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Pokemon: A Trainer's Journey

Pokemon: A Trainer's Journey


Follow your dreams in an advanced Pokémon RP. Create your own destiny in the Faria region.

5,854 readers have visited Pokemon: A Trainer's Journey since Queen of Ice created it.

LawOfTheLand are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

[url=]pok??mon does not belong to me.[/url]


There comes a time in nearly every young person's life that he or she decides to embark on a journey with Pokémon. It's a life-changing experience - a brand new adventure full of joy, sorrow, struggles, and friendship. Every day children leave their homes, eyes gazing into the sky, the dream of one day reaching the stars reflecting within them.

They soon find, however, that the world they've imagined, shining and full of Pokémon and fun, glows with a darker aura. The path they'd mapped out in their heads for years twisted with detours. The people they met were not T.V. characters, and some of them had the worst of intentions. They grow. They learn the world is a complicated place, only made all the more confusing by Pokémon. They learn to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the most sinister human mind and heart. They learn of hatred, of jealousy, of evil.

But don't be discouraged. For every pain and trial endured, an equally powerful experience of joy, happiness, and love is found. They learn trust, the value of teamwork, friendship, and what it means to be a good man or woman.

It is time for you to embark on that journey. It will not be an easy one by any means, but you've spent a few extra years preparing; you could consider yourself "ahead of the game". Just last week you attended your final lesson at your city's local Pokémon Academy. It has prepared you and taught you all the technicalities of the Pokémon: battling, training, contests, moves, typing, status, items, and the like. All students were given their own Pokédex to use as part of the class, which was available for purchase for a discounted price at the end of the program. As a typical graduation present, your parent(s) or guardian(s) have both paid for your Pokédex and gotten you your very first Pokémon. But the rest… well the rest is up to you.

(Not my picture.)

About this RP:

NOTE: This is an RP for serious writers who will stay active, write well, and don't need to be babied or cajoled into writing or behaving properly. It also requires a good understanding of Pokémon.

As explained above, you are a Pokémon trainer about to enter the world of Pokémon with your very first partner! But really, the rest is up to you! This RP is very open ended in regards to what you will do as a Pokémon trainer. Will you brave the Pokémon Gyms? Will you master the Contests? Or perhaps you will find yourself in pursuit of the cryptic "Team Fate". Or maybe your destiny is a more sinister one… This world is full of mystery, wonder, treasure, and excitement; take advantage!

Gameplay will consist of you moving through the "Faria" region, an area that is home to nearly every Pokémon known to man, starting in Adinitium City. There is an underlying plot beside the one you will create for yourself which will intersect with yours at times, but I will not force you along it. You will move from town to town and city to city, collecting Pokémon, meeting people, and advancing in your quest at your own rate (though that is no excuse for inactivity!). The characters you meet and the story will change based on your actions, how you treat NPCs, who you help and who you don't, etc. You may choose to go alone, or you may opt to travel with other players in the RP.

I, along with co-GMs qbsuperstar03 and Hypnosis, will be playing a huge cast of NPCs. I will not have a specific character of my own in this RP, though there will be some recurring NPCs. My role is more the role of a judge and a guide. Hypnosis will have active characters in the RP, but rest assured he will never perform GM actions on/for his own characters. Your actions will have consequences determined by us. You'll have to trust us to be fair, as we will not get into arguments with you. We are the ones who determine if you caught a wild Pokémon, beat a Gym leader, etc. based on how well you write and battle. In player vs. player battles, the parties involved will decide for themselves, and if an agreement cannot be reached, the battle will be brought to us, and we will decide who we think deserved to win. We will try to stay out of your way as much as possible, but when we intervene we are the final say.

You will have to earn money to buy things such as Pokéballs. Your Pokémon will have to level up and learn the moves they would actually learn by leveling up. You will have to battle and make choices that make sense with your Pokémon. Your Pokémon will not automatically be healed after each battle, and you will have to stop at Pokémon Centers or use healing items. Check out my interest check thread here to get a better understanding of how this RP will work.

Battles will be done through Private Messaging or some other form of communication, then posted in ONE POST in the IC. This is to prevent flooding of the RP with many very short posts.

