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Conquest of Babylon Online

Conquest of Babylon Online


It has been nearly a year since players of Conquest of Bablyon Online found themselves unable to exit. Told that dying in this game meant death in the real world, players cowered in fear or turned on each other. But, escape is as easy as winning a war.

2,893 readers have visited Conquest of Babylon Online since FamishedPants created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

a proper citation will be given when possible.


Conquest of Babylon

In our time, the Gaming Industry has seen a massive increase in popularity since its creation. Now more than ever, people have been logging, signing, or jumping on to games with great enthusiasm. Never has something been so addicting. Never could you kill someone and get away with it, date your idol, sing, dance, play, touch, do things that were impossible before like now. Because this is the age of gaming.

With the introduction of Personal Virtual Reality Kits, Gaming's effect on the civilian population could only grow. Now it actually seemed like you were doing the things you always wanted to do. It started out simple enough. Boxing games, sports games, shooters, fighters, RTSs. But now something new has been introduced.

Virtual MMOs.


Meet Conquest of Babylon Online. It is the first Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing allowed for the Virtue-Gear Headsets. Following its reveal, Babylon broke records for the most number of pre-purchases in history. The world in its entirety was ready to experience addiction at its finest. Advertisements revealed the theme of the RPG: A tower that stood at the center of the world had connected Heaven and Hell to Earth, and war has ravaged the immediate area. Years of constant battle between Humans, Demons, and Angels have not calmed them in the slightest. As a character, you must choose a side. Would you fight as a human, who was just caught up in the war between the other two? An Angel, messenger and warriors for God? Or how about a Demon sent from Hell? It was your choice. That was all they needed to say. With records broken and people waiting in anticipation, it was safe to say that Conquest of Babylon Online would be one of the most purchased games in recent history.

And it was. Streets were backed up due to the lines that had formed on the day of its release, and even the Riot Police had to be called just in case something started with the enormous crowds that had formed to get this game. The release might have been one of the most memorable moments of gaming history, just do to its sheer importance. However, such a thing was trumped but weeks later.

Players had a three weeks of fun. The game was all you could ever hope for from it. You picked your class, you found your friends and then you played to your heart's content. Time did not pass the same as real life. You could play for a few days when in reality you might've just been playing for an hour or two in real life. So of course this became a problem for some, who lost themselves in the game. But still, they had fun. That was, until one morning, for no apparent reason, everyone returned to the starting town with but a single item in their inventory - A card. Suddenly, the face of what looked to be some unknown species, appeared in the sky, and this is what he said:

"My loyal gladiators, allow me to introduce myself.

I am Kenpachi Ramasama, the creator of the game which you call Conquest of Babylon. For years I have been developing the perfect arena with which to sit back and watch a show like no other. Shaping the perfect warriors, the perfect people to pit against each other is a hard task until you realize you have people who are ready to do battle at a moment's notice, no questions asked. And who are those warriors of which I speak? You, the gamers, of course! You, who would willingly spend every minute of your waking lives killing each other, were there before my eyes the entire time and I'm afraid to say that it took me quite a while to realize this. But as soon as I did, creating the perfect arena for you was but a simple task. Now, as your host, I must be at least as kind as to offer you but an explanation on how this NEW game really works! You see, life holds meaning in this world. Do not perish, for it won't just be gold you lose, but your real life. Players do not respawn, and testing this theory out will only lead to an anticlimactic end for you. In addition, the ability to log-out of this game is no longer available, and will not be available for some time.

Ah, but you are probably wondering what you should be doing, I'm sorry, I do get carried away. In this game of yours, you will be battling each other like always. Angels, Humans, and Demons shall be fighting for their own kin and nothing more, for the right to climb Tower Babylon! It is only when one group can reach the top of the tower, after defeating all other foes - and I assure you that the foes inside the tower and more difficult than the ones outside - will you be able to leave this arena as a victor. But simply allowing you to all team up against the AI would not be acceptable! To ensure this, I've decided that only one race will be able to leave. In the event that multiple races are in the tower, nothing will happen until only one race is left. I shall leave it up to you to dispose of them, lethally or not. But only one race will survive. Still, be wary. The tower is not to be taken at a low level. You'll have plenty of time to fight each other before you dare step foot in that place.

I'm afraid that this is all the information I may give you. From now on, you must work on your own to see to your race's victory. I, of course, will enjoy this spectacle. Do make it worthwhile. Setting the stage up was not an easy task. Tah-tah."

That was ten months ago. Millions of players have died since then, either by monster, by boss, by player, or even by themselves. The world is harsh and people can be harsher. Nobody is to be trusted and everyone is to be feared. Even after so long, the Tower Babylon has not yet been touched, as even the monsters roaming just outside of it are beyond the level of any known players so far, and with the lack of cooperation even inside each individual faction, how will anyone ever see the real world again?

The Races


As a human, you are balanced in all attributes. You are moderately strong with bows, swords, magic and everything else. There aren't any restrictions to your class, however, you are not exceptionally powerful in any regard. Humans are not weak against any element either, which does make them reliable tanks/warriors. Humans are flexible and can take on different roles with ease, allowing them to counter any situation with prior knowledge. Humans are the only class who need to create their own wings, and do not earn them by leveling up.


Angels are warriors of Light. They are fast and nimble, and skilled with bows. Masters of Light-based and healing magic, they are weak against Dark-based magics and they do not do as well with offensive magics. Angels excel in using support magics to outlast foes, rather than destroying them outright with strength. As with Demons, Angels earn wings at an early level, allowing them to fast travel between different areas.


Demons are the spawn of darkness. They are aggressive and strong, particularly with bigger weapons. Unmatched when it comes to offensive magics, they as susceptible to light-based magics and do not have very effective support spells. Demons typically try to overpower their opponents as quick as possible due to their immense strength and inability to heal as effectively as the other two races. As with Angels, Demons earn wings at an early level, allowing them to fast travel between different areas.

Character Sheet

Code: Select all
[center][size=350][font=Impact]Your IGN Here[/font][/center][/size]
[left][img]Picture of your in-game character here. Taller is better than wider[/img][/left]
Answer here

Answer here

Answer here

Give a good description of your character's appearance here. And no, you don't have to have a long one. Tsuki just goes overboard :3
[center][size=350][font=Impact]Real name of your character[/font][/center][/size]
[right][img]Picture of the person who is trapped[/img][/right]
Answer here

Answer here

Answer here

Now do so for your real-life character
Tell us how your character acts. Make sure it is at least a couple of paragraphs. Your character is (or at least, shouldn't be) a potato. He/she is alive.

What has happened to your character to get him to this point? How were things in life before the game locked him in, or what has happened to him in this game that is worth note? A couple of paragraphs is the minimum, but I do enjoy more.
[b][font=Impact][size=150]Item Name here:[/size][/b][/font]
Basic Description here. Don't worry about exact damage, but if it does do a lot of damage, say so. Copy as necessary for items, and you can include items that don't really have a use in the RP, like pickaxes or something, but, of course, this is optional. Do make sure to include weapons and clothing though.

[center][size=250][font=Impact]Magic Abilities[/size][/font][/center]

[b][font=Impact][size=150]Name of spell:[/size][/b][/font]
Description of spell. Underneath, you should include a chant (for stronger spells) and the number of words it has in it. Basic fireballs and stuff like such do not need a chant, but if you have a spell called 'rape', it better have a long-ass chant. Copy this as needed for each spell.

[i]insert chant here[/i] - 3 word chant.


[b][font=Impact][size=150]Skill name here:[/size][/b][/font]
Skill description here. Repeat as needed.


[b][font=Impact][size=150]Name here:[/size][/b][/font]
Description here. Techniques refer to non-battle related skills, and passives should not require an explanation. Alchemy is an example of a technique, and Battle Regeneration (the ability to slowly restore HP over time when outside of battle) is an example of a passive. You should include your weakness to an element if you have one here as well. Repeat as needed. You can be creative, just try not to go overboard. I encourage useless passives. You'll see one on my app, simply because I like references. :3

[center][size=200][font=Impact][i][url=Youtube link here]Name of your character's battle theme here[/url] [/i][/font][/size][/center]

Toggle Rules

1. Be literate.
I can understand a mistake or two, but if you can't spell, then you're not going to be accepted.

2. Be active.
Most of the time, an RP dies within a couple weeks of its creation. I do NOT want this RP to be like that. I'd like this one to go far, to allow characters to develop. Don't join if you can't keep up, or if you don't think you'll have the time.

3. Be nice.
Obviously, nobody wants to roleplay with someone who is harassing them. So don't be that person. I'd like to see everyone be friendly. I don't mind somewhat heated discussions in OOC, but if it goes beyond just a 'heated discussion', then I'll take action.

4. Be kind, rewind.
Make sure you read all the posts, not just the ones that relate to your character. There's a chance something important happened, and you don't want to miss something important. Of course, if it's just lovey-dovey stuff or something to that effect, don't worry about it.

6. Keep it clean...ish.
This rule is global. I don't think there are RPs that don't have this rule, but I'll explain it anyway, since I may be a bit more... 'lenient'. I do not mind swearing, so long as you don't say 'fuck' every sentence, or spam it. I also do not mind nudity. However, nudity and sex are two VERY DIFFERENT things. I DO mind sex. No sexy time in the RP, unless it's implied and fades to black. However, I am most definitely a fan of nudity if it's played to a comedic effect. (Actually, I'm not sure this matters. I don't think you can get naked in an MMO). Anyway, that's my policy.

