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Juliette M. Kingsley

"One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end."

0 · 2,244 views · located in Aeonis Academy

a character in “Aeonis Academy for Demigods”, as played by .euphoria.




“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”






Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ Lavender || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ Violet




      Juliette Melody Kingsley


      Julie and Jules {Most common}, Melody and Mel {Also common depending on the person}, and Tinker Belle, Blondie, Princess, and Little Miss. Sunshine {Mockingly}






      Eighteen {18} years old | January 1st, 1997


      12th | Senior


      English | British


      Bisexual with Sapiosexual tendencies


      Nottingham, England {newborn-Spring of age 10} | Manchester, England {Summer/late Fall of age 10- December of age 12} | The Kings Children's Home, East London, England {March of age 12-March of age 13} | Everywhere, U.S.A {April of age 13-Summer of age 14} | Aeonia Academy {14-present}







      119 lbs.


      Naturally blonde. She rarely does anything with her hair and more than likely will keep it wild and curly only to put in her a ponytail to keep it out of her face whenever she's out on one of her little adventures.


      Bright blue with specks of almost gold in them


      Lightly tanned, but still a bit pale except for her freckles that are a bit darker than the rest of her body


      When you think of an average British woman, you could automatically think of the face of Juliette Melody Kingsley; the blonde hair, pale skin, freckles that go from one end of her nose to the other, and the... less than perfect teeth that are a tad bit crooked. Juliette stands far under most other girls her age at a height of 4'11, and while she may think she's average, she is not just that typical blonde people like. No child of her family's could really ever be called normal or typical. Not with their stunning sky blue eyes, but like most things Jules stands out with hers being a bright, almost clear color of blue that seem to look into your soul. And she is small, she is far from 'chunky'. Her parents never allowed their children to layabout when they were younger, they were always going some type of sport or activity. For Juliette she spent most of her time playing the violin, cello, and fiddle, ballet, and archery. Keep her and her legs as toned as possible. And while she has lost the tone since moving to America a bit, you can still see it especially in her arms. Her golden locks travel down to her mid-waist when left down, curly, and natural, and always holds a sort of windswept look if she doesn't take the time to slow down and fix it up. While most days she lets it do whatever it wants, there are other days where she likes to braid it to the side just to keep it out of her way. Her skin while in England was as pale as it could be without her looking ill and has stayed like that for the most part, but since moving she has tanned ever so slightly. But, if there was anything she hated more about her body then her scars around her body especially the one going down her right arm from the socket to her index finger and the two small ones on her face right above her left eyebrow and at the corner her lips on the right, it would have to be those goddamn freckles that are all over her face. She doesn't have a real reason why she hates them other then they make her stand out and makes people stare at her more than she likes.




      ✦ Adventurous ✧ A Dreamer ✦ Loving ✧ Passionate ✦
      ✦ Risk Taking ✧ Optimistic ✦ Determined ✧ Romantic ✦
      ✦ Naive ✧ Sarcastic ✦ Irresponsible ✧ Unpredictable ✦
      ✦ Stubborn ✧ Clever ✦ Somewhat Childish ✧ Curious✦

      The most obvious part of little Miss. Kingsley here is her love of the Universe and everything within it. While most believe that it just there and there's nothing they can do to see it. Juliette sees it as a giant maze and in order to find your way out you have to make twists and turns that may seem absolutely at the time but, later down the road she thinks everyone will come to appreciate their choices. Ever those who feel like they made the wrong choice in the moment. All they need to do is stop mopping and being afraid of it and do everything they can to see the beauty in any and every situation. Which may make her hat naive girl that never grew up to some but to others, she's no more than that ray of sunshine that wants nothing more than to keep everything alive. Everyone is passionate about something, her passion just so happens to be the unknown. It draws her like a girl to a new Starbucks drink or a guy to a magazine with a pretty much nude Kate Upton on the cover, or any teenager to ... a John Green movie adaption. And even though it seems idiotic, she'll do anything for a good story that she can look back on from backpacking all the way to America to finding her way to the academy... with the help of her father of course....

      On another note, this girl was never or could never be just one thing, she not just this reckless, irresponsible, childish girl or this adventurous free spirit. She's those and much, much more. To some, she comes off as adventurous and naive girl, like a girl who knows basically nothing and is too trusting of the world and sees a good in it that's not really there. And doesn't really know what she wants in life other than an adventure and a good story to go along with it. To others, she's the romantic, fun loving, and overly stubborn person who will never admit she's wrong or that she needs help. However, the B.S.C.B aka "bat-shit crazy Brit" isn't one or the other. She's both. Jules is true to her heritage and the way she was raised even if she doesn't seem like it. From what she can remember, her parents pretty much were exactly like her personality. She is as passionate, caring, and strong as her... step father, so to speak, Demetri. A good man who would do anything for his family. And while Juliette loved him, he was a cynical, overly protective, and pessimistic man. He never wanted to see the good and the beauty of people and the world but saw it more as a... danger filled maze like in Maze Runner. Always changing and no one comes out alive or the same. While her mother saw life a bit differently. Just like her mother, she's very romantic and dreaming soul, who wants to have a life like you see in those cheesy rom-com movies where the girl shows the other how amazing life can be or vice versa. Hell, it obviously worked for her parents and she wants to find a love like that with someone. Even though, she may feel alone every once and a while. It's something she yearns for whether in high school or later on, more than anything. In some cases, she's far more curious than she should be. She's open and weird. She'll say random things and not regret saying them right after. She'll ask strange and random questions. And she is not afraid being seen as a loser or a weirdo.

      She loves to dream! The young girl loves to believe that if she wants to do something then maybe, just maybe.... she can actually do it. Some people believe that she is a little.... Out There and maybe she is but, hey that's her. Along with this, she's an idealist who loves and always pursue high hopes, and dreams, and goals. Never shooting down another person's dreams no matter what they are. Again like her mother, she is optimistic, sue her; But the way she sees it it's better to feel everything and think everything is possible than to feel nothing at all and that every situation is what it is and you can't flip it around into a good thing. It makes her believe that, there's a light at the end of every tunnel. This fact leads her to sometimes think too much, a habit she's been trying to break. But, for the last eighteen years it has not been able to be broken. But like her step father was, she is determined, protective, and charming. She is not one to take pity from anyone about anything and isn't above snapping on someone who sees her as inferior to them just because of who her real father is or because she's not the smart girl or just because they see her as this little pest. If she was to be honest, she would actually say that with how cynical and closed off people in the world, they're actually worst off than she is. And, she lives to prove those types of people wrong. Which has made her step-father and hopefully her birth father very proud. Something that she has always wanted to place from him; pride and acceptance.

