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Avatar: Criss-Crossing Fates

Avatar: Criss-Crossing Fates


[SLOT OPEN] They all come from different places in a world torn by war, and it is in this world that the lives of six individuals are about to overlap. Things for them will never again be the same....

4,162 readers have visited Avatar: Criss-Crossing Fates since Jakuri-chan created it.

Sicariius are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



’It was one man’s arrogant vision. The egotistical belief that his people alone deserved to live, to dominate the whole of the world that would only throw it into utter turmoil. Because of him, because of Fire Lord Sozin, the world is beginning to fall apart. It was a decade ago when he began his conquest, when he and his army used the power of a comet to nearly eradicate the peaceful Air Nomads. It started without warning, the war did. Nearly the whole world was caught off-guard by it, even a majority of the Fire Nation itself. By the time people began to comprehend what was happening, it was too late—the Air Nomads were all but dead, and any who still subsisted were scattered the world over, forced to hide themselves for the sake of their own survival.

In the ten years following the genocidal conquest launched upon the Air Nomads, the Fire Nation army persisted in its war efforts, taking to attacking the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes, both winning, and losing these many battles. Much of the world now lays in turmoil, and in ruin, her people have become harsh toward outsiders, paranoia runs rampant amidst them all. Everything has begun to fall out of balance, and all is coming undone.

Because of the dream held by Sozin, nothing is the same anymore, and it never will be. . . .’


It is ten years following Fire Lord Sozin’s genocidal assault upon the Temples of the Air Nomads, and ten years since the passing of Sozin’s Comet. The Fire Nation continues its conquest to dominate the whole of the world, and in this, they have caused irreparable damage to the other three Nations. The Air Nomads have nearly been wiped from the face of the planet with a few sparse survivors strewn all over creation. The Water Tribes have become isolated from the rest of the world, as they do what they can to keep their territories intact and from being overtaken by the Fire Nation. And, the Earth Kingdom, proud and strong, remains as the last true bastion in this world that is free from true threat by the Fire Nation.

Though it was only two years ago that the Battle of Han Tui was won by the Fire Nation, the Earth Kingdom since has managed to make a strong comeback, and stave off the efforts of the Fire Nation to delve deeper into her borders. And following this, a stalemate between the two peoples has come to pass, it is a brief lull in the war, a reprieve for all as little militaristic action has occurred in the last months. The people of the Earth Kingdom are living as best they are able to, ever cautious, but certain of their own strength and fortitude.

It is during this brief time of almost-peace, that the lives of six people intersect. . . .

Though they all come from different worlds and circumstances, there is no doubt that what ties them all together is the ongoing war. No matter their goals or their aspirations, something draws them all to meet. By the hands of Fate, they are pulled collectively in. . . . And what follows is not something that will change the face of history, but it is a chronicle of the simple notion of living in a world nearly torn apart. This is a tale about how things don’t always turned out as planned. . . .


Character Slots/Other Information: Plot is thin, loose, and more or less this is a completely casual roleplay that is suppose to take place in the Avatar world ten years into the Hundred Year War, during a brief reprieve of sorts during assaults launched by the Fire Nation. While this is not plot driven, this is instead meant to be character driven, the plot unfolds based on the individual characters, their own struggles, and how it is those things will interfere and conflict with the other characters. Even though this roleplay is ‘causal’ I do expect everyone to bring their best into here.

Though canon states that all the Airbenders, save Aang, were wiped out by Sozin’s ambush against them and their temples, it’s not improbable to imagine that a few sparse Airbenders were scattered around the world for a short time after the genocide. But, as far as bending goes here, since this is ninety years before Aang was awakened from the iceberg by Katara, that means that Metalbending and Bloodbending have not been discovered yet.

As far as things go with character creation and slots, there are four of them, and that is all. Slots are what they are, simple as that, and while I’ll accept reservations, the slots will only be held for forty-eight hours. If more time is needed, ask for it in the OOC or PM me about it, and you’ll get another twenty-four hours. Follow the character skeleton, and if any questions arise during the process of making your character, PM me or post it in the OOC and I’ll answer you best I can. By the way, since this is an ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ roleplay, please have the names sound as if they are from the world. . . .