7. Use the OOC.
Be active! Talk to each other! Discuss shit! I like talking. I do. It's fun. If you're bored, just say something there. It's nice to discuss funny things, serious things, anything about the RP, or other stuff, with your fellow RPers. Also, make sure you notify everyone of any events that may delay your posting. It's only fair, and it keeps people from waiting on a post that wont come.

8. Don't ask about rule 5.
Simple, really. Just don't. You need not know about it. That's all.

9. Have fun.
Honestly, it's a roleplay. You should be enjoying yourself (so long as it isn't at the expense of other people) and having fun. I like to believe I'm a fun person.

10. Quote someone appropriately.
A lot of the time, a roleplayer directly quotes the piece of the post he is replying to. This is fine. Nobody should have a problem with this, since it makes it incredibly easy to understand what they are... replying to. Anyway, some people do this, but they do not do anything to seperate the quoted text from the new text. This, along with longer OOC posts in the actual roleplay, is a huge pet peeve of mine. Please don't do it. Seperate the quote as a new paragraph and bold it, or something. Just make it stand out (not too much) from what you are writing, so I don't get confused.

Bad EX.

"Getting real tired of your shit, Master Wayne." said the butler, before some random dude who was made for the sole purpose of explaining this said, "Oh gee wiz, you can count all the fucks I give on one hand. Herp derp." Ironically, he was missing both arms.

Good EX.

"Getting real tired of your shit, Master Wayne."

Some random dude for the sole purpose of explaining this said, in response, "Oh gee wiz, you can count all the fucks I give on one hand. Herp Derp." He was, ironically, missing both of his arms.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nara Hellspawn (Aiko Azumi) Character Portrait: Amaterasu Marayel {Shanya Ama}
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Amaterasu Mirayel

"Be my light in this hell! Darkness I call thee!"

Amaterasu looked at the hellspawns and scoffed, 'That's NOT insulting at all...' she thought as she kept walking in aggravation hidden again by her armour as she thought, especially how pathetic she was, and soon thinking on how her body was, she knew well enough that she'd be living forever, yet she wondered how unstable she'd be on her feet. Soon though was interrupted by her hearing level being high enough to hear movement in the darkness behing her forcing her to stop, 'Dumbass... Facing a dark knight in her element... Suicide NPC...' she thought drawing her blade looking back at Nara, "Nara... Take front..." she said coldly and emotionless as she waited.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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"Ah... sounds interesting, no doubt. Perhaps we can talk about it after we get rid of our problem?" Her ally replied with what sounded like genuine interest as he fended off another attacker.
"Oh no, quite a sorry tale....I'm likely to turn into a crying damsel in distress when I tell you." Kaoru said in a very ambiguous tone as she stepped to the side and weaved her way through the other angels. She only struck when necessary, slicing into shoulders and if they didn't get the hint to move back then she attacked parts of their legs.

"Well, you see. Healing, barriers, support, bows. All nice things, yes. But-" Haruo shoved one of the Saint's Order members backward. "-as you can see, that didn't fit me at all." She was about to respond when one underhanded little upstart grabbed her tunic and pulled her backwards, the demon continuing as she brought Lady Luck down to stab her very hands on opponent.
"But that's not really the point. It's the second reason. The Saint's Order." After that she twisted her blade and she heard a sharp screech as she was released, her turn to face her opponent was unnecessary because he had backed off.

"Hey....angels aren't all pretty little darlings that are useless up close and personal. But with the Saint's Order...I'm not surprised that they've left me alone till now. They'll probably come after the both of us eventually though." She mentioned, switching to Cupid's Bow before activating Battle Blitz as her own wings unfurled. The colour of crushed pearls and just as shimmery, they stretched out and propelled her into the air, three volleys coming from her to strike out at the players that weren't fighting with Haruo.
"They are everything an Angel isn't." Haruo's dying black wings spread and he began to float up, a dark energy forming around his sword and body. "They hunt others of their own kind down, and give them no choice but to join them in order to live. Angels with wings should not be held down. We are free. We have our own choices to make!"

His battle cry sent a chill down her spine as her lilac optics flicked over the square, many of the spectators had scattered, others were staying to see the outcome.
"If the Saint's Order is a corrupt light, I became a Demon to strike them down with just darkness!" At this she felt her wings fold into her again, despite her being up a few feet in the air.
"Oh shiiiii-....." They were weak from lack of use....this was the one moment she cursed that fact as she fell down straight onto her back on the ground. "Ow..."

She hastily rolled and then scrambled up to her feet as many of the other angels about were on their knees or backs. She watched as Haruo pointed his blade at the nearest angel to him, walking towards him.

"Unlike you guys, I don't kill so I will let you leave." Haruo told them before sheathing his sword. "But if you do not heed this warning, I will kill you." Kaoru on the other hand kept her weapon out, listening to the rest of the demon boy's words before smirking beneath her mask as he asked her a question.
"Is it safe to assume that I can leave those to you?" She looked back at him and gave him a nod before shooting an arrow into one of the other angels' thighs.

"It is safe to assume that, though I could easily just try and stun them all then teleport us out of here....unless you'd prefer to give them more time to try getting reinforcements?" She pointed out, pulling the draw string back and loosing another arrow before switching back to her sword.
"Oh... and don't kill them... if you can help it." He added and she laughed softly, striking a player in the stomach with the flat of Lady Luck before kicking the back of his knee when he crumpled on the ground.
"You haven't heard of what I'm like then, have you? Otherwise you wouldn't be asking me that." She teased in response as she fought her way back to his side....oh my this boy was interesting. She wasn't so egotistical to think that everyone should know her...but the mask had given her the new name, wasn't he the least bit curious about the girl helping him right now?

" wanting to keep fighting? Or stun and run?" Kaoru asked before an Order angel charged at her, only to get the hilt of her sword brought down on the back of their head, knocking him out. She pushed the male angel's body to the side as it crumpled under its own weight. "....and before you ask, yes I have a safe place for us to stay." She added as an afterthought, wondering if the Order would be bothered enough by her aiding this come all the way to the mill to get them.
"My real name is Kaoru by the way....but if you call me Ru-ru I'll kick your ass, 'kay?" She mentioned to him before continuing to fight while she assumed he was thinking everything over.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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"You haven't heard of what I'm like then, have you? Otherwise you wouldn't be asking me that."

"Not exactly, that's why I wanted to talk after we get away from all this. I'd like to learn more about my savior. Especially an Angel like you." He told her as he rested against a wall. "And, I'd like to take a look at the face beneath that mask."

" wanting to keep fighting? Or stun and run?" She asked before an Order angel charged at her, only to get the hilt of her sword brought down on the back of their head, knocking him out. She pushed the male angel's body to the side as it crumpled under its own weight. "....and before you ask, yes I have a safe place for us to stay."

"My real name is Kaoru by the way....but if you call me Ru-ru I'll kick your ass, 'kay?" The girl, Kaoru, mentioned to him before continuing to fight.

"Nice to meet you Ru- eer... I mean, Kaoru." Haruo told her, giving his mouth a small pat for almost calling the girl Ru-ru. "Real name's Haruo."

"I'd like to see this 'safe place' of yours, so let's stun and run." He told her, but made no move to attack. With much embarrassment in his voice, he added. "Uh... I'll have to rely on your for that, because I haven't learned my stun skills yet."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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"Not exactly, that's why I wanted to talk after we get away from all this. I'd like to learn more about my savior. Especially an Angel like you." She looked over at him as he rested against a wall and she tilted her head slightly. "And, I'd like to take a look at the face beneath that mask." So he was in fact curious....that was all well and good, but once he knew, what would happen then? A small part of her wished that she'd just left it all to fate rather than intervening, but the majority of her being remained glad that she'd helped out. After all, one good turn could one day be beneficial...right? Kaoru realised that making contracts with people was....much like romance, partly necessary, partly just..empty fluff. It was much better to become friends through helping others out, even if they weren't of your race.

"Nice to meet you Ru- eer... I mean, Kaoru." She let out a genuine laugh as he patted his mouth for almost calling her Ru-ru. She still wasn't ready for someone other than her late brother to call her that. Heck, maybe she never would be...but she just had this feeling that one day she could let someone call her Ru-ru again. "Real name's Haruo."
" almost called me Ru-ru~" Kaoru teased, stretching as she checked if she had enough mana left to try her moves if he chose to let her teleport them outta there. "It's a pleasure to meet you to Haruo."

"I'd like to see this 'safe place' of yours, so let's stun and run." He told her, but made no move to attack. With much embarrassment in his voice, he added. "Uh... I'll have to rely on your for that, because I haven't learned my stun skills yet." She blinked before nodding her head slightly, sprinting over to him and with or without his protests she then reached up as high as she could. Just before she covered his ears, lilac looked up into steel grey and she cleared her throat...darn...Haruo had certainly put a lot of effort into Circle...if this avatar was in a manga in the rea word she'd be drooling right now.

"Hold onto me real tight...don't want you flying off into some unknown area, if I have to fetch your ass out of a dungeon I won't be happy." She said the last part half-heartedly, the grin showing in her voice before she covered his ears to block out the spell she was about to cast.
"GIVE ME SPACE!! She cried out, a ring of concentrated magic blasted out around them with enough force to stun the Saint's Order angels for at least 3 seconds.

She then wrapped her arms around the large demon and concentrated on the doorway of the mill. She closed her eyes and let out a slow deep breath, the pair then disappearing in a flash of blue-silver just as the stun wore off. They appeared moments later and she released him gently, not wanting him to get giddy as sometimes her teleports did that to first timers.
" we are, let me break the barriers for you when we get to them and remove the traps." She said letting her hair down as she undid the ponytail, touching the slight blue sheen in the doorway of the mill. There was a shattering sound and then a hastily whispered message that she'd left embedded in the barrier.

