. David just gave a sarcastic smile and looked over apologetically to Memory. Ryan fought the urge to hide her from David's gaze. For a moment, Ryan's eyes turned golden, their pupils constricted, and they flashed dangerously at North. Just before Ryan could make some sort of ill-humored remark, Sabertooth, of all people, interjected. “Now now Wendy. Let’s not be a jealous and bitter old biddy. Besides I've heard more than my share of bickering today.” Seemingly, the words put the little tiff to rest. Ryan's eyes returned to their normal green, and his head lolled backwards, looking up to the ceiling as he leaned against the counter. Ryan felt his eyes close as he chuckled. Wendy's remark about North and Sabertooth's sexual relationship made him feel a little better. He smirked, but then turned his thoughts towards his initial reaction, which was the stranger of the two. Ryan's off hand came up and rubbed his eyes. He pinched his temple and exhaled slowly. "What the hell was that?" He thought furiously. "What am I? Some kind of territorial mastiff? Memory is her own person. She doesn't need me to tell David to stuff it where the sun don't shine." The thought gave Ryan a fierce sort of pride. His heartbeat slowed, his thoughts quieted, and Ryan sighed. It was going to be a long day if every little thing sent him off the edge.

Ryan, briefly, let go of Memory's hand. With her leaning into him, and their arms between him, it was beginning to get slightly uncomfortable to continue holding hands. Ryan felt her stir beside him, most likely preparing to pout at him, and he chuckled. Opening his eyes, Ryan lifted his head and turned his gaze towards Memory, he spoke. "Just a moment, hold your horses." Ryan's hand snuck around behind her, and came to rest on Memory's waist, pulling her slightly closer to him. "That's much better, isn't it?" Ryan asked, teasing slightly. For some reason, it was hilariously funny to Ryan, and he couldn't help himself. Ryan laughed. It wasn't so loud as to garner unwanted attention, but not so quiet so as to go completely unheard either. Feeling his eyes start to tear up, Ryan wiped them with his other hand. He sighed contentedly. "Sorry. I shouldn't tease you just for a laugh. Besides, I don't want to play that game, I'll lose. You'll beat me without even trying." Ryan felt better. It wasn't just being with Memory, it was Memory. Ryan couldn't get over how good she was to him, and for him. He smiled at her, feeling his heart pound affectionately in his chest. Ryan loved her so much.

As he stood with Memory, finally beginning to forgive himself for his strangeness this morning, a voice broke through Ryan's thoughts. Ryan opened his eyes to find Hideki before him. He spoke, concerned. “Hey Ryan, are you okay? I was a bit worried about you earlier. If you ever want to talk about anything I’m here for you. I’m not all knowing like Professor X, but I think a friend with a good listening ear can help just as much. If the two new guys to the mansion are trouble, I’ll take your word for it and be watchful. Honestly I didn’t know Cain had invited them here either." Ryan smiled. The firecracker that was Hideki, had always been so bright and cheerful with Ryan. It hardly surprised him that, there he was yet again, making Ryan feel better about himself. His naturally energetic personality did wonders for Ryan's shyness, and was simply good at making him smile. Grinning wide, Ryan showed his sharp, white teeth, and smiled at his friend. "Thanks Hideki." Ryan said, genuine gratefulness in his voice. "However, I don't think we'll be hearing about anything too nasty from Cain and Terra anymore. I suppose it was just extra jarring for me to see them here. After all, the last time I saw Terra or Canaan, I was fighting with them during the Juggernaut incident. I mean, we were trying to kill each other last time, and then, 'poof,' there they were! That being said, thanks, really, thank you, Hideki. It means a lot to know you've got my back, no matter what. Thanks!"