There are three male slots and three female, four of the six available slots are reserved for Benders--there is one Bender to each element, the two remaining slots are non-Benders.

Available Male and Female Roles

Female One
Female Two
Female Three

Male One
Male Two
Male Three

Available Elements


Character Slots
The Firebender - Xue Yi Song as played by Jakuri-chan
The Waterbender - OPEN
The Earthbender - Daichi Fei Min as played by Sicariius
The Airbender - Aria Tinz as played by CookieCupcake
Non-Bender One - Ryu Xen WIP by code6435
Non-Bender Two - Manchu Song as played by WingedOctopus

Character Skeleton

Code: Select all
[left][font=Choose font][size=200]FULL NAME HERE[/size]

[size=95][b]Role: [/b]

[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Nickname(s)/Alias(es): [/b]
[b]Age: [/b](15-20)
[b]Love Interest: [/b](Doesn’t need one!)

[b]Appearance: [/b]Just list whatever isn’t shown on the picture; the general expressions they keep and such.

[b]Preferred Clothing: [/b]Armor? Casual clothing?

[b]Height: [/b]
[b]Weight: [/b]
[b]Hair Color: [/b]
[b]Eye Color: [/b]

[b]Personality: [/b]Two paragraphs at least.

[b]Oddities: [/b]Stuff like, possibly sleep walking, weird little habits they might have, like biting their nails and such.

[b]Likes: [/b]
[b]Dislikes: [/b]
[b]Hobbies: [/b]

[b]Fears/Phobia(s): [/b]

[b]Skills/Talents: [/b]Does your character possess any remarkable talent? Like, can they cook really well? Maybe they are exceptionally intelligent?

[b]Preferred Weapon: [/b]

[b]Fighting Style: [/b]Does your character depend heavily upon their bending, or do they maybe fight more so without it?

[b]Personal History: [/b]Three paragraphs at least.[/size]

[size=120][b]Theme Song: [/b][url=LINK TO SONG HERE]SONG TITLE AND ARTIST HERE[/url][/size]
[size=95][i]Lyrics here if not instrumental[/i]

[b]Other: [/b]Anything else that does not fit in the app, stick it here. [/font][/size]

Toggle Rules

1. As far as posting length goes, I’m imposing a minimum word count per post. I don’t want a bunch of tiny posts, so I’ll ask that you please write at least one-hundred words per post. Also, I expect proper grammar and spelling, this is meant to be a literate roleplay so, I think that understandable?

2. No godmodding or meta-gaming. Seriously, no one really likes this, so don’t force an outcome to anything, okay? Also, no killing other people’s characters off!

3. Post as often as you’d like—I’d love it if everyone could post at least once a day, but I know that can be a bit much to ask at times. So, I’d really appreciate it if everyone posted just as much as they could. At the minimum, I’ll be asking for a post once every three days here, if you don’t, you’ll be receiving PMs about this. Nothing personal, I just don’t want the roleplay to go and die!

I understand that real life gets in the way of online life sometimes though, so if you can’t post for a little while, please notify everyone in the OOC thread, okay? Then go ahead and try to get your character out of the limelight for a little while so the roleplay doesn’t get all stopped up and stuck. If you can’t do this though, permission will be granted to the other players to ghost roleplay your character to the extent of performing minor actions in order to get them out of the limelight until you yourself are able to return and assume control.

If you are gone for more than five days without proper notification though, your character will be put up for dibs, and one of the remaining active roleplayers will be allowed to control them until you return.

Also, there is no set posting order at all, simply, do not double post.

4. Romance is encouraged here, but not smut. Yes, one of the tags for this roleplay is ‘adult’ as I expect some situations to arise in the roleplay that aren’t exactly rated G. Buuuut, I don’t want full out graphic scenes cluttering the roleplay up, keep the situations PG-13 and make sure you follow the rules of the site too—wrap up kissing scenes in two posts, and keep the stuff separated by five posts in total. If things start taking a turn for the too graphic, FADE TO BLACK and take your hormones elsewhere. I don’t want to log onto the roleplay and find a sex scene or something really smutty. . . . ._.

You can use innuendo and stuff here, but, try not to make it the only thing your character says, give them some more depth than that.