      But, with every good thing there are bad things. While she is adventurous, she can also be seen as having the same mindset of a child or a naive teenager. One that is blindly optimistic and refuses to see anything bad in life. She knows its there but, she doesn't like to acknowledge that she's without a family and even that there's just terrible and bad people in the world who just want to hurt someone else. While she is romantic, she's unpredictable. No one knows what she might do or where she disappears to every once and a while. Hell, with some of her decisions like jumping off a ledge into water in the pitch of night, mind you where she cannot see a damn thing could be seen as just plain risky and reckless. But, she lives for those heart pounding nervous but, exciting moments. And lastly, while she's loving and forgiving, she's scared. She's like a child in more ways than one, she's afraid that she'll never be able to do what she's dreamed of. She has these dreams to see the most beautiful place on Earth, or to show off her musical talent to the world, in front of a sold out crowd only to receive a stand ovation and tons of roses thrown towards her, and to find that one person, while not perfect seems perfect enough to her. And what if she doesn't reach them? What if they just become fantasies in the back of her mind and she's left regretting her decisions in life like an elderly woman who thinks back in her life? She's terrified of regretting life more than anything else. And she'll do anything she can to keep those dreams alive and to do anything she has to in order to reach them just she can make more goals and reach those before going on to bigger and better things. For now at least, she sees life as this roller coaster that only goes up. And she's planning on keeping that way.


      Adventure : Exploring : Mysteries - Juliette has always loved a good mystery or adventure. Even as a child, she would scurry off in their house just to see if she could find anymore secrets that she hadn't already found. And that curiosity has only gotten worst with putting her in this amazing and beautiful city! She'll go somewhere and don't get me started about when the sunsets. But, she believes that you find the best secrets and the most beautiful things when you're at your weakest and not looking. In fact she found this one place, a piece of 'paradise' to speak, where right before sunrise the forest just looks so at peace and its beautiful to her.
      Love : Romance - Jules was born into a very romantic family, hell her name's Juliette for crying out loud. And from a young age, her and her sisters were taught that there is someone for everyone and you'll find them when you least expect it.
      Music and Anything Dealing With It - For obvious reasons, she loves music and everything doing with it. She loves listening to music esp. classical and dancing music, singing, dancing (even if she's not the best at it), and of course playing music with one of her several {25} instruments. Everything about it makes her feel close to her godly father and well, she likes feeling close to him like that.
      Archery - This is the love of her life, yes adventure is her passion and music is like her child but, archery was and always has been her salvation. Something she would do whenever she was too angry to play her instruments. And, she like most people love being good at something and just like her other half-siblings, she flawless at it just like she is with music.
      The Outdoors : Anything doing with being outside - Juliette has never been a girly girl, she was always the black sheep of her sisters. The one that loves to run and swim and do anything as long as she was outside. And, that has not changed one bit from when she was child. She'll still go outside if she's feeling stressed and just lay down to think about it. But, her favorite thing is to look up at the stars at night and just dream of touching them.
      The Unknown - “One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”: Little Miss. Tinker Belle is an addict to the unknown, like an obsessed old lover. She craves it and yearns for it more than anything else in the world; more than archery, music, and mysteries and finding love all together. Which may be the reason she's seen as a little kid.
      Cartoons and Marvel Comics : Jules is a bit of a nerd and this is just another way how. She loves anything doing with Marvel comics, their clever plots, their stunning movies, and everything in between. And she only gives into the idea of being a child by having a love of a good cartoons like Gravity Falls, Spongebob, and more than anything, The Avatar Series... Both of them. But, she does have a love of older cartoons especially those doing with the Disney Afternoon.
      ✧ Also likes Disney films, adventure films, showing affection, Theme Parks, festivals, John Green books, romance novels, coffee, eating, relaxing outside in the sunlight, stargazing, and adrenaline.


      Negative : Cynical : Overly Serious people - She knows that most like to think of themselves as a 'realist', or logical but most of the time they're just negative, cynical people who are just too afraid to think with their heart or gut over their brain for once. And, she knows she can't just make disappear, even though she wishes she could. She has just learned to block out their negativity and keep moving forward.
      Her Past - She doesn't hate it. But, she does dislike it even though she doesn't act like it. She lost both of her parents and two of her sisters when she was fourteen and it was up to her to care for her two other sisters whenever they're orphanage caretakers didn't want to care and she felt like it was up to her to make sure they had everything they needed in life. That's a lot of stress and responsibility for a young girl which lead to her forever having this paranoia that sooner or later they're never be able to go off on their own.
      Bad Musicians and Most Top 40 Artists - Melody is a bit of a music snob, seeing that her father is Apollo aka God of music. And she believes the popular music of today is nothing compared to the past generations of actually... good music.
      Being hurt - In any form of the word, like any young girl she does hate getting hurt and just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it's not going to. Sooner or later someone going to come around and hurt her really bad and all she can do is assume when and who it'll be.
      Over thinkers : Closed Minded Souls - Can't they just go along with her for once? Without the backtalk. She has the same problem with them that she does with the cynical, overly serious, negative souls that are in this forest.
      Growing Up : The Future - This isn't the unknown; oh no, this is the known fact that one day she's going to have to grow up and spend the rest of her life in an office somewhere at a job she can't stand. She'll have to grow away all of her dreams just because she needs to 'act her age'.
      When People Treat Her Like a Child - People think that just because she's small or because she has dreams and optimism that they need to treat her like a child, she is eighteen years old and she knows how to take care of herself. She doesn't need people pitying her or being over protective of her.