She moved on quickly, picking up traps and breaking barriers for him until he was in the main living quarters. Her brother's old pallet lay undisturbed and she cleared her throat before going back out to put the barriers up again.
"Make yourself at can look through the stuff here if you want any of it. I shared with a demon so there should be some gear that he left behind just in case." She said as she came back, going through to the wash room to get a damp cloth before she pulled the ribbons that kept the mask on her face.

Kaoru pulled the mask off then wiped her face with the cloth to cool it down a little. The mask may have been pretty, but porcelain didn't really breathe. She put her weapons down beside her pallet and then stretched her arms up as she turned to face him. Lilac eyes shimmering a little as her delicate features were revealed to him.
"Can you tell that I put a lot of effort into Shreya's face?" She asked with a slight smile before tucking some loose hair behind one ear. "Oh yeah, are you hungry or anything?" Kaoru questioned as an afterthought as she looked through her inventory.

"So....Haruo...sounds like a Japanese name, whereabouts do you live in the real world?" She blurted out before looking down, yes...if she was a cat she too would be dead because of curiosity but she couldn't help it. Now that she wasn't fighting her own kind, she was wanting to know everything that he was willing to tell her...but she'd try to leave well enough alone if he told her to stop prying.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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" almost called me Ru-ru~" He could sense that she was teasing her. "It's a pleasure to meet you to Haruo."

She sprinted over to him then reached up as high as she could. Just before she covered his ears, Haruo caught a glimpse of her eyes before she cleared her throat.

"Hold onto me real tight...don't want you flying off into some unknown area, if I have to fetch your ass out of a dungeon I won't be happy." Humor showing in her voice before she covered his ears for a reason he would soon find out.
"GIVE ME SPACE!!" He could hear the muffled sentence through the hands covering his ears, watching a ring of concentrated magic blasted out around them with enough force to stun the Saint's Order angels.

She then wrapped her arms around the large demon, to which Haruo reciprocated, placing his arms around her to make sure he wouldn't fly off as she described. He heard her let out a slow deep breath, the pair then disappearing in a flash of blue-silver. They appeared moments later and she released him gently. Haruo stumbled about for a short while before shaking his head and recovered.

" we are, let me break the barriers for you when we get to them and remove the traps." She said letting her hair down as she undid the ponytail, Haruo admiring the way her dark-brown hair flowed down. She touched the slight blue sheen in the doorway of the mill. There was a shattering sound and then a hastily whispered message that she'd left embedded in the barrier.

She moved on quickly, picking up traps and breaking barriers for him until he was in the main living quarters. She cleared her throat before going back out to, if he was right, put the barriers up again.
"Make yourself at can look through the stuff here if you want any of it. I shared with a demon so there should be some gear that he left behind just in case." She said as she came back, going through to the wash room to get a damp cloth before she pulled the ribbons that kept the mask on her face.

Kaoru pulled the mask off then wiped her face with the cloth to cool it down a little before putting her weapons down beside her pallet and then stretched her arms up as she turned to face him. Haruo stared at her with wide grey eyes. Her appearance was dazzling and her lilac colored eyes seemed to draw the attention of his grey ones. Noticing that he was staring into her eyes, he blinked and looked away.

'It's a digital avatar, a digital avatar. No need to get so attracted stupid Haruo.' he thought to himself. He knew it was useless though. He had always admired video game or anime girls, even jokingly referring to them as his girlfriends.

"Can you tell that I put a lot of effort into Shreya's face?" She asked with a slight smile before tucking some loose hair behind one ear, to which Haruo regretted looking at. His face heated up as he tried to prevent himself looking at her. Shtap!

He quickly nodded, not trusting his mouth to say anything right now.

"Oh yeah, are you hungry or anything?"

"A-a bit?"

"So....Haruo...sounds like a Japanese name, whereabouts do you live in the real world?" She blurted out before looking down. The display made her look cute, which Haruo once again tried to beat it out of his head that the avatar was not real.

"I'm from Akihabara, Japan." he replied, scratching his cheek. "Kaoru's a Japanese name too, where are you from?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blade Slizer (Asher Damons) Character Portrait: Tsukishiro Amaya (Lucia Fair) Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Marco Robbins
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Lucia Fair

"Well, considering that you're not a demon, so tales of my comrades' exploits will likely mean little to you, I'm afraid I can't exactly answer that question with any definite proof of our merits," Lucia responded with a sardonic smirk as the Human player questioned her rather boastful introduction. "But I can promise you that, at the very least, you'll see why I'm so confident in my Forwards by the end of this." She shrugged, then, wrenching forth her large sword from the ground, slid it into its sheath once more, a motion which was evidently a sign for her allies to stand down, as they immediately dropped their formation across the mouth of the cave, putting away their weapons and coming alongside their commander.

As the Demonness began opening a menu window and casually setting up a suitable party invitation with a practiced hand, she began to speak once again, almost as an afterthought. "So, since we're going to be working together, there's really no point in hiding our names. I am Lucia Fair, leader of the Scarlet Covenant, and these are my Forwards, the Crimson Vanguard." With a slight tapping of her finger against the holographic user interface window in front of her, she sent the party invitation to the three other players in the area. "And yourselves?" She asked cordially, her voice bearing in it an air of politeness that completely contradicted the fact that she'd just ambushed them and essentially passive-aggressively strong-armed them into allying with her. Yet, despite that fact, it seemed almost like Lucia was being polite, levelheaded, and reasonable, having her troops stand down and offering an alliance instead of eliminating her foes on the spot. Her sheer charisma, even in such a tense situation, was enough to make one almost forget that she was the enemy.


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"Then I'll just have to watch."

Licht had never drawn his weapon, so sheathing his weapon was not possible. Instead, he gave a small, relieved smile to them. He was fairly happy he didn't end up fighting them, after all. Afterwards, Licht's posture relaxed just a tad, evidence of tension leaving his body. While he wasn't so idiotic to blindly believe these demons wouldn't stab him in the back, keeping a tense stature would only create the illusion that he might be ready to do the same, and there was definitely the possibility this could cause more mistrust than there already was.

Even if someone knows not to trust someone else, if that person gives off the illusion of friendship, then they might feel a bit more comfortable around them. Licht did know some of this. That's not to say he was some master manipulator, because anyone could gather that being nice to people was a lot better than being mean, if you're trying to get on their good side, but he wasn't stupid either. This, possibly, was the same for Lucia Fair, who introduced herself as such with a tone that nearly made her sound like a different demon than the one that was about to threaten them away merely a few seconds ago.

"Lucia Fair, you say?" Licht's conclusion was correct. Then again, he already made sure of this with a simple check of her username, so that wasn't too surprising. "A name many people know, race regardless. You're a bit of a celebrity among your people, if I'm not entirely mistaken." The young blue-headed man took a second to accept his invitation, joining the party. Around that time, she'd notice that 'Licht' had joined her party. He couldn't do anything about that....

"Although, to some, I may be somewhat famous to Humans.... and infamous among your kind." At this point, if she had heard about him, he expected her opinion of him to be.... disappointing. Maybe she thought him too weak from his rumors alone to consider him a threat. Much like how some bosses would seem nearly impossible to defeat to a lower-level character, but people who had worked their way up would merely laugh at it's weakness.

It was a matter of perspective, in a sense, and her perspective allowed her to think such.

Of course, thinking that this was the way she'd think about someone like him is only based on rumors about this woman. No real ground here, just basic gossip. How childlike we really were, even in the face of crisis. But Licht would not truly 'expect' her to be the way people say she was. After all, some thought he just went around killing demons. Considering the fact that he was rather pacifistic, that was also baseless. Most of the time, he was encountered and challenged by the other party, with him simply accepting the fight out of respect or requirement.

....I'm mentally digressing, aren't I?

"I am Licht, Warrior of Light." he stated, looking towards his friend Marco, who had been rather quiet the whole time. The look on his face said that he was still not sure whether to be ready to pull his sword out, or to relax. Beckoning him over with a wave, Licht then began to introduce his friend. "This would be my traveling companion, Marco."


The brown-haired young man had been very quiet, not wanting to accidentally agitate things into a fight. With Licht's stubbornness came tension, and with tension came conflict. Demons didn't really back down most of the time, and even the bribe by the woman had surprised Marco. Demons just didn't do that often. In fact, nobody really did. There was some reason why this woman proposed a non-violent alternative for this situation....

Marco's choice to remain quiet ended up paying off in the end. Somehow, someway, things ended up going perfectly. Not only did they not fight, but they even joined forces! How awesome! Marco, similar to Licht, smiled in happiness to the aversion of conflict. When it was his turn to introduce himself, his tone was almost stupid-happy.

"Yes!" he said. "It's a pleasure to be partying with you, instead of fighting."

To be quite honest, Marco wasn't that untrusting. Some would consider this quite stupid, and in this 'game', this trait was. If these demons stabbed him in the back somewhere in this dungeon, he wouldn't have even expected it. That's just how he was. When you say you'll do something, Marco rarely thought you'd do anything else. Licht had picked up on this from the very moment he met the young boy down the road. Yet, somehow or other, the boy was alive long enough for him and Licht to meet.

"Should we get going then? I'm excited. Blade can introduce himself while we walk."