Contest will be done in a similar manner, but they will be explained in further detail when the first one occurs. Pokémon will gain experience points from contests as they would in battle, so if you would like to be exclusively a coordinator, that will be possible.

Your Starter and Wild Pokémon:

First: ONLY ONE OF EACH SPECIES OF POKÉMON. If someone picked the one you wanted, you'll have to choose a different one. Maybe you'll catch it later. This is to prevent everyone from choosing Eevee, Dratini, and Ralts like they normally do.

I am not going to limit you to actual starter Pokémon, and you will have the opportunity to catch Pokémon like Torchic and Mudkip out in the wild. However...

The rarity of your starter will be inversely proportional to the rarity of some of the first Pokémon you meet. What that means is, if you pick Dratini as your first Pokémon, don't expect to meet another rare Pokémon for a long, long time. So, Mr. "Oh, I'll start with Dratini, then catch Bagon, and maybe a few Eevees while I'm at it.", it'll be more like, "Oh, I'll start with Dratini, and… Hi Rattata." I consider a Pokémon that has been a starter Pokémon in one of the games to be a modest choice.

Pick a reasonable starter Pokémon. No legendary starters, not even Phione. No Scyhter or other Pokémon that would be too powerful to consider fighting with Pokémon like Mudkip, okay?

Wild Pokémon you meet will be determined by us. If you wish to find wild Pokémon, you should post that you are looking. Based on the environment, we will determine your wild Pokémon via my secret method. I will not reveal to you how they are chosen; all you need know is that it is a random as possible while still keeping limits on the Pokémon you can catch. I am keeping it secret so that you cannot find loopholes or ways to cheat my system to get Pokémon that it wouldn't make sense for you to have and so that everyone can't just get whatever Pokémon he or she wants. Do not pester us to meet a certain Pokémon, or the next Pokémon you meet will be Bidoof as punishment. I mean it. It is random, so I have limited control over the Pokémon you can meet, and I will not ignore my system so that you can get all your favorite Pokémon. You can tell me a Pokémon that you are interested in as long as you don't go overboard, and, while I can't promise you will get it, I may be able to direct you toward it. For the most part you will simply have to look carefully and hope for the best.

If you have any questions about gameplay, as this is a very complicated RP, and I know I must have forgotten to mention something, please feel free to ask me. I will explain as best as I can.

Character Sheet:

Your character sheet will constantly be changing. You WILL update it with your information as it changes. If it doesn't appear on the character sheet, it doesn't exist.

Name: (Your character's name)
Starter: (Your starter Pokémon's species and nickname if you choose to give it one)
Age: (Your character's age, with a minimum age of 15)
Favorite Type of Pokémon: (Fire, Water, etc.)
Appearance: (Picture of any kind is acceptable as is a written description)
Sexual Orientation: (Your character's sexual preference)
Personality: (What is your character like?)
Likes: (What does your character like?)
Dislikes: (What does you character dislike?)
Fears: (What scares your character?)
Bio: (Give a brief history of your character.)
Anything Else: (Anything else you think it's important we know about your character)
Relations: (To other significant characters in the RP. If you want to have a relationship with someone's character that existed prior to the events of this RP, that's fine as long as they agree.)

Pokémon Info - (yes, this goes on your character sheet)

Party: (list the (up to 6) Pokémon with you)

PC: (the rest of your Pokémon should be listed here)

Bag: (what items do you have? Right now all you have is 600 Pokédollars.)

~How to list a Pokémon:

Lvl (number followed by name of Pokémon, starters begin at level 5)
Gender: (Genderless Pokémon should be treated as such)
Nature: (Careful, Modest, etc. I mean real natures that exist in the game, natures that WILL affect your Pokémon's stats)
Ability: (Dream World abilities must get my approval)
Moves: (there is still a maximum of four)
Held Item: (when you get an item)

And finally, here's a source to help you: Pokémon Database

Here you can find the base stats and the moves learned by any Pokémon. Really anything you'd need to know can be found here. In addition, you can find sprites here if you'd like to include pictures of your Pokémon. Good luck, and thanks for taking the time to read all this!