      Musical Ability - As a daughter of the god of music, she is an expert musician and can play any musical instrument known to man perfectly. And also has superior vocal ability compared to other demi-gods. {Her favorite insturments to play are violin, piano, cello, and the drums.}
      Excellent Precision and Archery - She, along with her other half-siblings have perfect precision and can aim at anything including sports and especially in archery.
      Dancing - While it helps who her father is, she also has been a dancer since the age of two. She has learned multiple types of dance including but no limited to waltz, ballroom, hip hop, and her favorite being lyrical and ballet. Even now she likes to learn different types of dances from around the world and spend time trying to perfect them whenever she's not out exploring, that being mostly at night.
      Flexibility, Agile, Gymnastics, etc. - She's able to get herself out of tough positions more than just figuratively. She also is very flexible and agile, being able to get from one place to another with only little difficulty.

      Too Curious/Adventurous - If you were to ask her, she doesn't think she has a problem. She would tell you you're just overreacting and that she can handle any situations. But, if you were to ask anyone else they would tell you she's way too curious g of the world around her and is always getting herself into stupid situations that she could have easily avoided if she would have just acted her age and didn't go around exploring the shit out of everything.
      Overly Trusting, Romantic, and Naive - Same thing with her being overly trusting and naive of the world around her. She believes there is good in everyone and sometimes that might not be the case meaning she might get herself hurt or killed just because she refuses to believe that there are just bad and evil people in the world.
      Admitting she needs help/Stubborn/Her Pride - She stubborn, like really stubborn. She hates people thinking she needs help just because she super short or because she's not the smart girl around or any other reason to be honest. Even when she feels like she can't do it anymore and just wishes she could just leave and disappear, she'll never admit it to anyone no matter how close she is to them. Why? Just because she hates pity and she rather deal with it on her own.
      Her right leg - Since getting in the accident at age twelve, she has always walked with a very weak right leg. It likes to buckle and lock up at the absolute worst and most random times. Meaning, she never knows when it wants to fuck with her. It only locks for a couple of seconds before she can move again or get back up but it still slows her down. So, much so that she has clutches and even a wheelchair in her room for whenever it gets serious.

      Never falling in love - Melody was raised to believe that true love is out there for everyone and all you have to do is wait until the time is right and it'll just... happen. And while she doesn't fear many things, that is one thing she is terrified of; Never finding that one person that makes the forest feel like heaven on Earth for her.
      The Future : Growing up - Melody is one of adventure and mystery and an addict to the unknown but, one thing she does hate thinking about is the future, being forced to grow up, and leave all of her dreams behind just to get pushed into an office job until she dies. She knows it's a part of life but, she doesn't want to face having to give up her dreams, not yet.
      Failing - Failure, isn't it something everyone fears? And, Juliette is no exception. She has promised to do all these things to her parents and to her sisters and even to herself, and she feels like if she doesn't do them, everyone's going to think that she failed them and lied. And, she does not need to feel like anymore of a failure than she already feels.





      She didn't learn about her real father until her family died, but once she found a letter written by her mother explaining everything, Apollo made his presents known. It's because of him she found her way out of the orphanage and into the states. It's because of him that she found her fire for adventure again and for that, she'll always love and respect him. After she found her way to California, the two would talk for a few minutes, play a song on her violin or one of the several instruments they would practice on in a nearby music shop, and he would leave only to appear again whenever she was feeling a bit lonely or needed some guidance on where to go from wherever she was at the time of her hitchhiking days. He's the one person who seems to get her and truly care for her. She feels like he loves her and wants nothing from her except for her to succeed in life, not even knowing that he has more motives than just those he let her know. And if she ever found out, it would probably crush her, but for now. She as blind as a child, and sees him as the last family member she has left.


      She loves being able to play every instrument, really she does but to be honest... She loves being able to heal people more. Only because she loves making people smile and see people get better and if she can help out with that and heal or get rid of any disease they have, it makes her feel like she's giving them a second chance at life. This only gives into her nickname name of Tinker Belle or Angel but, she can't help it. She likes the idea of helping people in anyway she can.

Xthere'XIXdon'tXknowXwhereXthereXisX, butXIXbelieveXit's



      Angel Kingsley | Mother | 40 (at time of death/2009) | Homemaker/Nanny | Deceased
      Demetri Jackson | Father | 38 (at time of death/2009) | Deceased
      Imogen Kingsley | Older sister | 20 (at time of death) | Student at Oxford | Deceased
      Peter Kingsley | Older brother | 16 (at time of death/2009) | Deceased
      Hazel Kingsley | Younger Sister | 7 (at time of death) | Deceased
      Odette Kingsley | Younger Sister | 16 | Deceased

      Juliette Melody Kingsley was born in a typical rags to riches to rags... again story. The first nine-ten years of the young girls life was spent in what England called the 'ghetto' of the country which was Nottingham, England. And growing up, was difficult for the family all because it was a very dangerous place to raise a family of seven. So when Fiona turned ten years old, the large family finally began to have money with their father's printing business and decided to move to a rather nice area known as the infamous Manchester. In their new city, they were well known for being the odd family in the area, never really being known for being... normal especially Juliette who has been the same since birth but, now in the new neighborhood her mother and step father (who she thought was her father at the time) felt like it was safe enough for her to explore. Yet, none of it mattered because she had a family that adored her and every single other child the couple had. And growing up sure she was spoiled but, she never showed it. Sure, her siblings loved having things and money but, with Jules it never made her truly happy. Sure, it was nice to have but... they still didn't have enough to just throw around.