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Character Portrait: Nara Hellspawn (Aiko Azumi) Character Portrait: Amaterasu Marayel {Shanya Ama}
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Nara Hellspawn

Nara nodded, not quite sure why Ameratsu was scoffing, and started walking when Ameratsu stopped.

"Nara... Take front..."

Nara's eyes widened slightly, then closed. "Don't give it a chance to hit, I don't have a lot of poison resistance, and I don't want to waste any health potions." She said, calming approaching her ally and passing her. By how well she was handling herself before, she didn't have any doubt that she would be able to cut down a low health/armor foe with any trouble.


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Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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Kaoru tilted her head to the side a little as she saw Haruo's face heat up as he tried to avoid looking at her. Had she paid too much attention to Shreya's face then? She then giggled a little as he nodded quickly, clapping her hands together happily.
"Yay~! Your avatar's very handsome, though you ah...haha you probably already know that though so you can disregard all that..." She said, covering her mouth after accidentally letting it slip that she found his virtual persona attractive. She was such a dork! He probably thought that she was so weird for randomly saying that to him, mentally she smacked a hand to her forehead before she sneaked another look at the well built demon. Hmm...the only downside was that in real life she liked the skinny guys, which kind of sucked because the skinny guys ignored her.

"A-a bit?" She nodded and thought for a moment about what they could possibly eat for a meal.
"Any preference for food?" She asked, trying to work out if she had the makings for anything he'd like or if she had to go foraging/hunting.
"I'm from Akihabara, Japan." he replied, scratching his cheek. "Kaoru's a Japanese name too, where are you from?" Her eyes widened as she looked up at where had she heard that-.....oh goodness. Akihabara as Tokyo?

"Akihabara as in....Toyko's Akihabara?" She asked in an unsure manner before rubbing the back of her neck a little nervously. "Well, it would be ironic if you lived in Tokyo's Akihabara....because I live in Uchikanda, Tokyo. Kanda station is on the same train line as yours right?" She mused, half wishing that they weren't opposing classes, otherwise they would have been able to possibly meet up in real life. Wouldn't that have been cool? To meet someone from a game....though she figured that she'd have to ask him one day that if he survived, if he would visit her grave or something.

But...that was way way in the future hopefully. There was a bitter-sweet feeling to that thought...he seemed like such a nice guy that it'd be a shame not to meet him outside of the game. Don't get her wrong, she'd been liked well enough in school...but not one guy had decided that she was in the same sort of area as cuter girls. The guys hadn't gone out of their way to do anything with her, treating her more like a guy than a girl which she'd found to be irritating at times but whatever.

"Feels so weird to not be in school...I'm probably missing English with my best friend Yukie right now." She said lightly, the face of said best friend however was starting to fade a little now...she couldn't remember just how much green Yukie's eyes had in them, or what her hair had been styled like that last day. However Kaoru pulled herself out of trying to remember and got to work, tidying up the place a little as best she could. Despite being a girl, she wasn't the best at cleaning...she was a lot better at cooking. So she stopped after a few minutes and came back to sit down on her pallet, nervous energy expended for now.
"So....where do we go from here?" She asked him after a good few moments of quiet, pulling up her knees enough so that she could rest her forearms on them.


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Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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"Yay~! Your avatar's very handsome, though you ah...haha you probably already know that though so you can disregard all that..." She blurted out before covering her mouth. He looked at her with surprise and then tried to hide his small smile.

"Any preference for food?" She asked. He shook his head.

"Here? Not really. Back in the real world? Hamburger steaks." He replied with longing, his grey eyes staring off into space.

"Akihabara as in....Toyko's Akihabara?" She asked in an unsure manner before rubbing the back of her neck a little nervously. "Well, it would be ironic if you lived in Tokyo's Akihabara....because I live in Uchikanda, Tokyo. Kanda station is on the same train line as yours right?"

"Uchi-kanda... Uchi-kanda... yes, same train line if the one you're talking about is the Keihin-Tohoku line." He answered, now more interested in the girl player. That would mean they were within visiting range. How nice if they could just log out and hang out with each other. Who knows? What if she was single?

'Haruo. No.' He whacked himself. 'No thoughts like this!'

"Feels so weird to not be in school...I'm probably missing English with my best friend Yukie right now." She said lightly. Suddenly she went around tidying up the place. Then she stopped after a few minutes and came back to sit down on her pallet, nervous energy expended for now.

"So....where do we go from here?" She asked him after a good few moments of quiet, pulling up her knees enough so that she could rest her forearms on them.

"I don't know. I usually just pick up mission after mission after mission. Hardly lingered in one place for long." Haruo told her before collapsing down on the floor and stretched. "I wanted to level up as fast as I could... but I'm tired."

"...Maybe... we could talk about why Humans are in your black books?" He asked with interest, rolling onto his stomach and propped up on his arms to look at Kaoru. "We have some time to kill while I take a short rest."

"Or if you're not comfy with that, we don't have to talk about it."


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Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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"Here? Not really. Back in the real world? Hamburger steaks." Kaoru groaned as she thought of hamburger steaks...because although she liked sweet things above all, hamburger steaks were one of her top rated meals. She was like a little kid in one respect though, always drooling at the thought of sweets. What she'd do for some dango right now....heck, she'd even go for some melon bread! On second thought, if she had some pocky she could share no no, back up there sister. She would have to try her damnedest to avoid that zone like she'd avoided doing her brother's laundry back before Babylon.
"I have.....roast beef or....hmm...vegetable soup. No hamburger steaks here I'm afraid."

"Uchi-kanda... Uchi-kanda... yes, same train line if the one you're talking about is the Keihin-Tohoku line." He answered, now more interested in the girl player. She tilted her head to the side as she sensed his interest in her, a quirky little half-smile turning up the right corner of her lips. She wondered if she'd ever seen him, even in passing when she had used the Keijin-Tohoku line to get to school. Kaoru reached up and touched the hair at one side of her neck, laughing a little as the game tried to compensate for the fact that in real life she was touching air;the ends of her real hair ghosting across the back of her hand. It was the little things that reminded her of her real form how she had her ears pierced, but Shreya didn't...all that sort of stuff.
"Funny huh...if it wasn't for the fact that we couldn't log out, I'd want to visit you in Akihabara. I mean, I dunno about you, but I look real different from my avatar. You wouldn't recognise me I reckon." She said with a laugh, pushing a hand through the dark locks that she'd gotten used to over the months.

"I don't know. I usually just pick up mission after mission after mission. Hardly lingered in one place for long." Haruo told her before she watched him lie down on the floor and stretch. "I wanted to level up as fast as I could... but I'm tired."
"Ahh...trying to power level on your own huh? I can see why you're tired, I haven't done a mission in just over a week." She sympathised before giving him a little bit of a sad smile. Her poor brother...Kaoru wondered if her mum had already put her brother to rest. She wondered who would be at his funeral... because at the last time they'd looked, none of their friends had made it out of the arena. They'd stopped looking at the username lists after a while, the sadness still too raw over their loss...and now she had lost her brother too.

"...Maybe... we could talk about why Humans are in your black books?" He asked with interest, rolling onto his stomach and propped up on his arms to look at Kaoru. "We have some time to kill while I take a short rest." Ahh....yes, she'd said that she'd tell him. Well, she was always true to her word and she wasn't about to stop now.
"Or if you're not comfy with that, we don't have to talk about it."
"Well ah, last week I did a dungeon raid with my brother. W-We came out and there was a group of humans waiting...Yuuta tried to fend them off but my barriers kept breaking because they were working s-so well together. He was hurt really bad and I just...I had to get him outta there. I used all my remaining mana to bring us back here but he ah...he didn't...h...he-.." Her eyes filled up with tears, a slight sniffle coming from her as she couldn't go on.

Her throat tightened and she swallowed thickly as she blinked several times, swiping at the tears that had slid down her pale cheeks.
"I'm s-sorry, I just..." She choked out before turning her face away from him a bit, her hair slipping down to hide her features. "Told you i-it was a sorry tale." Kaoru murmured, her shoulders shaking just a little as she took in a deep breath. Despite the tears and the grief, she was glad that she'd told someone...kept her brother alive and well in her heart, with his goofy smile and the way he used to ruffle her hair. It was all part of her now and always would be.


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Character Portrait: John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee) Character Portrait: Azrieal Kain (Takashima Jin)
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Lord of Pie

As the whistle came, John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt dropped down from his perch and skipped merrily towards Azrieal and the decimated angel group, his animate mask grinning happily. It was another good day to be a part of their two man team. The angels were dying, the treasure was making Azrieal's ring thing glow, and there was never a shortage of people or creatures for JJJ-S to shoot. It wasn't that he enjoyed killing people or angels, though he didn't feel particularly conflicted about their deaths. What he did feel was the warmth of the higher experience point gains killing players yielded as opposed to monsters of comparable levels. The experience and the twin prospects of action and adventure set his spirits soaring. In fact... "Oh I believe I can fly!" His skip turned into a graceful ballerina leap, complete with the front to back split and arms splayed out with his legs. Mid leap, he activated his dark energy wings, the razor edges materializing from his back and allowing him to take flight and glide over to corpses and his teammate. "I believe I can touch the sky!" "It seems our temporary employer sent us into a more interesting situation than he led us to believe J. You look at those, I will search these." Flaring his wings, JJJ-S swept himself straight up into the air they vanished and he dropped nimbly among the bodies. "Searching bodies every night and day!" The looting took almost no time thanks to his necklace-enhanced perception. That their employer may have lied to them about their mission didn't really bother JJJ-S. He was just having fun now.