1) The obvious don't god-mod or meta game rule.
2) The obvious don't break RPG rules rule.
3) Be active or get removed. Notify me of extended absences.
4) Do not start arguments with me. I'm alright with you questioning my decision every once in awhile, but don't be obnoxious about it. My decision is usually final.
5) There is no waiting for others to post or posting order. You advance at your own pace; the more time you put into it the farther ahead you can get. Unless of course it gets to a ridiculous point.
6) ONE sample of a Pokémon battle must be sent to EACH Queen of Ice, qbsuperstar03, and Hypnosis, your GMs, via Private Message. It must showcase your ability as a writer AND as a knowledgeable Pokémon trainer. This RP takes base stats into account. Follow the link to the initial interest check above to learn what I mean and to get a good sample post of what I'm expecting.
7) Do not forget that qbsuperstar03 and Hypnosis are co-GMs. Their word is also law.
8) Have fun, and make this RP your own.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

Route 4

Route 4 by RolePlayGateway

The only road leading out of Adinitium City.

Adinitium Ferry Dock

Adinitium Ferry Dock by RolePlayGateway

A small shack and a small ferry run by an elderly man to help people without a Surfing Pok??mon cross the water.

The Faria Region

The Faria Region by Queen of Ice

The grand Faria region, where your adventure takes place!

Adinitium City

Adinitium City by RolePlayGateway

The city that you are from and that your adventure begins in!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
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0.00 INK

Image Image Image
James "JC" Cyprus
Old Sally's Rest Stop

Traveling together? JC couldn’t believe she forgave him that easily. Actually he couldn’t believe how adamant of a person she seemed to be. There was a purpose to every one of her sentences. "My name is JC," he responded in a tone trying to mask the disappointment of losing his first trainer battle. "We had one or two classes together at the Academy, but I don’t think we ever really talked." He stretched his arm out towards her saying, "I would be pleased to travel with you Miss Du, and I promise the next time we battle things are gonna turn out differently!" She grabbed it firmly with her free hand- the other holding an egg- and shook hands giving a "challenge accepted hrmph" as she did so.
That moment Sally came walking down from her home cradling an egg of her own and placed it in JC's hands. "Here you go, sonny. I have a feeling you two are going to do well together out there in the world and grow very much attached to each other in the process!" JC looked down at the life he held in his hands. The egg was a dark red-orange color on the top half and the bottom was an even darker and deeper color, that curled making full spirals.
"Uh… Sally I'm sorry to disappoint you but I am not your best choice to give an egg to. Bo is the real breeder here. I don't know the first thing about breeding. Plus I don't have an egg canister." He looked back down at the egg which, unbeknownst to him, he had pulled in close to his body. The egg did not feel in the slightest bit like he thought it would. It was soft and seemed warm.
"Oh pish posh! You two were made for each other! You're an unprepared breeder without a canister and the Pokemon inside that egg doesn't need one! Look you've already grown attached to it-" she noted him examining the egg in his arms- "and plus if you will be traveling with Bo you will be fine! She is very knowledgeable about breeding and Pokemon eggs! Take my word, raising a Pokemon egg will be a highlight of your journey. Now you two stay here and let me heal your Lotad for you." JC handed the woman Lilly's Pokeball and she went back in the house.
He walked around to the front of the household and sat down leaning against the tree with Bo now by his side. Windscar and Bo's Joltik- his name was Warden- seemed to recognize they would be spending much more time together and started talking, Windscar tweeting up a storm and Warden chittering and clicking where he could get a word in. JC laughed at his Starly, always with so much to say! JC decided to take after his Pokemon and strike up conversation with Bo: "So now that we are going to travel together what's our first move? Are we planning on waiting for anyone?"

The setting changes from Route 4 to The Faria Region

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riza
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0.00 INK

Riza had walked a good bit on the route before realizing how late it was. "Well this is unfortunate." She muttered before gazing at her skitty, who had been walking beside her most of the way. "I guess we will just have to camp or something tonight." She added as she sat under a tree. "We better not get attacked on my first night." She thought while sitting down and leaning her back against a tree. Skitty gave a small yawn before curling up into a ball beside Riza.