      Growing up from that age was a rather easy life, sure they still struggled a tad bit but, they made it work. They went to the best schools, had nice clothes and were the sweetest family anyone could ever meet. And life was nice... That is until Juliette turned twelve on a freezing Winter night. They were returning home from a night out for Jules violin recital. Like most days they were all talking and laughing about some stupid joke Peter had made about how they all looked like the 'Lucky Charms' leprechaun if he had had a confused, gay phase or something along those lines. The roads were icy and they were stopping at a red light only their car didn't stop until they got into the middle of the road and by that time there was nothing they could do to stop what happened next. A truck was coming from the right and just smashed into them right as the family's car stopped. And within that moment Jules' life changed forever. The car had went in all directions as did the family. Most of them were killed instantly; her mother who was driving, her dad who was napping in the passenger seat and her sister, Imogen who was sitting on the left side with Hazel on her lap. While Juliette, Odette, and Peter were close to death when they arrived into the emergency room. All three were put on life support and none of them were suppose to survive but, for some reason Juliette woke up after two months. She was confused and couldn't remember anything from the past six months even events before the accident were a blur to her. But, they soon explained to her what had happened, the accident and the death of her entire family including Odette who died last only three hours before Jules has woken up. She had no idea what she was suppose to do or where she was suppose to go, her mother has burnt all bridges with her family and her father was an orphan, so he had no family. Leaving her to only follow in Demetri's footsteps and finding herself in The Kings Children's Home in East London only three weeks later. They had given her a box of belongings like a stuffed bear from when she was a newborn, a family picture of all seven of them, and a folder stuffed with things dealing with Juliette's background.... Whatever that meant and on it it stated not to open it until she was eighteen so, she wanted to obey it.

      It sucked and she was always over looked when it came to finding a family, not that she wanted to adopted. If anything she just wanted to emancipate herself and find a way either home or far away from it. But, as time went by she could take it anymore, she needed to read what was in that folder! So, you could say curiosity killed the cat and she read every single word of the letter left inside. Apparently her mother was going to tell her when she turned eighteen, her mother was going to tell her that her father wasn't really her father or at least her birth father. She had said how she had fell for a god named Apollo and she was a demi-god, someone who was part human and part god. Of course at first, Juliette couldn't believe it but as she kept reading it started to make sense in a way; the way she could aim perfectly without having to look, the way she was always able to make her cuts disappear and her scars fade, and how she was just a natural born musician and singer. But, what would you think if you had read that? You would think your mother was psychotic or kidding around with her daughter since she always said she wanted to be different. And right when she was about to throw it in the trash, a man walked into the orphanage and asked to see Juliette, wanting to adopt her and the second she saw him, something just clicked. He soon explained that he was her father and that she needed to get out of here in order to figure herself out. He signed the papers and told her exactly where she should go in order to start anew, the states. She didn't even question him, before she knew it she found herself in Los Angeles, trying to make things work and after time passed... It did. She had found an homeless shelter that helped her out with anything she could need help with, mostly a place to sleep at night. Every so often her father would check on her and tell her about Greece and how he hated to see that fire she once had gone.

      She hated it too, she used to be so adventurous and fun loving but after losing her family, it died down with them and she wanted it back in her life. So, she re-lit it. Just like that, she found herself with nothing more than a backpack on her back and a small rolling bag stuffed with clothing the shelter had gotten her and her personal belongings from year ago. She traveled all over and would hitchhike over the west coast just because she had nothing better she could do. She didn't have a family, no commitments, and she certainly didn't want to go to school. That is until Apollo appeared yet again to her in a coffee shop in Seattle, telling her about this academy for demigods just like her. A place where she could learn about his heritage and no longer feel like no one else would understand what she was going through. She was reluctant and she felt that there was something he wasn't telling her, but being Juliette she truly believed he was doing it with the kindest intentions so, she gave in and soon found herself on the Aeonia campus surrounded by many just like her. She's been here ever since and still has that fire for adventure and the unknown lit and forever growing.

      Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Freya Mavor

      Her Pet, Journey - It's not her pet per-say, but she does have a fox named Journey that runs around the town and she treats like her own. They met her first night in the town and just like her Journey lost her family so, to Jules they just... clicked and she has watched out for the fox ever since. She feeds her and she even tried to give her a home in her dorm in a small bed right at the end of hers but, Journey like her 'owner' likes to explore and be free. So, Juliette let her free but, visits her and finds her everyday.

      Her Accent - She speaks with a deep, yet raspy British accent.

      Her Plans After Aeonis - For now, Jules doesn't want to go to college. She just wants to live her life for a couple of years; she wants to travel and play music all over the world. And as of right now, that's her plan... Probably not going to change.

      Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ✧ BleedingLover

      character basic form © aurei
      modified form ઽ૮૨Α
      modified form for this roleplay : BleedingLover

So begins...

Juliette M. Kingsley's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Amanda Cartwright Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Jensen Adler Character Portrait: Haylie Trevers Character Portrait: Daniel Keisuke
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“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Time : 6:50
Location : Her hiding spot in the forest
Outfit : [X]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ Lavender || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ Violet

"This was... not what I thought would happen." The young Brit told herself as she looked up at the thick branch she was caught on because of her small backpack. She looked at her watch and saw that it was still really early; 6:50. Meaning she had easily been hanging around for a good twenty five minutes from her favorite tree away from the academy. It was just like her to go disappearing in the middle of the night and since she didn't even fly anywhere, she was wide awake. Best part about rarely leaving the city, no jetlag like the others. Jules huffed as she tried to squirm to find a way up or to the trunk where she could just leave her backpack and get later and since just falling to her death or broken leg wasn't an option she kept looking for a way out. She just let herself hang for a second as she thought of a plan. She chuckled to herself as she bit her lip. She slid on arm out from the strap of her backpack and reached for the branch of the tree, when she got a hold on it she let out the air she was holding in and sighed in relief. "Piece of cake, not worried at all." She convinced herself as she pulled herself up onto the tree and sat down to get the hook of her bag off the branch. The blonde took a second as she looked at the view from where she was, just letting her feet dangle as she took a deep breath.

The only reason she looked away was because her alarm on her watch began to go off. Looking at the time, she squinted her eyes as she silently cursed to herself as she slid her backpack back on and started to make her way down from her little hiding place from the rest of the world. This time, making sure she didn't go too fast that she would get caught; 7:30. How time flew by so fast, she has no idea. All she knows is that she should probably start her journey back to the school before breakfast was over. When she hit the ground she grabbed the tan beanie she had dropped on the ground when she got caught while also picking up her circle rimmed glasses and sliding them on. Looking at the time once more she scoffed and started to walk back towards the trail she found herself walking off.