5. As far as violence goes, it and gore are not a problem for me at all. There are going to be fights and action in this roleplay, so I expect some blood, but I don’t want the roleplay turning into some gore-laced horror story, where there is a disemboweled body at every turn, so let’s keep death and injury at a realistic level. We don’t want anyone leaving here mentally scarred, do we?

6. Reserve characters in the OOC thread, remember that there is a cap time for reservations, two days from the time I confirm your request. Also remember this; if you can’t commit to the roleplay, then don’t submit.

7. If you have a question, ask me. ^^

8. Do not post until it stated that it is time to begin, I will myself write the introduction post, and once it has been placed, then it is free game.

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in

The World of the Four Elements

The World of the Four Elements by Jakuri-chan

The World of the Four Elements is divided into the four nations, and plays home to benders and hundreds of chimerical creatures.

Ba Sing Se

Ba Sing Se by Sicariius

Ba Sing Se is the capital of the Earth Kingdom which encompasses nearly all of the nation's northeastern corner.

The Omashu Royal Palace

The Omashu Royal Palace by Sicariius

The Omashu Royal Palace is home to the city's king.

The Omashu Sewer System

The Omashu Sewer System by Sicariius

The Omashu sewer system is a series of interconnected tunnels underneath the city of Omashu, used to transport water and sewage out of the city.

The Earth Kingdom

The Earth Kingdom by Sicariius

The Earth Kingdom is one of the world's four major nations. It is a massive continent which encompasses most of the planet's eastern hemisphere. The kingdom is ruled by a confederate monarchy which operates under the Earth King.

The Fire Nation

The Fire Nation by Sicariius

The Fire Nation is one of the world's four nations. It is an absolute monarchy led by the Fire Lord.

The Water Tribe

The Water Tribe by Sicariius

The Water Tribe is a collective term for the nation of people who practice the art of waterbending. It is one of the four nations and its members, for the most part, inhabit the polar regions.

The Air Nomads

The Air Nomads by Sicariius

Air Nomads is a collective term for a nation of people who practice the discipline of airbending. One of the four major nations, the Air Nomads were wanderers by definition, but had four air temples, one at each corner of the globe.


Omashu by Sicariius

Omashu is the second largest city in the Earth Kingdom and the capital of one of its provinces. Only outdone in size and importance by Ba Sing Se.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xue Yi Song
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- Xue Yi Song -

The sound of a shattering teacup permeated the quiet air . . . soon enough it was followed by a woman shouting, “You idiot klutz!” and after that, there was a heavy thud against the ground, the sound of a person hitting the floor. So, it had happened again. She had stumbled whilst serving her Mistress her morning tea, and managed to let the cup tip off her tray, and shatter against the wooden floor below. Her lack of grace had bested her once more, and it’d gotten her hurt again, like it always did. This was something she’d grown used to in the last couple of years, failing to meet the expectations of her Mistress and Master, and always being hit or punished for them. For breaking the teacup, her Mistress had seen fit to kick her into the wall with as much force as she could muster up with her aging body.

The other servant girls only looked on as Xue suffered their Mistress’ anger; they had grown a thick skin to these sights, having endured such treatment themselves. There was no compassion, or empathy for the clumsy girl’s accidents in them, none at all. They were used to seeing her mess up, and cause problems, after all, in the two years since Iseul had brought the girl into his home as a trophy of his win against Qiu Yi Song, Xue had done little more than make more messes than she helped resolve. The Fire Nation girl screwed things up a lot as far as everyone in the home was concerned. . . .

“Damn it, she got tea everywhere.” Xue could hear her Mistress seethe from the heap she laid in against the wall. “Enju, get to cleaning that up, before it sets into the wood. Now!”

“Yes Mistress.” The monotonous voice of a young woman answered, and then there was the sound of footsteps leaving the room, Xue knew to where they were headed. To gather up cleaning supplies to sop up the spilt tea.

In this period, she had not at all moved herself. No. Xue remained where she had landed after her Mistress had kicked her, lying upon her side with her small back up against the wall, not making a single noise or uttering a sound of discomfort. Showing any signs of distress would only make all of this worse; it would let the Mistress know that she was in pain, that she was capable of such sensations . . . it was easier if she just remained quiet, no matter how much she hurt. It was better that no one knew, it kept them from knowing what she really thought, it kept them all from understanding her.