As he finished, Ryan once more flashed Hideki a toothy grin. Though his tone was jovial, and his smile was genuine, Ryan wondered how he felt about Hideki's advice. Hideki had been so afraid of him, and yet, he had obviously moved past it and was trying to make amends with Ryan. So why didn't Ryan forgive him? Why did Ryan even need to forgive him? It was an odd feeling. Ryan didn't like holding grudges, especially with his closest friends and family. It wasn't natural for him. Vincent needed to return fast so Ryan could apologize to everyone. It was becoming increasingly difficult to wait.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Professor Charles Xavier Character Portrait: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Character Portrait: Sabertooth (Victor Creed) Character Portrait: Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) Character Portrait: Ryan Legrand (Leviathan) Character Portrait: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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Piotr Rasputin

Cara’s smile receded back to a small upturn on one side but she did not seem to shift from her good mood. “Perhaps but it has not made me the most popular girl in the mansion.” She said gesturing at the others in the kitchen. “I have fought with almost all of the people in this room at some point in my life and those I haven’t are those that are either too young to have seen the battles between Magneto and Xavier or didn’t join until after I came here.” She took a sip of her coffee before continuing. “I am not welcome here Piotr and as every day goes past there are times when I wish I wasn’t rescued that day.” She had turned more solemn now, her coffee once more occupying her thoughts. “I was not meant to be one of the X-men.”

Piotr listened, his smile fading into a sadder expression. He was a little pained to know that the X-men had not shown Cara the sort of kindness that he had received. He had a realization that it is difficult for even the noble X-men to break bread and forgive their once enemies. It was a testament that guests such as Victor, David, Stinger, Frenzy, Agent Six, and Pietro weren’t hitting many bumps in the road when it came to being around the X-men.

Piotr replied with a gentle smile, “You and I have fought before and I have no ill feeling towards you Cara. You are my friend. You fought us because it was the right thing for you to do at the time. I fought you because fate put us at odds. I never considered you my enemy though, it was the cause that I fought. We may not always agree on causes but I think we can agree that you and I can be friends no matter what divides us. You will always be a part of the X-men. I believe some of the others would feel an emptiness somewhere in their hearts if you left. I would.” Piotr spoke sincerely.

Piotr knew that Cara knew how it felt to be on her own. He knew how that felt as well. He had his sister who lived back in Russia. He lived to provide for her, but now that she is a young woman able to look after herself, he was free to look solely after himself. He joined with the X-men full time to fill that void, to help others as his nature spurred him to do. However Piotr feared that Cara’s isolation came for reasons entirely different from his. Cara could use someone to hold onto her, someone to let her know that she was at home, at peace. Piotr placed his hand gently on Cara’s shoulder.

The Kitchen

Scott listened as the guest replied. "The names Robert Ashdown, nice to meet ya Scott, and it's no problem, all folks argue after a bit. After all i'm British, we enjoy taking the mickey out of each-other. Anyways, i'm here to meet with the professor, Charles Xavier. I'm just nosy tourist is all,and proud mutant like the rest of you bunch! Just hoping to just, well, talk about how to get through everyday life round stranger that hate you."

He looked into the distance for a few moments before snapping out of it and asking; "So which X-man are you, eh? Let me guess, the fella with the lazer eyes?"

Scott looked a bit surprised. “Why uh
 yes. I am. I didn’t know that I was known publicly.” Jean snickered nearby at Scott’s reaction. He was displaying a shyness that was rare to see on him.

Logan stepped forward and flashed a casual smile as he introduced himself. “Welcome, I’m Logan. So you’re English huh? You should enjoy chatting with the ‘Novelist’ over there. He’s from around your neck of the woods.” Logan said as he nodded toward Aiden O’doherty.

Aidan replied in an annoyed fashion. “It’s ‘The Author
’ and you should be nicer to be lest I bring 1,000 tons of gravity down on that spectacular adamantium skeleton of yours.” Aidan wasn’t the one to be mocked without consequence.