“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Time : 8:00
Location : Aeonis Academy; her room
Outfit : [X]

Jules walked into her room, not seeing her roommate as she went to the bathroom to try to freshen up a bit just so she could get the smell of the outdoors off of her. She pulled off her hat to reveal the curly mane that was her hair. She didn't even try fixing it because there was no use. For years she had tried straightening it, with an iron and chemically but, it never stayed. She tried keeping it controlled with a ponytail holder which only snapped with how thick her hair was. She brushed her teeth once more, sprayed her jasmine perfume before walking out and towards her closet where she decided it was for the best that she changed all together that way she didn't look like she had had a rough morning. She rummaged through her drawers and tossed articles of clothing on her bed. She didn't really pay close attention to looking how perfectly they went together like most did and once she knew she had a shirt, pants, and shoes picked out she quickly changed from her navy hoodie and black jogging pants and into her new outfit.

Before she knew it she was sliding her hat back on to help and tame her hair and was back out the door, not taking long to observe herself in the mirror. As she walked through the corridors, she was about to slide in her headphones but, before she did she caught a group of sophomore girls speaking about a 'special guest' the academy was having at 9:30. Juliette raised an eyebrow and she spoke to herself. "Special guest? Now I wanna know who it is." She huffed as she finally put in her headphones and started her 'Morning Adventure' playlist, one that was filled with songs to keep her awake and ready for the day. The girl somewhat skipped through the halls and outside as she looked through her phone and decided to text Daniel, Haylie, Jensen to see if any of them were already eating so she wouldn't have to sit alone out in the common area as she waited for one of her friends to come by.

To : Hails (Haylie) and Dannyboy

"Hey guys, are you in the cafeteria already? If so, let me know. I don't want to sit alone like some loner. :(

To : Jensen

"Hey loverboy, are you and Mandy in the cafeteria? I need some friends and I missed being the third wheel over the summer with the two of you.

She put her phone in her pocket as she continued on her way to get some food after such an interesting morning. For the most part she kept to herself with the except of smiling and saying 'hello' to a few people who had smiled and waved towards her. They never asked how her summer was seeing how she spent most, if not all of it on the island. And this year was no different, sure her father took her to California for a day and a half but, soon after she returned to her home, not that she minded. It had a lot of places to explore and it was much easier to do when you didn't have several students thinking that you were just a crazy, childish girl.

She found herself in the cafeteria, looking around for anyone that she could sit with and have a real conversation with. Sure, she saw Daniel's best friend, Haylie's ex, and Juliette's crush, Dylan Ramirez sitting with Hayden Cenix. Sure, she knew them by name but, that was it. Other then the fact that they were both really attractive, they were Danny's friends honestly not her's. So, instead of sitting and waiting around, she found herself at the buffet probably grabbing more food than most people thought she could eat. Still looking like a lost little girl as she looked around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Haylie Trevers Character Portrait: Daniel Keisuke Character Portrait: Hayden Cenix
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X || Outfit || X

9:14 am, Day One, Aeonis Academy - Dining Hall

Dylan looked up from his phone for a few seconds and Juliette walked in, he couldn't help but smile a bit, he quickly looked back at his phone and texted Danny and Haylie as he quickly said a sentence to Hayden, "Nevermind, I dunno your name, I have something that I need to do."

To Dan The Man and Hails: Gonna talk to Julie, if I can't make her fall in love with me or friendly acquaintances, at the least, jump in and try to help me. All new school year = all new life goals. xD

He got up from his chair and put his phone in to his pocket and walked over to where Juliette was standing at the buffet, "Uh... um... hi, Juliette," He waved, face-palming on the inside, 'You're the biggest idiot ever, Dylan.' That's all that was running through his mind, but it couldn't be that bad, right? "I'm Dylan.... son of Athena. You've probably never heard of me... I'm Danny's friend... You're his half-sister, right?..." He knew everything about her but he was trying to stay as chilled out and as calm as possible and act like he didn't know a lot about her, he wasn't sure if it was working.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Mystique Velver Character Portrait: Tristan Viper Character Portrait: Hayden Cenix
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Little did the awkward school girl Mystique know that she was fun for him to be around with the way she acted entirely. Tristan loved exposing these moments where she’d be free to say anything and do silly little things. She had a lot of potential to unlock yet and some of it lay in her restricting personality. She didn’t need to be so proper all the time and they were still young. She had to let go a little, be loose more often like now.

Tristan grinned having a quick response at the ready to all Mystique said but it would probably be best to let her recover herself and wait for her. “First off I do attend this school as well I think you should know. I don’t just stalk people in the woods area,” he said nudging her gently with his arm.
“Only the one’s that deserved it,” he echoed amused. “Yeah, I’m going to the hall. Some might call it the main area where food’s supplied and announcements take place.” He got to grin again. “Race you?” He offered, eyeing his challenger for a moment then he broke into a sprint for the hall.

Hayden looked around the hall area after glancing to his phone for the time and blew out his lips returning the phone to his pocket. Waiting or testing his patience was not one of his talents and time was ticking more slowly than ever and the morning for him was as uneventful as ever. He could understand why Ares was more practical now. There was no sitting around and waiting or relying on others. It was a matter of taking actions into your own hands.

He watched Dylan get up and approach a girl that he never quite got acquainted with, much alike Dylan himself. Hayden had seen her around, heard her name called before. Juliette? Juliette like Romeo and Apollo. That’s how he made the connection sometimes anyway. He smiled and shook his head to himself averting his gaze to a wall. Even such a distance away things looked awkward which was what happened with awkward people and crushes mostly.

Hayden clamped his hands together on top of the table focusing ahead as he daydreamed to a bloody paradise. A bunch of figures, six to be precise all replicates of each other, the same in black uniforms pointing their swords forth and surrounding Hayden. They were light on their feet, subtly perhaps even credited: elegantly, closing in for the attack. Or maybe they wished for him to surrender but that would never happen. Hayden conjured a sword of his own feeling it more of a fair, justice filled battle and he began slashing, deflecting, parrying as metal clashed on metal and his footwork became flawless.
When two swords came at him the same time from opposite angles, one approaching his chest and one his back, he swooped down rolling out of the way and kicked out at the calf of a single attacker causing him to stumble forward and stab his ally. That was his favourite part that resulted in a smirk to form upon his lips.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Aiden W. Stuart Character Portrait: Hayden Cenix Character Portrait: Arthos Thror Character Portrait: Isra Tennyson
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Après moi, le déluge.