Who truly needs to be understood when living in conditions such as these? Xue asked herself as footsteps approached her, and halted right before her limp form. She knew, Xue knew that it was the Mistress who now loomed over her; she didn’t have to cast her amber eyes up to see the woman’s silhouette blocking out the sunlight to know.

“Well,” she began, annoyance lacing her voice, “Aren’t you going to get the hell up you lazy wench?” At hearing the woman’s words, Xue’s small body twitched just a bit, but her lips remained shut.

There was a huff, before the shouting came. “GET UP! Get up now and go to the market! I don’t want to see your face in this house for the rest of the day!” Those words were all it took for Xue to ascend to her feet in a but a moment, and to dart out of the room with her eyes cast downward, successfully avoiding the searing glare her Mistress held for her, and the gazes of her fellow servant girls. With her hands holding up the front layers of her skirts, she was out of the house in moments and off the premises in less than a minute. Quickly enough she was darting through the streets of Omashu, heading to a place that served as something of a sanctuary for her.

Even though her shoes kept on pinching her toes as she ran, Xue kept at it, keeping her eyes cast down to the ground, hiding her face from anyone and everyone. Even in a city as large as Omashu . . . her face was known, as was her name due to whom she had been married. It was just easier if she kept on ahead without really looking around her, because, it kept people from trying to assault her and from throwing things at her for being of the Fire Nation. She knew the way there without getting a clear vantage of her surroundings, she went there often enough to know without having to ever look.

However, even if Xue did know the way to her destination without requiring sight, that didn’t mean her pathway was a clear one. Not at all. With her eyes transfixed upon the stone walkways at her feet, the girl would fail to notice a person right in her way until it was too late, not until she’d managed to ram her small self right into them, lose her balance and begin falling right over without making a single noise.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daichi Fei Min Character Portrait: Xue Yi Song
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- Daichi Fei Min -

Omashu. One of the great strongholds of the Earth Kingdom, and the second largest city. The city itself was actually a capital of one of the Earth Kingdom provinces, and proved to be a formidable refuge away from Fire Nation soldiers. Then again, it was only 10 ASC, and who knew how long the war would last. It was placed in the Kolau Mountain Range, surrounded by steep canyons and an enormous gorge. The only way into the city was via a long, winding stone column that made it's way up to the three city gates, each made of large bricks of stoning and being around five feet thick, and thirty feet tall. The entrances are guarded by Earthbenders, and as such, can only be opened by them. The only other possible way in would be from above, and only an Airbender would manage that, and last Daichi heard, they were all killed off in the genocide. And as far as he was aware, there had been no flying mechanism or otherwise invented yet.

The inside of the city was built on a number of hills, causing the districts of the city to be divided by height. The palace itself resting on the largest hill. Among the thousands of homes, and hundreds of businesses, there lay massive chutes of stone, which would provide the complex mailing system. And under one of these chutes in particular sat Daichi, using the massive shadow cast as shade away from the sun that particular evening. It was stuffy, as always, and due to the frequent high temperatures, Daichi wasn't really enjoying his stay there all too much.

His business there, however, was a matter of slight urgency. For one, he was told he could find information there on a certain nonbender, and secondly, he was seeking a companion. Somebody to steal away from the place and drag along with him. He didn't care who, it just needed to be a person who wanted an escape. That was second priority, and so he began to focus on the first once more as he got up and maneuvered himself out from under the chute.

First priority was a certain nonbender named Chen Zhun, and as it turns out, he is the head of a moderately sized nonbender criminal organization. Though, organization seems to be stretching it a bit, and Daichi preferred to call them bandits. They claimed to be refugees displaced by the Fire Nation at the start of the war, but all they did was terrorize civilians and murder benders in cold blood, including Daichi's mother.

He wasn't really sure if it was a revenge mission anymore, and as years passed, Daichi got more used to the idea of simply questioning the man. It was partially why he required a companion, because of his aversion to violence, he needed some sort of fail safe to make sure he didn't lash out in some form of rage at the man who had taken his mother's life, regardless on if he deserved it or not.