Victor stood in the kitchen and picked up a fresh apple that sat on the counter in a pile. There were several of them. He took a clean bite from it as he scanned the room. He noticed Logan had not ceased to watch him the whole time as if Victor was going to spontaneously attack someone. He snickered to himself at the fact that Logan couldn’t get over his trained inclination to ever be on watch when Victor was around. Victor looked over to David who seemed to be watching Ryan and Memory. It seemed that Ryan was definitely not North’s biggest fan. Victor subdued his own grin as he watched North pick up on Ryan’s unspoken tension toward him. North hadn’t uttered a word since his spat with Wendy but Victor knew him more than well enough to know when that man was deep in his thought processes.

Victor stepped closer behind North and whispered casually into his ear. “He’s only a kid. Besides you were trying to do the ‘noble’ thing and not fuck around with the little hottie. Don’t go back on your word now. I might think less of you.” Victor then took another bite of the green apple.

David turned partially with a rather sarcastic smirk. “I do Not go back on my word.” David replied his voice slick and cold as black ice. His disposition lightened just as quickly as it was darkened. “Don’t worry your handsome mug about it.”

Soon Jenifer tapped Victor on the shoulder to which he turned around slowly. He saw the young lady had caught the attention of the tourist. "I need to talk to you, by the way." She said as she turned back to him.

Victor smirked a little. “Sure blondie. I’m here when you’re free.” Victor figured that she wanted to discuss her little sister. He wasn’t sure exactly what she was going to say. He wasn’t really worried though. He supposed that he would tell her that Annabelle was simply in good hands.

Niles Cranston

Looking towards Niles as the dust cleared up, he yelled over the now apparent screams of those around them. "So what's next? Are we going to just destroy the building, or are these people fair game as well?" He rose his hand curling it into a fist and aimed it towards a random nobody who was hugging the corner while breathing heavily.

Niles looked around at the damage the one attack caused. “Wow
 he really is a wrecking ball huh?” Niles thought to himself. “Only attack people if they are hostile. If they’re not, don’t hurt them. I just want to send a message not become a mass murderer. The building is our target.” Niles said to Keith. He formed several large floating and sharp crystals that launched into the walls and soon exploded causing the wall to be destroyed and part of the building structure collapsed.

Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto

Charles received a almost panicked transmission from cerebro. There were several mutant attacks about the city. The general public was in danger. Six sites were urgently in need of interference from the X-men. Charles turned to Magneto who stood behind him. “Erik
 we must assemble the X-men at once! Mutants become so panicked that they have begun to attack several of the HMR sites. It seems the government’s recent moves have caused serious uproar.” Charles carried a look of worry as he knew that this was only the beginning of a long and difficult path for everyone.

Before Erik could respond, Vincent and Philip entered the Cerebro chamber. “Ah, there you two are! I knew you would have locked yourself away in here
 Philip was worried. He’s such an awesome in law don’t you think? Oh, and Ororo has returned home! I was so surprised to see her! It’s always so tricky to telepathically sense her presence.” Vincent said in an obliviously upbeat manner as he entered the chamber with Philip. But he could feel the tension immediately afterward. “Wait, what’s the matter?” he asked. Erik turned around slowly with a heavy disposition. He was quite frustrated with the constant struggle for peace with mankind. So much effort only to hit so many setbacks. Erik explained the situation to Vincent and Philip.

Frenzy knocked on the Cerebro Chamber’s doors and entered upon their opening. “Good Morning Professor Xavier, Mr. Lehnsherr, Vincent, Philip. I hope I’m not interrupting anything important. This morning Wendy and I met a mutant from out of town. He wanted to meet you Professor, so we brought him here. I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience.” Frenzy spoke politely. She wanted to give Charles and Erik a good impression of her. She took joining the X-men seriously and wanted to let them know that she respected them honestly and was appreciative for being accepted.

“Actually it seems my meeting with our guest will be brief and under unfortunate circumstances this time. There is trouble that needs the X-men’s assistance in quelling. I will have to assemble as many of us that are able and willing to assist. I am most grateful that Ororo has returned when she did. Joanna can I count on you as well? The X-men would greatly benefit from your strength and wisdom.” Charles replied.