    A silent buzz at his side alerted Aiden of a new message just as another scheme had begun to form in his sleep-clouded mind. His eyes left his current target, a fidgety senior he had only met on occasion, only once he had fished out his phone and unlocked it with a well-practice swipe of his thumb. He was greeted by a response from Bee and her words momentarily chased away whatever plot he had started to weave and replaced them with a quick rundown of his class schedule while he tried to plan his day. He was a bit more awake than he had been when he had sent her the previous message and that could be seen in the improving grammar in the message he was typing back.

    To: Phoebe Lane
    lol i think how gullible mortals were made the job all the more easy. and i blame science ;) how about our next study session? let's meet a bit earlier so that we can actually get work done as well.

    He paused there, blinking at the screen, before hitting the send button and taking a sip out of his thermos. Something felt off and an inexplicable restlessness had settled into him. Call it a gut feeling, but he had the feeling that he would soon need to address his less than amiable feelings towards his godly parents and, frankly, that was the last thing he wanted to think about right now so he looked back up, scanning the large hall for any source of distraction.

    His eyes landed on the twelfth grader he had spotted earlier. Subject AHB-XI, his mind finally supplied, child of Athena and one he had not had much chance to observe yet. A quick glance back down at his phone indicated that he still had much time to spare and that was enough to spur him into action while the son of Athena was busy approaching another senior. It wasn't hard to guess what all the awkward shuffling betrayed. Poor lad picked a really bad time to make a move on his crush especially since Aiden was still dead set on proving 'Manda wrong. Or so Hecate's ever impetuous son would think.

    Seeing the short distance between his two targets, Aiden produced a wand out of his sleeve. It was shorter than most, but its size made it easier to conceal and explain without taking too much away from its energy channeling properties. True, it limited the amount of runes that could be carved into the wood, but for that was irrelevant for spells as simple as the ones Aiden was about to cast.

    With a slight twist of his wrist, Aiden tapped his thermos with his wand, making sure the piece of wood remained no higher than an inch or two above the dining table so that it would be less noticeable. "With negativity and impurity I condemn this water," he whispered under his breath while invoking the smell of rotten eggs and methane in his mind. Count on him to warp a cleansing spell into the complete opposite of what it had been meant to do. Then, Aiden slid the sealed container, liquid sloshing noisily within its confines, towards the upper right corner of an invisible pentagram he quickly traced with his wand before pointing in the direction of one Dylan Ramirez with the piece of wood. "Accept this tribute and wear it with pride. Like a second skin it will remain, detectable to all, but to oneself and until the next rainfall it will stay."

    At the last minute, however, Aiden changed his target on a whim, redirecting his wand and channeling his spell in the direction of the girl Dylan had been speaking to instead. Like many lesser spells, the one Aiden had cast did not disturb the air in its path nor did it leave any visible traces of it existence. Creatures more attuned to ambient energy would still be able to sense it, but not see it with the naked eye. Should his spell hit home, every pore of her epidermis would suddenly begin to emit a faint smell of rotten eggs. It wouldn't be enough to alert the whole dining hall, especially considering the little preparation he had dedicated to his makeshift ritual, but definitively noticeable to all within her close proximity. Except to herself of course.

    Just how strong was Dylan's crush and how would he react if the child of Apollo wasn't as perfect as he had imagined, Aiden was determined to find out and this would only be the first test out of many he had in store for him.

Mood: Inquisitive | Status: Restless| Location: Dining Hall


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Mystique Velver Character Portrait: Tristan Viper Character Portrait: Aiden W. Stuart Character Portrait: Hayden Cenix
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Lurking in her talents wasn’t humour-never humour but it was good to laugh at herself and succeed in making Tristan amused too and she could simply not stop smiling. Up until he proposed to race. “What?” She questioned, her brows pulling together as she slowed her pace more looking to him.
His burst of sprint had answered itself. He really had proposed a race and meant it. She had only been equipped with chucks as shoes and they were nowhere near reliable to close the distance and manage the different textures of the grounds even as a demi-god blessed with enhanced speed. But Eris’ children were somewhere on the list as fast gods too and it was evident in Tristan’s running.

Without much thought she took on the form of a cheetah and broke into her own sprint after him. Mystique was ecstatic with herself as she was able to shapeshift with ease and take on the body of a cheetah but she was racing for the moment and happier to see herself gaining on his two legs that weren’t posing much of a match after all. The wild cat had to drop back in speed however as she approached the building where sharp turns and smooth floors lay but she had exceptional acceleration and speed on her which was used effectively as she gained the lead. Luckily, Tristan wasn’t the kind to sulk about cheating or so she presumed but she was happy in herself either way as she reached the dining hall first and took on the successful properties of a cheetah. The downside of the transformation quickly struck her though as she skidded down an aisle between tables and chairs, naturally trying to claw at the floor to reach a halt.

"Easy, darling. I'm aware we have a special guest speaker but it's not that much to be excited about." Came the English voice of an older man that bought Mystique to a stop by standing in her wild drift course. She slid into his legs before noting it was a teacher. A teacher, she gulped, allowing herself to transform back and reveal her identity.
“I'm so sorry, sir,” she said meekly unable to meet his eyes remaining on the floor. If she weren't doing bad enough in power control she certainly demonstrated it now.
The response that she did not get to see was nothing more than a small smile and Mr. Alcaeus wandering back off to his own spot in the dining hall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Altair D'Cruz Character Portrait: Daniel Keisuke Character Portrait: Aiden W. Stuart Character Portrait: Isra Tennyson
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0.00 INK


Dan looked up as Tair walked over him before standing himself and following his friend, if not a little slowly and dragging his feet to return the favor of slowing them down. Dan smiled as he saw Tair texting someone. "Oooo, does Tair have a girlfriend now?" Danny asked, teasing his friend as he continued to drag his feet before picking up the pace upon having the favor of yelling returned. "I'm going to hurry not because you told me to, but because I feel like it," Danny said in his most rebellious voice he has.

Dan looked down to see he owed lessons and wondered if he could somehow have Teddy steal the time so that he didn't have to give lessons and could instead spend the time with Isra. That would be nice. He would like that.