His source of information was a man he was supposed to be meeting very soon, in a tea shop that stood out from the others. 'The Jade Dragon' it was called, apparently named after their signature tea and based around rumors of a dragon made of jade that once protected the city. Many citizens thought it was a bit of a stretch, considering dragons were Firebenders technically, but the citizens that were much older swore by it.

Daichi didn't really care either way.

Regardless, in his journey to reach this tea shop, he had to cut through the market, and in order to cut through the market, he needed to head down a particular stone walkway, and on this particular stone walkway happened to be a particular person that was about to run into him in particular. This person was not once Daichi knew, not that he really knew anybody in that city, considering he had only been there for a week or so, but still. This person was (surprisingly) smaller than him, by about two inches.

When they had bumped into him, Daichi, as well as the other person, had began to fall over. Losing his balance was something he had grown used to, however, and so he corrected this instinctively by flicking his wrist and raising a wide pillar behind him to push him back up onto his feet via his back. But because this was on an incline, heading down, it gave him a slight propulsion so when he got back on his feet, he stumbled forward a little, but regained himself in time to reach out and grab the hand of the person falling over.

It seemed slowed down to Daichi, but in reality, the whole ordeal had happened in a manner of seconds, and so he stood there with his heels dug into the ground, and his hand clasped around a strangers, which was connected to a person he had practically yanked close to him in order to ensure they didn't get hurt. It was now that he actually got a chance to look at them, well, her. Now that he had a chance to take the person in, he could tell that it was obviously a female. As previously observed, she was smaller than him and appeared to be dressed in something Daichi only imagined to not be all that comfortable.

Judging from her hair and eye color, though, Daichi only assumed she was on Fire Nation heritage. He detected some sort of nobility, and seemed to almost recognize her, but then... he didn't. He blinked a couple of times and realized he didn't, in fact, know who the hell this woman was. Then he finally came to his senses and realized exactly what the situation was, looking back and forth from his hand, the hers that was clenched in his.

He quickly let go of her hand, jumped back slightly, and raised both hands to place on the back of his head, cocking his elbows up and to the sides.

"Right, then. Um, sorry about that. Are you okay?"

His blue eyes darted over the small figure, and he seemed to be only slightly worried. From the outside, she appeared to be fine, but it was like she was... distant. Regardless, he let out a sort of nervous chuckle and began to bite at his lower lip.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aria Tinz
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Aria walked into the gates of Omashu with no problem. One of the guards had recognized her from last year sense that's when she went for her yearly visit to civilization. The city changed so much each year yet the people seemed not to. Or well not really. They always seemed, busy loud, solemn. Not much joy unless it was in private homes. But that is where Aria differed. Greatly. The white haired air bender had a grin on her face as she walked through the streets looking at everything and listening as people shouted out there items.

Adjusting her backpack on her shoulders she walked with long wide and silly strides. Looking up and down and around at all the things. It was absolutely amazing! She passed a man selling cabbages in a cart and a woman selling melons arguing with the cabbage man. Blinking she looked around where she was. The market seemed bigger then the year before and she felt lost. Blinking and looking around desperate for any sign of which way she should go she set off in a random one her head down looking at her feet.

Aria turned randomly lucky not to ram into anyone she looked up quickly. No where near anything similar instead she seemed to have managed to wiggle herself into the maze of back streets and alleys. She looked around and slowed her walk. Interesting... There were people strewn about in groups talking in low voices. Every once and awhile eyes darted over to her to which Aria waved energetically receiving many raised eyebrows. She walked happily through the hidden streets and walked passed a stall where a woman was selling live chickens... Who would want to buy live chickens in a place like this? The woman behind the stall clapped her hands at Aria and ushered her over. "You ought leave girly... Place like this are no good for people like you..."

Aria stared at the the woman. "Your selling chickens... I don't think this place could be that bad if people are buying chickens..." The woman stared at Aria... And she stared back before smiling... Grinning waving and walking deeper into the maze of alleys continuing her strange and unique walk...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Manchu Song Character Portrait: Aria Tinz
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Manchu Song

The market swarmed with people, going in and out, buying, shoving, kids underfoot, haggling, shouting. Livestock squawled, and the sun beat down on Manchu's already-tanned skin. The warmth lit the dusty roads and wooden stalls and the rainbow of nations and ethnicities milling down the paths.