"Dropping fools for way low pay! I believe I am bored! Let's go already these guys didn't have jack!" After finding nothing, JJJ-S abruptly dropped the melody and planted his foot on one of the angels as he pointed the way forward heroically. However, he dropped his pose and slumped forward when he realized that Azrieal had already continued forward into the cave. He sighed audibly. His traveling buddy had gotten much less interesting since he started ignoring him. Still, it was possible to get a reaction out of him and in the end the difficulty made it all the more worthwhile. JJJ-S set off in a run to catch up with his partner. "Azrieal! Azrieal! Hey! Hey Azrieal! Wait for meeee!" Sprinting to catch up with the other demon, he slowed down as he got closer, finally catching him when he ensnared the lesser dungeon creatures and sent them forward to scout for him. Instead of stopping though, JJJ-S abruptly sped up and passed him, slapping him on the back as he passed. "Tag! Your it!" Cried JJJ-S over his shoulder as he ran further ahead into the cave after the summons. When Azrieal caught up to him, he would be at a fork in the path, scratching his head in confusion as he pondered which way to go. Of course he knew which way to go, his necklace helped him follow the creatures Azrieal was using. That said, he wasn't so foolish as to charge too far ahead of his battle buddy when they had already encountered one group of angels in the area.


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Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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"I have.....roast beef or....hmm...vegetable soup. No hamburger steaks here I'm afraid."

Haruo shrugged and had an expression on his face that seemed to say 'I'm fine with either', since well, he had no preference for food in the game... maybe save the fact of the grub stew. That... was nasty.

"Funny huh...if it wasn't for the fact that we couldn't log out, I'd want to visit you in Akihabara. I mean, I dunno about you, but I look real different from my avatar. You wouldn't recognise me I reckon." Kaoru said with a laugh, pushing a hand through the dark locks. She did have a very nice laugh to listen to.

"Don't fret it. Same here. I look the complete opposite of what I am in-game." He laughed in reply, then added with a wink. "Visiting huh? I'd visit you in Uchi-kanda too... but Akihabara has more things to do."

"Ahh...trying to power level on your own huh? I can see why you're tired, I haven't done a mission in just over a week."

"A week? I'd be restless out of my mind by then. I like moving."

Finally, she started telling him the tale she promised to tell him after the fight with the Saint's Order.

"Well ah, last week I did a dungeon raid with my brother. W-We came out and there was a group of humans waiting...Yuuta tried to fend them off but my barriers kept breaking because they were working s-so well together. He was hurt really bad and I just...I had to get him outta there. I used all my remaining mana to bring us back here but he ah...he didn't...h...he-.." Her eyes filled up with tears, a slight sniffle coming from her as she couldn't go on.

Her throat tightened and she swallowed thickly as she blinked several times, swiping at the tears that had slid down her pale cheeks. Haruo got into a crouch and shuffled over towards her.

"I'm s-sorry, I just..." She choked out before turning her face away from him a bit, her hair slipping down to hide her features. "Told you i-it was a sorry tale." Kaoru murmured, her shoulders shaking just a little as she took in a deep breath.

Feeling guilty, Haruo scratched through his white locks trying to find the best course of action. Finally, with a small sigh, he reached under Kaoru's dark locks to wipe her tears. Finding that difficult, he hesitantly tucked her hair behind her ear so he could see clearer. After a while, Haruo's gaze was averted, searching around the ground for imaginary rubbish. He was biting his lip, guilt already gnawing away inside him.

"H-hush, hush." He said softly, almost a whisper. "Sorry for making you cry... hush."

Slowly, gently, he placed a hand on top of her head and moved it slowly, ruffling her dark hair. Haruo's expression was hard to read, a combination of pouting, frowning, blushing. Even he himself was probably confused.

"I don't know what a guy's supposed to do if he makes a girl cry...okay?" He tried to reason for his actions. "Shhh, hush."


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Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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"Oh!" Kaoru gasped as Haruo's fingers brushed against her cheek, surprising her as he brushed away a tear. However he must have found it a little tricky because she then felt him tuck her hair behind her ear. She blinked and gave him a wobbly smile although it was just as he averted his gaze to look at the ground. She frowned slightly in confusion as he bit his lip, had she said too much?
"H-hush, hush." He said softly, almost a whisper. "Sorry for making you cry... hush."

She had to lean toward him to hear what he was saying, eyes widening a little as he placed a hand on top of her head. When he moved it she stared up at him in amazement, her cheeks going a light pink as she saw the mix of emotions on his face. However she felt comfortable was a kind thing for him to do, though she could sense how awkward he felt about it all.
"I don't know what a guy's supposed to do if he makes a girl cry...okay?" He tried to reason for his actions. "Shhh, hush."

"You're doing didn't mean to make me cry, it's alright." She said softly, trying to soothe the both of them as she reached up and dried the last of the tears away. To make him feel a little better, she knelt and then wrapped her arms around him in a gentle hug. Kaoru rested her chin on his shoulder for a moment and sighed. "I kinda needed talk about it...and it never hurts to have a good cry every once and a while." She explained before she hurriedly let him go.
"S-Sorry...I just thought that you looked like you needed a hug." She blurted out, sitting back on her heels for a moment as her cheeks turned a slightly darker pink.

OOC: Short post is short...but my nephew just woke up from his nap and he be wanting


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Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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"You're doing didn't mean to make me cry, it's alright." She said softly as she reached up and dried the last of the tears away. Haruo was a little surprised when she knelt and then wrapped her arms around him in a gentle hug. Kaoru rested her chin on his shoulder for a moment and sighed. "I kinda needed talk about it...and it never hurts to have a good cry every once and a while." She explained before she hurriedly let him go.

With the hug and a short moment of intimacy as she rested her chin on his broad shoulder, Haruo's face was an instant fire engine red.

"S-Sorry...I just thought that you looked like you needed a hug." Kaoru blurted out, sitting back on her heels for a moment as her cheeks turned a slightly darker pink.

Haruo blinked a couple of times, mouthed like a goldfish and grey orbs met lilac ones as he looked at her. That was very... very unexpected. Time for a change of subject.

"Eer... I'm new to all of this... hugging and stuff." he bounced onto his feet, cleared his throat. "Now... is there anything you need help with around here? Cooking?"

He walked around for a little, then did a comical twirl, one he usually did back home. It's good to know some habits never die even when your body was half dying in the real world. When he completed a 360, he struck a pose.

"I'm actually pretty good with cooking, even back home in the real world." He boasted sweetly, then made a dorky smile that surprisingly fitted well with CirCle's features. "Even then since I was so caught up with education and games, I tend to just pour hot water into a styrofoam bowl..."

"Now then... what's it gonna be? Or are you going to do the cooking?" He raised an eyebrow. He really didn't believe in all the 'kitchen equals female domain'. It was stupid in his opinion. What if a guy wanted to eat and his wife was away from home for several days? Starve to death? Eat outside?

'And that is why, knowing how to cook is never a bad thing.' Haruo thought to himself.


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Character Portrait: John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee) Character Portrait: Azrieal Kain (Takashima Jin)
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Azrieal Kain

JJJ-S had proven to be capable but rather annoying, his rendition of 'I Believe I Can Fly' not being nearly as pleasant as he seemed to think it was and his general actions always being puzzling. Azrieal had already ignored that bit though and now that he was in the cave he could focus on what was ahead, or so he had thought. Yet JJJ-S was going to do what he always did and make things more complicated, make even the most serious or calm situations into something much more strange and confusing. This time it was screaming and sprinting, "Azrieal! Azrieal! Hey! Hey Azrieal! Wait for meeee!" The Demon sighed, he was trying not to engage in the ridiculousness that was 'The Pie Lord' a title JJJ-S had given himself and a name that explained a good deal about the Demon's personality. He really was a person of random nature, though there could be a method to the madness Azrieal had yet to find. He doubted it but still, one could hope. "Tag! Your it!" "Of course..." He muttered, taking yet another deep breath and trying to calm his frustration. Much like a child his partner was only encouraged with a reaction, if he acknowledged the man and got angry or tried to chastise him it would become worse, that was guaranteed. So instead he let himself calm down, keeping his irritation under wraps and allowing the guy to move ahead a ways, hoping he would tire himself out or find another thing to entertain his short attention span.

After a brief moment of inner meditation, which consisted of little more than Azrieal thinking about what could be in the cave and potentially worth the trouble, he moved forward. What he had hoped would happen had, JJJ-S had found something else in something as simple as a split in the road and while it wouldn't stop the guy, Azrieal knowing enough to know he was more capable than that, it had given him a reason to stop springing and shouting about for nothing. "Come on, to the right." He spoke calmly, not giving in to the previous provocation and ready to endure the next attempts that would surely come his way. There was something more important and that was the prize at the end of the cave, whatever the ring alluded to. Of course he had hoped his scouts would have some answers, the whole purpose of using them to get to the bottom of the mystery before he ventured forth, but it seemed that wasn't going to happen. Before he could get the information from them the connection was severed which meant one of two things, they had managed to break the control he had over them, which had definitely not happened, or they had been killed. The second option was more reasonable, and really the only possible reason. A smirk crossed his otherwise emotionless expression, he was pleased to know something was ahead and if it was high enough to quickly kill the enthralled creatures then it was surely worth his time, even if still not quite his level. Then again if it was that would be all the better, the higher its level the greater the gear, and as far as he was concerned the loss of minions meant it was a creature, not a random treasure or new location but a monster and one not common to the area.