To Dylan:You see buddy, I have recently broken my voice and therefore cannot give instruction by speaking. You will only learn through telepathy, since you can't do that, I guess we can't have guitar lessons.

Danny sent the message with the most serious face he had on. He knew his friend would know he was joking and did it for the sake of making him smile. He continued walking next to Altair only to receive another text and just stop where he was without warning.

To JullieteI'm coming and don't worry, you're already a looser! You're my sister!

Danny had his half sister in his phone as "Romeo's GF" for whatever reason. Maybe it was because someone had once gone through all of his contacts to change their name to something related to their name to just mess with Danny. Dan had decided he either didn't care or liked it, but was too lazy to decide which and just went ahead and left it as it was. Dan then continued to walk, jogging slightly to catch up to Tair. Danny heard yet another text and groaned, stopping suddenly once again, then smiled at who it was and whooped, pumping his fist in the air in his excitement to talk to her. The best part? Nobody knew who he was so psyched over! Then his crush would be out and Isra would probably reject him, at least in his head that was how it went.


Isra: I'll be there in two minutes.

Dan's contact had Isra in it as Amore Mio, My Love in Italian since few people in the states seemed to speak or be able to read Italian. Danny made the text short and sweet so he could take off running to get there as fast as possible. He ran by Altair, leaving him in the dust as he ran to reach the dining hall, ignoring the banging of the guitar on his back. He slowed to a jog as he approached so he wasn't so desperate in appearance.

Dan gave Dylan a slight wave as he took back up his running so he could reach the food line before someone else got there since he had spotted Isra at the end of the line. "I swear I will talk to you in a few minutes, thank you, I know I'm your biggest fan, I love you too, bye," Danny said as he gave a slide shuffle thing before resuming his running. He skidded to a stop behind Isra, his hands in his pocket, willing his body not to sweat and praying his dad was enough of a ladies man that he understood Dan's need to look good and not stink from exertion.

"There she is!" Danny stated as he held his arms up as if presenting Isra to an invisible audience. "So, have you gotten a new favorite song I must learn how to play so you have a fabulous acoustic version?" Danny asked as he grabbed a muffin and began peeling the wrapper off.

He wasn't sure what flavor it was, but as soon as he took a bite, he grabbed a napkin and spit it out. He dropped the gross half eaten bran muffin into the trash then hesitantly reached for one with something that might have been chocolate chips, he hoped they were chocolate chips. Dan was very pleased when it was and was able to swallow it.

"I'm telling you what, muffins are not just ugly cupcakes, they are just a different part of the cupcake family and prefer to not use makeup. So basically, muffins are beautiful as they are as they are like us, beautiful when natural. In other words, you look very muffinish today," Danny said in the stupidest pick up line he had ever used. He turned slightly away so he could bang his head on a table and lay down to die when he realized it wouldn't do any good and turned back to Isra. "So, what're you gonna do later? I did get my violin tuned if you want to come over and hear that one song from last year with a properly tuned violin," Danny asked, feeling like she would automatically say no since it was him. He would think every other girl would say yes, but the one that mattered? Why would she see anything in him? She was so much better...

Dan glanced back at Dylan and his other friends, scanning the dining area for anyone he might have missed. He saw people he knew and was friends with spaced out, then found the one guy he wasn't friends with, at all. His arch nemesis, which wasn't Danny being over dramatic, was currently doing something Danny didn't like. He debated interfering, then realized he'd have to eventually. Danny was fast, whispering under his breath so that it was only audible to him, "Ugly acts dealt to another shall return to you and become a bother."

It wasn't one of his best curses, and he could already feel lightheaded, the darkness he felt increasing on him causing him to feel as if he was suffocating for a moment before it passed and the curse was sent to encounter the jerk. Danny hoped that whatever Aiden had sent at Dylan was something really bad, not because he wanted Dylan to be in pain or whatever, but so Aiden was. It was a good jab, the first of many between the two Danny imagined. He gave a slight smirk before returning his full attention to Isra, having done the entire act when she was busy with the food options.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Amanda Cartwright Character Portrait: Jensen Adler Character Portrait: Cecilia Keelan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp

Jensen followed behind Amanda as she led the way to her room. "Party huh? Sounds like fun. Count me in babe." Jensen replied to her offer of a party Cecilia is apparently throwing. As they walked, he couldn't help but to wonder what his gifts were. Though her getting him three gifts did make him nervous. What if they some really thought, and expensive gifts? And all he got her was a single, ten dollar book. While she did like the book, he would feel pretty crappy since she got him so much more.

When they arrived to her room Amanda opened the door and pulled him inside. It wasn't ten seconds after she closed the door was she on him. She kissed him much more passionately then before. As they embraced Jensen's arms wraped around her, and his hands began moving down her back. And then she pulled away. Such a tease. She'll pay for that. Although he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. It's nice to have someone to keep you on your toes every once in awhile. "If that wasn't apart of my present, then what? Was it because I've been a good boy?"

He did as he was told, and took a seat on the bed. With each second he grew a bit more nervous, well not visibly of course. When she brought him his gifts he took them from her to look them over. He started with the candy. He picked them up, and opened the bags to take a good whiff of them. And they smelled delicious. Next he picked up the shirt, and held it out in front of him. "Well, I guess these will due." Jensen sarcastically remarked, of course by the big smile on his face it was obvious he loved them.

"I should probably try it on huh?" Jensen said as he took off his shirt. "You know, a part of me thinks you only got me the shirt just so you could get my shirt off. He smirked as he put on his new Metallica shirt. It fit fairly well too. "So, how's it look? I gotta say though, I feel a little bad that I only got you a single book. I'll have to make it up to you I guess."

Jensen got up, and stood in front of Amanda, being mere inches away from her. He brushed some of her blonde hair aside, and leaned in for a deep kiss. After about ten seconds he stopped. "I guess I'" He whispered softly into her ear. Jensen swiped her off her feet and cradled her in his arms. He then preceeded to continue to passionately kiss her. He gently laid her down on the bed, and crawled up their with her. He continued to make out with her before he moved onto her cheeks, and began moving down her neck.