Manchu darted through the crowd and underneath several people hefting a cart of cabbages. The boy's tiny frame was perfectly suited to twisting and turning and avoiding collisions, feet light and nimble. A toothy white smile stayed on his face as if plastered there. It lit his whole face up like a lantern. Something about his face was just very roguish: how the long brown hair raked over his jaw, how his eyes sparkled with naughty implications, how his slingshot hung loosely from his pocket. His chest was proudly puffed for the viewing benefit of any onlookers. Quite debonair, the boy who ducked through the crowd and weaved between legs like a little snake.

Or so Manchu would like to think. He was covered head to toe with dirt and his hair stuck up in all directions.

He knew Omashu pretty well. He'd been just chilling here for the past few weeks, and it was a good town. Plenty of hell to raise, plenty of stuff to nick. Plenty of fights to get into, too; Manchu liked that. Most importantly? The best thing that Omashu had to offer? Earthbender girls. Wow, what a woman! He let out a laugh. Now they were tough. Usually pretty though. Truthfully, Manchu loved the culture of Omashu. He loved the deep greens and dusty browns of the city. He loved the walls and the buildings, how seamlessly the stone flowed. The skies were always blue. Earth Kingdom animals, hybrids they didn't have back home, hopped through the grass. Somehow, the whole... zen-like atmosphere got Manny to calm down a bit. He wasn't really one to enjoy the scenery, but Omashu was just... splendid.

Manchu slowed to a walk, now panting from the exertion. He wiped his forehead with his sleeve and tossed his hair back (so un-functional; it got in the way but it was totally worth it). Though his face was red with heat, flesh clammy, he still grinned around at all the business. What a town!

Then out of the corner of his eye he saw a flash of white and the relaxation had gone in an instant.

Gone was the feeling of contentment. Something in his chest stirred when he saw the girl with the long white hair.

His fingers began to twitch.

Almost instinctively, his walk melted into the most casual of strolls as he let himself fall back, but keeping the girl carefully in his line of vision. His hand went to his pocket and casually slipped the bamboo slingshot deeper inside, so it was not visible. And making sure to stop, gander at the stalls, smell the roses, enjoy the sights, he followed her.

What an oddball! he marveled as she left the chicken stall, but he did not think on it for a long time. He brushed past a Fire Nation woman barreling into an earthbender official (he tucked his head down as he passed the uniformed man; didn't need the law getting involved) and waited until the crowd had thinned and the girl was looking at another stall. Only then did Manchu dawdle on up the same stall, taking his time, picking up an Earth Nation snow globe with one brown hand.

The other snaked out towards the white haired girl's staff.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Manchu Song Character Portrait: Aria Tinz
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0.00 INK

Aria had weaved herself through the back alleys over to a quiet stall selling trinkets and nicknacks. The person behind the stall kept his gaze on Aria in distrusting manner, but she managed not to pay much head. She picked up a trinket and an her hand over it gently her left arm the one burnt remained at her side un-moving so as to grab any money she might need to give i she found anything that caught her interest. Setting down the trinket she picked up another running her thumb over its smooth polished edges and intricket weaving design. Aria ran her thumb up and down over the object feeling slightly sad. It's grooves and weaves reminded her of her long forgotten home in the southern air temple with its strange and grooved doors.

The person behind the shabby stall watched Aria trace over the trinket before he got bored with her and went back to counting money from what Aria guessed were previous purchases that day. Blinking into reality Aria was about to ask the vendor the origins of the trinket when she realized there was someone standing next to her. A boy about his age who seemed interested in a snow globe. Dispelling any thoughts she opened her mouth to ask the vendor her question when she realized something was wrong. One hand of the boy was neither hanging by his side or in his pocket but instead seemed to be drifting behind her toward her staff that hung on her back pack.

Aria acted quickly her burnt left arm and hand grabbing onto the boy while she reached over her head pulling out her staff and hit him on the head right in the center of his forehead. "You better have not ever dared think about grabbing it Mister." Her normal calm grey gaze grew wild and fierce. Her staff was the only thing she had that could give away what and who she was... It was also the only thing she had left from her air bending master. Letting go of his arm she pulled the staff away from his head and frowned at the little red mark. "Sorry about that... But I'm protective over this staff... I'd probably have let you get away with my money before I gave you my staff." Gripping the staff in her hand she spun it and used it like a walking stick, as she bent down and picked up the trinket she dropped gently setting it on the merchants table.