He did stop for a brief moment though and turned to JJJ-S, "The scouts are gone, be ready, something fun awaits us ahead." He knew the idea of some fun would keep JJJ-S in line and he moved quickly after that, not wanting to give the man time to change his attitude and begin acting ridiculous once more, though chances were that was going to happen anyways. He just had to hope he could figure out what awaited them before his partner decided to go rushing in dancing and singing. Of course as he moved through the cave, using the information gathered before he lost his scouts, he began to hear something abnormal in the distance, a growl of sorts that was still not loud enough for him to make out. He was only getting more eager to see what was ahead and moving quicker the closer he got. Eventually the growling sound was more audible and he realized it wasn't growling at all but the breathing of an incredibly large creature, one he soon got a view of as he turned the last corner before entering a large cavern. It was a humongous beast, hairy horned, a beast twisted by darkness with vicious fangs and claws covered in the gore of the lesser creatures unfortunate enough to cross its path. Bright glowing yellow eyes stared back at him and as he looked at it he could tell it wasn't quiet his level, though one thing was clear, it was a rare spawn. Rare spawns were highly sought after, not because of gear, it could be good but it wasn't nearly as exceptional as the real bosses. No they were sought after for rare ingredients, things specific traders wanted or items that could be used to increase the effectiveness of certain items. Even if Azrieal couldn't use it directed he could get some good coin for the drop, and possibly an extra item or two if he were lucky to fetch some additional coin. "J, let's take this ugly thing out and claim what those angels were after." He liked the idea all the more when he considered the idea that angels probably wanted the item and that they had been there for that reason. So he drew his sword and got ready, running towards the beast to strike at it directly, wanting to test it before going full force and trusting JJJ-S would take care of things from afar.


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Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha) Character Portrait: Seph (Joseph Lee)
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As the duo flew into the forest, the dungeon became a separate instance, locking them inside until the quest was done. Inside, Brightwood Glade was a beautiful forest of shimmering golden leaves, warm sunlight, and woodland creatures rustling in the fallen leaves. Sylpha, however, knew that dangerous creatures spawned in the area, and she was ready for anything. Her bow hummed in her hands, and her mask showed her the slightest movement in the brush. The path was straight, but there was a clearing up ahead.

"What am I here for, you ask?" Sylpha said, in response to Seph's question. "The last pieces of my armor set are here. I don't know if you'd want them, since all the pieces are Light-based." Sylpha told her companion simply. Up ahead in the clearing, she could see some figures moving. Their names tags above the health bars said "Brightwood Hound". They weren't too highly leveled, nut they might prove a problem with their evasion rate. There were five of them.

"Looks like we have company already." Sylpha placed her fingers on the drawstring of Shimmerthorn, creating an arrow of light notched in the bow. "Do you think you could go out and lead them to me? That way we can bottleneck them, and I'll hit them with my trapping magic. Sound good?" She questioned, hoping the demon would be satisfied. It could work, considering her Holy Salvo skill, with it's ability to home in on targets. She pulled her drawstring taut, in wait for Seph to get started.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee) Character Portrait: Azrieal Kain (Takashima Jin)
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Lord of Pie

While he was waiting for Azrieal, JJJ-S amused himself by stretching in an exaggerated manner and looking around with an air of obvious boredom. It was a ruse of course. After all, he hadn't always been partners with with Azrieal, indeed he had been a loner for quite awhile before he had partnered up with the man. In that time he had become quite adept at surviving. In his travels, he had found that the best way to do this was to feign ignorance or injury to better lower the guard of those who might seek to take advantage of him or do him harm. Many people had taken him for a common fool or harmless lunatic, and more than a few of those people had come to learn the truth of his deception the hard way. Even now as he stretched and acted bored he was surveying his surroundings and planing how he could use the terrain to his advantage when engaging enemy players or hostile creatures.

After a moment he was interrupted by Azrieal catching up to him. "Come on, to the right." "Right you are my main man! Right you are!" With that he valiantly pointed the way forward and marched off in an exaggerated manner. Sure there were probably better or at least equally effective ways of dealing with people that didn't involve acting like a fool, but John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt didn't really care. He found that his way of doing things was far more fun, engaging, and generally interesting than the ways other people subscribed to.

And off he went, merrily skipping down the pathway, confident in he would detect anything threatening before it posed any sort of risk to him. It helped that he knew there wasn't anything of overtly high level in here, though he kept a special eye out for angels, and of course his necklace of astoundingly deep perception contributed as well. As Azrieal was learning of the minions' demise, so too was JJJ-S as his necklace helped him hear the sound of bones crunching in a set of rather large jaws. He winced comically at the sound. "The scouts are gone, be ready, something fun awaits us ahead." JJJ-S nodded sagely at this and adopted an exaggerated, stereotypical British accent. "I dare say so my good chap. Fun and a fair bit of mangy fur and foul breath. I am sure some creature most dreadful lurks ahead and I do believe we must prepare for battle."

Now keeping an even pace with Azrieal as they walked toward whatever monster awaited them, JJJ-S snapped his neck and entered a subtle, though effective state of battle-readiness. He grasped his rickety-looking bow, and that was about it actually. His natural stealth and equipment bonuses accounted for the rest of his preparation. Of course, when he rounded the final corner and saw the giant mound of fur, fangs, and evil that was waiting for them. "Oh ew! What a gross, ugly, abomination of all that is good and right with the world. Your very appearance is an affront to everything I stand for! On behalf of all people who cry out for justice, I say, 'Hello!'" There really wasn't much of a point to JJJ-S' strange, out of place speech other than for his own benefit. He found it immensely satisfying, but now it was time to actually start fighting this thing.

JJJ-S stared blankly off to the side in the general direction of an elevated ledge. "What oh what could be over there?" With that he vanished, reappearing almost instantly at the ledge. He turned to face the giant monster that was roughly a hundred yards away. He waved to Azrieal and shouted, "Hey Azrieal! I'll get his attention, if you want to do your thing that would be absolutely lovely!" With that, he bent down and whispered, "It's my jack in a box, my jack in a box yeah!" This planted a jack in the box trap at his feet as a measure of security before he turned back to the creature and hoisted his bow to engage it. He then proceeded to fire a rain of dark arrows at the monster, more interested in irritating it and distracting it than anything else so that Azrieal could do what he needed to do.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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0.00 INK


She noticed how his face changed colour and he started to resemble a goldfish. A little confused as to why he was looking so surprised, she was about to ask when he decided to explain.
"Eer... I'm new to all of this... hugging and stuff." She looked up in surprise herself when he bounced to his feet and cleared his throat. "Now... is there anything you need help with around here? Cooking?" She wracked her brain to try and find something he could do, eventually coming back to the cooking as he had originally suggested.
"I suppose you could help cook.....are you any good at cleaning too?" She broached the question gently, suddenly feeling a little emotionally drained from the tears.

She got to her feet after a moment on her knees, looking at him just in time to catch his random comical twirl. A slight giggle coming from her as the large framed demon really was quite funny looking when he did that.
"I'm actually pretty good with cooking, even back home in the real world." He boasted sweetly, then made a dorky smile that she found fitted CirCle's features quite well...not to mention made her respond with her own dorky smile. "Even then since I was so caught up with education and games, I tend to just pour hot water into a styrofoam bowl..."

"I used to cook when mum and dad were working late, so I've gotten good at still isn't my forte." She said with a slight grimace as she hoped he wouldn't call her femininity into question.
"Now then... what's it gonna be? Or are you going to do the cooking?" He raised an eyebrow at her and she poked her tongue out at him, leading him into what appeared to be the kitchen. A pot hanging on a hook above a pile of embers, which she added some slivers of wood to.
"I would like a little help if that's fine with you Haruo...would be nice for a change of pace." She said easily before looking in a small wicker basket that had ingredients in it. "So...what do you think we can make with this stuff?" She asked as she moved to the side so he could see in too.

ooc: I know it's short :<


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee) Character Portrait: Azrieal Kain (Takashima Jin)
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Azrieal Kain

Azrieal had learned a few things about his partner since they had decided to team up but most of it had to be vetted. In fact almost everything that JJJ-S said or did needed to be sifted through to see the truth. One of the most interesting things he had found out was that the act put on by JJJ-S was not all he was. Sure he was a quirky individual and perhaps he was as insane and as ridiculous as he would like people to believe, but underneath that was a calculated thinker and someone that should never be underestimated. It was the same with his skill, he was quite impressive and while nobody would believe it at first, or even after some time, he had figured out how dangerous the man really was. It was an advantage though, since Azrieal had knowledge of how JJJ-S truly was he could work with him, expect the man to do well in situations and the enemies would never see it coming. He was always underestimated, it was the last mistake many people ever made. That was good when put alongside Azrieal's more intimidating and dangerous reputation. Of course he had something similar to JJJ-S working for himself. That was that few people were aware of what he looked like, only a few of the top demon players were aware, those who had requisitioned his services or seen him in action. Other factions generally stayed unaware, perhaps a few key players became privy but most would have no clue who he was until they put it together by observing his techniques, at which point it was generally too late and only served to cause panic.