Once he got down to the base of her neck they were Interuppted by the sound of Jensen getting a text. "Looks like I'm in high demand today." He smirked. He sat up on the bed, and looked at his messages. While normally he would ignore all calls and texts when he was with Amanda, he had to punish her a bit for the teasing earlier. "Looks like Sunshine is lonely, and wanting to meet up in the cafe. She's got some sense of timing. So what do you think?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Amanda Cartwright Character Portrait: Levi Schultz Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Jensen Adler
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Amanda chuckled with delight as Jensen accepted the invite to the party, she felt her phone buzz and it was a message from one of her other best friends whom she hadn't seen over the entire summer holidays and she smiled at the message before eagerly messaging Levi back.

{To: Levi x}
{Buongiorno, bello! Movie night is most certainly needed babes! xoxo}

ImageAmanda sent the text just before Jensen tried on the shirt, giving her enough time to admire his body, which indeed had been chiselled by the gods themselves, as was nearly everyone's in Aeonis, but the children of Zeus and Poseidon were definitely something to behold, there was always something to admire about the other gods and their children's figures, but her eyes always returned back up to look into Jensen's, something she didn't do too often.

"Oh you know me, Hercules, anything to get your clothes off." She replied with a smirk, as he leaned in for a kiss, and when he pulled back after ten seconds she kissed her teeth and she stood up so as he wasn't bending down as far and he whispered in her ear, sending a chill down her body as he lifted her up and kissed her much more deeply and passionately than she had expected. As she wrapped her arms around his neck, she felt his hands move down her body as he gently laid her on the bed and he crawled on top of her. As they lay kissing on the bed, Amanda's hands ran over his entire body, once his lips met her neck, she fought with her hands to stop them from scratching his back, he knew that was the one place he had to touch for her to give in to anything.

Amanda heard his phone and chuckled at his remark about how 'high in demand' he was, rolling her eyes she pushed herself up so she was sitting next to him, reading the messages, she let out a sigh at Juls calling herself a third wheel. [/b]"I have never made my baby J feel like a third wheel! If anything, I hate you when we're in public."[/b] She told him with a smirk, glancing over at the clock, she slapped his arms. "Her sense of timing is appropriate as fuck! I do not want to start this year off pissing off the headmaster, especially since there's some 'special guest'." Amanda said with accompanying air quotations. "Come on." She planted a kiss on his cheek and pushed herself up so as she was standing on the bed and leapt off it, the jumping resulting in some air time for the skirt of her dress.


Amanda wasted no time in hurrying Jensen to the cafeteria, she spotted Juliette standing near the buffet with Dylan Ramirez, she grabbed Jensen's wrist with her right hand and slapped his bicep with her left. "Look over at the buffet!" She cooed. "Awkward love." She chuckled, before waving at the pair and giving Jensen a slight tug to bring him over to the pair.

"Hey Juls!" Amanda exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her. "Hey Dills." She said over her shoulder to Dylan with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliette M. Kingsley Character Portrait: Amanda Cartwright Character Portrait: Dylan Ramirez Character Portrait: Jensen Adler Character Portrait: Mystique Velver Character Portrait: Daniel Keisuke
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The first sign that something was off--and that should have set off the alarm bells in his head-- was the fact that well…there were no discernible physical reaction from his target. He brushed it off as excellent poker faces. The second would be the wide berth he was suddenly given and odd glances being shot his way. The third came in the form of numerous students scrunching their noses as soon as they set foot into the dining hall through the door within close proximity of where Aiden stood. And then his eyes landed on a certain son of Apollo. Well. Crap.

Something was surely up. If looks could kill-- looks that didn't belong to gorgon--, Daniel would have died a couple of times already. The people around Aiden were acting in a way that he had predicted those around the older Apollo girl would. Somehow, the effects he had expected from his spell had latched onto him instead of the intended target. How that had happened, he wasn't too sure. He just knew who had made it happen even if he had no proof.

Hecate's spawn had his attention was momentarily removed from Dylan in favor of glaring figurative daggers at the smirking meddler and identifying the problem at hand so much that he completely missed Amanda and her beau's arrival. It was unfortunate because her presence may have tempted him to step down, at least for now.

Good thing he had made sure it was just as easy to break the spell as it was to cast. A glance towards the large windows of the dining hall confirmed the gloomy presence of rain cloud. It looked as though the morning drizzle had merely been an aperitif for a storm to come.

A light nudge with his mind sent a glass pitcher crashing onto the hard floor. It broke upon impact, the crash echoing throughout the hall before subsiding until it was muffled by the sound of students chatting excitedly among one another. It didn't last long, but it was a good enough distraction for Aiden to point his wand at the cloudy sky through one of the large windows.

"Accio Nimbus," he said, smiling to himself when it dawned to him what he had just said. There was power in words and it was sometimes fortunate that not all had the power to make them reality. Some languages were more compatible with specific rituals or tools and Aiden needed all the power he had for this so he had switched to Latin. His knowledge of is was still limited compared to a lot of his half-siblings, but it was enough for what he needed.

A gust of wind brushed past the dining students, window panes and utensils clattered as a humid air front seeped into the room and ascended, invisible to the naked eye, towards the high ceiling. Just then, a cheetah came skidding into the dining hall, eliciting yelps of surprise from the new students, but Aiden ignored it and cast the next spell, "Veteresco." A dirty white puff of cloud would form. It floated harmlessly at first, but would soon gain in size until a drop of rain, then another and another descended upon the attendees. While it was no storm, it was a perplexing enough drizzle that fit the description of "rainfall," which promptly broke Aiden's first spell.

Just then, as he lowered his wand, it caught onto a nearby cup of juice that someone had carelessly left at his table, spilling its content all over the table and himself. "Aw, shit," he swore before massaging his temple when he felt the beginning of a migraine creep up on him. He let out a loud sneeze, feeling the cold settle in all of the sudden. Well, he was bound to get wet anyway sooner or later anyway.

That wasn't his most subtle display of power, but hopefully the staff had been too busy dealing with Cheetah-girl to see him wave his wand around. Just to be safe, Aiden discreetly rubbed his prints off the piece of wood with the hem of his coat and dropped the piece of wood. Then, he proceeded to give it a push with his telekinetic powers to roll it under an inconspicuous cabinet.