The merchant stared at Aria shocked before greedily looking at the staff. Blinking she held it closer to herself and shifted her gaze to the thief. "Might I know the name of my almost thief?" Aria asked rocking back and forth on the heels of her barren feet secretly keeping herself from falling backward with a good little push from some wind, that also played around with her long white hair.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Manchu Song Character Portrait: Aria Tinz
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Manchu Song

You could say that Manchu was taken off guard.

Personally, he'd thought that this was once of his greatest steals yet; his technique was perfect, his approach, his subject looked like any tourist, and he had no idea what it was he was trying to steal but c'mon, it looked like an expertly made staff. Which meant he'd probably toss it as soon as he stole it. He just like stealing for the heck of it.

But then, abruptly, his hand was grabbed and he was pulled forward, and whappp! The very staff he'd tried to steal whacked him in the head!

He howled in pain, jumping back and grabbing his head, eyes as wide as dinner plates. Already, his feet were as light as birds, ready to flee, but-- what? Manny stared in disbelief as she drummed up a conversation. Never before had one of his victims tried to-- well, TALK to him.

So, a little suspiciously, a lopsided grin spread across half of Manny's face, his big brown eyes sparkling in curiosity (and not a bit of remorse, I'll have you know). Half-frowning and half-grinning, Manchu let out a giggle. "Um... Manchu! Manchu Song." He swept into a bow. "So, just to be clear, um... no authorities have to be involved heeeere...?" He gave a nervous glance at the shop owner, who was glaring.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Manchu Song Character Portrait: Aria Tinz
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0.00 INK

Aria blinked. "Don't worry... I'm not that kind of person." She smiled softly and spun her staff expertly. "Just no touchy the staff... Ever! ... Unless you ask kindly... And even then..." Her voice got lower as she spoke. This staff could be a dead give away to her true nation... And air benders were by what the monk had told her hunted everywhere now. He always told her there was no one she could trust... No one? There had to be someone...

"So... Manchu... If I may ask what were you planning on doing with my staff if you'd stolen it successfully?" Quietly moving away from the stall she walked down the alley beckoning him to follow. She weaved expertly through the nooks and cranny's, through the people and the more people. Like a leaf even with her bag she managed to weave around as though a breeze were carrying her. Finally she emerged out into the busy market streets. Turning to see if Manchu was still following she also asked. "Do you know any good restaurants... Not sure about you... But I'm hungry!" Her stomach growled as if to prove her point.

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 9 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

The World of the Four Elements

The World of the Four Elements by Jakuri-chan

The World of the Four Elements is divided into the four nations, and plays home to benders and hundreds of chimerical creatures.

Ba Sing Se

Ba Sing Se by Sicariius

Ba Sing Se is the capital of the Earth Kingdom which encompasses nearly all of the nation's northeastern corner.

The Omashu Royal Palace

The Omashu Royal Palace by Sicariius

The Omashu Royal Palace is home to the city's king.

The Omashu Sewer System

The Omashu Sewer System by Sicariius

The Omashu sewer system is a series of interconnected tunnels underneath the city of Omashu, used to transport water and sewage out of the city.

The Earth Kingdom

The Earth Kingdom by Sicariius

The Earth Kingdom is one of the world's four major nations. It is a massive continent which encompasses most of the planet's eastern hemisphere. The kingdom is ruled by a confederate monarchy which operates under the Earth King.

The Fire Nation

The Fire Nation by Sicariius

The Fire Nation is one of the world's four nations. It is an absolute monarchy led by the Fire Lord.

The Water Tribe

The Water Tribe by Sicariius

The Water Tribe is a collective term for the nation of people who practice the art of waterbending. It is one of the four nations and its members, for the most part, inhabit the polar regions.

The Air Nomads

The Air Nomads by Sicariius

Air Nomads is a collective term for a nation of people who practice the discipline of airbending. One of the four major nations, the Air Nomads were wanderers by definition, but had four air temples, one at each corner of the globe.