"Skitty, tackle!" Riza instructed but the pidgey flew high in the sky. "You wont win with such a stupid pokemon!" The male trainer she was battling laughed while pointing at skitty.
"Meow?" The skitty tilted her head before running over to Riza. The girl looked down at her pokemon, who now looked like nothing more then a house cat. "Your kidding..." Riza gasped before glancing at the trainer and his pidgey.
"See, you should have stuck with ghost pokemon! Your just a failure!"
Riza shook her head while bitting her bottom lip. "Fail-ure" Her skitty said slowly before moving her eyes onto Riza. "Failure." The kitten repeated before the trainer and his pidgey chimed in. "Failure, failure"

"I'm not a failure!" She screamed while jerking awake. She was breathing hard and small beads of sweat were clustered on her forhead. Standing a few feet away was a small pidgey, who simply gazed at her. "Get out of here." She growled before moving to her feet. "Come on Skitty." She said, nudging the pokemon lightly to wake her. The kitten opened its eyes slightly before stretching for a moment. From the looks of it, her skitty had slept perfectly fine.

Grabbing her small bag that she had set on the ground beside her, she started walking through the woods. "I'm suprised we haven't run into any pokemon yet." She stated, glancing down at her skitty as she walked through some tall grass.
As she waded through the grass, she finally noticed a small rest stop. "Oh, thats nice." She mumbled then knocked on the door and walked inside.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
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0.00 INK

Du Bo Ah
Route 4

"So now that we are going to travel together what's our first move? Are we planning on waiting for anyone?"

"I can't think of anyone that would want to come with us..." Bo sat on the hard ground beside him and pulled her skates back out. She slid her flats off and her skates on. "I suppose we head to the next town and let you battle the gym leader. I have no desire to battle them but I'm sure you do." She wasn't sure of this boy but he seemed nice enough. Warden liked his Pokemon, the Starly, Windscar, which was a good sign. She set her own egg between them and held a hand out.

"Let me look over your egg. Make sure everything's in order and fine. I'd hate for something bad to happen to it." She flipped out her journal and looked through the notes she had on eggs, trying to identify the egg she had and her new companion had. "Well, mine's quite cool so an ice type..? Yes... Brown in color, somewhat heavy..." Warden had hopped down from her head to rest on the egg again, making it roll, with him clinging to it.

The poor tiny Pokemon chittered in distress to his new friend as the egg pitched and rolled. Bo set a hand on the egg, while still reading and smiled. "You're still too small, Warden. Once you evolve, you can egg sit for me." She explained, making the tick nod and huff. "I know it's hard being small..." She sympathized with her downtrodden partner and picked him up. She held him to her cheek and smiled. "But you'll be even stronger because of it!"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riza Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
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0.00 INK

Image Image Image
James "JC" Cyprus
Outside Old Sally's Rest Stop

"I suppose we head to the next town so you can battle the gym leader" JC sat in silence. He never thought about what kind of journey he wanted to take. He guessed that he would challenge the gyms. Being the Pokemon Champion would be a great challenge but so much fun in the mean time.
Bo held out her hand asking to check out his new egg to make sure it was okay. JC handed his egg over to Bo who took out a note book and started speaking to herself. From the front of the house he heard Sally's voice "Oh Everybody is back here let me show you to them."
JC stood up the second he saw who it was. Her pink/purple hair blazed in his eyes while all her accessories flashed in the sunlight. It was a family friend who JC always enjoyed. They went to the same school and were friendly, often pairing up with each other in the classes they had to avoid having to meet others. After JC's father passed away he spent a lot of time with her who helped him deal with the pain of losing him. His father was friendly with her parents, after he passed away though her father would jokingly tell JC that, he being so close to her must have played a part in her "dark disposition."
"Do you know these people?" Sally asked the girl
JC spoke before she could respond: "Hey Riza."

The setting changes from The Faria Region to Route 4


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riza Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
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0.00 INK

Riza smiled at the woman and bowed her head slightly. "Thank you." She replied before fallowing the woman to the back where everyone else was. Her eyes stayed on the ground until she noticed Sally had stopped. Her eyes moved onto the two figures before she realized that she knew one of them. "JC." She whispered before hearing Sally speaking to her. "Yes ma'am, I know him." She replied with a small smile. Her eyes moved back to the boy she went to school with. There had been many of times she was thankful he was around in her classes, since she didn't like working with anyone else. He was also one of the few people she didn't mind spending time with or meeting his parents, since she knew them too. It was tragic when his father passed and she had done her best to help JC through it. "Hey James." She replied then gave a small wave before walking closer to him. "How have you been?" She asked, since she hadn't had much contact with him in quit a long time. Her eyes then moved to the girl sitting beside him. She gave the girl a small polite smile and wave before moving her eyes back onto JC.