Frenzy was pleasantly surprised that he asked her personally to help the X-men. “You and the X-men will always have my assistance. You need not ask in the future Professor X.” Frenzy replied with a proud smile.

Erik placed a hand on Vincent’s shoulder, “We must make haste. Things are getting worse with every passing moment.” They all headed toward the kitchen.

Professor X, Magneto, Vincent, Philip, and Frenzy entered the kitchen where most of the X-men and guests were gathered. Charles walked over to Robert and with a pleasant smile. “Welcome Mr. Ashdown. I am Charles Xavier, and this is Erik Lehnsherr. Welcome to the Xavier School for the Gifted. I would like to continue our meeting at length however my attention is needed elsewhere at the moment. You are welcome to remain here, or if you wouldn’t mind lending a hand in the matter that would be greatly appreciated.”

Xavier turned toward storm and greeted her with a bright smile, “Welcome back Ororo. We’ve missed you.” Charles wanted to say more but it would have to wait.

Erik spoke for all in the kitchen to hear, Charles telepathically transmitted Erik’s message to the minds of all that were in the mansion and not present in the kitchen. “X-men, friends, and guests, we are in great need of assistance. There are currently six attacks on HMR sites across the city. We shall intervene at once.”

Aidan smirked “Oh Charles what would you do without my help? I’ll lend you a capable hand if I must.” He said with his usual haughty disposition.

Erik rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed by Aidan’s disposition. After obtaining a commitment from some of those that weren’t X-men Magneto announced the team formations and leaders. “The six teams are as follows. Team one shall consist of Memory, Canaan, Logan, Quicksilver, Agent Six, Annabelle, Philip Klein, Hideki Matsuzaka, Jean Grey and Myself. Team leaders of this group shall be Memory and Philip.” Erik took a moment to give the Memory and Philip a reassuring smile as he knew they were surprised by their positions as leaders.

Erik continued, “Team two shall consist of Johnathan, Cara, Aidan O'Doherty, Kent Van-Pelt, and Frenzy. Jonathan you are the team leader of team two. You are more than a capable leader Jonathan.” Magneto encouraged Jonathan. He then turned to Aidan and spoke, “O’Doherty, I expect you to give Jonathan your full support and cooperation.”

Aidan flashed a sharp smile, “But of course. Don’t let me down Jonathan.” Aidan replied. He and Magneto never ceased to butt heads.

Erik announced team three. “Team three will consist of Terra, Ryan, David North/ Agent Zero, Vincent Xavier, and Colossus. The team leaders are Terra and Ryan. I expect you two to work in synch. You should do well.” Magneto gave a look of confidence to Terra and Ryan. He was fully aware of the group dynamics and was eager to test them.

David looked on with a smug expression. “What a motley crew we make, eh Xavier?” David said to Vincent with an amused disposition.

Vincent smiled just the same, “Indeed, I still haven’t gotten over your trying to shoot me that time. Not to mention you kidnapping me.” Vincent said jokingly.

David snickered, “Yeah
 I haven’t gotten over the fact that you survived my shooting at you. Yet alone escaping Weapon-X. Then again, that part wasn’t on me.” David and Vincent began to laugh with one another, an odd scene to those who hadn’t seen darker side of Vincent’s humor.

Magneto continued with the team assignments,” Cain, Fuyumi, Ace, Mutt Ant, and Kyle, shall comprise team five. Cain shall lead this team.” Magneto simply gave Cain a proud nod and continued to announce the final team. “Team six shall consist of Jennifer, Stinger, Scott, Sabertooth, and Storm, with Scott as the leader.”

Sabertooth turned to Jenifer with his usual smug disposition, “I guess our little chat is really going to have to wait, unless we take it on the road seeing as how we are in the same team.”

Magneto spoke to Robert, "You are more than welcome to join any team Mr. Ashdown, if you so choose to assist us. We could use your talents.” Magneto said in a friendly manner. The groups departed the mansion in smaller jets, one per team, bound for the attack sites. Professor X remained behind to monitor the situation using Cerebro and to give advice.