Omashu by Sicariius

Omashu is the second largest city in the Earth Kingdom and the capital of one of its provinces. Only outdone in size and importance by Ba Sing Se.

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Sun Xiang Cai
0 sightings Sun Xiang Cai played by Sammael
WiP - "Self denial is not a virtue: it is only the effect of prudence on rascality"

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Avatar: Criss-Crossing Fates. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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The Market

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Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aria Tinz
Character Portrait: Daichi Fei Min
Character Portrait: Ryu Xen
Character Portrait: Manchu Song


Character Portrait: Manchu Song
Manchu Song

"Bring it ON! Ahahaha!"

Character Portrait: Ryu Xen
Ryu Xen

WiP - code6435

Character Portrait: Aria Tinz
Aria Tinz

"Hello there~"


Character Portrait: Aria Tinz
Aria Tinz

"Hello there~"

Character Portrait: Ryu Xen
Ryu Xen

WiP - code6435

Character Portrait: Manchu Song
Manchu Song

"Bring it ON! Ahahaha!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ryu Xen
Ryu Xen

WiP - code6435

Character Portrait: Manchu Song
Manchu Song

"Bring it ON! Ahahaha!"

Character Portrait: Aria Tinz
Aria Tinz

"Hello there~"

View All » Places

The World of the Four Elements

The World of the Four Elements by Jakuri-chan

The World of the Four Elements is divided into the four nations, and plays home to benders and hundreds of chimerical creatures.

Ba Sing Se

Ba Sing Se by Sicariius

Ba Sing Se is the capital of the Earth Kingdom which encompasses nearly all of the nation's northeastern corner.

The Omashu Royal Palace

The Omashu Royal Palace by Sicariius

The Omashu Royal Palace is home to the city's king.

The Omashu Sewer System

The Omashu Sewer System by Sicariius

The Omashu sewer system is a series of interconnected tunnels underneath the city of Omashu, used to transport water and sewage out of the city.

The Earth Kingdom

The Earth Kingdom by Sicariius

The Earth Kingdom is one of the world's four major nations. It is a massive continent which encompasses most of the planet's eastern hemisphere. The kingdom is ruled by a confederate monarchy which operates under the Earth King.

The Fire Nation

The Fire Nation by Sicariius

The Fire Nation is one of the world's four nations. It is an absolute monarchy led by the Fire Lord.

The Water Tribe

The Water Tribe by Sicariius

The Water Tribe is a collective term for the nation of people who practice the art of waterbending. It is one of the four nations and its members, for the most part, inhabit the polar regions.

The Air Nomads

The Air Nomads by Sicariius

Air Nomads is a collective term for a nation of people who practice the discipline of airbending. One of the four major nations, the Air Nomads were wanderers by definition, but had four air temples, one at each corner of the globe.


Omashu by Sicariius

Omashu is the second largest city in the Earth Kingdom and the capital of one of its provinces. Only outdone in size and importance by Ba Sing Se.


Omashu is the second largest city in the Earth Kingdom and the capital of one of its provinces. Only outdone in size and importance by Ba Sing Se.

Ba Sing Se

Ba Sing Se is the capital of the Earth Kingdom which encompasses nearly all of the nation's northeastern corner.

The Omashu Sewer System

The Omashu sewer system is a series of interconnected tunnels underneath the city of Omashu, used to transport water and sewage out of the city.

The Omashu Royal Palace

The Omashu Royal Palace is home to the city's king.

The Air Nomads

Air Nomads is a collective term for a nation of people who practice the discipline of airbending. One of the four major nations, the Air Nomads were wanderers by definition, but had four air temples, one at each corner of the globe.

The Earth Kingdom

The Earth Kingdom is one of the world's four major nations. It is a massive continent which encompasses most of the planet's eastern hemisphere. The kingdom is ruled by a confederate monarchy which operates under the Earth King.

The Fire Nation

The Fire Nation is one of the world's four nations. It is an absolute monarchy led by the Fire Lord.

The Water Tribe

The Water Tribe is a collective term for the nation of people who practice the art of waterbending. It is one of the four nations and its members, for the most part, inhabit the polar regions.

The World of the Four Elements

The World of the Four Elements is divided into the four nations, and plays home to benders and hundreds of chimerical creatures.

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