"I dare say so my good chap. Fun and a fair bit of mangy fur and foul breath. I am sure some creature most dreadful lurks ahead and I do believe we must prepare for battle." His knowledge of what lie beneath was enough to allow Azrieal to ignore the man's rather annoying act and focus on what he had said. It wasn't that he wasn't already aware of the smell or what most likely awaited them further ahead but JJJ-S' knowledge of that fact was proof of his true ability, and it confirmed exactly what Azrieal believed. Of course laying eyes on the damn thing was all he needed and as he rushed towards it he only got more of a nose full of its disgusting stench. "Hey Azrieal! I'll get his attention, if you want to do your thing that would be absolutely lovely!" Even before JJJ-S yelled out to him he had heard some chanting, the casting of spells. He had already been aware that his partner was ready for action and the rain of arrows moments later made him even more sure of it. The distraction worked perfectly as well, the beast roared in displeasure as arrows began to pincushion him, the creatures size making it an easy target for a peppering of arrows. Even better JJJ-S' special bow made each of those arrows pierce its thick skin like a knife through butter.

That distraction gave Azrieal the perfect opportunity to strike a powerful blow, moving up to the creature and flanking it, moving as his maximum speed to ensure a strike before the creature could defend itself. "No one escapes." His words came out quick and he marked the target, its weak points revealed and his chance to land a devastating blow increasing. He launched several strikes at it, basic attacks to test its defenses and watching carefully as the health bar reacted to each strike. Barely one-percent of its health decreased per hit and that was with JJJ-S' fire raining down the entire time. It was as expected however, a rare spawn was not an easy monster to take down and the fight was supposed to be drawn out. A drawn out fight was where both him and his partner thrived however and a smirk crossed his face as he began launching rend on his opponent, the bleed damage would soon stack and any foe without a solid heal would fall beneath his blade. The rain of arrows was not enough to distract the beast from such an attack, the over-time damage being more dangerous than a hail of arrows that didn't seem to do more than piss it off and shave a small bit of damage. That was the point really, he was meant to bring the attention to himself after getting in close, that would allow JJJ-S to concentrate on pure damage as the fight went on. With that as his goal he got himself ready, watching as the creature turned upon him and let out a furious roar, a defense debuff hitting him and it seemed it would last for some time.

Then came several attacks, nothing major but swipes and bites, auto attacks but the damage count, barely enough to start moving his health bar downward as he healed himself with his passive. Of course the beast was not so simple minded or weak that it could only swipe and slash at him, eventually it launched a larger attack, one that would have been much harder than the others. Luckily Azrieal had a plan for a large attack and right before it hit he activated his armor, instantly being covered in the heavier suit, the damage from the larger attack being greatly diminished and he also took advantage of the situation to do a larger offensive of his own, not landing a rend, as extra damage didn't help his bleed effect, but instead launched a Hell Hound Strike, eviscerating the beasts front right leg, the slow creature unable to avoid even a single one. The damage was a small chunk, about seven percent, and then as soon as it was over the armor receded and his sword returned to normal, a smirk on his face as the beast gave him a hateful look. Extra damage to it and less to Azrieal, it was worth the bit of mana it cost to suit up for several seconds.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha) Character Portrait: Seph (Joseph Lee)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
The woman was right. Seph wasn't interested in armor of any kind. It would hurt his speed. He had lightning and his sword to protect him. It's probably because of his lack of armor that people mistake his abilities, not that it mattered to him of course. The less people that knew how strong he was the better. That way no one would bother him for help. Although, there were some bad points to being looked upon as week. For example he had to hash out lessons to many player killers.

He followed Sylpha through the straight path admiring the Angel area dungeon. It was much more relaxing than a Demon's dungeon but just as dangerous. "Looks like we have company already.", the woman said. He gazed in front of them and saw the are monsters in front of them. "Brightwood Hound" He thought maybe he could just fight them all by dashing about then realized if they couldn't catch him they would go after his partner.


He was thinking of a new plan when the girl declared one of her own. "Do you think you could go out and lead them to me? That way we can bottleneck them, and I'll hit them with my trapping magic. Sound good?" Seph stood there in a moment of thought and then nodded his head. Turning towards his targets he stepped forward and almost disappeared in a flash of speed. He stopped his lightning step right in the middle of the enemy group to get their attention. One of the Hounds growled at him in furry. He wasn't fazed. Even when they started to chase him he simply back stepped with his hands on his blade, leading them closer to the girl.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blade Slizer (Asher Damons) Character Portrait: Tsukishiro Amaya (Lucia Fair) Character Portrait: Licht Character Portrait: Marco Robbins
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Blade stepped back as the events unfolded before him. Eventually, the Demon actually offered the trio assistance from the Demon's guild. While this is unusual, it's better to have your enemies focusing on another enemy at a time so that you can identify their strengths and weaknesses. Besides, the party now has grown and allows for a better probability of having the quest finished. However, everything came at a cost, and the spoils must be split much more. It didn't matter, really. Blade didn't need a whole lot of money.

The two humans and 1 Demon, mainly Licht and Lucia, negotiated, and agreed. The deal was sealed, and they all properly introduced themselves... That is, "they" being Lucia, Marco (OOC: POLO), and Licht. "Should we get going then? I'm excited. Blade can introduce himself while we walk." Marco said, causing an eyebrow to be raised by the person mentioned.

"Excuse me." Blade faced Marco, grinning. "But... aren't you forgetting who I am?" Blade faced the Demon in front of him, and, befitting her title as the "Demon Dragon Princess", bowed to her out of respect. "It's a pleasure to raise my blade alongside yours, instead of having it to point it opposite to where you raise your own sword." Blade stood straight up after that, and then became silent as he watched the party move on.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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"I suppose you could help cook.....are you any good at cleaning too?" She broached the question gently.

He did the little tap salute to his forehead.

"My room's a mess, never had time. Mum always told me that if we set our heads to it, we can do anything so... we'll see what I can do about cleaning. Cooking's a-okay with me."

"I used to cook when mum and dad were working late, so I've gotten good at still isn't my forte." She said with a slight grimace causing him to laugh lightheartedly.

She poked her tongue out at him, leading him into what appeared to be the kitchen. A pot hanging on a hook above a pile of embers, which she added some slivers of wood to.
"I would like a little help if that's fine with you Haruo...would be nice for a change of pace." She said easily before looking in a small wicker basket that had ingredients in it. "So...what do you think we can make with this stuff?" She asked as she moved to the side so he could see in too.

"Always around to help people, me." Haruo joked about his position, then peered over at the basket. "Well... we probably won't do much with those..." He brought up his menu and prodded several items, all appearing and accumulating on his palm, then winked at Kaoru. "What if we added these?"

Dropping the items into the basket, it was filled with many different things, ranging from red garlic-like things to white spring onions and several outrageous looking vegetables and slabs of meat. This was a game after all...

"Nobody ever says no to the big prize." Haruo added before slapping down a large piece of rather aromatic meat, the <Zernes Meat>, claimed to be the game's greatest food item drop from the crystal-like deer creatures and said to taste heavenly. "Don't ask me where I got the <Zernes Meat>. All I can say is that those critters are really annoying, hard to catch and even harder to get drops from."

Slapping his hands together and rubbing them with delight, he smiled at Kaoru, "Now then... shall I get to cleaning and you to cooking? Or do I need to work double time with as many limbs as I can manage?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nara Hellspawn (Aiko Azumi) Character Portrait: Amaterasu Marayel {Shanya Ama}
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0.00 INK

Amaterasu Mirayel

"The light fades, The darkness perishes."

Status: Normal -> Energized

Amaterasu nodded, drawing her sword in a sharp and professional manner as the NPC showed itself, 'Let's dance!' she thought before her fight began in a rather dancing manner, Amaterasu knew it, she was acting like Shanya again, and this made her feel more alive and rather exhilarated as she fought using her fencing and kendo and soon she felt an urge to just live and fight as she kept part of her concentration on her Hp and Status bar as she fought with what looked like a smile, as if she enjoyed fighting all of the sudden. It showed in a beneficial way as she actually out-paced the assassin NPC before landing a deadly hit before she spoke again, "Tenebris transitu angustia!" she yelled sending another Dark Pulse into the NPC's chest and farther back before a little window opened showing her leveling up from the fight before Amaterasu turned around, "Assassin's dead. Collect the drop you need. I'll cover you." she said in a tone that sounded as if she were alive again before she noticed she was poisoned, yet her HP gain ability slowed the damage as she thought, 'Some potent poison. Lovely' as she walked forward past Nara to kill anything that would attack.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu) Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
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She smiled at the salute he gave her and she nodded as he explained about the cleaning but said he'd readily help out with the cooking. His laugh caused her to respond with one of her own as he followed her into the kitchen, a slight frown furrowing her brow as he came over and looked in the wicker basket. So they couldn't do much with it huh? Figures...ahh well, as she turned to see him wink at her and then she spotted the things in his palm.
"Hey...last time I checked, I saved your butt back there. So maybe I'm here to help you out from now on?" She teased in response to his joke, a slight softness in her expression as she winked back before he dropped the items into the basket.

"Those look good, though I'm not quite sure what you have in mind for us to make?" She questioned before spotting a vegetable that looked like a potato and she laughed.
"Apparently whichever world you're in, there's still potatoes in it." Kaoru commented as she picked it up and showed him, the potato looking perfectly ordinary compared to what he pulled out of his inventory next. Her mouth forming an 'o' of surprise as the white haired demon pulled out a large piece of <Zernes Meat>. She found a new respect for him right then and there....he would have had to have stealth up to the eyeballs to even get near one. Or he lost patience and tackled one....At this she imagined him tackling one of the majestic beasts. She smiled a little as he comented on just hard they were to catch and get drops from.

"I'll now admit that I just imagined you tackling one of them...not gonna lie." She said before he clapped his hands together and rubbed them with delight. She grinned and shrugged a shoulder before removing her mini-jacket and tunic, leaving her in a black lacy dress as she put the items of clothing back into her inventory for now.
"I'll let you do the cleaning while I do the cooking....anything in particular you want me to do with the <Zernes Meat>? Seasoning it or anything? Or we just roast it and have vegetables with it?" She queried before tying her hair up in a bun and planting her hands on her hips as she looked at the meat before her.