The setting changes from Route 4 to The Faria Region

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riza Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
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0.00 INK

Image Image Image
James "JC" Cyprus
Old Sally's Rest Stop

Sally handed him back his pokeball which he promptly pocketed and his Starly took to the sky and landed in its usual spot on his left shoulder. She looked to Bo who was still studying his egg and then asked him how he was doing. "Oh, you know Bo, right? She went to school with us. And I have been good! How about you? I have an egg now!" He stretched out his hands only to show her the nothingness that resided there. "Uhhhh... well there it is." He gestured to the egg that Bo was studying. He looked back to Riza and noticed she was alone, aside from her Skitty which now brushed up against his leg. "Aww she's so cute! Have you two been traveling alone?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riza Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
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0.00 INK

Du Bo Ah
Route 4

Bo heard the other people talking to James but couldn't find the urge to care. The eggs she was examining were amazing! So similar in texture but in tempature they were opposites! She had to record this for her mother. She opened to a new page and furiously began writing and sketching. Warden chittered at the girl, his fur raised. He tried looking threatening but he was barely a foot tall. Bo set a hand on his head and shushed him, without looking up from her journal. She had rested the eggs against her egg, side by side, the tops touching gently.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riza Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
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0.00 INK

Riza watched as Sally handed James his pokeball before she focused her eyes onto her old friend. It had honestly been a long time since she had last seen him, however he looked pretty much the same. At the mention of Bo, her eyes moved onto the girl before she gave a polite smile. For a moment, she stared at her, hoping to remember her, however nothing really came to mind. "Yeah..." She said a little reluctantly before noticing the egg. "Thats nice." She mumbled before watching Skitty walk over and nuzzle her face against James' leg. "Skitty." She called in a slight stern tone before nodding to James' question. "Yeah...I was going to travel with someone but...things changed and now we are on our own." She explained before looking to Bo again, who was now drawing. She smiled at the eggs that were sat side by side. "So do you know what it is?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riza Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
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0.00 INK

Image Image Image
James "JC" Cyprus
Old Sally's Rest Stop

"Umm... I think its a Fire type. It generates its own heat, and Bo's is cold so she says hers is probably an Ice type. Only logical that mine is Fire... right?" He asked Bo with an air of uncertainty in his own answer. He turned back to Riza again "I really don't care what type of Pokemon it is! I am happy just making a new friend and partner of him... or her... uhh it!" He couldn't help but laugh at himself for stumbling so poorly through that sentence.
Just then Sally chimed in: "So which one of you are going to battle- Riza is it? Right.- Who will battle Riza?"
JC looked to Bo who was consumed in her note taking. "Uhh Bo, would you like to battle Riza or should I?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riza Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
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0.00 INK

Du Bo Ah
Route 4

"Only logical that mine is Fire... right?"

"Well of course..." She muttered, as she finally finished writing. Her hand was cramped but she was satified. She stood, holding both eggs and handed the red one back to JC. "Here."

"Uhh Bo, would you like to battle Riza or should I?"

"I'd rather watch. See how well you care for your Pokemon. A battle tells a lot about a trainer." She said, holding a finger up. She was in her explanation mode again. "If one battles harshly, yelling at their poor Pokemon, then, in theory, he would be quite mean to them. You see where I'm going, yes?" She looked at JC then Riza. "If I'm traveling with you two then I need to know."

The setting changes from The Faria Region to Route 4


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riza Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
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0.00 INK

Riza smiled as she watched James stumble through his words and explaining about the two eggs. Her eyes moved to the two eggs before a small smile crept onto her face. It was slightly surprising that James would be carrying around an egg, at least to her, however she didn't say anything about it. When Sally walked in, she moved her eyes onto the woman before raising her right brow, rather surprised that she had to battle someone, since she hadn't really planned on it. Her eyes moved to James, hoping he would battle her, since it had been a long time. When Bo explained she rather watch, Riza gave a small, thankful smile. She listened to the explanation, that made sense. "Alright, well I only have one pokemon." Riza told James before glancing down at her Skitty who had moved to sit next to Riza's feet.