She'd only ever cooked it once before but she'd done it in a stew with vegetables...simply because her brother wouldn't have put up with the slightly burnt bits of meat that could have resulted from roasting. However she went and started peeling and chopping vegetables regardless, she was going to give him a balanced meal. She put the cut up veggies in the pot to boil and then looked at the red garlic shaped thing in the basket....would she dare put it on the meat? Or leave it as it was? Oh the dilemmas of cooking.

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View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nara Hellspawn (Aiko Azumi)
Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
Character Portrait: Tsukishiro Amaya (Lucia Fair)
Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha)
Character Portrait: LightSouls (Alex Shaw)
Character Portrait: Licht
Character Portrait: Azrieal Kain (Takashima Jin)
Character Portrait: Amaterasu Marayel {Shanya Ama}
Character Portrait: Blade Slizer (Asher Damons)
Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu)
Character Portrait: Shiba Tanabe (Leon Nura)
Character Portrait: John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee)
Character Portrait: Marco Robbins


Character Portrait: Marco Robbins
Marco Robbins

"I'm a work-in-progress, please wait until I'm finished."

Character Portrait: John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee)
John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee)

"Do you know...the muffin man?"

Character Portrait: Shiba Tanabe (Leon Nura)
Shiba Tanabe (Leon Nura)

"The real question is should I save this world or burn it down."

Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu)
Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu)

"It's like they're shooting fish in a barrel....does that seem fair to you? want to try it out on me? Go right ahead~"

Character Portrait: Blade Slizer (Asher Damons)
Blade Slizer (Asher Damons)

"I am but a weapon, just point me at your enemies and I will attack them. Point me at the innocent, and you shall perish yourself."

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Marayel {Shanya Ama}
Amaterasu Marayel {Shanya Ama}

"Darkness... With this. I shall defend my allies!"

Character Portrait: Azrieal Kain (Takashima Jin)
Azrieal Kain (Takashima Jin)

"People keep acting like this is the worst thing that could possibly happen to them... How naive..."

Character Portrait: Licht

"I bring hope."

Character Portrait: LightSouls (Alex Shaw)
LightSouls (Alex Shaw)

"If the world is full of things we never wanted to know, is our only option to look away? You won't solve anything that way."

Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha)
Bela Gardner (Sylpha)

"Please, just go. I'm tired of the bloodshed."


Character Portrait: Blade Slizer (Asher Damons)
Blade Slizer (Asher Damons)

"I am but a weapon, just point me at your enemies and I will attack them. Point me at the innocent, and you shall perish yourself."

Character Portrait: LightSouls (Alex Shaw)
LightSouls (Alex Shaw)

"If the world is full of things we never wanted to know, is our only option to look away? You won't solve anything that way."

Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)

"If he is this world's 'God'... then I will be this world's 'Lucifer' and defy his will!"

Character Portrait: Tsukishiro Amaya (Lucia Fair)
Tsukishiro Amaya (Lucia Fair)

"I can't die here. I can't meet my end in this twisted world and leave them all alone. Mother... Father... Wait for me. I promise you, I'll do whatever it takes to get back!"

Character Portrait: Shiba Tanabe (Leon Nura)
Shiba Tanabe (Leon Nura)

"The real question is should I save this world or burn it down."

Character Portrait: Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu)
Shreya Nila (Kaoru Shimizu)

"It's like they're shooting fish in a barrel....does that seem fair to you? want to try it out on me? Go right ahead~"

Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha)
Bela Gardner (Sylpha)

"Please, just go. I'm tired of the bloodshed."

Character Portrait: Marco Robbins
Marco Robbins

"I'm a work-in-progress, please wait until I'm finished."

Character Portrait: Licht

"I bring hope."

Character Portrait: John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee)
John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee)

"Do you know...the muffin man?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee)
John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt (Richard Lee)

"Do you know...the muffin man?"

Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha)
Bela Gardner (Sylpha)

"Please, just go. I'm tired of the bloodshed."

Character Portrait: Blade Slizer (Asher Damons)
Blade Slizer (Asher Damons)

"I am but a weapon, just point me at your enemies and I will attack them. Point me at the innocent, and you shall perish yourself."

Character Portrait: LightSouls (Alex Shaw)
LightSouls (Alex Shaw)

"If the world is full of things we never wanted to know, is our only option to look away? You won't solve anything that way."

Character Portrait: Shiba Tanabe (Leon Nura)
Shiba Tanabe (Leon Nura)

"The real question is should I save this world or burn it down."

Character Portrait: Azrieal Kain (Takashima Jin)
Azrieal Kain (Takashima Jin)

"People keep acting like this is the worst thing that could possibly happen to them... How naive..."

Character Portrait: Marco Robbins
Marco Robbins

"I'm a work-in-progress, please wait until I'm finished."

Character Portrait: Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)
Oomiya Haruo (CirCleS2uare)

"If he is this world's 'God'... then I will be this world's 'Lucifer' and defy his will!"

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Marayel {Shanya Ama}
Amaterasu Marayel {Shanya Ama}

"Darkness... With this. I shall defend my allies!"

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Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

Trying to make YuGiOh cards out of ACO. Though maybe I should go to COBO now... ._. You know, just for fun.

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

Damioa is still here.

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

I'm still here. I'm tempted to make us YuGiOh cards again using YuGiOh Card Maker~
You know what? I will. And the deck will be awesome. JUST YOU WAIT CUSTOM CARD HATERS. MUAHAHAHAHAHAH- *hackcoughcough*

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

Hmm, is anyone still even on board for this?

Man, I was hoping this would survive for a while, I mean we were going to have a cool story too...

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I've had so much schoolwork and other stuff on my plate that I've barely had any time to get on. I'm reading up on all the posts on other threads that have accumulated in my absence tonight, but tomorrow should leave me a little bit of time to post, at least. If anybody's still here, I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I'll try to have something up as soon as possible.

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

I am finally finished with my character sheet. Sorry it took so long.

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

Unfortunately, I think it's going to be a short while yet before I can post. As my brother is now off at college, and he worked roughly the same jobs as I did, I now have to assume his obligations on both of said part-time jobs in addition to my own. Also, I now have daily classes at the local university to attend, and even more courses online on top of that. So, yeah. My schedule is completely insane. I'll try to get something up either tomorrow night or over the weekend, though. Again, my apologies.

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

Asher MstrImmortalis wrote:Ah yes. She's on a vacation or something, so she won't be able to post for a while.

The next day.

Tsukiakari wrote:Back, but I probably won't be able to post tonight 'cause I'm crazy tired from a massive trip and I'm about to hit the sack. I'll try to get something up tomorrow, though.

I lol'd.

Well, hope you had fun, Tsuki! Glad you're back though, we have to get back to work as soon as you're rested! No slacking! There shall be tropes!

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

Back, but I probably won't be able to post tonight 'cause I'm crazy tired from a massive trip and I'm about to hit the sack. I'll try to get something up tomorrow, though.

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

Ah yes. She's on a vacation or something, so she won't be able to post for a while.

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

I'm waiting on Tsuki at the moment, unless she's waiting on me?

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

And I've returned. My apologies for not posting, or even been on in the past couple of weeks. I got hit with a huge amount of things I had to do... And every time I could post, I have had writer's block. I will have something up tomorrow. I promise that (It may not be a huge post. But It'll be something.)

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

I'll reply tomorrow Nai >< I'll do it during my nephew's nap time. Had a party and a clean up yesterday/today so I'm a little drained.

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

FamishedPants wrote:Do not worry, Nai~

Tsuki and myself have already thought about a suitable ending, possibly. Well, to be honest, I think we just tried to see how many tropes we could fit into it but.... ANYWAY,

Well, the ending will be pretty awesome. Not that that means everyone or every race will live.....


NO ONE HAS TO DIE! -kills all but one person first- Nevermind.... >.> There's actually a game called that. It's pretty sad.


Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

*huddles in a corner all sad and emotional*

I can't believe I don't know any secrets... Pantsu... Is this what you've been up to? Plotting secrets without me?


Ship is building, an iceberg is waiting, Haruo has halted more building to stall their inevitable pain. The ship that only has 1 letter differences in their names. H and K.

That's cute.

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

*grins evilly as she knows some of le Admin's secrets too* But yeah, there will be lots of drama-ness & secret sadness on Kaoru's part because she knows they can't be together and survive at the same time. But yes....the ship is starting to be built~~! Dw, Kaoru made a move to....sorta lol.

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

That's right!


Also also...

If this was a crossover RP, I could bring one of the first Razes into it. One of the Raze's I made before joining RPG! Oh, and woe was him! To be honest, I've never spent that long on a backstory for any of my characters (as if you couldn't tell), but man, I honestly still cry everytime I read what happened to him.



Super also, waiting on you, Asher... hmm, did he say he was going to be gone for a bit? Or was that someone else...? Hmm........


Re: Conquest of Babylon Online

Muahahahaha. Excuse me while I just chuckle evilly, smug in my knowledge of teh admin secretzzzz. >:D

Re: Conquest of Babylon Online


Whaii...WHAII!! Why you make such tragic story! T_T

And why you make Haruo awkwardoooooo. He's not good at things like that. Heck... he's never had a girlfriend. xD

Well... Haruo has officially(kind of) made the first move. The ship is being built. :3