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 4 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Route 4

Route 4 by RolePlayGateway

The only road leading out of Adinitium City.

Adinitium Ferry Dock

Adinitium Ferry Dock by RolePlayGateway

A small shack and a small ferry run by an elderly man to help people without a Surfing Pok??mon cross the water.

The Faria Region

The Faria Region by Queen of Ice

The grand Faria region, where your adventure takes place!

Adinitium City

Adinitium City by RolePlayGateway

The city that you are from and that your adventure begins in!

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Carter Wright
15 sightings Carter Wright played by Talisman
"Haha- Wait, what?"

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Pokemon: A Trainer's Journey. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 25 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: GM
Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah
Character Portrait: Taru Volhakari
Character Portrait: GPM
Character Portrait: Riza
Character Portrait: Momo Dendo
Character Portrait: David Ignatius
Character Portrait: Lauren Wells
Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
Character Portrait: Sora Isobe


Character Portrait: Sora Isobe
Sora Isobe

"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute..."

Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
James "JC" Cyprus

"My Pokemon are my partners, not my tools."

Character Portrait: Lauren Wells
Lauren Wells

The Pokemon Explorer

Character Portrait: David Ignatius
David Ignatius

"Phew, I finally graduated! Time to become a Pokemon Master!!"

Character Portrait: Momo Dendo
Momo Dendo

"Hehe looook at all the Pokemon!"

Character Portrait: Riza

A teen girl who is striving to be the best!

Character Portrait: GPM


Character Portrait: Taru Volhakari
Taru Volhakari


Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah
Du Bo Ah

"I suppose we'll continue..."

Character Portrait: GM

Queen of Ice


Character Portrait: Lauren Wells
Lauren Wells

The Pokemon Explorer

Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
James "JC" Cyprus

"My Pokemon are my partners, not my tools."

Character Portrait: GPM


Character Portrait: Sora Isobe
Sora Isobe

"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute..."

Character Portrait: Momo Dendo
Momo Dendo

"Hehe looook at all the Pokemon!"

Character Portrait: Taru Volhakari
Taru Volhakari


Character Portrait: Riza

A teen girl who is striving to be the best!

Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah
Du Bo Ah

"I suppose we'll continue..."

Character Portrait: GM

Queen of Ice

Character Portrait: David Ignatius
David Ignatius

"Phew, I finally graduated! Time to become a Pokemon Master!!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: GM

Queen of Ice

Character Portrait: Taru Volhakari
Taru Volhakari


Character Portrait: Lauren Wells
Lauren Wells

The Pokemon Explorer

Character Portrait: James "JC" Cyprus
James "JC" Cyprus

"My Pokemon are my partners, not my tools."

Character Portrait: David Ignatius
David Ignatius

"Phew, I finally graduated! Time to become a Pokemon Master!!"

Character Portrait: Du Bo Ah
Du Bo Ah

"I suppose we'll continue..."

Character Portrait: Riza

A teen girl who is striving to be the best!

Character Portrait: Sora Isobe
Sora Isobe

"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute..."

Character Portrait: GPM


Character Portrait: Momo Dendo
Momo Dendo

"Hehe looook at all the Pokemon!"

View All » Places

Route 4

Route 4 by RolePlayGateway

The only road leading out of Adinitium City.

Adinitium Ferry Dock

Adinitium Ferry Dock by RolePlayGateway

A small shack and a small ferry run by an elderly man to help people without a Surfing Pok??mon cross the water.

The Faria Region

The Faria Region by Queen of Ice

The grand Faria region, where your adventure takes place!

Adinitium City

Adinitium City by RolePlayGateway

The city that you are from and that your adventure begins in!

Route 4

The Faria Region Route 4 Owner: RolePlayGateway

The only road leading out of Adinitium City.

The Faria Region

The grand Faria region, where your adventure takes place!

Adinitium City

The Faria Region Adinitium City Owner: RolePlayGateway

The city that you are from and that your adventure begins in!

Adinitium Ferry Dock

Route 4 Adinitium Ferry Dock Owner: RolePlayGateway

A small shack and a small ferry run by an elderly man to help people without a Surfing Pok??mon cross the water.

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